
     1  {
     2    "swagger": "2.0",
     3    "info": {
     4      "title": "EVE Swagger Interface",
     5      "description": "An OpenAPI for EVE Online",
     6      "version": "0.7.5"
     7    },
     8    "host": "",
     9    "basePath": "/latest",
    10    "schemes": [
    11      "https"
    12    ],
    13    "produces": [
    14      "application/json"
    15    ],
    16    "paths": {
    17      "/alliances/{alliance_id}/": {
    18        "get": {
    19          "description": "Public information about an alliance\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/alliances/{alliance_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v3/alliances/{alliance_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
    20          "summary": "Get alliance information",
    21          "tags": [
    22            "Alliance"
    23          ],
    24          "parameters": [
    25            {
    26              "$ref": "#/parameters/alliance_id"
    27            },
    28            {
    29              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
    30            },
    31            {
    32              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
    33            },
    34            {
    35              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
    36            }
    37          ],
    38          "responses": {
    39            "200": {
    40              "description": "Public data about an alliance",
    41              "examples": {
    42                "application/json": {
    43                  "name": "C C P Alliance",
    44                  "ticker": "<C C P>",
    45                  "creator_id": 12345,
    46                  "creator_corporation_id": 45678,
    47                  "executor_corporation_id": 98356193,
    48                  "date_founded": "2016-06-26T21:00:00Z"
    49                }
    50              },
    51              "schema": {
    52                "type": "object",
    53                "required": [
    54                  "name",
    55                  "creator_id",
    56                  "creator_corporation_id",
    57                  "ticker",
    58                  "date_founded"
    59                ],
    60                "properties": {
    61                  "name": {
    62                    "type": "string",
    63                    "description": "the full name of the alliance",
    64                    "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_name"
    65                  },
    66                  "creator_id": {
    67                    "type": "integer",
    68                    "format": "int32",
    69                    "description": "ID of the character that created the alliance",
    70                    "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_creator_id"
    71                  },
    72                  "creator_corporation_id": {
    73                    "type": "integer",
    74                    "format": "int32",
    75                    "description": "ID of the corporation that created the alliance",
    76                    "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_creator_corporation_id"
    77                  },
    78                  "ticker": {
    79                    "type": "string",
    80                    "description": "the short name of the alliance",
    81                    "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_ticker"
    82                  },
    83                  "executor_corporation_id": {
    84                    "type": "integer",
    85                    "format": "int32",
    86                    "description": "the executor corporation ID, if this alliance is not closed",
    87                    "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_executor_corporation_id"
    88                  },
    89                  "date_founded": {
    90                    "type": "string",
    91                    "format": "date-time",
    92                    "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_date_founded",
    93                    "description": "date_founded string"
    94                  },
    95                  "faction_id": {
    96                    "type": "integer",
    97                    "format": "int32",
    98                    "description": "Faction ID this alliance is fighting for, if this alliance is enlisted in factional warfare",
    99                    "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_faction_id"
   100                  }
   101                },
   102                "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_ok",
   103                "description": "200 ok object"
   104              },
   105              "headers": {
   106                "Cache-Control": {
   107                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
   108                  "type": "string"
   109                },
   110                "Last-Modified": {
   111                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
   112                  "type": "string"
   113                },
   114                "Expires": {
   115                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
   116                  "type": "string"
   117                }
   118              }
   119            },
   120            "404": {
   121              "description": "Alliance not found",
   122              "schema": {
   123                "type": "object",
   124                "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_not_found",
   125                "description": "Not found",
   126                "properties": {
   127                  "error": {
   128                    "type": "string",
   129                    "description": "Not found message",
   130                    "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_404_not_found"
   131                  }
   132                }
   133              },
   134              "examples": {
   135                "application/json": {
   136                  "error": "Not found message"
   137                }
   138              }
   139            },
   140            "500": {
   141              "description": "Internal server error",
   142              "schema": {
   143                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
   144              },
   145              "examples": {
   146                "application/json": {
   147                  "error": "Internal server error message"
   148                }
   149              }
   150            }
   151          },
   152          "operationId": "get_alliances_alliance_id",
   153          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
   154          "x-alternate-versions": [
   155            "dev",
   156            "v3"
   157          ]
   158        }
   159      },
   160      "/alliances/{alliance_id}/corporations/": {
   161        "get": {
   162          "description": "List all current member corporations of an alliance\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/alliances/{alliance_id}/corporations/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/alliances/{alliance_id}/corporations/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/alliances/{alliance_id}/corporations/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
   163          "summary": "List alliance's corporations",
   164          "tags": [
   165            "Alliance"
   166          ],
   167          "parameters": [
   168            {
   169              "$ref": "#/parameters/alliance_id"
   170            },
   171            {
   172              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
   173            },
   174            {
   175              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
   176            },
   177            {
   178              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
   179            }
   180          ],
   181          "responses": {
   182            "200": {
   183              "description": "List of corporation IDs",
   184              "examples": {
   185                "application/json": [
   186                  98000001
   187                ]
   188              },
   189              "schema": {
   190                "type": "array",
   191                "maxItems": 1000,
   192                "items": {
   193                  "type": "integer",
   194                  "format": "int32",
   195                  "minimum": 0,
   196                  "uniqueItems": true,
   197                  "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_corporations_200_ok",
   198                  "description": "200 ok integer"
   199                },
   200                "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_corporations_ok",
   201                "description": "200 ok array"
   202              },
   203              "headers": {
   204                "Cache-Control": {
   205                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
   206                  "type": "string"
   207                },
   208                "Last-Modified": {
   209                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
   210                  "type": "string"
   211                },
   212                "Expires": {
   213                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
   214                  "type": "string"
   215                }
   216              }
   217            },
   218            "500": {
   219              "description": "Internal server error",
   220              "schema": {
   221                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
   222              },
   223              "examples": {
   224                "application/json": {
   225                  "error": "Internal server error message"
   226                }
   227              }
   228            }
   229          },
   230          "operationId": "get_alliances_alliance_id_corporations",
   231          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
   232          "x-alternate-versions": [
   233            "dev",
   234            "legacy",
   235            "v1"
   236          ]
   237        }
   238      },
   239      "/alliances/names/": {
   240        "get": {
   241          "description": "Resolve a set of alliance IDs to alliance names\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/alliances/names/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/alliances/names/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
   242          "summary": "Get alliance names",
   243          "tags": [
   244            "Alliance"
   245          ],
   246          "parameters": [
   247            {
   248              "name": "alliance_ids",
   249              "in": "query",
   250              "description": "A comma separated list of alliance IDs",
   251              "required": true,
   252              "type": "array",
   253              "minItems": 1,
   254              "maxItems": 100,
   255              "items": {
   256                "type": "integer",
   257                "format": "int32"
   258              }
   259            },
   260            {
   261              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
   262            },
   263            {
   264              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
   265            },
   266            {
   267              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
   268            }
   269          ],
   270          "responses": {
   271            "200": {
   272              "description": "List of id/name associations",
   273              "examples": {
   274                "application/json": [
   275                  {
   276                    "alliance_id": 1000171,
   277                    "alliance_name": "Republic University"
   278                  }
   279                ]
   280              },
   281              "schema": {
   282                "type": "array",
   283                "maxItems": 100,
   284                "items": {
   285                  "type": "object",
   286                  "required": [
   287                    "alliance_id",
   288                    "alliance_name"
   289                  ],
   290                  "properties": {
   291                    "alliance_id": {
   292                      "type": "integer",
   293                      "format": "int32",
   294                      "title": "get_alliances_names_alliance_id",
   295                      "description": "alliance_id integer"
   296                    },
   297                    "alliance_name": {
   298                      "type": "string",
   299                      "title": "get_alliances_names_alliance_name",
   300                      "description": "alliance_name string"
   301                    }
   302                  },
   303                  "title": "get_alliances_names_200_ok",
   304                  "description": "200 ok object"
   305                },
   306                "title": "get_alliances_names_ok",
   307                "description": "200 ok array"
   308              },
   309              "headers": {
   310                "Cache-Control": {
   311                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
   312                  "type": "string"
   313                },
   314                "Last-Modified": {
   315                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
   316                  "type": "string"
   317                },
   318                "Expires": {
   319                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
   320                  "type": "string"
   321                }
   322              }
   323            },
   324            "500": {
   325              "description": "Internal server error",
   326              "schema": {
   327                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
   328              },
   329              "examples": {
   330                "application/json": {
   331                  "error": "Internal server error message"
   332                }
   333              }
   334            }
   335          },
   336          "operationId": "get_alliances_names",
   337          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
   338          "x-alternate-versions": [
   339            "dev",
   340            "v2"
   341          ]
   342        }
   343      },
   344      "/alliances/{alliance_id}/icons/": {
   345        "get": {
   346          "description": "Get the icon urls for a alliance\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/alliances/{alliance_id}/icons/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/alliances/{alliance_id}/icons/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/alliances/{alliance_id}/icons/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
   347          "summary": "Get alliance icon",
   348          "tags": [
   349            "Alliance"
   350          ],
   351          "parameters": [
   352            {
   353              "$ref": "#/parameters/alliance_id"
   354            },
   355            {
   356              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
   357            },
   358            {
   359              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
   360            },
   361            {
   362              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
   363            }
   364          ],
   365          "responses": {
   366            "200": {
   367              "description": "Icon URLs for the given alliance id and server",
   368              "examples": {
   369                "application/json": {
   370                  "px64x64": "",
   371                  "px128x128": ""
   372                }
   373              },
   374              "schema": {
   375                "type": "object",
   376                "properties": {
   377                  "px64x64": {
   378                    "type": "string",
   379                    "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_icons_px64x64",
   380                    "description": "px64x64 string"
   381                  },
   382                  "px128x128": {
   383                    "type": "string",
   384                    "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_icons_px128x128",
   385                    "description": "px128x128 string"
   386                  }
   387                },
   388                "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_icons_ok",
   389                "description": "200 ok object"
   390              },
   391              "headers": {
   392                "Cache-Control": {
   393                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
   394                  "type": "string"
   395                },
   396                "Last-Modified": {
   397                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
   398                  "type": "string"
   399                },
   400                "Expires": {
   401                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
   402                  "type": "string"
   403                }
   404              }
   405            },
   406            "404": {
   407              "description": "No image server for this datasource",
   408              "examples": {
   409                "application/json": {
   410                  "error": "No image server for this datasource"
   411                }
   412              },
   413              "schema": {
   414                "type": "object",
   415                "description": "No image server for this datasource",
   416                "properties": {
   417                  "error": {
   418                    "type": "string",
   419                    "description": "error message",
   420                    "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_icons_error"
   421                  }
   422                },
   423                "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_icons_not_found"
   424              }
   425            },
   426            "500": {
   427              "description": "Internal server error",
   428              "schema": {
   429                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
   430              },
   431              "examples": {
   432                "application/json": {
   433                  "error": "Internal server error message"
   434                }
   435              }
   436            }
   437          },
   438          "operationId": "get_alliances_alliance_id_icons",
   439          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
   440          "x-alternate-versions": [
   441            "dev",
   442            "legacy",
   443            "v1"
   444          ]
   445        }
   446      },
   447      "/alliances/": {
   448        "get": {
   449          "description": "List all active player alliances\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/alliances/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/alliances/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/alliances/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
   450          "summary": "List all alliances",
   451          "tags": [
   452            "Alliance"
   453          ],
   454          "responses": {
   455            "200": {
   456              "description": "List of Alliance IDs",
   457              "examples": {
   458                "application/json": [
   459                  99000001,
   460                  99000002
   461                ]
   462              },
   463              "schema": {
   464                "type": "array",
   465                "maxItems": 5000,
   466                "items": {
   467                  "type": "integer",
   468                  "format": "int32",
   469                  "minimum": 0,
   470                  "uniqueItems": true,
   471                  "title": "get_alliances_200_ok",
   472                  "description": "200 ok integer"
   473                },
   474                "title": "get_alliances_ok",
   475                "description": "200 ok array"
   476              },
   477              "headers": {
   478                "Cache-Control": {
   479                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
   480                  "type": "string"
   481                },
   482                "Last-Modified": {
   483                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
   484                  "type": "string"
   485                },
   486                "Expires": {
   487                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
   488                  "type": "string"
   489                }
   490              }
   491            },
   492            "500": {
   493              "description": "Internal server error",
   494              "schema": {
   495                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
   496              },
   497              "examples": {
   498                "application/json": {
   499                  "error": "Internal server error message"
   500                }
   501              }
   502            }
   503          },
   504          "parameters": [
   505            {
   506              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
   507            },
   508            {
   509              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
   510            },
   511            {
   512              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
   513            }
   514          ],
   515          "operationId": "get_alliances",
   516          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
   517          "x-alternate-versions": [
   518            "dev",
   519            "legacy",
   520            "v1"
   521          ]
   522        }
   523      },
   524      "/characters/{character_id}/assets/": {
   525        "get": {
   526          "description": "Return a list of the characters assets\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/assets/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v3/characters/{character_id}/assets/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
   527          "summary": "Get character assets",
   528          "tags": [
   529            "Assets"
   530          ],
   531          "parameters": [
   532            {
   533              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
   534            },
   535            {
   536              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
   537            },
   538            {
   539              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
   540            },
   541            {
   542              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
   543            },
   544            {
   545              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
   546            },
   547            {
   548              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
   549            }
   550          ],
   551          "responses": {
   552            "200": {
   553              "description": "A flat list of the users assets",
   554              "examples": {
   555                "application/json": [
   556                  {
   557                    "location_flag": "Hangar",
   558                    "location_id": 60002959,
   559                    "is_singleton": true,
   560                    "type_id": 3516,
   561                    "item_id": 1000000016835,
   562                    "location_type": "station",
   563                    "quantity": 1
   564                  }
   565                ]
   566              },
   567              "schema": {
   568                "type": "array",
   569                "maxItems": 1000,
   570                "items": {
   571                  "type": "object",
   572                  "required": [
   573                    "type_id",
   574                    "quantity",
   575                    "location_id",
   576                    "location_type",
   577                    "item_id",
   578                    "location_flag",
   579                    "is_singleton"
   580                  ],
   581                  "properties": {
   582                    "type_id": {
   583                      "type": "integer",
   584                      "format": "int32",
   585                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_assets_type_id",
   586                      "description": "type_id integer"
   587                    },
   588                    "quantity": {
   589                      "type": "integer",
   590                      "format": "int32",
   591                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_assets_quantity",
   592                      "description": "quantity integer"
   593                    },
   594                    "location_id": {
   595                      "type": "integer",
   596                      "format": "int64",
   597                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_assets_location_id",
   598                      "description": "location_id integer"
   599                    },
   600                    "location_type": {
   601                      "type": "string",
   602                      "enum": [
   603                        "station",
   604                        "solar_system",
   605                        "other"
   606                      ],
   607                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_assets_location_type",
   608                      "description": "location_type string"
   609                    },
   610                    "item_id": {
   611                      "type": "integer",
   612                      "format": "int64",
   613                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_assets_item_id",
   614                      "description": "item_id integer"
   615                    },
   616                    "location_flag": {
   617                      "type": "string",
   618                      "enum": [
   619                        "AssetSafety",
   620                        "AutoFit",
   621                        "Cargo",
   622                        "CorpseBay",
   623                        "Deliveries",
   624                        "DroneBay",
   625                        "FighterBay",
   626                        "FighterTube0",
   627                        "FighterTube1",
   628                        "FighterTube2",
   629                        "FighterTube3",
   630                        "FighterTube4",
   631                        "FleetHangar",
   632                        "Hangar",
   633                        "HangarAll",
   634                        "HiSlot0",
   635                        "HiSlot1",
   636                        "HiSlot2",
   637                        "HiSlot3",
   638                        "HiSlot4",
   639                        "HiSlot5",
   640                        "HiSlot6",
   641                        "HiSlot7",
   642                        "HiddenModifiers",
   643                        "Implant",
   644                        "LoSlot0",
   645                        "LoSlot1",
   646                        "LoSlot2",
   647                        "LoSlot3",
   648                        "LoSlot4",
   649                        "LoSlot5",
   650                        "LoSlot6",
   651                        "LoSlot7",
   652                        "Locked",
   653                        "MedSlot0",
   654                        "MedSlot1",
   655                        "MedSlot2",
   656                        "MedSlot3",
   657                        "MedSlot4",
   658                        "MedSlot5",
   659                        "MedSlot6",
   660                        "MedSlot7",
   661                        "QuafeBay",
   662                        "RigSlot0",
   663                        "RigSlot1",
   664                        "RigSlot2",
   665                        "RigSlot3",
   666                        "RigSlot4",
   667                        "RigSlot5",
   668                        "RigSlot6",
   669                        "RigSlot7",
   670                        "ShipHangar",
   671                        "Skill",
   672                        "SpecializedAmmoHold",
   673                        "SpecializedCommandCenterHold",
   674                        "SpecializedFuelBay",
   675                        "SpecializedGasHold",
   676                        "SpecializedIndustrialShipHold",
   677                        "SpecializedLargeShipHold",
   678                        "SpecializedMaterialBay",
   679                        "SpecializedMediumShipHold",
   680                        "SpecializedMineralHold",
   681                        "SpecializedOreHold",
   682                        "SpecializedPlanetaryCommoditiesHold",
   683                        "SpecializedSalvageHold",
   684                        "SpecializedShipHold",
   685                        "SpecializedSmallShipHold",
   686                        "SubSystemBay",
   687                        "SubSystemSlot0",
   688                        "SubSystemSlot1",
   689                        "SubSystemSlot2",
   690                        "SubSystemSlot3",
   691                        "SubSystemSlot4",
   692                        "SubSystemSlot5",
   693                        "SubSystemSlot6",
   694                        "SubSystemSlot7",
   695                        "Unlocked",
   696                        "Wardrobe"
   697                      ],
   698                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_assets_location_flag",
   699                      "description": "location_flag string"
   700                    },
   701                    "is_singleton": {
   702                      "type": "boolean",
   703                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_assets_is_singleton",
   704                      "description": "is_singleton boolean"
   705                    }
   706                  },
   707                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_assets_200_ok",
   708                  "description": "200 ok object"
   709                },
   710                "title": "get_characters_character_id_assets_ok",
   711                "description": "200 ok array"
   712              },
   713              "headers": {
   714                "X-Pages": {
   715                  "description": "Maximum page number",
   716                  "type": "integer",
   717                  "format": "int32",
   718                  "default": 1
   719                },
   720                "Cache-Control": {
   721                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
   722                  "type": "string"
   723                },
   724                "Last-Modified": {
   725                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
   726                  "type": "string"
   727                },
   728                "Expires": {
   729                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
   730                  "type": "string"
   731                }
   732              }
   733            },
   734            "403": {
   735              "description": "Forbidden",
   736              "schema": {
   737                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
   738              },
   739              "examples": {
   740                "application/json": {
   741                  "error": "Forbidden message"
   742                }
   743              }
   744            },
   745            "500": {
   746              "description": "Internal server error",
   747              "schema": {
   748                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
   749              },
   750              "examples": {
   751                "application/json": {
   752                  "error": "Internal server error message"
   753                }
   754              }
   755            }
   756          },
   757          "security": [
   758            {
   759              "evesso": [
   760                "esi-assets.read_assets.v1"
   761              ]
   762            }
   763          ],
   764          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_assets",
   765          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
   766          "x-alternate-versions": [
   767            "dev",
   768            "v3"
   769          ]
   770        }
   771      },
   772      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/": {
   773        "get": {
   774          "description": "Return a list of the corporation assets\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n\n\n---\n[This route has an available update]({corporation_id}/assets/)",
   775          "summary": "Get corporation assets",
   776          "tags": [
   777            "Assets"
   778          ],
   779          "parameters": [
   780            {
   781              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
   782            },
   783            {
   784              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
   785            },
   786            {
   787              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
   788            },
   789            {
   790              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
   791            },
   792            {
   793              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
   794            },
   795            {
   796              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
   797            }
   798          ],
   799          "responses": {
   800            "200": {
   801              "description": "A list of assets",
   802              "examples": {
   803                "application/json": [
   804                  {
   805                    "location_flag": "Hangar",
   806                    "location_id": 60002959,
   807                    "is_singleton": true,
   808                    "type_id": 3516,
   809                    "item_id": 1000000016835,
   810                    "location_type": "station",
   811                    "quantity": 1
   812                  }
   813                ]
   814              },
   815              "schema": {
   816                "type": "array",
   817                "maxItems": 1000,
   818                "items": {
   819                  "type": "object",
   820                  "required": [
   821                    "type_id",
   822                    "quantity",
   823                    "location_id",
   824                    "location_type",
   825                    "item_id",
   826                    "location_flag",
   827                    "is_singleton"
   828                  ],
   829                  "properties": {
   830                    "type_id": {
   831                      "type": "integer",
   832                      "format": "int32",
   833                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_assets_type_id",
   834                      "description": "type_id integer"
   835                    },
   836                    "quantity": {
   837                      "type": "integer",
   838                      "format": "int32",
   839                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_assets_quantity",
   840                      "description": "quantity integer"
   841                    },
   842                    "location_id": {
   843                      "type": "integer",
   844                      "format": "int64",
   845                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_assets_location_id",
   846                      "description": "location_id integer"
   847                    },
   848                    "location_type": {
   849                      "type": "string",
   850                      "enum": [
   851                        "station",
   852                        "solar_system",
   853                        "other"
   854                      ],
   855                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_assets_location_type",
   856                      "description": "location_type string"
   857                    },
   858                    "item_id": {
   859                      "type": "integer",
   860                      "format": "int64",
   861                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_assets_item_id",
   862                      "description": "item_id integer"
   863                    },
   864                    "is_singleton": {
   865                      "type": "boolean",
   866                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_assets_is_singleton",
   867                      "description": "is_singleton boolean"
   868                    },
   869                    "location_flag": {
   870                      "type": "string",
   871                      "enum": [
   872                        "AssetSafety",
   873                        "AutoFit",
   874                        "Bonus",
   875                        "Booster",
   876                        "BoosterBay",
   877                        "Capsule",
   878                        "Cargo",
   879                        "CorpDeliveries",
   880                        "CorpSAG1",
   881                        "CorpSAG2",
   882                        "CorpSAG3",
   883                        "CorpSAG4",
   884                        "CorpSAG5",
   885                        "CorpSAG6",
   886                        "CorpSAG7",
   887                        "CrateLoot",
   888                        "Deliveries",
   889                        "DroneBay",
   890                        "DustBattle",
   891                        "DustDatabank",
   892                        "FighterBay",
   893                        "FighterTube0",
   894                        "FighterTube1",
   895                        "FighterTube2",
   896                        "FighterTube3",
   897                        "FighterTube4",
   898                        "FleetHangar",
   899                        "Hangar",
   900                        "HangarAll",
   901                        "HiSlot0",
   902                        "HiSlot1",
   903                        "HiSlot2",
   904                        "HiSlot3",
   905                        "HiSlot4",
   906                        "HiSlot5",
   907                        "HiSlot6",
   908                        "HiSlot7",
   909                        "HiddenModifers",
   910                        "Implant",
   911                        "Impounded",
   912                        "JunkyardReprocessed",
   913                        "JunkyardTrashed",
   914                        "LoSlot0",
   915                        "LoSlot1",
   916                        "LoSlot2",
   917                        "LoSlot3",
   918                        "LoSlot4",
   919                        "LoSlot5",
   920                        "LoSlot6",
   921                        "LoSlot7",
   922                        "Locked",
   923                        "MedSlot0",
   924                        "MedSlot1",
   925                        "MedSlot2",
   926                        "MedSlot3",
   927                        "MedSlot4",
   928                        "MedSlot5",
   929                        "MedSlot6",
   930                        "MedSlot7",
   931                        "OfficeFolder",
   932                        "Pilot",
   933                        "PlanetSurface",
   934                        "QuafeBay",
   935                        "Reward",
   936                        "RigSlot0",
   937                        "RigSlot1",
   938                        "RigSlot2",
   939                        "RigSlot3",
   940                        "RigSlot4",
   941                        "RigSlot5",
   942                        "RigSlot6",
   943                        "RigSlot7",
   944                        "SecondaryStorage",
   945                        "ServiceSlot0",
   946                        "ServiceSlot1",
   947                        "ServiceSlot2",
   948                        "ServiceSlot3",
   949                        "ServiceSlot4",
   950                        "ServiceSlot5",
   951                        "ServiceSlot6",
   952                        "ServiceSlot7",
   953                        "ShipHangar",
   954                        "ShipOffline",
   955                        "Skill",
   956                        "SkillInTraining",
   957                        "SpecializedAmmoHold",
   958                        "SpecializedCommandCenterHold",
   959                        "SpecializedFuelBay",
   960                        "SpecializedGasHold",
   961                        "SpecializedIndustrialShipHold",
   962                        "SpecializedLargeShipHold",
   963                        "SpecializedMaterialBay",
   964                        "SpecializedMediumShipHold",
   965                        "SpecializedMineralHold",
   966                        "SpecializedOreHold",
   967                        "SpecializedPlanetaryCommoditiesHold",
   968                        "SpecializedSalvageHold",
   969                        "SpecializedShipHold",
   970                        "SpecializedSmallShipHold",
   971                        "StructureActive",
   972                        "StructureFuel",
   973                        "StructureInactive",
   974                        "StructureOffline",
   975                        "SubSystemSlot0",
   976                        "SubSystemSlot1",
   977                        "SubSystemSlot2",
   978                        "SubSystemSlot3",
   979                        "SubSystemSlot4",
   980                        "SubSystemSlot5",
   981                        "SubSystemSlot6",
   982                        "SubSystemSlot7",
   983                        "SubsystemBay",
   984                        "Unlocked",
   985                        "Wallet",
   986                        "Wardrobe"
   987                      ],
   988                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_assets_location_flag",
   989                      "description": "location_flag string"
   990                    }
   991                  },
   992                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_assets_200_ok",
   993                  "description": "200 ok object"
   994                },
   995                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_assets_ok",
   996                "description": "200 ok array"
   997              },
   998              "headers": {
   999                "X-Pages": {
  1000                  "description": "Maximum page number",
  1001                  "type": "integer",
  1002                  "format": "int32",
  1003                  "default": 1
  1004                },
  1005                "Cache-Control": {
  1006                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  1007                  "type": "string"
  1008                },
  1009                "Last-Modified": {
  1010                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  1011                  "type": "string"
  1012                },
  1013                "Expires": {
  1014                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  1015                  "type": "string"
  1016                }
  1017              }
  1018            },
  1019            "403": {
  1020              "description": "Forbidden",
  1021              "schema": {
  1022                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  1023              },
  1024              "examples": {
  1025                "application/json": {
  1026                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  1027                }
  1028              }
  1029            },
  1030            "500": {
  1031              "description": "Internal server error",
  1032              "schema": {
  1033                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  1034              },
  1035              "examples": {
  1036                "application/json": {
  1037                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  1038                }
  1039              }
  1040            }
  1041          },
  1042          "x-required-roles": [
  1043            "Director"
  1044          ],
  1045          "security": [
  1046            {
  1047              "evesso": [
  1048                "esi-assets.read_corporation_assets.v1"
  1049              ]
  1050            }
  1051          ],
  1052          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_assets",
  1053          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  1054          "x-alternate-versions": [
  1055            "v2"
  1056          ]
  1057        }
  1058      },
  1059      "/characters/{character_id}/assets/names/": {
  1060        "post": {
  1061          "description": "Return names for a set of item ids, which you can get from character assets endpoint. Typically used for items that can customize names, like containers or ships.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/assets/names/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/assets/names/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/assets/names/`\n",
  1062          "summary": "Get character asset names",
  1063          "tags": [
  1064            "Assets"
  1065          ],
  1066          "parameters": [
  1067            {
  1068              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  1069            },
  1070            {
  1071              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  1072            },
  1073            {
  1074              "name": "item_ids",
  1075              "in": "body",
  1076              "description": "A list of item ids",
  1077              "required": true,
  1078              "schema": {
  1079                "type": "array",
  1080                "minItems": 1,
  1081                "maxItems": 1000,
  1082                "uniqueItems": true,
  1083                "items": {
  1084                  "type": "integer",
  1085                  "format": "int64",
  1086                  "title": "post_characters_character_id_assets_names_item_id",
  1087                  "description": "item_id integer"
  1088                },
  1089                "title": "post_characters_character_id_assets_names_item_ids",
  1090                "description": "item_ids array"
  1091              }
  1092            },
  1093            {
  1094              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  1095            },
  1096            {
  1097              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  1098            },
  1099            {
  1100              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  1101            }
  1102          ],
  1103          "responses": {
  1104            "200": {
  1105              "description": "List of asset names",
  1106              "examples": {
  1107                "application/json": [
  1108                  {
  1109                    "item_id": 12345,
  1110                    "name": "Awesome Name"
  1111                  }
  1112                ]
  1113              },
  1114              "schema": {
  1115                "type": "array",
  1116                "maxItems": 1000,
  1117                "items": {
  1118                  "type": "object",
  1119                  "required": [
  1120                    "item_id",
  1121                    "name"
  1122                  ],
  1123                  "properties": {
  1124                    "item_id": {
  1125                      "type": "integer",
  1126                      "format": "int64",
  1127                      "title": "post_characters_character_id_assets_names_item_id",
  1128                      "description": "item_id integer"
  1129                    },
  1130                    "name": {
  1131                      "type": "string",
  1132                      "title": "post_characters_character_id_assets_names_name",
  1133                      "description": "name string"
  1134                    }
  1135                  },
  1136                  "title": "post_characters_character_id_assets_names_200_ok",
  1137                  "description": "200 ok object"
  1138                },
  1139                "title": "post_characters_character_id_assets_names_ok",
  1140                "description": "200 ok array"
  1141              }
  1142            },
  1143            "403": {
  1144              "description": "Forbidden",
  1145              "schema": {
  1146                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  1147              },
  1148              "examples": {
  1149                "application/json": {
  1150                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  1151                }
  1152              }
  1153            },
  1154            "500": {
  1155              "description": "Internal server error",
  1156              "schema": {
  1157                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  1158              },
  1159              "examples": {
  1160                "application/json": {
  1161                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  1162                }
  1163              }
  1164            }
  1165          },
  1166          "security": [
  1167            {
  1168              "evesso": [
  1169                "esi-assets.read_assets.v1"
  1170              ]
  1171            }
  1172          ],
  1173          "operationId": "post_characters_character_id_assets_names",
  1174          "x-alternate-versions": [
  1175            "dev",
  1176            "legacy",
  1177            "v1"
  1178          ]
  1179        }
  1180      },
  1181      "/characters/{character_id}/assets/locations/": {
  1182        "post": {
  1183          "description": "Return locations for a set of item ids, which you can get from character assets endpoint. Coordinates for items in hangars or stations are set to (0,0,0)\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/assets/locations/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/assets/locations/`\n",
  1184          "summary": "Get character asset locations",
  1185          "tags": [
  1186            "Assets"
  1187          ],
  1188          "parameters": [
  1189            {
  1190              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  1191            },
  1192            {
  1193              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  1194            },
  1195            {
  1196              "name": "item_ids",
  1197              "in": "body",
  1198              "description": "A list of item ids",
  1199              "required": true,
  1200              "schema": {
  1201                "type": "array",
  1202                "minItems": 1,
  1203                "maxItems": 1000,
  1204                "uniqueItems": true,
  1205                "items": {
  1206                  "type": "integer",
  1207                  "format": "int64",
  1208                  "title": "post_characters_character_id_assets_locations_item_id",
  1209                  "description": "item_id integer"
  1210                },
  1211                "title": "post_characters_character_id_assets_locations_item_ids",
  1212                "description": "item_ids array"
  1213              }
  1214            },
  1215            {
  1216              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  1217            },
  1218            {
  1219              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  1220            },
  1221            {
  1222              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  1223            }
  1224          ],
  1225          "responses": {
  1226            "200": {
  1227              "description": "List of asset locations",
  1228              "examples": {
  1229                "application/json": [
  1230                  {
  1231                    "item_id": 12345,
  1232                    "position": {
  1233                      "x": 1.2,
  1234                      "y": 2.3,
  1235                      "z": -3.4
  1236                    }
  1237                  }
  1238                ]
  1239              },
  1240              "schema": {
  1241                "type": "array",
  1242                "maxItems": 1000,
  1243                "items": {
  1244                  "type": "object",
  1245                  "required": [
  1246                    "item_id",
  1247                    "position"
  1248                  ],
  1249                  "properties": {
  1250                    "item_id": {
  1251                      "type": "integer",
  1252                      "format": "int64",
  1253                      "title": "post_characters_character_id_assets_locations_item_id",
  1254                      "description": "item_id integer"
  1255                    },
  1256                    "position": {
  1257                      "type": "object",
  1258                      "required": [
  1259                        "x",
  1260                        "y",
  1261                        "z"
  1262                      ],
  1263                      "properties": {
  1264                        "x": {
  1265                          "type": "number",
  1266                          "format": "double",
  1267                          "title": "post_characters_character_id_assets_locations_x",
  1268                          "description": "x number"
  1269                        },
  1270                        "y": {
  1271                          "type": "number",
  1272                          "format": "double",
  1273                          "title": "post_characters_character_id_assets_locations_y",
  1274                          "description": "y number"
  1275                        },
  1276                        "z": {
  1277                          "type": "number",
  1278                          "format": "double",
  1279                          "title": "post_characters_character_id_assets_locations_z",
  1280                          "description": "z number"
  1281                        }
  1282                      },
  1283                      "title": "post_characters_character_id_assets_locations_position",
  1284                      "description": "position object"
  1285                    }
  1286                  },
  1287                  "title": "post_characters_character_id_assets_locations_200_ok",
  1288                  "description": "200 ok object"
  1289                },
  1290                "title": "post_characters_character_id_assets_locations_ok",
  1291                "description": "200 ok array"
  1292              }
  1293            },
  1294            "403": {
  1295              "description": "Forbidden",
  1296              "schema": {
  1297                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  1298              },
  1299              "examples": {
  1300                "application/json": {
  1301                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  1302                }
  1303              }
  1304            },
  1305            "500": {
  1306              "description": "Internal server error",
  1307              "schema": {
  1308                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  1309              },
  1310              "examples": {
  1311                "application/json": {
  1312                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  1313                }
  1314              }
  1315            }
  1316          },
  1317          "security": [
  1318            {
  1319              "evesso": [
  1320                "esi-assets.read_assets.v1"
  1321              ]
  1322            }
  1323          ],
  1324          "operationId": "post_characters_character_id_assets_locations",
  1325          "x-alternate-versions": [
  1326            "dev",
  1327            "v2"
  1328          ]
  1329        }
  1330      },
  1331      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/names/": {
  1332        "post": {
  1333          "description": "Return names for a set of item ids, which you can get from corporation assets endpoint. Only valid for items that can customize names, like containers or ships.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/names/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/names/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/names/`\n\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
  1334          "summary": "Get coporation asset names",
  1335          "tags": [
  1336            "Assets"
  1337          ],
  1338          "parameters": [
  1339            {
  1340              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
  1341            },
  1342            {
  1343              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  1344            },
  1345            {
  1346              "name": "item_ids",
  1347              "in": "body",
  1348              "description": "A list of item ids",
  1349              "required": true,
  1350              "schema": {
  1351                "type": "array",
  1352                "minItems": 1,
  1353                "maxItems": 1000,
  1354                "uniqueItems": true,
  1355                "items": {
  1356                  "type": "integer",
  1357                  "format": "int64",
  1358                  "title": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_names_item_id",
  1359                  "description": "item_id integer"
  1360                },
  1361                "title": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_names_item_ids",
  1362                "description": "item_ids array"
  1363              }
  1364            },
  1365            {
  1366              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  1367            },
  1368            {
  1369              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  1370            },
  1371            {
  1372              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  1373            }
  1374          ],
  1375          "responses": {
  1376            "200": {
  1377              "description": "List of asset names",
  1378              "examples": {
  1379                "application/json": [
  1380                  {
  1381                    "item_id": 12345,
  1382                    "name": "Awesome Name"
  1383                  }
  1384                ]
  1385              },
  1386              "schema": {
  1387                "type": "array",
  1388                "maxItems": 1000,
  1389                "items": {
  1390                  "type": "object",
  1391                  "required": [
  1392                    "item_id",
  1393                    "name"
  1394                  ],
  1395                  "properties": {
  1396                    "item_id": {
  1397                      "type": "integer",
  1398                      "format": "int64",
  1399                      "title": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_names_item_id",
  1400                      "description": "item_id integer"
  1401                    },
  1402                    "name": {
  1403                      "type": "string",
  1404                      "title": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_names_name",
  1405                      "description": "name string"
  1406                    }
  1407                  },
  1408                  "title": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_names_200_ok",
  1409                  "description": "200 ok object"
  1410                },
  1411                "title": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_names_ok",
  1412                "description": "200 ok array"
  1413              }
  1414            },
  1415            "403": {
  1416              "description": "Forbidden",
  1417              "schema": {
  1418                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  1419              },
  1420              "examples": {
  1421                "application/json": {
  1422                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  1423                }
  1424              }
  1425            },
  1426            "500": {
  1427              "description": "Internal server error",
  1428              "schema": {
  1429                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  1430              },
  1431              "examples": {
  1432                "application/json": {
  1433                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  1434                }
  1435              }
  1436            }
  1437          },
  1438          "x-required-roles": [
  1439            "Director"
  1440          ],
  1441          "security": [
  1442            {
  1443              "evesso": [
  1444                "esi-assets.read_corporation_assets.v1"
  1445              ]
  1446            }
  1447          ],
  1448          "operationId": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_names",
  1449          "x-alternate-versions": [
  1450            "dev",
  1451            "legacy",
  1452            "v1"
  1453          ]
  1454        }
  1455      },
  1456      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/locations/": {
  1457        "post": {
  1458          "description": "Return locations for a set of item ids, which you can get from corporation assets endpoint. Coordinates for items in hangars or stations are set to (0,0,0)\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/locations/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/locations/`\n\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
  1459          "summary": "Get corporation asset locations",
  1460          "tags": [
  1461            "Assets"
  1462          ],
  1463          "parameters": [
  1464            {
  1465              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
  1466            },
  1467            {
  1468              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  1469            },
  1470            {
  1471              "name": "item_ids",
  1472              "in": "body",
  1473              "description": "A list of item ids",
  1474              "required": true,
  1475              "schema": {
  1476                "type": "array",
  1477                "minItems": 1,
  1478                "maxItems": 1000,
  1479                "uniqueItems": true,
  1480                "items": {
  1481                  "type": "integer",
  1482                  "format": "int64",
  1483                  "title": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_locations_item_id",
  1484                  "description": "item_id integer"
  1485                },
  1486                "title": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_locations_item_ids",
  1487                "description": "item_ids array"
  1488              }
  1489            },
  1490            {
  1491              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  1492            },
  1493            {
  1494              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  1495            },
  1496            {
  1497              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  1498            }
  1499          ],
  1500          "responses": {
  1501            "200": {
  1502              "description": "List of asset locations",
  1503              "examples": {
  1504                "application/json": [
  1505                  {
  1506                    "item_id": 12345,
  1507                    "position": {
  1508                      "x": 1.2,
  1509                      "y": 2.3,
  1510                      "z": -3.4
  1511                    }
  1512                  }
  1513                ]
  1514              },
  1515              "schema": {
  1516                "type": "array",
  1517                "maxItems": 1000,
  1518                "items": {
  1519                  "type": "object",
  1520                  "required": [
  1521                    "item_id",
  1522                    "position"
  1523                  ],
  1524                  "properties": {
  1525                    "item_id": {
  1526                      "type": "integer",
  1527                      "format": "int64",
  1528                      "title": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_locations_item_id",
  1529                      "description": "item_id integer"
  1530                    },
  1531                    "position": {
  1532                      "type": "object",
  1533                      "required": [
  1534                        "x",
  1535                        "y",
  1536                        "z"
  1537                      ],
  1538                      "properties": {
  1539                        "x": {
  1540                          "type": "number",
  1541                          "format": "double",
  1542                          "title": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_locations_x",
  1543                          "description": "x number"
  1544                        },
  1545                        "y": {
  1546                          "type": "number",
  1547                          "format": "double",
  1548                          "title": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_locations_y",
  1549                          "description": "y number"
  1550                        },
  1551                        "z": {
  1552                          "type": "number",
  1553                          "format": "double",
  1554                          "title": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_locations_z",
  1555                          "description": "z number"
  1556                        }
  1557                      },
  1558                      "title": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_locations_position",
  1559                      "description": "position object"
  1560                    }
  1561                  },
  1562                  "title": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_locations_200_ok",
  1563                  "description": "200 ok object"
  1564                },
  1565                "title": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_locations_ok",
  1566                "description": "200 ok array"
  1567              }
  1568            },
  1569            "403": {
  1570              "description": "Forbidden",
  1571              "schema": {
  1572                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  1573              },
  1574              "examples": {
  1575                "application/json": {
  1576                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  1577                }
  1578              }
  1579            },
  1580            "500": {
  1581              "description": "Internal server error",
  1582              "schema": {
  1583                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  1584              },
  1585              "examples": {
  1586                "application/json": {
  1587                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  1588                }
  1589              }
  1590            }
  1591          },
  1592          "x-required-roles": [
  1593            "Director"
  1594          ],
  1595          "security": [
  1596            {
  1597              "evesso": [
  1598                "esi-assets.read_corporation_assets.v1"
  1599              ]
  1600            }
  1601          ],
  1602          "operationId": "post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_locations",
  1603          "x-alternate-versions": [
  1604            "dev",
  1605            "v2"
  1606          ]
  1607        }
  1608      },
  1609      "/characters/{character_id}/bookmarks/": {
  1610        "get": {
  1611          "description": "A list of your character's personal bookmarks\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/bookmarks/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/bookmarks/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  1612          "summary": "List bookmarks",
  1613          "tags": [
  1614            "Bookmarks"
  1615          ],
  1616          "parameters": [
  1617            {
  1618              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  1619            },
  1620            {
  1621              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  1622            },
  1623            {
  1624              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
  1625            },
  1626            {
  1627              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  1628            },
  1629            {
  1630              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  1631            },
  1632            {
  1633              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  1634            }
  1635          ],
  1636          "responses": {
  1637            "200": {
  1638              "description": "A list of bookmarks",
  1639              "examples": {
  1640                "application/json": [
  1641                  {
  1642                    "bookmark_id": 4,
  1643                    "location_id": 30003430,
  1644                    "item": {
  1645                      "type_id": 29633,
  1646                      "item_id": 50006722
  1647                    },
  1648                    "folder_id": 5,
  1649                    "label": "Stargate",
  1650                    "notes": "This is a stargate",
  1651                    "created": "2016-08-09T11:57:47Z",
  1652                    "creator_id": 2112625428
  1653                  },
  1654                  {
  1655                    "bookmark_id": 5,
  1656                    "location_id": 30003430,
  1657                    "coordinates": {
  1658                      "x": -2958928814000,
  1659                      "y": -338367275823,
  1660                      "z": 2114538075090
  1661                    },
  1662                    "folder_id": 5,
  1663                    "label": "Random location",
  1664                    "notes": "This is a random location in space",
  1665                    "created": "2016-08-09T11:57:47Z",
  1666                    "creator_id": 2112625428
  1667                  }
  1668                ]
  1669              },
  1670              "schema": {
  1671                "type": "array",
  1672                "maxItems": 1000,
  1673                "items": {
  1674                  "type": "object",
  1675                  "required": [
  1676                    "bookmark_id",
  1677                    "created",
  1678                    "label",
  1679                    "notes",
  1680                    "location_id",
  1681                    "creator_id"
  1682                  ],
  1683                  "properties": {
  1684                    "bookmark_id": {
  1685                      "type": "integer",
  1686                      "format": "int32",
  1687                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_bookmark_id",
  1688                      "description": "bookmark_id integer"
  1689                    },
  1690                    "folder_id": {
  1691                      "type": "integer",
  1692                      "format": "int32",
  1693                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_folder_id",
  1694                      "description": "folder_id integer"
  1695                    },
  1696                    "created": {
  1697                      "type": "string",
  1698                      "format": "date-time",
  1699                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_created",
  1700                      "description": "created string"
  1701                    },
  1702                    "label": {
  1703                      "type": "string",
  1704                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_label",
  1705                      "description": "label string"
  1706                    },
  1707                    "notes": {
  1708                      "type": "string",
  1709                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_notes",
  1710                      "description": "notes string"
  1711                    },
  1712                    "location_id": {
  1713                      "type": "integer",
  1714                      "format": "int32",
  1715                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_location_id",
  1716                      "description": "location_id integer"
  1717                    },
  1718                    "creator_id": {
  1719                      "type": "integer",
  1720                      "format": "int32",
  1721                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_creator_id",
  1722                      "description": "creator_id integer"
  1723                    },
  1724                    "item": {
  1725                      "type": "object",
  1726                      "description": "Optional object that is returned if a bookmark was made on a particular item.",
  1727                      "required": [
  1728                        "item_id",
  1729                        "type_id"
  1730                      ],
  1731                      "properties": {
  1732                        "item_id": {
  1733                          "type": "integer",
  1734                          "format": "int64",
  1735                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_item_id",
  1736                          "description": "item_id integer"
  1737                        },
  1738                        "type_id": {
  1739                          "type": "integer",
  1740                          "format": "int32",
  1741                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_type_id",
  1742                          "description": "type_id integer"
  1743                        }
  1744                      },
  1745                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_item"
  1746                    },
  1747                    "coordinates": {
  1748                      "type": "object",
  1749                      "description": "Optional object that is returned if a bookmark was made on a planet or a random location in space.",
  1750                      "required": [
  1751                        "x",
  1752                        "y",
  1753                        "z"
  1754                      ],
  1755                      "properties": {
  1756                        "x": {
  1757                          "type": "number",
  1758                          "format": "double",
  1759                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_x",
  1760                          "description": "x number"
  1761                        },
  1762                        "y": {
  1763                          "type": "number",
  1764                          "format": "double",
  1765                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_y",
  1766                          "description": "y number"
  1767                        },
  1768                        "z": {
  1769                          "type": "number",
  1770                          "format": "double",
  1771                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_z",
  1772                          "description": "z number"
  1773                        }
  1774                      },
  1775                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_coordinates"
  1776                    }
  1777                  },
  1778                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_200_ok",
  1779                  "description": "200 ok object"
  1780                },
  1781                "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_ok",
  1782                "description": "200 ok array"
  1783              },
  1784              "headers": {
  1785                "X-Pages": {
  1786                  "description": "Maximum page number",
  1787                  "type": "integer",
  1788                  "format": "int32",
  1789                  "default": 1
  1790                },
  1791                "Cache-Control": {
  1792                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  1793                  "type": "string"
  1794                },
  1795                "Last-Modified": {
  1796                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  1797                  "type": "string"
  1798                },
  1799                "Expires": {
  1800                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  1801                  "type": "string"
  1802                }
  1803              }
  1804            },
  1805            "403": {
  1806              "description": "Forbidden",
  1807              "schema": {
  1808                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  1809              },
  1810              "examples": {
  1811                "application/json": {
  1812                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  1813                }
  1814              }
  1815            },
  1816            "500": {
  1817              "description": "Internal server error",
  1818              "schema": {
  1819                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  1820              },
  1821              "examples": {
  1822                "application/json": {
  1823                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  1824                }
  1825              }
  1826            }
  1827          },
  1828          "security": [
  1829            {
  1830              "evesso": [
  1831                "esi-bookmarks.read_character_bookmarks.v1"
  1832              ]
  1833            }
  1834          ],
  1835          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks",
  1836          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  1837          "x-alternate-versions": [
  1838            "dev",
  1839            "v2"
  1840          ]
  1841        }
  1842      },
  1843      "/characters/{character_id}/bookmarks/folders/": {
  1844        "get": {
  1845          "description": "A list of your character's personal bookmark folders\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/bookmarks/folders/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/bookmarks/folders/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  1846          "summary": "List bookmark folders",
  1847          "tags": [
  1848            "Bookmarks"
  1849          ],
  1850          "parameters": [
  1851            {
  1852              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  1853            },
  1854            {
  1855              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  1856            },
  1857            {
  1858              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
  1859            },
  1860            {
  1861              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  1862            },
  1863            {
  1864              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  1865            },
  1866            {
  1867              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  1868            }
  1869          ],
  1870          "responses": {
  1871            "200": {
  1872              "description": "List of bookmark folders",
  1873              "examples": {
  1874                "application/json": [
  1875                  {
  1876                    "folder_id": 5,
  1877                    "name": "Icecream"
  1878                  }
  1879                ]
  1880              },
  1881              "schema": {
  1882                "type": "array",
  1883                "maxItems": 1000,
  1884                "items": {
  1885                  "type": "object",
  1886                  "required": [
  1887                    "folder_id",
  1888                    "name"
  1889                  ],
  1890                  "properties": {
  1891                    "folder_id": {
  1892                      "type": "integer",
  1893                      "format": "int32",
  1894                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_folders_folder_id",
  1895                      "description": "folder_id integer"
  1896                    },
  1897                    "name": {
  1898                      "type": "string",
  1899                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_folders_name",
  1900                      "description": "name string"
  1901                    }
  1902                  },
  1903                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_folders_200_ok",
  1904                  "description": "200 ok object"
  1905                },
  1906                "title": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_folders_ok",
  1907                "description": "200 ok array"
  1908              },
  1909              "headers": {
  1910                "X-Pages": {
  1911                  "description": "Maximum page number",
  1912                  "type": "integer",
  1913                  "format": "int32",
  1914                  "default": 1
  1915                },
  1916                "Cache-Control": {
  1917                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  1918                  "type": "string"
  1919                },
  1920                "Last-Modified": {
  1921                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  1922                  "type": "string"
  1923                },
  1924                "Expires": {
  1925                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  1926                  "type": "string"
  1927                }
  1928              }
  1929            },
  1930            "403": {
  1931              "description": "Forbidden",
  1932              "schema": {
  1933                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  1934              },
  1935              "examples": {
  1936                "application/json": {
  1937                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  1938                }
  1939              }
  1940            },
  1941            "500": {
  1942              "description": "Internal server error",
  1943              "schema": {
  1944                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  1945              },
  1946              "examples": {
  1947                "application/json": {
  1948                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  1949                }
  1950              }
  1951            }
  1952          },
  1953          "security": [
  1954            {
  1955              "evesso": [
  1956                "esi-bookmarks.read_character_bookmarks.v1"
  1957              ]
  1958            }
  1959          ],
  1960          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_folders",
  1961          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  1962          "x-alternate-versions": [
  1963            "dev",
  1964            "v2"
  1965          ]
  1966        }
  1967      },
  1968      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/": {
  1969        "get": {
  1970          "description": "A list of your corporation's bookmarks\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  1971          "summary": "List corporation bookmarks",
  1972          "tags": [
  1973            "Bookmarks"
  1974          ],
  1975          "parameters": [
  1976            {
  1977              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
  1978            },
  1979            {
  1980              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  1981            },
  1982            {
  1983              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
  1984            },
  1985            {
  1986              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  1987            },
  1988            {
  1989              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  1990            },
  1991            {
  1992              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  1993            }
  1994          ],
  1995          "responses": {
  1996            "200": {
  1997              "description": "List of corporation owned bookmarks",
  1998              "examples": {
  1999                "application/json": [
  2000                  {
  2001                    "bookmark_id": 4,
  2002                    "location_id": 30003430,
  2003                    "item": {
  2004                      "type_id": 29633,
  2005                      "item_id": 50006722
  2006                    },
  2007                    "creator_id": 2112625428,
  2008                    "folder_id": 5,
  2009                    "label": "Stargate",
  2010                    "notes": "This is a stargate",
  2011                    "created": "2016-08-09T11:57:47Z"
  2012                  },
  2013                  {
  2014                    "bookmark_id": 5,
  2015                    "location_id": 30003430,
  2016                    "coordinates": {
  2017                      "x": -2958928814000,
  2018                      "y": -338367275823,
  2019                      "z": 2114538075090
  2020                    },
  2021                    "creator_id": 2112625428,
  2022                    "folder_id": 5,
  2023                    "label": "Random location",
  2024                    "notes": "This is a random location in space",
  2025                    "created": "2016-08-09T11:57:47Z"
  2026                  }
  2027                ]
  2028              },
  2029              "schema": {
  2030                "type": "array",
  2031                "maxItems": 1000,
  2032                "items": {
  2033                  "type": "object",
  2034                  "required": [
  2035                    "bookmark_id",
  2036                    "creator_id",
  2037                    "created",
  2038                    "label",
  2039                    "notes",
  2040                    "location_id"
  2041                  ],
  2042                  "properties": {
  2043                    "bookmark_id": {
  2044                      "type": "integer",
  2045                      "format": "int32",
  2046                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_bookmark_id",
  2047                      "description": "bookmark_id integer"
  2048                    },
  2049                    "creator_id": {
  2050                      "type": "integer",
  2051                      "format": "int32",
  2052                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_creator_id",
  2053                      "description": "creator_id integer"
  2054                    },
  2055                    "folder_id": {
  2056                      "type": "integer",
  2057                      "format": "int32",
  2058                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_folder_id",
  2059                      "description": "folder_id integer"
  2060                    },
  2061                    "created": {
  2062                      "type": "string",
  2063                      "format": "date-time",
  2064                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_created",
  2065                      "description": "created string"
  2066                    },
  2067                    "label": {
  2068                      "type": "string",
  2069                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_label",
  2070                      "description": "label string"
  2071                    },
  2072                    "notes": {
  2073                      "type": "string",
  2074                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_notes",
  2075                      "description": "notes string"
  2076                    },
  2077                    "location_id": {
  2078                      "type": "integer",
  2079                      "format": "int32",
  2080                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_location_id",
  2081                      "description": "location_id integer"
  2082                    },
  2083                    "item": {
  2084                      "type": "object",
  2085                      "description": "Optional object that is returned if a bookmark was made on a particular item.",
  2086                      "required": [
  2087                        "item_id",
  2088                        "type_id"
  2089                      ],
  2090                      "properties": {
  2091                        "item_id": {
  2092                          "type": "integer",
  2093                          "format": "int64",
  2094                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_item_id",
  2095                          "description": "item_id integer"
  2096                        },
  2097                        "type_id": {
  2098                          "type": "integer",
  2099                          "format": "int32",
  2100                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_type_id",
  2101                          "description": "type_id integer"
  2102                        }
  2103                      },
  2104                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_item"
  2105                    },
  2106                    "coordinates": {
  2107                      "type": "object",
  2108                      "description": "Optional object that is returned if a bookmark was made on a planet or a random location in space.",
  2109                      "required": [
  2110                        "x",
  2111                        "y",
  2112                        "z"
  2113                      ],
  2114                      "properties": {
  2115                        "x": {
  2116                          "type": "number",
  2117                          "format": "double",
  2118                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_x",
  2119                          "description": "x number"
  2120                        },
  2121                        "y": {
  2122                          "type": "number",
  2123                          "format": "double",
  2124                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_y",
  2125                          "description": "y number"
  2126                        },
  2127                        "z": {
  2128                          "type": "number",
  2129                          "format": "double",
  2130                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_z",
  2131                          "description": "z number"
  2132                        }
  2133                      },
  2134                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_coordinates"
  2135                    }
  2136                  },
  2137                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_200_ok",
  2138                  "description": "200 ok object"
  2139                },
  2140                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_ok",
  2141                "description": "200 ok array"
  2142              },
  2143              "headers": {
  2144                "X-Pages": {
  2145                  "description": "Maximum page number",
  2146                  "type": "integer",
  2147                  "format": "int32",
  2148                  "default": 1
  2149                },
  2150                "Cache-Control": {
  2151                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  2152                  "type": "string"
  2153                },
  2154                "Last-Modified": {
  2155                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  2156                  "type": "string"
  2157                },
  2158                "Expires": {
  2159                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  2160                  "type": "string"
  2161                }
  2162              }
  2163            },
  2164            "403": {
  2165              "description": "Forbidden",
  2166              "schema": {
  2167                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  2168              },
  2169              "examples": {
  2170                "application/json": {
  2171                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  2172                }
  2173              }
  2174            },
  2175            "500": {
  2176              "description": "Internal server error",
  2177              "schema": {
  2178                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  2179              },
  2180              "examples": {
  2181                "application/json": {
  2182                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  2183                }
  2184              }
  2185            }
  2186          },
  2187          "security": [
  2188            {
  2189              "evesso": [
  2190                "esi-bookmarks.read_corporation_bookmarks.v1"
  2191              ]
  2192            }
  2193          ],
  2194          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks",
  2195          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  2196          "x-alternate-versions": [
  2197            "dev",
  2198            "legacy",
  2199            "v1"
  2200          ]
  2201        }
  2202      },
  2203      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/folders/": {
  2204        "get": {
  2205          "description": "A list of your corporation's bookmark folders\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/folders/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/folders/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/folders/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  2206          "summary": "List corporation bookmark folders",
  2207          "tags": [
  2208            "Bookmarks"
  2209          ],
  2210          "parameters": [
  2211            {
  2212              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
  2213            },
  2214            {
  2215              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  2216            },
  2217            {
  2218              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
  2219            },
  2220            {
  2221              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  2222            },
  2223            {
  2224              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  2225            },
  2226            {
  2227              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  2228            }
  2229          ],
  2230          "responses": {
  2231            "200": {
  2232              "description": "List of corporation owned bookmark folders",
  2233              "examples": {
  2234                "application/json": [
  2235                  {
  2236                    "folder_id": 5,
  2237                    "name": "Important Locations"
  2238                  }
  2239                ]
  2240              },
  2241              "schema": {
  2242                "type": "array",
  2243                "maxItems": 1000,
  2244                "items": {
  2245                  "type": "object",
  2246                  "required": [
  2247                    "folder_id",
  2248                    "name"
  2249                  ],
  2250                  "properties": {
  2251                    "folder_id": {
  2252                      "type": "integer",
  2253                      "format": "int32",
  2254                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_folders_folder_id",
  2255                      "description": "folder_id integer"
  2256                    },
  2257                    "name": {
  2258                      "type": "string",
  2259                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_folders_name",
  2260                      "description": "name string"
  2261                    },
  2262                    "creator_id": {
  2263                      "type": "integer",
  2264                      "format": "int32",
  2265                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_folders_creator_id",
  2266                      "description": "creator_id integer"
  2267                    }
  2268                  },
  2269                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_folders_200_ok",
  2270                  "description": "200 ok object"
  2271                },
  2272                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_folders_ok",
  2273                "description": "200 ok array"
  2274              },
  2275              "headers": {
  2276                "X-Pages": {
  2277                  "description": "Maximum page number",
  2278                  "type": "integer",
  2279                  "format": "int32",
  2280                  "default": 1
  2281                },
  2282                "Cache-Control": {
  2283                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  2284                  "type": "string"
  2285                },
  2286                "Last-Modified": {
  2287                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  2288                  "type": "string"
  2289                },
  2290                "Expires": {
  2291                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  2292                  "type": "string"
  2293                }
  2294              }
  2295            },
  2296            "403": {
  2297              "description": "Forbidden",
  2298              "schema": {
  2299                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  2300              },
  2301              "examples": {
  2302                "application/json": {
  2303                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  2304                }
  2305              }
  2306            },
  2307            "500": {
  2308              "description": "Internal server error",
  2309              "schema": {
  2310                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  2311              },
  2312              "examples": {
  2313                "application/json": {
  2314                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  2315                }
  2316              }
  2317            }
  2318          },
  2319          "security": [
  2320            {
  2321              "evesso": [
  2322                "esi-bookmarks.read_corporation_bookmarks.v1"
  2323              ]
  2324            }
  2325          ],
  2326          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_folders",
  2327          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  2328          "x-alternate-versions": [
  2329            "dev",
  2330            "legacy",
  2331            "v1"
  2332          ]
  2333        }
  2334      },
  2335      "/characters/{character_id}/calendar/": {
  2336        "get": {
  2337          "description": "Get 50 event summaries from the calendar. If no from_event ID is given, the resource will return the next 50 chronological event summaries from now. If a from_event ID is specified, it will return the next 50 chronological event summaries from after that event.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/calendar/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/calendar/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/calendar/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 5 seconds",
  2338          "summary": "List calendar event summaries",
  2339          "tags": [
  2340            "Calendar"
  2341          ],
  2342          "parameters": [
  2343            {
  2344              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  2345            },
  2346            {
  2347              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  2348            },
  2349            {
  2350              "name": "from_event",
  2351              "in": "query",
  2352              "description": "The event ID to retrieve events from",
  2353              "required": false,
  2354              "type": "integer",
  2355              "format": "int32"
  2356            },
  2357            {
  2358              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  2359            },
  2360            {
  2361              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  2362            },
  2363            {
  2364              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  2365            }
  2366          ],
  2367          "responses": {
  2368            "200": {
  2369              "description": "A collection of event summaries",
  2370              "examples": {
  2371                "application/json": [
  2372                  {
  2373                    "event_id": 1386435,
  2374                    "event_date": "2016-06-26T20:00:00Z",
  2375                    "title": "o7 The EVE Online Show",
  2376                    "importance": 0,
  2377                    "event_response": "accepted"
  2378                  }
  2379                ]
  2380              },
  2381              "schema": {
  2382                "type": "array",
  2383                "description": "Up to 50 events from now or the event you requested",
  2384                "maxItems": 50,
  2385                "items": {
  2386                  "description": "event",
  2387                  "type": "object",
  2388                  "properties": {
  2389                    "event_id": {
  2390                      "type": "integer",
  2391                      "format": "int32",
  2392                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id",
  2393                      "description": "event_id integer"
  2394                    },
  2395                    "event_date": {
  2396                      "type": "string",
  2397                      "format": "date-time",
  2398                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_date",
  2399                      "description": "event_date string"
  2400                    },
  2401                    "title": {
  2402                      "type": "string",
  2403                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_title",
  2404                      "description": "title string"
  2405                    },
  2406                    "importance": {
  2407                      "type": "integer",
  2408                      "format": "int32",
  2409                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_importance",
  2410                      "description": "importance integer"
  2411                    },
  2412                    "event_response": {
  2413                      "type": "string",
  2414                      "enum": [
  2415                        "declined",
  2416                        "not_responded",
  2417                        "accepted",
  2418                        "tentative"
  2419                      ],
  2420                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_response",
  2421                      "description": "event_response string"
  2422                    }
  2423                  },
  2424                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_200_ok"
  2425                },
  2426                "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_ok"
  2427              },
  2428              "headers": {
  2429                "Cache-Control": {
  2430                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  2431                  "type": "string"
  2432                },
  2433                "Last-Modified": {
  2434                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  2435                  "type": "string"
  2436                },
  2437                "Expires": {
  2438                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  2439                  "type": "string"
  2440                }
  2441              }
  2442            },
  2443            "403": {
  2444              "description": "Forbidden",
  2445              "schema": {
  2446                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  2447              },
  2448              "examples": {
  2449                "application/json": {
  2450                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  2451                }
  2452              }
  2453            },
  2454            "500": {
  2455              "description": "Internal server error",
  2456              "schema": {
  2457                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  2458              },
  2459              "examples": {
  2460                "application/json": {
  2461                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  2462                }
  2463              }
  2464            }
  2465          },
  2466          "security": [
  2467            {
  2468              "evesso": [
  2469                "esi-calendar.read_calendar_events.v1"
  2470              ]
  2471            }
  2472          ],
  2473          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_calendar",
  2474          "x-cached-seconds": 5,
  2475          "x-alternate-versions": [
  2476            "dev",
  2477            "legacy",
  2478            "v1"
  2479          ]
  2480        }
  2481      },
  2482      "/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/": {
  2483        "get": {
  2484          "description": "Get all the information for a specific event\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v3/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 5 seconds",
  2485          "summary": "Get an event",
  2486          "tags": [
  2487            "Calendar"
  2488          ],
  2489          "parameters": [
  2490            {
  2491              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  2492            },
  2493            {
  2494              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  2495            },
  2496            {
  2497              "name": "event_id",
  2498              "in": "path",
  2499              "description": "The id of the event requested",
  2500              "required": true,
  2501              "type": "integer",
  2502              "format": "int32"
  2503            },
  2504            {
  2505              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  2506            },
  2507            {
  2508              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  2509            },
  2510            {
  2511              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  2512            }
  2513          ],
  2514          "responses": {
  2515            "200": {
  2516              "description": "Full details of a specific event",
  2517              "examples": {
  2518                "application/json": {
  2519                  "event_id": 1386435,
  2520                  "owner_id": 1,
  2521                  "owner_name": "EVE System",
  2522                  "date": "2016-06-26T21:00:00Z",
  2523                  "title": "o7 The EVE Online Show",
  2524                  "duration": 60,
  2525                  "importance": 1,
  2526                  "response": "Undecided",
  2527                  "text": "o7: The EVE Online Show features latest developer news, fast paced action, community overviews and a lot more with CCP Guard and CCP Mimic. Join the thrilling o7 live broadcast at 20:00 EVE time (=UTC) on <a href=\"\">EVE TV</a>. Don't miss it!",
  2528                  "owner_type": "eve_server"
  2529                }
  2530              },
  2531              "schema": {
  2532                "type": "object",
  2533                "description": "Full details of a specific event",
  2534                "required": [
  2535                  "event_id",
  2536                  "owner_id",
  2537                  "owner_name",
  2538                  "date",
  2539                  "title",
  2540                  "duration",
  2541                  "importance",
  2542                  "response",
  2543                  "text",
  2544                  "owner_type"
  2545                ],
  2546                "properties": {
  2547                  "event_id": {
  2548                    "type": "integer",
  2549                    "format": "int32",
  2550                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_event_id",
  2551                    "description": "event_id integer"
  2552                  },
  2553                  "owner_id": {
  2554                    "type": "integer",
  2555                    "format": "int32",
  2556                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_owner_id",
  2557                    "description": "owner_id integer"
  2558                  },
  2559                  "owner_name": {
  2560                    "type": "string",
  2561                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_owner_name",
  2562                    "description": "owner_name string"
  2563                  },
  2564                  "date": {
  2565                    "type": "string",
  2566                    "format": "date-time",
  2567                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_date",
  2568                    "description": "date string"
  2569                  },
  2570                  "title": {
  2571                    "type": "string",
  2572                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_title",
  2573                    "description": "title string"
  2574                  },
  2575                  "duration": {
  2576                    "type": "integer",
  2577                    "format": "int32",
  2578                    "description": "Length in minutes",
  2579                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_duration"
  2580                  },
  2581                  "importance": {
  2582                    "type": "integer",
  2583                    "format": "int32",
  2584                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_importance",
  2585                    "description": "importance integer"
  2586                  },
  2587                  "response": {
  2588                    "type": "string",
  2589                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_response",
  2590                    "description": "response string"
  2591                  },
  2592                  "text": {
  2593                    "type": "string",
  2594                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_text",
  2595                    "description": "text string"
  2596                  },
  2597                  "owner_type": {
  2598                    "type": "string",
  2599                    "enum": [
  2600                      "eve_server",
  2601                      "corporation",
  2602                      "faction",
  2603                      "character",
  2604                      "alliance"
  2605                    ],
  2606                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_owner_type",
  2607                    "description": "owner_type string"
  2608                  }
  2609                },
  2610                "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_ok"
  2611              },
  2612              "headers": {
  2613                "Cache-Control": {
  2614                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  2615                  "type": "string"
  2616                },
  2617                "Last-Modified": {
  2618                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  2619                  "type": "string"
  2620                },
  2621                "Expires": {
  2622                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  2623                  "type": "string"
  2624                }
  2625              }
  2626            },
  2627            "403": {
  2628              "description": "Forbidden",
  2629              "schema": {
  2630                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  2631              },
  2632              "examples": {
  2633                "application/json": {
  2634                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  2635                }
  2636              }
  2637            },
  2638            "500": {
  2639              "description": "Internal server error",
  2640              "schema": {
  2641                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  2642              },
  2643              "examples": {
  2644                "application/json": {
  2645                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  2646                }
  2647              }
  2648            }
  2649          },
  2650          "security": [
  2651            {
  2652              "evesso": [
  2653                "esi-calendar.read_calendar_events.v1"
  2654              ]
  2655            }
  2656          ],
  2657          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id",
  2658          "x-cached-seconds": 5,
  2659          "x-alternate-versions": [
  2660            "dev",
  2661            "v3"
  2662          ]
  2663        },
  2664        "put": {
  2665          "description": "Set your response status to an event\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v3/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/`\n",
  2666          "summary": "Respond to an event",
  2667          "tags": [
  2668            "Calendar"
  2669          ],
  2670          "parameters": [
  2671            {
  2672              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  2673            },
  2674            {
  2675              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  2676            },
  2677            {
  2678              "name": "event_id",
  2679              "in": "path",
  2680              "description": "The ID of the event requested",
  2681              "required": true,
  2682              "type": "integer",
  2683              "format": "int32"
  2684            },
  2685            {
  2686              "name": "response",
  2687              "in": "body",
  2688              "description": "The response value to set, overriding current value.",
  2689              "required": true,
  2690              "schema": {
  2691                "type": "object",
  2692                "required": [
  2693                  "response"
  2694                ],
  2695                "properties": {
  2696                  "response": {
  2697                    "type": "string",
  2698                    "enum": [
  2699                      "accepted",
  2700                      "declined",
  2701                      "tentative"
  2702                    ],
  2703                    "title": "put_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_response",
  2704                    "description": "response string"
  2705                  }
  2706                },
  2707                "title": "put_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_response",
  2708                "description": "response object"
  2709              }
  2710            },
  2711            {
  2712              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  2713            },
  2714            {
  2715              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  2716            },
  2717            {
  2718              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  2719            }
  2720          ],
  2721          "responses": {
  2722            "204": {
  2723              "description": "Event updated"
  2724            },
  2725            "403": {
  2726              "description": "Forbidden",
  2727              "schema": {
  2728                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  2729              },
  2730              "examples": {
  2731                "application/json": {
  2732                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  2733                }
  2734              }
  2735            },
  2736            "500": {
  2737              "description": "Internal server error",
  2738              "schema": {
  2739                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  2740              },
  2741              "examples": {
  2742                "application/json": {
  2743                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  2744                }
  2745              }
  2746            }
  2747          },
  2748          "security": [
  2749            {
  2750              "evesso": [
  2751                "esi-calendar.respond_calendar_events.v1"
  2752              ]
  2753            }
  2754          ],
  2755          "operationId": "put_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id",
  2756          "x-alternate-versions": [
  2757            "dev",
  2758            "v3"
  2759          ]
  2760        }
  2761      },
  2762      "/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/attendees/": {
  2763        "get": {
  2764          "description": "Get all invited attendees for a given event\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/attendees/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/attendees/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/attendees/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 600 seconds",
  2765          "summary": "Get attendees",
  2766          "tags": [
  2767            "Calendar"
  2768          ],
  2769          "parameters": [
  2770            {
  2771              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  2772            },
  2773            {
  2774              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  2775            },
  2776            {
  2777              "name": "event_id",
  2778              "in": "path",
  2779              "description": "The id of the event requested",
  2780              "required": true,
  2781              "type": "integer",
  2782              "format": "int32"
  2783            },
  2784            {
  2785              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  2786            },
  2787            {
  2788              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  2789            },
  2790            {
  2791              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  2792            }
  2793          ],
  2794          "responses": {
  2795            "200": {
  2796              "description": "List of attendees",
  2797              "examples": {
  2798                "application/json": [
  2799                  {
  2800                    "character_id": 2112625428,
  2801                    "event_response": "accepted"
  2802                  },
  2803                  {
  2804                    "character_id": 95465499,
  2805                    "event_response": "tentative"
  2806                  }
  2807                ]
  2808              },
  2809              "schema": {
  2810                "type": "array",
  2811                "description": "List of attendees for a given event",
  2812                "maxItems": 100,
  2813                "items": {
  2814                  "type": "object",
  2815                  "description": "character_id and response of an attendee",
  2816                  "properties": {
  2817                    "character_id": {
  2818                      "type": "integer",
  2819                      "format": "int32",
  2820                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_attendees_character_id",
  2821                      "description": "character_id integer"
  2822                    },
  2823                    "event_response": {
  2824                      "type": "string",
  2825                      "enum": [
  2826                        "declined",
  2827                        "not_responded",
  2828                        "accepted",
  2829                        "tentative"
  2830                      ],
  2831                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_attendees_event_response",
  2832                      "description": "event_response string"
  2833                    }
  2834                  },
  2835                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_attendees_200_ok"
  2836                },
  2837                "title": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_attendees_ok"
  2838              },
  2839              "headers": {
  2840                "Cache-Control": {
  2841                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  2842                  "type": "string"
  2843                },
  2844                "Last-Modified": {
  2845                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  2846                  "type": "string"
  2847                },
  2848                "Expires": {
  2849                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  2850                  "type": "string"
  2851                }
  2852              }
  2853            },
  2854            "403": {
  2855              "description": "Forbidden",
  2856              "schema": {
  2857                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  2858              },
  2859              "examples": {
  2860                "application/json": {
  2861                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  2862                }
  2863              }
  2864            },
  2865            "500": {
  2866              "description": "Internal server error",
  2867              "schema": {
  2868                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  2869              },
  2870              "examples": {
  2871                "application/json": {
  2872                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  2873                }
  2874              }
  2875            }
  2876          },
  2877          "security": [
  2878            {
  2879              "evesso": [
  2880                "esi-calendar.read_calendar_events.v1"
  2881              ]
  2882            }
  2883          ],
  2884          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_attendees",
  2885          "x-cached-seconds": 600,
  2886          "x-alternate-versions": [
  2887            "dev",
  2888            "legacy",
  2889            "v1"
  2890          ]
  2891        }
  2892      },
  2893      "/characters/{character_id}/": {
  2894        "get": {
  2895          "description": "Public information about a character\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v4/characters/{character_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  2896          "summary": "Get character's public information",
  2897          "tags": [
  2898            "Character"
  2899          ],
  2900          "parameters": [
  2901            {
  2902              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  2903            },
  2904            {
  2905              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  2906            },
  2907            {
  2908              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  2909            },
  2910            {
  2911              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  2912            }
  2913          ],
  2914          "responses": {
  2915            "200": {
  2916              "description": "Public data for the given character",
  2917              "examples": {
  2918                "application/json": {
  2919                  "corporation_id": 109299958,
  2920                  "birthday": "2015-03-24T11:37:00Z",
  2921                  "name": "CCP Bartender",
  2922                  "gender": "male",
  2923                  "race_id": 2,
  2924                  "description": "",
  2925                  "bloodline_id": 3,
  2926                  "ancestry_id": 19
  2927                }
  2928              },
  2929              "schema": {
  2930                "type": "object",
  2931                "required": [
  2932                  "corporation_id",
  2933                  "birthday",
  2934                  "name",
  2935                  "gender",
  2936                  "race_id",
  2937                  "bloodline_id"
  2938                ],
  2939                "properties": {
  2940                  "name": {
  2941                    "type": "string",
  2942                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_name",
  2943                    "description": "name string"
  2944                  },
  2945                  "description": {
  2946                    "type": "string",
  2947                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_description",
  2948                    "description": "description string"
  2949                  },
  2950                  "corporation_id": {
  2951                    "type": "integer",
  2952                    "format": "int32",
  2953                    "description": "The character's corporation ID",
  2954                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_corporation_id"
  2955                  },
  2956                  "alliance_id": {
  2957                    "type": "integer",
  2958                    "format": "int32",
  2959                    "description": "The character's alliance ID",
  2960                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_alliance_id"
  2961                  },
  2962                  "birthday": {
  2963                    "type": "string",
  2964                    "format": "date-time",
  2965                    "description": "Creation date of the character",
  2966                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_birthday"
  2967                  },
  2968                  "gender": {
  2969                    "type": "string",
  2970                    "enum": [
  2971                      "female",
  2972                      "male"
  2973                    ],
  2974                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_gender",
  2975                    "description": "gender string"
  2976                  },
  2977                  "race_id": {
  2978                    "type": "integer",
  2979                    "format": "int32",
  2980                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_race_id",
  2981                    "description": "race_id integer"
  2982                  },
  2983                  "bloodline_id": {
  2984                    "type": "integer",
  2985                    "format": "int32",
  2986                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_bloodline_id",
  2987                    "description": "bloodline_id integer"
  2988                  },
  2989                  "ancestry_id": {
  2990                    "type": "integer",
  2991                    "format": "int32",
  2992                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_ancestry_id",
  2993                    "description": "ancestry_id integer"
  2994                  },
  2995                  "security_status": {
  2996                    "type": "number",
  2997                    "format": "float",
  2998                    "minimum": -10,
  2999                    "maximum": 10,
  3000                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_security_status",
  3001                    "description": "security_status number"
  3002                  },
  3003                  "faction_id": {
  3004                    "type": "integer",
  3005                    "format": "int32",
  3006                    "description": "ID of the faction the character is fighting for, if the character is enlisted in Factional Warfare",
  3007                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_faction_id"
  3008                  }
  3009                },
  3010                "title": "get_characters_character_id_ok",
  3011                "description": "200 ok object"
  3012              },
  3013              "headers": {
  3014                "Cache-Control": {
  3015                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  3016                  "type": "string"
  3017                },
  3018                "Last-Modified": {
  3019                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  3020                  "type": "string"
  3021                },
  3022                "Expires": {
  3023                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  3024                  "type": "string"
  3025                }
  3026              }
  3027            },
  3028            "404": {
  3029              "description": "Character not found",
  3030              "schema": {
  3031                "type": "object",
  3032                "title": "get_characters_character_id_not_found",
  3033                "description": "Not found",
  3034                "properties": {
  3035                  "error": {
  3036                    "type": "string",
  3037                    "description": "Not found message",
  3038                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_404_not_found"
  3039                  }
  3040                }
  3041              },
  3042              "examples": {
  3043                "application/json": {
  3044                  "error": "Not found message"
  3045                }
  3046              }
  3047            },
  3048            "500": {
  3049              "description": "Internal server error",
  3050              "schema": {
  3051                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  3052              },
  3053              "examples": {
  3054                "application/json": {
  3055                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  3056                }
  3057              }
  3058            }
  3059          },
  3060          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id",
  3061          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  3062          "x-alternate-versions": [
  3063            "dev",
  3064            "v4"
  3065          ]
  3066        }
  3067      },
  3068      "/characters/affiliation/": {
  3069        "post": {
  3070          "description": "Bulk lookup of character IDs to corporation, alliance and faction\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/affiliation/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/affiliation/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/affiliation/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  3071          "summary": "Character affiliation",
  3072          "tags": [
  3073            "Character"
  3074          ],
  3075          "parameters": [
  3076            {
  3077              "name": "characters",
  3078              "in": "body",
  3079              "description": "The character IDs to fetch affiliations for. All characters must exist, or none will be returned.",
  3080              "required": true,
  3081              "schema": {
  3082                "type": "array",
  3083                "minItems": 1,
  3084                "maxItems": 1000,
  3085                "uniqueItems": true,
  3086                "items": {
  3087                  "type": "integer",
  3088                  "format": "int32",
  3089                  "title": "post_characters_affiliation_character",
  3090                  "description": "character integer"
  3091                },
  3092                "title": "post_characters_affiliation_characters",
  3093                "description": "characters array"
  3094              }
  3095            },
  3096            {
  3097              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  3098            },
  3099            {
  3100              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  3101            },
  3102            {
  3103              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  3104            }
  3105          ],
  3106          "responses": {
  3107            "200": {
  3108              "description": "Character corporation, alliance and faction IDs",
  3109              "examples": {
  3110                "application/json": [
  3111                  {
  3112                    "character_id": 95538921,
  3113                    "corporation_id": 109299958,
  3114                    "alliance_id": 434243723
  3115                  }
  3116                ]
  3117              },
  3118              "schema": {
  3119                "type": "array",
  3120                "maxItems": 1000,
  3121                "items": {
  3122                  "type": "object",
  3123                  "required": [
  3124                    "character_id",
  3125                    "corporation_id"
  3126                  ],
  3127                  "properties": {
  3128                    "character_id": {
  3129                      "type": "integer",
  3130                      "format": "int32",
  3131                      "description": "The character's ID",
  3132                      "title": "post_characters_affiliation_character_id"
  3133                    },
  3134                    "corporation_id": {
  3135                      "type": "integer",
  3136                      "format": "int32",
  3137                      "description": "The character's corporation ID",
  3138                      "title": "post_characters_affiliation_corporation_id"
  3139                    },
  3140                    "alliance_id": {
  3141                      "type": "integer",
  3142                      "format": "int32",
  3143                      "description": "The character's alliance ID, if their corporation is in an alliance",
  3144                      "title": "post_characters_affiliation_alliance_id"
  3145                    },
  3146                    "faction_id": {
  3147                      "type": "integer",
  3148                      "format": "int32",
  3149                      "description": "The character's faction ID, if their corporation is in a faction",
  3150                      "title": "post_characters_affiliation_faction_id"
  3151                    }
  3152                  },
  3153                  "title": "post_characters_affiliation_200_ok",
  3154                  "description": "200 ok object"
  3155                },
  3156                "title": "post_characters_affiliation_ok",
  3157                "description": "200 ok array"
  3158              },
  3159              "headers": {
  3160                "Cache-Control": {
  3161                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  3162                  "type": "string"
  3163                },
  3164                "Last-Modified": {
  3165                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  3166                  "type": "string"
  3167                },
  3168                "Expires": {
  3169                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  3170                  "type": "string"
  3171                }
  3172              }
  3173            },
  3174            "404": {
  3175              "description": "No characters found!",
  3176              "schema": {
  3177                "type": "object",
  3178                "title": "post_characters_affiliation_not_found",
  3179                "description": "Not found",
  3180                "properties": {
  3181                  "error": {
  3182                    "type": "string",
  3183                    "description": "Not found message",
  3184                    "title": "post_characters_affiliation_404_not_found"
  3185                  }
  3186                }
  3187              },
  3188              "examples": {
  3189                "application/json": {
  3190                  "error": "Not found message"
  3191                }
  3192              }
  3193            },
  3194            "500": {
  3195              "description": "Internal server error",
  3196              "schema": {
  3197                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  3198              },
  3199              "examples": {
  3200                "application/json": {
  3201                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  3202                }
  3203              }
  3204            }
  3205          },
  3206          "operationId": "post_characters_affiliation",
  3207          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  3208          "x-alternate-versions": [
  3209            "dev",
  3210            "legacy",
  3211            "v1"
  3212          ]
  3213        }
  3214      },
  3215      "/characters/{character_id}/cspa/": {
  3216        "post": {
  3217          "description": "Takes a source character ID in the url and a set of target character ID's in the body, returns a CSPA charge cost\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/cspa/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v4/characters/{character_id}/cspa/`\n",
  3218          "summary": "Calculate a CSPA charge cost",
  3219          "tags": [
  3220            "Character"
  3221          ],
  3222          "parameters": [
  3223            {
  3224              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  3225            },
  3226            {
  3227              "name": "characters",
  3228              "in": "body",
  3229              "description": "The target characters to calculate the charge for",
  3230              "required": true,
  3231              "schema": {
  3232                "type": "array",
  3233                "minItems": 1,
  3234                "uniqueItems": true,
  3235                "maxItems": 100,
  3236                "items": {
  3237                  "type": "integer",
  3238                  "format": "int32",
  3239                  "title": "post_characters_character_id_cspa_character",
  3240                  "description": "character integer"
  3241                },
  3242                "title": "post_characters_character_id_cspa_characters",
  3243                "description": "characters array"
  3244              }
  3245            },
  3246            {
  3247              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  3248            },
  3249            {
  3250              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  3251            },
  3252            {
  3253              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  3254            },
  3255            {
  3256              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  3257            }
  3258          ],
  3259          "responses": {
  3260            "201": {
  3261              "description": "Aggregate cost of sending a mail from the source character to the target characters, in ISK",
  3262              "examples": {
  3263                "application/json": 2950
  3264              },
  3265              "schema": {
  3266                "type": "number",
  3267                "format": "float",
  3268                "title": "post_characters_character_id_cspa_created",
  3269                "description": "201 created number"
  3270              }
  3271            },
  3272            "403": {
  3273              "description": "Forbidden",
  3274              "schema": {
  3275                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  3276              },
  3277              "examples": {
  3278                "application/json": {
  3279                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  3280                }
  3281              }
  3282            },
  3283            "500": {
  3284              "description": "Internal server error",
  3285              "schema": {
  3286                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  3287              },
  3288              "examples": {
  3289                "application/json": {
  3290                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  3291                }
  3292              }
  3293            }
  3294          },
  3295          "security": [
  3296            {
  3297              "evesso": [
  3298                "esi-characters.read_contacts.v1"
  3299              ]
  3300            }
  3301          ],
  3302          "operationId": "post_characters_character_id_cspa",
  3303          "x-alternate-versions": [
  3304            "dev",
  3305            "v4"
  3306          ]
  3307        }
  3308      },
  3309      "/characters/names/": {
  3310        "get": {
  3311          "description": "Resolve a set of character IDs to character names\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/names/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/names/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/names/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  3312          "summary": "Get character names",
  3313          "tags": [
  3314            "Character"
  3315          ],
  3316          "parameters": [
  3317            {
  3318              "name": "character_ids",
  3319              "in": "query",
  3320              "description": "A comma separated list of character IDs",
  3321              "required": true,
  3322              "type": "array",
  3323              "maxItems": 1000,
  3324              "minItems": 1,
  3325              "items": {
  3326                "type": "integer",
  3327                "format": "int64"
  3328              }
  3329            },
  3330            {
  3331              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  3332            },
  3333            {
  3334              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  3335            },
  3336            {
  3337              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  3338            }
  3339          ],
  3340          "responses": {
  3341            "200": {
  3342              "description": "List of id/name associations",
  3343              "examples": {
  3344                "application/json": [
  3345                  {
  3346                    "character_id": 95465499,
  3347                    "character_name": "CCP Bartender"
  3348                  }
  3349                ]
  3350              },
  3351              "schema": {
  3352                "type": "array",
  3353                "maxItems": 1000,
  3354                "items": {
  3355                  "type": "object",
  3356                  "required": [
  3357                    "character_id",
  3358                    "character_name"
  3359                  ],
  3360                  "properties": {
  3361                    "character_id": {
  3362                      "type": "integer",
  3363                      "format": "int64",
  3364                      "title": "get_characters_names_character_id",
  3365                      "description": "character_id integer"
  3366                    },
  3367                    "character_name": {
  3368                      "type": "string",
  3369                      "title": "get_characters_names_character_name",
  3370                      "description": "character_name string"
  3371                    }
  3372                  },
  3373                  "title": "get_characters_names_200_ok",
  3374                  "description": "200 ok object"
  3375                },
  3376                "title": "get_characters_names_ok",
  3377                "description": "200 ok array"
  3378              },
  3379              "headers": {
  3380                "Cache-Control": {
  3381                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  3382                  "type": "string"
  3383                },
  3384                "Last-Modified": {
  3385                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  3386                  "type": "string"
  3387                },
  3388                "Expires": {
  3389                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  3390                  "type": "string"
  3391                }
  3392              }
  3393            },
  3394            "500": {
  3395              "description": "Internal server error",
  3396              "schema": {
  3397                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  3398              },
  3399              "examples": {
  3400                "application/json": {
  3401                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  3402                }
  3403              }
  3404            }
  3405          },
  3406          "operationId": "get_characters_names",
  3407          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  3408          "x-alternate-versions": [
  3409            "dev",
  3410            "legacy",
  3411            "v1"
  3412          ]
  3413        }
  3414      },
  3415      "/characters/{character_id}/portrait/": {
  3416        "get": {
  3417          "description": "Get portrait urls for a character\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/portrait/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/portrait/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  3418          "summary": "Get character portraits",
  3419          "tags": [
  3420            "Character"
  3421          ],
  3422          "parameters": [
  3423            {
  3424              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  3425            },
  3426            {
  3427              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  3428            },
  3429            {
  3430              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  3431            },
  3432            {
  3433              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  3434            }
  3435          ],
  3436          "responses": {
  3437            "200": {
  3438              "description": "Public data for the given character",
  3439              "examples": {
  3440                "application/json": {
  3441                  "px64x64": "",
  3442                  "px128x128": "",
  3443                  "px256x256": "",
  3444                  "px512x512": ""
  3445                }
  3446              },
  3447              "schema": {
  3448                "type": "object",
  3449                "properties": {
  3450                  "px64x64": {
  3451                    "type": "string",
  3452                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_portrait_px64x64",
  3453                    "description": "px64x64 string"
  3454                  },
  3455                  "px128x128": {
  3456                    "type": "string",
  3457                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_portrait_px128x128",
  3458                    "description": "px128x128 string"
  3459                  },
  3460                  "px256x256": {
  3461                    "type": "string",
  3462                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_portrait_px256x256",
  3463                    "description": "px256x256 string"
  3464                  },
  3465                  "px512x512": {
  3466                    "type": "string",
  3467                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_portrait_px512x512",
  3468                    "description": "px512x512 string"
  3469                  }
  3470                },
  3471                "title": "get_characters_character_id_portrait_ok",
  3472                "description": "200 ok object"
  3473              },
  3474              "headers": {
  3475                "Cache-Control": {
  3476                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  3477                  "type": "string"
  3478                },
  3479                "Last-Modified": {
  3480                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  3481                  "type": "string"
  3482                },
  3483                "Expires": {
  3484                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  3485                  "type": "string"
  3486                }
  3487              }
  3488            },
  3489            "404": {
  3490              "description": "No image server for this datasource",
  3491              "examples": {
  3492                "application/json": {
  3493                  "error": "No image server for this datasource"
  3494                }
  3495              },
  3496              "schema": {
  3497                "type": "object",
  3498                "description": "No image server for this datasource",
  3499                "properties": {
  3500                  "error": {
  3501                    "type": "string",
  3502                    "description": "error message",
  3503                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_portrait_error"
  3504                  }
  3505                },
  3506                "title": "get_characters_character_id_portrait_not_found"
  3507              }
  3508            },
  3509            "500": {
  3510              "description": "Internal server error",
  3511              "schema": {
  3512                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  3513              },
  3514              "examples": {
  3515                "application/json": {
  3516                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  3517                }
  3518              }
  3519            }
  3520          },
  3521          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_portrait",
  3522          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  3523          "x-alternate-versions": [
  3524            "dev",
  3525            "v2"
  3526          ]
  3527        }
  3528      },
  3529      "/characters/{character_id}/corporationhistory/": {
  3530        "get": {
  3531          "description": "Get a list of all the corporations a character has been a member of\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/corporationhistory/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/corporationhistory/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/corporationhistory/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  3532          "summary": "Get corporation history",
  3533          "tags": [
  3534            "Character"
  3535          ],
  3536          "parameters": [
  3537            {
  3538              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  3539            },
  3540            {
  3541              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  3542            },
  3543            {
  3544              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  3545            },
  3546            {
  3547              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  3548            }
  3549          ],
  3550          "responses": {
  3551            "200": {
  3552              "description": "Corporation history for the given character",
  3553              "examples": {
  3554                "application/json": [
  3555                  {
  3556                    "start_date": "2016-06-26T20:00:00Z",
  3557                    "corporation_id": 90000001,
  3558                    "is_deleted": true,
  3559                    "record_id": 500
  3560                  },
  3561                  {
  3562                    "start_date": "2016-07-26T20:00:00Z",
  3563                    "corporation_id": 90000002,
  3564                    "record_id": 501
  3565                  }
  3566                ]
  3567              },
  3568              "schema": {
  3569                "type": "array",
  3570                "maxItems": 10000,
  3571                "items": {
  3572                  "type": "object",
  3573                  "required": [
  3574                    "start_date",
  3575                    "corporation_id",
  3576                    "record_id"
  3577                  ],
  3578                  "properties": {
  3579                    "start_date": {
  3580                      "type": "string",
  3581                      "format": "date-time",
  3582                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_corporationhistory_start_date",
  3583                      "description": "start_date string"
  3584                    },
  3585                    "corporation_id": {
  3586                      "type": "integer",
  3587                      "format": "int32",
  3588                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_corporationhistory_corporation_id",
  3589                      "description": "corporation_id integer"
  3590                    },
  3591                    "is_deleted": {
  3592                      "type": "boolean",
  3593                      "description": "True if the corporation has been deleted",
  3594                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_corporationhistory_is_deleted"
  3595                    },
  3596                    "record_id": {
  3597                      "type": "integer",
  3598                      "format": "int32",
  3599                      "description": "An incrementing ID that can be used to canonically establish order of records in cases where dates may be ambiguous",
  3600                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_corporationhistory_record_id"
  3601                    }
  3602                  },
  3603                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_corporationhistory_200_ok",
  3604                  "description": "200 ok object"
  3605                },
  3606                "title": "get_characters_character_id_corporationhistory_ok",
  3607                "description": "200 ok array"
  3608              },
  3609              "headers": {
  3610                "Cache-Control": {
  3611                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  3612                  "type": "string"
  3613                },
  3614                "Last-Modified": {
  3615                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  3616                  "type": "string"
  3617                },
  3618                "Expires": {
  3619                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  3620                  "type": "string"
  3621                }
  3622              }
  3623            },
  3624            "500": {
  3625              "description": "Internal server error",
  3626              "schema": {
  3627                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  3628              },
  3629              "examples": {
  3630                "application/json": {
  3631                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  3632                }
  3633              }
  3634            }
  3635          },
  3636          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_corporationhistory",
  3637          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  3638          "x-alternate-versions": [
  3639            "dev",
  3640            "legacy",
  3641            "v1"
  3642          ]
  3643        }
  3644      },
  3645      "/characters/{character_id}/chat_channels/": {
  3646        "get": {
  3647          "description": "Return chat channels that a character is the owner or operator of\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/chat_channels/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/chat_channels/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/chat_channels/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
  3648          "summary": "Get chat channels",
  3649          "tags": [
  3650            "Character"
  3651          ],
  3652          "parameters": [
  3653            {
  3654              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  3655            },
  3656            {
  3657              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  3658            },
  3659            {
  3660              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  3661            },
  3662            {
  3663              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  3664            },
  3665            {
  3666              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  3667            }
  3668          ],
  3669          "responses": {
  3670            "200": {
  3671              "description": "A list of chat channels",
  3672              "examples": {
  3673                "application/json": [
  3674                  {
  3675                    "channel_id": -69329950,
  3676                    "name": "Players' Haven",
  3677                    "owner_id": 95578451,
  3678                    "comparison_key": "players'haven",
  3679                    "has_password": false,
  3680                    "motd": "<b>Feed pineapples to the cats!</b>",
  3681                    "allowed": [],
  3682                    "operators": [],
  3683                    "blocked": [],
  3684                    "muted": []
  3685                  }
  3686                ]
  3687              },
  3688              "schema": {
  3689                "type": "array",
  3690                "maxItems": 1000,
  3691                "items": {
  3692                  "type": "object",
  3693                  "required": [
  3694                    "channel_id",
  3695                    "name",
  3696                    "owner_id",
  3697                    "comparison_key",
  3698                    "has_password",
  3699                    "motd",
  3700                    "allowed",
  3701                    "operators",
  3702                    "blocked",
  3703                    "muted"
  3704                  ],
  3705                  "properties": {
  3706                    "channel_id": {
  3707                      "type": "integer",
  3708                      "format": "int32",
  3709                      "description": "Unique channel ID. Always negative for player-created channels. Permanent (CCP created) channels have a positive ID, but don't appear in the API",
  3710                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_channel_id"
  3711                    },
  3712                    "name": {
  3713                      "type": "string",
  3714                      "description": "Displayed name of channel",
  3715                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_name"
  3716                    },
  3717                    "owner_id": {
  3718                      "type": "integer",
  3719                      "format": "int32",
  3720                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_owner_id",
  3721                      "description": "owner_id integer"
  3722                    },
  3723                    "comparison_key": {
  3724                      "type": "string",
  3725                      "description": "Normalized, unique string used to compare channel names",
  3726                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_comparison_key"
  3727                    },
  3728                    "has_password": {
  3729                      "type": "boolean",
  3730                      "description": "If this is a password protected channel",
  3731                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_has_password"
  3732                    },
  3733                    "motd": {
  3734                      "type": "string",
  3735                      "description": "Message of the day for this channel",
  3736                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_motd"
  3737                    },
  3738                    "allowed": {
  3739                      "type": "array",
  3740                      "maxItems": 1000,
  3741                      "items": {
  3742                        "type": "object",
  3743                        "required": [
  3744                          "accessor_id",
  3745                          "accessor_type"
  3746                        ],
  3747                        "properties": {
  3748                          "accessor_id": {
  3749                            "type": "integer",
  3750                            "format": "int32",
  3751                            "description": "ID of an allowed channel member",
  3752                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_accessor_id"
  3753                          },
  3754                          "accessor_type": {
  3755                            "type": "string",
  3756                            "enum": [
  3757                              "character",
  3758                              "corporation",
  3759                              "alliance"
  3760                            ],
  3761                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_accessor_type",
  3762                            "description": "accessor_type string"
  3763                          }
  3764                        },
  3765                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_allowed",
  3766                        "description": "allowed object"
  3767                      },
  3768                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_allowed",
  3769                      "description": "allowed array"
  3770                    },
  3771                    "operators": {
  3772                      "type": "array",
  3773                      "maxItems": 1000,
  3774                      "items": {
  3775                        "type": "object",
  3776                        "required": [
  3777                          "accessor_id",
  3778                          "accessor_type"
  3779                        ],
  3780                        "properties": {
  3781                          "accessor_id": {
  3782                            "type": "integer",
  3783                            "format": "int32",
  3784                            "description": "ID of a channel operator",
  3785                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_accessor_id"
  3786                          },
  3787                          "accessor_type": {
  3788                            "type": "string",
  3789                            "enum": [
  3790                              "character",
  3791                              "corporation",
  3792                              "alliance"
  3793                            ],
  3794                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_accessor_type",
  3795                            "description": "accessor_type string"
  3796                          }
  3797                        },
  3798                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_operator",
  3799                        "description": "operator object"
  3800                      },
  3801                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_operators",
  3802                      "description": "operators array"
  3803                    },
  3804                    "blocked": {
  3805                      "type": "array",
  3806                      "maxItems": 1000,
  3807                      "items": {
  3808                        "type": "object",
  3809                        "required": [
  3810                          "accessor_id",
  3811                          "accessor_type"
  3812                        ],
  3813                        "properties": {
  3814                          "accessor_id": {
  3815                            "type": "integer",
  3816                            "format": "int32",
  3817                            "description": "ID of a blocked channel member",
  3818                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_accessor_id"
  3819                          },
  3820                          "accessor_type": {
  3821                            "type": "string",
  3822                            "enum": [
  3823                              "character",
  3824                              "corporation",
  3825                              "alliance"
  3826                            ],
  3827                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_accessor_type",
  3828                            "description": "accessor_type string"
  3829                          },
  3830                          "reason": {
  3831                            "type": "string",
  3832                            "description": "Reason this accessor is blocked",
  3833                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_reason"
  3834                          },
  3835                          "end_at": {
  3836                            "type": "string",
  3837                            "format": "date-time",
  3838                            "description": "Time at which this accessor will no longer be blocked",
  3839                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_end_at"
  3840                          }
  3841                        },
  3842                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_blocked",
  3843                        "description": "blocked object"
  3844                      },
  3845                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_blocked",
  3846                      "description": "blocked array"
  3847                    },
  3848                    "muted": {
  3849                      "type": "array",
  3850                      "maxItems": 1000,
  3851                      "items": {
  3852                        "type": "object",
  3853                        "required": [
  3854                          "accessor_id",
  3855                          "accessor_type"
  3856                        ],
  3857                        "properties": {
  3858                          "accessor_id": {
  3859                            "type": "integer",
  3860                            "format": "int32",
  3861                            "description": "ID of a muted channel member",
  3862                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_accessor_id"
  3863                          },
  3864                          "accessor_type": {
  3865                            "type": "string",
  3866                            "enum": [
  3867                              "character",
  3868                              "corporation",
  3869                              "alliance"
  3870                            ],
  3871                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_accessor_type",
  3872                            "description": "accessor_type string"
  3873                          },
  3874                          "reason": {
  3875                            "type": "string",
  3876                            "description": "Reason this accessor is muted",
  3877                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_reason"
  3878                          },
  3879                          "end_at": {
  3880                            "type": "string",
  3881                            "format": "date-time",
  3882                            "description": "Time at which this accessor will no longer be muted",
  3883                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_end_at"
  3884                          }
  3885                        },
  3886                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_muted",
  3887                        "description": "muted object"
  3888                      },
  3889                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_muted",
  3890                      "description": "muted array"
  3891                    }
  3892                  },
  3893                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_200_ok",
  3894                  "description": "200 ok object"
  3895                },
  3896                "title": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels_ok",
  3897                "description": "200 ok array"
  3898              },
  3899              "headers": {
  3900                "Cache-Control": {
  3901                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  3902                  "type": "string"
  3903                },
  3904                "Last-Modified": {
  3905                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  3906                  "type": "string"
  3907                },
  3908                "Expires": {
  3909                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  3910                  "type": "string"
  3911                }
  3912              }
  3913            },
  3914            "403": {
  3915              "description": "Forbidden",
  3916              "schema": {
  3917                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  3918              },
  3919              "examples": {
  3920                "application/json": {
  3921                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  3922                }
  3923              }
  3924            },
  3925            "500": {
  3926              "description": "Internal server error",
  3927              "schema": {
  3928                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  3929              },
  3930              "examples": {
  3931                "application/json": {
  3932                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  3933                }
  3934              }
  3935            }
  3936          },
  3937          "security": [
  3938            {
  3939              "evesso": [
  3940                "esi-characters.read_chat_channels.v1"
  3941              ]
  3942            }
  3943          ],
  3944          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_chat_channels",
  3945          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
  3946          "x-alternate-versions": [
  3947            "dev",
  3948            "legacy",
  3949            "v1"
  3950          ]
  3951        }
  3952      },
  3953      "/characters/{character_id}/medals/": {
  3954        "get": {
  3955          "description": "Return a list of medals the character has\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/medals/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/medals/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/medals/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  3956          "summary": "Get medals",
  3957          "tags": [
  3958            "Character"
  3959          ],
  3960          "parameters": [
  3961            {
  3962              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  3963            },
  3964            {
  3965              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  3966            },
  3967            {
  3968              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  3969            },
  3970            {
  3971              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  3972            },
  3973            {
  3974              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  3975            }
  3976          ],
  3977          "responses": {
  3978            "200": {
  3979              "description": "A list of medals",
  3980              "examples": {
  3981                "application/json": [
  3982                  {
  3983                    "medal_id": 3,
  3984                    "title": "33 tester medal",
  3985                    "description": "For 33 corp!",
  3986                    "corporation_id": 98000001,
  3987                    "issuer_id": 2112000002,
  3988                    "date": "2017-03-16T15:01:45Z",
  3989                    "reason": "Thanks!",
  3990                    "status": "private",
  3991                    "graphics": [
  3992                      {
  3993                        "part": 1,
  3994                        "layer": 0,
  3995                        "graphic": "caldari.1_1",
  3996                        "color": -1
  3997                      },
  3998                      {
  3999                        "part": 1,
  4000                        "layer": 1,
  4001                        "graphic": "caldari.1_2",
  4002                        "color": -330271
  4003                      },
  4004                      {
  4005                        "part": 2,
  4006                        "layer": 0,
  4007                        "graphic": "compass.1_2",
  4008                        "color": -1
  4009                      }
  4010                    ]
  4011                  }
  4012                ]
  4013              },
  4014              "schema": {
  4015                "type": "array",
  4016                "maxItems": 1000,
  4017                "items": {
  4018                  "type": "object",
  4019                  "required": [
  4020                    "medal_id",
  4021                    "title",
  4022                    "description",
  4023                    "corporation_id",
  4024                    "issuer_id",
  4025                    "date",
  4026                    "reason",
  4027                    "status",
  4028                    "graphics"
  4029                  ],
  4030                  "properties": {
  4031                    "medal_id": {
  4032                      "type": "integer",
  4033                      "format": "int32",
  4034                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_medal_id",
  4035                      "description": "medal_id integer"
  4036                    },
  4037                    "title": {
  4038                      "type": "string",
  4039                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_title",
  4040                      "description": "title string"
  4041                    },
  4042                    "description": {
  4043                      "type": "string",
  4044                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_description",
  4045                      "description": "description string"
  4046                    },
  4047                    "corporation_id": {
  4048                      "type": "integer",
  4049                      "format": "int32",
  4050                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_corporation_id",
  4051                      "description": "corporation_id integer"
  4052                    },
  4053                    "issuer_id": {
  4054                      "type": "integer",
  4055                      "format": "int32",
  4056                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_issuer_id",
  4057                      "description": "issuer_id integer"
  4058                    },
  4059                    "date": {
  4060                      "type": "string",
  4061                      "format": "date-time",
  4062                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_date",
  4063                      "description": "date string"
  4064                    },
  4065                    "reason": {
  4066                      "type": "string",
  4067                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_reason",
  4068                      "description": "reason string"
  4069                    },
  4070                    "status": {
  4071                      "type": "string",
  4072                      "enum": [
  4073                        "public",
  4074                        "private"
  4075                      ],
  4076                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_status",
  4077                      "description": "status string"
  4078                    },
  4079                    "graphics": {
  4080                      "type": "array",
  4081                      "minItems": 3,
  4082                      "maxItems": 9,
  4083                      "items": {
  4084                        "type": "object",
  4085                        "required": [
  4086                          "part",
  4087                          "layer",
  4088                          "graphic"
  4089                        ],
  4090                        "properties": {
  4091                          "part": {
  4092                            "type": "integer",
  4093                            "format": "int32",
  4094                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_part",
  4095                            "description": "part integer"
  4096                          },
  4097                          "layer": {
  4098                            "type": "integer",
  4099                            "format": "int32",
  4100                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_layer",
  4101                            "description": "layer integer"
  4102                          },
  4103                          "graphic": {
  4104                            "type": "string",
  4105                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_graphic",
  4106                            "description": "graphic string"
  4107                          },
  4108                          "color": {
  4109                            "type": "integer",
  4110                            "format": "int32",
  4111                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_color",
  4112                            "description": "color integer"
  4113                          }
  4114                        },
  4115                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_graphic",
  4116                        "description": "graphic object"
  4117                      },
  4118                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_graphics",
  4119                      "description": "graphics array"
  4120                    }
  4121                  },
  4122                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_200_ok",
  4123                  "description": "200 ok object"
  4124                },
  4125                "title": "get_characters_character_id_medals_ok",
  4126                "description": "200 ok array"
  4127              },
  4128              "headers": {
  4129                "Cache-Control": {
  4130                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  4131                  "type": "string"
  4132                },
  4133                "Last-Modified": {
  4134                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  4135                  "type": "string"
  4136                },
  4137                "Expires": {
  4138                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  4139                  "type": "string"
  4140                }
  4141              }
  4142            },
  4143            "403": {
  4144              "description": "Forbidden",
  4145              "schema": {
  4146                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  4147              },
  4148              "examples": {
  4149                "application/json": {
  4150                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  4151                }
  4152              }
  4153            },
  4154            "500": {
  4155              "description": "Internal server error",
  4156              "schema": {
  4157                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  4158              },
  4159              "examples": {
  4160                "application/json": {
  4161                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  4162                }
  4163              }
  4164            }
  4165          },
  4166          "security": [
  4167            {
  4168              "evesso": [
  4169                "esi-characters.read_medals.v1"
  4170              ]
  4171            }
  4172          ],
  4173          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_medals",
  4174          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  4175          "x-alternate-versions": [
  4176            "dev",
  4177            "legacy",
  4178            "v1"
  4179          ]
  4180        }
  4181      },
  4182      "/characters/{character_id}/standings/": {
  4183        "get": {
  4184          "description": "Return character standings from agents, NPC corporations, and factions\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/standings/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/standings/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/standings/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  4185          "summary": "Get standings",
  4186          "tags": [
  4187            "Character"
  4188          ],
  4189          "parameters": [
  4190            {
  4191              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  4192            },
  4193            {
  4194              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  4195            },
  4196            {
  4197              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  4198            },
  4199            {
  4200              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  4201            },
  4202            {
  4203              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  4204            }
  4205          ],
  4206          "responses": {
  4207            "200": {
  4208              "description": "A list of standings",
  4209              "examples": {
  4210                "application/json": [
  4211                  {
  4212                    "from_id": 3009841,
  4213                    "from_type": "agent",
  4214                    "standing": 0.1
  4215                  },
  4216                  {
  4217                    "from_id": 1000061,
  4218                    "from_type": "npc_corp",
  4219                    "standing": 0
  4220                  },
  4221                  {
  4222                    "from_id": 500003,
  4223                    "from_type": "faction",
  4224                    "standing": -1
  4225                  }
  4226                ]
  4227              },
  4228              "schema": {
  4229                "type": "array",
  4230                "maxItems": 10000,
  4231                "items": {
  4232                  "type": "object",
  4233                  "required": [
  4234                    "from_id",
  4235                    "from_type",
  4236                    "standing"
  4237                  ],
  4238                  "properties": {
  4239                    "from_id": {
  4240                      "type": "integer",
  4241                      "format": "int32",
  4242                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_standings_from_id",
  4243                      "description": "from_id integer"
  4244                    },
  4245                    "from_type": {
  4246                      "type": "string",
  4247                      "enum": [
  4248                        "agent",
  4249                        "npc_corp",
  4250                        "faction"
  4251                      ],
  4252                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_standings_from_type",
  4253                      "description": "from_type string"
  4254                    },
  4255                    "standing": {
  4256                      "type": "number",
  4257                      "format": "float",
  4258                      "minimum": -10,
  4259                      "maximum": 10,
  4260                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_standings_standing",
  4261                      "description": "standing number"
  4262                    }
  4263                  },
  4264                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_standings_200_ok",
  4265                  "description": "200 ok object"
  4266                },
  4267                "title": "get_characters_character_id_standings_ok",
  4268                "description": "200 ok array"
  4269              },
  4270              "headers": {
  4271                "Cache-Control": {
  4272                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  4273                  "type": "string"
  4274                },
  4275                "Last-Modified": {
  4276                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  4277                  "type": "string"
  4278                },
  4279                "Expires": {
  4280                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  4281                  "type": "string"
  4282                }
  4283              }
  4284            },
  4285            "403": {
  4286              "description": "Forbidden",
  4287              "schema": {
  4288                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  4289              },
  4290              "examples": {
  4291                "application/json": {
  4292                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  4293                }
  4294              }
  4295            },
  4296            "500": {
  4297              "description": "Internal server error",
  4298              "schema": {
  4299                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  4300              },
  4301              "examples": {
  4302                "application/json": {
  4303                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  4304                }
  4305              }
  4306            }
  4307          },
  4308          "security": [
  4309            {
  4310              "evesso": [
  4311                "esi-characters.read_standings.v1"
  4312              ]
  4313            }
  4314          ],
  4315          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_standings",
  4316          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  4317          "x-alternate-versions": [
  4318            "dev",
  4319            "legacy",
  4320            "v1"
  4321          ]
  4322        }
  4323      },
  4324      "/characters/{character_id}/agents_research/": {
  4325        "get": {
  4326          "description": "Return a list of agents research information for a character. The formula for finding the current research points with an agent is: currentPoints = remainderPoints + pointsPerDay * days(currentTime - researchStartDate)\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/agents_research/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/agents_research/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/agents_research/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  4327          "summary": "Get agents research",
  4328          "tags": [
  4329            "Character"
  4330          ],
  4331          "parameters": [
  4332            {
  4333              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  4334            },
  4335            {
  4336              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  4337            },
  4338            {
  4339              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  4340            },
  4341            {
  4342              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  4343            },
  4344            {
  4345              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  4346            }
  4347          ],
  4348          "responses": {
  4349            "200": {
  4350              "description": "A list of agents research information",
  4351              "examples": {
  4352                "application/json": [
  4353                  {
  4354                    "agent_id": 3009358,
  4355                    "skill_type_id": 11450,
  4356                    "started_at": "2017-03-23T14:47:00Z",
  4357                    "points_per_day": 53.5346162146776,
  4358                    "remainder_points": 53604.0634303189
  4359                  }
  4360                ]
  4361              },
  4362              "schema": {
  4363                "type": "array",
  4364                "maxItems": 1000,
  4365                "items": {
  4366                  "type": "object",
  4367                  "required": [
  4368                    "agent_id",
  4369                    "skill_type_id",
  4370                    "started_at",
  4371                    "points_per_day",
  4372                    "remainder_points"
  4373                  ],
  4374                  "properties": {
  4375                    "agent_id": {
  4376                      "type": "integer",
  4377                      "format": "int32",
  4378                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_agents_research_agent_id",
  4379                      "description": "agent_id integer"
  4380                    },
  4381                    "skill_type_id": {
  4382                      "type": "integer",
  4383                      "format": "int32",
  4384                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_agents_research_skill_type_id",
  4385                      "description": "skill_type_id integer"
  4386                    },
  4387                    "started_at": {
  4388                      "type": "string",
  4389                      "format": "date-time",
  4390                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_agents_research_started_at",
  4391                      "description": "started_at string"
  4392                    },
  4393                    "points_per_day": {
  4394                      "type": "number",
  4395                      "format": "float",
  4396                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_agents_research_points_per_day",
  4397                      "description": "points_per_day number"
  4398                    },
  4399                    "remainder_points": {
  4400                      "type": "number",
  4401                      "format": "float",
  4402                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_agents_research_remainder_points",
  4403                      "description": "remainder_points number"
  4404                    }
  4405                  },
  4406                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_agents_research_200_ok",
  4407                  "description": "200 ok object"
  4408                },
  4409                "title": "get_characters_character_id_agents_research_ok",
  4410                "description": "200 ok array"
  4411              },
  4412              "headers": {
  4413                "Cache-Control": {
  4414                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  4415                  "type": "string"
  4416                },
  4417                "Last-Modified": {
  4418                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  4419                  "type": "string"
  4420                },
  4421                "Expires": {
  4422                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  4423                  "type": "string"
  4424                }
  4425              }
  4426            },
  4427            "403": {
  4428              "description": "Forbidden",
  4429              "schema": {
  4430                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  4431              },
  4432              "examples": {
  4433                "application/json": {
  4434                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  4435                }
  4436              }
  4437            },
  4438            "500": {
  4439              "description": "Internal server error",
  4440              "schema": {
  4441                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  4442              },
  4443              "examples": {
  4444                "application/json": {
  4445                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  4446                }
  4447              }
  4448            }
  4449          },
  4450          "security": [
  4451            {
  4452              "evesso": [
  4453                "esi-characters.read_agents_research.v1"
  4454              ]
  4455            }
  4456          ],
  4457          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_agents_research",
  4458          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  4459          "x-alternate-versions": [
  4460            "dev",
  4461            "legacy",
  4462            "v1"
  4463          ]
  4464        }
  4465      },
  4466      "/characters/{character_id}/blueprints/": {
  4467        "get": {
  4468          "description": "Return a list of blueprints the character owns\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/blueprints/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/blueprints/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  4469          "summary": "Get blueprints",
  4470          "tags": [
  4471            "Character"
  4472          ],
  4473          "parameters": [
  4474            {
  4475              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  4476            },
  4477            {
  4478              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  4479            },
  4480            {
  4481              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
  4482            },
  4483            {
  4484              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  4485            },
  4486            {
  4487              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  4488            },
  4489            {
  4490              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  4491            }
  4492          ],
  4493          "responses": {
  4494            "200": {
  4495              "description": "A list of blueprints",
  4496              "examples": {
  4497                "application/json": [
  4498                  {
  4499                    "item_id": 1000000010495,
  4500                    "type_id": 691,
  4501                    "location_id": 60014719,
  4502                    "location_flag": "Hangar",
  4503                    "quantity": 1,
  4504                    "time_efficiency": 0,
  4505                    "material_efficiency": 0,
  4506                    "runs": -1
  4507                  }
  4508                ]
  4509              },
  4510              "schema": {
  4511                "type": "array",
  4512                "maxItems": 1000,
  4513                "items": {
  4514                  "type": "object",
  4515                  "required": [
  4516                    "item_id",
  4517                    "type_id",
  4518                    "location_id",
  4519                    "location_flag",
  4520                    "quantity",
  4521                    "time_efficiency",
  4522                    "material_efficiency",
  4523                    "runs"
  4524                  ],
  4525                  "properties": {
  4526                    "item_id": {
  4527                      "type": "integer",
  4528                      "format": "int64",
  4529                      "description": "Unique ID for this item.",
  4530                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_blueprints_item_id"
  4531                    },
  4532                    "type_id": {
  4533                      "type": "integer",
  4534                      "format": "int32",
  4535                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_blueprints_type_id",
  4536                      "description": "type_id integer"
  4537                    },
  4538                    "location_id": {
  4539                      "type": "integer",
  4540                      "format": "int64",
  4541                      "description": "References a solar system, station or item_id if this blueprint is located within a container. If the return value is an item_id, then the Character AssetList API must be queried to find the container using the given item_id to determine the correct location of the Blueprint.",
  4542                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_blueprints_location_id"
  4543                    },
  4544                    "location_flag": {
  4545                      "type": "string",
  4546                      "description": "Type of the location_id",
  4547                      "enum": [
  4548                        "AutoFit",
  4549                        "Cargo",
  4550                        "CorpseBay",
  4551                        "DroneBay",
  4552                        "FleetHangar",
  4553                        "Deliveries",
  4554                        "HiddenModifiers",
  4555                        "Hangar",
  4556                        "HangarAll",
  4557                        "LoSlot0",
  4558                        "LoSlot1",
  4559                        "LoSlot2",
  4560                        "LoSlot3",
  4561                        "LoSlot4",
  4562                        "LoSlot5",
  4563                        "LoSlot6",
  4564                        "LoSlot7",
  4565                        "MedSlot0",
  4566                        "MedSlot1",
  4567                        "MedSlot2",
  4568                        "MedSlot3",
  4569                        "MedSlot4",
  4570                        "MedSlot5",
  4571                        "MedSlot6",
  4572                        "MedSlot7",
  4573                        "HiSlot0",
  4574                        "HiSlot1",
  4575                        "HiSlot2",
  4576                        "HiSlot3",
  4577                        "HiSlot4",
  4578                        "HiSlot5",
  4579                        "HiSlot6",
  4580                        "HiSlot7",
  4581                        "AssetSafety",
  4582                        "Locked",
  4583                        "Unlocked",
  4584                        "Implant",
  4585                        "QuafeBay",
  4586                        "RigSlot0",
  4587                        "RigSlot1",
  4588                        "RigSlot2",
  4589                        "RigSlot3",
  4590                        "RigSlot4",
  4591                        "RigSlot5",
  4592                        "RigSlot6",
  4593                        "RigSlot7",
  4594                        "ShipHangar",
  4595                        "SpecializedFuelBay",
  4596                        "SpecializedOreHold",
  4597                        "SpecializedGasHold",
  4598                        "SpecializedMineralHold",
  4599                        "SpecializedSalvageHold",
  4600                        "SpecializedShipHold",
  4601                        "SpecializedSmallShipHold",
  4602                        "SpecializedMediumShipHold",
  4603                        "SpecializedLargeShipHold",
  4604                        "SpecializedIndustrialShipHold",
  4605                        "SpecializedAmmoHold",
  4606                        "SpecializedCommandCenterHold",
  4607                        "SpecializedPlanetaryCommoditiesHold",
  4608                        "SpecializedMaterialBay",
  4609                        "SubSystemSlot0",
  4610                        "SubSystemSlot1",
  4611                        "SubSystemSlot2",
  4612                        "SubSystemSlot3",
  4613                        "SubSystemSlot4",
  4614                        "SubSystemSlot5",
  4615                        "SubSystemSlot6",
  4616                        "SubSystemSlot7",
  4617                        "FighterBay",
  4618                        "FighterTube0",
  4619                        "FighterTube1",
  4620                        "FighterTube2",
  4621                        "FighterTube3",
  4622                        "FighterTube4",
  4623                        "Module"
  4624                      ],
  4625                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_blueprints_location_flag"
  4626                    },
  4627                    "quantity": {
  4628                      "type": "integer",
  4629                      "format": "int32",
  4630                      "description": "A range of numbers with a minimum of -2 and no maximum value where -1 is an original and -2 is a copy. It can be a positive integer if it is a stack of blueprint originals fresh from the market (e.g. no activities performed on them yet).",
  4631                      "minimum": -2,
  4632                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_blueprints_quantity"
  4633                    },
  4634                    "time_efficiency": {
  4635                      "type": "integer",
  4636                      "format": "int32",
  4637                      "description": "Time Efficiency Level of the blueprint.",
  4638                      "minimum": 0,
  4639                      "maximum": 20,
  4640                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_blueprints_time_efficiency"
  4641                    },
  4642                    "material_efficiency": {
  4643                      "type": "integer",
  4644                      "format": "int32",
  4645                      "description": "Material Efficiency Level of the blueprint.",
  4646                      "minimum": 0,
  4647                      "maximum": 25,
  4648                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_blueprints_material_efficiency"
  4649                    },
  4650                    "runs": {
  4651                      "type": "integer",
  4652                      "format": "int32",
  4653                      "description": "Number of runs remaining if the blueprint is a copy, -1 if it is an original.",
  4654                      "minimum": -1,
  4655                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_blueprints_runs"
  4656                    }
  4657                  },
  4658                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_blueprints_200_ok",
  4659                  "description": "200 ok object"
  4660                },
  4661                "title": "get_characters_character_id_blueprints_ok",
  4662                "description": "200 ok array"
  4663              },
  4664              "headers": {
  4665                "X-Pages": {
  4666                  "description": "Maximum page number",
  4667                  "type": "integer",
  4668                  "format": "int32",
  4669                  "default": 1
  4670                },
  4671                "Cache-Control": {
  4672                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  4673                  "type": "string"
  4674                },
  4675                "Last-Modified": {
  4676                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  4677                  "type": "string"
  4678                },
  4679                "Expires": {
  4680                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  4681                  "type": "string"
  4682                }
  4683              }
  4684            },
  4685            "403": {
  4686              "description": "Forbidden",
  4687              "schema": {
  4688                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  4689              },
  4690              "examples": {
  4691                "application/json": {
  4692                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  4693                }
  4694              }
  4695            },
  4696            "500": {
  4697              "description": "Internal server error",
  4698              "schema": {
  4699                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  4700              },
  4701              "examples": {
  4702                "application/json": {
  4703                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  4704                }
  4705              }
  4706            }
  4707          },
  4708          "security": [
  4709            {
  4710              "evesso": [
  4711                "esi-characters.read_blueprints.v1"
  4712              ]
  4713            }
  4714          ],
  4715          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_blueprints",
  4716          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  4717          "x-alternate-versions": [
  4718            "dev",
  4719            "v2"
  4720          ]
  4721        }
  4722      },
  4723      "/characters/{character_id}/fatigue/": {
  4724        "get": {
  4725          "description": "Return a character's jump activation and fatigue information\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/fatigue/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/fatigue/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/fatigue/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
  4726          "summary": "Get jump fatigue",
  4727          "tags": [
  4728            "Character"
  4729          ],
  4730          "parameters": [
  4731            {
  4732              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  4733            },
  4734            {
  4735              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  4736            },
  4737            {
  4738              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  4739            },
  4740            {
  4741              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  4742            },
  4743            {
  4744              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  4745            }
  4746          ],
  4747          "responses": {
  4748            "200": {
  4749              "description": "Jump activation and fatigue information",
  4750              "examples": {
  4751                "application/json": {
  4752                  "last_jump_date": "2017-07-05T15:47:00Z",
  4753                  "jump_fatigue_expire_date": "2017-07-06T15:47:00Z",
  4754                  "last_update_date": "2017-07-05T15:42:00Z"
  4755                }
  4756              },
  4757              "schema": {
  4758                "type": "object",
  4759                "properties": {
  4760                  "last_jump_date": {
  4761                    "type": "string",
  4762                    "format": "date-time",
  4763                    "description": "Character's last jump activation",
  4764                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_fatigue_last_jump_date"
  4765                  },
  4766                  "jump_fatigue_expire_date": {
  4767                    "type": "string",
  4768                    "format": "date-time",
  4769                    "description": "Character's jump fatigue expiry",
  4770                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_fatigue_jump_fatigue_expire_date"
  4771                  },
  4772                  "last_update_date": {
  4773                    "type": "string",
  4774                    "format": "date-time",
  4775                    "description": "Character's last jump update",
  4776                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_fatigue_last_update_date"
  4777                  }
  4778                },
  4779                "title": "get_characters_character_id_fatigue_ok",
  4780                "description": "200 ok object"
  4781              },
  4782              "headers": {
  4783                "Cache-Control": {
  4784                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  4785                  "type": "string"
  4786                },
  4787                "Last-Modified": {
  4788                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  4789                  "type": "string"
  4790                },
  4791                "Expires": {
  4792                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  4793                  "type": "string"
  4794                }
  4795              }
  4796            },
  4797            "403": {
  4798              "description": "Forbidden",
  4799              "schema": {
  4800                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  4801              },
  4802              "examples": {
  4803                "application/json": {
  4804                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  4805                }
  4806              }
  4807            },
  4808            "500": {
  4809              "description": "Internal server error",
  4810              "schema": {
  4811                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  4812              },
  4813              "examples": {
  4814                "application/json": {
  4815                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  4816                }
  4817              }
  4818            }
  4819          },
  4820          "security": [
  4821            {
  4822              "evesso": [
  4823                "esi-characters.read_fatigue.v1"
  4824              ]
  4825            }
  4826          ],
  4827          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_fatigue",
  4828          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
  4829          "x-alternate-versions": [
  4830            "dev",
  4831            "legacy",
  4832            "v1"
  4833          ]
  4834        }
  4835      },
  4836      "/characters/{character_id}/notifications/contacts/": {
  4837        "get": {
  4838          "description": "Return notifications about having been added to someone's contact list\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/notifications/contacts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/notifications/contacts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/notifications/contacts/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 600 seconds",
  4839          "summary": "Get new contact notifications",
  4840          "tags": [
  4841            "Character"
  4842          ],
  4843          "parameters": [
  4844            {
  4845              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  4846            },
  4847            {
  4848              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  4849            },
  4850            {
  4851              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  4852            },
  4853            {
  4854              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  4855            },
  4856            {
  4857              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  4858            }
  4859          ],
  4860          "responses": {
  4861            "200": {
  4862              "description": "A list of contact notifications",
  4863              "examples": {
  4864                "application/json": [
  4865                  {
  4866                    "notification_id": 1,
  4867                    "sender_character_id": 95465499,
  4868                    "send_date": "2017-08-16T10:08:00Z",
  4869                    "standing_level": 1.5,
  4870                    "message": "hello friend :3"
  4871                  }
  4872                ]
  4873              },
  4874              "schema": {
  4875                "type": "array",
  4876                "maxItems": 50,
  4877                "items": {
  4878                  "type": "object",
  4879                  "required": [
  4880                    "notification_id",
  4881                    "send_date",
  4882                    "standing_level",
  4883                    "message",
  4884                    "sender_character_id"
  4885                  ],
  4886                  "properties": {
  4887                    "notification_id": {
  4888                      "type": "integer",
  4889                      "format": "int32",
  4890                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_contacts_notification_id",
  4891                      "description": "notification_id integer"
  4892                    },
  4893                    "send_date": {
  4894                      "type": "string",
  4895                      "format": "date-time",
  4896                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_contacts_send_date",
  4897                      "description": "send_date string"
  4898                    },
  4899                    "standing_level": {
  4900                      "description": "A number representing the standing level the receiver has been added at by the sender. The standing levels are as follows: -10 -> Terrible | -5 -> Bad |  0 -> Neutral |  5 -> Good |  10 -> Excellent",
  4901                      "type": "number",
  4902                      "format": "float",
  4903                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_contacts_standing_level"
  4904                    },
  4905                    "message": {
  4906                      "type": "string",
  4907                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_contacts_message",
  4908                      "description": "message string"
  4909                    },
  4910                    "sender_character_id": {
  4911                      "type": "integer",
  4912                      "format": "int32",
  4913                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_contacts_sender_character_id",
  4914                      "description": "sender_character_id integer"
  4915                    }
  4916                  },
  4917                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_contacts_200_ok",
  4918                  "description": "200 ok object"
  4919                },
  4920                "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_contacts_ok",
  4921                "description": "200 ok array"
  4922              },
  4923              "headers": {
  4924                "Cache-Control": {
  4925                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  4926                  "type": "string"
  4927                },
  4928                "Last-Modified": {
  4929                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  4930                  "type": "string"
  4931                },
  4932                "Expires": {
  4933                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  4934                  "type": "string"
  4935                }
  4936              }
  4937            },
  4938            "403": {
  4939              "description": "Forbidden",
  4940              "schema": {
  4941                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  4942              },
  4943              "examples": {
  4944                "application/json": {
  4945                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  4946                }
  4947              }
  4948            },
  4949            "500": {
  4950              "description": "Internal server error",
  4951              "schema": {
  4952                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  4953              },
  4954              "examples": {
  4955                "application/json": {
  4956                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  4957                }
  4958              }
  4959            }
  4960          },
  4961          "security": [
  4962            {
  4963              "evesso": [
  4964                "esi-characters.read_notifications.v1"
  4965              ]
  4966            }
  4967          ],
  4968          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_contacts",
  4969          "x-cached-seconds": 600,
  4970          "x-alternate-versions": [
  4971            "dev",
  4972            "legacy",
  4973            "v1"
  4974          ]
  4975        }
  4976      },
  4977      "/characters/{character_id}/notifications/": {
  4978        "get": {
  4979          "description": "Return character notifications\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/notifications/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/notifications/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 600 seconds\n\n---\n[This route has an available update]({character_id}/notifications/)",
  4980          "summary": "Get character notifications",
  4981          "tags": [
  4982            "Character"
  4983          ],
  4984          "parameters": [
  4985            {
  4986              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  4987            },
  4988            {
  4989              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  4990            },
  4991            {
  4992              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  4993            },
  4994            {
  4995              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  4996            },
  4997            {
  4998              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  4999            }
  5000          ],
  5001          "responses": {
  5002            "200": {
  5003              "description": "Returns your recent notifications",
  5004              "examples": {
  5005                "application/json": [
  5006                  {
  5007                    "notification_id": 1,
  5008                    "type": "InsurancePayoutMsg",
  5009                    "sender_id": 1000132,
  5010                    "sender_type": "corporation",
  5011                    "timestamp": "2017-08-16T10:08:00Z",
  5012                    "is_read": true,
  5013                    "text": "amount: 3731016.4000000004\nitemID: 1024881021663\npayout: 1\n"
  5014                  }
  5015                ]
  5016              },
  5017              "schema": {
  5018                "type": "array",
  5019                "maxItems": 500,
  5020                "items": {
  5021                  "type": "object",
  5022                  "required": [
  5023                    "notification_id",
  5024                    "type",
  5025                    "sender_id",
  5026                    "sender_type",
  5027                    "timestamp"
  5028                  ],
  5029                  "properties": {
  5030                    "notification_id": {
  5031                      "type": "integer",
  5032                      "format": "int64",
  5033                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_notification_id",
  5034                      "description": "notification_id integer"
  5035                    },
  5036                    "sender_id": {
  5037                      "type": "integer",
  5038                      "format": "int32",
  5039                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_sender_id",
  5040                      "description": "sender_id integer"
  5041                    },
  5042                    "sender_type": {
  5043                      "type": "string",
  5044                      "enum": [
  5045                        "character",
  5046                        "corporation",
  5047                        "alliance",
  5048                        "faction",
  5049                        "other"
  5050                      ],
  5051                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_sender_type",
  5052                      "description": "sender_type string"
  5053                    },
  5054                    "timestamp": {
  5055                      "type": "string",
  5056                      "format": "date-time",
  5057                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_timestamp",
  5058                      "description": "timestamp string"
  5059                    },
  5060                    "is_read": {
  5061                      "type": "boolean",
  5062                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_is_read",
  5063                      "description": "is_read boolean"
  5064                    },
  5065                    "text": {
  5066                      "type": "string",
  5067                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_text",
  5068                      "description": "text string"
  5069                    },
  5070                    "type": {
  5071                      "type": "string",
  5072                      "enum": [
  5073                        "AcceptedAlly",
  5074                        "AcceptedSurrender",
  5075                        "AllAnchoringMsg",
  5076                        "AllMaintenanceBillMsg",
  5077                        "AllStrucInvulnerableMsg",
  5078                        "AllStructVulnerableMsg",
  5079                        "AllWarCorpJoinedAllianceMsg",
  5080                        "AllWarDeclaredMsg",
  5081                        "AllWarInvalidatedMsg",
  5082                        "AllWarRetractedMsg",
  5083                        "AllWarSurrenderMsg",
  5084                        "AllianceCapitalChanged",
  5085                        "AllyContractCancelled",
  5086                        "AllyJoinedWarAggressorMsg",
  5087                        "AllyJoinedWarAllyMsg",
  5088                        "AllyJoinedWarDefenderMsg",
  5089                        "BattlePunishFriendlyFire",
  5090                        "BillOutOfMoneyMsg",
  5091                        "BillPaidCorpAllMsg",
  5092                        "BountyClaimMsg",
  5093                        "BountyESSShared",
  5094                        "BountyESSTaken",
  5095                        "BountyPlacedAlliance",
  5096                        "BountyPlacedChar",
  5097                        "BountyPlacedCorp",
  5098                        "BountyYourBountyClaimed",
  5099                        "BuddyConnectContactAdd",
  5100                        "CharAppAcceptMsg",
  5101                        "CharAppRejectMsg",
  5102                        "CharAppWithdrawMsg",
  5103                        "CharLeftCorpMsg",
  5104                        "CharMedalMsg",
  5105                        "CharTerminationMsg",
  5106                        "CloneActivationMsg",
  5107                        "CloneActivationMsg2",
  5108                        "CloneMovedMsg",
  5109                        "CloneRevokedMsg1",
  5110                        "CloneRevokedMsg2",
  5111                        "ContactAdd",
  5112                        "ContactEdit",
  5113                        "ContainerPasswordMsg",
  5114                        "CorpAllBillMsg",
  5115                        "CorpAppAcceptMsg",
  5116                        "CorpAppInvitedMsg",
  5117                        "CorpAppNewMsg",
  5118                        "CorpAppRejectCustomMsg",
  5119                        "CorpAppRejectMsg",
  5120                        "CorpDividendMsg",
  5121                        "CorpFriendlyFireDisableTimerCompleted",
  5122                        "CorpFriendlyFireDisableTimerStarted",
  5123                        "CorpFriendlyFireEnableTimerCompleted",
  5124                        "CorpFriendlyFireEnableTimerStarted",
  5125                        "CorpKicked",
  5126                        "CorpLiquidationMsg",
  5127                        "CorpNewCEOMsg",
  5128                        "CorpNewsMsg",
  5129                        "CorpOfficeExpirationMsg",
  5130                        "CorpStructLostMsg",
  5131                        "CorpTaxChangeMsg",
  5132                        "CorpVoteCEORevokedMsg",
  5133                        "CorpVoteMsg",
  5134                        "CorpWarDeclaredMsg",
  5135                        "CorpWarFightingLegalMsg",
  5136                        "CorpWarInvalidatedMsg",
  5137                        "CorpWarRetractedMsg",
  5138                        "CorpWarSurrenderMsg",
  5139                        "CustomsMsg",
  5140                        "DeclareWar",
  5141                        "DistrictAttacked",
  5142                        "DustAppAcceptedMsg",
  5143                        "EntosisCaptureStarted",
  5144                        "FWAllianceKickMsg",
  5145                        "FWAllianceWarningMsg",
  5146                        "FWCharKickMsg",
  5147                        "FWCharRankGainMsg",
  5148                        "FWCharRankLossMsg",
  5149                        "FWCharWarningMsg",
  5150                        "FWCorpJoinMsg",
  5151                        "FWCorpKickMsg",
  5152                        "FWCorpLeaveMsg",
  5153                        "FWCorpWarningMsg",
  5154                        "FacWarCorpJoinRequestMsg",
  5155                        "FacWarCorpJoinWithdrawMsg",
  5156                        "FacWarCorpLeaveRequestMsg",
  5157                        "FacWarCorpLeaveWithdrawMsg",
  5158                        "FacWarLPDisqualifiedEvent",
  5159                        "FacWarLPDisqualifiedKill",
  5160                        "FacWarLPPayoutEvent",
  5161                        "FacWarLPPayoutKill",
  5162                        "GameTimeAdded",
  5163                        "GameTimeReceived",
  5164                        "GameTimeSent",
  5165                        "GiftReceived",
  5166                        "IHubDestroyedByBillFailure",
  5167                        "IncursionCompletedMsg",
  5168                        "IndustryTeamAuctionLost",
  5169                        "IndustryTeamAuctionWon",
  5170                        "InfrastructureHubBillAboutToExpire",
  5171                        "InsuranceExpirationMsg",
  5172                        "InsuranceFirstShipMsg",
  5173                        "InsuranceInvalidatedMsg",
  5174                        "InsuranceIssuedMsg",
  5175                        "InsurancePayoutMsg",
  5176                        "JumpCloneDeletedMsg1",
  5177                        "JumpCloneDeletedMsg2",
  5178                        "KillReportFinalBlow",
  5179                        "KillReportVictim",
  5180                        "KillRightAvailable",
  5181                        "KillRightAvailableOpen",
  5182                        "KillRightEarned",
  5183                        "KillRightUnavailable",
  5184                        "KillRightUnavailableOpen",
  5185                        "KillRightUsed",
  5186                        "LocateCharMsg",
  5187                        "MadeWarMutual",
  5188                        "MercOfferedNegotiationMsg",
  5189                        "MissionOfferExpirationMsg",
  5190                        "MissionTimeoutMsg",
  5191                        "MoonminingAutomaticFracture",
  5192                        "MoonminingExtractionCancelled",
  5193                        "MoonminingExtractionFinished",
  5194                        "MoonminingLaserFired",
  5195                        "NPCStandingsGained",
  5196                        "NPCStandingsLost",
  5197                        "OfferedSurrender",
  5198                        "OfferedToAlly",
  5199                        "OldLscMessages",
  5200                        "OperationFinished",
  5201                        "OrbitalAttacked",
  5202                        "OrbitalReinforced",
  5203                        "OwnershipTransferred",
  5204                        "ReimbursementMsg",
  5205                        "ResearchMissionAvailableMsg",
  5206                        "RetractsWar",
  5207                        "SeasonalChallengeCompleted",
  5208                        "SovAllClaimAquiredMsg",
  5209                        "SovAllClaimLostMsg",
  5210                        "SovCommandNodeEventStarted",
  5211                        "SovCorpBillLateMsg",
  5212                        "SovCorpClaimFailMsg",
  5213                        "SovDisruptorMsg",
  5214                        "SovStationEnteredFreeport",
  5215                        "SovStructureDestroyed",
  5216                        "SovStructureReinforced",
  5217                        "SovStructureSelfDestructCancel",
  5218                        "SovStructureSelfDestructFinished",
  5219                        "SovStructureSelfDestructRequested",
  5220                        "SovereigntyIHDamageMsg",
  5221                        "SovereigntySBUDamageMsg",
  5222                        "SovereigntyTCUDamageMsg",
  5223                        "StationAggressionMsg1",
  5224                        "StationAggressionMsg2",
  5225                        "StationConquerMsg",
  5226                        "StationServiceDisabled",
  5227                        "StationServiceEnabled",
  5228                        "StationStateChangeMsg",
  5229                        "StoryLineMissionAvailableMsg",
  5230                        "StructureAnchoring",
  5231                        "StructureCourierContractChanged",
  5232                        "StructureDestroyed",
  5233                        "StructureFuelAlert",
  5234                        "StructureItemsDelivered",
  5235                        "StructureLostArmor",
  5236                        "StructureLostShields",
  5237                        "StructureOnline",
  5238                        "StructureServicesOffline",
  5239                        "StructureUnanchoring",
  5240                        "StructureUnderAttack",
  5241                        "TowerAlertMsg",
  5242                        "TowerResourceAlertMsg",
  5243                        "TransactionReversalMsg",
  5244                        "TutorialMsg",
  5245                        "WarAllyOfferDeclinedMsg",
  5246                        "WarSurrenderDeclinedMsg",
  5247                        "WarSurrenderOfferMsg",
  5248                        "notificationTypeMoonminingExtractionStarted"
  5249                      ],
  5250                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_type",
  5251                      "description": "type string"
  5252                    }
  5253                  },
  5254                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_200_ok",
  5255                  "description": "200 ok object"
  5256                },
  5257                "title": "get_characters_character_id_notifications_ok",
  5258                "description": "200 ok array"
  5259              },
  5260              "headers": {
  5261                "Cache-Control": {
  5262                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  5263                  "type": "string"
  5264                },
  5265                "Last-Modified": {
  5266                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  5267                  "type": "string"
  5268                },
  5269                "Expires": {
  5270                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  5271                  "type": "string"
  5272                }
  5273              }
  5274            },
  5275            "403": {
  5276              "description": "Forbidden",
  5277              "schema": {
  5278                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  5279              },
  5280              "examples": {
  5281                "application/json": {
  5282                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  5283                }
  5284              }
  5285            },
  5286            "500": {
  5287              "description": "Internal server error",
  5288              "schema": {
  5289                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  5290              },
  5291              "examples": {
  5292                "application/json": {
  5293                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  5294                }
  5295              }
  5296            }
  5297          },
  5298          "security": [
  5299            {
  5300              "evesso": [
  5301                "esi-characters.read_notifications.v1"
  5302              ]
  5303            }
  5304          ],
  5305          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_notifications",
  5306          "x-cached-seconds": 600,
  5307          "x-alternate-versions": [
  5308            "legacy",
  5309            "v1"
  5310          ]
  5311        }
  5312      },
  5313      "/characters/{character_id}/roles/": {
  5314        "get": {
  5315          "description": "Returns a character's corporation roles\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/roles/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/roles/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  5316          "summary": "Get character corporation roles",
  5317          "tags": [
  5318            "Character"
  5319          ],
  5320          "parameters": [
  5321            {
  5322              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  5323            },
  5324            {
  5325              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  5326            },
  5327            {
  5328              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  5329            },
  5330            {
  5331              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  5332            },
  5333            {
  5334              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  5335            }
  5336          ],
  5337          "responses": {
  5338            "200": {
  5339              "description": "The character's roles in thier corporation",
  5340              "examples": {
  5341                "application/json": {
  5342                  "roles": [
  5343                    "Director",
  5344                    "Station_Manager"
  5345                  ]
  5346                }
  5347              },
  5348              "schema": {
  5349                "type": "object",
  5350                "properties": {
  5351                  "roles": {
  5352                    "type": "array",
  5353                    "maxItems": 50,
  5354                    "items": {
  5355                      "type": "string",
  5356                      "uniqueItems": true,
  5357                      "enum": [
  5358                        "Account_Take_1",
  5359                        "Account_Take_2",
  5360                        "Account_Take_3",
  5361                        "Account_Take_4",
  5362                        "Account_Take_5",
  5363                        "Account_Take_6",
  5364                        "Account_Take_7",
  5365                        "Accountant",
  5366                        "Auditor",
  5367                        "Communications_Officer",
  5368                        "Config_Equipment",
  5369                        "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
  5370                        "Container_Take_1",
  5371                        "Container_Take_2",
  5372                        "Container_Take_3",
  5373                        "Container_Take_4",
  5374                        "Container_Take_5",
  5375                        "Container_Take_6",
  5376                        "Container_Take_7",
  5377                        "Contract_Manager",
  5378                        "Diplomat",
  5379                        "Director",
  5380                        "Factory_Manager",
  5381                        "Fitting_Manager",
  5382                        "Hangar_Query_1",
  5383                        "Hangar_Query_2",
  5384                        "Hangar_Query_3",
  5385                        "Hangar_Query_4",
  5386                        "Hangar_Query_5",
  5387                        "Hangar_Query_6",
  5388                        "Hangar_Query_7",
  5389                        "Hangar_Take_1",
  5390                        "Hangar_Take_2",
  5391                        "Hangar_Take_3",
  5392                        "Hangar_Take_4",
  5393                        "Hangar_Take_5",
  5394                        "Hangar_Take_6",
  5395                        "Hangar_Take_7",
  5396                        "Junior_Accountant",
  5397                        "Personnel_Manager",
  5398                        "Rent_Factory_Facility",
  5399                        "Rent_Office",
  5400                        "Rent_Research_Facility",
  5401                        "Security_Officer",
  5402                        "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
  5403                        "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
  5404                        "Station_Manager",
  5405                        "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
  5406                        "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
  5407                        "Trader"
  5408                      ],
  5409                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_roles_role",
  5410                      "description": "role string"
  5411                    },
  5412                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_roles_roles",
  5413                    "description": "roles array"
  5414                  },
  5415                  "roles_at_hq": {
  5416                    "type": "array",
  5417                    "maxItems": 50,
  5418                    "items": {
  5419                      "type": "string",
  5420                      "uniqueItems": true,
  5421                      "enum": [
  5422                        "Account_Take_1",
  5423                        "Account_Take_2",
  5424                        "Account_Take_3",
  5425                        "Account_Take_4",
  5426                        "Account_Take_5",
  5427                        "Account_Take_6",
  5428                        "Account_Take_7",
  5429                        "Accountant",
  5430                        "Auditor",
  5431                        "Communications_Officer",
  5432                        "Config_Equipment",
  5433                        "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
  5434                        "Container_Take_1",
  5435                        "Container_Take_2",
  5436                        "Container_Take_3",
  5437                        "Container_Take_4",
  5438                        "Container_Take_5",
  5439                        "Container_Take_6",
  5440                        "Container_Take_7",
  5441                        "Contract_Manager",
  5442                        "Diplomat",
  5443                        "Director",
  5444                        "Factory_Manager",
  5445                        "Fitting_Manager",
  5446                        "Hangar_Query_1",
  5447                        "Hangar_Query_2",
  5448                        "Hangar_Query_3",
  5449                        "Hangar_Query_4",
  5450                        "Hangar_Query_5",
  5451                        "Hangar_Query_6",
  5452                        "Hangar_Query_7",
  5453                        "Hangar_Take_1",
  5454                        "Hangar_Take_2",
  5455                        "Hangar_Take_3",
  5456                        "Hangar_Take_4",
  5457                        "Hangar_Take_5",
  5458                        "Hangar_Take_6",
  5459                        "Hangar_Take_7",
  5460                        "Junior_Accountant",
  5461                        "Personnel_Manager",
  5462                        "Rent_Factory_Facility",
  5463                        "Rent_Office",
  5464                        "Rent_Research_Facility",
  5465                        "Security_Officer",
  5466                        "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
  5467                        "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
  5468                        "Station_Manager",
  5469                        "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
  5470                        "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
  5471                        "Trader"
  5472                      ],
  5473                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_roles_roles_at_hq",
  5474                      "description": "roles_at_hq string"
  5475                    },
  5476                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_roles_roles_at_hq",
  5477                    "description": "roles_at_hq array"
  5478                  },
  5479                  "roles_at_base": {
  5480                    "type": "array",
  5481                    "maxItems": 50,
  5482                    "items": {
  5483                      "type": "string",
  5484                      "uniqueItems": true,
  5485                      "enum": [
  5486                        "Account_Take_1",
  5487                        "Account_Take_2",
  5488                        "Account_Take_3",
  5489                        "Account_Take_4",
  5490                        "Account_Take_5",
  5491                        "Account_Take_6",
  5492                        "Account_Take_7",
  5493                        "Accountant",
  5494                        "Auditor",
  5495                        "Communications_Officer",
  5496                        "Config_Equipment",
  5497                        "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
  5498                        "Container_Take_1",
  5499                        "Container_Take_2",
  5500                        "Container_Take_3",
  5501                        "Container_Take_4",
  5502                        "Container_Take_5",
  5503                        "Container_Take_6",
  5504                        "Container_Take_7",
  5505                        "Contract_Manager",
  5506                        "Diplomat",
  5507                        "Director",
  5508                        "Factory_Manager",
  5509                        "Fitting_Manager",
  5510                        "Hangar_Query_1",
  5511                        "Hangar_Query_2",
  5512                        "Hangar_Query_3",
  5513                        "Hangar_Query_4",
  5514                        "Hangar_Query_5",
  5515                        "Hangar_Query_6",
  5516                        "Hangar_Query_7",
  5517                        "Hangar_Take_1",
  5518                        "Hangar_Take_2",
  5519                        "Hangar_Take_3",
  5520                        "Hangar_Take_4",
  5521                        "Hangar_Take_5",
  5522                        "Hangar_Take_6",
  5523                        "Hangar_Take_7",
  5524                        "Junior_Accountant",
  5525                        "Personnel_Manager",
  5526                        "Rent_Factory_Facility",
  5527                        "Rent_Office",
  5528                        "Rent_Research_Facility",
  5529                        "Security_Officer",
  5530                        "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
  5531                        "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
  5532                        "Station_Manager",
  5533                        "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
  5534                        "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
  5535                        "Trader"
  5536                      ],
  5537                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_roles_roles_at_base",
  5538                      "description": "roles_at_base string"
  5539                    },
  5540                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_roles_roles_at_base",
  5541                    "description": "roles_at_base array"
  5542                  },
  5543                  "roles_at_other": {
  5544                    "type": "array",
  5545                    "maxItems": 50,
  5546                    "items": {
  5547                      "type": "string",
  5548                      "uniqueItems": true,
  5549                      "enum": [
  5550                        "Account_Take_1",
  5551                        "Account_Take_2",
  5552                        "Account_Take_3",
  5553                        "Account_Take_4",
  5554                        "Account_Take_5",
  5555                        "Account_Take_6",
  5556                        "Account_Take_7",
  5557                        "Accountant",
  5558                        "Auditor",
  5559                        "Communications_Officer",
  5560                        "Config_Equipment",
  5561                        "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
  5562                        "Container_Take_1",
  5563                        "Container_Take_2",
  5564                        "Container_Take_3",
  5565                        "Container_Take_4",
  5566                        "Container_Take_5",
  5567                        "Container_Take_6",
  5568                        "Container_Take_7",
  5569                        "Contract_Manager",
  5570                        "Diplomat",
  5571                        "Director",
  5572                        "Factory_Manager",
  5573                        "Fitting_Manager",
  5574                        "Hangar_Query_1",
  5575                        "Hangar_Query_2",
  5576                        "Hangar_Query_3",
  5577                        "Hangar_Query_4",
  5578                        "Hangar_Query_5",
  5579                        "Hangar_Query_6",
  5580                        "Hangar_Query_7",
  5581                        "Hangar_Take_1",
  5582                        "Hangar_Take_2",
  5583                        "Hangar_Take_3",
  5584                        "Hangar_Take_4",
  5585                        "Hangar_Take_5",
  5586                        "Hangar_Take_6",
  5587                        "Hangar_Take_7",
  5588                        "Junior_Accountant",
  5589                        "Personnel_Manager",
  5590                        "Rent_Factory_Facility",
  5591                        "Rent_Office",
  5592                        "Rent_Research_Facility",
  5593                        "Security_Officer",
  5594                        "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
  5595                        "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
  5596                        "Station_Manager",
  5597                        "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
  5598                        "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
  5599                        "Trader"
  5600                      ],
  5601                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_roles_roles_at_other",
  5602                      "description": "roles_at_other string"
  5603                    },
  5604                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_roles_roles_at_other",
  5605                    "description": "roles_at_other array"
  5606                  }
  5607                },
  5608                "title": "get_characters_character_id_roles_ok",
  5609                "description": "200 ok object"
  5610              },
  5611              "headers": {
  5612                "Cache-Control": {
  5613                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  5614                  "type": "string"
  5615                },
  5616                "Last-Modified": {
  5617                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  5618                  "type": "string"
  5619                },
  5620                "Expires": {
  5621                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  5622                  "type": "string"
  5623                }
  5624              }
  5625            },
  5626            "403": {
  5627              "description": "Forbidden",
  5628              "schema": {
  5629                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  5630              },
  5631              "examples": {
  5632                "application/json": {
  5633                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  5634                }
  5635              }
  5636            },
  5637            "500": {
  5638              "description": "Internal server error",
  5639              "schema": {
  5640                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  5641              },
  5642              "examples": {
  5643                "application/json": {
  5644                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  5645                }
  5646              }
  5647            }
  5648          },
  5649          "security": [
  5650            {
  5651              "evesso": [
  5652                "esi-characters.read_corporation_roles.v1"
  5653              ]
  5654            }
  5655          ],
  5656          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_roles",
  5657          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  5658          "x-alternate-versions": [
  5659            "dev",
  5660            "v2"
  5661          ]
  5662        }
  5663      },
  5664      "/characters/{character_id}/titles/": {
  5665        "get": {
  5666          "description": "Returns a character's titles\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/titles/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/titles/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/titles/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  5667          "summary": "Get character corporation titles",
  5668          "tags": [
  5669            "Character"
  5670          ],
  5671          "parameters": [
  5672            {
  5673              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  5674            },
  5675            {
  5676              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  5677            },
  5678            {
  5679              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  5680            },
  5681            {
  5682              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  5683            },
  5684            {
  5685              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  5686            }
  5687          ],
  5688          "responses": {
  5689            "200": {
  5690              "description": "A list of titles",
  5691              "examples": {
  5692                "application/json": [
  5693                  {
  5694                    "title_id": 1,
  5695                    "name": "Awesome Title"
  5696                  }
  5697                ]
  5698              },
  5699              "schema": {
  5700                "type": "array",
  5701                "maxItems": 16,
  5702                "items": {
  5703                  "type": "object",
  5704                  "properties": {
  5705                    "title_id": {
  5706                      "type": "integer",
  5707                      "format": "int32",
  5708                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_titles_title_id",
  5709                      "description": "title_id integer"
  5710                    },
  5711                    "name": {
  5712                      "type": "string",
  5713                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_titles_name",
  5714                      "description": "name string"
  5715                    }
  5716                  },
  5717                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_titles_200_ok",
  5718                  "description": "200 ok object"
  5719                },
  5720                "title": "get_characters_character_id_titles_ok",
  5721                "description": "200 ok array"
  5722              },
  5723              "headers": {
  5724                "Cache-Control": {
  5725                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  5726                  "type": "string"
  5727                },
  5728                "Last-Modified": {
  5729                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  5730                  "type": "string"
  5731                },
  5732                "Expires": {
  5733                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  5734                  "type": "string"
  5735                }
  5736              }
  5737            },
  5738            "403": {
  5739              "description": "Forbidden",
  5740              "schema": {
  5741                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  5742              },
  5743              "examples": {
  5744                "application/json": {
  5745                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  5746                }
  5747              }
  5748            },
  5749            "500": {
  5750              "description": "Internal server error",
  5751              "schema": {
  5752                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  5753              },
  5754              "examples": {
  5755                "application/json": {
  5756                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  5757                }
  5758              }
  5759            }
  5760          },
  5761          "security": [
  5762            {
  5763              "evesso": [
  5764                "esi-characters.read_titles.v1"
  5765              ]
  5766            }
  5767          ],
  5768          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_titles",
  5769          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  5770          "x-alternate-versions": [
  5771            "dev",
  5772            "legacy",
  5773            "v1"
  5774          ]
  5775        }
  5776      },
  5777      "/characters/{character_id}/stats/": {
  5778        "get": {
  5779          "description": "Returns aggregate yearly stats for a character\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/stats/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/stats/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 86400 seconds",
  5780          "summary": "Yearly aggregate stats",
  5781          "tags": [
  5782            "Character"
  5783          ],
  5784          "parameters": [
  5785            {
  5786              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  5787            },
  5788            {
  5789              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  5790            },
  5791            {
  5792              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  5793            },
  5794            {
  5795              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  5796            },
  5797            {
  5798              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  5799            }
  5800          ],
  5801          "responses": {
  5802            "200": {
  5803              "description": "Character stats",
  5804              "examples": {
  5805                "application/json": [
  5806                  {
  5807                    "year": 2014,
  5808                    "character": {
  5809                      "days_of_activity": 365,
  5810                      "minutes": 1000000,
  5811                      "sessions_started": 500
  5812                    },
  5813                    "combat": {
  5814                      "kills_low_sec": 42
  5815                    }
  5816                  },
  5817                  {
  5818                    "year": 2015,
  5819                    "character": {
  5820                      "days_of_activity": 365,
  5821                      "minutes": 1000000,
  5822                      "sessions_started": 500
  5823                    },
  5824                    "combat": {
  5825                      "kills_null_sec": 1337
  5826                    }
  5827                  }
  5828                ]
  5829              },
  5830              "schema": {
  5831                "type": "array",
  5832                "description": "List of character aggregate stats",
  5833                "maxItems": 1000,
  5834                "items": {
  5835                  "type": "object",
  5836                  "description": "Aggregate stats for a year",
  5837                  "required": [
  5838                    "year"
  5839                  ],
  5840                  "properties": {
  5841                    "year": {
  5842                      "type": "integer",
  5843                      "format": "int32",
  5844                      "description": "Gregorian year for this set of aggregates",
  5845                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_year"
  5846                    },
  5847                    "character": {
  5848                      "type": "object",
  5849                      "properties": {
  5850                        "days_of_activity": {
  5851                          "type": "integer",
  5852                          "format": "int64",
  5853                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_days_of_activity",
  5854                          "description": "days_of_activity integer"
  5855                        },
  5856                        "minutes": {
  5857                          "type": "integer",
  5858                          "format": "int64",
  5859                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_minutes",
  5860                          "description": "minutes integer"
  5861                        },
  5862                        "sessions_started": {
  5863                          "type": "integer",
  5864                          "format": "int64",
  5865                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_sessions_started",
  5866                          "description": "sessions_started integer"
  5867                        }
  5868                      },
  5869                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_character",
  5870                      "description": "character object"
  5871                    },
  5872                    "combat": {
  5873                      "type": "object",
  5874                      "properties": {
  5875                        "cap_drainedby_npc": {
  5876                          "type": "integer",
  5877                          "format": "int64",
  5878                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_cap_drainedby_npc",
  5879                          "description": "cap_drainedby_npc integer"
  5880                        },
  5881                        "cap_drainedby_pc": {
  5882                          "type": "integer",
  5883                          "format": "int64",
  5884                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_cap_drainedby_pc",
  5885                          "description": "cap_drainedby_pc integer"
  5886                        },
  5887                        "cap_draining_pc": {
  5888                          "type": "integer",
  5889                          "format": "int64",
  5890                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_cap_draining_pc",
  5891                          "description": "cap_draining_pc integer"
  5892                        },
  5893                        "criminal_flag_set": {
  5894                          "type": "integer",
  5895                          "format": "int64",
  5896                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_criminal_flag_set",
  5897                          "description": "criminal_flag_set integer"
  5898                        },
  5899                        "damage_from_np_cs_amount": {
  5900                          "type": "integer",
  5901                          "format": "int64",
  5902                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_np_cs_amount",
  5903                          "description": "damage_from_np_cs_amount integer"
  5904                        },
  5905                        "damage_from_np_cs_num_shots": {
  5906                          "type": "integer",
  5907                          "format": "int64",
  5908                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_np_cs_num_shots",
  5909                          "description": "damage_from_np_cs_num_shots integer"
  5910                        },
  5911                        "damage_from_players_bomb_amount": {
  5912                          "type": "integer",
  5913                          "format": "int64",
  5914                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_bomb_amount",
  5915                          "description": "damage_from_players_bomb_amount integer"
  5916                        },
  5917                        "damage_from_players_bomb_num_shots": {
  5918                          "type": "integer",
  5919                          "format": "int64",
  5920                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_bomb_num_shots",
  5921                          "description": "damage_from_players_bomb_num_shots integer"
  5922                        },
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  5925                          "format": "int64",
  5926                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_combat_drone_amount",
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  5928                        },
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  5931                          "format": "int64",
  5932                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_combat_drone_num_shots",
  5933                          "description": "damage_from_players_combat_drone_num_shots integer"
  5934                        },
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  5937                          "format": "int64",
  5938                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_energy_amount",
  5939                          "description": "damage_from_players_energy_amount integer"
  5940                        },
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  5942                          "type": "integer",
  5943                          "format": "int64",
  5944                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_energy_num_shots",
  5945                          "description": "damage_from_players_energy_num_shots integer"
  5946                        },
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  5948                          "type": "integer",
  5949                          "format": "int64",
  5950                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_fighter_bomber_amount",
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  5955                          "format": "int64",
  5956                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_fighter_bomber_num_shots",
  5957                          "description": "damage_from_players_fighter_bomber_num_shots integer"
  5958                        },
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  5961                          "format": "int64",
  5962                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_fighter_drone_amount",
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  5964                        },
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  5967                          "format": "int64",
  5968                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_fighter_drone_num_shots",
  5969                          "description": "damage_from_players_fighter_drone_num_shots integer"
  5970                        },
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  5973                          "format": "int64",
  5974                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_hybrid_amount",
  5975                          "description": "damage_from_players_hybrid_amount integer"
  5976                        },
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  5978                          "type": "integer",
  5979                          "format": "int64",
  5980                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_hybrid_num_shots",
  5981                          "description": "damage_from_players_hybrid_num_shots integer"
  5982                        },
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  5984                          "type": "integer",
  5985                          "format": "int64",
  5986                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_missile_amount",
  5987                          "description": "damage_from_players_missile_amount integer"
  5988                        },
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  5991                          "format": "int64",
  5992                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_missile_num_shots",
  5993                          "description": "damage_from_players_missile_num_shots integer"
  5994                        },
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  5996                          "type": "integer",
  5997                          "format": "int64",
  5998                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_projectile_amount",
  5999                          "description": "damage_from_players_projectile_amount integer"
  6000                        },
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  6002                          "type": "integer",
  6003                          "format": "int64",
  6004                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_projectile_num_shots",
  6005                          "description": "damage_from_players_projectile_num_shots integer"
  6006                        },
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  6008                          "type": "integer",
  6009                          "format": "int64",
  6010                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_smart_bomb_amount",
  6011                          "description": "damage_from_players_smart_bomb_amount integer"
  6012                        },
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  6015                          "format": "int64",
  6016                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_smart_bomb_num_shots",
  6017                          "description": "damage_from_players_smart_bomb_num_shots integer"
  6018                        },
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  6021                          "format": "int64",
  6022                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_super_amount",
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  6024                        },
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  6027                          "format": "int64",
  6028                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_players_super_num_shots",
  6029                          "description": "damage_from_players_super_num_shots integer"
  6030                        },
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  6032                          "type": "integer",
  6033                          "format": "int64",
  6034                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_structures_total_amount",
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  6036                        },
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  6038                          "type": "integer",
  6039                          "format": "int64",
  6040                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_from_structures_total_num_shots",
  6041                          "description": "damage_from_structures_total_num_shots integer"
  6042                        },
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  6044                          "type": "integer",
  6045                          "format": "int64",
  6046                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_to_players_bomb_amount",
  6047                          "description": "damage_to_players_bomb_amount integer"
  6048                        },
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  6050                          "type": "integer",
  6051                          "format": "int64",
  6052                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_to_players_bomb_num_shots",
  6053                          "description": "damage_to_players_bomb_num_shots integer"
  6054                        },
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  6056                          "type": "integer",
  6057                          "format": "int64",
  6058                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_to_players_combat_drone_amount",
  6059                          "description": "damage_to_players_combat_drone_amount integer"
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  6063                          "format": "int64",
  6064                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_to_players_combat_drone_num_shots",
  6065                          "description": "damage_to_players_combat_drone_num_shots integer"
  6066                        },
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  6068                          "type": "integer",
  6069                          "format": "int64",
  6070                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_to_players_energy_amount",
  6071                          "description": "damage_to_players_energy_amount integer"
  6072                        },
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  6075                          "format": "int64",
  6076                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_to_players_energy_num_shots",
  6077                          "description": "damage_to_players_energy_num_shots integer"
  6078                        },
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  6080                          "type": "integer",
  6081                          "format": "int64",
  6082                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_to_players_fighter_bomber_amount",
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  6084                        },
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  6087                          "format": "int64",
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  6089                          "description": "damage_to_players_fighter_bomber_num_shots integer"
  6090                        },
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  6093                          "format": "int64",
  6094                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_to_players_fighter_drone_amount",
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  6096                        },
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  6099                          "format": "int64",
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  6102                        },
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  6108                        },
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  6112                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_damage_to_players_hybrid_num_shots",
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  6114                        },
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  6120                        },
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  6126                        },
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  6138                        },
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  6150                        },
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  6162                        },
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  6174                        },
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  6180                        },
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  6186                        },
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  6210                        },
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  6216                        },
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  6222                        },
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  6240                        },
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  6300                        },
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  6306                        },
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  6312                        },
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  6318                        },
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  6861                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_ore_kernite",
  6862                          "description": "ore_kernite integer"
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  6867                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_ore_mercoxit",
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  6873                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_ore_omber",
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  6875                        },
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  6878                          "format": "int64",
  6879                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_ore_plagioclase",
  6880                          "description": "ore_plagioclase integer"
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  6897                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_ore_spodumain",
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  6903                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_ore_veldspar",
  6904                          "description": "ore_veldspar integer"
  6905                        }
  6906                      },
  6907                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_mining",
  6908                      "description": "mining object"
  6909                    },
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  6911                      "type": "object",
  6912                      "properties": {
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  6916                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_activations_armor_hardener",
  6917                          "description": "activations_armor_hardener integer"
  6918                        },
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  6927                          "format": "int64",
  6928                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_activations_armor_resistance_shift_hardener",
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  6930                        },
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  6933                          "format": "int64",
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  6939                          "format": "int64",
  6940                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_activations_bastion",
  6941                          "description": "activations_bastion integer"
  6942                        },
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  6945                          "format": "int64",
  6946                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_activations_bomb_launcher",
  6947                          "description": "activations_bomb_launcher integer"
  6948                        },
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  6952                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_activations_capacitor_booster",
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  6954                        },
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  6957                          "format": "int64",
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  6960                        },
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  6966                        },
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  6972                        },
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  6976                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_activations_cynosural_field",
  6977                          "description": "activations_cynosural_field integer"
  6978                        },
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  6981                          "format": "int64",
  6982                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_activations_damage_control",
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  7006                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_activations_eccm",
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  7008                        },
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  7018                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_activations_ecm_burst",
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  7020                        },
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  7038                        },
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  7044                        },
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  7050                        },
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  7062                        },
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  7068                        },
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  7074                        },
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  7080                        },
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  7086                        },
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  7092                        },
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  7098                        },
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  7104                        },
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  7110                        },
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  7140                        },
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  7146                        },
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  7236                        },
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  7266                        },
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  7290                        },
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  7302                        },
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  7314                        },
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  7327                      },
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  7338                          "description": "strike_characters_killed integer"
  7339                        },
  7340                        "strike_damage_to_players_armor_amount": {
  7341                          "type": "integer",
  7342                          "format": "int64",
  7343                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_strike_damage_to_players_armor_amount",
  7344                          "description": "strike_damage_to_players_armor_amount integer"
  7345                        },
  7346                        "strike_damage_to_players_shield_amount": {
  7347                          "type": "integer",
  7348                          "format": "int64",
  7349                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_strike_damage_to_players_shield_amount",
  7350                          "description": "strike_damage_to_players_shield_amount integer"
  7351                        }
  7352                      },
  7353                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_orbital",
  7354                      "description": "orbital object"
  7355                    },
  7356                    "pve": {
  7357                      "type": "object",
  7358                      "properties": {
  7359                        "dungeons_completed_agent": {
  7360                          "type": "integer",
  7361                          "format": "int64",
  7362                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_dungeons_completed_agent",
  7363                          "description": "dungeons_completed_agent integer"
  7364                        },
  7365                        "dungeons_completed_distribution": {
  7366                          "type": "integer",
  7367                          "format": "int64",
  7368                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_dungeons_completed_distribution",
  7369                          "description": "dungeons_completed_distribution integer"
  7370                        },
  7371                        "missions_succeeded": {
  7372                          "type": "integer",
  7373                          "format": "int64",
  7374                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_missions_succeeded",
  7375                          "description": "missions_succeeded integer"
  7376                        },
  7377                        "missions_succeeded_epic_arc": {
  7378                          "type": "integer",
  7379                          "format": "int64",
  7380                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_missions_succeeded_epic_arc",
  7381                          "description": "missions_succeeded_epic_arc integer"
  7382                        }
  7383                      },
  7384                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_pve",
  7385                      "description": "pve object"
  7386                    },
  7387                    "social": {
  7388                      "type": "object",
  7389                      "properties": {
  7390                        "add_contact_bad": {
  7391                          "type": "integer",
  7392                          "format": "int64",
  7393                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_add_contact_bad",
  7394                          "description": "add_contact_bad integer"
  7395                        },
  7396                        "add_contact_good": {
  7397                          "type": "integer",
  7398                          "format": "int64",
  7399                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_add_contact_good",
  7400                          "description": "add_contact_good integer"
  7401                        },
  7402                        "add_contact_high": {
  7403                          "type": "integer",
  7404                          "format": "int64",
  7405                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_add_contact_high",
  7406                          "description": "add_contact_high integer"
  7407                        },
  7408                        "add_contact_horrible": {
  7409                          "type": "integer",
  7410                          "format": "int64",
  7411                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_add_contact_horrible",
  7412                          "description": "add_contact_horrible integer"
  7413                        },
  7414                        "add_contact_neutral": {
  7415                          "type": "integer",
  7416                          "format": "int64",
  7417                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_add_contact_neutral",
  7418                          "description": "add_contact_neutral integer"
  7419                        },
  7420                        "add_note": {
  7421                          "type": "integer",
  7422                          "format": "int64",
  7423                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_add_note",
  7424                          "description": "add_note integer"
  7425                        },
  7426                        "added_as_contact_bad": {
  7427                          "type": "integer",
  7428                          "format": "int64",
  7429                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_added_as_contact_bad",
  7430                          "description": "added_as_contact_bad integer"
  7431                        },
  7432                        "added_as_contact_good": {
  7433                          "type": "integer",
  7434                          "format": "int64",
  7435                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_added_as_contact_good",
  7436                          "description": "added_as_contact_good integer"
  7437                        },
  7438                        "added_as_contact_high": {
  7439                          "type": "integer",
  7440                          "format": "int64",
  7441                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_added_as_contact_high",
  7442                          "description": "added_as_contact_high integer"
  7443                        },
  7444                        "added_as_contact_horrible": {
  7445                          "type": "integer",
  7446                          "format": "int64",
  7447                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_added_as_contact_horrible",
  7448                          "description": "added_as_contact_horrible integer"
  7449                        },
  7450                        "added_as_contact_neutral": {
  7451                          "type": "integer",
  7452                          "format": "int64",
  7453                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_added_as_contact_neutral",
  7454                          "description": "added_as_contact_neutral integer"
  7455                        },
  7456                        "calendar_event_created": {
  7457                          "type": "integer",
  7458                          "format": "int64",
  7459                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_calendar_event_created",
  7460                          "description": "calendar_event_created integer"
  7461                        },
  7462                        "chat_messages_alliance": {
  7463                          "type": "integer",
  7464                          "format": "int64",
  7465                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_chat_messages_alliance",
  7466                          "description": "chat_messages_alliance integer"
  7467                        },
  7468                        "chat_messages_constellation": {
  7469                          "type": "integer",
  7470                          "format": "int64",
  7471                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_chat_messages_constellation",
  7472                          "description": "chat_messages_constellation integer"
  7473                        },
  7474                        "chat_messages_corporation": {
  7475                          "type": "integer",
  7476                          "format": "int64",
  7477                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_chat_messages_corporation",
  7478                          "description": "chat_messages_corporation integer"
  7479                        },
  7480                        "chat_messages_fleet": {
  7481                          "type": "integer",
  7482                          "format": "int64",
  7483                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_chat_messages_fleet",
  7484                          "description": "chat_messages_fleet integer"
  7485                        },
  7486                        "chat_messages_region": {
  7487                          "type": "integer",
  7488                          "format": "int64",
  7489                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_chat_messages_region",
  7490                          "description": "chat_messages_region integer"
  7491                        },
  7492                        "chat_messages_solarsystem": {
  7493                          "type": "integer",
  7494                          "format": "int64",
  7495                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_chat_messages_solarsystem",
  7496                          "description": "chat_messages_solarsystem integer"
  7497                        },
  7498                        "chat_messages_warfaction": {
  7499                          "type": "integer",
  7500                          "format": "int64",
  7501                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_chat_messages_warfaction",
  7502                          "description": "chat_messages_warfaction integer"
  7503                        },
  7504                        "chat_total_message_length": {
  7505                          "type": "integer",
  7506                          "format": "int64",
  7507                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_chat_total_message_length",
  7508                          "description": "chat_total_message_length integer"
  7509                        },
  7510                        "direct_trades": {
  7511                          "type": "integer",
  7512                          "format": "int64",
  7513                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_direct_trades",
  7514                          "description": "direct_trades integer"
  7515                        },
  7516                        "fleet_broadcasts": {
  7517                          "type": "integer",
  7518                          "format": "int64",
  7519                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_fleet_broadcasts",
  7520                          "description": "fleet_broadcasts integer"
  7521                        },
  7522                        "fleet_joins": {
  7523                          "type": "integer",
  7524                          "format": "int64",
  7525                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_fleet_joins",
  7526                          "description": "fleet_joins integer"
  7527                        },
  7528                        "mails_received": {
  7529                          "type": "integer",
  7530                          "format": "int64",
  7531                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_mails_received",
  7532                          "description": "mails_received integer"
  7533                        },
  7534                        "mails_sent": {
  7535                          "type": "integer",
  7536                          "format": "int64",
  7537                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_mails_sent",
  7538                          "description": "mails_sent integer"
  7539                        }
  7540                      },
  7541                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_social",
  7542                      "description": "social object"
  7543                    },
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  7545                      "type": "object",
  7546                      "properties": {
  7547                        "acceleration_gate_activations": {
  7548                          "type": "integer",
  7549                          "format": "int64",
  7550                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_acceleration_gate_activations",
  7551                          "description": "acceleration_gate_activations integer"
  7552                        },
  7553                        "align_to": {
  7554                          "type": "integer",
  7555                          "format": "int64",
  7556                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_align_to",
  7557                          "description": "align_to integer"
  7558                        },
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  7560                          "type": "integer",
  7561                          "format": "int64",
  7562                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_distance_warped_high_sec",
  7563                          "description": "distance_warped_high_sec integer"
  7564                        },
  7565                        "distance_warped_low_sec": {
  7566                          "type": "integer",
  7567                          "format": "int64",
  7568                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_distance_warped_low_sec",
  7569                          "description": "distance_warped_low_sec integer"
  7570                        },
  7571                        "distance_warped_null_sec": {
  7572                          "type": "integer",
  7573                          "format": "int64",
  7574                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_distance_warped_null_sec",
  7575                          "description": "distance_warped_null_sec integer"
  7576                        },
  7577                        "distance_warped_wormhole": {
  7578                          "type": "integer",
  7579                          "format": "int64",
  7580                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_distance_warped_wormhole",
  7581                          "description": "distance_warped_wormhole integer"
  7582                        },
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  7584                          "type": "integer",
  7585                          "format": "int64",
  7586                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_docks_high_sec",
  7587                          "description": "docks_high_sec integer"
  7588                        },
  7589                        "docks_low_sec": {
  7590                          "type": "integer",
  7591                          "format": "int64",
  7592                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_docks_low_sec",
  7593                          "description": "docks_low_sec integer"
  7594                        },
  7595                        "docks_null_sec": {
  7596                          "type": "integer",
  7597                          "format": "int64",
  7598                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_docks_null_sec",
  7599                          "description": "docks_null_sec integer"
  7600                        },
  7601                        "jumps_stargate_high_sec": {
  7602                          "type": "integer",
  7603                          "format": "int64",
  7604                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_jumps_stargate_high_sec",
  7605                          "description": "jumps_stargate_high_sec integer"
  7606                        },
  7607                        "jumps_stargate_low_sec": {
  7608                          "type": "integer",
  7609                          "format": "int64",
  7610                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_jumps_stargate_low_sec",
  7611                          "description": "jumps_stargate_low_sec integer"
  7612                        },
  7613                        "jumps_stargate_null_sec": {
  7614                          "type": "integer",
  7615                          "format": "int64",
  7616                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_jumps_stargate_null_sec",
  7617                          "description": "jumps_stargate_null_sec integer"
  7618                        },
  7619                        "jumps_wormhole": {
  7620                          "type": "integer",
  7621                          "format": "int64",
  7622                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_jumps_wormhole",
  7623                          "description": "jumps_wormhole integer"
  7624                        },
  7625                        "warps_high_sec": {
  7626                          "type": "integer",
  7627                          "format": "int64",
  7628                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_warps_high_sec",
  7629                          "description": "warps_high_sec integer"
  7630                        },
  7631                        "warps_low_sec": {
  7632                          "type": "integer",
  7633                          "format": "int64",
  7634                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_warps_low_sec",
  7635                          "description": "warps_low_sec integer"
  7636                        },
  7637                        "warps_null_sec": {
  7638                          "type": "integer",
  7639                          "format": "int64",
  7640                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_warps_null_sec",
  7641                          "description": "warps_null_sec integer"
  7642                        },
  7643                        "warps_to_bookmark": {
  7644                          "type": "integer",
  7645                          "format": "int64",
  7646                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_warps_to_bookmark",
  7647                          "description": "warps_to_bookmark integer"
  7648                        },
  7649                        "warps_to_celestial": {
  7650                          "type": "integer",
  7651                          "format": "int64",
  7652                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_warps_to_celestial",
  7653                          "description": "warps_to_celestial integer"
  7654                        },
  7655                        "warps_to_fleet_member": {
  7656                          "type": "integer",
  7657                          "format": "int64",
  7658                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_warps_to_fleet_member",
  7659                          "description": "warps_to_fleet_member integer"
  7660                        },
  7661                        "warps_to_scan_result": {
  7662                          "type": "integer",
  7663                          "format": "int64",
  7664                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_warps_to_scan_result",
  7665                          "description": "warps_to_scan_result integer"
  7666                        },
  7667                        "warps_wormhole": {
  7668                          "type": "integer",
  7669                          "format": "int64",
  7670                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_warps_wormhole",
  7671                          "description": "warps_wormhole integer"
  7672                        }
  7673                      },
  7674                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_travel",
  7675                      "description": "travel object"
  7676                    }
  7677                  },
  7678                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_200_ok"
  7679                },
  7680                "title": "get_characters_character_id_stats_ok"
  7681              },
  7682              "headers": {
  7683                "Cache-Control": {
  7684                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  7685                  "type": "string"
  7686                },
  7687                "Last-Modified": {
  7688                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  7689                  "type": "string"
  7690                },
  7691                "Expires": {
  7692                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  7693                  "type": "string"
  7694                }
  7695              }
  7696            },
  7697            "403": {
  7698              "description": "Forbidden",
  7699              "schema": {
  7700                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  7701              },
  7702              "examples": {
  7703                "application/json": {
  7704                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  7705                }
  7706              }
  7707            },
  7708            "500": {
  7709              "description": "Internal server error",
  7710              "schema": {
  7711                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  7712              },
  7713              "examples": {
  7714                "application/json": {
  7715                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  7716                }
  7717              }
  7718            }
  7719          },
  7720          "security": [
  7721            {
  7722              "evesso": [
  7723                ""
  7724              ]
  7725            }
  7726          ],
  7727          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_stats",
  7728          "x-cached-seconds": 86400,
  7729          "x-alternate-versions": [
  7730            "dev",
  7731            "v2"
  7732          ]
  7733        }
  7734      },
  7735      "/characters/{character_id}/clones/": {
  7736        "get": {
  7737          "description": "A list of the character's clones\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/clones/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v3/characters/{character_id}/clones/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 120 seconds",
  7738          "summary": "Get clones",
  7739          "tags": [
  7740            "Clones"
  7741          ],
  7742          "parameters": [
  7743            {
  7744              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  7745            },
  7746            {
  7747              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  7748            },
  7749            {
  7750              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  7751            },
  7752            {
  7753              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  7754            },
  7755            {
  7756              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  7757            }
  7758          ],
  7759          "responses": {
  7760            "200": {
  7761              "description": "Clone information for the given character",
  7762              "examples": {
  7763                "application/json": {
  7764                  "home_location": {
  7765                    "location_id": 1021348135816,
  7766                    "location_type": "structure"
  7767                  },
  7768                  "jump_clones": [
  7769                    {
  7770                      "jump_clone_id": 12345,
  7771                      "location_id": 60003463,
  7772                      "location_type": "station",
  7773                      "implants": [
  7774                        22118
  7775                      ]
  7776                    }
  7777                  ]
  7778                }
  7779              },
  7780              "schema": {
  7781                "type": "object",
  7782                "required": [
  7783                  "jump_clones"
  7784                ],
  7785                "properties": {
  7786                  "last_clone_jump_date": {
  7787                    "type": "string",
  7788                    "format": "date-time",
  7789                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_clones_last_clone_jump_date",
  7790                    "description": "last_clone_jump_date string"
  7791                  },
  7792                  "home_location": {
  7793                    "type": "object",
  7794                    "properties": {
  7795                      "location_id": {
  7796                        "type": "integer",
  7797                        "format": "int64",
  7798                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_clones_location_id",
  7799                        "description": "location_id integer"
  7800                      },
  7801                      "location_type": {
  7802                        "type": "string",
  7803                        "enum": [
  7804                          "station",
  7805                          "structure"
  7806                        ],
  7807                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_clones_location_type",
  7808                        "description": "location_type string"
  7809                      }
  7810                    },
  7811                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_clones_home_location",
  7812                    "description": "home_location object"
  7813                  },
  7814                  "last_station_change_date": {
  7815                    "type": "string",
  7816                    "format": "date-time",
  7817                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_clones_last_station_change_date",
  7818                    "description": "last_station_change_date string"
  7819                  },
  7820                  "jump_clones": {
  7821                    "type": "array",
  7822                    "maxItems": 10,
  7823                    "items": {
  7824                      "type": "object",
  7825                      "required": [
  7826                        "jump_clone_id",
  7827                        "location_id",
  7828                        "location_type",
  7829                        "implants"
  7830                      ],
  7831                      "properties": {
  7832                        "jump_clone_id": {
  7833                          "type": "integer",
  7834                          "format": "int32",
  7835                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_clones_jump_clone_id",
  7836                          "description": "jump_clone_id integer"
  7837                        },
  7838                        "name": {
  7839                          "type": "string",
  7840                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_clones_name",
  7841                          "description": "name string"
  7842                        },
  7843                        "location_id": {
  7844                          "type": "integer",
  7845                          "format": "int64",
  7846                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_clones_location_id",
  7847                          "description": "location_id integer"
  7848                        },
  7849                        "location_type": {
  7850                          "type": "string",
  7851                          "enum": [
  7852                            "station",
  7853                            "structure"
  7854                          ],
  7855                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_clones_location_type",
  7856                          "description": "location_type string"
  7857                        },
  7858                        "implants": {
  7859                          "type": "array",
  7860                          "maxItems": 11,
  7861                          "items": {
  7862                            "type": "integer",
  7863                            "format": "int32",
  7864                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_clones_implant",
  7865                            "description": "implant integer"
  7866                          },
  7867                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_clones_implants",
  7868                          "description": "implants array"
  7869                        }
  7870                      },
  7871                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_clones_jump_clone",
  7872                      "description": "jump_clone object"
  7873                    },
  7874                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_clones_jump_clones",
  7875                    "description": "jump_clones array"
  7876                  }
  7877                },
  7878                "title": "get_characters_character_id_clones_ok",
  7879                "description": "200 ok object"
  7880              },
  7881              "headers": {
  7882                "Cache-Control": {
  7883                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  7884                  "type": "string"
  7885                },
  7886                "Last-Modified": {
  7887                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  7888                  "type": "string"
  7889                },
  7890                "Expires": {
  7891                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  7892                  "type": "string"
  7893                }
  7894              }
  7895            },
  7896            "403": {
  7897              "description": "Forbidden",
  7898              "schema": {
  7899                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  7900              },
  7901              "examples": {
  7902                "application/json": {
  7903                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  7904                }
  7905              }
  7906            },
  7907            "500": {
  7908              "description": "Internal server error",
  7909              "schema": {
  7910                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  7911              },
  7912              "examples": {
  7913                "application/json": {
  7914                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  7915                }
  7916              }
  7917            }
  7918          },
  7919          "security": [
  7920            {
  7921              "evesso": [
  7922                "esi-clones.read_clones.v1"
  7923              ]
  7924            }
  7925          ],
  7926          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_clones",
  7927          "x-cached-seconds": 120,
  7928          "x-alternate-versions": [
  7929            "dev",
  7930            "v3"
  7931          ]
  7932        }
  7933      },
  7934      "/characters/{character_id}/implants/": {
  7935        "get": {
  7936          "description": "Return implants on the active clone of a character\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/implants/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/implants/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/implants/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
  7937          "summary": "Get active implants",
  7938          "tags": [
  7939            "Clones"
  7940          ],
  7941          "parameters": [
  7942            {
  7943              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  7944            },
  7945            {
  7946              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  7947            },
  7948            {
  7949              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  7950            },
  7951            {
  7952              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  7953            },
  7954            {
  7955              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  7956            }
  7957          ],
  7958          "responses": {
  7959            "200": {
  7960              "description": "A list of implant type ids",
  7961              "examples": {
  7962                "application/json": [
  7963                  1,
  7964                  2,
  7965                  3
  7966                ]
  7967              },
  7968              "schema": {
  7969                "type": "array",
  7970                "maxItems": 11,
  7971                "items": {
  7972                  "type": "integer",
  7973                  "format": "int32",
  7974                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_implants_200_ok",
  7975                  "description": "200 ok integer"
  7976                },
  7977                "title": "get_characters_character_id_implants_ok",
  7978                "description": "200 ok array"
  7979              },
  7980              "headers": {
  7981                "Cache-Control": {
  7982                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  7983                  "type": "string"
  7984                },
  7985                "Last-Modified": {
  7986                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  7987                  "type": "string"
  7988                },
  7989                "Expires": {
  7990                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  7991                  "type": "string"
  7992                }
  7993              }
  7994            },
  7995            "403": {
  7996              "description": "Forbidden",
  7997              "schema": {
  7998                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  7999              },
  8000              "examples": {
  8001                "application/json": {
  8002                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  8003                }
  8004              }
  8005            },
  8006            "500": {
  8007              "description": "Internal server error",
  8008              "schema": {
  8009                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  8010              },
  8011              "examples": {
  8012                "application/json": {
  8013                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  8014                }
  8015              }
  8016            }
  8017          },
  8018          "security": [
  8019            {
  8020              "evesso": [
  8021                "esi-clones.read_implants.v1"
  8022              ]
  8023            }
  8024          ],
  8025          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_implants",
  8026          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
  8027          "x-alternate-versions": [
  8028            "dev",
  8029            "legacy",
  8030            "v1"
  8031          ]
  8032        }
  8033      },
  8034      "/characters/{character_id}/contacts/": {
  8035        "delete": {
  8036          "description": "Bulk delete contacts\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`\n",
  8037          "summary": "Delete contacts",
  8038          "tags": [
  8039            "Contacts"
  8040          ],
  8041          "parameters": [
  8042            {
  8043              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  8044            },
  8045            {
  8046              "name": "contact_ids",
  8047              "in": "query",
  8048              "description": "A list of contacts to delete",
  8049              "required": true,
  8050              "type": "array",
  8051              "minItems": 1,
  8052              "maxItems": 20,
  8053              "items": {
  8054                "type": "integer",
  8055                "format": "int32"
  8056              }
  8057            },
  8058            {
  8059              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  8060            },
  8061            {
  8062              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  8063            },
  8064            {
  8065              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  8066            },
  8067            {
  8068              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  8069            }
  8070          ],
  8071          "responses": {
  8072            "204": {
  8073              "description": "Contacts deleted"
  8074            },
  8075            "403": {
  8076              "description": "Forbidden",
  8077              "schema": {
  8078                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  8079              },
  8080              "examples": {
  8081                "application/json": {
  8082                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  8083                }
  8084              }
  8085            },
  8086            "500": {
  8087              "description": "Internal server error",
  8088              "schema": {
  8089                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  8090              },
  8091              "examples": {
  8092                "application/json": {
  8093                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  8094                }
  8095              }
  8096            }
  8097          },
  8098          "security": [
  8099            {
  8100              "evesso": [
  8101                "esi-characters.write_contacts.v1"
  8102              ]
  8103            }
  8104          ],
  8105          "operationId": "delete_characters_character_id_contacts",
  8106          "x-alternate-versions": [
  8107            "dev",
  8108            "v2"
  8109          ]
  8110        },
  8111        "get": {
  8112          "description": "Return contacts of a character\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
  8113          "summary": "Get contacts",
  8114          "tags": [
  8115            "Contacts"
  8116          ],
  8117          "parameters": [
  8118            {
  8119              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  8120            },
  8121            {
  8122              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  8123            },
  8124            {
  8125              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
  8126            },
  8127            {
  8128              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  8129            },
  8130            {
  8131              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  8132            },
  8133            {
  8134              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  8135            }
  8136          ],
  8137          "responses": {
  8138            "200": {
  8139              "description": "A list of contacts",
  8140              "examples": {
  8141                "application/json": [
  8142                  {
  8143                    "standing": 9.9,
  8144                    "contact_type": "character",
  8145                    "contact_id": 123,
  8146                    "is_watched": true,
  8147                    "is_blocked": true
  8148                  }
  8149                ]
  8150              },
  8151              "schema": {
  8152                "type": "array",
  8153                "maxItems": 1024,
  8154                "items": {
  8155                  "type": "object",
  8156                  "required": [
  8157                    "standing",
  8158                    "contact_type",
  8159                    "contact_id"
  8160                  ],
  8161                  "properties": {
  8162                    "standing": {
  8163                      "type": "number",
  8164                      "format": "float",
  8165                      "description": "Standing of the contact",
  8166                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contacts_standing"
  8167                    },
  8168                    "contact_type": {
  8169                      "type": "string",
  8170                      "enum": [
  8171                        "character",
  8172                        "corporation",
  8173                        "alliance",
  8174                        "faction"
  8175                      ],
  8176                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contacts_contact_type",
  8177                      "description": "contact_type string"
  8178                    },
  8179                    "contact_id": {
  8180                      "type": "integer",
  8181                      "format": "int32",
  8182                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contacts_contact_id",
  8183                      "description": "contact_id integer"
  8184                    },
  8185                    "is_watched": {
  8186                      "type": "boolean",
  8187                      "description": "Whether this contact is being watched",
  8188                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contacts_is_watched"
  8189                    },
  8190                    "is_blocked": {
  8191                      "type": "boolean",
  8192                      "description": "Whether this contact is in the blocked list. Note a missing value denotes unknown, not true or false",
  8193                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contacts_is_blocked"
  8194                    },
  8195                    "label_id": {
  8196                      "type": "integer",
  8197                      "format": "int64",
  8198                      "description": "Custom label of the contact",
  8199                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contacts_label_id"
  8200                    }
  8201                  },
  8202                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_contacts_200_ok",
  8203                  "description": "200 ok object"
  8204                },
  8205                "title": "get_characters_character_id_contacts_ok",
  8206                "description": "200 ok array"
  8207              },
  8208              "headers": {
  8209                "X-Pages": {
  8210                  "description": "Maximum page number",
  8211                  "type": "integer",
  8212                  "format": "int32",
  8213                  "default": 1
  8214                },
  8215                "Cache-Control": {
  8216                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  8217                  "type": "string"
  8218                },
  8219                "Last-Modified": {
  8220                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  8221                  "type": "string"
  8222                },
  8223                "Expires": {
  8224                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  8225                  "type": "string"
  8226                }
  8227              }
  8228            },
  8229            "403": {
  8230              "description": "Forbidden",
  8231              "schema": {
  8232                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  8233              },
  8234              "examples": {
  8235                "application/json": {
  8236                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  8237                }
  8238              }
  8239            },
  8240            "500": {
  8241              "description": "Internal server error",
  8242              "schema": {
  8243                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  8244              },
  8245              "examples": {
  8246                "application/json": {
  8247                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  8248                }
  8249              }
  8250            }
  8251          },
  8252          "security": [
  8253            {
  8254              "evesso": [
  8255                "esi-characters.read_contacts.v1"
  8256              ]
  8257            }
  8258          ],
  8259          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_contacts",
  8260          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
  8261          "x-alternate-versions": [
  8262            "dev",
  8263            "legacy",
  8264            "v1"
  8265          ]
  8266        },
  8267        "post": {
  8268          "description": "Bulk add contacts with same settings\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`\n",
  8269          "summary": "Add contacts",
  8270          "tags": [
  8271            "Contacts"
  8272          ],
  8273          "parameters": [
  8274            {
  8275              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  8276            },
  8277            {
  8278              "name": "contact_ids",
  8279              "in": "body",
  8280              "description": "A list of contacts to add",
  8281              "required": true,
  8282              "schema": {
  8283                "type": "array",
  8284                "minItems": 1,
  8285                "maxItems": 100,
  8286                "items": {
  8287                  "type": "integer",
  8288                  "format": "int32",
  8289                  "description": "ID of the contact to add",
  8290                  "title": "post_characters_character_id_contacts_contact_id"
  8291                },
  8292                "title": "post_characters_character_id_contacts_contact_ids",
  8293                "description": "contact_ids array"
  8294              }
  8295            },
  8296            {
  8297              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  8298            },
  8299            {
  8300              "name": "label_id",
  8301              "in": "query",
  8302              "description": "Add a custom label to the new contact",
  8303              "required": false,
  8304              "type": "integer",
  8305              "format": "int64",
  8306              "default": 0
  8307            },
  8308            {
  8309              "name": "standing",
  8310              "in": "query",
  8311              "description": "Standing for the new contact",
  8312              "required": true,
  8313              "type": "number",
  8314              "format": "float",
  8315              "minimum": -10,
  8316              "maximum": 10
  8317            },
  8318            {
  8319              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  8320            },
  8321            {
  8322              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  8323            },
  8324            {
  8325              "name": "watched",
  8326              "in": "query",
  8327              "description": "Whether the new contact should be watched, note this is only effective on characters",
  8328              "required": false,
  8329              "type": "boolean",
  8330              "default": false
  8331            },
  8332            {
  8333              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  8334            }
  8335          ],
  8336          "responses": {
  8337            "201": {
  8338              "description": "A list of contact ids that successfully created",
  8339              "examples": {
  8340                "application/json": [
  8341                  123,
  8342                  456
  8343                ]
  8344              },
  8345              "schema": {
  8346                "type": "array",
  8347                "maxItems": 100,
  8348                "items": {
  8349                  "type": "integer",
  8350                  "format": "int32",
  8351                  "title": "post_characters_character_id_contacts_201_created",
  8352                  "description": "201 created integer"
  8353                },
  8354                "title": "post_characters_character_id_contacts_created",
  8355                "description": "201 created array"
  8356              }
  8357            },
  8358            "403": {
  8359              "description": "Forbidden",
  8360              "schema": {
  8361                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  8362              },
  8363              "examples": {
  8364                "application/json": {
  8365                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  8366                }
  8367              }
  8368            },
  8369            "500": {
  8370              "description": "Internal server error",
  8371              "schema": {
  8372                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  8373              },
  8374              "examples": {
  8375                "application/json": {
  8376                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  8377                }
  8378              }
  8379            }
  8380          },
  8381          "security": [
  8382            {
  8383              "evesso": [
  8384                "esi-characters.write_contacts.v1"
  8385              ]
  8386            }
  8387          ],
  8388          "operationId": "post_characters_character_id_contacts",
  8389          "x-alternate-versions": [
  8390            "dev",
  8391            "legacy",
  8392            "v1"
  8393          ]
  8394        },
  8395        "put": {
  8396          "description": "Bulk edit contacts with same settings\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/contacts/`\n",
  8397          "summary": "Edit contacts",
  8398          "tags": [
  8399            "Contacts"
  8400          ],
  8401          "parameters": [
  8402            {
  8403              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  8404            },
  8405            {
  8406              "name": "contact_ids",
  8407              "in": "body",
  8408              "description": "A list of contacts to edit",
  8409              "required": true,
  8410              "schema": {
  8411                "type": "array",
  8412                "minItems": 1,
  8413                "maxItems": 100,
  8414                "items": {
  8415                  "type": "integer",
  8416                  "format": "int32",
  8417                  "description": "ID of the contact to edit",
  8418                  "title": "put_characters_character_id_contacts_contact_id"
  8419                },
  8420                "title": "put_characters_character_id_contacts_contact_ids",
  8421                "description": "contact_ids array"
  8422              }
  8423            },
  8424            {
  8425              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  8426            },
  8427            {
  8428              "name": "label_id",
  8429              "in": "query",
  8430              "description": "Add a custom label to the contact, use 0 for clearing label",
  8431              "required": false,
  8432              "type": "integer",
  8433              "format": "int64",
  8434              "default": 0
  8435            },
  8436            {
  8437              "name": "standing",
  8438              "in": "query",
  8439              "description": "Standing for the contact",
  8440              "required": true,
  8441              "type": "number",
  8442              "format": "float",
  8443              "minimum": -10,
  8444              "maximum": 10
  8445            },
  8446            {
  8447              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  8448            },
  8449            {
  8450              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  8451            },
  8452            {
  8453              "name": "watched",
  8454              "in": "query",
  8455              "description": "Whether the contact should be watched, note this is only effective on characters",
  8456              "required": false,
  8457              "type": "boolean",
  8458              "default": false
  8459            },
  8460            {
  8461              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  8462            }
  8463          ],
  8464          "responses": {
  8465            "204": {
  8466              "description": "Contacts updated"
  8467            },
  8468            "403": {
  8469              "description": "Forbidden",
  8470              "schema": {
  8471                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  8472              },
  8473              "examples": {
  8474                "application/json": {
  8475                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  8476                }
  8477              }
  8478            },
  8479            "500": {
  8480              "description": "Internal server error",
  8481              "schema": {
  8482                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  8483              },
  8484              "examples": {
  8485                "application/json": {
  8486                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  8487                }
  8488              }
  8489            }
  8490          },
  8491          "security": [
  8492            {
  8493              "evesso": [
  8494                "esi-characters.write_contacts.v1"
  8495              ]
  8496            }
  8497          ],
  8498          "operationId": "put_characters_character_id_contacts",
  8499          "x-alternate-versions": [
  8500            "dev",
  8501            "legacy",
  8502            "v1"
  8503          ]
  8504        }
  8505      },
  8506      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/": {
  8507        "get": {
  8508          "description": "Return contacts of a corporation\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
  8509          "summary": "Get corporation contacts",
  8510          "tags": [
  8511            "Contacts"
  8512          ],
  8513          "parameters": [
  8514            {
  8515              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
  8516            },
  8517            {
  8518              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  8519            },
  8520            {
  8521              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
  8522            },
  8523            {
  8524              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  8525            },
  8526            {
  8527              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  8528            },
  8529            {
  8530              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  8531            }
  8532          ],
  8533          "responses": {
  8534            "200": {
  8535              "description": "A list of contacts",
  8536              "examples": {
  8537                "application/json": [
  8538                  {
  8539                    "standing": 9.9,
  8540                    "contact_type": "character",
  8541                    "contact_id": 123,
  8542                    "is_watched": true
  8543                  }
  8544                ]
  8545              },
  8546              "schema": {
  8547                "type": "array",
  8548                "maxItems": 200,
  8549                "items": {
  8550                  "type": "object",
  8551                  "required": [
  8552                    "standing",
  8553                    "contact_type",
  8554                    "contact_id"
  8555                  ],
  8556                  "properties": {
  8557                    "standing": {
  8558                      "type": "number",
  8559                      "format": "float",
  8560                      "description": "Standing of the contact",
  8561                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts_standing"
  8562                    },
  8563                    "contact_type": {
  8564                      "type": "string",
  8565                      "enum": [
  8566                        "character",
  8567                        "corporation",
  8568                        "alliance",
  8569                        "faction"
  8570                      ],
  8571                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts_contact_type",
  8572                      "description": "contact_type string"
  8573                    },
  8574                    "contact_id": {
  8575                      "type": "integer",
  8576                      "format": "int32",
  8577                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts_contact_id",
  8578                      "description": "contact_id integer"
  8579                    },
  8580                    "is_watched": {
  8581                      "type": "boolean",
  8582                      "description": "Whether this contact is being watched",
  8583                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts_is_watched"
  8584                    },
  8585                    "label_id": {
  8586                      "type": "integer",
  8587                      "format": "int64",
  8588                      "description": "Custom label of the contact",
  8589                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts_label_id"
  8590                    }
  8591                  },
  8592                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts_200_ok",
  8593                  "description": "200 ok object"
  8594                },
  8595                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts_ok",
  8596                "description": "200 ok array"
  8597              },
  8598              "headers": {
  8599                "X-Pages": {
  8600                  "description": "Maximum page number",
  8601                  "type": "integer",
  8602                  "format": "int32",
  8603                  "default": 1
  8604                },
  8605                "Cache-Control": {
  8606                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  8607                  "type": "string"
  8608                },
  8609                "Last-Modified": {
  8610                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  8611                  "type": "string"
  8612                },
  8613                "Expires": {
  8614                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  8615                  "type": "string"
  8616                }
  8617              }
  8618            },
  8619            "403": {
  8620              "description": "Forbidden",
  8621              "schema": {
  8622                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  8623              },
  8624              "examples": {
  8625                "application/json": {
  8626                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  8627                }
  8628              }
  8629            },
  8630            "500": {
  8631              "description": "Internal server error",
  8632              "schema": {
  8633                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  8634              },
  8635              "examples": {
  8636                "application/json": {
  8637                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  8638                }
  8639              }
  8640            }
  8641          },
  8642          "x-required-roles": [],
  8643          "security": [
  8644            {
  8645              "evesso": [
  8646                "esi-corporations.read_contacts.v1"
  8647              ]
  8648            }
  8649          ],
  8650          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts",
  8651          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
  8652          "x-alternate-versions": [
  8653            "dev",
  8654            "legacy",
  8655            "v1"
  8656          ]
  8657        }
  8658      },
  8659      "/alliances/{alliance_id}/contacts/": {
  8660        "get": {
  8661          "description": "Return contacts of an alliance\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/alliances/{alliance_id}/contacts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/alliances/{alliance_id}/contacts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/alliances/{alliance_id}/contacts/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
  8662          "summary": "Get alliance contacts",
  8663          "tags": [
  8664            "Contacts"
  8665          ],
  8666          "parameters": [
  8667            {
  8668              "$ref": "#/parameters/alliance_id"
  8669            },
  8670            {
  8671              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  8672            },
  8673            {
  8674              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
  8675            },
  8676            {
  8677              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  8678            },
  8679            {
  8680              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  8681            },
  8682            {
  8683              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  8684            }
  8685          ],
  8686          "responses": {
  8687            "200": {
  8688              "description": "A list of contacts",
  8689              "examples": {
  8690                "application/json": [
  8691                  {
  8692                    "standing": 9.9,
  8693                    "contact_type": "character",
  8694                    "contact_id": 2112625428
  8695                  }
  8696                ]
  8697              },
  8698              "schema": {
  8699                "type": "array",
  8700                "maxItems": 1000,
  8701                "items": {
  8702                  "type": "object",
  8703                  "required": [
  8704                    "standing",
  8705                    "contact_type",
  8706                    "contact_id"
  8707                  ],
  8708                  "properties": {
  8709                    "standing": {
  8710                      "type": "number",
  8711                      "format": "float",
  8712                      "description": "Standing of the contact",
  8713                      "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_contacts_standing"
  8714                    },
  8715                    "contact_type": {
  8716                      "type": "string",
  8717                      "enum": [
  8718                        "character",
  8719                        "corporation",
  8720                        "alliance",
  8721                        "faction"
  8722                      ],
  8723                      "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_contacts_contact_type",
  8724                      "description": "contact_type string"
  8725                    },
  8726                    "contact_id": {
  8727                      "type": "integer",
  8728                      "format": "int32",
  8729                      "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_contacts_contact_id",
  8730                      "description": "contact_id integer"
  8731                    },
  8732                    "label_id": {
  8733                      "type": "integer",
  8734                      "format": "int64",
  8735                      "description": "Custom label of the contact",
  8736                      "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_contacts_label_id"
  8737                    }
  8738                  },
  8739                  "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_contacts_200_ok",
  8740                  "description": "200 ok object"
  8741                },
  8742                "title": "get_alliances_alliance_id_contacts_ok",
  8743                "description": "200 ok array"
  8744              },
  8745              "headers": {
  8746                "X-Pages": {
  8747                  "description": "Maximum page number",
  8748                  "type": "integer",
  8749                  "format": "int32",
  8750                  "default": 1
  8751                },
  8752                "Cache-Control": {
  8753                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  8754                  "type": "string"
  8755                },
  8756                "Last-Modified": {
  8757                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  8758                  "type": "string"
  8759                },
  8760                "Expires": {
  8761                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  8762                  "type": "string"
  8763                }
  8764              }
  8765            },
  8766            "403": {
  8767              "description": "Forbidden",
  8768              "schema": {
  8769                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  8770              },
  8771              "examples": {
  8772                "application/json": {
  8773                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  8774                }
  8775              }
  8776            },
  8777            "500": {
  8778              "description": "Internal server error",
  8779              "schema": {
  8780                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  8781              },
  8782              "examples": {
  8783                "application/json": {
  8784                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  8785                }
  8786              }
  8787            }
  8788          },
  8789          "security": [
  8790            {
  8791              "evesso": [
  8792                "esi-alliances.read_contacts.v1"
  8793              ]
  8794            }
  8795          ],
  8796          "operationId": "get_alliances_alliance_id_contacts",
  8797          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
  8798          "x-alternate-versions": [
  8799            "dev",
  8800            "legacy",
  8801            "v1"
  8802          ]
  8803        }
  8804      },
  8805      "/characters/{character_id}/contacts/labels/": {
  8806        "get": {
  8807          "description": "Return custom labels for contacts the character defined\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contacts/labels/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/contacts/labels/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/contacts/labels/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
  8808          "summary": "Get contact labels",
  8809          "tags": [
  8810            "Contacts"
  8811          ],
  8812          "parameters": [
  8813            {
  8814              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  8815            },
  8816            {
  8817              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  8818            },
  8819            {
  8820              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  8821            },
  8822            {
  8823              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  8824            },
  8825            {
  8826              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  8827            }
  8828          ],
  8829          "responses": {
  8830            "200": {
  8831              "description": "A list of contact labels",
  8832              "examples": {
  8833                "application/json": [
  8834                  {
  8835                    "label_id": 123,
  8836                    "label_name": "Friends"
  8837                  }
  8838                ]
  8839              },
  8840              "schema": {
  8841                "type": "array",
  8842                "maxItems": 64,
  8843                "items": {
  8844                  "type": "object",
  8845                  "required": [
  8846                    "label_id",
  8847                    "label_name"
  8848                  ],
  8849                  "properties": {
  8850                    "label_id": {
  8851                      "type": "integer",
  8852                      "format": "int64",
  8853                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contacts_labels_label_id",
  8854                      "description": "label_id integer"
  8855                    },
  8856                    "label_name": {
  8857                      "type": "string",
  8858                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contacts_labels_label_name",
  8859                      "description": "label_name string"
  8860                    }
  8861                  },
  8862                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_contacts_labels_200_ok",
  8863                  "description": "200 ok object"
  8864                },
  8865                "title": "get_characters_character_id_contacts_labels_ok",
  8866                "description": "200 ok array"
  8867              },
  8868              "headers": {
  8869                "Cache-Control": {
  8870                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  8871                  "type": "string"
  8872                },
  8873                "Last-Modified": {
  8874                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  8875                  "type": "string"
  8876                },
  8877                "Expires": {
  8878                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  8879                  "type": "string"
  8880                }
  8881              }
  8882            },
  8883            "403": {
  8884              "description": "Forbidden",
  8885              "schema": {
  8886                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  8887              },
  8888              "examples": {
  8889                "application/json": {
  8890                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  8891                }
  8892              }
  8893            },
  8894            "500": {
  8895              "description": "Internal server error",
  8896              "schema": {
  8897                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  8898              },
  8899              "examples": {
  8900                "application/json": {
  8901                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  8902                }
  8903              }
  8904            }
  8905          },
  8906          "security": [
  8907            {
  8908              "evesso": [
  8909                "esi-characters.read_contacts.v1"
  8910              ]
  8911            }
  8912          ],
  8913          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_contacts_labels",
  8914          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
  8915          "x-alternate-versions": [
  8916            "dev",
  8917            "legacy",
  8918            "v1"
  8919          ]
  8920        }
  8921      },
  8922      "/characters/{character_id}/contracts/": {
  8923        "get": {
  8924          "description": "Returns contracts available to a character, only if the character is issuer, acceptor or assignee. Only returns contracts no older than 30 days, or if the status is \"in_progress\".\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contracts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/contracts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/contracts/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
  8925          "summary": "Get contracts",
  8926          "tags": [
  8927            "Contracts"
  8928          ],
  8929          "parameters": [
  8930            {
  8931              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  8932            },
  8933            {
  8934              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  8935            },
  8936            {
  8937              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
  8938            },
  8939            {
  8940              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  8941            },
  8942            {
  8943              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  8944            },
  8945            {
  8946              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  8947            }
  8948          ],
  8949          "responses": {
  8950            "200": {
  8951              "description": "A list of contracts",
  8952              "examples": {
  8953                "application/json": [
  8954                  {
  8955                    "contract_id": 1,
  8956                    "issuer_id": 123,
  8957                    "issuer_corporation_id": 456,
  8958                    "assignee_id": 0,
  8959                    "acceptor_id": 0,
  8960                    "type": "auction",
  8961                    "status": "outstanding",
  8962                    "for_corporation": true,
  8963                    "availability": "public",
  8964                    "date_issued": "2017-06-06T13:12:32Z",
  8965                    "date_expired": "2017-06-13T13:12:32Z",
  8966                    "start_location_id": 60014719,
  8967                    "end_location_id": 60014719,
  8968                    "date_accepted": "2017-06-06T13:12:32Z",
  8969                    "days_to_complete": 0,
  8970                    "date_completed": "2017-06-06T13:12:32Z",
  8971                    "price": 1000000.01,
  8972                    "reward": 0.01,
  8973                    "buyout": 10000000000.01,
  8974                    "volume": 0.01
  8975                  }
  8976                ]
  8977              },
  8978              "schema": {
  8979                "type": "array",
  8980                "maxItems": 1000,
  8981                "items": {
  8982                  "type": "object",
  8983                  "required": [
  8984                    "contract_id",
  8985                    "issuer_id",
  8986                    "issuer_corporation_id",
  8987                    "assignee_id",
  8988                    "acceptor_id",
  8989                    "type",
  8990                    "status",
  8991                    "for_corporation",
  8992                    "availability",
  8993                    "date_issued",
  8994                    "date_expired"
  8995                  ],
  8996                  "properties": {
  8997                    "contract_id": {
  8998                      "type": "integer",
  8999                      "format": "int32",
  9000                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id",
  9001                      "description": "contract_id integer"
  9002                    },
  9003                    "issuer_id": {
  9004                      "type": "integer",
  9005                      "format": "int32",
  9006                      "description": "Character ID for the issuer",
  9007                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_issuer_id"
  9008                    },
  9009                    "issuer_corporation_id": {
  9010                      "type": "integer",
  9011                      "format": "int32",
  9012                      "description": "Character's corporation ID for the issuer",
  9013                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_issuer_corporation_id"
  9014                    },
  9015                    "assignee_id": {
  9016                      "type": "integer",
  9017                      "format": "int32",
  9018                      "description": "ID to whom the contract is assigned, can be corporation or character ID",
  9019                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_assignee_id"
  9020                    },
  9021                    "acceptor_id": {
  9022                      "type": "integer",
  9023                      "format": "int32",
  9024                      "description": "Who will accept the contract",
  9025                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_acceptor_id"
  9026                    },
  9027                    "start_location_id": {
  9028                      "type": "integer",
  9029                      "format": "int64",
  9030                      "description": "Start location ID (for Couriers contract)",
  9031                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_start_location_id"
  9032                    },
  9033                    "end_location_id": {
  9034                      "type": "integer",
  9035                      "format": "int64",
  9036                      "description": "End location ID (for Couriers contract)",
  9037                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_end_location_id"
  9038                    },
  9039                    "type": {
  9040                      "type": "string",
  9041                      "description": "Type of the contract",
  9042                      "enum": [
  9043                        "unknown",
  9044                        "item_exchange",
  9045                        "auction",
  9046                        "courier",
  9047                        "loan"
  9048                      ],
  9049                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_type"
  9050                    },
  9051                    "status": {
  9052                      "type": "string",
  9053                      "description": "Status of the the contract",
  9054                      "enum": [
  9055                        "outstanding",
  9056                        "in_progress",
  9057                        "finished_issuer",
  9058                        "finished_contractor",
  9059                        "finished",
  9060                        "cancelled",
  9061                        "rejected",
  9062                        "failed",
  9063                        "deleted",
  9064                        "reversed"
  9065                      ],
  9066                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_status"
  9067                    },
  9068                    "title": {
  9069                      "type": "string",
  9070                      "description": "Title of the contract",
  9071                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_title"
  9072                    },
  9073                    "for_corporation": {
  9074                      "type": "boolean",
  9075                      "description": "true if the contract was issued on behalf of the issuer's corporation",
  9076                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_for_corporation"
  9077                    },
  9078                    "availability": {
  9079                      "type": "string",
  9080                      "description": "To whom the contract is available",
  9081                      "enum": [
  9082                        "public",
  9083                        "personal",
  9084                        "corporation",
  9085                        "alliance"
  9086                      ],
  9087                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_availability"
  9088                    },
  9089                    "date_issued": {
  9090                      "type": "string",
  9091                      "format": "date-time",
  9092                      "description": "\\u0421reation date of the contract",
  9093                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_date_issued"
  9094                    },
  9095                    "date_expired": {
  9096                      "type": "string",
  9097                      "format": "date-time",
  9098                      "description": "Expiration date of the contract",
  9099                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_date_expired"
  9100                    },
  9101                    "date_accepted": {
  9102                      "type": "string",
  9103                      "format": "date-time",
  9104                      "description": "Date of confirmation of contract",
  9105                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_date_accepted"
  9106                    },
  9107                    "days_to_complete": {
  9108                      "type": "integer",
  9109                      "format": "int32",
  9110                      "description": "Number of days to perform the contract",
  9111                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_days_to_complete"
  9112                    },
  9113                    "date_completed": {
  9114                      "type": "string",
  9115                      "format": "date-time",
  9116                      "description": "Date of completed of contract",
  9117                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_date_completed"
  9118                    },
  9119                    "price": {
  9120                      "type": "number",
  9121                      "format": "double",
  9122                      "description": "Price of contract (for ItemsExchange and Auctions)",
  9123                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_price"
  9124                    },
  9125                    "reward": {
  9126                      "type": "number",
  9127                      "format": "double",
  9128                      "description": "Remuneration for contract (for Couriers only)",
  9129                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_reward"
  9130                    },
  9131                    "collateral": {
  9132                      "type": "number",
  9133                      "format": "double",
  9134                      "description": "Collateral price (for Couriers only)",
  9135                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_collateral"
  9136                    },
  9137                    "buyout": {
  9138                      "type": "number",
  9139                      "format": "double",
  9140                      "description": "Buyout price (for Auctions only)",
  9141                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_buyout"
  9142                    },
  9143                    "volume": {
  9144                      "type": "number",
  9145                      "format": "double",
  9146                      "description": "Volume of items in the contract",
  9147                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_volume"
  9148                    }
  9149                  },
  9150                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_200_ok",
  9151                  "description": "200 ok object"
  9152                },
  9153                "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_ok",
  9154                "description": "200 ok array"
  9155              },
  9156              "headers": {
  9157                "X-Pages": {
  9158                  "description": "Maximum page number",
  9159                  "type": "integer",
  9160                  "format": "int32",
  9161                  "default": 1
  9162                },
  9163                "Cache-Control": {
  9164                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  9165                  "type": "string"
  9166                },
  9167                "Last-Modified": {
  9168                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  9169                  "type": "string"
  9170                },
  9171                "Expires": {
  9172                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  9173                  "type": "string"
  9174                }
  9175              }
  9176            },
  9177            "403": {
  9178              "description": "Forbidden",
  9179              "schema": {
  9180                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  9181              },
  9182              "examples": {
  9183                "application/json": {
  9184                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  9185                }
  9186              }
  9187            },
  9188            "500": {
  9189              "description": "Internal server error",
  9190              "schema": {
  9191                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  9192              },
  9193              "examples": {
  9194                "application/json": {
  9195                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  9196                }
  9197              }
  9198            }
  9199          },
  9200          "security": [
  9201            {
  9202              "evesso": [
  9203                "esi-contracts.read_character_contracts.v1"
  9204              ]
  9205            }
  9206          ],
  9207          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_contracts",
  9208          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
  9209          "x-alternate-versions": [
  9210            "dev",
  9211            "legacy",
  9212            "v1"
  9213          ]
  9214        }
  9215      },
  9216      "/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/": {
  9217        "get": {
  9218          "description": "Lists items of a particular contract\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  9219          "summary": "Get contract items",
  9220          "tags": [
  9221            "Contracts"
  9222          ],
  9223          "parameters": [
  9224            {
  9225              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  9226            },
  9227            {
  9228              "name": "contract_id",
  9229              "in": "path",
  9230              "description": "ID of a contract",
  9231              "required": true,
  9232              "type": "integer",
  9233              "format": "int32"
  9234            },
  9235            {
  9236              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  9237            },
  9238            {
  9239              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  9240            },
  9241            {
  9242              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  9243            },
  9244            {
  9245              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  9246            }
  9247          ],
  9248          "responses": {
  9249            "200": {
  9250              "description": "A list of items in this contract",
  9251              "examples": {
  9252                "application/json": [
  9253                  {
  9254                    "record_id": 123456,
  9255                    "type_id": 587,
  9256                    "quantity": 1,
  9257                    "is_singleton": false,
  9258                    "is_included": true
  9259                  }
  9260                ]
  9261              },
  9262              "schema": {
  9263                "type": "array",
  9264                "maxItems": 2000,
  9265                "items": {
  9266                  "type": "object",
  9267                  "required": [
  9268                    "record_id",
  9269                    "type_id",
  9270                    "quantity",
  9271                    "is_singleton",
  9272                    "is_included"
  9273                  ],
  9274                  "properties": {
  9275                    "record_id": {
  9276                      "type": "integer",
  9277                      "format": "int64",
  9278                      "description": "Unique ID for the item",
  9279                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_items_record_id"
  9280                    },
  9281                    "type_id": {
  9282                      "type": "integer",
  9283                      "format": "int32",
  9284                      "description": "Type ID for item",
  9285                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_items_type_id"
  9286                    },
  9287                    "quantity": {
  9288                      "type": "integer",
  9289                      "format": "int32",
  9290                      "description": "Number of items in the stack",
  9291                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_items_quantity"
  9292                    },
  9293                    "raw_quantity": {
  9294                      "type": "integer",
  9295                      "format": "int32",
  9296                      "description": "-1 indicates that the item is a singleton (non-stackable). If the item happens to be a Blueprint, -1 is an Original and -2 is a Blueprint Copy",
  9297                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_items_raw_quantity"
  9298                    },
  9299                    "is_singleton": {
  9300                      "type": "boolean",
  9301                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_items_is_singleton",
  9302                      "description": "is_singleton boolean"
  9303                    },
  9304                    "is_included": {
  9305                      "type": "boolean",
  9306                      "description": "true if the contract issuer has submitted this item with the contract, false if the isser is asking for this item in the contract.",
  9307                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_items_is_included"
  9308                    }
  9309                  },
  9310                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_items_200_ok",
  9311                  "description": "200 ok object"
  9312                },
  9313                "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_items_ok",
  9314                "description": "200 ok array"
  9315              },
  9316              "headers": {
  9317                "Cache-Control": {
  9318                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  9319                  "type": "string"
  9320                },
  9321                "Last-Modified": {
  9322                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  9323                  "type": "string"
  9324                },
  9325                "Expires": {
  9326                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  9327                  "type": "string"
  9328                }
  9329              }
  9330            },
  9331            "403": {
  9332              "description": "Forbidden",
  9333              "schema": {
  9334                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  9335              },
  9336              "examples": {
  9337                "application/json": {
  9338                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  9339                }
  9340              }
  9341            },
  9342            "500": {
  9343              "description": "Internal server error",
  9344              "schema": {
  9345                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  9346              },
  9347              "examples": {
  9348                "application/json": {
  9349                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  9350                }
  9351              }
  9352            }
  9353          },
  9354          "security": [
  9355            {
  9356              "evesso": [
  9357                "esi-contracts.read_character_contracts.v1"
  9358              ]
  9359            }
  9360          ],
  9361          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_items",
  9362          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  9363          "x-alternate-versions": [
  9364            "dev",
  9365            "legacy",
  9366            "v1"
  9367          ]
  9368        }
  9369      },
  9370      "/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/": {
  9371        "get": {
  9372          "description": "Lists bids on a particular auction contract\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
  9373          "summary": "Get contract bids",
  9374          "tags": [
  9375            "Contracts"
  9376          ],
  9377          "parameters": [
  9378            {
  9379              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
  9380            },
  9381            {
  9382              "name": "contract_id",
  9383              "in": "path",
  9384              "description": "ID of a contract",
  9385              "required": true,
  9386              "type": "integer",
  9387              "format": "int32"
  9388            },
  9389            {
  9390              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  9391            },
  9392            {
  9393              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  9394            },
  9395            {
  9396              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  9397            },
  9398            {
  9399              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  9400            }
  9401          ],
  9402          "responses": {
  9403            "200": {
  9404              "description": "A list of bids",
  9405              "examples": {
  9406                "application/json": [
  9407                  {
  9408                    "bid_id": 1,
  9409                    "bidder_id": 123,
  9410                    "date_bid": "2017-01-01T10:10:10Z",
  9411                    "amount": 1.23
  9412                  }
  9413                ]
  9414              },
  9415              "schema": {
  9416                "type": "array",
  9417                "maxItems": 2000,
  9418                "items": {
  9419                  "type": "object",
  9420                  "required": [
  9421                    "bid_id",
  9422                    "bidder_id",
  9423                    "date_bid",
  9424                    "amount"
  9425                  ],
  9426                  "properties": {
  9427                    "bid_id": {
  9428                      "type": "integer",
  9429                      "format": "int32",
  9430                      "description": "Unique ID for the bid",
  9431                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_bid_id"
  9432                    },
  9433                    "bidder_id": {
  9434                      "type": "integer",
  9435                      "format": "int32",
  9436                      "description": "Character ID of the bidder",
  9437                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_bidder_id"
  9438                    },
  9439                    "date_bid": {
  9440                      "type": "string",
  9441                      "format": "date-time",
  9442                      "description": "Datetime when the bid was placed",
  9443                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_date_bid"
  9444                    },
  9445                    "amount": {
  9446                      "type": "number",
  9447                      "format": "float",
  9448                      "description": "The amount bid, in ISK",
  9449                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_amount"
  9450                    }
  9451                  },
  9452                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_200_ok",
  9453                  "description": "200 ok object"
  9454                },
  9455                "title": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_ok",
  9456                "description": "200 ok array"
  9457              },
  9458              "headers": {
  9459                "Cache-Control": {
  9460                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  9461                  "type": "string"
  9462                },
  9463                "Last-Modified": {
  9464                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  9465                  "type": "string"
  9466                },
  9467                "Expires": {
  9468                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  9469                  "type": "string"
  9470                }
  9471              }
  9472            },
  9473            "403": {
  9474              "description": "Forbidden",
  9475              "schema": {
  9476                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  9477              },
  9478              "examples": {
  9479                "application/json": {
  9480                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  9481                }
  9482              }
  9483            },
  9484            "500": {
  9485              "description": "Internal server error",
  9486              "schema": {
  9487                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  9488              },
  9489              "examples": {
  9490                "application/json": {
  9491                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  9492                }
  9493              }
  9494            }
  9495          },
  9496          "security": [
  9497            {
  9498              "evesso": [
  9499                "esi-contracts.read_character_contracts.v1"
  9500              ]
  9501            }
  9502          ],
  9503          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_bids",
  9504          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
  9505          "x-alternate-versions": [
  9506            "dev",
  9507            "legacy",
  9508            "v1"
  9509          ]
  9510        }
  9511      },
  9512      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/": {
  9513        "get": {
  9514          "description": "Returns contracts available to a coporation, only if the corporation is issuer, acceptor or assignee. Only returns contracts no older than 30 days, or if the status is \"in_progress\".\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
  9515          "summary": "Get coporation contracts",
  9516          "tags": [
  9517            "Contracts"
  9518          ],
  9519          "parameters": [
  9520            {
  9521              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
  9522            },
  9523            {
  9524              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  9525            },
  9526            {
  9527              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
  9528            },
  9529            {
  9530              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  9531            },
  9532            {
  9533              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  9534            },
  9535            {
  9536              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  9537            }
  9538          ],
  9539          "responses": {
  9540            "200": {
  9541              "description": "A list of contracts",
  9542              "examples": {
  9543                "application/json": [
  9544                  {
  9545                    "contract_id": 1,
  9546                    "issuer_id": 123,
  9547                    "issuer_corporation_id": 456,
  9548                    "assignee_id": 0,
  9549                    "acceptor_id": 0,
  9550                    "type": "auction",
  9551                    "status": "outstanding",
  9552                    "for_corporation": true,
  9553                    "availability": "public",
  9554                    "date_issued": "2017-06-06T13:12:32Z",
  9555                    "date_expired": "2017-06-13T13:12:32Z",
  9556                    "start_location_id": 60014719,
  9557                    "end_location_id": 60014719,
  9558                    "days_to_complete": 0,
  9559                    "price": 1000000.01,
  9560                    "reward": 0.01,
  9561                    "buyout": 10000000000.01,
  9562                    "volume": 0.01
  9563                  }
  9564                ]
  9565              },
  9566              "schema": {
  9567                "type": "array",
  9568                "maxItems": 1000,
  9569                "items": {
  9570                  "type": "object",
  9571                  "required": [
  9572                    "contract_id",
  9573                    "issuer_id",
  9574                    "issuer_corporation_id",
  9575                    "assignee_id",
  9576                    "acceptor_id",
  9577                    "type",
  9578                    "status",
  9579                    "for_corporation",
  9580                    "availability",
  9581                    "date_issued",
  9582                    "date_expired"
  9583                  ],
  9584                  "properties": {
  9585                    "contract_id": {
  9586                      "type": "integer",
  9587                      "format": "int32",
  9588                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id",
  9589                      "description": "contract_id integer"
  9590                    },
  9591                    "issuer_id": {
  9592                      "type": "integer",
  9593                      "format": "int32",
  9594                      "description": "Character ID for the issuer",
  9595                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_issuer_id"
  9596                    },
  9597                    "issuer_corporation_id": {
  9598                      "type": "integer",
  9599                      "format": "int32",
  9600                      "description": "Character's corporation ID for the issuer",
  9601                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_issuer_corporation_id"
  9602                    },
  9603                    "assignee_id": {
  9604                      "type": "integer",
  9605                      "format": "int32",
  9606                      "description": "ID to whom the contract is assigned, can be corporation or character ID",
  9607                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_assignee_id"
  9608                    },
  9609                    "acceptor_id": {
  9610                      "type": "integer",
  9611                      "format": "int32",
  9612                      "description": "Who will accept the contract",
  9613                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_acceptor_id"
  9614                    },
  9615                    "start_location_id": {
  9616                      "type": "integer",
  9617                      "format": "int64",
  9618                      "description": "Start location ID (for Couriers contract)",
  9619                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_start_location_id"
  9620                    },
  9621                    "end_location_id": {
  9622                      "type": "integer",
  9623                      "format": "int64",
  9624                      "description": "End location ID (for Couriers contract)",
  9625                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_end_location_id"
  9626                    },
  9627                    "type": {
  9628                      "type": "string",
  9629                      "description": "Type of the contract",
  9630                      "enum": [
  9631                        "unknown",
  9632                        "item_exchange",
  9633                        "auction",
  9634                        "courier",
  9635                        "loan"
  9636                      ],
  9637                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_type"
  9638                    },
  9639                    "status": {
  9640                      "type": "string",
  9641                      "description": "Status of the the contract",
  9642                      "enum": [
  9643                        "outstanding",
  9644                        "in_progress",
  9645                        "finished_issuer",
  9646                        "finished_contractor",
  9647                        "finished",
  9648                        "cancelled",
  9649                        "rejected",
  9650                        "failed",
  9651                        "deleted",
  9652                        "reversed"
  9653                      ],
  9654                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_status"
  9655                    },
  9656                    "title": {
  9657                      "type": "string",
  9658                      "description": "Title of the contract",
  9659                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_title"
  9660                    },
  9661                    "for_corporation": {
  9662                      "type": "boolean",
  9663                      "description": "true if the contract was issued on behalf of the issuer's corporation",
  9664                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_for_corporation"
  9665                    },
  9666                    "availability": {
  9667                      "type": "string",
  9668                      "description": "To whom the contract is available",
  9669                      "enum": [
  9670                        "public",
  9671                        "personal",
  9672                        "corporation",
  9673                        "alliance"
  9674                      ],
  9675                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_availability"
  9676                    },
  9677                    "date_issued": {
  9678                      "type": "string",
  9679                      "format": "date-time",
  9680                      "description": "\\u0421reation date of the contract",
  9681                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_date_issued"
  9682                    },
  9683                    "date_expired": {
  9684                      "type": "string",
  9685                      "format": "date-time",
  9686                      "description": "Expiration date of the contract",
  9687                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_date_expired"
  9688                    },
  9689                    "date_accepted": {
  9690                      "type": "string",
  9691                      "format": "date-time",
  9692                      "description": "Date of confirmation of contract",
  9693                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_date_accepted"
  9694                    },
  9695                    "days_to_complete": {
  9696                      "type": "integer",
  9697                      "format": "int32",
  9698                      "description": "Number of days to perform the contract",
  9699                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_days_to_complete"
  9700                    },
  9701                    "date_completed": {
  9702                      "type": "string",
  9703                      "format": "date-time",
  9704                      "description": "Date of completed of contract",
  9705                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_date_completed"
  9706                    },
  9707                    "price": {
  9708                      "type": "number",
  9709                      "format": "double",
  9710                      "description": "Price of contract (for ItemsExchange and Auctions)",
  9711                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_price"
  9712                    },
  9713                    "reward": {
  9714                      "type": "number",
  9715                      "format": "double",
  9716                      "description": "Remuneration for contract (for Couriers only)",
  9717                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_reward"
  9718                    },
  9719                    "collateral": {
  9720                      "type": "number",
  9721                      "format": "double",
  9722                      "description": "Collateral price (for Couriers only)",
  9723                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_collateral"
  9724                    },
  9725                    "buyout": {
  9726                      "type": "number",
  9727                      "format": "double",
  9728                      "description": "Buyout price (for Auctions only)",
  9729                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_buyout"
  9730                    },
  9731                    "volume": {
  9732                      "type": "number",
  9733                      "format": "double",
  9734                      "description": "Volume of items in the contract",
  9735                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_volume"
  9736                    }
  9737                  },
  9738                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_200_ok",
  9739                  "description": "200 ok object"
  9740                },
  9741                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_ok",
  9742                "description": "200 ok array"
  9743              },
  9744              "headers": {
  9745                "X-Pages": {
  9746                  "description": "Maximum page number",
  9747                  "type": "integer",
  9748                  "format": "int32",
  9749                  "default": 1
  9750                },
  9751                "Cache-Control": {
  9752                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  9753                  "type": "string"
  9754                },
  9755                "Last-Modified": {
  9756                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  9757                  "type": "string"
  9758                },
  9759                "Expires": {
  9760                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  9761                  "type": "string"
  9762                }
  9763              }
  9764            },
  9765            "403": {
  9766              "description": "Forbidden",
  9767              "schema": {
  9768                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  9769              },
  9770              "examples": {
  9771                "application/json": {
  9772                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  9773                }
  9774              }
  9775            },
  9776            "500": {
  9777              "description": "Internal server error",
  9778              "schema": {
  9779                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  9780              },
  9781              "examples": {
  9782                "application/json": {
  9783                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  9784                }
  9785              }
  9786            }
  9787          },
  9788          "x-required-roles": [],
  9789          "security": [
  9790            {
  9791              "evesso": [
  9792                "esi-contracts.read_corporation_contracts.v1"
  9793              ]
  9794            }
  9795          ],
  9796          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts",
  9797          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
  9798          "x-alternate-versions": [
  9799            "dev",
  9800            "legacy",
  9801            "v1"
  9802          ]
  9803        }
  9804      },
  9805      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/": {
  9806        "get": {
  9807          "description": "Lists items of a particular contract\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  9808          "summary": "Get corporation contract items",
  9809          "tags": [
  9810            "Contracts"
  9811          ],
  9812          "parameters": [
  9813            {
  9814              "name": "contract_id",
  9815              "in": "path",
  9816              "description": "ID of a contract",
  9817              "required": true,
  9818              "type": "integer",
  9819              "format": "int32"
  9820            },
  9821            {
  9822              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
  9823            },
  9824            {
  9825              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  9826            },
  9827            {
  9828              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  9829            },
  9830            {
  9831              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  9832            },
  9833            {
  9834              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  9835            }
  9836          ],
  9837          "responses": {
  9838            "200": {
  9839              "description": "A list of items in this contract",
  9840              "examples": {
  9841                "application/json": [
  9842                  {
  9843                    "record_id": 123456,
  9844                    "type_id": 587,
  9845                    "quantity": 1,
  9846                    "is_singleton": false,
  9847                    "is_included": true
  9848                  }
  9849                ]
  9850              },
  9851              "schema": {
  9852                "type": "array",
  9853                "maxItems": 2000,
  9854                "items": {
  9855                  "type": "object",
  9856                  "required": [
  9857                    "record_id",
  9858                    "type_id",
  9859                    "quantity",
  9860                    "is_singleton",
  9861                    "is_included"
  9862                  ],
  9863                  "properties": {
  9864                    "record_id": {
  9865                      "type": "integer",
  9866                      "format": "int64",
  9867                      "description": "Unique ID for the item",
  9868                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_items_record_id"
  9869                    },
  9870                    "type_id": {
  9871                      "type": "integer",
  9872                      "format": "int32",
  9873                      "description": "Type ID for item",
  9874                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_items_type_id"
  9875                    },
  9876                    "quantity": {
  9877                      "type": "integer",
  9878                      "format": "int32",
  9879                      "description": "Number of items in the stack",
  9880                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_items_quantity"
  9881                    },
  9882                    "raw_quantity": {
  9883                      "type": "integer",
  9884                      "format": "int32",
  9885                      "description": "-1 indicates that the item is a singleton (non-stackable). If the item happens to be a Blueprint, -1 is an Original and -2 is a Blueprint Copy",
  9886                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_items_raw_quantity"
  9887                    },
  9888                    "is_singleton": {
  9889                      "type": "boolean",
  9890                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_items_is_singleton",
  9891                      "description": "is_singleton boolean"
  9892                    },
  9893                    "is_included": {
  9894                      "type": "boolean",
  9895                      "description": "true if the contract issuer has submitted this item with the contract, false if the isser is asking for this item in the contract.",
  9896                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_items_is_included"
  9897                    }
  9898                  },
  9899                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_items_200_ok",
  9900                  "description": "200 ok object"
  9901                },
  9902                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_items_ok",
  9903                "description": "200 ok array"
  9904              },
  9905              "headers": {
  9906                "Cache-Control": {
  9907                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
  9908                  "type": "string"
  9909                },
  9910                "Last-Modified": {
  9911                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  9912                  "type": "string"
  9913                },
  9914                "Expires": {
  9915                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
  9916                  "type": "string"
  9917                }
  9918              }
  9919            },
  9920            "403": {
  9921              "description": "Forbidden",
  9922              "schema": {
  9923                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
  9924              },
  9925              "examples": {
  9926                "application/json": {
  9927                  "error": "Forbidden message"
  9928                }
  9929              }
  9930            },
  9931            "500": {
  9932              "description": "Internal server error",
  9933              "schema": {
  9934                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
  9935              },
  9936              "examples": {
  9937                "application/json": {
  9938                  "error": "Internal server error message"
  9939                }
  9940              }
  9941            }
  9942          },
  9943          "x-required-roles": [],
  9944          "security": [
  9945            {
  9946              "evesso": [
  9947                "esi-contracts.read_corporation_contracts.v1"
  9948              ]
  9949            }
  9950          ],
  9951          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_items",
  9952          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
  9953          "x-alternate-versions": [
  9954            "dev",
  9955            "legacy",
  9956            "v1"
  9957          ]
  9958        }
  9959      },
  9960      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/": {
  9961        "get": {
  9962          "description": "Lists bids on a particular auction contract\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
  9963          "summary": "Get corporation contract bids",
  9964          "tags": [
  9965            "Contracts"
  9966          ],
  9967          "parameters": [
  9968            {
  9969              "name": "contract_id",
  9970              "in": "path",
  9971              "description": "ID of a contract",
  9972              "required": true,
  9973              "type": "integer",
  9974              "format": "int32"
  9975            },
  9976            {
  9977              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
  9978            },
  9979            {
  9980              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
  9981            },
  9982            {
  9983              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
  9984            },
  9985            {
  9986              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
  9987            },
  9988            {
  9989              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
  9990            },
  9991            {
  9992              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
  9993            }
  9994          ],
  9995          "responses": {
  9996            "200": {
  9997              "description": "A list of bids",
  9998              "examples": {
  9999                "application/json": [
 10000                  {
 10001                    "bid_id": 1,
 10002                    "bidder_id": 123,
 10003                    "date_bid": "2017-01-01T10:10:10Z",
 10004                    "amount": 1.23
 10005                  }
 10006                ]
 10007              },
 10008              "schema": {
 10009                "type": "array",
 10010                "maxItems": 1000,
 10011                "items": {
 10012                  "type": "object",
 10013                  "required": [
 10014                    "bid_id",
 10015                    "bidder_id",
 10016                    "date_bid",
 10017                    "amount"
 10018                  ],
 10019                  "properties": {
 10020                    "bid_id": {
 10021                      "type": "integer",
 10022                      "format": "int32",
 10023                      "description": "Unique ID for the bid",
 10024                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_bid_id"
 10025                    },
 10026                    "bidder_id": {
 10027                      "type": "integer",
 10028                      "format": "int32",
 10029                      "description": "Character ID of the bidder",
 10030                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_bidder_id"
 10031                    },
 10032                    "date_bid": {
 10033                      "type": "string",
 10034                      "format": "date-time",
 10035                      "description": "Datetime when the bid was placed",
 10036                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_date_bid"
 10037                    },
 10038                    "amount": {
 10039                      "type": "number",
 10040                      "format": "float",
 10041                      "description": "The amount bid, in ISK",
 10042                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_amount"
 10043                    }
 10044                  },
 10045                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_200_ok",
 10046                  "description": "200 ok object"
 10047                },
 10048                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_bids_ok",
 10049                "description": "200 ok array"
 10050              },
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 10053                  "description": "Maximum page number",
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 10055                  "format": "int32",
 10056                  "default": 1
 10057                },
 10058                "Cache-Control": {
 10059                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 10060                  "type": "string"
 10061                },
 10062                "Last-Modified": {
 10063                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 10064                  "type": "string"
 10065                },
 10066                "Expires": {
 10067                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 10068                  "type": "string"
 10069                }
 10070              }
 10071            },
 10072            "403": {
 10073              "description": "Forbidden",
 10074              "schema": {
 10075                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 10076              },
 10077              "examples": {
 10078                "application/json": {
 10079                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 10080                }
 10081              }
 10082            },
 10083            "500": {
 10084              "description": "Internal server error",
 10085              "schema": {
 10086                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 10087              },
 10088              "examples": {
 10089                "application/json": {
 10090                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 10091                }
 10092              }
 10093            }
 10094          },
 10095          "x-required-roles": [],
 10096          "security": [
 10097            {
 10098              "evesso": [
 10099                "esi-contracts.read_corporation_contracts.v1"
 10100              ]
 10101            }
 10102          ],
 10103          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_bids",
 10104          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 10105          "x-alternate-versions": [
 10106            "dev",
 10107            "legacy",
 10108            "v1"
 10109          ]
 10110        }
 10111      },
 10112      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/shareholders/": {
 10113        "get": {
 10114          "description": "Return the current shareholders of a corporation.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/shareholders/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/shareholders/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/shareholders/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
 10115          "summary": "Get corporation shareholders",
 10116          "tags": [
 10117            "Corporation"
 10118          ],
 10119          "parameters": [
 10120            {
 10121              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 10122            },
 10123            {
 10124              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 10125            },
 10126            {
 10127              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 10128            },
 10129            {
 10130              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 10131            },
 10132            {
 10133              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 10134            },
 10135            {
 10136              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 10137            }
 10138          ],
 10139          "responses": {
 10140            "200": {
 10141              "description": "List of shareholders",
 10142              "examples": {
 10143                "application/json": [
 10144                  {
 10145                    "shareholder_id": 98000001,
 10146                    "shareholder_type": "corporation",
 10147                    "share_count": 580
 10148                  },
 10149                  {
 10150                    "shareholder_id": 2112000003,
 10151                    "shareholder_type": "character",
 10152                    "share_count": 20
 10153                  },
 10154                  {
 10155                    "shareholder_id": 2112000004,
 10156                    "shareholder_type": "character",
 10157                    "share_count": 300
 10158                  },
 10159                  {
 10160                    "shareholder_id": 2112000001,
 10161                    "shareholder_type": "character",
 10162                    "share_count": 100
 10163                  }
 10164                ]
 10165              },
 10166              "schema": {
 10167                "type": "array",
 10168                "maxItems": 1000,
 10169                "description": "List of shareholders",
 10170                "items": {
 10171                  "type": "object",
 10172                  "required": [
 10173                    "shareholder_id",
 10174                    "shareholder_type",
 10175                    "share_count"
 10176                  ],
 10177                  "properties": {
 10178                    "shareholder_id": {
 10179                      "type": "integer",
 10180                      "format": "int32",
 10181                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_shareholders_shareholder_id",
 10182                      "description": "shareholder_id integer"
 10183                    },
 10184                    "shareholder_type": {
 10185                      "type": "string",
 10186                      "enum": [
 10187                        "character",
 10188                        "corporation"
 10189                      ],
 10190                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_shareholders_shareholder_type",
 10191                      "description": "shareholder_type string"
 10192                    },
 10193                    "share_count": {
 10194                      "type": "integer",
 10195                      "format": "int64",
 10196                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_shareholders_share_count",
 10197                      "description": "share_count integer"
 10198                    }
 10199                  },
 10200                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_shareholders_200_ok",
 10201                  "description": "200 ok object"
 10202                },
 10203                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_shareholders_ok"
 10204              },
 10205              "headers": {
 10206                "X-Pages": {
 10207                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 10208                  "type": "integer",
 10209                  "format": "int32",
 10210                  "default": 1
 10211                },
 10212                "Cache-Control": {
 10213                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 10214                  "type": "string"
 10215                },
 10216                "Last-Modified": {
 10217                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 10218                  "type": "string"
 10219                },
 10220                "Expires": {
 10221                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 10222                  "type": "string"
 10223                }
 10224              }
 10225            },
 10226            "403": {
 10227              "description": "Forbidden",
 10228              "schema": {
 10229                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 10230              },
 10231              "examples": {
 10232                "application/json": {
 10233                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 10234                }
 10235              }
 10236            },
 10237            "500": {
 10238              "description": "Internal server error",
 10239              "schema": {
 10240                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 10241              },
 10242              "examples": {
 10243                "application/json": {
 10244                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 10245                }
 10246              }
 10247            }
 10248          },
 10249          "x-required-roles": [
 10250            "Director"
 10251          ],
 10252          "security": [
 10253            {
 10254              "evesso": [
 10255                "esi-wallet.read_corporation_wallets.v1"
 10256              ]
 10257            }
 10258          ],
 10259          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_shareholders",
 10260          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 10261          "x-alternate-versions": [
 10262            "dev",
 10263            "legacy",
 10264            "v1"
 10265          ]
 10266        }
 10267      },
 10268      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/": {
 10269        "get": {
 10270          "description": "Public information about a corporation\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v4/corporations/{corporation_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 10271          "summary": "Get corporation information",
 10272          "tags": [
 10273            "Corporation"
 10274          ],
 10275          "parameters": [
 10276            {
 10277              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 10278            },
 10279            {
 10280              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 10281            },
 10282            {
 10283              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 10284            },
 10285            {
 10286              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 10287            }
 10288          ],
 10289          "responses": {
 10290            "200": {
 10291              "description": "Public information about a corporation",
 10292              "examples": {
 10293                "application/json": {
 10294                  "name": "C C P",
 10295                  "ticker": "-CCP-",
 10296                  "member_count": 656,
 10297                  "ceo_id": 180548812,
 10298                  "alliance_id": 434243723,
 10299                  "description": "This is a corporation description, it's basically just a string",
 10300                  "tax_rate": 0.256,
 10301                  "date_founded": "2004-11-28T16:42:51Z",
 10302                  "creator_id": 180548812,
 10303                  "url": ""
 10304                }
 10305              },
 10306              "schema": {
 10307                "type": "object",
 10308                "required": [
 10309                  "name",
 10310                  "ticker",
 10311                  "member_count",
 10312                  "ceo_id",
 10313                  "tax_rate",
 10314                  "creator_id"
 10315                ],
 10316                "properties": {
 10317                  "name": {
 10318                    "type": "string",
 10319                    "description": "the full name of the corporation",
 10320                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_name"
 10321                  },
 10322                  "ticker": {
 10323                    "type": "string",
 10324                    "description": "the short name of the corporation",
 10325                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_ticker"
 10326                  },
 10327                  "member_count": {
 10328                    "type": "integer",
 10329                    "format": "int32",
 10330                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_member_count",
 10331                    "description": "member_count integer"
 10332                  },
 10333                  "ceo_id": {
 10334                    "type": "integer",
 10335                    "format": "int32",
 10336                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_ceo_id",
 10337                    "description": "ceo_id integer"
 10338                  },
 10339                  "alliance_id": {
 10340                    "type": "integer",
 10341                    "format": "int32",
 10342                    "description": "ID of the alliance that corporation is a member of, if any",
 10343                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_alliance_id"
 10344                  },
 10345                  "description": {
 10346                    "type": "string",
 10347                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_description",
 10348                    "description": "description string"
 10349                  },
 10350                  "tax_rate": {
 10351                    "type": "number",
 10352                    "format": "float",
 10353                    "minimum": 0,
 10354                    "maximum": 1,
 10355                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_tax_rate",
 10356                    "description": "tax_rate number"
 10357                  },
 10358                  "date_founded": {
 10359                    "type": "string",
 10360                    "format": "date-time",
 10361                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_date_founded",
 10362                    "description": "date_founded string"
 10363                  },
 10364                  "creator_id": {
 10365                    "type": "integer",
 10366                    "format": "int32",
 10367                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_creator_id",
 10368                    "description": "creator_id integer"
 10369                  },
 10370                  "url": {
 10371                    "type": "string",
 10372                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_url",
 10373                    "description": "url string"
 10374                  },
 10375                  "faction_id": {
 10376                    "type": "integer",
 10377                    "format": "int32",
 10378                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_faction_id",
 10379                    "description": "faction_id integer"
 10380                  },
 10381                  "home_station_id": {
 10382                    "type": "integer",
 10383                    "format": "int32",
 10384                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_home_station_id",
 10385                    "description": "home_station_id integer"
 10386                  },
 10387                  "shares": {
 10388                    "type": "integer",
 10389                    "format": "int64",
 10390                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_shares",
 10391                    "description": "shares integer"
 10392                  }
 10393                },
 10394                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_ok",
 10395                "description": "200 ok object"
 10396              },
 10397              "headers": {
 10398                "Cache-Control": {
 10399                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 10400                  "type": "string"
 10401                },
 10402                "Last-Modified": {
 10403                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 10404                  "type": "string"
 10405                },
 10406                "Expires": {
 10407                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 10408                  "type": "string"
 10409                }
 10410              }
 10411            },
 10412            "404": {
 10413              "description": "Corporation not found",
 10414              "schema": {
 10415                "type": "object",
 10416                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_not_found",
 10417                "description": "Not found",
 10418                "properties": {
 10419                  "error": {
 10420                    "type": "string",
 10421                    "description": "Not found message",
 10422                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_404_not_found"
 10423                  }
 10424                }
 10425              },
 10426              "examples": {
 10427                "application/json": {
 10428                  "error": "Not found message"
 10429                }
 10430              }
 10431            },
 10432            "500": {
 10433              "description": "Internal server error",
 10434              "schema": {
 10435                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 10436              },
 10437              "examples": {
 10438                "application/json": {
 10439                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 10440                }
 10441              }
 10442            }
 10443          },
 10444          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id",
 10445          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 10446          "x-alternate-versions": [
 10447            "dev",
 10448            "v4"
 10449          ]
 10450        }
 10451      },
 10452      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/alliancehistory/": {
 10453        "get": {
 10454          "description": "Get a list of all the alliances a corporation has been a member of\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/alliancehistory/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/alliancehistory/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 10455          "summary": "Get alliance history",
 10456          "tags": [
 10457            "Corporation"
 10458          ],
 10459          "parameters": [
 10460            {
 10461              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 10462            },
 10463            {
 10464              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 10465            },
 10466            {
 10467              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 10468            },
 10469            {
 10470              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 10471            }
 10472          ],
 10473          "responses": {
 10474            "200": {
 10475              "description": "Alliance history for the given corporation",
 10476              "examples": {
 10477                "application/json": [
 10478                  {
 10479                    "record_id": 23,
 10480                    "start_date": "2016-10-25T14:46:00Z",
 10481                    "alliance_id": 99000006,
 10482                    "is_deleted": true
 10483                  },
 10484                  {
 10485                    "record_id": 1,
 10486                    "start_date": "2015-07-06T20:56:00Z"
 10487                  }
 10488                ]
 10489              },
 10490              "schema": {
 10491                "type": "array",
 10492                "maxItems": 10000,
 10493                "items": {
 10494                  "type": "object",
 10495                  "required": [
 10496                    "start_date",
 10497                    "record_id"
 10498                  ],
 10499                  "properties": {
 10500                    "start_date": {
 10501                      "type": "string",
 10502                      "format": "date-time",
 10503                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_alliancehistory_start_date",
 10504                      "description": "start_date string"
 10505                    },
 10506                    "alliance_id": {
 10507                      "type": "integer",
 10508                      "format": "int32",
 10509                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_alliancehistory_alliance_id",
 10510                      "description": "alliance_id integer"
 10511                    },
 10512                    "is_deleted": {
 10513                      "type": "boolean",
 10514                      "description": "True if the alliance has been closed",
 10515                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_alliancehistory_is_deleted"
 10516                    },
 10517                    "record_id": {
 10518                      "type": "integer",
 10519                      "format": "int32",
 10520                      "description": "An incrementing ID that can be used to canonically establish order of records in cases where dates may be ambiguous",
 10521                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_alliancehistory_record_id"
 10522                    }
 10523                  },
 10524                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_alliancehistory_200_ok",
 10525                  "description": "200 ok object"
 10526                },
 10527                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_alliancehistory_ok",
 10528                "description": "200 ok array"
 10529              },
 10530              "headers": {
 10531                "Cache-Control": {
 10532                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 10533                  "type": "string"
 10534                },
 10535                "Last-Modified": {
 10536                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 10537                  "type": "string"
 10538                },
 10539                "Expires": {
 10540                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 10541                  "type": "string"
 10542                }
 10543              }
 10544            },
 10545            "500": {
 10546              "description": "Internal server error",
 10547              "schema": {
 10548                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 10549              },
 10550              "examples": {
 10551                "application/json": {
 10552                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 10553                }
 10554              }
 10555            }
 10556          },
 10557          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_alliancehistory",
 10558          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 10559          "x-alternate-versions": [
 10560            "dev",
 10561            "v2"
 10562          ]
 10563        }
 10564      },
 10565      "/corporations/names/": {
 10566        "get": {
 10567          "description": "Resolve a set of corporation IDs to corporation names\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/names/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/corporations/names/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 10568          "summary": "Get corporation names",
 10569          "tags": [
 10570            "Corporation"
 10571          ],
 10572          "parameters": [
 10573            {
 10574              "name": "corporation_ids",
 10575              "in": "query",
 10576              "description": "A comma separated list of corporation IDs",
 10577              "required": true,
 10578              "type": "array",
 10579              "minItems": 1,
 10580              "maxItems": 100,
 10581              "items": {
 10582                "type": "integer",
 10583                "format": "int32"
 10584              }
 10585            },
 10586            {
 10587              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 10588            },
 10589            {
 10590              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 10591            },
 10592            {
 10593              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 10594            }
 10595          ],
 10596          "responses": {
 10597            "200": {
 10598              "description": "List of id/name associations",
 10599              "examples": {
 10600                "application/json": [
 10601                  {
 10602                    "corporation_id": 1000171,
 10603                    "corporation_name": "Republic University"
 10604                  }
 10605                ]
 10606              },
 10607              "schema": {
 10608                "type": "array",
 10609                "maxItems": 100,
 10610                "items": {
 10611                  "type": "object",
 10612                  "required": [
 10613                    "corporation_id",
 10614                    "corporation_name"
 10615                  ],
 10616                  "properties": {
 10617                    "corporation_id": {
 10618                      "type": "integer",
 10619                      "format": "int32",
 10620                      "title": "get_corporations_names_corporation_id",
 10621                      "description": "corporation_id integer"
 10622                    },
 10623                    "corporation_name": {
 10624                      "type": "string",
 10625                      "title": "get_corporations_names_corporation_name",
 10626                      "description": "corporation_name string"
 10627                    }
 10628                  },
 10629                  "title": "get_corporations_names_200_ok",
 10630                  "description": "200 ok object"
 10631                },
 10632                "title": "get_corporations_names_ok",
 10633                "description": "200 ok array"
 10634              },
 10635              "headers": {
 10636                "Cache-Control": {
 10637                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 10638                  "type": "string"
 10639                },
 10640                "Last-Modified": {
 10641                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 10642                  "type": "string"
 10643                },
 10644                "Expires": {
 10645                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 10646                  "type": "string"
 10647                }
 10648              }
 10649            },
 10650            "500": {
 10651              "description": "Internal server error",
 10652              "schema": {
 10653                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 10654              },
 10655              "examples": {
 10656                "application/json": {
 10657                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 10658                }
 10659              }
 10660            }
 10661          },
 10662          "operationId": "get_corporations_names",
 10663          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 10664          "x-alternate-versions": [
 10665            "dev",
 10666            "v2"
 10667          ]
 10668        }
 10669      },
 10670      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/": {
 10671        "get": {
 10672          "description": "Return the current member list of a corporation, the token's character need to be a member of the corporation.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v3/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 10673          "summary": "Get corporation members",
 10674          "tags": [
 10675            "Corporation"
 10676          ],
 10677          "parameters": [
 10678            {
 10679              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 10680            },
 10681            {
 10682              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 10683            },
 10684            {
 10685              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 10686            },
 10687            {
 10688              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 10689            },
 10690            {
 10691              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 10692            }
 10693          ],
 10694          "responses": {
 10695            "200": {
 10696              "description": "List of member character IDs",
 10697              "examples": {
 10698                "application/json": [
 10699                  90000001,
 10700                  90000002
 10701                ]
 10702              },
 10703              "schema": {
 10704                "type": "array",
 10705                "maxItems": 12601,
 10706                "description": "A list of character IDs",
 10707                "items": {
 10708                  "type": "integer",
 10709                  "format": "int32",
 10710                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_members_200_ok",
 10711                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 10712                },
 10713                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_members_ok"
 10714              },
 10715              "headers": {
 10716                "Cache-Control": {
 10717                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 10718                  "type": "string"
 10719                },
 10720                "Last-Modified": {
 10721                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 10722                  "type": "string"
 10723                },
 10724                "Expires": {
 10725                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 10726                  "type": "string"
 10727                }
 10728              }
 10729            },
 10730            "403": {
 10731              "description": "Forbidden",
 10732              "schema": {
 10733                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 10734              },
 10735              "examples": {
 10736                "application/json": {
 10737                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 10738                }
 10739              }
 10740            },
 10741            "500": {
 10742              "description": "Internal server error",
 10743              "schema": {
 10744                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 10745              },
 10746              "examples": {
 10747                "application/json": {
 10748                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 10749                }
 10750              }
 10751            }
 10752          },
 10753          "security": [
 10754            {
 10755              "evesso": [
 10756                "esi-corporations.read_corporation_membership.v1"
 10757              ]
 10758            }
 10759          ],
 10760          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_members",
 10761          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 10762          "x-alternate-versions": [
 10763            "dev",
 10764            "v3"
 10765          ]
 10766        }
 10767      },
 10768      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/": {
 10769        "get": {
 10770          "description": "Return the roles of all members if the character has the personnel manager role or any grantable role.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 10771          "summary": "Get corporation member roles",
 10772          "tags": [
 10773            "Corporation"
 10774          ],
 10775          "parameters": [
 10776            {
 10777              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 10778            },
 10779            {
 10780              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 10781            },
 10782            {
 10783              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 10784            },
 10785            {
 10786              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 10787            },
 10788            {
 10789              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 10790            }
 10791          ],
 10792          "responses": {
 10793            "200": {
 10794              "description": "List of member character ID's and roles",
 10795              "examples": {
 10796                "application/json": [
 10797                  {
 10798                    "character_id": 1000171,
 10799                    "roles": [
 10800                      "Director",
 10801                      "Station_Manager"
 10802                    ]
 10803                  }
 10804                ]
 10805              },
 10806              "schema": {
 10807                "type": "array",
 10808                "maxItems": 12601,
 10809                "items": {
 10810                  "type": "object",
 10811                  "required": [
 10812                    "character_id"
 10813                  ],
 10814                  "properties": {
 10815                    "character_id": {
 10816                      "type": "integer",
 10817                      "format": "int32",
 10818                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_character_id",
 10819                      "description": "character_id integer"
 10820                    },
 10821                    "roles": {
 10822                      "type": "array",
 10823                      "maxItems": 50,
 10824                      "items": {
 10825                        "type": "string",
 10826                        "uniqueItems": true,
 10827                        "enum": [
 10828                          "Account_Take_1",
 10829                          "Account_Take_2",
 10830                          "Account_Take_3",
 10831                          "Account_Take_4",
 10832                          "Account_Take_5",
 10833                          "Account_Take_6",
 10834                          "Account_Take_7",
 10835                          "Accountant",
 10836                          "Auditor",
 10837                          "Communications_Officer",
 10838                          "Config_Equipment",
 10839                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 10840                          "Container_Take_1",
 10841                          "Container_Take_2",
 10842                          "Container_Take_3",
 10843                          "Container_Take_4",
 10844                          "Container_Take_5",
 10845                          "Container_Take_6",
 10846                          "Container_Take_7",
 10847                          "Contract_Manager",
 10848                          "Diplomat",
 10849                          "Director",
 10850                          "Factory_Manager",
 10851                          "Fitting_Manager",
 10852                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 10853                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 10854                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 10855                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 10856                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 10857                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 10858                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 10859                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 10860                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 10861                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 10862                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 10863                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 10864                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 10865                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 10866                          "Junior_Accountant",
 10867                          "Personnel_Manager",
 10868                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 10869                          "Rent_Office",
 10870                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 10871                          "Security_Officer",
 10872                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 10873                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 10874                          "Station_Manager",
 10875                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 10876                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 10877                          "Trader"
 10878                        ],
 10879                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_role",
 10880                        "description": "role string"
 10881                      },
 10882                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_roles",
 10883                      "description": "roles array"
 10884                    },
 10885                    "grantable_roles": {
 10886                      "type": "array",
 10887                      "maxItems": 50,
 10888                      "items": {
 10889                        "type": "string",
 10890                        "uniqueItems": true,
 10891                        "enum": [
 10892                          "Account_Take_1",
 10893                          "Account_Take_2",
 10894                          "Account_Take_3",
 10895                          "Account_Take_4",
 10896                          "Account_Take_5",
 10897                          "Account_Take_6",
 10898                          "Account_Take_7",
 10899                          "Accountant",
 10900                          "Auditor",
 10901                          "Communications_Officer",
 10902                          "Config_Equipment",
 10903                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 10904                          "Container_Take_1",
 10905                          "Container_Take_2",
 10906                          "Container_Take_3",
 10907                          "Container_Take_4",
 10908                          "Container_Take_5",
 10909                          "Container_Take_6",
 10910                          "Container_Take_7",
 10911                          "Contract_Manager",
 10912                          "Diplomat",
 10913                          "Director",
 10914                          "Factory_Manager",
 10915                          "Fitting_Manager",
 10916                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 10917                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 10918                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 10919                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 10920                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 10921                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 10922                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 10923                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 10924                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 10925                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 10926                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 10927                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 10928                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 10929                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 10930                          "Junior_Accountant",
 10931                          "Personnel_Manager",
 10932                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 10933                          "Rent_Office",
 10934                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 10935                          "Security_Officer",
 10936                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 10937                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 10938                          "Station_Manager",
 10939                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 10940                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 10941                          "Trader"
 10942                        ],
 10943                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_grantable_role",
 10944                        "description": "grantable_role string"
 10945                      },
 10946                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_grantable_roles",
 10947                      "description": "grantable_roles array"
 10948                    },
 10949                    "roles_at_hq": {
 10950                      "type": "array",
 10951                      "maxItems": 50,
 10952                      "items": {
 10953                        "type": "string",
 10954                        "uniqueItems": true,
 10955                        "enum": [
 10956                          "Account_Take_1",
 10957                          "Account_Take_2",
 10958                          "Account_Take_3",
 10959                          "Account_Take_4",
 10960                          "Account_Take_5",
 10961                          "Account_Take_6",
 10962                          "Account_Take_7",
 10963                          "Accountant",
 10964                          "Auditor",
 10965                          "Communications_Officer",
 10966                          "Config_Equipment",
 10967                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 10968                          "Container_Take_1",
 10969                          "Container_Take_2",
 10970                          "Container_Take_3",
 10971                          "Container_Take_4",
 10972                          "Container_Take_5",
 10973                          "Container_Take_6",
 10974                          "Container_Take_7",
 10975                          "Contract_Manager",
 10976                          "Diplomat",
 10977                          "Director",
 10978                          "Factory_Manager",
 10979                          "Fitting_Manager",
 10980                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 10981                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 10982                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 10983                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 10984                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 10985                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 10986                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 10987                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 10988                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 10989                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 10990                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 10991                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 10992                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 10993                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 10994                          "Junior_Accountant",
 10995                          "Personnel_Manager",
 10996                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 10997                          "Rent_Office",
 10998                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 10999                          "Security_Officer",
 11000                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 11001                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 11002                          "Station_Manager",
 11003                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 11004                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 11005                          "Trader"
 11006                        ],
 11007                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_roles_at_hq",
 11008                        "description": "roles_at_hq string"
 11009                      },
 11010                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_roles_at_hq",
 11011                      "description": "roles_at_hq array"
 11012                    },
 11013                    "grantable_roles_at_hq": {
 11014                      "type": "array",
 11015                      "maxItems": 50,
 11016                      "items": {
 11017                        "type": "string",
 11018                        "uniqueItems": true,
 11019                        "enum": [
 11020                          "Account_Take_1",
 11021                          "Account_Take_2",
 11022                          "Account_Take_3",
 11023                          "Account_Take_4",
 11024                          "Account_Take_5",
 11025                          "Account_Take_6",
 11026                          "Account_Take_7",
 11027                          "Accountant",
 11028                          "Auditor",
 11029                          "Communications_Officer",
 11030                          "Config_Equipment",
 11031                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 11032                          "Container_Take_1",
 11033                          "Container_Take_2",
 11034                          "Container_Take_3",
 11035                          "Container_Take_4",
 11036                          "Container_Take_5",
 11037                          "Container_Take_6",
 11038                          "Container_Take_7",
 11039                          "Contract_Manager",
 11040                          "Diplomat",
 11041                          "Director",
 11042                          "Factory_Manager",
 11043                          "Fitting_Manager",
 11044                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 11045                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 11046                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 11047                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 11048                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 11049                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 11050                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 11051                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 11052                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 11053                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 11054                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 11055                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 11056                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 11057                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 11058                          "Junior_Accountant",
 11059                          "Personnel_Manager",
 11060                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 11061                          "Rent_Office",
 11062                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 11063                          "Security_Officer",
 11064                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 11065                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 11066                          "Station_Manager",
 11067                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 11068                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 11069                          "Trader"
 11070                        ],
 11071                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_grantable_roles_at_hq",
 11072                        "description": "grantable_roles_at_hq string"
 11073                      },
 11074                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_grantable_roles_at_hq",
 11075                      "description": "grantable_roles_at_hq array"
 11076                    },
 11077                    "roles_at_base": {
 11078                      "type": "array",
 11079                      "maxItems": 50,
 11080                      "items": {
 11081                        "type": "string",
 11082                        "uniqueItems": true,
 11083                        "enum": [
 11084                          "Account_Take_1",
 11085                          "Account_Take_2",
 11086                          "Account_Take_3",
 11087                          "Account_Take_4",
 11088                          "Account_Take_5",
 11089                          "Account_Take_6",
 11090                          "Account_Take_7",
 11091                          "Accountant",
 11092                          "Auditor",
 11093                          "Communications_Officer",
 11094                          "Config_Equipment",
 11095                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 11096                          "Container_Take_1",
 11097                          "Container_Take_2",
 11098                          "Container_Take_3",
 11099                          "Container_Take_4",
 11100                          "Container_Take_5",
 11101                          "Container_Take_6",
 11102                          "Container_Take_7",
 11103                          "Contract_Manager",
 11104                          "Diplomat",
 11105                          "Director",
 11106                          "Factory_Manager",
 11107                          "Fitting_Manager",
 11108                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 11109                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 11110                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 11111                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 11112                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 11113                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 11114                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 11115                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 11116                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 11117                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 11118                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 11119                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 11120                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 11121                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 11122                          "Junior_Accountant",
 11123                          "Personnel_Manager",
 11124                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 11125                          "Rent_Office",
 11126                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 11127                          "Security_Officer",
 11128                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 11129                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 11130                          "Station_Manager",
 11131                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 11132                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 11133                          "Trader"
 11134                        ],
 11135                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_roles_at_base",
 11136                        "description": "roles_at_base string"
 11137                      },
 11138                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_roles_at_base",
 11139                      "description": "roles_at_base array"
 11140                    },
 11141                    "grantable_roles_at_base": {
 11142                      "type": "array",
 11143                      "maxItems": 50,
 11144                      "items": {
 11145                        "type": "string",
 11146                        "uniqueItems": true,
 11147                        "enum": [
 11148                          "Account_Take_1",
 11149                          "Account_Take_2",
 11150                          "Account_Take_3",
 11151                          "Account_Take_4",
 11152                          "Account_Take_5",
 11153                          "Account_Take_6",
 11154                          "Account_Take_7",
 11155                          "Accountant",
 11156                          "Auditor",
 11157                          "Communications_Officer",
 11158                          "Config_Equipment",
 11159                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 11160                          "Container_Take_1",
 11161                          "Container_Take_2",
 11162                          "Container_Take_3",
 11163                          "Container_Take_4",
 11164                          "Container_Take_5",
 11165                          "Container_Take_6",
 11166                          "Container_Take_7",
 11167                          "Contract_Manager",
 11168                          "Diplomat",
 11169                          "Director",
 11170                          "Factory_Manager",
 11171                          "Fitting_Manager",
 11172                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 11173                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 11174                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 11175                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 11176                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 11177                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 11178                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 11179                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 11180                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 11181                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 11182                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 11183                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 11184                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 11185                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 11186                          "Junior_Accountant",
 11187                          "Personnel_Manager",
 11188                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 11189                          "Rent_Office",
 11190                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 11191                          "Security_Officer",
 11192                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 11193                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 11194                          "Station_Manager",
 11195                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 11196                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 11197                          "Trader"
 11198                        ],
 11199                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_grantable_roles_at_base",
 11200                        "description": "grantable_roles_at_base string"
 11201                      },
 11202                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_grantable_roles_at_base",
 11203                      "description": "grantable_roles_at_base array"
 11204                    },
 11205                    "roles_at_other": {
 11206                      "type": "array",
 11207                      "maxItems": 50,
 11208                      "items": {
 11209                        "type": "string",
 11210                        "uniqueItems": true,
 11211                        "enum": [
 11212                          "Account_Take_1",
 11213                          "Account_Take_2",
 11214                          "Account_Take_3",
 11215                          "Account_Take_4",
 11216                          "Account_Take_5",
 11217                          "Account_Take_6",
 11218                          "Account_Take_7",
 11219                          "Accountant",
 11220                          "Auditor",
 11221                          "Communications_Officer",
 11222                          "Config_Equipment",
 11223                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 11224                          "Container_Take_1",
 11225                          "Container_Take_2",
 11226                          "Container_Take_3",
 11227                          "Container_Take_4",
 11228                          "Container_Take_5",
 11229                          "Container_Take_6",
 11230                          "Container_Take_7",
 11231                          "Contract_Manager",
 11232                          "Diplomat",
 11233                          "Director",
 11234                          "Factory_Manager",
 11235                          "Fitting_Manager",
 11236                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 11237                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 11238                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 11239                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 11240                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 11241                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 11242                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 11243                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 11244                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 11245                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 11246                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 11247                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 11248                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 11249                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 11250                          "Junior_Accountant",
 11251                          "Personnel_Manager",
 11252                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 11253                          "Rent_Office",
 11254                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 11255                          "Security_Officer",
 11256                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 11257                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 11258                          "Station_Manager",
 11259                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 11260                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 11261                          "Trader"
 11262                        ],
 11263                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_roles_at_other",
 11264                        "description": "roles_at_other string"
 11265                      },
 11266                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_roles_at_other",
 11267                      "description": "roles_at_other array"
 11268                    },
 11269                    "grantable_roles_at_other": {
 11270                      "type": "array",
 11271                      "maxItems": 50,
 11272                      "items": {
 11273                        "type": "string",
 11274                        "uniqueItems": true,
 11275                        "enum": [
 11276                          "Account_Take_1",
 11277                          "Account_Take_2",
 11278                          "Account_Take_3",
 11279                          "Account_Take_4",
 11280                          "Account_Take_5",
 11281                          "Account_Take_6",
 11282                          "Account_Take_7",
 11283                          "Accountant",
 11284                          "Auditor",
 11285                          "Communications_Officer",
 11286                          "Config_Equipment",
 11287                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 11288                          "Container_Take_1",
 11289                          "Container_Take_2",
 11290                          "Container_Take_3",
 11291                          "Container_Take_4",
 11292                          "Container_Take_5",
 11293                          "Container_Take_6",
 11294                          "Container_Take_7",
 11295                          "Contract_Manager",
 11296                          "Diplomat",
 11297                          "Director",
 11298                          "Factory_Manager",
 11299                          "Fitting_Manager",
 11300                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 11301                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 11302                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 11303                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 11304                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 11305                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 11306                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 11307                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 11308                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 11309                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 11310                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 11311                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 11312                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 11313                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 11314                          "Junior_Accountant",
 11315                          "Personnel_Manager",
 11316                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 11317                          "Rent_Office",
 11318                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 11319                          "Security_Officer",
 11320                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 11321                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 11322                          "Station_Manager",
 11323                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 11324                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 11325                          "Trader"
 11326                        ],
 11327                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_grantable_roles_at_other",
 11328                        "description": "grantable_roles_at_other string"
 11329                      },
 11330                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_grantable_roles_at_other",
 11331                      "description": "grantable_roles_at_other array"
 11332                    }
 11333                  },
 11334                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_200_ok",
 11335                  "description": "200 ok object"
 11336                },
 11337                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_ok",
 11338                "description": "200 ok array"
 11339              },
 11340              "headers": {
 11341                "Cache-Control": {
 11342                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 11343                  "type": "string"
 11344                },
 11345                "Last-Modified": {
 11346                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 11347                  "type": "string"
 11348                },
 11349                "Expires": {
 11350                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 11351                  "type": "string"
 11352                }
 11353              }
 11354            },
 11355            "403": {
 11356              "description": "Forbidden",
 11357              "schema": {
 11358                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 11359              },
 11360              "examples": {
 11361                "application/json": {
 11362                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 11363                }
 11364              }
 11365            },
 11366            "500": {
 11367              "description": "Internal server error",
 11368              "schema": {
 11369                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 11370              },
 11371              "examples": {
 11372                "application/json": {
 11373                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 11374                }
 11375              }
 11376            }
 11377          },
 11378          "security": [
 11379            {
 11380              "evesso": [
 11381                "esi-corporations.read_corporation_membership.v1"
 11382              ]
 11383            }
 11384          ],
 11385          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles",
 11386          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 11387          "x-alternate-versions": [
 11388            "dev",
 11389            "legacy",
 11390            "v1"
 11391          ]
 11392        }
 11393      },
 11394      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/history/": {
 11395        "get": {
 11396          "description": "Return how roles have changed for a coporation's members, up to a month\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/history/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/history/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/history/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
 11397          "summary": "Get corporation member roles history",
 11398          "tags": [
 11399            "Corporation"
 11400          ],
 11401          "parameters": [
 11402            {
 11403              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 11404            },
 11405            {
 11406              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 11407            },
 11408            {
 11409              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 11410            },
 11411            {
 11412              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 11413            },
 11414            {
 11415              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 11416            },
 11417            {
 11418              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 11419            }
 11420          ],
 11421          "responses": {
 11422            "200": {
 11423              "description": "List of role changes",
 11424              "examples": {
 11425                "application/json": [
 11426                  {
 11427                    "character_id": 12345,
 11428                    "changed_at": "2016-10-25T14:46:00Z",
 11429                    "issuer_id": 45678,
 11430                    "role_type": "roles",
 11431                    "old_roles": [
 11432                      "Diplomat"
 11433                    ],
 11434                    "new_roles": [
 11435                      "Station_Manager"
 11436                    ]
 11437                  }
 11438                ]
 11439              },
 11440              "schema": {
 11441                "type": "array",
 11442                "maxItems": 1000,
 11443                "items": {
 11444                  "type": "object",
 11445                  "required": [
 11446                    "character_id",
 11447                    "changed_at",
 11448                    "issuer_id",
 11449                    "role_type",
 11450                    "old_roles",
 11451                    "new_roles"
 11452                  ],
 11453                  "properties": {
 11454                    "character_id": {
 11455                      "type": "integer",
 11456                      "format": "int32",
 11457                      "description": "The character whose roles are changed",
 11458                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_history_character_id"
 11459                    },
 11460                    "changed_at": {
 11461                      "type": "string",
 11462                      "format": "date-time",
 11463                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_history_changed_at",
 11464                      "description": "changed_at string"
 11465                    },
 11466                    "issuer_id": {
 11467                      "type": "integer",
 11468                      "format": "int32",
 11469                      "description": "ID of the character who issued this change",
 11470                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_history_issuer_id"
 11471                    },
 11472                    "role_type": {
 11473                      "type": "string",
 11474                      "enum": [
 11475                        "grantable_roles",
 11476                        "grantable_roles_at_base",
 11477                        "grantable_roles_at_hq",
 11478                        "grantable_roles_at_other",
 11479                        "roles",
 11480                        "roles_at_base",
 11481                        "roles_at_hq",
 11482                        "roles_at_other"
 11483                      ],
 11484                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_history_role_type",
 11485                      "description": "role_type string"
 11486                    },
 11487                    "old_roles": {
 11488                      "type": "array",
 11489                      "maxItems": 50,
 11490                      "items": {
 11491                        "type": "string",
 11492                        "uniqueItems": true,
 11493                        "enum": [
 11494                          "Account_Take_1",
 11495                          "Account_Take_2",
 11496                          "Account_Take_3",
 11497                          "Account_Take_4",
 11498                          "Account_Take_5",
 11499                          "Account_Take_6",
 11500                          "Account_Take_7",
 11501                          "Accountant",
 11502                          "Auditor",
 11503                          "Communications_Officer",
 11504                          "Config_Equipment",
 11505                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 11506                          "Container_Take_1",
 11507                          "Container_Take_2",
 11508                          "Container_Take_3",
 11509                          "Container_Take_4",
 11510                          "Container_Take_5",
 11511                          "Container_Take_6",
 11512                          "Container_Take_7",
 11513                          "Contract_Manager",
 11514                          "Diplomat",
 11515                          "Director",
 11516                          "Factory_Manager",
 11517                          "Fitting_Manager",
 11518                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 11519                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 11520                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 11521                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 11522                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 11523                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 11524                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 11525                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 11526                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 11527                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 11528                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 11529                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 11530                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 11531                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 11532                          "Junior_Accountant",
 11533                          "Personnel_Manager",
 11534                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 11535                          "Rent_Office",
 11536                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 11537                          "Security_Officer",
 11538                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 11539                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 11540                          "Station_Manager",
 11541                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 11542                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 11543                          "Trader"
 11544                        ],
 11545                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_history_old_role",
 11546                        "description": "old_role string"
 11547                      },
 11548                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_history_old_roles",
 11549                      "description": "old_roles array"
 11550                    },
 11551                    "new_roles": {
 11552                      "type": "array",
 11553                      "maxItems": 50,
 11554                      "items": {
 11555                        "type": "string",
 11556                        "uniqueItems": true,
 11557                        "enum": [
 11558                          "Account_Take_1",
 11559                          "Account_Take_2",
 11560                          "Account_Take_3",
 11561                          "Account_Take_4",
 11562                          "Account_Take_5",
 11563                          "Account_Take_6",
 11564                          "Account_Take_7",
 11565                          "Accountant",
 11566                          "Auditor",
 11567                          "Communications_Officer",
 11568                          "Config_Equipment",
 11569                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 11570                          "Container_Take_1",
 11571                          "Container_Take_2",
 11572                          "Container_Take_3",
 11573                          "Container_Take_4",
 11574                          "Container_Take_5",
 11575                          "Container_Take_6",
 11576                          "Container_Take_7",
 11577                          "Contract_Manager",
 11578                          "Diplomat",
 11579                          "Director",
 11580                          "Factory_Manager",
 11581                          "Fitting_Manager",
 11582                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 11583                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 11584                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 11585                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 11586                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 11587                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 11588                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 11589                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 11590                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 11591                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 11592                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 11593                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 11594                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 11595                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 11596                          "Junior_Accountant",
 11597                          "Personnel_Manager",
 11598                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 11599                          "Rent_Office",
 11600                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 11601                          "Security_Officer",
 11602                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 11603                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 11604                          "Station_Manager",
 11605                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 11606                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 11607                          "Trader"
 11608                        ],
 11609                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_history_new_role",
 11610                        "description": "new_role string"
 11611                      },
 11612                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_history_new_roles",
 11613                      "description": "new_roles array"
 11614                    }
 11615                  },
 11616                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_history_200_ok",
 11617                  "description": "200 ok object"
 11618                },
 11619                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_history_ok",
 11620                "description": "200 ok array"
 11621              },
 11622              "headers": {
 11623                "X-Pages": {
 11624                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 11625                  "type": "integer",
 11626                  "format": "int32",
 11627                  "default": 1
 11628                },
 11629                "Cache-Control": {
 11630                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 11631                  "type": "string"
 11632                },
 11633                "Last-Modified": {
 11634                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 11635                  "type": "string"
 11636                },
 11637                "Expires": {
 11638                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 11639                  "type": "string"
 11640                }
 11641              }
 11642            },
 11643            "403": {
 11644              "description": "Forbidden",
 11645              "schema": {
 11646                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 11647              },
 11648              "examples": {
 11649                "application/json": {
 11650                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 11651                }
 11652              }
 11653            },
 11654            "500": {
 11655              "description": "Internal server error",
 11656              "schema": {
 11657                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 11658              },
 11659              "examples": {
 11660                "application/json": {
 11661                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 11662                }
 11663              }
 11664            }
 11665          },
 11666          "x-required-roles": [
 11667            "Director"
 11668          ],
 11669          "security": [
 11670            {
 11671              "evesso": [
 11672                "esi-corporations.read_corporation_membership.v1"
 11673              ]
 11674            }
 11675          ],
 11676          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_history",
 11677          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 11678          "x-alternate-versions": [
 11679            "dev",
 11680            "legacy",
 11681            "v1"
 11682          ]
 11683        }
 11684      },
 11685      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/icons/": {
 11686        "get": {
 11687          "description": "Get the icon urls for a corporation\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/icons/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/icons/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/icons/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 11688          "summary": "Get corporation icon",
 11689          "tags": [
 11690            "Corporation"
 11691          ],
 11692          "parameters": [
 11693            {
 11694              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 11695            },
 11696            {
 11697              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 11698            },
 11699            {
 11700              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 11701            },
 11702            {
 11703              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 11704            }
 11705          ],
 11706          "responses": {
 11707            "200": {
 11708              "description": "Urls for icons for the given corporation id and server",
 11709              "examples": {
 11710                "application/json": {
 11711                  "px64x64": "",
 11712                  "px128x128": "",
 11713                  "px256x256": ""
 11714                }
 11715              },
 11716              "schema": {
 11717                "type": "object",
 11718                "properties": {
 11719                  "px64x64": {
 11720                    "type": "string",
 11721                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_icons_px64x64",
 11722                    "description": "px64x64 string"
 11723                  },
 11724                  "px128x128": {
 11725                    "type": "string",
 11726                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_icons_px128x128",
 11727                    "description": "px128x128 string"
 11728                  },
 11729                  "px256x256": {
 11730                    "type": "string",
 11731                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_icons_px256x256",
 11732                    "description": "px256x256 string"
 11733                  }
 11734                },
 11735                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_icons_ok",
 11736                "description": "200 ok object"
 11737              },
 11738              "headers": {
 11739                "Cache-Control": {
 11740                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 11741                  "type": "string"
 11742                },
 11743                "Last-Modified": {
 11744                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 11745                  "type": "string"
 11746                },
 11747                "Expires": {
 11748                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 11749                  "type": "string"
 11750                }
 11751              }
 11752            },
 11753            "404": {
 11754              "description": "No image server for this datasource",
 11755              "examples": {
 11756                "application/json": {
 11757                  "error": "No image server for this datasource"
 11758                }
 11759              },
 11760              "schema": {
 11761                "type": "object",
 11762                "description": "No image server for this datasource",
 11763                "properties": {
 11764                  "error": {
 11765                    "type": "string",
 11766                    "description": "error message",
 11767                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_icons_error"
 11768                  }
 11769                },
 11770                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_icons_not_found"
 11771              }
 11772            },
 11773            "500": {
 11774              "description": "Internal server error",
 11775              "schema": {
 11776                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 11777              },
 11778              "examples": {
 11779                "application/json": {
 11780                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 11781                }
 11782              }
 11783            }
 11784          },
 11785          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_icons",
 11786          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 11787          "x-alternate-versions": [
 11788            "dev",
 11789            "legacy",
 11790            "v1"
 11791          ]
 11792        }
 11793      },
 11794      "/corporations/npccorps/": {
 11795        "get": {
 11796          "description": "Get a list of npc corporations\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/npccorps/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/npccorps/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/npccorps/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 11797          "summary": "Get npc corporations",
 11798          "tags": [
 11799            "Corporation"
 11800          ],
 11801          "responses": {
 11802            "200": {
 11803              "description": "A list of npc corporation ids",
 11804              "examples": {
 11805                "application/json": [
 11806                  1000001,
 11807                  1000002,
 11808                  1000003
 11809                ]
 11810              },
 11811              "schema": {
 11812                "type": "array",
 11813                "maxItems": 500,
 11814                "items": {
 11815                  "type": "integer",
 11816                  "format": "int32",
 11817                  "title": "get_corporations_npccorps_200_ok",
 11818                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 11819                },
 11820                "title": "get_corporations_npccorps_ok",
 11821                "description": "200 ok array"
 11822              },
 11823              "headers": {
 11824                "Cache-Control": {
 11825                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 11826                  "type": "string"
 11827                },
 11828                "Last-Modified": {
 11829                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 11830                  "type": "string"
 11831                },
 11832                "Expires": {
 11833                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 11834                  "type": "string"
 11835                }
 11836              }
 11837            },
 11838            "500": {
 11839              "description": "Internal server error",
 11840              "schema": {
 11841                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 11842              },
 11843              "examples": {
 11844                "application/json": {
 11845                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 11846                }
 11847              }
 11848            }
 11849          },
 11850          "parameters": [
 11851            {
 11852              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 11853            },
 11854            {
 11855              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 11856            },
 11857            {
 11858              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 11859            }
 11860          ],
 11861          "operationId": "get_corporations_npccorps",
 11862          "x-alternate-versions": [
 11863            "dev",
 11864            "legacy",
 11865            "v1"
 11866          ]
 11867        }
 11868      },
 11869      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/structures/": {
 11870        "get": {
 11871          "description": "Get a list of corporation structures. This route's version includes the changes to structures detailed in this blog:\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/structures/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/structures/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): StationManager\n",
 11872          "summary": "Get corporation structures",
 11873          "tags": [
 11874            "Corporation"
 11875          ],
 11876          "parameters": [
 11877            {
 11878              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 11879            },
 11880            {
 11881              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 11882            },
 11883            {
 11884              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 11885            },
 11886            {
 11887              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 11888            },
 11889            {
 11890              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 11891            },
 11892            {
 11893              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 11894            },
 11895            {
 11896              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 11897            }
 11898          ],
 11899          "responses": {
 11900            "200": {
 11901              "description": "List of corporation structures' information",
 11902              "examples": {
 11903                "application/json": [
 11904                  {
 11905                    "structure_id": 1021975535893,
 11906                    "type_id": 35833,
 11907                    "corporation_id": 667531913,
 11908                    "system_id": 30004763,
 11909                    "profile_id": 11237,
 11910                    "state": "shield_vulnerable",
 11911                    "reinforce_weekday": 2,
 11912                    "reinforce_hour": 22
 11913                  }
 11914                ]
 11915              },
 11916              "schema": {
 11917                "type": "array",
 11918                "maxItems": 1000,
 11919                "items": {
 11920                  "type": "object",
 11921                  "required": [
 11922                    "structure_id",
 11923                    "type_id",
 11924                    "corporation_id",
 11925                    "system_id",
 11926                    "profile_id",
 11927                    "reinforce_weekday",
 11928                    "reinforce_hour",
 11929                    "state"
 11930                  ],
 11931                  "properties": {
 11932                    "structure_id": {
 11933                      "type": "integer",
 11934                      "format": "int64",
 11935                      "description": "The Item ID of the structure",
 11936                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_structure_id"
 11937                    },
 11938                    "type_id": {
 11939                      "type": "integer",
 11940                      "format": "int32",
 11941                      "description": "The type id of the structure",
 11942                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_type_id"
 11943                    },
 11944                    "corporation_id": {
 11945                      "type": "integer",
 11946                      "format": "int32",
 11947                      "description": "ID of the corporation that owns the structure",
 11948                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_corporation_id"
 11949                    },
 11950                    "system_id": {
 11951                      "type": "integer",
 11952                      "format": "int32",
 11953                      "description": "The solar system the structure is in",
 11954                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_system_id"
 11955                    },
 11956                    "profile_id": {
 11957                      "type": "integer",
 11958                      "format": "int32",
 11959                      "description": "The id of the ACL profile for this citadel",
 11960                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_profile_id"
 11961                    },
 11962                    "fuel_expires": {
 11963                      "type": "string",
 11964                      "format": "date-time",
 11965                      "description": "Date on which the structure will run out of fuel",
 11966                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_fuel_expires"
 11967                    },
 11968                    "services": {
 11969                      "type": "array",
 11970                      "description": "Contains a list of service upgrades, and their state",
 11971                      "maxItems": 10,
 11972                      "items": {
 11973                        "type": "object",
 11974                        "required": [
 11975                          "name",
 11976                          "state"
 11977                        ],
 11978                        "properties": {
 11979                          "name": {
 11980                            "type": "string",
 11981                            "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_name",
 11982                            "description": "name string"
 11983                          },
 11984                          "state": {
 11985                            "type": "string",
 11986                            "enum": [
 11987                              "online",
 11988                              "offline",
 11989                              "cleanup"
 11990                            ],
 11991                            "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_state",
 11992                            "description": "state string"
 11993                          }
 11994                        },
 11995                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_service",
 11996                        "description": "service object"
 11997                      },
 11998                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_services"
 11999                    },
 12000                    "state_timer_start": {
 12001                      "type": "string",
 12002                      "format": "date-time",
 12003                      "description": "Date at which the structure entered it's current state",
 12004                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_state_timer_start"
 12005                    },
 12006                    "state_timer_end": {
 12007                      "type": "string",
 12008                      "format": "date-time",
 12009                      "description": "Date at which the structure will move to it's next state",
 12010                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_state_timer_end"
 12011                    },
 12012                    "unanchors_at": {
 12013                      "type": "string",
 12014                      "format": "date-time",
 12015                      "description": "Date at which the structure will unanchor",
 12016                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_unanchors_at"
 12017                    },
 12018                    "state": {
 12019                      "type": "string",
 12020                      "enum": [
 12021                        "anchor_vulnerable",
 12022                        "anchoring",
 12023                        "armor_reinforce",
 12024                        "armor_vulnerable",
 12025                        "fitting_invulnerable",
 12026                        "hull_reinforce",
 12027                        "hull_vulnerable",
 12028                        "online_deprecated",
 12029                        "onlining_vulnerable",
 12030                        "shield_vulnerable",
 12031                        "unanchored",
 12032                        "unknown"
 12033                      ],
 12034                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_state",
 12035                      "description": "state string"
 12036                    },
 12037                    "reinforce_weekday": {
 12038                      "description": "The day of the week when the structure exits its final reinforcement period and becomes vulnerable to attack against its hull. Monday is 0 and Sunday is 6.",
 12039                      "type": "integer",
 12040                      "format": "int32",
 12041                      "minimum": 0,
 12042                      "maximum": 6,
 12043                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_reinforce_weekday"
 12044                    },
 12045                    "reinforce_hour": {
 12046                      "description": "The hour of day that determines the four hour window when the structure will randomly exit its reinforcement periods and become vulnerable to attack against its armor and/or hull. The structure will become vulnerable at a random time that is +/- 2 hours centered on the value of this property.",
 12047                      "type": "integer",
 12048                      "format": "int32",
 12049                      "minimum": 0,
 12050                      "maximum": 23,
 12051                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_reinforce_hour"
 12052                    },
 12053                    "next_reinforce_weekday": {
 12054                      "description": "The requested change to reinforce_weekday that will take effect at the time shown by next_reinforce_apply.",
 12055                      "type": "integer",
 12056                      "format": "int32",
 12057                      "minimum": 0,
 12058                      "maximum": 6,
 12059                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_next_reinforce_weekday"
 12060                    },
 12061                    "next_reinforce_hour": {
 12062                      "description": "The requested change to reinforce_hour that will take effect at the time shown by next_reinforce_apply.",
 12063                      "type": "integer",
 12064                      "format": "int32",
 12065                      "minimum": 0,
 12066                      "maximum": 23,
 12067                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_next_reinforce_hour"
 12068                    },
 12069                    "next_reinforce_apply": {
 12070                      "description": "The date and time when the structure's newly requested reinforcement times (e.g. next_reinforce_hour and next_reinforce_day) will take effect.",
 12071                      "type": "string",
 12072                      "format": "date-time",
 12073                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_next_reinforce_apply"
 12074                    }
 12075                  },
 12076                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_200_ok",
 12077                  "description": "200 ok object"
 12078                },
 12079                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures_ok",
 12080                "description": "200 ok array"
 12081              },
 12082              "headers": {
 12083                "X-Pages": {
 12084                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 12085                  "type": "integer",
 12086                  "format": "int32",
 12087                  "default": 1
 12088                },
 12089                "Content-Language": {
 12090                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 12091                  "type": "string",
 12092                  "enum": [
 12093                    "de",
 12094                    "en-us",
 12095                    "fr",
 12096                    "ja",
 12097                    "ru",
 12098                    "zh"
 12099                  ]
 12100                },
 12101                "Cache-Control": {
 12102                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 12103                  "type": "string"
 12104                },
 12105                "Last-Modified": {
 12106                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 12107                  "type": "string"
 12108                },
 12109                "Expires": {
 12110                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 12111                  "type": "string"
 12112                }
 12113              }
 12114            },
 12115            "403": {
 12116              "description": "Forbidden",
 12117              "schema": {
 12118                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 12119              },
 12120              "examples": {
 12121                "application/json": {
 12122                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 12123                }
 12124              }
 12125            },
 12126            "500": {
 12127              "description": "Internal server error",
 12128              "schema": {
 12129                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 12130              },
 12131              "examples": {
 12132                "application/json": {
 12133                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 12134                }
 12135              }
 12136            }
 12137          },
 12138          "x-required-roles": [
 12139            "StationManager"
 12140          ],
 12141          "security": [
 12142            {
 12143              "evesso": [
 12144                "esi-corporations.read_structures.v1"
 12145              ]
 12146            }
 12147          ],
 12148          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_structures",
 12149          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 12150          "x-alternate-versions": [
 12151            "dev",
 12152            "v2"
 12153          ]
 12154        }
 12155      },
 12156      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/membertracking/": {
 12157        "get": {
 12158          "description": "Returns additional information about a corporation's members which helps tracking their activities\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/membertracking/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/membertracking/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/membertracking/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
 12159          "summary": "Track corporation members",
 12160          "tags": [
 12161            "Corporation"
 12162          ],
 12163          "parameters": [
 12164            {
 12165              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 12166            },
 12167            {
 12168              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 12169            },
 12170            {
 12171              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 12172            },
 12173            {
 12174              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 12175            },
 12176            {
 12177              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 12178            }
 12179          ],
 12180          "responses": {
 12181            "200": {
 12182              "description": "List of member character IDs",
 12183              "examples": {
 12184                "application/json": [
 12185                  {
 12186                    "character_id": 2112000001,
 12187                    "start_date": "2017-07-10T14:46:00Z",
 12188                    "logon_date": "2017-08-03T14:22:03Z",
 12189                    "logoff_date": "2017-08-03T14:31:16Z",
 12190                    "location_id": 30003657,
 12191                    "ship_type_id": 22464
 12192                  },
 12193                  {
 12194                    "character_id": 2112000002,
 12195                    "start_date": "2017-07-10T14:50:00Z",
 12196                    "logon_date": "2017-07-25T10:54:00Z",
 12197                    "logoff_date": "2017-07-25T11:07:40Z",
 12198                    "location_id": 30003657,
 12199                    "ship_type_id": 670
 12200                  }
 12201                ]
 12202              },
 12203              "schema": {
 12204                "type": "array",
 12205                "maxItems": 12601,
 12206                "items": {
 12207                  "type": "object",
 12208                  "required": [
 12209                    "character_id"
 12210                  ],
 12211                  "properties": {
 12212                    "character_id": {
 12213                      "type": "integer",
 12214                      "format": "int32",
 12215                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_membertracking_character_id",
 12216                      "description": "character_id integer"
 12217                    },
 12218                    "start_date": {
 12219                      "type": "string",
 12220                      "format": "date-time",
 12221                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_membertracking_start_date",
 12222                      "description": "start_date string"
 12223                    },
 12224                    "base_id": {
 12225                      "type": "integer",
 12226                      "format": "int32",
 12227                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_membertracking_base_id",
 12228                      "description": "base_id integer"
 12229                    },
 12230                    "logon_date": {
 12231                      "type": "string",
 12232                      "format": "date-time",
 12233                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_membertracking_logon_date",
 12234                      "description": "logon_date string"
 12235                    },
 12236                    "logoff_date": {
 12237                      "type": "string",
 12238                      "format": "date-time",
 12239                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_membertracking_logoff_date",
 12240                      "description": "logoff_date string"
 12241                    },
 12242                    "location_id": {
 12243                      "type": "integer",
 12244                      "format": "int64",
 12245                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_membertracking_location_id",
 12246                      "description": "location_id integer"
 12247                    },
 12248                    "ship_type_id": {
 12249                      "type": "integer",
 12250                      "format": "int32",
 12251                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_membertracking_ship_type_id",
 12252                      "description": "ship_type_id integer"
 12253                    }
 12254                  },
 12255                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_membertracking_200_ok",
 12256                  "description": "200 ok object"
 12257                },
 12258                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_membertracking_ok",
 12259                "description": "200 ok array"
 12260              },
 12261              "headers": {
 12262                "Cache-Control": {
 12263                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 12264                  "type": "string"
 12265                },
 12266                "Last-Modified": {
 12267                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 12268                  "type": "string"
 12269                },
 12270                "Expires": {
 12271                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 12272                  "type": "string"
 12273                }
 12274              }
 12275            },
 12276            "403": {
 12277              "description": "Forbidden",
 12278              "schema": {
 12279                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 12280              },
 12281              "examples": {
 12282                "application/json": {
 12283                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 12284                }
 12285              }
 12286            },
 12287            "500": {
 12288              "description": "Internal server error",
 12289              "schema": {
 12290                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 12291              },
 12292              "examples": {
 12293                "application/json": {
 12294                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 12295                }
 12296              }
 12297            }
 12298          },
 12299          "x-required-roles": [
 12300            "Director"
 12301          ],
 12302          "security": [
 12303            {
 12304              "evesso": [
 12305                "esi-corporations.track_members.v1"
 12306              ]
 12307            }
 12308          ],
 12309          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_membertracking",
 12310          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 12311          "x-alternate-versions": [
 12312            "dev",
 12313            "legacy",
 12314            "v1"
 12315          ]
 12316        }
 12317      },
 12318      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/divisions/": {
 12319        "get": {
 12320          "description": "Return corporation hangar and wallet division names, only show if a division is not using the default name\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/divisions/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/divisions/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/divisions/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
 12321          "summary": "Get corporation divisions",
 12322          "tags": [
 12323            "Corporation"
 12324          ],
 12325          "parameters": [
 12326            {
 12327              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 12328            },
 12329            {
 12330              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 12331            },
 12332            {
 12333              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 12334            },
 12335            {
 12336              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 12337            },
 12338            {
 12339              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 12340            }
 12341          ],
 12342          "responses": {
 12343            "200": {
 12344              "description": "List of corporation division names",
 12345              "examples": {
 12346                "application/json": {
 12347                  "hangar": [
 12348                    {
 12349                      "division": 1,
 12350                      "name": "Awesome Hangar 1"
 12351                    }
 12352                  ],
 12353                  "wallet": [
 12354                    {
 12355                      "division": 1,
 12356                      "name": "Rich Wallet 1"
 12357                    }
 12358                  ]
 12359                }
 12360              },
 12361              "schema": {
 12362                "type": "object",
 12363                "properties": {
 12364                  "hangar": {
 12365                    "type": "array",
 12366                    "maxItems": 7,
 12367                    "items": {
 12368                      "type": "object",
 12369                      "properties": {
 12370                        "division": {
 12371                          "type": "integer",
 12372                          "format": "int32",
 12373                          "minimum": 1,
 12374                          "maximum": 7,
 12375                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions_division",
 12376                          "description": "division integer"
 12377                        },
 12378                        "name": {
 12379                          "type": "string",
 12380                          "maxLength": 50,
 12381                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions_name",
 12382                          "description": "name string"
 12383                        }
 12384                      },
 12385                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions_hangar",
 12386                      "description": "hangar object"
 12387                    },
 12388                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions_hangar",
 12389                    "description": "hangar array"
 12390                  },
 12391                  "wallet": {
 12392                    "type": "array",
 12393                    "maxItems": 7,
 12394                    "items": {
 12395                      "type": "object",
 12396                      "properties": {
 12397                        "division": {
 12398                          "type": "integer",
 12399                          "format": "int32",
 12400                          "minimum": 1,
 12401                          "maximum": 7,
 12402                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions_division",
 12403                          "description": "division integer"
 12404                        },
 12405                        "name": {
 12406                          "type": "string",
 12407                          "maxLength": 50,
 12408                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions_name",
 12409                          "description": "name string"
 12410                        }
 12411                      },
 12412                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions_wallet",
 12413                      "description": "wallet object"
 12414                    },
 12415                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions_wallet",
 12416                    "description": "wallet array"
 12417                  }
 12418                },
 12419                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions_ok",
 12420                "description": "200 ok object"
 12421              },
 12422              "headers": {
 12423                "Cache-Control": {
 12424                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 12425                  "type": "string"
 12426                },
 12427                "Last-Modified": {
 12428                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 12429                  "type": "string"
 12430                },
 12431                "Expires": {
 12432                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 12433                  "type": "string"
 12434                }
 12435              }
 12436            },
 12437            "403": {
 12438              "description": "Forbidden",
 12439              "schema": {
 12440                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 12441              },
 12442              "examples": {
 12443                "application/json": {
 12444                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 12445                }
 12446              }
 12447            },
 12448            "500": {
 12449              "description": "Internal server error",
 12450              "schema": {
 12451                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 12452              },
 12453              "examples": {
 12454                "application/json": {
 12455                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 12456                }
 12457              }
 12458            }
 12459          },
 12460          "x-required-roles": [
 12461            "Director"
 12462          ],
 12463          "security": [
 12464            {
 12465              "evesso": [
 12466                "esi-corporations.read_divisions.v1"
 12467              ]
 12468            }
 12469          ],
 12470          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions",
 12471          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 12472          "x-alternate-versions": [
 12473            "dev",
 12474            "legacy",
 12475            "v1"
 12476          ]
 12477        }
 12478      },
 12479      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/limit/": {
 12480        "get": {
 12481          "description": "Return a corporation's member limit, not including CEO himself\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/limit/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/limit/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/limit/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
 12482          "summary": "Get corporation member limit",
 12483          "tags": [
 12484            "Corporation"
 12485          ],
 12486          "parameters": [
 12487            {
 12488              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 12489            },
 12490            {
 12491              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 12492            },
 12493            {
 12494              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 12495            },
 12496            {
 12497              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 12498            },
 12499            {
 12500              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 12501            }
 12502          ],
 12503          "responses": {
 12504            "200": {
 12505              "description": "The corporation's member limit",
 12506              "examples": {
 12507                "application/json": 40
 12508              },
 12509              "schema": {
 12510                "type": "integer",
 12511                "format": "int32",
 12512                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_members_limit_ok",
 12513                "description": "200 ok integer"
 12514              },
 12515              "headers": {
 12516                "Cache-Control": {
 12517                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 12518                  "type": "string"
 12519                },
 12520                "Last-Modified": {
 12521                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 12522                  "type": "string"
 12523                },
 12524                "Expires": {
 12525                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 12526                  "type": "string"
 12527                }
 12528              }
 12529            },
 12530            "403": {
 12531              "description": "Forbidden",
 12532              "schema": {
 12533                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 12534              },
 12535              "examples": {
 12536                "application/json": {
 12537                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 12538                }
 12539              }
 12540            },
 12541            "500": {
 12542              "description": "Internal server error",
 12543              "schema": {
 12544                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 12545              },
 12546              "examples": {
 12547                "application/json": {
 12548                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 12549                }
 12550              }
 12551            }
 12552          },
 12553          "x-required-roles": [
 12554            "Director"
 12555          ],
 12556          "security": [
 12557            {
 12558              "evesso": [
 12559                "esi-corporations.track_members.v1"
 12560              ]
 12561            }
 12562          ],
 12563          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_members_limit",
 12564          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 12565          "x-alternate-versions": [
 12566            "dev",
 12567            "legacy",
 12568            "v1"
 12569          ]
 12570        }
 12571      },
 12572      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/titles/": {
 12573        "get": {
 12574          "description": "Returns a corporation's titles\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/titles/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/titles/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/titles/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
 12575          "summary": "Get corporation titles",
 12576          "tags": [
 12577            "Corporation"
 12578          ],
 12579          "parameters": [
 12580            {
 12581              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 12582            },
 12583            {
 12584              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 12585            },
 12586            {
 12587              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 12588            },
 12589            {
 12590              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 12591            },
 12592            {
 12593              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 12594            }
 12595          ],
 12596          "responses": {
 12597            "200": {
 12598              "description": "A list of titles",
 12599              "examples": {
 12600                "application/json": [
 12601                  {
 12602                    "title_id": 1,
 12603                    "name": "Awesome Title",
 12604                    "roles": [
 12605                      "Hangar_Take_6",
 12606                      "Hangar_Query_2"
 12607                    ]
 12608                  }
 12609                ]
 12610              },
 12611              "schema": {
 12612                "type": "array",
 12613                "maxItems": 16,
 12614                "items": {
 12615                  "type": "object",
 12616                  "properties": {
 12617                    "title_id": {
 12618                      "type": "integer",
 12619                      "format": "int32",
 12620                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_title_id",
 12621                      "description": "title_id integer"
 12622                    },
 12623                    "name": {
 12624                      "type": "string",
 12625                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_name",
 12626                      "description": "name string"
 12627                    },
 12628                    "roles": {
 12629                      "type": "array",
 12630                      "maxItems": 50,
 12631                      "items": {
 12632                        "type": "string",
 12633                        "uniqueItems": true,
 12634                        "enum": [
 12635                          "Account_Take_1",
 12636                          "Account_Take_2",
 12637                          "Account_Take_3",
 12638                          "Account_Take_4",
 12639                          "Account_Take_5",
 12640                          "Account_Take_6",
 12641                          "Account_Take_7",
 12642                          "Accountant",
 12643                          "Auditor",
 12644                          "Communications_Officer",
 12645                          "Config_Equipment",
 12646                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 12647                          "Container_Take_1",
 12648                          "Container_Take_2",
 12649                          "Container_Take_3",
 12650                          "Container_Take_4",
 12651                          "Container_Take_5",
 12652                          "Container_Take_6",
 12653                          "Container_Take_7",
 12654                          "Contract_Manager",
 12655                          "Diplomat",
 12656                          "Director",
 12657                          "Factory_Manager",
 12658                          "Fitting_Manager",
 12659                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 12660                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 12661                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 12662                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 12663                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 12664                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 12665                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 12666                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 12667                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 12668                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 12669                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 12670                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 12671                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 12672                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 12673                          "Junior_Accountant",
 12674                          "Personnel_Manager",
 12675                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 12676                          "Rent_Office",
 12677                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 12678                          "Security_Officer",
 12679                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 12680                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 12681                          "Station_Manager",
 12682                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 12683                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 12684                          "Trader"
 12685                        ],
 12686                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_role",
 12687                        "description": "role string"
 12688                      },
 12689                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_roles",
 12690                      "description": "roles array"
 12691                    },
 12692                    "grantable_roles": {
 12693                      "type": "array",
 12694                      "maxItems": 50,
 12695                      "items": {
 12696                        "type": "string",
 12697                        "uniqueItems": true,
 12698                        "enum": [
 12699                          "Account_Take_1",
 12700                          "Account_Take_2",
 12701                          "Account_Take_3",
 12702                          "Account_Take_4",
 12703                          "Account_Take_5",
 12704                          "Account_Take_6",
 12705                          "Account_Take_7",
 12706                          "Accountant",
 12707                          "Auditor",
 12708                          "Communications_Officer",
 12709                          "Config_Equipment",
 12710                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 12711                          "Container_Take_1",
 12712                          "Container_Take_2",
 12713                          "Container_Take_3",
 12714                          "Container_Take_4",
 12715                          "Container_Take_5",
 12716                          "Container_Take_6",
 12717                          "Container_Take_7",
 12718                          "Contract_Manager",
 12719                          "Diplomat",
 12720                          "Director",
 12721                          "Factory_Manager",
 12722                          "Fitting_Manager",
 12723                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 12724                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 12725                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 12726                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 12727                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 12728                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 12729                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 12730                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 12731                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 12732                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 12733                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 12734                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 12735                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 12736                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 12737                          "Junior_Accountant",
 12738                          "Personnel_Manager",
 12739                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 12740                          "Rent_Office",
 12741                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 12742                          "Security_Officer",
 12743                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 12744                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 12745                          "Station_Manager",
 12746                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 12747                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 12748                          "Trader"
 12749                        ],
 12750                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_grantable_role",
 12751                        "description": "grantable_role string"
 12752                      },
 12753                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_grantable_roles",
 12754                      "description": "grantable_roles array"
 12755                    },
 12756                    "roles_at_hq": {
 12757                      "type": "array",
 12758                      "maxItems": 50,
 12759                      "items": {
 12760                        "type": "string",
 12761                        "uniqueItems": true,
 12762                        "enum": [
 12763                          "Account_Take_1",
 12764                          "Account_Take_2",
 12765                          "Account_Take_3",
 12766                          "Account_Take_4",
 12767                          "Account_Take_5",
 12768                          "Account_Take_6",
 12769                          "Account_Take_7",
 12770                          "Accountant",
 12771                          "Auditor",
 12772                          "Communications_Officer",
 12773                          "Config_Equipment",
 12774                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 12775                          "Container_Take_1",
 12776                          "Container_Take_2",
 12777                          "Container_Take_3",
 12778                          "Container_Take_4",
 12779                          "Container_Take_5",
 12780                          "Container_Take_6",
 12781                          "Container_Take_7",
 12782                          "Contract_Manager",
 12783                          "Diplomat",
 12784                          "Director",
 12785                          "Factory_Manager",
 12786                          "Fitting_Manager",
 12787                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 12788                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 12789                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 12790                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 12791                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 12792                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 12793                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 12794                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 12795                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 12796                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 12797                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 12798                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 12799                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 12800                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 12801                          "Junior_Accountant",
 12802                          "Personnel_Manager",
 12803                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 12804                          "Rent_Office",
 12805                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 12806                          "Security_Officer",
 12807                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 12808                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 12809                          "Station_Manager",
 12810                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 12811                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 12812                          "Trader"
 12813                        ],
 12814                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_roles_at_hq",
 12815                        "description": "roles_at_hq string"
 12816                      },
 12817                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_roles_at_hq",
 12818                      "description": "roles_at_hq array"
 12819                    },
 12820                    "grantable_roles_at_hq": {
 12821                      "type": "array",
 12822                      "maxItems": 50,
 12823                      "items": {
 12824                        "type": "string",
 12825                        "uniqueItems": true,
 12826                        "enum": [
 12827                          "Account_Take_1",
 12828                          "Account_Take_2",
 12829                          "Account_Take_3",
 12830                          "Account_Take_4",
 12831                          "Account_Take_5",
 12832                          "Account_Take_6",
 12833                          "Account_Take_7",
 12834                          "Accountant",
 12835                          "Auditor",
 12836                          "Communications_Officer",
 12837                          "Config_Equipment",
 12838                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 12839                          "Container_Take_1",
 12840                          "Container_Take_2",
 12841                          "Container_Take_3",
 12842                          "Container_Take_4",
 12843                          "Container_Take_5",
 12844                          "Container_Take_6",
 12845                          "Container_Take_7",
 12846                          "Contract_Manager",
 12847                          "Diplomat",
 12848                          "Director",
 12849                          "Factory_Manager",
 12850                          "Fitting_Manager",
 12851                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 12852                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 12853                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 12854                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 12855                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 12856                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 12857                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 12858                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 12859                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 12860                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 12861                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 12862                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 12863                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 12864                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 12865                          "Junior_Accountant",
 12866                          "Personnel_Manager",
 12867                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 12868                          "Rent_Office",
 12869                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 12870                          "Security_Officer",
 12871                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 12872                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 12873                          "Station_Manager",
 12874                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 12875                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 12876                          "Trader"
 12877                        ],
 12878                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_grantable_roles_at_hq",
 12879                        "description": "grantable_roles_at_hq string"
 12880                      },
 12881                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_grantable_roles_at_hq",
 12882                      "description": "grantable_roles_at_hq array"
 12883                    },
 12884                    "roles_at_base": {
 12885                      "type": "array",
 12886                      "maxItems": 50,
 12887                      "items": {
 12888                        "type": "string",
 12889                        "uniqueItems": true,
 12890                        "enum": [
 12891                          "Account_Take_1",
 12892                          "Account_Take_2",
 12893                          "Account_Take_3",
 12894                          "Account_Take_4",
 12895                          "Account_Take_5",
 12896                          "Account_Take_6",
 12897                          "Account_Take_7",
 12898                          "Accountant",
 12899                          "Auditor",
 12900                          "Communications_Officer",
 12901                          "Config_Equipment",
 12902                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 12903                          "Container_Take_1",
 12904                          "Container_Take_2",
 12905                          "Container_Take_3",
 12906                          "Container_Take_4",
 12907                          "Container_Take_5",
 12908                          "Container_Take_6",
 12909                          "Container_Take_7",
 12910                          "Contract_Manager",
 12911                          "Diplomat",
 12912                          "Director",
 12913                          "Factory_Manager",
 12914                          "Fitting_Manager",
 12915                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 12916                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 12917                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 12918                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 12919                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 12920                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 12921                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 12922                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 12923                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 12924                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 12925                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 12926                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 12927                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 12928                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 12929                          "Junior_Accountant",
 12930                          "Personnel_Manager",
 12931                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 12932                          "Rent_Office",
 12933                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 12934                          "Security_Officer",
 12935                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 12936                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 12937                          "Station_Manager",
 12938                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 12939                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 12940                          "Trader"
 12941                        ],
 12942                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_roles_at_base",
 12943                        "description": "roles_at_base string"
 12944                      },
 12945                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_roles_at_base",
 12946                      "description": "roles_at_base array"
 12947                    },
 12948                    "grantable_roles_at_base": {
 12949                      "type": "array",
 12950                      "maxItems": 50,
 12951                      "items": {
 12952                        "type": "string",
 12953                        "uniqueItems": true,
 12954                        "enum": [
 12955                          "Account_Take_1",
 12956                          "Account_Take_2",
 12957                          "Account_Take_3",
 12958                          "Account_Take_4",
 12959                          "Account_Take_5",
 12960                          "Account_Take_6",
 12961                          "Account_Take_7",
 12962                          "Accountant",
 12963                          "Auditor",
 12964                          "Communications_Officer",
 12965                          "Config_Equipment",
 12966                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 12967                          "Container_Take_1",
 12968                          "Container_Take_2",
 12969                          "Container_Take_3",
 12970                          "Container_Take_4",
 12971                          "Container_Take_5",
 12972                          "Container_Take_6",
 12973                          "Container_Take_7",
 12974                          "Contract_Manager",
 12975                          "Diplomat",
 12976                          "Director",
 12977                          "Factory_Manager",
 12978                          "Fitting_Manager",
 12979                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 12980                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 12981                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 12982                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 12983                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 12984                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 12985                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 12986                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 12987                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 12988                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 12989                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 12990                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 12991                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 12992                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 12993                          "Junior_Accountant",
 12994                          "Personnel_Manager",
 12995                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 12996                          "Rent_Office",
 12997                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 12998                          "Security_Officer",
 12999                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 13000                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 13001                          "Station_Manager",
 13002                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 13003                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 13004                          "Trader"
 13005                        ],
 13006                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_grantable_roles_at_base",
 13007                        "description": "grantable_roles_at_base string"
 13008                      },
 13009                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_grantable_roles_at_base",
 13010                      "description": "grantable_roles_at_base array"
 13011                    },
 13012                    "roles_at_other": {
 13013                      "type": "array",
 13014                      "maxItems": 50,
 13015                      "items": {
 13016                        "type": "string",
 13017                        "uniqueItems": true,
 13018                        "enum": [
 13019                          "Account_Take_1",
 13020                          "Account_Take_2",
 13021                          "Account_Take_3",
 13022                          "Account_Take_4",
 13023                          "Account_Take_5",
 13024                          "Account_Take_6",
 13025                          "Account_Take_7",
 13026                          "Accountant",
 13027                          "Auditor",
 13028                          "Communications_Officer",
 13029                          "Config_Equipment",
 13030                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 13031                          "Container_Take_1",
 13032                          "Container_Take_2",
 13033                          "Container_Take_3",
 13034                          "Container_Take_4",
 13035                          "Container_Take_5",
 13036                          "Container_Take_6",
 13037                          "Container_Take_7",
 13038                          "Contract_Manager",
 13039                          "Diplomat",
 13040                          "Director",
 13041                          "Factory_Manager",
 13042                          "Fitting_Manager",
 13043                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 13044                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 13045                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 13046                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 13047                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 13048                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 13049                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 13050                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 13051                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 13052                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 13053                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 13054                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 13055                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 13056                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 13057                          "Junior_Accountant",
 13058                          "Personnel_Manager",
 13059                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 13060                          "Rent_Office",
 13061                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 13062                          "Security_Officer",
 13063                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 13064                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 13065                          "Station_Manager",
 13066                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 13067                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 13068                          "Trader"
 13069                        ],
 13070                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_roles_at_other",
 13071                        "description": "roles_at_other string"
 13072                      },
 13073                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_roles_at_other",
 13074                      "description": "roles_at_other array"
 13075                    },
 13076                    "grantable_roles_at_other": {
 13077                      "type": "array",
 13078                      "maxItems": 50,
 13079                      "items": {
 13080                        "type": "string",
 13081                        "uniqueItems": true,
 13082                        "enum": [
 13083                          "Account_Take_1",
 13084                          "Account_Take_2",
 13085                          "Account_Take_3",
 13086                          "Account_Take_4",
 13087                          "Account_Take_5",
 13088                          "Account_Take_6",
 13089                          "Account_Take_7",
 13090                          "Accountant",
 13091                          "Auditor",
 13092                          "Communications_Officer",
 13093                          "Config_Equipment",
 13094                          "Config_Starbase_Equipment",
 13095                          "Container_Take_1",
 13096                          "Container_Take_2",
 13097                          "Container_Take_3",
 13098                          "Container_Take_4",
 13099                          "Container_Take_5",
 13100                          "Container_Take_6",
 13101                          "Container_Take_7",
 13102                          "Contract_Manager",
 13103                          "Diplomat",
 13104                          "Director",
 13105                          "Factory_Manager",
 13106                          "Fitting_Manager",
 13107                          "Hangar_Query_1",
 13108                          "Hangar_Query_2",
 13109                          "Hangar_Query_3",
 13110                          "Hangar_Query_4",
 13111                          "Hangar_Query_5",
 13112                          "Hangar_Query_6",
 13113                          "Hangar_Query_7",
 13114                          "Hangar_Take_1",
 13115                          "Hangar_Take_2",
 13116                          "Hangar_Take_3",
 13117                          "Hangar_Take_4",
 13118                          "Hangar_Take_5",
 13119                          "Hangar_Take_6",
 13120                          "Hangar_Take_7",
 13121                          "Junior_Accountant",
 13122                          "Personnel_Manager",
 13123                          "Rent_Factory_Facility",
 13124                          "Rent_Office",
 13125                          "Rent_Research_Facility",
 13126                          "Security_Officer",
 13127                          "Starbase_Defense_Operator",
 13128                          "Starbase_Fuel_Technician",
 13129                          "Station_Manager",
 13130                          "Terrestrial_Combat_Officer",
 13131                          "Terrestrial_Logistics_Officer",
 13132                          "Trader"
 13133                        ],
 13134                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_grantable_roles_at_other",
 13135                        "description": "grantable_roles_at_other string"
 13136                      },
 13137                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_grantable_roles_at_other",
 13138                      "description": "grantable_roles_at_other array"
 13139                    }
 13140                  },
 13141                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_200_ok",
 13142                  "description": "200 ok object"
 13143                },
 13144                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles_ok",
 13145                "description": "200 ok array"
 13146              },
 13147              "headers": {
 13148                "Cache-Control": {
 13149                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 13150                  "type": "string"
 13151                },
 13152                "Last-Modified": {
 13153                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 13154                  "type": "string"
 13155                },
 13156                "Expires": {
 13157                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 13158                  "type": "string"
 13159                }
 13160              }
 13161            },
 13162            "403": {
 13163              "description": "Forbidden",
 13164              "schema": {
 13165                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 13166              },
 13167              "examples": {
 13168                "application/json": {
 13169                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 13170                }
 13171              }
 13172            },
 13173            "500": {
 13174              "description": "Internal server error",
 13175              "schema": {
 13176                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 13177              },
 13178              "examples": {
 13179                "application/json": {
 13180                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 13181                }
 13182              }
 13183            }
 13184          },
 13185          "x-required-roles": [
 13186            "Director"
 13187          ],
 13188          "security": [
 13189            {
 13190              "evesso": [
 13191                "esi-corporations.read_titles.v1"
 13192              ]
 13193            }
 13194          ],
 13195          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_titles",
 13196          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 13197          "x-alternate-versions": [
 13198            "dev",
 13199            "legacy",
 13200            "v1"
 13201          ]
 13202        }
 13203      },
 13204      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/titles/": {
 13205        "get": {
 13206          "description": "Returns a corporation's members' titles\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/titles/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/titles/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/titles/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
 13207          "summary": "Get corporation's members' titles",
 13208          "tags": [
 13209            "Corporation"
 13210          ],
 13211          "parameters": [
 13212            {
 13213              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 13214            },
 13215            {
 13216              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 13217            },
 13218            {
 13219              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 13220            },
 13221            {
 13222              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 13223            },
 13224            {
 13225              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 13226            }
 13227          ],
 13228          "responses": {
 13229            "200": {
 13230              "description": "A list of members and theirs titles",
 13231              "examples": {
 13232                "application/json": [
 13233                  {
 13234                    "character_id": 12345,
 13235                    "titles": []
 13236                  }
 13237                ]
 13238              },
 13239              "schema": {
 13240                "type": "array",
 13241                "maxItems": 12601,
 13242                "items": {
 13243                  "type": "object",
 13244                  "required": [
 13245                    "character_id",
 13246                    "titles"
 13247                  ],
 13248                  "properties": {
 13249                    "character_id": {
 13250                      "type": "integer",
 13251                      "format": "int32",
 13252                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_members_titles_character_id",
 13253                      "description": "character_id integer"
 13254                    },
 13255                    "titles": {
 13256                      "type": "array",
 13257                      "maxItems": 16,
 13258                      "description": "A list of title_id",
 13259                      "items": {
 13260                        "type": "integer",
 13261                        "format": "int32",
 13262                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_members_titles_title",
 13263                        "description": "title integer"
 13264                      },
 13265                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_members_titles_titles"
 13266                    }
 13267                  },
 13268                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_members_titles_200_ok",
 13269                  "description": "200 ok object"
 13270                },
 13271                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_members_titles_ok",
 13272                "description": "200 ok array"
 13273              },
 13274              "headers": {
 13275                "Cache-Control": {
 13276                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 13277                  "type": "string"
 13278                },
 13279                "Last-Modified": {
 13280                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 13281                  "type": "string"
 13282                },
 13283                "Expires": {
 13284                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 13285                  "type": "string"
 13286                }
 13287              }
 13288            },
 13289            "403": {
 13290              "description": "Forbidden",
 13291              "schema": {
 13292                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 13293              },
 13294              "examples": {
 13295                "application/json": {
 13296                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 13297                }
 13298              }
 13299            },
 13300            "500": {
 13301              "description": "Internal server error",
 13302              "schema": {
 13303                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 13304              },
 13305              "examples": {
 13306                "application/json": {
 13307                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 13308                }
 13309              }
 13310            }
 13311          },
 13312          "x-required-roles": [
 13313            "Director"
 13314          ],
 13315          "security": [
 13316            {
 13317              "evesso": [
 13318                "esi-corporations.read_titles.v1"
 13319              ]
 13320            }
 13321          ],
 13322          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_members_titles",
 13323          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 13324          "x-alternate-versions": [
 13325            "dev",
 13326            "legacy",
 13327            "v1"
 13328          ]
 13329        }
 13330      },
 13331      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/blueprints/": {
 13332        "get": {
 13333          "description": "Returns a list of blueprints the corporation owns\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/blueprints/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/blueprints/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n\n\n---\n[This route has an available update]({corporation_id}/blueprints/)",
 13334          "summary": "Get corporation blueprints",
 13335          "tags": [
 13336            "Corporation"
 13337          ],
 13338          "parameters": [
 13339            {
 13340              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 13341            },
 13342            {
 13343              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 13344            },
 13345            {
 13346              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 13347            },
 13348            {
 13349              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 13350            },
 13351            {
 13352              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 13353            },
 13354            {
 13355              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 13356            }
 13357          ],
 13358          "responses": {
 13359            "200": {
 13360              "description": "List of corporation blueprints",
 13361              "examples": {
 13362                "application/json": [
 13363                  {
 13364                    "item_id": 1000000010495,
 13365                    "type_id": 691,
 13366                    "location_id": 60014719,
 13367                    "location_flag": "CorpSAG1",
 13368                    "quantity": 1,
 13369                    "time_efficiency": 0,
 13370                    "material_efficiency": 0,
 13371                    "runs": -1
 13372                  }
 13373                ]
 13374              },
 13375              "schema": {
 13376                "type": "array",
 13377                "maxItems": 1000,
 13378                "items": {
 13379                  "type": "object",
 13380                  "required": [
 13381                    "item_id",
 13382                    "type_id",
 13383                    "location_id",
 13384                    "location_flag",
 13385                    "quantity",
 13386                    "time_efficiency",
 13387                    "material_efficiency",
 13388                    "runs"
 13389                  ],
 13390                  "properties": {
 13391                    "item_id": {
 13392                      "type": "integer",
 13393                      "format": "int64",
 13394                      "description": "Unique ID for this item.",
 13395                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_blueprints_item_id"
 13396                    },
 13397                    "type_id": {
 13398                      "type": "integer",
 13399                      "format": "int32",
 13400                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_blueprints_type_id",
 13401                      "description": "type_id integer"
 13402                    },
 13403                    "location_id": {
 13404                      "type": "integer",
 13405                      "format": "int64",
 13406                      "description": "References a solar system, station or item_id if this blueprint is located within a container.",
 13407                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_blueprints_location_id"
 13408                    },
 13409                    "quantity": {
 13410                      "type": "integer",
 13411                      "format": "int32",
 13412                      "description": "A range of numbers with a minimum of -2 and no maximum value where -1 is an original and -2 is a copy. It can be a positive integer if it is a stack of blueprint originals fresh from the market (e.g. no activities performed on them yet).",
 13413                      "minimum": -2,
 13414                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_blueprints_quantity"
 13415                    },
 13416                    "time_efficiency": {
 13417                      "type": "integer",
 13418                      "format": "int32",
 13419                      "description": "Time Efficiency Level of the blueprint.",
 13420                      "minimum": 0,
 13421                      "maximum": 20,
 13422                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_blueprints_time_efficiency"
 13423                    },
 13424                    "material_efficiency": {
 13425                      "type": "integer",
 13426                      "format": "int32",
 13427                      "description": "Material Efficiency Level of the blueprint.",
 13428                      "minimum": 0,
 13429                      "maximum": 25,
 13430                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_blueprints_material_efficiency"
 13431                    },
 13432                    "runs": {
 13433                      "type": "integer",
 13434                      "format": "int32",
 13435                      "description": "Number of runs remaining if the blueprint is a copy, -1 if it is an original.",
 13436                      "minimum": -1,
 13437                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_blueprints_runs"
 13438                    },
 13439                    "location_flag": {
 13440                      "type": "string",
 13441                      "description": "Type of the location_id",
 13442                      "enum": [
 13443                        "AssetSafety",
 13444                        "AutoFit",
 13445                        "Bonus",
 13446                        "Booster",
 13447                        "BoosterBay",
 13448                        "Capsule",
 13449                        "Cargo",
 13450                        "CorpDeliveries",
 13451                        "CorpSAG1",
 13452                        "CorpSAG2",
 13453                        "CorpSAG3",
 13454                        "CorpSAG4",
 13455                        "CorpSAG5",
 13456                        "CorpSAG6",
 13457                        "CorpSAG7",
 13458                        "CrateLoot",
 13459                        "Deliveries",
 13460                        "DroneBay",
 13461                        "DustBattle",
 13462                        "DustDatabank",
 13463                        "FighterBay",
 13464                        "FighterTube0",
 13465                        "FighterTube1",
 13466                        "FighterTube2",
 13467                        "FighterTube3",
 13468                        "FighterTube4",
 13469                        "FleetHangar",
 13470                        "Hangar",
 13471                        "HangarAll",
 13472                        "HiSlot0",
 13473                        "HiSlot1",
 13474                        "HiSlot2",
 13475                        "HiSlot3",
 13476                        "HiSlot4",
 13477                        "HiSlot5",
 13478                        "HiSlot6",
 13479                        "HiSlot7",
 13480                        "HiddenModifers",
 13481                        "Implant",
 13482                        "Impounded",
 13483                        "JunkyardReprocessed",
 13484                        "JunkyardTrashed",
 13485                        "LoSlot0",
 13486                        "LoSlot1",
 13487                        "LoSlot2",
 13488                        "LoSlot3",
 13489                        "LoSlot4",
 13490                        "LoSlot5",
 13491                        "LoSlot6",
 13492                        "LoSlot7",
 13493                        "Locked",
 13494                        "MedSlot0",
 13495                        "MedSlot1",
 13496                        "MedSlot2",
 13497                        "MedSlot3",
 13498                        "MedSlot4",
 13499                        "MedSlot5",
 13500                        "MedSlot6",
 13501                        "MedSlot7",
 13502                        "OfficeFolder",
 13503                        "Pilot",
 13504                        "PlanetSurface",
 13505                        "QuafeBay",
 13506                        "Reward",
 13507                        "RigSlot0",
 13508                        "RigSlot1",
 13509                        "RigSlot2",
 13510                        "RigSlot3",
 13511                        "RigSlot4",
 13512                        "RigSlot5",
 13513                        "RigSlot6",
 13514                        "RigSlot7",
 13515                        "SecondaryStorage",
 13516                        "ServiceSlot0",
 13517                        "ServiceSlot1",
 13518                        "ServiceSlot2",
 13519                        "ServiceSlot3",
 13520                        "ServiceSlot4",
 13521                        "ServiceSlot5",
 13522                        "ServiceSlot6",
 13523                        "ServiceSlot7",
 13524                        "ShipHangar",
 13525                        "ShipOffline",
 13526                        "Skill",
 13527                        "SkillInTraining",
 13528                        "SpecializedAmmoHold",
 13529                        "SpecializedCommandCenterHold",
 13530                        "SpecializedFuelBay",
 13531                        "SpecializedGasHold",
 13532                        "SpecializedIndustrialShipHold",
 13533                        "SpecializedLargeShipHold",
 13534                        "SpecializedMaterialBay",
 13535                        "SpecializedMediumShipHold",
 13536                        "SpecializedMineralHold",
 13537                        "SpecializedOreHold",
 13538                        "SpecializedPlanetaryCommoditiesHold",
 13539                        "SpecializedSalvageHold",
 13540                        "SpecializedShipHold",
 13541                        "SpecializedSmallShipHold",
 13542                        "StructureActive",
 13543                        "StructureFuel",
 13544                        "StructureInactive",
 13545                        "StructureOffline",
 13546                        "SubSystemSlot0",
 13547                        "SubSystemSlot1",
 13548                        "SubSystemSlot2",
 13549                        "SubSystemSlot3",
 13550                        "SubSystemSlot4",
 13551                        "SubSystemSlot5",
 13552                        "SubSystemSlot6",
 13553                        "SubSystemSlot7",
 13554                        "SubsystemBay",
 13555                        "Unlocked",
 13556                        "Wallet",
 13557                        "Wardrobe"
 13558                      ],
 13559                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_blueprints_location_flag"
 13560                    }
 13561                  },
 13562                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_blueprints_200_ok",
 13563                  "description": "200 ok object"
 13564                },
 13565                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_blueprints_ok",
 13566                "description": "200 ok array"
 13567              },
 13568              "headers": {
 13569                "X-Pages": {
 13570                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 13571                  "type": "integer",
 13572                  "format": "int32",
 13573                  "default": 1
 13574                },
 13575                "Cache-Control": {
 13576                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 13577                  "type": "string"
 13578                },
 13579                "Last-Modified": {
 13580                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 13581                  "type": "string"
 13582                },
 13583                "Expires": {
 13584                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 13585                  "type": "string"
 13586                }
 13587              }
 13588            },
 13589            "403": {
 13590              "description": "Forbidden",
 13591              "schema": {
 13592                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 13593              },
 13594              "examples": {
 13595                "application/json": {
 13596                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 13597                }
 13598              }
 13599            },
 13600            "500": {
 13601              "description": "Internal server error",
 13602              "schema": {
 13603                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 13604              },
 13605              "examples": {
 13606                "application/json": {
 13607                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 13608                }
 13609              }
 13610            }
 13611          },
 13612          "x-required-roles": [
 13613            "Director"
 13614          ],
 13615          "security": [
 13616            {
 13617              "evesso": [
 13618                "esi-corporations.read_blueprints.v1"
 13619              ]
 13620            }
 13621          ],
 13622          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_blueprints",
 13623          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 13624          "x-alternate-versions": [
 13625            "legacy",
 13626            "v1"
 13627          ]
 13628        }
 13629      },
 13630      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/standings/": {
 13631        "get": {
 13632          "description": "Return corporation standings from agents, NPC corporations, and factions\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/standings/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/standings/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/standings/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 13633          "summary": "Get corporation standings",
 13634          "tags": [
 13635            "Corporation"
 13636          ],
 13637          "parameters": [
 13638            {
 13639              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 13640            },
 13641            {
 13642              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 13643            },
 13644            {
 13645              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 13646            },
 13647            {
 13648              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 13649            },
 13650            {
 13651              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 13652            },
 13653            {
 13654              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 13655            }
 13656          ],
 13657          "responses": {
 13658            "200": {
 13659              "description": "A list of standings",
 13660              "examples": {
 13661                "application/json": [
 13662                  {
 13663                    "from_id": 3009841,
 13664                    "from_type": "agent",
 13665                    "standing": 0.1
 13666                  },
 13667                  {
 13668                    "from_id": 1000061,
 13669                    "from_type": "npc_corp",
 13670                    "standing": 0
 13671                  },
 13672                  {
 13673                    "from_id": 500003,
 13674                    "from_type": "faction",
 13675                    "standing": -1
 13676                  }
 13677                ]
 13678              },
 13679              "schema": {
 13680                "type": "array",
 13681                "maxItems": 1000,
 13682                "items": {
 13683                  "type": "object",
 13684                  "required": [
 13685                    "from_id",
 13686                    "from_type",
 13687                    "standing"
 13688                  ],
 13689                  "properties": {
 13690                    "from_id": {
 13691                      "type": "integer",
 13692                      "format": "int32",
 13693                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_standings_from_id",
 13694                      "description": "from_id integer"
 13695                    },
 13696                    "from_type": {
 13697                      "type": "string",
 13698                      "enum": [
 13699                        "agent",
 13700                        "npc_corp",
 13701                        "faction"
 13702                      ],
 13703                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_standings_from_type",
 13704                      "description": "from_type string"
 13705                    },
 13706                    "standing": {
 13707                      "type": "number",
 13708                      "format": "float",
 13709                      "minimum": -10,
 13710                      "maximum": 10,
 13711                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_standings_standing",
 13712                      "description": "standing number"
 13713                    }
 13714                  },
 13715                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_standings_200_ok",
 13716                  "description": "200 ok object"
 13717                },
 13718                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_standings_ok",
 13719                "description": "200 ok array"
 13720              },
 13721              "headers": {
 13722                "X-Pages": {
 13723                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 13724                  "type": "integer",
 13725                  "format": "int32",
 13726                  "default": 1
 13727                },
 13728                "Cache-Control": {
 13729                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 13730                  "type": "string"
 13731                },
 13732                "Last-Modified": {
 13733                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 13734                  "type": "string"
 13735                },
 13736                "Expires": {
 13737                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 13738                  "type": "string"
 13739                }
 13740              }
 13741            },
 13742            "403": {
 13743              "description": "Forbidden",
 13744              "schema": {
 13745                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 13746              },
