(about) 1 # Authentication sample 2 3 The full code of this example is [here][example_code]. 4 5 Define the following security scheme (in `swagger.yml` specification document): 6 7 ```yaml 8 securityDefinitions: 9 key: 10 type: apiKey 11 in: header 12 name: x-token 13 ``` 14 15 Specify the following security requirements for all endpoints: so by default, 16 all endpoints use the API key auth. 17 18 ```yaml 19 security: 20 - key: [] 21 ``` 22 23 Add security princial model definition: 24 25 ```yaml 26 definitions: 27 28 ... 29 30 principal: 31 type: string 32 ``` 33 34 Generate the code with a security principal: 35 36 ```shell 37 swagger generate server -A AuthSample -P models.Principal -f ./swagger.yml 38 ``` 39 40 Edit the ./restapi/configure_auth_sample.go file 41 42 ```go 43 func configureAPI(api *operations.AuthSampleAPI) http.Handler { 44 // configure the api here 45 api.ServeError = errors.ServeError 46 47 // Set your custom logger if needed. Default one is log.Printf 48 // Expected interface func(string, ...interface{}) 49 // 50 // Example: 51 api.Logger = log.Printf 52 53 api.JSONConsumer = runtime.JSONConsumer() 54 55 api.JSONProducer = runtime.JSONProducer() 56 57 // Applies when the "x-token" header is set 58 api.KeyAuth = func(token string) (*models.Principal, error) { 59 if token == "abcdefuvwxyz" { 60 prin := models.Principal(token) 61 return &prin, nil 62 } 63 api.Logger("Access attempt with incorrect api key auth: %s", token) 64 return nil, errors.New(401, "incorrect api key auth") 65 } 66 67 api.CustomersCreateHandler = customers.CreateHandlerFunc(func(params customers.CreateParams, principal *models.Principal) middleware.Responder { 68 return middleware.NotImplemented("operation customers.Create has not yet been implemented") 69 }) 70 api.CustomersGetIDHandler = customers.GetIDHandlerFunc(func(params customers.GetIDParams, principal *models.Principal) middleware.Responder { 71 return middleware.NotImplemented("operation customers.GetID has not yet been implemented") 72 }) 73 74 api.ServerShutdown = func() {} 75 76 return setupGlobalMiddleware(api.Serve(setupMiddlewares)) 77 } 78 ``` 79 80 Run the server: 81 82 ```shell 83 go run ./cmd/auth-sample-server/main.go --port 35307 84 ``` 85 86 Exercise auth: 87 88 ```shellsession 89 ± ivan@avalon:~ 90 » curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/keyauth.api.v1+json' -H 'X-Token: abcdefuvwxyz' 91 ``` 92 ```http 93 HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented 94 Content-Type: application/keyauth.api.v1+json 95 Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 19:14:14 GMT 96 Content-Length: 57 97 98 "operation customers.GetID has not yet been implemented" 99 ``` 100 ```shellsession 101 ± ivan@avalon:~ 102 » curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/keyauth.api.v1+json' -H 'X-Token: abcdefu' 103 ``` 104 ```http 105 HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized 106 Content-Type: application/keyauth.api.v1+json 107 Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 19:16:49 GMT 108 Content-Length: 47 109 110 {"code":401,"message":"incorrect api key auth"} 111 ``` 112 113 [example_code]: