
     1  swagger: '2.0'
     2  info:
     3    description: >-
     4      The Currencycloud API is a robust, predictable, easy-to-use API for
     5      converting money between currencies and making payments around the world.
     6      Dynamically register sub-accounts to provide white labeled money transfer
     7      services to your own customers.
     8    version: 2.23.0
     9    title: Currencycloud API
    10    termsOfService: ''
    11    contact:
    12      name: support
    13      email:
    14  externalDocs:
    15    description: API overview
    16    url: ''
    17  tags:
    18    - name: Authenticate
    19      description: >-
    20        Authenticate to gain access to the API. Provides the ability to log in to
    21        your Currencycloud account using your API Key and log out by terminating
    22        your session.
    23    - name: Accounts
    24      description: >-
    25        Create, search and update your Currencycloud account and any associated
    26        sub-accounts. Also provides you with the ability to use your own reference
    27        IDs for easy reconciliation with your internal systems.
    28    - name: Balances
    29      description: >-
    30        Provides access to view balance information. View the balances that you
    31        currently hold in different currencies on your Currencycloud account.
    32    - name: Beneficiaries
    33      description: >-
    34        Provides you with the ability to create, search and manage the list of
    35        individuals or companies that you send payments to.
    36    - name: Contacts
    37      description: >-
    38        Create, search and manage the list of users that have access in your
    39        Currencycloud account or associated sub-accounts.
    40    - name: Conversions
    41      description: >-
    42        Gives you the ability to find, retrieve and create a live currency
    43        conversion. You can also create and manage the live conversion of funds
    44        between two currencies.
    45    - name: Funding
    46      description: >-
    47        Gives you the ability to find funding accounts that can be used to settle
    48        and collect funds in each available currency
    49    - name: IBANs
    50      description: >-
    51        **This endpoint is deprecated and will be removed at the end of February, 2021. Please use the Funding Account API instead.**
    53        Create, search and manage International Bank Account Numbers (IBANs)
    54        assigned to your Currencycloud account balance or your sub-accounts'
    55        balances. You can also retrieve and assign IBANs to the the account.
    56    - name: Payers
    57      description: >-
    58        Provides you with the ability to view information relating to the 'payer'
    59        for a payment that has been initiated through the platform.
    60    - name: Payments
    61      description: >-
    62        Create, search, manage and action all of your domestic and international
    63        payments through this API.
    64    - name: Rates
    65      description: >-
    66        Super fast real-time access to live foreign exchange rates through the
    67        Currencycloud platform.
    68    - name: Reference
    69      description: >-
    70        Easy access to view important data relevant to your Currencycloud account
    71        including beneficiary details, conversion dates, available currencies,
    72        payer required details, payment dates and settlement details.
    73    - name: Reporting
    74      description: Ability to create and retrieve reports.
    75    - name: Sender
    76      description: Sender of funds.
    77    - name: Transactions
    78      description: >-
    79        View balances and all pending and completed transactions in your
    80        Currencycloud account, as well as associated sub-account balances and
    81        transactions.
    82    - name: Transfers
    83      description: >-
    84        Search, retrieve and create a transfer of funds between your Currencycloud
    85        account and associated sub-accounts.
    86    - name: VANs
    87      description: >-
    88        **This endpoint is deprecated and will be removed at the end of February, 2021. Please use the Funding Account API instead.**
    90        Create, search and manage Virtual Accounts (VANs) assigned to your
    91        Currencycloud account balance or your sub-accounts' balances. You can also
    92        retrieve and assign VANs to the account.
    93    - name: Withdrawal Accounts
    94      description: >-
    95        Manage withdrawal accounts
    96  schemes:
    97    - https
    98  host:
    99  basePath: /v2
   100  consumes:
   101    - multipart/form-data
   102  produces:
   103    - application/json
   104  paths:
   105    /authenticate/api:
   106      post:
   107        tags:
   108          - Authenticate
   109        x-api-group: manage
   110        summary: Login
   111        description: >-
   112          The Currencycloud API authentication and authorization endpoint.
   114          Submit a login ID and API key for a Currencycloud account. On successful
   115          login, a temporary authentication token is returned.
   117          An authentication token is required to make requests to all other
   118          endpoints in the Currencycloud API. Tokens expire after 30 minutes of
   119          inactivity.
   121          Token requests are limited to 10 calls per minute.
   123          For security, Currencycloud accounts are disabled when four unsuccessful
   124          login attempts are made within a short period. Account holders must
   125          [contact support]( to
   126          reactivate their account.
   127        operationId: Login
   128        consumes:
   129          - multipart/form-data
   130        produces:
   131          - application/json
   132        parameters:
   133          - name: login_id
   134            in: formData
   135            required: true
   136            type: string
   137            description: >-
   138              Login ID for a Currencycloud account. This is usually an email
   139              address.
   140          - name: api_key
   141            in: formData
   142            required: true
   143            type: string
   144            description: The unique API key for the Currencycloud account.
   145        responses:
   146          '200':
   147            description: Success.
   148            schema:
   149              $ref: '#/definitions/AuthenticationToken'
   150            headers:
   151              X-Request-Id:
   152                type: string
   153                description: A unique reference for the request.
   154          '400':
   155            description: Client error.
   156            x-errors:
   157              - code: login_id_is_required
   158                category: login_id
   159                message: login_id is required
   160                params: ''
   161              - code: login_id_is_too_short
   162                category: login_id
   163                message: login_id can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
   164                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
   165              - code: login_id_is_too_long
   166                category: login_id
   167                message: login_id can not be longer than 255 character(s)
   168                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
   169              - code: api_key_is_required
   170                category: api_key
   171                message: api_key is required
   172                params: ''
   173              - code: api_key_length_is_invalid
   174                category: api_key
   175                message: api_key should be 64 character(s) long
   176                params: '{ "length" => 64 }'
   177            schema:
   178              $ref: '#/definitions/LoginError'
   179            headers:
   180              X-Request-Id:
   181                type: string
   182                description: A unique reference for the request.
   183          '404':
   184            description: Resource not found.
   185            headers:
   186              X-Request-Id:
   187                type: string
   188                description: A unique reference for the request.
   189          '429':
   190            description: Too many requests.
   191            x-errors:
   192              - code: too_many_requests
   193                category: base
   194                message: >-
   195                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
   196                  Developer Center for more information
   197                params: ''
   198            schema:
   199              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
   200            headers:
   201              X-Request-Id:
   202                type: string
   203                description: A unique reference for the request.
   204          '500':
   205            description: Internal server error
   206            x-errors:
   207              - code: internal_server_error
   208                category: base
   209                message: Internal server error
   210                params: ''
   211            headers:
   212              X-Request-Id:
   213                type: string
   214                description: A unique reference for the request.
   215          '503':
   216            description: Service is temporary unavailable
   217            x-errors:
   218              - code: service_unavailable
   219                category: base
   220                message: Service is temporary unavailable
   221                params: ''
   222            headers:
   223              X-Request-Id:
   224                type: string
   225                description: A unique reference for the request.
   226          default:
   227            description: Unexpected error.
   228            headers:
   229              X-Request-Id:
   230                type: string
   231                description: A unique reference for the request.
   232    /authenticate/close_session:
   233      post:
   234        tags:
   235          - Authenticate
   236        x-api-group: manage
   237        summary: Logout
   238        description: >-
   239          Authentication tokens expire automatically after 30 minutes of
   240          inactivity. If a session is no longer required, it is good security
   241          practice to retire its authentication token early rather than leave it
   242          to time out.
   243        operationId: Logout
   244        consumes:
   245          - multipart/form-data
   246        produces:
   247          - application/json
   248        parameters:
   249          - name: X-Auth-Token
   250            in: header
   251            required: true
   252            type: string
   253            description: Authentication token.
   254        responses:
   255          '200':
   256            description: >-
   257              Success. A 200 response with an empty payload signifies that the
   258              authentication token is successfully retired.
   259            headers:
   260              X-Request-Id:
   261                type: string
   262                description: A unique reference for the request.
   263          '401':
   264            description: Unauthorized.
   265            x-errors:
   266              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
   267                category: username
   268                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
   269                params: ''
   270            schema:
   271              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
   272            headers:
   273              X-Request-Id:
   274                type: string
   275                description: A unique reference for the request.
   276          '404':
   277            description: Resource not found.
   278            headers:
   279              X-Request-Id:
   280                type: string
   281                description: A unique reference for the request.
   282          '429':
   283            description: Too many requests.
   284            x-errors:
   285              - code: too_many_requests
   286                category: base
   287                message: >-
   288                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
   289                  Developer Center for more information
   290                params: ''
   291            schema:
   292              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
   293            headers:
   294              X-Request-Id:
   295                type: string
   296                description: A unique reference for the request.
   297          '500':
   298            description: Internal server error
   299            x-errors:
   300              - code: internal_server_error
   301                category: base
   302                message: Internal server error
   303                params: ''
   304            headers:
   305              X-Request-Id:
   306                type: string
   307                description: A unique reference for the request.
   308          '503':
   309            description: Service is temporary unavailable
   310            x-errors:
   311              - code: service_unavailable
   312                category: base
   313                message: Service is temporary unavailable
   314                params: ''
   315            headers:
   316              X-Request-Id:
   317                type: string
   318                description: A unique reference for the request.
   319          default:
   320            description: Unexpected error.
   321            headers:
   322              X-Request-Id:
   323                type: string
   324                description: A unique reference for the request.
   325    /accounts/current:
   326      get:
   327        tags:
   328          - Accounts
   329        x-api-group: manage
   330        summary: Get Authenticating Account
   331        description: Get the main account of the authenticating user.
   332        operationId: GetAuthenticatingAccount
   333        produces:
   334          - application/json
   335        parameters:
   336          - name: X-Auth-Token
   337            in: header
   338            type: string
   339            required: true
   340            description: Authentication token.
   341        responses:
   342          '200':
   343            description: Success.
   344            schema:
   345              $ref: '#/definitions/Account'
   346            headers:
   347              X-Request-Id:
   348                type: string
   349                description: A unique reference for the request.
   350          '400':
   351            description: Client error.
   352            x-errors:
   353              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
   354                category: id
   355                message: id should be in UUID format
   356                params: ''
   357            schema:
   358              $ref: '#/definitions/GetAuthenticatingAccountError'
   359            headers:
   360              X-Request-Id:
   361                type: string
   362                description: A unique reference for the request.
   363          '401':
   364            description: Unauthorized.
   365            x-errors:
   366              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
   367                category: username
   368                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
   369                params: ''
   370            schema:
   371              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
   372            headers:
   373              X-Request-Id:
   374                type: string
   375                description: A unique reference for the request.
   376          '404':
   377            description: Resource not found.
   378            headers:
   379              X-Request-Id:
   380                type: string
   381                description: A unique reference for the request.
   382          '429':
   383            description: Too many requests.
   384            x-errors:
   385              - code: too_many_requests
   386                category: base
   387                message: >-
   388                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
   389                  Developer Center for more information
   390                params: ''
   391            schema:
   392              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
   393            headers:
   394              X-Request-Id:
   395                type: string
   396                description: A unique reference for the request.
   397          '500':
   398            description: Internal server error
   399            x-errors:
   400              - code: internal_server_error
   401                category: base
   402                message: Internal server error
   403                params: ''
   404            headers:
   405              X-Request-Id:
   406                type: string
   407                description: A unique reference for the request.
   408          '503':
   409            description: Service is temporary unavailable
   410            x-errors:
   411              - code: service_unavailable
   412                category: base
   413                message: Service is temporary unavailable
   414                params: ''
   415            headers:
   416              X-Request-Id:
   417                type: string
   418                description: A unique reference for the request.
   419          default:
   420            description: Unexpected error.
   421            headers:
   422              X-Request-Id:
   423                type: string
   424                description: A unique reference for the request.
   425    /accounts/find:
   426      get:
   427        tags:
   428          - Accounts
   429        x-api-group: manage
   430        summary: Find Accounts
   431        description: >-
   432          Get sub-accounts owned by the authenticating user. Optionally filter by
   433          account status and other criteria.
   434        operationId: FindAccounts
   435        produces:
   436          - application/json
   437        parameters:
   438          - name: X-Auth-Token
   439            in: header
   440            required: true
   441            type: string
   442            description: Authentication token.
   443          - name: account_name
   444            in: query
   445            required: false
   446            type: string
   447            description: Account name.
   448          - name: brand
   449            in: query
   450            required: false
   451            type: string
   452            description: >-
   453              The value of this field is used for white labeling the Currencycloud
   454              user interface.
   455          - name: your_reference
   456            in: query
   457            required: false
   458            type: string
   459            description: User-generated reference code.
   460          - name: status
   461            in: query
   462            required: false
   463            type: string
   464            enum:
   465              - enabled
   466              - enabled_no_trading
   467              - disabled
   468            description: Account status.
   469          - name: street
   470            in: query
   471            required: false
   472            type: string
   473            description: First line of address.
   474          - name: city
   475            in: query
   476            required: false
   477            type: string
   478            description: City.
   479          - name: state_or_province
   480            in: query
   481            required: false
   482            type: string
   483            description: State or province two-letter ISO 3166 code. Only applicable to some countries.
   484          - name: postal_code
   485            in: query
   486            required: false
   487            type: string
   488            description: Postal code.
   489          - name: country
   490            in: query
   491            required: false
   492            type: string
   493            description: Two-letter country code.
   494          - name: spread_table
   495            in: query
   496            required: false
   497            type: string
   498            description: The name of the spread table assigned to the account.
   499          - name: page
   500            in: query
   501            required: false
   502            type: integer
   503            description: Page number.
   504          - name: per_page
   505            in: query
   506            required: false
   507            type: integer
   508            description: Number of results per page.
   509          - name: order
   510            in: query
   511            required: false
   512            type: string
   513            description: Any field name to change the sort order.
   514          - name: order_asc_desc
   515            in: query
   516            required: false
   517            type: string
   518            enum:
   519              - asc
   520              - desc
   521            default: asc
   522            description: Sort records in ascending or descending order.
   523        responses:
   524          '200':
   525            description: Success.
   526            schema:
   527              properties:
   528                accounts:
   529                  type: array
   530                  items:
   531                    $ref: '#/definitions/Account'
   532                pagination:
   533                  $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
   534            headers:
   535              X-Request-Id:
   536                type: string
   537                description: A unique reference for the request.
   538          '400':
   539            description: Client error.
   540            x-errors:
   541              - code: account_name_is_too_short
   542                category: account_name
   543                message: account_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
   544                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
   545              - code: account_name_is_too_long
   546                category: account_name
   547                message: account_name can not be longer than 150 character(s)
   548                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
   549              - code: brand_is_too_short
   550                category: brand
   551                message: brand can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
   552                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
   553              - code: brand_is_too_long
   554                category: brand
   555                message: brand can not be longer than 100 character(s)
   556                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
   557              - code: your_reference_is_too_short
   558                category: your_reference
   559                message: your_reference can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
   560                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
   561              - code: your_reference_is_too_long
   562                category: your_reference
   563                message: your_reference can not be longer than 25 character(s)
   564                params: '{ "maxlength" => 25 }'
   565              - code: status_not_in_range
   566                category: status
   567                message: 'status should be in range: enabled, disabled, enabled_no_trading'
   568                params: '{ "range" => "enabled, disabled, enabled_no_trading" }'
   569              - code: legal_entity_type_not_in_range
   570                category: legal_entity_type
   571                message: 'legal_entity_type should be in range: individual, company'
   572                params: '{ "range" => "individual, company" }'
   573              - code: street_is_too_long
   574                category: street
   575                message: street can not be longer than 150 character(s)
   576                params: '{ "maxlength" => 150 }'
   577              - code: city_is_too_long
   578                category: city
   579                message: city can not be longer than 100 character(s)
   580                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
   581              - code: postal_code_is_too_long
   582                category: postal_code
   583                message: postal_code can not be longer than 20 character(s)
   584                params: '{ "maxlength" => 20 }'
   585              - code: country_is_too_long
   586                category: country
   587                message: country can not be longer than 2 character(s)
   588                params: '{ "maxlength" => 2 }'
   589              - code: spread_table_is_too_short
   590                category: spread_table
   591                message: country can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
   592                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
   593              - code: spread_table_is_too_long
   594                category: spread_table
   595                message: country can not be longer than 100 character(s)
   596                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
   597            schema:
   598              $ref: '#/definitions/FindAccountsError'
   599            headers:
   600              X-Request-Id:
   601                type: string
   602                description: A unique reference for the request.
   603          '401':
   604            description: Unauthorized.
   605            x-errors:
   606              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
   607                category: username
   608                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
   609                params: ''
   610            schema:
   611              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
   612            headers:
   613              X-Request-Id:
   614                type: string
   615                description: A unique reference for the request.
   616          '404':
   617            description: Resource not found.
   618            headers:
   619              X-Request-Id:
   620                type: string
   621                description: A unique reference for the request.
   622          '429':
   623            description: Too many requests.
   624            x-errors:
   625              - code: too_many_requests
   626                category: base
   627                message: >-
   628                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
   629                  Developer Center for more information
   630                params: ''
   631            schema:
   632              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
   633            headers:
   634              X-Request-Id:
   635                type: string
   636                description: A unique reference for the request.
   637          '500':
   638            description: Internal server error
   639            x-errors:
   640              - code: internal_server_error
   641                category: base
   642                message: Internal server error
   643                params: ''
   644            headers:
   645              X-Request-Id:
   646                type: string
   647                description: A unique reference for the request.
   648          '503':
   649            description: Service is temporary unavailable
   650            x-errors:
   651              - code: service_unavailable
   652                category: base
   653                message: Service is temporary unavailable
   654                params: ''
   655            headers:
   656              X-Request-Id:
   657                type: string
   658                description: A unique reference for the request.
   659          default:
   660            description: Unexpected error.
   661            headers:
   662              X-Request-Id:
   663                type: string
   664                description: A unique reference for the request.
   665    '/accounts/{id}':
   666      get:
   667        tags:
   668          - Accounts
   669        x-api-group: manage
   670        summary: Get Account
   671        description: Get a sub-account owned by the authenticating user.
   672        operationId: GetAccount
   673        produces:
   674          - application/json
   675        parameters:
   676          - name: X-Auth-Token
   677            in: header
   678            required: true
   679            type: string
   680            description: Authentication token.
   681          - name: id
   682            in: path
   683            required: true
   684            type: string
   685            description: Account UUID.
   686          - name: on_behalf_of
   687            in: query
   688            required: false
   689            type: string
   690            description: Contact UUID.
   691        responses:
   692          '200':
   693            description: Success.
   694            schema:
   695              $ref: '#/definitions/Account'
   696            headers:
   697              X-Request-Id:
   698                type: string
   699                description: A unique reference for the request.
   700          '400':
   701            description: Client error.
   702            x-errors:
   703              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
   704                category: id
   705                message: id should be in UUID format
   706                params: ''
   707              - code: account_not_found
   708                category: id
   709                message: Account was not found for this id
   710                params: ''
   711              - code: on_behalf_of_self
   712                category: on_behalf_of
   713                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
   714                params: ''
   715              - code: contact_not_found
   716                category: on_behalf_of
   717                message: Contact was not found for this id
   718                params: ''
   719            schema:
   720              $ref: '#/definitions/GetAccountError'
   721            headers:
   722              X-Request-Id:
   723                type: string
   724                description: A unique reference for the request.
   725          '401':
   726            description: Unauthorized.
   727            x-errors:
   728              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
   729                category: username
   730                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
   731                params: ''
   732            schema:
   733              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
   734            headers:
   735              X-Request-Id:
   736                type: string
   737                description: A unique reference for the request.
   738          '404':
   739            description: Resource not found.
   740            schema:
   741              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
   742            headers:
   743              X-Request-Id:
   744                type: string
   745                description: A unique reference for the request.
   746          '429':
   747            description: Too many requests.
   748            x-errors:
   749              - code: too_many_requests
   750                category: base
   751                message: >-
   752                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
   753                  Developer Center for more information
   754                params: ''
   755            schema:
   756              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
   757            headers:
   758              X-Request-Id:
   759                type: string
   760                description: A unique reference for the request.
   761          '500':
   762            description: Internal server error
   763            x-errors:
   764              - code: internal_server_error
   765                category: base
   766                message: Internal server error
   767                params: ''
   768            headers:
   769              X-Request-Id:
   770                type: string
   771                description: A unique reference for the request.
   772          '503':
   773            description: Service is temporary unavailable
   774            x-errors:
   775              - code: service_unavailable
   776                category: base
   777                message: Service is temporary unavailable
   778                params: ''
   779            headers:
   780              X-Request-Id:
   781                type: string
   782                description: A unique reference for the request.
   783          default:
   784            description: Unexpected error.
   785            headers:
   786              X-Request-Id:
   787                type: string
   788                description: A unique reference for the request.
   789      post:
   790        tags:
   791          - Accounts
   792        x-api-group: manage
   793        summary: Update Account
   794        description: >-
   795          Update a sub-account owned by the authenticating user. On success,
   796          returns the updated account entity.
   797        operationId: UpdateAccount
   798        consumes:
   799          - multipart/form-data
   800        produces:
   801          - application/json
   802        parameters:
   803          - name: X-Auth-Token
   804            in: header
   805            required: true
   806            type: string
   807            description: Authentication token.
   808          - name: id
   809            in: path
   810            required: true
   811            type: string
   812            description: Account UUID.
   813          - name: account_name
   814            in: formData
   815            required: false
   816            type: string
   817            description: Account name.
   818          - name: legal_entity_type
   819            in: formData
   820            required: false
   821            type: string
   822            enum:
   823              - company
   824              - individual
   825            description: Legal entity.
   826          - name: brand
   827            in: formData
   828            required: false
   829            type: string
   830            description: >-
   831              The value of this field is used for white labeling the Currencycloud
   832              user interface.
   833          - name: your_reference
   834            in: formData
   835            required: false
   836            type: string
   837            description: User-generated reference code.
   838          - name: status
   839            in: formData
   840            required: false
   841            type: string
   842            enum:
   843              - enabled
   844              - enabled_no_trading
   845              - disabled
   846            default: enabled
   847            description: Status of the account.
   848          - name: street
   849            in: formData
   850            required: false
   851            type: string
   852            description: First line of address.
   853          - name: city
   854            in: formData
   855            required: false
   856            type: string
   857            description: City.
   858          - name: state_or_province
   859            in: formData
   860            required: false
   861            type: string
   862            description: State or province two-letter ISO 3166 code. Only applicable to some countries.
   863          - name: postal_code
   864            in: formData
   865            required: false
   866            type: string
   867            description: Postal code.
   868          - name: country
   869            in: formData
   870            required: false
   871            type: string
   872            description: Two-letter country code.
   873          - name: spread_table
   874            in: formData
   875            required: false
   876            type: string
   877            default: fxcg_rfx_default
   878            description: The name of the spread table assigned to the account.
   879          - name: api_trading
   880            in: formData
   881            required: false
   882            type: boolean
   883            default: true
   884            description: >-
   885              Whether trading via the Currencycloud API is to be enabled on the
   886              account.
   887          - name: online_trading
   888            in: formData
   889            required: false
   890            type: boolean
   891            default: true
   892            description: Whether online trading is to be enabled on the account.
   893          - name: phone_trading
   894            in: formData
   895            required: false
   896            default: true
   897            type: boolean
   898            description: Whether phone trading is to be enabled on the account.
   899          - name: identification_type
   900            in: formData
   901            required: false
   902            type: string
   903            enum:
   904              - none
   905              - drivers_license
   906              - social_security_number
   907              - green_card
   908              - passport
   909              - visa
   910              - matricula_consular
   911              - registro_federal_de_contribuyentes
   912              - credential_de_elector
   913              - social_insurance_number
   914              - citizenship_papers
   915              - drivers_license_canadian
   916              - existing_credit_card_details
   917              - employer_identification_number
   918              - national_id
   919              - others
   920              - incorporation_number
   921            description: A legal document that verifies the identity of the account owner.
   922          - name: identification_value
   923            in: formData
   924            required: false
   925            type: string
   926            description: >-
   927              A unique reference code for the identification document, such as a
   928              passport number.
   929          - name: terms_and_conditions_accepted
   930            in: formData
   931            required: false
   932            type: boolean
   933            description: Acceptance of the terms and conditions.
   934        responses:
   935          '200':
   936            description: Success.
   937            schema:
   938              $ref: '#/definitions/Account'
   939            headers:
   940              X-Request-Id:
   941                type: string
   942                description: A unique reference for the request.
   943          '400':
   944            description: Client error.
   945            x-errors:
   946              - code: at_least_one_parameter
   947                category: base
   948                message: >-
   949                  At least one parameter should be present: account_name, brand,
   950                  your_reference, status, street, city, country, postal_code,
   951                  spread_table
   952                params: ''
   953              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
   954                category: id
   955                message: id should be in UUID format
   956                params: ''
   957              - code: account_name_is_too_long
   958                category: account_name
   959                message: account_name can not be longer than 150 character(s)
   960                params: '{ "maxlength" => 150 }'
   961              - code: brand_is_too_long
   962                category: brand
   963                message: brand can not be longer than 100 character(s)
   964                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
   965              - code: brand_not_found
   966                category: brand
   967                message: Brand non_existing_brand wasn't found
   968                params: '{ "brand" => "non_existing_brand" }'
   969              - code: brand_account_not_broker
   970                category: brand
   971                message: Account doesn't have broker permissions
   972                params: '{ "brand" => "wrong_brand" }'
   973              - code: your_reference_is_too_long
   974                category: your_reference
   975                message: your_reference can not be longer than 25 character(s)
   976                params: '{ "maxlength" => 25 }'
   977              - code: legal_entity_type_not_in_range
   978                category: legal_entity_type
   979                message: 'legal_entity_type should be in range: individual, company'
   980                params: '{ "range" => "individual, company" }'
   981              - code: status_not_in_range
   982                category: status
   983                message: 'status should be in range: enabled, disabled, enabled_no_trading'
   984                params: '{ "range" => "enabled, disabled, enabled_no_trading" }'
   985              - code: street_is_too_long
   986                category: street
   987                message: street can not be longer than 150 character(s)
   988                params: '{ "maxlength" => 150 }'
   989              - code: city_is_too_long
   990                category: city
   991                message: city can not be longer than 100 character(s)
   992                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
   993              - code: postal_code_is_too_long
   994                category: postal_code
   995                message: postal_code can not be longer than 20 character(s)
   996                params: '{ "maxlength" => 20 }'
   997              - code: state_or_province_invalid_format
   998                category: state_or_province
   999                message: state or province should be a two-letter ISO 3166 code
  1000                params: '{ "maxlength" => 2 }'
  1001              - code: country_is_too_long
  1002                category: country
  1003                message: country can not be longer than 2 character(s)
  1004                params: '{ "maxlength" => 2 }'
  1005              - code: spread_table_is_too_long
  1006                category: spread_table
  1007                message: spread_table can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  1008                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  1009              - code: identification_type_is_missing
  1010                category: identification_type
  1011                message: identification_type is missing
  1012                params: ''
  1013              - code: identification_type_is_invalid
  1014                category: identification_type
  1015                message: identification_type is invalid
  1016                params: ''
  1017              - code: identification_value_is_missing
  1018                message: identification_value is missing
  1019                category: identification_value
  1020                params: ''
  1021              - code: identification_value_is_invalid
  1022                category: identification_value
  1023                message: identification_value is invalid
  1024                params: ''
  1025            schema:
  1026              $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateAccountError'
  1027            headers:
  1028              X-Request-Id:
  1029                type: string
  1030                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1031          '401':
  1032            description: Unauthorized.
  1033            x-errors:
  1034              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  1035                category: username
  1036                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  1037                params: ''
  1038            schema:
  1039              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  1040            headers:
  1041              X-Request-Id:
  1042                type: string
  1043                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1044          '404':
  1045            description: Resource not found.
  1046            schema:
  1047              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  1048            headers:
  1049              X-Request-Id:
  1050                type: string
  1051                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1052          '429':
  1053            description: Too many requests.
  1054            x-errors:
  1055              - code: too_many_requests
  1056                category: base
  1057                message: >-
  1058                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  1059                  Developer Center for more information
  1060                params: ''
  1061            schema:
  1062              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  1063            headers:
  1064              X-Request-Id:
  1065                type: string
  1066                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1067          '500':
  1068            description: Internal server error
  1069            x-errors:
  1070              - code: internal_server_error
  1071                category: base
  1072                message: Internal server error
  1073                params: ''
  1074            headers:
  1075              X-Request-Id:
  1076                type: string
  1077                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1078          '503':
  1079            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  1080            x-errors:
  1081              - code: service_unavailable
  1082                category: base
  1083                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  1084                params: ''
  1085            headers:
  1086              X-Request-Id:
  1087                type: string
  1088                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1089          default:
  1090            description: Unexpected error.
  1091            headers:
  1092              X-Request-Id:
  1093                type: string
  1094                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1095    '/accounts/{account_id}/payment_charges_settings':
  1096      get:
  1097        tags:
  1098        - Accounts
  1099        x-api-group: manage
  1100        summary: Get Payment Charges Settings
  1101        description: Retrieve payment charges settings for given account.
  1102        operationId: GetAccountPaymentChargesSettings
  1103        produces:
  1104        - application/json
  1105        parameters:
  1106        - name: X-Auth-Token
  1107          in: header
  1108          required: true
  1109          type: string
  1110          description: Authentication token.
  1111        - name: account_id
  1112          in: path
  1113          required: true
  1114          type: string
  1115          description: An UUID of a sub-account or house account available in current visibility scope.
  1116        responses:
  1117          '200':
  1118            description: Success.
  1119            schema:
  1120              type: object
  1121              properties:
  1122                payment_charges_settings:
  1123                  type: array
  1124                  items:
  1125                    $ref: '#/definitions/AccountPaymentChargesSetting'
  1126            headers:
  1127              X-Request-Id:
  1128                type: string
  1129                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1130          '400':
  1131            description: Client error.
  1132            x-errors:
  1133            - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  1134              category: account_id
  1135              message: id should be in UUID format
  1136              params: ''
  1137            - code: account_not_found
  1138              category: account_id
  1139              message: Account was not found for this id
  1140              params: ''
  1141            schema:
  1142              $ref: '#/definitions/GetAccountPaymentChargesSettingsError'
  1143            headers:
  1144              X-Request-Id:
  1145                type: string
  1146                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1147          '401':
  1148            description: Unauthorized.
  1149            x-errors:
  1150            - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  1151              category: username
  1152              message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  1153              params: ''
  1154            schema:
  1155              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  1156            headers:
  1157              X-Request-Id:
  1158                type: string
  1159                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1160          '404':
  1161            description: Resource not found.
  1162            schema:
  1163              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  1164            headers:
  1165              X-Request-Id:
  1166                type: string
  1167                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1168          '429':
  1169            description: Too many requests.
  1170            x-errors:
  1171            - code: too_many_requests
  1172              category: base
  1173              message: Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the Developer Center for more information
  1174              params: ''
  1175            schema:
  1176              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  1177            headers:
  1178              X-Request-Id:
  1179                type: string
  1180                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1181          '500':
  1182            description: Internal server error
  1183            x-errors:
  1184            - code: internal_server_error
  1185              category: base
  1186              message: Internal server error
  1187              params: ''
  1188            headers:
  1189              X-Request-Id:
  1190                type: string
  1191                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1192          '503':
  1193            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  1194            x-errors:
  1195            - code: service_unavailable
  1196              category: base
  1197              message: Service is temporary unavailable
  1198              params: ''
  1199            headers:
  1200              X-Request-Id:
  1201                type: string
  1202                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1203          default:
  1204            description: Unexpected error.
  1205            headers:
  1206              X-Request-Id:
  1207                type: string
  1208                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1209    '/accounts/{account_id}/payment_charges_settings/{charge_settings_id}':
  1210      post:
  1211        tags:
  1212        - Accounts
  1213        x-api-group: manage
  1214        summary: Manage Account Payment Charges Settings
  1215        description: Manage given Account's Payment Charge Settings (enable, disable, set default).
  1216        operationId: ManageAccountPaymentChargesSettings
  1217        produces:
  1218        - application/json
  1219        parameters:
  1220        - name: X-Auth-Token
  1221          in: header
  1222          required: true
  1223          type: string
  1224          description: Authentication token.
  1225        - name: account_id
  1226          in: path
  1227          required: true
  1228          type: string
  1229          description: Account UUID.
  1230        - name: charge_settings_id
  1231          in: path
  1232          required: true
  1233          type: string
  1234          description: Account Payment Charges Setting UUID. Can be retrieved via appropriate GET call for given Account UUID.
  1235        - name: enabled
  1236          in: formData
  1237          required: false
  1238          type: boolean
  1239          description: Enable or disable given Account Payment Charges Setting
  1240        - name: default
  1241          in: formData
  1242          required: false
  1243          type: boolean
  1244          description: Set given Account Payment Charges Setting as default (for the cases when 'charge_type' parameter is not specified for payment).
  1245        responses:
  1246          '200':
  1247            description: Success.
  1248            schema:
  1249              $ref: '#/definitions/AccountPaymentChargesSetting'
  1250            headers:
  1251              X-Request-Id:
  1252                type: string
  1253                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1254          '400':
  1255            description: Client error.
  1256            x-errors:
  1257            - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  1258              category: account_id
  1259              message: id should be in UUID format
  1260              params: ''
  1261            - code: account_not_found
  1262              category: account_id
  1263              message: Account was not found for this id
  1264              params: ''
  1265            - code: edit_not_allowed
  1266              category: permission
  1267              message: You are not allowed to change your 'payment_charges_settings'. In order to be enabled for additional type(s) of payment charges please contact Customer Support
  1268              params: ''
  1269            - code: banking_charges_settings_not_found
  1270              category: charge_settings_id
  1271              message: Bank Charges Settings were not found for the provided ChargeSettingsId
  1272              params: ''
  1273            - code: unavailable_charge_type
  1274              category: permission
  1275              message: You are not enabled to switch on this type of charges. In order to be enabled for this option - please contact Customer Support
  1276              params: ''
  1277            - code: disable_and_default_charge_not_allowed
  1278              category: invalid_value
  1279              message: You can not disable and then default setting.
  1280              params: ''
  1281            - code: default_disabled_charge_not_allowed
  1282              category: invalid_value
  1283              message: You cannot default disabled setting.
  1284              params: ''
  1285            - code: disable_default_charge_not_allowed
  1286              category: invalid_value
  1287              message: You can not disable default settings.
  1288              params: ''
  1289            - code: set_default_to_false_not_allowed
  1290              category: invalid_value
  1291              message: You cannot disable default charge type. Please update the charge type not to be default and then disable it.
  1292              params: ''
  1293            schema:
  1294              $ref: '#/definitions/ManageAccountPaymentChargesSettingsError'
  1295            headers:
  1296              X-Request-Id:
  1297                type: string
  1298                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1299          '401':
  1300            description: Unauthorized.
  1301            x-errors:
  1302            - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  1303              category: username
  1304              message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  1305              params: ''
  1306            schema:
  1307              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  1308            headers:
  1309              X-Request-Id:
  1310                type: string
  1311                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1312          '404':
  1313            description: Resource not found.
  1314            schema:
  1315              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  1316            headers:
  1317              X-Request-Id:
  1318                type: string
  1319                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1320          '429':
  1321            description: Too many requests.
  1322            x-errors:
  1323            - code: too_many_requests
  1324              category: base
  1325              message: Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the Developer Center for more information
  1326              params: ''
  1327            schema:
  1328              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  1329            headers:
  1330              X-Request-Id:
  1331                type: string
  1332                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1333          '500':
  1334            description: Internal server error
  1335            x-errors:
  1336            - code: internal_server_error
  1337              category: base
  1338              message: Internal server error
  1339              params: ''
  1340            headers:
  1341              X-Request-Id:
  1342                type: string
  1343                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1344          '503':
  1345            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  1346            x-errors:
  1347            - code: service_unavailable
  1348              category: base
  1349              message: Service is temporary unavailable
  1350              params: ''
  1351            headers:
  1352              X-Request-Id:
  1353                type: string
  1354                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1355          default:
  1356            description: Unexpected error.
  1357            headers:
  1358              X-Request-Id:
  1359                type: string
  1360                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1361    /accounts/create:
  1362      post:
  1363        tags:
  1364          - Accounts
  1365        x-api-group: manage
  1366        summary: Create Account
  1367        description: 'Create a new sub-account. On success, returns the new account entity.'
  1368        operationId: CreateAccount
  1369        consumes:
  1370          - multipart/form-data
  1371        produces:
  1372          - application/json
  1373        parameters:
  1374          - name: X-Auth-Token
  1375            in: header
  1376            required: true
  1377            type: string
  1378            description: Authentication token.
  1379          - name: account_name
  1380            in: formData
  1381            required: true
  1382            type: string
  1383            description: Account name.
  1384          - name: legal_entity_type
  1385            in: formData
  1386            required: true
  1387            type: string
  1388            enum:
  1389              - company
  1390              - individual
  1391            description: Legal entity.
  1392          - name: street
  1393            in: formData
  1394            required: true
  1395            type: string
  1396            description: First line of address.
  1397          - name: city
  1398            in: formData
  1399            required: true
  1400            type: string
  1401            description: City.
  1402          - name: postal_code
  1403            in: formData
  1404            required: false
  1405            type: string
  1406            description: Postal code.
  1407          - name: country
  1408            in: formData
  1409            required: true
  1410            type: string
  1411            description: Two-letter country code.
  1412          - name: brand
  1413            in: formData
  1414            required: false
  1415            type: string
  1416            description: >-
  1417              The value of this field is used for white labeling the Currencycloud
  1418              user interface.
  1419          - name: your_reference
  1420            in: formData
  1421            required: false
  1422            type: string
  1423            description: User-generated reference code.
  1424          - name: status
  1425            in: formData
  1426            required: false
  1427            type: string
  1428            enum:
  1429              - enabled
  1430              - enabled_no_trading
  1431              - disabled
  1432            default: enabled
  1433            description: Account status.
  1434          - name: state_or_province
  1435            in: formData
  1436            required: false
  1437            type: string
  1438            description: State or province two-letter ISO 3166 code. Only applicable to some countries.
  1439          - name: spread_table
  1440            in: formData
  1441            required: false
  1442            type: string
  1443            default: flat_0.00
  1444            description: The name of the spread table assigned to the account.
  1445          - name: api_trading
  1446            in: formData
  1447            required: false
  1448            type: boolean
  1449            description: Allows the account to make trades via the Currencycloud API.
  1450          - name: online_trading
  1451            in: formData
  1452            required: false
  1453            type: boolean
  1454            description: Allows the account to make trades via Currencycloud Direct.
  1455          - name: phone_trading
  1456            in: formData
  1457            required: false
  1458            type: boolean
  1459            description: Allows the account to make trades via phone.
  1460          - name: identification_type
  1461            in: formData
  1462            required: false
  1463            type: string
  1464            enum:
  1465              - none
  1466              - drivers_license
  1467              - social_security_number
  1468              - green_card
  1469              - passport
  1470              - visa
  1471              - matricula_consular
  1472              - registro_federal_de_contribuyentes
  1473              - credential_de_elector
  1474              - social_insurance_number
  1475              - citizenship_papers
  1476              - drivers_license_canadian
  1477              - existing_credit_card_details
  1478              - employer_identification_number
  1479              - national_id
  1480              - others
  1481              - incorporation_number
  1482            description: A legal document that verifies the identity of the account owner.
  1483          - name: identification_value
  1484            in: formData
  1485            required: false
  1486            type: string
  1487            description: >-
  1488              A unique reference code for the identification document, such as a
  1489              passport number. Required if "identification_type" is provided.
  1490          - name: terms_and_conditions_accepted
  1491            in: formData
  1492            required: false
  1493            type: boolean
  1494            description: Acceptance of the terms and conditions.
  1495        responses:
  1496          '200':
  1497            description: Success.
  1498            schema:
  1499              $ref: '#/definitions/Account'
  1500            headers:
  1501              X-Request-Id:
  1502                type: string
  1503                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1504          '400':
  1505            description: Client error.
  1506            x-errors:
  1507              - code: account_name_is_too_short
  1508                category: account_name
  1509                message: account_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  1510                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  1511              - code: account_name_is_too_long
  1512                category: account_name
  1513                message: account_name can not be longer than 150 character(s)
  1514                params: '{ "maxlength" => 150 }'
  1515              - code: account_name_is_required
  1516                category: account_name
  1517                message: account_name is required
  1518                params: ''
  1519              - code: brand_is_too_short
  1520                category: brand
  1521                message: brand can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  1522                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  1523              - code: brand_is_too_long
  1524                category: brand
  1525                message: brand can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  1526                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  1527              - code: brand_not_found
  1528                category: brand
  1529                message: Brand non_existing_brand wasn't found
  1530                params: '{ "brand" => "non_existing_brand" }'
  1531              - code: brand_account_not_broker
  1532                category: brand
  1533                message: Account doesn't have broker permissions
  1534                params: '{ "brand" => "wrong_brand" }'
  1535              - code: your_reference_is_too_long
  1536                category: your_reference
  1537                message: your_reference can not be longer than 25 character(s)
  1538                params: '{ "maxlength" => 25 }'
  1539              - code: status_not_in_range
  1540                category: status
  1541                message: 'status should be in range: enabled, disabled, enabled_no_trading'
  1542                params: '{ "range" => "enabled, disabled, enabled_no_trading" }'
  1543              - code: legal_entity_type_not_in_range
  1544                category: legal_entity_type
  1545                message: 'legal_entity_type should be in range: individual, company'
  1546                params: '{ "range" => "individual, company" }'
  1547              - code: street_is_too_long
  1548                category: street
  1549                message: street can not be longer than 150 character(s)
  1550                params: '{ "maxlength" => 150 }'
  1551              - code: street_is_required
  1552                category: street
  1553                message: Street is required
  1554                params: ''
  1555              - code: city_is_too_long
  1556                category: city
  1557                message: city can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  1558                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  1559              - code: city_is_required
  1560                category: city
  1561                message: City is required
  1562                params: ''
  1563              - code: postal_code_is_too_long
  1564                category: postal_code
  1565                message: postal_code can not be longer than 20 character(s)
  1566                params: '{ "maxlength" => 20 }'
  1567              - code: postal_code_is_required
  1568                category: postal_code
  1569                message: Postal code is required
  1570                params: ''
  1571              - code: state_or_province_invalid_format
  1572                category: state_or_province
  1573                message: state or province should be a two-letter ISO 3166 code
  1574                params: '{ "maxlength" => 2 }'
  1575              - code: country_is_too_long
  1576                category: country
  1577                message: country can not be longer than 2 character(s)
  1578                params: '{ "maxlength" => 2 }'
  1579              - code: country_is_required
  1580                category: country
  1581                message: Country is required
  1582                params: ''
  1583              - code: spread_table_is_too_long
  1584                category: spread_table
  1585                message: spread_table can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  1586                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  1587              - code: identification_type_is_missing
  1588                category: identification_type
  1589                message: identification_type is missing
  1590                params: ''
  1591              - code: identification_type_is_invalid
  1592                category: identification_type
  1593                message: identification_type is invalid
  1594                params: ''
  1595              - code: identification_value_is_missing
  1596                category: identification_value
  1597                message: identification_value is missing
  1598                params: ''
  1599              - code: identification_value_is_invalid
  1600                category: identification_value
  1601                message: identification_value is invalid
  1602                params: ''
  1603              - code: state_or_province_is_required
  1604                category: state_or_province
  1605                message: 'State or province is required for US, CA and MX'
  1606                params: ''
  1607              - code: invalid_extra_parameters
  1608                category: base
  1609                message: Invalid extra parameters extra_parameter
  1610                params: '{ "parameters" => "extra_parameter" }'
  1611            schema:
  1612              $ref: '#/definitions/CreateAccountError'
  1613            headers:
  1614              X-Request-Id:
  1615                type: string
  1616                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1617          '401':
  1618            description: Unauthorized.
  1619            x-errors:
  1620              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  1621                category: username
  1622                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  1623                params: ''
  1624            schema:
  1625              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  1626            headers:
  1627              X-Request-Id:
  1628                type: string
  1629                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1630          '404':
  1631            description: Resource not found.
  1632            headers:
  1633              X-Request-Id:
  1634                type: string
  1635                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1636          '429':
  1637            description: Too many requests.
  1638            x-errors:
  1639              - code: too_many_requests
  1640                category: base
  1641                message: >-
  1642                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  1643                  Developer Center for more information
  1644                params: ''
  1645            schema:
  1646              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  1647            headers:
  1648              X-Request-Id:
  1649                type: string
  1650                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1651          '500':
  1652            description: Internal server error
  1653            x-errors:
  1654              - code: internal_server_error
  1655                category: base
  1656                message: Internal server error
  1657                params: ''
  1658            headers:
  1659              X-Request-Id:
  1660                type: string
  1661                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1662          '503':
  1663            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  1664            x-errors:
  1665              - code: service_unavailable
  1666                category: base
  1667                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  1668                params: ''
  1669            headers:
  1670              X-Request-Id:
  1671                type: string
  1672                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1673          default:
  1674            description: Unexpected error.
  1675            headers:
  1676              X-Request-Id:
  1677                type: string
  1678                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1679    '/balances/{currency}':
  1680      get:
  1681        tags:
  1682          - Balances
  1683        x-api-group: manage
  1684        summary: Get Balance
  1685        description: >-
  1686          Get the balance for a currency from the account of the authenticating
  1687          user.
  1688        operationId: GetBalance
  1689        produces:
  1690          - application/json
  1691        parameters:
  1692          - name: X-Auth-Token
  1693            in: header
  1694            required: true
  1695            type: string
  1696            description: Authentication token.
  1697          - name: currency
  1698            in: path
  1699            required: true
  1700            type: string
  1701            description: Three-digit currency code.
  1702          - name: on_behalf_of
  1703            in: query
  1704            required: false
  1705            type: string
  1706            description: Contact UUID.
  1707        responses:
  1708          '200':
  1709            description: Success.
  1710            schema:
  1711              $ref: '#/definitions/Balance'
  1712            headers:
  1713              X-Request-Id:
  1714                type: string
  1715                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1716          '400':
  1717            description: Client error.
  1718            x-errors:
  1719              - code: invalid_currency
  1720                category: currency
  1721                message: XYZ is not a valid ISO 4217 currency code
  1722                params: ''
  1723              - code: currency_is_in_invalid_format
  1724                category: currency
  1725                message: currency is not a valid ISO 4217 currency code
  1726                params: '{ "type" => "currency" }'
  1727              - code: on_behalf_of_is_not_valid_uuid
  1728                category: on_behalf_of
  1729                message: on_behalf_of should be in UUID format
  1730                params: ''
  1731              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  1732                category: on_behalf_of
  1733                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  1734                params: ''
  1735              - code: contact_not_found
  1736                category: on_behalf_of
  1737                message: Contact was not found for this id
  1738                params: ''
  1739              - code: unsupported_currency
  1740                category: currency
  1741                message: Unsupported currency XYZ
  1742                params: ''
  1743            schema:
  1744              $ref: '#/definitions/GetBalanceError'
  1745            headers:
  1746              X-Request-Id:
  1747                type: string
  1748                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1749          '401':
  1750            description: Unauthorized.
  1751            x-errors:
  1752              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  1753                category: username
  1754                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  1755                params: ''
  1756            schema:
  1757              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  1758            headers:
  1759              X-Request-Id:
  1760                type: string
  1761                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1762          '404':
  1763            description: Resource not found.
  1764            schema:
  1765              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  1766            headers:
  1767              X-Request-Id:
  1768                type: string
  1769                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1770          '429':
  1771            description: Too many requests.
  1772            x-errors:
  1773              - code: too_many_requests
  1774                category: base
  1775                message: >-
  1776                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  1777                  Developer Center for more information
  1778                params: ''
  1779            schema:
  1780              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  1781            headers:
  1782              X-Request-Id:
  1783                type: string
  1784                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1785          '500':
  1786            description: Internal server error
  1787            x-errors:
  1788              - code: internal_server_error
  1789                category: base
  1790                message: Internal server error
  1791                params: ''
  1792            headers:
  1793              X-Request-Id:
  1794                type: string
  1795                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1796          '503':
  1797            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  1798            x-errors:
  1799              - code: service_unavailable
  1800                category: base
  1801                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  1802                params: ''
  1803            headers:
  1804              X-Request-Id:
  1805                type: string
  1806                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1807          default:
  1808            description: Unexpected error.
  1809            headers:
  1810              X-Request-Id:
  1811                type: string
  1812                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1813    /balances/find:
  1814      get:
  1815        tags:
  1816          - Balances
  1817        x-api-group: manage
  1818        summary: Find Balances
  1819        description: >-
  1820          Search for currency balances in the main account or a sub-account owned
  1821          by the authenticating user.
  1822        operationId: FindBalances
  1823        produces:
  1824          - application/json
  1825        parameters:
  1826          - name: X-Auth-Token
  1827            in: header
  1828            required: true
  1829            type: string
  1830            description: Authentication token.
  1831          - name: on_behalf_of
  1832            in: query
  1833            required: false
  1834            type: string
  1835            description: Contact UUID.
  1836          - name: amount_from
  1837            in: query
  1838            required: false
  1839            type: number
  1840            description: Minimum balance amount.
  1841          - name: amount_to
  1842            in: query
  1843            required: false
  1844            type: number
  1845            description: Maximum balance amount.
  1846          - name: as_at_date
  1847            in: query
  1848            required: false
  1849            type: string
  1850            format: date-time
  1851            description: 'A valid ISO 8601 format, e.g. "2019-12-31T23:59:59".'
  1852          - name: scope
  1853            in: query
  1854            required: false
  1855            type: string
  1856            enum:
  1857              - clients
  1858              - own
  1859              - all
  1860            default: own
  1861            description: '"Own" account, "clients" sub-accounts, or "all" accounts.'
  1862          - name: page
  1863            in: query
  1864            required: false
  1865            type: integer
  1866            description: Page number.
  1867          - name: per_page
  1868            in: query
  1869            required: false
  1870            type: integer
  1871            description: Number of results per page.
  1872          - name: order
  1873            in: query
  1874            required: false
  1875            type: string
  1876            default: created_at
  1877            description: Any field name to change the sort order.
  1878          - name: order_asc_desc
  1879            in: query
  1880            required: false
  1881            type: string
  1882            enum:
  1883              - asc
  1884              - desc
  1885            default: asc
  1886            description: Sort records in ascending or descending order.
  1887        responses:
  1888          '200':
  1889            description: Success.
  1890            schema:
  1891              type: object
  1892              properties:
  1893                balances:
  1894                  type: array
  1895                  items:
  1896                    $ref: '#/definitions/Balance'
  1897                pagination:
  1898                  $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
  1899            headers:
  1900              X-Request-Id:
  1901                type: string
  1902                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1903          '400':
  1904            description: Client error.
  1905            x-errors:
  1906              - code: contact_not_found
  1907                category: on_behalf_of
  1908                message: Contact was not found for this id
  1909                params: ''
  1910              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  1911                category: on_behalf_of
  1912                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  1913                params: ''
  1914            schema:
  1915              $ref: '#/definitions/FindBalancesError'
  1916            headers:
  1917              X-Request-Id:
  1918                type: string
  1919                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1920          '401':
  1921            description: Unauthorized.
  1922            x-errors:
  1923              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  1924                category: username
  1925                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  1926                params: ''
  1927            schema:
  1928              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  1929            headers:
  1930              X-Request-Id:
  1931                type: string
  1932                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1933          '404':
  1934            description: Resource not found.
  1935            headers:
  1936              X-Request-Id:
  1937                type: string
  1938                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1939          '429':
  1940            description: Too many requests.
  1941            x-errors:
  1942              - code: too_many_requests
  1943                category: base
  1944                message: >-
  1945                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  1946                  Developer Center for more information
  1947                params: ''
  1948            schema:
  1949              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  1950            headers:
  1951              X-Request-Id:
  1952                type: string
  1953                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1954          '500':
  1955            description: Internal server error
  1956            x-errors:
  1957              - code: internal_server_error
  1958                category: base
  1959                message: Internal server error
  1960                params: ''
  1961            headers:
  1962              X-Request-Id:
  1963                type: string
  1964                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1965          '503':
  1966            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  1967            x-errors:
  1968              - code: service_unavailable
  1969                category: base
  1970                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  1971                params: ''
  1972            headers:
  1973              X-Request-Id:
  1974                type: string
  1975                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1976          default:
  1977            description: Unexpected error.
  1978            headers:
  1979              X-Request-Id:
  1980                type: string
  1981                description: A unique reference for the request.
  1982    /balances/top_up_margin:
  1983      post:
  1984        tags:
  1985          - Balances
  1986        x-api-group: manage
  1987        summary: Top Up Margin Balance
  1988        description: >-
  1989          Tops up the Margin Balance
  1990        operationId: TopUpMarginBalance
  1991        consumes:
  1992          - multipart/form-data
  1993        produces:
  1994          - application/json
  1995        parameters:
  1996          - name: X-Auth-Token
  1997            in: header
  1998            required: true
  1999            type: string
  2000            description: Authentication token.
  2001          - name: currency
  2002            in: formData
  2003            required: true
  2004            type: string
  2005            description: Currency to top up.
  2006          - name: amount
  2007            in: formData
  2008            required: true
  2009            type: string
  2010            description: Amount to top up.
  2011          - name: on_behalf_of
  2012            in: formData
  2013            required: false
  2014            type: string
  2015            description: Contact UUID.
  2016        responses:
  2017          '200':
  2018            description: Success.
  2019            schema:
  2020              $ref: '#/definitions/TopUpMarginBalance'
  2021            headers:
  2022              X-Request-Id:
  2023                type: string
  2024                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2025          '400':
  2026            description: Client error.
  2027            x-errors:
  2028              - code: currency_is_required
  2029                category: currency
  2030                message: currency is required
  2031                params: ''
  2032              - code: currency_is_in_invalid_format
  2033                category: currency
  2034                message: currency is in invalid format
  2035                params: '{ "type" => "currency" }'
  2036              - code: amount_is_required
  2037                category: amount
  2038                message: amount is required
  2039                params: ''
  2040              - code: amount_type_is_wrong
  2041                category: amount
  2042                message: amount should be of numeric_greater_than_zero type
  2043                params: '{ "type" => "numeric_greater_than_zero" }'
  2044              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  2045                category: on_behalf_of
  2046                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  2047                params: ''
  2048              - code: contact_not_found
  2049                category: on_behalf_of
  2050                message: Contact was not found for this id
  2051                params: ''
  2052              - code: on_behalf_of_is_not_valid_uuid
  2053                category: on_behalf_of
  2054                message: on_behalf_of should be in UUID format
  2055                params: ''
  2056            schema:
  2057              $ref: '#/definitions/TopUpMarginBalanceError'
  2058            headers:
  2059              X-Request-Id:
  2060                type: string
  2061                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2062          '401':
  2063            description: Unauthorized.
  2064            x-errors:
  2065              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  2066                category: username
  2067                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  2068                params: ''
  2069            schema:
  2070              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  2071            headers:
  2072              X-Request-Id:
  2073                type: string
  2074                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2075          '429':
  2076            description: Too many requests.
  2077            x-errors:
  2078              - code: too_many_requests
  2079                category: base
  2080                message: >-
  2081                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  2082                  Developer Center for more information
  2083                params: ''
  2084            schema:
  2085              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  2086            headers:
  2087              X-Request-Id:
  2088                type: string
  2089                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2090          '500':
  2091            description: Internal server error
  2092            x-errors:
  2093              - code: internal_server_error
  2094                category: base
  2095                message: Internal server error
  2096                params: ''
  2097            headers:
  2098              X-Request-Id:
  2099                type: string
  2100                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2101          '503':
  2102            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  2103            x-errors:
  2104              - code: service_unavailable
  2105                category: base
  2106                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  2107                params: ''
  2108            headers:
  2109              X-Request-Id:
  2110                type: string
  2111                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2112          default:
  2113            description: Unexpected error.
  2114            headers:
  2115              X-Request-Id:
  2116                type: string
  2117                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2118    /beneficiaries/find:
  2119      get:
  2120        tags:
  2121          - Beneficiaries
  2122        x-api-group: pay
  2123        summary: Find Beneficiaries
  2124        description: >-
  2125          Find beneficiaries attached to the account or any sub-account owned by
  2126          the authenticating user.
  2127        operationId: FindBeneficiaries
  2128        produces:
  2129          - application/json
  2130        parameters:
  2131          - name: X-Auth-Token
  2132            in: header
  2133            required: true
  2134            type: string
  2135            description: Authentication token.
  2136          - name: on_behalf_of
  2137            in: query
  2138            required: false
  2139            type: string
  2140            description: Contact UUID.
  2141          - name: bank_account_holder_name
  2142            in: query
  2143            required: false
  2144            type: string
  2145            description: Bank account holder's name.
  2146          - name: beneficiary_country
  2147            in: query
  2148            required: false
  2149            type: string
  2150            description: >-
  2151              Two-letter country code. If the beneficiary is a company, the
  2152              country in which the company is registered. If the beneficiary is an
  2153              individual, a country in which the beneficiary holds nationality.
  2154          - name: currency
  2155            in: query
  2156            required: false
  2157            type: string
  2158            description: >-
  2159              Currency in which money is held in the beneficiary's bank account.
  2160              Three-digit currency code.
  2161          - name: account_number
  2162            in: query
  2163            required: false
  2164            type: string
  2165            description: Bank account number.
  2166          - name: 'routing_code_type[0]'
  2167            in: query
  2168            required: false
  2169            type: string
  2170            enum:
  2171              - sort_code
  2172              - bsb_code
  2173              - institution_no
  2174              - bank_code
  2175              - branch_code
  2176              - aba
  2177              - clabe
  2178              - cnaps
  2179              - ifsc
  2180            description: Local payment routing system.
  2181          - name: 'routing_code_value[0]'
  2182            in: query
  2183            required: false
  2184            type: string
  2185            description: Routing code.
  2186          - name: bic_swift
  2187            in: query
  2188            required: false
  2189            type: string
  2190            description: BIC/SWIFT code.
  2191          - name: iban
  2192            in: query
  2193            required: false
  2194            type: string
  2195            description: IBAN code.
  2196          - name: default_beneficiary
  2197            in: query
  2198            required: false
  2199            type: boolean
  2200            description: >-
  2201              Payments are made automatically to default beneficiaries when a
  2202              beneficiary is not specified.
  2203          - name: bank_name
  2204            in: query
  2205            required: false
  2206            type: string
  2207            description: Bank name.
  2208          - name: bank_account_type
  2209            in: query
  2210            required: false
  2211            type: string
  2212            enum:
  2213              - checkings
  2214              - savings
  2215            description: Bank account type.
  2216          - name: name
  2217            in: query
  2218            required: false
  2219            type: string
  2220            description: Beneficiary name.
  2221          - name: beneficiary_entity_type
  2222            in: query
  2223            required: false
  2224            type: string
  2225            enum:
  2226              - individual
  2227              - company
  2228            description: Legal entity.
  2229          - name: beneficiary_company_name
  2230            in: query
  2231            required: false
  2232            type: string
  2233            description: Required if "beneficiary_entity_type" is "company".
  2234          - name: beneficiary_first_name
  2235            in: query
  2236            required: false
  2237            type: string
  2238            description: Required if "beneficiary_entity_type" is "individual".
  2239          - name: beneficiary_last_name
  2240            in: query
  2241            required: false
  2242            type: string
  2243            description: Required if "beneficiary_entity_type" is "individual".
  2244          - name: beneficiary_city
  2245            in: query
  2246            required: false
  2247            type: string
  2248            description: City.
  2249          - name: beneficiary_postcode
  2250            in: query
  2251            required: false
  2252            type: string
  2253            description: Post code.
  2254          - name: beneficiary_state_or_province
  2255            in: query
  2256            required: false
  2257            type: string
  2258            description: State or province.
  2259          - name: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  2260            in: query
  2261            required: false
  2262            type: string
  2263            format: date
  2264            description: >-
  2265              If "beneficiary_entity_type" is "company", date of registration. If
  2266              "beneficiary_entity_type" is "individual", date of birth. ISO 8601
  2267              format YYYY-MM-DD.
  2268          - name: scope
  2269            in: query
  2270            required: false
  2271            type: string
  2272            enum:
  2273              - own
  2274              - clients
  2275              - all
  2276            default: own
  2277            description: 'Search "own" account, "clients" sub-accounts, or "all" accounts.'
  2278          - name: page
  2279            in: query
  2280            required: false
  2281            type: integer
  2282            description: Page number.
  2283          - name: per_page
  2284            in: query
  2285            required: false
  2286            type: integer
  2287            description: Number of results per page.
  2288          - name: order
  2289            in: query
  2290            required: false
  2291            type: string
  2292            description: Any field name to change the sort order.
  2293          - name: order_asc_desc
  2294            in: query
  2295            required: false
  2296            type: string
  2297            enum:
  2298              - asc
  2299              - desc
  2300            default: asc
  2301            description: Sort records in ascending or descending order.
  2302          - name: beneficiary_external_reference
  2303            in: query
  2304            required: false
  2305            type: string
  2306            description: Beneficiary external reference
  2307        responses:
  2308          '200':
  2309            description: Success.
  2310            schema:
  2311              type: object
  2312              properties:
  2313                beneficiaries:
  2314                  type: array
  2315                  items:
  2316                    $ref: '#/definitions/Beneficiary'
  2317                pagination:
  2318                  $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
  2319            headers:
  2320              X-Request-Id:
  2321                type: string
  2322                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2323          '400':
  2324            description: Client error.
  2325            x-errors:
  2326              - code: bank_account_holder_name_is_too_short
  2327                category: bank_account_holder_name
  2328                message: bank_account_holder_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  2329                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  2330              - code: bank_account_holder_name_is_too_long
  2331                category: bank_account_holder_name
  2332                message: bank_account_holder_name can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  2333                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  2334              - code: beneficiary_country_is_in_invalid_format
  2335                category: beneficiary_country
  2336                message: beneficiary_country is in invalid format
  2337                params: ''
  2338              - code: currency_is_in_invalid_format
  2339                category: currency
  2340                message: currency is in invalid format
  2341                params: ''
  2342              - code: bank_name_is_too_short
  2343                category: bank_name
  2344                message: bank_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  2345                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  2346              - code: bank_name_is_too_long
  2347                category: bank_name
  2348                message: bank_name can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  2349                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  2350              - code: bank_account_type_not_in_range
  2351                category: bank_account_type
  2352                message: 'bank_account_type should be in range: checking, savings'
  2353                params: '{ "range" => "checking, savings" }'
  2354              - code: account_number_is_too_short
  2355                category: account_number
  2356                message: account_number can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  2357                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  2358              - code: account_number_is_too_long
  2359                category: account_number
  2360                message: account_number can not be longer than 50 character(s)
  2361                params: '{ "maxlength" => 50 }'
  2362              - code: incorrect_mapping
  2363                category: base
  2364                message: Following parameters must have same keys
  2365                params: '{ "parameters" => "routing_code_value,routing_code_type" }'
  2366              - code: routing_code_type_is_too_short
  2367                category: routing_code_type
  2368                message: routing_code_type can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  2369                params: '{ "minlength" => 1, "indices" => ["0", "1"] }'
  2370              - code: routing_code_type_is_too_long
  2371                category: routing_code_type
  2372                message: routing_code_type can not be longer than 50 character(s)
  2373                params: '{ "maxlength" => 50, "indices" => ["0", "1"] }'
  2374              - code: routing_code_type_type_is_wrong
  2375                category: routing_code_type
  2376                message: routing_code_type should be of hash type
  2377                params: '{ "type" => "hash" }'
  2378              - code: routing_code_type_not_included_in_list
  2379                category: routing_code_type
  2380                message: One or more of routing_code_type items are not included in list
  2381                params: >-
  2382                  { "list" =>
  2383                  "sort_code,bsb_code,institution_no,bank_code,branch_code,aba,clabe
  2384                  }
  2385              - code: routing_code_type_too_many_items
  2386                category: routing_code_type
  2387                message: routing_code_type should have less than 50 items
  2388                params: '{ "maxcount" => 50 }'
  2389              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_type_is_wrong
  2390                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  2391                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be of date type
  2392                params: '{ "type" => "date" }'
  2393              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_incorrect
  2394                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  2395                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth is incorrect
  2396                params: ''
  2397              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_earlier
  2398                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  2399                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be later than 1900-01-01
  2400                params: '{ "min_date" => "1900-01-01" }'
  2401              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_after
  2402                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  2403                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be earlier than todays date
  2404                params: '{ "max_date" => "Todays Date" }'
  2405              - code: routing_code_value_is_too_short
  2406                category: routing_code_value
  2407                message: routing_code_value can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  2408                params: '{ "minlength" => 1, "indices" => ["0", "1"] }'
  2409              - code: routing_code_value_is_too_long
  2410                category: routing_code_value
  2411                message: routing_code_value can not be longer than 50 character(s)
  2412                params: '{ "maxlength" => 50, "indices" => ["0", "1"] }'
  2413              - code: routing_code_value_type_is_wrong
  2414                category: routing_code_value
  2415                message: routing_code_value should be of hash type
  2416                params: '{ "type" => "hash" }'
  2417              - code: bic_swift_is_in_invalid_format
  2418                category: bic_swift
  2419                message: bic_swift is in invalid format
  2420                params: ''
  2421              - code: iban_is_too_long
  2422                category: iban
  2423                message: iban can not be longer than 34 character(s)
  2424                params: '{ "maxlength" => 34 }'
  2425              - code: iban_is_too_short
  2426                category: iban
  2427                message: iban can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  2428                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  2429              - code: iban_is_in_invalid_format
  2430                category: iban
  2431                message: iban is in invalid format
  2432                params: ''
  2433              - code: default_beneficiary_type_is_wrong
  2434                category: default_beneficiary
  2435                message: default_beneficiary should be of boolean type
  2436                params: '{ "type" => "boolean" }'
  2437              - code: name_is_too_short
  2438                category: name
  2439                message: name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  2440                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  2441              - code: name_is_too_long
  2442                category: name
  2443                message: name can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  2444                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  2445              - code: order_asc_desc_not_in_range
  2446                category: order_asc_desc
  2447                message: 'order_asc_desc should be in range: asc, desc'
  2448                params: '{ "range" => "asc, desc" }'
  2449              - code: order_not_in_range
  2450                category: order
  2451                message: >-
  2452                  order should be in range: bank_account_holder_name, beneficiary_country, currency, account_number,
  2453                  bic_swift, iban, default_beneficiary, bank_address, name, bank_account_type, beneficiary_entity_type,
  2454                  beneficiary_city, beneficiary_address, beneficiary_company_name, beneficiary_first_name,
  2455                  beneficiary_last_name, beneficiary_state_or_province, beneficiary_postcode, created_at, updated_at
  2456                params: >-
  2457                  { "range" => "bank_account_holder_name, beneficiary_country, currency, account_number, bic_swift, iban,
  2458                  default_beneficiary, bank_address, name, bank_account_type, beneficiary_entity_type, beneficiary_city,
  2459                  beneficiary_address, beneficiary_company_name, beneficiary_first_name, beneficiary_last_name,
  2460                  beneficiary_state_or_province, beneficiary_postcode, created_at, updated_at" }
  2461              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  2462                category: on_behalf_of
  2463                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  2464                params: ''
  2465              - code: contact_not_found
  2466                category: on_behalf_of
  2467                message: Contact was not found for this id
  2468                params: ''
  2469              - code: on_behalf_of_is_not_valid_uuid
  2470                category: on_behalf_of
  2471                message: on_behalf_of should be in UUID format
  2472                params: ''
  2473              - code: beneficiary_external_reference_is_too_short
  2474                category: beneficiary_external_reference
  2475                message: beneficiary_external_reference can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  2476                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  2477              - code: beneficiary_external_reference_is_too_long
  2478                category: beneficiary_external_reference
  2479                message: beneficiary_external_reference can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  2480                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  2481              - code: cope_not_in_range
  2482                category: scope
  2483                message: >-
  2484                  scope should be in range: own, all, clients
  2485                params: '{ "range" => "own, all, clients" }'
  2486              - code: beneficiary_entity_type_not_in_range
  2487                category: beneficiary_entity_type
  2488                message: >-
  2489                  beneficiary_entity_type should be in range: individual, company
  2490                params: '{ "range" => "individual, company" }'
  2491              - code: beneficiary_company_name_is_too_short
  2492                category: beneficiary_company_name
  2493                message: beneficiary_company_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  2494                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  2495              - code: beneficiary_company_name_is_too_long
  2496                category: beneficiary_company_name
  2497                message: beneficiary_company_name can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  2498                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  2499              - code: beneficiary_first_name_is_too_short
  2500                category: beneficiary_first_name
  2501                message: beneficiary_first_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  2502                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  2503              - code: beneficiary_first_name_is_too_long
  2504                category: beneficiary_first_name
  2505                message: beneficiary_first_name can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  2506                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  2507              - code: beneficiary_last_name_is_too_short
  2508                category: beneficiary_last_name
  2509                message: beneficiary_last_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  2510                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  2511              - code: beneficiary_last_name_is_too_long
  2512                category: beneficiary_last_name
  2513                message: beneficiary_last_name can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  2514                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  2515              - code: beneficiary_city_is_too_short
  2516                category: beneficiary_city
  2517                message: beneficiary_city can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  2518                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  2519              - code: beneficiary_city_is_too_long
  2520                category: beneficiary_city
  2521                message: beneficiary_city can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  2522                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  2523              - code: beneficiary_postcode_is_too_short
  2524                category: beneficiary_postcode
  2525                message: beneficiary_postcode can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  2526                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  2527              - code: beneficiary_postcode_is_too_long
  2528                category: beneficiary_postcode
  2529                message: beneficiary_postcode can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  2530                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  2531              - code: beneficiary_state_or_province_is_too_short
  2532                category: beneficiary_state_or_province
  2533                message: beneficiary_state_or_province can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  2534                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  2535              - code: beneficiary_state_or_province_is_too_long
  2536                category: beneficiary_state_or_province
  2537                message: beneficiary_state_or_province can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  2538                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  2539              - code: page_type_is_wrong
  2540                category: page
  2541                message: page should be of integer type
  2542                params: '{ "type" => "integer" }'
  2543              - code: page_is_too_small
  2544                category: page
  2545                message: page can not be smaller than 1
  2546                params: '{ "minvalue" => 1 }'
  2547              - code: per_page_type_is_wrong
  2548                category: per_page
  2549                message: per_page should be of integer type
  2550                params: '{ "type" => "integer" }'
  2551              - code: per_page_is_too_small
  2552                category: per_page
  2553                message: per_page can not be smaller than 1
  2554                params: '{ "minvalue" => 1 }'
  2555              - code: order_asc_desc_not_in_range
  2556                category: order_asc_desc
  2557                message: >-
  2558                  order_asc_desc should be in range: asc, desc
  2559                params: '{ "range" => "asc, desc" }'
  2560            schema:
  2561              $ref: '#/definitions/FindBeneficiariesError'
  2562            headers:
  2563              X-Request-Id:
  2564                type: string
  2565                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2566          '401':
  2567            description: Unauthorized.
  2568            x-errors:
  2569              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  2570                category: username
  2571                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  2572                params: ''
  2573            schema:
  2574              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  2575            headers:
  2576              X-Request-Id:
  2577                type: string
  2578                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2579          '404':
  2580            description: Resource not found.
  2581            headers:
  2582              X-Request-Id:
  2583                type: string
  2584                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2585          '429':
  2586            description: Too many requests.
  2587            x-errors:
  2588              - code: too_many_requests
  2589                category: base
  2590                message: >-
  2591                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  2592                  Developer Center for more information
  2593                params: ''
  2594            schema:
  2595              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  2596            headers:
  2597              X-Request-Id:
  2598                type: string
  2599                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2600          '500':
  2601            description: Internal server error
  2602            x-errors:
  2603              - code: internal_server_error
  2604                category: base
  2605                message: Internal server error
  2606                params: ''
  2607            headers:
  2608              X-Request-Id:
  2609                type: string
  2610                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2611          '503':
  2612            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  2613            x-errors:
  2614              - code: service_unavailable
  2615                category: base
  2616                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  2617                params: ''
  2618            headers:
  2619              X-Request-Id:
  2620                type: string
  2621                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2622          default:
  2623            description: Unexpected error.
  2624            headers:
  2625              X-Request-Id:
  2626                type: string
  2627                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2628    '/beneficiaries/{id}':
  2629      get:
  2630        tags:
  2631          - Beneficiaries
  2632        x-api-group: pay
  2633        summary: Get Beneficiary
  2634        description: Get a beneficiary.
  2635        operationId: GetBeneficiary
  2636        produces:
  2637          - application/json
  2638        parameters:
  2639          - name: X-Auth-Token
  2640            in: header
  2641            required: true
  2642            type: string
  2643            description: Authentication token.
  2644          - name: id
  2645            in: path
  2646            required: true
  2647            type: string
  2648            description: Beneficiary UUID.
  2649          - name: on_behalf_of
  2650            in: query
  2651            required: false
  2652            type: string
  2653            description: Contact UUID.
  2654        responses:
  2655          '200':
  2656            description: Success.
  2657            schema:
  2658              $ref: '#/definitions/Beneficiary'
  2659            headers:
  2660              X-Request-Id:
  2661                type: string
  2662                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2663          '400':
  2664            description: Client error.
  2665            x-errors:
  2666              - code: beneficiary_not_found
  2667                category: id
  2668                message: Beneficiary was not found for this id
  2669                params: ''
  2670              - code: contact_not_found
  2671                category: on_behalf_of
  2672                message: Contact was not found for this id
  2673                params: ''
  2674              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  2675                category: on_behalf_of
  2676                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  2677                params: ''
  2678            schema:
  2679              $ref: '#/definitions/GetBeneficiaryError'
  2680            headers:
  2681              X-Request-Id:
  2682                type: string
  2683                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2684          '401':
  2685            description: Unauthorized.
  2686            x-errors:
  2687              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  2688                category: username
  2689                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  2690                params: ''
  2691            schema:
  2692              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  2693            headers:
  2694              X-Request-Id:
  2695                type: string
  2696                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2697          '404':
  2698            description: Resource not found.
  2699            schema:
  2700              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  2701            headers:
  2702              X-Request-Id:
  2703                type: string
  2704                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2705          '429':
  2706            description: Too many requests.
  2707            x-errors:
  2708              - code: too_many_requests
  2709                category: base
  2710                message: >-
  2711                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  2712                  Developer Center for more information
  2713                params: ''
  2714            schema:
  2715              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  2716            headers:
  2717              X-Request-Id:
  2718                type: string
  2719                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2720          '500':
  2721            description: Internal server error
  2722            x-errors:
  2723              - code: internal_server_error
  2724                category: base
  2725                message: Internal server error
  2726                params: ''
  2727            headers:
  2728              X-Request-Id:
  2729                type: string
  2730                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2731          '503':
  2732            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  2733            x-errors:
  2734              - code: service_unavailable
  2735                category: base
  2736                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  2737                params: ''
  2738            headers:
  2739              X-Request-Id:
  2740                type: string
  2741                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2742          default:
  2743            description: Unexpected error.
  2744            headers:
  2745              X-Request-Id:
  2746                type: string
  2747                description: A unique reference for the request.
  2748      post:
  2749        tags:
  2750          - Beneficiaries
  2751        x-api-group: pay
  2752        summary: Update Beneficiary
  2753        description: >-
  2754          Update an existing beneficiary. On success, returns the updated
  2755          beneficiary entity.
  2756        operationId: UpdateBeneficiary
  2757        consumes:
  2758          - multipart/form-data
  2759        produces:
  2760          - application/json
  2761        parameters:
  2762          - name: X-Auth-Token
  2763            in: header
  2764            required: true
  2765            type: string
  2766            description: Authentication token.
  2767          - name: id
  2768            in: path
  2769            required: true
  2770            type: string
  2771            description: Beneficiary UUID.
  2772          - name: name
  2773            in: formData
  2774            required: false
  2775            type: string
  2776            description: Beneficiary name.
  2777          - name: bank_account_holder_name
  2778            in: formData
  2779            required: false
  2780            type: string
  2781            description: Bank account holder's name.
  2782          - name: bank_country
  2783            in: formData
  2784            required: false
  2785            type: string
  2786            description: >-
  2787              Country in which the beneficiary's bank account is held. Two-letter
  2788              country code.
  2789          - name: currency
  2790            in: formData
  2791            required: false
  2792            type: string
  2793            description: >-
  2794              Currency in which money is held in the beneficiary's bank account.
  2795              Three-digit currency code.
  2796          - name: email
  2797            in: formData
  2798            required: false
  2799            type: string
  2800            description: Email address.
  2801          - name: beneficiary_address
  2802            in: formData
  2803            required: false
  2804            type: string
  2805            description: First line of address.
  2806          - name: beneficiary_country
  2807            in: formData
  2808            required: false
  2809            type: string
  2810            description: >-
  2811              Two-letter country code. If the beneficiary is a company, the
  2812              country in which the company is registered. If the beneficiary is an
  2813              individual, a country in which the beneficiary holds nationality.
  2814          - name: account_number
  2815            in: formData
  2816            required: false
  2817            type: string
  2818            description: Bank account number.
  2819          - name: routing_code_type_1
  2820            in: formData
  2821            required: false
  2822            type: string
  2823            enum:
  2824              - sort_code
  2825              - aba
  2826              - bsb_code
  2827              - institution_no
  2828              - bank_code
  2829              - branch_code
  2830              - clabe
  2831              - cnaps
  2832              - ifsc
  2833            description: Local payment routing system.
  2834          - name: routing_code_value_1
  2835            in: formData
  2836            required: false
  2837            type: string
  2838            description: Routing code for "routing_code_type_1".
  2839          - name: routing_code_type_2
  2840            in: formData
  2841            required: false
  2842            type: string
  2843            enum:
  2844              - sort_code
  2845              - aba
  2846              - bsb_code
  2847              - institution_no
  2848              - bank_code
  2849              - branch_code
  2850              - clabe
  2851              - cnaps
  2852            description: Local payment routing system.
  2853          - name: routing_code_value_2
  2854            in: formData
  2855            required: false
  2856            type: string
  2857            description: Routing code for "routing_code_type_2".
  2858          - name: 'payment_types[]'
  2859            in: formData
  2860            required: false
  2861            type: array
  2862            items:
  2863              type: string
  2864              enum:
  2865                - priority
  2866                - regular
  2867            default:
  2868              - regular
  2869            description: >-
  2870              Currencycloud supports two types of payment: "priority", made using
  2871              the SWIFT network; and "regular", made using the local bank network.
  2872          - name: bic_swift
  2873            in: formData
  2874            required: false
  2875            type: string
  2876            description: BIC/SWIFT code.
  2877          - name: iban
  2878            in: formData
  2879            required: false
  2880            type: string
  2881            description: IBAN code.
  2882          - name: default_beneficiary
  2883            in: formData
  2884            required: false
  2885            type: boolean
  2886            default: false
  2887            description: >-
  2888              Payments are made automatically to default beneficiaries when a
  2889              beneficiary is not specified.
  2890          - name: bank_address
  2891            in: formData
  2892            required: false
  2893            type: string
  2894            description: First line of address.
  2895          - name: bank_name
  2896            in: formData
  2897            required: false
  2898            type: string
  2899            description: Bank name.
  2900          - name: bank_account_type
  2901            in: formData
  2902            required: false
  2903            type: string
  2904            enum:
  2905              - checkings
  2906              - savings
  2907            description: Bank account type.
  2908          - name: beneficiary_entity_type
  2909            in: formData
  2910            required: false
  2911            type: string
  2912            enum:
  2913              - individual
  2914              - company
  2915            description: Legal entity.
  2916          - name: beneficiary_company_name
  2917            in: formData
  2918            required: false
  2919            type: string
  2920            description: Required if "beneficiary_entity_type" is "company".
  2921          - name: beneficiary_first_name
  2922            in: formData
  2923            required: false
  2924            type: string
  2925            description: Required if "beneficiary_entity_type" is "individual".
  2926          - name: beneficiary_last_name
  2927            in: formData
  2928            required: false
  2929            type: string
  2930            description: Required if "beneficiary_entity_type" is "individual".
  2931          - name: beneficiary_city
  2932            in: formData
  2933            required: false
  2934            type: string
  2935            description: City.
  2936          - name: beneficiary_postcode
  2937            in: formData
  2938            required: false
  2939            type: string
  2940            description: Postal code.
  2941          - name: beneficiary_state_or_province
  2942            in: formData
  2943            required: false
  2944            type: string
  2945            format: date
  2946            description: State or province.
  2947          - name: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  2948            in: formData
  2949            required: false
  2950            type: string
  2951            description: >-
  2952              If "beneficiary_entity_type" is "company", date of registration. If
  2953              "beneficiary_entity_type" is "individual", date of birth. ISO 8601
  2954              format YYYY-MM-DD.
  2955          - name: beneficiary_identification_type
  2956            in: formData
  2957            required: false
  2958            type: string
  2959            enum:
  2960              - none
  2961              - drivers_license
  2962              - social_security_number
  2963              - green_card
  2964              - passport
  2965              - visa
  2966              - matricula_consular
  2967              - registro_federal_de_contribuyentes
  2968              - clave_unica_de_registro_de_poblacion
  2969              - credential_de_elector
  2970              - social_insurance_number
  2971              - citizenship_papers
  2972              - drivers_license_canadian
  2973              - existing_credit_card_details
  2974              - employer_identification_number
  2975              - national_id
  2976              - incorporation_number
  2977              - others
  2978            description: >-
  2979              A legal document that verifies the identity of the beneficiary.
  2980              Required documentation will vary depending on the country in which
  2981              the beneficiary's bank account is held.
  2982          - name: beneficiary_identification_value
  2983            in: formData
  2984            required: false
  2985            type: string
  2986            description: >-
  2987              A unique reference code for the identification document, such as a
  2988              passport number.
  2989          - name: on_behalf_of
  2990            in: formData
  2991            required: false
  2992            type: string
  2993            description: Contact UUID.
  2994          - name: beneficiary_external_reference
  2995            in: formData
  2996            required: false
  2997            type: string
  2998            description: Beneficiary external reference
  2999        responses:
  3000          '200':
  3001            description: Success.
  3002            schema:
  3003              $ref: '#/definitions/Beneficiary'
  3004            headers:
  3005              X-Request-Id:
  3006                type: string
  3007                description: A unique reference for the request.
  3008          '400':
  3009            description: Client error.
  3010            x-errors:
  3011              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  3012                category: id
  3013                message: id should be in UUID format
  3014                params: ''
  3015              - code: beneficiary_not_found
  3016                category: id
  3017                message: Beneficiary was not found for this id
  3018                params: ''
  3019              - code: bank_account_holder_name_is_too_short
  3020                category: bank_account_holder_name
  3021                message: bank_account_holder_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3022                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3023              - code: bank_account_holder_name_is_too_long
  3024                category: bank_account_holder_name
  3025                message: bank_account_holder_name can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  3026                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  3027              - code: email_is_too_short
  3028                category: email
  3029                message: email can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3030                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3031              - code: email_is_too_long
  3032                category: email
  3033                message: email can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  3034                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  3035              - code: beneficiary_address_is_too_short
  3036                category: beneficiary_address
  3037                message: beneficiary_address can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3038                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3039              - code: beneficiary_address_is_too_long
  3040                category: beneficiary_address
  3041                message: beneficiary_address can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  3042                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  3043              - code: beneficiary_address_is_missing
  3044                category: beneficiary_address
  3045                message: Beneficiary address is missing
  3046                params: ''
  3047              - code: account_number_is_too_short
  3048                category: account_number
  3049                message: account_number can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3050                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3051              - code: account_number_is_too_long
  3052                category: account_number
  3053                message: account_number can not be longer than 50 character(s)
  3054                params: '{ "maxlength" => 50 }'
  3055              - code: account_number_is_missing
  3056                category: account_number
  3057                message: Account number is missing
  3058                params: ''
  3059              - code: account_number_is_invalid
  3060                category: account_number
  3061                message: Account number is in invalid format
  3062                params: ''
  3063              - code: routing_code_value_1_is_too_short
  3064                category: routing_code_value_1
  3065                message: routing_code_value_1 can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3066                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3067              - code: routing_code_value_1_is_too_long
  3068                category: routing_code_value_1
  3069                message: routing_code_value_1 can not be longer than 50 character(s)
  3070                params: '{ "maxlength" => 50 }'
  3071              - code: routing_code_value_2_is_too_short
  3072                category: routing_code_value_2
  3073                message: routing_code_value_2 can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3074                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3075              - code: routing_code_value_2_is_too_long
  3076                category: routing_code_value_2
  3077                message: routing_code_value_2 can not be longer than 50 character(s)
  3078                params: '{ "maxlength" => 50 }'
  3079              - code: iban_is_too_short
  3080                category: iban
  3081                message: iban can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3082                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3083              - code: iban_is_too_long
  3084                category: iban
  3085                message: iban can not be longer than 34 character(s)
  3086                params: '{ "maxlength" => 34 }'
  3087              - code: iban_is_missing
  3088                category: iban
  3089                message: IBAN is missing
  3090                params: ''
  3091              - code: iban_is_invalid
  3092                category: iban
  3093                message: IBAN is in invalid format
  3094                params: ''
  3095              - code: bic_swift_is_too_short
  3096                category: bic_swift
  3097                message: bic_swift can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3098                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3099              - code: bic_swift_is_too_long
  3100                category: bic_swift
  3101                message: bic_swift can not be longer than 11 character(s)
  3102                params: '{ "maxlength" => 11 }'
  3103              - code: bic_swift_is_missing
  3104                category: bic_swift
  3105                message: BIC/SWIFT is missing
  3106                params: ''
  3107              - code: bic_swift_is_invalid
  3108                category: bic_swift
  3109                message: BIC/SWIFT is in invalid format
  3110                params: ''
  3111              - code: bank_address_is_missing
  3112                category: bank_address
  3113                message: Bank address is missing
  3114                params: ''
  3115              - code: bank_address_is_too_short
  3116                category: bank_address
  3117                message: bank_address can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3118                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3119              - code: bank_address_is_too_long
  3120                category: bank_address
  3121                message: bank_address can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  3122                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  3123              - code: bank_name_is_too_short
  3124                category: bank_name
  3125                message: bank_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3126                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3127              - code: bank_name_is_too_long
  3128                category: bank_name
  3129                message: bank_name can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  3130                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  3131              - code: bank_name_is_missing
  3132                category: bank_name
  3133                message: Bank name is missing
  3134                params: ''
  3135              - code: bank_name_is_invalid
  3136                category: bank_name
  3137                message: Bank name is in invalid format
  3138                params: ''
  3139              - code: bank_account_type_not_in_range
  3140                category: bank_account_type
  3141                message: 'bank_account_type should be in range: checking, savings'
  3142                params: '{ "range" => "checking, savings" }'
  3143              - code: bank_account_type_is_missing
  3144                category: bank_account_type
  3145                message: Beneficiary bank account type is missing
  3146                params: ''
  3147              - code: name_is_too_short
  3148                category: name
  3149                message: name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3150                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3151              - code: name_is_too_long
  3152                category: name
  3153                message: name can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  3154                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  3155              - code: default_beneficiary_type_is_wrong
  3156                category: default_beneficiary
  3157                message: default_beneficiary should be of boolean type
  3158                params: '{ "type" => "boolean" }'
  3159              - code: routing_code_type_1_not_in_range
  3160                category: routing_code_type_1
  3161                message: >-
  3162                  routing_code_type_1 should be in range: sort_code, bsb_code,
  3163                  institution_no, bank_code, branch_code, aba, clabe, cnaps
  3164                params: >-
  3165                  { "range" => "sort_code, bsb_code, institution_no, bank_code,
  3166                  branch_code, aba, clabe, cnaps" }
  3167              - code: routing_code_type_2_not_in_range
  3168                category: routing_code_type_2
  3169                message: >-
  3170                  routing_code_type_2 should be in range: sort_code, bsb_code,
  3171                  institution_no, bank_code, branch_code, aba, clabe, cnaps
  3172                params: >-
  3173                  { "range => "sort_code, bsb_code, institution_no, bank_code,
  3174                  branch_code, aba, clabe, cnaps" }
  3175              - code: beneficiary_country_is_required
  3176                category: beneficiary_country
  3177                message: beneficiary_country is required
  3178                params: ''
  3179              - code: beneficiary_country_is_in_invalid_format
  3180                category: beneficiary_country
  3181                message: beneficiary_country is in invalid format
  3182                params: ''
  3183              - code: beneficiary_entity_type_not_in_range
  3184                category: beneficiary_entity_type
  3185                message: 'beneficiary_entity_type should be in range: individual, company'
  3186                params: '{ "range" => "individual, company" }'
  3187              - code: beneficiary_entity_type_is_missing
  3188                category: beneficiary_entity_type
  3189                message: Beneficiary entity type is missing
  3190                params: ''
  3191              - code: beneficiary_company_name_is_missing
  3192                category: beneficiary_company_name
  3193                message: Beneficiary company name is missing
  3194                params: ''
  3195              - code: beneficiary_first_name_is_missing
  3196                category: beneficiary_first_name
  3197                message: Beneficiary first name is missing
  3198                params: ''
  3199              - code: beneficiary_last_name_is_missing
  3200                category: beneficiary_last_name
  3201                message: Beneficiary last name is missing
  3202                params: ''
  3203              - code: beneficiary_city_is_missing
  3204                category: beneficiary_city
  3205                message: Beneficiary city is missing
  3206                params: ''
  3207              - code: beneficiary_state_or_province_is_missing
  3208                category: beneficiary_state_or_province
  3209                message: Beneficiary state or province is missing
  3210                params: ''
  3211              - code: beneficiary_state_or_province_is_not_supported
  3212                category: beneficiary_state_or_province
  3213                message: Beneficiary state or province is not supported
  3214                params: ''
  3215              - code: beneficiary_postcode_is_missing
  3216                category: beneficiary_postcode
  3217                message: Beneficiary postcode is missing
  3218                params: ''
  3219              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_type_is_wrong
  3220                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  3221                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be of date type
  3222                params: '{ "type" => "date" }'
  3223              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_incorrect
  3224                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  3225                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth is incorrect
  3226                params: ''
  3227              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_earlier
  3228                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  3229                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be later
  3230                params: ''
  3231              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_after
  3232                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  3233                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be earlier
  3234                params: ''
  3235              - code: identification_type_is_missing
  3236                category: beneficiary_identification_type
  3237                message: identification_type is missing
  3238                params: ''
  3239              - code: identification_type_is_invalid
  3240                category: beneficiary_identification_type
  3241                message: identification_type is invalid
  3242                params: ''
  3243              - code: identification_value_is_missing
  3244                category: beneficiary_identification_value
  3245                message: identification_value is missing
  3246                params: ''
  3247              - code: identification_value_is_invalid
  3248                category: beneficiary_identification_value
  3249                message: identification_value is invalid
  3250                params: ''
  3251              - code: bank_country_is_in_invalid_format
  3252                category: bank_country
  3253                message: bank_country is in invalid format
  3254                params: ''
  3255              - code: bank_country_is_not_supported
  3256                category: bank_country
  3257                message: bank_country is not supported
  3258                params: ''
  3259              - code: currency_is_in_invalid_format
  3260                category: currency
  3261                message: currency is in invalid format
  3262                params: ''
  3263              - code: currency_code_is_invalid
  3264                category: currency
  3265                message: You can not use this currency with beneficiaries
  3266                params: ''
  3267              - code: unique_value_parameters
  3268                category: base
  3269                message: >-
  3270                  Following parameters should not have same values:
  3271                  routing_code_type_1, routing_code_type_2
  3272                params: '{ "parameters" => "routing_code_type_1, routing_code_type_2" }'
  3273              - code: at_least_one_parameter
  3274                category: base
  3275                message: >-
  3276                  At least one parameter should be present:
  3277                  bank_account_holder_name, beneficiary_country, bank_country,
  3278                  currency, email, beneficiary_address, account_number,
  3279                  routing_code_type_1, routing_code_type_2, routing_code_value_1,
  3280                  routing_code_value_2, bic_swift, iban, default_beneficiary,
  3281                  bank_address, bank_name, name
  3282                params: >-
  3283                  { "parameters" => "bank_account_holder_name,
  3284                  beneficiary_country, bank_country, currency, email,
  3285                  beneficiary_address, account_number, routing_code_type_1,
  3286                  routing_code_type_2, routing_code_value_1, routing_code_value_2,
  3287                  bic_swift, iban, default_beneficiary, bank_address, bank_name,
  3288                  name" }
  3289              - code: payment_types_not_in_range
  3290                category: payment_types
  3291                message: 'payment_types should be in range: priority, regular'
  3292                params: '{ "range" => "priority, regular" }'
  3293              - code: sort_code_is_missing
  3294                category: routing_code
  3295                message: Sort code is missing
  3296                params: ''
  3297              - code: sort_code_is_invalid
  3298                category: routing_code
  3299                message: Sort code is in invalid format
  3300                params: ''
  3301              - code: aba_is_missing
  3302                category: routing_code
  3303                message: ABA is missing
  3304                params: ''
  3305              - code: aba_is_invalid
  3306                category: routing_code
  3307                message: ABA is in invalid format
  3308                params: ''
  3309              - code: bsb_code_is_missing
  3310                category: routing_code
  3311                message: BSB code is missing
  3312                params: ''
  3313              - code: bsb_code_is_invalid
  3314                category: routing_code
  3315                message: BSB code is in invalid format
  3316                params: ''
  3317              - code: branch_code_is_missing
  3318                category: routing_code
  3319                message: Branch code is missing
  3320                params: ''
  3321              - code: branch_code_is_invalid
  3322                category: routing_code
  3323                message: Branch code is in invalid format
  3324                params: ''
  3325              - code: institution_no_is_missing
  3326                category: routing_code
  3327                message: Institution no is missing
  3328                params: ''
  3329              - code: institution_no_is_invalid
  3330                category: routing_code
  3331                message: Institution no is in invalid format
  3332                params: ''
  3333              - code: bank_code_is_missing
  3334                category: routing_code
  3335                message: Bank code is missing
  3336                params: ''
  3337              - code: bank_code_is_invalid
  3338                category: routing_code
  3339                message: Bank code is in invalid format
  3340                params: ''
  3341              - code: clabe_is_missing
  3342                category: routing_code
  3343                message: CLABE is missing
  3344                params: ''
  3345              - code: clabe_is_invalid
  3346                category: routing_code
  3347                message: CLABE is in invalid format
  3348                params: ''
  3349              - code: beneficiary_update_failed
  3350                category: beneficiary
  3351                message: Beneficiary was not updated
  3352                params: ''
  3353              - code: beneficiary_details_are_missing
  3354                category: beneficiary
  3355                message: >-
  3356                  Following beneficiary details are missing:
  3357                  beneficiary_company_name
  3358                params: '{ "missing_details" => ["beneficiary_company_name"] }'
  3359              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  3360                category: on_behalf_of
  3361                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  3362                params: ''
  3363              - code: contact_not_found
  3364                category: on_behalf_of
  3365                message: Contact was not found for this id
  3366                params: ''
  3367              - code: beneficiary_external_reference_is_too_short
  3368                category: beneficiary_external_reference
  3369                message: beneficiary_external_reference can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3370                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3371              - code: beneficiary_external_reference_is_too_long
  3372                category: beneficiary_external_reference
  3373                message: beneficiary_external_reference can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  3374                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  3375            schema:
  3376              $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateBeneficiaryError'
  3377            headers:
  3378              X-Request-Id:
  3379                type: string
  3380                description: A unique reference for the request.
  3381          '401':
  3382            description: Unauthorized.
  3383            x-errors:
  3384              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  3385                category: username
  3386                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  3387                params: ''
  3388            schema:
  3389              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  3390            headers:
  3391              X-Request-Id:
  3392                type: string
  3393                description: A unique reference for the request.
  3394          '404':
  3395            description: Resource not found.
  3396            headers:
  3397              X-Request-Id:
  3398                type: string
  3399                description: A unique reference for the request.
  3400          '429':
  3401            description: Too many requests.
  3402            x-errors:
  3403              - code: too_many_requests
  3404                category: base
  3405                message: >-
  3406                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  3407                  Developer Center for more information
  3408                params: ''
  3409            schema:
  3410              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  3411            headers:
  3412              X-Request-Id:
  3413                type: string
  3414                description: A unique reference for the request.
  3415          '500':
  3416            description: Internal server error
  3417            x-errors:
  3418              - code: internal_server_error
  3419                category: base
  3420                message: Internal server error
  3421                params: ''
  3422            headers:
  3423              X-Request-Id:
  3424                type: string
  3425                description: A unique reference for the request.
  3426          '503':
  3427            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  3428            x-errors:
  3429              - code: service_unavailable
  3430                category: base
  3431                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  3432                params: ''
  3433            headers:
  3434              X-Request-Id:
  3435                type: string
  3436                description: A unique reference for the request.
  3437          default:
  3438            description: Unexpected error.
  3439            headers:
  3440              X-Request-Id:
  3441                type: string
  3442                description: A unique reference for the request.
  3443    /beneficiaries/create:
  3444      post:
  3445        tags:
  3446          - Beneficiaries
  3447        x-api-group: pay
  3448        summary: Create Beneficiary
  3449        description: >-
  3450          Create a new beneficiary. On success, returns the new beneficiary
  3451          entity.
  3452        operationId: CreateBeneficiary
  3453        consumes:
  3454          - multipart/form-data
  3455        produces:
  3456          - application/json
  3457        parameters:
  3458          - name: X-Auth-Token
  3459            in: header
  3460            required: true
  3461            type: string
  3462            description: Authentication token.
  3463          - name: name
  3464            in: formData
  3465            required: true
  3466            type: string
  3467            description: Beneficiary name.
  3468          - name: bank_account_holder_name
  3469            in: formData
  3470            required: true
  3471            type: string
  3472            description: Bank account holder's name.
  3473          - name: bank_country
  3474            in: formData
  3475            required: true
  3476            type: string
  3477            description: >-
  3478              Two-letter code for the country in which the beneficiary's bank
  3479              account is held.
  3480          - name: currency
  3481            in: formData
  3482            required: true
  3483            type: string
  3484            description: >-
  3485              Currency in which money is held in the beneficiary's bank account.
  3486              Three-digit currency code.
  3487          - name: email
  3488            in: formData
  3489            required: false
  3490            type: string
  3491            description: Email address.
  3492          - name: beneficiary_address
  3493            in: formData
  3494            required: false
  3495            type: string
  3496            description: First line of address.
  3497          - name: beneficiary_country
  3498            in: formData
  3499            required: false
  3500            type: string
  3501            description: >-
  3502              Two-letter country code. If the beneficiary is a company, the
  3503              country in which the company is registered. If the beneficiary is an
  3504              individual, a country in which the beneficiary holds nationality.
  3505          - name: account_number
  3506            in: formData
  3507            required: false
  3508            type: string
  3509            description: Bank account number.
  3510          - name: routing_code_type_1
  3511            in: formData
  3512            required: false
  3513            type: string
  3514            enum:
  3515              - sort_code
  3516              - aba
  3517              - bsb_code
  3518              - institution_no
  3519              - bank_code
  3520              - branch_code
  3521              - clabe
  3522              - cnaps
  3523              - ifsc
  3524            description: Local payment routing system.
  3525          - name: routing_code_value_1
  3526            in: formData
  3527            required: false
  3528            type: string
  3529            description: Routing code for "routing_code_type_1".
  3530          - name: routing_code_type_2
  3531            in: formData
  3532            required: false
  3533            type: string
  3534            enum:
  3535              - sort_code
  3536              - aba
  3537              - bsb_code
  3538              - institution_no
  3539              - bank_code
  3540              - branch_code
  3541              - clabe
  3542              - cnaps
  3543            description: Local payment routing system.
  3544          - name: routing_code_value_2
  3545            in: formData
  3546            required: false
  3547            type: string
  3548            description: Routing code for "routing_code_type_2".
  3549          - name: bic_swift
  3550            in: formData
  3551            required: false
  3552            type: string
  3553            description: BIC/SWIFT code.
  3554          - name: iban
  3555            in: formData
  3556            required: false
  3557            type: string
  3558            description: IBAN code.
  3559          - name: default_beneficiary
  3560            in: formData
  3561            required: false
  3562            type: boolean
  3563            default: false
  3564            description: >-
  3565              Payments are made automatically to default beneficiaries when a
  3566              beneficiary is not specified.
  3567          - name: bank_address
  3568            in: formData
  3569            required: false
  3570            type: string
  3571            description: First line of address.
  3572          - name: bank_name
  3573            in: formData
  3574            required: false
  3575            type: string
  3576            description: Bank name.
  3577          - name: bank_account_type
  3578            in: formData
  3579            required: false
  3580            type: string
  3581            enum:
  3582              - checkings
  3583              - savings
  3584            description: Bank account type.
  3585          - name: beneficiary_entity_type
  3586            in: formData
  3587            required: false
  3588            type: string
  3589            enum:
  3590              - individual
  3591              - company
  3592            description: Legal entity.
  3593          - name: beneficiary_company_name
  3594            in: formData
  3595            required: false
  3596            type: string
  3597            description: Required if "beneficiary_entity_type" is "company".
  3598          - name: beneficiary_first_name
  3599            in: formData
  3600            required: false
  3601            type: string
  3602            description: Required if "beneficiary_entity_type" is "individual".
  3603          - name: beneficiary_last_name
  3604            in: formData
  3605            required: false
  3606            type: string
  3607            description: Required if "beneficiary_entity_type" is "individual".
  3608          - name: beneficiary_city
  3609            in: formData
  3610            required: false
  3611            type: string
  3612            description: City.
  3613          - name: beneficiary_postcode
  3614            in: formData
  3615            required: false
  3616            type: string
  3617            description: Postal code.
  3618          - name: beneficiary_state_or_province
  3619            in: formData
  3620            required: false
  3621            type: string
  3622            description: State or province.
  3623          - name: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  3624            in: formData
  3625            required: false
  3626            type: string
  3627            description: >-
  3628              If "beneficiary_entity_type" is "company", date of registration. If
  3629              "beneficiary_entity_type" is "individual", date of birth. ISO 8601
  3630              format YYYY-MM-DD.
  3631          - name: beneficiary_identification_type
  3632            in: formData
  3633            required: false
  3634            type: string
  3635            enum:
  3636            - none
  3637            - drivers_license
  3638            - social_security_number
  3639            - green_card
  3640            - passport
  3641            - visa
  3642            - matricula_consular
  3643            - registro_federal_de_contribuyentes
  3644            - clave_unica_de_registro_de_poblacion
  3645            - credential_de_elector
  3646            - social_insurance_number
  3647            - citizenship_papers
  3648            - drivers_license_canadian
  3649            - existing_credit_card_details
  3650            - employer_identification_number
  3651            - national_id
  3652            - incorporation_number
  3653            - others
  3654            description: >-
  3655              A legal document that verifies the identity of the beneficiary.
  3656              Required documentation will vary depending on the country in which
  3657              the beneficiar's bank account is held and on whether "beneficiary_entity_type" is "individual" or "company".
  3658          - name: beneficiary_identification_value
  3659            in: formData
  3660            required: false
  3661            type: string
  3662            description: >-
  3663              A unique reference code for the identification document, such as a
  3664              passport number.
  3665          - name: 'payment_types[]'
  3666            in: formData
  3667            required: false
  3668            type: array
  3669            items:
  3670              type: string
  3671              enum:
  3672                - priority
  3673                - regular
  3674            default:
  3675              - regular
  3676            description: >-
  3677              Currencycloud supports two types of payments: "priority", made using
  3678              the SWIFT network; and "regular", made using the local bank network.
  3679          - name: on_behalf_of
  3680            in: formData
  3681            required: false
  3682            type: string
  3683            description: Contact UUID.
  3684          - name: beneficiary_external_reference
  3685            in: formData
  3686            required: false
  3687            type: string
  3688            description: Beneficiary external reference
  3689        responses:
  3690          '200':
  3691            description: Success.
  3692            schema:
  3693              $ref: '#/definitions/Beneficiary'
  3694            headers:
  3695              X-Request-Id:
  3696                type: string
  3697                description: A unique reference for the request.
  3698          '400':
  3699            description: Client error.
  3700            x-errors:
  3701              - code: bank_account_holder_name_is_required
  3702                category: bank_account_holder_name
  3703                message: bank_account_holder_name is required
  3704                params: ''
  3705              - code: bank_account_holder_name_is_too_short
  3706                category: bank_account_holder_name
  3707                message: bank_account_holder_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3708                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3709              - code: bank_account_holder_name_is_too_long
  3710                category: bank_account_holder_name
  3711                message: bank_account_holder_name can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  3712                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  3713              - code: email_is_too_short
  3714                category: email
  3715                message: email can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3716                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3717              - code: email_is_too_long
  3718                category: email
  3719                message: email can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  3720                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  3721              - code: beneficiary_address_is_too_short
  3722                category: beneficiary_address
  3723                message: beneficiary_address can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3724                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3725              - code: beneficiary_address_is_too_long
  3726                category: beneficiary_address
  3727                message: beneficiary_address can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  3728                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  3729              - code: beneficiary_address_is_missing
  3730                category: beneficiary_address
  3731                message: Beneficiary address is missing
  3732                params: ''
  3733              - code: account_number_is_too_short
  3734                category: account_number
  3735                message: account_number can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3736                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3737              - code: account_number_is_too_long
  3738                category: account_number
  3739                message: account_number can not be longer than 50 character(s)
  3740                params: '{ "maxlength" => 50 }'
  3741              - code: account_number_is_missing
  3742                category: account_number
  3743                message: Account number is missing
  3744                params: ''
  3745              - code: account_number_is_invalid
  3746                category: account_number
  3747                message: Account number is in invalid format
  3748                params: ''
  3749              - code: routing_code_value_1_is_too_short
  3750                category: routing_code_value_1
  3751                message: routing_code_value_1 can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3752                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3753              - code: routing_code_value_1_is_too_long
  3754                category: routing_code_value_1
  3755                message: routing_code_value_1 can not be longer than 50 character(s)
  3756                params: '{ "maxlength" => 50 }'
  3757              - code: routing_code_value_2_is_too_short
  3758                category: routing_code_value_2
  3759                message: routing_code_value_2 can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3760                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3761              - code: routing_code_value_2_is_too_long
  3762                category: routing_code_value_2
  3763                message: routing_code_value_2 can not be longer than 50 character(s)
  3764                params: '{ "maxlength" => 50 }'
  3765              - code: iban_is_too_short
  3766                category: iban
  3767                message: iban can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3768                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3769              - code: iban_is_too_long
  3770                category: iban
  3771                message: iban can not be longer than 34 character(s)
  3772                params: '{ "maxlength" => 34 }'
  3773              - code: iban_is_missing
  3774                category: iban
  3775                message: IBAN is missing
  3776                params: ''
  3777              - code: iban_is_invalid
  3778                category: iban
  3779                message: IBAN is in invalid format
  3780                params: ''
  3781              - code: bic_swift_is_too_short
  3782                category: bic_swift
  3783                message: bic_swift can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3784                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3785              - code: bic_swift_is_too_long
  3786                category: bic_swift
  3787                message: bic_swift can not be longer than 11 character(s)
  3788                params: '{ "maxlength" => 11 }'
  3789              - code: bic_swift_is_missing
  3790                category: bic_swift
  3791                message: BIC/SWIFT is missing
  3792                params: ''
  3793              - code: bic_swift_is_invalid
  3794                category: bic_swift
  3795                message: BIC/SWIFT is in invalid format
  3796                params: ''
  3797              - code: bank_address_is_missing
  3798                category: bank_address
  3799                message: Bank address is missing
  3800                params: ''
  3801              - code: bank_address_is_too_short
  3802                category: bank_address
  3803                message: bank_address can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3804                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3805              - code: bank_address_is_too_long
  3806                category: bank_address
  3807                message: bank_address can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  3808                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  3809              - code: bank_name_is_too_short
  3810                category: bank_name
  3811                message: bank_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3812                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3813              - code: bank_name_is_too_long
  3814                category: bank_name
  3815                message: bank_name can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  3816                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  3817              - code: bank_name_is_missing
  3818                category: bank_name
  3819                message: Bank name is missing
  3820                params: ''
  3821              - code: bank_name_is_invalid
  3822                category: bank_name
  3823                message: Bank name is in invalid format
  3824                params: ''
  3825              - code: bank_account_type_not_in_range
  3826                category: bank_account_type
  3827                message: 'bank_account_type should be in range: checking, savings'
  3828                params: '{ "range" => "checking, savings" }'
  3829              - code: bank_account_type_is_missing
  3830                category: bank_account_type
  3831                message: Beneficiary bank account type is missing
  3832                params: ''
  3833              - code: name_is_too_short
  3834                category: name
  3835                message: name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  3836                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  3837              - code: name_is_too_long
  3838                category: name
  3839                message: name can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  3840                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100  }'
  3841              - code: default_beneficiary_type_is_wrong
  3842                category: default_beneficiary
  3843                message: default_beneficiary should be of boolean type
  3844                params: '{ "type" => "boolean"  }'
  3845              - code: routing_code_type_1_not_in_range
  3846                category: routing_code_type_1
  3847                message: >-
  3848                  routing_code_type_1 should be in range: sort_code, bsb_code,
  3849                  institution_no, bank_code, branch_code, aba, clabe, cnaps
  3850                params: >-
  3851                  { "range" => "sort_code, bsb_code, institution_no, bank_code,
  3852                  branch_code, aba, clabe, cnaps" }
  3853              - code: routing_code_type_2_not_in_range
  3854                category: routing_code_type_2
  3855                message: >-
  3856                  routing_code_type_2 should be in range: sort_code, bsb_code,
  3857                  institution_no, bank_code, branch_code, aba, clabe, cnaps
  3858                params: >-
  3859                  { "range => "sort_code, bsb_code, institution_no, bank_code,
  3860                  branch_code, aba, clabe, cnaps" }
  3861              - code: beneficiary_country_is_required
  3862                category: beneficiary_country
  3863                message: beneficiary_country is required
  3864                params: ''
  3865              - code: beneficiary_country_is_in_invalid_format
  3866                category: beneficiary_country
  3867                message: beneficiary_country is in invalid format
  3868                params: ''
  3869              - code: beneficiary_entity_type_not_in_range
  3870                category: beneficiary_entity_type
  3871                message: 'beneficiary_entity_type should be in range: individual, company'
  3872                params: '{ "range" => "individual, company" }'
  3873              - code: beneficiary_entity_type_is_missing
  3874                category: beneficiary_entity_type
  3875                message: Beneficiary entity type is missing
  3876                params: ''
  3877              - code: beneficiary_company_name_is_missing
  3878                category: beneficiary_company_name
  3879                message: Beneficiary company name is missing
  3880                params: ''
  3881              - code: beneficiary_first_name_is_missing
  3882                category: beneficiary_first_name
  3883                message: Beneficiary first name is missing
  3884                params: ''
  3885              - code: beneficiary_last_name_is_missing
  3886                category: beneficiary_last_name
  3887                message: Beneficiary last name is missing
  3888                params: ''
  3889              - code: beneficiary_city_is_missing
  3890                category: beneficiary_city
  3891                message: Beneficiary city is missing
  3892                params: ''
  3893              - code: beneficiary_state_or_province_is_missing
  3894                category: beneficiary_state_or_province
  3895                message: Beneficiary state or province is missing
  3896                params: ''
  3897              - code: beneficiary_state_or_province_is_not_supported
  3898                category: beneficiary_state_or_province
  3899                message: Beneficiary state or province is not supported
  3900                params: ''
  3901              - code: beneficiary_postcode_is_missing
  3902                category: beneficiary_postcode
  3903                message: Beneficiary postcode is missing
  3904                params: ''
  3905              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_type_is_wrong
  3906                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  3907                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be of date type
  3908                params: '{ "type" => "date" }'
  3909              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_incorrect
  3910                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  3911                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth is incorrect
  3912                params: ''
  3913              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_earlier
  3914                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  3915                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be later
  3916                params: ''
  3917              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_after
  3918                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  3919                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be earlier
  3920                params: ''
  3921              - code: identification_type_is_missing
  3922                category: beneficiary_identification_type
  3923                message: identification_type is missing
  3924                params: ''
  3925              - code: identification_type_is_invalid
  3926                category: beneficiary_identification_type
  3927                message: identification_type is invalid
  3928                params: ''
  3929              - code: identification_value_is_missing
  3930                category: beneficiary_identification_value
  3931                message: identification_value is missing
  3932                params: ''
  3933              - code: identification_value_is_invalid
  3934                category: beneficiary_identification_value
  3935                message: identification_value is invalid
  3936                params: ''
  3937              - code: bank_country_is_required
  3938                category: bank_country
  3939                message: bank_country is required
  3940                params: ''
  3941              - code: bank_country_is_in_invalid_format
  3942                category: bank_country
  3943                message: bank_country is in invalid format
  3944                params: ''
  3945              - code: bank_country_is_not_supported
  3946                category: bank_country
  3947                message: bank_country is not supported
  3948                params: ''
  3949              - code: currency_is_required
  3950                category: currency
  3951                message: currency is required
  3952                params: ''
  3953              - code: currency_is_in_invalid_format
  3954                category: currency
  3955                message: currency is in invalid format
  3956                params: ''
  3957              - code: currency_code_is_invalid
  3958                category: currency
  3959                message: You can not use this currency with beneficiaries
  3960                params: ''
  3961              - code: unique_value_parameters
  3962                category: base
  3963                message: >-
  3964                  Following parameters should not have same values:
  3965                  routing_code_type_1, routing_code_type_2
  3966                params: '{ "parameters" => "routing_code_type_1, routing_code_type_2" }'
  3967              - code: unsupported_beneficiary_country_code
  3968                category: base
  3969                message: Beneficiary country is not supported
  3970                params: ''
  3971              - code: beneficiary_create_failed
  3972                category: beneficiary
  3973                message: Beneficiary was not created
  3974                params: ''
  3975              - code: beneficiary_details_are_missing
  3976                category: beneficiary
  3977                message: >-
  3978                  Following beneficiary details are missing:
  3979                  beneficiary_company_name
  3980                params: '{ "missing_details" => ["beneficiary_company_name"] }'
  3981              - code: payment_types_not_in_range
  3982                category: payment_types
  3983                message: 'payment_types should be in range: priority, regular'
  3984                params: '{ "range" => "priority, regular" }'
  3985              - code: sort_code_is_missing
  3986                category: routing_code
  3987                message: Sort code is missing
  3988                params: ''
  3989              - code: sort_code_is_invalid
  3990                category: routing_code
  3991                message: Sort code is in invalid format
  3992                params: ''
  3993              - code: aba_is_missing
  3994                category: routing_code
  3995                message: ABA is missing
  3996                params: ''
  3997              - code: aba_is_invalid
  3998                category: routing_code
  3999                message: ABA is in invalid format
  4000                params: ''
  4001              - code: bsb_code_is_missing
  4002                category: routing_code
  4003                message: BSB code is missing
  4004                params: ''
  4005              - code: bsb_code_is_invalid
  4006                category: routing_code
  4007                message: BSB code is in invalid format
  4008                params: ''
  4009              - code: branch_code_is_missing
  4010                category: routing_code
  4011                message: Branch code is missing
  4012                params: ''
  4013              - code: branch_code_is_invalid
  4014                category: routing_code
  4015                message: Branch code is in invalid format
  4016                params: ''
  4017              - code: institution_no_is_missing
  4018                category: routing_code
  4019                message: Institution no is missing
  4020                params: ''
  4021              - code: institution_no_is_invalid
  4022                category: routing_code
  4023                message: Institution no is in invalid format
  4024                params: ''
  4025              - code: bank_code_is_missing
  4026                category: routing_code
  4027                message: Bank code is missing
  4028                params: ''
  4029              - code: bank_code_is_invalid
  4030                category: routing_code
  4031                message: Bank code is in invalid format
  4032                params: ''
  4033              - code: clabe_is_missing
  4034                category: routing_code
  4035                message: CLABE is missing
  4036                params: ''
  4037              - code: clabe_is_invalid
  4038                category: routing_code
  4039                message: CLABE is in invalid format
  4040                params: ''
  4041              - code: cnaps_is_missing
  4042                category: routing_code
  4043                message: CNAPS number is missing
  4044                params: ''
  4045              - code: cnaps_is_invalid
  4046                category: routing_code
  4047                message: CNAPS number is in invalid format
  4048                params: ''
  4049              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  4050                category: on_behalf_of
  4051                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  4052                params: ''
  4053              - code: contact_not_found
  4054                category: on_behalf_of
  4055                message: Contact was not found for this id
  4056                params: ''
  4057              - code: beneficiary_external_reference_is_too_short
  4058                category: beneficiary_external_reference
  4059                message: beneficiary_external_reference can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  4060                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  4061              - code: beneficiary_external_reference_is_too_long
  4062                category: beneficiary_external_reference
  4063                message: beneficiary_external_reference can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  4064                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  4065            schema:
  4066              $ref: '#/definitions/CreateBeneficiaryError'
  4067            headers:
  4068              X-Request-Id:
  4069                type: string
  4070                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4071          '401':
  4072            description: Unauthorized.
  4073            x-errors:
  4074              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  4075                category: username
  4076                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  4077                params: ''
  4078            schema:
  4079              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  4080            headers:
  4081              X-Request-Id:
  4082                type: string
  4083                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4084          '404':
  4085            description: Resource not found.
  4086            headers:
  4087              X-Request-Id:
  4088                type: string
  4089                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4090          '429':
  4091            description: Too many requests.
  4092            x-errors:
  4093              - code: too_many_requests
  4094                category: base
  4095                message: >-
  4096                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  4097                  Developer Center for more information
  4098                params: ''
  4099            schema:
  4100              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  4101            headers:
  4102              X-Request-Id:
  4103                type: string
  4104                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4105          '500':
  4106            description: Internal server error
  4107            x-errors:
  4108              - code: internal_server_error
  4109                category: base
  4110                message: Internal server error
  4111                params: ''
  4112            headers:
  4113              X-Request-Id:
  4114                type: string
  4115                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4116          '503':
  4117            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  4118            x-errors:
  4119              - code: service_unavailable
  4120                category: base
  4121                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  4122                params: ''
  4123            headers:
  4124              X-Request-Id:
  4125                type: string
  4126                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4127          default:
  4128            description: Unexpected error.
  4129            headers:
  4130              X-Request-Id:
  4131                type: string
  4132                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4133    '/beneficiaries/{id}/delete':
  4134      post:
  4135        tags:
  4136          - Beneficiaries
  4137        x-api-group: pay
  4138        summary: Delete Beneficiary
  4139        description: >-
  4140          Delete a beneficiary associated with a sub-account. If the deletion is
  4141          successful, the beneficiary's final state is returned.
  4142        operationId: DeleteBeneficiary
  4143        consumes:
  4144          - multipart/form-data
  4145        produces:
  4146          - application/json
  4147        parameters:
  4148          - name: X-Auth-Token
  4149            in: header
  4150            required: true
  4151            type: string
  4152            description: Authentication token.
  4153          - name: id
  4154            in: path
  4155            required: true
  4156            type: string
  4157            description: Beneficiary UUID.
  4158          - name: on_behalf_of
  4159            in: formData
  4160            required: false
  4161            type: string
  4162            description: Contact UUID.
  4163        responses:
  4164          '200':
  4165            description: Success.
  4166            schema:
  4167              $ref: '#/definitions/Beneficiary'
  4168            headers:
  4169              X-Request-Id:
  4170                type: string
  4171                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4172          '400':
  4173            description: Client error.
  4174            x-errors:
  4175              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  4176                category: id
  4177                message: id should be in UUID format
  4178                params: ''
  4179              - code: beneficiary_not_found
  4180                category: id
  4181                message: Beneficiary was not found for this id
  4182                params: ''
  4183              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  4184                category: on_behalf_of
  4185                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  4186                params: ''
  4187              - code: contact_not_found
  4188                category: on_behalf_of
  4189                message: Contact was not found for this id
  4190                params: ''
  4191            schema:
  4192              $ref: '#/definitions/DeleteBeneficiaryError'
  4193            headers:
  4194              X-Request-Id:
  4195                type: string
  4196                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4197          '401':
  4198            description: Unauthorized.
  4199            x-errors:
  4200              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  4201                category: username
  4202                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  4203                params: ''
  4204            schema:
  4205              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  4206            headers:
  4207              X-Request-Id:
  4208                type: string
  4209                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4210          '404':
  4211            description: Resource not found.
  4212            schema:
  4213              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  4214            headers:
  4215              X-Request-Id:
  4216                type: string
  4217                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4218          '429':
  4219            description: Too many requests.
  4220            x-errors:
  4221              - code: too_many_requests
  4222                category: base
  4223                message: >-
  4224                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  4225                  Developer Center for more information
  4226                params: ''
  4227            schema:
  4228              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  4229            headers:
  4230              X-Request-Id:
  4231                type: string
  4232                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4233          '500':
  4234            description: Internal server error
  4235            x-errors:
  4236              - code: internal_server_error
  4237                category: base
  4238                message: Internal server error
  4239                params: ''
  4240            headers:
  4241              X-Request-Id:
  4242                type: string
  4243                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4244          '503':
  4245            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  4246            x-errors:
  4247              - code: service_unavailable
  4248                category: base
  4249                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  4250                params: ''
  4251            headers:
  4252              X-Request-Id:
  4253                type: string
  4254                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4255          default:
  4256            description: Unexpected error.
  4257            headers:
  4258              X-Request-Id:
  4259                type: string
  4260                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4261    /beneficiaries/validate:
  4262      post:
  4263        tags:
  4264          - Beneficiaries
  4265        x-api-group: pay
  4266        summary: Validate Beneficiary
  4267        description: >-
  4268          Validate a new beneficiary's bank details, without actually creating a
  4269          record of the beneficiary. On success, returns an object that represents
  4270          the entity that would be created if the beneficiary were saved.
  4271        operationId: ValidateBeneficiary
  4272        consumes:
  4273          - multipart/form-data
  4274        produces:
  4275          - application/json
  4276        parameters:
  4277          - name: X-Auth-Token
  4278            in: header
  4279            required: true
  4280            type: string
  4281            description: Authentication token.
  4282          - name: bank_country
  4283            in: formData
  4284            required: true
  4285            type: string
  4286            description: >-
  4287              Two-letter code for the country in which the beneficiary's bank
  4288              account is held.
  4289          - name: currency
  4290            in: formData
  4291            required: true
  4292            type: string
  4293            description: >-
  4294              Currency in which money is held in the beneficiary's bank account.
  4295              Three-digit currency code.
  4296          - name: beneficiary_address
  4297            in: formData
  4298            required: false
  4299            type: string
  4300            description: First line of address.
  4301          - name: beneficiary_country
  4302            in: formData
  4303            required: false
  4304            type: string
  4305            description: >-
  4306              Two-letter country code. If the beneficiary is a company, the
  4307              country in which the company is registered. If the beneficiary is an
  4308              individual, a country in which the beneficiary holds nationality.
  4309          - name: account_number
  4310            in: formData
  4311            required: false
  4312            type: string
  4313            description: Bank account number.
  4314          - name: routing_code_type_1
  4315            in: formData
  4316            required: false
  4317            type: string
  4318            enum:
  4319              - sort_code
  4320              - aba
  4321              - bsb_code
  4322              - institution_no
  4323              - bank_code
  4324              - branch_code
  4325              - clabe
  4326              - cnaps
  4327            description: Local payment routing system.
  4328          - name: routing_code_value_1
  4329            in: formData
  4330            required: false
  4331            type: string
  4332            description: Routing code for "routing_code_type_1".
  4333          - name: routing_code_type_2
  4334            in: formData
  4335            required: false
  4336            type: string
  4337            enum:
  4338              - sort_code
  4339              - aba
  4340              - bsb_code
  4341              - institution_no
  4342              - bank_code
  4343              - branch_code
  4344              - clabe
  4345              - cnaps
  4346            description: Local payment routing system.
  4347          - name: routing_code_value_2
  4348            in: formData
  4349            required: false
  4350            type: string
  4351            description: Routing code for "routing_code_type_2".
  4352          - name: bic_swift
  4353            in: formData
  4354            required: false
  4355            type: string
  4356            description: BIC/SWIFT code.
  4357          - name: iban
  4358            in: formData
  4359            required: false
  4360            type: string
  4361            description: IBAN code.
  4362          - name: bank_address
  4363            in: formData
  4364            required: false
  4365            type: string
  4366            description: First line of address.
  4367          - name: bank_name
  4368            in: formData
  4369            required: false
  4370            type: string
  4371            description: Bank name.
  4372          - name: bank_account_type
  4373            in: formData
  4374            required: false
  4375            type: string
  4376            enum:
  4377              - checkings
  4378              - savings
  4379            description: Bank account type.
  4380          - name: beneficiary_entity_type
  4381            in: formData
  4382            required: false
  4383            type: string
  4384            enum:
  4385              - individual
  4386              - company
  4387            description: Legal entity.
  4388          - name: beneficiary_company_name
  4389            in: formData
  4390            required: false
  4391            type: string
  4392            description: Required if "beneficiary_entity_type" is "company".
  4393          - name: beneficiary_first_name
  4394            in: formData
  4395            required: false
  4396            type: string
  4397            description: Required if "beneficiary_entity_type" is "individual".
  4398          - name: beneficiary_last_name
  4399            in: formData
  4400            required: false
  4401            type: string
  4402            description: Required if "beneficiary_entity_type" is "individual".
  4403          - name: beneficiary_city
  4404            in: formData
  4405            required: false
  4406            type: string
  4407            description: City.
  4408          - name: beneficiary_postcode
  4409            in: formData
  4410            required: false
  4411            type: string
  4412            description: Postal code.
  4413          - name: beneficiary_state_or_province
  4414            in: formData
  4415            required: false
  4416            type: string
  4417            description: State or province.
  4418          - name: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  4419            in: formData
  4420            required: false
  4421            type: string
  4422            description: >-
  4423              If "beneficiary_entity_type" is "company", date of registration. If
  4424              "beneficiary_entity_type" is "individual", date of birth. ISO 8601
  4425              format YYYY-MM-DD.
  4426          - name: beneficiary_identification_type
  4427            in: formData
  4428            required: false
  4429            type: string
  4430            enum:
  4431              - none
  4432              - drivers_license
  4433              - social_security_number
  4434              - green_card
  4435              - passport
  4436              - visa
  4437              - matricula_consular
  4438              - registro_federal_de_contribuyentes
  4439              - clave_unica_de_registro_de_poblacion
  4440              - credential_de_elector
  4441              - social_insurance_number
  4442              - citizenship_papers
  4443              - drivers_license_canadian
  4444              - existing_credit_card_details
  4445              - employer_identification_number
  4446              - national_id
  4447              - incorporation_number
  4448              - others
  4449            description: >-
  4450              A legal document that verifies the identity of the beneficiary.
  4451              Required documentation will vary depending on the country in which
  4452              the beneficiary's bank account is held.
  4453          - name: beneficiary_identification_value
  4454            in: formData
  4455            required: false
  4456            type: string
  4457            description: >-
  4458              A unique reference code for the identification document, such as a
  4459              passport number.
  4460          - name: 'payment_types[]'
  4461            in: formData
  4462            required: false
  4463            type: array
  4464            items:
  4465              type: string
  4466              enum:
  4467                - priority
  4468                - regular
  4469            default:
  4470              - regular
  4471            description: >-
  4472              Currencycloud supports two types of payments: "priority", made using
  4473              the SWIFT network; and "regular", made using the local bank network.
  4474          - name: on_behalf_of
  4475            in: formData
  4476            required: false
  4477            type: string
  4478            description: Contact UUID.
  4479        responses:
  4480          '200':
  4481            description: Success.
  4482            schema:
  4483              $ref: '#/definitions/Beneficiary'
  4484            headers:
  4485              X-Request-Id:
  4486                type: string
  4487                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4488          '400':
  4489            description: Client error.
  4490            x-errors:
  4491              - code: beneficiary_country_is_required
  4492                category: beneficiary_country
  4493                message: beneficiary_country is required
  4494                params: ''
  4495              - code: beneficiary_country_is_in_invalid_format
  4496                category: beneficiary_country
  4497                message: beneficiary_country is in invalid format
  4498                params: ''
  4499              - code: beneficiary_entity_type_not_in_range
  4500                category: beneficiary_entity_type
  4501                message: 'beneficiary_entity_type should be in range: individual, company'
  4502                params: '{ "range" => "individual, company" }'
  4503              - code: beneficiary_entity_type_is_missing
  4504                category: beneficiary_entity_type
  4505                message: Beneficiary entity type is missing
  4506                params: ''
  4507              - code: beneficiary_company_name_is_missing
  4508                category: beneficiary_company_name
  4509                message: Beneficiary company name is missing
  4510                params: ''
  4511              - code: beneficiary_first_name_is_missing
  4512                category: beneficiary_first_name
  4513                message: Beneficiary first name is missing
  4514                params: ''
  4515              - code: beneficiary_last_name_is_missing
  4516                category: beneficiary_last_name
  4517                message: Beneficiary last name is missing
  4518                params: ''
  4519              - code: beneficiary_city_is_missing
  4520                category: beneficiary_city
  4521                message: Beneficiary city is missing
  4522                params: ''
  4523              - code: beneficiary_state_or_province_is_missing
  4524                category: beneficiary_state_or_province
  4525                message: Beneficiary state or province is missing
  4526                params: ''
  4527              - code: beneficiary_state_or_province_is_not_supported
  4528                category: beneficiary_state_or_province
  4529                message: Beneficiary state or province is not supported
  4530                params: ''
  4531              - code: beneficiary_postcode_is_missing
  4532                category: beneficiary_postcode
  4533                message: Beneficiary postcode is missing
  4534                params: ''
  4535              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_type_is_wrong
  4536                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  4537                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be of date type
  4538                params: '{ "type" => "date" }'
  4539              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_incorrect
  4540                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  4541                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth is incorrect
  4542                params: ''
  4543              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_earlier
  4544                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  4545                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be later
  4546                params: ''
  4547              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_after
  4548                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  4549                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be earlier
  4550                params: ''
  4551              - code: account_number_is_too_short
  4552                category: account_number
  4553                message: account_number can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  4554                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  4555              - code: account_number_is_too_long
  4556                category: account_number
  4557                message: account_number can not be longer than 50 character(s)
  4558                params: '{ "maxlength" => 50 }'
  4559              - code: account_number_is_missing
  4560                category: account_number
  4561                message: Account number is missing
  4562                params: ''
  4563              - code: account_number_is_invalid
  4564                category: account_number
  4565                message: Account number is in invalid format
  4566                params: ''
  4567              - code: routing_code_value_1_is_too_short
  4568                category: routing_code_value_1
  4569                message: routing_code_value_1 can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  4570                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  4571              - code: routing_code_value_1_is_too_long
  4572                category: routing_code_value_1
  4573                message: routing_code_value_1 can not be longer than 50 character(s)
  4574                params: '{ "maxlength" => 50 }'
  4575              - code: routing_code_value_2_is_too_short
  4576                category: routing_code_value_2
  4577                message: routing_code_value_2 can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  4578                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  4579              - code: routing_code_value_2_is_too_long
  4580                category: routing_code_value_2
  4581                message: routing_code_value_2 can not be longer than 50 character(s)
  4582                params: '{ "maxlength" => 50 }'
  4583              - code: iban_is_too_short
  4584                category: iban
  4585                message: iban can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  4586                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  4587              - code: iban_is_too_long
  4588                category: iban
  4589                message: iban can not be longer than 34 character(s)
  4590                params: '{ "maxlength" => 34 }'
  4591              - code: iban_is_missing
  4592                category: iban
  4593                message: IBAN is missing
  4594                params: ''
  4595              - code: iban_is_invalid
  4596                category: iban
  4597                message: IBAN is in invalid format
  4598                params: ''
  4599              - code: bic_swift_is_too_short
  4600                category: bic_swift
  4601                message: bic_swift can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  4602                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  4603              - code: bic_swift_is_too_long
  4604                category: bic_swift
  4605                message: bic_swift can not be longer than 11 character(s)
  4606                params: '{ "maxlength" => 11 }'
  4607              - code: bic_swift_is_missing
  4608                category: bic_swift
  4609                message: BIC/SWIFT is missing
  4610                params: ''
  4611              - code: bic_swift_is_invalid
  4612                category: bic_swift
  4613                message: BIC/SWIFT is in invalid format
  4614                params: ''
  4615              - code: bank_address_is_missing
  4616                category: bank_address
  4617                message: Bank address is missing
  4618                params: ''
  4619              - code: bank_address_is_too_short
  4620                category: bank_address
  4621                message: bank_address can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  4622                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  4623              - code: bank_address_is_too_long
  4624                category: bank_address
  4625                message: bank_address can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  4626                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  4627              - code: bank_name_is_too_short
  4628                category: bank_name
  4629                message: bank_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  4630                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  4631              - code: bank_name_is_too_long
  4632                category: bank_name
  4633                message: bank_name can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  4634                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  4635              - code: bank_name_is_missing
  4636                category: bank_name
  4637                message: Bank name is missing
  4638                params: ''
  4639              - code: bank_name_is_invalid
  4640                category: bank_name
  4641                message: Bank name is in invalid format
  4642                params: ''
  4643              - code: bank_account_type_not_in_range
  4644                category: bank_account_type
  4645                message: 'bank_account_type should be in range: checking, savings'
  4646                params: '{ "range" => "checking, savings" }'
  4647              - code: bank_account_type_is_missing
  4648                category: bank_account_type
  4649                message: Beneficiary bank account type is missing
  4650                params: ''
  4651              - code: routing_code_type_1_not_in_range
  4652                category: routing_code_type_1
  4653                message: >-
  4654                  routing_code_type_1 should be in range: sort_code, bsb_code,
  4655                  institution_no, bank_code, branch_code, aba, clabe, cnaps
  4656                params: >-
  4657                  { "range" => "sort_code, bsb_code, institution_no, bank_code,
  4658                  branch_code, aba, clabe, cnaps" }
  4659              - code: routing_code_type_2_not_in_range
  4660                category: routing_code_type_2
  4661                message: >-
  4662                  routing_code_type_2 should be in range: sort_code, bsb_code,
  4663                  institution_no, bank_code, branch_code, aba, clabe, cnaps
  4664                params: >-
  4665                  { "range => "sort_code, bsb_code, institution_no, bank_code,
  4666                  branch_code, aba, clabe, cnaps" }
  4667              - code: bank_country_is_required
  4668                category: bank_country
  4669                message: bank_country is required
  4670                params: ''
  4671              - code: bank_country_is_in_invalid_format
  4672                category: bank_country
  4673                message: bank_country is in invalid format
  4674                params: ''
  4675              - code: bank_country_is_not_supported
  4676                category: bank_country
  4677                message: bank_country is not supported
  4678                params: ''
  4679              - code: currency_is_required
  4680                category: currency
  4681                message: currency is required
  4682                params: ''
  4683              - code: currency_is_in_invalid_format
  4684                category: currency
  4685                message: currency is in invalid format
  4686                params: ''
  4687              - code: currency_code_is_invalid
  4688                category: currency
  4689                message: You can not use this currency with beneficiaries
  4690                params: ''
  4691              - code: unique_value_parameters
  4692                category: base
  4693                message: >-
  4694                  Following parameters should not have same values:
  4695                  routing_code_type_1, routing_code_type_2
  4696                params: '{ "parameters" => "routing_code_type_1, routing_code_type_2" }'
  4697              - code: beneficiary_create_failed
  4698                category: beneficiary
  4699                message: Beneficiary was not created
  4700                params: ''
  4701              - code: beneficiary_details_are_missing
  4702                category: beneficiary
  4703                message: >-
  4704                  Following beneficiary details are missing:
  4705                  beneficiary_company_name
  4706                params: '{ "missing_details" => ["beneficiary_company_name"] }'
  4707              - code: payment_types_not_in_range
  4708                category: payment_types
  4709                message: 'payment_types should be in range: priority, regular'
  4710                params: '{ "range" => "priority, regular" }'
  4711              - code: sort_code_is_missing
  4712                category: routing_code
  4713                message: Sort code is missing
  4714                params: ''
  4715              - code: sort_code_is_invalid
  4716                category: routing_code
  4717                message: Sort code is in invalid format
  4718                params: ''
  4719              - code: aba_is_missing
  4720                category: routing_code
  4721                message: ABA is missing
  4722                params: ''
  4723              - code: aba_is_invalid
  4724                category: routing_code
  4725                message: ABA is in invalid format
  4726                params: ''
  4727              - code: bsb_code_is_missing
  4728                category: routing_code
  4729                message: BSB code is missing
  4730                params: ''
  4731              - code: bsb_code_is_invalid
  4732                category: routing_code
  4733                message: BSB code is in invalid format
  4734                params: ''
  4735              - code: branch_code_is_missing
  4736                category: routing_code
  4737                message: Branch code is missing
  4738                params: ''
  4739              - code: branch_code_is_invalid
  4740                category: routing_code
  4741                message: Branch code is in invalid format
  4742                params: ''
  4743              - code: institution_no_is_missing
  4744                category: routing_code
  4745                message: Institution no is missing
  4746                params: ''
  4747              - code: institution_no_is_invalid
  4748                category: routing_code
  4749                message: Institution no is in invalid format
  4750                params: ''
  4751              - code: bank_code_is_missing
  4752                category: routing_code
  4753                message: Bank code is missing
  4754                params: ''
  4755              - code: bank_code_is_invalid
  4756                category: routing_code
  4757                message: Bank code is in invalid format
  4758                params: ''
  4759              - code: clabe_is_missing
  4760                category: routing_code
  4761                message: CLABE is missing
  4762                params: ''
  4763              - code: clabe_is_invalid
  4764                category: routing_code
  4765                message: CLABE is in invalid format
  4766                params: ''
  4767              - code: beneficiary_update_failed
  4768                category: beneficiary
  4769                message: Beneficiary was not updated
  4770                params: ''
  4771              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  4772                category: on_behalf_of
  4773                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  4774                params: ''
  4775              - code: contact_not_found
  4776                category: on_behalf_of
  4777                message: Contact was not found for this id
  4778                params: ''
  4779            schema:
  4780              $ref: '#/definitions/ValidateBeneficiaryError'
  4781            headers:
  4782              X-Request-Id:
  4783                type: string
  4784                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4785          '401':
  4786            description: Unauthorized.
  4787            x-errors:
  4788              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  4789                category: username
  4790                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  4791                params: ''
  4792            schema:
  4793              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  4794            headers:
  4795              X-Request-Id:
  4796                type: string
  4797                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4798          '404':
  4799            description: Resource not found.
  4800            headers:
  4801              X-Request-Id:
  4802                type: string
  4803                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4804          '429':
  4805            description: Too many requests.
  4806            x-errors:
  4807              - code: too_many_requests
  4808                category: base
  4809                message: >-
  4810                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  4811                  Developer Center for more information
  4812                params: ''
  4813            schema:
  4814              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  4815            headers:
  4816              X-Request-Id:
  4817                type: string
  4818                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4819          '500':
  4820            description: Internal server error
  4821            x-errors:
  4822              - code: internal_server_error
  4823                category: base
  4824                message: Internal server error
  4825                params: ''
  4826            headers:
  4827              X-Request-Id:
  4828                type: string
  4829                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4830          '503':
  4831            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  4832            x-errors:
  4833              - code: service_unavailable
  4834                category: base
  4835                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  4836                params: ''
  4837            headers:
  4838              X-Request-Id:
  4839                type: string
  4840                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4841          default:
  4842            description: Unexpected error.
  4843            headers:
  4844              X-Request-Id:
  4845                type: string
  4846                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4847    /contacts/current:
  4848      get:
  4849        tags:
  4850          - Contacts
  4851        x-api-group: manage
  4852        summary: Get Authenticating Contact
  4853        description: Get the contact record for the authenticating user.
  4854        operationId: GetAuthenticatingContact
  4855        produces:
  4856          - application/json
  4857        parameters:
  4858          - name: X-Auth-Token
  4859            in: header
  4860            required: true
  4861            type: string
  4862            description: Authentication token.
  4863        responses:
  4864          '200':
  4865            description: Success.
  4866            schema:
  4867              $ref: '#/definitions/Contact'
  4868            headers:
  4869              X-Request-Id:
  4870                type: string
  4871                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4872          '401':
  4873            description: Unauthorized.
  4874            x-errors:
  4875              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  4876                category: username
  4877                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  4878                params: ''
  4879            schema:
  4880              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  4881            headers:
  4882              X-Request-Id:
  4883                type: string
  4884                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4885          '404':
  4886            description: Resource not found.
  4887            headers:
  4888              X-Request-Id:
  4889                type: string
  4890                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4891          '429':
  4892            description: Too many requests.
  4893            x-errors:
  4894              - code: too_many_requests
  4895                category: base
  4896                message: >-
  4897                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  4898                  Developer Center for more information
  4899                params: ''
  4900            schema:
  4901              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  4902            headers:
  4903              X-Request-Id:
  4904                type: string
  4905                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4906          '500':
  4907            description: Internal server error
  4908            x-errors:
  4909              - code: internal_server_error
  4910                category: base
  4911                message: Internal server error
  4912                params: ''
  4913            headers:
  4914              X-Request-Id:
  4915                type: string
  4916                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4917          '503':
  4918            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  4919            x-errors:
  4920              - code: service_unavailable
  4921                category: base
  4922                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  4923                params: ''
  4924            headers:
  4925              X-Request-Id:
  4926                type: string
  4927                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4928          default:
  4929            description: Unexpected error.
  4930            headers:
  4931              X-Request-Id:
  4932                type: string
  4933                description: A unique reference for the request.
  4934    /contacts/find:
  4935      get:
  4936        tags:
  4937          - Contacts
  4938        x-api-group: manage
  4939        summary: Find Contacts
  4940        description: Get contacts that match search parameters.
  4941        operationId: FindContacts
  4942        produces:
  4943          - application/json
  4944        parameters:
  4945          - name: X-Auth-Token
  4946            in: header
  4947            required: true
  4948            type: string
  4949            description: Authentication token.
  4950          - name: account_name
  4951            in: query
  4952            required: false
  4953            type: string
  4954            description: Account name.
  4955          - name: account_id
  4956            in: query
  4957            required: false
  4958            type: string
  4959            description: Sub-account UUID.
  4960          - name: first_name
  4961            in: query
  4962            required: false
  4963            type: string
  4964            description: Contact first name.
  4965          - name: last_name
  4966            in: query
  4967            required: false
  4968            type: string
  4969            description: Contact last name.
  4970          - name: email_address
  4971            in: query
  4972            required: false
  4973            type: string
  4974            description: Email address.
  4975          - name: your_reference
  4976            in: query
  4977            required: false
  4978            type: string
  4979            description: User-generated reference code.
  4980          - name: phone_number
  4981            in: query
  4982            required: false
  4983            type: string
  4984            description: Phone number.
  4985          - name: login_id
  4986            in: query
  4987            required: false
  4988            type: string
  4989            description: Currencycloud login ID.
  4990          - name: status
  4991            in: query
  4992            required: false
  4993            type: string
  4994            enum:
  4995              - enabled
  4996              - not_enabled
  4997            description: Contact status.
  4998          - name: locale
  4999            in: query
  5000            required: false
  5001            type: string
  5002            description: 'Locale code ("en", "en-US", "fr-FR").'
  5003          - name: timezone
  5004            in: query
  5005            required: false
  5006            type: string
  5007            description: 'Timezone ("Europe/London", "America/New_York").'
  5008          - name: page
  5009            in: query
  5010            required: false
  5011            type: string
  5012            description: Page number.
  5013          - name: per_page
  5014            in: query
  5015            required: false
  5016            type: string
  5017            description: Number of results per page.
  5018          - name: order
  5019            in: query
  5020            required: false
  5021            type: string
  5022            description: Any field name to change the sort order.
  5023          - name: order_asc_desc
  5024            in: query
  5025            required: false
  5026            type: string
  5027            enum:
  5028              - asc
  5029              - desc
  5030            default: asc
  5031            description: Sort records in ascending or descending order.
  5032        responses:
  5033          '200':
  5034            description: Success.
  5035            schema:
  5036              $ref: '#/definitions/Contact'
  5037            headers:
  5038              X-Request-Id:
  5039                type: string
  5040                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5041          '400':
  5042            description: Client error.
  5043            schema:
  5044              $ref: '#/definitions/FindContactsError'
  5045            headers:
  5046              X-Request-Id:
  5047                type: string
  5048                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5049          '401':
  5050            description: Unauthorized.
  5051            x-errors:
  5052              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  5053                category: username
  5054                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  5055                params: ''
  5056            schema:
  5057              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  5058            headers:
  5059              X-Request-Id:
  5060                type: string
  5061                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5062          '404':
  5063            description: Resource not found.
  5064            headers:
  5065              X-Request-Id:
  5066                type: string
  5067                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5068          '429':
  5069            description: Too many requests.
  5070            x-errors:
  5071              - code: too_many_requests
  5072                category: base
  5073                message: >-
  5074                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  5075                  Developer Center for more information
  5076                params: ''
  5077            schema:
  5078              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  5079            headers:
  5080              X-Request-Id:
  5081                type: string
  5082                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5083          '500':
  5084            description: Internal server error
  5085            x-errors:
  5086              - code: internal_server_error
  5087                category: base
  5088                message: Internal server error
  5089                params: ''
  5090            headers:
  5091              X-Request-Id:
  5092                type: string
  5093                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5094          '503':
  5095            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  5096            x-errors:
  5097              - code: service_unavailable
  5098                category: base
  5099                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  5100                params: ''
  5101            headers:
  5102              X-Request-Id:
  5103                type: string
  5104                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5105          default:
  5106            description: Unexpected error.
  5107            headers:
  5108              X-Request-Id:
  5109                type: string
  5110                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5111    '/contacts/{id}':
  5112      get:
  5113        tags:
  5114          - Contacts
  5115        x-api-group: manage
  5116        summary: Get Contact
  5117        description: Get a contact.
  5118        operationId: GetContact
  5119        produces:
  5120          - application/json
  5121        parameters:
  5122          - name: X-Auth-Token
  5123            in: header
  5124            required: true
  5125            type: string
  5126            description: Authentication token.
  5127          - name: id
  5128            in: path
  5129            required: true
  5130            type: string
  5131            description: Contact UUID.
  5132        responses:
  5133          '200':
  5134            description: Success.
  5135            schema:
  5136              $ref: '#/definitions/Contact'
  5137            headers:
  5138              X-Request-Id:
  5139                type: string
  5140                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5141          '400':
  5142            description: Client error.
  5143            x-errors:
  5144              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  5145                category: id
  5146                message: id should be in UUID format
  5147                params: ''
  5148              - code: contact_not_found
  5149                category: id
  5150                message: Contact was not found for this id
  5151                params: ''
  5152            schema:
  5153              $ref: '#/definitions/GetContactError'
  5154            headers:
  5155              X-Request-Id:
  5156                type: string
  5157                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5158          '401':
  5159            description: Unauthorized.
  5160            x-errors:
  5161              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  5162                category: username
  5163                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  5164                params: ''
  5165            schema:
  5166              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  5167            headers:
  5168              X-Request-Id:
  5169                type: string
  5170                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5171          '404':
  5172            description: Resource not found.
  5173            schema:
  5174              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  5175            headers:
  5176              X-Request-Id:
  5177                type: string
  5178                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5179          '429':
  5180            description: Too many requests.
  5181            x-errors:
  5182              - code: too_many_requests
  5183                category: base
  5184                message: >-
  5185                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  5186                  Developer Center for more information
  5187                params: ''
  5188            schema:
  5189              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  5190            headers:
  5191              X-Request-Id:
  5192                type: string
  5193                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5194          '500':
  5195            description: Internal server error
  5196            x-errors:
  5197              - code: internal_server_error
  5198                category: base
  5199                message: Internal server error
  5200                params: ''
  5201            headers:
  5202              X-Request-Id:
  5203                type: string
  5204                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5205          '503':
  5206            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  5207            x-errors:
  5208              - code: service_unavailable
  5209                category: base
  5210                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  5211                params: ''
  5212            headers:
  5213              X-Request-Id:
  5214                type: string
  5215                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5216          default:
  5217            description: Unexpected error.
  5218            headers:
  5219              X-Request-Id:
  5220                type: string
  5221                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5222      post:
  5223        tags:
  5224          - Contacts
  5225        x-api-group: manage
  5226        summary: Update Contact
  5227        description: >-
  5228          Update an existing contact. On success, returns the updated contact
  5229          entity.
  5230        operationId: UpdateContact
  5231        consumes:
  5232          - multipart/form-data
  5233        produces:
  5234          - application/json
  5235        parameters:
  5236          - name: X-Auth-Token
  5237            in: header
  5238            required: true
  5239            type: string
  5240            description: Authentication token.
  5241          - name: id
  5242            in: path
  5243            required: true
  5244            type: string
  5245            description: Contact UUID.
  5246          - name: first_name
  5247            in: query
  5248            required: false
  5249            type: string
  5250            description: Contact first name.
  5251          - name: last_name
  5252            in: query
  5253            required: false
  5254            type: string
  5255            description: Contact last name.
  5256          - name: email_address
  5257            in: query
  5258            required: false
  5259            type: string
  5260            description: Email address.
  5261          - name: your_reference
  5262            in: query
  5263            required: false
  5264            type: string
  5265            description: User-generated reference code.
  5266          - name: phone_number
  5267            in: query
  5268            required: false
  5269            type: string
  5270            description: Phone number.
  5271          - name: mobile_phone_number
  5272            in: query
  5273            required: false
  5274            type: string
  5275            description: Mobile phone number.
  5276          - name: login_id
  5277            in: query
  5278            required: false
  5279            type: string
  5280            description: Currencycloud login ID.
  5281          - name: status
  5282            in: query
  5283            required: false
  5284            type: string
  5285            enum:
  5286              - enabled
  5287              - not_enabled
  5288            description: Contact status.
  5289          - name: locale
  5290            in: query
  5291            required: false
  5292            type: string
  5293            description: 'Locale code ("en", "en-US", "fr-FR").'
  5294          - name: timezone
  5295            in: query
  5296            required: false
  5297            type: string
  5298            description: 'Timezone ("Europe/London", "America/New_York").'
  5299          - name: date_of_birth
  5300            in: query
  5301            required: false
  5302            type: string
  5303            format: date
  5304            description: Date of birth. ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD.
  5305        responses:
  5306          '200':
  5307            description: Success.
  5308            schema:
  5309              $ref: '#/definitions/Contact'
  5310            headers:
  5311              X-Request-Id:
  5312                type: string
  5313                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5314          '400':
  5315            description: Client error.
  5316            x-errors:
  5317              - code: at_least_one_parameter
  5318                category: base
  5319                message: >-
  5320                  At least one parameter should be present: first_name, last_name,
  5321                  email_address, phone_number, mobile_phone_number, login_id,
  5322                  locale, timezone, status
  5323                params: ''
  5324              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  5325                category: id
  5326                message: id should be in UUID format
  5327                params: ''
  5328              - code: first_name_is_too_short
  5329                category: first_name
  5330                message: first_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  5331                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  5332              - code: first_name_is_too_long
  5333                category: first_name
  5334                message: first_name can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  5335                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  5336              - code: last_name_is_too_short
  5337                category: last_name
  5338                message: last_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  5339                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  5340              - code: last_name_is_too_long
  5341                category: last_name
  5342                message: last_name can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  5343                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  5344              - code: email_address_is_too_short
  5345                category: email_address
  5346                message: email_address can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  5347                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  5348              - code: email_address_is_too_long
  5349                category: email_address
  5350                message: email_address can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  5351                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  5352              - code: email_address_is_in_invalid_format
  5353                category: email_address
  5354                message: email_address is in invalid format
  5355                params: ''
  5356              - code: phone_number_is_too_short
  5357                category: phone_number
  5358                message: phone_number can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  5359                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  5360              - code: phone_number_is_too_long
  5361                category: phone_number
  5362                message: phone_number can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  5363                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  5364              - code: mobile_phone_number_is_too_short
  5365                category: mobile_phone_number
  5366                message: mobile_phone_number can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  5367                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  5368              - code: mobile_phone_number_is_too_long
  5369                category: mobile_phone_number
  5370                message: mobile_phone_number can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  5371                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  5372              - code: login_id_in_use
  5373                category: login_id
  5374                message: 'login_id already in use:'
  5375                params: ''
  5376              - code: login_id_is_too_long
  5377                category: login_id
  5378                message: login_id can not be longer than 50 character(s)
  5379                params: '{ "maxlength" => 50 }'
  5380              - code: locale_is_too_short
  5381                category: locale
  5382                message: locale can not be shorter than 2 character(s)
  5383                params: '{ "minlength" => 2 }'
  5384              - code: locale_is_too_long
  5385                category: locale
  5386                message: locale can not be longer than 5 character(s)
  5387                params: '{ "maxlength" => 5 }'
  5388              - code: timezone_is_too_short
  5389                category: timezone
  5390                message: timezone can not be shorter than 2 character(s)
  5391                params: '{ "minlength" => 2 }'
  5392              - code: timezone_is_too_long
  5393                category: timezone
  5394                message: timezone can not be longer than 5 character(s)
  5395                params: '{ "maxlength" => 5 }'
  5396              - code: status_not_in_range
  5397                category: status
  5398                message: 'status should be in range: enabled, not_enabled'
  5399                params: ''
  5400              - code: date_of_birth_type_is_wrong
  5401                category: date_of_birth
  5402                message: date_of_birth should be of date type
  5403                params: '{ "type" => "date" }'
  5404              - code: contact_not_found
  5405                category: id
  5406                message: Contact was not found for this id
  5407                params: ''
  5408            schema:
  5409              $ref: '#/definitions/UpdateContactError'
  5410            headers:
  5411              X-Request-Id:
  5412                type: string
  5413                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5414          '401':
  5415            description: Unauthorized.
  5416            x-errors:
  5417              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  5418                category: username
  5419                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  5420                params: ''
  5421            schema:
  5422              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  5423            headers:
  5424              X-Request-Id:
  5425                type: string
  5426                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5427          '404':
  5428            description: Resource not found.
  5429            headers:
  5430              X-Request-Id:
  5431                type: string
  5432                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5433          '429':
  5434            description: Too many requests.
  5435            x-errors:
  5436              - code: too_many_requests
  5437                category: base
  5438                message: >-
  5439                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  5440                  Developer Center for more information
  5441                params: ''
  5442            schema:
  5443              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  5444            headers:
  5445              X-Request-Id:
  5446                type: string
  5447                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5448          '500':
  5449            description: Internal server error
  5450            x-errors:
  5451              - code: internal_server_error
  5452                category: base
  5453                message: Internal server error
  5454                params: ''
  5455            headers:
  5456              X-Request-Id:
  5457                type: string
  5458                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5459          '503':
  5460            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  5461            x-errors:
  5462              - code: service_unavailable
  5463                category: base
  5464                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  5465                params: ''
  5466            headers:
  5467              X-Request-Id:
  5468                type: string
  5469                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5470          default:
  5471            description: Unexpected error.
  5472            headers:
  5473              X-Request-Id:
  5474                type: string
  5475                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5476    /contacts/create:
  5477      post:
  5478        tags:
  5479          - Contacts
  5480        x-api-group: manage
  5481        summary: Create Contact
  5482        description: >-
  5483          Create a new contact and attach to a sub-account. On success, returns
  5484          the new contact entity.
  5485        operationId: CreateContact
  5486        consumes:
  5487          - multipart/form-data
  5488        produces:
  5489          - application/json
  5490        parameters:
  5491          - name: X-Auth-Token
  5492            in: header
  5493            required: true
  5494            type: string
  5495            description: Authentication token.
  5496          - name: account_id
  5497            in: formData
  5498            required: true
  5499            type: string
  5500            description: Account UUID.
  5501          - name: first_name
  5502            in: formData
  5503            required: true
  5504            type: string
  5505            description: Contact first name.
  5506          - name: last_name
  5507            in: formData
  5508            required: true
  5509            type: string
  5510            description: Contact last name.
  5511          - name: email_address
  5512            in: formData
  5513            required: true
  5514            type: string
  5515            description: Email address.
  5516          - name: phone_number
  5517            in: formData
  5518            required: true
  5519            type: string
  5520            description: Phone number.
  5521          - name: your_reference
  5522            in: formData
  5523            required: false
  5524            type: string
  5525            description: User-generated reference code.
  5526          - name: mobile_phone_number
  5527            in: formData
  5528            required: false
  5529            type: string
  5530            description: Mobile phone number.
  5531          - name: login_id
  5532            in: formData
  5533            required: false
  5534            type: string
  5535            description: Currencycloud login ID.
  5536          - name: status
  5537            in: formData
  5538            required: false
  5539            type: string
  5540            enum:
  5541              - enabled
  5542              - not_enabled
  5543            description: Contact status.
  5544          - name: locale
  5545            in: formData
  5546            required: false
  5547            type: string
  5548            description: 'Locale code ("en", "en-US", "fr-FR").'
  5549          - name: timezone
  5550            in: formData
  5551            required: false
  5552            type: string
  5553            description: 'Timezone ("Europe/London", "America/New_York").'
  5554          - name: date_of_birth
  5555            in: formData
  5556            required: false
  5557            type: string
  5558            description: Date of birth. ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD.
  5559        responses:
  5560          '200':
  5561            description: Success.
  5562            schema:
  5563              $ref: '#/definitions/Contact'
  5564            headers:
  5565              X-Request-Id:
  5566                type: string
  5567                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5568          '400':
  5569            description: Client error.
  5570            x-errors:
  5571              - code: account_id_is_in_invalid_format
  5572                category: account_id
  5573                message: account_id is in invalid format
  5574                params: ''
  5575              - code: first_name_is_too_short
  5576                category: first_name
  5577                message: first_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  5578                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  5579              - code: first_name_is_too_long
  5580                category: first_name
  5581                message: first_name can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  5582                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  5583              - code: last_name_is_too_short
  5584                category: last_name
  5585                message: last_name can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  5586                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  5587              - code: last_name_is_too_long
  5588                category: last_name
  5589                message: last_name can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  5590                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  5591              - code: email_address_is_too_short
  5592                category: email_address
  5593                message: email_address can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  5594                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  5595              - code: email_address_is_too_long
  5596                category: email_address
  5597                message: email_address can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  5598                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  5599              - code: email_address_is_in_invalid_format
  5600                category: email_address
  5601                message: email_address is in invalid format
  5602                params: ''
  5603              - code: phone_number_is_too_short
  5604                category: phone_number
  5605                message: phone_number can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  5606                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  5607              - code: phone_number_is_too_long
  5608                category: phone_number
  5609                message: phone_number can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  5610                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  5611              - code: mobile_phone_number_is_too_short
  5612                category: mobile_phone_number
  5613                message: mobile_phone_number can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  5614                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  5615              - code: mobile_phone_number_is_too_long
  5616                category: mobile_phone_number
  5617                message: mobile_phone_number can not be longer than 100 character(s)
  5618                params: '{ "maxlength" => 100 }'
  5619              - code: login_id_is_too_short
  5620                category: login_id
  5621                message: login_id can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  5622                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  5623              - code: login_id_in_use
  5624                category: login_id
  5625                message: login_id already in use
  5626                params: ''
  5627              - code: login_id_is_too_long
  5628                category: login_id
  5629                message: login_id can not be longer than 50 character(s)
  5630                params: '{ "maxlength" => 50 }'
  5631              - code: locale_is_too_short
  5632                category: locale
  5633                message: locale can not be shorter than 2 character(s)
  5634                params: '{ "minlength" => 2 }'
  5635              - code: locale_is_too_long
  5636                category: locale
  5637                message: locale can not be longer than 5 character(s)
  5638                params: '{ "maxlength" => 5 }'
  5639              - code: timezone_is_too_short
  5640                category: timezone
  5641                message: timezone can not be shorter than 2 character(s)
  5642                params: '{ "minlength" => 2 }'
  5643              - code: timezone_is_too_long
  5644                category: timezone
  5645                message: timezone can not be longer than 5 character(s)
  5646                params: '{ "maxlength" => 5 }'
  5647              - code: status_not_in_range
  5648                category: status
  5649                message: 'status should be in range: enabled, not_enabled'
  5650                params: ''
  5651              - code: date_of_birth_type_is_wrong
  5652                category: date_of_birth
  5653                message: date_of_birth should be of date type
  5654                params: '{ "type" => "date" }'
  5655              - code: date_of_birth_is_required
  5656                category: date_of_birth
  5657                message: >-
  5658                  Date of Birth is a required field. Please provide date of birth
  5659                  (YYYY-MM-DD)
  5660                params: ''
  5661            schema:
  5662              $ref: '#/definitions/CreateContactError'
  5663            headers:
  5664              X-Request-Id:
  5665                type: string
  5666                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5667          '401':
  5668            description: Unauthorized.
  5669            x-errors:
  5670              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  5671                category: username
  5672                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  5673                params: ''
  5674            schema:
  5675              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  5676            headers:
  5677              X-Request-Id:
  5678                type: string
  5679                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5680          '404':
  5681            description: Resource not found.
  5682            headers:
  5683              X-Request-Id:
  5684                type: string
  5685                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5686          '429':
  5687            description: Too many requests.
  5688            x-errors:
  5689              - code: too_many_requests
  5690                category: base
  5691                message: >-
  5692                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  5693                  Developer Center for more information
  5694                params: ''
  5695            schema:
  5696              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  5697            headers:
  5698              X-Request-Id:
  5699                type: string
  5700                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5701          '500':
  5702            description: Internal server error
  5703            x-errors:
  5704              - code: internal_server_error
  5705                category: base
  5706                message: Internal server error
  5707                params: ''
  5708            headers:
  5709              X-Request-Id:
  5710                type: string
  5711                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5712          '503':
  5713            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  5714            x-errors:
  5715              - code: service_unavailable
  5716                category: base
  5717                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  5718                params: ''
  5719            headers:
  5720              X-Request-Id:
  5721                type: string
  5722                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5723          default:
  5724            description: Unexpected error.
  5725            headers:
  5726              X-Request-Id:
  5727                type: string
  5728                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5729    /contacts/generate_hmac_key:
  5730      post:
  5731        tags:
  5732          - Contacts
  5733        x-api-group: manage
  5734        summary: Generate HMAC Key for Contact
  5735        description: >-
  5736          Generates a new HMAC key for the current contact.
  5737        operationId: GenrateHMACKey
  5738        consumes:
  5739          - multipart/form-data
  5740        produces:
  5741          - application/json
  5742        parameters:
  5743          - name: X-Auth-Token
  5744            in: header
  5745            required: true
  5746            type: string
  5747            description: Authentication token.
  5748        responses:
  5749          '200':
  5750            description: Success.
  5751            schema:
  5752              $ref: '#/definitions/HMACKey'
  5753            headers:
  5754              X-Request-Id:
  5755                type: string
  5756                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5757          '400':
  5758            description: Client error.
  5759            x-errors:
  5760              - code: generate_hmac_key_wrong_brand
  5761                category: base
  5762                message: HMAC key can't be generated for that brand
  5763                params: ''
  5764              - code: generate_hmac_key_brand_not_configured
  5765                category: base
  5766                message: >-
  5767                  Brand #{brand} should be configured first
  5768                params: ''
  5769            schema:
  5770              $ref: '#/definitions/GenrateHMACKeyError'
  5771            headers:
  5772              X-Request-Id:
  5773                type: string
  5774                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5775          '401':
  5776            description: Unauthorized.
  5777            x-errors:
  5778              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  5779                category: username
  5780                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  5781                params: ''
  5782            schema:
  5783              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  5784            headers:
  5785              X-Request-Id:
  5786                type: string
  5787                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5788          '403':
  5789            description: Forbidden.
  5790            x-errors:
  5791              - code: permission_denied
  5792                message: permission_denied
  5793                params: ''
  5794            schema:
  5795              $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenError'
  5796            headers:
  5797              X-Request-Id:
  5798                type: string
  5799                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5800          '429':
  5801            description: Too many requests.
  5802            x-errors:
  5803              - code: too_many_requests
  5804                category: base
  5805                message: >-
  5806                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  5807                  Developer Center for more information
  5808                params: ''
  5809            schema:
  5810              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  5811            headers:
  5812              X-Request-Id:
  5813                type: string
  5814                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5815          '500':
  5816            description: Internal server error
  5817            x-errors:
  5818              - code: internal_server_error
  5819                category: base
  5820                message: Internal server error
  5821                params: ''
  5822            headers:
  5823              X-Request-Id:
  5824                type: string
  5825                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5826          '503':
  5827            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  5828            x-errors:
  5829              - code: service_unavailable
  5830                category: base
  5831                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  5832                params: ''
  5833            headers:
  5834              X-Request-Id:
  5835                type: string
  5836                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5837          default:
  5838            description: Unexpected error.
  5839            headers:
  5840              X-Request-Id:
  5841                type: string
  5842                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5843    /conversions/create:
  5844      post:
  5845        tags:
  5846          - Conversions
  5847        x-api-group: convert
  5848        summary: Create Conversion
  5849        description: 'Create a new conversion. On success, returns the new conversion entity.'
  5850        operationId: CreateConversion
  5851        consumes:
  5852          - multipart/form-data
  5853        produces:
  5854          - application/json
  5855        parameters:
  5856          - name: X-Auth-Token
  5857            in: header
  5858            required: true
  5859            type: string
  5860            description: Authentication token.
  5861          - name: buy_currency
  5862            in: formData
  5863            required: true
  5864            type: string
  5865            description: Currency purchased. Three-digit code.
  5866          - name: sell_currency
  5867            in: formData
  5868            required: true
  5869            type: string
  5870            description: Currency sold. Three-digit code.
  5871          - name: fixed_side
  5872            in: formData
  5873            required: true
  5874            type: string
  5875            enum:
  5876              - buy
  5877              - sell
  5878            description: Fix the buy or sell currency.
  5879          - name: amount
  5880            in: formData
  5881            required: true
  5882            type: string
  5883            description: Amount of the fixed buy or sell currency.
  5884          - name: term_agreement
  5885            in: formData
  5886            required: true
  5887            type: boolean
  5888            description: Indicates agreement to terms and conditions.
  5889          - name: conversion_date
  5890            in: formData
  5891            required: false
  5892            type: string
  5893            format: date
  5894            description: Earliest delivery date in UTC time zone. Format YYYY-MM-DD.
  5895          - name: client_buy_amount
  5896            in: formData
  5897            required: false
  5898            type: string
  5899            description: Client buy amount.
  5900          - name: client_sell_amount
  5901            in: formData
  5902            required: false
  5903            type: string
  5904            description: Client sell amount.
  5905          - name: reason
  5906            in: formData
  5907            required: false
  5908            type: string
  5909            description: User-generated reason for payment. Freeform text.
  5910          - name: unique_request_id
  5911            in: formData
  5912            required: false
  5913            type: string
  5914            description: User-generated idempotency key.
  5915          - name: on_behalf_of
  5916            in: formData
  5917            required: false
  5918            type: string
  5919            description: Contact UUID.
  5920          - name: conversion_date_preference
  5921            in: formData
  5922            required: false
  5923            type: string
  5924            enum:
  5925              - earliest
  5926              - default
  5927              - optimize_liquidity
  5928            description: >-
  5929              Available only if conversion_date is not provided. Must be one of the following:<br>
  5930              'earliest' for earliest available conversion date. Make sure there is sufficient time to send funds to Currencycloud.<br>
  5931              'default' for conversion - T+1 for APAC, T+2 for everywhere else.<br>
  5932              'optimize_liquidity' for maximizing chances of getting a successful rate. Most relevant for exotic pairs.
  5933              Conversion is within 1 or 2 working days depending on currencies.
  5934        responses:
  5935          '200':
  5936            description: Success.
  5937            schema:
  5938              $ref: '#/definitions/Conversion'
  5939            headers:
  5940              X-Request-Id:
  5941                type: string
  5942                description: A unique reference for the request.
  5943          '400':
  5944            description: Client error.
  5945            x-errors:
  5946              - code: invalid_extra_parameters
  5947                category: base
  5948                message: Invalid extra parameters
  5949                params: '{ "parameters" => { "extra_param" => "extra_value" } }'
  5950              - code: buy_currency_is_in_invalid_format
  5951                category: buy_currency
  5952                message: buy_currency is not a valid ISO 4217 currency code
  5953                params: '{ "type" => "currency" }'
  5954              - code: buy_currency_is_required
  5955                category: buy_currency
  5956                message: buy_currency is required
  5957                params: ''
  5958              - code: invalid_buy_currency
  5959                category: buy_currency
  5960                message: buy_currency is invalid
  5961                params: ''
  5962              - code: sell_currency_is_required
  5963                category: sell_currency
  5964                message: sell_currency is required
  5965                params: ''
  5966              - code: sell_currency_is_in_invalid_format
  5967                category: sell_currency
  5968                message: sell_currency is not a valid ISO 4217 currency code
  5969                params: '{ "type" => "currency" }'
  5970              - code: invalid_sell_currency
  5971                category: sell_currency
  5972                message: sell_currency is invalid
  5973                params: ''
  5974              - code: amount_is_required
  5975                category: amount
  5976                message: amount is required
  5977                params: ''
  5978              - code: conversion_above_limit
  5979                category: amount
  5980                message: >-
  5981                  Conversion of GBP equivalent 30000.01 exceeds your limit of
  5982                  30000.00
  5983                params: >-
  5984                  { "amount" => "30000.01", "limit_amount" => "30000.00", "ccy" =>
  5985                  "GBP" }
  5986              - code: conversion_below_limit
  5987                category: amount
  5988                message: >-
  5989                  Conversion of GBP equivalent 999.99 is less than your lower
  5990                  limit of 1000.00
  5991                params: >-
  5992                  { "amount" => "999.99", "limit_amount" => "1000.00", "ccy" =>
  5993                  "GBP" }
  5994              - code: amount_type_is_wrong
  5995                category: amount
  5996                message: amount should be of numeric type
  5997                params: '{ "type" => "numeric" }'
  5998              - code: reason_is_required
  5999                category: reason
  6000                message: reason is required
  6001                params: ''
  6002              - code: reason_is_too_short
  6003                category: reason
  6004                message: reason can not be shorter than 1 character(s)
  6005                params: '{ "minlength" => 1 }'
  6006              - code: client_rate_is_in_invalid_format
  6007                category: client_rate
  6008                message: client_rate should be of numeric type with 4 dp
  6009                params: '{ "type" => "numeric_with_precision", "precision" => 4 }'
  6010              - code: invalid_client_rate
  6011                category: client_rate
  6012                message: client_rate is invalid
  6013                params: '{ "client_rate" => "1.455543..1.778997" }'
  6014              - code: client_rate_is_required
  6015                category: client_rate
  6016                message: The client_rate is required if you supply currency_pair
  6017                params: ''
  6018              - code: fixed_side_is_required
  6019                category: fixed_side
  6020                message: fixed_side is required
  6021                params: ''
  6022              - code: fixed_side_not_in_range
  6023                category: fixed_side
  6024                message: 'fixed_side should be in range: buy, sell'
  6025                params: '{ "range" => "buy, sell" }'
  6026              - code: term_agreement_is_required
  6027                category: term_agreement
  6028                message: term_agreement is required
  6029                params: ''
  6030              - code: term_agreement_type_is_wrong
  6031                category: term_agreement
  6032                message: term_agreement should be of boolean type
  6033                params: '{ "type" => "boolean" }'
  6034              - code: conversion_create_failed
  6035                category: conversion_create_failed
  6036                message: Conversion create failed
  6037                params: ''
  6038              - code: currency_pair_is_in_invalid_format
  6039                category: currency_pair
  6040                message: currency_pair is not a valid ISO 4217 currency code
  6041                params: '{ "type" => "currency_pair" }'
  6042              - code: invalid_currency_pair
  6043                category: invalid_currency_pair
  6044                message: >-
  6045                  The currency_pair should be the real market pair of the
  6046                  buy_currency and sell_currency
  6047                params: ''
  6048              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  6049                category: on_behalf_of
  6050                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  6051                params: ''
  6052              - code: contact_not_found
  6053                category: on_behalf_of
  6054                message: Contact was not found for this id
  6055                params: ''
  6056              - code: on_behalf_of_is_not_valid_uuid
  6057                category: on_behalf_of
  6058                message: on_behalf_of should be in UUID format
  6059                params: ''
  6060              - code: on_behalf_of_is_required
  6061                category: on_behalf_of
  6062                message: >-
  6063                  You should do this conversion on behalf of someone if you supply
  6064                  client_rate
  6065                params: ''
  6066              - code: currency_pair_is_required
  6067                category: currency_pair_is_required
  6068                message: The currency_pair is required if you supply client_rate
  6069                params: ''
  6070              - code: variable_value_dates_not_permitted
  6071                category: variable_value_dates_not_permitted
  6072                message: >-
  6073                  Sorry - you are not currently setup to trade with variable value
  6074                  dates, please contact us on the phone if you want to change this
  6075                  or wish to trade now on the phone.
  6076                params: ''
  6077              - code: client_buy_amount_is_in_invalid_format
  6078                category: client_buy_amount
  6079                message: client_buy_amount should be of numeric type with 2 dp
  6080                params: '{ "type" => "client_buy_amount" }'
  6081              - code: client_sell_amount_is_in_invalid_format
  6082                category: client_sell_amount
  6083                message: client_sell_amount should be of numeric type with 2 dp
  6084                params: '{ "type" => "client_sell_amount" }'
  6085              - code: cannot_fix_client_sell_on_fixed_sell_side
  6086                category: cannot_fix_client_sell_on_fixed_sell_side
  6087                message: >-
  6088                  You cannot specify a fixed client_sell_amount when the fixed
  6089                  side for a conversion is the sell side
  6090                params: '{ "type" => "client_sell_amount" }'
  6091              - code: client_buy_amount_exceeds_partner_buy_amount
  6092                category: client_buy_amount_exceeds_partner_buy_amount
  6093                message: >-
  6094                  The client buy amount specified is greater than the amount that
  6095                  you would be buying and is thus invalid
  6096                params: '{ "type" => "client_buy_amount" }'
  6097              - code: partner_sell_amount_exceeds_client_sell_amount
  6098                category: partner_sell_amount_exceeds_client_sell_amount
  6099                message: >-
  6100                  The client sell amount specified is less than the amount that
  6101                  you would be selling and is thus invalid
  6102                params: '{ "type" => "client_sell_amount" }'
  6103              - code: missing_partner_spread_table_data
  6104                category: missing_partner_spread_table_data
  6105                message: >-
  6106                  Sorry, the online partner pricing for the amount of the currency
  6107                  pair you are trying to trade has not been set up
  6108                params: ''
  6109              - code: missing_client_spread_table_data
  6110                category: missing_client_spread_table_data
  6111                message: >-
  6112                  Sorry, the online client pricing for the amount of the currency
  6113                  pair you are trying to trade has not been set up
  6114                params: ''
  6115              - code: fixed_amounts_not_permitted_for_this_user
  6116                category: fixed_amounts_not_permitted_for_this_user
  6117                message: >-
  6118                  You are not permitted to specify a fixed client_buy_amount or
  6119                  client_sell_amount for this customer
  6120                params: ''
  6121              - code: invalid_client_rate_combination
  6122                category: invalid_client_rate_combination
  6123                message: >-
  6124                  You cannot specify a client rate and client currency pair
  6125                  alongside a client buy amount or client sell amount
  6126                params: ''
  6127              - code: duplicate_request
  6128                category: duplicate_request
  6129                message: >-
  6130                  The unique_request_id provided for this conversion has already
  6131                  been used, please provide a new unique_request_id to
  6132                  successfully submit this conversion
  6133                params: ''
  6134              - code: invalid_conversion_date_combination
  6135                category: base
  6136                message: conversion_date_preference can not be specified along side a date parameter
  6137                params: ''
  6138              - code: invalid_conversion_date_preference
  6139                category: base
  6140                message: not a valid conversion date preference, possible options are earliest, optimize_liquidity, default
  6141                params: ''
  6142            schema:
  6143              $ref: '#/definitions/CreateConversionError'
  6144            headers:
  6145              X-Request-Id:
  6146                type: string
  6147                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6148          '401':
  6149            description: Unauthorized.
  6150            x-errors:
  6151              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  6152                category: username
  6153                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  6154                params: ''
  6155            schema:
  6156              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  6157            headers:
  6158              X-Request-Id:
  6159                type: string
  6160                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6161          '404':
  6162            description: Resource not found.
  6163            headers:
  6164              X-Request-Id:
  6165                type: string
  6166                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6167          '429':
  6168            description: Too many requests.
  6169            x-errors:
  6170              - code: too_many_requests
  6171                category: base
  6172                message: >-
  6173                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  6174                  Developer Center for more information
  6175                params: ''
  6176            schema:
  6177              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  6178            headers:
  6179              X-Request-Id:
  6180                type: string
  6181                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6182          '500':
  6183            description: Internal server error
  6184            x-errors:
  6185              - code: internal_server_error
  6186                category: base
  6187                message: Internal server error
  6188                params: ''
  6189            headers:
  6190              X-Request-Id:
  6191                type: string
  6192                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6193          '503':
  6194            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  6195            x-errors:
  6196              - code: service_unavailable
  6197                category: base
  6198                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  6199                params: ''
  6200            headers:
  6201              X-Request-Id:
  6202                type: string
  6203                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6204          default:
  6205            description: Unexpected error.
  6206            headers:
  6207              X-Request-Id:
  6208                type: string
  6209                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6210    /conversions/find:
  6211      get:
  6212        tags:
  6213          - Conversions
  6214        x-api-group: convert
  6215        summary: Find Conversions
  6216        description: Find conversions based on search parameters.
  6217        operationId: FindConversions
  6218        produces:
  6219          - application/json
  6220        parameters:
  6221          - name: X-Auth-Token
  6222            in: header
  6223            required: true
  6224            type: string
  6225            description: Authentication token.
  6226          - name: on_behalf_of
  6227            in: query
  6228            required: false
  6229            type: string
  6230            description: Contact UUID.
  6231          - name: short_reference
  6232            in: query
  6233            required: false
  6234            type: string
  6235            description: Short reference code.
  6236          - name: status
  6237            in: query
  6238            required: false
  6239            type: string
  6240            enum:
  6241              - awaiting_funds
  6242              - funds_sent
  6243              - funds_arrived
  6244              - trade_settled
  6245              - closed
  6246            description: Conversion status.
  6247          - name: partner_status
  6248            in: query
  6249            required: false
  6250            type: string
  6251            enum:
  6252              - awaiting_funds
  6253              - funds_sent
  6254              - funds_arrived
  6255              - trade_settled
  6256              - closed
  6257            description: DEPRECATED. Conversion status, as displayed to contacts of the sub-account.
  6258          - name: buy_currency
  6259            in: query
  6260            required: false
  6261            type: string
  6262            description: The currency purchased. Three-digital code.
  6263          - name: sell_currency
  6264            in: query
  6265            required: false
  6266            type: string
  6267            description: The currency sold. Three-digit code.
  6268          - name: 'conversion_ids[]'
  6269            in: query
  6270            required: false
  6271            type: array
  6272            items:
  6273              type: string
  6274            description: One or more conversion UUIDs to filter out of results.
  6275          - name: created_at_from
  6276            in: query
  6277            required: false
  6278            type: string
  6279            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".'
  6280          - name: created_at_to
  6281            in: query
  6282            required: false
  6283            type: string
  6284            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".'
  6285          - name: updated_at_from
  6286            in: query
  6287            required: false
  6288            type: string
  6289            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".'
  6290          - name: updated_at_to
  6291            in: query
  6292            required: false
  6293            type: string
  6294            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".'
  6295          - name: conversion_date_from
  6296            in: query
  6297            required: false
  6298            type: string
  6299            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".'
  6300          - name: conversion_date_to
  6301            in: query
  6302            required: false
  6303            type: string
  6304            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".'
  6305          - name: currency_pair
  6306            in: query
  6307            required: false
  6308            type: string
  6309            description: 'Concatenated string of the two currencies traded, eg. "USDEUR".'
  6310          - name: partner_buy_amount_from
  6311            in: query
  6312            required: false
  6313            type: string
  6314            description: Minimum buy amount (sub-accounts).
  6315          - name: partner_buy_amount_to
  6316            in: query
  6317            required: false
  6318            type: string
  6319            description: Maximum buy amount (sub-accounts).
  6320          - name: partner_sell_amount_from
  6321            in: query
  6322            required: false
  6323            type: string
  6324            description: Minimum sell amount (sub-accounts).
  6325          - name: partner_sell_amount_to
  6326            in: query
  6327            required: false
  6328            type: string
  6329            description: Maximum sell amount (sub-accounts).
  6330          - name: buy_amount_from
  6331            in: query
  6332            required: false
  6333            type: string
  6334            description: Minimum buy amount.
  6335          - name: buy_amount_to
  6336            in: query
  6337            required: false
  6338            type: string
  6339            description: Maximum buy amount.
  6340          - name: sell_amount_from
  6341            in: query
  6342            required: false
  6343            type: string
  6344            description: Minimum sell amount.
  6345          - name: sell_amount_to
  6346            in: query
  6347            required: false
  6348            type: string
  6349            description: Maximum sell amount.
  6350          - name: scope
  6351            in: query
  6352            required: false
  6353            type: string
  6354            enum:
  6355              - all
  6356              - clients
  6357              - own
  6358            default: own
  6359            description: '"Own" account, "clients" sub-accounts, or "all" accounts.'
  6360          - name: settlement_date_from
  6361            in: query
  6362            required: false
  6363            type: string
  6364            description: >-
  6365              Earliest date when sold currency debited. Any valid ISO 8601 format,
  6366              eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".
  6367          - name: settlement_date_to
  6368            in: query
  6369            required: false
  6370            type: string
  6371            description: >-
  6372              Latest date when sold currency debited. Any valid ISO 8601 format,
  6373              eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".
  6374          - name: unique_request_id
  6375            in: query
  6376            required: false
  6377            type: string
  6378            description: User-generated idempotency key.
  6379          - name: bulk_upload_id
  6380            in: query
  6381            required: false
  6382            type: string
  6383            description: Bulk upload reference code.
  6384          - name: page
  6385            in: query
  6386            required: false
  6387            type: integer
  6388            description: Page number.
  6389          - name: per_page
  6390            in: query
  6391            required: false
  6392            type: integer
  6393            description: Number of results per page.
  6394          - name: order
  6395            in: query
  6396            required: false
  6397            type: integer
  6398            description: Any field name to change the sort order.
  6399          - name: order_asc_desc
  6400            in: query
  6401            required: false
  6402            type: string
  6403            enum:
  6404              - asc
  6405              - desc
  6406            default: asc
  6407            description: Sort records in ascending or descending order.
  6408        responses:
  6409          '200':
  6410            description: Success.
  6411            schema:
  6412              type: object
  6413              properties:
  6414                conversions:
  6415                  type: array
  6416                  items:
  6417                    $ref: '#/definitions/Conversion'
  6418                pagination:
  6419                  $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
  6420            headers:
  6421              X-Request-Id:
  6422                type: string
  6423                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6424          '400':
  6425            description: Client error.
  6426            x-errors:
  6427              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  6428                category: on_behalf_of
  6429                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  6430                params: ''
  6431              - code: contact_not_found
  6432                category: on_behalf_of
  6433                message: Contact was not found for this id
  6434                params: ''
  6435            schema:
  6436              $ref: '#/definitions/FindConversionsError'
  6437            headers:
  6438              X-Request-Id:
  6439                type: string
  6440                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6441          '401':
  6442            description: Unauthorized.
  6443            x-errors:
  6444              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  6445                category: username
  6446                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  6447                params: ''
  6448            schema:
  6449              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  6450            headers:
  6451              X-Request-Id:
  6452                type: string
  6453                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6454          '404':
  6455            description: Resource not found.
  6456            headers:
  6457              X-Request-Id:
  6458                type: string
  6459                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6460          '429':
  6461            description: Too many requests.
  6462            x-errors:
  6463              - code: too_many_requests
  6464                category: base
  6465                message: >-
  6466                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  6467                  Developer Center for more information
  6468                params: ''
  6469            schema:
  6470              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  6471            headers:
  6472              X-Request-Id:
  6473                type: string
  6474                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6475          '500':
  6476            description: Internal server error
  6477            x-errors:
  6478              - code: internal_server_error
  6479                category: base
  6480                message: Internal server error
  6481                params: ''
  6482            headers:
  6483              X-Request-Id:
  6484                type: string
  6485                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6486          '503':
  6487            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  6488            x-errors:
  6489              - code: service_unavailable
  6490                category: base
  6491                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  6492                params: ''
  6493            headers:
  6494              X-Request-Id:
  6495                type: string
  6496                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6497          default:
  6498            description: Unexpected error.
  6499            headers:
  6500              X-Request-Id:
  6501                type: string
  6502                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6503    '/conversions/{id}':
  6504      get:
  6505        tags:
  6506          - Conversions
  6507        x-api-group: convert
  6508        summary: Get Conversion
  6509        description: Get a conversion record.
  6510        operationId: GetConversion
  6511        produces:
  6512          - application/json
  6513        parameters:
  6514          - name: X-Auth-Token
  6515            in: header
  6516            required: true
  6517            type: string
  6518            description: Authentication token.
  6519          - name: id
  6520            in: path
  6521            required: true
  6522            type: string
  6523            description: Conversion UUID.
  6524          - name: on_behalf_of
  6525            in: query
  6526            required: false
  6527            type: string
  6528            description: Contact UUID.
  6529        responses:
  6530          '200':
  6531            description: Success.
  6532            schema:
  6533              $ref: '#/definitions/Conversion'
  6534            headers:
  6535              X-Request-Id:
  6536                type: string
  6537                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6538          '400':
  6539            description: Client error.
  6540            x-errors:
  6541              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  6542                category: id
  6543                message: id should be in UUID format
  6544                params: ''
  6545              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  6546                category: on_behalf_of
  6547                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  6548                params: ''
  6549              - code: contact_not_found
  6550                category: on_behalf_of
  6551                message: Contact was not found for this id
  6552                params: ''
  6553            schema:
  6554              $ref: '#/definitions/GetConversionError'
  6555            headers:
  6556              X-Request-Id:
  6557                type: string
  6558                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6559          '401':
  6560            description: Unauthorized.
  6561            x-errors:
  6562              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  6563                category: username
  6564                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  6565                params: ''
  6566            schema:
  6567              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  6568            headers:
  6569              X-Request-Id:
  6570                type: string
  6571                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6572          '404':
  6573            description: Resource not found.
  6574            schema:
  6575              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  6576            headers:
  6577              X-Request-Id:
  6578                type: string
  6579                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6580          '429':
  6581            description: Too many requests.
  6582            x-errors:
  6583              - code: too_many_requests
  6584                category: base
  6585                message: >-
  6586                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  6587                  Developer Center for more information
  6588                params: ''
  6589            schema:
  6590              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  6591            headers:
  6592              X-Request-Id:
  6593                type: string
  6594                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6595          '500':
  6596            description: Internal server error
  6597            x-errors:
  6598              - code: internal_server_error
  6599                category: base
  6600                message: Internal server error
  6601                params: ''
  6602            headers:
  6603              X-Request-Id:
  6604                type: string
  6605                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6606          '503':
  6607            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  6608            x-errors:
  6609              - code: service_unavailable
  6610                category: base
  6611                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  6612                params: ''
  6613            headers:
  6614              X-Request-Id:
  6615                type: string
  6616                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6617          default:
  6618            description: Unexpected error.
  6619            headers:
  6620              X-Request-Id:
  6621                type: string
  6622                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6623    /conversions/profit_and_loss:
  6624      get:
  6625        tags:
  6626          - Conversions
  6627        x-api-group: convert
  6628        summary: Retrieve Profit / Loss
  6629        description: >-
  6630          Returns a JSON structure that contains information related to actions on
  6631          conversions that have generated profit or loss, including the profit or
  6632          loss amount
  6633        operationId: ConversionProfitAndLoss
  6634        consumes:
  6635          - multipart/form-data
  6636        produces:
  6637          - application/json
  6638        parameters:
  6639          - name: X-Auth-Token
  6640            in: header
  6641            required: true
  6642            type: string
  6643            description: Authentication token.
  6644          - name: account_id
  6645            in: formData
  6646            required: false
  6647            type: string
  6648            description: ID of the Account that the Conversion belongs to.
  6649          - name: contact_id
  6650            in: formData
  6651            required: false
  6652            type: string
  6653            description: ID of the Contact that did the cancellation.
  6654          - name: conversion_id
  6655            in: formData
  6656            required: false
  6657            type: string
  6658            description: ID of the cancelled conversion.
  6659          - name: event_type
  6660            in: formData
  6661            required: false
  6662            type: string
  6663            description: 'Event type, in this case ''self_service_cancellation'''
  6664          - name: event_date_time_from
  6665            in: formData
  6666            required: false
  6667            type: string
  6668            description: >-
  6669              Allows you to return profit and losses will be done from on or after
  6670              a defined date/time. ISO 8601 standard.
  6671          - name: event_date_time_to
  6672            in: formData
  6673            required: false
  6674            type: string
  6675            description: >-
  6676              Allows you to return profit and losses will be done from on or
  6677              before a defined date/time. ISO 8601 standard.
  6678          - name: amount_from
  6679            in: formData
  6680            required: false
  6681            type: string
  6682            description: >-
  6683              Allows you to return profit and losses based on a minimum profit or
  6684              loss amount.
  6685          - name: amount_to
  6686            in: formData
  6687            required: false
  6688            type: string
  6689            description: >-
  6690              Allows you to return profit and losses based on a maximum profit or
  6691              loss amount.
  6692          - name: currency
  6693            in: formData
  6694            required: false
  6695            type: string
  6696            description: The currency of the profit and loss. ISO 4217 standard.
  6697          - name: scope
  6698            in: formData
  6699            required: false
  6700            type: string
  6701            description: >-
  6702              Scope allows contacts to search all profit and losses at all account
  6703              levels. Defaults to own. own - allows to search profit and losses on
  6704              the main account clients - allows to search profit and losses of
  6705              account sub accounts all - allows to search balances profit and
  6706              losses account and subaccounts
  6707          - name: page
  6708            in: formData
  6709            required: false
  6710            type: string
  6711            description: Returns a specific page within the results of a search.
  6712          - name: per_page
  6713            in: formData
  6714            required: false
  6715            type: string
  6716            description: Maximum number of entries to return per page of results.
  6717          - name: order
  6718            in: formData
  6719            required: false
  6720            type: string
  6721            description: The field to order entries by.
  6722          - name: order_asc_desc
  6723            in: formData
  6724            required: false
  6725            type: string
  6726            description: Whether the order is ascending (asc) or descending (desc).
  6727        responses:
  6728          '200':
  6729            description: Success.
  6730            schema:
  6731              type: object
  6732              properties:
  6733                conversion_profit_and_losses:
  6734                  type: array
  6735                  items:
  6736                    $ref: '#/definitions/ConversionCancellation'
  6737                pagination:
  6738                  $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
  6739          '400':
  6740            description: Client error.
  6741            x-errors:
  6742              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  6743                category: id
  6744                message: id should be in UUID format
  6745                params: ''
  6746              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  6747                category: on_behalf_of
  6748                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  6749                params: ''
  6750              - code: contact_not_found
  6751                category: on_behalf_of
  6752                message: Contact was not found for this id
  6753                params: ''
  6754              - code: invalid_extra_parameters
  6755                category: base
  6756                message: Invalid extra parameters extra_parameter
  6757                params: '{ "parameters" => "extra_parameter" }'
  6758            schema:
  6759              $ref: '#/definitions/GetConversionError'
  6760            headers:
  6761              X-Request-Id:
  6762                type: string
  6763                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6764          '401':
  6765            description: Unauthorized.
  6766            x-errors:
  6767              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  6768                category: username
  6769                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  6770                params: ''
  6771            schema:
  6772              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  6773            headers:
  6774              X-Request-Id:
  6775                type: string
  6776                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6777          '404':
  6778            description: Resource not found.
  6779            headers:
  6780              X-Request-Id:
  6781                type: string
  6782                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6783          '429':
  6784            description: Too many requests.
  6785            x-errors:
  6786              - code: too_many_requests
  6787                category: base
  6788                message: >-
  6789                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  6790                  Developer Center for more information
  6791                params: ''
  6792            schema:
  6793              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  6794            headers:
  6795              X-Request-Id:
  6796                type: string
  6797                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6798          '500':
  6799            description: Internal server error
  6800            x-errors:
  6801              - code: internal_server_error
  6802                category: base
  6803                message: Internal server error
  6804                params: ''
  6805            headers:
  6806              X-Request-Id:
  6807                type: string
  6808                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6809          '503':
  6810            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  6811            x-errors:
  6812              - code: service_unavailable
  6813                category: base
  6814                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  6815                params: ''
  6816            headers:
  6817              X-Request-Id:
  6818                type: string
  6819                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6820          default:
  6821            description: Unexpected error.
  6822            headers:
  6823              X-Request-Id:
  6824                type: string
  6825                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6826    '/conversions/{id}/date_change_quote':
  6827      get:
  6828        tags:
  6829          - Conversions
  6830        x-api-group: convert
  6831        summary: Quote Conversion Date Change
  6832        description: >-
  6833          Returns a JSON structure containing the quote for changing the date of
  6834          the specified conversion.
  6835        operationId: ConversionDateChangeQuote
  6836        produces:
  6837          - application/json
  6838        parameters:
  6839          - name: X-Auth-Token
  6840            in: header
  6841            required: true
  6842            type: string
  6843            description: Authentication token.
  6844          - name: id
  6845            in: path
  6846            required: true
  6847            type: string
  6848            description: Conversion UUID.
  6849          - name: new_settlement_date
  6850            in: query
  6851            required: true
  6852            type: string
  6853            description: Desired new settlement date of conversion
  6854        responses:
  6855          '200':
  6856            description: Success.
  6857            schema:
  6858              $ref: '#/definitions/ConversionDateChange'
  6859            headers:
  6860              X-Request-Id:
  6861                type: string
  6862                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6863          '400':
  6864            description: Client error.
  6865            x-errors:
  6866              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  6867                category: id
  6868                message: id should be in UUID format
  6869                params: ''
  6870              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  6871                category: on_behalf_of
  6872                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  6873                params: ''
  6874              - code: contact_not_found
  6875                category: on_behalf_of
  6876                message: Contact was not found for this id
  6877                params: ''
  6878            schema:
  6879              $ref: '#/definitions/GetConversionError'
  6880            headers:
  6881              X-Request-Id:
  6882                type: string
  6883                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6884          '401':
  6885            description: Unauthorized.
  6886            x-errors:
  6887              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  6888                category: username
  6889                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  6890                params: ''
  6891            schema:
  6892              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  6893            headers:
  6894              X-Request-Id:
  6895                type: string
  6896                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6897          '404':
  6898            description: Resource not found.
  6899            schema:
  6900              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  6901            headers:
  6902              X-Request-Id:
  6903                type: string
  6904                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6905          '429':
  6906            description: Too many requests.
  6907            x-errors:
  6908              - code: too_many_requests
  6909                category: base
  6910                message: >-
  6911                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  6912                  Developer Center for more information
  6913                params: ''
  6914            schema:
  6915              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  6916            headers:
  6917              X-Request-Id:
  6918                type: string
  6919                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6920          '500':
  6921            description: Internal server error
  6922            x-errors:
  6923              - code: internal_server_error
  6924                category: base
  6925                message: Internal server error
  6926                params: ''
  6927            headers:
  6928              X-Request-Id:
  6929                type: string
  6930                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6931          '503':
  6932            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  6933            x-errors:
  6934              - code: service_unavailable
  6935                category: base
  6936                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  6937                params: ''
  6938            headers:
  6939              X-Request-Id:
  6940                type: string
  6941                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6942          default:
  6943            description: Unexpected error.
  6944            headers:
  6945              X-Request-Id:
  6946                type: string
  6947                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6948    /conversions/{id}/date_change:
  6949      post:
  6950        tags:
  6951          - Conversions
  6952        x-api-group: convert
  6953        summary: Conversion Date Change
  6954        description: >-
  6955          Changes the date of the conversion identified by the provided unique id
  6956          {id}
  6957        operationId: ConversionDateChange
  6958        consumes:
  6959          - multipart/form-data
  6960        produces:
  6961          - application/json
  6962        parameters:
  6963          - name: X-Auth-Token
  6964            in: header
  6965            required: true
  6966            type: string
  6967            description: Authentication token.
  6968          - name: id
  6969            in: path
  6970            required: true
  6971            type: string
  6972            description: ID of the conversion that is being changed
  6973          - name: new_settlement_date
  6974            required: true
  6975            type: string
  6976            in: formData
  6977            description: New conversion settlement date
  6978        responses:
  6979          '200':
  6980            description: Success.
  6981            schema:
  6982              $ref: '#/definitions/ConversionDateChange'
  6983            headers:
  6984              X-Request-Id:
  6985                type: string
  6986                description: A unique reference for the request.
  6987          '400':
  6988            description: Client error.
  6989            x-errors:
  6990              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  6991                category: id
  6992                message: id should be in UUID format
  6993                params: ''
  6994              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  6995                category: on_behalf_of
  6996                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  6997                params: ''
  6998              - code: contact_not_found
  6999                category: on_behalf_of
  7000                message: Contact was not found for this id
  7001                params: ''
  7002              - code: invalid_extra_parameters
  7003                category: base
  7004                message: Invalid extra parameters extra_parameter
  7005                params: '{ "parameters" => "extra_parameter" }'
  7006              - code: new_settlement_date_invalid_in_past
  7007                category: new_settlement_date
  7008                message: New settlement date has to be today or greater than today's date
  7009                params: ''
  7010              - code: new_settlement_date_invalid
  7011                category: new_settlement_date
  7012                message: >-
  7013                  Invalid new settlement date, next valid date time is -
  7014                  YYYY-MM-DDT15:30:00Z
  7015                params: ''
  7016            schema:
  7017              $ref: '#/definitions/GetConversionError'
  7018            headers:
  7019              X-Request-Id:
  7020                type: string
  7021                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7022          '401':
  7023            description: Unauthorized.
  7024            x-errors:
  7025              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  7026                category: username
  7027                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  7028                params: ''
  7029            schema:
  7030              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  7031            headers:
  7032              X-Request-Id:
  7033                type: string
  7034                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7035          '404':
  7036            description: Resource not found.
  7037            headers:
  7038              X-Request-Id:
  7039                type: string
  7040                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7041          '429':
  7042            description: Too many requests.
  7043            x-errors:
  7044              - code: too_many_requests
  7045                category: base
  7046                message: >-
  7047                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  7048                  Developer Center for more information
  7049                params: ''
  7050            schema:
  7051              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  7052            headers:
  7053              X-Request-Id:
  7054                type: string
  7055                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7056          '500':
  7057            description: Internal server error
  7058            x-errors:
  7059              - code: internal_server_error
  7060                category: base
  7061                message: Internal server error
  7062                params: ''
  7063            headers:
  7064              X-Request-Id:
  7065                type: string
  7066                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7067          '503':
  7068            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  7069            x-errors:
  7070              - code: service_unavailable
  7071                category: base
  7072                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  7073                params: ''
  7074            headers:
  7075              X-Request-Id:
  7076                type: string
  7077                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7078          default:
  7079            description: Unexpected error.
  7080            headers:
  7081              X-Request-Id:
  7082                type: string
  7083                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7084    '/conversions/{id}/split_preview':
  7085      get:
  7086        tags:
  7087          - Conversions
  7088        x-api-group: convert
  7089        summary: Split Preview
  7090        description: Returns a JSON structure of conversion split preview details.
  7091        operationId: GetConversionSplitPreview
  7092        produces:
  7093          - application/json
  7094        parameters:
  7095          - name: X-Auth-Token
  7096            in: header
  7097            required: true
  7098            type: string
  7099            description: Authentication token.
  7100          - name: id
  7101            in: path
  7102            required: true
  7103            type: string
  7104            description: Conversion UUID.
  7105          - name: amount
  7106            required: true
  7107            type: string
  7108            in: formData
  7109            description: The amount at which to split this conversion.
  7110        responses:
  7111          '200':
  7112            description: Success.
  7113            schema:
  7114              $ref: '#/definitions/ConversionSplit'
  7115            headers:
  7116              X-Request-Id:
  7117                type: string
  7118                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7119          '400':
  7120            description: Client error.
  7121            x-errors:
  7122              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  7123                category: id
  7124                message: id should be in UUID format
  7125                params: ''
  7126              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  7127                category: on_behalf_of
  7128                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  7129                params: ''
  7130              - code: contact_not_found
  7131                category: on_behalf_of
  7132                message: Contact was not found for this id
  7133                params: ''
  7134            schema:
  7135              $ref: '#/definitions/GetConversionError'
  7136            headers:
  7137              X-Request-Id:
  7138                type: string
  7139                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7140          '401':
  7141            description: Unauthorized.
  7142            x-errors:
  7143              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  7144                category: username
  7145                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  7146                params: ''
  7147            schema:
  7148              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  7149            headers:
  7150              X-Request-Id:
  7151                type: string
  7152                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7153          '403':
  7154            description: Forbidden.
  7155            x-errors:
  7156              - code: permission_denied
  7157                message: You do not have permission 'split_conversion' to perform this operation
  7158                params: ''
  7159            schema:
  7160              $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenError'
  7161            headers:
  7162              X-Request-Id:
  7163                type: string
  7164                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7165          '404':
  7166            description: Resource not found.
  7167            schema:
  7168              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  7169            headers:
  7170              X-Request-Id:
  7171                type: string
  7172                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7173          '429':
  7174            description: Too many requests.
  7175            x-errors:
  7176              - code: too_many_requests
  7177                category: base
  7178                message: >-
  7179                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  7180                  Developer Center for more information
  7181                params: ''
  7182            schema:
  7183              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  7184            headers:
  7185              X-Request-Id:
  7186                type: string
  7187                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7188          '500':
  7189            description: Internal server error
  7190            x-errors:
  7191              - code: internal_server_error
  7192                category: base
  7193                message: Internal server error
  7194                params: ''
  7195            headers:
  7196              X-Request-Id:
  7197                type: string
  7198                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7199          '503':
  7200            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  7201            x-errors:
  7202              - code: service_unavailable
  7203                category: base
  7204                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  7205                params: ''
  7206            headers:
  7207              X-Request-Id:
  7208                type: string
  7209                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7210          default:
  7211            description: Unexpected error.
  7212            headers:
  7213              X-Request-Id:
  7214                type: string
  7215                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7216    /conversions/{id}/split:
  7217      post:
  7218        tags:
  7219          - Conversions
  7220        x-api-group: convert
  7221        summary: Conversion Split
  7222        description: Returns a JSON structure of conversion split execute details.
  7223        operationId: SplitConversion
  7224        consumes:
  7225          - multipart/form-data
  7226        produces:
  7227          - application/json
  7228        parameters:
  7229          - name: X-Auth-Token
  7230            in: header
  7231            required: true
  7232            type: string
  7233            description: Authentication token.
  7234          - name: id
  7235            in: path
  7236            required: true
  7237            type: string
  7238            description: ID of the conversion that is being cancelled
  7239          - name: amount
  7240            required: true
  7241            type: string
  7242            in: formData
  7243            description: The amount at which to split this conversion.
  7244        responses:
  7245          '200':
  7246            description: Success.
  7247            schema:
  7248              $ref: '#/definitions/ConversionSplit'
  7249            headers:
  7250              X-Request-Id:
  7251                type: string
  7252                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7253          '400':
  7254            description: Client error.
  7255            x-errors:
  7256              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  7257                category: id
  7258                message: id should be in UUID format
  7259                params: ''
  7260              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  7261                category: on_behalf_of
  7262                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  7263                params: ''
  7264              - code: contact_not_found
  7265                category: on_behalf_of
  7266                message: Contact was not found for this id
  7267                params: ''
  7268              - code: invalid_extra_parameters
  7269                category: base
  7270                message: Invalid extra parameters extra_parameter
  7271                params: '{ "parameters" => "extra_parameter" }'
  7272            schema:
  7273              $ref: '#/definitions/GetConversionError'
  7274            headers:
  7275              X-Request-Id:
  7276                type: string
  7277                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7278          '401':
  7279            description: Unauthorized.
  7280            x-errors:
  7281              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  7282                category: username
  7283                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  7284                params: ''
  7285            schema:
  7286              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  7287            headers:
  7288              X-Request-Id:
  7289                type: string
  7290                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7291          '403':
  7292            description: Forbidden.
  7293            x-errors:
  7294              - code: permission_denied
  7295                message: You do not have permission 'split_conversion' to perform this operation
  7296                params: ''
  7297            schema:
  7298              $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenError'
  7299            headers:
  7300              X-Request-Id:
  7301                type: string
  7302                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7303          '404':
  7304            description: Resource not found.
  7305            headers:
  7306              X-Request-Id:
  7307                type: string
  7308                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7309          '429':
  7310            description: Too many requests.
  7311            x-errors:
  7312              - code: too_many_requests
  7313                category: base
  7314                message: >-
  7315                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  7316                  Developer Center for more information
  7317                params: ''
  7318            schema:
  7319              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  7320            headers:
  7321              X-Request-Id:
  7322                type: string
  7323                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7324          '500':
  7325            description: Internal server error
  7326            x-errors:
  7327              - code: internal_server_error
  7328                category: base
  7329                message: Internal server error
  7330                params: ''
  7331            headers:
  7332              X-Request-Id:
  7333                type: string
  7334                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7335          '503':
  7336            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  7337            x-errors:
  7338              - code: service_unavailable
  7339                category: base
  7340                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  7341                params: ''
  7342            headers:
  7343              X-Request-Id:
  7344                type: string
  7345                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7346          default:
  7347            description: Unexpected error.
  7348            headers:
  7349              X-Request-Id:
  7350                type: string
  7351                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7352    '/conversions/{id}/split_history':
  7353      get:
  7354        tags:
  7355          - Conversions
  7356        x-api-group: convert
  7357        summary: Conversion Split History
  7358        description: Returns a JSON structure of conversion split history details.
  7359        operationId: GetConversionSplitHistory
  7360        produces:
  7361          - application/json
  7362        parameters:
  7363          - name: X-Auth-Token
  7364            in: header
  7365            required: true
  7366            type: string
  7367            description: Authentication token.
  7368          - name: id
  7369            in: path
  7370            required: true
  7371            type: string
  7372            description: Conversion UUID.
  7373        responses:
  7374          '200':
  7375            description: Success.
  7376            schema:
  7377              $ref: '#/definitions/ConversionSplitHistory'
  7378            headers:
  7379              X-Request-Id:
  7380                type: string
  7381                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7382          '400':
  7383            description: Client error.
  7384            x-errors:
  7385              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  7386                category: id
  7387                message: id should be in UUID format
  7388                params: ''
  7389              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  7390                category: on_behalf_of
  7391                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  7392                params: ''
  7393              - code: contact_not_found
  7394                category: on_behalf_of
  7395                message: Contact was not found for this id
  7396                params: ''
  7397            schema:
  7398              $ref: '#/definitions/GetConversionError'
  7399            headers:
  7400              X-Request-Id:
  7401                type: string
  7402                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7403          '401':
  7404            description: Unauthorized.
  7405            x-errors:
  7406              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  7407                category: username
  7408                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  7409                params: ''
  7410            schema:
  7411              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  7412            headers:
  7413              X-Request-Id:
  7414                type: string
  7415                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7416          '403':
  7417            description: Forbidden.
  7418            x-errors:
  7419              - code: permission_denied
  7420                message: You do not have permission 'split_conversion' to perform this operation
  7421                params: ''
  7422            schema:
  7423              $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenError'
  7424            headers:
  7425              X-Request-Id:
  7426                type: string
  7427                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7428          '404':
  7429            description: Resource not found.
  7430            schema:
  7431              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  7432            headers:
  7433              X-Request-Id:
  7434                type: string
  7435                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7436          '429':
  7437            description: Too many requests.
  7438            x-errors:
  7439              - code: too_many_requests
  7440                category: base
  7441                message: >-
  7442                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  7443                  Developer Center for more information
  7444                params: ''
  7445            schema:
  7446              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  7447            headers:
  7448              X-Request-Id:
  7449                type: string
  7450                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7451          '500':
  7452            description: Internal server error
  7453            x-errors:
  7454              - code: internal_server_error
  7455                category: base
  7456                message: Internal server error
  7457                params: ''
  7458            headers:
  7459              X-Request-Id:
  7460                type: string
  7461                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7462          '503':
  7463            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  7464            x-errors:
  7465              - code: service_unavailable
  7466                category: base
  7467                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  7468                params: ''
  7469            headers:
  7470              X-Request-Id:
  7471                type: string
  7472                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7473          default:
  7474            description: Unexpected error.
  7475            headers:
  7476              X-Request-Id:
  7477                type: string
  7478                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7479    '/conversions/{id}/cancellation_quote':
  7480      get:
  7481        tags:
  7482          - Conversions
  7483        x-api-group: convert
  7484        summary: Quote Conversion Cancellation
  7485        description: >-
  7486          Returns a JSON structure containing the quote for cancelling the
  7487          specified conversion.
  7488        operationId: ConversionCancellationQuote
  7489        produces:
  7490          - application/json
  7491        parameters:
  7492          - name: X-Auth-Token
  7493            in: header
  7494            required: true
  7495            type: string
  7496            description: Authentication token.
  7497          - name: id
  7498            in: path
  7499            required: true
  7500            type: string
  7501            description: Conversion UUID.
  7502        responses:
  7503          '200':
  7504            description: Success.
  7505            schema:
  7506              $ref: '#/definitions/ConversionCancellationQuote'
  7507            headers:
  7508              X-Request-Id:
  7509                type: string
  7510                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7511          '400':
  7512            description: Client error.
  7513            x-errors:
  7514              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  7515                category: id
  7516                message: id should be in UUID format
  7517                params: ''
  7518              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  7519                category: on_behalf_of
  7520                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  7521                params: ''
  7522              - code: contact_not_found
  7523                category: on_behalf_of
  7524                message: Contact was not found for this id
  7525                params: ''
  7526            schema:
  7527              $ref: '#/definitions/GetConversionError'
  7528            headers:
  7529              X-Request-Id:
  7530                type: string
  7531                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7532          '401':
  7533            description: Unauthorized.
  7534            x-errors:
  7535              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  7536                category: username
  7537                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  7538                params: ''
  7539            schema:
  7540              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  7541            headers:
  7542              X-Request-Id:
  7543                type: string
  7544                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7545          '404':
  7546            description: Resource not found.
  7547            schema:
  7548              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  7549            headers:
  7550              X-Request-Id:
  7551                type: string
  7552                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7553          '429':
  7554            description: Too many requests.
  7555            x-errors:
  7556              - code: too_many_requests
  7557                category: base
  7558                message: >-
  7559                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  7560                  Developer Center for more information
  7561                params: ''
  7562            schema:
  7563              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  7564            headers:
  7565              X-Request-Id:
  7566                type: string
  7567                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7568          '500':
  7569            description: Internal server error
  7570            x-errors:
  7571              - code: internal_server_error
  7572                category: base
  7573                message: Internal server error
  7574                params: ''
  7575            headers:
  7576              X-Request-Id:
  7577                type: string
  7578                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7579          '503':
  7580            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  7581            x-errors:
  7582              - code: service_unavailable
  7583                category: base
  7584                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  7585                params: ''
  7586            headers:
  7587              X-Request-Id:
  7588                type: string
  7589                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7590          default:
  7591            description: Unexpected error.
  7592            headers:
  7593              X-Request-Id:
  7594                type: string
  7595                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7596    /conversions/{id}/cancel:
  7597      post:
  7598        tags:
  7599          - Conversions
  7600        x-api-group: convert
  7601        summary: Cancel a Conversion
  7602        description: 'Cancels the conversion identified by the provided unique id {id}'
  7603        operationId: CancelConversion
  7604        consumes:
  7605          - multipart/form-data
  7606        produces:
  7607          - application/json
  7608        parameters:
  7609          - name: X-Auth-Token
  7610            in: header
  7611            required: true
  7612            type: string
  7613            description: Authentication token.
  7614          - name: id
  7615            in: path
  7616            required: true
  7617            type: string
  7618            description: ID of the conversion that is being cancelled
  7619          - name: notes
  7620            required: false
  7621            type: string
  7622            in: formData
  7623            description: Notes describing the reason for cancellation.
  7624        responses:
  7625          '200':
  7626            description: Success.
  7627            schema:
  7628              $ref: '#/definitions/ConversionProfitAndLoss'
  7629            headers:
  7630              X-Request-Id:
  7631                type: string
  7632                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7633          '400':
  7634            description: Client error.
  7635            x-errors:
  7636              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  7637                category: id
  7638                message: id should be in UUID format
  7639                params: ''
  7640              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  7641                category: on_behalf_of
  7642                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  7643                params: ''
  7644              - code: contact_not_found
  7645                category: on_behalf_of
  7646                message: Contact was not found for this id
  7647                params: ''
  7648              - code: invalid_extra_parameters
  7649                category: base
  7650                message: Invalid extra parameters extra_parameter
  7651                params: '{ "parameters" => "extra_parameter" }'
  7652            schema:
  7653              $ref: '#/definitions/GetConversionError'
  7654            headers:
  7655              X-Request-Id:
  7656                type: string
  7657                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7658          '401':
  7659            description: Unauthorized.
  7660            x-errors:
  7661              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  7662                category: username
  7663                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  7664                params: ''
  7665            schema:
  7666              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  7667            headers:
  7668              X-Request-Id:
  7669                type: string
  7670                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7671          '404':
  7672            description: Resource not found.
  7673            headers:
  7674              X-Request-Id:
  7675                type: string
  7676                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7677          '429':
  7678            description: Too many requests.
  7679            x-errors:
  7680              - code: too_many_requests
  7681                category: base
  7682                message: >-
  7683                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  7684                  Developer Center for more information
  7685                params: ''
  7686            schema:
  7687              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  7688            headers:
  7689              X-Request-Id:
  7690                type: string
  7691                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7692          '500':
  7693            description: Internal server error
  7694            x-errors:
  7695              - code: internal_server_error
  7696                category: base
  7697                message: Internal server error
  7698                params: ''
  7699            headers:
  7700              X-Request-Id:
  7701                type: string
  7702                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7703          '503':
  7704            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  7705            x-errors:
  7706              - code: service_unavailable
  7707                category: base
  7708                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  7709                params: ''
  7710            headers:
  7711              X-Request-Id:
  7712                type: string
  7713                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7714          default:
  7715            description: Unexpected error.
  7716            headers:
  7717              X-Request-Id:
  7718                type: string
  7719                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7720    /funding_accounts/find:
  7721      get:
  7722        tags:
  7723          - Funding
  7724        x-api-group: collect
  7725        summary: Find Funding Accounts
  7726        description: >-
  7727          Gets details of the SSIs that can be used to settle and collect funds in each available currency
  7728        operationId: FindFundingAccounts
  7729        produces:
  7730          - application/json
  7731        parameters:
  7732          - name: X-Auth-Token
  7733            in: header
  7734            required: true
  7735            type: string
  7736            description: Authentication token.
  7737          - name: payment_type
  7738            in: query
  7739            required: false
  7740            type: string
  7741            description: >-
  7742              The type of SSI to be returned e.g. priority (SWIFT) or regular. Defaults to all.
  7743            enum:
  7744              - all
  7745              - priority
  7746              - regular
  7747            default: all
  7748          - name: currency
  7749            in: query
  7750            required: true
  7751            type: string
  7752            description: The currency of the account details required. ISO 4217 standard.
  7753          - name: account_id
  7754            in: query
  7755            required: false
  7756            type: string
  7757            description: UUID of a specific account you want to see the SSIs for
  7758          - name: page
  7759            in: query
  7760            required: false
  7761            type: integer
  7762            description: Page number.
  7763          - name: per_page
  7764            in: query
  7765            required: false
  7766            type: integer
  7767            description: Number of results per page.
  7768          - name: order
  7769            in: query
  7770            required: false
  7771            type: string
  7772            description: Any field name to change the sort order.
  7773          - name: order_asc_desc
  7774            in: query
  7775            required: false
  7776            type: string
  7777            enum:
  7778              - asc
  7779              - desc
  7780            default: asc
  7781            description: Sort records in ascending or descending order.
  7782        responses:
  7783          '200':
  7784            description: Success.
  7785            schema:
  7786              type: object
  7787              properties:
  7788                funding_accounts:
  7789                  type: array
  7790                  items:
  7791                    $ref: '#/definitions/FundingAccount'
  7792                pagination:
  7793                  $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
  7794            headers:
  7795              X-Request-Id:
  7796                type: string
  7797                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7798          '400':
  7799            description: Client error.
  7800            x-errors:
  7801              - code: payment_type_not_in_range
  7802                category: payment_type
  7803                message: 'payment_type should be in range: priority, regular'
  7804                params: '{ "range" => "priority, regular" }'
  7805              - code: currency_is_in_invalid_format
  7806                category: currency
  7807                message: currency is not a valid ISO 4217 currency code
  7808                params: '{ "type" => "currency" }'
  7809              - code: currency_is_not_supported
  7810                category: currency
  7811                message: currency is not supported
  7812                params: ''
  7813              - code: account_id_is_not_valid_uuid
  7814                category: account_id
  7815                message: account_id should be in UUID format
  7816                params: ''
  7817            schema:
  7818              $ref: '#/definitions/FindFundingAccountsError'
  7819            headers:
  7820              X-Request-Id:
  7821                type: string
  7822                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7823          '401':
  7824            description: Unauthorized.
  7825            x-errors:
  7826              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  7827                category: username
  7828                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  7829                params: ''
  7830            schema:
  7831              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  7832            headers:
  7833              X-Request-Id:
  7834                type: string
  7835                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7836          '404':
  7837            description: Resource not found.
  7838            headers:
  7839              X-Request-Id:
  7840                type: string
  7841                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7842          '429':
  7843            description: Too many requests.
  7844            x-errors:
  7845              - code: too_many_requests
  7846                category: base
  7847                message: >-
  7848                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  7849                  Developer Center for more information
  7850                params: ''
  7851            schema:
  7852              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  7853            headers:
  7854              X-Request-Id:
  7855                type: string
  7856                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7857          '500':
  7858            description: Internal server error
  7859            x-errors:
  7860              - code: internal_server_error
  7861                category: base
  7862                message: Internal server error
  7863                params: ''
  7864            headers:
  7865              X-Request-Id:
  7866                type: string
  7867                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7868          '503':
  7869            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  7870            x-errors:
  7871              - code: service_unavailable
  7872                category: base
  7873                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  7874                params: ''
  7875            headers:
  7876              X-Request-Id:
  7877                type: string
  7878                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7879          default:
  7880            description: Unexpected error.
  7881            headers:
  7882              X-Request-Id:
  7883                type: string
  7884                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7888    /ibans/find:
  7889      get:
  7890        deprecated: true
  7891        tags:
  7892          - IBANs
  7893        x-api-group: collect
  7894        summary: Find IBANs
  7895        description: >-
  7896          Returns a JSON structure with details of the IBANs for the specified
  7897          accounts.
  7898        operationId: FindIBANs
  7899        produces:
  7900          - application/json
  7901        parameters:
  7902          - name: X-Auth-Token
  7903            in: header
  7904            required: true
  7905            type: string
  7906            description: Authentication token.
  7907          - name: scope
  7908            in: query
  7909            required: false
  7910            type: string
  7911            description: >-
  7912              Scope allows the logged in account to search all IBANs at all
  7913              account levels. Defaults to all. own: search for IBANs on the main
  7914              account clients: search for IBANs of account sub accounts all:
  7915              search for IBANs of account and sub-accounts
  7916            enum:
  7917              - own
  7918              - all
  7919              - clients
  7920            default: all
  7921          - name: currency
  7922            in: query
  7923            required: false
  7924            type: string
  7925            description: Currency in which the balance is held. Three-digit currency code.
  7926          - name: account_id
  7927            in: query
  7928            required: false
  7929            type: string
  7930            description: UUID of a specific account you want to see the IBAN for
  7931          - name: page
  7932            in: query
  7933            required: false
  7934            type: integer
  7935            description: Page number.
  7936          - name: per_page
  7937            in: query
  7938            required: false
  7939            type: integer
  7940            description: Number of results per page.
  7941          - name: order
  7942            in: query
  7943            required: false
  7944            type: string
  7945            description: Any field name to change the sort order.
  7946          - name: order_asc_desc
  7947            in: query
  7948            required: false
  7949            type: string
  7950            enum:
  7951              - asc
  7952              - desc
  7953            default: asc
  7954            description: Sort records in ascending or descending order.
  7955        responses:
  7956          '200':
  7957            description: Success.
  7958            schema:
  7959              type: object
  7960              properties:
  7961                ibans:
  7962                  type: array
  7963                  items:
  7964                    $ref: '#/definitions/IBAN'
  7965                pagination:
  7966                  $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
  7967            headers:
  7968              X-Request-Id:
  7969                type: string
  7970                description: A unique reference for the request.
  7971          '400':
  7972            description: Client error.
  7973            x-errors:
  7974              - code: ibans_not_found
  7975                category: base
  7976                message: IBANs were not found
  7977                params: ''
  7978              - code: iban_not_found_for_currency
  7979                category: base
  7980                message: IBAN was not found for the selected currency
  7981                params: ''
  7982              - code: currency_is_in_invalid_format
  7983                category: currency
  7984                message: currency is not a valid ISO 4217 currency code
  7985                params: '{ "type" => "currency" }'
  7986              - code: currency_is_not_supported
  7987                category: currency
  7988                message: currency is not supported
  7989                params: ''
  7990              - code: scope_not_in_range
  7991                category: scope
  7992                message: "scope should be in range: own, all, clients"
  7993                params: '{ "range" => "own, all, clients" }'
  7994            schema:
  7995              $ref: '#/definitions/GetIBANsError'
  7996            headers:
  7997              X-Request-Id:
  7998                type: string
  7999                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8000          '401':
  8001            description: Unauthorized.
  8002            x-errors:
  8003              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  8004                category: username
  8005                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  8006                params: ''
  8007            schema:
  8008              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  8009            headers:
  8010              X-Request-Id:
  8011                type: string
  8012                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8013          '404':
  8014            description: Resource not found.
  8015            headers:
  8016              X-Request-Id:
  8017                type: string
  8018                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8019          '429':
  8020            description: Too many requests.
  8021            x-errors:
  8022              - code: too_many_requests
  8023                category: base
  8024                message: >-
  8025                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  8026                  Developer Center for more information
  8027                params: ''
  8028            schema:
  8029              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  8030            headers:
  8031              X-Request-Id:
  8032                type: string
  8033                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8034          '500':
  8035            description: Internal server error
  8036            x-errors:
  8037              - code: internal_server_error
  8038                category: base
  8039                message: Internal server error
  8040                params: ''
  8041            headers:
  8042              X-Request-Id:
  8043                type: string
  8044                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8045          '503':
  8046            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  8047            x-errors:
  8048              - code: service_unavailable
  8049                category: base
  8050                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  8051                params: ''
  8052            headers:
  8053              X-Request-Id:
  8054                type: string
  8055                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8056          default:
  8057            description: Unexpected error.
  8058            headers:
  8059              X-Request-Id:
  8060                type: string
  8061                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8062    /payments/create:
  8063      post:
  8064        tags:
  8065          - Payments
  8066        x-api-group: pay
  8067        summary: Create Payment
  8068        description: 'Make a payment. On success, returns the new payment record.'
  8069        operationId: CreatePayment
  8070        consumes:
  8071          - multipart/form-data
  8072        produces:
  8073          - application/json
  8074        parameters:
  8075          - name: X-Auth-Token
  8076            in: header
  8077            required: true
  8078            type: string
  8079            description: Authentication token.
  8080          - name: currency
  8081            in: formData
  8082            required: true
  8083            type: string
  8084            description: Currency in which payment is made. Three-digit currency code.
  8085          - name: beneficiary_id
  8086            in: formData
  8087            required: true
  8088            type: string
  8089            description: Beneficiary UUID.
  8090          - name: amount
  8091            in: formData
  8092            required: true
  8093            type: string
  8094            description: Amount.
  8095          - name: reason
  8096            in: formData
  8097            required: true
  8098            type: string
  8099            description: User-generated reason for payment. Freeform text.
  8100          - name: reference
  8101            in: formData
  8102            required: true
  8103            type: string
  8104            description: User-generated reference code.
  8105          - name: payment_date
  8106            in: formData
  8107            required: false
  8108            type: string
  8109            description: >-
  8110              Instructed date of payment. Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg.
  8111              "2017-12-31".
  8112          - name: payment_type
  8113            in: formData
  8114            required: false
  8115            type: string
  8116            enum:
  8117              - priority
  8118              - regular
  8119            description: >-
  8120              Currencycloud supports two types of payments: "priority", made using
  8121              the SWIFT network; and "regular", made using the local bank network.
  8122          - name: conversion_id
  8123            in: formData
  8124            required: false
  8125            type: string
  8126            description: Conversion UUID.
  8127          - name: payer_entity_type
  8128            in: formData
  8129            required: false
  8130            type: string
  8131            enum:
  8132              - company
  8133              - individual
  8134            description: Legal entity.
  8135          - name: payer_company_name
  8136            in: formData
  8137            required: false
  8138            type: string
  8139            description: Required if "payer_entity_type" is "company".
  8140          - name: payer_first_name
  8141            in: formData
  8142            required: false
  8143            type: string
  8144            description: Required if "payer_entity_type" is "individual".
  8145          - name: payer_last_name
  8146            in: formData
  8147            required: false
  8148            type: string
  8149            description: Required if "payer_entity_type" is "individual".
  8150          - name: payer_city
  8151            in: formData
  8152            required: false
  8153            type: string
  8154            description: City.
  8155          - name: payer_address
  8156            in: formData
  8157            required: false
  8158            type: string
  8159            description: First line of address.
  8160          - name: payer_postcode
  8161            in: formData
  8162            required: false
  8163            type: string
  8164            description: Postal code.
  8165          - name: payer_state_or_province
  8166            in: formData
  8167            required: false
  8168            type: string
  8169            description: State or province.
  8170          - name: payer_country
  8171            in: formData
  8172            required: false
  8173            type: string
  8174            description: Two-letter country code.
  8175          - name: payer_date_of_birth
  8176            in: formData
  8177            required: false
  8178            type: string
  8179            description: >-
  8180              If "payer_entity_type" is "company", company registration date. If
  8181              "payer_entity_type" is "individual", date of birth. ISO 8601 format
  8182              YYYY-MM-DD.
  8183          - name: payer_identification_type
  8184            in: formData
  8185            required: false
  8186            type: string
  8187            enum:
  8188              - none
  8189              - drivers_license
  8190              - social_security_number
  8191              - green_card
  8192              - passport
  8193              - visa
  8194              - matricula_consular
  8195              - registro_federal_de_contribuyentes
  8196              - credential_de_elector
  8197              - social_insurance_number
  8198              - citizenship_papers
  8199              - drivers_license_canadian
  8200              - existing_credit_card_details
  8201              - employer_identification_number
  8202              - national_id
  8203              - others
  8204              - incorporation_number
  8205            description: >-
  8206              A legal document that verifies the identity of the payer. Required
  8207              documentation will vary depending on the nationality or registered
  8208              address of the payer.
  8209          - name: payer_identification_value
  8210            in: formData
  8211            required: false
  8212            type: string
  8213            description: >-
  8214              A unique reference code for the identification document, such as a
  8215              passport number.
  8216          - name: unique_request_id
  8217            in: formData
  8218            required: false
  8219            type: string
  8220            description: User-generated idempotency key.
  8221          - name: ultimate_beneficiary_name
  8222            in: formData
  8223            required: false
  8224            type: string
  8225            description: The name of the ultimate beneficiary if different.
  8226          - name: purpose_code
  8227            in: formData
  8228            required: false
  8229            type: string
  8230            description: Payment Purpose Code (Mandatory for all INR payments).
  8231          - name: on_behalf_of
  8232            in: formData
  8233            required: false
  8234            type: string
  8235            description: Contact UUID.
  8236          - name: charge_type
  8237            in: formData
  8238            required: false
  8239            type: string
  8240            enum:
  8241            - ours
  8242            - shared
  8243            description: >-
  8244              Payment Charges Setting value (only applicable to SWIFT payments).
  8245              If empty - then account's default value is used.
  8246              Do not specify for regular (local) payments.
  8247          - name: fee_amount
  8248            in: formData
  8249            required: false
  8250            type: string
  8251            description: Fee amount.
  8252          - name: fee_currency
  8253            in: formData
  8254            required: false
  8255            type: string
  8256            description: Currency fee is paid in.
  8257        responses:
  8258          '200':
  8259            description: Success.
  8260            schema:
  8261              $ref: '#/definitions/Payment'
  8262            headers:
  8263              X-Request-Id:
  8264                type: string
  8265                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8266          '400':
  8267            description: Client error.
  8268            x-errors:
  8269              - code: invalid_type
  8270                category: type
  8271                message: Invalid Payment type
  8272                params: ''
  8273              - code: currency_length_is_invalid
  8274                category: currency
  8275                message: currency should be 3 character(s) long
  8276                params: ''
  8277              - code: currency_is_required
  8278                category: currency
  8279                message: currency is required
  8280                params: ''
  8281              - code: invalid_currency
  8282                category: currency
  8283                message: You cannot make payments with this currency
  8284                params: ''
  8285              - code: beneficiary_id_is_not_valid_uuid
  8286                category: beneficiary_id
  8287                message: beneficiary_id should be in UUID format
  8288                params: ''
  8289              - code: beneficiary_id_is_required
  8290                category: beneficiary_id
  8291                message: beneficiary_id is required
  8292                params: ''
  8293              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_type_is_wrong
  8294                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  8295                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be of date type
  8296                params: '{ "type" => "date" }'
  8297              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_incorrect
  8298                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  8299                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth is incorrect
  8300                params: ''
  8301              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_earlier
  8302                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  8303                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be later
  8304                params: ''
  8305              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_after
  8306                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
  8307                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be earlier
  8308                params: ''
  8309              - code: invalid_beneficiary_id
  8310                category: beneficiary_id
  8311                message: Unknown beneficiary_id
  8312                params: ''
  8313              - code: payment_above_limit
  8314                category: amount
  8315                message: >-
  8316                  3000.00 EUR exceeds the maximum amount of 2500.00 EUR for a
  8317                  local payment.
  8318                params: ''
  8319              - code: payer_entity_type_not_in_range
  8320                category: payer_entity_type
  8321                message: 'payer_entity_type should be in range: individual, company'
  8322                params: ''
  8323              - code: payer_entity_type_is_missing
  8324                category: payer_entity_type
  8325                message: Payer entity type is missing
  8326                params: ''
  8327              - code: payer_company_name_is_missing
  8328                category: payer_company_name
  8329                message: Payer company name is missing
  8330                params: ''
  8331              - code: payer_first_name_is_missing
  8332                category: payer_first_name
  8333                message: Payer first name is missing
  8334                params: ''
  8335              - code: payer_last_name_is_missing
  8336                category: payer_last_name
  8337                message: Payer last name is missing
  8338                params: ''
  8339              - code: payer_city_is_missing
  8340                category: payer_city
  8341                message: Payer city is missing
  8342                params: ''
  8343              - code: unsupported_payer_country_code
  8344                category: payer_country_code
  8345                message: Payer country is not supported
  8346                params: ''
  8347              - code: payer_state_or_province_is_missing
  8348                category: payer_state_or_province
  8349                message: Payer state or province is missing
  8350                params: ''
  8351              - code: payer_postcode_is_missing
  8352                category: payer_postcode
  8353                message: Payer postcode is missing
  8354                params: ''
  8355              - code: payer_date_of_birth_type_is_wrong
  8356                category: payer_date_of_birth
  8357                message: payer_date_of_birth should be of date type
  8358                params: '{ "type" => "date" }'
  8359              - code: payer_date_of_birth_is_incorrect
  8360                category: payer_date_of_birth
  8361                message: payer_date_of_birth is incorrect
  8362                params: ''
  8363              - code: payer_date_of_birth_is_earlier
  8364                category: payer_date_of_birth
  8365                message: payer_date_of_birth should be later
  8366                params: ''
  8367              - code: payer_date_of_birth_is_after
  8368                category: payer_date_of_birth
  8369                message: payer_date_of_birth should be earlier
  8370                params: ''
  8371              - code: identification_type_is_missing
  8372                category: payer_identification_type
  8373                message: identification_type is missing
  8374                params: ''
  8375              - code: identification_type_is_invalid
  8376                category: payer_identification_type
  8377                message: identification_type is invalid
  8378                params: ''
  8379              - code: identification_value_is_missing
  8380                category: payer_identification_value
  8381                message: identification_value is missing
  8382                params: ''
  8383              - code: identification_value_is_invalid
  8384                category: payer_identification_value
  8385                message: identification_value is invalid
  8386                params: ''
  8387              - code: invalid_conversion_id
  8388                category: conversion_id
  8389                message: Conversion could not be found
  8390                params: ''
  8391              - code: conversion_is_already_settled
  8392                category: conversion_id
  8393                message: The conversion is already settled
  8394                params: ''
  8395              - code: invalid_payment_date
  8396                category: payment_date
  8397                message: The payment date is invalid
  8398                params: ''
  8399              - code: payment_date_is_too_early
  8400                category: payment_date
  8401                message: The payment date cannot be sooner than the conversion date
  8402                params: ''
  8403              - code: reference_is_too_long
  8404                category: reference
  8405                message: reference can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  8406                params: ''
  8407              - code: charge_type_not_available
  8408                category: charge_type
  8409                message: Not available charge_type has been provided
  8410                params: '{ "charge_type" => "shared, ours" }'
  8411              - code: invalid_charge_type
  8412                category: charge_type
  8413                message:  Invalid banking_charges supplied, must be in range [ours, shared]
  8414                params: ''
  8415              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  8416                category: on_behalf_of
  8417                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  8418                params: ''
  8419              - code: contact_not_found
  8420                category: on_behalf_of
  8421                message: Contact was not found for this id
  8422                params: ''
  8423              - code: on_behalf_of_charge_type_not_available
  8424                category: on_behalf_of
  8425                message: Not available charge_type has been provided for on_behalf_of
  8426                params: '{ "charge_type" => "shared, ours" }'
  8427              - code: duplicate_request
  8428                category: duplicate_request
  8429                message: >-
  8430                  The unique_request_id provided for this payment has already been
  8431                  used, please provide a new unique_request_id to successfully
  8432                  submit this payment
  8433                params: ''
  8434              - code: fee_amount_type_is_wrong
  8435                category: fee_amount
  8436                message: fee_amount should be of numeric type
  8437                params: '{ "type" => "numeric" }'
  8438              - code: fee_currency_is_in_invalid_format
  8439                category: fee_currency
  8440                message: fee_currency is not a valid ISO 4217 currency code
  8441                params: '{ "type" => "currency" }'
  8442              - code: unsupported_beneficiary_country_code
  8443                category: beneficiary_country_code
  8444                message: Beneficiary country is not supported
  8445                params: ''
  8446              - code: unsupported_account
  8447                category: account
  8448                message: The account is currently not permitted to create payments.
  8449                params: ''
  8451            schema:
  8452              $ref: '#/definitions/CreatePaymentError'
  8453            headers:
  8454              X-Request-Id:
  8455                type: string
  8456                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8457          '401':
  8458            description: Unauthorized.
  8459            x-errors:
  8460              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  8461                category: username
  8462                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  8463                params: ''
  8464            schema:
  8465              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  8466            headers:
  8467              X-Request-Id:
  8468                type: string
  8469                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8470          '404':
  8471            description: Resource not found.
  8472            headers:
  8473              X-Request-Id:
  8474                type: string
  8475                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8476          '429':
  8477            description: Too many requests.
  8478            x-errors:
  8479              - code: too_many_requests
  8480                category: base
  8481                message: >-
  8482                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  8483                  Developer Center for more information
  8484                params: ''
  8485            schema:
  8486              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  8487            headers:
  8488              X-Request-Id:
  8489                type: string
  8490                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8491          '500':
  8492            description: Internal server error
  8493            x-errors:
  8494              - code: internal_server_error
  8495                category: base
  8496                message: Internal server error
  8497                params: ''
  8498            headers:
  8499              X-Request-Id:
  8500                type: string
  8501                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8502          '503':
  8503            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  8504            x-errors:
  8505              - code: service_unavailable
  8506                category: base
  8507                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  8508                params: ''
  8509            headers:
  8510              X-Request-Id:
  8511                type: string
  8512                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8513          default:
  8514            description: Unexpected error.
  8515            headers:
  8516              X-Request-Id:
  8517                type: string
  8518                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8519    /payments/find:
  8520      get:
  8521        tags:
  8522          - Payments
  8523        x-api-group: pay
  8524        summary: Find Payments
  8525        description: Search for payment records.
  8526        operationId: FindPayments
  8527        produces:
  8528          - application/json
  8529        parameters:
  8530          - name: X-Auth-Token
  8531            in: header
  8532            required: true
  8533            type: string
  8534            description: Authentication token.
  8535          - name: on_behalf_of
  8536            in: query
  8537            required: false
  8538            type: string
  8539            description: Contact UUID.
  8540          - name: short_reference
  8541            in: query
  8542            required: false
  8543            type: string
  8544            description: Short reference code.
  8545          - name: currency
  8546            in: query
  8547            required: false
  8548            type: string
  8549            description: Currency in which payment made. Three-digit currency code.
  8550          - name: amount
  8551            in: query
  8552            required: false
  8553            type: string
  8554            description: Exact amount.
  8555          - name: amount_from
  8556            in: query
  8557            required: false
  8558            type: string
  8559            description: Minimum amount.
  8560          - name: amount_to
  8561            in: query
  8562            required: false
  8563            type: string
  8564            description: Maximum amount.
  8565          - name: status
  8566            in: query
  8567            required: false
  8568            type: string
  8569            enum:
  8570              - new
  8571              - ready_to_send
  8572              - completed
  8573              - failed
  8574              - released
  8575              - suspended
  8576              - awaiting_authorisation
  8577              - submitted
  8578              - authorised
  8579              - deleted
  8580            description: Payment status.
  8581          - name: reason
  8582            in: query
  8583            required: false
  8584            type: string
  8585            description: User-generated reason for payment. Freeform text.
  8586          - name: payment_date_from
  8587            in: query
  8588            required: false
  8589            type: string
  8590            format: date
  8591            description: >-
  8592              Earliest instructed payment date. Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg.
  8593              "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".
  8594          - name: payment_date_to
  8595            in: query
  8596            required: false
  8597            type: string
  8598            format: date
  8599            description: >-
  8600              Latest instructed payment date. Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg.
  8601              "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".
  8602          - name: transferred_at_from
  8603            in: query
  8604            required: false
  8605            type: string
  8606            format: date-time
  8607            description: >-
  8608              Earliest date of payment processing. Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg.
  8609              "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".
  8610          - name: transferred_at_to
  8611            in: query
  8612            required: false
  8613            type: string
  8614            format: date-time
  8615            description: >-
  8616              Latest date of payment processing. Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg.
  8617              "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".
  8618          - name: created_at_from
  8619            in: query
  8620            required: false
  8621            type: string
  8622            format: date-time
  8623            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".'
  8624          - name: created_at_to
  8625            in: query
  8626            required: false
  8627            type: string
  8628            format: date-time
  8629            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".'
  8630          - name: updated_at_from
  8631            in: query
  8632            required: false
  8633            type: string
  8634            format: date-time
  8635            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".'
  8636          - name: updated_at_to
  8637            in: query
  8638            required: false
  8639            type: string
  8640            format: date-time
  8641            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59+00:00".'
  8642          - name: beneficiary_id
  8643            in: query
  8644            required: false
  8645            type: string
  8646            description: Beneficiary UUID.