 13747              "examples": {
 13748                "application/json": {
 13749                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 13750                }
 13751              }
 13752            },
 13753            "500": {
 13754              "description": "Internal server error",
 13755              "schema": {
 13756                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 13757              },
 13758              "examples": {
 13759                "application/json": {
 13760                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 13761                }
 13762              }
 13763            }
 13764          },
 13765          "x-required-roles": [],
 13766          "security": [
 13767            {
 13768              "evesso": [
 13769                "esi-corporations.read_standings.v1"
 13770              ]
 13771            }
 13772          ],
 13773          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_standings",
 13774          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 13775          "x-alternate-versions": [
 13776            "dev",
 13777            "legacy",
 13778            "v1"
 13779          ]
 13780        }
 13781      },
 13782      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/starbases/": {
 13783        "get": {
 13784          "description": "Returns list of corporation starbases (POSes)\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/starbases/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/starbases/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/starbases/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
 13785          "summary": "Get corporation starbases (POSes)",
 13786          "tags": [
 13787            "Corporation"
 13788          ],
 13789          "parameters": [
 13790            {
 13791              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 13792            },
 13793            {
 13794              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 13795            },
 13796            {
 13797              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 13798            },
 13799            {
 13800              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 13801            },
 13802            {
 13803              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 13804            },
 13805            {
 13806              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 13807            }
 13808          ],
 13809          "responses": {
 13810            "200": {
 13811              "description": "List of starbases (POSes)",
 13812              "examples": {
 13813                "application/json": [
 13814                  {
 13815                    "starbase_id": 12345,
 13816                    "type_id": 456,
 13817                    "system_id": 123456
 13818                  }
 13819                ]
 13820              },
 13821              "schema": {
 13822                "type": "array",
 13823                "maxItems": 1000,
 13824                "items": {
 13825                  "type": "object",
 13826                  "required": [
 13827                    "starbase_id",
 13828                    "type_id",
 13829                    "system_id"
 13830                  ],
 13831                  "properties": {
 13832                    "starbase_id": {
 13833                      "type": "integer",
 13834                      "format": "int64",
 13835                      "description": "Unique ID for this starbase (POS)",
 13836                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id"
 13837                    },
 13838                    "type_id": {
 13839                      "type": "integer",
 13840                      "format": "int32",
 13841                      "description": "Starbase (POS) type",
 13842                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_type_id"
 13843                    },
 13844                    "system_id": {
 13845                      "type": "integer",
 13846                      "format": "int32",
 13847                      "description": "The solar system this starbase (POS) is in, unanchored POSes have this information",
 13848                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_system_id"
 13849                    },
 13850                    "moon_id": {
 13851                      "type": "integer",
 13852                      "format": "int32",
 13853                      "description": "The moon this starbase (POS) is anchored on, unanchored POSes do not have this information",
 13854                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_moon_id"
 13855                    },
 13856                    "state": {
 13857                      "type": "string",
 13858                      "enum": [
 13859                        "offline",
 13860                        "online",
 13861                        "onlining",
 13862                        "reinforced",
 13863                        "unanchoring"
 13864                      ],
 13865                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_state",
 13866                      "description": "state string"
 13867                    },
 13868                    "unanchor_at": {
 13869                      "type": "string",
 13870                      "format": "date-time",
 13871                      "description": "When the POS started unanchoring, for starbases (POSes) in unanchoring state",
 13872                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_unanchor_at"
 13873                    },
 13874                    "reinforced_until": {
 13875                      "type": "string",
 13876                      "format": "date-time",
 13877                      "description": "When the POS will be out of reinforcement, for starbases (POSes) in reinforced state",
 13878                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_reinforced_until"
 13879                    },
 13880                    "onlined_since": {
 13881                      "type": "string",
 13882                      "format": "date-time",
 13883                      "description": "When the POS onlined, for starbases (POSes) in online state",
 13884                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_onlined_since"
 13885                    }
 13886                  },
 13887                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_200_ok",
 13888                  "description": "200 ok object"
 13889                },
 13890                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_ok",
 13891                "description": "200 ok array"
 13892              },
 13893              "headers": {
 13894                "X-Pages": {
 13895                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 13896                  "type": "integer",
 13897                  "format": "int32",
 13898                  "default": 1
 13899                },
 13900                "Cache-Control": {
 13901                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 13902                  "type": "string"
 13903                },
 13904                "Last-Modified": {
 13905                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 13906                  "type": "string"
 13907                },
 13908                "Expires": {
 13909                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 13910                  "type": "string"
 13911                }
 13912              }
 13913            },
 13914            "403": {
 13915              "description": "Forbidden",
 13916              "schema": {
 13917                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 13918              },
 13919              "examples": {
 13920                "application/json": {
 13921                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 13922                }
 13923              }
 13924            },
 13925            "500": {
 13926              "description": "Internal server error",
 13927              "schema": {
 13928                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 13929              },
 13930              "examples": {
 13931                "application/json": {
 13932                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 13933                }
 13934              }
 13935            }
 13936          },
 13937          "x-required-roles": [
 13938            "Director"
 13939          ],
 13940          "security": [
 13941            {
 13942              "evesso": [
 13943                "esi-corporations.read_starbases.v1"
 13944              ]
 13945            }
 13946          ],
 13947          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases",
 13948          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 13949          "x-alternate-versions": [
 13950            "dev",
 13951            "legacy",
 13952            "v1"
 13953          ]
 13954        }
 13955      },
 13956      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/starbases/{starbase_id}/": {
 13957        "get": {
 13958          "description": "Returns various settings and fuels of a starbase (POS)\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/starbases/{starbase_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/starbases/{starbase_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/starbases/{starbase_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
 13959          "summary": "Get starbase (POS) detail",
 13960          "tags": [
 13961            "Corporation"
 13962          ],
 13963          "parameters": [
 13964            {
 13965              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 13966            },
 13967            {
 13968              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 13969            },
 13970            {
 13971              "name": "starbase_id",
 13972              "in": "path",
 13973              "description": "An EVE starbase (POS) ID",
 13974              "required": true,
 13975              "type": "integer",
 13976              "format": "int64"
 13977            },
 13978            {
 13979              "name": "system_id",
 13980              "in": "query",
 13981              "description": "The solar system this starbase (POS) is located in,",
 13982              "required": true,
 13983              "type": "integer",
 13984              "format": "int32"
 13985            },
 13986            {
 13987              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 13988            },
 13989            {
 13990              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 13991            },
 13992            {
 13993              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 13994            }
 13995          ],
 13996          "responses": {
 13997            "200": {
 13998              "description": "List of starbases (POSes)",
 13999              "examples": {
 14000                "application/json": {
 14001                  "fuel_bay_view": "config_starbase_equipment_role",
 14002                  "fuel_bay_take": "config_starbase_equipment_role",
 14003                  "anchor": "config_starbase_equipment_role",
 14004                  "unanchor": "config_starbase_equipment_role",
 14005                  "online": "config_starbase_equipment_role",
 14006                  "offline": "config_starbase_equipment_role",
 14007                  "allow_corporation_members": true,
 14008                  "allow_alliance_members": false,
 14009                  "use_alliance_standings": false,
 14010                  "attack_if_other_security_status_dropping": false,
 14011                  "attack_if_at_war": true
 14012                }
 14013              },
 14014              "schema": {
 14015                "type": "object",
 14016                "required": [
 14017                  "fuel_bay_view",
 14018                  "fuel_bay_take",
 14019                  "anchor",
 14020                  "unanchor",
 14021                  "online",
 14022                  "offline",
 14023                  "allow_corporation_members",
 14024                  "allow_alliance_members",
 14025                  "use_alliance_standings",
 14026                  "attack_if_other_security_status_dropping",
 14027                  "attack_if_at_war"
 14028                ],
 14029                "properties": {
 14030                  "fuel_bay_view": {
 14031                    "type": "string",
 14032                    "description": "Who can view the starbase (POS)'s fule bay. Characters either need to have required role or belong to the starbase (POS) owner's corporation or alliance, as described by the enum, all other access settings follows the same scheme",
 14033                    "enum": [
 14034                      "alliance_member",
 14035                      "config_starbase_equipment_role",
 14036                      "corporation_member",
 14037                      "starbase_fuel_technician_role"
 14038                    ],
 14039                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_fuel_bay_view"
 14040                  },
 14041                  "fuel_bay_take": {
 14042                    "type": "string",
 14043                    "description": "Who can take fuel blocks out of the starbase (POS)'s fuel bay",
 14044                    "enum": [
 14045                      "alliance_member",
 14046                      "config_starbase_equipment_role",
 14047                      "corporation_member",
 14048                      "starbase_fuel_technician_role"
 14049                    ],
 14050                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_fuel_bay_take"
 14051                  },
 14052                  "anchor": {
 14053                    "type": "string",
 14054                    "description": "Who can anchor starbase (POS) and its structures",
 14055                    "enum": [
 14056                      "alliance_member",
 14057                      "config_starbase_equipment_role",
 14058                      "corporation_member",
 14059                      "starbase_fuel_technician_role"
 14060                    ],
 14061                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_anchor"
 14062                  },
 14063                  "unanchor": {
 14064                    "type": "string",
 14065                    "description": "Who can unanchor starbase (POS) and its structures",
 14066                    "enum": [
 14067                      "alliance_member",
 14068                      "config_starbase_equipment_role",
 14069                      "corporation_member",
 14070                      "starbase_fuel_technician_role"
 14071                    ],
 14072                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_unanchor"
 14073                  },
 14074                  "online": {
 14075                    "type": "string",
 14076                    "description": "Who can online starbase (POS) and its structures",
 14077                    "enum": [
 14078                      "alliance_member",
 14079                      "config_starbase_equipment_role",
 14080                      "corporation_member",
 14081                      "starbase_fuel_technician_role"
 14082                    ],
 14083                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_online"
 14084                  },
 14085                  "offline": {
 14086                    "type": "string",
 14087                    "description": "Who can offline starbase (POS) and its structures",
 14088                    "enum": [
 14089                      "alliance_member",
 14090                      "config_starbase_equipment_role",
 14091                      "corporation_member",
 14092                      "starbase_fuel_technician_role"
 14093                    ],
 14094                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_offline"
 14095                  },
 14096                  "allow_corporation_members": {
 14097                    "type": "boolean",
 14098                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_allow_corporation_members",
 14099                    "description": "allow_corporation_members boolean"
 14100                  },
 14101                  "allow_alliance_members": {
 14102                    "type": "boolean",
 14103                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_allow_alliance_members",
 14104                    "description": "allow_alliance_members boolean"
 14105                  },
 14106                  "use_alliance_standings": {
 14107                    "type": "boolean",
 14108                    "description": "True if the starbase (POS) is using alliance standings, otherwise using corporation's",
 14109                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_use_alliance_standings"
 14110                  },
 14111                  "attack_standing_threshold": {
 14112                    "type": "number",
 14113                    "format": "float",
 14114                    "description": "Starbase (POS) will attack if target's standing is lower than this value",
 14115                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_attack_standing_threshold"
 14116                  },
 14117                  "attack_security_status_threshold": {
 14118                    "type": "number",
 14119                    "format": "float",
 14120                    "description": "Starbase (POS) will attack if target's security standing is lower than this value",
 14121                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_attack_security_status_threshold"
 14122                  },
 14123                  "attack_if_other_security_status_dropping": {
 14124                    "type": "boolean",
 14125                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_attack_if_other_security_status_dropping",
 14126                    "description": "attack_if_other_security_status_dropping boolean"
 14127                  },
 14128                  "attack_if_at_war": {
 14129                    "type": "boolean",
 14130                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_attack_if_at_war",
 14131                    "description": "attack_if_at_war boolean"
 14132                  },
 14133                  "fuels": {
 14134                    "type": "array",
 14135                    "maxItems": 20,
 14136                    "description": "Fuel blocks and other things that will be consumed when operating a starbase (POS)",
 14137                    "items": {
 14138                      "type": "object",
 14139                      "required": [
 14140                        "type_id",
 14141                        "quantity"
 14142                      ],
 14143                      "properties": {
 14144                        "type_id": {
 14145                          "type": "integer",
 14146                          "format": "int32",
 14147                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_type_id",
 14148                          "description": "type_id integer"
 14149                        },
 14150                        "quantity": {
 14151                          "type": "integer",
 14152                          "format": "int32",
 14153                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_quantity",
 14154                          "description": "quantity integer"
 14155                        }
 14156                      },
 14157                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_fuel",
 14158                      "description": "fuel object"
 14159                    },
 14160                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_fuels"
 14161                  }
 14162                },
 14163                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id_ok",
 14164                "description": "200 ok object"
 14165              },
 14166              "headers": {
 14167                "Cache-Control": {
 14168                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 14169                  "type": "string"
 14170                },
 14171                "Last-Modified": {
 14172                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 14173                  "type": "string"
 14174                },
 14175                "Expires": {
 14176                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 14177                  "type": "string"
 14178                }
 14179              }
 14180            },
 14181            "403": {
 14182              "description": "Forbidden",
 14183              "schema": {
 14184                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 14185              },
 14186              "examples": {
 14187                "application/json": {
 14188                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 14189                }
 14190              }
 14191            },
 14192            "500": {
 14193              "description": "Internal server error",
 14194              "schema": {
 14195                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 14196              },
 14197              "examples": {
 14198                "application/json": {
 14199                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 14200                }
 14201              }
 14202            }
 14203          },
 14204          "x-required-roles": [
 14205            "Director"
 14206          ],
 14207          "security": [
 14208            {
 14209              "evesso": [
 14210                "esi-corporations.read_starbases.v1"
 14211              ]
 14212            }
 14213          ],
 14214          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id",
 14215          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 14216          "x-alternate-versions": [
 14217            "dev",
 14218            "legacy",
 14219            "v1"
 14220          ]
 14221        }
 14222      },
 14223      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/containers/logs/": {
 14224        "get": {
 14225          "description": "Returns logs recorded in the past seven days from all audit log secure containers (ALSC) owned by a given corporation\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/containers/logs/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/containers/logs/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n\n\n---\n[This route has an available update]({corporation_id}/containers/logs/)",
 14226          "summary": "Get all corporation ALSC logs",
 14227          "tags": [
 14228            "Corporation"
 14229          ],
 14230          "parameters": [
 14231            {
 14232              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 14233            },
 14234            {
 14235              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 14236            },
 14237            {
 14238              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 14239            },
 14240            {
 14241              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 14242            },
 14243            {
 14244              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 14245            },
 14246            {
 14247              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 14248            }
 14249          ],
 14250          "responses": {
 14251            "200": {
 14252              "description": "List of corporation ALSC logs",
 14253              "examples": {
 14254                "application/json": [
 14255                  {
 14256                    "logged_at": "2017-10-10T14:00:00Z",
 14257                    "container_id": 1000000012279,
 14258                    "container_type_id": 17365,
 14259                    "character_id": 2112625428,
 14260                    "location_id": 1000000012278,
 14261                    "action": "set_password",
 14262                    "location_flag": "CorpSAG1",
 14263                    "password_type": "general"
 14264                  },
 14265                  {
 14266                    "logged_at": "2017-10-11T12:04:33Z",
 14267                    "container_id": 1000000012279,
 14268                    "container_type_id": 17365,
 14269                    "character_id": 2112625428,
 14270                    "location_id": 1000000012278,
 14271                    "action": "lock",
 14272                    "location_flag": "CorpSAG1",
 14273                    "type_id": 1230,
 14274                    "quantity": 30
 14275                  },
 14276                  {
 14277                    "logged_at": "2017-10-11T12:06:29Z",
 14278                    "container_id": 1000000012279,
 14279                    "container_type_id": 17365,
 14280                    "character_id": 2112625428,
 14281                    "location_id": 1000000012278,
 14282                    "action": "configure",
 14283                    "location_flag": "CorpSAG2",
 14284                    "old_config_bitmask": 23,
 14285                    "new_config_bitmask": 31
 14286                  }
 14287                ]
 14288              },
 14289              "schema": {
 14290                "type": "array",
 14291                "maxItems": 1000,
 14292                "items": {
 14293                  "type": "object",
 14294                  "required": [
 14295                    "logged_at",
 14296                    "container_id",
 14297                    "container_type_id",
 14298                    "character_id",
 14299                    "location_id",
 14300                    "action",
 14301                    "location_flag"
 14302                  ],
 14303                  "properties": {
 14304                    "logged_at": {
 14305                      "type": "string",
 14306                      "format": "date-time",
 14307                      "description": "Timestamp when this log was created",
 14308                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs_logged_at"
 14309                    },
 14310                    "container_id": {
 14311                      "type": "integer",
 14312                      "format": "int64",
 14313                      "description": "ID of the container",
 14314                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs_container_id"
 14315                    },
 14316                    "container_type_id": {
 14317                      "type": "integer",
 14318                      "format": "int32",
 14319                      "description": "Type ID of the container",
 14320                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs_container_type_id"
 14321                    },
 14322                    "character_id": {
 14323                      "type": "integer",
 14324                      "format": "int32",
 14325                      "description": "ID of the character who performed the action.",
 14326                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs_character_id"
 14327                    },
 14328                    "location_id": {
 14329                      "type": "integer",
 14330                      "format": "int64",
 14331                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs_location_id",
 14332                      "description": "location_id integer"
 14333                    },
 14334                    "action": {
 14335                      "type": "string",
 14336                      "enum": [
 14337                        "add",
 14338                        "assemble",
 14339                        "configure",
 14340                        "enter_password",
 14341                        "lock",
 14342                        "move",
 14343                        "repackage",
 14344                        "set_name",
 14345                        "set_password",
 14346                        "unlock"
 14347                      ],
 14348                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs_action",
 14349                      "description": "action string"
 14350                    },
 14351                    "password_type": {
 14352                      "type": "string",
 14353                      "enum": [
 14354                        "config",
 14355                        "general"
 14356                      ],
 14357                      "description": "Type of password set if action is of type SetPassword or EnterPassword",
 14358                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs_password_type"
 14359                    },
 14360                    "type_id": {
 14361                      "type": "integer",
 14362                      "format": "int32",
 14363                      "description": "Type ID of the item being acted upon",
 14364                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs_type_id"
 14365                    },
 14366                    "quantity": {
 14367                      "type": "integer",
 14368                      "format": "int32",
 14369                      "description": "Quantity of the item being acted upon",
 14370                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs_quantity"
 14371                    },
 14372                    "old_config_bitmask": {
 14373                      "type": "integer",
 14374                      "format": "int32",
 14375                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs_old_config_bitmask",
 14376                      "description": "old_config_bitmask integer"
 14377                    },
 14378                    "new_config_bitmask": {
 14379                      "type": "integer",
 14380                      "format": "int32",
 14381                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs_new_config_bitmask",
 14382                      "description": "new_config_bitmask integer"
 14383                    },
 14384                    "location_flag": {
 14385                      "type": "string",
 14386                      "enum": [
 14387                        "AssetSafety",
 14388                        "AutoFit",
 14389                        "Bonus",
 14390                        "Booster",
 14391                        "BoosterBay",
 14392                        "Capsule",
 14393                        "Cargo",
 14394                        "CorpDeliveries",
 14395                        "CorpSAG1",
 14396                        "CorpSAG2",
 14397                        "CorpSAG3",
 14398                        "CorpSAG4",
 14399                        "CorpSAG5",
 14400                        "CorpSAG6",
 14401                        "CorpSAG7",
 14402                        "CrateLoot",
 14403                        "Deliveries",
 14404                        "DroneBay",
 14405                        "DustBattle",
 14406                        "DustDatabank",
 14407                        "FighterBay",
 14408                        "FighterTube0",
 14409                        "FighterTube1",
 14410                        "FighterTube2",
 14411                        "FighterTube3",
 14412                        "FighterTube4",
 14413                        "FleetHangar",
 14414                        "Hangar",
 14415                        "HangarAll",
 14416                        "HiSlot0",
 14417                        "HiSlot1",
 14418                        "HiSlot2",
 14419                        "HiSlot3",
 14420                        "HiSlot4",
 14421                        "HiSlot5",
 14422                        "HiSlot6",
 14423                        "HiSlot7",
 14424                        "HiddenModifers",
 14425                        "Implant",
 14426                        "Impounded",
 14427                        "JunkyardReprocessed",
 14428                        "JunkyardTrashed",
 14429                        "LoSlot0",
 14430                        "LoSlot1",
 14431                        "LoSlot2",
 14432                        "LoSlot3",
 14433                        "LoSlot4",
 14434                        "LoSlot5",
 14435                        "LoSlot6",
 14436                        "LoSlot7",
 14437                        "Locked",
 14438                        "MedSlot0",
 14439                        "MedSlot1",
 14440                        "MedSlot2",
 14441                        "MedSlot3",
 14442                        "MedSlot4",
 14443                        "MedSlot5",
 14444                        "MedSlot6",
 14445                        "MedSlot7",
 14446                        "OfficeFolder",
 14447                        "Pilot",
 14448                        "PlanetSurface",
 14449                        "QuafeBay",
 14450                        "Reward",
 14451                        "RigSlot0",
 14452                        "RigSlot1",
 14453                        "RigSlot2",
 14454                        "RigSlot3",
 14455                        "RigSlot4",
 14456                        "RigSlot5",
 14457                        "RigSlot6",
 14458                        "RigSlot7",
 14459                        "SecondaryStorage",
 14460                        "ServiceSlot0",
 14461                        "ServiceSlot1",
 14462                        "ServiceSlot2",
 14463                        "ServiceSlot3",
 14464                        "ServiceSlot4",
 14465                        "ServiceSlot5",
 14466                        "ServiceSlot6",
 14467                        "ServiceSlot7",
 14468                        "ShipHangar",
 14469                        "ShipOffline",
 14470                        "Skill",
 14471                        "SkillInTraining",
 14472                        "SpecializedAmmoHold",
 14473                        "SpecializedCommandCenterHold",
 14474                        "SpecializedFuelBay",
 14475                        "SpecializedGasHold",
 14476                        "SpecializedIndustrialShipHold",
 14477                        "SpecializedLargeShipHold",
 14478                        "SpecializedMaterialBay",
 14479                        "SpecializedMediumShipHold",
 14480                        "SpecializedMineralHold",
 14481                        "SpecializedOreHold",
 14482                        "SpecializedPlanetaryCommoditiesHold",
 14483                        "SpecializedSalvageHold",
 14484                        "SpecializedShipHold",
 14485                        "SpecializedSmallShipHold",
 14486                        "StructureActive",
 14487                        "StructureFuel",
 14488                        "StructureInactive",
 14489                        "StructureOffline",
 14490                        "SubSystemSlot0",
 14491                        "SubSystemSlot1",
 14492                        "SubSystemSlot2",
 14493                        "SubSystemSlot3",
 14494                        "SubSystemSlot4",
 14495                        "SubSystemSlot5",
 14496                        "SubSystemSlot6",
 14497                        "SubSystemSlot7",
 14498                        "SubsystemBay",
 14499                        "Unlocked",
 14500                        "Wallet",
 14501                        "Wardrobe"
 14502                      ],
 14503                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs_location_flag",
 14504                      "description": "location_flag string"
 14505                    }
 14506                  },
 14507                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs_200_ok",
 14508                  "description": "200 ok object"
 14509                },
 14510                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs_ok",
 14511                "description": "200 ok array"
 14512              },
 14513              "headers": {
 14514                "X-Pages": {
 14515                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 14516                  "type": "integer",
 14517                  "format": "int32",
 14518                  "default": 1
 14519                },
 14520                "Cache-Control": {
 14521                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 14522                  "type": "string"
 14523                },
 14524                "Last-Modified": {
 14525                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 14526                  "type": "string"
 14527                },
 14528                "Expires": {
 14529                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 14530                  "type": "string"
 14531                }
 14532              }
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 14534            "403": {
 14535              "description": "Forbidden",
 14536              "schema": {
 14537                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 14538              },
 14539              "examples": {
 14540                "application/json": {
 14541                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 14542                }
 14543              }
 14544            },
 14545            "500": {
 14546              "description": "Internal server error",
 14547              "schema": {
 14548                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 14549              },
 14550              "examples": {
 14551                "application/json": {
 14552                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 14553                }
 14554              }
 14555            }
 14556          },
 14557          "x-required-roles": [
 14558            "Director"
 14559          ],
 14560          "security": [
 14561            {
 14562              "evesso": [
 14563                "esi-corporations.read_container_logs.v1"
 14564              ]
 14565            }
 14566          ],
 14567          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs",
 14568          "x-cached-seconds": 600,
 14569          "x-alternate-versions": [
 14570            "legacy",
 14571            "v1"
 14572          ]
 14573        }
 14574      },
 14575      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/facilities/": {
 14576        "get": {
 14577          "description": "Return a corporation's facilities\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/facilities/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/facilities/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/facilities/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Factory_Manager\n",
 14578          "summary": "Get corporation facilities",
 14579          "tags": [
 14580            "Corporation"
 14581          ],
 14582          "parameters": [
 14583            {
 14584              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 14585            },
 14586            {
 14587              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 14588            },
 14589            {
 14590              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 14591            },
 14592            {
 14593              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 14594            },
 14595            {
 14596              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 14597            }
 14598          ],
 14599          "responses": {
 14600            "200": {
 14601              "description": "List of corporation facilities",
 14602              "examples": {
 14603                "application/json": [
 14604                  {
 14605                    "facility_id": 123,
 14606                    "type_id": 2502,
 14607                    "system_id": 45678
 14608                  }
 14609                ]
 14610              },
 14611              "schema": {
 14612                "type": "array",
 14613                "maxItems": 1000,
 14614                "items": {
 14615                  "type": "object",
 14616                  "required": [
 14617                    "facility_id",
 14618                    "type_id",
 14619                    "system_id"
 14620                  ],
 14621                  "properties": {
 14622                    "facility_id": {
 14623                      "type": "integer",
 14624                      "format": "int64",
 14625                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_facilities_facility_id",
 14626                      "description": "facility_id integer"
 14627                    },
 14628                    "type_id": {
 14629                      "type": "integer",
 14630                      "format": "int32",
 14631                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_facilities_type_id",
 14632                      "description": "type_id integer"
 14633                    },
 14634                    "system_id": {
 14635                      "type": "integer",
 14636                      "format": "int32",
 14637                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_facilities_system_id",
 14638                      "description": "system_id integer"
 14639                    }
 14640                  },
 14641                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_facilities_200_ok",
 14642                  "description": "200 ok object"
 14643                },
 14644                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_facilities_ok",
 14645                "description": "200 ok array"
 14646              },
 14647              "headers": {
 14648                "Cache-Control": {
 14649                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 14650                  "type": "string"
 14651                },
 14652                "Last-Modified": {
 14653                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 14654                  "type": "string"
 14655                },
 14656                "Expires": {
 14657                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 14658                  "type": "string"
 14659                }
 14660              }
 14661            },
 14662            "403": {
 14663              "description": "Forbidden",
 14664              "schema": {
 14665                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 14666              },
 14667              "examples": {
 14668                "application/json": {
 14669                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 14670                }
 14671              }
 14672            },
 14673            "500": {
 14674              "description": "Internal server error",
 14675              "schema": {
 14676                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 14677              },
 14678              "examples": {
 14679                "application/json": {
 14680                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 14681                }
 14682              }
 14683            }
 14684          },
 14685          "x-required-roles": [
 14686            "Factory_Manager"
 14687          ],
 14688          "security": [
 14689            {
 14690              "evesso": [
 14691                "esi-corporations.read_facilities.v1"
 14692              ]
 14693            }
 14694          ],
 14695          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_facilities",
 14696          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 14697          "x-alternate-versions": [
 14698            "dev",
 14699            "legacy",
 14700            "v1"
 14701          ]
 14702        }
 14703      },
 14704      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/medals/": {
 14705        "get": {
 14706          "description": "Returns a corporation's medals\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/medals/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/medals/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/medals/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 14707          "summary": "Get corporation medals",
 14708          "tags": [
 14709            "Corporation"
 14710          ],
 14711          "parameters": [
 14712            {
 14713              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 14714            },
 14715            {
 14716              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 14717            },
 14718            {
 14719              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 14720            },
 14721            {
 14722              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 14723            },
 14724            {
 14725              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 14726            },
 14727            {
 14728              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 14729            }
 14730          ],
 14731          "responses": {
 14732            "200": {
 14733              "description": "A list of medals",
 14734              "examples": {
 14735                "application/json": [
 14736                  {
 14737                    "medal_id": 123,
 14738                    "title": "Awesome Medal",
 14739                    "description": "An Awesome Medal",
 14740                    "creator_id": 46578,
 14741                    "created_at": "2017-10-10T14:00:00Z"
 14742                  }
 14743                ]
 14744              },
 14745              "schema": {
 14746                "type": "array",
 14747                "maxItems": 1000,
 14748                "items": {
 14749                  "type": "object",
 14750                  "required": [
 14751                    "medal_id",
 14752                    "title",
 14753                    "description",
 14754                    "creator_id",
 14755                    "created_at"
 14756                  ],
 14757                  "properties": {
 14758                    "medal_id": {
 14759                      "type": "integer",
 14760                      "format": "int32",
 14761                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_medal_id",
 14762                      "description": "medal_id integer"
 14763                    },
 14764                    "title": {
 14765                      "type": "string",
 14766                      "maxLength": 100,
 14767                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_title",
 14768                      "description": "title string"
 14769                    },
 14770                    "description": {
 14771                      "type": "string",
 14772                      "maxLength": 1000,
 14773                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_description",
 14774                      "description": "description string"
 14775                    },
 14776                    "creator_id": {
 14777                      "type": "integer",
 14778                      "format": "int32",
 14779                      "description": "ID of the character who created this medal",
 14780                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_creator_id"
 14781                    },
 14782                    "created_at": {
 14783                      "type": "string",
 14784                      "format": "date-time",
 14785                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_created_at",
 14786                      "description": "created_at string"
 14787                    }
 14788                  },
 14789                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_200_ok",
 14790                  "description": "200 ok object"
 14791                },
 14792                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_ok",
 14793                "description": "200 ok array"
 14794              },
 14795              "headers": {
 14796                "X-Pages": {
 14797                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 14798                  "type": "integer",
 14799                  "format": "int32",
 14800                  "default": 1
 14801                },
 14802                "Cache-Control": {
 14803                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 14804                  "type": "string"
 14805                },
 14806                "Last-Modified": {
 14807                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 14808                  "type": "string"
 14809                },
 14810                "Expires": {
 14811                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 14812                  "type": "string"
 14813                }
 14814              }
 14815            },
 14816            "403": {
 14817              "description": "Forbidden",
 14818              "schema": {
 14819                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 14820              },
 14821              "examples": {
 14822                "application/json": {
 14823                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 14824                }
 14825              }
 14826            },
 14827            "500": {
 14828              "description": "Internal server error",
 14829              "schema": {
 14830                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 14831              },
 14832              "examples": {
 14833                "application/json": {
 14834                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 14835                }
 14836              }
 14837            }
 14838          },
 14839          "x-required-roles": [],
 14840          "security": [
 14841            {
 14842              "evesso": [
 14843                "esi-corporations.read_medals.v1"
 14844              ]
 14845            }
 14846          ],
 14847          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals",
 14848          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 14849          "x-alternate-versions": [
 14850            "dev",
 14851            "legacy",
 14852            "v1"
 14853          ]
 14854        }
 14855      },
 14856      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/medals/issued/": {
 14857        "get": {
 14858          "description": "Returns medals issued by a corporation\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/medals/issued/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/medals/issued/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/medals/issued/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
 14859          "summary": "Get corporation issued medals",
 14860          "tags": [
 14861            "Corporation"
 14862          ],
 14863          "parameters": [
 14864            {
 14865              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 14866            },
 14867            {
 14868              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 14869            },
 14870            {
 14871              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 14872            },
 14873            {
 14874              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 14875            },
 14876            {
 14877              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 14878            },
 14879            {
 14880              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 14881            }
 14882          ],
 14883          "responses": {
 14884            "200": {
 14885              "description": "A list of issued medals",
 14886              "examples": {
 14887                "application/json": [
 14888                  {
 14889                    "medal_id": 123,
 14890                    "character_id": 45678,
 14891                    "reason": "Awesome Reason",
 14892                    "status": "private",
 14893                    "issuer_id": 67890,
 14894                    "issued_at": "2017-10-10T14:00:00Z"
 14895                  }
 14896                ]
 14897              },
 14898              "schema": {
 14899                "type": "array",
 14900                "maxItems": 1000,
 14901                "items": {
 14902                  "type": "object",
 14903                  "required": [
 14904                    "medal_id",
 14905                    "character_id",
 14906                    "reason",
 14907                    "status",
 14908                    "issuer_id",
 14909                    "issued_at"
 14910                  ],
 14911                  "properties": {
 14912                    "medal_id": {
 14913                      "type": "integer",
 14914                      "format": "int32",
 14915                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_issued_medal_id",
 14916                      "description": "medal_id integer"
 14917                    },
 14918                    "character_id": {
 14919                      "type": "integer",
 14920                      "format": "int32",
 14921                      "description": "ID of the character who was rewarded this medal",
 14922                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_issued_character_id"
 14923                    },
 14924                    "reason": {
 14925                      "type": "string",
 14926                      "maxLength": 1000,
 14927                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_issued_reason",
 14928                      "description": "reason string"
 14929                    },
 14930                    "status": {
 14931                      "type": "string",
 14932                      "enum": [
 14933                        "private",
 14934                        "public"
 14935                      ],
 14936                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_issued_status",
 14937                      "description": "status string"
 14938                    },
 14939                    "issuer_id": {
 14940                      "type": "integer",
 14941                      "format": "int32",
 14942                      "description": "ID of the character who issued the medal",
 14943                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_issued_issuer_id"
 14944                    },
 14945                    "issued_at": {
 14946                      "type": "string",
 14947                      "format": "date-time",
 14948                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_issued_issued_at",
 14949                      "description": "issued_at string"
 14950                    }
 14951                  },
 14952                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_issued_200_ok",
 14953                  "description": "200 ok object"
 14954                },
 14955                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_issued_ok",
 14956                "description": "200 ok array"
 14957              },
 14958              "headers": {
 14959                "X-Pages": {
 14960                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 14961                  "type": "integer",
 14962                  "format": "int32",
 14963                  "default": 1
 14964                },
 14965                "Cache-Control": {
 14966                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 14967                  "type": "string"
 14968                },
 14969                "Last-Modified": {
 14970                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 14971                  "type": "string"
 14972                },
 14973                "Expires": {
 14974                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 14975                  "type": "string"
 14976                }
 14977              }
 14978            },
 14979            "403": {
 14980              "description": "Forbidden",
 14981              "schema": {
 14982                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 14983              },
 14984              "examples": {
 14985                "application/json": {
 14986                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 14987                }
 14988              }
 14989            },
 14990            "500": {
 14991              "description": "Internal server error",
 14992              "schema": {
 14993                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 14994              },
 14995              "examples": {
 14996                "application/json": {
 14997                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 14998                }
 14999              }
 15000            }
 15001          },
 15002          "x-required-roles": [
 15003            "Director"
 15004          ],
 15005          "security": [
 15006            {
 15007              "evesso": [
 15008                "esi-corporations.read_medals.v1"
 15009              ]
 15010            }
 15011          ],
 15012          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_issued",
 15013          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 15014          "x-alternate-versions": [
 15015            "dev",
 15016            "legacy",
 15017            "v1"
 15018          ]
 15019        }
 15020      },
 15021      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/outposts/": {
 15022        "get": {
 15023          "description": "Get a list of corporation outpost IDs Note: This endpoint will be removed once outposts are migrated to Citadels as talked about in this blog:\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/outposts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/outposts/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/outposts/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
 15024          "summary": "Get corporation outposts",
 15025          "tags": [
 15026            "Corporation"
 15027          ],
 15028          "parameters": [
 15029            {
 15030              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 15031            },
 15032            {
 15033              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 15034            },
 15035            {
 15036              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 15037            },
 15038            {
 15039              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 15040            },
 15041            {
 15042              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 15043            },
 15044            {
 15045              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 15046            }
 15047          ],
 15048          "responses": {
 15049            "200": {
 15050              "description": "List of corporation outpost IDs",
 15051              "examples": {
 15052                "application/json": [
 15053                  61001146,
 15054                  61001147,
 15055                  61001148
 15056                ]
 15057              },
 15058              "schema": {
 15059                "type": "array",
 15060                "maxItems": 1000,
 15061                "uniqueItems": true,
 15062                "items": {
 15063                  "type": "integer",
 15064                  "format": "int32",
 15065                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_200_ok",
 15066                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 15067                },
 15068                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_ok",
 15069                "description": "200 ok array"
 15070              },
 15071              "headers": {
 15072                "X-Pages": {
 15073                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 15074                  "type": "integer",
 15075                  "format": "int32",
 15076                  "default": 1
 15077                },
 15078                "Cache-Control": {
 15079                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 15080                  "type": "string"
 15081                },
 15082                "Last-Modified": {
 15083                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 15084                  "type": "string"
 15085                },
 15086                "Expires": {
 15087                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 15088                  "type": "string"
 15089                }
 15090              }
 15091            },
 15092            "403": {
 15093              "description": "Forbidden",
 15094              "schema": {
 15095                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 15096              },
 15097              "examples": {
 15098                "application/json": {
 15099                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 15100                }
 15101              }
 15102            },
 15103            "500": {
 15104              "description": "Internal server error",
 15105              "schema": {
 15106                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 15107              },
 15108              "examples": {
 15109                "application/json": {
 15110                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 15111                }
 15112              }
 15113            }
 15114          },
 15115          "x-required-roles": [
 15116            "Director"
 15117          ],
 15118          "security": [
 15119            {
 15120              "evesso": [
 15121                "esi-corporations.read_outposts.v1"
 15122              ]
 15123            }
 15124          ],
 15125          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts",
 15126          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 15127          "x-alternate-versions": [
 15128            "dev",
 15129            "legacy",
 15130            "v1"
 15131          ]
 15132        }
 15133      },
 15134      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/outposts/{outpost_id}/": {
 15135        "get": {
 15136          "description": "Get details about a given outpost. Note: This endpoint will be removed once outposts are migrated to Citadels as talked about in this blog:\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/outposts/{outpost_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/outposts/{outpost_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/outposts/{outpost_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
 15137          "summary": "Get corporation outpost details",
 15138          "tags": [
 15139            "Corporation"
 15140          ],
 15141          "parameters": [
 15142            {
 15143              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 15144            },
 15145            {
 15146              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 15147            },
 15148            {
 15149              "name": "outpost_id",
 15150              "in": "path",
 15151              "description": "A station (outpost) ID",
 15152              "required": true,
 15153              "type": "integer",
 15154              "format": "int32"
 15155            },
 15156            {
 15157              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 15158            },
 15159            {
 15160              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 15161            },
 15162            {
 15163              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 15164            }
 15165          ],
 15166          "responses": {
 15167            "200": {
 15168              "description": "Details about the given outpost",
 15169              "examples": {
 15170                "application/json": {
 15171                  "owner_id": 98000002,
 15172                  "system_id": 30000657,
 15173                  "docking_cost_per_ship_volume": 0,
 15174                  "office_rental_cost": 100,
 15175                  "type_id": 21644,
 15176                  "reprocessing_efficiency": 0.5,
 15177                  "reprocessing_station_take": 0.01,
 15178                  "standing_owner_id": 99003581,
 15179                  "coordinates": {
 15180                    "x": -102478848000,
 15181                    "y": -18310963200,
 15182                    "z": -9660456960
 15183                  },
 15184                  "services": [
 15185                    {
 15186                      "service_name": "Reprocessing Plant",
 15187                      "owner_id": 98000002,
 15188                      "minimum_standing": 0,
 15189                      "surcharge_per_bad_standing": 0,
 15190                      "discount_per_good_standing": 10
 15191                    }
 15192                  ]
 15193                }
 15194              },
 15195              "schema": {
 15196                "type": "object",
 15197                "required": [
 15198                  "owner_id",
 15199                  "system_id",
 15200                  "docking_cost_per_ship_volume",
 15201                  "office_rental_cost",
 15202                  "type_id",
 15203                  "reprocessing_efficiency",
 15204                  "reprocessing_station_take",
 15205                  "standing_owner_id",
 15206                  "coordinates",
 15207                  "services"
 15208                ],
 15209                "properties": {
 15210                  "owner_id": {
 15211                    "description": "The entity that owns the station (e.g. the entity whose logo is on the station services bar)",
 15212                    "type": "integer",
 15213                    "format": "int32",
 15214                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_owner_id"
 15215                  },
 15216                  "system_id": {
 15217                    "description": "The ID of the solar system the outpost rests in",
 15218                    "type": "integer",
 15219                    "format": "int32",
 15220                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_system_id"
 15221                  },
 15222                  "docking_cost_per_ship_volume": {
 15223                    "type": "number",
 15224                    "format": "float",
 15225                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_docking_cost_per_ship_volume",
 15226                    "description": "docking_cost_per_ship_volume number"
 15227                  },
 15228                  "office_rental_cost": {
 15229                    "type": "integer",
 15230                    "format": "int64",
 15231                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_office_rental_cost",
 15232                    "description": "office_rental_cost integer"
 15233                  },
 15234                  "type_id": {
 15235                    "description": "The type ID of the given outpost",
 15236                    "type": "integer",
 15237                    "format": "int32",
 15238                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_type_id"
 15239                  },
 15240                  "reprocessing_efficiency": {
 15241                    "type": "number",
 15242                    "format": "float",
 15243                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_reprocessing_efficiency",
 15244                    "description": "reprocessing_efficiency number"
 15245                  },
 15246                  "reprocessing_station_take": {
 15247                    "type": "number",
 15248                    "format": "float",
 15249                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_reprocessing_station_take",
 15250                    "description": "reprocessing_station_take number"
 15251                  },
 15252                  "standing_owner_id": {
 15253                    "description": "The owner ID that sets the ability for someone to dock based on standings.",
 15254                    "type": "integer",
 15255                    "format": "int32",
 15256                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_standing_owner_id"
 15257                  },
 15258                  "coordinates": {
 15259                    "type": "object",
 15260                    "required": [
 15261                      "x",
 15262                      "y",
 15263                      "z"
 15264                    ],
 15265                    "properties": {
 15266                      "x": {
 15267                        "type": "number",
 15268                        "format": "double",
 15269                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_x",
 15270                        "description": "x number"
 15271                      },
 15272                      "y": {
 15273                        "type": "number",
 15274                        "format": "double",
 15275                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_y",
 15276                        "description": "y number"
 15277                      },
 15278                      "z": {
 15279                        "type": "number",
 15280                        "format": "double",
 15281                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_z",
 15282                        "description": "z number"
 15283                      }
 15284                    },
 15285                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_coordinates",
 15286                    "description": "coordinates object"
 15287                  },
 15288                  "services": {
 15289                    "description": "A list of services the given outpost provides",
 15290                    "type": "array",
 15291                    "maxItems": 27,
 15292                    "items": {
 15293                      "type": "object",
 15294                      "required": [
 15295                        "service_name",
 15296                        "minimum_standing",
 15297                        "surcharge_per_bad_standing",
 15298                        "discount_per_good_standing"
 15299                      ],
 15300                      "properties": {
 15301                        "service_name": {
 15302                          "type": "string",
 15303                          "enum": [
 15304                            "Bounty Missions",
 15305                            "Assassination Missions",
 15306                            "Courier Missions",
 15307                            "Interbus",
 15308                            "Reprocessing Plant",
 15309                            "Refinery",
 15310                            "Market",
 15311                            "Black Market",
 15312                            "Stock Exchange",
 15313                            "Cloning",
 15314                            "Surgery",
 15315                            "DNA Therapy",
 15316                            "Repair Facilities",
 15317                            "Factory",
 15318                            "Laboratory",
 15319                            "Gambling",
 15320                            "Fitting",
 15321                            "Paintshop",
 15322                            "News",
 15323                            "Storage",
 15324                            "Insurance",
 15325                            "Docking",
 15326                            "Office Rental",
 15327                            "Jump Clone Facility",
 15328                            "Loyalty Point Store",
 15329                            "Navy Offices",
 15330                            "Security Office"
 15331                          ],
 15332                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_service_name",
 15333                          "description": "service_name string"
 15334                        },
 15335                        "minimum_standing": {
 15336                          "type": "number",
 15337                          "format": "double",
 15338                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_minimum_standing",
 15339                          "description": "minimum_standing number"
 15340                        },
 15341                        "surcharge_per_bad_standing": {
 15342                          "type": "number",
 15343                          "format": "double",
 15344                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_surcharge_per_bad_standing",
 15345                          "description": "surcharge_per_bad_standing number"
 15346                        },
 15347                        "discount_per_good_standing": {
 15348                          "type": "number",
 15349                          "format": "double",
 15350                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_discount_per_good_standing",
 15351                          "description": "discount_per_good_standing number"
 15352                        }
 15353                      },
 15354                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_service",
 15355                      "description": "service object"
 15356                    },
 15357                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_services"
 15358                  }
 15359                },
 15360                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id_ok",
 15361                "description": "200 ok object"
 15362              },
 15363              "headers": {
 15364                "Cache-Control": {
 15365                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 15366                  "type": "string"
 15367                },
 15368                "Last-Modified": {
 15369                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 15370                  "type": "string"
 15371                },
 15372                "Expires": {
 15373                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 15374                  "type": "string"
 15375                }
 15376              }
 15377            },
 15378            "403": {
 15379              "description": "Forbidden",
 15380              "schema": {
 15381                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 15382              },
 15383              "examples": {
 15384                "application/json": {
 15385                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 15386                }
 15387              }
 15388            },
 15389            "500": {
 15390              "description": "Internal server error",
 15391              "schema": {
 15392                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 15393              },
 15394              "examples": {
 15395                "application/json": {
 15396                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 15397                }
 15398              }
 15399            }
 15400          },
 15401          "x-required-roles": [
 15402            "Director"
 15403          ],
 15404          "security": [
 15405            {
 15406              "evesso": [
 15407                "esi-corporations.read_outposts.v1"
 15408              ]
 15409            }
 15410          ],
 15411          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_outposts_outpost_id",
 15412          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 15413          "x-alternate-versions": [
 15414            "dev",
 15415            "legacy",
 15416            "v1"
 15417          ]
 15418        }
 15419      },
 15420      "/dogma/attributes/": {
 15421        "get": {
 15422          "description": "Get a list of dogma attribute ids\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/dogma/attributes/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/dogma/attributes/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/dogma/attributes/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 15423          "summary": "Get attributes",
 15424          "tags": [
 15425            "Dogma"
 15426          ],
 15427          "responses": {
 15428            "200": {
 15429              "description": "A list of dogma attribute ids",
 15430              "examples": {
 15431                "application/json": [
 15432                  1,
 15433                  2,
 15434                  3
 15435                ]
 15436              },
 15437              "schema": {
 15438                "type": "array",
 15439                "maxItems": 10000,
 15440                "items": {
 15441                  "type": "integer",
 15442                  "format": "int32",
 15443                  "title": "get_dogma_attributes_200_ok",
 15444                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 15445                },
 15446                "title": "get_dogma_attributes_ok",
 15447                "description": "200 ok array"
 15448              },
 15449              "headers": {
 15450                "Cache-Control": {
 15451                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 15452                  "type": "string"
 15453                },
 15454                "Last-Modified": {
 15455                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 15456                  "type": "string"
 15457                },
 15458                "Expires": {
 15459                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 15460                  "type": "string"
 15461                }
 15462              }
 15463            },
 15464            "500": {
 15465              "description": "Internal server error",
 15466              "schema": {
 15467                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 15468              },
 15469              "examples": {
 15470                "application/json": {
 15471                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 15472                }
 15473              }
 15474            }
 15475          },
 15476          "parameters": [
 15477            {
 15478              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 15479            },
 15480            {
 15481              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 15482            },
 15483            {
 15484              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 15485            }
 15486          ],
 15487          "operationId": "get_dogma_attributes",
 15488          "x-alternate-versions": [
 15489            "dev",
 15490            "legacy",
 15491            "v1"
 15492          ]
 15493        }
 15494      },
 15495      "/dogma/attributes/{attribute_id}/": {
 15496        "get": {
 15497          "description": "Get information on a dogma attribute\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/dogma/attributes/{attribute_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/dogma/attributes/{attribute_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/dogma/attributes/{attribute_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 15498          "summary": "Get attribute information",
 15499          "tags": [
 15500            "Dogma"
 15501          ],
 15502          "parameters": [
 15503            {
 15504              "name": "attribute_id",
 15505              "in": "path",
 15506              "description": "A dogma attribute ID",
 15507              "required": true,
 15508              "type": "integer",
 15509              "format": "int32"
 15510            },
 15511            {
 15512              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 15513            },
 15514            {
 15515              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 15516            },
 15517            {
 15518              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 15519            }
 15520          ],
 15521          "responses": {
 15522            "200": {
 15523              "description": "Information about a dogma attribute",
 15524              "examples": {
 15525                "application/json": {
 15526                  "attribute_id": 20,
 15527                  "name": "speedFactor",
 15528                  "description": "Factor by which topspeed increases.",
 15529                  "icon_id": 1389,
 15530                  "default_value": 1,
 15531                  "published": true,
 15532                  "display_name": "Maximum Velocity Bonus",
 15533                  "unit_id": 124,
 15534                  "high_is_good": true
 15535                }
 15536              },
 15537              "schema": {
 15538                "type": "object",
 15539                "required": [
 15540                  "attribute_id"
 15541                ],
 15542                "properties": {
 15543                  "attribute_id": {
 15544                    "type": "integer",
 15545                    "format": "int32",
 15546                    "title": "get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id_attribute_id",
 15547                    "description": "attribute_id integer"
 15548                  },
 15549                  "name": {
 15550                    "type": "string",
 15551                    "title": "get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id_name",
 15552                    "description": "name string"
 15553                  },
 15554                  "description": {
 15555                    "type": "string",
 15556                    "title": "get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id_description",
 15557                    "description": "description string"
 15558                  },
 15559                  "icon_id": {
 15560                    "type": "integer",
 15561                    "format": "int32",
 15562                    "title": "get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id_icon_id",
 15563                    "description": "icon_id integer"
 15564                  },
 15565                  "default_value": {
 15566                    "type": "number",
 15567                    "format": "float",
 15568                    "title": "get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id_default_value",
 15569                    "description": "default_value number"
 15570                  },
 15571                  "published": {
 15572                    "type": "boolean",
 15573                    "title": "get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id_published",
 15574                    "description": "published boolean"
 15575                  },
 15576                  "display_name": {
 15577                    "type": "string",
 15578                    "title": "get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id_display_name",
 15579                    "description": "display_name string"
 15580                  },
 15581                  "unit_id": {
 15582                    "type": "integer",
 15583                    "format": "int32",
 15584                    "title": "get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id_unit_id",
 15585                    "description": "unit_id integer"
 15586                  },
 15587                  "stackable": {
 15588                    "type": "boolean",
 15589                    "title": "get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id_stackable",
 15590                    "description": "stackable boolean"
 15591                  },
 15592                  "high_is_good": {
 15593                    "type": "boolean",
 15594                    "title": "get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id_high_is_good",
 15595                    "description": "high_is_good boolean"
 15596                  }
 15597                },
 15598                "title": "get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id_ok",
 15599                "description": "200 ok object"
 15600              },
 15601              "headers": {
 15602                "Cache-Control": {
 15603                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 15604                  "type": "string"
 15605                },
 15606                "Last-Modified": {
 15607                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 15608                  "type": "string"
 15609                },
 15610                "Expires": {
 15611                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 15612                  "type": "string"
 15613                }
 15614              }
 15615            },
 15616            "404": {
 15617              "description": "Dogma attribute not found",
 15618              "schema": {
 15619                "type": "object",
 15620                "title": "get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id_not_found",
 15621                "description": "Not found",
 15622                "properties": {
 15623                  "error": {
 15624                    "type": "string",
 15625                    "description": "Not found message",
 15626                    "title": "get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id_404_not_found"
 15627                  }
 15628                }
 15629              },
 15630              "examples": {
 15631                "application/json": {
 15632                  "error": "Not found message"
 15633                }
 15634              }
 15635            },
 15636            "500": {
 15637              "description": "Internal server error",
 15638              "schema": {
 15639                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 15640              },
 15641              "examples": {
 15642                "application/json": {
 15643                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 15644                }
 15645              }
 15646            }
 15647          },
 15648          "operationId": "get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id",
 15649          "x-alternate-versions": [
 15650            "dev",
 15651            "legacy",
 15652            "v1"
 15653          ]
 15654        }
 15655      },
 15656      "/dogma/effects/": {
 15657        "get": {
 15658          "description": "Get a list of dogma effect ids\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/dogma/effects/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/dogma/effects/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/dogma/effects/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 15659          "summary": "Get effects",
 15660          "tags": [
 15661            "Dogma"
 15662          ],
 15663          "responses": {
 15664            "200": {
 15665              "description": "A list of dogma effect ids",
 15666              "examples": {
 15667                "application/json": [
 15668                  1,
 15669                  2,
 15670                  3
 15671                ]
 15672              },
 15673              "schema": {
 15674                "type": "array",
 15675                "maxItems": 10000,
 15676                "items": {
 15677                  "type": "integer",
 15678                  "format": "int32",
 15679                  "title": "get_dogma_effects_200_ok",
 15680                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 15681                },
 15682                "title": "get_dogma_effects_ok",
 15683                "description": "200 ok array"
 15684              },
 15685              "headers": {
 15686                "Cache-Control": {
 15687                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 15688                  "type": "string"
 15689                },
 15690                "Last-Modified": {
 15691                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 15692                  "type": "string"
 15693                },
 15694                "Expires": {
 15695                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 15696                  "type": "string"
 15697                }
 15698              }
 15699            },
 15700            "500": {
 15701              "description": "Internal server error",
 15702              "schema": {
 15703                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 15704              },
 15705              "examples": {
 15706                "application/json": {
 15707                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 15708                }
 15709              }
 15710            }
 15711          },
 15712          "parameters": [
 15713            {
 15714              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 15715            },
 15716            {
 15717              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 15718            },
 15719            {
 15720              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 15721            }
 15722          ],
 15723          "operationId": "get_dogma_effects",
 15724          "x-alternate-versions": [
 15725            "dev",
 15726            "legacy",
 15727            "v1"
 15728          ]
 15729        }
 15730      },
 15731      "/dogma/effects/{effect_id}/": {
 15732        "get": {
 15733          "description": "Get information on a dogma effect\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/dogma/effects/{effect_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/dogma/effects/{effect_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 15734          "summary": "Get effect information",
 15735          "tags": [
 15736            "Dogma"
 15737          ],
 15738          "parameters": [
 15739            {
 15740              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 15741            },
 15742            {
 15743              "name": "effect_id",
 15744              "in": "path",
 15745              "description": "A dogma effect ID",
 15746              "required": true,
 15747              "type": "integer",
 15748              "format": "int32"
 15749            },
 15750            {
 15751              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 15752            },
 15753            {
 15754              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 15755            }
 15756          ],
 15757          "responses": {
 15758            "200": {
 15759              "description": "Information about a dogma effect",
 15760              "examples": {
 15761                "application/json": {
 15762                  "effect_id": 12,
 15763                  "name": "hiPower",
 15764                  "display_name": "High power",
 15765                  "description": "Requires a high power slot.",
 15766                  "icon_id": 293,
 15767                  "effect_category": 0,
 15768                  "pre_expression": 131,
 15769                  "post_expression": 131,
 15770                  "published": true
 15771                }
 15772              },
 15773              "schema": {
 15774                "type": "object",
 15775                "required": [
 15776                  "effect_id"
 15777                ],
 15778                "properties": {
 15779                  "effect_id": {
 15780                    "type": "integer",
 15781                    "format": "int32",
 15782                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_effect_id",
 15783                    "description": "effect_id integer"
 15784                  },
 15785                  "name": {
 15786                    "type": "string",
 15787                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_name",
 15788                    "description": "name string"
 15789                  },
 15790                  "display_name": {
 15791                    "type": "string",
 15792                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_display_name",
 15793                    "description": "display_name string"
 15794                  },
 15795                  "description": {
 15796                    "type": "string",
 15797                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_description",
 15798                    "description": "description string"
 15799                  },
 15800                  "icon_id": {
 15801                    "type": "integer",
 15802                    "format": "int32",
 15803                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_icon_id",
 15804                    "description": "icon_id integer"
 15805                  },
 15806                  "effect_category": {
 15807                    "type": "integer",
 15808                    "format": "int32",
 15809                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_effect_category",
 15810                    "description": "effect_category integer"
 15811                  },
 15812                  "pre_expression": {
 15813                    "type": "integer",
 15814                    "format": "int32",
 15815                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_pre_expression",
 15816                    "description": "pre_expression integer"
 15817                  },
 15818                  "post_expression": {
 15819                    "type": "integer",
 15820                    "format": "int32",
 15821                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_post_expression",
 15822                    "description": "post_expression integer"
 15823                  },
 15824                  "is_offensive": {
 15825                    "type": "boolean",
 15826                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_is_offensive",
 15827                    "description": "is_offensive boolean"
 15828                  },
 15829                  "is_assistance": {
 15830                    "type": "boolean",
 15831                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_is_assistance",
 15832                    "description": "is_assistance boolean"
 15833                  },
 15834                  "disallow_auto_repeat": {
 15835                    "type": "boolean",
 15836                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_disallow_auto_repeat",
 15837                    "description": "disallow_auto_repeat boolean"
 15838                  },
 15839                  "published": {
 15840                    "type": "boolean",
 15841                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_published",
 15842                    "description": "published boolean"
 15843                  },
 15844                  "is_warp_safe": {
 15845                    "type": "boolean",
 15846                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_is_warp_safe",
 15847                    "description": "is_warp_safe boolean"
 15848                  },
 15849                  "range_chance": {
 15850                    "type": "boolean",
 15851                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_range_chance",
 15852                    "description": "range_chance boolean"
 15853                  },
 15854                  "electronic_chance": {
 15855                    "type": "boolean",
 15856                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_electronic_chance",
 15857                    "description": "electronic_chance boolean"
 15858                  },
 15859                  "duration_attribute_id": {
 15860                    "type": "integer",
 15861                    "format": "int32",
 15862                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_duration_attribute_id",
 15863                    "description": "duration_attribute_id integer"
 15864                  },
 15865                  "tracking_speed_attribute_id": {
 15866                    "type": "integer",
 15867                    "format": "int32",
 15868                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_tracking_speed_attribute_id",
 15869                    "description": "tracking_speed_attribute_id integer"
 15870                  },
 15871                  "discharge_attribute_id": {
 15872                    "type": "integer",
 15873                    "format": "int32",
 15874                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_discharge_attribute_id",
 15875                    "description": "discharge_attribute_id integer"
 15876                  },
 15877                  "range_attribute_id": {
 15878                    "type": "integer",
 15879                    "format": "int32",
 15880                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_range_attribute_id",
 15881                    "description": "range_attribute_id integer"
 15882                  },
 15883                  "falloff_attribute_id": {
 15884                    "type": "integer",
 15885                    "format": "int32",
 15886                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_falloff_attribute_id",
 15887                    "description": "falloff_attribute_id integer"
 15888                  },
 15889                  "modifiers": {
 15890                    "type": "array",
 15891                    "maxItems": 100,
 15892                    "items": {
 15893                      "type": "object",
 15894                      "required": [
 15895                        "func"
 15896                      ],
 15897                      "properties": {
 15898                        "func": {
 15899                          "type": "string",
 15900                          "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_func",
 15901                          "description": "func string"
 15902                        },
 15903                        "domain": {
 15904                          "type": "string",
 15905                          "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_domain",
 15906                          "description": "domain string"
 15907                        },
 15908                        "modified_attribute_id": {
 15909                          "type": "integer",
 15910                          "format": "int32",
 15911                          "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_modified_attribute_id",
 15912                          "description": "modified_attribute_id integer"
 15913                        },
 15914                        "modifying_attribute_id": {
 15915                          "type": "integer",
 15916                          "format": "int32",
 15917                          "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_modifying_attribute_id",
 15918                          "description": "modifying_attribute_id integer"
 15919                        },
 15920                        "effect_id": {
 15921                          "type": "integer",
 15922                          "format": "int32",
 15923                          "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_effect_id",
 15924                          "description": "effect_id integer"
 15925                        },
 15926                        "operator": {
 15927                          "type": "integer",
 15928                          "format": "int32",
 15929                          "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_operator",
 15930                          "description": "operator integer"
 15931                        }
 15932                      },
 15933                      "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_modifier",
 15934                      "description": "modifier object"
 15935                    },
 15936                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_modifiers",
 15937                    "description": "modifiers array"
 15938                  }
 15939                },
 15940                "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_ok",
 15941                "description": "200 ok object"
 15942              },
 15943              "headers": {
 15944                "Cache-Control": {
 15945                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 15946                  "type": "string"
 15947                },
 15948                "Last-Modified": {
 15949                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 15950                  "type": "string"
 15951                },
 15952                "Expires": {
 15953                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 15954                  "type": "string"
 15955                }
 15956              }
 15957            },
 15958            "404": {
 15959              "description": "Dogma effect not found",
 15960              "schema": {
 15961                "type": "object",
 15962                "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_not_found",
 15963                "description": "Not found",
 15964                "properties": {
 15965                  "error": {
 15966                    "type": "string",
 15967                    "description": "Not found message",
 15968                    "title": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id_404_not_found"
 15969                  }
 15970                }
 15971              },
 15972              "examples": {
 15973                "application/json": {
 15974                  "error": "Not found message"
 15975                }
 15976              }
 15977            },
 15978            "500": {
 15979              "description": "Internal server error",
 15980              "schema": {
 15981                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 15982              },
 15983              "examples": {
 15984                "application/json": {
 15985                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 15986                }
 15987              }
 15988            }
 15989          },
 15990          "operationId": "get_dogma_effects_effect_id",
 15991          "x-alternate-versions": [
 15992            "dev",
 15993            "v2"
 15994          ]
 15995        }
 15996      },
 15997      "/fw/wars/": {
 15998        "get": {
 15999          "description": "Data about which NPC factions are at war\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fw/wars/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fw/wars/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fw/wars/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 16000          "summary": "Data about which NPC factions are at war",
 16001          "tags": [
 16002            "Faction Warfare"
 16003          ],
 16004          "responses": {
 16005            "200": {
 16006              "description": "A list of NPC factions at war",
 16007              "examples": {
 16008                "application/json": [
 16009                  {
 16010                    "faction_id": 500001,
 16011                    "against_id": 500002
 16012                  }
 16013                ]
 16014              },
 16015              "schema": {
 16016                "type": "array",
 16017                "description": "List of factions at war",
 16018                "maxItems": 8,
 16019                "items": {
 16020                  "type": "object",
 16021                  "required": [
 16022                    "faction_id",
 16023                    "against_id"
 16024                  ],
 16025                  "properties": {
 16026                    "faction_id": {
 16027                      "type": "integer",
 16028                      "format": "int32",
 16029                      "title": "get_fw_wars_faction_id",
 16030                      "description": "faction_id integer"
 16031                    },
 16032                    "against_id": {
 16033                      "description": "The faction ID of the enemy faction.",
 16034                      "type": "integer",
 16035                      "format": "int32",
 16036                      "title": "get_fw_wars_against_id"
 16037                    }
 16038                  },
 16039                  "title": "get_fw_wars_200_ok",
 16040                  "description": "200 ok object"
 16041                },
 16042                "title": "get_fw_wars_ok"
 16043              },
 16044              "headers": {
 16045                "Cache-Control": {
 16046                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 16047                  "type": "string"
 16048                },
 16049                "Last-Modified": {
 16050                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 16051                  "type": "string"
 16052                },
 16053                "Expires": {
 16054                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 16055                  "type": "string"
 16056                }
 16057              }
 16058            },
 16059            "500": {
 16060              "description": "Internal server error",
 16061              "schema": {
 16062                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 16063              },
 16064              "examples": {
 16065                "application/json": {
 16066                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 16067                }
 16068              }
 16069            }
 16070          },
 16071          "parameters": [
 16072            {
 16073              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 16074            },
 16075            {
 16076              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 16077            },
 16078            {
 16079              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 16080            }
 16081          ],
 16082          "operationId": "get_fw_wars",
 16083          "x-alternate-versions": [
 16084            "dev",
 16085            "legacy",
 16086            "v1"
 16087          ]
 16088        }
 16089      },
 16090      "/fw/stats/": {
 16091        "get": {
 16092          "summary": "An overview of statistics about factions involved in faction warfare",
 16093          "description": "Statistical overviews of factions involved in faction warfare\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fw/stats/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fw/stats/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fw/stats/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 16094          "tags": [
 16095            "Faction Warfare"
 16096          ],
 16097          "responses": {
 16098            "200": {
 16099              "description": "Per faction breakdown of faction warfare statistics",
 16100              "examples": {
 16101                "application/json": [
 16102                  {
 16103                    "faction_id": 500001,
 16104                    "pilots": 28863,
 16105                    "systems_controlled": 20,
 16106                    "kills": {
 16107                      "yesterday": 136,
 16108                      "last_week": 893,
 16109                      "total": 684350
 16110                    },
 16111                    "victory_points": {
 16112                      "yesterday": 15980,
 16113                      "last_week": 102640,
 16114                      "total": 52658260
 16115                    }
 16116                  }
 16117                ]
 16118              },
 16119              "schema": {
 16120                "type": "array",
 16121                "maxItems": 4,
 16122                "items": {
 16123                  "type": "object",
 16124                  "required": [
 16125                    "faction_id",
 16126                    "pilots",
 16127                    "systems_controlled",
 16128                    "kills",
 16129                    "victory_points"
 16130                  ],
 16131                  "properties": {
 16132                    "faction_id": {
 16133                      "type": "integer",
 16134                      "format": "int32",
 16135                      "title": "get_fw_stats_faction_id",
 16136                      "description": "faction_id integer"
 16137                    },
 16138                    "pilots": {
 16139                      "description": "How many pilots fight for the given faction",
 16140                      "type": "integer",
 16141                      "format": "int32",
 16142                      "title": "get_fw_stats_pilots"
 16143                    },
 16144                    "systems_controlled": {
 16145                      "description": "The number of solar systems controlled by the given faction",
 16146                      "type": "integer",
 16147                      "format": "int32",
 16148                      "title": "get_fw_stats_systems_controlled"
 16149                    },
 16150                    "kills": {
 16151                      "type": "object",
 16152                      "description": "Summary of kills against an enemy faction for the given faction",
 16153                      "required": [
 16154                        "yesterday",
 16155                        "last_week",
 16156                        "total"
 16157                      ],
 16158                      "properties": {
 16159                        "yesterday": {
 16160                          "type": "integer",
 16161                          "format": "int32",
 16162                          "description": "Yesterday's total number of kills against enemy factions",
 16163                          "title": "get_fw_stats_yesterday"
 16164                        },
 16165                        "last_week": {
 16166                          "type": "integer",
 16167                          "format": "int32",
 16168                          "description": "Last week's total number of kills against enemy factions",
 16169                          "title": "get_fw_stats_last_week"
 16170                        },
 16171                        "total": {
 16172                          "type": "integer",
 16173                          "format": "int32",
 16174                          "description": "Total number of kills against enemy factions since faction warfare began",
 16175                          "title": "get_fw_stats_total"
 16176                        }
 16177                      },
 16178                      "title": "get_fw_stats_kills"
 16179                    },
 16180                    "victory_points": {
 16181                      "type": "object",
 16182                      "description": "Summary of victory points gained for the given faction",
 16183                      "required": [
 16184                        "yesterday",
 16185                        "last_week",
 16186                        "total"
 16187                      ],
 16188                      "properties": {
 16189                        "yesterday": {
 16190                          "type": "integer",
 16191                          "format": "int32",
 16192                          "description": "Yesterday's victory points gained",
 16193                          "title": "get_fw_stats_yesterday"
 16194                        },
 16195                        "last_week": {
 16196                          "type": "integer",
 16197                          "format": "int32",
 16198                          "description": "Last week's victory points gained",
 16199                          "title": "get_fw_stats_last_week"
 16200                        },
 16201                        "total": {
 16202                          "type": "integer",
 16203                          "format": "int32",
 16204                          "description": "Total victory points gained since faction warfare began",
 16205                          "title": "get_fw_stats_total"
 16206                        }
 16207                      },
 16208                      "title": "get_fw_stats_victory_points"
 16209                    }
 16210                  },
 16211                  "title": "get_fw_stats_200_ok",
 16212                  "description": "200 ok object"
 16213                },
 16214                "title": "get_fw_stats_ok",
 16215                "description": "200 ok array"
 16216              },
 16217              "headers": {
 16218                "Cache-Control": {
 16219                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 16220                  "type": "string"
 16221                },
 16222                "Last-Modified": {
 16223                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 16224                  "type": "string"
 16225                },
 16226                "Expires": {
 16227                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 16228                  "type": "string"
 16229                }
 16230              }
 16231            },
 16232            "500": {
 16233              "description": "Internal server error",
 16234              "schema": {
 16235                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 16236              },
 16237              "examples": {
 16238                "application/json": {
 16239                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 16240                }
 16241              }
 16242            }
 16243          },
 16244          "parameters": [
 16245            {
 16246              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 16247            },
 16248            {
 16249              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 16250            },
 16251            {
 16252              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 16253            }
 16254          ],
 16255          "operationId": "get_fw_stats",
 16256          "x-alternate-versions": [
 16257            "dev",
 16258            "legacy",
 16259            "v1"
 16260          ]
 16261        }
 16262      },
 16263      "/fw/systems/": {
 16264        "get": {
 16265          "summary": "Ownership of faction warfare systems",
 16266          "description": "An overview of the current ownership of faction warfare solar systems\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fw/systems/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fw/systems/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fw/systems/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 1800 seconds",
 16267          "tags": [
 16268            "Faction Warfare"
 16269          ],
 16270          "responses": {
 16271            "200": {
 16272              "description": "All faction war solar systems",
 16273              "examples": {
 16274                "application/json": [
 16275                  {
 16276                    "solar_system_id": 30002096,
 16277                    "owner_faction_id": 500001,
 16278                    "occupier_faction_id": 500001,
 16279                    "victory_points": 60,
 16280                    "victory_points_threshold": 3000,
 16281                    "contested": true
 16282                  }
 16283                ]
 16284              },
 16285              "schema": {
 16286                "type": "array",
 16287                "maxItems": 171,
 16288                "items": {
 16289                  "type": "object",
 16290                  "required": [
 16291                    "solar_system_id",
 16292                    "occupier_faction_id",
 16293                    "owner_faction_id",
 16294                    "victory_points",
 16295                    "victory_points_threshold",
 16296                    "contested"
 16297                  ],
 16298                  "properties": {
 16299                    "solar_system_id": {
 16300                      "type": "integer",
 16301                      "format": "int32",
 16302                      "title": "get_fw_systems_solar_system_id",
 16303                      "description": "solar_system_id integer"
 16304                    },
 16305                    "owner_faction_id": {
 16306                      "type": "integer",
 16307                      "format": "int32",
 16308                      "title": "get_fw_systems_owner_faction_id",
 16309                      "description": "owner_faction_id integer"
 16310                    },
 16311                    "occupier_faction_id": {
 16312                      "type": "integer",
 16313                      "format": "int32",
 16314                      "title": "get_fw_systems_occupier_faction_id",
 16315                      "description": "occupier_faction_id integer"
 16316                    },
 16317                    "victory_points": {
 16318                      "type": "integer",
 16319                      "format": "int32",
 16320                      "title": "get_fw_systems_victory_points",
 16321                      "description": "victory_points integer"
 16322                    },
 16323                    "victory_points_threshold": {
 16324                      "type": "integer",
 16325                      "format": "int32",
 16326                      "title": "get_fw_systems_victory_points_threshold",
 16327                      "description": "victory_points_threshold integer"
 16328                    },
 16329                    "contested": {
 16330                      "type": "boolean",
 16331                      "title": "get_fw_systems_contested",
 16332                      "description": "contested boolean"
 16333                    }
 16334                  },
 16335                  "title": "get_fw_systems_200_ok",
 16336                  "description": "200 ok object"
 16337                },
 16338                "title": "get_fw_systems_ok",
 16339                "description": "200 ok array"
 16340              },
 16341              "headers": {
 16342                "Cache-Control": {
 16343                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 16344                  "type": "string"
 16345                },
 16346                "Last-Modified": {
 16347                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 16348                  "type": "string"
 16349                },
 16350                "Expires": {
 16351                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 16352                  "type": "string"
 16353                }
 16354              }
 16355            },
 16356            "500": {
 16357              "description": "Internal server error",
 16358              "schema": {
 16359                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 16360              },
 16361              "examples": {
 16362                "application/json": {
 16363                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 16364                }
 16365              }
 16366            }
 16367          },
 16368          "parameters": [
 16369            {
 16370              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 16371            },
 16372            {
 16373              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 16374            },
 16375            {
 16376              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 16377            }
 16378          ],
 16379          "operationId": "get_fw_systems",
 16380          "x-cached-seconds": 1800,
 16381          "x-alternate-versions": [
 16382            "dev",
 16383            "legacy",
 16384            "v1"
 16385          ]
 16386        }
 16387      },
 16388      "/fw/leaderboards/": {
 16389        "get": {
 16390          "summary": "List of the top factions in faction warfare",
 16391          "description": "Top 4 leaderboard of factions for kills and victory points separated by total, last week and yesterday.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fw/leaderboards/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fw/leaderboards/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fw/leaderboards/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 16392          "tags": [
 16393            "Faction Warfare"
 16394          ],
 16395          "responses": {
 16396            "200": {
 16397              "description": "Corporation leaderboard of kills and victory points within faction warfare.",
 16398              "examples": {
 16399                "application/json": {
 16400                  "kills": {
 16401                    "yesterday": [
 16402                      {
 16403                        "faction_id": 500001,
 16404                        "amount": 100
 16405                      },
 16406                      {
 16407                        "faction_id": 500004,
 16408                        "amount": 50
 16409                      }
 16410                    ],
 16411                    "last_week": [
 16412                      {
 16413                        "faction_id": 500001,
 16414                        "amount": 730
 16415                      },
 16416                      {
 16417                        "faction_id": 500004,
 16418                        "amount": 671
 16419                      }
 16420                    ],
 16421                    "active_total": [
 16422                      {
 16423                        "faction_id": 500004,
 16424                        "amount": 832273
 16425                      },
 16426                      {
 16427                        "faction_id": 500001,
 16428                        "amount": 687915
 16429                      }
 16430                    ]
 16431                  },
 16432                  "victory_points": {
 16433                    "yesterday": [
 16434                      {
 16435                        "faction_id": 500002,
 16436                        "amount": 5000
 16437                      },
 16438                      {
 16439                        "faction_id": 500003,
 16440                        "amount": 3500
 16441                      }
 16442                    ],
 16443                    "last_week": [
 16444                      {
 16445                        "faction_id": 500001,
 16446                        "amount": 97360
 16447                      },
 16448                      {
 16449                        "faction_id": 500004,
 16450                        "amount": 84980
 16451                      }
 16452                    ],
 16453                    "active_total": [
 16454                      {
 16455                        "faction_id": 500001,
 16456                        "amount": 53130500
 16457                      },
 16458                      {
 16459                        "faction_id": 500004,
 16460                        "amount": 50964263
 16461                      }
 16462                    ]
 16463                  }
 16464                }
 16465              },
 16466              "schema": {
 16467                "type": "object",
 16468                "required": [
 16469                  "kills",
 16470                  "victory_points"
 16471                ],
 16472                "properties": {
 16473                  "kills": {
 16474                    "type": "object",
 16475                    "description": "Top 4 rankings of factions by number of kills from yesterday, last week and in total.",
 16476                    "required": [
 16477                      "yesterday",
 16478                      "last_week",
 16479                      "active_total"
 16480                    ],
 16481                    "properties": {
 16482                      "yesterday": {
 16483                        "description": "Top 4 ranking of factions by kills in the past day",
 16484                        "type": "array",
 16485                        "maxItems": 4,
 16486                        "items": {
 16487                          "type": "object",
 16488                          "properties": {
 16489                            "faction_id": {
 16490                              "type": "integer",
 16491                              "format": "int32",
 16492                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_faction_id",
 16493                              "description": "faction_id integer"
 16494                            },
 16495                            "amount": {
 16496                              "description": "Amount of kills",
 16497                              "type": "integer",
 16498                              "format": "int32",
 16499                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_amount"
 16500                            }
 16501                          },
 16502                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_yesterday",
 16503                          "description": "yesterday object"
 16504                        },
 16505                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_yesterday"
 16506                      },
 16507                      "last_week": {
 16508                        "description": "Top 4 ranking of factions by kills in the past week",
 16509                        "type": "array",
 16510                        "maxItems": 4,
 16511                        "items": {
 16512                          "type": "object",
 16513                          "properties": {
 16514                            "faction_id": {
 16515                              "type": "integer",
 16516                              "format": "int32",
 16517                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_faction_id",
 16518                              "description": "faction_id integer"
 16519                            },
 16520                            "amount": {
 16521                              "description": "Amount of kills",
 16522                              "type": "integer",
 16523                              "format": "int32",
 16524                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_amount"
 16525                            }
 16526                          },
 16527                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_last_week",
 16528                          "description": "last_week object"
 16529                        },
 16530                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_last_week"
 16531                      },
 16532                      "active_total": {
 16533                        "description": "Top 4 ranking of factions active in faction warfare by total kills. A faction is considered \"active\" if they have participated in faction warfare in the past 14 days.",
 16534                        "type": "array",
 16535                        "maxItems": 4,
 16536                        "items": {
 16537                          "type": "object",
 16538                          "properties": {
 16539                            "faction_id": {
 16540                              "type": "integer",
 16541                              "format": "int32",
 16542                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_faction_id",
 16543                              "description": "faction_id integer"
 16544                            },
 16545                            "amount": {
 16546                              "description": "Amount of kills",
 16547                              "type": "integer",
 16548                              "format": "int32",
 16549                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_amount"
 16550                            }
 16551                          },
 16552                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_active_total",
 16553                          "description": "active_total object"
 16554                        },
 16555                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_active_total"
 16556                      }
 16557                    },
 16558                    "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_kills"
 16559                  },
 16560                  "victory_points": {
 16561                    "description": "Top 4 rankings of factions by victory points from yesterday, last week and in total",
 16562                    "type": "object",
 16563                    "required": [
 16564                      "yesterday",
 16565                      "last_week",
 16566                      "active_total"
 16567                    ],
 16568                    "properties": {
 16569                      "yesterday": {
 16570                        "description": "Top 4 ranking of factions by victory points in the past day",
 16571                        "type": "array",
 16572                        "maxItems": 4,
 16573                        "items": {
 16574                          "type": "object",
 16575                          "properties": {
 16576                            "faction_id": {
 16577                              "type": "integer",
 16578                              "format": "int32",
 16579                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_faction_id",
 16580                              "description": "faction_id integer"
 16581                            },
 16582                            "amount": {
 16583                              "description": "Amount of victory points",
 16584                              "type": "integer",
 16585                              "format": "int32",
 16586                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_amount"
 16587                            }
 16588                          },
 16589                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_yesterday",
 16590                          "description": "yesterday object"
 16591                        },
 16592                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_yesterday"
 16593                      },
 16594                      "last_week": {
 16595                        "description": "Top 4 ranking of factions by victory points in the past week",
 16596                        "type": "array",
 16597                        "maxItems": 4,
 16598                        "items": {
 16599                          "type": "object",
 16600                          "properties": {
 16601                            "faction_id": {
 16602                              "type": "integer",
 16603                              "format": "int32",
 16604                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_faction_id",
 16605                              "description": "faction_id integer"
 16606                            },
 16607                            "amount": {
 16608                              "description": "Amount of victory points",
 16609                              "type": "integer",
 16610                              "format": "int32",
 16611                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_amount"
 16612                            }
 16613                          },
 16614                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_last_week",
 16615                          "description": "last_week object"
 16616                        },
 16617                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_last_week"
 16618                      },
 16619                      "active_total": {
 16620                        "description": "Top 4 ranking of factions active in faction warfare by total victory points. A faction is considered \"active\" if they have participated in faction warfare in the past 14 days.",
 16621                        "type": "array",
 16622                        "maxItems": 4,
 16623                        "items": {
 16624                          "type": "object",
 16625                          "properties": {
 16626                            "faction_id": {
 16627                              "type": "integer",
 16628                              "format": "int32",
 16629                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_faction_id",
 16630                              "description": "faction_id integer"
 16631                            },
 16632                            "amount": {
 16633                              "description": "Amount of victory points",
 16634                              "type": "integer",
 16635                              "format": "int32",
 16636                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_amount"
 16637                            }
 16638                          },
 16639                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_active_total",
 16640                          "description": "active_total object"
 16641                        },
 16642                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_active_total"
 16643                      }
 16644                    },
 16645                    "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_victory_points"
 16646                  }
 16647                },
 16648                "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_ok",
 16649                "description": "200 ok object"
 16650              },
 16651              "headers": {
 16652                "Cache-Control": {
 16653                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 16654                  "type": "string"
 16655                },
 16656                "Last-Modified": {
 16657                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 16658                  "type": "string"
 16659                },
 16660                "Expires": {
 16661                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 16662                  "type": "string"
 16663                }
 16664              }
 16665            },
 16666            "500": {
 16667              "description": "Internal server error",
 16668              "schema": {
 16669                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 16670              },
 16671              "examples": {
 16672                "application/json": {
 16673                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 16674                }
 16675              }
 16676            }
 16677          },
 16678          "parameters": [
 16679            {
 16680              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 16681            },
 16682            {
 16683              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 16684            },
 16685            {
 16686              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 16687            }
 16688          ],
 16689          "operationId": "get_fw_leaderboards",
 16690          "x-alternate-versions": [
 16691            "dev",
 16692            "legacy",
 16693            "v1"
 16694          ]
 16695        }
 16696      },
 16697      "/fw/leaderboards/characters/": {
 16698        "get": {
 16699          "summary": "List of the top pilots in faction warfare",
 16700          "description": "Top 100 leaderboard of pilots for kills and victory points separated by total, last week and yesterday.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fw/leaderboards/characters/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fw/leaderboards/characters/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fw/leaderboards/characters/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 16701          "tags": [
 16702            "Faction Warfare"
 16703          ],
 16704          "responses": {
 16705            "200": {
 16706              "description": "Character leaderboard of kills and victory points within faction warfare.",
 16707              "examples": {
 16708                "application/json": {
 16709                  "kills": {
 16710                    "yesterday": [
 16711                      {
 16712                        "character_id": 2112625428,
 16713                        "amount": 34
 16714                      },
 16715                      {
 16716                        "character_id": 95465499,
 16717                        "amount": 20
 16718                      }
 16719                    ],
 16720                    "last_week": [
 16721                      {
 16722                        "character_id": 2112625428,
 16723                        "amount": 100
 16724                      },
 16725                      {
 16726                        "character_id": 95465499,
 16727                        "amount": 70
 16728                      }
 16729                    ],
 16730                    "active_total": [
 16731                      {
 16732                        "character_id": 2112625428,
 16733                        "amount": 10000
 16734                      },
 16735                      {
 16736                        "character_id": 95465499,
 16737                        "amount": 8500
 16738                      }
 16739                    ]
 16740                  },
 16741                  "victory_points": {
 16742                    "yesterday": [
 16743                      {
 16744                        "character_id": 2112625428,
 16745                        "amount": 620
 16746                      },
 16747                      {
 16748                        "character_id": 95465499,
 16749                        "amount": 550
 16750                      }
 16751                    ],
 16752                    "last_week": [
 16753                      {
 16754                        "character_id": 2112625428,
 16755                        "amount": 2660
 16756                      },
 16757                      {
 16758                        "character_id": 95465499,
 16759                        "amount": 2000
 16760                      }
 16761                    ],
 16762                    "active_total": [
 16763                      {
 16764                        "character_id": 2112625428,
 16765                        "amount": 1239158
 16766                      },
 16767                      {
 16768                        "character_id": 95465499,
 16769                        "amount": 1139029
 16770                      }
 16771                    ]
 16772                  }
 16773                }
 16774              },
 16775              "schema": {
 16776                "type": "object",
 16777                "required": [
 16778                  "kills",
 16779                  "victory_points"
 16780                ],
 16781                "properties": {
 16782                  "kills": {
 16783                    "type": "object",
 16784                    "description": "Top 100 rankings of pilots by number of kills from yesterday, last week and in total.",
 16785                    "required": [
 16786                      "yesterday",
 16787                      "last_week",
 16788                      "active_total"
 16789                    ],
 16790                    "properties": {
 16791                      "yesterday": {
 16792                        "description": "Top 100 ranking of pilots by kills in the past day",
 16793                        "type": "array",
 16794                        "maxItems": 100,
 16795                        "items": {
 16796                          "type": "object",
 16797                          "properties": {
 16798                            "character_id": {
 16799                              "type": "integer",
 16800                              "format": "int32",
 16801                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_character_id",
 16802                              "description": "character_id integer"
 16803                            },
 16804                            "amount": {
 16805                              "description": "Amount of kills",
 16806                              "type": "integer",
 16807                              "format": "int32",
 16808                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_amount"
 16809                            }
 16810                          },
 16811                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_yesterday",
 16812                          "description": "yesterday object"
 16813                        },
 16814                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_yesterday"
 16815                      },
 16816                      "last_week": {
 16817                        "description": "Top 100 ranking of pilots by kills in the past week",
 16818                        "type": "array",
 16819                        "maxItems": 100,
 16820                        "items": {
 16821                          "type": "object",
 16822                          "properties": {
 16823                            "character_id": {
 16824                              "type": "integer",
 16825                              "format": "int32",
 16826                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_character_id",
 16827                              "description": "character_id integer"
 16828                            },
 16829                            "amount": {
 16830                              "description": "Amount of kills",
 16831                              "type": "integer",
 16832                              "format": "int32",
 16833                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_amount"
 16834                            }
 16835                          },
 16836                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_last_week",
 16837                          "description": "last_week object"
 16838                        },
 16839                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_last_week"
 16840                      },
 16841                      "active_total": {
 16842                        "description": "Top 100 ranking of pilots active in faction warfare by total kills. A pilot is considered \"active\" if they have participated in faction warfare in the past 14 days.",
 16843                        "type": "array",
 16844                        "maxItems": 100,
 16845                        "items": {
 16846                          "type": "object",
 16847                          "properties": {
 16848                            "character_id": {
 16849                              "type": "integer",
 16850                              "format": "int32",
 16851                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_character_id",
 16852                              "description": "character_id integer"
 16853                            },
 16854                            "amount": {
 16855                              "description": "Amount of kills",
 16856                              "type": "integer",
 16857                              "format": "int32",
 16858                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_amount"
 16859                            }
 16860                          },
 16861                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_active_total",
 16862                          "description": "active_total object"
 16863                        },
 16864                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_active_total"
 16865                      }
 16866                    },
 16867                    "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_kills"
 16868                  },
 16869                  "victory_points": {
 16870                    "description": "Top 100 rankings of pilots by victory points from yesterday, last week and in total",
 16871                    "type": "object",
 16872                    "required": [
 16873                      "yesterday",
 16874                      "last_week",
 16875                      "active_total"
 16876                    ],
 16877                    "properties": {
 16878                      "yesterday": {
 16879                        "description": "Top 100 ranking of pilots by victory points in the past day",
 16880                        "type": "array",
 16881                        "maxItems": 100,
 16882                        "items": {
 16883                          "type": "object",
 16884                          "properties": {
 16885                            "character_id": {
 16886                              "type": "integer",
 16887                              "format": "int32",
 16888                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_character_id",
 16889                              "description": "character_id integer"
 16890                            },
 16891                            "amount": {
 16892                              "description": "Amount of victory points",
 16893                              "type": "integer",
 16894                              "format": "int32",
 16895                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_amount"
 16896                            }
 16897                          },
 16898                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_yesterday",
 16899                          "description": "yesterday object"
 16900                        },
 16901                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_yesterday"
 16902                      },
 16903                      "last_week": {
 16904                        "description": "Top 100 ranking of pilots by victory points in the past week",
 16905                        "type": "array",
 16906                        "maxItems": 100,
 16907                        "items": {
 16908                          "type": "object",
 16909                          "properties": {
 16910                            "character_id": {
 16911                              "type": "integer",
 16912                              "format": "int32",
 16913                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_character_id",
 16914                              "description": "character_id integer"
 16915                            },
 16916                            "amount": {
 16917                              "description": "Amount of victory points",
 16918                              "type": "integer",
 16919                              "format": "int32",
 16920                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_amount"
 16921                            }
 16922                          },
 16923                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_last_week",
 16924                          "description": "last_week object"
 16925                        },
 16926                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_last_week"
 16927                      },
 16928                      "active_total": {
 16929                        "description": "Top 100 ranking of pilots active in faction warfare by total victory points. A pilot is considered \"active\" if they have participated in faction warfare in the past 14 days.",
 16930                        "type": "array",
 16931                        "maxItems": 100,
 16932                        "items": {
 16933                          "type": "object",
 16934                          "properties": {
 16935                            "character_id": {
 16936                              "type": "integer",
 16937                              "format": "int32",
 16938                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_character_id",
 16939                              "description": "character_id integer"
 16940                            },
 16941                            "amount": {
 16942                              "description": "Amount of victory points",
 16943                              "type": "integer",
 16944                              "format": "int32",
 16945                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_amount"
 16946                            }
 16947                          },
 16948                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_active_total",
 16949                          "description": "active_total object"
 16950                        },
 16951                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_active_total"
 16952                      }
 16953                    },
 16954                    "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_victory_points"
 16955                  }
 16956                },
 16957                "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters_ok",
 16958                "description": "200 ok object"
 16959              },
 16960              "headers": {
 16961                "Cache-Control": {
 16962                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 16963                  "type": "string"
 16964                },
 16965                "Last-Modified": {
 16966                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 16967                  "type": "string"
 16968                },
 16969                "Expires": {
 16970                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 16971                  "type": "string"
 16972                }
 16973              }
 16974            },
 16975            "500": {
 16976              "description": "Internal server error",
 16977              "schema": {
 16978                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 16979              },
 16980              "examples": {
 16981                "application/json": {
 16982                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 16983                }
 16984              }
 16985            }
 16986          },
 16987          "parameters": [
 16988            {
 16989              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 16990            },
 16991            {
 16992              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 16993            },
 16994            {
 16995              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 16996            }
 16997          ],
 16998          "operationId": "get_fw_leaderboards_characters",
 16999          "x-alternate-versions": [
 17000            "dev",
 17001            "legacy",
 17002            "v1"
 17003          ]
 17004        }
 17005      },
 17006      "/fw/leaderboards/corporations/": {
 17007        "get": {
 17008          "summary": "List of the top corporations in faction warfare",
 17009          "description": "Top 10 leaderboard of corporations for kills and victory points separated by total, last week and yesterday.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fw/leaderboards/corporations/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fw/leaderboards/corporations/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fw/leaderboards/corporations/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 17010          "tags": [
 17011            "Faction Warfare"
 17012          ],
 17013          "responses": {
 17014            "200": {
 17015              "description": "Corporation leaderboard of kills and victory points within faction warfare.",
 17016              "examples": {
 17017                "application/json": {
 17018                  "kills": {
 17019                    "yesterday": [
 17020                      {
 17021                        "corporation_id": 1000180,
 17022                        "amount": 51
 17023                      },
 17024                      {
 17025                        "corporation_id": 1000182,
 17026                        "amount": 39
 17027                      }
 17028                    ],
 17029                    "last_week": [
 17030                      {
 17031                        "corporation_id": 1000180,
 17032                        "amount": 290
 17033                      },
 17034                      {
 17035                        "corporation_id": 1000182,
 17036                        "amount": 169
 17037                      }
 17038                    ],
 17039                    "active_total": [
 17040                      {
 17041                        "corporation_id": 1000180,
 17042                        "amount": 81692
 17043                      },
 17044                      {
 17045                        "corporation_id": 1000182,
 17046                        "amount": 76793
 17047                      }
 17048                    ]
 17049                  },
 17050                  "victory_points": {
 17051                    "yesterday": [
 17052                      {
 17053                        "corporation_id": 1000180,
 17054                        "amount": 12600
 17055                      },
 17056                      {
 17057                        "corporation_id": 1000181,
 17058                        "amount": 8240
 17059                      }
 17060                    ],
 17061                    "last_week": [
 17062                      {
 17063                        "corporation_id": 1000180,
 17064                        "amount": 91980
 17065                      },
 17066                      {
 17067                        "corporation_id": 1000181,
 17068                        "amount": 58920
 17069                      }
 17070                    ],
 17071                    "active_total": [
 17072                      {
 17073                        "corporation_id": 1000180,
 17074                        "amount": 18640927
 17075                      },
 17076                      {
 17077                        "corporation_id": 1000181,
 17078                        "amount": 18078265
 17079                      }
 17080                    ]
 17081                  }
 17082                }
 17083              },
 17084              "schema": {
 17085                "type": "object",
 17086                "required": [
 17087                  "kills",
 17088                  "victory_points"
 17089                ],
 17090                "properties": {
 17091                  "kills": {
 17092                    "type": "object",
 17093                    "description": "Top 10 rankings of corporations by number of kills from yesterday, last week and in total.",
 17094                    "required": [
 17095                      "yesterday",
 17096                      "last_week",
 17097                      "active_total"
 17098                    ],
 17099                    "properties": {
 17100                      "yesterday": {
 17101                        "description": "Top 10 ranking of corporations by kills in the past day",
 17102                        "type": "array",
 17103                        "maxItems": 10,
 17104                        "items": {
 17105                          "type": "object",
 17106                          "properties": {
 17107                            "corporation_id": {
 17108                              "type": "integer",
 17109                              "format": "int32",
 17110                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_corporation_id",
 17111                              "description": "corporation_id integer"
 17112                            },
 17113                            "amount": {
 17114                              "description": "Amount of kills",
 17115                              "type": "integer",
 17116                              "format": "int32",
 17117                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_amount"
 17118                            }
 17119                          },
 17120                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_yesterday",
 17121                          "description": "yesterday object"
 17122                        },
 17123                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_yesterday"
 17124                      },
 17125                      "last_week": {
 17126                        "description": "Top 10 ranking of corporations by kills in the past week",
 17127                        "type": "array",
 17128                        "maxItems": 10,
 17129                        "items": {
 17130                          "type": "object",
 17131                          "properties": {
 17132                            "corporation_id": {
 17133                              "type": "integer",
 17134                              "format": "int32",
 17135                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_corporation_id",
 17136                              "description": "corporation_id integer"
 17137                            },
 17138                            "amount": {
 17139                              "description": "Amount of kills",
 17140                              "type": "integer",
 17141                              "format": "int32",
 17142                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_amount"
 17143                            }
 17144                          },
 17145                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_last_week",
 17146                          "description": "last_week object"
 17147                        },
 17148                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_last_week"
 17149                      },
 17150                      "active_total": {
 17151                        "description": "Top 10 ranking of corporations active in faction warfare by total kills. A corporation is considered \"active\" if they have participated in faction warfare in the past 14 days.",
 17152                        "type": "array",
 17153                        "maxItems": 10,
 17154                        "items": {
 17155                          "type": "object",
 17156                          "properties": {
 17157                            "corporation_id": {
 17158                              "type": "integer",
 17159                              "format": "int32",
 17160                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_corporation_id",
 17161                              "description": "corporation_id integer"
 17162                            },
 17163                            "amount": {
 17164                              "description": "Amount of kills",
 17165                              "type": "integer",
 17166                              "format": "int32",
 17167                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_amount"
 17168                            }
 17169                          },
 17170                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_active_total",
 17171                          "description": "active_total object"
 17172                        },
 17173                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_active_total"
 17174                      }
 17175                    },
 17176                    "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_kills"
 17177                  },
 17178                  "victory_points": {
 17179                    "description": "Top 10 rankings of corporations by victory points from yesterday, last week and in total",
 17180                    "type": "object",
 17181                    "required": [
 17182                      "yesterday",
 17183                      "last_week",
 17184                      "active_total"
 17185                    ],
 17186                    "properties": {
 17187                      "yesterday": {
 17188                        "description": "Top 10 ranking of corporations by victory points in the past day",
 17189                        "type": "array",
 17190                        "maxItems": 10,
 17191                        "items": {
 17192                          "type": "object",
 17193                          "properties": {
 17194                            "corporation_id": {
 17195                              "type": "integer",
 17196                              "format": "int32",
 17197                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_corporation_id",
 17198                              "description": "corporation_id integer"
 17199                            },
 17200                            "amount": {
 17201                              "description": "Amount of victory points",
 17202                              "type": "integer",
 17203                              "format": "int32",
 17204                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_amount"
 17205                            }
 17206                          },
 17207                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_yesterday",
 17208                          "description": "yesterday object"
 17209                        },
 17210                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_yesterday"
 17211                      },
 17212                      "last_week": {
 17213                        "description": "Top 10 ranking of corporations by victory points in the past week",
 17214                        "type": "array",
 17215                        "maxItems": 10,
 17216                        "items": {
 17217                          "type": "object",
 17218                          "properties": {
 17219                            "corporation_id": {
 17220                              "type": "integer",
 17221                              "format": "int32",
 17222                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_corporation_id",
 17223                              "description": "corporation_id integer"
 17224                            },
 17225                            "amount": {
 17226                              "description": "Amount of victory points",
 17227                              "type": "integer",
 17228                              "format": "int32",
 17229                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_amount"
 17230                            }
 17231                          },
 17232                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_last_week",
 17233                          "description": "last_week object"
 17234                        },
 17235                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_last_week"
 17236                      },
 17237                      "active_total": {
 17238                        "description": "Top 10 ranking of corporations active in faction warfare by total victory points. A corporation is considered \"active\" if they have participated in faction warfare in the past 14 days.",
 17239                        "type": "array",
 17240                        "maxItems": 10,
 17241                        "items": {
 17242                          "type": "object",
 17243                          "properties": {
 17244                            "corporation_id": {
 17245                              "type": "integer",
 17246                              "format": "int32",
 17247                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_corporation_id",
 17248                              "description": "corporation_id integer"
 17249                            },
 17250                            "amount": {
 17251                              "description": "Amount of victory points",
 17252                              "type": "integer",
 17253                              "format": "int32",
 17254                              "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_amount"
 17255                            }
 17256                          },
 17257                          "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_active_total",
 17258                          "description": "active_total object"
 17259                        },
 17260                        "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_active_total"
 17261                      }
 17262                    },
 17263                    "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_victory_points"
 17264                  }
 17265                },
 17266                "title": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations_ok",
 17267                "description": "200 ok object"
 17268              },
 17269              "headers": {
 17270                "Cache-Control": {
 17271                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 17272                  "type": "string"
 17273                },
 17274                "Last-Modified": {
 17275                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 17276                  "type": "string"
 17277                },
 17278                "Expires": {
 17279                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 17280                  "type": "string"
 17281                }
 17282              }
 17283            },
 17284            "500": {
 17285              "description": "Internal server error",
 17286              "schema": {
 17287                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 17288              },
 17289              "examples": {
 17290                "application/json": {
 17291                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 17292                }
 17293              }
 17294            }
 17295          },
 17296          "parameters": [
 17297            {
 17298              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 17299            },
 17300            {
 17301              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 17302            },
 17303            {
 17304              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 17305            }
 17306          ],
 17307          "operationId": "get_fw_leaderboards_corporations",
 17308          "x-alternate-versions": [
 17309            "dev",
 17310            "legacy",
 17311            "v1"
 17312          ]
 17313        }
 17314      },
 17315      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/fw/stats/": {
 17316        "get": {
 17317          "summary": "Overview of a corporation involved in faction warfare",
 17318          "description": "Statistics about a corporation involved in faction warfare\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/fw/stats/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/fw/stats/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/fw/stats/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 17319          "tags": [
 17320            "Faction Warfare"
 17321          ],
 17322          "parameters": [
 17323            {
 17324              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 17325            },
 17326            {
 17327              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 17328            },
 17329            {
 17330              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 17331            },
 17332            {
 17333              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 17334            },
 17335            {
 17336              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 17337            }
 17338          ],
 17339          "responses": {
 17340            "200": {
 17341              "description": "Faction warfare statistics for a given corporation",
 17342              "examples": {
 17343                "application/json": {
 17344                  "faction_id": 500001,
 17345                  "enlisted_on": "2017-10-17T00:00:00Z",
 17346                  "pilots": 28863,
 17347                  "kills": {
 17348                    "yesterday": 136,
 17349                    "last_week": 893,
 17350                    "total": 684350
 17351                  },
 17352                  "victory_points": {
 17353                    "yesterday": 15980,
 17354                    "last_week": 102640,
 17355                    "total": 52658260
 17356                  }
 17357                }
 17358              },
 17359              "schema": {
 17360                "type": "object",
 17361                "required": [
 17362                  "kills",
 17363                  "victory_points"
 17364                ],
 17365                "properties": {
 17366                  "faction_id": {
 17367                    "type": "integer",
 17368                    "format": "int32",
 17369                    "description": "The faction the given corporation is enlisted to fight for. Will not be included if corporation is not enlisted in faction warfare",
 17370                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats_faction_id"
 17371                  },
 17372                  "enlisted_on": {
 17373                    "type": "string",
 17374                    "format": "date-time",
 17375                    "description": "The enlistment date of the given corporation into faction warfare. Will not be included if corporation is not enlisted in faction warfare",
 17376                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats_enlisted_on"
 17377                  },
 17378                  "pilots": {
 17379                    "type": "integer",
 17380                    "format": "int32",
 17381                    "description": "How many pilots the enlisted corporation has. Will not be included if corporation is not enlisted in faction warfare",
 17382                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats_pilots"
 17383                  },
 17384                  "kills": {
 17385                    "type": "object",
 17386                    "description": "Summary of kills done by the given corporation against enemy factions",
 17387                    "required": [
 17388                      "yesterday",
 17389                      "last_week",
 17390                      "total"
 17391                    ],
 17392                    "properties": {
 17393                      "yesterday": {
 17394                        "type": "integer",
 17395                        "format": "int32",
 17396                        "description": "Yesterday's total number of kills by members of the given corporation against enemy factions",
 17397                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats_yesterday"
 17398                      },
 17399                      "last_week": {
 17400                        "type": "integer",
 17401                        "format": "int32",
 17402                        "description": "Last week's total number of kills by members of the given corporation against enemy factions",
 17403                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats_last_week"
 17404                      },
 17405                      "total": {
 17406                        "type": "integer",
 17407                        "format": "int32",
 17408                        "description": "Total number of kills by members of the given corporation against enemy factions since the corporation enlisted",
 17409                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats_total"
 17410                      }
 17411                    },
 17412                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats_kills"
 17413                  },
 17414                  "victory_points": {
 17415                    "type": "object",
 17416                    "description": "Summary of victory points gained by the given corporation for the enlisted faction",
 17417                    "required": [
 17418                      "yesterday",
 17419                      "last_week",
 17420                      "total"
 17421                    ],
 17422                    "properties": {
 17423                      "yesterday": {
 17424                        "type": "integer",
 17425                        "format": "int32",
 17426                        "description": "Yesterday's victory points gained by members of the given corporation",
 17427                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats_yesterday"
 17428                      },
 17429                      "last_week": {
 17430                        "type": "integer",
 17431                        "format": "int32",
 17432                        "description": "Last week's victory points gained by members of the given corporation",
 17433                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats_last_week"
 17434                      },
 17435                      "total": {
 17436                        "type": "integer",
 17437                        "format": "int32",
 17438                        "description": "Total victory points gained since the given corporation enlisted",
 17439                        "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats_total"
 17440                      }
 17441                    },
 17442                    "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats_victory_points"
 17443                  }
 17444                },
 17445                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats_ok",
 17446                "description": "200 ok object"
 17447              },
 17448              "headers": {
 17449                "Cache-Control": {
 17450                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 17451                  "type": "string"
 17452                },
 17453                "Last-Modified": {
 17454                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 17455                  "type": "string"
 17456                },
 17457                "Expires": {
 17458                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 17459                  "type": "string"
 17460                }
 17461              }
 17462            },
 17463            "403": {
 17464              "description": "Forbidden",
 17465              "schema": {
 17466                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 17467              },
 17468              "examples": {
 17469                "application/json": {
 17470                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 17471                }
 17472              }
 17473            },
 17474            "500": {
 17475              "description": "Internal server error",
 17476              "schema": {
 17477                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 17478              },
 17479              "examples": {
 17480                "application/json": {
 17481                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 17482                }
 17483              }
 17484            }
 17485          },
 17486          "x-required-roles": [],
 17487          "security": [
 17488            {
 17489              "evesso": [
 17490                "esi-corporations.read_fw_stats.v1"
 17491              ]
 17492            }
 17493          ],
 17494          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats",
 17495          "x-alternate-versions": [
 17496            "dev",
 17497            "legacy",
 17498            "v1"
 17499          ]
 17500        }
 17501      },
 17502      "/characters/{character_id}/fw/stats/": {
 17503        "get": {
 17504          "summary": "Overview of a character involved in faction warfare",
 17505          "description": "Statistical overview of a character involved in faction warfare\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/fw/stats/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/fw/stats/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/fw/stats/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 17506          "tags": [
 17507            "Faction Warfare"
 17508          ],
 17509          "parameters": [
 17510            {
 17511              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 17512            },
 17513            {
 17514              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 17515            },
 17516            {
 17517              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 17518            },
 17519            {
 17520              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 17521            },
 17522            {
 17523              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 17524            }
 17525          ],
 17526          "responses": {
 17527            "200": {
 17528              "description": "Faction warfare statistics for a given character",
 17529              "examples": {
 17530                "application/json": {
 17531                  "faction_id": 500001,
 17532                  "enlisted_on": "2017-10-17T00:00:00Z",
 17533                  "kills": {
 17534                    "yesterday": 136,
 17535                    "last_week": 893,
 17536                    "total": 684350
 17537                  },
 17538                  "victory_points": {
 17539                    "yesterday": 15980,
 17540                    "last_week": 102640,
 17541                    "total": 52658260
 17542                  }
 17543                }
 17544              },
 17545              "schema": {
 17546                "type": "object",
 17547                "required": [
 17548                  "kills",
 17549                  "victory_points"
 17550                ],
 17551                "properties": {
 17552                  "faction_id": {
 17553                    "type": "integer",
 17554                    "format": "int32",
 17555                    "description": "The faction the given character is enlisted to fight for. Will not be included if character is not enlisted in faction warfare",
 17556                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_faction_id"
 17557                  },
 17558                  "enlisted_on": {
 17559                    "type": "string",
 17560                    "format": "date-time",
 17561                    "description": "The enlistment date of the given character into faction warfare. Will not be included if character is not enlisted in faction warfare",
 17562                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_enlisted_on"
 17563                  },
 17564                  "current_rank": {
 17565                    "type": "integer",
 17566                    "format": "int32",
 17567                    "description": "The given character's current faction rank",
 17568                    "minimum": 0,
 17569                    "maximum": 9,
 17570                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_current_rank"
 17571                  },
 17572                  "highest_rank": {
 17573                    "type": "integer",
 17574                    "format": "int32",
 17575                    "description": "The given character's highest faction rank achieved",
 17576                    "minimum": 0,
 17577                    "maximum": 9,
 17578                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_highest_rank"
 17579                  },
 17580                  "kills": {
 17581                    "type": "object",
 17582                    "description": "Summary of kills done by the given character against enemy factions",
 17583                    "required": [
 17584                      "yesterday",
 17585                      "last_week",
 17586                      "total"
 17587                    ],
 17588                    "properties": {
 17589                      "yesterday": {
 17590                        "type": "integer",
 17591                        "format": "int32",
 17592                        "description": "Yesterday's total number of kills by a given character against enemy factions",
 17593                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_yesterday"
 17594                      },
 17595                      "last_week": {
 17596                        "type": "integer",
 17597                        "format": "int32",
 17598                        "description": "Last week's total number of kills by a given character against enemy factions",
 17599                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_last_week"
 17600                      },
 17601                      "total": {
 17602                        "type": "integer",
 17603                        "format": "int32",
 17604                        "description": "Total number of kills by a given character against enemy factions since the character enlisted",
 17605                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_total"
 17606                      }
 17607                    },
 17608                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_kills"
 17609                  },
 17610                  "victory_points": {
 17611                    "type": "object",
 17612                    "description": "Summary of victory points gained by the given character for the enlisted faction",
 17613                    "required": [
 17614                      "yesterday",
 17615                      "last_week",
 17616                      "total"
 17617                    ],
 17618                    "properties": {
 17619                      "yesterday": {
 17620                        "type": "integer",
 17621                        "format": "int32",
 17622                        "description": "Yesterday's victory points gained by the given character",
 17623                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_yesterday"
 17624                      },
 17625                      "last_week": {
 17626                        "type": "integer",
 17627                        "format": "int32",
 17628                        "description": "Last week's victory points gained by the given character",
 17629                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_last_week"
 17630                      },
 17631                      "total": {
 17632                        "type": "integer",
 17633                        "format": "int32",
 17634                        "description": "Total victory points gained since the given character enlisted",
 17635                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_total"
 17636                      }
 17637                    },
 17638                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_victory_points"
 17639                  }
 17640                },
 17641                "title": "get_characters_character_id_fw_stats_ok",
 17642                "description": "200 ok object"
 17643              },
 17644              "headers": {
 17645                "Cache-Control": {
 17646                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 17647                  "type": "string"
 17648                },
 17649                "Last-Modified": {
 17650                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 17651                  "type": "string"
 17652                },
 17653                "Expires": {
 17654                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 17655                  "type": "string"
 17656                }
 17657              }
 17658            },
 17659            "403": {
 17660              "description": "Forbidden",
 17661              "schema": {
 17662                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 17663              },
 17664              "examples": {
 17665                "application/json": {
 17666                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 17667                }
 17668              }
 17669            },
 17670            "500": {
 17671              "description": "Internal server error",
 17672              "schema": {
 17673                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 17674              },
 17675              "examples": {
 17676                "application/json": {
 17677                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 17678                }
 17679              }
 17680            }
 17681          },
 17682          "security": [
 17683            {
 17684              "evesso": [
 17685                "esi-characters.read_fw_stats.v1"
 17686              ]
 17687            }
 17688          ],
 17689          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_fw_stats",
 17690          "x-alternate-versions": [
 17691            "dev",
 17692            "legacy",
 17693            "v1"
 17694          ]
 17695        }
 17696      },
 17697      "/characters/{character_id}/fittings/{fitting_id}/": {
 17698        "delete": {
 17699          "description": "Delete a fitting from a character\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/fittings/{fitting_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/fittings/{fitting_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/fittings/{fitting_id}/`\n",
 17700          "summary": "Delete fitting",
 17701          "tags": [
 17702            "Fittings"
 17703          ],
 17704          "parameters": [
 17705            {
 17706              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 17707            },
 17708            {
 17709              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 17710            },
 17711            {
 17712              "name": "fitting_id",
 17713              "in": "path",
 17714              "description": "ID for a fitting of this character",
 17715              "required": true,
 17716              "type": "integer",
 17717              "format": "int32"
 17718            },
 17719            {
 17720              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 17721            },
 17722            {
 17723              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 17724            },
 17725            {
 17726              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 17727            }
 17728          ],
 17729          "responses": {
 17730            "204": {
 17731              "description": "Fitting deleted"
 17732            },
 17733            "403": {
 17734              "description": "Forbidden",
 17735              "schema": {
 17736                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 17737              },
 17738              "examples": {
 17739                "application/json": {
 17740                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 17741                }
 17742              }
 17743            },
 17744            "500": {
 17745              "description": "Internal server error",
 17746              "schema": {
 17747                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 17748              },
 17749              "examples": {
 17750                "application/json": {
 17751                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 17752                }
 17753              }
 17754            }
 17755          },
 17756          "security": [
 17757            {
 17758              "evesso": [
 17759                "esi-fittings.write_fittings.v1"
 17760              ]
 17761            }
 17762          ],
 17763          "operationId": "delete_characters_character_id_fittings_fitting_id",
 17764          "x-alternate-versions": [
 17765            "dev",
 17766            "legacy",
 17767            "v1"
 17768          ]
 17769        }
 17770      },
 17771      "/characters/{character_id}/fittings/": {
 17772        "get": {
 17773          "description": "Return fittings of a character\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/fittings/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/fittings/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/fittings/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
 17774          "summary": "Get fittings",
 17775          "tags": [
 17776            "Fittings"
 17777          ],
 17778          "parameters": [
 17779            {
 17780              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 17781            },
 17782            {
 17783              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 17784            },
 17785            {
 17786              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 17787            },
 17788            {
 17789              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 17790            },
 17791            {
 17792              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 17793            }
 17794          ],
 17795          "responses": {
 17796            "200": {
 17797              "description": "A list of fittings",
 17798              "examples": {
 17799                "application/json": [
 17800                  {
 17801                    "fitting_id": 1,
 17802                    "name": "Best Vindicator",
 17803                    "description": "Awesome Vindi fitting",
 17804                    "ship_type_id": 123,
 17805                    "items": [
 17806                      {
 17807                        "type_id": 1234,
 17808                        "flag": 12,
 17809                        "quantity": 1
 17810                      }
 17811                    ]
 17812                  }
 17813                ]
 17814              },
 17815              "schema": {
 17816                "type": "array",
 17817                "maxItems": 250,
 17818                "items": {
 17819                  "type": "object",
 17820                  "required": [
 17821                    "fitting_id",
 17822                    "name",
 17823                    "description",
 17824                    "ship_type_id",
 17825                    "items"
 17826                  ],
 17827                  "properties": {
 17828                    "fitting_id": {
 17829                      "type": "integer",
 17830                      "format": "int32",
 17831                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_fittings_fitting_id",
 17832                      "description": "fitting_id integer"
 17833                    },
 17834                    "name": {
 17835                      "type": "string",
 17836                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_fittings_name",
 17837                      "description": "name string"
 17838                    },
 17839                    "description": {
 17840                      "type": "string",
 17841                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_fittings_description",
 17842                      "description": "description string"
 17843                    },
 17844                    "ship_type_id": {
 17845                      "type": "integer",
 17846                      "format": "int32",
 17847                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_fittings_ship_type_id",
 17848                      "description": "ship_type_id integer"
 17849                    },
 17850                    "items": {
 17851                      "type": "array",
 17852                      "maxItems": 255,
 17853                      "items": {
 17854                        "type": "object",
 17855                        "required": [
 17856                          "type_id",
 17857                          "flag",
 17858                          "quantity"
 17859                        ],
 17860                        "properties": {
 17861                          "type_id": {
 17862                            "type": "integer",
 17863                            "format": "int32",
 17864                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_fittings_type_id",
 17865                            "description": "type_id integer"
 17866                          },
 17867                          "flag": {
 17868                            "type": "integer",
 17869                            "format": "int32",
 17870                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_fittings_flag",
 17871                            "description": "flag integer"
 17872                          },
 17873                          "quantity": {
 17874                            "type": "integer",
 17875                            "format": "int32",
 17876                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_fittings_quantity",
 17877                            "description": "quantity integer"
 17878                          }
 17879                        },
 17880                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_fittings_item",
 17881                        "description": "item object"
 17882                      },
 17883                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_fittings_items",
 17884                      "description": "items array"
 17885                    }
 17886                  },
 17887                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_fittings_200_ok",
 17888                  "description": "200 ok object"
 17889                },
 17890                "title": "get_characters_character_id_fittings_ok",
 17891                "description": "200 ok array"
 17892              },
 17893              "headers": {
 17894                "Cache-Control": {
 17895                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 17896                  "type": "string"
 17897                },
 17898                "Last-Modified": {
 17899                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 17900                  "type": "string"
 17901                },
 17902                "Expires": {
 17903                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 17904                  "type": "string"
 17905                }
 17906              }
 17907            },
 17908            "403": {
 17909              "description": "Forbidden",
 17910              "schema": {
 17911                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 17912              },
 17913              "examples": {
 17914                "application/json": {
 17915                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 17916                }
 17917              }
 17918            },
 17919            "500": {
 17920              "description": "Internal server error",
 17921              "schema": {
 17922                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 17923              },
 17924              "examples": {
 17925                "application/json": {
 17926                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 17927                }
 17928              }
 17929            }
 17930          },
 17931          "security": [
 17932            {
 17933              "evesso": [
 17934                "esi-fittings.read_fittings.v1"
 17935              ]
 17936            }
 17937          ],
 17938          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_fittings",
 17939          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
 17940          "x-alternate-versions": [
 17941            "dev",
 17942            "legacy",
 17943            "v1"
 17944          ]
 17945        },
 17946        "post": {
 17947          "description": "Save a new fitting for a character\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/fittings/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/fittings/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/fittings/`\n",
 17948          "summary": "Create fitting",
 17949          "tags": [
 17950            "Fittings"
 17951          ],
 17952          "parameters": [
 17953            {
 17954              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 17955            },
 17956            {
 17957              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 17958            },
 17959            {
 17960              "name": "fitting",
 17961              "in": "body",
 17962              "required": true,
 17963              "description": "Details about the new fitting",
 17964              "schema": {
 17965                "type": "object",
 17966                "required": [
 17967                  "name",
 17968                  "description",
 17969                  "ship_type_id",
 17970                  "items"
 17971                ],
 17972                "properties": {
 17973                  "name": {
 17974                    "type": "string",
 17975                    "minLength": 1,
 17976                    "maxLength": 50,
 17977                    "title": "post_characters_character_id_fittings_name",
 17978                    "description": "name string"
 17979                  },
 17980                  "description": {
 17981                    "type": "string",
 17982                    "minLength": 0,
 17983                    "maxLength": 500,
 17984                    "title": "post_characters_character_id_fittings_description",
 17985                    "description": "description string"
 17986                  },
 17987                  "ship_type_id": {
 17988                    "type": "integer",
 17989                    "format": "int32",
 17990                    "title": "post_characters_character_id_fittings_ship_type_id",
 17991                    "description": "ship_type_id integer"
 17992                  },
 17993                  "items": {
 17994                    "type": "array",
 17995                    "minItems": 1,
 17996                    "maxItems": 255,
 17997                    "items": {
 17998                      "type": "object",
 17999                      "required": [
 18000                        "type_id",
 18001                        "flag",
 18002                        "quantity"
 18003                      ],
 18004                      "properties": {
 18005                        "type_id": {
 18006                          "type": "integer",
 18007                          "format": "int32",
 18008                          "title": "post_characters_character_id_fittings_type_id",
 18009                          "description": "type_id integer"
 18010                        },
 18011                        "flag": {
 18012                          "type": "integer",
 18013                          "format": "int32",
 18014                          "title": "post_characters_character_id_fittings_flag",
 18015                          "description": "flag integer"
 18016                        },
 18017                        "quantity": {
 18018                          "type": "integer",
 18019                          "format": "int32",
 18020                          "title": "post_characters_character_id_fittings_quantity",
 18021                          "description": "quantity integer"
 18022                        }
 18023                      },
 18024                      "title": "post_characters_character_id_fittings_item",
 18025                      "description": "item object"
 18026                    },
 18027                    "title": "post_characters_character_id_fittings_items",
 18028                    "description": "items array"
 18029                  }
 18030                },
 18031                "title": "post_characters_character_id_fittings_fitting",
 18032                "description": "fitting object"
 18033              }
 18034            },
 18035            {
 18036              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 18037            },
 18038            {
 18039              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 18040            },
 18041            {
 18042              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 18043            }
 18044          ],
 18045          "responses": {
 18046            "201": {
 18047              "description": "A list of fittings",
 18048              "examples": {
 18049                "application/json": {
 18050                  "fitting_id": 2
 18051                }
 18052              },
 18053              "schema": {
 18054                "type": "object",
 18055                "required": [
 18056                  "fitting_id"
 18057                ],
 18058                "properties": {
 18059                  "fitting_id": {
 18060                    "type": "integer",
 18061                    "format": "int32",
 18062                    "title": "post_characters_character_id_fittings_fitting_id",
 18063                    "description": "fitting_id integer"
 18064                  }
 18065                },
 18066                "title": "post_characters_character_id_fittings_created",
 18067                "description": "201 created object"
 18068              }
 18069            },
 18070            "403": {
 18071              "description": "Forbidden",
 18072              "schema": {
 18073                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 18074              },
 18075              "examples": {
 18076                "application/json": {
 18077                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 18078                }
 18079              }
 18080            },
 18081            "500": {
 18082              "description": "Internal server error",
 18083              "schema": {
 18084                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 18085              },
 18086              "examples": {
 18087                "application/json": {
 18088                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 18089                }
 18090              }
 18091            }
 18092          },
 18093          "security": [
 18094            {
 18095              "evesso": [
 18096                "esi-fittings.write_fittings.v1"
 18097              ]
 18098            }
 18099          ],
 18100          "operationId": "post_characters_character_id_fittings",
 18101          "x-alternate-versions": [
 18102            "dev",
 18103            "legacy",
 18104            "v1"
 18105          ]
 18106        }
 18107      },
 18108      "/fleets/{fleet_id}/": {
 18109        "get": {
 18110          "description": "Return details about a fleet\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 5 seconds",
 18111          "summary": "Get fleet information",
 18112          "tags": [
 18113            "Fleets"
 18114          ],
 18115          "parameters": [
 18116            {
 18117              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 18118            },
 18119            {
 18120              "name": "fleet_id",
 18121              "in": "path",
 18122              "description": "ID for a fleet",
 18123              "required": true,
 18124              "type": "integer",
 18125              "format": "int64"
 18126            },
 18127            {
 18128              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 18129            },
 18130            {
 18131              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 18132            },
 18133            {
 18134              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 18135            }
 18136          ],
 18137          "responses": {
 18138            "200": {
 18139              "description": "Details about a fleet",
 18140              "examples": {
 18141                "application/json": {
 18142                  "motd": "This is an <b>awesome</b> fleet!",
 18143                  "is_free_move": false,
 18144                  "is_registered": false,
 18145                  "is_voice_enabled": false
 18146                }
 18147              },
 18148              "schema": {
 18149                "type": "object",
 18150                "required": [
 18151                  "motd",
 18152                  "is_free_move",
 18153                  "is_registered",
 18154                  "is_voice_enabled"
 18155                ],
 18156                "properties": {
 18157                  "motd": {
 18158                    "type": "string",
 18159                    "description": "Fleet MOTD in CCP flavoured HTML",
 18160                    "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_motd"
 18161                  },
 18162                  "is_free_move": {
 18163                    "type": "boolean",
 18164                    "description": "Is free-move enabled",
 18165                    "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_is_free_move"
 18166                  },
 18167                  "is_registered": {
 18168                    "type": "boolean",
 18169                    "description": "Does the fleet have an active fleet advertisement",
 18170                    "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_is_registered"
 18171                  },
 18172                  "is_voice_enabled": {
 18173                    "type": "boolean",
 18174                    "description": "Is EVE Voice enabled",
 18175                    "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_is_voice_enabled"
 18176                  }
 18177                },
 18178                "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_ok",
 18179                "description": "200 ok object"
 18180              },
 18181              "headers": {
 18182                "Cache-Control": {
 18183                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 18184                  "type": "string"
 18185                },
 18186                "Last-Modified": {
 18187                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 18188                  "type": "string"
 18189                },
 18190                "Expires": {
 18191                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 18192                  "type": "string"
 18193                }
 18194              }
 18195            },
 18196            "403": {
 18197              "description": "Forbidden",
 18198              "schema": {
 18199                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 18200              },
 18201              "examples": {
 18202                "application/json": {
 18203                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 18204                }
 18205              }
 18206            },
 18207            "404": {
 18208              "description": "The fleet does not exist or you don't have access to it",
 18209              "schema": {
 18210                "type": "object",
 18211                "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_not_found",
 18212                "description": "Not found",
 18213                "properties": {
 18214                  "error": {
 18215                    "type": "string",
 18216                    "description": "Not found message",
 18217                    "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_404_not_found"
 18218                  }
 18219                }
 18220              },
 18221              "examples": {
 18222                "application/json": {
 18223                  "error": "Not found message"
 18224                }
 18225              }
 18226            },
 18227            "500": {
 18228              "description": "Internal server error",
 18229              "schema": {
 18230                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 18231              },
 18232              "examples": {
 18233                "application/json": {
 18234                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 18235                }
 18236              }
 18237            }
 18238          },
 18239          "security": [
 18240            {
 18241              "evesso": [
 18242                "esi-fleets.read_fleet.v1"
 18243              ]
 18244            }
 18245          ],
 18246          "operationId": "get_fleets_fleet_id",
 18247          "x-cached-seconds": 5,
 18248          "x-alternate-versions": [
 18249            "dev",
 18250            "legacy",
 18251            "v1"
 18252          ]
 18253        },
 18254        "put": {
 18255          "description": "Update settings about a fleet\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/`\n",
 18256          "summary": "Update fleet",
 18257          "tags": [
 18258            "Fleets"
 18259          ],
 18260          "parameters": [
 18261            {
 18262              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 18263            },
 18264            {
 18265              "name": "fleet_id",
 18266              "in": "path",
 18267              "description": "ID for a fleet",
 18268              "required": true,
 18269              "type": "integer",
 18270              "format": "int64"
 18271            },
 18272            {
 18273              "name": "new_settings",
 18274              "in": "body",
 18275              "description": "What to update for this fleet",
 18276              "required": true,
 18277              "schema": {
 18278                "type": "object",
 18279                "properties": {
 18280                  "motd": {
 18281                    "type": "string",
 18282                    "description": "New fleet MOTD in CCP flavoured HTML",
 18283                    "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_motd"
 18284                  },
 18285                  "is_free_move": {
 18286                    "type": "boolean",
 18287                    "description": "Should free-move be enabled in the fleet",
 18288                    "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_is_free_move"
 18289                  }
 18290                },
 18291                "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_new_settings",
 18292                "description": "new_settings object"
 18293              }
 18294            },
 18295            {
 18296              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 18297            },
 18298            {
 18299              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 18300            },
 18301            {
 18302              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 18303            }
 18304          ],
 18305          "responses": {
 18306            "204": {
 18307              "description": "Fleet updated"
 18308            },
 18309            "400": {
 18310              "description": "Invalid request body",
 18311              "schema": {
 18312                "type": "object",
 18313                "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_bad_request",
 18314                "description": "Bad request",
 18315                "properties": {
 18316                  "error": {
 18317                    "type": "string",
 18318                    "description": "Bad request message",
 18319                    "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_400_bad_request"
 18320                  }
 18321                }
 18322              },
 18323              "examples": {
 18324                "application/json": {
 18325                  "error": "Bad request message"
 18326                }
 18327              }
 18328            },
 18329            "403": {
 18330              "description": "Forbidden",
 18331              "schema": {
 18332                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 18333              },
 18334              "examples": {
 18335                "application/json": {
 18336                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 18337                }
 18338              }
 18339            },
 18340            "404": {
 18341              "description": "The fleet does not exist or you don't have access to it",
 18342              "schema": {
 18343                "type": "object",
 18344                "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_not_found",
 18345                "description": "Not found",
 18346                "properties": {
 18347                  "error": {
 18348                    "type": "string",
 18349                    "description": "Not found message",
 18350                    "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_404_not_found"
 18351                  }
 18352                }
 18353              },
 18354              "examples": {
 18355                "application/json": {
 18356                  "error": "Not found message"
 18357                }
 18358              }
 18359            },
 18360            "500": {
 18361              "description": "Internal server error",
 18362              "schema": {
 18363                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 18364              },
 18365              "examples": {
 18366                "application/json": {
 18367                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 18368                }
 18369              }
 18370            }
 18371          },
 18372          "security": [
 18373            {
 18374              "evesso": [
 18375                "esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1"
 18376              ]
 18377            }
 18378          ],
 18379          "operationId": "put_fleets_fleet_id",
 18380          "x-alternate-versions": [
 18381            "dev",
 18382            "legacy",
 18383            "v1"
 18384          ]
 18385        }
 18386      },
 18387      "/characters/{character_id}/fleet/": {
 18388        "get": {
 18389          "description": "Return the fleet ID the character is in, if any.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/fleet/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/fleet/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/fleet/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 60 seconds",
 18390          "summary": "Get character fleet info",
 18391          "tags": [
 18392            "Fleets"
 18393          ],
 18394          "parameters": [
 18395            {
 18396              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 18397            },
 18398            {
 18399              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 18400            },
 18401            {
 18402              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 18403            },
 18404            {
 18405              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 18406            },
 18407            {
 18408              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 18409            }
 18410          ],
 18411          "responses": {
 18412            "200": {
 18413              "description": "Details about the character's fleet",
 18414              "examples": {
 18415                "application/json": {
 18416                  "fleet_id": 1234567890,
 18417                  "wing_id": -1,
 18418                  "squad_id": -1,
 18419                  "role": "fleet_commander"
 18420                }
 18421              },
 18422              "schema": {
 18423                "type": "object",
 18424                "required": [
 18425                  "fleet_id",
 18426                  "wing_id",
 18427                  "squad_id",
 18428                  "role"
 18429                ],
 18430                "properties": {
 18431                  "fleet_id": {
 18432                    "type": "integer",
 18433                    "format": "int64",
 18434                    "description": "The character's current fleet ID",
 18435                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_fleet_fleet_id"
 18436                  },
 18437                  "wing_id": {
 18438                    "type": "integer",
 18439                    "format": "int64",
 18440                    "description": "ID of the wing the member is in. If not applicable, will be set to -1",
 18441                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_fleet_wing_id"
 18442                  },
 18443                  "squad_id": {
 18444                    "type": "integer",
 18445                    "format": "int64",
 18446                    "description": "ID of the squad the member is in. If not applicable, will be set to -1",
 18447                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_fleet_squad_id"
 18448                  },
 18449                  "role": {
 18450                    "type": "string",
 18451                    "description": "Member\\u2019s role in fleet",
 18452                    "enum": [
 18453                      "fleet_commander",
 18454                      "squad_commander",
 18455                      "squad_member",
 18456                      "wing_commander"
 18457                    ],
 18458                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_fleet_role"
 18459                  }
 18460                },
 18461                "title": "get_characters_character_id_fleet_ok",
 18462                "description": "200 ok object"
 18463              },
 18464              "headers": {
 18465                "Cache-Control": {
 18466                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 18467                  "type": "string"
 18468                },
 18469                "Last-Modified": {
 18470                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 18471                  "type": "string"
 18472                },
 18473                "Expires": {
 18474                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 18475                  "type": "string"
 18476                }
 18477              }
 18478            },
 18479            "403": {
 18480              "description": "Forbidden",
 18481              "schema": {
 18482                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 18483              },
 18484              "examples": {
 18485                "application/json": {
 18486                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 18487                }
 18488              }
 18489            },
 18490            "404": {
 18491              "description": "The character is not in a fleet",
 18492              "schema": {
 18493                "type": "object",
 18494                "title": "get_characters_character_id_fleet_not_found",
 18495                "description": "Not found",
 18496                "properties": {
 18497                  "error": {
 18498                    "type": "string",
 18499                    "description": "Not found message",
 18500                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_fleet_404_not_found"
 18501                  }
 18502                }
 18503              },
 18504              "examples": {
 18505                "application/json": {
 18506                  "error": "Not found message"
 18507                }
 18508              }
 18509            },
 18510            "500": {
 18511              "description": "Internal server error",
 18512              "schema": {
 18513                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 18514              },
 18515              "examples": {
 18516                "application/json": {
 18517                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 18518                }
 18519              }
 18520            }
 18521          },
 18522          "security": [
 18523            {
 18524              "evesso": [
 18525                "esi-fleets.read_fleet.v1"
 18526              ]
 18527            }
 18528          ],
 18529          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_fleet",
 18530          "x-cached-seconds": 60,
 18531          "x-alternate-versions": [
 18532            "dev",
 18533            "legacy",
 18534            "v1"
 18535          ]
 18536        }
 18537      },
 18538      "/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/": {
 18539        "get": {
 18540          "description": "Return information about fleet members\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 5 seconds",
 18541          "summary": "Get fleet members",
 18542          "tags": [
 18543            "Fleets"
 18544          ],
 18545          "parameters": [
 18546            {
 18547              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 18548            },
 18549            {
 18550              "name": "fleet_id",
 18551              "in": "path",
 18552              "description": "ID for a fleet",
 18553              "required": true,
 18554              "type": "integer",
 18555              "format": "int64"
 18556            },
 18557            {
 18558              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 18559            },
 18560            {
 18561              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 18562            },
 18563            {
 18564              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 18565            },
 18566            {
 18567              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 18568            }
 18569          ],
 18570          "responses": {
 18571            "200": {
 18572              "description": "A list of fleet members",
 18573              "examples": {
 18574                "application/json": [
 18575                  {
 18576                    "character_id": 93265215,
 18577                    "ship_type_id": 33328,
 18578                    "wing_id": 2073711261968,
 18579                    "squad_id": 3129411261968,
 18580                    "role": "squad_commander",
 18581                    "role_name": "Squad Commander (Boss)",
 18582                    "join_time": "2016-04-29T12:34:56Z",
 18583                    "takes_fleet_warp": true,
 18584                    "solar_system_id": 30003729,
 18585                    "station_id": 61000180
 18586                  }
 18587                ]
 18588              },
 18589              "schema": {
 18590                "type": "array",
 18591                "maxItems": 256,
 18592                "items": {
 18593                  "type": "object",
 18594                  "required": [
 18595                    "character_id",
 18596                    "ship_type_id",
 18597                    "wing_id",
 18598                    "squad_id",
 18599                    "role",
 18600                    "role_name",
 18601                    "join_time",
 18602                    "takes_fleet_warp",
 18603                    "solar_system_id"
 18604                  ],
 18605                  "properties": {
 18606                    "character_id": {
 18607                      "type": "integer",
 18608                      "format": "int32",
 18609                      "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_members_character_id",
 18610                      "description": "character_id integer"
 18611                    },
 18612                    "ship_type_id": {
 18613                      "type": "integer",
 18614                      "format": "int32",
 18615                      "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_members_ship_type_id",
 18616                      "description": "ship_type_id integer"
 18617                    },
 18618                    "wing_id": {
 18619                      "type": "integer",
 18620                      "format": "int64",
 18621                      "description": "ID of the wing the member is in. If not applicable, will be set to -1",
 18622                      "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_members_wing_id"
 18623                    },
 18624                    "squad_id": {
 18625                      "type": "integer",
 18626                      "format": "int64",
 18627                      "description": "ID of the squad the member is in. If not applicable, will be set to -1",
 18628                      "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_members_squad_id"
 18629                    },
 18630                    "role": {
 18631                      "type": "string",
 18632                      "description": "Member\\u2019s role in fleet",
 18633                      "enum": [
 18634                        "fleet_commander",
 18635                        "wing_commander",
 18636                        "squad_commander",
 18637                        "squad_member"
 18638                      ],
 18639                      "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_members_role"
 18640                    },
 18641                    "role_name": {
 18642                      "type": "string",
 18643                      "description": "Localized role names",
 18644                      "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_members_role_name"
 18645                    },
 18646                    "join_time": {
 18647                      "type": "string",
 18648                      "format": "date-time",
 18649                      "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_members_join_time",
 18650                      "description": "join_time string"
 18651                    },
 18652                    "takes_fleet_warp": {
 18653                      "type": "boolean",
 18654                      "description": "Whether the member take fleet warps",
 18655                      "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_members_takes_fleet_warp"
 18656                    },
 18657                    "solar_system_id": {
 18658                      "type": "integer",
 18659                      "format": "int32",
 18660                      "description": "Solar system the member is located in",
 18661                      "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_members_solar_system_id"
 18662                    },
 18663                    "station_id": {
 18664                      "type": "integer",
 18665                      "format": "int64",
 18666                      "description": "Station in which the member is docked in, if applicable",
 18667                      "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_members_station_id"
 18668                    }
 18669                  },
 18670                  "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_members_200_ok",
 18671                  "description": "200 ok object"
 18672                },
 18673                "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_members_ok",
 18674                "description": "200 ok array"
 18675              },
 18676              "headers": {
 18677                "Content-Language": {
 18678                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 18679                  "type": "string",
 18680                  "enum": [
 18681                    "de",
 18682                    "en-us",
 18683                    "fr",
 18684                    "ja",
 18685                    "ru",
 18686                    "zh"
 18687                  ]
 18688                },
 18689                "Cache-Control": {
 18690                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 18691                  "type": "string"
 18692                },
 18693                "Last-Modified": {
 18694                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 18695                  "type": "string"
 18696                },
 18697                "Expires": {
 18698                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 18699                  "type": "string"
 18700                }
 18701              }
 18702            },
 18703            "403": {
 18704              "description": "Forbidden",
 18705              "schema": {
 18706                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 18707              },
 18708              "examples": {
 18709                "application/json": {
 18710                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 18711                }
 18712              }
 18713            },
 18714            "404": {
 18715              "description": "The fleet does not exist or you don't have access to it",
 18716              "schema": {
 18717                "type": "object",
 18718                "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_members_not_found",
 18719                "description": "Not found",
 18720                "properties": {
 18721                  "error": {
 18722                    "type": "string",
 18723                    "description": "Not found message",
 18724                    "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_members_404_not_found"
 18725                  }
 18726                }
 18727              },
 18728              "examples": {
 18729                "application/json": {
 18730                  "error": "Not found message"
 18731                }
 18732              }
 18733            },
 18734            "500": {
 18735              "description": "Internal server error",
 18736              "schema": {
 18737                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 18738              },
 18739              "examples": {
 18740                "application/json": {
 18741                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 18742                }
 18743              }
 18744            }
 18745          },
 18746          "security": [
 18747            {
 18748              "evesso": [
 18749                "esi-fleets.read_fleet.v1"
 18750              ]
 18751            }
 18752          ],
 18753          "operationId": "get_fleets_fleet_id_members",
 18754          "x-cached-seconds": 5,
 18755          "x-alternate-versions": [
 18756            "dev",
 18757            "legacy",
 18758            "v1"
 18759          ]
 18760        },
 18761        "post": {
 18762          "description": "Invite a character into the fleet. If a character has a CSPA charge set it is not possible to invite them to the fleet using ESI\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/`\n",
 18763          "summary": "Create fleet invitation",
 18764          "tags": [
 18765            "Fleets"
 18766          ],
 18767          "parameters": [
 18768            {
 18769              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 18770            },
 18771            {
 18772              "name": "fleet_id",
 18773              "in": "path",
 18774              "description": "ID for a fleet",
 18775              "required": true,
 18776              "type": "integer",
 18777              "format": "int64"
 18778            },
 18779            {
 18780              "name": "invitation",
 18781              "in": "body",
 18782              "description": "Details of the invitation",
 18783              "required": true,
 18784              "schema": {
 18785                "type": "object",
 18786                "required": [
 18787                  "character_id",
 18788                  "role"
 18789                ],
 18790                "properties": {
 18791                  "character_id": {
 18792                    "type": "integer",
 18793                    "format": "int32",
 18794                    "description": "The character you want to invite",
 18795                    "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_members_character_id"
 18796                  },
 18797                  "role": {
 18798                    "type": "string",
 18799                    "description": "If a character is invited with the `fleet_commander` role, neither `wing_id` or `squad_id` should be specified. If a character is invited with the `wing_commander` role, only `wing_id` should be specified. If a character is invited with the `squad_commander` role, both `wing_id` and `squad_id` should be specified. If a character is invited with the `squad_member` role, `wing_id` and `squad_id` should either both be specified or not specified at all. If they aren\\u2019t specified, the invited character will join any squad with available positions.",
 18800                    "enum": [
 18801                      "fleet_commander",
 18802                      "wing_commander",
 18803                      "squad_commander",
 18804                      "squad_member"
 18805                    ],
 18806                    "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_members_role"
 18807                  },
 18808                  "wing_id": {
 18809                    "type": "integer",
 18810                    "format": "int64",
 18811                    "minimum": 0,
 18812                    "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_members_wing_id",
 18813                    "description": "wing_id integer"
 18814                  },
 18815                  "squad_id": {
 18816                    "type": "integer",
 18817                    "format": "int64",
 18818                    "minimum": 0,
 18819                    "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_members_squad_id",
 18820                    "description": "squad_id integer"
 18821                  }
 18822                },
 18823                "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_members_invitation",
 18824                "description": "invitation object"
 18825              }
 18826            },
 18827            {
 18828              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 18829            },
 18830            {
 18831              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 18832            },
 18833            {
 18834              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 18835            }
 18836          ],
 18837          "responses": {
 18838            "204": {
 18839              "description": "Fleet invitation sent"
 18840            },
 18841            "403": {
 18842              "description": "Forbidden",
 18843              "schema": {
 18844                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 18845              },
 18846              "examples": {
 18847                "application/json": {
 18848                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 18849                }
 18850              }
 18851            },
 18852            "404": {
 18853              "description": "The fleet does not exist or you don't have access to it",
 18854              "schema": {
 18855                "type": "object",
 18856                "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_members_not_found",
 18857                "description": "Not found",
 18858                "properties": {
 18859                  "error": {
 18860                    "type": "string",
 18861                    "description": "Not found message",
 18862                    "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_members_404_not_found"
 18863                  }
 18864                }
 18865              },
 18866              "examples": {
 18867                "application/json": {
 18868                  "error": "Not found message"
 18869                }
 18870              }
 18871            },
 18872            "422": {
 18873              "description": "Errors in invitation",
 18874              "examples": {
 18875                "application/json": {
 18876                  "error": "missing wing_id"
 18877                }
 18878              },
 18879              "schema": {
 18880                "type": "object",
 18881                "properties": {
 18882                  "error": {
 18883                    "type": "string",
 18884                    "description": "error message",
 18885                    "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_members_error"
 18886                  }
 18887                },
 18888                "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_members_unprocessable_entity",
 18889                "description": "422 unprocessable entity object"
 18890              }
 18891            },
 18892            "500": {
 18893              "description": "Internal server error",
 18894              "schema": {
 18895                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 18896              },
 18897              "examples": {
 18898                "application/json": {
 18899                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 18900                }
 18901              }
 18902            }
 18903          },
 18904          "security": [
 18905            {
 18906              "evesso": [
 18907                "esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1"
 18908              ]
 18909            }
 18910          ],
 18911          "operationId": "post_fleets_fleet_id_members",
 18912          "x-alternate-versions": [
 18913            "dev",
 18914            "legacy",
 18915            "v1"
 18916          ]
 18917        }
 18918      },
 18919      "/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/{member_id}/": {
 18920        "delete": {
 18921          "description": "Kick a fleet member\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/{member_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/{member_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/{member_id}/`\n",
 18922          "summary": "Kick fleet member",
 18923          "tags": [
 18924            "Fleets"
 18925          ],
 18926          "parameters": [
 18927            {
 18928              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 18929            },
 18930            {
 18931              "name": "fleet_id",
 18932              "in": "path",
 18933              "description": "ID for a fleet",
 18934              "required": true,
 18935              "type": "integer",
 18936              "format": "int64"
 18937            },
 18938            {
 18939              "name": "member_id",
 18940              "in": "path",
 18941              "description": "The character ID of a member in this fleet",
 18942              "required": true,
 18943              "type": "integer",
 18944              "format": "int32"
 18945            },
 18946            {
 18947              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 18948            },
 18949            {
 18950              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 18951            },
 18952            {
 18953              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 18954            }
 18955          ],
 18956          "responses": {
 18957            "204": {
 18958              "description": "Fleet member kicked"
 18959            },
 18960            "403": {
 18961              "description": "Forbidden",
 18962              "schema": {
 18963                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 18964              },
 18965              "examples": {
 18966                "application/json": {
 18967                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 18968                }
 18969              }
 18970            },
 18971            "404": {
 18972              "description": "The fleet does not exist or you don't have access to it",
 18973              "schema": {
 18974                "type": "object",
 18975                "title": "delete_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id_not_found",
 18976                "description": "Not found",
 18977                "properties": {
 18978                  "error": {
 18979                    "type": "string",
 18980                    "description": "Not found message",
 18981                    "title": "delete_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id_404_not_found"
 18982                  }
 18983                }
 18984              },
 18985              "examples": {
 18986                "application/json": {
 18987                  "error": "Not found message"
 18988                }
 18989              }
 18990            },
 18991            "500": {
 18992              "description": "Internal server error",
 18993              "schema": {
 18994                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 18995              },
 18996              "examples": {
 18997                "application/json": {
 18998                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 18999                }
 19000              }
 19001            }
 19002          },
 19003          "security": [
 19004            {
 19005              "evesso": [
 19006                "esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1"
 19007              ]
 19008            }
 19009          ],
 19010          "operationId": "delete_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id",
 19011          "x-alternate-versions": [
 19012            "dev",
 19013            "legacy",
 19014            "v1"
 19015          ]
 19016        },
 19017        "put": {
 19018          "description": "Move a fleet member around\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/{member_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/{member_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/{member_id}/`\n",
 19019          "summary": "Move fleet member",
 19020          "tags": [
 19021            "Fleets"
 19022          ],
 19023          "parameters": [
 19024            {
 19025              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 19026            },
 19027            {
 19028              "name": "fleet_id",
 19029              "in": "path",
 19030              "description": "ID for a fleet",
 19031              "required": true,
 19032              "type": "integer",
 19033              "format": "int64"
 19034            },
 19035            {
 19036              "name": "member_id",
 19037              "in": "path",
 19038              "description": "The character ID of a member in this fleet",
 19039              "required": true,
 19040              "type": "integer",
 19041              "format": "int32"
 19042            },
 19043            {
 19044              "name": "movement",
 19045              "in": "body",
 19046              "description": "Details of the invitation",
 19047              "required": true,
 19048              "schema": {
 19049                "type": "object",
 19050                "required": [
 19051                  "role"
 19052                ],
 19053                "properties": {
 19054                  "role": {
 19055                    "type": "string",
 19056                    "description": "If a character is moved to the `fleet_commander` role, neither `wing_id` or `squad_id` should be specified. If a character is moved to the `wing_commander` role, only `wing_id` should be specified. If a character is moved to the `squad_commander` role, both `wing_id` and `squad_id` should be specified. If a character is moved to the `squad_member` role, both `wing_id` and `squad_id` should be specified.",
 19057                    "enum": [
 19058                      "fleet_commander",
 19059                      "wing_commander",
 19060                      "squad_commander",
 19061                      "squad_member"
 19062                    ],
 19063                    "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id_role"
 19064                  },
 19065                  "wing_id": {
 19066                    "type": "integer",
 19067                    "format": "int64",
 19068                    "minimum": 0,
 19069                    "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id_wing_id",
 19070                    "description": "wing_id integer"
 19071                  },
 19072                  "squad_id": {
 19073                    "type": "integer",
 19074                    "format": "int64",
 19075                    "minimum": 0,
 19076                    "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id_squad_id",
 19077                    "description": "squad_id integer"
 19078                  }
 19079                },
 19080                "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id_movement",
 19081                "description": "movement object"
 19082              }
 19083            },
 19084            {
 19085              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 19086            },
 19087            {
 19088              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 19089            },
 19090            {
 19091              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 19092            }
 19093          ],
 19094          "responses": {
 19095            "204": {
 19096              "description": "Fleet invitation sent"
 19097            },
 19098            "403": {
 19099              "description": "Forbidden",
 19100              "schema": {
 19101                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 19102              },
 19103              "examples": {
 19104                "application/json": {
 19105                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 19106                }
 19107              }
 19108            },
 19109            "404": {
 19110              "description": "The fleet does not exist or you don't have access to it",
 19111              "schema": {
 19112                "type": "object",
 19113                "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id_not_found",
 19114                "description": "Not found",
 19115                "properties": {
 19116                  "error": {
 19117                    "type": "string",
 19118                    "description": "Not found message",
 19119                    "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id_404_not_found"
 19120                  }
 19121                }
 19122              },
 19123              "examples": {
 19124                "application/json": {
 19125                  "error": "Not found message"
 19126                }
 19127              }
 19128            },
 19129            "422": {
 19130              "description": "Errors in invitation",
 19131              "examples": {
 19132                "application/json": {
 19133                  "error": "missing wing_id"
 19134                }
 19135              },
 19136              "schema": {
 19137                "type": "object",
 19138                "properties": {
 19139                  "error": {
 19140                    "type": "string",
 19141                    "description": "error message",
 19142                    "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id_error"
 19143                  }
 19144                },
 19145                "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id_unprocessable_entity",
 19146                "description": "422 unprocessable entity object"
 19147              }
 19148            },
 19149            "500": {
 19150              "description": "Internal server error",
 19151              "schema": {
 19152                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 19153              },
 19154              "examples": {
 19155                "application/json": {
 19156                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 19157                }
 19158              }
 19159            }
 19160          },
 19161          "security": [
 19162            {
 19163              "evesso": [
 19164                "esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1"
 19165              ]
 19166            }
 19167          ],
 19168          "operationId": "put_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id",
 19169          "x-alternate-versions": [
 19170            "dev",
 19171            "legacy",
 19172            "v1"
 19173          ]
 19174        }
 19175      },
 19176      "/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/": {
 19177        "get": {
 19178          "description": "Return information about wings in a fleet\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 5 seconds",
 19179          "summary": "Get fleet wings",
 19180          "tags": [
 19181            "Fleets"
 19182          ],
 19183          "parameters": [
 19184            {
 19185              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 19186            },
 19187            {
 19188              "name": "fleet_id",
 19189              "in": "path",
 19190              "description": "ID for a fleet",
 19191              "required": true,
 19192              "type": "integer",
 19193              "format": "int64"
 19194            },
 19195            {
 19196              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 19197            },
 19198            {
 19199              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 19200            },
 19201            {
 19202              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 19203            },
 19204            {
 19205              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 19206            }
 19207          ],
 19208          "responses": {
 19209            "200": {
 19210              "description": "A list of fleet wings",
 19211              "examples": {
 19212                "application/json": [
 19213                  {
 19214                    "name": "Wing 1",
 19215                    "id": 2073711261968,
 19216                    "squads": [
 19217                      {
 19218                        "name": "Squad 1",
 19219                        "id": 3129411261968
 19220                      }
 19221                    ]
 19222                  }
 19223                ]
 19224              },
 19225              "schema": {
 19226                "type": "array",
 19227                "maxItems": 25,
 19228                "items": {
 19229                  "type": "object",
 19230                  "required": [
 19231                    "name",
 19232                    "id",
 19233                    "squads"
 19234                  ],
 19235                  "properties": {
 19236                    "name": {
 19237                      "type": "string",
 19238                      "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_wings_name",
 19239                      "description": "name string"
 19240                    },
 19241                    "id": {
 19242                      "type": "integer",
 19243                      "format": "int64",
 19244                      "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_wings_id",
 19245                      "description": "id integer"
 19246                    },
 19247                    "squads": {
 19248                      "type": "array",
 19249                      "maxItems": 25,
 19250                      "items": {
 19251                        "type": "object",
 19252                        "required": [
 19253                          "name",
 19254                          "id"
 19255                        ],
 19256                        "properties": {
 19257                          "name": {
 19258                            "type": "string",
 19259                            "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_wings_name",
 19260                            "description": "name string"
 19261                          },
 19262                          "id": {
 19263                            "type": "integer",
 19264                            "format": "int64",
 19265                            "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_wings_id",
 19266                            "description": "id integer"
 19267                          }
 19268                        },
 19269                        "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_wings_squad",
 19270                        "description": "squad object"
 19271                      },
 19272                      "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_wings_squads",
 19273                      "description": "squads array"
 19274                    }
 19275                  },
 19276                  "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_wings_200_ok",
 19277                  "description": "200 ok object"
 19278                },
 19279                "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_wings_ok",
 19280                "description": "200 ok array"
 19281              },
 19282              "headers": {
 19283                "Content-Language": {
 19284                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 19285                  "type": "string",
 19286                  "enum": [
 19287                    "de",
 19288                    "en-us",
 19289                    "fr",
 19290                    "ja",
 19291                    "ru",
 19292                    "zh"
 19293                  ]
 19294                },
 19295                "Cache-Control": {
 19296                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 19297                  "type": "string"
 19298                },
 19299                "Last-Modified": {
 19300                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 19301                  "type": "string"
 19302                },
 19303                "Expires": {
 19304                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 19305                  "type": "string"
 19306                }
 19307              }
 19308            },
 19309            "403": {
 19310              "description": "Forbidden",
 19311              "schema": {
 19312                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 19313              },
 19314              "examples": {
 19315                "application/json": {
 19316                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 19317                }
 19318              }
 19319            },
 19320            "404": {
 19321              "description": "The fleet does not exist or you don't have access to it",
 19322              "schema": {
 19323                "type": "object",
 19324                "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_wings_not_found",
 19325                "description": "Not found",
 19326                "properties": {
 19327                  "error": {
 19328                    "type": "string",
 19329                    "description": "Not found message",
 19330                    "title": "get_fleets_fleet_id_wings_404_not_found"
 19331                  }
 19332                }
 19333              },
 19334              "examples": {
 19335                "application/json": {
 19336                  "error": "Not found message"
 19337                }
 19338              }
 19339            },
 19340            "500": {
 19341              "description": "Internal server error",
 19342              "schema": {
 19343                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 19344              },
 19345              "examples": {
 19346                "application/json": {
 19347                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 19348                }
 19349              }
 19350            }
 19351          },
 19352          "security": [
 19353            {
 19354              "evesso": [
 19355                "esi-fleets.read_fleet.v1"
 19356              ]
 19357            }
 19358          ],
 19359          "operationId": "get_fleets_fleet_id_wings",
 19360          "x-cached-seconds": 5,
 19361          "x-alternate-versions": [
 19362            "dev",
 19363            "legacy",
 19364            "v1"
 19365          ]
 19366        },
 19367        "post": {
 19368          "description": "Create a new wing in a fleet\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/`\n",
 19369          "summary": "Create fleet wing",
 19370          "tags": [
 19371            "Fleets"
 19372          ],
 19373          "parameters": [
 19374            {
 19375              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 19376            },
 19377            {
 19378              "name": "fleet_id",
 19379              "in": "path",
 19380              "description": "ID for a fleet",
 19381              "required": true,
 19382              "type": "integer",
 19383              "format": "int64"
 19384            },
 19385            {
 19386              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 19387            },
 19388            {
 19389              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 19390            },
 19391            {
 19392              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 19393            }
 19394          ],
 19395          "responses": {
 19396            "201": {
 19397              "description": "Wing created",
 19398              "examples": {
 19399                "application/json": {
 19400                  "wing_id": 123
 19401                }
 19402              },
 19403              "schema": {
 19404                "type": "object",
 19405                "required": [
 19406                  "wing_id"
 19407                ],
 19408                "properties": {
 19409                  "wing_id": {
 19410                    "type": "integer",
 19411                    "format": "int64",
 19412                    "description": "The wing_id of the newly created wing",
 19413                    "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id"
 19414                  }
 19415                },
 19416                "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_created",
 19417                "description": "201 created object"
 19418              }
 19419            },
 19420            "403": {
 19421              "description": "Forbidden",
 19422              "schema": {
 19423                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 19424              },
 19425              "examples": {
 19426                "application/json": {
 19427                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 19428                }
 19429              }
 19430            },
 19431            "404": {
 19432              "description": "The fleet does not exist or you don't have access to it",
 19433              "schema": {
 19434                "type": "object",
 19435                "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_not_found",
 19436                "description": "Not found",
 19437                "properties": {
 19438                  "error": {
 19439                    "type": "string",
 19440                    "description": "Not found message",
 19441                    "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_404_not_found"
 19442                  }
 19443                }
 19444              },
 19445              "examples": {
 19446                "application/json": {
 19447                  "error": "Not found message"
 19448                }
 19449              }
 19450            },
 19451            "500": {
 19452              "description": "Internal server error",
 19453              "schema": {
 19454                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 19455              },
 19456              "examples": {
 19457                "application/json": {
 19458                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 19459                }
 19460              }
 19461            }
 19462          },
 19463          "security": [
 19464            {
 19465              "evesso": [
 19466                "esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1"
 19467              ]
 19468            }
 19469          ],
 19470          "operationId": "post_fleets_fleet_id_wings",
 19471          "x-alternate-versions": [
 19472            "dev",
 19473            "legacy",
 19474            "v1"
 19475          ]
 19476        }
 19477      },
 19478      "/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/": {
 19479        "delete": {
 19480          "description": "Delete a fleet wing, only empty wings can be deleted. The wing may contain squads, but the squads must be empty\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/`\n",
 19481          "summary": "Delete fleet wing",
 19482          "tags": [
 19483            "Fleets"
 19484          ],
 19485          "parameters": [
 19486            {
 19487              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 19488            },
 19489            {
 19490              "name": "fleet_id",
 19491              "in": "path",
 19492              "description": "ID for a fleet",
 19493              "required": true,
 19494              "type": "integer",
 19495              "format": "int64"
 19496            },
 19497            {
 19498              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 19499            },
 19500            {
 19501              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 19502            },
 19503            {
 19504              "name": "wing_id",
 19505              "in": "path",
 19506              "description": "The wing to delete",
 19507              "required": true,
 19508              "type": "integer",
 19509              "format": "int64"
 19510            },
 19511            {
 19512              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 19513            }
 19514          ],
 19515          "responses": {
 19516            "204": {
 19517              "description": "Wing deleted"
 19518            },
 19519            "403": {
 19520              "description": "Forbidden",
 19521              "schema": {
 19522                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 19523              },
 19524              "examples": {
 19525                "application/json": {
 19526                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 19527                }
 19528              }
 19529            },
 19530            "404": {
 19531              "description": "The fleet does not exist or you don't have access to it",
 19532              "schema": {
 19533                "type": "object",
 19534                "title": "delete_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_not_found",
 19535                "description": "Not found",
 19536                "properties": {
 19537                  "error": {
 19538                    "type": "string",
 19539                    "description": "Not found message",
 19540                    "title": "delete_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_404_not_found"
 19541                  }
 19542                }
 19543              },
 19544              "examples": {
 19545                "application/json": {
 19546                  "error": "Not found message"
 19547                }
 19548              }
 19549            },
 19550            "500": {
 19551              "description": "Internal server error",
 19552              "schema": {
 19553                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 19554              },
 19555              "examples": {
 19556                "application/json": {
 19557                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 19558                }
 19559              }
 19560            }
 19561          },
 19562          "security": [
 19563            {
 19564              "evesso": [
 19565                "esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1"
 19566              ]
 19567            }
 19568          ],
 19569          "operationId": "delete_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id",
 19570          "x-alternate-versions": [
 19571            "dev",
 19572            "legacy",
 19573            "v1"
 19574          ]
 19575        },
 19576        "put": {
 19577          "description": "Rename a fleet wing\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/`\n",
 19578          "summary": "Rename fleet wing",
 19579          "tags": [
 19580            "Fleets"
 19581          ],
 19582          "parameters": [
 19583            {
 19584              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 19585            },
 19586            {
 19587              "name": "fleet_id",
 19588              "in": "path",
 19589              "description": "ID for a fleet",
 19590              "required": true,
 19591              "type": "integer",
 19592              "format": "int64"
 19593            },
 19594            {
 19595              "name": "naming",
 19596              "in": "body",
 19597              "description": "New name of the wing",
 19598              "required": true,
 19599              "schema": {
 19600                "type": "object",
 19601                "required": [
 19602                  "name"
 19603                ],
 19604                "properties": {
 19605                  "name": {
 19606                    "type": "string",
 19607                    "maxLength": 10,
 19608                    "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_name",
 19609                    "description": "name string"
 19610                  }
 19611                },
 19612                "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_naming",
 19613                "description": "naming object"
 19614              }
 19615            },
 19616            {
 19617              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 19618            },
 19619            {
 19620              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 19621            },
 19622            {
 19623              "name": "wing_id",
 19624              "in": "path",
 19625              "description": "The wing to rename",
 19626              "required": true,
 19627              "type": "integer",
 19628              "format": "int64"
 19629            },
 19630            {
 19631              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 19632            }
 19633          ],
 19634          "responses": {
 19635            "204": {
 19636              "description": "Wing renamed"
 19637            },
 19638            "403": {
 19639              "description": "Forbidden",
 19640              "schema": {
 19641                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 19642              },
 19643              "examples": {
 19644                "application/json": {
 19645                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 19646                }
 19647              }
 19648            },
 19649            "404": {
 19650              "description": "The fleet does not exist or you don't have access to it",
 19651              "schema": {
 19652                "type": "object",
 19653                "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_not_found",
 19654                "description": "Not found",
 19655                "properties": {
 19656                  "error": {
 19657                    "type": "string",
 19658                    "description": "Not found message",
 19659                    "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_404_not_found"
 19660                  }
 19661                }
 19662              },
 19663              "examples": {
 19664                "application/json": {
 19665                  "error": "Not found message"
 19666                }
 19667              }
 19668            },
 19669            "500": {
 19670              "description": "Internal server error",
 19671              "schema": {
 19672                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 19673              },
 19674              "examples": {
 19675                "application/json": {
 19676                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 19677                }
 19678              }
 19679            }
 19680          },
 19681          "security": [
 19682            {
 19683              "evesso": [
 19684                "esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1"
 19685              ]
 19686            }
 19687          ],
 19688          "operationId": "put_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id",
 19689          "x-alternate-versions": [
 19690            "dev",
 19691            "legacy",
 19692            "v1"
 19693          ]
 19694        }
 19695      },
 19696      "/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/squads/": {
 19697        "post": {
 19698          "description": "Create a new squad in a fleet\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/squads/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/squads/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/squads/`\n",
 19699          "summary": "Create fleet squad",
 19700          "tags": [
 19701            "Fleets"
 19702          ],
 19703          "parameters": [
 19704            {
 19705              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 19706            },
 19707            {
 19708              "name": "fleet_id",
 19709              "in": "path",
 19710              "description": "ID for a fleet",
 19711              "required": true,
 19712              "type": "integer",
 19713              "format": "int64"
 19714            },
 19715            {
 19716              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 19717            },
 19718            {
 19719              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 19720            },
 19721            {
 19722              "name": "wing_id",
 19723              "in": "path",
 19724              "description": "The wing_id to create squad in",
 19725              "required": true,
 19726              "type": "integer",
 19727              "format": "int64"
 19728            },
 19729            {
 19730              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 19731            }
 19732          ],
 19733          "responses": {
 19734            "201": {
 19735              "description": "Squad created",
 19736              "examples": {
 19737                "application/json": {
 19738                  "squad_id": 123
 19739                }
 19740              },
 19741              "schema": {
 19742                "type": "object",
 19743                "required": [
 19744                  "squad_id"
 19745                ],
 19746                "properties": {
 19747                  "squad_id": {
 19748                    "type": "integer",
 19749                    "format": "int64",
 19750                    "description": "The squad_id of the newly created squad",
 19751                    "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_squads_squad_id"
 19752                  }
 19753                },
 19754                "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_squads_created",
 19755                "description": "201 created object"
 19756              }
 19757            },
 19758            "403": {
 19759              "description": "Forbidden",
 19760              "schema": {
 19761                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 19762              },
 19763              "examples": {
 19764                "application/json": {
 19765                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 19766                }
 19767              }
 19768            },
 19769            "404": {
 19770              "description": "The fleet does not exist or you don't have access to it",
 19771              "schema": {
 19772                "type": "object",
 19773                "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_squads_not_found",
 19774                "description": "Not found",
 19775                "properties": {
 19776                  "error": {
 19777                    "type": "string",
 19778                    "description": "Not found message",
 19779                    "title": "post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_squads_404_not_found"
 19780                  }
 19781                }
 19782              },
 19783              "examples": {
 19784                "application/json": {
 19785                  "error": "Not found message"
 19786                }
 19787              }
 19788            },
 19789            "500": {
 19790              "description": "Internal server error",
 19791              "schema": {
 19792                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 19793              },
 19794              "examples": {
 19795                "application/json": {
 19796                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 19797                }
 19798              }
 19799            }
 19800          },
 19801          "security": [
 19802            {
 19803              "evesso": [
 19804                "esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1"
 19805              ]
 19806            }
 19807          ],
 19808          "operationId": "post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_squads",
 19809          "x-alternate-versions": [
 19810            "dev",
 19811            "legacy",
 19812            "v1"
 19813          ]
 19814        }
 19815      },
 19816      "/fleets/{fleet_id}/squads/{squad_id}/": {
 19817        "delete": {
 19818          "description": "Delete a fleet squad, only empty squads can be deleted\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/squads/{squad_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/squads/{squad_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/squads/{squad_id}/`\n",
 19819          "summary": "Delete fleet squad",
 19820          "tags": [
 19821            "Fleets"
 19822          ],
 19823          "parameters": [
 19824            {
 19825              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 19826            },
 19827            {
 19828              "name": "fleet_id",
 19829              "in": "path",
 19830              "description": "ID for a fleet",
 19831              "required": true,
 19832              "type": "integer",
 19833              "format": "int64"
 19834            },
 19835            {
 19836              "name": "squad_id",
 19837              "in": "path",
 19838              "description": "The squad to delete",
 19839              "required": true,
 19840              "type": "integer",
 19841              "format": "int64"
 19842            },
 19843            {
 19844              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 19845            },
 19846            {
 19847              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 19848            },
 19849            {
 19850              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 19851            }
 19852          ],
 19853          "responses": {
 19854            "204": {
 19855              "description": "Squad deleted"
 19856            },
 19857            "403": {
 19858              "description": "Forbidden",
 19859              "schema": {
 19860                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 19861              },
 19862              "examples": {
 19863                "application/json": {
 19864                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 19865                }
 19866              }
 19867            },
 19868            "404": {
 19869              "description": "The fleet does not exist or you don't have access to it",
 19870              "schema": {
 19871                "type": "object",
 19872                "title": "delete_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id_not_found",
 19873                "description": "Not found",
 19874                "properties": {
 19875                  "error": {
 19876                    "type": "string",
 19877                    "description": "Not found message",
 19878                    "title": "delete_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id_404_not_found"
 19879                  }
 19880                }
 19881              },
 19882              "examples": {
 19883                "application/json": {
 19884                  "error": "Not found message"
 19885                }
 19886              }
 19887            },
 19888            "500": {
 19889              "description": "Internal server error",
 19890              "schema": {
 19891                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 19892              },
 19893              "examples": {
 19894                "application/json": {
 19895                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 19896                }
 19897              }
 19898            }
 19899          },
 19900          "security": [
 19901            {
 19902              "evesso": [
 19903                "esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1"
 19904              ]
 19905            }
 19906          ],
 19907          "operationId": "delete_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id",
 19908          "x-alternate-versions": [
 19909            "dev",
 19910            "legacy",
 19911            "v1"
 19912          ]
 19913        },
 19914        "put": {
 19915          "description": "Rename a fleet squad\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/squads/{squad_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/squads/{squad_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/squads/{squad_id}/`\n",
 19916          "summary": "Rename fleet squad",
 19917          "tags": [
 19918            "Fleets"
 19919          ],
 19920          "parameters": [
 19921            {
 19922              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 19923            },
 19924            {
 19925              "name": "fleet_id",
 19926              "in": "path",
 19927              "description": "ID for a fleet",
 19928              "required": true,
 19929              "type": "integer",
 19930              "format": "int64"
 19931            },
 19932            {
 19933              "name": "naming",
 19934              "in": "body",
 19935              "description": "New name of the squad",
 19936              "required": true,
 19937              "schema": {
 19938                "type": "object",
 19939                "required": [
 19940                  "name"
 19941                ],
 19942                "properties": {
 19943                  "name": {
 19944                    "type": "string",
 19945                    "maxLength": 10,
 19946                    "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id_name",
 19947                    "description": "name string"
 19948                  }
 19949                },
 19950                "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id_naming",
 19951                "description": "naming object"
 19952              }
 19953            },
 19954            {
 19955              "name": "squad_id",
 19956              "in": "path",
 19957              "description": "The squad to rename",
 19958              "required": true,
 19959              "type": "integer",
 19960              "format": "int64"
 19961            },
 19962            {
 19963              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 19964            },
 19965            {
 19966              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 19967            },
 19968            {
 19969              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 19970            }
 19971          ],
 19972          "responses": {
 19973            "204": {
 19974              "description": "Squad renamed"
 19975            },
 19976            "403": {
 19977              "description": "Forbidden",
 19978              "schema": {
 19979                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 19980              },
 19981              "examples": {
 19982                "application/json": {
 19983                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 19984                }
 19985              }
 19986            },
 19987            "404": {
 19988              "description": "The fleet does not exist or you don't have access to it",
 19989              "schema": {
 19990                "type": "object",
 19991                "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id_not_found",
 19992                "description": "Not found",
 19993                "properties": {
 19994                  "error": {
 19995                    "type": "string",
 19996                    "description": "Not found message",
 19997                    "title": "put_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id_404_not_found"
 19998                  }
 19999                }
 20000              },
 20001              "examples": {
 20002                "application/json": {
 20003                  "error": "Not found message"
 20004                }
 20005              }
 20006            },
 20007            "500": {
 20008              "description": "Internal server error",
 20009              "schema": {
 20010                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 20011              },
 20012              "examples": {
 20013                "application/json": {
 20014                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 20015                }
 20016              }
 20017            }
 20018          },
 20019          "security": [
 20020            {
 20021              "evesso": [
 20022                "esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1"
 20023              ]
 20024            }
 20025          ],
 20026          "operationId": "put_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id",
 20027          "x-alternate-versions": [
 20028            "dev",
 20029            "legacy",
 20030            "v1"
 20031          ]
 20032        }
 20033      },
 20034      "/incursions/": {
 20035        "get": {
 20036          "description": "Return a list of current incursions\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/incursions/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/incursions/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/incursions/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
 20037          "summary": "List incursions",
 20038          "tags": [
 20039            "Incursions"
 20040          ],
 20041          "responses": {
 20042            "200": {
 20043              "description": "A list of incursions",
 20044              "examples": {
 20045                "application/json": [
 20046                  {
 20047                    "type": "Incursion",
 20048                    "state": "mobilizing",
 20049                    "influence": 0.9,
 20050                    "has_boss": true,
 20051                    "faction_id": 500019,
 20052                    "constellation_id": 20000607,
 20053                    "staging_solar_system_id": 30004154,
 20054                    "infested_solar_systems": [
 20055                      30004148,
 20056                      30004149,
 20057                      30004150,
 20058                      30004151,
 20059                      30004152,
 20060                      30004153,
 20061                      30004154
 20062                    ]
 20063                  }
 20064                ]
 20065              },
 20066              "schema": {
 20067                "type": "array",
 20068                "maxItems": 100,
 20069                "items": {
 20070                  "type": "object",
 20071                  "required": [
 20072                    "type",
 20073                    "state",
 20074                    "influence",
 20075                    "has_boss",
 20076                    "faction_id",
 20077                    "constellation_id",
 20078                    "staging_solar_system_id",
 20079                    "infested_solar_systems"
 20080                  ],
 20081                  "properties": {
 20082                    "type": {
 20083                      "type": "string",
 20084                      "description": "The type of this incursion",
 20085                      "title": "get_incursions_type"
 20086                    },
 20087                    "state": {
 20088                      "type": "string",
 20089                      "enum": [
 20090                        "withdrawing",
 20091                        "mobilizing",
 20092                        "established"
 20093                      ],
 20094                      "description": "The state of this incursion",
 20095                      "title": "get_incursions_state"
 20096                    },
 20097                    "influence": {
 20098                      "type": "number",
 20099                      "format": "float",
 20100                      "description": "Influence of this incursion as a float from 0 to 1",
 20101                      "title": "get_incursions_influence"
 20102                    },
 20103                    "has_boss": {
 20104                      "type": "boolean",
 20105                      "description": "Whether the final encounter has boss or not",
 20106                      "title": "get_incursions_has_boss"
 20107                    },
 20108                    "faction_id": {
 20109                      "type": "integer",
 20110                      "format": "int32",
 20111                      "description": "The attacking faction's id",
 20112                      "title": "get_incursions_faction_id"
 20113                    },
 20114                    "constellation_id": {
 20115                      "type": "integer",
 20116                      "format": "int32",
 20117                      "description": "The constellation id in which this incursion takes place",
 20118                      "title": "get_incursions_constellation_id"
 20119                    },
 20120                    "staging_solar_system_id": {
 20121                      "type": "integer",
 20122                      "format": "int32",
 20123                      "description": "Staging solar system for this incursion",
 20124                      "title": "get_incursions_staging_solar_system_id"
 20125                    },
 20126                    "infested_solar_systems": {
 20127                      "type": "array",
 20128                      "description": "A list of infested solar system ids that are a part of this incursion",
 20129                      "maxItems": 100,
 20130                      "items": {
 20131                        "type": "integer",
 20132                        "format": "int32",
 20133                        "title": "get_incursions_infested_solar_system",
 20134                        "description": "infested_solar_system integer"
 20135                      },
 20136                      "title": "get_incursions_infested_solar_systems"
 20137                    }
 20138                  },
 20139                  "title": "get_incursions_200_ok",
 20140                  "description": "200 ok object"
 20141                },
 20142                "title": "get_incursions_ok",
 20143                "description": "200 ok array"
 20144              },
 20145              "headers": {
 20146                "Cache-Control": {
 20147                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 20148                  "type": "string"
 20149                },
 20150                "Last-Modified": {
 20151                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 20152                  "type": "string"
 20153                },
 20154                "Expires": {
 20155                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 20156                  "type": "string"
 20157                }
 20158              }
 20159            },
 20160            "500": {
 20161              "description": "Internal server error",
 20162              "schema": {
 20163                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 20164              },
 20165              "examples": {
 20166                "application/json": {
 20167                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 20168                }
 20169              }
 20170            }
 20171          },
 20172          "parameters": [
 20173            {
 20174              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 20175            },
 20176            {
 20177              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 20178            },
 20179            {
 20180              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 20181            }
 20182          ],
 20183          "operationId": "get_incursions",
 20184          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
 20185          "x-alternate-versions": [
 20186            "dev",
 20187            "legacy",
 20188            "v1"
 20189          ]
 20190        }
 20191      },
 20192      "/industry/facilities/": {
 20193        "get": {
 20194          "description": "Return a list of industry facilities\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/industry/facilities/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/industry/facilities/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/industry/facilities/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 20195          "summary": "List industry facilities",
 20196          "tags": [
 20197            "Industry"
 20198          ],
 20199          "responses": {
 20200            "200": {
 20201              "description": "A list of facilities",
 20202              "examples": {
 20203                "application/json": [
 20204                  {
 20205                    "facility_id": 60012544,
 20206                    "tax": 0.1,
 20207                    "owner_id": 1000126,
 20208                    "type_id": 2502,
 20209                    "solar_system_id": 30000032,
 20210                    "region_id": 10000001
 20211                  }
 20212                ]
 20213              },
 20214              "schema": {
 20215                "type": "array",
 20216                "maxItems": 10000,
 20217                "items": {
 20218                  "type": "object",
 20219                  "required": [
 20220                    "facility_id",
 20221                    "owner_id",
 20222                    "type_id",
 20223                    "solar_system_id",
 20224                    "region_id"
 20225                  ],
 20226                  "properties": {
 20227                    "facility_id": {
 20228                      "type": "integer",
 20229                      "format": "int64",
 20230                      "description": "ID of the facility",
 20231                      "title": "get_industry_facilities_facility_id"
 20232                    },
 20233                    "tax": {
 20234                      "type": "number",
 20235                      "format": "float",
 20236                      "description": "Tax imposed by the facility",
 20237                      "title": "get_industry_facilities_tax"
 20238                    },
 20239                    "owner_id": {
 20240                      "type": "integer",
 20241                      "format": "int32",
 20242                      "description": "Owner of the facility",
 20243                      "title": "get_industry_facilities_owner_id"
 20244                    },
 20245                    "type_id": {
 20246                      "type": "integer",
 20247                      "format": "int32",
 20248                      "description": "Type ID of the facility",
 20249                      "title": "get_industry_facilities_type_id"
 20250                    },
 20251                    "solar_system_id": {
 20252                      "type": "integer",
 20253                      "format": "int32",
 20254                      "description": "Solar system ID where the facility is",
 20255                      "title": "get_industry_facilities_solar_system_id"
 20256                    },
 20257                    "region_id": {
 20258                      "type": "integer",
 20259                      "format": "int32",
 20260                      "description": "Region ID where the facility is",
 20261                      "title": "get_industry_facilities_region_id"
 20262                    }
 20263                  },
 20264                  "title": "get_industry_facilities_200_ok",
 20265                  "description": "200 ok object"
 20266                },
 20267                "title": "get_industry_facilities_ok",
 20268                "description": "200 ok array"
 20269              },
 20270              "headers": {
 20271                "Cache-Control": {
 20272                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 20273                  "type": "string"
 20274                },
 20275                "Last-Modified": {
 20276                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 20277                  "type": "string"
 20278                },
 20279                "Expires": {
 20280                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 20281                  "type": "string"
 20282                }
 20283              }
 20284            },
 20285            "500": {
 20286              "description": "Internal server error",
 20287              "schema": {
 20288                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 20289              },
 20290              "examples": {
 20291                "application/json": {
 20292                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 20293                }
 20294              }
 20295            }
 20296          },
 20297          "parameters": [
 20298            {
 20299              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 20300            },
 20301            {
 20302              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 20303            },
 20304            {
 20305              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 20306            }
 20307          ],
 20308          "operationId": "get_industry_facilities",
 20309          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 20310          "x-alternate-versions": [
 20311            "dev",
 20312            "legacy",
 20313            "v1"
 20314          ]
 20315        }
 20316      },
 20317      "/industry/systems/": {
 20318        "get": {
 20319          "description": "Return cost indices for solar systems\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/industry/systems/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/industry/systems/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/industry/systems/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 20320          "summary": "List solar system cost indices",
 20321          "tags": [
 20322            "Industry"
 20323          ],
 20324          "responses": {
 20325            "200": {
 20326              "description": "A list of cost indicies",
 20327              "examples": {
 20328                "application/json": [
 20329                  {
 20330                    "solar_system_id": 30011392,
 20331                    "cost_indices": [
 20332                      {
 20333                        "activity": "invention",
 20334                        "cost_index": 0.0048
 20335                      }
 20336                    ]
 20337                  }
 20338                ]
 20339              },
 20340              "schema": {
 20341                "type": "array",
 20342                "maxItems": 10000,
 20343                "items": {
 20344                  "type": "object",
 20345                  "required": [
 20346                    "solar_system_id",
 20347                    "cost_indices"
 20348                  ],
 20349                  "properties": {
 20350                    "solar_system_id": {
 20351                      "type": "integer",
 20352                      "format": "int32",
 20353                      "title": "get_industry_systems_solar_system_id",
 20354                      "description": "solar_system_id integer"
 20355                    },
 20356                    "cost_indices": {
 20357                      "type": "array",
 20358                      "maxItems": 10,
 20359                      "items": {
 20360                        "type": "object",
 20361                        "required": [
 20362                          "activity",
 20363                          "cost_index"
 20364                        ],
 20365                        "properties": {
 20366                          "activity": {
 20367                            "type": "string",
 20368                            "enum": [
 20369                              "copying",
 20370                              "duplicating",
 20371                              "invention",
 20372                              "manufacturing",
 20373                              "none",
 20374                              "reaction",
 20375                              "researching_material_efficiency",
 20376                              "researching_technology",
 20377                              "researching_time_efficiency",
 20378                              "reverse_engineering"
 20379                            ],
 20380                            "title": "get_industry_systems_activity",
 20381                            "description": "activity string"
 20382                          },
 20383                          "cost_index": {
 20384                            "type": "number",
 20385                            "format": "float",
 20386                            "title": "get_industry_systems_cost_index",
 20387                            "description": "cost_index number"
 20388                          }
 20389                        },
 20390                        "title": "get_industry_systems_cost_indice",
 20391                        "description": "cost_indice object"
 20392                      },
 20393                      "title": "get_industry_systems_cost_indices",
 20394                      "description": "cost_indices array"
 20395                    }
 20396                  },
 20397                  "title": "get_industry_systems_200_ok",
 20398                  "description": "200 ok object"
 20399                },
 20400                "title": "get_industry_systems_ok",
 20401                "description": "200 ok array"
 20402              },
 20403              "headers": {
 20404                "Cache-Control": {
 20405                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 20406                  "type": "string"
 20407                },
 20408                "Last-Modified": {
 20409                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 20410                  "type": "string"
 20411                },
 20412                "Expires": {
 20413                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 20414                  "type": "string"
 20415                }
 20416              }
 20417            },
 20418            "500": {
 20419              "description": "Internal server error",
 20420              "schema": {
 20421                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 20422              },
 20423              "examples": {
 20424                "application/json": {
 20425                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 20426                }
 20427              }
 20428            }
 20429          },
 20430          "parameters": [
 20431            {
 20432              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 20433            },
 20434            {
 20435              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 20436            },
 20437            {
 20438              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 20439            }
 20440          ],
 20441          "operationId": "get_industry_systems",
 20442          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 20443          "x-alternate-versions": [
 20444            "dev",
 20445            "legacy",
 20446            "v1"
 20447          ]
 20448        }
 20449      },
 20450      "/characters/{character_id}/industry/jobs/": {
 20451        "get": {
 20452          "summary": "List character industry jobs",
 20453          "description": "List industry jobs placed by a character\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/industry/jobs/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/industry/jobs/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/industry/jobs/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
 20454          "tags": [
 20455            "Industry"
 20456          ],
 20457          "parameters": [
 20458            {
 20459              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 20460            },
 20461            {
 20462              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 20463            },
 20464            {
 20465              "name": "include_completed",
 20466              "in": "query",
 20467              "description": "Whether retrieve completed character industry jobs as well",
 20468              "required": false,
 20469              "type": "boolean"
 20470            },
 20471            {
 20472              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 20473            },
 20474            {
 20475              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 20476            },
 20477            {
 20478              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 20479            }
 20480          ],
 20481          "responses": {
 20482            "200": {
 20483              "description": "Industry jobs placed by a character",
 20484              "examples": {
 20485                "application/json": [
 20486                  {
 20487                    "job_id": 229136101,
 20488                    "installer_id": 498338451,
 20489                    "facility_id": 60006382,
 20490                    "station_id": 60006382,
 20491                    "activity_id": 1,
 20492                    "blueprint_id": 1015116533326,
 20493                    "blueprint_type_id": 2047,
 20494                    "blueprint_location_id": 60006382,
 20495                    "output_location_id": 60006382,
 20496                    "runs": 1,
 20497                    "cost": 118.01,
 20498                    "licensed_runs": 200,
 20499                    "status": "active",
 20500                    "duration": 548,
 20501                    "start_date": "2014-07-19T15:47:06Z",
 20502                    "end_date": "2014-07-19T15:56:14Z"
 20503                  }
 20504                ]
 20505              },
 20506              "schema": {
 20507                "type": "array",
 20508                "maxItems": 2000,
 20509                "items": {
 20510                  "type": "object",
 20511                  "required": [
 20512                    "job_id",
 20513                    "installer_id",
 20514                    "facility_id",
 20515                    "station_id",
 20516                    "activity_id",
 20517                    "blueprint_id",
 20518                    "blueprint_type_id",
 20519                    "blueprint_location_id",
 20520                    "output_location_id",
 20521                    "runs",
 20522                    "status",
 20523                    "duration",
 20524                    "start_date",
 20525                    "end_date"
 20526                  ],
 20527                  "properties": {
 20528                    "job_id": {
 20529                      "type": "integer",
 20530                      "format": "int32",
 20531                      "description": "Unique job ID",
 20532                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_job_id"
 20533                    },
 20534                    "installer_id": {
 20535                      "type": "integer",
 20536                      "format": "int32",
 20537                      "description": "ID of the character which installed this job",
 20538                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_installer_id"
 20539                    },
 20540                    "facility_id": {
 20541                      "type": "integer",
 20542                      "format": "int64",
 20543                      "description": "ID of the facility where this job is running",
 20544                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_facility_id"
 20545                    },
 20546                    "station_id": {
 20547                      "type": "integer",
 20548                      "format": "int64",
 20549                      "description": "ID of the station where industry facility is located",
 20550                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_station_id"
 20551                    },
 20552                    "activity_id": {
 20553                      "type": "integer",
 20554                      "format": "int32",
 20555                      "description": "Job activity ID",
 20556                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_activity_id"
 20557                    },
 20558                    "blueprint_id": {
 20559                      "type": "integer",
 20560                      "format": "int64",
 20561                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_blueprint_id",
 20562                      "description": "blueprint_id integer"
 20563                    },
 20564                    "blueprint_type_id": {
 20565                      "type": "integer",
 20566                      "format": "int32",
 20567                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_blueprint_type_id",
 20568                      "description": "blueprint_type_id integer"
 20569                    },
 20570                    "blueprint_location_id": {
 20571                      "type": "integer",
 20572                      "format": "int64",
 20573                      "description": "Location ID of the location from which the blueprint was installed. Normally a station ID, but can also be an asset (e.g. container) or corporation facility",
 20574                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_blueprint_location_id"
 20575                    },
 20576                    "output_location_id": {
 20577                      "type": "integer",
 20578                      "format": "int64",
 20579                      "description": "Location ID of the location to which the output of the job will be delivered. Normally a station ID, but can also be a corporation facility",
 20580                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_output_location_id"
 20581                    },
 20582                    "runs": {
 20583                      "type": "integer",
 20584                      "format": "int32",
 20585                      "description": "Number of runs for a manufacturing job, or number of copies to make for a blueprint copy",
 20586                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_runs"
 20587                    },
 20588                    "cost": {
 20589                      "type": "number",
 20590                      "format": "double",
 20591                      "description": "The sume of job installation fee and industry facility tax",
 20592                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_cost"
 20593                    },
 20594                    "licensed_runs": {
 20595                      "type": "integer",
 20596                      "format": "int32",
 20597                      "description": "Number of runs blueprint is licensed for",
 20598                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_licensed_runs"
 20599                    },
 20600                    "probability": {
 20601                      "type": "number",
 20602                      "format": "float",
 20603                      "description": "Chance of success for invention",
 20604                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_probability"
 20605                    },
 20606                    "product_type_id": {
 20607                      "type": "integer",
 20608                      "format": "int32",
 20609                      "description": "Type ID of product (manufactured, copied or invented)",
 20610                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_product_type_id"
 20611                    },
 20612                    "status": {
 20613                      "type": "string",
 20614                      "enum": [
 20615                        "active",
 20616                        "cancelled",
 20617                        "delivered",
 20618                        "paused",
 20619                        "ready",
 20620                        "reverted"
 20621                      ],
 20622                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_status",
 20623                      "description": "status string"
 20624                    },
 20625                    "duration": {
 20626                      "type": "integer",
 20627                      "format": "int32",
 20628                      "description": "Job duration in seconds",
 20629                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_duration"
 20630                    },
 20631                    "start_date": {
 20632                      "type": "string",
 20633                      "format": "date-time",
 20634                      "description": "Date and time when this job started",
 20635                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_start_date"
 20636                    },
 20637                    "end_date": {
 20638                      "type": "string",
 20639                      "format": "date-time",
 20640                      "description": "Date and time when this job finished",
 20641                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_end_date"
 20642                    },
 20643                    "pause_date": {
 20644                      "type": "string",
 20645                      "format": "date-time",
 20646                      "description": "Date and time when this job was paused (i.e. time when the facility where this job was installed went offline)",
 20647                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_pause_date"
 20648                    },
 20649                    "completed_date": {
 20650                      "type": "string",
 20651                      "format": "date-time",
 20652                      "description": "Date and time when this job was completed",
 20653                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_completed_date"
 20654                    },
 20655                    "completed_character_id": {
 20656                      "type": "integer",
 20657                      "format": "int32",
 20658                      "description": "ID of the character which completed this job",
 20659                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_completed_character_id"
 20660                    },
 20661                    "successful_runs": {
 20662                      "type": "integer",
 20663                      "format": "int32",
 20664                      "description": "Number of successful runs for this job. Equal to runs unless this is an invention job",
 20665                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_successful_runs"
 20666                    }
 20667                  },
 20668                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_200_ok",
 20669                  "description": "200 ok object"
 20670                },
 20671                "title": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs_ok",
 20672                "description": "200 ok array"
 20673              },
 20674              "headers": {
 20675                "Cache-Control": {
 20676                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 20677                  "type": "string"
 20678                },
 20679                "Last-Modified": {
 20680                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 20681                  "type": "string"
 20682                },
 20683                "Expires": {
 20684                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 20685                  "type": "string"
 20686                }
 20687              }
 20688            },
 20689            "403": {
 20690              "description": "Forbidden",
 20691              "schema": {
 20692                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 20693              },
 20694              "examples": {
 20695                "application/json": {
 20696                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 20697                }
 20698              }
 20699            },
 20700            "500": {
 20701              "description": "Internal server error",
 20702              "schema": {
 20703                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 20704              },
 20705              "examples": {
 20706                "application/json": {
 20707                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 20708                }
 20709              }
 20710            }
 20711          },
 20712          "security": [
 20713            {
 20714              "evesso": [
 20715                "esi-industry.read_character_jobs.v1"
 20716              ]
 20717            }
 20718          ],
 20719          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs",
 20720          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
 20721          "x-alternate-versions": [
 20722            "dev",
 20723            "legacy",
 20724            "v1"
 20725          ]
 20726        }
 20727      },
 20728      "/characters/{character_id}/mining/": {
 20729        "get": {
 20730          "summary": "Character mining ledger",
 20731          "description": "Paginated record of all mining done by a character for the past 30 days\n\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mining/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mining/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mining/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 600 seconds",
 20732          "tags": [
 20733            "Industry"
 20734          ],
 20735          "parameters": [
 20736            {
 20737              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 20738            },
 20739            {
 20740              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 20741            },
 20742            {
 20743              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 20744            },
 20745            {
 20746              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 20747            },
 20748            {
 20749              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 20750            },
 20751            {
 20752              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 20753            }
 20754          ],
 20755          "responses": {
 20756            "200": {
 20757              "description": "Mining ledger of a character",
 20758              "examples": {
 20759                "application/json": [
 20760                  {
 20761                    "date": "2017-09-19",
 20762                    "solar_system_id": 30003707,
 20763                    "type_id": 17471,
 20764                    "quantity": 7004
 20765                  },
 20766                  {
 20767                    "date": "2017-09-18",
 20768                    "solar_system_id": 30003707,
 20769                    "type_id": 17471,
 20770                    "quantity": 5199
 20771                  }
 20772                ]
 20773              },
 20774              "schema": {
 20775                "type": "array",
 20776                "maxItems": 1000,
 20777                "items": {
 20778                  "type": "object",
 20779                  "required": [
 20780                    "date",
 20781                    "solar_system_id",
 20782                    "type_id",
 20783                    "quantity"
 20784                  ],
 20785                  "properties": {
 20786                    "date": {
 20787                      "type": "string",
 20788                      "format": "date",
 20789                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mining_date",
 20790                      "description": "date string"
 20791                    },
 20792                    "solar_system_id": {
 20793                      "type": "integer",
 20794                      "format": "int32",
 20795                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mining_solar_system_id",
 20796                      "description": "solar_system_id integer"
 20797                    },
 20798                    "type_id": {
 20799                      "type": "integer",
 20800                      "format": "int32",
 20801                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mining_type_id",
 20802                      "description": "type_id integer"
 20803                    },
 20804                    "quantity": {
 20805                      "type": "integer",
 20806                      "format": "int64",
 20807                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mining_quantity",
 20808                      "description": "quantity integer"
 20809                    }
 20810                  },
 20811                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_mining_200_ok",
 20812                  "description": "200 ok object"
 20813                },
 20814                "title": "get_characters_character_id_mining_ok",
 20815                "description": "200 ok array"
 20816              },
 20817              "headers": {
 20818                "X-Pages": {
 20819                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 20820                  "type": "integer",
 20821                  "format": "int32",
 20822                  "default": 1
 20823                },
 20824                "Cache-Control": {
 20825                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 20826                  "type": "string"
 20827                },
 20828                "Last-Modified": {
 20829                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 20830                  "type": "string"
 20831                },
 20832                "Expires": {
 20833                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 20834                  "type": "string"
 20835                }
 20836              }
 20837            },
 20838            "403": {
 20839              "description": "Forbidden",
 20840              "schema": {
 20841                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 20842              },
 20843              "examples": {
 20844                "application/json": {
 20845                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 20846                }
 20847              }
 20848            },
 20849            "500": {
 20850              "description": "Internal server error",
 20851              "schema": {
 20852                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 20853              },
 20854              "examples": {
 20855                "application/json": {
 20856                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 20857                }
 20858              }
 20859            }
 20860          },
 20861          "security": [
 20862            {
 20863              "evesso": [
 20864                "esi-industry.read_character_mining.v1"
 20865              ]
 20866            }
 20867          ],
 20868          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_mining",
 20869          "x-cached-seconds": 600,
 20870          "x-alternate-versions": [
 20871            "dev",
 20872            "legacy",
 20873            "v1"
 20874          ]
 20875        }
 20876      },
 20877      "/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/": {
 20878        "get": {
 20879          "summary": "Corporation mining observers",
 20880          "description": "Paginated list of all entities capable of observing and recording mining for a corporation\n\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant\n",
 20881          "tags": [
 20882            "Industry"
 20883          ],
 20884          "parameters": [
 20885            {
 20886              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 20887            },
 20888            {
 20889              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 20890            },
 20891            {
 20892              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 20893            },
 20894            {
 20895              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 20896            },
 20897            {
 20898              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 20899            },
 20900            {
 20901              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 20902            }
 20903          ],
 20904          "responses": {
 20905            "200": {
 20906              "description": "Observer list of a corporation",
 20907              "examples": {
 20908                "application/json": [
 20909                  {
 20910                    "last_updated": "2017-09-19",
 20911                    "observer_id": 1,
 20912                    "observer_type": "structure"
 20913                  }
 20914                ]
 20915              },
 20916              "schema": {
 20917                "type": "array",
 20918                "maxItems": 1000,
 20919                "items": {
 20920                  "type": "object",
 20921                  "required": [
 20922                    "last_updated",
 20923                    "observer_id",
 20924                    "observer_type"
 20925                  ],
 20926                  "properties": {
 20927                    "last_updated": {
 20928                      "type": "string",
 20929                      "format": "date",
 20930                      "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_last_updated",
 20931                      "description": "last_updated string"
 20932                    },
 20933                    "observer_id": {
 20934                      "type": "integer",
 20935                      "format": "int64",
 20936                      "description": "The entity that was observing the asteroid field when it was mined.\n",
 20937                      "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_observer_id"
 20938                    },
 20939                    "observer_type": {
 20940                      "description": "The category of the observing entity",
 20941                      "type": "string",
 20942                      "enum": [
 20943                        "structure"
 20944                      ],
 20945                      "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_observer_type"
 20946                    }
 20947                  },
 20948                  "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_200_ok",
 20949                  "description": "200 ok object"
 20950                },
 20951                "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_ok",
 20952                "description": "200 ok array"
 20953              },
 20954              "headers": {
 20955                "X-Pages": {
 20956                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 20957                  "type": "integer",
 20958                  "format": "int32",
 20959                  "default": 1
 20960                },
 20961                "Cache-Control": {
 20962                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 20963                  "type": "string"
 20964                },
 20965                "Last-Modified": {
 20966                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 20967                  "type": "string"
 20968                },
 20969                "Expires": {
 20970                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 20971                  "type": "string"
 20972                }
 20973              }
 20974            },
 20975            "403": {
 20976              "description": "Forbidden",
 20977              "schema": {
 20978                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 20979              },
 20980              "examples": {
 20981                "application/json": {
 20982                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 20983                }
 20984              }
 20985            },
 20986            "500": {
 20987              "description": "Internal server error",
 20988              "schema": {
 20989                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 20990              },
 20991              "examples": {
 20992                "application/json": {
 20993                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 20994                }
 20995              }
 20996            }
 20997          },
 20998          "x-required-roles": [
 20999            "Accountant"
 21000          ],
 21001          "security": [
 21002            {
 21003              "evesso": [
 21004                "esi-industry.read_corporation_mining.v1"
 21005              ]
 21006            }
 21007          ],
 21008          "operationId": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers",
 21009          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 21010          "x-alternate-versions": [
 21011            "dev",
 21012            "legacy",
 21013            "v1"
 21014          ]
 21015        }
 21016      },
 21017      "/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/{observer_id}/": {
 21018        "get": {
 21019          "summary": "Observed corporation mining",
 21020          "description": "Paginated record of all mining seen by an observer\n\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/{observer_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/{observer_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/{observer_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant\n",
 21021          "tags": [
 21022            "Industry"
 21023          ],
 21024          "parameters": [
 21025            {
 21026              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 21027            },
 21028            {
 21029              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 21030            },
 21031            {
 21032              "name": "observer_id",
 21033              "in": "path",
 21034              "description": "A mining observer id",
 21035              "required": true,
 21036              "type": "integer",
 21037              "format": "int64"
 21038            },
 21039            {
 21040              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 21041            },
 21042            {
 21043              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 21044            },
 21045            {
 21046              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 21047            },
 21048            {
 21049              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 21050            }
 21051          ],
 21052          "responses": {
 21053            "200": {
 21054              "description": "Mining ledger of an observer",
 21055              "examples": {
 21056                "application/json": [
 21057                  {
 21058                    "last_updated": "2017-09-19",
 21059                    "character_id": 95465499,
 21060                    "recorded_corporation_id": 109299958,
 21061                    "type_id": 1230,
 21062                    "quantity": 500
 21063                  }
 21064                ]
 21065              },
 21066              "schema": {
 21067                "type": "array",
 21068                "maxItems": 1000,
 21069                "items": {
 21070                  "type": "object",
 21071                  "required": [
 21072                    "last_updated",
 21073                    "character_id",
 21074                    "recorded_corporation_id",
 21075                    "type_id",
 21076                    "quantity"
 21077                  ],
 21078                  "properties": {
 21079                    "last_updated": {
 21080                      "type": "string",
 21081                      "format": "date",
 21082                      "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_observer_id_last_updated",
 21083                      "description": "last_updated string"
 21084                    },
 21085                    "character_id": {
 21086                      "type": "integer",
 21087                      "format": "int32",
 21088                      "description": "The character that did the mining\n",
 21089                      "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_observer_id_character_id"
 21090                    },
 21091                    "recorded_corporation_id": {
 21092                      "description": "The corporation id of the character at the time data was recorded.\n",
 21093                      "type": "integer",
 21094                      "format": "int32",
 21095                      "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_observer_id_recorded_corporation_id"
 21096                    },
 21097                    "type_id": {
 21098                      "type": "integer",
 21099                      "format": "int32",
 21100                      "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_observer_id_type_id",
 21101                      "description": "type_id integer"
 21102                    },
 21103                    "quantity": {
 21104                      "type": "integer",
 21105                      "format": "int64",
 21106                      "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_observer_id_quantity",
 21107                      "description": "quantity integer"
 21108                    }
 21109                  },
 21110                  "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_observer_id_200_ok",
 21111                  "description": "200 ok object"
 21112                },
 21113                "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_observer_id_ok",
 21114                "description": "200 ok array"
 21115              },
 21116              "headers": {
 21117                "X-Pages": {
 21118                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 21119                  "type": "integer",
 21120                  "format": "int32",
 21121                  "default": 1
 21122                },
 21123                "Cache-Control": {
 21124                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 21125                  "type": "string"
 21126                },
 21127                "Last-Modified": {
 21128                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 21129                  "type": "string"
 21130                },
 21131                "Expires": {
 21132                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 21133                  "type": "string"
 21134                }
 21135              }
 21136            },
 21137            "403": {
 21138              "description": "Forbidden",
 21139              "schema": {
 21140                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 21141              },
 21142              "examples": {
 21143                "application/json": {
 21144                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 21145                }
 21146              }
 21147            },
 21148            "500": {
 21149              "description": "Internal server error",
 21150              "schema": {
 21151                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 21152              },
 21153              "examples": {
 21154                "application/json": {
 21155                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 21156                }
 21157              }
 21158            }
 21159          },
 21160          "x-required-roles": [
 21161            "Accountant"
 21162          ],
 21163          "security": [
 21164            {
 21165              "evesso": [
 21166                "esi-industry.read_corporation_mining.v1"
 21167              ]
 21168            }
 21169          ],
 21170          "operationId": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_observer_id",
 21171          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 21172          "x-alternate-versions": [
 21173            "dev",
 21174            "legacy",
 21175            "v1"
 21176          ]
 21177        }
 21178      },
 21179      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/industry/jobs/": {
 21180        "get": {
 21181          "summary": "List corporation industry jobs",
 21182          "description": "List industry jobs run by a corporation\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/industry/jobs/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/industry/jobs/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/industry/jobs/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): FactoryManager\n",
 21183          "tags": [
 21184            "Industry"
 21185          ],
 21186          "parameters": [
 21187            {
 21188              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 21189            },
 21190            {
 21191              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 21192            },
 21193            {
 21194              "name": "include_completed",
 21195              "in": "query",
 21196              "description": "Whether retrieve completed industry jobs as well",
 21197              "required": false,
 21198              "type": "boolean",
 21199              "default": false
 21200            },
 21201            {
 21202              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 21203            },
 21204            {
 21205              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 21206            },
 21207            {
 21208              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 21209            },
 21210            {
 21211              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 21212            }
 21213          ],
 21214          "responses": {
 21215            "200": {
 21216              "description": "A list of corporation industry jobs",
 21217              "examples": {
 21218                "application/json": [
 21219                  {
 21220                    "job_id": 229136101,
 21221                    "installer_id": 498338451,
 21222                    "facility_id": 60006382,
 21223                    "location_id": 60006382,
 21224                    "activity_id": 1,
 21225                    "blueprint_id": 1015116533326,
 21226                    "blueprint_type_id": 2047,
 21227                    "blueprint_location_id": 60006382,
 21228                    "output_location_id": 60006382,
 21229                    "runs": 1,
 21230                    "cost": 118.01,
 21231                    "licensed_runs": 200,
 21232                    "status": "active",
 21233                    "duration": 548,
 21234                    "start_date": "2014-07-19T15:47:06Z",
 21235                    "end_date": "2014-07-19T15:56:14Z"
 21236                  }
 21237                ]
 21238              },
 21239              "schema": {
 21240                "type": "array",
 21241                "maxItems": 1000,
 21242                "items": {
 21243                  "type": "object",
 21244                  "required": [
 21245                    "job_id",
 21246                    "installer_id",
 21247                    "facility_id",
 21248                    "location_id",
 21249                    "activity_id",
 21250                    "blueprint_id",
 21251                    "blueprint_type_id",
 21252                    "blueprint_location_id",
 21253                    "output_location_id",
 21254                    "runs",
 21255                    "status",
 21256                    "duration",
 21257                    "start_date",
 21258                    "end_date"
 21259                  ],
 21260                  "properties": {
 21261                    "job_id": {
 21262                      "type": "integer",
 21263                      "format": "int32",
 21264                      "description": "Unique job ID",
 21265                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_job_id"
 21266                    },
 21267                    "installer_id": {
 21268                      "type": "integer",
 21269                      "format": "int32",
 21270                      "description": "ID of the character which installed this job",
 21271                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_installer_id"
 21272                    },
 21273                    "facility_id": {
 21274                      "type": "integer",
 21275                      "format": "int64",
 21276                      "description": "ID of the facility where this job is running",
 21277                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_facility_id"
 21278                    },
 21279                    "location_id": {
 21280                      "type": "integer",
 21281                      "format": "int64",
 21282                      "description": "ID of the location for the industry facility",
 21283                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_location_id"
 21284                    },
 21285                    "activity_id": {
 21286                      "type": "integer",
 21287                      "format": "int32",
 21288                      "description": "Job activity ID",
 21289                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_activity_id"
 21290                    },
 21291                    "blueprint_id": {
 21292                      "type": "integer",
 21293                      "format": "int64",
 21294                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_blueprint_id",
 21295                      "description": "blueprint_id integer"
 21296                    },
 21297                    "blueprint_type_id": {
 21298                      "type": "integer",
 21299                      "format": "int32",
 21300                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_blueprint_type_id",
 21301                      "description": "blueprint_type_id integer"
 21302                    },
 21303                    "blueprint_location_id": {
 21304                      "type": "integer",
 21305                      "format": "int64",
 21306                      "description": "Location ID of the location from which the blueprint was installed. Normally a station ID, but can also be an asset (e.g. container) or corporation facility",
 21307                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_blueprint_location_id"
 21308                    },
 21309                    "output_location_id": {
 21310                      "type": "integer",
 21311                      "format": "int64",
 21312                      "description": "Location ID of the location to which the output of the job will be delivered. Normally a station ID, but can also be a corporation facility",
 21313                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_output_location_id"
 21314                    },
 21315                    "runs": {
 21316                      "type": "integer",
 21317                      "format": "int32",
 21318                      "description": "Number of runs for a manufacturing job, or number of copies to make for a blueprint copy",
 21319                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_runs"
 21320                    },
 21321                    "cost": {
 21322                      "type": "number",
 21323                      "format": "double",
 21324                      "description": "The sume of job installation fee and industry facility tax",
 21325                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_cost"
 21326                    },
 21327                    "licensed_runs": {
 21328                      "type": "integer",
 21329                      "format": "int32",
 21330                      "description": "Number of runs blueprint is licensed for",
 21331                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_licensed_runs"
 21332                    },
 21333                    "probability": {
 21334                      "type": "number",
 21335                      "format": "float",
 21336                      "description": "Chance of success for invention",
 21337                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_probability"
 21338                    },
 21339                    "product_type_id": {
 21340                      "type": "integer",
 21341                      "format": "int32",
 21342                      "description": "Type ID of product (manufactured, copied or invented)",
 21343                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_product_type_id"
 21344                    },
 21345                    "status": {
 21346                      "type": "string",
 21347                      "enum": [
 21348                        "active",
 21349                        "cancelled",
 21350                        "delivered",
 21351                        "paused",
 21352                        "ready",
 21353                        "reverted"
 21354                      ],
 21355                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_status",
 21356                      "description": "status string"
 21357                    },
 21358                    "duration": {
 21359                      "type": "integer",
 21360                      "format": "int32",
 21361                      "description": "Job duration in seconds",
 21362                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_duration"
 21363                    },
 21364                    "start_date": {
 21365                      "type": "string",
 21366                      "format": "date-time",
 21367                      "description": "Date and time when this job started",
 21368                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_start_date"
 21369                    },
 21370                    "end_date": {
 21371                      "type": "string",
 21372                      "format": "date-time",
 21373                      "description": "Date and time when this job finished",
 21374                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_end_date"
 21375                    },
 21376                    "pause_date": {
 21377                      "type": "string",
 21378                      "format": "date-time",
 21379                      "description": "Date and time when this job was paused (i.e. time when the facility where this job was installed went offline)",
 21380                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_pause_date"
 21381                    },
 21382                    "completed_date": {
 21383                      "type": "string",
 21384                      "format": "date-time",
 21385                      "description": "Date and time when this job was completed",
 21386                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_completed_date"
 21387                    },
 21388                    "completed_character_id": {
 21389                      "type": "integer",
 21390                      "format": "int32",
 21391                      "description": "ID of the character which completed this job",
 21392                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_completed_character_id"
 21393                    },
 21394                    "successful_runs": {
 21395                      "type": "integer",
 21396                      "format": "int32",
 21397                      "description": "Number of successful runs for this job. Equal to runs unless this is an invention job",
 21398                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_successful_runs"
 21399                    }
 21400                  },
 21401                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_200_ok",
 21402                  "description": "200 ok object"
 21403                },
 21404                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs_ok",
 21405                "description": "200 ok array"
 21406              },
 21407              "headers": {
 21408                "X-Pages": {
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 21415                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 21416                  "type": "string"
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 21418                "Last-Modified": {
 21419                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 21420                  "type": "string"
 21421                },
 21422                "Expires": {
 21423                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 21424                  "type": "string"
 21425                }
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 21428            "403": {
 21429              "description": "Forbidden",
 21430              "schema": {
 21431                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 21432              },
 21433              "examples": {
 21434                "application/json": {
 21435                  "error": "Forbidden message"
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 21437              }
 21438            },
 21439            "500": {
 21440              "description": "Internal server error",
 21441              "schema": {
 21442                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 21443              },
 21444              "examples": {
 21445                "application/json": {
 21446                  "error": "Internal server error message"
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 21448              }
 21449            }
 21450          },
 21451          "x-required-roles": [
 21452            "FactoryManager"
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 21454          "security": [
 21455            {
 21456              "evesso": [
 21457                "esi-industry.read_corporation_jobs.v1"
 21458              ]
 21459            }
 21460          ],
 21461          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs",
 21462          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
 21463          "x-alternate-versions": [
 21464            "dev",
 21465            "legacy",
 21466            "v1"
 21467          ]
 21468        }
 21469      },
 21470      "/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/extractions/": {
 21471        "get": {
 21472          "summary": "Moon extraction timers",
 21473          "description": "Extraction timers for all moon chunks being extracted by refineries belonging to a corporation.\n\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/extractions/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/extractions/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/extractions/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 1800 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Structure_manager\n",
 21474          "tags": [
 21475            "Industry"
 21476          ],
 21477          "parameters": [
 21478            {
 21479              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 21480            },
 21481            {
 21482              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 21483            },
 21484            {
 21485              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 21486            },
 21487            {
 21488              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 21489            },
 21490            {
 21491              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 21492            }
 21493          ],
 21494          "responses": {
 21495            "200": {
 21496              "description": "A list of chunk timers",
 21497              "examples": {
 21498                "application/json": [
 21499                  {
 21500                    "structure_id": 1000000010579,
 21501                    "moon_id": 40307229,
 21502                    "extraction_start_time": "2017-10-11T10:37:04Z",
 21503                    "chunk_arrival_time": "2017-10-17T11:00:59Z",
 21504                    "natural_decay_time": "2017-10-17T14:00:59Z"
 21505                  }
 21506                ]
 21507              },
 21508              "schema": {
 21509                "type": "array",
 21510                "maxItems": 1000,
 21511                "items": {
 21512                  "type": "object",
 21513                  "required": [
 21514                    "structure_id",
 21515                    "moon_id",
 21516                    "extraction_start_time",
 21517                    "chunk_arrival_time",
 21518                    "natural_decay_time"
 21519                  ],
 21520                  "properties": {
 21521                    "structure_id": {
 21522                      "type": "integer",
 21523                      "format": "int64",
 21524                      "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_extractions_structure_id",
 21525                      "description": "structure_id integer"
 21526                    },
 21527                    "moon_id": {
 21528                      "type": "integer",
 21529                      "format": "int32",
 21530                      "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_extractions_moon_id",
 21531                      "description": "moon_id integer"
 21532                    },
 21533                    "extraction_start_time": {
 21534                      "description": "The time at which the current extraction was initiated.\n",
 21535                      "type": "string",
 21536                      "format": "date-time",
 21537                      "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_extractions_extraction_start_time"
 21538                    },
 21539                    "chunk_arrival_time": {
 21540                      "description": "The time at which the chunk being extracted will arrive and can be fractured by the moon mining drill.\n",
 21541                      "type": "string",
 21542                      "format": "date-time",
 21543                      "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_extractions_chunk_arrival_time"
 21544                    },
 21545                    "natural_decay_time": {
 21546                      "description": "The time at which the chunk being extracted will naturally fracture if it is not first fractured by the moon mining drill.\n",
 21547                      "type": "string",
 21548                      "format": "date-time",
 21549                      "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_extractions_natural_decay_time"
 21550                    }
 21551                  },
 21552                  "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_extractions_200_ok",
 21553                  "description": "200 ok object"
 21554                },
 21555                "title": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_extractions_ok",
 21556                "description": "200 ok array"
 21557              },
 21558              "headers": {
 21559                "Cache-Control": {
 21560                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 21561                  "type": "string"
 21562                },
 21563                "Last-Modified": {
 21564                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 21565                  "type": "string"
 21566                },
 21567                "Expires": {
 21568                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 21569                  "type": "string"
 21570                }
 21571              }
 21572            },
 21573            "403": {
 21574              "description": "Forbidden",
 21575              "schema": {
 21576                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 21577              },
 21578              "examples": {
 21579                "application/json": {
 21580                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 21581                }
 21582              }
 21583            },
 21584            "500": {
 21585              "description": "Internal server error",
 21586              "schema": {
 21587                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 21588              },
 21589              "examples": {
 21590                "application/json": {
 21591                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 21592                }
 21593              }
 21594            }
 21595          },
 21596          "x-required-roles": [
 21597            "Structure_manager"
 21598          ],
 21599          "security": [
 21600            {
 21601              "evesso": [
 21602                "esi-industry.read_corporation_mining.v1"
 21603              ]
 21604            }
 21605          ],
 21606          "operationId": "get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_extractions",
 21607          "x-cached-seconds": 1800,
 21608          "x-alternate-versions": [
 21609            "dev",
 21610            "legacy",
 21611            "v1"
 21612          ]
 21613        }
 21614      },
 21615      "/insurance/prices/": {
 21616        "get": {
 21617          "description": "Return available insurance levels for all ship types\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/insurance/prices/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/insurance/prices/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/insurance/prices/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 21618          "summary": "List insurance levels",
 21619          "tags": [
 21620            "Insurance"
 21621          ],
 21622          "responses": {
 21623            "200": {
 21624              "description": "A list of insurance levels for all ship types",
 21625              "examples": {
 21626                "application/json": [
 21627                  {
 21628                    "type_id": 1,
 21629                    "levels": [
 21630                      {
 21631                        "cost": 10.01,
 21632                        "payout": 20.01,
 21633                        "name": "Basic"
 21634                      }
 21635                    ]
 21636                  }
 21637                ]
 21638              },
 21639              "schema": {
 21640                "type": "array",
 21641                "maxItems": 1000,
 21642                "items": {
 21643                  "type": "object",
 21644                  "required": [
 21645                    "type_id",
 21646                    "levels"
 21647                  ],
 21648                  "properties": {
 21649                    "type_id": {
 21650                      "type": "integer",
 21651                      "format": "int32",
 21652                      "title": "get_insurance_prices_type_id",
 21653                      "description": "type_id integer"
 21654                    },
 21655                    "levels": {
 21656                      "type": "array",
 21657                      "description": "A list of a available insurance levels for this ship type",
 21658                      "maxItems": 6,
 21659                      "items": {
 21660                        "type": "object",
 21661                        "required": [
 21662                          "cost",
 21663                          "payout",
 21664                          "name"
 21665                        ],
 21666                        "properties": {
 21667                          "cost": {
 21668                            "type": "number",
 21669                            "format": "float",
 21670                            "title": "get_insurance_prices_cost",
 21671                            "description": "cost number"
 21672                          },
 21673                          "payout": {
 21674                            "type": "number",
 21675                            "format": "float",
 21676                            "title": "get_insurance_prices_payout",
 21677                            "description": "payout number"
 21678                          },
 21679                          "name": {
 21680                            "type": "string",
 21681                            "description": "Localized insurance level",
 21682                            "title": "get_insurance_prices_name"
 21683                          }
 21684                        },
 21685                        "title": "get_insurance_prices_level",
 21686                        "description": "level object"
 21687                      },
 21688                      "title": "get_insurance_prices_levels"
 21689                    }
 21690                  },
 21691                  "title": "get_insurance_prices_200_ok",
 21692                  "description": "200 ok object"
 21693                },
 21694                "title": "get_insurance_prices_ok",
 21695                "description": "200 ok array"
 21696              },
 21697              "headers": {
 21698                "Content-Language": {
 21699                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 21700                  "type": "string",
 21701                  "enum": [
 21702                    "de",
 21703                    "en-us",
 21704                    "fr",
 21705                    "ja",
 21706                    "ru",
 21707                    "zh"
 21708                  ]
 21709                },
 21710                "Cache-Control": {
 21711                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 21712                  "type": "string"
 21713                },
 21714                "Last-Modified": {
 21715                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 21716                  "type": "string"
 21717                },
 21718                "Expires": {
 21719                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 21720                  "type": "string"
 21721                }
 21722              }
 21723            },
 21724            "500": {
 21725              "description": "Internal server error",
 21726              "schema": {
 21727                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 21728              },
 21729              "examples": {
 21730                "application/json": {
 21731                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 21732                }
 21733              }
 21734            }
 21735          },
 21736          "parameters": [
 21737            {
 21738              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 21739            },
 21740            {
 21741              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 21742            },
 21743            {
 21744              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 21745            },
 21746            {
 21747              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 21748            }
 21749          ],
 21750          "operationId": "get_insurance_prices",
 21751          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 21752          "x-alternate-versions": [
 21753            "dev",
 21754            "legacy",
 21755            "v1"
 21756          ]
 21757        }
 21758      },
 21759      "/killmails/{killmail_id}/{killmail_hash}/": {
 21760        "get": {
 21761          "description": "Return a single killmail from its ID and hash\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/killmails/{killmail_id}/{killmail_hash}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/killmails/{killmail_id}/{killmail_hash}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/killmails/{killmail_id}/{killmail_hash}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 1209600 seconds",
 21762          "summary": "Get a single killmail",
 21763          "tags": [
 21764            "Killmails"
 21765          ],
 21766          "parameters": [
 21767            {
 21768              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 21769            },
 21770            {
 21771              "name": "killmail_hash",
 21772              "in": "path",
 21773              "description": "The killmail hash for verification",
 21774              "required": true,
 21775              "type": "string"
 21776            },
 21777            {
 21778              "name": "killmail_id",
 21779              "in": "path",
 21780              "description": "The killmail ID to be queried",
 21781              "required": true,
 21782              "type": "integer",
 21783              "format": "int32"
 21784            },
 21785            {
 21786              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 21787            },
 21788            {
 21789              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 21790            }
 21791          ],
 21792          "responses": {
 21793            "200": {
 21794              "description": "A killmail",
 21795              "examples": {
 21796                "application/json": {
 21797                  "solar_system_id": 30002976,
 21798                  "killmail_id": 56733821,
 21799                  "killmail_time": "2016-10-22T17:13:36Z",
 21800                  "attackers": [
 21801                    {
 21802                      "ship_type_id": 17841,
 21803                      "faction_id": 500003,
 21804                      "corporation_id": 1000179,
 21805                      "character_id": 95810944,
 21806                      "weapon_type_id": 3074,
 21807                      "final_blow": true,
 21808                      "security_status": -0.3,
 21809                      "damage_done": 5745
 21810                    }
 21811                  ],
 21812                  "victim": {
 21813                    "alliance_id": 621338554,
 21814                    "damage_taken": 5745,
 21815                    "items": [
 21816                      {
 21817                        "singleton": 0,
 21818                        "item_type_id": 5973,
 21819                        "flag": 20,
 21820                        "quantity_dropped": 1
 21821                      }
 21822                    ],
 21823                    "character_id": 92796241,
 21824                    "ship_type_id": 17812,
 21825                    "corporation_id": 841363671,
 21826                    "position": {
 21827                      "y": 146704961490.90222,
 21828                      "x": 452186600569.4748,
 21829                      "z": 109514596532.54477
 21830                    }
 21831                  }
 21832                }
 21833              },
 21834              "schema": {
 21835                "type": "object",
 21836                "required": [
 21837                  "killmail_id",
 21838                  "killmail_time",
 21839                  "victim",
 21840                  "attackers",
 21841                  "solar_system_id"
 21842                ],
 21843                "properties": {
 21844                  "killmail_id": {
 21845                    "type": "integer",
 21846                    "format": "int32",
 21847                    "description": "ID of the killmail",
 21848                    "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_killmail_id"
 21849                  },
 21850                  "killmail_time": {
 21851                    "type": "string",
 21852                    "format": "date-time",
 21853                    "description": "Time that the victim was killed and the killmail generated\n",
 21854                    "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_killmail_time"
 21855                  },
 21856                  "victim": {
 21857                    "type": "object",
 21858                    "required": [
 21859                      "damage_taken",
 21860                      "ship_type_id"
 21861                    ],
 21862                    "properties": {
 21863                      "character_id": {
 21864                        "type": "integer",
 21865                        "format": "int32",
 21866                        "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_character_id",
 21867                        "description": "character_id integer"
 21868                      },
 21869                      "corporation_id": {
 21870                        "type": "integer",
 21871                        "format": "int32",
 21872                        "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_corporation_id",
 21873                        "description": "corporation_id integer"
 21874                      },
 21875                      "alliance_id": {
 21876                        "type": "integer",
 21877                        "format": "int32",
 21878                        "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_alliance_id",
 21879                        "description": "alliance_id integer"
 21880                      },
 21881                      "faction_id": {
 21882                        "type": "integer",
 21883                        "format": "int32",
 21884                        "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_faction_id",
 21885                        "description": "faction_id integer"
 21886                      },
 21887                      "damage_taken": {
 21888                        "type": "integer",
 21889                        "description": "How much total damage was taken by the victim\n",
 21890                        "format": "int32",
 21891                        "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_damage_taken"
 21892                      },
 21893                      "ship_type_id": {
 21894                        "type": "integer",
 21895                        "format": "int32",
 21896                        "description": "The ship that the victim was piloting and was destroyed\n",
 21897                        "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_ship_type_id"
 21898                      },
 21899                      "items": {
 21900                        "type": "array",
 21901                        "maxItems": 10000,
 21902                        "items": {
 21903                          "type": "object",
 21904                          "required": [
 21905                            "item_type_id",
 21906                            "singleton",
 21907                            "flag"
 21908                          ],
 21909                          "properties": {
 21910                            "item_type_id": {
 21911                              "type": "integer",
 21912                              "format": "int32",
 21913                              "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_item_type_id",
 21914                              "description": "item_type_id integer"
 21915                            },
 21916                            "quantity_destroyed": {
 21917                              "type": "integer",
 21918                              "description": "How many of the item were destroyed if any\n",
 21919                              "format": "int64",
 21920                              "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_quantity_destroyed"
 21921                            },
 21922                            "quantity_dropped": {
 21923                              "type": "integer",
 21924                              "description": "How many of the item were dropped if any\n",
 21925                              "format": "int64",
 21926                              "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_quantity_dropped"
 21927                            },
 21928                            "singleton": {
 21929                              "type": "integer",
 21930                              "format": "int32",
 21931                              "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_singleton",
 21932                              "description": "singleton integer"
 21933                            },
 21934                            "flag": {
 21935                              "type": "integer",
 21936                              "description": "Flag for the location of the item\n",
 21937                              "format": "int32",
 21938                              "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_flag"
 21939                            },
 21940                            "items": {
 21941                              "type": "array",
 21942                              "maxItems": 10000,
 21943                              "items": {
 21944                                "type": "object",
 21945                                "required": [
 21946                                  "item_type_id",
 21947                                  "singleton",
 21948                                  "flag"
 21949                                ],
 21950                                "properties": {
 21951                                  "item_type_id": {
 21952                                    "type": "integer",
 21953                                    "format": "int32",
 21954                                    "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_item_type_id",
 21955                                    "description": "item_type_id integer"
 21956                                  },
 21957                                  "quantity_destroyed": {
 21958                                    "type": "integer",
 21959                                    "format": "int64",
 21960                                    "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_quantity_destroyed",
 21961                                    "description": "quantity_destroyed integer"
 21962                                  },
 21963                                  "quantity_dropped": {
 21964                                    "type": "integer",
 21965                                    "format": "int64",
 21966                                    "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_quantity_dropped",
 21967                                    "description": "quantity_dropped integer"
 21968                                  },
 21969                                  "singleton": {
 21970                                    "type": "integer",
 21971                                    "format": "int32",
 21972                                    "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_singleton",
 21973                                    "description": "singleton integer"
 21974                                  },
 21975                                  "flag": {
 21976                                    "type": "integer",
 21977                                    "format": "int32",
 21978                                    "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_flag",
 21979                                    "description": "flag integer"
 21980                                  }
 21981                                },
 21982                                "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_item",
 21983                                "description": "item object"
 21984                              },
 21985                              "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_items",
 21986                              "description": "items array"
 21987                            }
 21988                          },
 21989                          "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_item",
 21990                          "description": "item object"
 21991                        },
 21992                        "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_items",
 21993                        "description": "items array"
 21994                      },
 21995                      "position": {
 21996                        "type": "object",
 21997                        "description": "Coordinates of the victim in Cartesian space relative to the Sun\n",
 21998                        "required": [
 21999                          "x",
 22000                          "y",
 22001                          "z"
 22002                        ],
 22003                        "properties": {
 22004                          "x": {
 22005                            "type": "number",
 22006                            "format": "double",
 22007                            "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_x",
 22008                            "description": "x number"
 22009                          },
 22010                          "y": {
 22011                            "type": "number",
 22012                            "format": "double",
 22013                            "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_y",
 22014                            "description": "y number"
 22015                          },
 22016                          "z": {
 22017                            "type": "number",
 22018                            "format": "double",
 22019                            "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_z",
 22020                            "description": "z number"
 22021                          }
 22022                        },
 22023                        "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_position"
 22024                      }
 22025                    },
 22026                    "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_victim",
 22027                    "description": "victim object"
 22028                  },
 22029                  "attackers": {
 22030                    "type": "array",
 22031                    "maxItems": 10000,
 22032                    "items": {
 22033                      "type": "object",
 22034                      "required": [
 22035                        "security_status",
 22036                        "final_blow",
 22037                        "damage_done"
 22038                      ],
 22039                      "properties": {
 22040                        "character_id": {
 22041                          "type": "integer",
 22042                          "format": "int32",
 22043                          "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_character_id",
 22044                          "description": "character_id integer"
 22045                        },
 22046                        "corporation_id": {
 22047                          "type": "integer",
 22048                          "format": "int32",
 22049                          "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_corporation_id",
 22050                          "description": "corporation_id integer"
 22051                        },
 22052                        "alliance_id": {
 22053                          "type": "integer",
 22054                          "format": "int32",
 22055                          "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_alliance_id",
 22056                          "description": "alliance_id integer"
 22057                        },
 22058                        "faction_id": {
 22059                          "type": "integer",
 22060                          "format": "int32",
 22061                          "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_faction_id",
 22062                          "description": "faction_id integer"
 22063                        },
 22064                        "security_status": {
 22065                          "type": "number",
 22066                          "format": "float",
 22067                          "description": "Security status for the attacker\n",
 22068                          "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_security_status"
 22069                        },
 22070                        "final_blow": {
 22071                          "type": "boolean",
 22072                          "description": "Was the attacker the one to achieve the final blow\n",
 22073                          "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_final_blow"
 22074                        },
 22075                        "damage_done": {
 22076                          "type": "integer",
 22077                          "format": "int32",
 22078                          "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_damage_done",
 22079                          "description": "damage_done integer"
 22080                        },
 22081                        "ship_type_id": {
 22082                          "type": "integer",
 22083                          "format": "int32",
 22084                          "description": "What ship was the attacker flying\n",
 22085                          "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_ship_type_id"
 22086                        },
 22087                        "weapon_type_id": {
 22088                          "type": "integer",
 22089                          "format": "int32",
 22090                          "description": "What weapon was used by the attacker for the kill\n",
 22091                          "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_weapon_type_id"
 22092                        }
 22093                      },
 22094                      "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_attacker",
 22095                      "description": "attacker object"
 22096                    },
 22097                    "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_attackers",
 22098                    "description": "attackers array"
 22099                  },
 22100                  "solar_system_id": {
 22101                    "type": "integer",
 22102                    "format": "int32",
 22103                    "description": "Solar system that the kill took place in\n",
 22104                    "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_solar_system_id"
 22105                  },
 22106                  "moon_id": {
 22107                    "type": "integer",
 22108                    "format": "int32",
 22109                    "description": "Moon if the kill took place at one",
 22110                    "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_moon_id"
 22111                  },
 22112                  "war_id": {
 22113                    "type": "integer",
 22114                    "format": "int32",
 22115                    "description": "War if the killmail is generated in relation to an official war\n",
 22116                    "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_war_id"
 22117                  }
 22118                },
 22119                "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_ok",
 22120                "description": "200 ok object"
 22121              },
 22122              "headers": {
 22123                "Cache-Control": {
 22124                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 22125                  "type": "string"
 22126                },
 22127                "Last-Modified": {
 22128                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 22129                  "type": "string"
 22130                },
 22131                "Expires": {
 22132                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 22133                  "type": "string"
 22134                }
 22135              }
 22136            },
 22137            "422": {
 22138              "description": "Invalid killmail_id and/or killmail_hash",
 22139              "schema": {
 22140                "type": "object",
 22141                "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_unprocessable_entity",
 22142                "description": "Unprocessable entity",
 22143                "properties": {
 22144                  "error": {
 22145                    "type": "string",
 22146                    "description": "Unprocessable entity message",
 22147                    "title": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash_422_unprocessable_entity"
 22148                  }
 22149                }
 22150              },
 22151              "examples": {
 22152                "application/json": {
 22153                  "error": "Unprocessable entity message"
 22154                }
 22155              }
 22156            },
 22157            "500": {
 22158              "description": "Internal server error",
 22159              "schema": {
 22160                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 22161              },
 22162              "examples": {
 22163                "application/json": {
 22164                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 22165                }
 22166              }
 22167            }
 22168          },
 22169          "operationId": "get_killmails_killmail_id_killmail_hash",
 22170          "x-cached-seconds": 1209600,
 22171          "x-alternate-versions": [
 22172            "dev",
 22173            "legacy",
 22174            "v1"
 22175          ]
 22176        }
 22177      },
 22178      "/characters/{character_id}/killmails/recent/": {
 22179        "get": {
 22180          "description": "Return a list of character's recent kills and losses\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/killmails/recent/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/killmails/recent/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/killmails/recent/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 120 seconds",
 22181          "summary": "Get character kills and losses",
 22182          "tags": [
 22183            "Killmails"
 22184          ],
 22185          "parameters": [
 22186            {
 22187              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 22188            },
 22189            {
 22190              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 22191            },
 22192            {
 22193              "name": "max_count",
 22194              "in": "query",
 22195              "description": "How many killmails to return at maximum",
 22196              "type": "integer",
 22197              "format": "int32",
 22198              "required": false,
 22199              "default": 50,
 22200              "maximum": 5000
 22201            },
 22202            {
 22203              "name": "max_kill_id",
 22204              "in": "query",
 22205              "description": "Only return killmails with ID smaller than this.\n",
 22206              "required": false,
 22207              "type": "integer",
 22208              "format": "int32"
 22209            },
 22210            {
 22211              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 22212            },
 22213            {
 22214              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 22215            },
 22216            {
 22217              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 22218            }
 22219          ],
 22220          "responses": {
 22221            "200": {
 22222              "description": "A list of killmail IDs and hashes",
 22223              "examples": {
 22224                "application/json": [
 22225                  {
 22226                    "killmail_id": 2,
 22227                    "killmail_hash": "8eef5e8fb6b88fe3407c489df33822b2e3b57a5e"
 22228                  },
 22229                  {
 22230                    "killmail_id": 1,
 22231                    "killmail_hash": "b41ccb498ece33d64019f64c0db392aa3aa701fb"
 22232                  }
 22233                ]
 22234              },
 22235              "schema": {
 22236                "type": "array",
 22237                "maxItems": 5000,
 22238                "items": {
 22239                  "type": "object",
 22240                  "required": [
 22241                    "killmail_id",
 22242                    "killmail_hash"
 22243                  ],
 22244                  "properties": {
 22245                    "killmail_id": {
 22246                      "type": "integer",
 22247                      "format": "int32",
 22248                      "description": "ID of this killmail",
 22249                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_killmails_recent_killmail_id"
 22250                    },
 22251                    "killmail_hash": {
 22252                      "type": "string",
 22253                      "description": "A hash of this killmail",
 22254                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_killmails_recent_killmail_hash"
 22255                    }
 22256                  },
 22257                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_killmails_recent_200_ok",
 22258                  "description": "200 ok object"
 22259                },
 22260                "title": "get_characters_character_id_killmails_recent_ok",
 22261                "description": "200 ok array"
 22262              },
 22263              "headers": {
 22264                "Cache-Control": {
 22265                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 22266                  "type": "string"
 22267                },
 22268                "Last-Modified": {
 22269                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 22270                  "type": "string"
 22271                },
 22272                "Expires": {
 22273                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 22274                  "type": "string"
 22275                }
 22276              }
 22277            },
 22278            "403": {
 22279              "description": "Forbidden",
 22280              "schema": {
 22281                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 22282              },
 22283              "examples": {
 22284                "application/json": {
 22285                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 22286                }
 22287              }
 22288            },
 22289            "500": {
 22290              "description": "Internal server error",
 22291              "schema": {
 22292                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 22293              },
 22294              "examples": {
 22295                "application/json": {
 22296                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 22297                }
 22298              }
 22299            }
 22300          },
 22301          "security": [
 22302            {
 22303              "evesso": [
 22304                "esi-killmails.read_killmails.v1"
 22305              ]
 22306            }
 22307          ],
