
     1  # graven
     3  Graven is a build management tool for Go projects. It takes light
     4  cues from projects like Maven and Leiningen, but given Go's much
     5  simpler environment and far different take on dependency management, 
     6  little is shared beyond the goals.
     8  Want to know more? Read about the [Motivation for Graven](docs/
    10  ### Tutorial Video
    12  [![Graven Video](docs/video.png)](
    14  ## Prerequisites
    16  Graven currently requires the following tools to be on your path:
    18  * `go` - the Go build tool, used to compile and test your application.
    19  * `git` - used during the release process to validate the state of your repo, 
    20  and tag your repo.
    22  Of course if you don't plan to use the `release` command commands, you
    23  can still use `graven` just for building, testing and packaging, and thus 
    24  would only require the `go` tool. 
    26  ## Installation
    28  If you want to run the latest, you can just `go get` the tool.
    30  ```
    31  go get -u
    32  ```
    34  For greater consistency and stability, you can run a specific relese version from: 
    36  *
    38  ## Workflow Example
    40  Whether your starting an entirely new project, or working with existing source, 
    41  the workflow should be the same. 
    43  Not all of these steps are always necessary. See below for a description of 
    44  implied workflow dependencies.
    46  ```bash
    47  # Once per project, run the init command and modify
    48  # default project.yaml with relevant names and repos etc.
    49  $ cd ./some/working/directory
    50  $ graven init
    51  $ vi project.yaml
    53  # Typical development cycle
    54  $ graven clean
    55  $ graven build
    56  $ graven test
    57  $ graven package
    59  # When you're ready to release
    60  $ graven repo --login --name github
    61  Please type or paste a github token (will not echo):
    62  $ graven release
    63  $ graven bump [major|minor|patch|QUALIFIER]
    64  ```
    66  A typical development cycle looks like the following diagram. The `init` command 
    67  is run once per project, then `clean`, `build`, `test` and `package` are typically used 
    68  throughout the development cycle. Releases occur less frequently, and versions 
    69  are bumped after the release.
    71  The `freeze` and `unfreeze` commands are optional and on a completely 
    72  independent flow, thus can be executed any time. They are discussed separately
    73  here: [Freezing Dependencies](docs/
    75  ```
    76                                 +----------+                           
    77                               > |  build   | \                         
    78                              /  +----------+  \                        
    79                             /                  \                       
    80                            /                    v                      
    81   +----------+    +----------+                 +----------+            
    82   |   init   |--->|   clean  |                 |   test   |            
    83   +----------+    +----------+                 +----------+            
    84                             ^                   /                        
    85                              \                 /                         
    86                               \ +----------+  /                          
    87                                \| package  |<-                           
    88      +----------+               +----------+                           
    89      |  freeze  |                     |                                
    90      +----------+                     v                                
    91            |                    +----------+                           
    92            |                    |  release |                           
    93      +-----v----+               +----------+                           
    94      | unfreeze |                     |                                
    95      +----------+                     |                                
    96                                 +-----v----+                           
    97                                 |   bump   |                           
    98                                 +----------+                           
    99  ```
   101  ## project.yaml example
   103  **Before you have flashbacks of Maven POMs...** note that this is probably the 
   104  biggest project.yaml file you'll ever see. Most projects will have shorter,
   105  simpler project.yaml files, and you'll rarely have to modify them once initialized.
   107  The following documented structure (derived from this
   108  very project) will help better understand what you can do with it. 
   110  ```yaml
   111  # Name, initially derived from parent directory. 
   112  name: graven
   113  # Version is typically managed with the graven bump command.
   114  version: 0.6.6
   115  # You can specify a required go version, supporting ranges.
   116  go_version: ">=1.9.1"
   117  # List of artifacts. Each artifact builds one or more packages into executables,
   118  # and provides compiler flags, environment variables, and resources.
   119  # Upon initialization, an artifact config will be generated for darwin, linux and
   120  # windows. You can safely delete any artifacts you don't need. The classifier
   121  # will be used in artifact names and target build directory names.
   122  artifacts:
   123  - classifier: darwin
   124    # Each target is a package/executable combo with compiler flags and environment variables.
   125    # Upon initialization, a target will be created for each main package found in the path.
   126    # You can safely delete any you don't want.
   127    targets:
   128    - executable: bin/graven
   129      package: .
   130      flags: ""
   131      env: {}
   132    # archive supports zip and tar.gz (or tgz, as a single dot alias)
   133    archive: tgz
   134    resources: []
   135    # Environment variables, can be set at project, artifact and target level.
   136    env:
   137      GOARCH: amd64
   138      GOOS: darwin
   139  - classifier: linux
   140    targets:
   141    - executable: bin/graven
   142      package: .
   143      flags: ""
   144      env: {}
   145    archive: tar.gz
   146    resources: []
   147    env:
   148      GOARCH: amd64
   149      GOOS: linux
   150  - classifier: win
   151    targets:
   152    - executable: graven.exe
   153      package: .
