
     1  {
     2      "swagger": "2.0",
     3      "host": "localhost",
     4      "info": {
     5          "description": "",
     6          "version": "",
     7          "title": "",
     8          "termsOfService": ""
     9      },
    10      "basePath": "/api/v1/",
    11      "paths": {
    12          "/platform/infrastructure/allocators/{allocator_id}/clusters/_move": {
    13              "post": {
    14                  "summary": "Move clusters",
    15                  "description": "Moves clusters.",
    16                  "operationId": "move-clusters",
    17                  "parameters": [
    18                      {
    19                          "in": "body",
    20                          "name": "body",
    21                          "description": "Overrides defaults for the move of each cluster",
    22                          "required": false,
    23                          "schema": {
    24                              "$ref": "#/definitions/MoveClustersRequest"
    25                          }
    26                      },
    27                      {
    28                          "name": "allocator_id",
    29                          "in": "path",
    30                          "description": "The identifier of the allocator of which to move clusters.",
    31                          "required": true,
    32                          "type": "string"
    33                      }
    34                  ],
    35                  "responses": {
    36                      "202": {
    37                          "description": "response"
    38                      }
    39                  }
    40              }
    41          }
    42      },
    43      "definitions": {
    44          "MoveElasticsearchClusterConfiguration": {
    45              "type": "object",
    46              "required": [
    47                  "cluster_ids"
    48              ],
    49              "properties": {
    50                  "cluster_ids": {
    51                      "type": "array",
    52                      "description": "Identifiers for the Elasticsearch clusters.",
    53                      "items": {
    54                          "type": "string"
    55                      }
    56                  }
    57              },
    58              "description": "Configuration object for moving Elasticsearch clusters."
    59          },
    60          "MoveKibanaClusterConfiguration": {
    61              "type": "object",
    62              "required": [
    63                  "cluster_ids"
    64              ],
    65              "properties": {
    66                  "cluster_ids": {
    67                      "type": "array",
    68                      "description": "Identifiers for the Kibana clusters.",
    69                      "items": {
    70                          "type": "string"
    71                      }
    72                  }
    73              },
    74              "description": "Configuration object for moving Kibana clusters."
    75          },
    76          "MoveClustersRequest": {
    77              "type": "object",
    78              "properties": {
    79                  "elasticsearch_clusters": {
    80                      "type": "array",
    81                      "description": "Optional list of Elasticsearch clusters to move off the allocator. If not specified, then all Elasticsearch clusters on the allocator are moved.",
    82                      "items": {
    83                          "$ref": "#/definitions/MoveElasticsearchClusterConfiguration"
    84                      }
    85                  },
    86                  "kibana_clusters": {
    87                      "type": "array",
    88                      "description": "Optional list of Kibana clusters to move off the allocator. If not specified, then all Kibana clusters on the allocator are moved.",
    89                      "items": {
    90                          "$ref": "#/definitions/MoveKibanaClusterConfiguration"
    91                      }
    92                  }
    93              },
    94              "description": "Configuration for moving clusters off an allocator"
    95          }
    96      }
    97  }