 22308          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_killmails_recent",
 22309          "x-cached-seconds": 120,
 22310          "x-alternate-versions": [
 22311            "dev",
 22312            "legacy",
 22313            "v1"
 22314          ]
 22315        }
 22316      },
 22317      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/killmails/recent/": {
 22318        "get": {
 22319          "description": "Get a list of corporation's recent kills and losses\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/killmails/recent/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/killmails/recent/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/killmails/recent/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
 22320          "summary": "Get corporation kills and losses",
 22321          "tags": [
 22322            "Killmails"
 22323          ],
 22324          "parameters": [
 22325            {
 22326              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 22327            },
 22328            {
 22329              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 22330            },
 22331            {
 22332              "name": "max_kill_id",
 22333              "in": "query",
 22334              "description": "Only return killmails with ID smaller than this",
 22335              "required": false,
 22336              "type": "integer",
 22337              "format": "int32"
 22338            },
 22339            {
 22340              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 22341            },
 22342            {
 22343              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 22344            },
 22345            {
 22346              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 22347            }
 22348          ],
 22349          "responses": {
 22350            "200": {
 22351              "description": "A list of killmail IDs and hashes",
 22352              "examples": {
 22353                "application/json": [
 22354                  {
 22355                    "killmail_id": 2,
 22356                    "killmail_hash": "8eef5e8fb6b88fe3407c489df33822b2e3b57a5e"
 22357                  },
 22358                  {
 22359                    "killmail_id": 1,
 22360                    "killmail_hash": "b41ccb498ece33d64019f64c0db392aa3aa701fb"
 22361                  }
 22362                ]
 22363              },
 22364              "schema": {
 22365                "type": "array",
 22366                "maxItems": 1000,
 22367                "items": {
 22368                  "type": "object",
 22369                  "required": [
 22370                    "killmail_id",
 22371                    "killmail_hash"
 22372                  ],
 22373                  "properties": {
 22374                    "killmail_id": {
 22375                      "type": "integer",
 22376                      "format": "int32",
 22377                      "description": "ID of this killmail",
 22378                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_killmails_recent_killmail_id"
 22379                    },
 22380                    "killmail_hash": {
 22381                      "type": "string",
 22382                      "description": "A hash of this killmail",
 22383                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_killmails_recent_killmail_hash"
 22384                    }
 22385                  },
 22386                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_killmails_recent_200_ok",
 22387                  "description": "200 ok object"
 22388                },
 22389                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_killmails_recent_ok",
 22390                "description": "200 ok array"
 22391              },
 22392              "headers": {
 22393                "Cache-Control": {
 22394                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 22395                  "type": "string"
 22396                },
 22397                "Last-Modified": {
 22398                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 22399                  "type": "string"
 22400                },
 22401                "Expires": {
 22402                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 22403                  "type": "string"
 22404                }
 22405              }
 22406            },
 22407            "403": {
 22408              "description": "Forbidden",
 22409              "schema": {
 22410                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 22411              },
 22412              "examples": {
 22413                "application/json": {
 22414                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 22415                }
 22416              }
 22417            },
 22418            "500": {
 22419              "description": "Internal server error",
 22420              "schema": {
 22421                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 22422              },
 22423              "examples": {
 22424                "application/json": {
 22425                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 22426                }
 22427              }
 22428            }
 22429          },
 22430          "x-required-roles": [
 22431            "Director"
 22432          ],
 22433          "security": [
 22434            {
 22435              "evesso": [
 22436                "esi-killmails.read_corporation_killmails.v1"
 22437              ]
 22438            }
 22439          ],
 22440          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_killmails_recent",
 22441          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
 22442          "x-alternate-versions": [
 22443            "dev",
 22444            "legacy",
 22445            "v1"
 22446          ]
 22447        }
 22448      },
 22449      "/characters/{character_id}/location/": {
 22450        "get": {
 22451          "description": "Information about the characters current location. Returns the current solar system id, and also the current station or structure ID if applicable.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/location/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/location/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/location/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 5 seconds",
 22452          "summary": "Get character location",
 22453          "tags": [
 22454            "Location"
 22455          ],
 22456          "parameters": [
 22457            {
 22458              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 22459            },
 22460            {
 22461              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 22462            },
 22463            {
 22464              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 22465            },
 22466            {
 22467              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 22468            },
 22469            {
 22470              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 22471            }
 22472          ],
 22473          "responses": {
 22474            "200": {
 22475              "description": "Information about the characters current location. Returns the current solar system id, and also the current station or structure ID if applicable.",
 22476              "examples": {
 22477                "application/json": {
 22478                  "solar_system_id": 30002505,
 22479                  "structure_id": 1000000016989
 22480                }
 22481              },
 22482              "schema": {
 22483                "type": "object",
 22484                "required": [
 22485                  "solar_system_id"
 22486                ],
 22487                "properties": {
 22488                  "solar_system_id": {
 22489                    "type": "integer",
 22490                    "format": "int32",
 22491                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_location_solar_system_id",
 22492                    "description": "solar_system_id integer"
 22493                  },
 22494                  "station_id": {
 22495                    "type": "integer",
 22496                    "format": "int32",
 22497                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_location_station_id",
 22498                    "description": "station_id integer"
 22499                  },
 22500                  "structure_id": {
 22501                    "type": "integer",
 22502                    "format": "int64",
 22503                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_location_structure_id",
 22504                    "description": "structure_id integer"
 22505                  }
 22506                },
 22507                "title": "get_characters_character_id_location_ok",
 22508                "description": "200 ok object"
 22509              },
 22510              "headers": {
 22511                "Cache-Control": {
 22512                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 22513                  "type": "string"
 22514                },
 22515                "Last-Modified": {
 22516                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 22517                  "type": "string"
 22518                },
 22519                "Expires": {
 22520                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 22521                  "type": "string"
 22522                }
 22523              }
 22524            },
 22525            "403": {
 22526              "description": "Forbidden",
 22527              "schema": {
 22528                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 22529              },
 22530              "examples": {
 22531                "application/json": {
 22532                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 22533                }
 22534              }
 22535            },
 22536            "500": {
 22537              "description": "Internal server error",
 22538              "schema": {
 22539                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 22540              },
 22541              "examples": {
 22542                "application/json": {
 22543                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 22544                }
 22545              }
 22546            }
 22547          },
 22548          "security": [
 22549            {
 22550              "evesso": [
 22551                "esi-location.read_location.v1"
 22552              ]
 22553            }
 22554          ],
 22555          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_location",
 22556          "x-cached-seconds": 5,
 22557          "x-alternate-versions": [
 22558            "dev",
 22559            "legacy",
 22560            "v1"
 22561          ]
 22562        }
 22563      },
 22564      "/characters/{character_id}/ship/": {
 22565        "get": {
 22566          "description": "Get the current ship type, name and id\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/ship/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/ship/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/ship/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 5 seconds",
 22567          "summary": "Get current ship",
 22568          "tags": [
 22569            "Location"
 22570          ],
 22571          "parameters": [
 22572            {
 22573              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 22574            },
 22575            {
 22576              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 22577            },
 22578            {
 22579              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 22580            },
 22581            {
 22582              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 22583            },
 22584            {
 22585              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 22586            }
 22587          ],
 22588          "responses": {
 22589            "200": {
 22590              "description": "Get the current ship type, name and id",
 22591              "examples": {
 22592                "application/json": {
 22593                  "ship_type_id": 1233,
 22594                  "ship_name": "SPACESHIPS!!!",
 22595                  "ship_item_id": 1000000016991
 22596                }
 22597              },
 22598              "schema": {
 22599                "type": "object",
 22600                "required": [
 22601                  "ship_type_id",
 22602                  "ship_item_id",
 22603                  "ship_name"
 22604                ],
 22605                "properties": {
 22606                  "ship_type_id": {
 22607                    "type": "integer",
 22608                    "format": "int32",
 22609                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_ship_ship_type_id",
 22610                    "description": "ship_type_id integer"
 22611                  },
 22612                  "ship_item_id": {
 22613                    "type": "integer",
 22614                    "format": "int64",
 22615                    "description": "Item id's are unique to a ship and persist until it is repackaged. This value can be used to track repeated uses of a ship, or detect when a pilot changes into a different instance of the same ship type.",
 22616                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_ship_ship_item_id"
 22617                  },
 22618                  "ship_name": {
 22619                    "type": "string",
 22620                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_ship_ship_name",
 22621                    "description": "ship_name string"
 22622                  }
 22623                },
 22624                "title": "get_characters_character_id_ship_ok",
 22625                "description": "200 ok object"
 22626              },
 22627              "headers": {
 22628                "Cache-Control": {
 22629                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 22630                  "type": "string"
 22631                },
 22632                "Last-Modified": {
 22633                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 22634                  "type": "string"
 22635                },
 22636                "Expires": {
 22637                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 22638                  "type": "string"
 22639                }
 22640              }
 22641            },
 22642            "403": {
 22643              "description": "Forbidden",
 22644              "schema": {
 22645                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 22646              },
 22647              "examples": {
 22648                "application/json": {
 22649                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 22650                }
 22651              }
 22652            },
 22653            "500": {
 22654              "description": "Internal server error",
 22655              "schema": {
 22656                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 22657              },
 22658              "examples": {
 22659                "application/json": {
 22660                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 22661                }
 22662              }
 22663            }
 22664          },
 22665          "security": [
 22666            {
 22667              "evesso": [
 22668                "esi-location.read_ship_type.v1"
 22669              ]
 22670            }
 22671          ],
 22672          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_ship",
 22673          "x-cached-seconds": 5,
 22674          "x-alternate-versions": [
 22675            "dev",
 22676            "legacy",
 22677            "v1"
 22678          ]
 22679        }
 22680      },
 22681      "/characters/{character_id}/online/": {
 22682        "get": {
 22683          "description": "Checks if the character is currently online\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/online/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/online/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 60 seconds",
 22684          "summary": "Get character online",
 22685          "tags": [
 22686            "Location"
 22687          ],
 22688          "parameters": [
 22689            {
 22690              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 22691            },
 22692            {
 22693              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 22694            },
 22695            {
 22696              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 22697            },
 22698            {
 22699              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 22700            },
 22701            {
 22702              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 22703            }
 22704          ],
 22705          "responses": {
 22706            "200": {
 22707              "description": "Object describing the character's online status",
 22708              "examples": {
 22709                "application/json": {
 22710                  "online": true,
 22711                  "last_login": "2017-01-02T03:04:05Z",
 22712                  "last_logout": "2017-01-02T04:05:06Z",
 22713                  "logins": 9001
 22714                }
 22715              },
 22716              "schema": {
 22717                "type": "object",
 22718                "required": [
 22719                  "online"
 22720                ],
 22721                "properties": {
 22722                  "online": {
 22723                    "type": "boolean",
 22724                    "description": "If the character is online",
 22725                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_online_online"
 22726                  },
 22727                  "last_login": {
 22728                    "type": "string",
 22729                    "format": "date-time",
 22730                    "description": "Timestamp of the last login",
 22731                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_online_last_login"
 22732                  },
 22733                  "last_logout": {
 22734                    "type": "string",
 22735                    "format": "date-time",
 22736                    "description": "Timestamp of the last logout",
 22737                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_online_last_logout"
 22738                  },
 22739                  "logins": {
 22740                    "type": "integer",
 22741                    "format": "int32",
 22742                    "description": "Total number of times the character has logged in",
 22743                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_online_logins"
 22744                  }
 22745                },
 22746                "title": "get_characters_character_id_online_ok",
 22747                "description": "200 ok object"
 22748              },
 22749              "headers": {
 22750                "Cache-Control": {
 22751                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 22752                  "type": "string"
 22753                },
 22754                "Last-Modified": {
 22755                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 22756                  "type": "string"
 22757                },
 22758                "Expires": {
 22759                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 22760                  "type": "string"
 22761                }
 22762              }
 22763            },
 22764            "403": {
 22765              "description": "Forbidden",
 22766              "schema": {
 22767                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 22768              },
 22769              "examples": {
 22770                "application/json": {
 22771                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 22772                }
 22773              }
 22774            },
 22775            "500": {
 22776              "description": "Internal server error",
 22777              "schema": {
 22778                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 22779              },
 22780              "examples": {
 22781                "application/json": {
 22782                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 22783                }
 22784              }
 22785            }
 22786          },
 22787          "security": [
 22788            {
 22789              "evesso": [
 22790                "esi-location.read_online.v1"
 22791              ]
 22792            }
 22793          ],
 22794          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_online",
 22795          "x-cached-seconds": 60,
 22796          "x-alternate-versions": [
 22797            "dev",
 22798            "v2"
 22799          ]
 22800        }
 22801      },
 22802      "/loyalty/stores/{corporation_id}/offers/": {
 22803        "get": {
 22804          "description": "Return a list of offers from a specific corporation's loyalty store\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/loyalty/stores/{corporation_id}/offers/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/loyalty/stores/{corporation_id}/offers/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/loyalty/stores/{corporation_id}/offers/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 22805          "summary": "List loyalty store offers",
 22806          "tags": [
 22807            "Loyalty"
 22808          ],
 22809          "parameters": [
 22810            {
 22811              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 22812            },
 22813            {
 22814              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 22815            },
 22816            {
 22817              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 22818            },
 22819            {
 22820              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 22821            }
 22822          ],
 22823          "responses": {
 22824            "200": {
 22825              "description": "A list of offers",
 22826              "examples": {
 22827                "application/json": [
 22828                  {
 22829                    "offer_id": 1,
 22830                    "type_id": 123,
 22831                    "quantity": 1,
 22832                    "lp_cost": 100,
 22833                    "isk_cost": 0,
 22834                    "ak_cost": 35000,
 22835                    "required_items": []
 22836                  },
 22837                  {
 22838                    "offer_id": 2,
 22839                    "type_id": 1235,
 22840                    "quantity": 10,
 22841                    "lp_cost": 100,
 22842                    "isk_cost": 1000,
 22843                    "required_items": [
 22844                      {
 22845                        "type_id": 1234,
 22846                        "quantity": 10
 22847                      }
 22848                    ]
 22849                  }
 22850                ]
 22851              },
 22852              "schema": {
 22853                "type": "array",
 22854                "maxItems": 10000,
 22855                "items": {
 22856                  "type": "object",
 22857                  "required": [
 22858                    "offer_id",
 22859                    "type_id",
 22860                    "quantity",
 22861                    "lp_cost",
 22862                    "isk_cost",
 22863                    "required_items"
 22864                  ],
 22865                  "properties": {
 22866                    "offer_id": {
 22867                      "type": "integer",
 22868                      "format": "int32",
 22869                      "title": "get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers_offer_id",
 22870                      "description": "offer_id integer"
 22871                    },
 22872                    "type_id": {
 22873                      "type": "integer",
 22874                      "format": "int32",
 22875                      "title": "get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers_type_id",
 22876                      "description": "type_id integer"
 22877                    },
 22878                    "quantity": {
 22879                      "type": "integer",
 22880                      "format": "int32",
 22881                      "title": "get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers_quantity",
 22882                      "description": "quantity integer"
 22883                    },
 22884                    "lp_cost": {
 22885                      "type": "integer",
 22886                      "format": "int32",
 22887                      "title": "get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers_lp_cost",
 22888                      "description": "lp_cost integer"
 22889                    },
 22890                    "isk_cost": {
 22891                      "type": "integer",
 22892                      "format": "int64",
 22893                      "title": "get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers_isk_cost",
 22894                      "description": "isk_cost integer"
 22895                    },
 22896                    "ak_cost": {
 22897                      "description": "Analysis kredit cost",
 22898                      "type": "integer",
 22899                      "format": "int32",
 22900                      "title": "get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers_ak_cost"
 22901                    },
 22902                    "required_items": {
 22903                      "type": "array",
 22904                      "maxItems": 100,
 22905                      "items": {
 22906                        "type": "object",
 22907                        "required": [
 22908                          "type_id",
 22909                          "quantity"
 22910                        ],
 22911                        "properties": {
 22912                          "type_id": {
 22913                            "type": "integer",
 22914                            "format": "int32",
 22915                            "title": "get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers_type_id",
 22916                            "description": "type_id integer"
 22917                          },
 22918                          "quantity": {
 22919                            "type": "integer",
 22920                            "format": "int32",
 22921                            "title": "get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers_quantity",
 22922                            "description": "quantity integer"
 22923                          }
 22924                        },
 22925                        "title": "get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers_required_item",
 22926                        "description": "required_item object"
 22927                      },
 22928                      "title": "get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers_required_items",
 22929                      "description": "required_items array"
 22930                    }
 22931                  },
 22932                  "title": "get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers_200_ok",
 22933                  "description": "200 ok object"
 22934                },
 22935                "title": "get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers_ok",
 22936                "description": "200 ok array"
 22937              },
 22938              "headers": {
 22939                "Cache-Control": {
 22940                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 22941                  "type": "string"
 22942                },
 22943                "Last-Modified": {
 22944                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 22945                  "type": "string"
 22946                },
 22947                "Expires": {
 22948                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 22949                  "type": "string"
 22950                }
 22951              }
 22952            },
 22953            "404": {
 22954              "description": "No loyalty point store found for the provided corporation",
 22955              "schema": {
 22956                "type": "object",
 22957                "title": "get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers_not_found",
 22958                "description": "Not found",
 22959                "properties": {
 22960                  "error": {
 22961                    "type": "string",
 22962                    "description": "Not found message",
 22963                    "title": "get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers_404_not_found"
 22964                  }
 22965                }
 22966              },
 22967              "examples": {
 22968                "application/json": {
 22969                  "error": "Not found message"
 22970                }
 22971              }
 22972            },
 22973            "500": {
 22974              "description": "Internal server error",
 22975              "schema": {
 22976                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 22977              },
 22978              "examples": {
 22979                "application/json": {
 22980                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 22981                }
 22982              }
 22983            }
 22984          },
 22985          "operationId": "get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers",
 22986          "x-alternate-versions": [
 22987            "dev",
 22988            "legacy",
 22989            "v1"
 22990          ]
 22991        }
 22992      },
 22993      "/characters/{character_id}/loyalty/points/": {
 22994        "get": {
 22995          "description": "Return a list of loyalty points for all corporations the character has worked for\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/loyalty/points/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/loyalty/points/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/loyalty/points/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 22996          "summary": "Get loyalty points",
 22997          "tags": [
 22998            "Loyalty"
 22999          ],
 23000          "parameters": [
 23001            {
 23002              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 23003            },
 23004            {
 23005              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 23006            },
 23007            {
 23008              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 23009            },
 23010            {
 23011              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 23012            },
 23013            {
 23014              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 23015            }
 23016          ],
 23017          "responses": {
 23018            "200": {
 23019              "description": "A list of loyalty points",
 23020              "examples": {
 23021                "application/json": [
 23022                  {
 23023                    "corporation_id": 123,
 23024                    "loyalty_points": 100
 23025                  }
 23026                ]
 23027              },
 23028              "schema": {
 23029                "type": "array",
 23030                "maxItems": 500,
 23031                "items": {
 23032                  "type": "object",
 23033                  "required": [
 23034                    "corporation_id",
 23035                    "loyalty_points"
 23036                  ],
 23037                  "properties": {
 23038                    "corporation_id": {
 23039                      "type": "integer",
 23040                      "format": "int32",
 23041                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_loyalty_points_corporation_id",
 23042                      "description": "corporation_id integer"
 23043                    },
 23044                    "loyalty_points": {
 23045                      "type": "integer",
 23046                      "format": "int32",
 23047                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_loyalty_points_loyalty_points",
 23048                      "description": "loyalty_points integer"
 23049                    }
 23050                  },
 23051                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_loyalty_points_200_ok",
 23052                  "description": "200 ok object"
 23053                },
 23054                "title": "get_characters_character_id_loyalty_points_ok",
 23055                "description": "200 ok array"
 23056              },
 23057              "headers": {
 23058                "Cache-Control": {
 23059                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 23060                  "type": "string"
 23061                },
 23062                "Last-Modified": {
 23063                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 23064                  "type": "string"
 23065                },
 23066                "Expires": {
 23067                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 23068                  "type": "string"
 23069                }
 23070              }
 23071            },
 23072            "403": {
 23073              "description": "Forbidden",
 23074              "schema": {
 23075                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 23076              },
 23077              "examples": {
 23078                "application/json": {
 23079                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 23080                }
 23081              }
 23082            },
 23083            "500": {
 23084              "description": "Internal server error",
 23085              "schema": {
 23086                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 23087              },
 23088              "examples": {
 23089                "application/json": {
 23090                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 23091                }
 23092              }
 23093            }
 23094          },
 23095          "security": [
 23096            {
 23097              "evesso": [
 23098                "esi-characters.read_loyalty.v1"
 23099              ]
 23100            }
 23101          ],
 23102          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_loyalty_points",
 23103          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 23104          "x-alternate-versions": [
 23105            "dev",
 23106            "legacy",
 23107            "v1"
 23108          ]
 23109        }
 23110      },
 23111      "/characters/{character_id}/mail/": {
 23112        "get": {
 23113          "description": "Return the 50 most recent mail headers belonging to the character that match the query criteria. Queries can be filtered by label, and last_mail_id can be used to paginate backwards.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 30 seconds",
 23114          "summary": "Return mail headers",
 23115          "tags": [
 23116            "Mail"
 23117          ],
 23118          "parameters": [
 23119            {
 23120              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 23121            },
 23122            {
 23123              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 23124            },
 23125            {
 23126              "name": "labels",
 23127              "in": "query",
 23128              "required": false,
 23129              "description": "Fetch only mails that match one or more of the given labels",
 23130              "type": "array",
 23131              "uniqueItems": true,
 23132              "minItems": 1,
 23133              "maxItems": 25,
 23134              "items": {
 23135                "type": "integer",
 23136                "format": "int64",
 23137                "minimum": 0
 23138              }
 23139            },
 23140            {
 23141              "name": "last_mail_id",
 23142              "in": "query",
 23143              "description": "List only mail with an ID lower than the given ID, if present",
 23144              "type": "integer",
 23145              "format": "int32"
 23146            },
 23147            {
 23148              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 23149            },
 23150            {
 23151              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 23152            },
 23153            {
 23154              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 23155            }
 23156          ],
 23157          "responses": {
 23158            "200": {
 23159              "description": "The requested mail",
 23160              "examples": {
 23161                "application/json": [
 23162                  {
 23163                    "mail_id": 7,
 23164                    "subject": "Title for EVE Mail",
 23165                    "from": 90000001,
 23166                    "timestamp": "2015-09-30T16:07:00Z",
 23167                    "labels": [
 23168                      3
 23169                    ],
 23170                    "recipients": [
 23171                      {
 23172                        "recipient_type": "character",
 23173                        "recipient_id": 90000002
 23174                      }
 23175                    ],
 23176                    "is_read": true
 23177                  }
 23178                ]
 23179              },
 23180              "schema": {
 23181                "type": "array",
 23182                "maxItems": 50,
 23183                "items": {
 23184                  "type": "object",
 23185                  "properties": {
 23186                    "mail_id": {
 23187                      "type": "integer",
 23188                      "format": "int64",
 23189                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id",
 23190                      "description": "mail_id integer"
 23191                    },
 23192                    "subject": {
 23193                      "type": "string",
 23194                      "description": "Mail subject",
 23195                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_subject"
 23196                    },
 23197                    "from": {
 23198                      "type": "integer",
 23199                      "format": "int32",
 23200                      "description": "From whom the mail was sent",
 23201                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_from"
 23202                    },
 23203                    "timestamp": {
 23204                      "type": "string",
 23205                      "format": "date-time",
 23206                      "description": "When the mail was sent",
 23207                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_timestamp"
 23208                    },
 23209                    "labels": {
 23210                      "type": "array",
 23211                      "uniqueItems": true,
 23212                      "maxItems": 25,
 23213                      "minimum": 0,
 23214                      "items": {
 23215                        "type": "integer",
 23216                        "format": "int64",
 23217                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_label",
 23218                        "description": "label integer"
 23219                      },
 23220                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_labels",
 23221                      "description": "labels array"
 23222                    },
 23223                    "recipients": {
 23224                      "type": "array",
 23225                      "description": "Recipients of the mail",
 23226                      "uniqueItems": true,
 23227                      "minItems": 1,
 23228                      "maxItems": 52,
 23229                      "items": {
 23230                        "type": "object",
 23231                        "required": [
 23232                          "recipient_type",
 23233                          "recipient_id"
 23234                        ],
 23235                        "properties": {
 23236                          "recipient_type": {
 23237                            "type": "string",
 23238                            "enum": [
 23239                              "alliance",
 23240                              "character",
 23241                              "corporation",
 23242                              "mailing_list"
 23243                            ],
 23244                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_recipient_type",
 23245                            "description": "recipient_type string"
 23246                          },
 23247                          "recipient_id": {
 23248                            "type": "integer",
 23249                            "format": "int32",
 23250                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_recipient_id",
 23251                            "description": "recipient_id integer"
 23252                          }
 23253                        },
 23254                        "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_recipient",
 23255                        "description": "recipient object"
 23256                      },
 23257                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_recipients"
 23258                    },
 23259                    "is_read": {
 23260                      "type": "boolean",
 23261                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_is_read",
 23262                      "description": "is_read boolean"
 23263                    }
 23264                  },
 23265                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_200_ok",
 23266                  "description": "200 ok object"
 23267                },
 23268                "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_ok",
 23269                "description": "200 ok array"
 23270              },
 23271              "headers": {
 23272                "Cache-Control": {
 23273                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 23274                  "type": "string"
 23275                },
 23276                "Last-Modified": {
 23277                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 23278                  "type": "string"
 23279                },
 23280                "Expires": {
 23281                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 23282                  "type": "string"
 23283                }
 23284              }
 23285            },
 23286            "403": {
 23287              "description": "Forbidden",
 23288              "schema": {
 23289                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 23290              },
 23291              "examples": {
 23292                "application/json": {
 23293                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 23294                }
 23295              }
 23296            },
 23297            "500": {
 23298              "description": "Internal server error",
 23299              "schema": {
 23300                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 23301              },
 23302              "examples": {
 23303                "application/json": {
 23304                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 23305                }
 23306              }
 23307            }
 23308          },
 23309          "security": [
 23310            {
 23311              "evesso": [
 23312                "esi-mail.read_mail.v1"
 23313              ]
 23314            }
 23315          ],
 23316          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_mail",
 23317          "x-cached-seconds": 30,
 23318          "x-alternate-versions": [
 23319            "dev",
 23320            "legacy",
 23321            "v1"
 23322          ]
 23323        },
 23324        "post": {
 23325          "description": "Create and send a new mail\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/`\n",
 23326          "summary": "Send a new mail",
 23327          "tags": [
 23328            "Mail"
 23329          ],
 23330          "parameters": [
 23331            {
 23332              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 23333            },
 23334            {
 23335              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 23336            },
 23337            {
 23338              "name": "mail",
 23339              "in": "body",
 23340              "required": true,
 23341              "description": "The mail to send",
 23342              "schema": {
 23343                "type": "object",
 23344                "required": [
 23345                  "recipients",
 23346                  "subject",
 23347                  "body"
 23348                ],
 23349                "properties": {
 23350                  "recipients": {
 23351                    "type": "array",
 23352                    "minItems": 1,
 23353                    "maxItems": 50,
 23354                    "items": {
 23355                      "type": "object",
 23356                      "required": [
 23357                        "recipient_type",
 23358                        "recipient_id"
 23359                      ],
 23360                      "properties": {
 23361                        "recipient_type": {
 23362                          "type": "string",
 23363                          "enum": [
 23364                            "alliance",
 23365                            "character",
 23366                            "corporation",
 23367                            "mailing_list"
 23368                          ],
 23369                          "title": "post_characters_character_id_mail_recipient_type",
 23370                          "description": "recipient_type string"
 23371                        },
 23372                        "recipient_id": {
 23373                          "type": "integer",
 23374                          "format": "int32",
 23375                          "title": "post_characters_character_id_mail_recipient_id",
 23376                          "description": "recipient_id integer"
 23377                        }
 23378                      },
 23379                      "title": "post_characters_character_id_mail_recipient",
 23380                      "description": "recipient object"
 23381                    },
 23382                    "title": "post_characters_character_id_mail_recipients",
 23383                    "description": "recipients array"
 23384                  },
 23385                  "subject": {
 23386                    "type": "string",
 23387                    "maxLength": 1000,
 23388                    "title": "post_characters_character_id_mail_subject",
 23389                    "description": "subject string"
 23390                  },
 23391                  "body": {
 23392                    "type": "string",
 23393                    "maxLength": 10000,
 23394                    "title": "post_characters_character_id_mail_body",
 23395                    "description": "body string"
 23396                  },
 23397                  "approved_cost": {
 23398                    "type": "integer",
 23399                    "format": "int64",
 23400                    "default": 0,
 23401                    "title": "post_characters_character_id_mail_approved_cost",
 23402                    "description": "approved_cost integer"
 23403                  }
 23404                },
 23405                "title": "post_characters_character_id_mail_mail",
 23406                "description": "mail object"
 23407              }
 23408            },
 23409            {
 23410              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 23411            },
 23412            {
 23413              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 23414            },
 23415            {
 23416              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 23417            }
 23418          ],
 23419          "responses": {
 23420            "201": {
 23421              "description": "Mail created",
 23422              "examples": {
 23423                "application/json": 13
 23424              },
 23425              "schema": {
 23426                "type": "integer",
 23427                "format": "int32",
 23428                "description": "Mail ID",
 23429                "title": "post_characters_character_id_mail_created"
 23430              }
 23431            },
 23432            "400": {
 23433              "description": "Only one corporation, alliance, or mailing list can be the recipient of a mail",
 23434              "schema": {
 23435                "type": "object",
 23436                "title": "post_characters_character_id_mail_bad_request",
 23437                "description": "Bad request",
 23438                "properties": {
 23439                  "error": {
 23440                    "type": "string",
 23441                    "description": "Bad request message",
 23442                    "title": "post_characters_character_id_mail_400_bad_request"
 23443                  }
 23444                }
 23445              },
 23446              "examples": {
 23447                "application/json": {
 23448                  "error": "Bad request message"
 23449                }
 23450              }
 23451            },
 23452            "403": {
 23453              "description": "Forbidden",
 23454              "schema": {
 23455                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 23456              },
 23457              "examples": {
 23458                "application/json": {
 23459                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 23460                }
 23461              }
 23462            },
 23463            "500": {
 23464              "description": "Internal server error",
 23465              "schema": {
 23466                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 23467              },
 23468              "examples": {
 23469                "application/json": {
 23470                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 23471                }
 23472              }
 23473            }
 23474          },
 23475          "security": [
 23476            {
 23477              "evesso": [
 23478                "esi-mail.send_mail.v1"
 23479              ]
 23480            }
 23481          ],
 23482          "operationId": "post_characters_character_id_mail",
 23483          "x-alternate-versions": [
 23484            "dev",
 23485            "legacy",
 23486            "v1"
 23487          ]
 23488        }
 23489      },
 23490      "/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/": {
 23491        "get": {
 23492          "description": "Return a list of the users mail labels, unread counts for each label and a total unread count.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v3/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 30 seconds",
 23493          "summary": "Get mail labels and unread counts",
 23494          "tags": [
 23495            "Mail"
 23496          ],
 23497          "parameters": [
 23498            {
 23499              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 23500            },
 23501            {
 23502              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 23503            },
 23504            {
 23505              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 23506            },
 23507            {
 23508              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 23509            },
 23510            {
 23511              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 23512            }
 23513          ],
 23514          "responses": {
 23515            "200": {
 23516              "description": "A list of mail labels and unread counts",
 23517              "examples": {
 23518                "application/json": {
 23519                  "total_unread_count": 5,
 23520                  "labels": [
 23521                    {
 23522                      "label_id": 16,
 23523                      "name": "PINK",
 23524                      "color_hex": "#660066",
 23525                      "unread_count": 4
 23526                    },
 23527                    {
 23528                      "label_id": 17,
 23529                      "name": "WHITE",
 23530                      "color_hex": "#ffffff",
 23531                      "unread_count": 1
 23532                    }
 23533                  ]
 23534                }
 23535              },
 23536              "schema": {
 23537                "type": "object",
 23538                "properties": {
 23539                  "total_unread_count": {
 23540                    "type": "integer",
 23541                    "format": "int32",
 23542                    "minimum": 0,
 23543                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_labels_total_unread_count",
 23544                    "description": "total_unread_count integer"
 23545                  },
 23546                  "labels": {
 23547                    "type": "array",
 23548                    "maxItems": 30,
 23549                    "items": {
 23550                      "type": "object",
 23551                      "properties": {
 23552                        "unread_count": {
 23553                          "type": "integer",
 23554                          "format": "int32",
 23555                          "minimum": 0,
 23556                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_labels_unread_count",
 23557                          "description": "unread_count integer"
 23558                        },
 23559                        "label_id": {
 23560                          "type": "integer",
 23561                          "format": "int32",
 23562                          "minimum": 0,
 23563                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_labels_label_id",
 23564                          "description": "label_id integer"
 23565                        },
 23566                        "name": {
 23567                          "type": "string",
 23568                          "maxLength": 40,
 23569                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_labels_name",
 23570                          "description": "name string"
 23571                        },
 23572                        "color": {
 23573                          "type": "string",
 23574                          "default": "#ffffff",
 23575                          "enum": [
 23576                            "#0000fe",
 23577                            "#006634",
 23578                            "#0099ff",
 23579                            "#00ff33",
 23580                            "#01ffff",
 23581                            "#349800",
 23582                            "#660066",
 23583                            "#666666",
 23584                            "#999999",
 23585                            "#99ffff",
 23586                            "#9a0000",
 23587                            "#ccff9a",
 23588                            "#e6e6e6",
 23589                            "#fe0000",
 23590                            "#ff6600",
 23591                            "#ffff01",
 23592                            "#ffffcd",
 23593                            "#ffffff"
 23594                          ],
 23595                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_labels_color",
 23596                          "description": "color string"
 23597                        }
 23598                      },
 23599                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_labels_label",
 23600                      "description": "label object"
 23601                    },
 23602                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_labels_labels",
 23603                    "description": "labels array"
 23604                  }
 23605                },
 23606                "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_labels_ok",
 23607                "description": "200 ok object"
 23608              },
 23609              "headers": {
 23610                "Cache-Control": {
 23611                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 23612                  "type": "string"
 23613                },
 23614                "Last-Modified": {
 23615                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 23616                  "type": "string"
 23617                },
 23618                "Expires": {
 23619                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 23620                  "type": "string"
 23621                }
 23622              }
 23623            },
 23624            "403": {
 23625              "description": "Forbidden",
 23626              "schema": {
 23627                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 23628              },
 23629              "examples": {
 23630                "application/json": {
 23631                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 23632                }
 23633              }
 23634            },
 23635            "500": {
 23636              "description": "Internal server error",
 23637              "schema": {
 23638                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 23639              },
 23640              "examples": {
 23641                "application/json": {
 23642                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 23643                }
 23644              }
 23645            }
 23646          },
 23647          "security": [
 23648            {
 23649              "evesso": [
 23650                "esi-mail.read_mail.v1"
 23651              ]
 23652            }
 23653          ],
 23654          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_mail_labels",
 23655          "x-cached-seconds": 30,
 23656          "x-alternate-versions": [
 23657            "dev",
 23658            "v3"
 23659          ]
 23660        },
 23661        "post": {
 23662          "description": "Create a mail label\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/`\n",
 23663          "summary": "Create a mail label",
 23664          "tags": [
 23665            "Mail"
 23666          ],
 23667          "parameters": [
 23668            {
 23669              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 23670            },
 23671            {
 23672              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 23673            },
 23674            {
 23675              "name": "label",
 23676              "description": "Label to create",
 23677              "in": "body",
 23678              "required": true,
 23679              "schema": {
 23680                "type": "object",
 23681                "required": [
 23682                  "name"
 23683                ],
 23684                "properties": {
 23685                  "name": {
 23686                    "type": "string",
 23687                    "minLength": 1,
 23688                    "maxLength": 40,
 23689                    "title": "post_characters_character_id_mail_labels_name",
 23690                    "description": "name string"
 23691                  },
 23692                  "color": {
 23693                    "type": "string",
 23694                    "description": "Hexadecimal string representing label color, in RGB format",
 23695                    "default": "#ffffff",
 23696                    "enum": [
 23697                      "#0000fe",
 23698                      "#006634",
 23699                      "#0099ff",
 23700                      "#00ff33",
 23701                      "#01ffff",
 23702                      "#349800",
 23703                      "#660066",
 23704                      "#666666",
 23705                      "#999999",
 23706                      "#99ffff",
 23707                      "#9a0000",
 23708                      "#ccff9a",
 23709                      "#e6e6e6",
 23710                      "#fe0000",
 23711                      "#ff6600",
 23712                      "#ffff01",
 23713                      "#ffffcd",
 23714                      "#ffffff"
 23715                    ],
 23716                    "title": "post_characters_character_id_mail_labels_color"
 23717                  }
 23718                },
 23719                "title": "post_characters_character_id_mail_labels_label",
 23720                "description": "label object"
 23721              }
 23722            },
 23723            {
 23724              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 23725            },
 23726            {
 23727              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 23728            },
 23729            {
 23730              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 23731            }
 23732          ],
 23733          "responses": {
 23734            "201": {
 23735              "description": "Label created",
 23736              "examples": {
 23737                "application/json": 128
 23738              },
 23739              "schema": {
 23740                "type": "integer",
 23741                "format": "int64",
 23742                "description": "Label ID",
 23743                "title": "post_characters_character_id_mail_labels_created"
 23744              }
 23745            },
 23746            "403": {
 23747              "description": "Forbidden",
 23748              "schema": {
 23749                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 23750              },
 23751              "examples": {
 23752                "application/json": {
 23753                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 23754                }
 23755              }
 23756            },
 23757            "500": {
 23758              "description": "Internal server error",
 23759              "schema": {
 23760                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 23761              },
 23762              "examples": {
 23763                "application/json": {
 23764                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 23765                }
 23766              }
 23767            }
 23768          },
 23769          "security": [
 23770            {
 23771              "evesso": [
 23772                "esi-mail.organize_mail.v1"
 23773              ]
 23774            }
 23775          ],
 23776          "operationId": "post_characters_character_id_mail_labels",
 23777          "x-alternate-versions": [
 23778            "dev",
 23779            "legacy",
 23780            "v2"
 23781          ]
 23782        }
 23783      },
 23784      "/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/{label_id}/": {
 23785        "delete": {
 23786          "description": "Delete a mail label\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/{label_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/{label_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/{label_id}/`\n",
 23787          "summary": "Delete a mail label",
 23788          "tags": [
 23789            "Mail"
 23790          ],
 23791          "parameters": [
 23792            {
 23793              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 23794            },
 23795            {
 23796              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 23797            },
 23798            {
 23799              "name": "label_id",
 23800              "in": "path",
 23801              "description": "An EVE label id",
 23802              "required": true,
 23803              "type": "integer",
 23804              "format": "int32"
 23805            },
 23806            {
 23807              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 23808            },
 23809            {
 23810              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 23811            },
 23812            {
 23813              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 23814            }
 23815          ],
 23816          "responses": {
 23817            "204": {
 23818              "description": "Label deleted"
 23819            },
 23820            "403": {
 23821              "description": "Forbidden",
 23822              "schema": {
 23823                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 23824              },
 23825              "examples": {
 23826                "application/json": {
 23827                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 23828                }
 23829              }
 23830            },
 23831            "422": {
 23832              "description": "Default labels cannot be deleted",
 23833              "schema": {
 23834                "type": "object",
 23835                "title": "delete_characters_character_id_mail_labels_label_id_unprocessable_entity",
 23836                "description": "Unprocessable entity",
 23837                "properties": {
 23838                  "error": {
 23839                    "type": "string",
 23840                    "description": "Unprocessable entity message",
 23841                    "title": "delete_characters_character_id_mail_labels_label_id_422_unprocessable_entity"
 23842                  }
 23843                }
 23844              },
 23845              "examples": {
 23846                "application/json": {
 23847                  "error": "Unprocessable entity message"
 23848                }
 23849              }
 23850            },
 23851            "500": {
 23852              "description": "Internal server error",
 23853              "schema": {
 23854                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 23855              },
 23856              "examples": {
 23857                "application/json": {
 23858                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 23859                }
 23860              }
 23861            }
 23862          },
 23863          "security": [
 23864            {
 23865              "evesso": [
 23866                "esi-mail.organize_mail.v1"
 23867              ]
 23868            }
 23869          ],
 23870          "operationId": "delete_characters_character_id_mail_labels_label_id",
 23871          "x-alternate-versions": [
 23872            "dev",
 23873            "legacy",
 23874            "v1"
 23875          ]
 23876        }
 23877      },
 23878      "/characters/{character_id}/mail/lists/": {
 23879        "get": {
 23880          "description": "Return all mailing lists that the character is subscribed to\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/lists/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/lists/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/lists/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 120 seconds",
 23881          "summary": "Return mailing list subscriptions",
 23882          "tags": [
 23883            "Mail"
 23884          ],
 23885          "parameters": [
 23886            {
 23887              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 23888            },
 23889            {
 23890              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 23891            },
 23892            {
 23893              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 23894            },
 23895            {
 23896              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 23897            },
 23898            {
 23899              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 23900            }
 23901          ],
 23902          "responses": {
 23903            "200": {
 23904              "description": "Mailing lists",
 23905              "examples": {
 23906                "application/json": [
 23907                  {
 23908                    "mailing_list_id": 1,
 23909                    "name": "test_mailing_list"
 23910                  }
 23911                ]
 23912              },
 23913              "schema": {
 23914                "type": "array",
 23915                "maxItems": 1000,
 23916                "items": {
 23917                  "type": "object",
 23918                  "required": [
 23919                    "mailing_list_id",
 23920                    "name"
 23921                  ],
 23922                  "properties": {
 23923                    "mailing_list_id": {
 23924                      "description": "Mailing list ID",
 23925                      "format": "int32",
 23926                      "type": "integer",
 23927                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_lists_mailing_list_id"
 23928                    },
 23929                    "name": {
 23930                      "type": "string",
 23931                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_lists_name",
 23932                      "description": "name string"
 23933                    }
 23934                  },
 23935                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_lists_200_ok",
 23936                  "description": "200 ok object"
 23937                },
 23938                "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_lists_ok",
 23939                "description": "200 ok array"
 23940              },
 23941              "headers": {
 23942                "Cache-Control": {
 23943                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 23944                  "type": "string"
 23945                },
 23946                "Last-Modified": {
 23947                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 23948                  "type": "string"
 23949                },
 23950                "Expires": {
 23951                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 23952                  "type": "string"
 23953                }
 23954              }
 23955            },
 23956            "403": {
 23957              "description": "Forbidden",
 23958              "schema": {
 23959                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 23960              },
 23961              "examples": {
 23962                "application/json": {
 23963                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 23964                }
 23965              }
 23966            },
 23967            "500": {
 23968              "description": "Internal server error",
 23969              "schema": {
 23970                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 23971              },
 23972              "examples": {
 23973                "application/json": {
 23974                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 23975                }
 23976              }
 23977            }
 23978          },
 23979          "security": [
 23980            {
 23981              "evesso": [
 23982                "esi-mail.read_mail.v1"
 23983              ]
 23984            }
 23985          ],
 23986          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_mail_lists",
 23987          "x-cached-seconds": 120,
 23988          "x-alternate-versions": [
 23989            "dev",
 23990            "legacy",
 23991            "v1"
 23992          ]
 23993        }
 23994      },
 23995      "/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/": {
 23996        "delete": {
 23997          "description": "Delete a mail\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`\n",
 23998          "summary": "Delete a mail",
 23999          "tags": [
 24000            "Mail"
 24001          ],
 24002          "parameters": [
 24003            {
 24004              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 24005            },
 24006            {
 24007              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 24008            },
 24009            {
 24010              "name": "mail_id",
 24011              "in": "path",
 24012              "description": "An EVE mail ID",
 24013              "required": true,
 24014              "type": "integer",
 24015              "format": "int32"
 24016            },
 24017            {
 24018              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 24019            },
 24020            {
 24021              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 24022            },
 24023            {
 24024              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 24025            }
 24026          ],
 24027          "responses": {
 24028            "204": {
 24029              "description": "Mail deleted"
 24030            },
 24031            "403": {
 24032              "description": "Forbidden",
 24033              "schema": {
 24034                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 24035              },
 24036              "examples": {
 24037                "application/json": {
 24038                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 24039                }
 24040              }
 24041            },
 24042            "500": {
 24043              "description": "Internal server error",
 24044              "schema": {
 24045                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 24046              },
 24047              "examples": {
 24048                "application/json": {
 24049                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 24050                }
 24051              }
 24052            }
 24053          },
 24054          "security": [
 24055            {
 24056              "evesso": [
 24057                "esi-mail.organize_mail.v1"
 24058              ]
 24059            }
 24060          ],
 24061          "operationId": "delete_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id",
 24062          "x-alternate-versions": [
 24063            "dev",
 24064            "legacy",
 24065            "v1"
 24066          ]
 24067        },
 24068        "get": {
 24069          "description": "Return the contents of an EVE mail\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 30 seconds",
 24070          "summary": "Return a mail",
 24071          "tags": [
 24072            "Mail"
 24073          ],
 24074          "parameters": [
 24075            {
 24076              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 24077            },
 24078            {
 24079              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 24080            },
 24081            {
 24082              "name": "mail_id",
 24083              "in": "path",
 24084              "description": "An EVE mail ID",
 24085              "required": true,
 24086              "type": "integer",
 24087              "format": "int32"
 24088            },
 24089            {
 24090              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 24091            },
 24092            {
 24093              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 24094            },
 24095            {
 24096              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 24097            }
 24098          ],
 24099          "responses": {
 24100            "200": {
 24101              "description": "Contents of a mail",
 24102              "examples": {
 24103                "application/json": {
 24104                  "subject": "test",
 24105                  "from": 90000001,
 24106                  "timestamp": "2015-09-30T16:07:00Z",
 24107                  "body": "blah blah blah",
 24108                  "labels": [
 24109                    2,
 24110                    32
 24111                  ],
 24112                  "read": true
 24113                }
 24114              },
 24115              "schema": {
 24116                "type": "object",
 24117                "properties": {
 24118                  "subject": {
 24119                    "type": "string",
 24120                    "description": "Mail subject",
 24121                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_subject"
 24122                  },
 24123                  "from": {
 24124                    "type": "integer",
 24125                    "format": "int32",
 24126                    "description": "From whom the mail was sent",
 24127                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_from"
 24128                  },
 24129                  "timestamp": {
 24130                    "type": "string",
 24131                    "format": "date-time",
 24132                    "description": "When the mail was sent",
 24133                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_timestamp"
 24134                  },
 24135                  "recipients": {
 24136                    "type": "array",
 24137                    "description": "Recipients of the mail",
 24138                    "uniqueItems": true,
 24139                    "minItems": 1,
 24140                    "maxItems": 52,
 24141                    "items": {
 24142                      "type": "object",
 24143                      "required": [
 24144                        "recipient_type",
 24145                        "recipient_id"
 24146                      ],
 24147                      "properties": {
 24148                        "recipient_type": {
 24149                          "type": "string",
 24150                          "enum": [
 24151                            "alliance",
 24152                            "character",
 24153                            "corporation",
 24154                            "mailing_list"
 24155                          ],
 24156                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_recipient_type",
 24157                          "description": "recipient_type string"
 24158                        },
 24159                        "recipient_id": {
 24160                          "type": "integer",
 24161                          "format": "int32",
 24162                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_recipient_id",
 24163                          "description": "recipient_id integer"
 24164                        }
 24165                      },
 24166                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_recipient",
 24167                      "description": "recipient object"
 24168                    },
 24169                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_recipients"
 24170                  },
 24171                  "body": {
 24172                    "type": "string",
 24173                    "description": "Mail's body",
 24174                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_body"
 24175                  },
 24176                  "labels": {
 24177                    "type": "array",
 24178                    "maxItems": 25,
 24179                    "description": "Labels attached to the mail",
 24180                    "items": {
 24181                      "type": "integer",
 24182                      "format": "int64",
 24183                      "uniqueItems": true,
 24184                      "minimum": 0,
 24185                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_label",
 24186                      "description": "label integer"
 24187                    },
 24188                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_labels"
 24189                  },
 24190                  "read": {
 24191                    "type": "boolean",
 24192                    "description": "Whether the mail is flagged as read",
 24193                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_read"
 24194                  }
 24195                },
 24196                "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_ok",
 24197                "description": "200 ok object"
 24198              },
 24199              "headers": {
 24200                "Cache-Control": {
 24201                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 24202                  "type": "string"
 24203                },
 24204                "Last-Modified": {
 24205                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 24206                  "type": "string"
 24207                },
 24208                "Expires": {
 24209                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 24210                  "type": "string"
 24211                }
 24212              }
 24213            },
 24214            "403": {
 24215              "description": "Forbidden",
 24216              "schema": {
 24217                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 24218              },
 24219              "examples": {
 24220                "application/json": {
 24221                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 24222                }
 24223              }
 24224            },
 24225            "404": {
 24226              "description": "Mail not found",
 24227              "schema": {
 24228                "type": "object",
 24229                "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_not_found",
 24230                "description": "Not found",
 24231                "properties": {
 24232                  "error": {
 24233                    "type": "string",
 24234                    "description": "Not found message",
 24235                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_404_not_found"
 24236                  }
 24237                }
 24238              },
 24239              "examples": {
 24240                "application/json": {
 24241                  "error": "Not found message"
 24242                }
 24243              }
 24244            },
 24245            "500": {
 24246              "description": "Internal server error",
 24247              "schema": {
 24248                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 24249              },
 24250              "examples": {
 24251                "application/json": {
 24252                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 24253                }
 24254              }
 24255            }
 24256          },
 24257          "security": [
 24258            {
 24259              "evesso": [
 24260                "esi-mail.read_mail.v1"
 24261              ]
 24262            }
 24263          ],
 24264          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id",
 24265          "x-cached-seconds": 30,
 24266          "x-alternate-versions": [
 24267            "dev",
 24268            "legacy",
 24269            "v1"
 24270          ]
 24271        },
 24272        "put": {
 24273          "description": "Update metadata about a mail\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/`\n",
 24274          "summary": "Update metadata about a mail",
 24275          "tags": [
 24276            "Mail"
 24277          ],
 24278          "parameters": [
 24279            {
 24280              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 24281            },
 24282            {
 24283              "name": "contents",
 24284              "in": "body",
 24285              "description": "Data used to update the mail",
 24286              "required": true,
 24287              "schema": {
 24288                "type": "object",
 24289                "properties": {
 24290                  "read": {
 24291                    "type": "boolean",
 24292                    "description": "Whether the mail is flagged as read",
 24293                    "title": "put_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_read"
 24294                  },
 24295                  "labels": {
 24296                    "type": "array",
 24297                    "maxItems": 25,
 24298                    "description": "Labels to assign to the mail. Pre-existing labels are unassigned.",
 24299                    "items": {
 24300                      "type": "integer",
 24301                      "format": "int64",
 24302                      "uniqueItems": true,
 24303                      "minimum": 0,
 24304                      "title": "put_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_label",
 24305                      "description": "label integer"
 24306                    },
 24307                    "title": "put_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_labels"
 24308                  }
 24309                },
 24310                "title": "put_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_contents",
 24311                "description": "contents object"
 24312              }
 24313            },
 24314            {
 24315              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 24316            },
 24317            {
 24318              "name": "mail_id",
 24319              "in": "path",
 24320              "description": "An EVE mail ID",
 24321              "required": true,
 24322              "type": "integer",
 24323              "format": "int32"
 24324            },
 24325            {
 24326              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 24327            },
 24328            {
 24329              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 24330            },
 24331            {
 24332              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 24333            }
 24334          ],
 24335          "responses": {
 24336            "204": {
 24337              "description": "Mail updated"
 24338            },
 24339            "400": {
 24340              "description": "Invalid label ID; or No parameters in body -- nothing to do",
 24341              "schema": {
 24342                "type": "object",
 24343                "title": "put_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_bad_request",
 24344                "description": "Bad request",
 24345                "properties": {
 24346                  "error": {
 24347                    "type": "string",
 24348                    "description": "Bad request message",
 24349                    "title": "put_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id_400_bad_request"
 24350                  }
 24351                }
 24352              },
 24353              "examples": {
 24354                "application/json": {
 24355                  "error": "Bad request message"
 24356                }
 24357              }
 24358            },
 24359            "403": {
 24360              "description": "Forbidden",
 24361              "schema": {
 24362                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 24363              },
 24364              "examples": {
 24365                "application/json": {
 24366                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 24367                }
 24368              }
 24369            },
 24370            "500": {
 24371              "description": "Internal server error",
 24372              "schema": {
 24373                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 24374              },
 24375              "examples": {
 24376                "application/json": {
 24377                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 24378                }
 24379              }
 24380            }
 24381          },
 24382          "security": [
 24383            {
 24384              "evesso": [
 24385                "esi-mail.organize_mail.v1"
 24386              ]
 24387            }
 24388          ],
 24389          "operationId": "put_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id",
 24390          "x-alternate-versions": [
 24391            "dev",
 24392            "legacy",
 24393            "v1"
 24394          ]
 24395        }
 24396      },
 24397      "/markets/prices/": {
 24398        "get": {
 24399          "description": "Return a list of prices\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/markets/prices/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/markets/prices/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/markets/prices/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 24400          "summary": "List market prices",
 24401          "tags": [
 24402            "Market"
 24403          ],
 24404          "responses": {
 24405            "200": {
 24406              "description": "A list of prices",
 24407              "examples": {
 24408                "application/json": [
 24409                  {
 24410                    "type_id": 32772,
 24411                    "average_price": 306292.67,
 24412                    "adjusted_price": 306988.09
 24413                  }
 24414                ]
 24415              },
 24416              "schema": {
 24417                "type": "array",
 24418                "maxItems": 20000,
 24419                "items": {
 24420                  "type": "object",
 24421                  "required": [
 24422                    "type_id"
 24423                  ],
 24424                  "properties": {
 24425                    "type_id": {
 24426                      "type": "integer",
 24427                      "format": "int32",
 24428                      "title": "get_markets_prices_type_id",
 24429                      "description": "type_id integer"
 24430                    },
 24431                    "average_price": {
 24432                      "type": "number",
 24433                      "format": "double",
 24434                      "title": "get_markets_prices_average_price",
 24435                      "description": "average_price number"
 24436                    },
 24437                    "adjusted_price": {
 24438                      "type": "number",
 24439                      "format": "double",
 24440                      "title": "get_markets_prices_adjusted_price",
 24441                      "description": "adjusted_price number"
 24442                    }
 24443                  },
 24444                  "title": "get_markets_prices_200_ok",
 24445                  "description": "200 ok object"
 24446                },
 24447                "title": "get_markets_prices_ok",
 24448                "description": "200 ok array"
 24449              },
 24450              "headers": {
 24451                "Cache-Control": {
 24452                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 24453                  "type": "string"
 24454                },
 24455                "Last-Modified": {
 24456                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 24457                  "type": "string"
 24458                },
 24459                "Expires": {
 24460                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 24461                  "type": "string"
 24462                }
 24463              }
 24464            },
 24465            "500": {
 24466              "description": "Internal server error",
 24467              "schema": {
 24468                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 24469              },
 24470              "examples": {
 24471                "application/json": {
 24472                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 24473                }
 24474              }
 24475            }
 24476          },
 24477          "parameters": [
 24478            {
 24479              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 24480            },
 24481            {
 24482              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 24483            },
 24484            {
 24485              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 24486            }
 24487          ],
 24488          "operationId": "get_markets_prices",
 24489          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 24490          "x-alternate-versions": [
 24491            "dev",
 24492            "legacy",
 24493            "v1"
 24494          ]
 24495        }
 24496      },
 24497      "/markets/{region_id}/orders/": {
 24498        "get": {
 24499          "description": "Return a list of orders in a region\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/markets/{region_id}/orders/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/markets/{region_id}/orders/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/markets/{region_id}/orders/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
 24500          "summary": "List orders in a region",
 24501          "tags": [
 24502            "Market"
 24503          ],
 24504          "parameters": [
 24505            {
 24506              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 24507            },
 24508            {
 24509              "name": "order_type",
 24510              "in": "query",
 24511              "description": "Filter buy/sell orders, return all orders by default. If you query without type_id, we always return both buy and sell orders.",
 24512              "required": true,
 24513              "type": "string",
 24514              "enum": [
 24515                "buy",
 24516                "sell",
 24517                "all"
 24518              ],
 24519              "default": "all"
 24520            },
 24521            {
 24522              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 24523            },
 24524            {
 24525              "name": "region_id",
 24526              "in": "path",
 24527              "description": "Return orders in this region",
 24528              "required": true,
 24529              "type": "integer",
 24530              "format": "int32"
 24531            },
 24532            {
 24533              "name": "type_id",
 24534              "in": "query",
 24535              "description": "Return orders only for this type",
 24536              "required": false,
 24537              "type": "integer",
 24538              "format": "int32"
 24539            },
 24540            {
 24541              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 24542            },
 24543            {
 24544              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 24545            }
 24546          ],
 24547          "responses": {
 24548            "200": {
 24549              "description": "A list of orders",
 24550              "examples": {
 24551                "application/json": [
 24552                  {
 24553                    "order_id": 4623824223,
 24554                    "type_id": 34,
 24555                    "location_id": 60005599,
 24556                    "volume_total": 2000000,
 24557                    "volume_remain": 1296000,
 24558                    "min_volume": 1,
 24559                    "price": 9.9,
 24560                    "is_buy_order": false,
 24561                    "duration": 90,
 24562                    "issued": "2016-09-03T05:12:25Z",
 24563                    "range": "region"
 24564                  }
 24565                ]
 24566              },
 24567              "schema": {
 24568                "type": "array",
 24569                "maxItems": 10000,
 24570                "items": {
 24571                  "type": "object",
 24572                  "required": [
 24573                    "order_id",
 24574                    "type_id",
 24575                    "location_id",
 24576                    "volume_total",
 24577                    "volume_remain",
 24578                    "min_volume",
 24579                    "price",
 24580                    "is_buy_order",
 24581                    "duration",
 24582                    "issued",
 24583                    "range"
 24584                  ],
 24585                  "properties": {
 24586                    "order_id": {
 24587                      "type": "integer",
 24588                      "format": "int64",
 24589                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_orders_order_id",
 24590                      "description": "order_id integer"
 24591                    },
 24592                    "type_id": {
 24593                      "type": "integer",
 24594                      "format": "int32",
 24595                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_orders_type_id",
 24596                      "description": "type_id integer"
 24597                    },
 24598                    "location_id": {
 24599                      "type": "integer",
 24600                      "format": "int64",
 24601                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_orders_location_id",
 24602                      "description": "location_id integer"
 24603                    },
 24604                    "volume_total": {
 24605                      "type": "integer",
 24606                      "format": "int32",
 24607                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_orders_volume_total",
 24608                      "description": "volume_total integer"
 24609                    },
 24610                    "volume_remain": {
 24611                      "type": "integer",
 24612                      "format": "int32",
 24613                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_orders_volume_remain",
 24614                      "description": "volume_remain integer"
 24615                    },
 24616                    "min_volume": {
 24617                      "type": "integer",
 24618                      "format": "int32",
 24619                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_orders_min_volume",
 24620                      "description": "min_volume integer"
 24621                    },
 24622                    "price": {
 24623                      "type": "number",
 24624                      "format": "double",
 24625                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_orders_price",
 24626                      "description": "price number"
 24627                    },
 24628                    "is_buy_order": {
 24629                      "type": "boolean",
 24630                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_orders_is_buy_order",
 24631                      "description": "is_buy_order boolean"
 24632                    },
 24633                    "duration": {
 24634                      "type": "integer",
 24635                      "format": "int32",
 24636                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_orders_duration",
 24637                      "description": "duration integer"
 24638                    },
 24639                    "issued": {
 24640                      "type": "string",
 24641                      "format": "date-time",
 24642                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_orders_issued",
 24643                      "description": "issued string"
 24644                    },
 24645                    "range": {
 24646                      "type": "string",
 24647                      "enum": [
 24648                        "station",
 24649                        "region",
 24650                        "solarsystem",
 24651                        "1",
 24652                        "2",
 24653                        "3",
 24654                        "4",
 24655                        "5",
 24656                        "10",
 24657                        "20",
 24658                        "30",
 24659                        "40"
 24660                      ],
 24661                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_orders_range",
 24662                      "description": "range string"
 24663                    }
 24664                  },
 24665                  "title": "get_markets_region_id_orders_200_ok",
 24666                  "description": "200 ok object"
 24667                },
 24668                "title": "get_markets_region_id_orders_ok",
 24669                "description": "200 ok array"
 24670              },
 24671              "headers": {
 24672                "X-Pages": {
 24673                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 24674                  "type": "integer",
 24675                  "format": "int32",
 24676                  "default": 1
 24677                },
 24678                "Cache-Control": {
 24679                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 24680                  "type": "string"
 24681                },
 24682                "Last-Modified": {
 24683                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 24684                  "type": "string"
 24685                },
 24686                "Expires": {
 24687                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 24688                  "type": "string"
 24689                }
 24690              }
 24691            },
 24692            "422": {
 24693              "description": "Not found",
 24694              "schema": {
 24695                "type": "object",
 24696                "title": "get_markets_region_id_orders_unprocessable_entity",
 24697                "description": "Unprocessable entity",
 24698                "properties": {
 24699                  "error": {
 24700                    "type": "string",
 24701                    "description": "Unprocessable entity message",
 24702                    "title": "get_markets_region_id_orders_422_unprocessable_entity"
 24703                  }
 24704                }
 24705              },
 24706              "examples": {
 24707                "application/json": {
 24708                  "error": "Unprocessable entity message"
 24709                }
 24710              }
 24711            },
 24712            "500": {
 24713              "description": "Internal server error",
 24714              "schema": {
 24715                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 24716              },
 24717              "examples": {
 24718                "application/json": {
 24719                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 24720                }
 24721              }
 24722            }
 24723          },
 24724          "operationId": "get_markets_region_id_orders",
 24725          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
 24726          "x-alternate-versions": [
 24727            "dev",
 24728            "legacy",
 24729            "v1"
 24730          ]
 24731        }
 24732      },
 24733      "/markets/{region_id}/history/": {
 24734        "get": {
 24735          "description": "Return a list of historical market statistics for the specified type in a region\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/markets/{region_id}/history/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/markets/{region_id}/history/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/markets/{region_id}/history/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 24736          "summary": "List historical market statistics in a region",
 24737          "tags": [
 24738            "Market"
 24739          ],
 24740          "parameters": [
 24741            {
 24742              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 24743            },
 24744            {
 24745              "name": "region_id",
 24746              "in": "path",
 24747              "description": "Return statistics in this region",
 24748              "required": true,
 24749              "type": "integer",
 24750              "format": "int32"
 24751            },
 24752            {
 24753              "name": "type_id",
 24754              "in": "query",
 24755              "description": "Return statistics for this type",
 24756              "required": true,
 24757              "type": "integer",
 24758              "format": "int32"
 24759            },
 24760            {
 24761              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 24762            },
 24763            {
 24764              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 24765            }
 24766          ],
 24767          "responses": {
 24768            "200": {
 24769              "description": "A list of historical market statistics",
 24770              "examples": {
 24771                "application/json": [
 24772                  {
 24773                    "date": "2015-05-01",
 24774                    "order_count": 2267,
 24775                    "volume": 16276782035,
 24776                    "highest": 5.27,
 24777                    "average": 5.25,
 24778                    "lowest": 5.11
 24779                  }
 24780                ]
 24781              },
 24782              "schema": {
 24783                "type": "array",
 24784                "maxItems": 500,
 24785                "items": {
 24786                  "type": "object",
 24787                  "required": [
 24788                    "date",
 24789                    "order_count",
 24790                    "volume",
 24791                    "highest",
 24792                    "average",
 24793                    "lowest"
 24794                  ],
 24795                  "properties": {
 24796                    "date": {
 24797                      "type": "string",
 24798                      "format": "date",
 24799                      "description": "The date of this historical statistic entry",
 24800                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_history_date"
 24801                    },
 24802                    "order_count": {
 24803                      "type": "integer",
 24804                      "format": "int64",
 24805                      "description": "Total number of orders happened that day",
 24806                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_history_order_count"
 24807                    },
 24808                    "volume": {
 24809                      "type": "integer",
 24810                      "format": "int64",
 24811                      "description": "Total",
 24812                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_history_volume"
 24813                    },
 24814                    "highest": {
 24815                      "type": "number",
 24816                      "format": "double",
 24817                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_history_highest",
 24818                      "description": "highest number"
 24819                    },
 24820                    "average": {
 24821                      "type": "number",
 24822                      "format": "double",
 24823                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_history_average",
 24824                      "description": "average number"
 24825                    },
 24826                    "lowest": {
 24827                      "type": "number",
 24828                      "format": "double",
 24829                      "title": "get_markets_region_id_history_lowest",
 24830                      "description": "lowest number"
 24831                    }
 24832                  },
 24833                  "title": "get_markets_region_id_history_200_ok",
 24834                  "description": "200 ok object"
 24835                },
 24836                "title": "get_markets_region_id_history_ok",
 24837                "description": "200 ok array"
 24838              },
 24839              "headers": {
 24840                "Cache-Control": {
 24841                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 24842                  "type": "string"
 24843                },
 24844                "Last-Modified": {
 24845                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 24846                  "type": "string"
 24847                },
 24848                "Expires": {
 24849                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 24850                  "type": "string"
 24851                }
 24852              }
 24853            },
 24854            "422": {
 24855              "description": "Not found",
 24856              "schema": {
 24857                "type": "object",
 24858                "title": "get_markets_region_id_history_unprocessable_entity",
 24859                "description": "Unprocessable entity",
 24860                "properties": {
 24861                  "error": {
 24862                    "type": "string",
 24863                    "description": "Unprocessable entity message",
 24864                    "title": "get_markets_region_id_history_422_unprocessable_entity"
 24865                  }
 24866                }
 24867              },
 24868              "examples": {
 24869                "application/json": {
 24870                  "error": "Unprocessable entity message"
 24871                }
 24872              }
 24873            },
 24874            "500": {
 24875              "description": "Internal server error",
 24876              "schema": {
 24877                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 24878              },
 24879              "examples": {
 24880                "application/json": {
 24881                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 24882                }
 24883              }
 24884            }
 24885          },
 24886          "operationId": "get_markets_region_id_history",
 24887          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 24888          "x-alternate-versions": [
 24889            "dev",
 24890            "legacy",
 24891            "v1"
 24892          ]
 24893        }
 24894      },
 24895      "/markets/structures/{structure_id}/": {
 24896        "get": {
 24897          "description": "Return all orders in a structure\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/markets/structures/{structure_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/markets/structures/{structure_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/markets/structures/{structure_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
 24898          "summary": "List orders in a structure",
 24899          "tags": [
 24900            "Market"
 24901          ],
 24902          "parameters": [
 24903            {
 24904              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 24905            },
 24906            {
 24907              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 24908            },
 24909            {
 24910              "name": "structure_id",
 24911              "in": "path",
 24912              "description": "Return orders in this structure",
 24913              "required": true,
 24914              "type": "integer",
 24915              "format": "int64"
 24916            },
 24917            {
 24918              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 24919            },
 24920            {
 24921              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 24922            },
 24923            {
 24924              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 24925            }
 24926          ],
 24927          "responses": {
 24928            "200": {
 24929              "description": "A list of orders",
 24930              "examples": {
 24931                "application/json": [
 24932                  {
 24933                    "order_id": 4623824223,
 24934                    "type_id": 34,
 24935                    "location_id": 1020988381992,
 24936                    "volume_total": 2000000,
 24937                    "volume_remain": 1296000,
 24938                    "min_volume": 1,
 24939                    "price": 9.9,
 24940                    "is_buy_order": false,
 24941                    "duration": 90,
 24942                    "issued": "2016-09-03T05:12:25Z",
 24943                    "range": "region"
 24944                  }
 24945                ]
 24946              },
 24947              "schema": {
 24948                "type": "array",
 24949                "maxItems": 5000,
 24950                "items": {
 24951                  "type": "object",
 24952                  "required": [
 24953                    "order_id",
 24954                    "type_id",
 24955                    "location_id",
 24956                    "volume_total",
 24957                    "volume_remain",
 24958                    "min_volume",
 24959                    "price",
 24960                    "is_buy_order",
 24961                    "duration",
 24962                    "issued",
 24963                    "range"
 24964                  ],
 24965                  "properties": {
 24966                    "order_id": {
 24967                      "type": "integer",
 24968                      "format": "int64",
 24969                      "title": "get_markets_structures_structure_id_order_id",
 24970                      "description": "order_id integer"
 24971                    },
 24972                    "type_id": {
 24973                      "type": "integer",
 24974                      "format": "int32",
 24975                      "title": "get_markets_structures_structure_id_type_id",
 24976                      "description": "type_id integer"
 24977                    },
 24978                    "location_id": {
 24979                      "type": "integer",
 24980                      "format": "int64",
 24981                      "title": "get_markets_structures_structure_id_location_id",
 24982                      "description": "location_id integer"
 24983                    },
 24984                    "volume_total": {
 24985                      "type": "integer",
 24986                      "format": "int32",
 24987                      "title": "get_markets_structures_structure_id_volume_total",
 24988                      "description": "volume_total integer"
 24989                    },
 24990                    "volume_remain": {
 24991                      "type": "integer",
 24992                      "format": "int32",
 24993                      "title": "get_markets_structures_structure_id_volume_remain",
 24994                      "description": "volume_remain integer"
 24995                    },
 24996                    "min_volume": {
 24997                      "type": "integer",
 24998                      "format": "int32",
 24999                      "title": "get_markets_structures_structure_id_min_volume",
 25000                      "description": "min_volume integer"
 25001                    },
 25002                    "price": {
 25003                      "type": "number",
 25004                      "format": "double",
 25005                      "title": "get_markets_structures_structure_id_price",
 25006                      "description": "price number"
 25007                    },
 25008                    "is_buy_order": {
 25009                      "type": "boolean",
 25010                      "title": "get_markets_structures_structure_id_is_buy_order",
 25011                      "description": "is_buy_order boolean"
 25012                    },
 25013                    "duration": {
 25014                      "type": "integer",
 25015                      "format": "int32",
 25016                      "title": "get_markets_structures_structure_id_duration",
 25017                      "description": "duration integer"
 25018                    },
 25019                    "issued": {
 25020                      "type": "string",
 25021                      "format": "date-time",
 25022                      "title": "get_markets_structures_structure_id_issued",
 25023                      "description": "issued string"
 25024                    },
 25025                    "range": {
 25026                      "type": "string",
 25027                      "enum": [
 25028                        "station",
 25029                        "region",
 25030                        "solarsystem",
 25031                        "1",
 25032                        "2",
 25033                        "3",
 25034                        "4",
 25035                        "5",
 25036                        "10",
 25037                        "20",
 25038                        "30",
 25039                        "40"
 25040                      ],
 25041                      "title": "get_markets_structures_structure_id_range",
 25042                      "description": "range string"
 25043                    }
 25044                  },
 25045                  "title": "get_markets_structures_structure_id_200_ok",
 25046                  "description": "200 ok object"
 25047                },
 25048                "title": "get_markets_structures_structure_id_ok",
 25049                "description": "200 ok array"
 25050              },
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 25052                "X-Pages": {
 25053                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 25054                  "type": "integer",
 25055                  "format": "int32",
 25056                  "default": 1
 25057                },
 25058                "Cache-Control": {
 25059                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 25060                  "type": "string"
 25061                },
 25062                "Last-Modified": {
 25063                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 25064                  "type": "string"
 25065                },
 25066                "Expires": {
 25067                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 25068                  "type": "string"
 25069                }
 25070              }
 25071            },
 25072            "403": {
 25073              "description": "Forbidden",
 25074              "schema": {
 25075                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 25076              },
 25077              "examples": {
 25078                "application/json": {
 25079                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 25080                }
 25081              }
 25082            },
 25083            "500": {
 25084              "description": "Internal server error",
 25085              "schema": {
 25086                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 25087              },
 25088              "examples": {
 25089                "application/json": {
 25090                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 25091                }
 25092              }
 25093            }
 25094          },
 25095          "security": [
 25096            {
 25097              "evesso": [
 25098                "esi-markets.structure_markets.v1"
 25099              ]
 25100            }
 25101          ],
 25102          "operationId": "get_markets_structures_structure_id",
 25103          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
 25104          "x-alternate-versions": [
 25105            "dev",
 25106            "legacy",
 25107            "v1"
 25108          ]
 25109        }
 25110      },
 25111      "/markets/groups/": {
 25112        "get": {
 25113          "description": "Get a list of item groups\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/markets/groups/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/markets/groups/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/markets/groups/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 25114          "summary": "Get item groups",
 25115          "tags": [
 25116            "Market"
 25117          ],
 25118          "responses": {
 25119            "200": {
 25120              "description": "A list of item group ids",
 25121              "examples": {
 25122                "application/json": [
 25123                  1,
 25124                  2,
 25125                  3
 25126                ]
 25127              },
 25128              "schema": {
 25129                "type": "array",
 25130                "maxItems": 5000,
 25131                "items": {
 25132                  "type": "integer",
 25133                  "format": "int32",
 25134                  "title": "get_markets_groups_200_ok",
 25135                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 25136                },
 25137                "title": "get_markets_groups_ok",
 25138                "description": "200 ok array"
 25139              },
 25140              "headers": {
 25141                "Cache-Control": {
 25142                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 25143                  "type": "string"
 25144                },
 25145                "Last-Modified": {
 25146                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 25147                  "type": "string"
 25148                },
 25149                "Expires": {
 25150                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 25151                  "type": "string"
 25152                }
 25153              }
 25154            },
 25155            "500": {
 25156              "description": "Internal server error",
 25157              "schema": {
 25158                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 25159              },
 25160              "examples": {
 25161                "application/json": {
 25162                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 25163                }
 25164              }
 25165            }
 25166          },
 25167          "parameters": [
 25168            {
 25169              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 25170            },
 25171            {
 25172              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 25173            },
 25174            {
 25175              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 25176            }
 25177          ],
 25178          "operationId": "get_markets_groups",
 25179          "x-alternate-versions": [
 25180            "dev",
 25181            "legacy",
 25182            "v1"
 25183          ]
 25184        }
 25185      },
 25186      "/markets/groups/{market_group_id}/": {
 25187        "get": {
 25188          "description": "Get information on an item group\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/markets/groups/{market_group_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/markets/groups/{market_group_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/markets/groups/{market_group_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 25189          "summary": "Get item group information",
 25190          "tags": [
 25191            "Market"
 25192          ],
 25193          "parameters": [
 25194            {
 25195              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 25196            },
 25197            {
 25198              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 25199            },
 25200            {
 25201              "name": "market_group_id",
 25202              "in": "path",
 25203              "description": "An Eve item group ID",
 25204              "required": true,
 25205              "type": "integer",
 25206              "format": "int32"
 25207            },
 25208            {
 25209              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 25210            },
 25211            {
 25212              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 25213            }
 25214          ],
 25215          "responses": {
 25216            "200": {
 25217              "description": "Information about an item group",
 25218              "examples": {
 25219                "application/json": {
 25220                  "market_group_id": 5,
 25221                  "name": "Standard Frigates",
 25222                  "description": "Small, fast vessels suited to a variety of purposes.",
 25223                  "types": [
 25224                    582,
 25225                    583
 25226                  ],
 25227                  "parent_group_id": 1361
 25228                }
 25229              },
 25230              "schema": {
 25231                "type": "object",
 25232                "required": [
 25233                  "market_group_id",
 25234                  "name",
 25235                  "description",
 25236                  "types"
 25237                ],
 25238                "properties": {
 25239                  "market_group_id": {
 25240                    "type": "integer",
 25241                    "format": "int32",
 25242                    "title": "get_markets_groups_market_group_id_market_group_id",
 25243                    "description": "market_group_id integer"
 25244                  },
 25245                  "name": {
 25246                    "type": "string",
 25247                    "title": "get_markets_groups_market_group_id_name",
 25248                    "description": "name string"
 25249                  },
 25250                  "description": {
 25251                    "type": "string",
 25252                    "title": "get_markets_groups_market_group_id_description",
 25253                    "description": "description string"
 25254                  },
 25255                  "types": {
 25256                    "type": "array",
 25257                    "maxItems": 5000,
 25258                    "items": {
 25259                      "type": "integer",
 25260                      "format": "int32",
 25261                      "title": "get_markets_groups_market_group_id_type",
 25262                      "description": "type integer"
 25263                    },
 25264                    "title": "get_markets_groups_market_group_id_types",
 25265                    "description": "types array"
 25266                  },
 25267                  "parent_group_id": {
 25268                    "type": "integer",
 25269                    "format": "int32",
 25270                    "title": "get_markets_groups_market_group_id_parent_group_id",
 25271                    "description": "parent_group_id integer"
 25272                  }
 25273                },
 25274                "title": "get_markets_groups_market_group_id_ok",
 25275                "description": "200 ok object"
 25276              },
 25277              "headers": {
 25278                "Content-Language": {
 25279                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 25280                  "type": "string",
 25281                  "enum": [
 25282                    "de",
 25283                    "en-us",
 25284                    "fr",
 25285                    "ja",
 25286                    "ru",
 25287                    "zh"
 25288                  ]
 25289                },
 25290                "Cache-Control": {
 25291                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 25292                  "type": "string"
 25293                },
 25294                "Last-Modified": {
 25295                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 25296                  "type": "string"
 25297                },
 25298                "Expires": {
 25299                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 25300                  "type": "string"
 25301                }
 25302              }
 25303            },
 25304            "404": {
 25305              "description": "Market group not found",
 25306              "schema": {
 25307                "type": "object",
 25308                "title": "get_markets_groups_market_group_id_not_found",
 25309                "description": "Not found",
 25310                "properties": {
 25311                  "error": {
 25312                    "type": "string",
 25313                    "description": "Not found message",
 25314                    "title": "get_markets_groups_market_group_id_404_not_found"
 25315                  }
 25316                }
 25317              },
 25318              "examples": {
 25319                "application/json": {
 25320                  "error": "Not found message"
 25321                }
 25322              }
 25323            },
 25324            "500": {
 25325              "description": "Internal server error",
 25326              "schema": {
 25327                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 25328              },
 25329              "examples": {
 25330                "application/json": {
 25331                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 25332                }
 25333              }
 25334            }
 25335          },
 25336          "operationId": "get_markets_groups_market_group_id",
 25337          "x-alternate-versions": [
 25338            "dev",
 25339            "legacy",
 25340            "v1"
 25341          ]
 25342        }
 25343      },
 25344      "/characters/{character_id}/orders/": {
 25345        "get": {
 25346          "summary": "List open orders from a character",
 25347          "description": "List market orders placed by a character\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/orders/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/orders/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\n[This route has an available update]({character_id}/orders/)",
 25348          "tags": [
 25349            "Market"
 25350          ],
 25351          "parameters": [
 25352            {
 25353              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 25354            },
 25355            {
 25356              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 25357            },
 25358            {
 25359              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 25360            },
 25361            {
 25362              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 25363            },
 25364            {
 25365              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 25366            }
 25367          ],
 25368          "responses": {
 25369            "200": {
 25370              "description": "Market orders placed by a character",
 25371              "examples": {
 25372                "application/json": [
 25373                  {
 25374                    "order_id": 123,
 25375                    "type_id": 456,
 25376                    "region_id": 123,
 25377                    "location_id": 456,
 25378                    "range": "station",
 25379                    "is_buy_order": true,
 25380                    "price": 33.3,
 25381                    "volume_total": 123456,
 25382                    "volume_remain": 4422,
 25383                    "issued": "2016-09-03T05:12:25Z",
 25384                    "state": "open",
 25385                    "min_volume": 1,
 25386                    "account_id": 1000,
 25387                    "duration": 30,
 25388                    "is_corp": false,
 25389                    "escrow": 45.6
 25390                  }
 25391                ]
 25392              },
 25393              "schema": {
 25394                "type": "array",
 25395                "maxItems": 500,
 25396                "items": {
 25397                  "type": "object",
 25398                  "required": [
 25399                    "order_id",
 25400                    "type_id",
 25401                    "region_id",
 25402                    "location_id",
 25403                    "range",
 25404                    "is_buy_order",
 25405                    "price",
 25406                    "volume_total",
 25407                    "volume_remain",
 25408                    "issued",
 25409                    "state",
 25410                    "min_volume",
 25411                    "account_id",
 25412                    "duration",
 25413                    "is_corp",
 25414                    "escrow"
 25415                  ],
 25416                  "properties": {
 25417                    "order_id": {
 25418                      "type": "integer",
 25419                      "format": "int64",
 25420                      "description": "Unique order ID",
 25421                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_order_id"
 25422                    },
 25423                    "type_id": {
 25424                      "type": "integer",
 25425                      "format": "int32",
 25426                      "description": "The type ID of the item transacted in this order",
 25427                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_type_id"
 25428                    },
 25429                    "region_id": {
 25430                      "type": "integer",
 25431                      "format": "int32",
 25432                      "description": "ID of the region where order was placed",
 25433                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_region_id"
 25434                    },
 25435                    "location_id": {
 25436                      "type": "integer",
 25437                      "format": "int64",
 25438                      "description": "ID of the location where order was placed",
 25439                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_location_id"
 25440                    },
 25441                    "range": {
 25442                      "type": "string",
 25443                      "description": "Valid order range, numbers are ranges in jumps",
 25444                      "enum": [
 25445                        "1",
 25446                        "10",
 25447                        "2",
 25448                        "20",
 25449                        "3",
 25450                        "30",
 25451                        "4",
 25452                        "40",
 25453                        "5",
 25454                        "region",
 25455                        "solarsystem",
 25456                        "station"
 25457                      ],
 25458                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_range"
 25459                    },
 25460                    "is_buy_order": {
 25461                      "type": "boolean",
 25462                      "description": "True for a bid (buy) order. False for an offer (sell) order",
 25463                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_is_buy_order"
 25464                    },
 25465                    "price": {
 25466                      "type": "number",
 25467                      "format": "double",
 25468                      "description": "Cost per unit for this order",
 25469                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_price"
 25470                    },
 25471                    "volume_total": {
 25472                      "type": "integer",
 25473                      "format": "int32",
 25474                      "description": "Quantity of items required or offered at time order was placed",
 25475                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_volume_total"
 25476                    },
 25477                    "volume_remain": {
 25478                      "type": "integer",
 25479                      "format": "int32",
 25480                      "description": "Quantity of items still required or offered",
 25481                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_volume_remain"
 25482                    },
 25483                    "issued": {
 25484                      "type": "string",
 25485                      "format": "date-time",
 25486                      "description": "Date and time when this order was issued",
 25487                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_issued"
 25488                    },
 25489                    "state": {
 25490                      "type": "string",
 25491                      "description": "Current order state",
 25492                      "enum": [
 25493                        "cancelled",
 25494                        "character_deleted",
 25495                        "closed",
 25496                        "expired",
 25497                        "open",
 25498                        "pending"
 25499                      ],
 25500                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_state"
 25501                    },
 25502                    "min_volume": {
 25503                      "type": "integer",
 25504                      "format": "int32",
 25505                      "description": "For bids (buy orders), the minimum quantity that will be accepted in a matching offer (sell order)",
 25506                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_min_volume"
 25507                    },
 25508                    "account_id": {
 25509                      "type": "integer",
 25510                      "format": "int32",
 25511                      "description": "Wallet division for the buyer or seller of this order. Always 1000 for characters. Currently 1000 through 1006 for corporations",
 25512                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_account_id"
 25513                    },
 25514                    "duration": {
 25515                      "type": "integer",
 25516                      "format": "int32",
 25517                      "description": "Number of days the order is valid for (starting from the issued date). An order expires at time issued + duration",
 25518                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_duration"
 25519                    },
 25520                    "is_corp": {
 25521                      "type": "boolean",
 25522                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_is_corp",
 25523                      "description": "is_corp boolean"
 25524                    },
 25525                    "escrow": {
 25526                      "type": "number",
 25527                      "format": "double",
 25528                      "description": "For buy orders, the amount of ISK in escrow",
 25529                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_escrow"
 25530                    }
 25531                  },
 25532                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_200_ok",
 25533                  "description": "200 ok object"
 25534                },
 25535                "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_ok",
 25536                "description": "200 ok array"
 25537              },
 25538              "headers": {
 25539                "Cache-Control": {
 25540                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 25541                  "type": "string"
 25542                },
 25543                "Last-Modified": {
 25544                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 25545                  "type": "string"
 25546                },
 25547                "Expires": {
 25548                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 25549                  "type": "string"
 25550                }
 25551              }
 25552            },
 25553            "403": {
 25554              "description": "Forbidden",
 25555              "schema": {
 25556                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 25557              },
 25558              "examples": {
 25559                "application/json": {
 25560                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 25561                }
 25562              }
 25563            },
 25564            "500": {
 25565              "description": "Internal server error",
 25566              "schema": {
 25567                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 25568              },
 25569              "examples": {
 25570                "application/json": {
 25571                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 25572                }
 25573              }
 25574            }
 25575          },
 25576          "security": [
 25577            {
 25578              "evesso": [
 25579                "esi-markets.read_character_orders.v1"
 25580              ]
 25581            }
 25582          ],
 25583          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_orders",
 25584          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 25585          "x-alternate-versions": [
 25586            "legacy",
 25587            "v1"
 25588          ]
 25589        }
 25590      },
 25591      "/characters/{character_id}/orders/history/": {
 25592        "get": {
 25593          "summary": "List historical orders by a character",
 25594          "description": "List cancelled and expired market orders placed by a character up to 90 days in the past.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/orders/history/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/orders/history/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/orders/history/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 25595          "tags": [
 25596            "Market"
 25597          ],
 25598          "parameters": [
 25599            {
 25600              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 25601            },
 25602            {
 25603              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 25604            },
 25605            {
 25606              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 25607            },
 25608            {
 25609              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 25610            },
 25611            {
 25612              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 25613            },
 25614            {
 25615              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 25616            }
 25617          ],
 25618          "responses": {
 25619            "200": {
 25620              "description": "Expired and cancelled market orders placed by a character",
 25621              "examples": {
 25622                "application/json": [
 25623                  {
 25624                    "order_id": 123,
 25625                    "type_id": 456,
 25626                    "region_id": 123,
 25627                    "location_id": 456,
 25628                    "range": "station",
 25629                    "is_buy_order": true,
 25630                    "price": 33.3,
 25631                    "volume_total": 123456,
 25632                    "volume_remain": 4422,
 25633                    "issued": "2016-09-03T05:12:25Z",
 25634                    "state": "expired",
 25635                    "min_volume": 1,
 25636                    "duration": 30,
 25637                    "is_corporation": false,
 25638                    "escrow": 45.6
 25639                  }
 25640                ]
 25641              },
 25642              "schema": {
 25643                "type": "array",
 25644                "maxItems": 1000,
 25645                "items": {
 25646                  "type": "object",
 25647                  "required": [
 25648                    "is_corporation",
 25649                    "duration",
 25650                    "state",
 25651                    "order_id",
 25652                    "type_id",
 25653                    "region_id",
 25654                    "location_id",
 25655                    "range",
 25656                    "price",
 25657                    "volume_total",
 25658                    "volume_remain",
 25659                    "issued"
 25660                  ],
 25661                  "properties": {
 25662                    "order_id": {
 25663                      "type": "integer",
 25664                      "format": "int64",
 25665                      "description": "Unique order ID",
 25666                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_order_id"
 25667                    },
 25668                    "type_id": {
 25669                      "type": "integer",
 25670                      "format": "int32",
 25671                      "description": "The type ID of the item transacted in this order",
 25672                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_type_id"
 25673                    },
 25674                    "region_id": {
 25675                      "type": "integer",
 25676                      "format": "int32",
 25677                      "description": "ID of the region where order was placed",
 25678                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_region_id"
 25679                    },
 25680                    "location_id": {
 25681                      "type": "integer",
 25682                      "format": "int64",
 25683                      "description": "ID of the location where order was placed",
 25684                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_location_id"
 25685                    },
 25686                    "range": {
 25687                      "type": "string",
 25688                      "description": "Valid order range, numbers are ranges in jumps",
 25689                      "enum": [
 25690                        "1",
 25691                        "10",
 25692                        "2",
 25693                        "20",
 25694                        "3",
 25695                        "30",
 25696                        "4",
 25697                        "40",
 25698                        "5",
 25699                        "region",
 25700                        "solarsystem",
 25701                        "station"
 25702                      ],
 25703                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_range"
 25704                    },
 25705                    "price": {
 25706                      "type": "number",
 25707                      "format": "double",
 25708                      "description": "Cost per unit for this order",
 25709                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_price"
 25710                    },
 25711                    "volume_total": {
 25712                      "type": "integer",
 25713                      "format": "int32",
 25714                      "description": "Quantity of items required or offered at time order was placed",
 25715                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_volume_total"
 25716                    },
 25717                    "volume_remain": {
 25718                      "type": "integer",
 25719                      "format": "int32",
 25720                      "description": "Quantity of items still required or offered",
 25721                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_volume_remain"
 25722                    },
 25723                    "issued": {
 25724                      "type": "string",
 25725                      "format": "date-time",
 25726                      "description": "Date and time when this order was issued",
 25727                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_issued"
 25728                    },
 25729                    "is_buy_order": {
 25730                      "type": "boolean",
 25731                      "description": "True if the order is a bid (buy) order",
 25732                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_is_buy_order"
 25733                    },
 25734                    "min_volume": {
 25735                      "type": "integer",
 25736                      "format": "int32",
 25737                      "description": "For buy orders, the minimum quantity that will be accepted in a matching sell order",
 25738                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_min_volume"
 25739                    },
 25740                    "escrow": {
 25741                      "type": "number",
 25742                      "format": "double",
 25743                      "description": "For buy orders, the amount of ISK in escrow",
 25744                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_escrow"
 25745                    },
 25746                    "duration": {
 25747                      "type": "integer",
 25748                      "format": "int32",
 25749                      "description": "Number of days the order was valid for (starting from the issued date). An order expires at time issued + duration",
 25750                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_duration"
 25751                    },
 25752                    "state": {
 25753                      "type": "string",
 25754                      "description": "Current order state",
 25755                      "enum": [
 25756                        "cancelled",
 25757                        "expired"
 25758                      ],
 25759                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_state"
 25760                    },
 25761                    "is_corporation": {
 25762                      "type": "boolean",
 25763                      "description": "Signifies whether the buy/sell order was placed on behalf of a corporation.",
 25764                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_is_corporation"
 25765                    }
 25766                  },
 25767                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_200_ok",
 25768                  "description": "200 ok object"
 25769                },
 25770                "title": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history_ok",
 25771                "description": "200 ok array"
 25772              },
 25773              "headers": {
 25774                "X-Pages": {
 25775                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 25776                  "type": "integer",
 25777                  "format": "int32",
 25778                  "default": 1
 25779                },
 25780                "Cache-Control": {
 25781                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 25782                  "type": "string"
 25783                },
 25784                "Last-Modified": {
 25785                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 25786                  "type": "string"
 25787                },
 25788                "Expires": {
 25789                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 25790                  "type": "string"
 25791                }
 25792              }
 25793            },
 25794            "403": {
 25795              "description": "Forbidden",
 25796              "schema": {
 25797                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 25798              },
 25799              "examples": {
 25800                "application/json": {
 25801                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 25802                }
 25803              }
 25804            },
 25805            "500": {
 25806              "description": "Internal server error",
 25807              "schema": {
 25808                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 25809              },
 25810              "examples": {
 25811                "application/json": {
 25812                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 25813                }
 25814              }
 25815            }
 25816          },
 25817          "security": [
 25818            {
 25819              "evesso": [
 25820                "esi-markets.read_character_orders.v1"
 25821              ]
 25822            }
 25823          ],
 25824          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_orders_history",
 25825          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 25826          "x-alternate-versions": [
 25827            "dev",
 25828            "legacy",
 25829            "v1"
 25830          ]
 25831        }
 25832      },
 25833      "/markets/{region_id}/types/": {
 25834        "get": {
 25835          "description": "Return a list of type IDs that have active orders in the region, for efficient market indexing.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/markets/{region_id}/types/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/markets/{region_id}/types/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/markets/{region_id}/types/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 600 seconds",
 25836          "summary": "List type IDs relevant to a market",
 25837          "tags": [
 25838            "Market"
 25839          ],
 25840          "parameters": [
 25841            {
 25842              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 25843            },
 25844            {
 25845              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 25846            },
 25847            {
 25848              "name": "region_id",
 25849              "in": "path",
 25850              "description": "Return statistics in this region",
 25851              "required": true,
 25852              "type": "integer",
 25853              "format": "int32"
 25854            },
 25855            {
 25856              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 25857            },
 25858            {
 25859              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 25860            }
 25861          ],
 25862          "responses": {
 25863            "200": {
 25864              "description": "A list of type IDs",
 25865              "examples": {
 25866                "application/json": [
 25867                  587,
 25868                  593,
 25869                  597
 25870                ]
 25871              },
 25872              "schema": {
 25873                "type": "array",
 25874                "maxItems": 1000,
 25875                "items": {
 25876                  "type": "integer",
 25877                  "format": "int32",
 25878                  "title": "get_markets_region_id_types_200_ok",
 25879                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 25880                },
 25881                "title": "get_markets_region_id_types_ok",
 25882                "description": "200 ok array"
 25883              },
 25884              "headers": {
 25885                "X-Pages": {
 25886                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 25887                  "type": "integer",
 25888                  "format": "int32",
 25889                  "default": 1
 25890                },
 25891                "Cache-Control": {
 25892                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 25893                  "type": "string"
 25894                },
 25895                "Last-Modified": {
 25896                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 25897                  "type": "string"
 25898                },
 25899                "Expires": {
 25900                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 25901                  "type": "string"
 25902                }
 25903              }
 25904            },
 25905            "500": {
 25906              "description": "Internal server error",
 25907              "schema": {
 25908                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 25909              },
 25910              "examples": {
 25911                "application/json": {
 25912                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 25913                }
 25914              }
 25915            }
 25916          },
 25917          "operationId": "get_markets_region_id_types",
 25918          "x-cached-seconds": 600,
 25919          "x-alternate-versions": [
 25920            "dev",
 25921            "legacy",
 25922            "v1"
 25923          ]
 25924        }
 25925      },
 25926      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/orders/": {
 25927        "get": {
 25928          "summary": "List open orders from a corporation",
 25929          "description": "List open market orders placed on behalf of a corporation\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/orders/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/orders/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 1200 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant, Trader\n\n\n---\n[This route has an available update]({corporation_id}/orders/)",
 25930          "tags": [
 25931            "Market"
 25932          ],
 25933          "parameters": [
 25934            {
 25935              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 25936            },
 25937            {
 25938              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 25939            },
 25940            {
 25941              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 25942            },
 25943            {
 25944              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 25945            },
 25946            {
 25947              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 25948            },
 25949            {
 25950              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 25951            }
 25952          ],
 25953          "responses": {
 25954            "200": {
 25955              "description": "A list of open market orders",
 25956              "examples": {
 25957                "application/json": [
 25958                  {
 25959                    "order_id": 123,
 25960                    "type_id": 456,
 25961                    "region_id": 123,
 25962                    "location_id": 456,
 25963                    "range": "station",
 25964                    "is_buy_order": true,
 25965                    "price": 33.3,
 25966                    "volume_total": 123456,
 25967                    "volume_remain": 4422,
 25968                    "issued": "2016-09-03T05:12:25Z",
 25969                    "state": "open",
 25970                    "min_volume": 1,
 25971                    "wallet_division": 1,
 25972                    "duration": 30,
 25973                    "escrow": 45.6
 25974                  }
 25975                ]
 25976              },
 25977              "schema": {
 25978                "type": "array",
 25979                "maxItems": 1000,
 25980                "items": {
 25981                  "type": "object",
 25982                  "required": [
 25983                    "order_id",
 25984                    "type_id",
 25985                    "region_id",
 25986                    "location_id",
 25987                    "range",
 25988                    "is_buy_order",
 25989                    "price",
 25990                    "volume_total",
 25991                    "volume_remain",
 25992                    "issued",
 25993                    "state",
 25994                    "min_volume",
 25995                    "wallet_division",
 25996                    "duration",
 25997                    "escrow"
 25998                  ],
 25999                  "properties": {
 26000                    "order_id": {
 26001                      "type": "integer",
 26002                      "format": "int64",
 26003                      "description": "Unique order ID",
 26004                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_order_id"
 26005                    },
 26006                    "type_id": {
 26007                      "type": "integer",
 26008                      "format": "int32",
 26009                      "description": "The type ID of the item transacted in this order",
 26010                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_type_id"
 26011                    },
 26012                    "region_id": {
 26013                      "type": "integer",
 26014                      "format": "int32",
 26015                      "description": "ID of the region where order was placed",
 26016                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_region_id"
 26017                    },
 26018                    "location_id": {
 26019                      "type": "integer",
 26020                      "format": "int64",
 26021                      "description": "ID of the location where order was placed",
 26022                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_location_id"
 26023                    },
 26024                    "range": {
 26025                      "type": "string",
 26026                      "description": "Valid order range, numbers are ranges in jumps",
 26027                      "enum": [
 26028                        "1",
 26029                        "10",
 26030                        "2",
 26031                        "20",
 26032                        "3",
 26033                        "30",
 26034                        "4",
 26035                        "40",
 26036                        "5",
 26037                        "region",
 26038                        "solarsystem",
 26039                        "station"
 26040                      ],
 26041                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_range"
 26042                    },
 26043                    "is_buy_order": {
 26044                      "type": "boolean",
 26045                      "description": "True for a bid (buy) order. False for an offer (sell) order",
 26046                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_is_buy_order"
 26047                    },
 26048                    "price": {
 26049                      "type": "number",
 26050                      "format": "double",
 26051                      "description": "Cost per unit for this order",
 26052                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_price"
 26053                    },
 26054                    "volume_total": {
 26055                      "type": "integer",
 26056                      "format": "int32",
 26057                      "description": "Quantity of items required or offered at time order was placed",
 26058                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_volume_total"
 26059                    },
 26060                    "volume_remain": {
 26061                      "type": "integer",
 26062                      "format": "int32",
 26063                      "description": "Quantity of items still required or offered",
 26064                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_volume_remain"
 26065                    },
 26066                    "issued": {
 26067                      "type": "string",
 26068                      "format": "date-time",
 26069                      "description": "Date and time when this order was issued",
 26070                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_issued"
 26071                    },
 26072                    "state": {
 26073                      "type": "string",
 26074                      "description": "Current order state",
 26075                      "enum": [
 26076                        "cancelled",
 26077                        "character_deleted",
 26078                        "closed",
 26079                        "expired",
 26080                        "open",
 26081                        "pending"
 26082                      ],
 26083                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_state"
 26084                    },
 26085                    "min_volume": {
 26086                      "type": "integer",
 26087                      "format": "int32",
 26088                      "description": "For bids (buy orders), the minimum quantity that will be accepted in a matching offer (sell order)",
 26089                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_min_volume"
 26090                    },
 26091                    "wallet_division": {
 26092                      "type": "integer",
 26093                      "format": "int32",
 26094                      "minimum": 1,
 26095                      "maximum": 7,
 26096                      "description": "The corporation wallet division used for this order.",
 26097                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_wallet_division"
 26098                    },
 26099                    "duration": {
 26100                      "type": "integer",
 26101                      "format": "int32",
 26102                      "description": "Number of days the order is valid for (starting from the issued date). An order expires at time issued + duration",
 26103                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_duration"
 26104                    },
 26105                    "escrow": {
 26106                      "type": "number",
 26107                      "format": "double",
 26108                      "description": "For buy orders, the amount of ISK in escrow",
 26109                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_escrow"
 26110                    }
 26111                  },
 26112                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_200_ok",
 26113                  "description": "200 ok object"
 26114                },
 26115                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_ok",
 26116                "description": "200 ok array"
 26117              },
 26118              "headers": {
 26119                "X-Pages": {
 26120                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 26121                  "type": "integer",
 26122                  "format": "int32",
 26123                  "default": 1
 26124                },
 26125                "Cache-Control": {
 26126                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 26127                  "type": "string"
 26128                },
 26129                "Last-Modified": {
 26130                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 26131                  "type": "string"
 26132                },
 26133                "Expires": {
 26134                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 26135                  "type": "string"
 26136                }
 26137              }
 26138            },
 26139            "403": {
 26140              "description": "Forbidden",
 26141              "schema": {
 26142                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 26143              },
 26144              "examples": {
 26145                "application/json": {
 26146                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 26147                }
 26148              }
 26149            },
 26150            "500": {
 26151              "description": "Internal server error",
 26152              "schema": {
 26153                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 26154              },
 26155              "examples": {
 26156                "application/json": {
 26157                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 26158                }
 26159              }
 26160            }
 26161          },
 26162          "x-required-roles": [
 26163            "Accountant",
 26164            "Trader"
 26165          ],
 26166          "security": [
 26167            {
 26168              "evesso": [
 26169                "esi-markets.read_corporation_orders.v1"
 26170              ]
 26171            }
 26172          ],
 26173          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders",
 26174          "x-cached-seconds": 1200,
 26175          "x-alternate-versions": [
 26176            "legacy",
 26177            "v1"
 26178          ]
 26179        }
 26180      },
 26181      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/orders/history/": {
 26182        "get": {
 26183          "summary": "List historical orders from a corporation",
 26184          "description": "List cancelled and expired market orders placed on behalf of a corporation up to 90 days in the past.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/orders/history/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/orders/history/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/orders/history/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant, Trader\n",
 26185          "tags": [
 26186            "Market"
 26187          ],
 26188          "parameters": [
 26189            {
 26190              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 26191            },
 26192            {
 26193              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 26194            },
 26195            {
 26196              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 26197            },
 26198            {
 26199              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 26200            },
 26201            {
 26202              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 26203            },
 26204            {
 26205              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 26206            }
 26207          ],
 26208          "responses": {
 26209            "200": {
 26210              "description": "Expired and cancelled market orders placed on behalf of a corporation",
 26211              "examples": {
 26212                "application/json": [
 26213                  {
 26214                    "order_id": 123,
 26215                    "type_id": 456,
 26216                    "region_id": 123,
 26217                    "location_id": 456,
 26218                    "range": "station",
 26219                    "is_buy_order": true,
 26220                    "price": 33.3,
 26221                    "volume_total": 123456,
 26222                    "volume_remain": 4422,
 26223                    "issued": "2016-09-03T05:12:25Z",
 26224                    "state": "expired",
 26225                    "min_volume": 1,
 26226                    "wallet_division": 1,
 26227                    "duration": 30,
 26228                    "escrow": 45.6
 26229                  }
 26230                ]
 26231              },
 26232              "schema": {
 26233                "type": "array",
 26234                "maxItems": 1000,
 26235                "items": {
 26236                  "type": "object",
 26237                  "required": [
 26238                    "wallet_division",
 26239                    "duration",
 26240                    "state",
 26241                    "order_id",
 26242                    "type_id",
 26243                    "region_id",
 26244                    "location_id",
 26245                    "range",
 26246                    "price",
 26247                    "volume_total",
 26248                    "volume_remain",
 26249                    "issued"
 26250                  ],
 26251                  "properties": {
 26252                    "order_id": {
 26253                      "type": "integer",
 26254                      "format": "int64",
 26255                      "description": "Unique order ID",
 26256                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_order_id"
 26257                    },
 26258                    "type_id": {
 26259                      "type": "integer",
 26260                      "format": "int32",
 26261                      "description": "The type ID of the item transacted in this order",
 26262                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_type_id"
 26263                    },
 26264                    "region_id": {
 26265                      "type": "integer",
 26266                      "format": "int32",
 26267                      "description": "ID of the region where order was placed",
 26268                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_region_id"
 26269                    },
 26270                    "location_id": {
 26271                      "type": "integer",
 26272                      "format": "int64",
 26273                      "description": "ID of the location where order was placed",
 26274                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_location_id"
 26275                    },
 26276                    "range": {
 26277                      "type": "string",
 26278                      "description": "Valid order range, numbers are ranges in jumps",
 26279                      "enum": [
 26280                        "1",
 26281                        "10",
 26282                        "2",
 26283                        "20",
 26284                        "3",
 26285                        "30",
 26286                        "4",
 26287                        "40",
 26288                        "5",
 26289                        "region",
 26290                        "solarsystem",
 26291                        "station"
 26292                      ],
 26293                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_range"
 26294                    },
 26295                    "price": {
 26296                      "type": "number",
 26297                      "format": "double",
 26298                      "description": "Cost per unit for this order",
 26299                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_price"
 26300                    },
 26301                    "volume_total": {
 26302                      "type": "integer",
 26303                      "format": "int32",
 26304                      "description": "Quantity of items required or offered at time order was placed",
 26305                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_volume_total"
 26306                    },
 26307                    "volume_remain": {
 26308                      "type": "integer",
 26309                      "format": "int32",
 26310                      "description": "Quantity of items still required or offered",
 26311                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_volume_remain"
 26312                    },
 26313                    "issued": {
 26314                      "type": "string",
 26315                      "format": "date-time",
 26316                      "description": "Date and time when this order was issued",
 26317                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_issued"
 26318                    },
 26319                    "is_buy_order": {
 26320                      "type": "boolean",
 26321                      "description": "True if the order is a bid (buy) order",
 26322                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_is_buy_order"
 26323                    },
 26324                    "min_volume": {
 26325                      "type": "integer",
 26326                      "format": "int32",
 26327                      "description": "For buy orders, the minimum quantity that will be accepted in a matching sell order",
 26328                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_min_volume"
 26329                    },
 26330                    "escrow": {
 26331                      "type": "number",
 26332                      "format": "double",
 26333                      "description": "For buy orders, the amount of ISK in escrow",
 26334                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_escrow"
 26335                    },
 26336                    "duration": {
 26337                      "type": "integer",
 26338                      "format": "int32",
 26339                      "description": "Number of days the order was valid for (starting from the issued date). An order expires at time issued + duration",
 26340                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_duration"
 26341                    },
 26342                    "state": {
 26343                      "type": "string",
 26344                      "description": "Current order state",
 26345                      "enum": [
 26346                        "cancelled",
 26347                        "expired"
 26348                      ],
 26349                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_state"
 26350                    },
 26351                    "wallet_division": {
 26352                      "type": "integer",
 26353                      "format": "int32",
 26354                      "minimum": 1,
 26355                      "maximum": 7,
 26356                      "description": "The corporation wallet division used for this order.",
 26357                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_wallet_division"
 26358                    }
 26359                  },
 26360                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_200_ok",
 26361                  "description": "200 ok object"
 26362                },
 26363                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history_ok",
 26364                "description": "200 ok array"
 26365              },
 26366              "headers": {
 26367                "X-Pages": {
 26368                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 26369                  "type": "integer",
 26370                  "format": "int32",
 26371                  "default": 1
 26372                },
 26373                "Cache-Control": {
 26374                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 26375                  "type": "string"
 26376                },
 26377                "Last-Modified": {
 26378                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 26379                  "type": "string"
 26380                },
 26381                "Expires": {
 26382                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 26383                  "type": "string"
 26384                }
 26385              }
 26386            },
 26387            "403": {
 26388              "description": "Forbidden",
 26389              "schema": {
 26390                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 26391              },
 26392              "examples": {
 26393                "application/json": {
 26394                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 26395                }
 26396              }
 26397            },
 26398            "500": {
 26399              "description": "Internal server error",
 26400              "schema": {
 26401                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 26402              },
 26403              "examples": {
 26404                "application/json": {
 26405                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 26406                }
 26407              }
 26408            }
 26409          },
 26410          "x-required-roles": [
 26411            "Accountant",
 26412            "Trader"
 26413          ],
 26414          "security": [
 26415            {
 26416              "evesso": [
 26417                "esi-markets.read_corporation_orders.v1"
 26418              ]
 26419            }
 26420          ],
 26421          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history",
 26422          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 26423          "x-alternate-versions": [
 26424            "dev",
 26425            "legacy",
 26426            "v1"
 26427          ]
 26428        }
 26429      },
 26430      "/opportunities/groups/": {
 26431        "get": {
 26432          "description": "Return a list of opportunities groups\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/opportunities/groups/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/opportunities/groups/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/opportunities/groups/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 26433          "summary": "Get opportunities groups",
 26434          "tags": [
 26435            "Opportunities"
 26436          ],
 26437          "responses": {
 26438            "200": {
 26439              "description": "A list of opportunities group ids",
 26440              "examples": {
 26441                "application/json": [
 26442                  100,
 26443                  101,
 26444                  102,
 26445                  103
 26446                ]
 26447              },
 26448              "schema": {
 26449                "type": "array",
 26450                "maxItems": 50,
 26451                "items": {
 26452                  "type": "integer",
 26453                  "format": "int32",
 26454                  "title": "get_opportunities_groups_200_ok",
 26455                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 26456                },
 26457                "title": "get_opportunities_groups_ok",
 26458                "description": "200 ok array"
 26459              },
 26460              "headers": {
 26461                "Cache-Control": {
 26462                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 26463                  "type": "string"
 26464                },
 26465                "Last-Modified": {
 26466                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 26467                  "type": "string"
 26468                },
 26469                "Expires": {
 26470                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 26471                  "type": "string"
 26472                }
 26473              }
 26474            },
 26475            "500": {
 26476              "description": "Internal server error",
 26477              "schema": {
 26478                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 26479              },
 26480              "examples": {
 26481                "application/json": {
 26482                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 26483                }
 26484              }
 26485            }
 26486          },
 26487          "parameters": [
 26488            {
 26489              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 26490            },
 26491            {
 26492              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 26493            },
 26494            {
 26495              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 26496            }
 26497          ],
 26498          "operationId": "get_opportunities_groups",
 26499          "x-alternate-versions": [
 26500            "dev",
 26501            "legacy",
 26502            "v1"
 26503          ]
 26504        }
 26505      },
 26506      "/opportunities/groups/{group_id}/": {
 26507        "get": {
 26508          "description": "Return information of an opportunities group\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/opportunities/groups/{group_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/opportunities/groups/{group_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/opportunities/groups/{group_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 26509          "summary": "Get opportunities group",
 26510          "tags": [
 26511            "Opportunities"
 26512          ],
 26513          "parameters": [
 26514            {
 26515              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 26516            },
 26517            {
 26518              "name": "group_id",
 26519              "in": "path",
 26520              "description": "ID of an opportunities group",
 26521              "required": true,
 26522              "type": "integer",
 26523              "format": "int32"
 26524            },
 26525            {
 26526              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 26527            },
 26528            {
 26529              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 26530            },
 26531            {
 26532              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 26533            }
 26534          ],
 26535          "responses": {
 26536            "200": {
 26537              "description": "Details of an opportunities group",
 26538              "examples": {
 26539                "application/json": {
 26540                  "group_id": 103,
 26541                  "name": "Welcome to New Eden",
 26542                  "description": "As a capsuleer...",
 26543                  "notification": "Completed:<br>Welcome to New Eden",
 26544                  "required_tasks": [
 26545                    19
 26546                  ],
 26547                  "connected_groups": [
 26548                    100
 26549                  ]
 26550                }
 26551              },
 26552              "schema": {
 26553                "type": "object",
 26554                "required": [
 26555                  "group_id",
 26556                  "name",
 26557                  "description",
 26558                  "notification",
 26559                  "required_tasks",
 26560                  "connected_groups"
 26561                ],
 26562                "properties": {
 26563                  "group_id": {
 26564                    "type": "integer",
 26565                    "format": "int32",
 26566                    "title": "get_opportunities_groups_group_id_group_id",
 26567                    "description": "group_id integer"
 26568                  },
 26569                  "name": {
 26570                    "type": "string",
 26571                    "title": "get_opportunities_groups_group_id_name",
 26572                    "description": "name string"
 26573                  },
 26574                  "description": {
 26575                    "type": "string",
 26576                    "title": "get_opportunities_groups_group_id_description",
 26577                    "description": "description string"
 26578                  },
 26579                  "notification": {
 26580                    "type": "string",
 26581                    "title": "get_opportunities_groups_group_id_notification",
 26582                    "description": "notification string"
 26583                  },
 26584                  "required_tasks": {
 26585                    "description": "Tasks need to complete for this group",
 26586                    "type": "array",
 26587                    "maxItems": 100,
 26588                    "items": {
 26589                      "type": "integer",
 26590                      "format": "int32",
 26591                      "title": "get_opportunities_groups_group_id_required_task",
 26592                      "description": "required_task integer"
 26593                    },
 26594                    "title": "get_opportunities_groups_group_id_required_tasks"
 26595                  },
 26596                  "connected_groups": {
 26597                    "description": "The groups that are connected to this group on the opportunities map",
 26598                    "type": "array",
 26599                    "maxItems": 50,
 26600                    "items": {
 26601                      "type": "integer",
 26602                      "format": "int32",
 26603                      "title": "get_opportunities_groups_group_id_connected_group",
 26604                      "description": "connected_group integer"
 26605                    },
 26606                    "title": "get_opportunities_groups_group_id_connected_groups"
 26607                  }
 26608                },
 26609                "title": "get_opportunities_groups_group_id_ok",
 26610                "description": "200 ok object"
 26611              },
 26612              "headers": {
 26613                "Content-Language": {
 26614                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 26615                  "type": "string",
 26616                  "enum": [
 26617                    "de",
 26618                    "en-us",
 26619                    "fr",
 26620                    "ja",
 26621                    "ru",
 26622                    "zh"
 26623                  ]
 26624                },
 26625                "Cache-Control": {
 26626                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 26627                  "type": "string"
 26628                },
 26629                "Last-Modified": {
 26630                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 26631                  "type": "string"
 26632                },
 26633                "Expires": {
 26634                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 26635                  "type": "string"
 26636                }
 26637              }
 26638            },
 26639            "500": {
 26640              "description": "Internal server error",
 26641              "schema": {
 26642                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 26643              },
 26644              "examples": {
 26645                "application/json": {
 26646                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 26647                }
 26648              }
 26649            }
 26650          },
 26651          "operationId": "get_opportunities_groups_group_id",
 26652          "x-alternate-versions": [
 26653            "dev",
 26654            "legacy",
 26655            "v1"
 26656          ]
 26657        }
 26658      },
 26659      "/opportunities/tasks/": {
 26660        "get": {
 26661          "description": "Return a list of opportunities tasks\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/opportunities/tasks/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/opportunities/tasks/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/opportunities/tasks/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 26662          "summary": "Get opportunities tasks",
 26663          "tags": [
 26664            "Opportunities"
 26665          ],
 26666          "responses": {
 26667            "200": {
 26668              "description": "A list of opportunities task ids",
 26669              "examples": {
 26670                "application/json": [
 26671                  1,
 26672                  2,
 26673                  3,
 26674                  4
 26675                ]
 26676              },
 26677              "schema": {
 26678                "type": "array",
 26679                "maxItems": 100,
 26680                "items": {
 26681                  "type": "integer",
 26682                  "format": "int32",
 26683                  "title": "get_opportunities_tasks_200_ok",
 26684                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 26685                },
 26686                "title": "get_opportunities_tasks_ok",
 26687                "description": "200 ok array"
 26688              },
 26689              "headers": {
 26690                "Cache-Control": {
 26691                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 26692                  "type": "string"
 26693                },
 26694                "Last-Modified": {
 26695                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 26696                  "type": "string"
 26697                },
 26698                "Expires": {
 26699                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 26700                  "type": "string"
 26701                }
 26702              }
 26703            },
 26704            "500": {
 26705              "description": "Internal server error",
 26706              "schema": {
 26707                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 26708              },
 26709              "examples": {
 26710                "application/json": {
 26711                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 26712                }
 26713              }
 26714            }
 26715          },
 26716          "parameters": [
 26717            {
 26718              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 26719            },
 26720            {
 26721              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 26722            },
 26723            {
 26724              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 26725            }
 26726          ],
 26727          "operationId": "get_opportunities_tasks",
 26728          "x-alternate-versions": [
 26729            "dev",
 26730            "legacy",
 26731            "v1"
 26732          ]
 26733        }
 26734      },
 26735      "/opportunities/tasks/{task_id}/": {
 26736        "get": {
 26737          "description": "Return information of an opportunities task\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/opportunities/tasks/{task_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/opportunities/tasks/{task_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/opportunities/tasks/{task_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 26738          "summary": "Get opportunities task",
 26739          "tags": [
 26740            "Opportunities"
 26741          ],
 26742          "parameters": [
 26743            {
 26744              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 26745            },
 26746            {
 26747              "name": "task_id",
 26748              "in": "path",
 26749              "description": "ID of an opportunities task",
 26750              "required": true,
 26751              "type": "integer",
 26752              "format": "int32"
 26753            },
 26754            {
 26755              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 26756            },
 26757            {
 26758              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 26759            }
 26760          ],
 26761          "responses": {
 26762            "200": {
 26763              "description": "Details of an opportunities task",
 26764              "examples": {
 26765                "application/json": {
 26766                  "task_id": 10,
 26767                  "name": "Dock in the station",
 26768                  "description": "To use station services...",
 26769                  "notification": "Completed:<br>Docked in a station!"