   154      flags: ""
   155      env: {}
   156    archive: zip
   157    resources: []
   158    env:
   159      GOARCH: amd64
   160      GOOS: windows
   161  # Resources will be included in the packaged archive. Can be overridden at 
   162  # artifact level.
   163  resources:
   164  - LICENSE
   165  # Configures a repository for deployment. 
   166  # Use graven repo --login --name [name] to authenticate
   167  repositories:
   168    github:
   169      url:
   170      group: cbegin
   171      artifact: graven
   172      type: github
   173      # Github repos only support releases
   174      roles: 
   175      - release
   176    artifactory:
   177      url: http://localhost:8081/artifactory/releases/
   178      group: cbegin
   179      artifact: graven
   180      type: maven
   181      # Supports both releases and frozen dependencies
   182      roles: 
   183      - release
   184      - dependency
   185    nexus:
   186      url: http://localhost:8082/nexus/content/repositories/releases/
   187      group: cbegin
   188      artifact: graven
   189      type: maven
   190      # Supports both releases and frozen dependencies
   191      roles: 
   192      - release
   193      - dependency
   194    docker:
   195      url:
   196      group: cbegin
   197      artifact: graven
   198      type: docker
   199      file: Dockerfile
   200      # Docker repos only support releases
   201      roles: 
   202      - release
   203  ```
   204  ## Name and Version
   206  ```
   207  name: graven
   208  version: 0.6.6
   209  ```
   211  The name of your project will initially be set by the parent directory in which it was created when the
   212  `init` command was run. You can change it to whatever you like, but it's recommended to keep it simple,
   213  short and alphabetic. It may be used for generating other values.
   215  The version of your project follows a minimalist set of semantic version practices. That being:
   217  ```
   218  M.m.p-Q
   219  ```
   220  * M: Major version. Incremented when the software changes significantly and typically in incompatible ways.
   221  * m: Minor version. Incremented when new features are added, and backward compatibility is maintained.
   222  * p: Patch version. Incremented when bugs are fixed. Backward compatibility is typically maintained, but is
   223  * sometimes unavoidably broken. 
   224  * Q: Qualifier. This is used to qualify a pre-release build and is typically something like RC1, DEV or TEST.
   226  ## Artifacts
   228  ```
   229  artifacts:
   230  - classifier: darwin
   231    targets:
   232    - executable: bin/graven
   233      package: .
   234      flags: ""
   235      env: {}
   236    archive: tgz
   237    resources: []
   238    env:
   239      GOARCH: amd64
   240      GOOS: darwin
   241  - ...
   242  ```
   243  Each entity listed in the artifacts section represents a distributable artifact that consists of
   244  one or more executables built from a number of packages compiled with specified flags and environment
   245  variables. The resulting binaries are packaged up in an archive format (e.g. zip or tar.gz) and 
   246  additional resources can be included in the archive, specified in the resources array. Both resources
   247  and environment variables can be specified at higher levels to avoid duplication. More specific 
   248  environment variables will override broader scoped ones. The classifier specifies a suffix for the
   249  artifact that is usually used to indicate the target platform, but can be used to indicate anything
   250  that differs among distributable artifacts.
   252  ## Repositories
   254  ```
   255  repositories:
   256    artifactory:
   257      url: http://localhost:8081/artifactory/releases/
   258      group: cbegin
   259      artifact: graven
   260      type: maven
   261      # Supports both releases and frozen dependencies
   262      roles: 
   263      - release
   264      - dependency
   265    ...
   266  ```
   268  In the repositories section you can define both release and dependency repositories. A release repository
   269  is where this project will be released. A dependency repository will be used to store frozen vendor 
   270  dependencies, so that you don't need to check in your vendor directories or .freezer directory. 
   272  Three repository types are currently supported: Github, Docker and Maven (including Nexus and Artifactory). 
   273  Their capabilities and settings are summarized in the table below.
   275  | Field | Github | Docker | Maven |  
   276  |-------|--------|--------|-------|
   277  | type | github | docker | maven |
   278  | url   | Github API URL | Docker registry URL | Maven release URL |
   279  | group | Owner | Repository | Group ID | 
   280  | artifact | Repo | Image Name | Artifact ID | 
   281  | roles | release | release | release, dependency |
   282  | file | unused | Dockerfile | unused |
   284  ### Authenticating 
   286  In order to use a repository for releases or dependencies, you'll need to authenticate.
   287  To do so, simply call `graven repo --login --name [repo-name]`. The credentials you enter
   288  will be stored in your home directory in the .graven.yaml file. Your credentials will be
   289  obfuscated to discourage over-the-shoulder or casual exposure. Even though a strong 
   290  encryption algorithm is used, the key is not secure and thus you should treat it as 
   291  such.