 26770                }
 26771              },
 26772              "schema": {
 26773                "type": "object",
 26774                "required": [
 26775                  "task_id",
 26776                  "name",
 26777                  "description",
 26778                  "notification"
 26779                ],
 26780                "properties": {
 26781                  "task_id": {
 26782                    "type": "integer",
 26783                    "format": "int32",
 26784                    "title": "get_opportunities_tasks_task_id_task_id",
 26785                    "description": "task_id integer"
 26786                  },
 26787                  "name": {
 26788                    "type": "string",
 26789                    "title": "get_opportunities_tasks_task_id_name",
 26790                    "description": "name string"
 26791                  },
 26792                  "description": {
 26793                    "type": "string",
 26794                    "title": "get_opportunities_tasks_task_id_description",
 26795                    "description": "description string"
 26796                  },
 26797                  "notification": {
 26798                    "type": "string",
 26799                    "title": "get_opportunities_tasks_task_id_notification",
 26800                    "description": "notification string"
 26801                  }
 26802                },
 26803                "title": "get_opportunities_tasks_task_id_ok",
 26804                "description": "200 ok object"
 26805              },
 26806              "headers": {
 26807                "Cache-Control": {
 26808                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 26809                  "type": "string"
 26810                },
 26811                "Last-Modified": {
 26812                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 26813                  "type": "string"
 26814                },
 26815                "Expires": {
 26816                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 26817                  "type": "string"
 26818                }
 26819              }
 26820            },
 26821            "500": {
 26822              "description": "Internal server error",
 26823              "schema": {
 26824                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 26825              },
 26826              "examples": {
 26827                "application/json": {
 26828                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 26829                }
 26830              }
 26831            }
 26832          },
 26833          "operationId": "get_opportunities_tasks_task_id",
 26834          "x-alternate-versions": [
 26835            "dev",
 26836            "legacy",
 26837            "v1"
 26838          ]
 26839        }
 26840      },
 26841      "/characters/{character_id}/opportunities/": {
 26842        "get": {
 26843          "description": "Return a list of tasks finished by a character\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/opportunities/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/opportunities/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/opportunities/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 26844          "summary": "Get a character's completed tasks",
 26845          "tags": [
 26846            "Opportunities"
 26847          ],
 26848          "parameters": [
 26849            {
 26850              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 26851            },
 26852            {
 26853              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 26854            },
 26855            {
 26856              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 26857            },
 26858            {
 26859              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 26860            },
 26861            {
 26862              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 26863            }
 26864          ],
 26865          "responses": {
 26866            "200": {
 26867              "description": "A list of opportunities task ids",
 26868              "examples": {
 26869                "application/json": [
 26870                  {
 26871                    "task_id": 1,
 26872                    "completed_at": "2016-04-29T12:34:56Z"
 26873                  }
 26874                ]
 26875              },
 26876              "schema": {
 26877                "type": "array",
 26878                "maxItems": 100,
 26879                "items": {
 26880                  "type": "object",
 26881                  "required": [
 26882                    "task_id",
 26883                    "completed_at"
 26884                  ],
 26885                  "properties": {
 26886                    "task_id": {
 26887                      "type": "integer",
 26888                      "format": "int32",
 26889                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_opportunities_task_id",
 26890                      "description": "task_id integer"
 26891                    },
 26892                    "completed_at": {
 26893                      "type": "string",
 26894                      "format": "date-time",
 26895                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_opportunities_completed_at",
 26896                      "description": "completed_at string"
 26897                    }
 26898                  },
 26899                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_opportunities_200_ok",
 26900                  "description": "200 ok object"
 26901                },
 26902                "title": "get_characters_character_id_opportunities_ok",
 26903                "description": "200 ok array"
 26904              },
 26905              "headers": {
 26906                "Cache-Control": {
 26907                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 26908                  "type": "string"
 26909                },
 26910                "Last-Modified": {
 26911                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 26912                  "type": "string"
 26913                },
 26914                "Expires": {
 26915                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 26916                  "type": "string"
 26917                }
 26918              }
 26919            },
 26920            "403": {
 26921              "description": "Forbidden",
 26922              "schema": {
 26923                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 26924              },
 26925              "examples": {
 26926                "application/json": {
 26927                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 26928                }
 26929              }
 26930            },
 26931            "500": {
 26932              "description": "Internal server error",
 26933              "schema": {
 26934                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 26935              },
 26936              "examples": {
 26937                "application/json": {
 26938                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 26939                }
 26940              }
 26941            }
 26942          },
 26943          "security": [
 26944            {
 26945              "evesso": [
 26946                "esi-characters.read_opportunities.v1"
 26947              ]
 26948            }
 26949          ],
 26950          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_opportunities",
 26951          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 26952          "x-alternate-versions": [
 26953            "dev",
 26954            "legacy",
 26955            "v1"
 26956          ]
 26957        }
 26958      },
 26959      "/characters/{character_id}/planets/": {
 26960        "get": {
 26961          "description": "Returns a list of all planetary colonies owned by a character.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/planets/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/planets/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/planets/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 600 seconds",
 26962          "summary": "Get colonies",
 26963          "tags": [
 26964            "Planetary Interaction"
 26965          ],
 26966          "parameters": [
 26967            {
 26968              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 26969            },
 26970            {
 26971              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 26972            },
 26973            {
 26974              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 26975            },
 26976            {
 26977              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 26978            },
 26979            {
 26980              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 26981            }
 26982          ],
 26983          "responses": {
 26984            "200": {
 26985              "description": "List of colonies",
 26986              "examples": {
 26987                "application/json": [
 26988                  {
 26989                    "solar_system_id": 30000379,
 26990                    "upgrade_level": 0,
 26991                    "planet_id": 40023691,
 26992                    "last_update": "2016-11-28T16:42:51Z",
 26993                    "owner_id": 90000001,
 26994                    "planet_type": "plasma",
 26995                    "num_pins": 1
 26996                  },
 26997                  {
 26998                    "solar_system_id": 30000379,
 26999                    "upgrade_level": 0,
 27000                    "planet_id": 40023697,
 27001                    "last_update": "2016-11-28T16:41:54Z",
 27002                    "owner_id": 90000001,
 27003                    "planet_type": "barren",
 27004                    "num_pins": 1
 27005                  }
 27006                ]
 27007              },
 27008              "schema": {
 27009                "type": "array",
 27010                "maxItems": 10,
 27011                "items": {
 27012                  "type": "object",
 27013                  "required": [
 27014                    "solar_system_id",
 27015                    "planet_id",
 27016                    "planet_type",
 27017                    "owner_id",
 27018                    "last_update",
 27019                    "upgrade_level",
 27020                    "num_pins"
 27021                  ],
 27022                  "properties": {
 27023                    "solar_system_id": {
 27024                      "type": "integer",
 27025                      "format": "int32",
 27026                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_solar_system_id",
 27027                      "description": "solar_system_id integer"
 27028                    },
 27029                    "planet_id": {
 27030                      "type": "integer",
 27031                      "format": "int32",
 27032                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id",
 27033                      "description": "planet_id integer"
 27034                    },
 27035                    "owner_id": {
 27036                      "type": "integer",
 27037                      "format": "int32",
 27038                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_owner_id",
 27039                      "description": "owner_id integer"
 27040                    },
 27041                    "upgrade_level": {
 27042                      "type": "integer",
 27043                      "format": "int32",
 27044                      "minimum": 0,
 27045                      "maximum": 5,
 27046                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_upgrade_level",
 27047                      "description": "upgrade_level integer"
 27048                    },
 27049                    "num_pins": {
 27050                      "type": "integer",
 27051                      "format": "int32",
 27052                      "minimum": 1,
 27053                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_num_pins",
 27054                      "description": "num_pins integer"
 27055                    },
 27056                    "last_update": {
 27057                      "type": "string",
 27058                      "format": "date-time",
 27059                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_last_update",
 27060                      "description": "last_update string"
 27061                    },
 27062                    "planet_type": {
 27063                      "type": "string",
 27064                      "enum": [
 27065                        "temperate",
 27066                        "barren",
 27067                        "oceanic",
 27068                        "ice",
 27069                        "gas",
 27070                        "lava",
 27071                        "storm",
 27072                        "plasma"
 27073                      ],
 27074                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_type",
 27075                      "description": "planet_type string"
 27076                    }
 27077                  },
 27078                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_200_ok",
 27079                  "description": "200 ok object"
 27080                },
 27081                "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_ok",
 27082                "description": "200 ok array"
 27083              },
 27084              "headers": {
 27085                "Cache-Control": {
 27086                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 27087                  "type": "string"
 27088                },
 27089                "Last-Modified": {
 27090                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 27091                  "type": "string"
 27092                },
 27093                "Expires": {
 27094                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 27095                  "type": "string"
 27096                }
 27097              }
 27098            },
 27099            "403": {
 27100              "description": "Forbidden",
 27101              "schema": {
 27102                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 27103              },
 27104              "examples": {
 27105                "application/json": {
 27106                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 27107                }
 27108              }
 27109            },
 27110            "500": {
 27111              "description": "Internal server error",
 27112              "schema": {
 27113                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 27114              },
 27115              "examples": {
 27116                "application/json": {
 27117                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 27118                }
 27119              }
 27120            }
 27121          },
 27122          "security": [
 27123            {
 27124              "evesso": [
 27125                "esi-planets.manage_planets.v1"
 27126              ]
 27127            }
 27128          ],
 27129          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_planets",
 27130          "x-cached-seconds": 600,
 27131          "x-alternate-versions": [
 27132            "dev",
 27133            "legacy",
 27134            "v1"
 27135          ]
 27136        }
 27137      },
 27138      "/characters/{character_id}/planets/{planet_id}/": {
 27139        "get": {
 27140          "description": "Returns full details on the layout of a single planetary colony, including links, pins and routes. Note: Planetary information is only recalculated when the colony is viewed through the client. Information will not update until this criteria is met.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/planets/{planet_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v3/characters/{character_id}/planets/{planet_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 600 seconds",
 27141          "summary": "Get colony layout",
 27142          "tags": [
 27143            "Planetary Interaction"
 27144          ],
 27145          "parameters": [
 27146            {
 27147              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 27148            },
 27149            {
 27150              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 27151            },
 27152            {
 27153              "description": "Planet id of the target planet",
 27154              "format": "int32",
 27155              "in": "path",
 27156              "name": "planet_id",
 27157              "required": true,
 27158              "type": "integer"
 27159            },
 27160            {
 27161              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 27162            },
 27163            {
 27164              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 27165            },
 27166            {
 27167              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 27168            }
 27169          ],
 27170          "responses": {
 27171            "200": {
 27172              "description": "Colony layout",
 27173              "examples": {
 27174                "application/json": {
 27175                  "links": [
 27176                    {
 27177                      "source_pin_id": 1000000017021,
 27178                      "destination_pin_id": 1000000017022,
 27179                      "link_level": 0
 27180                    }
 27181                  ],
 27182                  "pins": [
 27183                    {
 27184                      "longitude": 0.717145933308,
 27185                      "is_running": true,
 27186                      "type_id": 2254,
 27187                      "pin_id": 1000000017021,
 27188                      "latitude": 1.55087844973
 27189                    },
 27190                    {
 27191                      "longitude": 0.709775584394,
 27192                      "is_running": true,
 27193                      "type_id": 2256,
 27194                      "pin_id": 1000000017022,
 27195                      "latitude": 1.53360639935
 27196                    }
 27197                  ],
 27198                  "routes": [
 27199                    {
 27200                      "source_pin_id": 1000000017029,
 27201                      "quantity": 20,
 27202                      "content_type_id": 2393,
 27203                      "route_id": 4,
 27204                      "destination_pin_id": 1000000017030
 27205                    }
 27206                  ]
 27207                }
 27208              },
 27209              "schema": {
 27210                "type": "object",
 27211                "required": [
 27212                  "links",
 27213                  "pins",
 27214                  "routes"
 27215                ],
 27216                "properties": {
 27217                  "links": {
 27218                    "type": "array",
 27219                    "maxItems": 500,
 27220                    "items": {
 27221                      "type": "object",
 27222                      "required": [
 27223                        "source_pin_id",
 27224                        "destination_pin_id",
 27225                        "link_level"
 27226                      ],
 27227                      "properties": {
 27228                        "source_pin_id": {
 27229                          "type": "integer",
 27230                          "format": "int64",
 27231                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_source_pin_id",
 27232                          "description": "source_pin_id integer"
 27233                        },
 27234                        "destination_pin_id": {
 27235                          "type": "integer",
 27236                          "format": "int64",
 27237                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_destination_pin_id",
 27238                          "description": "destination_pin_id integer"
 27239                        },
 27240                        "link_level": {
 27241                          "type": "integer",
 27242                          "format": "int32",
 27243                          "minimum": 0,
 27244                          "maximum": 10,
 27245                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_link_level",
 27246                          "description": "link_level integer"
 27247                        }
 27248                      },
 27249                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_link",
 27250                      "description": "link object"
 27251                    },
 27252                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_links",
 27253                    "description": "links array"
 27254                  },
 27255                  "pins": {
 27256                    "type": "array",
 27257                    "maxItems": 100,
 27258                    "items": {
 27259                      "type": "object",
 27260                      "required": [
 27261                        "pin_id",
 27262                        "type_id",
 27263                        "latitude",
 27264                        "longitude"
 27265                      ],
 27266                      "properties": {
 27267                        "latitude": {
 27268                          "type": "number",
 27269                          "format": "float",
 27270                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_latitude",
 27271                          "description": "latitude number"
 27272                        },
 27273                        "longitude": {
 27274                          "type": "number",
 27275                          "format": "float",
 27276                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_longitude",
 27277                          "description": "longitude number"
 27278                        },
 27279                        "pin_id": {
 27280                          "type": "integer",
 27281                          "format": "int64",
 27282                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_pin_id",
 27283                          "description": "pin_id integer"
 27284                        },
 27285                        "type_id": {
 27286                          "type": "integer",
 27287                          "format": "int32",
 27288                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_type_id",
 27289                          "description": "type_id integer"
 27290                        },
 27291                        "schematic_id": {
 27292                          "type": "integer",
 27293                          "format": "int32",
 27294                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_schematic_id",
 27295                          "description": "schematic_id integer"
 27296                        },
 27297                        "extractor_details": {
 27298                          "type": "object",
 27299                          "required": [
 27300                            "heads"
 27301                          ],
 27302                          "properties": {
 27303                            "heads": {
 27304                              "type": "array",
 27305                              "maxItems": 10,
 27306                              "items": {
 27307                                "type": "object",
 27308                                "required": [
 27309                                  "head_id",
 27310                                  "latitude",
 27311                                  "longitude"
 27312                                ],
 27313                                "properties": {
 27314                                  "head_id": {
 27315                                    "type": "integer",
 27316                                    "format": "int32",
 27317                                    "minimum": 0,
 27318                                    "maximum": 9,
 27319                                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_head_id",
 27320                                    "description": "head_id integer"
 27321                                  },
 27322                                  "latitude": {
 27323                                    "type": "number",
 27324                                    "format": "float",
 27325                                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_latitude",
 27326                                    "description": "latitude number"
 27327                                  },
 27328                                  "longitude": {
 27329                                    "type": "number",
 27330                                    "format": "float",
 27331                                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_longitude",
 27332                                    "description": "longitude number"
 27333                                  }
 27334                                },
 27335                                "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_head",
 27336                                "description": "head object"
 27337                              },
 27338                              "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_heads",
 27339                              "description": "heads array"
 27340                            },
 27341                            "product_type_id": {
 27342                              "type": "integer",
 27343                              "format": "int32",
 27344                              "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_product_type_id",
 27345                              "description": "product_type_id integer"
 27346                            },
 27347                            "cycle_time": {
 27348                              "description": "in seconds",
 27349                              "type": "integer",
 27350                              "format": "int32",
 27351                              "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_cycle_time"
 27352                            },
 27353                            "head_radius": {
 27354                              "type": "number",
 27355                              "format": "float",
 27356                              "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_head_radius",
 27357                              "description": "head_radius number"
 27358                            },
 27359                            "qty_per_cycle": {
 27360                              "type": "integer",
 27361                              "format": "int32",
 27362                              "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_qty_per_cycle",
 27363                              "description": "qty_per_cycle integer"
 27364                            }
 27365                          },
 27366                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_extractor_details",
 27367                          "description": "extractor_details object"
 27368                        },
 27369                        "factory_details": {
 27370                          "type": "object",
 27371                          "required": [
 27372                            "schematic_id"
 27373                          ],
 27374                          "properties": {
 27375                            "schematic_id": {
 27376                              "type": "integer",
 27377                              "format": "int32",
 27378                              "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_schematic_id",
 27379                              "description": "schematic_id integer"
 27380                            }
 27381                          },
 27382                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_factory_details",
 27383                          "description": "factory_details object"
 27384                        },
 27385                        "contents": {
 27386                          "type": "array",
 27387                          "maxItems": 90,
 27388                          "items": {
 27389                            "type": "object",
 27390                            "required": [
 27391                              "type_id",
 27392                              "amount"
 27393                            ],
 27394                            "properties": {
 27395                              "type_id": {
 27396                                "type": "integer",
 27397                                "format": "int32",
 27398                                "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_type_id",
 27399                                "description": "type_id integer"
 27400                              },
 27401                              "amount": {
 27402                                "type": "integer",
 27403                                "format": "int64",
 27404                                "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_amount",
 27405                                "description": "amount integer"
 27406                              }
 27407                            },
 27408                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_content",
 27409                            "description": "content object"
 27410                          },
 27411                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_contents",
 27412                          "description": "contents array"
 27413                        },
 27414                        "install_time": {
 27415                          "type": "string",
 27416                          "format": "date-time",
 27417                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_install_time",
 27418                          "description": "install_time string"
 27419                        },
 27420                        "expiry_time": {
 27421                          "type": "string",
 27422                          "format": "date-time",
 27423                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_expiry_time",
 27424                          "description": "expiry_time string"
 27425                        },
 27426                        "last_cycle_start": {
 27427                          "type": "string",
 27428                          "format": "date-time",
 27429                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_last_cycle_start",
 27430                          "description": "last_cycle_start string"
 27431                        }
 27432                      },
 27433                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_pin",
 27434                      "description": "pin object"
 27435                    },
 27436                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_pins",
 27437                    "description": "pins array"
 27438                  },
 27439                  "routes": {
 27440                    "type": "array",
 27441                    "maxItems": 1000,
 27442                    "items": {
 27443                      "type": "object",
 27444                      "required": [
 27445                        "route_id",
 27446                        "source_pin_id",
 27447                        "destination_pin_id",
 27448                        "content_type_id",
 27449                        "quantity"
 27450                      ],
 27451                      "properties": {
 27452                        "route_id": {
 27453                          "type": "integer",
 27454                          "format": "int64",
 27455                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_route_id",
 27456                          "description": "route_id integer"
 27457                        },
 27458                        "source_pin_id": {
 27459                          "type": "integer",
 27460                          "format": "int64",
 27461                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_source_pin_id",
 27462                          "description": "source_pin_id integer"
 27463                        },
 27464                        "destination_pin_id": {
 27465                          "type": "integer",
 27466                          "format": "int64",
 27467                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_destination_pin_id",
 27468                          "description": "destination_pin_id integer"
 27469                        },
 27470                        "content_type_id": {
 27471                          "type": "integer",
 27472                          "format": "int32",
 27473                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_content_type_id",
 27474                          "description": "content_type_id integer"
 27475                        },
 27476                        "quantity": {
 27477                          "type": "number",
 27478                          "format": "float",
 27479                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_quantity",
 27480                          "description": "quantity number"
 27481                        },
 27482                        "waypoints": {
 27483                          "type": "array",
 27484                          "maxItems": 5,
 27485                          "description": "list of pin ID waypoints",
 27486                          "items": {
 27487                            "type": "integer",
 27488                            "format": "int64",
 27489                            "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_waypoint",
 27490                            "description": "waypoint integer"
 27491                          },
 27492                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_waypoints"
 27493                        }
 27494                      },
 27495                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_route",
 27496                      "description": "route object"
 27497                    },
 27498                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_routes",
 27499                    "description": "routes array"
 27500                  }
 27501                },
 27502                "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_ok",
 27503                "description": "200 ok object"
 27504              },
 27505              "headers": {
 27506                "Cache-Control": {
 27507                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 27508                  "type": "string"
 27509                },
 27510                "Last-Modified": {
 27511                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 27512                  "type": "string"
 27513                },
 27514                "Expires": {
 27515                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 27516                  "type": "string"
 27517                }
 27518              }
 27519            },
 27520            "403": {
 27521              "description": "Forbidden",
 27522              "schema": {
 27523                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 27524              },
 27525              "examples": {
 27526                "application/json": {
 27527                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 27528                }
 27529              }
 27530            },
 27531            "404": {
 27532              "description": "Colony not found",
 27533              "examples": {
 27534                "application/json": {
 27535                  "error": "Colony not found"
 27536                }
 27537              },
 27538              "schema": {
 27539                "type": "object",
 27540                "description": "Colony not found",
 27541                "properties": {
 27542                  "error": {
 27543                    "type": "string",
 27544                    "description": "error message",
 27545                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_error"
 27546                  }
 27547                },
 27548                "title": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id_not_found"
 27549              }
 27550            },
 27551            "500": {
 27552              "description": "Internal server error",
 27553              "schema": {
 27554                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 27555              },
 27556              "examples": {
 27557                "application/json": {
 27558                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 27559                }
 27560              }
 27561            }
 27562          },
 27563          "security": [
 27564            {
 27565              "evesso": [
 27566                "esi-planets.manage_planets.v1"
 27567              ]
 27568            }
 27569          ],
 27570          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id",
 27571          "x-cached-seconds": 600,
 27572          "x-alternate-versions": [
 27573            "dev",
 27574            "v3"
 27575          ]
 27576        }
 27577      },
 27578      "/universe/schematics/{schematic_id}/": {
 27579        "get": {
 27580          "description": "Get information on a planetary factory schematic\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/schematics/{schematic_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/schematics/{schematic_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/schematics/{schematic_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 27581          "summary": "Get schematic information",
 27582          "tags": [
 27583            "Planetary Interaction"
 27584          ],
 27585          "parameters": [
 27586            {
 27587              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 27588            },
 27589            {
 27590              "name": "schematic_id",
 27591              "in": "path",
 27592              "description": "A PI schematic ID",
 27593              "required": true,
 27594              "type": "integer",
 27595              "format": "int32"
 27596            },
 27597            {
 27598              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 27599            },
 27600            {
 27601              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 27602            }
 27603          ],
 27604          "responses": {
 27605            "200": {
 27606              "description": "Public data about a schematic",
 27607              "examples": {
 27608                "application/json": {
 27609                  "schematic_name": "Bacteria",
 27610                  "cycle_time": 1800
 27611                }
 27612              },
 27613              "schema": {
 27614                "type": "object",
 27615                "required": [
 27616                  "schematic_name",
 27617                  "cycle_time"
 27618                ],
 27619                "properties": {
 27620                  "schematic_name": {
 27621                    "type": "string",
 27622                    "title": "get_universe_schematics_schematic_id_schematic_name",
 27623                    "description": "schematic_name string"
 27624                  },
 27625                  "cycle_time": {
 27626                    "type": "integer",
 27627                    "format": "int32",
 27628                    "description": "Time in seconds to process a run",
 27629                    "title": "get_universe_schematics_schematic_id_cycle_time"
 27630                  }
 27631                },
 27632                "title": "get_universe_schematics_schematic_id_ok",
 27633                "description": "200 ok object"
 27634              },
 27635              "headers": {
 27636                "Cache-Control": {
 27637                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 27638                  "type": "string"
 27639                },
 27640                "Last-Modified": {
 27641                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 27642                  "type": "string"
 27643                },
 27644                "Expires": {
 27645                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 27646                  "type": "string"
 27647                }
 27648              }
 27649            },
 27650            "404": {
 27651              "description": "Schematic not found",
 27652              "examples": {
 27653                "application/json": {
 27654                  "error": "Schematic not found"
 27655                }
 27656              },
 27657              "schema": {
 27658                "type": "object",
 27659                "description": "Schematic not found",
 27660                "properties": {
 27661                  "error": {
 27662                    "type": "string",
 27663                    "description": "error message",
 27664                    "title": "get_universe_schematics_schematic_id_error"
 27665                  }
 27666                },
 27667                "title": "get_universe_schematics_schematic_id_not_found"
 27668              }
 27669            },
 27670            "500": {
 27671              "description": "Internal server error",
 27672              "schema": {
 27673                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 27674              },
 27675              "examples": {
 27676                "application/json": {
 27677                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 27678                }
 27679              }
 27680            }
 27681          },
 27682          "operationId": "get_universe_schematics_schematic_id",
 27683          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 27684          "x-alternate-versions": [
 27685            "dev",
 27686            "legacy",
 27687            "v1"
 27688          ]
 27689        }
 27690      },
 27691      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/customs_offices/": {
 27692        "get": {
 27693          "description": "List customs offices owned by a corporation\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/customs_offices/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/customs_offices/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/customs_offices/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director\n",
 27694          "summary": "List corporation customs offices",
 27695          "tags": [
 27696            "Planetary Interaction"
 27697          ],
 27698          "parameters": [
 27699            {
 27700              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 27701            },
 27702            {
 27703              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 27704            },
 27705            {
 27706              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 27707            },
 27708            {
 27709              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 27710            },
 27711            {
 27712              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 27713            },
 27714            {
 27715              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 27716            }
 27717          ],
 27718          "responses": {
 27719            "200": {
 27720              "description": "A list of customs offices and their settings",
 27721              "examples": {
 27722                "application/json": [
 27723                  {
 27724                    "office_id": 1000000014530,
 27725                    "system_id": 30003657,
 27726                    "reinforce_exit_start": 23,
 27727                    "reinforce_exit_end": 1,
 27728                    "allow_alliance_access": false,
 27729                    "allow_access_with_standings": true,
 27730                    "standing_level": "neutral",
 27731                    "corporation_tax_rate": 0.02,
 27732                    "alliance_tax_rate": 0.1,
 27733                    "excellent_standing_tax_rate": 0.05,
 27734                    "good_standing_tax_rate": 0.2,
 27735                    "neutral_standing_tax_rate": 0.5
 27736                  }
 27737                ]
 27738              },
 27739              "schema": {
 27740                "type": "array",
 27741                "maxItems": 1000,
 27742                "items": {
 27743                  "type": "object",
 27744                  "required": [
 27745                    "office_id",
 27746                    "system_id",
 27747                    "reinforce_exit_start",
 27748                    "reinforce_exit_end",
 27749                    "allow_alliance_access",
 27750                    "allow_access_with_standings"
 27751                  ],
 27752                  "properties": {
 27753                    "office_id": {
 27754                      "type": "integer",
 27755                      "format": "int64",
 27756                      "description": "unique ID of this customs office",
 27757                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_office_id"
 27758                    },
 27759                    "system_id": {
 27760                      "type": "integer",
 27761                      "format": "int32",
 27762                      "description": "ID of the solar system this customs office is located in",
 27763                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_system_id"
 27764                    },
 27765                    "reinforce_exit_start": {
 27766                      "type": "integer",
 27767                      "format": "int32",
 27768                      "minimum": 0,
 27769                      "maximum": 23,
 27770                      "description": "Together with reinforce_exit_end, marks a 2-hour period where this customs office could exit reinforcement mode during the day after initial attack",
 27771                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_reinforce_exit_start"
 27772                    },
 27773                    "reinforce_exit_end": {
 27774                      "type": "integer",
 27775                      "format": "int32",
 27776                      "minimum": 0,
 27777                      "maximum": 23,
 27778                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_reinforce_exit_end",
 27779                      "description": "reinforce_exit_end integer"
 27780                    },
 27781                    "corporation_tax_rate": {
 27782                      "type": "number",
 27783                      "format": "float",
 27784                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_corporation_tax_rate",
 27785                      "description": "corporation_tax_rate number"
 27786                    },
 27787                    "allow_alliance_access": {
 27788                      "type": "boolean",
 27789                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_allow_alliance_access",
 27790                      "description": "allow_alliance_access boolean"
 27791                    },
 27792                    "alliance_tax_rate": {
 27793                      "type": "number",
 27794                      "format": "float",
 27795                      "description": "Only present if alliance access is allowed",
 27796                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_alliance_tax_rate"
 27797                    },
 27798                    "allow_access_with_standings": {
 27799                      "type": "boolean",
 27800                      "description": "standing_level and any standing related tax rate only present when this is true",
 27801                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_allow_access_with_standings"
 27802                    },
 27803                    "standing_level": {
 27804                      "type": "string",
 27805                      "enum": [
 27806                        "bad",
 27807                        "excellent",
 27808                        "good",
 27809                        "neutral",
 27810                        "terrible"
 27811                      ],
 27812                      "description": "Access is allowed only for entities with this level of standing or better",
 27813                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_standing_level"
 27814                    },
 27815                    "excellent_standing_tax_rate": {
 27816                      "type": "number",
 27817                      "format": "float",
 27818                      "description": "Tax rate for entities with excellent level of standing, only present if this level is allowed, same for all other standing related tax rates",
 27819                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_excellent_standing_tax_rate"
 27820                    },
 27821                    "good_standing_tax_rate": {
 27822                      "type": "number",
 27823                      "format": "float",
 27824                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_good_standing_tax_rate",
 27825                      "description": "good_standing_tax_rate number"
 27826                    },
 27827                    "neutral_standing_tax_rate": {
 27828                      "type": "number",
 27829                      "format": "float",
 27830                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_neutral_standing_tax_rate",
 27831                      "description": "neutral_standing_tax_rate number"
 27832                    },
 27833                    "bad_standing_tax_rate": {
 27834                      "type": "number",
 27835                      "format": "float",
 27836                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_bad_standing_tax_rate",
 27837                      "description": "bad_standing_tax_rate number"
 27838                    },
 27839                    "terrible_standing_tax_rate": {
 27840                      "type": "number",
 27841                      "format": "float",
 27842                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_terrible_standing_tax_rate",
 27843                      "description": "terrible_standing_tax_rate number"
 27844                    }
 27845                  },
 27846                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_200_ok",
 27847                  "description": "200 ok object"
 27848                },
 27849                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices_ok",
 27850                "description": "200 ok array"
 27851              },
 27852              "headers": {
 27853                "X-Pages": {
 27854                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 27855                  "type": "integer",
 27856                  "format": "int32",
 27857                  "default": 1
 27858                },
 27859                "Cache-Control": {
 27860                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 27861                  "type": "string"
 27862                },
 27863                "Last-Modified": {
 27864                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 27865                  "type": "string"
 27866                },
 27867                "Expires": {
 27868                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 27869                  "type": "string"
 27870                }
 27871              }
 27872            },
 27873            "403": {
 27874              "description": "Forbidden",
 27875              "schema": {
 27876                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 27877              },
 27878              "examples": {
 27879                "application/json": {
 27880                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 27881                }
 27882              }
 27883            },
 27884            "500": {
 27885              "description": "Internal server error",
 27886              "schema": {
 27887                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 27888              },
 27889              "examples": {
 27890                "application/json": {
 27891                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 27892                }
 27893              }
 27894            }
 27895          },
 27896          "x-required-roles": [
 27897            "Director"
 27898          ],
 27899          "security": [
 27900            {
 27901              "evesso": [
 27902                "esi-planets.read_customs_offices.v1"
 27903              ]
 27904            }
 27905          ],
 27906          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices",
 27907          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 27908          "x-alternate-versions": [
 27909            "dev",
 27910            "legacy",
 27911            "v1"
 27912          ]
 27913        }
 27914      },
 27915      "/route/{origin}/{destination}/": {
 27916        "get": {
 27917          "description": "Get the systems between origin and destination\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/route/{origin}/{destination}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/route/{origin}/{destination}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/route/{origin}/{destination}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 86400 seconds",
 27918          "summary": "Get route",
 27919          "tags": [
 27920            "Routes"
 27921          ],
 27922          "parameters": [
 27923            {
 27924              "name": "avoid",
 27925              "in": "query",
 27926              "description": "avoid solar system ID(s)",
 27927              "type": "array",
 27928              "maxItems": 100,
 27929              "uniqueItems": true,
 27930              "items": {
 27931                "type": "integer",
 27932                "format": "int32"
 27933              }
 27934            },
 27935            {
 27936              "name": "connections",
 27937              "in": "query",
 27938              "type": "array",
 27939              "description": "connected solar system pairs",
 27940              "maxItems": 100,
 27941              "uniqueItems": true,
 27942              "items": {
 27943                "type": "array",
 27944                "minItems": 2,
 27945                "maxItems": 2,
 27946                "uniqueItems": true,
 27947                "collectionFormat": "pipes",
 27948                "items": {
 27949                  "type": "integer",
 27950                  "format": "int32"
 27951                }
 27952              }
 27953            },
 27954            {
 27955              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 27956            },
 27957            {
 27958              "name": "destination",
 27959              "in": "path",
 27960              "description": "destination solar system ID",
 27961              "type": "integer",
 27962              "format": "int32",
 27963              "required": true
 27964            },
 27965            {
 27966              "name": "flag",
 27967              "in": "query",
 27968              "description": "route security preference",
 27969              "default": "shortest",
 27970              "type": "string",
 27971              "enum": [
 27972                "shortest",
 27973                "secure",
 27974                "insecure"
 27975              ]
 27976            },
 27977            {
 27978              "name": "origin",
 27979              "in": "path",
 27980              "description": "origin solar system ID",
 27981              "type": "integer",
 27982              "format": "int32",
 27983              "required": true
 27984            },
 27985            {
 27986              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 27987            },
 27988            {
 27989              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 27990            }
 27991          ],
 27992          "responses": {
 27993            "200": {
 27994              "description": "Solar systems in route from origin to destination",
 27995              "examples": {
 27996                "application/json": [
 27997                  30002771,
 27998                  30002770,
 27999                  30002769,
 28000                  30002772
 28001                ]
 28002              },
 28003              "schema": {
 28004                "type": "array",
 28005                "maxItems": 1000,
 28006                "description": "Solar systems in route",
 28007                "items": {
 28008                  "description": "Solar system in route",
 28009                  "type": "integer",
 28010                  "format": "int32",
 28011                  "title": "Solar system ID"
 28012                },
 28013                "title": "get_route_origin_destination_ok"
 28014              },
 28015              "headers": {
 28016                "Cache-Control": {
 28017                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 28018                  "type": "string"
 28019                },
 28020                "Last-Modified": {
 28021                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 28022                  "type": "string"
 28023                },
 28024                "Expires": {
 28025                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 28026                  "type": "string"
 28027                }
 28028              }
 28029            },
 28030            "404": {
 28031              "description": "No route found",
 28032              "schema": {
 28033                "type": "object",
 28034                "title": "get_route_origin_destination_not_found",
 28035                "description": "Not found",
 28036                "properties": {
 28037                  "error": {
 28038                    "type": "string",
 28039                    "description": "Not found message",
 28040                    "title": "get_route_origin_destination_404_not_found"
 28041                  }
 28042                }
 28043              },
 28044              "examples": {
 28045                "application/json": {
 28046                  "error": "Not found message"
 28047                }
 28048              }
 28049            },
 28050            "500": {
 28051              "description": "Internal server error",
 28052              "schema": {
 28053                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 28054              },
 28055              "examples": {
 28056                "application/json": {
 28057                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 28058                }
 28059              }
 28060            }
 28061          },
 28062          "operationId": "get_route_origin_destination",
 28063          "x-cached-seconds": 86400,
 28064          "x-alternate-versions": [
 28065            "dev",
 28066            "legacy",
 28067            "v1"
 28068          ]
 28069        }
 28070      },
 28071      "/characters/{character_id}/search/": {
 28072        "get": {
 28073          "description": "Search for entities that match a given sub-string.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/search/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v3/characters/{character_id}/search/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 28074          "summary": "Search on a string",
 28075          "tags": [
 28076            "Search"
 28077          ],
 28078          "parameters": [
 28079            {
 28080              "name": "categories",
 28081              "in": "query",
 28082              "description": "Type of entities to search for",
 28083              "required": true,
 28084              "type": "array",
 28085              "minItems": 1,
 28086              "maxItems": 11,
 28087              "uniqueItems": true,
 28088              "items": {
 28089                "type": "string",
 28090                "enum": [
 28091                  "agent",
 28092                  "alliance",
 28093                  "character",
 28094                  "constellation",
 28095                  "corporation",
 28096                  "faction",
 28097                  "inventory_type",
 28098                  "region",
 28099                  "solar_system",
 28100                  "station",
 28101                  "structure"
 28102                ]
 28103              }
 28104            },
 28105            {
 28106              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 28107            },
 28108            {
 28109              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 28110            },
 28111            {
 28112              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 28113            },
 28114            {
 28115              "name": "search",
 28116              "in": "query",
 28117              "description": "The string to search on",
 28118              "required": true,
 28119              "type": "string",
 28120              "minLength": 3
 28121            },
 28122            {
 28123              "name": "strict",
 28124              "in": "query",
 28125              "description": "Whether the search should be a strict match",
 28126              "type": "boolean",
 28127              "default": false
 28128            },
 28129            {
 28130              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 28131            },
 28132            {
 28133              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 28134            },
 28135            {
 28136              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 28137            }
 28138          ],
 28139          "responses": {
 28140            "200": {
 28141              "description": "A list of search results",
 28142              "examples": {
 28143                "application/json": {
 28144                  "station": [
 28145                    60004588,
 28146                    60004594,
 28147                    60005725,
 28148                    60009106,
 28149                    60012721,
 28150                    60012724,
 28151                    60012727
 28152                  ],
 28153                  "solar_system": [
 28154                    30002510
 28155                  ]
 28156                }
 28157              },
 28158              "schema": {
 28159                "type": "object",
 28160                "properties": {
 28161                  "agent": {
 28162                    "type": "array",
 28163                    "maxItems": 500,
 28164                    "items": {
 28165                      "type": "integer",
 28166                      "format": "int32",
 28167                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_agent",
 28168                      "description": "agent integer"
 28169                    },
 28170                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_agent",
 28171                    "description": "agent array"
 28172                  },
 28173                  "alliance": {
 28174                    "type": "array",
 28175                    "maxItems": 500,
 28176                    "items": {
 28177                      "type": "integer",
 28178                      "format": "int32",
 28179                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_alliance",
 28180                      "description": "alliance integer"
 28181                    },
 28182                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_alliance",
 28183                    "description": "alliance array"
 28184                  },
 28185                  "character": {
 28186                    "type": "array",
 28187                    "maxItems": 500,
 28188                    "items": {
 28189                      "type": "integer",
 28190                      "format": "int32",
 28191                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_character",
 28192                      "description": "character integer"
 28193                    },
 28194                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_character",
 28195                    "description": "character array"
 28196                  },
 28197                  "constellation": {
 28198                    "type": "array",
 28199                    "maxItems": 500,
 28200                    "items": {
 28201                      "type": "integer",
 28202                      "format": "int32",
 28203                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_constellation",
 28204                      "description": "constellation integer"
 28205                    },
 28206                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_constellation",
 28207                    "description": "constellation array"
 28208                  },
 28209                  "corporation": {
 28210                    "type": "array",
 28211                    "maxItems": 500,
 28212                    "items": {
 28213                      "type": "integer",
 28214                      "format": "int32",
 28215                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_corporation",
 28216                      "description": "corporation integer"
 28217                    },
 28218                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_corporation",
 28219                    "description": "corporation array"
 28220                  },
 28221                  "faction": {
 28222                    "type": "array",
 28223                    "maxItems": 500,
 28224                    "items": {
 28225                      "type": "integer",
 28226                      "format": "int32",
 28227                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_faction",
 28228                      "description": "faction integer"
 28229                    },
 28230                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_faction",
 28231                    "description": "faction array"
 28232                  },
 28233                  "inventory_type": {
 28234                    "type": "array",
 28235                    "maxItems": 500,
 28236                    "items": {
 28237                      "type": "integer",
 28238                      "format": "int32",
 28239                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_inventory_type",
 28240                      "description": "inventory_type integer"
 28241                    },
 28242                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_inventory_type",
 28243                    "description": "inventory_type array"
 28244                  },
 28245                  "region": {
 28246                    "type": "array",
 28247                    "maxItems": 500,
 28248                    "items": {
 28249                      "type": "integer",
 28250                      "format": "int32",
 28251                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_region",
 28252                      "description": "region integer"
 28253                    },
 28254                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_region",
 28255                    "description": "region array"
 28256                  },
 28257                  "solar_system": {
 28258                    "type": "array",
 28259                    "maxItems": 500,
 28260                    "items": {
 28261                      "type": "integer",
 28262                      "format": "int32",
 28263                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_solar_system",
 28264                      "description": "solar_system integer"
 28265                    },
 28266                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_solar_system",
 28267                    "description": "solar_system array"
 28268                  },
 28269                  "station": {
 28270                    "type": "array",
 28271                    "maxItems": 500,
 28272                    "items": {
 28273                      "type": "integer",
 28274                      "format": "int32",
 28275                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_station",
 28276                      "description": "station integer"
 28277                    },
 28278                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_station",
 28279                    "description": "station array"
 28280                  },
 28281                  "structure": {
 28282                    "type": "array",
 28283                    "maxItems": 500,
 28284                    "items": {
 28285                      "type": "integer",
 28286                      "format": "int64",
 28287                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_structure",
 28288                      "description": "structure integer"
 28289                    },
 28290                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_structure",
 28291                    "description": "structure array"
 28292                  }
 28293                },
 28294                "title": "get_characters_character_id_search_ok",
 28295                "description": "200 ok object"
 28296              },
 28297              "headers": {
 28298                "Content-Language": {
 28299                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 28300                  "type": "string",
 28301                  "enum": [
 28302                    "de",
 28303                    "en-us",
 28304                    "fr",
 28305                    "ja",
 28306                    "ru",
 28307                    "zh"
 28308                  ]
 28309                },
 28310                "Cache-Control": {
 28311                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 28312                  "type": "string"
 28313                },
 28314                "Last-Modified": {
 28315                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 28316                  "type": "string"
 28317                },
 28318                "Expires": {
 28319                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 28320                  "type": "string"
 28321                }
 28322              }
 28323            },
 28324            "403": {
 28325              "description": "Forbidden",
 28326              "schema": {
 28327                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 28328              },
 28329              "examples": {
 28330                "application/json": {
 28331                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 28332                }
 28333              }
 28334            },
 28335            "500": {
 28336              "description": "Internal server error",
 28337              "schema": {
 28338                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 28339              },
 28340              "examples": {
 28341                "application/json": {
 28342                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 28343                }
 28344              }
 28345            }
 28346          },
 28347          "security": [
 28348            {
 28349              "evesso": [
 28350                "esi-search.search_structures.v1"
 28351              ]
 28352            }
 28353          ],
 28354          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_search",
 28355          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 28356          "x-alternate-versions": [
 28357            "dev",
 28358            "v3"
 28359          ]
 28360        }
 28361      },
 28362      "/search/": {
 28363        "get": {
 28364          "description": "Search for entities that match a given sub-string.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/search/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/search/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 28365          "summary": "Search on a string",
 28366          "tags": [
 28367            "Search"
 28368          ],
 28369          "parameters": [
 28370            {
 28371              "name": "categories",
 28372              "in": "query",
 28373              "description": "Type of entities to search for",
 28374              "required": true,
 28375              "type": "array",
 28376              "minItems": 1,
 28377              "maxItems": 10,
 28378              "uniqueItems": true,
 28379              "items": {
 28380                "type": "string",
 28381                "enum": [
 28382                  "agent",
 28383                  "alliance",
 28384                  "character",
 28385                  "constellation",
 28386                  "corporation",
 28387                  "faction",
 28388                  "inventory_type",
 28389                  "region",
 28390                  "solar_system",
 28391                  "station"
 28392                ]
 28393              }
 28394            },
 28395            {
 28396              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 28397            },
 28398            {
 28399              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 28400            },
 28401            {
 28402              "name": "search",
 28403              "in": "query",
 28404              "description": "The string to search on",
 28405              "required": true,
 28406              "type": "string",
 28407              "minLength": 3
 28408            },
 28409            {
 28410              "name": "strict",
 28411              "in": "query",
 28412              "description": "Whether the search should be a strict match",
 28413              "type": "boolean",
 28414              "default": false
 28415            },
 28416            {
 28417              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 28418            },
 28419            {
 28420              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 28421            }
 28422          ],
 28423          "responses": {
 28424            "200": {
 28425              "description": "A list of search results",
 28426              "examples": {
 28427                "application/json": {
 28428                  "station": [
 28429                    60004588,
 28430                    60004594,
 28431                    60005725,
 28432                    60009106,
 28433                    60012721,
 28434                    60012724,
 28435                    60012727
 28436                  ],
 28437                  "solar_system": [
 28438                    30002510
 28439                  ]
 28440                }
 28441              },
 28442              "schema": {
 28443                "type": "object",
 28444                "properties": {
 28445                  "agent": {
 28446                    "type": "array",
 28447                    "maxItems": 500,
 28448                    "items": {
 28449                      "type": "integer",
 28450                      "format": "int32",
 28451                      "title": "get_search_agent",
 28452                      "description": "agent integer"
 28453                    },
 28454                    "title": "get_search_agent",
 28455                    "description": "agent array"
 28456                  },
 28457                  "alliance": {
 28458                    "type": "array",
 28459                    "maxItems": 500,
 28460                    "items": {
 28461                      "type": "integer",
 28462                      "format": "int32",
 28463                      "title": "get_search_alliance",
 28464                      "description": "alliance integer"
 28465                    },
 28466                    "title": "get_search_alliance",
 28467                    "description": "alliance array"
 28468                  },
 28469                  "character": {
 28470                    "type": "array",
 28471                    "maxItems": 500,
 28472                    "items": {
 28473                      "type": "integer",
 28474                      "format": "int32",
 28475                      "title": "get_search_character",
 28476                      "description": "character integer"
 28477                    },
 28478                    "title": "get_search_character",
 28479                    "description": "character array"
 28480                  },
 28481                  "constellation": {
 28482                    "type": "array",
 28483                    "maxItems": 500,
 28484                    "items": {
 28485                      "type": "integer",
 28486                      "format": "int32",
 28487                      "title": "get_search_constellation",
 28488                      "description": "constellation integer"
 28489                    },
 28490                    "title": "get_search_constellation",
 28491                    "description": "constellation array"
 28492                  },
 28493                  "corporation": {
 28494                    "type": "array",
 28495                    "maxItems": 500,
 28496                    "items": {
 28497                      "type": "integer",
 28498                      "format": "int32",
 28499                      "title": "get_search_corporation",
 28500                      "description": "corporation integer"
 28501                    },
 28502                    "title": "get_search_corporation",
 28503                    "description": "corporation array"
 28504                  },
 28505                  "faction": {
 28506                    "type": "array",
 28507                    "maxItems": 500,
 28508                    "items": {
 28509                      "type": "integer",
 28510                      "format": "int32",
 28511                      "title": "get_search_faction",
 28512                      "description": "faction integer"
 28513                    },
 28514                    "title": "get_search_faction",
 28515                    "description": "faction array"
 28516                  },
 28517                  "inventory_type": {
 28518                    "type": "array",
 28519                    "maxItems": 500,
 28520                    "items": {
 28521                      "type": "integer",
 28522                      "format": "int32",
 28523                      "title": "get_search_inventory_type",
 28524                      "description": "inventory_type integer"
 28525                    },
 28526                    "title": "get_search_inventory_type",
 28527                    "description": "inventory_type array"
 28528                  },
 28529                  "region": {
 28530                    "type": "array",
 28531                    "maxItems": 500,
 28532                    "items": {
 28533                      "type": "integer",
 28534                      "format": "int32",
 28535                      "title": "get_search_region",
 28536                      "description": "region integer"
 28537                    },
 28538                    "title": "get_search_region",
 28539                    "description": "region array"
 28540                  },
 28541                  "solar_system": {
 28542                    "type": "array",
 28543                    "maxItems": 500,
 28544                    "items": {
 28545                      "type": "integer",
 28546                      "format": "int32",
 28547                      "title": "get_search_solar_system",
 28548                      "description": "solar_system integer"
 28549                    },
 28550                    "title": "get_search_solar_system",
 28551                    "description": "solar_system array"
 28552                  },
 28553                  "station": {
 28554                    "type": "array",
 28555                    "maxItems": 500,
 28556                    "items": {
 28557                      "type": "integer",
 28558                      "format": "int32",
 28559                      "title": "get_search_station",
 28560                      "description": "station integer"
 28561                    },
 28562                    "title": "get_search_station",
 28563                    "description": "station array"
 28564                  }
 28565                },
 28566                "title": "get_search_ok",
 28567                "description": "200 ok object"
 28568              },
 28569              "headers": {
 28570                "Content-Language": {
 28571                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 28572                  "type": "string",
 28573                  "enum": [
 28574                    "de",
 28575                    "en-us",
 28576                    "fr",
 28577                    "ja",
 28578                    "ru",
 28579                    "zh"
 28580                  ]
 28581                },
 28582                "Cache-Control": {
 28583                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 28584                  "type": "string"
 28585                },
 28586                "Last-Modified": {
 28587                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 28588                  "type": "string"
 28589                },
 28590                "Expires": {
 28591                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 28592                  "type": "string"
 28593                }
 28594              }
 28595            },
 28596            "500": {
 28597              "description": "Internal server error",
 28598              "schema": {
 28599                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 28600              },
 28601              "examples": {
 28602                "application/json": {
 28603                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 28604                }
 28605              }
 28606            }
 28607          },
 28608          "operationId": "get_search",
 28609          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 28610          "x-alternate-versions": [
 28611            "dev",
 28612            "v2"
 28613          ]
 28614        }
 28615      },
 28616      "/characters/{character_id}/skillqueue/": {
 28617        "get": {
 28618          "description": "List the configured skill queue for the given character\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/skillqueue/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/skillqueue/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/characters/{character_id}/skillqueue/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 120 seconds",
 28619          "summary": "Get character's skill queue",
 28620          "tags": [
 28621            "Skills"
 28622          ],
 28623          "parameters": [
 28624            {
 28625              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 28626            },
 28627            {
 28628              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 28629            },
 28630            {
 28631              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 28632            },
 28633            {
 28634              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 28635            },
 28636            {
 28637              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 28638            }
 28639          ],
 28640          "responses": {
 28641            "200": {
 28642              "description": "The current skill queue, sorted ascending by finishing time",
 28643              "examples": {
 28644                "application/json": [
 28645                  {
 28646                    "skill_id": 1,
 28647                    "finish_date": "2016-06-29T10:47:00Z",
 28648                    "start_date": "2016-06-29T10:46:00Z",
 28649                    "finished_level": 3,
 28650                    "queue_position": 0
 28651                  },
 28652                  {
 28653                    "skill_id": 1,
 28654                    "finish_date": "2016-07-15T10:47:00Z",
 28655                    "start_date": "2016-06-29T10:47:00Z",
 28656                    "finished_level": 4,
 28657                    "queue_position": 1
 28658                  },
 28659                  {
 28660                    "skill_id": 2,
 28661                    "finish_date": "2016-08-30T10:47:00Z",
 28662                    "start_date": "2016-07-15T10:47:00Z",
 28663                    "finished_level": 2,
 28664                    "queue_position": 2
 28665                  }
 28666                ]
 28667              },
 28668              "schema": {
 28669                "type": "array",
 28670                "maxItems": 51,
 28671                "items": {
 28672                  "type": "object",
 28673                  "required": [
 28674                    "skill_id",
 28675                    "finished_level",
 28676                    "queue_position"
 28677                  ],
 28678                  "properties": {
 28679                    "skill_id": {
 28680                      "type": "integer",
 28681                      "format": "int32",
 28682                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_skillqueue_skill_id",
 28683                      "description": "skill_id integer"
 28684                    },
 28685                    "finish_date": {
 28686                      "type": "string",
 28687                      "format": "date-time",
 28688                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_skillqueue_finish_date",
 28689                      "description": "finish_date string"
 28690                    },
 28691                    "start_date": {
 28692                      "type": "string",
 28693                      "format": "date-time",
 28694                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_skillqueue_start_date",
 28695                      "description": "start_date string"
 28696                    },
 28697                    "finished_level": {
 28698                      "type": "integer",
 28699                      "format": "int32",
 28700                      "minimum": 0,
 28701                      "maximum": 5,
 28702                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_skillqueue_finished_level",
 28703                      "description": "finished_level integer"
 28704                    },
 28705                    "queue_position": {
 28706                      "type": "integer",
 28707                      "format": "int32",
 28708                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_skillqueue_queue_position",
 28709                      "description": "queue_position integer"
 28710                    },
 28711                    "training_start_sp": {
 28712                      "type": "integer",
 28713                      "format": "int32",
 28714                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_skillqueue_training_start_sp",
 28715                      "description": "training_start_sp integer"
 28716                    },
 28717                    "level_end_sp": {
 28718                      "type": "integer",
 28719                      "format": "int32",
 28720                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_skillqueue_level_end_sp",
 28721                      "description": "level_end_sp integer"
 28722                    },
 28723                    "level_start_sp": {
 28724                      "type": "integer",
 28725                      "format": "int32",
 28726                      "description": "Amount of SP that was in the skill when it started training it's current level. Used to calculate % of current level complete.",
 28727                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_skillqueue_level_start_sp"
 28728                    }
 28729                  },
 28730                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_skillqueue_200_ok",
 28731                  "description": "200 ok object"
 28732                },
 28733                "title": "get_characters_character_id_skillqueue_ok",
 28734                "description": "200 ok array"
 28735              },
 28736              "headers": {
 28737                "Cache-Control": {
 28738                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 28739                  "type": "string"
 28740                },
 28741                "Last-Modified": {
 28742                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 28743                  "type": "string"
 28744                },
 28745                "Expires": {
 28746                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 28747                  "type": "string"
 28748                }
 28749              }
 28750            },
 28751            "403": {
 28752              "description": "Forbidden",
 28753              "schema": {
 28754                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 28755              },
 28756              "examples": {
 28757                "application/json": {
 28758                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 28759                }
 28760              }
 28761            },
 28762            "500": {
 28763              "description": "Internal server error",
 28764              "schema": {
 28765                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 28766              },
 28767              "examples": {
 28768                "application/json": {
 28769                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 28770                }
 28771              }
 28772            }
 28773          },
 28774          "security": [
 28775            {
 28776              "evesso": [
 28777                "esi-skills.read_skillqueue.v1"
 28778              ]
 28779            }
 28780          ],
 28781          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_skillqueue",
 28782          "x-cached-seconds": 120,
 28783          "x-alternate-versions": [
 28784            "dev",
 28785            "legacy",
 28786            "v2"
 28787          ]
 28788        }
 28789      },
 28790      "/characters/{character_id}/skills/": {
 28791        "get": {
 28792          "description": "List all trained skills for the given character\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/skills/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v4/characters/{character_id}/skills/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 120 seconds",
 28793          "summary": "Get character skills",
 28794          "tags": [
 28795            "Skills"
 28796          ],
 28797          "parameters": [
 28798            {
 28799              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 28800            },
 28801            {
 28802              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 28803            },
 28804            {
 28805              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 28806            },
 28807            {
 28808              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 28809            },
 28810            {
 28811              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 28812            }
 28813          ],
 28814          "responses": {
 28815            "200": {
 28816              "description": "Known skills for the character",
 28817              "examples": {
 28818                "application/json": {
 28819                  "skills": [
 28820                    {
 28821                      "skill_id": 1,
 28822                      "skillpoints_in_skill": 10000,
 28823                      "trained_skill_level": 4,
 28824                      "active_skill_level": 3
 28825                    },
 28826                    {
 28827                      "skill_id": 2,
 28828                      "skillpoints_in_skill": 10000,
 28829                      "trained_skill_level": 1,
 28830                      "active_skill_level": 1
 28831                    }
 28832                  ],
 28833                  "total_sp": 20000
 28834                }
 28835              },
 28836              "schema": {
 28837                "type": "object",
 28838                "required": [
 28839                  "skills",
 28840                  "total_sp"
 28841                ],
 28842                "properties": {
 28843                  "skills": {
 28844                    "type": "array",
 28845                    "maxItems": 1000,
 28846                    "items": {
 28847                      "type": "object",
 28848                      "required": [
 28849                        "skill_id",
 28850                        "skillpoints_in_skill",
 28851                        "trained_skill_level",
 28852                        "active_skill_level"
 28853                      ],
 28854                      "properties": {
 28855                        "skill_id": {
 28856                          "type": "integer",
 28857                          "format": "int32",
 28858                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_skills_skill_id",
 28859                          "description": "skill_id integer"
 28860                        },
 28861                        "skillpoints_in_skill": {
 28862                          "type": "integer",
 28863                          "format": "int64",
 28864                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_skills_skillpoints_in_skill",
 28865                          "description": "skillpoints_in_skill integer"
 28866                        },
 28867                        "trained_skill_level": {
 28868                          "type": "integer",
 28869                          "format": "int32",
 28870                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_skills_trained_skill_level",
 28871                          "description": "trained_skill_level integer"
 28872                        },
 28873                        "active_skill_level": {
 28874                          "type": "integer",
 28875                          "format": "int32",
 28876                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_skills_active_skill_level",
 28877                          "description": "active_skill_level integer"
 28878                        }
 28879                      },
 28880                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_skills_skill",
 28881                      "description": "skill object"
 28882                    },
 28883                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_skills_skills",
 28884                    "description": "skills array"
 28885                  },
 28886                  "total_sp": {
 28887                    "type": "integer",
 28888                    "format": "int64",
 28889                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_skills_total_sp",
 28890                    "description": "total_sp integer"
 28891                  },
 28892                  "unallocated_sp": {
 28893                    "type": "integer",
 28894                    "format": "int32",
 28895                    "description": "Skill points available to be assigned",
 28896                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_skills_unallocated_sp"
 28897                  }
 28898                },
 28899                "title": "get_characters_character_id_skills_ok",
 28900                "description": "200 ok object"
 28901              },
 28902              "headers": {
 28903                "Cache-Control": {
 28904                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 28905                  "type": "string"
 28906                },
 28907                "Last-Modified": {
 28908                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 28909                  "type": "string"
 28910                },
 28911                "Expires": {
 28912                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 28913                  "type": "string"
 28914                }
 28915              }
 28916            },
 28917            "403": {
 28918              "description": "Forbidden",
 28919              "schema": {
 28920                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 28921              },
 28922              "examples": {
 28923                "application/json": {
 28924                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 28925                }
 28926              }
 28927            },
 28928            "500": {
 28929              "description": "Internal server error",
 28930              "schema": {
 28931                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 28932              },
 28933              "examples": {
 28934                "application/json": {
 28935                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 28936                }
 28937              }
 28938            }
 28939          },
 28940          "security": [
 28941            {
 28942              "evesso": [
 28943                "esi-skills.read_skills.v1"
 28944              ]
 28945            }
 28946          ],
 28947          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_skills",
 28948          "x-cached-seconds": 120,
 28949          "x-alternate-versions": [
 28950            "dev",
 28951            "v4"
 28952          ]
 28953        }
 28954      },
 28955      "/characters/{character_id}/attributes/": {
 28956        "get": {
 28957          "description": "Return attributes of a character\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/attributes/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/attributes/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/attributes/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 28958          "summary": "Get character attributes",
 28959          "tags": [
 28960            "Skills"
 28961          ],
 28962          "parameters": [
 28963            {
 28964              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 28965            },
 28966            {
 28967              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 28968            },
 28969            {
 28970              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 28971            },
 28972            {
 28973              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 28974            },
 28975            {
 28976              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 28977            }
 28978          ],
 28979          "responses": {
 28980            "200": {
 28981              "description": "Attributes of a character",
 28982              "examples": {
 28983                "application/json": {
 28984                  "charisma": 20,
 28985                  "intelligence": 20,
 28986                  "memory": 20,
 28987                  "perception": 20,
 28988                  "willpower": 20
 28989                }
 28990              },
 28991              "schema": {
 28992                "type": "object",
 28993                "required": [
 28994                  "charisma",
 28995                  "intelligence",
 28996                  "memory",
 28997                  "perception",
 28998                  "willpower"
 28999                ],
 29000                "properties": {
 29001                  "charisma": {
 29002                    "type": "integer",
 29003                    "format": "int32",
 29004                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_attributes_charisma",
 29005                    "description": "charisma integer"
 29006                  },
 29007                  "intelligence": {
 29008                    "type": "integer",
 29009                    "format": "int32",
 29010                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_attributes_intelligence",
 29011                    "description": "intelligence integer"
 29012                  },
 29013                  "memory": {
 29014                    "type": "integer",
 29015                    "format": "int32",
 29016                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_attributes_memory",
 29017                    "description": "memory integer"
 29018                  },
 29019                  "perception": {
 29020                    "type": "integer",
 29021                    "format": "int32",
 29022                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_attributes_perception",
 29023                    "description": "perception integer"
 29024                  },
 29025                  "willpower": {
 29026                    "type": "integer",
 29027                    "format": "int32",
 29028                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_attributes_willpower",
 29029                    "description": "willpower integer"
 29030                  },
 29031                  "bonus_remaps": {
 29032                    "type": "integer",
 29033                    "format": "int32",
 29034                    "description": "Number of available bonus character neural remaps",
 29035                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_attributes_bonus_remaps"
 29036                  },
 29037                  "last_remap_date": {
 29038                    "type": "string",
 29039                    "format": "date-time",
 29040                    "description": "Datetime of last neural remap, including usage of bonus remaps",
 29041                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_attributes_last_remap_date"
 29042                  },
 29043                  "accrued_remap_cooldown_date": {
 29044                    "type": "string",
 29045                    "format": "date-time",
 29046                    "description": "Neural remapping cooldown after a character uses remap accrued over time",
 29047                    "title": "get_characters_character_id_attributes_accrued_remap_cooldown_date"
 29048                  }
 29049                },
 29050                "title": "get_characters_character_id_attributes_ok",
 29051                "description": "200 ok object"
 29052              },
 29053              "headers": {
 29054                "Cache-Control": {
 29055                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 29056                  "type": "string"
 29057                },
 29058                "Last-Modified": {
 29059                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 29060                  "type": "string"
 29061                },
 29062                "Expires": {
 29063                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 29064                  "type": "string"
 29065                }
 29066              }
 29067            },
 29068            "403": {
 29069              "description": "Forbidden",
 29070              "schema": {
 29071                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 29072              },
 29073              "examples": {
 29074                "application/json": {
 29075                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 29076                }
 29077              }
 29078            },
 29079            "500": {
 29080              "description": "Internal server error",
 29081              "schema": {
 29082                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 29083              },
 29084              "examples": {
 29085                "application/json": {
 29086                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 29087                }
 29088              }
 29089            }
 29090          },
 29091          "security": [
 29092            {
 29093              "evesso": [
 29094                "esi-skills.read_skills.v1"
 29095              ]
 29096            }
 29097          ],
 29098          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_attributes",
 29099          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 29100          "x-alternate-versions": [
 29101            "dev",
 29102            "legacy",
 29103            "v1"
 29104          ]
 29105        }
 29106      },
 29107      "/sovereignty/structures/": {
 29108        "get": {
 29109          "description": "Shows sovereignty data for structures.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/sovereignty/structures/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/sovereignty/structures/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/sovereignty/structures/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 120 seconds",
 29110          "summary": "List sovereignty structures",
 29111          "tags": [
 29112            "Sovereignty"
 29113          ],
 29114          "responses": {
 29115            "200": {
 29116              "description": "A list of sovereignty structures",
 29117              "examples": {
 29118                "application/json": [
 29119                  {
 29120                    "alliance_id": 498125261,
 29121                    "solar_system_id": 30000570,
 29122                    "structure_id": 1018253388776,
 29123                    "structure_type_id": 32226,
 29124                    "vulnerability_occupancy_level": 2,
 29125                    "vulnerable_start_time": "2016-10-28T20:30:00Z",
 29126                    "vulnerable_end_time": "2016-10-29T05:30:00Z"
 29127                  }
 29128                ]
 29129              },
 29130              "schema": {
 29131                "type": "array",
 29132                "maxItems": 10000,
 29133                "items": {
 29134                  "type": "object",
 29135                  "required": [
 29136                    "alliance_id",
 29137                    "solar_system_id",
 29138                    "structure_id",
 29139                    "structure_type_id"
 29140                  ],
 29141                  "properties": {
 29142                    "alliance_id": {
 29143                      "type": "integer",
 29144                      "format": "int32",
 29145                      "description": "The alliance that owns the structure.\n",
 29146                      "title": "get_sovereignty_structures_alliance_id"
 29147                    },
 29148                    "solar_system_id": {
 29149                      "type": "integer",
 29150                      "format": "int32",
 29151                      "description": "Solar system in which the structure is located.\n",
 29152                      "title": "get_sovereignty_structures_solar_system_id"
 29153                    },
 29154                    "structure_id": {
 29155                      "type": "integer",
 29156                      "format": "int64",
 29157                      "description": "Unique item ID for this structure.",
 29158                      "title": "get_sovereignty_structures_structure_id"
 29159                    },
 29160                    "structure_type_id": {
 29161                      "type": "integer",
 29162                      "format": "int32",
 29163                      "description": "A reference to the type of structure this is.\n",
 29164                      "title": "get_sovereignty_structures_structure_type_id"
 29165                    },
 29166                    "vulnerability_occupancy_level": {
 29167                      "type": "number",
 29168                      "format": "float",
 29169                      "description": "The occupancy level for the next or current vulnerability window. This takes into account all development indexes and capital system bonuses. Also known as Activity Defense Multiplier from in the client. It increases the time that attackers must spend using their entosis links on the structure.\n",
 29170                      "title": "get_sovereignty_structures_vulnerability_occupancy_level"
 29171                    },
 29172                    "vulnerable_start_time": {
 29173                      "type": "string",
 29174                      "format": "date-time",
 29175                      "description": "The next time at which the structure will become vulnerable. Or the start time of the current window if current time is between this and vulnerableEndTime.\n",
 29176                      "title": "get_sovereignty_structures_vulnerable_start_time"
 29177                    },
 29178                    "vulnerable_end_time": {
 29179                      "type": "string",
 29180                      "format": "date-time",
 29181                      "description": "The time at which the next or current vulnerability window ends. At the end of a vulnerability window the next window is recalculated and locked in along with the vulnerabilityOccupancyLevel. If the structure is not in 100% entosis control of the defender, it will go in to 'overtime' and stay vulnerable for as long as that situation persists. Only once the defenders have 100% entosis control and has the vulnerableEndTime passed does the vulnerability interval expire and a new one is calculated.\n",
 29182                      "title": "get_sovereignty_structures_vulnerable_end_time"
 29183                    }
 29184                  },
 29185                  "title": "get_sovereignty_structures_200_ok",
 29186                  "description": "200 ok object"
 29187                },
 29188                "title": "get_sovereignty_structures_ok",
 29189                "description": "200 ok array"
 29190              },
 29191              "headers": {
 29192                "Cache-Control": {
 29193                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 29194                  "type": "string"
 29195                },
 29196                "Last-Modified": {
 29197                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 29198                  "type": "string"
 29199                },
 29200                "Expires": {
 29201                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 29202                  "type": "string"
 29203                }
 29204              }
 29205            },
 29206            "500": {
 29207              "description": "Internal server error",
 29208              "schema": {
 29209                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 29210              },
 29211              "examples": {
 29212                "application/json": {
 29213                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 29214                }
 29215              }
 29216            }
 29217          },
 29218          "parameters": [
 29219            {
 29220              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 29221            },
 29222            {
 29223              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 29224            },
 29225            {
 29226              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 29227            }
 29228          ],
 29229          "operationId": "get_sovereignty_structures",
 29230          "x-cached-seconds": 120,
 29231          "x-alternate-versions": [
 29232            "dev",
 29233            "legacy",
 29234            "v1"
 29235          ]
 29236        }
 29237      },
 29238      "/sovereignty/campaigns/": {
 29239        "get": {
 29240          "description": "Shows sovereignty data for campaigns.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/sovereignty/campaigns/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/sovereignty/campaigns/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/sovereignty/campaigns/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 5 seconds",
 29241          "summary": "List sovereignty campaigns",
 29242          "tags": [
 29243            "Sovereignty"
 29244          ],
 29245          "responses": {
 29246            "200": {
 29247              "description": "A list of sovereignty campaigns",
 29248              "examples": {
 29249                "application/json": [
 29250                  {
 29251                    "campaign_id": 32833,
 29252                    "structure_id": 61001096,
 29253                    "solar_system_id": 30000856,
 29254                    "constellation_id": 20000125,
 29255                    "event_type": "station_defense",
 29256                    "start_time": "2016-10-29T14:34:40Z",
 29257                    "defender_id": 1695357456,
 29258                    "defender_score": 0.6,
 29259                    "attackers_score": 0.4
 29260                  }
 29261                ]
 29262              },
 29263              "schema": {
 29264                "type": "array",
 29265                "maxItems": 10000,
 29266                "items": {
 29267                  "type": "object",
 29268                  "required": [
 29269                    "campaign_id",
 29270                    "structure_id",
 29271                    "solar_system_id",
 29272                    "constellation_id",
 29273                    "event_type",
 29274                    "start_time"
 29275                  ],
 29276                  "properties": {
 29277                    "campaign_id": {
 29278                      "type": "integer",
 29279                      "format": "int32",
 29280                      "description": "Unique ID for this campaign.",
 29281                      "title": "get_sovereignty_campaigns_campaign_id"
 29282                    },
 29283                    "structure_id": {
 29284                      "type": "integer",
 29285                      "format": "int64",
 29286                      "description": "The structure item ID that is related to this campaign.\n",
 29287                      "title": "get_sovereignty_campaigns_structure_id"
 29288                    },
 29289                    "solar_system_id": {
 29290                      "type": "integer",
 29291                      "format": "int32",
 29292                      "description": "The solar system the structure is located in.\n",
 29293                      "title": "get_sovereignty_campaigns_solar_system_id"
 29294                    },
 29295                    "constellation_id": {
 29296                      "type": "integer",
 29297                      "format": "int32",
 29298                      "description": "The constellation in which the campaign will take place.\n",
 29299                      "title": "get_sovereignty_campaigns_constellation_id"
 29300                    },
 29301                    "event_type": {
 29302                      "type": "string",
 29303                      "description": "Type of event this campaign is for. tcu_defense, ihub_defense and station_defense are referred to as \"Defense Events\", station_freeport as \"Freeport Events\".\n",
 29304                      "enum": [
 29305                        "tcu_defense",
 29306                        "ihub_defense",
 29307                        "station_defense",
 29308                        "station_freeport"
 29309                      ],
 29310                      "title": "get_sovereignty_campaigns_event_type"
 29311                    },
 29312                    "start_time": {
 29313                      "type": "string",
 29314                      "format": "date-time",
 29315                      "description": "Time the event is scheduled to start.\n",
 29316                      "title": "get_sovereignty_campaigns_start_time"
 29317                    },
 29318                    "defender_id": {
 29319                      "type": "integer",
 29320                      "format": "int32",
 29321                      "description": "Defending alliance, only present in Defense Events\n",
 29322                      "title": "get_sovereignty_campaigns_defender_id"
 29323                    },
 29324                    "defender_score": {
 29325                      "type": "number",
 29326                      "format": "float",
 29327                      "description": "Score for the defending alliance, only present in Defense Events.\n",
 29328                      "title": "get_sovereignty_campaigns_defender_score"
 29329                    },
 29330                    "attackers_score": {
 29331                      "type": "number",
 29332                      "format": "float",
 29333                      "description": "Score for all attacking parties, only present in Defense Events.\n",
 29334                      "title": "get_sovereignty_campaigns_attackers_score"
 29335                    },
 29336                    "participants": {
 29337                      "type": "array",
 29338                      "description": "Alliance participating and their respective scores, only present in Freeport Events.\n",
 29339                      "maxItems": 5000,
 29340                      "items": {
 29341                        "type": "object",
 29342                        "required": [
 29343                          "alliance_id",
 29344                          "score"
 29345                        ],
 29346                        "properties": {
 29347                          "alliance_id": {
 29348                            "type": "integer",
 29349                            "format": "int32",
 29350                            "title": "get_sovereignty_campaigns_alliance_id",
 29351                            "description": "alliance_id integer"
 29352                          },
 29353                          "score": {
 29354                            "type": "number",
 29355                            "format": "float",
 29356                            "title": "get_sovereignty_campaigns_score",
 29357                            "description": "score number"
 29358                          }
 29359                        },
 29360                        "title": "get_sovereignty_campaigns_participant",
 29361                        "description": "participant object"
 29362                      },
 29363                      "title": "get_sovereignty_campaigns_participants"
 29364                    }
 29365                  },
 29366                  "title": "get_sovereignty_campaigns_200_ok",
 29367                  "description": "200 ok object"
 29368                },
 29369                "title": "get_sovereignty_campaigns_ok",
 29370                "description": "200 ok array"
 29371              },
 29372              "headers": {
 29373                "Cache-Control": {
 29374                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 29375                  "type": "string"
 29376                },
 29377                "Last-Modified": {
 29378                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 29379                  "type": "string"
 29380                },
 29381                "Expires": {
 29382                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 29383                  "type": "string"
 29384                }
 29385              }
 29386            },
 29387            "500": {
 29388              "description": "Internal server error",
 29389              "schema": {
 29390                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 29391              },
 29392              "examples": {
 29393                "application/json": {
 29394                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 29395                }
 29396              }
 29397            }
 29398          },
 29399          "parameters": [
 29400            {
 29401              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 29402            },
 29403            {
 29404              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 29405            },
 29406            {
 29407              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 29408            }
 29409          ],
 29410          "operationId": "get_sovereignty_campaigns",
 29411          "x-cached-seconds": 5,
 29412          "x-alternate-versions": [
 29413            "dev",
 29414            "legacy",
 29415            "v1"
 29416          ]
 29417        }
 29418      },
 29419      "/sovereignty/map/": {
 29420        "get": {
 29421          "description": "Shows sovereignty information for solar systems\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/sovereignty/map/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/sovereignty/map/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/sovereignty/map/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 29422          "summary": "List sovereignty of systems",
 29423          "tags": [
 29424            "Sovereignty"
 29425          ],
 29426          "responses": {
 29427            "200": {
 29428              "description": "A list of sovereignty information for solar systems in New Eden",
 29429              "examples": {
 29430                "application/json": [
 29431                  {
 29432                    "system_id": 30045334,
 29433                    "faction_id": 500001
 29434                  }
 29435                ]
 29436              },
 29437              "schema": {
 29438                "type": "array",
 29439                "maxItems": 10000,
 29440                "items": {
 29441                  "type": "object",
 29442                  "required": [
 29443                    "system_id"
 29444                  ],
 29445                  "properties": {
 29446                    "system_id": {
 29447                      "type": "integer",
 29448                      "format": "int32",
 29449                      "title": "get_sovereignty_map_system_id",
 29450                      "description": "system_id integer"
 29451                    },
 29452                    "alliance_id": {
 29453                      "type": "integer",
 29454                      "format": "int32",
 29455                      "title": "get_sovereignty_map_alliance_id",
 29456                      "description": "alliance_id integer"
 29457                    },
 29458                    "corporation_id": {
 29459                      "type": "integer",
 29460                      "format": "int32",
 29461                      "title": "get_sovereignty_map_corporation_id",
 29462                      "description": "corporation_id integer"
 29463                    },
 29464                    "faction_id": {
 29465                      "type": "integer",
 29466                      "format": "int32",
 29467                      "title": "get_sovereignty_map_faction_id",
 29468                      "description": "faction_id integer"
 29469                    }
 29470                  },
 29471                  "title": "get_sovereignty_map_200_ok",
 29472                  "description": "200 ok object"
 29473                },
 29474                "title": "get_sovereignty_map_ok",
 29475                "description": "200 ok array"
 29476              },
 29477              "headers": {
 29478                "Cache-Control": {
 29479                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 29480                  "type": "string"
 29481                },
 29482                "Last-Modified": {
 29483                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 29484                  "type": "string"
 29485                },
 29486                "Expires": {
 29487                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 29488                  "type": "string"
 29489                }
 29490              }
 29491            },
 29492            "500": {
 29493              "description": "Internal server error",
 29494              "schema": {
 29495                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 29496              },
 29497              "examples": {
 29498                "application/json": {
 29499                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 29500                }
 29501              }
 29502            }
 29503          },
 29504          "parameters": [
 29505            {
 29506              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 29507            },
 29508            {
 29509              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 29510            },
 29511            {
 29512              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 29513            }
 29514          ],
 29515          "operationId": "get_sovereignty_map",
 29516          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 29517          "x-alternate-versions": [
 29518            "dev",
 29519            "legacy",
 29520            "v1"
 29521          ]
 29522        }
 29523      },
 29524      "/status/": {
 29525        "get": {
 29526          "description": "EVE Server status\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/status/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/status/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/status/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 30 seconds",
 29527          "summary": "Retrieve the uptime and player counts",
 29528          "tags": [
 29529            "Status"
 29530          ],
 29531          "responses": {
 29532            "200": {
 29533              "description": "Server status",
 29534              "examples": {
 29535                "application/json": {
 29536                  "start_time": "2017-01-02T12:34:56Z",
 29537                  "players": 12345,
 29538                  "server_version": "1132976"
 29539                }
 29540              },
 29541              "schema": {
 29542                "type": "object",
 29543                "required": [
 29544                  "start_time",
 29545                  "players",
 29546                  "server_version"
 29547                ],
 29548                "properties": {
 29549                  "start_time": {
 29550                    "type": "string",
 29551                    "format": "date-time",
 29552                    "description": "Server start timestamp",
 29553                    "title": "get_status_start_time"
 29554                  },
 29555                  "players": {
 29556                    "type": "integer",
 29557                    "description": "Current online player count",
 29558                    "title": "get_status_players"
 29559                  },
 29560                  "server_version": {
 29561                    "type": "string",
 29562                    "description": "Running version as string",
 29563                    "title": "get_status_server_version"
 29564                  },
 29565                  "vip": {
 29566                    "type": "boolean",
 29567                    "description": "If the server is in VIP mode",
 29568                    "title": "get_status_vip"
 29569                  }
 29570                },
 29571                "title": "get_status_ok",
 29572                "description": "200 ok object"
 29573              },
 29574              "headers": {
 29575                "Cache-Control": {
 29576                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 29577                  "type": "string"
 29578                },
 29579                "Last-Modified": {
 29580                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 29581                  "type": "string"
 29582                },
 29583                "Expires": {
 29584                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 29585                  "type": "string"
 29586                }
 29587              }
 29588            },
 29589            "500": {
 29590              "description": "Internal server error",
 29591              "schema": {
 29592                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 29593              },
 29594              "examples": {
 29595                "application/json": {
 29596                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 29597                }
 29598              }
 29599            }
 29600          },
 29601          "parameters": [
 29602            {
 29603              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 29604            },
 29605            {
 29606              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 29607            },
 29608            {
 29609              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 29610            }
 29611          ],
 29612          "operationId": "get_status",
 29613          "x-cached-seconds": 30,
 29614          "x-alternate-versions": [
 29615            "dev",
 29616            "legacy",
 29617            "v1"
 29618          ]
 29619        }
 29620      },
 29621      "/universe/ids/": {
 29622        "post": {
 29623          "description": "Resolve a set of names to IDs in the following categories: agents, alliances, characters, constellations, corporations factions, inventory_types, regions, stations, and systems. Only exact matches will be returned. All names searched for are cached for 12 hours.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/ids/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/ids/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/ids/`\n",
 29624          "summary": "Bulk names to IDs",
 29625          "tags": [
 29626            "Universe"
 29627          ],
 29628          "parameters": [
 29629            {
 29630              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 29631            },
 29632            {
 29633              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 29634            },
 29635            {
 29636              "name": "names",
 29637              "in": "body",
 29638              "description": "The names to resolve",
 29639              "required": true,
 29640              "schema": {
 29641                "type": "array",
 29642                "minItems": 1,
 29643                "maxItems": 1000,
 29644                "uniqueItems": true,
 29645                "items": {
 29646                  "type": "string",
 29647                  "minLength": 1,
 29648                  "maxLength": 100,
 29649                  "title": "post_universe_ids_name",
 29650                  "description": "name string"
 29651                },
 29652                "example": [
 29653                  "CCP Zoetrope"
 29654                ],
 29655                "title": "post_universe_ids_names",
 29656                "description": "names array"
 29657              }
 29658            },
 29659            {
 29660              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 29661            },
 29662            {
 29663              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 29664            }
 29665          ],
 29666          "responses": {
 29667            "200": {
 29668              "description": "List of id/name associations for a set of names divided by category. Any name passed in that did not have a match will be ommitted.",
 29669              "examples": {
 29670                "application/json": {
 29671                  "characters": [
 29672                    {
 29673                      "id": 95465499,
 29674                      "name": "CCP Bartender"
 29675                    },
 29676                    {
 29677                      "id": 2112625428,
 29678                      "name": "CCP Zoetrope"
 29679                    }
 29680                  ],
 29681                  "systems": [
 29682                    {
 29683                      "id": 30000142,
 29684                      "name": "Jita"
 29685                    }
 29686                  ]
 29687                }
 29688              },
 29689              "schema": {
 29690                "type": "object",
 29691                "properties": {
 29692                  "agents": {
 29693                    "type": "array",
 29694                    "maxItems": 1000,
 29695                    "items": {
 29696                      "type": "object",
 29697                      "properties": {
 29698                        "id": {
 29699                          "type": "integer",
 29700                          "format": "int32",
 29701                          "title": "post_universe_ids_id",
 29702                          "description": "id integer"
 29703                        },
 29704                        "name": {
 29705                          "type": "string",
 29706                          "title": "post_universe_ids_name",
 29707                          "description": "name string"
 29708                        }
 29709                      },
 29710                      "title": "post_universe_ids_agent",
 29711                      "description": "agent object"
 29712                    },
 29713                    "title": "post_universe_ids_agents",
 29714                    "description": "agents array"
 29715                  },
 29716                  "alliances": {
 29717                    "type": "array",
 29718                    "maxItems": 1000,
 29719                    "items": {
 29720                      "type": "object",
 29721                      "properties": {
 29722                        "id": {
 29723                          "type": "integer",
 29724                          "format": "int32",
 29725                          "title": "post_universe_ids_id",
 29726                          "description": "id integer"
 29727                        },
 29728                        "name": {
 29729                          "type": "string",
 29730                          "title": "post_universe_ids_name",
 29731                          "description": "name string"
 29732                        }
 29733                      },
 29734                      "title": "post_universe_ids_alliance",
 29735                      "description": "alliance object"
 29736                    },
 29737                    "title": "post_universe_ids_alliances",
 29738                    "description": "alliances array"
 29739                  },
 29740                  "characters": {
 29741                    "type": "array",
 29742                    "maxItems": 1000,
 29743                    "items": {
 29744                      "type": "object",
 29745                      "properties": {
 29746                        "id": {
 29747                          "type": "integer",
 29748                          "format": "int32",
 29749                          "title": "post_universe_ids_id",
 29750                          "description": "id integer"
 29751                        },
 29752                        "name": {
 29753                          "type": "string",
 29754                          "title": "post_universe_ids_name",
 29755                          "description": "name string"
 29756                        }
 29757                      },
 29758                      "title": "post_universe_ids_character",
 29759                      "description": "character object"
 29760                    },
 29761                    "title": "post_universe_ids_characters",
 29762                    "description": "characters array"
 29763                  },
 29764                  "constellations": {
 29765                    "type": "array",
 29766                    "maxItems": 1000,
 29767                    "items": {
 29768                      "type": "object",
 29769                      "properties": {
 29770                        "id": {
 29771                          "type": "integer",
 29772                          "format": "int32",
 29773                          "title": "post_universe_ids_id",
 29774                          "description": "id integer"
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 29777                          "type": "string",
 29778                          "title": "post_universe_ids_name",
 29779                          "description": "name string"
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 29793                      "properties": {
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 29795                          "type": "integer",
 29796                          "format": "int32",
 29797                          "title": "post_universe_ids_id",
 29798                          "description": "id integer"
 29799                        },
 29800                        "name": {
 29801                          "type": "string",
 29802                          "title": "post_universe_ids_name",
 29803                          "description": "name string"
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 29806                      "title": "post_universe_ids_corporation",
 29807                      "description": "corporation object"
 29808                    },
 29809                    "title": "post_universe_ids_corporations",
 29810                    "description": "corporations array"
 29811                  },
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 29813                    "type": "array",
 29814                    "maxItems": 1000,
 29815                    "items": {
 29816                      "type": "object",
 29817                      "properties": {
 29818                        "id": {
 29819                          "type": "integer",
 29820                          "format": "int32",
 29821                          "title": "post_universe_ids_id",
 29822                          "description": "id integer"
 29823                        },
 29824                        "name": {
 29825                          "type": "string",
 29826                          "title": "post_universe_ids_name",
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 29838                    "maxItems": 1000,
 29839                    "items": {
 29840                      "type": "object",
 29841                      "properties": {
 29842                        "id": {
 29843                          "type": "integer",
 29844                          "format": "int32",
 29845                          "title": "post_universe_ids_id",
 29846                          "description": "id integer"
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 29849                          "type": "string",
 29850                          "title": "post_universe_ids_name",
 29851                          "description": "name string"
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 29853                      },
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 29855                      "description": "inventory_type object"
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 29858                    "description": "inventory_types array"
 29859                  },
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 29861                    "type": "array",
 29862                    "maxItems": 1000,
 29863                    "items": {
 29864                      "type": "object",
 29865                      "properties": {
 29866                        "id": {
 29867                          "type": "integer",
 29868                          "format": "int32",
 29869                          "title": "post_universe_ids_id",
 29870                          "description": "id integer"
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 29873                          "type": "string",
 29874                          "title": "post_universe_ids_name",
 29875                          "description": "name string"
 29876                        }
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 29879                      "description": "region object"
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 29882                    "description": "regions array"
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 29885                    "type": "array",
 29886                    "maxItems": 1000,
 29887                    "items": {
 29888                      "type": "object",
 29889                      "properties": {
 29890                        "id": {
 29891                          "type": "integer",
 29892                          "format": "int32",
 29893                          "title": "post_universe_ids_id",
 29894                          "description": "id integer"
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 29906                    "description": "systems array"
 29907                  },
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 29909                    "type": "array",
 29910                    "maxItems": 1000,
 29911                    "items": {
 29912                      "type": "object",
 29913                      "properties": {
 29914                        "id": {
 29915                          "type": "integer",
 29916                          "format": "int32",
 29917                          "title": "post_universe_ids_id",
 29918                          "description": "id integer"
 29919                        },
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 29922                          "title": "post_universe_ids_name",
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 29924                        }
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 29927                      "description": "station object"
 29928                    },
 29929                    "title": "post_universe_ids_stations",
 29930                    "description": "stations array"
 29931                  }
 29932                },
 29933                "title": "post_universe_ids_ok",
 29934                "description": "200 ok object"
 29935              },
 29936              "headers": {
 29937                "Content-Language": {
 29938                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 29939                  "type": "string",
 29940                  "enum": [
 29941                    "de",
 29942                    "en-us",
 29943                    "fr",
 29944                    "ja",
 29945                    "ru",
 29946                    "zh"
 29947                  ]
 29948                }
 29949              }
 29950            },
 29951            "500": {
 29952              "description": "Internal server error",
 29953              "schema": {
 29954                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 29955              },
 29956              "examples": {
 29957                "application/json": {
 29958                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 29959                }
 29960              }
 29961            },
 29962            "503": {
 29963              "description": "Search backend is unreachable, try again later.",
 29964              "schema": {
 29965                "type": "object",
 29966                "title": "post_universe_ids_service_unavailable",
 29967                "description": "Service unavailable",
 29968                "properties": {
 29969                  "error": {
 29970                    "type": "string",
 29971                    "description": "Service unavailable message",
 29972                    "title": "post_universe_ids_503_service_unavailable"
 29973                  }
 29974                }
 29975              },
 29976              "examples": {
 29977                "application/json": {
 29978                  "error": "Service unavailable message"
 29979                }
 29980              }
 29981            }
 29982          },
 29983          "operationId": "post_universe_ids",
 29984          "x-alternate-versions": [
 29985            "dev",
 29986            "legacy",
 29987            "v1"
 29988          ]
 29989        }
 29990      },
 29991      "/universe/planets/{planet_id}/": {
 29992        "get": {
 29993          "description": "Get information on a planet\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/planets/{planet_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/planets/{planet_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/planets/{planet_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 29994          "summary": "Get planet information",
 29995          "tags": [
 29996            "Universe"
 29997          ],
 29998          "parameters": [
 29999            {
 30000              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 30001            },
 30002            {
 30003              "name": "planet_id",
 30004              "in": "path",
 30005              "required": true,
 30006              "type": "integer",
 30007              "format": "int32",
 30008              "description": "planet_id integer"
 30009            },
 30010            {
 30011              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 30012            },
 30013            {
 30014              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 30015            }
 30016          ],
 30017          "responses": {
 30018            "200": {
 30019              "description": "Information about a planet",
 30020              "examples": {
 30021                "application/json": {
 30022                  "planet_id": 40000046,
 30023                  "name": "Akpivem III",
 30024                  "type_id": 13,
 30025                  "position": {
 30026                    "x": -189226344497,
 30027                    "y": 9901605317,
 30028                    "z": -254852632979
 30029                  },
 30030                  "system_id": 30000003
 30031                }
 30032              },
 30033              "schema": {
 30034                "type": "object",
 30035                "required": [
 30036                  "planet_id",
 30037                  "name",
 30038                  "type_id",
 30039                  "position",
 30040                  "system_id"
 30041                ],
 30042                "properties": {
 30043                  "planet_id": {
 30044                    "type": "integer",
 30045                    "format": "int32",
 30046                    "title": "get_universe_planets_planet_id_planet_id",
 30047                    "description": "planet_id integer"
 30048                  },
 30049                  "name": {
 30050                    "type": "string",
 30051                    "title": "get_universe_planets_planet_id_name",
 30052                    "description": "name string"
 30053                  },
 30054                  "type_id": {
 30055                    "type": "integer",
 30056                    "format": "int32",
 30057                    "title": "get_universe_planets_planet_id_type_id",
 30058                    "description": "type_id integer"
 30059                  },
 30060                  "position": {
 30061                    "type": "object",
 30062                    "required": [
 30063                      "x",
 30064                      "y",
 30065                      "z"
 30066                    ],
 30067                    "properties": {
 30068                      "x": {
 30069                        "type": "number",
 30070                        "format": "double",
 30071                        "title": "get_universe_planets_planet_id_x",
 30072                        "description": "x number"
 30073                      },
 30074                      "y": {
 30075                        "type": "number",
 30076                        "format": "double",
 30077                        "title": "get_universe_planets_planet_id_y",
 30078                        "description": "y number"
 30079                      },
 30080                      "z": {
 30081                        "type": "number",
 30082                        "format": "double",
 30083                        "title": "get_universe_planets_planet_id_z",
 30084                        "description": "z number"
 30085                      }
 30086                    },
 30087                    "title": "get_universe_planets_planet_id_position",
 30088                    "description": "position object"
 30089                  },
 30090                  "system_id": {
 30091                    "type": "integer",
 30092                    "format": "int32",
 30093                    "description": "The solar system this planet is in",
 30094                    "title": "get_universe_planets_planet_id_system_id"
 30095                  }
 30096                },
 30097                "title": "get_universe_planets_planet_id_ok",
 30098                "description": "200 ok object"
 30099              },
 30100              "headers": {
 30101                "Cache-Control": {
 30102                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 30103                  "type": "string"
 30104                },
 30105                "Last-Modified": {
 30106                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 30107                  "type": "string"
 30108                },
 30109                "Expires": {
 30110                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 30111                  "type": "string"
 30112                }
 30113              }
 30114            },
 30115            "404": {
 30116              "description": "Planet not found",
 30117              "schema": {
 30118                "type": "object",
 30119                "title": "get_universe_planets_planet_id_not_found",
 30120                "description": "Not found",
 30121                "properties": {
 30122                  "error": {
 30123                    "type": "string",
 30124                    "description": "Not found message",
 30125                    "title": "get_universe_planets_planet_id_404_not_found"
 30126                  }
 30127                }
 30128              },
 30129              "examples": {
 30130                "application/json": {
 30131                  "error": "Not found message"
 30132                }
 30133              }
 30134            },
 30135            "500": {
 30136              "description": "Internal server error",
 30137              "schema": {
 30138                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 30139              },
 30140              "examples": {
 30141                "application/json": {
 30142                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 30143                }
 30144              }
 30145            }
 30146          },
 30147          "operationId": "get_universe_planets_planet_id",
 30148          "x-alternate-versions": [
 30149            "dev",
 30150            "legacy",
 30151            "v1"
 30152          ]
 30153        }
 30154      },
 30155      "/universe/stations/{station_id}/": {
 30156        "get": {
 30157          "description": "Get information on a station\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/stations/{station_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/universe/stations/{station_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds",
 30158          "summary": "Get station information",
 30159          "tags": [
 30160            "Universe"
 30161          ],
 30162          "parameters": [
 30163            {
 30164              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 30165            },
 30166            {
 30167              "name": "station_id",
 30168              "in": "path",
 30169              "required": true,
 30170              "type": "integer",
 30171              "format": "int32",
 30172              "description": "station_id integer"
 30173            },
 30174            {
 30175              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 30176            },
 30177            {
 30178              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 30179            }
 30180          ],
 30181          "responses": {
 30182            "200": {
 30183              "description": "Information about a station",
 30184              "examples": {
 30185                "application/json": {
 30186                  "station_id": 60000277,
 30187                  "name": "Jakanerva III - Moon 15 - Prompt Delivery Storage",
 30188                  "type_id": 1531,
 30189                  "position": {
 30190                    "x": 165632286720,
 30191                    "y": 2771804160,
 30192                    "z": -2455331266560
 30193                  },
 30194                  "system_id": 30000148,
 30195                  "reprocessing_efficiency": 0.5,
 30196                  "reprocessing_stations_take": 0.05,
 30197                  "max_dockable_ship_volume": 50000000,
 30198                  "office_rental_cost": 10000,
 30199                  "services": [
 30200                    "courier-missions",
 30201                    "reprocessing-plant",
 30202                    "market",
 30203                    "repair-facilities",
 30204                    "fitting",
 30205                    "news",
 30206                    "storage",
 30207                    "insurance",
 30208                    "docking",
 30209                    "office-rental",
 30210                    "loyalty-point-store",
 30211                    "navy-offices"
 30212                  ],
 30213                  "owner": 1000003,
 30214                  "race_id": 1
 30215                }
 30216              },
 30217              "schema": {
 30218                "type": "object",
 30219                "required": [
 30220                  "station_id",
 30221                  "name",
 30222                  "type_id",
 30223                  "position",
 30224                  "system_id",
 30225                  "reprocessing_efficiency",
 30226                  "reprocessing_stations_take",
 30227                  "max_dockable_ship_volume",
 30228                  "office_rental_cost",
 30229                  "services"
 30230                ],
 30231                "properties": {
 30232                  "station_id": {
 30233                    "type": "integer",
 30234                    "format": "int32",
 30235                    "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_station_id",
 30236                    "description": "station_id integer"
 30237                  },
 30238                  "name": {
 30239                    "type": "string",
 30240                    "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_name",
 30241                    "description": "name string"
 30242                  },
 30243                  "owner": {
 30244                    "type": "integer",
 30245                    "format": "int32",
 30246                    "description": "ID of the corporation that controls this station",
 30247                    "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_owner"
 30248                  },
 30249                  "type_id": {
 30250                    "type": "integer",
 30251                    "format": "int32",
 30252                    "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_type_id",
 30253                    "description": "type_id integer"
 30254                  },
 30255                  "race_id": {
 30256                    "type": "integer",
 30257                    "format": "int32",
 30258                    "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_race_id",
 30259                    "description": "race_id integer"
 30260                  },
 30261                  "position": {
 30262                    "type": "object",
 30263                    "required": [
 30264                      "x",
 30265                      "y",
 30266                      "z"
 30267                    ],
 30268                    "properties": {
 30269                      "x": {
 30270                        "type": "number",
 30271                        "format": "double",
 30272                        "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_x",
 30273                        "description": "x number"
 30274                      },
 30275                      "y": {
 30276                        "type": "number",
 30277                        "format": "double",
 30278                        "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_y",
 30279                        "description": "y number"
 30280                      },
 30281                      "z": {
 30282                        "type": "number",
 30283                        "format": "double",
 30284                        "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_z",
 30285                        "description": "z number"
 30286                      }
 30287                    },
 30288                    "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_position",
 30289                    "description": "position object"
 30290                  },
 30291                  "system_id": {
 30292                    "type": "integer",
 30293                    "format": "int32",
 30294                    "description": "The solar system this station is in",
 30295                    "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_system_id"
 30296                  },
 30297                  "reprocessing_efficiency": {
 30298                    "type": "number",
 30299                    "format": "float",
 30300                    "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_reprocessing_efficiency",
 30301                    "description": "reprocessing_efficiency number"
 30302                  },
 30303                  "reprocessing_stations_take": {
 30304                    "type": "number",
 30305                    "format": "float",
 30306                    "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_reprocessing_stations_take",
 30307                    "description": "reprocessing_stations_take number"
 30308                  },
 30309                  "max_dockable_ship_volume": {
 30310                    "type": "number",
 30311                    "format": "float",
 30312                    "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_max_dockable_ship_volume",
 30313                    "description": "max_dockable_ship_volume number"
 30314                  },
 30315                  "office_rental_cost": {
 30316                    "type": "number",
 30317                    "format": "float",
 30318                    "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_office_rental_cost",
 30319                    "description": "office_rental_cost number"
 30320                  },
 30321                  "services": {
 30322                    "type": "array",
 30323                    "maxItems": 30,
 30324                    "items": {
 30325                      "type": "string",
 30326                      "enum": [
 30327                        "bounty-missions",
 30328                        "assasination-missions",
 30329                        "courier-missions",
 30330                        "interbus",
 30331                        "reprocessing-plant",
 30332                        "refinery",
 30333                        "market",
 30334                        "black-market",
 30335                        "stock-exchange",
 30336                        "cloning",
 30337                        "surgery",
 30338                        "dna-therapy",
 30339                        "repair-facilities",
 30340                        "factory",
 30341                        "labratory",
 30342                        "gambling",
 30343                        "fitting",
 30344                        "paintshop",
 30345                        "news",
 30346                        "storage",
 30347                        "insurance",
 30348                        "docking",
 30349                        "office-rental",
 30350                        "jump-clone-facility",
 30351                        "loyalty-point-store",
 30352                        "navy-offices",
 30353                        "security-offices"
 30354                      ],
 30355                      "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_service",
 30356                      "description": "service string"
 30357                    },
 30358                    "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_services",
 30359                    "description": "services array"
 30360                  }
 30361                },
 30362                "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_ok",
 30363                "description": "200 ok object"
 30364              },
 30365              "headers": {
 30366                "Cache-Control": {
 30367                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 30368                  "type": "string"
 30369                },
 30370                "Last-Modified": {
 30371                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 30372                  "type": "string"
 30373                },
 30374                "Expires": {
 30375                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 30376                  "type": "string"
 30377                }
 30378              }
 30379            },
 30380            "404": {
 30381              "description": "Station not found",
 30382              "schema": {
 30383                "type": "object",
 30384                "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_not_found",
 30385                "description": "Not found",
 30386                "properties": {
 30387                  "error": {
 30388                    "type": "string",
 30389                    "description": "Not found message",
 30390                    "title": "get_universe_stations_station_id_404_not_found"
 30391                  }
 30392                }
 30393              },
 30394              "examples": {
 30395                "application/json": {
 30396                  "error": "Not found message"
 30397                }
 30398              }
 30399            },
 30400            "500": {
 30401              "description": "Internal server error",
 30402              "schema": {
 30403                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 30404              },
 30405              "examples": {
 30406                "application/json": {
 30407                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 30408                }
 30409              }
 30410            }
 30411          },
 30412          "operationId": "get_universe_stations_station_id",
 30413          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
 30414          "x-alternate-versions": [
 30415            "dev",
 30416            "v2"
 30417          ]
 30418        }
 30419      },
 30420      "/universe/structures/{structure_id}/": {
 30421        "get": {
 30422          "description": "Returns information on requested structure, if you are on the ACL. Otherwise, returns \"Forbidden\" for all inputs.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/structures/{structure_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/structures/{structure_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/structures/{structure_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 30423          "summary": "Get structure information",
 30424          "tags": [
 30425            "Universe"
 30426          ],
 30427          "parameters": [
 30428            {
 30429              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 30430            },
 30431            {
 30432              "name": "structure_id",
 30433              "in": "path",
 30434              "description": "An Eve structure ID",
 30435              "required": true,
 30436              "type": "integer",
 30437              "format": "int64"
 30438            },
 30439            {
 30440              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 30441            },
 30442            {
 30443              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 30444            },
 30445            {
 30446              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 30447            }
 30448          ],
 30449          "responses": {
 30450            "200": {
 30451              "description": "Data about a structure",
 30452              "examples": {
 30453                "application/json": {
 30454                  "name": "V-3YG7 VI - The Capital",
 30455                  "solar_system_id": 30000142
 30456                }
 30457              },
 30458              "schema": {
 30459                "type": "object",
 30460                "required": [
 30461                  "name",
 30462                  "solar_system_id"
 30463                ],
 30464                "properties": {
 30465                  "name": {
 30466                    "type": "string",
 30467                    "description": "The full name of the structure",
 30468                    "title": "get_universe_structures_structure_id_name"
 30469                  },
 30470                  "solar_system_id": {
 30471                    "type": "integer",
 30472                    "format": "int32",
 30473                    "title": "get_universe_structures_structure_id_solar_system_id",
 30474                    "description": "solar_system_id integer"
 30475                  },
 30476                  "type_id": {
 30477                    "type": "integer",
 30478                    "format": "int32",
 30479                    "title": "get_universe_structures_structure_id_type_id",
 30480                    "description": "type_id integer"
 30481                  },
 30482                  "position": {
 30483                    "type": "object",
 30484                    "description": "Coordinates of the structure in Cartesian space relative to the Sun, in metres.\n",
 30485                    "required": [
 30486                      "x",
 30487                      "y",
 30488                      "z"
 30489                    ],
 30490                    "properties": {
 30491                      "x": {
 30492                        "type": "number",
 30493                        "format": "double",
 30494                        "title": "get_universe_structures_structure_id_x",
 30495                        "description": "x number"
 30496                      },
 30497                      "y": {
 30498                        "type": "number",
 30499                        "format": "double",
 30500                        "title": "get_universe_structures_structure_id_y",
 30501                        "description": "y number"
 30502                      },
 30503                      "z": {
 30504                        "type": "number",
 30505                        "format": "double",
 30506                        "title": "get_universe_structures_structure_id_z",
 30507                        "description": "z number"
 30508                      }
 30509                    },
 30510                    "title": "get_universe_structures_structure_id_position"
 30511                  }
 30512                },
 30513                "title": "get_universe_structures_structure_id_ok",
 30514                "description": "200 ok object"
 30515              },
 30516              "headers": {
 30517                "Cache-Control": {
 30518                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 30519                  "type": "string"
 30520                },
 30521                "Last-Modified": {
 30522                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 30523                  "type": "string"
 30524                },
 30525                "Expires": {
 30526                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 30527                  "type": "string"
 30528                }
 30529              }
 30530            },
 30531            "403": {
 30532              "description": "Forbidden",
 30533              "schema": {
 30534                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 30535              },
 30536              "examples": {
 30537                "application/json": {
 30538                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 30539                }
 30540              }
 30541            },
 30542            "404": {
 30543              "description": "Structure not found",
 30544              "schema": {
 30545                "type": "object",
 30546                "title": "get_universe_structures_structure_id_not_found",
 30547                "description": "Not found",
 30548                "properties": {
 30549                  "error": {
 30550                    "type": "string",
 30551                    "description": "Not found message",
 30552                    "title": "get_universe_structures_structure_id_404_not_found"
 30553                  }
 30554                }
 30555              },
 30556              "examples": {
 30557                "application/json": {
 30558                  "error": "Not found message"
 30559                }
 30560              }
 30561            },
 30562            "500": {
 30563              "description": "Internal server error",
 30564              "schema": {
 30565                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 30566              },
 30567              "examples": {
 30568                "application/json": {
 30569                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 30570                }
 30571              }
 30572            }
 30573          },
 30574          "security": [
 30575            {
 30576              "evesso": [
 30577                "esi-universe.read_structures.v1"
 30578              ]
 30579            }
 30580          ],
 30581          "operationId": "get_universe_structures_structure_id",
 30582          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 30583          "x-alternate-versions": [
 30584            "dev",
 30585            "legacy",
 30586            "v1"
 30587          ]
 30588        }
 30589      },
 30590      "/universe/systems/{system_id}/": {
 30591        "get": {
 30592          "description": "Get information on a solar system\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/systems/{system_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v3/universe/systems/{system_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 30593          "summary": "Get solar system information",
 30594          "tags": [
 30595            "Universe"
 30596          ],
 30597          "parameters": [
 30598            {
 30599              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 30600            },
 30601            {
 30602              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 30603            },
 30604            {
 30605              "name": "system_id",
 30606              "in": "path",
 30607              "required": true,
 30608              "type": "integer",
 30609              "format": "int32",
 30610              "description": "system_id integer"
 30611            },
 30612            {
 30613              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 30614            },
 30615            {
 30616              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 30617            }
 30618          ],
 30619          "responses": {
 30620            "200": {
 30621              "description": "Information about a solar system",
 30622              "examples": {
 30623                "application/json": {
 30624                  "system_id": 30000003,
 30625                  "name": "Akpivem",
 30626                  "position": {
 30627                    "x": -91174141133075340,
 30628                    "y": 43938227486247170,
 30629                    "z": -56482824383339900
 30630                  },
 30631                  "security_status": 0.8462923765182495,
 30632                  "constellation_id": 20000001,
 30633                  "planets": [
 30634                    {
 30635                      "planet_id": 40000041,
 30636                      "moons": [
 30637                        40000042
 30638                      ]
 30639                    },
 30640                    {
 30641                      "planet_id": 40000043
 30642                    }
 30643                  ],
 30644                  "stargates": [
 30645                    50000342
 30646                  ],
 30647                  "star_id": 40000040,
 30648                  "security_class": "B"
 30649                }
 30650              },
 30651              "schema": {
 30652                "type": "object",
 30653                "required": [
 30654                  "star_id",
 30655                  "system_id",
 30656                  "name",
 30657                  "position",
 30658                  "security_status",
 30659                  "constellation_id",
 30660                  "planets"
 30661                ],
 30662                "properties": {
 30663                  "star_id": {
 30664                    "type": "integer",
 30665                    "format": "int32",
 30666                    "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_star_id",
 30667                    "description": "star_id integer"
 30668                  },
 30669                  "system_id": {
 30670                    "type": "integer",
 30671                    "format": "int32",
 30672                    "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_system_id",
 30673                    "description": "system_id integer"
 30674                  },
 30675                  "name": {
 30676                    "type": "string",
 30677                    "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_name",
 30678                    "description": "name string"
 30679                  },
 30680                  "position": {
 30681                    "type": "object",
 30682                    "required": [
 30683                      "x",
 30684                      "y",
 30685                      "z"
 30686                    ],
 30687                    "properties": {
 30688                      "x": {
 30689                        "type": "number",
 30690                        "format": "double",
 30691                        "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_x",
 30692                        "description": "x number"
 30693                      },
 30694                      "y": {
 30695                        "type": "number",
 30696                        "format": "double",
 30697                        "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_y",
 30698                        "description": "y number"
 30699                      },
 30700                      "z": {
 30701                        "type": "number",
 30702                        "format": "double",
 30703                        "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_z",
 30704                        "description": "z number"
 30705                      }
 30706                    },
 30707                    "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_position",
 30708                    "description": "position object"
 30709                  },
 30710                  "security_status": {
 30711                    "type": "number",
 30712                    "format": "float",
 30713                    "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_security_status",
 30714                    "description": "security_status number"
 30715                  },
 30716                  "security_class": {
 30717                    "type": "string",
 30718                    "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_security_class",
 30719                    "description": "security_class string"
 30720                  },
 30721                  "constellation_id": {
 30722                    "type": "integer",
 30723                    "format": "int32",
 30724                    "description": "The constellation this solar system is in",
 30725                    "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_constellation_id"
 30726                  },
 30727                  "planets": {
 30728                    "type": "array",
 30729                    "maxItems": 1000,
 30730                    "items": {
 30731                      "type": "object",
 30732                      "required": [
 30733                        "planet_id"
 30734                      ],
 30735                      "properties": {
 30736                        "planet_id": {
 30737                          "type": "integer",
 30738                          "format": "int32",
 30739                          "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_planet_id",
 30740                          "description": "planet_id integer"
 30741                        },
 30742                        "moons": {
 30743                          "type": "array",
 30744                          "maxItems": 1000,
 30745                          "items": {
 30746                            "type": "integer",
 30747                            "format": "int32",
 30748                            "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_moon",
 30749                            "description": "moon integer"
 30750                          },
 30751                          "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_moons",
 30752                          "description": "moons array"
 30753                        }
 30754                      },
 30755                      "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_planet",
 30756                      "description": "planet object"
 30757                    },
 30758                    "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_planets",
 30759                    "description": "planets array"
 30760                  },
 30761                  "stargates": {
 30762                    "type": "array",
 30763                    "maxItems": 25,
 30764                    "items": {
 30765                      "type": "integer",
 30766                      "format": "int32",
 30767                      "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_stargate",
 30768                      "description": "stargate integer"
 30769                    },
 30770                    "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_stargates",
 30771                    "description": "stargates array"
 30772                  },
 30773                  "stations": {
 30774                    "type": "array",
 30775                    "maxItems": 25,
 30776                    "items": {
 30777                      "type": "integer",
 30778                      "format": "int32",
 30779                      "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_station",
 30780                      "description": "station integer"
 30781                    },
 30782                    "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_stations",
 30783                    "description": "stations array"
 30784                  }
 30785                },
 30786                "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_ok",
 30787                "description": "200 ok object"
 30788              },
 30789              "headers": {
 30790                "Content-Language": {
 30791                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 30792                  "type": "string",
 30793                  "enum": [
 30794                    "de",
 30795                    "en-us",
 30796                    "fr",
 30797                    "ja",
 30798                    "ru",
 30799                    "zh"
 30800                  ]
 30801                },
 30802                "Cache-Control": {
 30803                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 30804                  "type": "string"
 30805                },
 30806                "Last-Modified": {
 30807                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 30808                  "type": "string"
 30809                },
 30810                "Expires": {
 30811                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 30812                  "type": "string"
 30813                }
 30814              }
 30815            },
 30816            "404": {
 30817              "description": "Solar system not found",
 30818              "schema": {
 30819                "type": "object",
 30820                "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_not_found",
 30821                "description": "Not found",
 30822                "properties": {
 30823                  "error": {
 30824                    "type": "string",
 30825                    "description": "Not found message",
 30826                    "title": "get_universe_systems_system_id_404_not_found"
 30827                  }
 30828                }
 30829              },
 30830              "examples": {
 30831                "application/json": {
 30832                  "error": "Not found message"
 30833                }
 30834              }
 30835            },
 30836            "500": {
 30837              "description": "Internal server error",
 30838              "schema": {
 30839                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 30840              },
 30841              "examples": {
 30842                "application/json": {
 30843                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 30844                }
 30845              }
 30846            }
 30847          },
 30848          "operationId": "get_universe_systems_system_id",
 30849          "x-alternate-versions": [
 30850            "dev",
 30851            "v3"
 30852          ]
 30853        }
 30854      },
 30855      "/universe/systems/": {
 30856        "get": {
 30857          "description": "Get a list of solar systems\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/systems/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/systems/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/systems/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 30858          "summary": "Get solar systems",
 30859          "tags": [
 30860            "Universe"
 30861          ],
 30862          "responses": {
 30863            "200": {
 30864              "description": "A list of solar system ids",
 30865              "examples": {
 30866                "application/json": [
 30867                  30000001,
 30868                  30000002
 30869                ]
 30870              },
 30871              "schema": {
 30872                "type": "array",
 30873                "maxItems": 10000,
 30874                "items": {
 30875                  "type": "integer",
 30876                  "format": "int32",
 30877                  "title": "get_universe_systems_200_ok",
 30878                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 30879                },
 30880                "title": "get_universe_systems_ok",
 30881                "description": "200 ok array"
 30882              },
 30883              "headers": {
 30884                "Cache-Control": {
 30885                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 30886                  "type": "string"
 30887                },
 30888                "Last-Modified": {
 30889                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 30890                  "type": "string"
 30891                },
 30892                "Expires": {
 30893                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 30894                  "type": "string"
 30895                }
 30896              }
 30897            },
 30898            "500": {
 30899              "description": "Internal server error",
 30900              "schema": {
 30901                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 30902              },
 30903              "examples": {
 30904                "application/json": {
 30905                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 30906                }
 30907              }
 30908            }
 30909          },
 30910          "parameters": [
 30911            {
 30912              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 30913            },
 30914            {
 30915              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 30916            },
 30917            {
 30918              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 30919            }
 30920          ],
 30921          "operationId": "get_universe_systems",
 30922          "x-alternate-versions": [
 30923            "dev",
 30924            "legacy",
 30925            "v1"
 30926          ]
 30927        }
 30928      },
 30929      "/universe/types/{type_id}/": {
 30930        "get": {
 30931          "description": "Get information on a type\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/types/{type_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v3/universe/types/{type_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 30932          "summary": "Get type information",
 30933          "tags": [
 30934            "Universe"
 30935          ],
 30936          "parameters": [
 30937            {
 30938              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 30939            },
 30940            {
 30941              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 30942            },
 30943            {
 30944              "name": "type_id",
 30945              "in": "path",
 30946              "description": "An Eve item type ID",
 30947              "required": true,
 30948              "type": "integer",
 30949              "format": "int32"
 30950            },
 30951            {
 30952              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 30953            },
 30954            {
 30955              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 30956            }
 30957          ],
 30958          "responses": {
 30959            "200": {
 30960              "description": "Information about a type",
 30961              "examples": {
 30962                "application/json": {
 30963                  "type_id": 587,
 30964                  "name": "Rifter",
 30965                  "description": "The Rifter is a...",
 30966                  "published": true,
 30967                  "group_id": 25
 30968                }
 30969              },
 30970              "schema": {
 30971                "type": "object",
 30972                "required": [
 30973                  "type_id",
 30974                  "name",
 30975                  "description",
 30976                  "published",
 30977                  "group_id"
 30978                ],
 30979                "properties": {
 30980                  "type_id": {
 30981                    "type": "integer",
 30982                    "format": "int32",
 30983                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_type_id",
 30984                    "description": "type_id integer"
 30985                  },
 30986                  "name": {
 30987                    "type": "string",
 30988                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_name",
 30989                    "description": "name string"
 30990                  },
 30991                  "description": {
 30992                    "type": "string",
 30993                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_description",
 30994                    "description": "description string"
 30995                  },
 30996                  "published": {
 30997                    "type": "boolean",
 30998                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_published",
 30999                    "description": "published boolean"
 31000                  },
 31001                  "group_id": {
 31002                    "type": "integer",
 31003                    "format": "int32",
 31004                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_group_id",
 31005                    "description": "group_id integer"
 31006                  },
 31007                  "market_group_id": {
 31008                    "type": "integer",
 31009                    "format": "int32",
 31010                    "description": "This only exists for types that can be put on the market",
 31011                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_market_group_id"
 31012                  },
 31013                  "radius": {
 31014                    "type": "number",
 31015                    "format": "float",
 31016                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_radius",
 31017                    "description": "radius number"
 31018                  },
 31019                  "volume": {
 31020                    "type": "number",
 31021                    "format": "float",
 31022                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_volume",
 31023                    "description": "volume number"
 31024                  },
 31025                  "packaged_volume": {
 31026                    "type": "number",
 31027                    "format": "float",
 31028                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_packaged_volume",
 31029                    "description": "packaged_volume number"
 31030                  },
 31031                  "icon_id": {
 31032                    "type": "integer",
 31033                    "format": "int32",
 31034                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_icon_id",
 31035                    "description": "icon_id integer"
 31036                  },
 31037                  "capacity": {
 31038                    "type": "number",
 31039                    "format": "float",
 31040                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_capacity",
 31041                    "description": "capacity number"
 31042                  },
 31043                  "portion_size": {
 31044                    "type": "integer",
 31045                    "format": "int32",
 31046                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_portion_size",
 31047                    "description": "portion_size integer"
 31048                  },
 31049                  "mass": {
 31050                    "type": "number",
 31051                    "format": "float",
 31052                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_mass",
 31053                    "description": "mass number"
 31054                  },
 31055                  "graphic_id": {
 31056                    "type": "integer",
 31057                    "format": "int32",
 31058                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_graphic_id",
 31059                    "description": "graphic_id integer"
 31060                  },
 31061                  "dogma_attributes": {
 31062                    "type": "array",
 31063                    "maxItems": 1000,
 31064                    "items": {
 31065                      "type": "object",
 31066                      "required": [
 31067                        "attribute_id",
 31068                        "value"
 31069                      ],
 31070                      "properties": {
 31071                        "attribute_id": {
 31072                          "type": "integer",
 31073                          "format": "int32",
 31074                          "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_attribute_id",
 31075                          "description": "attribute_id integer"
 31076                        },
 31077                        "value": {
 31078                          "type": "number",
 31079                          "format": "float",
 31080                          "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_value",
 31081                          "description": "value number"
 31082                        }
 31083                      },
 31084                      "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_dogma_attribute",
 31085                      "description": "dogma_attribute object"
 31086                    },
 31087                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_dogma_attributes",
 31088                    "description": "dogma_attributes array"
 31089                  },
 31090                  "dogma_effects": {
 31091                    "type": "array",
 31092                    "maxItems": 1000,
 31093                    "items": {
 31094                      "type": "object",
 31095                      "required": [
 31096                        "effect_id",
 31097                        "is_default"
 31098                      ],
 31099                      "properties": {
 31100                        "effect_id": {
 31101                          "type": "integer",
 31102                          "format": "int32",
 31103                          "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_effect_id",
 31104                          "description": "effect_id integer"
 31105                        },
 31106                        "is_default": {
 31107                          "type": "boolean",
 31108                          "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_is_default",
 31109                          "description": "is_default boolean"
 31110                        }
 31111                      },
 31112                      "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_dogma_effect",
 31113                      "description": "dogma_effect object"
 31114                    },
 31115                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_dogma_effects",
 31116                    "description": "dogma_effects array"
 31117                  }
 31118                },
 31119                "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_ok",
 31120                "description": "200 ok object"
 31121              },
 31122              "headers": {
 31123                "Content-Language": {
 31124                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 31125                  "type": "string",
 31126                  "enum": [
 31127                    "de",
 31128                    "en-us",
 31129                    "fr",
 31130                    "ja",
 31131                    "ru",
 31132                    "zh"
 31133                  ]
 31134                },
 31135                "Cache-Control": {
 31136                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 31137                  "type": "string"
 31138                },
 31139                "Last-Modified": {
 31140                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 31141                  "type": "string"
 31142                },
 31143                "Expires": {
 31144                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 31145                  "type": "string"
 31146                }
 31147              }
 31148            },
 31149            "404": {
 31150              "description": "Type not found",
 31151              "schema": {
 31152                "type": "object",
 31153                "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_not_found",
 31154                "description": "Not found",
 31155                "properties": {
 31156                  "error": {
 31157                    "type": "string",
 31158                    "description": "Not found message",
 31159                    "title": "get_universe_types_type_id_404_not_found"
 31160                  }
 31161                }
 31162              },
 31163              "examples": {
 31164                "application/json": {
 31165                  "error": "Not found message"
 31166                }
 31167              }
 31168            },
 31169            "500": {
 31170              "description": "Internal server error",
 31171              "schema": {
 31172                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 31173              },
 31174              "examples": {
 31175                "application/json": {
 31176                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 31177                }
 31178              }
 31179            }
 31180          },
 31181          "operationId": "get_universe_types_type_id",
 31182          "x-alternate-versions": [
 31183            "dev",
 31184            "v3"
 31185          ]
 31186        }
 31187      },
 31188      "/universe/types/": {
 31189        "get": {
 31190          "description": "Get a list of type ids\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/types/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/types/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/types/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 31191          "summary": "Get types",
 31192          "tags": [
 31193            "Universe"
 31194          ],
 31195          "parameters": [
 31196            {
 31197              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 31198            },
 31199            {
 31200              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 31201            },
 31202            {
 31203              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 31204            },
 31205            {
 31206              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 31207            }
 31208          ],
 31209          "responses": {
 31210            "200": {
 31211              "description": "A list of type ids",
 31212              "examples": {
 31213                "application/json": [
 31214                  1,
 31215                  2,
 31216                  3
 31217                ]
 31218              },
 31219              "schema": {
 31220                "type": "array",
 31221                "maxItems": 1000,
 31222                "items": {
 31223                  "type": "integer",
 31224                  "format": "int32",
 31225                  "title": "get_universe_types_200_ok",
 31226                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 31227                },
 31228                "title": "get_universe_types_ok",
 31229                "description": "200 ok array"
 31230              },
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 31232                "X-Pages": {
 31233                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 31234                  "type": "integer",
 31235                  "format": "int32",
 31236                  "default": 1
 31237                },
 31238                "Cache-Control": {
 31239                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 31240                  "type": "string"
 31241                },
 31242                "Last-Modified": {
 31243                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 31244                  "type": "string"
 31245                },
 31246                "Expires": {
 31247                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 31248                  "type": "string"
 31249                }
 31250              }
 31251            },
 31252            "500": {
 31253              "description": "Internal server error",
 31254              "schema": {
 31255                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 31256              },
 31257              "examples": {
 31258                "application/json": {
 31259                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 31260                }
 31261              }
 31262            }
 31263          },
 31264          "operationId": "get_universe_types",
 31265          "x-alternate-versions": [
 31266            "dev",
 31267            "legacy",
 31268            "v1"
 31269          ]
 31270        }
 31271      },
 31272      "/universe/groups/": {
 31273        "get": {
 31274          "description": "Get a list of item groups\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/groups/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/groups/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/groups/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 31275          "summary": "Get item groups",
 31276          "tags": [
 31277            "Universe"
 31278          ],
 31279          "parameters": [
 31280            {
 31281              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 31282            },
 31283            {
 31284              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 31285            },
 31286            {
 31287              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 31288            },
 31289            {
 31290              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 31291            }
 31292          ],
 31293          "responses": {
 31294            "200": {
 31295              "description": "A list of item group ids",
 31296              "examples": {
 31297                "application/json": [
 31298                  1,
 31299                  2,
 31300                  3
 31301                ]
 31302              },
 31303              "schema": {
 31304                "type": "array",
 31305                "maxItems": 1000,
 31306                "items": {
 31307                  "type": "integer",
 31308                  "format": "int32",
 31309                  "title": "get_universe_groups_200_ok",
 31310                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 31311                },
 31312                "title": "get_universe_groups_ok",
 31313                "description": "200 ok array"
 31314              },
 31315              "headers": {
 31316                "X-Pages": {
 31317                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 31318                  "type": "integer",
 31319                  "format": "int32",
 31320                  "default": 1
 31321                },
 31322                "Cache-Control": {
 31323                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 31324                  "type": "string"
 31325                },
 31326                "Last-Modified": {
 31327                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 31328                  "type": "string"
 31329                },
 31330                "Expires": {
 31331                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 31332                  "type": "string"
 31333                }
 31334              }
 31335            },
 31336            "500": {
 31337              "description": "Internal server error",
 31338              "schema": {
 31339                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 31340              },
 31341              "examples": {
 31342                "application/json": {
 31343                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 31344                }
 31345              }
 31346            }
 31347          },
 31348          "operationId": "get_universe_groups",
 31349          "x-alternate-versions": [
 31350            "dev",
 31351            "legacy",
 31352            "v1"
 31353          ]
 31354        }
 31355      },
 31356      "/universe/groups/{group_id}/": {
 31357        "get": {
 31358          "description": "Get information on an item group\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/groups/{group_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/groups/{group_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/groups/{group_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 31359          "summary": "Get item group information",
 31360          "tags": [
 31361            "Universe"
 31362          ],
 31363          "parameters": [
 31364            {
 31365              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 31366            },
 31367            {
 31368              "name": "group_id",
 31369              "in": "path",
 31370              "description": "An Eve item group ID",
 31371              "required": true,
 31372              "type": "integer",
 31373              "format": "int32"
 31374            },
 31375            {
 31376              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 31377            },
 31378            {
 31379              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 31380            },
 31381            {
 31382              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 31383            }
 31384          ],
 31385          "responses": {
 31386            "200": {
 31387              "description": "Information about an item group",
 31388              "examples": {
 31389                "application/json": {
 31390                  "group_id": 25,
 31391                  "name": "Frigate",
 31392                  "published": true,
 31393                  "category_id": 6,
 31394                  "types": [
 31395                    587,
 31396                    586,
 31397                    585
 31398                  ]
 31399                }
 31400              },
 31401              "schema": {
 31402                "type": "object",
 31403                "required": [
 31404                  "group_id",
 31405                  "name",
 31406                  "published",
 31407                  "category_id",
 31408                  "types"
 31409                ],
 31410                "properties": {
 31411                  "group_id": {
 31412                    "type": "integer",
 31413                    "format": "int32",
 31414                    "title": "get_universe_groups_group_id_group_id",
 31415                    "description": "group_id integer"
 31416                  },
 31417                  "name": {
 31418                    "type": "string",
 31419                    "title": "get_universe_groups_group_id_name",
 31420                    "description": "name string"
 31421                  },
 31422                  "published": {
 31423                    "type": "boolean",
 31424                    "title": "get_universe_groups_group_id_published",
 31425                    "description": "published boolean"
 31426                  },
 31427                  "category_id": {
 31428                    "type": "integer",
 31429                    "format": "int32",
 31430                    "title": "get_universe_groups_group_id_category_id",
 31431                    "description": "category_id integer"
 31432                  },
 31433                  "types": {
 31434                    "type": "array",
 31435                    "maxItems": 10000,
 31436                    "items": {
 31437                      "type": "integer",
 31438                      "format": "int32",
 31439                      "title": "get_universe_groups_group_id_type",
 31440                      "description": "type integer"
 31441                    },
 31442                    "title": "get_universe_groups_group_id_types",
 31443                    "description": "types array"
 31444                  }
 31445                },
 31446                "title": "get_universe_groups_group_id_ok",
 31447                "description": "200 ok object"
 31448              },
 31449              "headers": {
 31450                "Content-Language": {
 31451                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 31452                  "type": "string",
 31453                  "enum": [
 31454                    "de",
 31455                    "en-us",
 31456                    "fr",
 31457                    "ja",
 31458                    "ru",
 31459                    "zh"
 31460                  ]
 31461                },
 31462                "Cache-Control": {
 31463                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 31464                  "type": "string"
 31465                },
 31466                "Last-Modified": {
 31467                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 31468                  "type": "string"
 31469                },
 31470                "Expires": {
 31471                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 31472                  "type": "string"
 31473                }
 31474              }
 31475            },
 31476            "404": {
 31477              "description": "Group not found",
 31478              "schema": {
 31479                "type": "object",
 31480                "title": "get_universe_groups_group_id_not_found",
 31481                "description": "Not found",
 31482                "properties": {
 31483                  "error": {
 31484                    "type": "string",
 31485                    "description": "Not found message",
 31486                    "title": "get_universe_groups_group_id_404_not_found"
 31487                  }
 31488                }
 31489              },
 31490              "examples": {
 31491                "application/json": {
 31492                  "error": "Not found message"
 31493                }
 31494              }
 31495            },
 31496            "500": {
 31497              "description": "Internal server error",
 31498              "schema": {
 31499                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 31500              },
 31501              "examples": {
 31502                "application/json": {
 31503                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 31504                }
 31505              }
 31506            }
 31507          },
 31508          "operationId": "get_universe_groups_group_id",
 31509          "x-alternate-versions": [
 31510            "dev",
 31511            "legacy",
 31512            "v1"
 31513          ]
 31514        }
 31515      },
 31516      "/universe/categories/": {
 31517        "get": {
 31518          "description": "Get a list of item categories\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/categories/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/categories/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/categories/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 31519          "summary": "Get item categories",
 31520          "tags": [
 31521            "Universe"
 31522          ],
 31523          "responses": {
 31524            "200": {
 31525              "description": "A list of item category ids",
 31526              "examples": {
 31527                "application/json": [
 31528                  1,
 31529                  2,
 31530                  3
 31531                ]
 31532              },
 31533              "schema": {
 31534                "type": "array",
 31535                "maxItems": 10000,
 31536                "items": {
 31537                  "type": "integer",
 31538                  "format": "int32",
 31539                  "title": "get_universe_categories_200_ok",
 31540                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 31541                },
 31542                "title": "get_universe_categories_ok",
 31543                "description": "200 ok array"
 31544              },
 31545              "headers": {
 31546                "Cache-Control": {
 31547                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 31548                  "type": "string"
 31549                },
 31550                "Last-Modified": {
 31551                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 31552                  "type": "string"
 31553                },
 31554                "Expires": {
 31555                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 31556                  "type": "string"
 31557                }
 31558              }
 31559            },
 31560            "500": {
 31561              "description": "Internal server error",
 31562              "schema": {
 31563                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 31564              },
 31565              "examples": {
 31566                "application/json": {
 31567                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 31568                }
 31569              }
 31570            }
 31571          },
 31572          "parameters": [
 31573            {
 31574              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 31575            },
 31576            {
 31577              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 31578            },
 31579            {
 31580              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 31581            }
 31582          ],
 31583          "operationId": "get_universe_categories",
 31584          "x-alternate-versions": [
 31585            "dev",
 31586            "legacy",
 31587            "v1"
 31588          ]
 31589        }
 31590      },
 31591      "/universe/categories/{category_id}/": {
 31592        "get": {
 31593          "description": "Get information of an item category\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/categories/{category_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/categories/{category_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/categories/{category_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 31594          "summary": "Get item category information",
 31595          "tags": [
 31596            "Universe"
 31597          ],
 31598          "parameters": [
 31599            {
 31600              "name": "category_id",
 31601              "in": "path",
 31602              "description": "An Eve item category ID",
 31603              "required": true,
 31604              "type": "integer",
 31605              "format": "int32"
 31606            },
 31607            {
 31608              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 31609            },
 31610            {
 31611              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 31612            },
 31613            {
 31614              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 31615            },
 31616            {
 31617              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 31618            }
 31619          ],
 31620          "responses": {
 31621            "200": {
 31622              "description": "Information about an item category",
 31623              "examples": {
 31624                "application/json": {
 31625                  "category_id": 6,
 31626                  "name": "Ship",
 31627                  "published": true,
 31628                  "groups": [
 31629                    25,
 31630                    26,
 31631                    27
 31632                  ]
 31633                }
 31634              },
 31635              "schema": {
 31636                "type": "object",
 31637                "required": [
 31638                  "category_id",
 31639                  "name",
 31640                  "published",
 31641                  "groups"
 31642                ],
 31643                "properties": {
 31644                  "category_id": {
 31645                    "type": "integer",
 31646                    "format": "int32",
 31647                    "title": "get_universe_categories_category_id_category_id",
 31648                    "description": "category_id integer"
 31649                  },
 31650                  "name": {
 31651                    "type": "string",
 31652                    "title": "get_universe_categories_category_id_name",
 31653                    "description": "name string"
 31654                  },
 31655                  "published": {
 31656                    "type": "boolean",
 31657                    "title": "get_universe_categories_category_id_published",
 31658                    "description": "published boolean"
 31659                  },
 31660                  "groups": {
 31661                    "type": "array",
 31662                    "maxItems": 10000,
 31663                    "items": {
 31664                      "type": "integer",
 31665                      "format": "int32",
 31666                      "title": "get_universe_categories_category_id_group",
 31667                      "description": "group integer"
 31668                    },
 31669                    "title": "get_universe_categories_category_id_groups",
 31670                    "description": "groups array"
 31671                  }
 31672                },
 31673                "title": "get_universe_categories_category_id_ok",
 31674                "description": "200 ok object"
 31675              },
 31676              "headers": {
 31677                "Content-Language": {
 31678                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 31679                  "type": "string",
 31680                  "enum": [
 31681                    "de",
 31682                    "en-us",
 31683                    "fr",
 31684                    "ja",
 31685                    "ru",
 31686                    "zh"
 31687                  ]
 31688                },
 31689                "Cache-Control": {
 31690                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 31691                  "type": "string"
 31692                },
 31693                "Last-Modified": {
 31694                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 31695                  "type": "string"
 31696                },
 31697                "Expires": {
 31698                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 31699                  "type": "string"
 31700                }
 31701              }
 31702            },
 31703            "404": {
 31704              "description": "Category not found",
 31705              "schema": {
 31706                "type": "object",
 31707                "title": "get_universe_categories_category_id_not_found",
 31708                "description": "Not found",
 31709                "properties": {
 31710                  "error": {
 31711                    "type": "string",
 31712                    "description": "Not found message",
 31713                    "title": "get_universe_categories_category_id_404_not_found"
 31714                  }
 31715                }
 31716              },
 31717              "examples": {
 31718                "application/json": {
 31719                  "error": "Not found message"
 31720                }
 31721              }
 31722            },
 31723            "500": {
 31724              "description": "Internal server error",
 31725              "schema": {
 31726                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 31727              },
 31728              "examples": {
 31729                "application/json": {
 31730                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 31731                }
 31732              }
 31733            }
 31734          },
 31735          "operationId": "get_universe_categories_category_id",
 31736          "x-alternate-versions": [
 31737            "dev",
 31738            "legacy",
 31739            "v1"
 31740          ]
 31741        }
 31742      },
 31743      "/universe/names/": {
 31744        "post": {
 31745          "description": "Resolve a set of IDs to names and categories. Supported ID's for resolving are: Characters, Corporations, Alliances, Stations, Solar Systems, Constellations, Regions, Types.\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/names/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/universe/names/`\n",
 31746          "summary": "Get names and categories for a set of ID's",
 31747          "tags": [
 31748            "Universe"
 31749          ],
 31750          "parameters": [
 31751            {
 31752              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 31753            },
 31754            {
 31755              "name": "ids",
 31756              "in": "body",
 31757              "description": "The ids to resolve",
 31758              "required": true,
 31759              "schema": {
 31760                "type": "array",
 31761                "minItems": 1,
 31762                "maxItems": 1000,
 31763                "uniqueItems": true,
 31764                "items": {
 31765                  "type": "integer",
 31766                  "format": "int32",
 31767                  "title": "post_universe_names_id",
 31768                  "description": "id integer"
 31769                },
 31770                "example": [
 31771                  95465499,
 31772                  30000142
 31773                ],
 31774                "title": "post_universe_names_ids",
 31775                "description": "ids array"
 31776              }
 31777            },
 31778            {
 31779              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 31780            },
 31781            {
 31782              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 31783            }
 31784          ],
 31785          "responses": {
 31786            "200": {
 31787              "description": "List of id/name associations for a set of ID's. All ID's must resolve to a name, or nothing will be returned.",
 31788              "examples": {
 31789                "application/json": [
 31790                  {
 31791                    "id": 95465499,
 31792                    "name": "CCP Bartender",
 31793                    "category": "character"
 31794                  },
 31795                  {
 31796                    "id": 30000142,
 31797                    "name": "Jita",
 31798                    "category": "solar_system"
 31799                  }
 31800                ]
 31801              },
 31802              "schema": {
 31803                "type": "array",
 31804                "maxItems": 1000,
 31805                "items": {
 31806                  "type": "object",
 31807                  "required": [
 31808                    "id",
 31809                    "name",
 31810                    "category"
 31811                  ],
 31812                  "properties": {
 31813                    "id": {
 31814                      "type": "integer",
 31815                      "format": "int32",
 31816                      "title": "post_universe_names_id",
 31817                      "description": "id integer"
 31818                    },
 31819                    "name": {
 31820                      "type": "string",
 31821                      "title": "post_universe_names_name",
 31822                      "description": "name string"
 31823                    },
 31824                    "category": {
 31825                      "type": "string",
 31826                      "enum": [
 31827                        "alliance",
 31828                        "character",
 31829                        "constellation",
 31830                        "corporation",
 31831                        "inventory_type",
 31832                        "region",
 31833                        "solar_system",
 31834                        "station"
 31835                      ],
 31836                      "title": "post_universe_names_category",
 31837                      "description": "category string"
 31838                    }
 31839                  },
 31840                  "title": "post_universe_names_200_ok",
 31841                  "description": "200 ok object"
 31842                },
 31843                "title": "post_universe_names_ok",
 31844                "description": "200 ok array"
 31845              }
 31846            },
 31847            "404": {
 31848              "description": "Ensure all IDs are valid before resolving.",
 31849              "schema": {
 31850                "type": "object",
 31851                "title": "post_universe_names_not_found",
 31852                "description": "Not found",
 31853                "properties": {
 31854                  "error": {
 31855                    "type": "string",
 31856                    "description": "Not found message",
 31857                    "title": "post_universe_names_404_not_found"
 31858                  }
 31859                }
 31860              },
 31861              "examples": {
 31862                "application/json": {
 31863                  "error": "Not found message"
 31864                }
 31865              }
 31866            },
 31867            "500": {
 31868              "description": "Internal server error",
 31869              "schema": {
 31870                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 31871              },
 31872              "examples": {
 31873                "application/json": {
 31874                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 31875                }
 31876              }
 31877            }
 31878          },
 31879          "operationId": "post_universe_names",
 31880          "x-alternate-versions": [
 31881            "dev",
 31882            "v2"
 31883          ]
 31884        }
 31885      },
 31886      "/universe/structures/": {
 31887        "get": {
 31888          "description": "List all public structures\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/structures/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/structures/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/structures/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 31889          "summary": "List all public structures",
 31890          "tags": [
 31891            "Universe"
 31892          ],
 31893          "responses": {
 31894            "200": {
 31895              "description": "List of public structure IDs",
 31896              "examples": {
 31897                "application/json": [
 31898                  1020988381992,
 31899                  1020988381991
 31900                ]
 31901              },
 31902              "schema": {
 31903                "type": "array",
 31904                "maxItems": 10000,
 31905                "uniqueItems": true,
 31906                "items": {
 31907                  "type": "integer",
 31908                  "format": "int64",
 31909                  "minimum": 0,
 31910                  "title": "get_universe_structures_200_ok",
 31911                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 31912                },
 31913                "title": "get_universe_structures_ok",
 31914                "description": "200 ok array"
 31915              },
 31916              "headers": {
 31917                "Cache-Control": {
 31918                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 31919                  "type": "string"
 31920                },
 31921                "Last-Modified": {
 31922                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 31923                  "type": "string"
 31924                },
 31925                "Expires": {
 31926                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 31927                  "type": "string"
 31928                }
 31929              }
 31930            },
 31931            "500": {
 31932              "description": "Internal server error",
 31933              "schema": {
 31934                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 31935              },
 31936              "examples": {
 31937                "application/json": {
 31938                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 31939                }
 31940              }
 31941            }
 31942          },
 31943          "parameters": [
 31944            {
 31945              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 31946            },
 31947            {
 31948              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 31949            },
 31950            {
 31951              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 31952            }
 31953          ],
 31954          "operationId": "get_universe_structures",
 31955          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
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 31957            "dev",
 31958            "legacy",
 31959            "v1"
 31960          ]
 31961        }
 31962      },
 31963      "/universe/races/": {
 31964        "get": {
 31965          "description": "Get a list of character races\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/races/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/races/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/races/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 31966          "summary": "Get character races",
 31967          "tags": [
 31968            "Universe"
 31969          ],
 31970          "responses": {
 31971            "200": {
 31972              "description": "A list of character races",
 31973              "examples": {
 31974                "application/json": [
 31975                  {
 31976                    "race_id": 1,
 31977                    "name": "Caldari",
 31978                    "description": "Founded on the tenets of patriotism and hard work...",
 31979                    "alliance_id": 500001
 31980                  }
 31981                ]
 31982              },
 31983              "schema": {
 31984                "type": "array",
 31985                "maxItems": 4,
 31986                "items": {
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 31990                    "name",
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 31992                    "alliance_id"
 31993                  ],
 31994                  "properties": {
 31995                    "race_id": {
 31996                      "type": "integer",
 31997                      "format": "int32",
 31998                      "title": "get_universe_races_race_id",
 31999                      "description": "race_id integer"
 32000                    },
 32001                    "name": {
 32002                      "type": "string",
 32003                      "title": "get_universe_races_name",
 32004                      "description": "name string"
 32005                    },
 32006                    "description": {
 32007                      "type": "string",
 32008                      "title": "get_universe_races_description",
 32009                      "description": "description string"
 32010                    },
 32011                    "alliance_id": {
 32012                      "type": "integer",
 32013                      "format": "int32",
 32014                      "description": "The alliance generally associated with this race",
 32015                      "title": "get_universe_races_alliance_id"
 32016                    }
 32017                  },
 32018                  "title": "get_universe_races_200_ok",
 32019                  "description": "200 ok object"
 32020                },
 32021                "title": "get_universe_races_ok",
 32022                "description": "200 ok array"
 32023              },
 32024              "headers": {
 32025                "Content-Language": {
 32026                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 32027                  "type": "string",
 32028                  "enum": [
 32029                    "de",
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 32032                    "ja",
 32033                    "ru",
 32034                    "zh"
 32035                  ]
 32036                },
 32037                "Cache-Control": {
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 32039                  "type": "string"
 32040                },
 32041                "Last-Modified": {
 32042                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 32043                  "type": "string"
 32044                },
 32045                "Expires": {
 32046                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 32047                  "type": "string"
 32048                }
 32049              }
 32050            },
 32051            "500": {
 32052              "description": "Internal server error",
 32053              "schema": {
 32054                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 32055              },
 32056              "examples": {
 32057                "application/json": {
 32058                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 32059                }
 32060              }
 32061            }
 32062          },
 32063          "parameters": [
 32064            {
 32065              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 32066            },
 32067            {
 32068              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 32069            },
 32070            {
 32071              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 32072            },
 32073            {
 32074              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 32075            }
 32076          ],
 32077          "operationId": "get_universe_races",
 32078          "x-alternate-versions": [
 32079            "dev",
 32080            "legacy",
 32081            "v1"
 32082          ]
 32083        }
 32084      },
 32085      "/universe/factions/": {
 32086        "get": {
 32087          "description": "Get a list of factions\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/factions/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/universe/factions/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 32088          "summary": "Get factions",
 32089          "tags": [
 32090            "Universe"
 32091          ],
 32092          "responses": {
 32093            "200": {
 32094              "description": "A list of factions",
 32095              "examples": {
 32096                "application/json": [
 32097                  {
 32098                    "faction_id": 1,
 32099                    "name": "Faction",
 32100                    "description": "blah blah",
 32101                    "solar_system_id": 123,
 32102                    "corporation_id": 456,
 32103                    "size_factor": 1,
 32104                    "station_count": 1000,
 32105                    "station_system_count": 100,
 32106                    "is_unique": true
 32107                  }
 32108                ]
 32109              },
 32110              "schema": {
 32111                "type": "array",
 32112                "maxItems": 10000,
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 32116                    "faction_id",
 32117                    "name",
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 32119                    "size_factor",
 32120                    "station_count",
 32121                    "station_system_count",
 32122                    "is_unique"
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 32124                  "properties": {
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 32126                      "type": "integer",
 32127                      "format": "int32",
 32128                      "title": "get_universe_factions_faction_id",
 32129                      "description": "faction_id integer"
 32130                    },
 32131                    "name": {
 32132                      "type": "string",
 32133                      "title": "get_universe_factions_name",
 32134                      "description": "name string"
 32135                    },
 32136                    "description": {
 32137                      "type": "string",
 32138                      "title": "get_universe_factions_description",
 32139                      "description": "description string"
 32140                    },
 32141                    "solar_system_id": {
 32142                      "type": "integer",
 32143                      "format": "int32",
 32144                      "title": "get_universe_factions_solar_system_id",
 32145                      "description": "solar_system_id integer"
 32146                    },
 32147                    "corporation_id": {
 32148                      "type": "integer",
 32149                      "format": "int32",
 32150                      "title": "get_universe_factions_corporation_id",
 32151                      "description": "corporation_id integer"
 32152                    },
 32153                    "militia_corporation_id": {
 32154                      "type": "integer",
 32155                      "format": "int32",
 32156                      "title": "get_universe_factions_militia_corporation_id",
 32157                      "description": "militia_corporation_id integer"
 32158                    },
 32159                    "size_factor": {
 32160                      "type": "number",
 32161                      "format": "float",
 32162                      "title": "get_universe_factions_size_factor",
 32163                      "description": "size_factor number"
 32164                    },
 32165                    "station_count": {
 32166                      "type": "integer",
 32167                      "format": "int32",
 32168                      "title": "get_universe_factions_station_count",
 32169                      "description": "station_count integer"
 32170                    },
 32171                    "station_system_count": {
 32172                      "type": "integer",
 32173                      "format": "int32",
 32174                      "title": "get_universe_factions_station_system_count",
 32175                      "description": "station_system_count integer"
 32176                    },
 32177                    "is_unique": {
 32178                      "type": "boolean",
 32179                      "title": "get_universe_factions_is_unique",
 32180                      "description": "is_unique boolean"
 32181                    }
 32182                  },
 32183                  "title": "get_universe_factions_200_ok",
 32184                  "description": "200 ok object"
 32185                },
 32186                "title": "get_universe_factions_ok",
 32187                "description": "200 ok array"
 32188              },
 32189              "headers": {
 32190                "Content-Language": {
 32191                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 32192                  "type": "string",
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 32194                    "de",
 32195                    "en-us",
 32196                    "fr",
 32197                    "ja",
 32198                    "ru",
 32199                    "zh"
 32200                  ]
 32201                },
 32202                "Cache-Control": {
 32203                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 32204                  "type": "string"
 32205                },
 32206                "Last-Modified": {
 32207                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 32208                  "type": "string"
 32209                },
 32210                "Expires": {
 32211                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 32212                  "type": "string"
 32213                }
 32214              }
 32215            },
 32216            "500": {
 32217              "description": "Internal server error",
 32218              "schema": {
 32219                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 32220              },
 32221              "examples": {
 32222                "application/json": {
 32223                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 32224                }
 32225              }
 32226            }
 32227          },
 32228          "parameters": [
 32229            {
 32230              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 32231            },
 32232            {
 32233              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 32234            },
 32235            {
 32236              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 32237            },
 32238            {
 32239              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 32240            }
 32241          ],
 32242          "operationId": "get_universe_factions",
 32243          "x-alternate-versions": [
 32244            "dev",
 32245            "v2"
 32246          ]
 32247        }
 32248      },
 32249      "/universe/bloodlines/": {
 32250        "get": {
 32251          "description": "Get a list of bloodlines\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/bloodlines/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/bloodlines/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/bloodlines/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 32252          "summary": "Get bloodlines",
 32253          "tags": [
 32254            "Universe"
 32255          ],
 32256          "responses": {
 32257            "200": {
 32258              "description": "A list of bloodlines",
 32259              "examples": {
 32260                "application/json": [
 32261                  {
 32262                    "bloodline_id": 1,
 32263                    "name": "Deteis",
 32264                    "description": "The Deteis are regarded as ...",
 32265                    "race_id": 1,
 32266                    "ship_type_id": 601,
 32267                    "corporation_id": 1000006,
 32268                    "perception": 5,
 32269                    "willpower": 5,
 32270                    "charisma": 6,
 32271                    "memory": 7,
 32272                    "intelligence": 7
 32273                  }
 32274                ]
 32275              },
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 32277                "type": "array",
 32278                "maxItems": 100,
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 32280                  "type": "object",
 32281                  "required": [
 32282                    "bloodline_id",
 32283                    "name",
 32284                    "description",
 32285                    "race_id",
 32286                    "ship_type_id",
 32287                    "corporation_id",
 32288                    "perception",
 32289                    "willpower",
 32290                    "charisma",
 32291                    "memory",
 32292                    "intelligence"
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 32294                  "properties": {
 32295                    "bloodline_id": {
 32296                      "type": "integer",
 32297                      "format": "int32",
 32298                      "title": "get_universe_bloodlines_bloodline_id",
 32299                      "description": "bloodline_id integer"
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 32302                      "type": "string",
 32303                      "title": "get_universe_bloodlines_name",
 32304                      "description": "name string"
 32305                    },
 32306                    "description": {
 32307                      "type": "string",
 32308                      "title": "get_universe_bloodlines_description",
 32309                      "description": "description string"
 32310                    },
 32311                    "race_id": {
 32312                      "type": "integer",
 32313                      "format": "int32",
 32314                      "title": "get_universe_bloodlines_race_id",
 32315                      "description": "race_id integer"
 32316                    },
 32317                    "ship_type_id": {
 32318                      "type": "integer",
 32319                      "format": "int32",
 32320                      "title": "get_universe_bloodlines_ship_type_id",
 32321                      "description": "ship_type_id integer"
 32322                    },
 32323                    "corporation_id": {
 32324                      "type": "integer",
 32325                      "format": "int32",
 32326                      "title": "get_universe_bloodlines_corporation_id",
 32327                      "description": "corporation_id integer"
 32328                    },
 32329                    "perception": {
 32330                      "type": "integer",
 32331                      "format": "int32",
 32332                      "title": "get_universe_bloodlines_perception",
 32333                      "description": "perception integer"
 32334                    },
 32335                    "willpower": {
 32336                      "type": "integer",
 32337                      "format": "int32",
 32338                      "title": "get_universe_bloodlines_willpower",
 32339                      "description": "willpower integer"
 32340                    },
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 32342                      "type": "integer",
 32343                      "format": "int32",
 32344                      "title": "get_universe_bloodlines_charisma",
 32345                      "description": "charisma integer"
 32346                    },
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 32348                      "type": "integer",
 32349                      "format": "int32",
 32350                      "title": "get_universe_bloodlines_memory",
 32351                      "description": "memory integer"
 32352                    },
 32353                    "intelligence": {
 32354                      "type": "integer",
 32355                      "format": "int32",
 32356                      "title": "get_universe_bloodlines_intelligence",
 32357                      "description": "intelligence integer"
 32358                    }
 32359                  },
 32360                  "title": "get_universe_bloodlines_200_ok",
 32361                  "description": "200 ok object"
 32362                },
 32363                "title": "get_universe_bloodlines_ok",
 32364                "description": "200 ok array"
 32365              },
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 32368                  "description": "The language used in the response",
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 32373                    "fr",
 32374                    "ja",
 32375                    "ru",
 32376                    "zh"
 32377                  ]
 32378                },
 32379                "Cache-Control": {
 32380                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 32381                  "type": "string"
 32382                },
 32383                "Last-Modified": {
 32384                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 32385                  "type": "string"
 32386                },
 32387                "Expires": {
 32388                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 32389                  "type": "string"
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 32393            "500": {
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 32395              "schema": {
 32396                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
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 32398              "examples": {
 32399                "application/json": {
 32400                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 32401                }
 32402              }
 32403            }
 32404          },
 32405          "parameters": [
 32406            {
 32407              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 32408            },
 32409            {
 32410              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 32411            },
 32412            {
 32413              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 32414            },
 32415            {
 32416              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 32417            }
 32418          ],
 32419          "operationId": "get_universe_bloodlines",
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 32421            "dev",
 32422            "legacy",
 32423            "v1"
 32424          ]
 32425        }
 32426      },
 32427      "/universe/regions/": {
 32428        "get": {
 32429          "description": "Get a list of regions\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/regions/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/regions/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/regions/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 32430          "summary": "Get regions",
 32431          "tags": [
 32432            "Universe"
 32433          ],
 32434          "responses": {
 32435            "200": {
 32436              "description": "A list of region ids",
 32437              "examples": {
 32438                "application/json": [
 32439                  11000001,
 32440                  11000002
 32441                ]
 32442              },
 32443              "schema": {
 32444                "type": "array",
 32445                "maxItems": 1000,
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 32448                  "format": "int32",
 32449                  "title": "get_universe_regions_200_ok",
 32450                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 32451                },
 32452                "title": "get_universe_regions_ok",
 32453                "description": "200 ok array"
 32454              },
 32455              "headers": {
 32456                "Cache-Control": {
 32457                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 32458                  "type": "string"
 32459                },
 32460                "Last-Modified": {
 32461                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 32462                  "type": "string"
 32463                },
 32464                "Expires": {
 32465                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 32466                  "type": "string"
 32467                }
 32468              }
 32469            },
 32470            "500": {
 32471              "description": "Internal server error",
 32472              "schema": {
 32473                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 32474              },
 32475              "examples": {
 32476                "application/json": {
 32477                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 32478                }
 32479              }
 32480            }
 32481          },
 32482          "parameters": [
 32483            {
 32484              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 32485            },
 32486            {
 32487              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 32488            },
 32489            {
 32490              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 32491            }
 32492          ],
 32493          "operationId": "get_universe_regions",
 32494          "x-alternate-versions": [
 32495            "dev",
 32496            "legacy",
 32497            "v1"
 32498          ]
 32499        }
 32500      },
 32501      "/universe/regions/{region_id}/": {
 32502        "get": {
 32503          "description": "Get information on a region\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/regions/{region_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/regions/{region_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/regions/{region_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 32504          "summary": "Get region information",
 32505          "tags": [
 32506            "Universe"
 32507          ],
 32508          "parameters": [
 32509            {
 32510              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 32511            },
 32512            {
 32513              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 32514            },
 32515            {
 32516              "name": "region_id",
 32517              "in": "path",
 32518              "required": true,
 32519              "type": "integer",
 32520              "format": "int32",
 32521              "description": "region_id integer"
 32522            },
 32523            {
 32524              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 32525            },
 32526            {
 32527              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 32528            }
 32529          ],
 32530          "responses": {
 32531            "200": {
 32532              "description": "Information about a region",
 32533              "examples": {
 32534                "application/json": {
 32535                  "region_id": 10000042,
 32536                  "name": "Metropolis",
 32537                  "description": "It has long been an established fact of civilization...",
 32538                  "constellations": [
 32539                    20000302,
 32540                    20000303
 32541                  ]
 32542                }
 32543              },
 32544              "schema": {
 32545                "type": "object",
 32546                "required": [
 32547                  "region_id",
 32548                  "name",
 32549                  "constellations"
 32550                ],
 32551                "properties": {
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 32553                    "type": "integer",
 32554                    "format": "int32",
 32555                    "title": "get_universe_regions_region_id_region_id",
 32556                    "description": "region_id integer"
 32557                  },
 32558                  "name": {
 32559                    "type": "string",
 32560                    "title": "get_universe_regions_region_id_name",
 32561                    "description": "name string"
 32562                  },
 32563                  "description": {
 32564                    "type": "string",
 32565                    "title": "get_universe_regions_region_id_description",
 32566                    "description": "description string"
 32567                  },
 32568                  "constellations": {
 32569                    "type": "array",
 32570                    "maxItems": 1000,
 32571                    "items": {
 32572                      "type": "integer",
 32573                      "format": "int32",
 32574                      "title": "get_universe_regions_region_id_constellation",
 32575                      "description": "constellation integer"
 32576                    },
 32577                    "title": "get_universe_regions_region_id_constellations",
 32578                    "description": "constellations array"
 32579                  }
 32580                },
 32581                "title": "get_universe_regions_region_id_ok",
 32582                "description": "200 ok object"
 32583              },
 32584              "headers": {
 32585                "Content-Language": {
 32586                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 32587                  "type": "string",
 32588                  "enum": [
 32589                    "de",
 32590                    "en-us",
 32591                    "fr",
 32592                    "ja",
 32593                    "ru",
 32594                    "zh"
 32595                  ]
 32596                },
 32597                "Cache-Control": {
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 32599                  "type": "string"
 32600                },
 32601                "Last-Modified": {
 32602                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 32603                  "type": "string"
 32604                },
 32605                "Expires": {
 32606                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 32607                  "type": "string"
 32608                }
 32609              }
 32610            },
 32611            "404": {
 32612              "description": "Region not found",
 32613              "schema": {
 32614                "type": "object",
 32615                "title": "get_universe_regions_region_id_not_found",
 32616                "description": "Not found",
 32617                "properties": {
 32618                  "error": {
 32619                    "type": "string",
 32620                    "description": "Not found message",
 32621                    "title": "get_universe_regions_region_id_404_not_found"
 32622                  }
 32623                }
 32624              },
 32625              "examples": {
 32626                "application/json": {
 32627                  "error": "Not found message"
 32628                }
 32629              }
 32630            },
 32631            "500": {
 32632              "description": "Internal server error",
 32633              "schema": {
 32634                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 32635              },
 32636              "examples": {
 32637                "application/json": {
 32638                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 32639                }
 32640              }
 32641            }
 32642          },
 32643          "operationId": "get_universe_regions_region_id",
 32644          "x-alternate-versions": [
 32645            "dev",
 32646            "legacy",
 32647            "v1"
 32648          ]
 32649        }
 32650      },
 32651      "/universe/constellations/": {
 32652        "get": {
 32653          "description": "Get a list of constellations\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/constellations/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/constellations/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/constellations/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 32654          "summary": "Get constellations",
 32655          "tags": [
 32656            "Universe"
 32657          ],
 32658          "responses": {
 32659            "200": {
 32660              "description": "A list of constellation ids",
 32661              "examples": {
 32662                "application/json": [
 32663                  20000001,
 32664                  20000002
 32665                ]
 32666              },
 32667              "schema": {
 32668                "type": "array",
 32669                "maxItems": 10000,
 32670                "items": {
 32671                  "type": "integer",
 32672                  "format": "int32",
 32673                  "title": "get_universe_constellations_200_ok",
 32674                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 32675                },
 32676                "title": "get_universe_constellations_ok",
 32677                "description": "200 ok array"
 32678              },
 32679              "headers": {
 32680                "Cache-Control": {
 32681                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 32682                  "type": "string"
 32683                },
 32684                "Last-Modified": {
 32685                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 32686                  "type": "string"
 32687                },
 32688                "Expires": {
 32689                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 32690                  "type": "string"
 32691                }
 32692              }
 32693            },
 32694            "500": {
 32695              "description": "Internal server error",
 32696              "schema": {
 32697                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 32698              },
 32699              "examples": {
 32700                "application/json": {
 32701                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 32702                }
 32703              }
 32704            }
 32705          },
 32706          "parameters": [
 32707            {
 32708              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 32709            },
 32710            {
 32711              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 32712            },
 32713            {
 32714              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 32715            }
 32716          ],
 32717          "operationId": "get_universe_constellations",
 32718          "x-alternate-versions": [
 32719            "dev",
 32720            "legacy",
 32721            "v1"
 32722          ]
 32723        }
 32724      },
 32725      "/universe/constellations/{constellation_id}/": {
 32726        "get": {
 32727          "description": "Get information on a constellation\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/constellations/{constellation_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/constellations/{constellation_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/constellations/{constellation_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 32728          "summary": "Get constellation information",
 32729          "tags": [
 32730            "Universe"
 32731          ],
 32732          "parameters": [
 32733            {
 32734              "name": "constellation_id",
 32735              "in": "path",
 32736              "required": true,
 32737              "type": "integer",
 32738              "format": "int32",
 32739              "description": "constellation_id integer"
 32740            },
 32741            {
 32742              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 32743            },
 32744            {
 32745              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 32746            },
 32747            {
 32748              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 32749            },
 32750            {
 32751              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 32752            }
 32753          ],
 32754          "responses": {
 32755            "200": {
 32756              "description": "Information about a constellation",
 32757              "examples": {
 32758                "application/json": {
 32759                  "constellation_id": 20000009,
 32760                  "name": "Mekashtad",
 32761                  "position": {
 32762                    "x": 67796138757472320,
 32763                    "y": -70591121348560960,
 32764                    "z": -59587016159270070
 32765                  },
 32766                  "region_id": 10000001,
 32767                  "systems": [
 32768                    20000302,
 32769                    20000303
 32770                  ]
 32771                }
 32772              },
 32773              "schema": {
 32774                "type": "object",
 32775                "required": [
 32776                  "constellation_id",
 32777                  "name",
 32778                  "position",
 32779                  "region_id",
 32780                  "systems"
 32781                ],
 32782                "properties": {
 32783                  "constellation_id": {
 32784                    "type": "integer",
 32785                    "format": "int32",
 32786                    "title": "get_universe_constellations_constellation_id_constellation_id",
 32787                    "description": "constellation_id integer"
 32788                  },
 32789                  "name": {
 32790                    "type": "string",
 32791                    "title": "get_universe_constellations_constellation_id_name",
 32792                    "description": "name string"
 32793                  },
 32794                  "position": {
 32795                    "type": "object",
 32796                    "required": [
 32797                      "x",
 32798                      "y",
 32799                      "z"
 32800                    ],
 32801                    "properties": {
 32802                      "x": {
 32803                        "type": "number",
 32804                        "format": "double",
 32805                        "title": "get_universe_constellations_constellation_id_x",
 32806                        "description": "x number"
 32807                      },
 32808                      "y": {
 32809                        "type": "number",
 32810                        "format": "double",
 32811                        "title": "get_universe_constellations_constellation_id_y",
 32812                        "description": "y number"
 32813                      },
 32814                      "z": {
 32815                        "type": "number",
 32816                        "format": "double",
 32817                        "title": "get_universe_constellations_constellation_id_z",
 32818                        "description": "z number"
 32819                      }
 32820                    },
 32821                    "title": "get_universe_constellations_constellation_id_position",
 32822                    "description": "position object"
 32823                  },
 32824                  "region_id": {
 32825                    "type": "integer",
 32826                    "format": "int32",
 32827                    "description": "The region this constellation is in",
 32828                    "title": "get_universe_constellations_constellation_id_region_id"
 32829                  },
 32830                  "systems": {
 32831                    "type": "array",
 32832                    "maxItems": 10000,
 32833                    "items": {
 32834                      "type": "integer",
 32835                      "format": "int32",
 32836                      "title": "get_universe_constellations_constellation_id_system",
 32837                      "description": "system integer"
 32838                    },
 32839                    "title": "get_universe_constellations_constellation_id_systems",
 32840                    "description": "systems array"
 32841                  }
 32842                },
 32843                "title": "get_universe_constellations_constellation_id_ok",
 32844                "description": "200 ok object"
 32845              },
 32846              "headers": {
 32847                "Content-Language": {
 32848                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 32849                  "type": "string",
 32850                  "enum": [
 32851                    "de",
 32852                    "en-us",
 32853                    "fr",
 32854                    "ja",
 32855                    "ru",
 32856                    "zh"
 32857                  ]
 32858                },
 32859                "Cache-Control": {
 32860                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 32861                  "type": "string"
 32862                },
 32863                "Last-Modified": {
 32864                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 32865                  "type": "string"
 32866                },
 32867                "Expires": {
 32868                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 32869                  "type": "string"
 32870                }
 32871              }
 32872            },
 32873            "404": {
 32874              "description": "Constellation not found",
 32875              "schema": {
 32876                "type": "object",
 32877                "title": "get_universe_constellations_constellation_id_not_found",
 32878                "description": "Not found",
 32879                "properties": {
 32880                  "error": {
 32881                    "type": "string",
 32882                    "description": "Not found message",
 32883                    "title": "get_universe_constellations_constellation_id_404_not_found"
 32884                  }
 32885                }
 32886              },
 32887              "examples": {
 32888                "application/json": {
 32889                  "error": "Not found message"
 32890                }
 32891              }
 32892            },
 32893            "500": {
 32894              "description": "Internal server error",
 32895              "schema": {
 32896                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 32897              },
 32898              "examples": {
 32899                "application/json": {
 32900                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 32901                }
 32902              }
 32903            }
 32904          },
 32905          "operationId": "get_universe_constellations_constellation_id",
 32906          "x-alternate-versions": [
 32907            "dev",
 32908            "legacy",
 32909            "v1"
 32910          ]
 32911        }
 32912      },
 32913      "/universe/moons/{moon_id}/": {
 32914        "get": {
 32915          "description": "Get information on a moon\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/moons/{moon_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/moons/{moon_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/moons/{moon_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 32916          "summary": "Get moon information",
 32917          "tags": [
 32918            "Universe"
 32919          ],
 32920          "parameters": [
 32921            {
 32922              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 32923            },
 32924            {
 32925              "name": "moon_id",
 32926              "in": "path",
 32927              "required": true,
 32928              "type": "integer",
 32929              "format": "int32",
 32930              "description": "moon_id integer"
 32931            },
 32932            {
 32933              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 32934            },
 32935            {
 32936              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 32937            }
 32938          ],
 32939          "responses": {
 32940            "200": {
 32941              "description": "Information about a moon",
 32942              "examples": {
 32943                "application/json": {
 32944                  "moon_id": 40000042,
 32945                  "name": "Akpivem I - Moon 1",
 32946                  "position": {
 32947                    "x": 58605102008,
 32948                    "y": -3066616285,
 32949                    "z": -55193617920
 32950                  },
 32951                  "system_id": 30000003
 32952                }
 32953              },
 32954              "schema": {
 32955                "type": "object",
 32956                "required": [
 32957                  "moon_id",
 32958                  "name",
 32959                  "position",
 32960                  "system_id"
 32961                ],
 32962                "properties": {
 32963                  "moon_id": {
 32964                    "type": "integer",
 32965                    "format": "int32",
 32966                    "title": "get_universe_moons_moon_id_moon_id",
 32967                    "description": "moon_id integer"
 32968                  },
 32969                  "name": {
 32970                    "type": "string",
 32971                    "title": "get_universe_moons_moon_id_name",
 32972                    "description": "name string"
 32973                  },
 32974                  "position": {
 32975                    "type": "object",
 32976                    "required": [
 32977                      "x",
 32978                      "y",
 32979                      "z"
 32980                    ],
 32981                    "properties": {
 32982                      "x": {
 32983                        "type": "number",
 32984                        "format": "double",
 32985                        "title": "get_universe_moons_moon_id_x",
 32986                        "description": "x number"
 32987                      },
 32988                      "y": {
 32989                        "type": "number",
 32990                        "format": "double",
 32991                        "title": "get_universe_moons_moon_id_y",
 32992                        "description": "y number"
 32993                      },
 32994                      "z": {
 32995                        "type": "number",
 32996                        "format": "double",
 32997                        "title": "get_universe_moons_moon_id_z",
 32998                        "description": "z number"
 32999                      }
 33000                    },
 33001                    "title": "get_universe_moons_moon_id_position",
 33002                    "description": "position object"
 33003                  },
 33004                  "system_id": {
 33005                    "type": "integer",
 33006                    "format": "int32",
 33007                    "description": "The solar system this moon is in",
 33008                    "title": "get_universe_moons_moon_id_system_id"
 33009                  }
 33010                },
 33011                "title": "get_universe_moons_moon_id_ok",
 33012                "description": "200 ok object"
 33013              },
 33014              "headers": {
 33015                "Cache-Control": {
 33016                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 33017                  "type": "string"
 33018                },
 33019                "Last-Modified": {
 33020                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 33021                  "type": "string"
 33022                },
 33023                "Expires": {
 33024                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 33025                  "type": "string"
 33026                }
 33027              }
 33028            },
 33029            "404": {
 33030              "description": "Moon not found",
 33031              "schema": {
 33032                "type": "object",
 33033                "title": "get_universe_moons_moon_id_not_found",
 33034                "description": "Not found",
 33035                "properties": {
 33036                  "error": {
 33037                    "type": "string",
 33038                    "description": "Not found message",
 33039                    "title": "get_universe_moons_moon_id_404_not_found"
 33040                  }
 33041                }
 33042              },
 33043              "examples": {
 33044                "application/json": {
 33045                  "error": "Not found message"
 33046                }
 33047              }
 33048            },
 33049            "500": {
 33050              "description": "Internal server error",
 33051              "schema": {
 33052                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 33053              },
 33054              "examples": {
 33055                "application/json": {
 33056                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 33057                }
 33058              }
 33059            }
 33060          },
 33061          "operationId": "get_universe_moons_moon_id",
 33062          "x-alternate-versions": [
 33063            "dev",
 33064            "legacy",
 33065            "v1"
 33066          ]
 33067        }
 33068      },
 33069      "/universe/stargates/{stargate_id}/": {
 33070        "get": {
 33071          "description": "Get information on a stargate\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/stargates/{stargate_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/stargates/{stargate_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/stargates/{stargate_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 33072          "summary": "Get stargate information",
 33073          "tags": [
 33074            "Universe"
 33075          ],
 33076          "parameters": [
 33077            {
 33078              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 33079            },
 33080            {
 33081              "name": "stargate_id",
 33082              "in": "path",
 33083              "required": true,
 33084              "type": "integer",
 33085              "format": "int32",
 33086              "description": "stargate_id integer"
 33087            },
 33088            {
 33089              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 33090            },
 33091            {
 33092              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 33093            }
 33094          ],
 33095          "responses": {
 33096            "200": {
 33097              "description": "Information about a stargate",
 33098              "examples": {
 33099                "application/json": {
 33100                  "stargate_id": 50000342,
 33101                  "name": "Stargate (Tanoo)",
 33102                  "type_id": 29624,
 33103                  "position": {
 33104                    "x": -101092761600,
 33105                    "y": 5279539200,
 33106                    "z": 1550503403520
 33107                  },
 33108                  "system_id": 30000003,
 33109                  "destination": {
 33110                    "system_id": 30000001,
 33111                    "stargate_id": 50000056
 33112                  }
 33113                }
 33114              },
 33115              "schema": {
 33116                "type": "object",
 33117                "required": [
 33118                  "stargate_id",
 33119                  "name",
 33120                  "type_id",
 33121                  "position",
 33122                  "system_id",
 33123                  "destination"
 33124                ],
 33125                "properties": {
 33126                  "stargate_id": {
 33127                    "type": "integer",
 33128                    "format": "int32",
 33129                    "title": "get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_stargate_id",
 33130                    "description": "stargate_id integer"
 33131                  },
 33132                  "name": {
 33133                    "type": "string",
 33134                    "title": "get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_name",
 33135                    "description": "name string"
 33136                  },
 33137                  "type_id": {
 33138                    "type": "integer",
 33139                    "format": "int32",
 33140                    "title": "get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_type_id",
 33141                    "description": "type_id integer"
 33142                  },
 33143                  "position": {
 33144                    "type": "object",
 33145                    "required": [
 33146                      "x",
 33147                      "y",
 33148                      "z"
 33149                    ],
 33150                    "properties": {
 33151                      "x": {
 33152                        "type": "number",
 33153                        "format": "double",
 33154                        "title": "get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_x",
 33155                        "description": "x number"
 33156                      },
 33157                      "y": {
 33158                        "type": "number",
 33159                        "format": "double",
 33160                        "title": "get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_y",
 33161                        "description": "y number"
 33162                      },
 33163                      "z": {
 33164                        "type": "number",
 33165                        "format": "double",
 33166                        "title": "get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_z",
 33167                        "description": "z number"
 33168                      }
 33169                    },
 33170                    "title": "get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_position",
 33171                    "description": "position object"
 33172                  },
 33173                  "system_id": {
 33174                    "type": "integer",
 33175                    "format": "int32",
 33176                    "description": "The solar system this stargate is in",
 33177                    "title": "get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_system_id"
 33178                  },
 33179                  "destination": {
 33180                    "type": "object",
 33181                    "required": [
 33182                      "system_id",
 33183                      "stargate_id"
 33184                    ],
 33185                    "properties": {
 33186                      "system_id": {
 33187                        "type": "integer",
 33188                        "format": "int32",
 33189                        "description": "The solar system this stargate connects to",
 33190                        "title": "get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_system_id"
 33191                      },
 33192                      "stargate_id": {
 33193                        "type": "integer",
 33194                        "format": "int32",
 33195                        "description": "The stargate this stargate connects to",
 33196                        "title": "get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_stargate_id"
 33197                      }
 33198                    },
 33199                    "title": "get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_destination",
 33200                    "description": "destination object"
 33201                  }
 33202                },
 33203                "title": "get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_ok",
 33204                "description": "200 ok object"
 33205              },
 33206              "headers": {
 33207                "Cache-Control": {
 33208                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 33209                  "type": "string"
 33210                },
 33211                "Last-Modified": {
 33212                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 33213                  "type": "string"
 33214                },
 33215                "Expires": {
 33216                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 33217                  "type": "string"
 33218                }
 33219              }
 33220            },
 33221            "404": {
 33222              "description": "Stargate not found",
 33223              "schema": {
 33224                "type": "object",
 33225                "title": "get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_not_found",
 33226                "description": "Not found",
 33227                "properties": {
 33228                  "error": {
 33229                    "type": "string",
 33230                    "description": "Not found message",
 33231                    "title": "get_universe_stargates_stargate_id_404_not_found"
 33232                  }
 33233                }
 33234              },
 33235              "examples": {
 33236                "application/json": {
 33237                  "error": "Not found message"
 33238                }
 33239              }
 33240            },
 33241            "500": {
 33242              "description": "Internal server error",
 33243              "schema": {
 33244                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 33245              },
 33246              "examples": {
 33247                "application/json": {
 33248                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 33249                }
 33250              }
 33251            }
 33252          },
 33253          "operationId": "get_universe_stargates_stargate_id",
 33254          "x-alternate-versions": [
 33255            "dev",
 33256            "legacy",
 33257            "v1"
 33258          ]
 33259        }
 33260      },
 33261      "/universe/graphics/": {
 33262        "get": {
 33263          "description": "Get a list of graphics\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/graphics/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/graphics/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/graphics/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 33264          "summary": "Get graphics",
 33265          "tags": [
 33266            "Universe"
 33267          ],
 33268          "responses": {
 33269            "200": {
 33270              "description": "A list of graphic ids",
 33271              "examples": {
 33272                "application/json": [
 33273                  10,
 33274                  4106
 33275                ]
 33276              },
 33277              "schema": {
 33278                "type": "array",
 33279                "maxItems": 10000,
 33280                "items": {
 33281                  "type": "integer",
 33282                  "format": "int32",
 33283                  "title": "get_universe_graphics_200_ok",
 33284                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 33285                },
 33286                "title": "get_universe_graphics_ok",
 33287                "description": "200 ok array"
 33288              },
 33289              "headers": {
 33290                "Cache-Control": {
 33291                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 33292                  "type": "string"
 33293                },
 33294                "Last-Modified": {
 33295                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 33296                  "type": "string"
 33297                },
 33298                "Expires": {
 33299                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 33300                  "type": "string"
 33301                }
 33302              }
 33303            },
 33304            "500": {
 33305              "description": "Internal server error",
 33306              "schema": {
 33307                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 33308              },
 33309              "examples": {
 33310                "application/json": {
 33311                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 33312                }
 33313              }
 33314            }
 33315          },
 33316          "parameters": [
 33317            {
 33318              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 33319            },
 33320            {
 33321              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 33322            },
 33323            {
 33324              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 33325            }
 33326          ],
 33327          "operationId": "get_universe_graphics",
 33328          "x-alternate-versions": [
 33329            "dev",
 33330            "legacy",
 33331            "v1"
 33332          ]
 33333        }
 33334      },
 33335      "/universe/graphics/{graphic_id}/": {
 33336        "get": {
 33337          "description": "Get information on a graphic\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/graphics/{graphic_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/graphics/{graphic_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/graphics/{graphic_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 33338          "summary": "Get graphic information",
 33339          "tags": [
 33340            "Universe"
 33341          ],
 33342          "parameters": [
 33343            {
 33344              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 33345            },
 33346            {
 33347              "name": "graphic_id",
 33348              "in": "path",
 33349              "required": true,
 33350              "type": "integer",
 33351              "format": "int32",
 33352              "description": "graphic_id integer"
 33353            },
 33354            {
 33355              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 33356            },
 33357            {
 33358              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 33359            }
 33360          ],
 33361          "responses": {
 33362            "200": {
 33363              "description": "Information about a graphic",
 33364              "examples": {
 33365                "application/json": {
 33366                  "graphic_id": 10,
 33367                  "graphic_file": "res:/dx9/model/worldobject/planet/"
 33368                }
 33369              },
 33370              "schema": {
 33371                "type": "object",
 33372                "required": [
 33373                  "graphic_id"
 33374                ],
 33375                "properties": {
 33376                  "graphic_id": {
 33377                    "type": "integer",
 33378                    "format": "int32",
 33379                    "title": "get_universe_graphics_graphic_id_graphic_id",
 33380                    "description": "graphic_id integer"
 33381                  },
 33382                  "graphic_file": {
 33383                    "type": "string",
 33384                    "title": "get_universe_graphics_graphic_id_graphic_file",
 33385                    "description": "graphic_file string"
 33386                  },
 33387                  "sof_race_name": {
 33388                    "type": "string",
 33389                    "title": "get_universe_graphics_graphic_id_sof_race_name",
 33390                    "description": "sof_race_name string"
 33391                  },
 33392                  "sof_fation_name": {
 33393                    "type": "string",
 33394                    "title": "get_universe_graphics_graphic_id_sof_fation_name",
 33395                    "description": "sof_fation_name string"
 33396                  },
 33397                  "sof_dna": {
 33398                    "type": "string",
 33399                    "title": "get_universe_graphics_graphic_id_sof_dna",
 33400                    "description": "sof_dna string"
 33401                  },
 33402                  "sof_hull_name": {
 33403                    "type": "string",
 33404                    "title": "get_universe_graphics_graphic_id_sof_hull_name",
 33405                    "description": "sof_hull_name string"
 33406                  },
 33407                  "collision_file": {
 33408                    "type": "string",
 33409                    "title": "get_universe_graphics_graphic_id_collision_file",
 33410                    "description": "collision_file string"
 33411                  },
 33412                  "icon_folder": {
 33413                    "type": "string",
 33414                    "title": "get_universe_graphics_graphic_id_icon_folder",
 33415                    "description": "icon_folder string"
 33416                  }
 33417                },
 33418                "title": "get_universe_graphics_graphic_id_ok",
 33419                "description": "200 ok object"
 33420              },
 33421              "headers": {
 33422                "Cache-Control": {
 33423                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 33424                  "type": "string"
 33425                },
 33426                "Last-Modified": {
 33427                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 33428                  "type": "string"
 33429                },
 33430                "Expires": {
 33431                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 33432                  "type": "string"
 33433                }
 33434              }
 33435            },
 33436            "404": {
 33437              "description": "Graphic not found",
 33438              "schema": {
 33439                "type": "object",
 33440                "title": "get_universe_graphics_graphic_id_not_found",
 33441                "description": "Not found",
 33442                "properties": {
 33443                  "error": {
 33444                    "type": "string",
 33445                    "description": "Not found message",
 33446                    "title": "get_universe_graphics_graphic_id_404_not_found"
 33447                  }
 33448                }
 33449              },
 33450              "examples": {
 33451                "application/json": {
 33452                  "error": "Not found message"
 33453                }
 33454              }
 33455            },
 33456            "500": {
 33457              "description": "Internal server error",
 33458              "schema": {
 33459                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 33460              },
 33461              "examples": {
 33462                "application/json": {
 33463                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 33464                }
 33465              }
 33466            }
 33467          },
 33468          "operationId": "get_universe_graphics_graphic_id",
 33469          "x-alternate-versions": [
 33470            "dev",
 33471            "legacy",
 33472            "v1"
 33473          ]
 33474        }
 33475      },
 33476      "/universe/system_jumps/": {
 33477        "get": {
 33478          "description": "Get the number of jumps in solar systems within the last hour ending at the timestamp of the Last-Modified header, excluding wormhole space. Only systems with jumps will be listed\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/system_jumps/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/system_jumps/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/system_jumps/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 33479          "summary": "Get system jumps",
 33480          "tags": [
 33481            "Universe"
 33482          ],
 33483          "responses": {
 33484            "200": {
 33485              "description": "A list of systems and number of jumps",
 33486              "examples": {
 33487                "application/json": [
 33488                  {
 33489                    "system_id": 30002410,
 33490                    "ship_jumps": 42
 33491                  }
 33492                ]
 33493              },
 33494              "schema": {
 33495                "type": "array",
 33496                "maxItems": 10000,
 33497                "items": {
 33498                  "type": "object",
 33499                  "required": [
 33500                    "system_id",
 33501                    "ship_jumps"
 33502                  ],
 33503                  "properties": {
 33504                    "system_id": {
 33505                      "type": "integer",
 33506                      "format": "int32",
 33507                      "title": "get_universe_system_jumps_system_id",
 33508                      "description": "system_id integer"
 33509                    },
 33510                    "ship_jumps": {
 33511                      "type": "integer",
 33512                      "format": "int32",
 33513                      "title": "get_universe_system_jumps_ship_jumps",
 33514                      "description": "ship_jumps integer"
 33515                    }
 33516                  },
 33517                  "title": "get_universe_system_jumps_200_ok",
 33518                  "description": "200 ok object"
 33519                },
 33520                "title": "get_universe_system_jumps_ok",
 33521                "description": "200 ok array"
 33522              },
 33523              "headers": {
 33524                "Cache-Control": {
 33525                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 33526                  "type": "string"
 33527                },
 33528                "Last-Modified": {
 33529                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 33530                  "type": "string"
 33531                },
 33532                "Expires": {
 33533                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 33534                  "type": "string"
 33535                }
 33536              }
 33537            },
 33538            "500": {
 33539              "description": "Internal server error",
 33540              "schema": {
 33541                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 33542              },
 33543              "examples": {
 33544                "application/json": {
 33545                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 33546                }
 33547              }
 33548            }
 33549          },
 33550          "parameters": [
 33551            {
 33552              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 33553            },
 33554            {
 33555              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 33556            },
 33557            {
 33558              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 33559            }
 33560          ],
 33561          "operationId": "get_universe_system_jumps",
 33562          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 33563          "x-alternate-versions": [
 33564            "dev",
 33565            "legacy",
 33566            "v1"
 33567          ]
 33568        }
 33569      },
 33570      "/universe/system_kills/": {
 33571        "get": {
 33572          "description": "Get the number of ship, pod and NPC kills per solar system within the last hour ending at the timestamp of the Last-Modified header, excluding wormhole space. Only systems with kills will be listed\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/system_kills/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/universe/system_kills/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 33573          "summary": "Get system kills",
 33574          "tags": [
 33575            "Universe"
 33576          ],
 33577          "responses": {
 33578            "200": {
 33579              "description": "A list of systems and number of ship, pod and NPC kills",
 33580              "examples": {
 33581                "application/json": [
 33582                  {
 33583                    "system_id": 30002410,
 33584                    "ship_kills": 42,
 33585                    "npc_kills": 0,
 33586                    "pod_kills": 24
 33587                  }
 33588                ]
 33589              },
 33590              "schema": {
 33591                "type": "array",
 33592                "maxItems": 10000,
 33593                "items": {
 33594                  "type": "object",
 33595                  "required": [
 33596                    "system_id",
 33597                    "ship_kills",
 33598                    "npc_kills",
 33599                    "pod_kills"
 33600                  ],
 33601                  "properties": {
 33602                    "system_id": {
 33603                      "type": "integer",
 33604                      "format": "int32",
 33605                      "title": "get_universe_system_kills_system_id",
 33606                      "description": "system_id integer"
 33607                    },
 33608                    "ship_kills": {
 33609                      "type": "integer",
 33610                      "format": "int32",
 33611                      "description": "Number of player ships killed in this system",
 33612                      "title": "get_universe_system_kills_ship_kills"
 33613                    },
 33614                    "npc_kills": {
 33615                      "type": "integer",
 33616                      "format": "int32",
 33617                      "description": "Number of NPC ships killed in this system",
 33618                      "title": "get_universe_system_kills_npc_kills"
 33619                    },
 33620                    "pod_kills": {
 33621                      "type": "integer",
 33622                      "format": "int32",
 33623                      "description": "Number of pods killed in this system",
 33624                      "title": "get_universe_system_kills_pod_kills"
 33625                    }
 33626                  },
 33627                  "title": "get_universe_system_kills_200_ok",
 33628                  "description": "200 ok object"
 33629                },
 33630                "title": "get_universe_system_kills_ok",
 33631                "description": "200 ok array"
 33632              },
 33633              "headers": {
 33634                "Cache-Control": {
 33635                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 33636                  "type": "string"
 33637                },
 33638                "Last-Modified": {
 33639                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 33640                  "type": "string"
 33641                },
 33642                "Expires": {
 33643                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 33644                  "type": "string"
 33645                }
 33646              }
 33647            },
 33648            "500": {
 33649              "description": "Internal server error",
 33650              "schema": {
 33651                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 33652              },
 33653              "examples": {
 33654                "application/json": {
 33655                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 33656                }
 33657              }
 33658            }
 33659          },
 33660          "parameters": [
 33661            {
 33662              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 33663            },
 33664            {
 33665              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 33666            },
 33667            {
 33668              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 33669            }
 33670          ],
 33671          "operationId": "get_universe_system_kills",
 33672          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 33673          "x-alternate-versions": [
 33674            "dev",
 33675            "v2"
 33676          ]
 33677        }
 33678      },
 33679      "/universe/stars/{star_id}/": {
 33680        "get": {
 33681          "description": "Get information on a star\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/stars/{star_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/stars/{star_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/stars/{star_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 33682          "summary": "Get star information",
 33683          "tags": [
 33684            "Universe"
 33685          ],
 33686          "parameters": [
 33687            {
 33688              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 33689            },
 33690            {
 33691              "name": "star_id",
 33692              "in": "path",
 33693              "required": true,
 33694              "type": "integer",
 33695              "format": "int32",
 33696              "description": "star_id integer"
 33697            },
 33698            {
 33699              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 33700            },
 33701            {
 33702              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 33703            }
 33704          ],
 33705          "responses": {
 33706            "200": {
 33707              "description": "Information about a star",
 33708              "examples": {
 33709                "application/json": {
 33710                  "type_id": 45033,
 33711                  "age": 9398686722,
 33712                  "name": "BKG-Q2 - Star",
 33713                  "luminosity": 0.06615000218153,
 33714                  "radius": 346600000,
 33715                  "spectral_class": "K2 V",
 33716                  "temperature": 3953,
 33717                  "solar_system_id": 30004333
 33718                }
 33719              },
 33720              "schema": {
 33721                "type": "object",
 33722                "required": [
 33723                  "name",
 33724                  "type_id",
 33725                  "age",
 33726                  "luminosity",
 33727                  "radius",
 33728                  "spectral_class",
 33729                  "temperature",
 33730                  "solar_system_id"
 33731                ],
 33732                "properties": {
 33733                  "name": {
 33734                    "type": "string",
 33735                    "title": "get_universe_stars_star_id_name",
 33736                    "description": "name string"
 33737                  },
 33738                  "solar_system_id": {
 33739                    "type": "integer",
 33740                    "format": "int32",
 33741                    "title": "get_universe_stars_star_id_solar_system_id",
 33742                    "description": "solar_system_id integer"
 33743                  },
 33744                  "type_id": {
 33745                    "type": "integer",
 33746                    "format": "int32",
 33747                    "title": "get_universe_stars_star_id_type_id",
 33748                    "description": "type_id integer"
 33749                  },
 33750                  "age": {
 33751                    "type": "integer",
 33752                    "format": "int64",
 33753                    "description": "Age of star in years",
 33754                    "title": "get_universe_stars_star_id_age"
 33755                  },
 33756                  "luminosity": {
 33757                    "type": "number",
 33758                    "format": "float",
 33759                    "title": "get_universe_stars_star_id_luminosity",
 33760                    "description": "luminosity number"
 33761                  },
 33762                  "radius": {
 33763                    "type": "integer",
 33764                    "format": "int64",
 33765                    "title": "get_universe_stars_star_id_radius",
 33766                    "description": "radius integer"
 33767                  },
 33768                  "spectral_class": {
 33769                    "type": "string",
 33770                    "enum": [
 33771                      "K2 V",
 33772                      "K4 V",
 33773                      "G2 V",
 33774                      "G8 V",
 33775                      "M7 V",
 33776                      "K7 V",
 33777                      "M2 V",
 33778                      "K5 V",
 33779                      "M3 V",
 33780                      "G0 V",
 33781                      "G7 V",
 33782                      "G3 V",
 33783                      "F9 V",
 33784                      "G5 V",
 33785                      "F6 V",
 33786                      "K8 V",
 33787                      "K9 V",
 33788                      "K6 V",
 33789                      "G9 V",
 33790                      "G6 V",
 33791                      "G4 VI",
 33792                      "G4 V",
 33793                      "F8 V",
 33794                      "F2 V",
 33795                      "F1 V",
 33796                      "K3 V",
 33797                      "F0 VI",
 33798                      "G1 VI",
 33799                      "G0 VI",
 33800                      "K1 V",
 33801                      "M4 V",
 33802                      "M1 V",
 33803                      "M6 V",
 33804                      "M0 V",
 33805                      "K2 IV",
 33806                      "G2 VI",
 33807                      "K0 V",
 33808                      "K5 IV",
 33809                      "F5 VI",
 33810                      "G6 VI",
 33811                      "F6 VI",
 33812                      "F2 IV",
 33813                      "G3 VI",
 33814                      "M8 V",
 33815                      "F1 VI",
 33816                      "K1 IV",
 33817                      "F7 V",
 33818                      "G5 VI",
 33819                      "M5 V",
 33820                      "G7 VI",
 33821                      "F5 V",
 33822                      "F4 VI",
 33823                      "F8 VI",
 33824                      "K3 IV",
 33825                      "F4 IV",
 33826                      "F0 V",
 33827                      "G7 IV",
 33828                      "G8 VI",
 33829                      "F2 VI",
 33830                      "F4 V",
 33831                      "F7 VI",
 33832                      "F3 V",
 33833                      "G1 V",
 33834                      "G9 VI",
 33835                      "F3 IV",
 33836                      "F9 VI",
 33837                      "M9 V",
 33838                      "K0 IV",
 33839                      "F1 IV",
 33840                      "G4 IV",
 33841                      "F3 VI",
 33842                      "K4 IV",
 33843                      "G5 IV",
 33844                      "G3 IV",
 33845                      "G1 IV",
 33846                      "K7 IV",
 33847                      "G0 IV",
 33848                      "K6 IV",
 33849                      "K9 IV",
 33850                      "G2 IV",
 33851                      "F9 IV",
 33852                      "F0 IV",
 33853                      "K8 IV",
 33854                      "G8 IV",
 33855                      "F6 IV",
 33856                      "F5 IV",
 33857                      "A0",
 33858                      "A0IV",
 33859                      "A0IV2"
 33860                    ],
 33861                    "title": "get_universe_stars_star_id_spectral_class",
 33862                    "description": "spectral_class string"
 33863                  },
 33864                  "temperature": {
 33865                    "type": "integer",
 33866                    "format": "int32",
 33867                    "title": "get_universe_stars_star_id_temperature",
 33868                    "description": "temperature integer"
 33869                  }
 33870                },
 33871                "title": "get_universe_stars_star_id_ok",
 33872                "description": "200 ok object"
 33873              },
 33874              "headers": {
 33875                "Cache-Control": {
 33876                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 33877                  "type": "string"
 33878                },
 33879                "Last-Modified": {
 33880                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 33881                  "type": "string"
 33882                },
 33883                "Expires": {
 33884                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 33885                  "type": "string"
 33886                }
 33887              }
 33888            },
 33889            "500": {
 33890              "description": "Internal server error",
 33891              "schema": {
 33892                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 33893              },
 33894              "examples": {
 33895                "application/json": {
 33896                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 33897                }
 33898              }
 33899            }
 33900          },
 33901          "operationId": "get_universe_stars_star_id",
 33902          "x-alternate-versions": [
 33903            "dev",
 33904            "legacy",
 33905            "v1"
 33906          ]
 33907        }
 33908      },
 33909      "/universe/ancestries/": {
 33910        "get": {
 33911          "description": "Get all character ancestries\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/universe/ancestries/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/universe/ancestries/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/universe/ancestries/`\n\n---\nThis route expires daily at 11:05",
 33912          "summary": "Get ancestries",
 33913          "tags": [
 33914            "Universe"
 33915          ],
 33916          "responses": {
 33917            "200": {
 33918              "description": "A list of ancestries",
 33919              "examples": {
 33920                "application/json": [
 33921                  {
 33922                    "id": 12,
 33923                    "name": "Tube Child",
 33924                    "description": "Acutely aware of the small population...",
 33925                    "bloodline_id": 1,
 33926                    "short_description": "Manufactured citizens of the State."
 33927                  }
 33928                ]
 33929              },
 33930              "schema": {
 33931                "type": "array",
 33932                "maxItems": 42,
 33933                "items": {
 33934                  "type": "object",
 33935                  "required": [
 33936                    "id",
 33937                    "name",
 33938                    "bloodline_id",
 33939                    "description"
 33940                  ],
 33941                  "properties": {
 33942                    "id": {
 33943                      "type": "integer",
 33944                      "format": "int32",
 33945                      "title": "get_universe_ancestries_id",
 33946                      "description": "id integer"
 33947                    },
 33948                    "name": {
 33949                      "type": "string",
 33950                      "title": "get_universe_ancestries_name",
 33951                      "description": "name string"
 33952                    },
 33953                    "bloodline_id": {
 33954                      "description": "The bloodline associated with this ancestry",
 33955                      "type": "integer",
 33956                      "format": "int32",
 33957                      "title": "get_universe_ancestries_bloodline_id"
 33958                    },
 33959                    "description": {
 33960                      "type": "string",
 33961                      "title": "get_universe_ancestries_description",
 33962                      "description": "description string"
 33963                    },
 33964                    "short_description": {
 33965                      "type": "string",
 33966                      "title": "get_universe_ancestries_short_description",
 33967                      "description": "short_description string"
 33968                    },
 33969                    "icon_id": {
 33970                      "type": "integer",
 33971                      "format": "int32",
 33972                      "title": "get_universe_ancestries_icon_id",
 33973                      "description": "icon_id integer"
 33974                    }
 33975                  },
 33976                  "title": "get_universe_ancestries_200_ok",
 33977                  "description": "200 ok object"
 33978                },
 33979                "title": "get_universe_ancestries_ok",
 33980                "description": "200 ok array"
 33981              },
 33982              "headers": {
 33983                "Content-Language": {
 33984                  "description": "The language used in the response",
 33985                  "type": "string",
 33986                  "enum": [
 33987                    "de",
 33988                    "en-us",
 33989                    "fr",
 33990                    "ja",
 33991                    "ru",
 33992                    "zh"
 33993                  ]
 33994                },
 33995                "Cache-Control": {
 33996                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 33997                  "type": "string"
 33998                },
 33999                "Last-Modified": {
 34000                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 34001                  "type": "string"
 34002                },
 34003                "Expires": {
 34004                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 34005                  "type": "string"
 34006                }
 34007              }
 34008            },
 34009            "500": {
 34010              "description": "Internal server error",
 34011              "schema": {
 34012                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 34013              },
 34014              "examples": {
 34015                "application/json": {
 34016                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 34017                }
 34018              }
 34019            }
 34020          },
 34021          "parameters": [
 34022            {
 34023              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 34024            },
 34025            {
 34026              "$ref": "#/parameters/language"
 34027            },
 34028            {
 34029              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 34030            },
 34031            {
 34032              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 34033            }
 34034          ],
 34035          "operationId": "get_universe_ancestries",
 34036          "x-alternate-versions": [
 34037            "dev",
 34038            "legacy",
 34039            "v1"
 34040          ]
 34041        }
 34042      },
 34043      "/ui/openwindow/marketdetails/": {
 34044        "post": {
 34045          "description": "Open the market details window for a specific typeID inside the client\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/ui/openwindow/marketdetails/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/ui/openwindow/marketdetails/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/ui/openwindow/marketdetails/`\n",
 34046          "summary": "Open Market Details",
 34047          "tags": [
 34048            "User Interface"
 34049          ],
 34050          "parameters": [
 34051            {
 34052              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 34053            },
 34054            {
 34055              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 34056            },
 34057            {
 34058              "name": "type_id",
 34059              "in": "query",
 34060              "description": "The item type to open in market window",
 34061              "required": true,
 34062              "type": "integer",
 34063              "format": "int32"
 34064            },
 34065            {
 34066              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 34067            },
 34068            {
 34069              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 34070            }
 34071          ],
 34072          "responses": {
 34073            "204": {
 34074              "description": "Open window request received"
 34075            },
 34076            "403": {
 34077              "description": "Forbidden",
 34078              "schema": {
 34079                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 34080              },
 34081              "examples": {
 34082                "application/json": {
 34083                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 34084                }
 34085              }
 34086            },
 34087            "500": {
 34088              "description": "Internal server error",
 34089              "schema": {
 34090                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 34091              },
 34092              "examples": {
 34093                "application/json": {
 34094                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 34095                }
 34096              }
 34097            }
 34098          },
 34099          "security": [
 34100            {
 34101              "evesso": [
 34102                "esi-ui.open_window.v1"
 34103              ]
 34104            }
 34105          ],
 34106          "operationId": "post_ui_openwindow_marketdetails",
 34107          "x-alternate-versions": [
 34108            "dev",
 34109            "legacy",
 34110            "v1"
 34111          ]
 34112        }
 34113      },
 34114      "/ui/openwindow/contract/": {
 34115        "post": {
 34116          "description": "Open the contract window inside the client\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/ui/openwindow/contract/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/ui/openwindow/contract/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/ui/openwindow/contract/`\n",
 34117          "summary": "Open Contract Window",
 34118          "tags": [
 34119            "User Interface"
 34120          ],
 34121          "parameters": [
 34122            {
 34123              "name": "contract_id",
 34124              "in": "query",
 34125              "description": "The contract to open",
 34126              "required": true,
 34127              "type": "integer",
 34128              "format": "int32"
 34129            },
 34130            {
 34131              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 34132            },
 34133            {
 34134              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 34135            },
 34136            {
 34137              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 34138            },
 34139            {
 34140              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 34141            }
 34142          ],
 34143          "responses": {
 34144            "204": {
 34145              "description": "Open window request received"
 34146            },
 34147            "403": {
 34148              "description": "Forbidden",
 34149              "schema": {
 34150                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 34151              },
 34152              "examples": {
 34153                "application/json": {
 34154                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 34155                }
 34156              }
 34157            },
 34158            "500": {
 34159              "description": "Internal server error",
 34160              "schema": {
 34161                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 34162              },
 34163              "examples": {
 34164                "application/json": {
 34165                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 34166                }
 34167              }
 34168            }
 34169          },
 34170          "security": [
 34171            {
 34172              "evesso": [
 34173                "esi-ui.open_window.v1"
 34174              ]
 34175            }
 34176          ],
 34177          "operationId": "post_ui_openwindow_contract",
 34178          "x-alternate-versions": [
 34179            "dev",
 34180            "legacy",
 34181            "v1"
 34182          ]
 34183        }
 34184      },
 34185      "/ui/openwindow/information/": {
 34186        "post": {
 34187          "description": "Open the information window for a character, corporation or alliance inside the client\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/ui/openwindow/information/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/ui/openwindow/information/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/ui/openwindow/information/`\n",
 34188          "summary": "Open Information Window",
 34189          "tags": [
 34190            "User Interface"
 34191          ],
 34192          "parameters": [
 34193            {
 34194              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 34195            },
 34196            {
 34197              "name": "target_id",
 34198              "in": "query",
 34199              "description": "The target to open",
 34200              "required": true,
 34201              "type": "integer",
 34202              "format": "int32"
 34203            },
 34204            {
 34205              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 34206            },
 34207            {
 34208              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 34209            },
 34210            {
 34211              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 34212            }
 34213          ],
 34214          "responses": {
 34215            "204": {
 34216              "description": "Open window request received"
 34217            },
 34218            "403": {
 34219              "description": "Forbidden",
 34220              "schema": {
 34221                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 34222              },
 34223              "examples": {
 34224                "application/json": {
 34225                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 34226                }
 34227              }
 34228            },
 34229            "500": {
 34230              "description": "Internal server error",
 34231              "schema": {
 34232                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 34233              },
 34234              "examples": {
 34235                "application/json": {
 34236                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 34237                }
 34238              }
 34239            }
 34240          },
 34241          "security": [
 34242            {
 34243              "evesso": [
 34244                "esi-ui.open_window.v1"
 34245              ]
 34246            }
 34247          ],
 34248          "operationId": "post_ui_openwindow_information",
 34249          "x-alternate-versions": [
 34250            "dev",
 34251            "legacy",
 34252            "v1"
 34253          ]
 34254        }
 34255      },
 34256      "/ui/autopilot/waypoint/": {
 34257        "post": {
 34258          "description": "Set a solar system as autopilot waypoint\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/ui/autopilot/waypoint/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/ui/autopilot/waypoint/`\n",
 34259          "summary": "Set Autopilot Waypoint",
 34260          "tags": [
 34261            "User Interface"
 34262          ],
 34263          "parameters": [
 34264            {
 34265              "name": "add_to_beginning",
 34266              "in": "query",
 34267              "description": "Whether this solar system should be added to the beginning of all waypoints",
 34268              "required": true,
 34269              "type": "boolean",
 34270              "default": false
 34271            },
 34272            {
 34273              "name": "clear_other_waypoints",
 34274              "in": "query",
 34275              "description": "Whether clean other waypoints beforing adding this one",
 34276              "required": true,
 34277              "type": "boolean",
 34278              "default": false
 34279            },
 34280            {
 34281              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 34282            },
 34283            {
 34284              "name": "destination_id",
 34285              "in": "query",
 34286              "description": "The destination to travel to, can be solar system, station or structure's id",
 34287              "required": true,
 34288              "type": "integer",
 34289              "format": "int64"
 34290            },
 34291            {
 34292              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 34293            },
 34294            {
 34295              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 34296            },
 34297            {
 34298              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 34299            }
 34300          ],
 34301          "responses": {
 34302            "204": {
 34303              "description": "Open window request received"
 34304            },
 34305            "403": {
 34306              "description": "Forbidden",
 34307              "schema": {
 34308                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 34309              },
 34310              "examples": {
 34311                "application/json": {
 34312                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 34313                }
 34314              }
 34315            },
 34316            "500": {
 34317              "description": "Internal server error",
 34318              "schema": {
 34319                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 34320              },
 34321              "examples": {
 34322                "application/json": {
 34323                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 34324                }
 34325              }
 34326            }
 34327          },
 34328          "security": [
 34329            {
 34330              "evesso": [
 34331                "esi-ui.write_waypoint.v1"
 34332              ]
 34333            }
 34334          ],
 34335          "operationId": "post_ui_autopilot_waypoint",
 34336          "x-alternate-versions": [
 34337            "dev",
 34338            "v2"
 34339          ]
 34340        }
 34341      },
 34342      "/ui/openwindow/newmail/": {
 34343        "post": {
 34344          "description": "Open the New Mail window, according to settings from the request if applicable\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/ui/openwindow/newmail/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/ui/openwindow/newmail/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/ui/openwindow/newmail/`\n",
 34345          "summary": "Open New Mail Window",
 34346          "tags": [
 34347            "User Interface"
 34348          ],
 34349          "parameters": [
 34350            {
 34351              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 34352            },
 34353            {
 34354              "name": "new_mail",
 34355              "in": "body",
 34356              "description": "The details of mail to create",
 34357              "required": true,
 34358              "schema": {
 34359                "type": "object",
 34360                "required": [
 34361                  "subject",
 34362                  "body",
 34363                  "recipients"
 34364                ],
 34365                "properties": {
 34366                  "subject": {
 34367                    "type": "string",
 34368                    "maxLength": 1000,
 34369                    "title": "post_ui_openwindow_newmail_subject",
 34370                    "description": "subject string"
 34371                  },
 34372                  "body": {
 34373                    "type": "string",
 34374                    "maxLength": 10000,
 34375                    "title": "post_ui_openwindow_newmail_body",
 34376                    "description": "body string"
 34377                  },
 34378                  "recipients": {
 34379                    "type": "array",
 34380                    "minItems": 1,
 34381                    "maxItems": 50,
 34382                    "items": {
 34383                      "type": "integer",
 34384                      "format": "int32",
 34385                      "title": "post_ui_openwindow_newmail_recipient",
 34386                      "description": "recipient integer"
 34387                    },
 34388                    "title": "post_ui_openwindow_newmail_recipients",
 34389                    "description": "recipients array"
 34390                  },
 34391                  "to_mailing_list_id": {
 34392                    "type": "integer",
 34393                    "format": "int32",
 34394                    "description": "Corporations, alliances and mailing lists are all types of mailing groups. You may only send to one mailing group, at a time, so you may fill out either this field or the to_corp_or_alliance_ids field",
 34395                    "title": "post_ui_openwindow_newmail_to_mailing_list_id"
 34396                  },
 34397                  "to_corp_or_alliance_id": {
 34398                    "type": "integer",
 34399                    "format": "int32",
 34400                    "title": "post_ui_openwindow_newmail_to_corp_or_alliance_id",
 34401                    "description": "to_corp_or_alliance_id integer"
 34402                  }
 34403                },
 34404                "title": "post_ui_openwindow_newmail_new_mail",
 34405                "description": "new_mail object"
 34406              }
 34407            },
 34408            {
 34409              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 34410            },
 34411            {
 34412              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 34413            },
 34414            {
 34415              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 34416            }
 34417          ],
 34418          "responses": {
 34419            "204": {
 34420              "description": "Open window request received"
 34421            },
 34422            "403": {
 34423              "description": "Forbidden",
 34424              "schema": {
 34425                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 34426              },
 34427              "examples": {
 34428                "application/json": {
 34429                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 34430                }
 34431              }
 34432            },
 34433            "422": {
 34434              "description": "Invalid request",
 34435              "schema": {
 34436                "type": "object",
 34437                "title": "post_ui_openwindow_newmail_unprocessable_entity",
 34438                "description": "Unprocessable entity",
 34439                "properties": {
 34440                  "error": {
 34441                    "type": "string",
 34442                    "description": "Unprocessable entity message",
 34443                    "title": "post_ui_openwindow_newmail_422_unprocessable_entity"
 34444                  }
 34445                }
 34446              },
 34447              "examples": {
 34448                "application/json": {
 34449                  "error": "Unprocessable entity message"
 34450                }
 34451              }
 34452            },
 34453            "500": {
 34454              "description": "Internal server error",
 34455              "schema": {
 34456                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 34457              },
 34458              "examples": {
 34459                "application/json": {
 34460                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 34461                }
 34462              }
 34463            }
 34464          },
 34465          "security": [
 34466            {
 34467              "evesso": [
 34468                "esi-ui.open_window.v1"
 34469              ]
 34470            }
 34471          ],
 34472          "operationId": "post_ui_openwindow_newmail",
 34473          "x-alternate-versions": [
 34474            "dev",
 34475            "legacy",
 34476            "v1"
 34477          ]
 34478        }
 34479      },
 34480      "/characters/{character_id}/wallet/": {
 34481        "get": {
 34482          "summary": "Get a character's wallet balance",
 34483          "description": "Returns a character's wallet balance\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/wallet/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/wallet/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/wallet/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 120 seconds",
 34484          "tags": [
 34485            "Wallet"
 34486          ],
 34487          "parameters": [
 34488            {
 34489              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 34490            },
 34491            {
 34492              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 34493            },
 34494            {
 34495              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 34496            },
 34497            {
 34498              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 34499            },
 34500            {
 34501              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 34502            }
 34503          ],
 34504          "responses": {
 34505            "200": {
 34506              "description": "Wallet balance",
 34507              "examples": {
 34508                "application/json": 29500.01
 34509              },
 34510              "schema": {
 34511                "type": "number",
 34512                "format": "double",
 34513                "description": "Wallet balance",
 34514                "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_ok"
 34515              },
 34516              "headers": {
 34517                "Cache-Control": {
 34518                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 34519                  "type": "string"
 34520                },
 34521                "Last-Modified": {
 34522                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 34523                  "type": "string"
 34524                },
 34525                "Expires": {
 34526                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 34527                  "type": "string"
 34528                }
 34529              }
 34530            },
 34531            "403": {
 34532              "description": "Forbidden",
 34533              "schema": {
 34534                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 34535              },
 34536              "examples": {
 34537                "application/json": {
 34538                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 34539                }
 34540              }
 34541            },
 34542            "500": {
 34543              "description": "Internal server error",
 34544              "schema": {
 34545                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 34546              },
 34547              "examples": {
 34548                "application/json": {
 34549                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 34550                }
 34551              }
 34552            }
 34553          },
 34554          "security": [
 34555            {
 34556              "evesso": [
 34557                "esi-wallet.read_character_wallet.v1"
 34558              ]
 34559            }
 34560          ],
 34561          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_wallet",
 34562          "x-cached-seconds": 120,
 34563          "x-alternate-versions": [
 34564            "dev",
 34565            "legacy",
 34566            "v1"
 34567          ]
 34568        }
 34569      },
 34570      "/characters/{character_id}/wallet/journal/": {
 34571        "get": {
 34572          "description": "Retrieve character wallet journal\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/wallet/journal/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v3/characters/{character_id}/wallet/journal/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 34573          "summary": "Get character wallet journal",
 34574          "tags": [
 34575            "Wallet"
 34576          ],
 34577          "parameters": [
 34578            {
 34579              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 34580            },
 34581            {
 34582              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 34583            },
 34584            {
 34585              "name": "from_id",
 34586              "in": "query",
 34587              "description": "Only show journal entries happened before the transaction referenced by this id",
 34588              "required": false,
 34589              "type": "integer",
 34590              "format": "int64"
 34591            },
 34592            {
 34593              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 34594            },
 34595            {
 34596              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 34597            },
 34598            {
 34599              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 34600            }
 34601          ],
 34602          "responses": {
 34603            "200": {
 34604              "description": "Journal entries",
 34605              "examples": {
 34606                "application/json": [
 34607                  {
 34608                    "date": "2016-10-24T09:00:00Z",
 34609                    "ref_id": 1234567890,
 34610                    "ref_type": "player_trading"
 34611                  }
 34612                ]
 34613              },
 34614              "schema": {
 34615                "type": "array",
 34616                "description": "Journal entries",
 34617                "maxItems": 2500,
 34618                "items": {
 34619                  "type": "object",
 34620                  "required": [
 34621                    "date",
 34622                    "ref_id",
 34623                    "ref_type"
 34624                  ],
 34625                  "properties": {
 34626                    "date": {
 34627                      "type": "string",
 34628                      "format": "date-time",
 34629                      "description": "Date and time of transaction",
 34630                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_date"
 34631                    },
 34632                    "ref_id": {
 34633                      "type": "integer",
 34634                      "format": "int64",
 34635                      "description": "Unique journal reference ID",
 34636                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_ref_id"
 34637                    },
 34638                    "ref_type": {
 34639                      "type": "string",
 34640                      "description": "Transaction type, different type of transaction will populate different fields in `extra_info` Note: If you have an existing XML API application that is using ref_types, you will need to know which string ESI ref_type maps to which integer. You can use the following gist to see string->int mappings:",
 34641                      "enum": [
 34642                        "acceleration_gate_fee",
 34643                        "advertisement_listing_fee",
 34644                        "agent_donation",
 34645                        "agent_location_services",
 34646                        "agent_miscellaneous",
 34647                        "agent_mission_collateral_paid",
 34648                        "agent_mission_collateral_refunded",
 34649                        "agent_mission_reward",
 34650                        "agent_mission_reward_corporation_tax",
 34651                        "agent_mission_time_bonus_reward",
 34652                        "agent_mission_time_bonus_reward_corporation_tax",
 34653                        "agent_security_services",
 34654                        "agent_services_rendered",
 34655                        "agents_preward",
 34656                        "alliance_maintainance_fee",
 34657                        "alliance_registration_fee",
 34658                        "asset_safety_recovery_tax",
 34659                        "bounty",
 34660                        "bounty_prize",
 34661                        "bounty_prize_corporation_tax",
 34662                        "bounty_prizes",
 34663                        "bounty_reimbursement",
 34664                        "bounty_surcharge",
 34665                        "brokers_fee",
 34666                        "clone_activation",
 34667                        "clone_transfer",
 34668                        "contraband_fine",
 34669                        "contract_auction_bid",
 34670                        "contract_auction_bid_corp",
 34671                        "contract_auction_bid_refund",
 34672                        "contract_auction_sold",
 34673                        "contract_brokers_fee",
 34674                        "contract_brokers_fee_corp",
 34675                        "contract_collateral",
 34676                        "contract_collateral_deposited_corp",
 34677                        "contract_collateral_payout",
 34678                        "contract_collateral_refund",
 34679                        "contract_deposit",
 34680                        "contract_deposit_corp",
 34681                        "contract_deposit_refund",
 34682                        "contract_deposit_sales_tax",
 34683                        "contract_price",
 34684                        "contract_price_payment_corp",
 34685                        "contract_reversal",
 34686                        "contract_reward",
 34687                        "contract_reward_deposited",
 34688                        "contract_reward_deposited_corp",
 34689                        "contract_reward_refund",
 34690                        "contract_sales_tax",
 34691                        "copying",
 34692                        "corporate_reward_payout",
 34693                        "corporate_reward_tax",
 34694                        "corporation_account_withdrawal",
 34695                        "corporation_bulk_payment",
 34696                        "corporation_dividend_payment",
 34697                        "corporation_liquidation",
 34698                        "corporation_logo_change_cost",
 34699                        "corporation_payment",
 34700                        "corporation_registration_fee",
 34701                        "courier_mission_escrow",
 34702                        "cspa",
 34703                        "cspaofflinerefund",
 34704                        "datacore_fee",
 34705                        "dna_modification_fee",
 34706                        "docking_fee",
 34707                        "duel_wager_escrow",
 34708                        "duel_wager_payment",
 34709                        "duel_wager_refund",
 34710                        "factory_slot_rental_fee",
 34711                        "gm_cash_transfer",
 34712                        "industry_job_tax",
 34713                        "infrastructure_hub_maintenance",
 34714                        "inheritance",
 34715                        "insurance",
 34716                        "jump_clone_activation_fee",
 34717                        "jump_clone_installation_fee",
 34718                        "kill_right_fee",
 34719                        "lp_store",
 34720                        "manufacturing",
 34721                        "market_escrow",
 34722                        "market_fine_paid",
 34723                        "market_transaction",
 34724                        "medal_creation",
 34725                        "medal_issued",
 34726                        "mission_completion",
 34727                        "mission_cost",
 34728                        "mission_expiration",
 34729                        "mission_reward",
 34730                        "office_rental_fee",
 34731                        "operation_bonus",
 34732                        "opportunity_reward",
 34733                        "planetary_construction",
 34734                        "planetary_export_tax",
 34735                        "planetary_import_tax",
 34736                        "player_donation",
 34737                        "player_trading",
 34738                        "project_discovery_reward",
 34739                        "project_discovery_tax",
 34740                        "reaction",
 34741                        "release_of_impounded_property",
 34742                        "repair_bill",
 34743                        "reprocessing_tax",
 34744                        "researching_material_productivity",
 34745                        "researching_technology",
 34746                        "researching_time_productivity",
 34747                        "resource_wars_reward",
 34748                        "reverse_engineering",
 34749                        "security_processing_fee",
 34750                        "shares",
 34751                        "sovereignity_bill",
 34752                        "store_purchase",
 34753                        "store_purchase_refund",
 34754                        "transaction_tax",
 34755                        "upkeep_adjustment_fee",
 34756                        "war_ally_contract",
 34757                        "war_fee",
 34758                        "war_fee_surrender"
 34759                      ],
 34760                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_ref_type"
 34761                    },
 34762                    "first_party_id": {
 34763                      "type": "integer",
 34764                      "format": "int32",
 34765                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_first_party_id",
 34766                      "description": "first_party_id integer"
 34767                    },
 34768                    "first_party_type": {
 34769                      "type": "string",
 34770                      "enum": [
 34771                        "character",
 34772                        "corporation",
 34773                        "alliance",
 34774                        "faction",
 34775                        "system"
 34776                      ],
 34777                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_first_party_type",
 34778                      "description": "first_party_type string"
 34779                    },
 34780                    "second_party_id": {
 34781                      "type": "integer",
 34782                      "format": "int32",
 34783                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_second_party_id",
 34784                      "description": "second_party_id integer"
 34785                    },
 34786                    "second_party_type": {
 34787                      "type": "string",
 34788                      "enum": [
 34789                        "character",
 34790                        "corporation",
 34791                        "alliance",
 34792                        "faction",
 34793                        "system"
 34794                      ],
 34795                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_second_party_type",
 34796                      "description": "second_party_type string"
 34797                    },
 34798                    "amount": {
 34799                      "type": "number",
 34800                      "format": "double",
 34801                      "description": "Transaction amount. Positive when value transferred to the first party. Negative otherwise",
 34802                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_amount"
 34803                    },
 34804                    "balance": {
 34805                      "type": "number",
 34806                      "format": "double",
 34807                      "description": "Wallet balance after transaction occurred",
 34808                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_balance"
 34809                    },
 34810                    "reason": {
 34811                      "type": "string",
 34812                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_reason",
 34813                      "description": "reason string"
 34814                    },
 34815                    "tax_receiver_id": {
 34816                      "type": "integer",
 34817                      "format": "int32",
 34818                      "description": "the corporation ID receiving any tax paid",
 34819                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_tax_receiver_id"
 34820                    },
 34821                    "tax": {
 34822                      "type": "number",
 34823                      "format": "double",
 34824                      "description": "Tax amount received for tax related transactions",
 34825                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_tax"
 34826                    },
 34827                    "extra_info": {
 34828                      "type": "object",
 34829                      "description": "Extra information for different type of transaction",
 34830                      "properties": {
 34831                        "location_id": {
 34832                          "type": "integer",
 34833                          "format": "int64",
 34834                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_location_id",
 34835                          "description": "location_id integer"
 34836                        },
 34837                        "transaction_id": {
 34838                          "type": "integer",
 34839                          "format": "int64",
 34840                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_transaction_id",
 34841                          "description": "transaction_id integer"
 34842                        },
 34843                        "npc_name": {
 34844                          "type": "string",
 34845                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_npc_name",
 34846                          "description": "npc_name string"
 34847                        },
 34848                        "npc_id": {
 34849                          "type": "integer",
 34850                          "format": "int32",
 34851                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_npc_id",
 34852                          "description": "npc_id integer"
 34853                        },
 34854                        "destroyed_ship_type_id": {
 34855                          "type": "integer",
 34856                          "format": "int32",
 34857                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_destroyed_ship_type_id",
 34858                          "description": "destroyed_ship_type_id integer"
 34859                        },
 34860                        "character_id": {
 34861                          "type": "integer",
 34862                          "format": "int32",
 34863                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_character_id",
 34864                          "description": "character_id integer"
 34865                        },
 34866                        "corporation_id": {
 34867                          "type": "integer",
 34868                          "format": "int32",
 34869                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_corporation_id",
 34870                          "description": "corporation_id integer"
 34871                        },
 34872                        "alliance_id": {
 34873                          "type": "integer",
 34874                          "format": "int32",
 34875                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_alliance_id",
 34876                          "description": "alliance_id integer"
 34877                        },
 34878                        "job_id": {
 34879                          "type": "integer",
 34880                          "format": "int32",
 34881                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_job_id",
 34882                          "description": "job_id integer"
 34883                        },
 34884                        "contract_id": {
 34885                          "type": "integer",
 34886                          "format": "int32",
 34887                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_contract_id",
 34888                          "description": "contract_id integer"
 34889                        },
 34890                        "system_id": {
 34891                          "type": "integer",
 34892                          "format": "int32",
 34893                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_system_id",
 34894                          "description": "system_id integer"
 34895                        },
 34896                        "planet_id": {
 34897                          "type": "integer",
 34898                          "format": "int32",
 34899                          "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_planet_id",
 34900                          "description": "planet_id integer"
 34901                        }
 34902                      },
 34903                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_extra_info"
 34904                    }
 34905                  },
 34906                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_200_ok",
 34907                  "description": "200 ok object"
 34908                },
 34909                "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal_ok"
 34910              },
 34911              "headers": {
 34912                "Cache-Control": {
 34913                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 34914                  "type": "string"
 34915                },
 34916                "Last-Modified": {
 34917                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 34918                  "type": "string"
 34919                },
 34920                "Expires": {
 34921                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 34922                  "type": "string"
 34923                }
 34924              }
 34925            },
 34926            "403": {
 34927              "description": "Forbidden",
 34928              "schema": {
 34929                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 34930              },
 34931              "examples": {
 34932                "application/json": {
 34933                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 34934                }
 34935              }
 34936            },
 34937            "500": {
 34938              "description": "Internal server error",
 34939              "schema": {
 34940                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 34941              },
 34942              "examples": {
 34943                "application/json": {
 34944                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 34945                }
 34946              }
 34947            }
 34948          },
 34949          "security": [
 34950            {
 34951              "evesso": [
 34952                "esi-wallet.read_character_wallet.v1"
 34953              ]
 34954            }
 34955          ],
 34956          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal",
 34957          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 34958          "x-alternate-versions": [
 34959            "dev",
 34960            "v3"
 34961          ]
 34962        }
 34963      },
 34964      "/characters/{character_id}/wallet/transactions/": {
 34965        "get": {
 34966          "description": "Get wallet transactions of a character\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/characters/{character_id}/wallet/transactions/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/characters/{character_id}/wallet/transactions/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/characters/{character_id}/wallet/transactions/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 34967          "summary": "Get wallet transactions",
 34968          "tags": [
 34969            "Wallet"
 34970          ],
 34971          "parameters": [
 34972            {
 34973              "$ref": "#/parameters/character_id"
 34974            },
 34975            {
 34976              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 34977            },
 34978            {
 34979              "name": "from_id",
 34980              "in": "query",
 34981              "description": "Only show transactions happened before the one referenced by this id",
 34982              "required": false,
 34983              "type": "integer",
 34984              "format": "int64"
 34985            },
 34986            {
 34987              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 34988            },
 34989            {
 34990              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 34991            },
 34992            {
 34993              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 34994            }
 34995          ],
 34996          "responses": {
 34997            "200": {
 34998              "description": "Wallet transactions",
 34999              "examples": {
 35000                "application/json": [
 35001                  {
 35002                    "transaction_id": 1234567890,
 35003                    "date": "2016-10-24T09:00:00Z",
 35004                    "location_id": 60014719,
 35005                    "type_id": 587,
 35006                    "unit_price": 1,
 35007                    "quantity": 1,
 35008                    "client_id": 54321,
 35009                    "is_buy": true,
 35010                    "is_personal": true,
 35011                    "journal_ref_id": 67890
 35012                  }
 35013                ]
 35014              },
 35015              "schema": {
 35016                "type": "array",
 35017                "description": "Wallet transactions",
 35018                "maxItems": 2500,
 35019                "items": {
 35020                  "type": "object",
 35021                  "description": "wallet transaction",
 35022                  "required": [
 35023                    "transaction_id",
 35024                    "date",
 35025                    "location_id",
 35026                    "type_id",
 35027                    "unit_price",
 35028                    "quantity",
 35029                    "client_id",
 35030                    "is_buy",
 35031                    "is_personal",
 35032                    "journal_ref_id"
 35033                  ],
 35034                  "properties": {
 35035                    "transaction_id": {
 35036                      "type": "integer",
 35037                      "format": "int64",
 35038                      "description": "Unique transaction ID",
 35039                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions_transaction_id"
 35040                    },
 35041                    "date": {
 35042                      "type": "string",
 35043                      "format": "date-time",
 35044                      "description": "Date and time of transaction",
 35045                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions_date"
 35046                    },
 35047                    "type_id": {
 35048                      "type": "integer",
 35049                      "format": "int32",
 35050                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions_type_id",
 35051                      "description": "type_id integer"
 35052                    },
 35053                    "location_id": {
 35054                      "type": "integer",
 35055                      "format": "int64",
 35056                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions_location_id",
 35057                      "description": "location_id integer"
 35058                    },
 35059                    "unit_price": {
 35060                      "type": "number",
 35061                      "format": "double",
 35062                      "description": "Amount paid per unit",
 35063                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions_unit_price"
 35064                    },
 35065                    "quantity": {
 35066                      "type": "integer",
 35067                      "format": "int32",
 35068                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions_quantity",
 35069                      "description": "quantity integer"
 35070                    },
 35071                    "client_id": {
 35072                      "type": "integer",
 35073                      "format": "int32",
 35074                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions_client_id",
 35075                      "description": "client_id integer"
 35076                    },
 35077                    "is_buy": {
 35078                      "type": "boolean",
 35079                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions_is_buy",
 35080                      "description": "is_buy boolean"
 35081                    },
 35082                    "is_personal": {
 35083                      "type": "boolean",
 35084                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions_is_personal",
 35085                      "description": "is_personal boolean"
 35086                    },
 35087                    "journal_ref_id": {
 35088                      "type": "integer",
 35089                      "format": "int64",
 35090                      "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions_journal_ref_id",
 35091                      "description": "journal_ref_id integer"
 35092                    }
 35093                  },
 35094                  "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions_200_ok"
 35095                },
 35096                "title": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions_ok"
 35097              },
 35098              "headers": {
 35099                "Cache-Control": {
 35100                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 35101                  "type": "string"
 35102                },
 35103                "Last-Modified": {
 35104                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 35105                  "type": "string"
 35106                },
 35107                "Expires": {
 35108                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 35109                  "type": "string"
 35110                }
 35111              }
 35112            },
 35113            "403": {
 35114              "description": "Forbidden",
 35115              "schema": {
 35116                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 35117              },
 35118              "examples": {
 35119                "application/json": {
 35120                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 35121                }
 35122              }
 35123            },
 35124            "500": {
 35125              "description": "Internal server error",
 35126              "schema": {
 35127                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 35128              },
 35129              "examples": {
 35130                "application/json": {
 35131                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 35132                }
 35133              }
 35134            }
 35135          },
 35136          "security": [
 35137            {
 35138              "evesso": [
 35139                "esi-wallet.read_character_wallet.v1"
 35140              ]
 35141            }
 35142          ],
 35143          "operationId": "get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions",
 35144          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 35145          "x-alternate-versions": [
 35146            "dev",
 35147            "legacy",
 35148            "v1"
 35149          ]
 35150        }
 35151      },
 35152      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/": {
 35153        "get": {
 35154          "description": "Get a corporation's wallets\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 300 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant, Junior_Accountant\n",
 35155          "summary": "Returns a corporation's wallet balance",
 35156          "tags": [
 35157            "Wallet"
 35158          ],
 35159          "parameters": [
 35160            {
 35161              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 35162            },
 35163            {
 35164              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 35165            },
 35166            {
 35167              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 35168            },
 35169            {
 35170              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 35171            },
 35172            {
 35173              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 35174            }
 35175          ],
 35176          "responses": {
 35177            "200": {
 35178              "description": "List of corporation wallets",
 35179              "examples": {
 35180                "application/json": [
 35181                  {
 35182                    "division": 1,
 35183                    "balance": 123.45
 35184                  },
 35185                  {
 35186                    "division": 2,
 35187                    "balance": 123.45
 35188                  },
 35189                  {
 35190                    "division": 3,
 35191                    "balance": 123.45
 35192                  },
 35193                  {
 35194                    "division": 4,
 35195                    "balance": 123.45
 35196                  },
 35197                  {
 35198                    "division": 5,
 35199                    "balance": 123.45
 35200                  },
 35201                  {
 35202                    "division": 6,
 35203                    "balance": 123.45
 35204                  },
 35205                  {
 35206                    "division": 7,
 35207                    "balance": 123.45
 35208                  }
 35209                ]
 35210              },
 35211              "schema": {
 35212                "type": "array",
 35213                "maxItems": 7,
 35214                "items": {
 35215                  "type": "object",
 35216                  "required": [
 35217                    "division",
 35218                    "balance"
 35219                  ],
 35220                  "properties": {
 35221                    "division": {
 35222                      "type": "integer",
 35223                      "format": "int32",
 35224                      "minimum": 1,
 35225                      "maximum": 7,
 35226                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division",
 35227                      "description": "division integer"
 35228                    },
 35229                    "balance": {
 35230                      "type": "number",
 35231                      "format": "double",
 35232                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_balance",
 35233                      "description": "balance number"
 35234                    }
 35235                  },
 35236                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_200_ok",
 35237                  "description": "200 ok object"
 35238                },
 35239                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_ok",
 35240                "description": "200 ok array"
 35241              },
 35242              "headers": {
 35243                "Cache-Control": {
 35244                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 35245                  "type": "string"
 35246                },
 35247                "Last-Modified": {
 35248                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 35249                  "type": "string"
 35250                },
 35251                "Expires": {
 35252                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 35253                  "type": "string"
 35254                }
 35255              }
 35256            },
 35257            "403": {
 35258              "description": "Forbidden",
 35259              "schema": {
 35260                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 35261              },
 35262              "examples": {
 35263                "application/json": {
 35264                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 35265                }
 35266              }
 35267            },
 35268            "500": {
 35269              "description": "Internal server error",
 35270              "schema": {
 35271                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 35272              },
 35273              "examples": {
 35274                "application/json": {
 35275                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 35276                }
 35277              }
 35278            }
 35279          },
 35280          "x-required-roles": [
 35281            "Accountant",
 35282            "Junior_Accountant"
 35283          ],
 35284          "security": [
 35285            {
 35286              "evesso": [
 35287                "esi-wallet.read_corporation_wallets.v1"
 35288              ]
 35289            }
 35290          ],
 35291          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets",
 35292          "x-cached-seconds": 300,
 35293          "x-alternate-versions": [
 35294            "dev",
 35295            "legacy",
 35296            "v1"
 35297          ]
 35298        }
 35299      },
 35300      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/{division}/journal/": {
 35301        "get": {
 35302          "description": "Retrieve corporation wallet journal\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/{division}/journal/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/{division}/journal/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant, Junior_Accountant\n",
 35303          "summary": "Get corporation wallet journal",
 35304          "tags": [
 35305            "Wallet"
 35306          ],
 35307          "parameters": [
 35308            {
 35309              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 35310            },
 35311            {
 35312              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 35313            },
 35314            {
 35315              "name": "division",
 35316              "in": "path",
 35317              "description": "Wallet key of the division to fetch journals from",
 35318              "required": true,
 35319              "type": "integer",
 35320              "format": "int32",
 35321              "minimum": 1,
 35322              "maximum": 7
 35323            },
 35324            {
 35325              "name": "from_id",
 35326              "in": "query",
 35327              "description": "Only show journal entries happened before the transaction referenced by this id",
 35328              "required": false,
 35329              "type": "integer",
 35330              "format": "int64"
 35331            },
 35332            {
 35333              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 35334            },
 35335            {
 35336              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 35337            },
 35338            {
 35339              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 35340            }
 35341          ],
 35342          "responses": {
 35343            "200": {
 35344              "description": "Journal entries",
 35345              "examples": {
 35346                "application/json": [
 35347                  {
 35348                    "date": "2016-10-24T09:00:00Z",
 35349                    "ref_id": 1234567890,
 35350                    "ref_type": "player_trading"
 35351                  }
 35352                ]
 35353              },
 35354              "schema": {
 35355                "type": "array",
 35356                "description": "Journal entries",
 35357                "maxItems": 2500,
 35358                "items": {
 35359                  "type": "object",
 35360                  "required": [
 35361                    "date",
 35362                    "ref_id",
 35363                    "ref_type"
 35364                  ],
 35365                  "properties": {
 35366                    "date": {
 35367                      "type": "string",
 35368                      "format": "date-time",
 35369                      "description": "Date and time of transaction",
 35370                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_date"
 35371                    },
 35372                    "ref_id": {
 35373                      "type": "integer",
 35374                      "format": "int64",
 35375                      "description": "Unique journal reference ID",
 35376                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_ref_id"
 35377                    },
 35378                    "ref_type": {
 35379                      "type": "string",
 35380                      "description": "Transaction type, different type of transaction will populate different fields in `extra_info` Note: If you have an existing XML API application that is using ref_types, you will need to know which string ESI ref_type maps to which integer. You can use the following gist to see string->int mappings:",
 35381                      "enum": [
 35382                        "acceleration_gate_fee",
 35383                        "advertisement_listing_fee",
 35384                        "agent_donation",
 35385                        "agent_location_services",
 35386                        "agent_miscellaneous",
 35387                        "agent_mission_collateral_paid",
 35388                        "agent_mission_collateral_refunded",
 35389                        "agent_mission_reward",
 35390                        "agent_mission_reward_corporation_tax",
 35391                        "agent_mission_time_bonus_reward",
 35392                        "agent_mission_time_bonus_reward_corporation_tax",
 35393                        "agent_security_services",
 35394                        "agent_services_rendered",
 35395                        "agents_preward",
 35396                        "alliance_maintainance_fee",
 35397                        "alliance_registration_fee",
 35398                        "asset_safety_recovery_tax",
 35399                        "bounty",
 35400                        "bounty_prize",
 35401                        "bounty_prize_corporation_tax",
 35402                        "bounty_prizes",
 35403                        "bounty_reimbursement",
 35404                        "bounty_surcharge",
 35405                        "brokers_fee",
 35406                        "clone_activation",
 35407                        "clone_transfer",
 35408                        "contraband_fine",
 35409                        "contract_auction_bid",
 35410                        "contract_auction_bid_corp",
 35411                        "contract_auction_bid_refund",
 35412                        "contract_auction_sold",
 35413                        "contract_brokers_fee",
 35414                        "contract_brokers_fee_corp",
 35415                        "contract_collateral",
 35416                        "contract_collateral_deposited_corp",
 35417                        "contract_collateral_payout",
 35418                        "contract_collateral_refund",
 35419                        "contract_deposit",
 35420                        "contract_deposit_corp",
 35421                        "contract_deposit_refund",
 35422                        "contract_deposit_sales_tax",
 35423                        "contract_price",
 35424                        "contract_price_payment_corp",
 35425                        "contract_reversal",
 35426                        "contract_reward",
 35427                        "contract_reward_deposited",
 35428                        "contract_reward_deposited_corp",
 35429                        "contract_reward_refund",
 35430                        "contract_sales_tax",
 35431                        "copying",
 35432                        "corporate_reward_payout",
 35433                        "corporate_reward_tax",
 35434                        "corporation_account_withdrawal",
 35435                        "corporation_bulk_payment",
 35436                        "corporation_dividend_payment",
 35437                        "corporation_liquidation",
 35438                        "corporation_logo_change_cost",
 35439                        "corporation_payment",
 35440                        "corporation_registration_fee",
 35441                        "courier_mission_escrow",
 35442                        "cspa",
 35443                        "cspaofflinerefund",
 35444                        "datacore_fee",
 35445                        "dna_modification_fee",
 35446                        "docking_fee",
 35447                        "duel_wager_escrow",
 35448                        "duel_wager_payment",
 35449                        "duel_wager_refund",
 35450                        "factory_slot_rental_fee",
 35451                        "gm_cash_transfer",
 35452                        "industry_job_tax",
 35453                        "infrastructure_hub_maintenance",
 35454                        "inheritance",
 35455                        "insurance",
 35456                        "jump_clone_activation_fee",
 35457                        "jump_clone_installation_fee",
 35458                        "kill_right_fee",
 35459                        "lp_store",
 35460                        "manufacturing",
 35461                        "market_escrow",
 35462                        "market_fine_paid",
 35463                        "market_transaction",
 35464                        "medal_creation",
 35465                        "medal_issued",
 35466                        "mission_completion",
 35467                        "mission_cost",
 35468                        "mission_expiration",
 35469                        "mission_reward",
 35470                        "office_rental_fee",
 35471                        "operation_bonus",
 35472                        "opportunity_reward",
 35473                        "planetary_construction",
 35474                        "planetary_export_tax",
 35475                        "planetary_import_tax",
 35476                        "player_donation",
 35477                        "player_trading",
 35478                        "project_discovery_reward",
 35479                        "project_discovery_tax",
 35480                        "reaction",
 35481                        "release_of_impounded_property",
 35482                        "repair_bill",
 35483                        "reprocessing_tax",
 35484                        "researching_material_productivity",
 35485                        "researching_technology",
 35486                        "researching_time_productivity",
 35487                        "resource_wars_reward",
 35488                        "reverse_engineering",
 35489                        "security_processing_fee",
 35490                        "shares",
 35491                        "sovereignity_bill",
 35492                        "store_purchase",
 35493                        "store_purchase_refund",
 35494                        "transaction_tax",
 35495                        "upkeep_adjustment_fee",
 35496                        "war_ally_contract",
 35497                        "war_fee",
 35498                        "war_fee_surrender"
 35499                      ],
 35500                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_ref_type"
 35501                    },
 35502                    "first_party_id": {
 35503                      "type": "integer",
 35504                      "format": "int32",
 35505                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_first_party_id",
 35506                      "description": "first_party_id integer"
 35507                    },
 35508                    "first_party_type": {
 35509                      "type": "string",
 35510                      "enum": [
 35511                        "character",
 35512                        "corporation",
 35513                        "alliance",
 35514                        "faction",
 35515                        "system"
 35516                      ],
 35517                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_first_party_type",
 35518                      "description": "first_party_type string"
 35519                    },
 35520                    "second_party_id": {
 35521                      "type": "integer",
 35522                      "format": "int32",
 35523                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_second_party_id",
 35524                      "description": "second_party_id integer"
 35525                    },
 35526                    "second_party_type": {
 35527                      "type": "string",
 35528                      "enum": [
 35529                        "character",
 35530                        "corporation",
 35531                        "alliance",
 35532                        "faction",
 35533                        "system"
 35534                      ],
 35535                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_second_party_type",
 35536                      "description": "second_party_type string"
 35537                    },
 35538                    "amount": {
 35539                      "type": "number",
 35540                      "format": "double",
 35541                      "description": "Transaction amount. Positive when value transferred to the first party. Negative otherwise",
 35542                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_amount"
 35543                    },
 35544                    "balance": {
 35545                      "type": "number",
 35546                      "format": "double",
 35547                      "description": "Wallet balance after transaction occurred",
 35548                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_balance"
 35549                    },
 35550                    "reason": {
 35551                      "type": "string",
 35552                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_reason",
 35553                      "description": "reason string"
 35554                    },
 35555                    "tax_receiver_id": {
 35556                      "type": "integer",
 35557                      "format": "int32",
 35558                      "description": "the corporation ID receiving any tax paid",
 35559                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_tax_receiver_id"
 35560                    },
 35561                    "tax": {
 35562                      "type": "number",
 35563                      "format": "double",
 35564                      "description": "Tax amount received for tax related transactions",
 35565                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_tax"
 35566                    },
 35567                    "extra_info": {
 35568                      "type": "object",
 35569                      "description": "Extra information for different type of transaction",
 35570                      "properties": {
 35571                        "location_id": {
 35572                          "type": "integer",
 35573                          "format": "int64",
 35574                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_location_id",
 35575                          "description": "location_id integer"
 35576                        },
 35577                        "transaction_id": {
 35578                          "type": "integer",
 35579                          "format": "int64",
 35580                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_transaction_id",
 35581                          "description": "transaction_id integer"
 35582                        },
 35583                        "npc_name": {
 35584                          "type": "string",
 35585                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_npc_name",
 35586                          "description": "npc_name string"
 35587                        },
 35588                        "npc_id": {
 35589                          "type": "integer",
 35590                          "format": "int32",
 35591                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_npc_id",
 35592                          "description": "npc_id integer"
 35593                        },
 35594                        "destroyed_ship_type_id": {
 35595                          "type": "integer",
 35596                          "format": "int32",
 35597                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_destroyed_ship_type_id",
 35598                          "description": "destroyed_ship_type_id integer"
 35599                        },
 35600                        "character_id": {
 35601                          "type": "integer",
 35602                          "format": "int32",
 35603                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_character_id",
 35604                          "description": "character_id integer"
 35605                        },
 35606                        "corporation_id": {
 35607                          "type": "integer",
 35608                          "format": "int32",
 35609                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_corporation_id",
 35610                          "description": "corporation_id integer"
 35611                        },
 35612                        "alliance_id": {
 35613                          "type": "integer",
 35614                          "format": "int32",
 35615                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_alliance_id",
 35616                          "description": "alliance_id integer"
 35617                        },
 35618                        "job_id": {
 35619                          "type": "integer",
 35620                          "format": "int32",
 35621                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_job_id",
 35622                          "description": "job_id integer"
 35623                        },
 35624                        "contract_id": {
 35625                          "type": "integer",
 35626                          "format": "int32",
 35627                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_contract_id",
 35628                          "description": "contract_id integer"
 35629                        },
 35630                        "system_id": {
 35631                          "type": "integer",
 35632                          "format": "int32",
 35633                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_system_id",
 35634                          "description": "system_id integer"
 35635                        },
 35636                        "planet_id": {
 35637                          "type": "integer",
 35638                          "format": "int32",
 35639                          "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_planet_id",
 35640                          "description": "planet_id integer"
 35641                        }
 35642                      },
 35643                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_extra_info"
 35644                    }
 35645                  },
 35646                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_200_ok",
 35647                  "description": "200 ok object"
 35648                },
 35649                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal_ok"
 35650              },
 35651              "headers": {
 35652                "Cache-Control": {
 35653                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 35654                  "type": "string"
 35655                },
 35656                "Last-Modified": {
 35657                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 35658                  "type": "string"
 35659                },
 35660                "Expires": {
 35661                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 35662                  "type": "string"
 35663                }
 35664              }
 35665            },
 35666            "403": {
 35667              "description": "Forbidden",
 35668              "schema": {
 35669                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 35670              },
 35671              "examples": {
 35672                "application/json": {
 35673                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 35674                }
 35675              }
 35676            },
 35677            "500": {
 35678              "description": "Internal server error",
 35679              "schema": {
 35680                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 35681              },
 35682              "examples": {
 35683                "application/json": {
 35684                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 35685                }
 35686              }
 35687            }
 35688          },
 35689          "x-required-roles": [
 35690            "Accountant",
 35691            "Junior_Accountant"
 35692          ],
 35693          "security": [
 35694            {
 35695              "evesso": [
 35696                "esi-wallet.read_corporation_wallets.v1"
 35697              ]
 35698            }
 35699          ],
 35700          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal",
 35701          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 35702          "x-alternate-versions": [
 35703            "dev",
 35704            "v2"
 35705          ]
 35706        }
 35707      },
 35708      "/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/{division}/transactions/": {
 35709        "get": {
 35710          "description": "Get wallet transactions of a corporation\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/{division}/transactions/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/{division}/transactions/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/{division}/transactions/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds\n\n---\nRequires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant, Junior_Accountant\n",
 35711          "summary": "Get corporation wallet transactions",
 35712          "tags": [
 35713            "Wallet"
 35714          ],
 35715          "parameters": [
 35716            {
 35717              "$ref": "#/parameters/corporation_id"
 35718            },
 35719            {
 35720              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 35721            },
 35722            {
 35723              "name": "division",
 35724              "in": "path",
 35725              "description": "Wallet key of the division to fetch journals from",
 35726              "required": true,
 35727              "type": "integer",
 35728              "format": "int32",
 35729              "minimum": 1,
 35730              "maximum": 7
 35731            },
 35732            {
 35733              "name": "from_id",
 35734              "in": "query",
 35735              "description": "Only show journal entries happened before the transaction referenced by this id",
 35736              "required": false,
 35737              "type": "integer",
 35738              "format": "int64"
 35739            },
 35740            {
 35741              "$ref": "#/parameters/token"
 35742            },
 35743            {
 35744              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 35745            },
 35746            {
 35747              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 35748            }
 35749          ],
 35750          "responses": {
 35751            "200": {
 35752              "description": "Wallet transactions",
 35753              "examples": {
 35754                "application/json": [
 35755                  {
 35756                    "transaction_id": 1234567890,
 35757                    "date": "2016-10-24T09:00:00Z",
 35758                    "location_id": 60014719,
 35759                    "type_id": 587,
 35760                    "unit_price": 1,
 35761                    "quantity": 1,
 35762                    "client_id": 54321,
 35763                    "is_buy": true,
 35764                    "journal_ref_id": 67890
 35765                  }
 35766                ]
 35767              },
 35768              "schema": {
 35769                "type": "array",
 35770                "description": "Wallet transactions",
 35771                "maxItems": 2500,
 35772                "items": {
 35773                  "type": "object",
 35774                  "description": "wallet transaction",
 35775                  "required": [
 35776                    "transaction_id",
 35777                    "date",
 35778                    "location_id",
 35779                    "type_id",
 35780                    "unit_price",
 35781                    "quantity",
 35782                    "client_id",
 35783                    "is_buy",
 35784                    "journal_ref_id"
 35785                  ],
 35786                  "properties": {
 35787                    "transaction_id": {
 35788                      "type": "integer",
 35789                      "format": "int64",
 35790                      "description": "Unique transaction ID",
 35791                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions_transaction_id"
 35792                    },
 35793                    "date": {
 35794                      "type": "string",
 35795                      "format": "date-time",
 35796                      "description": "Date and time of transaction",
 35797                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions_date"
 35798                    },
 35799                    "type_id": {
 35800                      "type": "integer",
 35801                      "format": "int32",
 35802                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions_type_id",
 35803                      "description": "type_id integer"
 35804                    },
 35805                    "location_id": {
 35806                      "type": "integer",
 35807                      "format": "int64",
 35808                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions_location_id",
 35809                      "description": "location_id integer"
 35810                    },
 35811                    "unit_price": {
 35812                      "type": "number",
 35813                      "format": "double",
 35814                      "description": "Amount paid per unit",
 35815                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions_unit_price"
 35816                    },
 35817                    "quantity": {
 35818                      "type": "integer",
 35819                      "format": "int32",
 35820                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions_quantity",
 35821                      "description": "quantity integer"
 35822                    },
 35823                    "client_id": {
 35824                      "type": "integer",
 35825                      "format": "int32",
 35826                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions_client_id",
 35827                      "description": "client_id integer"
 35828                    },
 35829                    "is_buy": {
 35830                      "type": "boolean",
 35831                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions_is_buy",
 35832                      "description": "is_buy boolean"
 35833                    },
 35834                    "journal_ref_id": {
 35835                      "type": "integer",
 35836                      "format": "int64",
 35837                      "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions_journal_ref_id",
 35838                      "description": "journal_ref_id integer"
 35839                    }
 35840                  },
 35841                  "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions_200_ok"
 35842                },
 35843                "title": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions_ok"
 35844              },
 35845              "headers": {
 35846                "Cache-Control": {
 35847                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 35848                  "type": "string"
 35849                },
 35850                "Last-Modified": {
 35851                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 35852                  "type": "string"
 35853                },
 35854                "Expires": {
 35855                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 35856                  "type": "string"
 35857                }
 35858              }
 35859            },
 35860            "403": {
 35861              "description": "Forbidden",
 35862              "schema": {
 35863                "$ref": "#/definitions/forbidden"
 35864              },
 35865              "examples": {
 35866                "application/json": {
 35867                  "error": "Forbidden message"
 35868                }
 35869              }
 35870            },
 35871            "500": {
 35872              "description": "Internal server error",
 35873              "schema": {
 35874                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 35875              },
 35876              "examples": {
 35877                "application/json": {
 35878                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 35879                }
 35880              }
 35881            }
 35882          },
 35883          "x-required-roles": [
 35884            "Accountant",
 35885            "Junior_Accountant"
 35886          ],
 35887          "security": [
 35888            {
 35889              "evesso": [
 35890                "esi-wallet.read_corporation_wallets.v1"
 35891              ]
 35892            }
 35893          ],
 35894          "operationId": "get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions",
 35895          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 35896          "x-alternate-versions": [
 35897            "dev",
 35898            "legacy",
 35899            "v1"
 35900          ]
 35901        }
 35902      },
 35903      "/wars/": {
 35904        "get": {
 35905          "description": "Return a list of wars\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/wars/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/wars/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/wars/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 35906          "summary": "List wars",
 35907          "tags": [
 35908            "Wars"
 35909          ],
 35910          "parameters": [
 35911            {
 35912              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 35913            },
 35914            {
 35915              "name": "max_war_id",
 35916              "in": "query",
 35917              "description": "Only return wars with ID smaller than this.",
 35918              "required": false,
 35919              "type": "integer",
 35920              "format": "int32"
 35921            },
 35922            {
 35923              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 35924            },
 35925            {
 35926              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 35927            }
 35928          ],
 35929          "responses": {
 35930            "200": {
 35931              "description": "A list of war IDs, in decending order by war_id.",
 35932              "examples": {
 35933                "application/json": [
 35934                  3,
 35935                  2,
 35936                  1
 35937                ]
 35938              },
 35939              "schema": {
 35940                "type": "array",
 35941                "maxItems": 2000,
 35942                "items": {
 35943                  "type": "integer",
 35944                  "format": "int32",
 35945                  "title": "get_wars_200_ok",
 35946                  "description": "200 ok integer"
 35947                },
 35948                "title": "get_wars_ok",
 35949                "description": "200 ok array"
 35950              },
 35951              "headers": {
 35952                "Cache-Control": {
 35953                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 35954                  "type": "string"
 35955                },
 35956                "Last-Modified": {
 35957                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 35958                  "type": "string"
 35959                },
 35960                "Expires": {
 35961                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 35962                  "type": "string"
 35963                }
 35964              }
 35965            },
 35966            "500": {
 35967              "description": "Internal server error",
 35968              "schema": {
 35969                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 35970              },
 35971              "examples": {
 35972                "application/json": {
 35973                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 35974                }
 35975              }
 35976            }
 35977          },
 35978          "operationId": "get_wars",
 35979          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 35980          "x-alternate-versions": [
 35981            "dev",
 35982            "legacy",
 35983            "v1"
 35984          ]
 35985        }
 35986      },
 35987      "/wars/{war_id}/": {
 35988        "get": {
 35989          "description": "Return details about a war\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/wars/{war_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/wars/{war_id}/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/wars/{war_id}/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 35990          "summary": "Get war information",
 35991          "tags": [
 35992            "Wars"
 35993          ],
 35994          "parameters": [
 35995            {
 35996              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 35997            },
 35998            {
 35999              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 36000            },
 36001            {
 36002              "name": "war_id",
 36003              "in": "path",
 36004              "description": "ID for a war",
 36005              "required": true,
 36006              "type": "integer",
 36007              "format": "int32"
 36008            },
 36009            {
 36010              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 36011            }
 36012          ],
 36013          "responses": {
 36014            "200": {
 36015              "description": "Details about a war",
 36016              "examples": {
 36017                "application/json": {
 36018                  "id": 1941,
 36019                  "declared": "2004-05-22T05:20:00Z",
 36020                  "mutual": false,
 36021                  "open_for_allies": false,
 36022                  "aggressor": {
 36023                    "corporation_id": 986665792,
 36024                    "ships_killed": 0,
 36025                    "isk_destroyed": 0
 36026                  },
 36027                  "defender": {
 36028                    "corporation_id": 1001562011,
 36029                    "ships_killed": 0,
 36030                    "isk_destroyed": 0
 36031                  }
 36032                }
 36033              },
 36034              "schema": {
 36035                "type": "object",
 36036                "required": [
 36037                  "id",
 36038                  "declared",
 36039                  "mutual",
 36040                  "open_for_allies",
 36041                  "aggressor",
 36042                  "defender"
 36043                ],
 36044                "properties": {
 36045                  "id": {
 36046                    "type": "integer",
 36047                    "format": "int32",
 36048                    "description": "ID of the specified war",
 36049                    "title": "get_wars_war_id_id"
 36050                  },
 36051                  "declared": {
 36052                    "type": "string",
 36053                    "format": "date-time",
 36054                    "description": "Time that the war was declared",
 36055                    "title": "get_wars_war_id_declared"
 36056                  },
 36057                  "started": {
 36058                    "type": "string",
 36059                    "format": "date-time",
 36060                    "description": "Time when the war started and both sides could shoot each other",
 36061                    "title": "get_wars_war_id_started"
 36062                  },
 36063                  "retracted": {
 36064                    "type": "string",
 36065                    "format": "date-time",
 36066                    "description": "Time the war was retracted but both sides could still shoot each other",
 36067                    "title": "get_wars_war_id_retracted"
 36068                  },
 36069                  "finished": {
 36070                    "type": "string",
 36071                    "format": "date-time",
 36072                    "description": "Time the war ended and shooting was no longer allowed",
 36073                    "title": "get_wars_war_id_finished"
 36074                  },
 36075                  "mutual": {
 36076                    "type": "boolean",
 36077                    "description": "Was the war declared mutual by both parties",
 36078                    "title": "get_wars_war_id_mutual"
 36079                  },
 36080                  "open_for_allies": {
 36081                    "type": "boolean",
 36082                    "description": "Is the war currently open for allies or not",
 36083                    "title": "get_wars_war_id_open_for_allies"
 36084                  },
 36085                  "aggressor": {
 36086                    "type": "object",
 36087                    "description": "The aggressor corporation or alliance that declared this war, only contains either corporation_id or alliance_id",
 36088                    "required": [
 36089                      "ships_killed",
 36090                      "isk_destroyed"
 36091                    ],
 36092                    "properties": {
 36093                      "corporation_id": {
 36094                        "type": "integer",
 36095                        "format": "int32",
 36096                        "description": "Corporation ID if and only if the aggressor is a corporation",
 36097                        "title": "get_wars_war_id_corporation_id"
 36098                      },
 36099                      "alliance_id": {
 36100                        "type": "integer",
 36101                        "format": "int32",
 36102                        "description": "Alliance ID if and only if the aggressor is an alliance",
 36103                        "title": "get_wars_war_id_alliance_id"
 36104                      },
 36105                      "ships_killed": {
 36106                        "type": "integer",
 36107                        "format": "int32",
 36108                        "description": "The number of ships the aggressor has killed",
 36109                        "title": "get_wars_war_id_ships_killed"
 36110                      },
 36111                      "isk_destroyed": {
 36112                        "type": "number",
 36113                        "format": "float",
 36114                        "description": "ISK value of ships the aggressor has destroyed",
 36115                        "title": "get_wars_war_id_isk_destroyed"
 36116                      }
 36117                    },
 36118                    "title": "get_wars_war_id_aggressor"
 36119                  },
 36120                  "defender": {
 36121                    "type": "object",
 36122                    "description": "The defending corporation or alliance that declared this war, only contains either corporation_id or alliance_id",
 36123                    "required": [
 36124                      "ships_killed",
 36125                      "isk_destroyed"
 36126                    ],
 36127                    "properties": {
 36128                      "corporation_id": {
 36129                        "type": "integer",
 36130                        "format": "int32",
 36131                        "description": "Corporation ID if and only if the defender is a corporation",
 36132                        "title": "get_wars_war_id_corporation_id"
 36133                      },
 36134                      "alliance_id": {
 36135                        "type": "integer",
 36136                        "format": "int32",
 36137                        "description": "Alliance ID if and only if the defender is an alliance",
 36138                        "title": "get_wars_war_id_alliance_id"
 36139                      },
 36140                      "ships_killed": {
 36141                        "type": "integer",
 36142                        "format": "int32",
 36143                        "description": "The number of ships the defender has killed",
 36144                        "title": "get_wars_war_id_ships_killed"
 36145                      },
 36146                      "isk_destroyed": {
 36147                        "type": "number",
 36148                        "format": "float",
 36149                        "description": "ISK value of ships the defender has killed",
 36150                        "title": "get_wars_war_id_isk_destroyed"
 36151                      }
 36152                    },
 36153                    "title": "get_wars_war_id_defender"
 36154                  },
 36155                  "allies": {
 36156                    "type": "array",
 36157                    "description": "allied corporations or alliances, each object contains either corporation_id or alliance_id",
 36158                    "maxItems": 10000,
 36159                    "items": {
 36160                      "type": "object",
 36161                      "properties": {
 36162                        "corporation_id": {
 36163                          "type": "integer",
 36164                          "format": "int32",
 36165                          "description": "Corporation ID if and only if this ally is a corporation",
 36166                          "title": "get_wars_war_id_corporation_id"
 36167                        },
 36168                        "alliance_id": {
 36169                          "type": "integer",
 36170                          "format": "int32",
 36171                          "description": "Alliance ID if and only if this ally is an alliance",
 36172                          "title": "get_wars_war_id_alliance_id"
 36173                        }
 36174                      },
 36175                      "title": "get_wars_war_id_ally",
 36176                      "description": "ally object"
 36177                    },
 36178                    "title": "get_wars_war_id_allies"
 36179                  }
 36180                },
 36181                "title": "get_wars_war_id_ok",
 36182                "description": "200 ok object"
 36183              },
 36184              "headers": {
 36185                "Cache-Control": {
 36186                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 36187                  "type": "string"
 36188                },
 36189                "Last-Modified": {
 36190                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 36191                  "type": "string"
 36192                },
 36193                "Expires": {
 36194                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 36195                  "type": "string"
 36196                }
 36197              }
 36198            },
 36199            "422": {
 36200              "description": "War not found",
 36201              "schema": {
 36202                "type": "object",
 36203                "title": "get_wars_war_id_unprocessable_entity",
 36204                "description": "Unprocessable entity",
 36205                "properties": {
 36206                  "error": {
 36207                    "type": "string",
 36208                    "description": "Unprocessable entity message",
 36209                    "title": "get_wars_war_id_422_unprocessable_entity"
 36210                  }
 36211                }
 36212              },
 36213              "examples": {
 36214                "application/json": {
 36215                  "error": "Unprocessable entity message"
 36216                }
 36217              }
 36218            },
 36219            "500": {
 36220              "description": "Internal server error",
 36221              "schema": {
 36222                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 36223              },
 36224              "examples": {
 36225                "application/json": {
 36226                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 36227                }
 36228              }
 36229            }
 36230          },
 36231          "operationId": "get_wars_war_id",
 36232          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 36233          "x-alternate-versions": [
 36234            "dev",
 36235            "legacy",
 36236            "v1"
 36237          ]
 36238        }
 36239      },
 36240      "/wars/{war_id}/killmails/": {
 36241        "get": {
 36242          "description": "Return a list of kills related to a war\n\n---\nAlternate route: `/dev/wars/{war_id}/killmails/`\n\nAlternate route: `/legacy/wars/{war_id}/killmails/`\n\nAlternate route: `/v1/wars/{war_id}/killmails/`\n\n---\nThis route is cached for up to 3600 seconds",
 36243          "summary": "List kills for a war",
 36244          "tags": [
 36245            "Wars"
 36246          ],
 36247          "parameters": [
 36248            {
 36249              "$ref": "#/parameters/datasource"
 36250            },
 36251            {
 36252              "$ref": "#/parameters/page"
 36253            },
 36254            {
 36255              "$ref": "#/parameters/user_agent"
 36256            },
 36257            {
 36258              "name": "war_id",
 36259              "in": "path",
 36260              "description": "A valid war ID",
 36261              "required": true,
 36262              "type": "integer",
 36263              "format": "int32"
 36264            },
 36265            {
 36266              "$ref": "#/parameters/X-User-Agent"
 36267            }
 36268          ],
 36269          "responses": {
 36270            "200": {
 36271              "description": "A list of killmail IDs and hashes",
 36272              "examples": {
 36273                "application/json": [
 36274                  {
 36275                    "killmail_id": 2,
 36276                    "killmail_hash": "8eef5e8fb6b88fe3407c489df33822b2e3b57a5e"
 36277                  },
 36278                  {
 36279                    "killmail_id": 1,
 36280                    "killmail_hash": "b41ccb498ece33d64019f64c0db392aa3aa701fb"
 36281                  }
 36282                ]
 36283              },
 36284              "schema": {
 36285                "type": "array",
 36286                "maxItems": 2000,
 36287                "items": {
 36288                  "type": "object",
 36289                  "required": [
 36290                    "killmail_id",
 36291                    "killmail_hash"
 36292                  ],
 36293                  "properties": {
 36294                    "killmail_id": {
 36295                      "type": "integer",
 36296                      "format": "int32",
 36297                      "description": "ID of this killmail",
 36298                      "title": "get_wars_war_id_killmails_killmail_id"
 36299                    },
 36300                    "killmail_hash": {
 36301                      "type": "string",
 36302                      "description": "A hash of this killmail",
 36303                      "title": "get_wars_war_id_killmails_killmail_hash"
 36304                    }
 36305                  },
 36306                  "title": "get_wars_war_id_killmails_200_ok",
 36307                  "description": "200 ok object"
 36308                },
 36309                "title": "get_wars_war_id_killmails_ok",
 36310                "description": "200 ok array"
 36311              },
 36312              "headers": {
 36313                "X-Pages": {
 36314                  "description": "Maximum page number",
 36315                  "type": "integer",
 36316                  "format": "int32",
 36317                  "default": 1
 36318                },
 36319                "Cache-Control": {
 36320                  "description": "The caching mechanism used",
 36321                  "type": "string"
 36322                },
 36323                "Last-Modified": {
 36324                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 36325                  "type": "string"
 36326                },
 36327                "Expires": {
 36328                  "description": "RFC7231 formatted datetime string",
 36329                  "type": "string"
 36330                }
 36331              }
 36332            },
 36333            "422": {
 36334              "description": "War not found",
 36335              "schema": {
 36336                "type": "object",
 36337                "title": "get_wars_war_id_killmails_unprocessable_entity",
 36338                "description": "Unprocessable entity",
 36339                "properties": {
 36340                  "error": {
 36341                    "type": "string",
 36342                    "description": "Unprocessable entity message",
 36343                    "title": "get_wars_war_id_killmails_422_unprocessable_entity"
 36344                  }
 36345                }
 36346              },
 36347              "examples": {
 36348                "application/json": {
 36349                  "error": "Unprocessable entity message"
 36350                }
 36351              }
 36352            },
 36353            "500": {
 36354              "description": "Internal server error",
 36355              "schema": {
 36356                "$ref": "#/definitions/internal_server_error"
 36357              },
 36358              "examples": {
 36359                "application/json": {
 36360                  "error": "Internal server error message"
 36361                }
 36362              }
 36363            }
 36364          },
 36365          "operationId": "get_wars_war_id_killmails",
 36366          "x-cached-seconds": 3600,
 36367          "x-alternate-versions": [
 36368            "dev",
 36369            "legacy",
 36370            "v1"
 36371          ]
 36372        }
 36373      }
 36374    },
 36375    "securityDefinitions": {
 36376      "evesso": {
 36377        "type": "oauth2",
 36378        "authorizationUrl": "",
 36379        "flow": "implicit",
 36380        "scopes": {
 36381          "esi-alliances.read_contacts.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-alliances.read_contacts.v1",
 36382          "esi-assets.read_assets.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-assets.read_assets.v1",
 36383          "esi-assets.read_corporation_assets.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-assets.read_corporation_assets.v1",
 36384          "esi-bookmarks.read_character_bookmarks.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-bookmarks.read_character_bookmarks.v1",
 36385          "esi-bookmarks.read_corporation_bookmarks.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-bookmarks.read_corporation_bookmarks.v1",
 36386          "esi-calendar.read_calendar_events.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-calendar.read_calendar_events.v1",
 36387          "esi-calendar.respond_calendar_events.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-calendar.respond_calendar_events.v1",
 36388          "esi-characters.read_agents_research.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-characters.read_agents_research.v1",
 36389          "esi-characters.read_blueprints.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-characters.read_blueprints.v1",
 36390          "esi-characters.read_chat_channels.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-characters.read_chat_channels.v1",
 36391          "esi-characters.read_contacts.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-characters.read_contacts.v1",
 36392          "esi-characters.read_corporation_roles.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-characters.read_corporation_roles.v1",
 36393          "esi-characters.read_fatigue.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-characters.read_fatigue.v1",
 36394          "esi-characters.read_fw_stats.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-characters.read_fw_stats.v1",
 36395          "esi-characters.read_loyalty.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-characters.read_loyalty.v1",
 36396          "esi-characters.read_medals.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-characters.read_medals.v1",
 36397          "esi-characters.read_notifications.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-characters.read_notifications.v1",
 36398          "esi-characters.read_opportunities.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-characters.read_opportunities.v1",
 36399          "esi-characters.read_standings.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-characters.read_standings.v1",
 36400          "esi-characters.read_titles.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-characters.read_titles.v1",
 36401          "esi-characters.write_contacts.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-characters.write_contacts.v1",
 36402          "": "EVE SSO scope",
 36403          "esi-clones.read_clones.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-clones.read_clones.v1",
 36404          "esi-clones.read_implants.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-clones.read_implants.v1",
 36405          "esi-contracts.read_character_contracts.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-contracts.read_character_contracts.v1",
 36406          "esi-contracts.read_corporation_contracts.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-contracts.read_corporation_contracts.v1",
 36407          "esi-corporations.read_blueprints.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-corporations.read_blueprints.v1",
 36408          "esi-corporations.read_contacts.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-corporations.read_contacts.v1",
 36409          "esi-corporations.read_container_logs.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-corporations.read_container_logs.v1",
 36410          "esi-corporations.read_corporation_membership.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-corporations.read_corporation_membership.v1",
 36411          "esi-corporations.read_divisions.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-corporations.read_divisions.v1",
 36412          "esi-corporations.read_facilities.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-corporations.read_facilities.v1",
 36413          "esi-corporations.read_fw_stats.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-corporations.read_fw_stats.v1",
 36414          "esi-corporations.read_medals.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-corporations.read_medals.v1",
 36415          "esi-corporations.read_outposts.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-corporations.read_outposts.v1",
 36416          "esi-corporations.read_standings.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-corporations.read_standings.v1",
 36417          "esi-corporations.read_starbases.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-corporations.read_starbases.v1",
 36418          "esi-corporations.read_structures.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-corporations.read_structures.v1",
 36419          "esi-corporations.read_titles.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-corporations.read_titles.v1",
 36420          "esi-corporations.track_members.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-corporations.track_members.v1",
 36421          "esi-fittings.read_fittings.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-fittings.read_fittings.v1",
 36422          "esi-fittings.write_fittings.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-fittings.write_fittings.v1",
 36423          "esi-fleets.read_fleet.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-fleets.read_fleet.v1",
 36424          "esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1",
 36425          "esi-industry.read_character_jobs.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-industry.read_character_jobs.v1",
 36426          "esi-industry.read_character_mining.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-industry.read_character_mining.v1",
 36427          "esi-industry.read_corporation_jobs.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-industry.read_corporation_jobs.v1",
 36428          "esi-industry.read_corporation_mining.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-industry.read_corporation_mining.v1",
 36429          "esi-killmails.read_corporation_killmails.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-killmails.read_corporation_killmails.v1",
 36430          "esi-killmails.read_killmails.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-killmails.read_killmails.v1",
 36431          "esi-location.read_location.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-location.read_location.v1",
 36432          "esi-location.read_online.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-location.read_online.v1",
 36433          "esi-location.read_ship_type.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-location.read_ship_type.v1",
 36434          "esi-mail.organize_mail.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-mail.organize_mail.v1",
 36435          "esi-mail.read_mail.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-mail.read_mail.v1",
 36436          "esi-mail.send_mail.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-mail.send_mail.v1",
 36437          "esi-markets.read_character_orders.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-markets.read_character_orders.v1",
 36438          "esi-markets.read_corporation_orders.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-markets.read_corporation_orders.v1",
 36439          "esi-markets.structure_markets.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-markets.structure_markets.v1",
 36440          "esi-planets.manage_planets.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-planets.manage_planets.v1",
 36441          "esi-planets.read_customs_offices.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-planets.read_customs_offices.v1",
 36442          "esi-search.search_structures.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-search.search_structures.v1",
 36443          "esi-skills.read_skillqueue.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-skills.read_skillqueue.v1",
 36444          "esi-skills.read_skills.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-skills.read_skills.v1",
 36445          "esi-ui.open_window.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-ui.open_window.v1",
 36446          "esi-ui.write_waypoint.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-ui.write_waypoint.v1",
 36447          "esi-universe.read_structures.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-universe.read_structures.v1",
 36448          "esi-wallet.read_character_wallet.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-wallet.read_character_wallet.v1",
 36449          "esi-wallet.read_corporation_wallets.v1": "EVE SSO scope esi-wallet.read_corporation_wallets.v1"
 36450        }
 36451      }
 36452    },
 36453    "parameters": {
 36454      "datasource": {
 36455        "name": "datasource",
 36456        "description": "The server name you would like data from",
 36457        "in": "query",
 36458        "type": "string",
 36459        "default": "tranquility",
 36460        "enum": [
 36461          "tranquility",
 36462          "singularity"
 36463        ]
 36464      },
 36465      "user_agent": {
 36466        "name": "user_agent",
 36467        "description": "Client identifier, takes precedence over headers",
 36468        "in": "query",
 36469        "type": "string"
 36470      },
 36471      "X-User-Agent": {
 36472        "name": "X-User-Agent",
 36473        "description": "Client identifier, takes precedence over User-Agent",
 36474        "in": "header",
 36475        "type": "string"
 36476      },
 36477      "token": {
 36478        "name": "token",
 36479        "description": "Access token to use if unable to set a header",
 36480        "in": "query",
 36481        "type": "string"
 36482      },
 36483      "character_id": {
 36484        "description": "An EVE character ID",
 36485        "format": "int32",
 36486        "in": "path",
 36487        "minimum": 1,
 36488        "name": "character_id",
 36489        "required": true,
 36490        "type": "integer"
 36491      },
 36492      "corporation_id": {
 36493        "description": "An EVE corporation ID",
 36494        "format": "int32",
 36495        "in": "path",
 36496        "minimum": 1,
 36497        "name": "corporation_id",
 36498        "required": true,
 36499        "type": "integer"
 36500      },
 36501      "language": {
 36502        "name": "language",
 36503        "description": "Language to use in the response",
 36504        "in": "query",
 36505        "type": "string",
 36506        "default": "en-us",
 36507        "enum": [
 36508          "de",
 36509          "en-us",
 36510          "fr",
 36511          "ja",
 36512          "ru",
 36513          "zh"
 36514        ]
 36515      },
 36516      "page": {
 36517        "name": "page",
 36518        "description": "Which page of results to return",
 36519        "in": "query",
 36520        "type": "integer",
 36521        "format": "int32",
 36522        "default": 1
 36523      },
 36524      "alliance_id": {
 36525        "description": "An EVE alliance ID",
 36526        "format": "int32",
 36527        "in": "path",
 36528        "minimum": 1,
 36529        "name": "alliance_id",
 36530        "required": true,
 36531        "type": "integer"
 36532      }
 36533    },
 36534    "definitions": {
 36535      "internal_server_error": {
 36536        "type": "object",
 36537        "description": "Internal server error model",
 36538        "title": "Internal server error",
 36539        "required": [
 36540          "error"
 36541        ],
 36542        "properties": {
 36543          "error": {
 36544            "type": "string",
 36545            "description": "Internal server error message"
 36546          }
 36547        }
 36548      },
 36549      "forbidden": {
 36550        "type": "object",
 36551        "description": "Forbidden model",
 36552        "title": "Forbidden",
 36553        "required": [
 36554          "error"
 36555        ],
 36556        "properties": {
 36557          "error": {
 36558            "type": "string",
 36559            "description": "Forbidden message"
 36560          },
 36561          "sso_status": {
 36562            "type": "integer",
 36563            "description": "Status code received from SSO"
 36564          }
 36565        }
 36566      }
 36567    }
 36568  }