  8647          - name: conversion_id
  8648            in: query
  8649            required: false
  8650            type: string
  8651            description: Conversion UUID.
  8652          - name: with_deleted
  8653            in: query
  8654            required: false
  8655            type: boolean
  8656            default: false
  8657            description: Include deleted payments.
  8658          - name: payment_group_id
  8659            in: query
  8660            required: false
  8661            type: string
  8662            description: Payment group.
  8663          - name: unique_request_id
  8664            in: query
  8665            required: false
  8666            type: string
  8667            description: User-generated idempotency key.
  8668          - name: scope
  8669            in: query
  8670            required: false
  8671            type: string
  8672            enum:
  8673              - all
  8674              - own
  8675              - clients
  8676            default: own
  8677            description: '"Own" account, "clients" sub-accounts, or "all" accounts.'
  8678          - name: bulk_upload_id
  8679            in: query
  8680            required: false
  8681            type: string
  8682            description: Bulk upload reference code.
  8683          - name: page
  8684            in: query
  8685            required: false
  8686            type: integer
  8687            description: Page number.
  8688          - name: per_page
  8689            in: query
  8690            required: false
  8691            type: integer
  8692            description: Number of results per page.
  8693          - name: order
  8694            in: query
  8695            required: false
  8696            type: string
  8697            description: Any field name to change the sort order.
  8698          - name: order_asc_desc
  8699            in: query
  8700            required: false
  8701            type: string
  8702            enum:
  8703              - asc
  8704              - desc
  8705            default: asc
  8706            description: Sort records in ascending or descending order.
  8707          - name: charge_type
  8708            in: query
  8709            required: false
  8710            type: string
  8711            enum:
  8712            - ours
  8713            - shared
  8714            description: >-
  8715              Payment Charges Setting value (only applicable to SWIFT payments).
  8716              Limits search results scope to just payments of the specified charge type.
  8717        responses:
  8718          '200':
  8719            description: Success.
  8720            schema:
  8721              type: object
  8722              properties:
  8723                payments:
  8724                  type: array
  8725                  items:
  8726                    $ref: '#/definitions/Payment'
  8727                pagination:
  8728                  $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
  8729            headers:
  8730              X-Request-Id:
  8731                type: string
  8732                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8733          '400':
  8734            description: Client error.
  8735            x-errors:
  8736              - code: invalid_currency
  8737                category: id
  8738                message: currency has invalid format
  8739                params: ''
  8740              - code: charge_type_not_available
  8741                category: charge_type
  8742                message: Not available charge_type has been provided
  8743                params: '{ "charge_type" => "shared, ours" }'
  8744              - code: invalid_charge_type
  8745                category: charge_type
  8746                message:  Invalid banking_charges supplied, must be in range [ours, shared]
  8747                params: ''
  8748              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  8749                category: on_behalf_of
  8750                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  8751                params: ''
  8752              - code: contact_not_found
  8753                category: on_behalf_of
  8754                message: Contact was not found for this id
  8755                params: ''
  8756              - code: on_behalf_of_charge_type_not_available
  8757                category: on_behalf_of
  8758                message: Not available charge_type has been provided for on_behalf_of
  8759                params: '{ "charge_type" => "shared, ours" }'
  8760              - code: status_not_in_range
  8761                category: status
  8762                message: >-
  8763                  status should be in range: new, ready_to_send, completed, failed, released, suspended,
  8764                  awaiting_authorisation, submitted, authorised, deleted"
  8765                params: >-
  8766                  { "range" => "new, ready_to_send, completed, failed, released, suspended,
  8767                  awaiting_authorisation, submitted, authorised, deleted" }
  8768            schema:
  8769              $ref: '#/definitions/FindPaymentsError'
  8770            headers:
  8771              X-Request-Id:
  8772                type: string
  8773                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8774          '401':
  8775            description: Unauthorized.
  8776            x-errors:
  8777              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  8778                category: username
  8779                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  8780                params: ''
  8781            schema:
  8782              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  8783            headers:
  8784              X-Request-Id:
  8785                type: string
  8786                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8787          '404':
  8788            description: Resource not found.
  8789            headers:
  8790              X-Request-Id:
  8791                type: string
  8792                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8793          '429':
  8794            description: Too many requests.
  8795            x-errors:
  8796              - code: too_many_requests
  8797                category: base
  8798                message: >-
  8799                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  8800                  Developer Center for more information
  8801                params: ''
  8802            schema:
  8803              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  8804            headers:
  8805              X-Request-Id:
  8806                type: string
  8807                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8808          '500':
  8809            description: Internal server error
  8810            x-errors:
  8811              - code: internal_server_error
  8812                category: base
  8813                message: Internal server error
  8814                params: ''
  8815            headers:
  8816              X-Request-Id:
  8817                type: string
  8818                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8819          '503':
  8820            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  8821            x-errors:
  8822              - code: service_unavailable
  8823                category: base
  8824                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  8825                params: ''
  8826            headers:
  8827              X-Request-Id:
  8828                type: string
  8829                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8830          default:
  8831            description: Unexpected error.
  8832            headers:
  8833              X-Request-Id:
  8834                type: string
  8835                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8836    '/payments/{id}':
  8837      get:
  8838        tags:
  8839          - Payments
  8840        x-api-group: pay
  8841        summary: Get Payment
  8842        description: Get a payment record.
  8843        operationId: GetPayment
  8844        produces:
  8845          - application/json
  8846        parameters:
  8847          - name: X-Auth-Token
  8848            in: header
  8849            required: true
  8850            type: string
  8851            description: Authentication token.
  8852          - name: id
  8853            in: path
  8854            required: true
  8855            type: string
  8856            description: Payment UUID.
  8857          - name: with_deleted
  8858            in: query
  8859            required: false
  8860            type: boolean
  8861            description: Include deleted payments.
  8862          - name: purpose_code
  8863            in: query
  8864            required: false
  8865            type: string
  8866            description: Payment Purpose Code (Mandatory for all INR payments).
  8867          - name: on_behalf_of
  8868            in: query
  8869            required: false
  8870            type: string
  8871            description: Contact UUID.
  8872        responses:
  8873          '200':
  8874            description: Success.
  8875            schema:
  8876              $ref: '#/definitions/Payment'
  8877            headers:
  8878              X-Request-Id:
  8879                type: string
  8880                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8881          '400':
  8882            description: Client error.
  8883            x-errors:
  8884              - code: invalid_id
  8885                category: id
  8886                message: ID has invalid format
  8887                params: ''
  8888              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  8889                category: on_behalf_of
  8890                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  8891                params: ''
  8892              - code: payment_not_found
  8893                category: id
  8894                message: Payment was not found for this id
  8895                params: ''
  8896              - code: contact_not_found
  8897                category: on_behalf_of
  8898                message: Contact was not found for this id
  8899                params: ''
  8900            schema:
  8901              $ref: '#/definitions/GetPaymentError'
  8902            headers:
  8903              X-Request-Id:
  8904                type: string
  8905                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8906          '401':
  8907            description: Unauthorized.
  8908            x-errors:
  8909              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  8910                category: username
  8911                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  8912                params: ''
  8913            schema:
  8914              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  8915            headers:
  8916              X-Request-Id:
  8917                type: string
  8918                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8919          '404':
  8920            description: Resource not found.
  8921            schema:
  8922              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  8923            headers:
  8924              X-Request-Id:
  8925                type: string
  8926                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8927          '429':
  8928            description: Too many requests.
  8929            x-errors:
  8930              - code: too_many_requests
  8931                category: base
  8932                message: >-
  8933                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  8934                  Developer Center for more information
  8935                params: ''
  8936            schema:
  8937              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  8938            headers:
  8939              X-Request-Id:
  8940                type: string
  8941                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8942          '500':
  8943            description: Internal server error
  8944            x-errors:
  8945              - code: internal_server_error
  8946                category: base
  8947                message: Internal server error
  8948                params: ''
  8949            headers:
  8950              X-Request-Id:
  8951                type: string
  8952                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8953          '503':
  8954            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  8955            x-errors:
  8956              - code: service_unavailable
  8957                category: base
  8958                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  8959                params: ''
  8960            headers:
  8961              X-Request-Id:
  8962                type: string
  8963                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8964          default:
  8965            description: Unexpected error.
  8966            headers:
  8967              X-Request-Id:
  8968                type: string
  8969                description: A unique reference for the request.
  8970      post:
  8971        tags:
  8972          - Payments
  8973        x-api-group: pay
  8974        summary: Update Payment
  8975        description: 'Update a payment. On success, returns the updated payment entity.'
  8976        operationId: UpdatePayment
  8977        consumes:
  8978          - multipart/form-data
  8979        produces:
  8980          - application/json
  8981        parameters:
  8982          - name: X-Auth-Token
  8983            in: header
  8984            required: true
  8985            type: string
  8986            description: Authentication token.
  8987          - name: id
  8988            in: path
  8989            required: true
  8990            type: string
  8991            description: Payment UUID.
  8992          - name: with_deleted
  8993            in: query
  8994            required: false
  8995            type: boolean
  8996            description: Include deleted payments.
  8997          - name: currency
  8998            in: formData
  8999            required: false
  9000            type: string
  9001            description: >-
  9002              Currency in which the payment is being made. Three-digit currency
  9003              code.
  9004          - name: beneficiary_id
  9005            in: formData
  9006            required: false
  9007            type: string
  9008            description: Beneficiary UUID.
  9009          - name: amount
  9010            in: formData
  9011            required: false
  9012            type: string
  9013            description: Payment amount.
  9014          - name: payment_date
  9015            in: formData
  9016            required: false
  9017            type: string
  9018            description: >-
  9019              Instructed date of payment. Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg.
  9020              "2017-12-31".
  9021          - name: reason
  9022            in: formData
  9023            required: false
  9024            type: string
  9025            description: User-generated reason for payment. Freeform text.
  9026          - name: payment_type
  9027            in: formData
  9028            required: false
  9029            type: string
  9030            enum:
  9031              - priority
  9032              - regular
  9033            description: >-
  9034              Currencycloud supports two types of payments: "priority", made using
  9035              the SWIFT network; and "regular", made using the local bank network.
  9036          - name: reference
  9037            in: formData
  9038            required: false
  9039            type: string
  9040            description: User-generated reference code.
  9041          - name: conversion_id
  9042            in: formData
  9043            required: false
  9044            type: string
  9045            description: Conversion UUID.
  9046          - name: payer_entity_type
  9047            in: formData
  9048            required: false
  9049            type: string
  9050            enum:
  9051              - company
  9052              - individual
  9053            description: Legal entity.
  9054          - name: payer_company_name
  9055            in: formData
  9056            required: false
  9057            type: string
  9058            description: Required if "payer_entity_type" is "company".
  9059          - name: payer_first_name
  9060            in: formData
  9061            required: false
  9062            type: string
  9063            description: Required if "payer_entity_type" is "individual".
  9064          - name: payer_last_name
  9065            in: formData
  9066            required: false
  9067            type: string
  9068            description: Required if payer_entity_type is "individual".
  9069          - name: payer_city
  9070            in: formData
  9071            required: false
  9072            type: string
  9073            description: City.
  9074          - name: payer_address
  9075            in: formData
  9076            required: false
  9077            type: string
  9078            description: First line of address.
  9079          - name: payer_postcode
  9080            in: formData
  9081            required: false
  9082            type: string
  9083            description: Postal code.
  9084          - name: payer_state_or_province
  9085            in: formData
  9086            required: false
  9087            type: string
  9088            description: State or province.
  9089          - name: payer_country
  9090            in: formData
  9091            required: false
  9092            type: string
  9093            description: Two-letter country code.
  9094          - name: payer_date_of_birth
  9095            in: formData
  9096            required: false
  9097            type: string
  9098            description: >-
  9099              If "payer_entity_type" is "company", company registration date. If
  9100              "payer_entity_type" is "individual", date of birth. ISO 8601 format
  9101              YYYY-MM-DD..
  9102          - name: payer_identification_type
  9103            in: formData
  9104            required: false
  9105            type: string
  9106            enum:
  9107              - none
  9108              - drivers_license
  9109              - social_security_number
  9110              - green_card
  9111              - passport
  9112              - visa
  9113              - matricula_consular
  9114              - registro_federal_de_contribuyentes
  9115              - credential_de_elector
  9116              - social_insurance_number
  9117              - citizenship_papers
  9118              - drivers_license_canadian
  9119              - existing_credit_card_details
  9120              - employer_identification_number
  9121              - national_id
  9122              - others
  9123              - incorporation_number
  9124            description: >-
  9125              A legal document that verifies the identity of the payer. Required
  9126              documentation will vary depending on the nationality or registered
  9127              address of the payer.
  9128          - name: payer_identification_value
  9129            in: formData
  9130            required: false
  9131            type: string
  9132            description: >-
  9133              A unique reference code for the identification document, such as a
  9134              passport number.
  9135          - name: payer_details_source
  9136            in: formData
  9137            required: false
  9138            type: string
  9139            enum:
  9140              - account
  9141              - payer
  9142            description: 'Source for payer details: the "account" or "payer" record.'
  9143          - name: ultimate_beneficiary_name
  9144            in: formData
  9145            required: false
  9146            type: string
  9147            description: The name of the ultimate beneficiary if different.
  9148          - name: purpose_code
  9149            in: formData
  9150            required: false
  9151            type: string
  9152            description: Payment Purpose Code (Mandatory for all INR payments).
  9153          - name: on_behalf_of
  9154            in: formData
  9155            required: false
  9156            type: string
  9157            description: Contact UUID.
  9158          - name: charge_type
  9159            in: formData
  9160            required: false
  9161            type: string
  9162            enum:
  9163            - ours
  9164            - shared
  9165            description: >-
  9166              Payment Charges Setting value (only applicable to SWIFT payments).
  9167              If empty - then account's default value is used.
  9168              Do not specify for regular (local) payments.
  9169          - name: fee_amount
  9170            in: formData
  9171            required: false
  9172            type: string
  9173            description: Fee amount.
  9174          - name: fee_currency
  9175            in: formData
  9176            required: false
  9177            type: string
  9178            description: Currency Fee is paid in.
  9179        responses:
  9180          '200':
  9181            description: Success.
  9182            schema:
  9183              $ref: '#/definitions/Payment'
  9184            headers:
  9185              X-Request-Id:
  9186                type: string
  9187                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9188          '400':
  9189            description: Client error.
  9190            x-errors:
  9191              - code: currency_type_is_wrong
  9192                category: currency
  9193                message: XYZ is not a valid ISO 4217 currency code
  9194                params: ''
  9195              - code: invalid_currency
  9196                category: currency
  9197                message: You cannot make payments with this currency
  9198                params: ''
  9199              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
  9200                category: id
  9201                message: id should be in UUID format
  9202                params: ''
  9203              - code: beneficiary_id_is_not_valid_uuid
  9204                category: beneficiary_id
  9205                message: beneficiary_id should be in UUID format
  9206                params: ''
  9207              - code: invalid_beneficiary_id
  9208                category: beneficiary_id
  9209                message: Unknown beneficiary_id
  9210                params: ''
  9211              - code: invalid_beneficiary_currency
  9212                category: beneficiary_currency
  9213                message: >-
  9214                  You cannot assign this Beneficiary to the Payment as it is the
  9215                  incorrect currency
  9216                params: ''
  9217              - code: amount_type_is_wrong
  9218                category: amount
  9219                message: amount should be of numeric type
  9220                params: '{ "type" => "numeric" }'
  9221              - code: payment_above_limit
  9222                category: amount
  9223                message: >-
  9224                  3000.00 EUR exceeds the maximum amount of 2500.00 EUR for a
  9225                  local payment.
  9226                params: '{ "amount" => 3000.0, "ccy" => "EUR", "limit" => 2500.0 }'
  9227              - code: invalid_amount_for_order
  9228                category: amount_for_order
  9229                message: The payment amount is more than the value of the order
  9230                params: ''
  9231              - code: payment_type_not_in_range
  9232                category: payment_type
  9233                message: 'payment_type should be in range: priority, regular'
  9234                params: ''
  9235              - code: invalid_conversion_id
  9236                category: conversion_id
  9237                message: Conversion could not be found.
  9238                params: ''
  9239              - code: conversion_id_is_not_valid_uuid
  9240                category: conversion_id
  9241                message: conversion_id should be in UUID format
  9242                params: ''
  9243              - code: invalid_payment_date
  9244                category: payment_date
  9245                message: The payment date is invalid
  9246                params: ''
  9247              - code: payment_date_is_in_invalid_format
  9248                category: payment_date
  9249                message: payment_date should be in ISO 8601 format
  9250                params: ''
  9251              - code: payment_date_is_too_early
  9252                category: payment_date
  9253                message: The payment date cannot be sooner than the conversion date
  9254                params: ''
  9255              - code: reference_is_too_long
  9256                category: reference
  9257                message: reference can not be longer than 255 character(s)
  9258                params: '{ "maxlength" => 255 }'
  9259              - code: payment_can_not_be_edited
  9260                category: can_not_be_edited
  9261                message: >-
  9262                  Sorry this Payment has already been processed and you are unable
  9263                  to Edit it
  9264                params: ''
  9265              - code: extra_dependent_params
  9266                category: base
  9267                message: >-
  9268                  Parameters payer_entity_type, payer_company_name,
  9269                  payer_first_name, payer_last_name, payer_address, payer_country,
  9270                  payer_postcode, payer_state_or_province, payer_date_of_birth,
  9271                  payer_identification_type, payer_identification_value can't be
  9272                  provided in the same request with 'payer_details_source' with
  9273                  value 'account'
  9274                params: ''
  9275              - code: payer_entity_type_not_in_range
  9276                category: payer_entity_type
  9277                message: 'payer_entity_type should be in range: individual, company'
  9278                params: '{ "range" => "individual, company" }'
  9279              - code: payer_entity_type_is_missing
  9280                category: payer_entity_type
  9281                message: Payer entity type is missing
  9282                params: ''
  9283              - code: payer_company_name_is_missing
  9284                category: payer_company_name
  9285                message: Payer company name is missing
  9286                params: ''
  9287              - code: payer_first_name_is_missing
  9288                category: payer_first_name
  9289                message: Payer first name is missing
  9290                params: ''
  9291              - code: payer_last_name_is_missing
  9292                category: payer_last_name
  9293                message: Payer last name is missing
  9294                params: ''
  9295              - code: payer_city_is_missing
  9296                category: payer_city
  9297                message: Payer city is missing
  9298                params: ''
  9299              - code: payer_state_or_province_is_missing
  9300                category: payer_state_or_province
  9301                message: Payer state or province is missing
  9302                params: ''
  9303              - code: payer_postcode_is_missing
  9304                category: payer_postcode
  9305                message: Payer postcode is missing
  9306                params: ''
  9307              - code: payer_date_of_birth_type_is_wrong
  9308                category: payer_date_of_birth
  9309                message: payer_date_of_birth should be of date type
  9310                params: '{ "type" => "date" }'
  9311              - code: payer_date_of_birth_is_incorrect
  9312                category: payer_date_of_birth
  9313                message: payer_date_of_birth is incorrect
  9314                params: ''
  9315              - code: payer_date_of_birth_is_earlier
  9316                category: payer_date_of_birth
  9317                message: payer_date_of_birth should be later
  9318                params: ''
  9319              - code: payer_date_of_birth_is_after
  9320                category: payer_date_of_birth
  9321                message: payer_date_of_birth should be earlier
  9322                params: ''
  9323              - code: identification_type_is_missing
  9324                category: payer_identification_type
  9325                message: identification_type is missing
  9326                params: ''
  9327              - code: identification_type_is_invalid
  9328                category: payer_identification_type
  9329                message: identification_type is invalid
  9330                params: ''
  9331              - code: identification_value_is_missing
  9332                category: payer_identification_value
  9333                message: identification_value is missing
  9334                params: ''
  9335              - code: identification_value_is_invalid
  9336                category: payer_identification_value
  9337                message: identification_value is invalid
  9338                params: ''
  9339              - code: charge_type_not_available
  9340                category: charge_type
  9341                message: Not available charge_type has been provided
  9342                params: '{ "charge_type" => "shared, ours" }'
  9343              - code: invalid_charge_type
  9344                category: charge_type
  9345                message:  Invalid banking_charges supplied, must be in range [ours, shared]
  9346                params: ''
  9347              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  9348                category: on_behalf_of
  9349                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  9350                params: ''
  9351              - code: payment_not_found
  9352                category: id
  9353                message: Payment was not found for this id
  9354                params: ''
  9355              - code: contact_not_found
  9356                category: on_behalf_of
  9357                message: Contact was not found for this id
  9358                params: ''
  9359              - code: on_behalf_of_charge_type_not_available
  9360                category: on_behalf_of
  9361                message: Not available charge_type has been provided for on_behalf_of
  9362                params: '{ "charge_type" => "shared, ours" }'
  9363              - code: fee_amount_type_is_wrong
  9364                category: fee_amount
  9365                message: fee_amount should be of numeric type
  9366                params: '{ "type" => "numeric" }'
  9367              - code: fee_currency_is_in_invalid_format
  9368                category: fee_currency
  9369                message: fee_currency is not a valid ISO 4217 currency code
  9370                params: '{ "type" => "currency" }'
  9371            schema:
  9372              $ref: '#/definitions/UpdatePaymentError'
  9373            headers:
  9374              X-Request-Id:
  9375                type: string
  9376                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9377          '401':
  9378            description: Unauthorized.
  9379            x-errors:
  9380              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  9381                category: username
  9382                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  9383                params: ''
  9384            schema:
  9385              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  9386            headers:
  9387              X-Request-Id:
  9388                type: string
  9389                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9390          '404':
  9391            description: Resource not found.
  9392            headers:
  9393              X-Request-Id:
  9394                type: string
  9395                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9396          '429':
  9397            description: Too many requests.
  9398            x-errors:
  9399              - code: too_many_requests
  9400                category: base
  9401                message: >-
  9402                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  9403                  Developer Center for more information
  9404                params: ''
  9405            schema:
  9406              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  9407            headers:
  9408              X-Request-Id:
  9409                type: string
  9410                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9411          '500':
  9412            description: Internal server error
  9413            x-errors:
  9414              - code: internal_server_error
  9415                category: base
  9416                message: Internal server error
  9417                params: ''
  9418            headers:
  9419              X-Request-Id:
  9420                type: string
  9421                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9422          '503':
  9423            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  9424            x-errors:
  9425              - code: service_unavailable
  9426                category: base
  9427                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  9428                params: ''
  9429            headers:
  9430              X-Request-Id:
  9431                type: string
  9432                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9433          default:
  9434            description: Unexpected error.
  9435            headers:
  9436              X-Request-Id:
  9437                type: string
  9438                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9439    '/payments/{id}/confirmation':
  9440      get:
  9441        tags:
  9442          - Payments
  9443        x-api-group: pay
  9444        summary: Get a Payment Confirmation
  9445        description: Get confirmation for a payment.
  9446        operationId: GetPaymentConfirmation
  9447        produces:
  9448          - application/json
  9449        parameters:
  9450          - name: X-Auth-Token
  9451            in: header
  9452            required: true
  9453            type: string
  9454            description: Authentication token.
  9455          - name: id
  9456            in: path
  9457            required: true
  9458            type: string
  9459            description: Payment UUID.
  9460          - name: on_behalf_of
  9461            in: query
  9462            required: false
  9463            type: string
  9464            description: Contact UUID.
  9465        responses:
  9466          '200':
  9467            description: Success.
  9468            schema:
  9469              $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentConfirmation'
  9470            headers:
  9471              X-Request-Id:
  9472                type: string
  9473                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9474          '400':
  9475            description: Client error.
  9476            x-errors:
  9477              - code: invalid_id
  9478                category: id
  9479                message: ID has invalid format
  9480                params: ''
  9481              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  9482                category: on_behalf_of
  9483                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  9484                params: ''
  9485              - code: payment_not_found
  9486                category: id
  9487                message: Payment was not found for this id
  9488                params: ''
  9489              - code: contact_not_found
  9490                category: on_behalf_of
  9491                message: Contact was not found for this id
  9492                params: ''
  9493            schema:
  9494              $ref: '#/definitions/GetPaymentSubmissionError'
  9495            headers:
  9496              X-Request-Id:
  9497                type: string
  9498                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9499          '401':
  9500            description: Unauthorized.
  9501            x-errors:
  9502              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  9503                category: username
  9504                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  9505                params: ''
  9506            schema:
  9507              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  9508            headers:
  9509              X-Request-Id:
  9510                type: string
  9511                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9512          '404':
  9513            description: Resource not found.
  9514            schema:
  9515              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  9516            headers:
  9517              X-Request-Id:
  9518                type: string
  9519                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9520          '429':
  9521            description: Too many requests.
  9522            x-errors:
  9523              - code: too_many_requests
  9524                category: base
  9525                message: >-
  9526                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  9527                  Developer Center for more information
  9528                params: ''
  9529            schema:
  9530              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  9531            headers:
  9532              X-Request-Id:
  9533                type: string
  9534                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9535          '500':
  9536            description: Internal server error
  9537            x-errors:
  9538              - code: internal_server_error
  9539                category: base
  9540                message: Internal server error
  9541                params: ''
  9542            headers:
  9543              X-Request-Id:
  9544                type: string
  9545                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9546          '503':
  9547            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  9548            x-errors:
  9549              - code: service_unavailable
  9550                category: base
  9551                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  9552                params: ''
  9553            headers:
  9554              X-Request-Id:
  9555                type: string
  9556                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9557          default:
  9558            description: Unexpected error.
  9559            headers:
  9560              X-Request-Id:
  9561                type: string
  9562                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9563    '/payments/{id}/submission':
  9564      get:
  9565        tags:
  9566          - Payments
  9567        x-api-group: pay
  9568        summary: Get Payment Submission
  9569        description: Get MT103 information for a SWIFT payment.
  9570        operationId: GetPaymentSubmission
  9571        produces:
  9572          - application/json
  9573        parameters:
  9574          - name: X-Auth-Token
  9575            in: header
  9576            required: true
  9577            type: string
  9578            description: Authentication token.
  9579          - name: id
  9580            in: path
  9581            required: true
  9582            type: string
  9583            description: Payment UUID.
  9584          - name: on_behalf_of
  9585            in: query
  9586            required: false
  9587            type: string
  9588            description: Contact UUID.
  9589        responses:
  9590          '200':
  9591            description: Success.
  9592            schema:
  9593              $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentSubmission'
  9594            headers:
  9595              X-Request-Id:
  9596                type: string
  9597                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9598          '400':
  9599            description: Client error.
  9600            x-errors:
  9601              - code: invalid_id
  9602                category: id
  9603                message: ID has invalid format
  9604                params: ''
  9605              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  9606                category: on_behalf_of
  9607                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  9608                params: ''
  9609              - code: payment_not_found
  9610                category: id
  9611                message: Payment was not found for this id
  9612                params: ''
  9613              - code: contact_not_found
  9614                category: on_behalf_of
  9615                message: Contact was not found for this id
  9616                params: ''
  9617            schema:
  9618              $ref: '#/definitions/GetPaymentSubmissionError'
  9619            headers:
  9620              X-Request-Id:
  9621                type: string
  9622                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9623          '401':
  9624            description: Unauthorized.
  9625            x-errors:
  9626              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  9627                category: username
  9628                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  9629                params: ''
  9630            schema:
  9631              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  9632            headers:
  9633              X-Request-Id:
  9634                type: string
  9635                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9636          '404':
  9637            description: Resource not found.
  9638            schema:
  9639              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  9640            headers:
  9641              X-Request-Id:
  9642                type: string
  9643                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9644          '429':
  9645            description: Too many requests.
  9646            x-errors:
  9647              - code: too_many_requests
  9648                category: base
  9649                message: >-
  9650                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  9651                  Developer Center for more information
  9652                params: ''
  9653            schema:
  9654              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  9655            headers:
  9656              X-Request-Id:
  9657                type: string
  9658                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9659          '500':
  9660            description: Internal server error
  9661            x-errors:
  9662              - code: internal_server_error
  9663                category: base
  9664                message: Internal server error
  9665                params: ''
  9666            headers:
  9667              X-Request-Id:
  9668                type: string
  9669                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9670          '503':
  9671            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  9672            x-errors:
  9673              - code: service_unavailable
  9674                category: base
  9675                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  9676                params: ''
  9677            headers:
  9678              X-Request-Id:
  9679                type: string
  9680                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9681          default:
  9682            description: Unexpected error.
  9683            headers:
  9684              X-Request-Id:
  9685                type: string
  9686                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9687    /payments/authorise:
  9688      post:
  9689        tags:
  9690          - Payments
  9691        x-api-group: pay
  9692        summary: Authorise Payment
  9693        description: Authorises a payment pending authorisation.
  9694        operationId: AuthorisePayment
  9695        consumes:
  9696          - multipart/form-data
  9697        produces:
  9698          - application/json
  9699        parameters:
  9700          - name: X-Auth-Token
  9701            in: header
  9702            required: true
  9703            type: string
  9704            description: Authentication token.
  9705          - name: 'payment_ids[]'
  9706            in: query
  9707            required: true
  9708            type: array
  9709            items:
  9710              type: string
  9711            description: One or more payment UUID identifiers to be authorised.
  9712        responses:
  9713          '200':
  9714            description: Success.
  9715            schema:
  9716              $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentAuthorisations'
  9717            headers:
  9718              X-Request-Id:
  9719                type: string
  9720                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9721          '400':
  9722            description: Client error.
  9723            x-errors:
  9724              - code: payment_ids_is_required
  9725                category: id
  9726                message: payment_ids is required
  9727                params: ''
  9728              - code: payment_ids_type_is_wrong
  9729                category: id
  9730                message: payment_ids should be of array type
  9731                params: ''
  9732              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  9733                category: on_behalf_of
  9734                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  9735                params: ''
  9736            schema:
  9737              $ref: '#/definitions/CreatePaymentAuthorisationError'
  9738            headers:
  9739              X-Request-Id:
  9740                type: string
  9741                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9742          '401':
  9743            description: Unauthorized.
  9744            x-errors:
  9745              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  9746                category: username
  9747                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  9748                params: ''
  9749            schema:
  9750              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  9751            headers:
  9752              X-Request-Id:
  9753                type: string
  9754                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9755          '404':
  9756            description: Resource not found.
  9757            schema:
  9758              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  9759            headers:
  9760              X-Request-Id:
  9761                type: string
  9762                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9763          '429':
  9764            description: Too many requests.
  9765            x-errors:
  9766              - code: too_many_requests
  9767                category: base
  9768                message: >-
  9769                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  9770                  Developer Center for more information
  9771                params: ''
  9772            schema:
  9773              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  9774            headers:
  9775              X-Request-Id:
  9776                type: string
  9777                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9778          '500':
  9779            description: Internal server error
  9780            x-errors:
  9781              - code: internal_server_error
  9782                category: base
  9783                message: Internal server error
  9784                params: ''
  9785            headers:
  9786              X-Request-Id:
  9787                type: string
  9788                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9789          '503':
  9790            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  9791            x-errors:
  9792              - code: service_unavailable
  9793                category: base
  9794                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  9795                params: ''
  9796            headers:
  9797              X-Request-Id:
  9798                type: string
  9799                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9800          default:
  9801            description: Unexpected error.
  9802            headers:
  9803              X-Request-Id:
  9804                type: string
  9805                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9806    '/payments/{id}/delete':
  9807      post:
  9808        tags:
  9809          - Payments
  9810        x-api-group: pay
  9811        summary: Delete Payment
  9812        description: 'Delete a payment. On success, returns the final payment record state.'
  9813        operationId: DeletePayment
  9814        consumes:
  9815          - multipart/form-data
  9816        produces:
  9817          - application/json
  9818        parameters:
  9819          - name: X-Auth-Token
  9820            in: header
  9821            required: true
  9822            type: string
  9823            description: Authentication token.
  9824          - name: id
  9825            in: path
  9826            required: true
  9827            type: string
  9828            description: Payment UUID.
  9829          - name: on_behalf_of
  9830            in: formData
  9831            required: false
  9832            type: string
  9833            description: Contact UUID.
  9834        responses:
  9835          '200':
  9836            description: Success.
  9837            schema:
  9838              $ref: '#/definitions/Payment'
  9839            headers:
  9840              X-Request-Id:
  9841                type: string
  9842                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9843          '400':
  9844            description: Client error.
  9845            x-errors:
  9846              - code: invalid_id
  9847                category: id
  9848                message: ID has invalid format
  9849                params: ''
  9850              - code: on_behalf_of_self
  9851                category: on_behalf_of
  9852                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
  9853                params: ''
  9854              - code: payment_not_found
  9855                category: id
  9856                message: Payment was not found for this id
  9857                params: ''
  9858              - code: contact_not_found
  9859                category: on_behalf_of
  9860                message: Contact was not found for this id
  9861                params: ''
  9862            schema:
  9863              $ref: '#/definitions/DeletePaymentError'
  9864            headers:
  9865              X-Request-Id:
  9866                type: string
  9867                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9868          '401':
  9869            description: Unauthorized.
  9870            x-errors:
  9871              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  9872                category: username
  9873                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  9874                params: ''
  9875            schema:
  9876              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  9877            headers:
  9878              X-Request-Id:
  9879                type: string
  9880                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9881          '404':
  9882            description: Resource not found.
  9883            schema:
  9884              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
  9885            headers:
  9886              X-Request-Id:
  9887                type: string
  9888                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9889          '429':
  9890            description: Too many requests.
  9891            x-errors:
  9892              - code: too_many_requests
  9893                category: base
  9894                message: >-
  9895                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
  9896                  Developer Center for more information
  9897                params: ''
  9898            schema:
  9899              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
  9900            headers:
  9901              X-Request-Id:
  9902                type: string
  9903                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9904          '500':
  9905            description: Internal server error
  9906            x-errors:
  9907              - code: internal_server_error
  9908                category: base
  9909                message: Internal server error
  9910                params: ''
  9911            headers:
  9912              X-Request-Id:
  9913                type: string
  9914                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9915          '503':
  9916            description: Service is temporary unavailable
  9917            x-errors:
  9918              - code: service_unavailable
  9919                category: base
  9920                message: Service is temporary unavailable
  9921                params: ''
  9922            headers:
  9923              X-Request-Id:
  9924                type: string
  9925                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9926          default:
  9927            description: Unexpected error.
  9928            headers:
  9929              X-Request-Id:
  9930                type: string
  9931                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9932    '/payments/{id}/tracking_info':
  9933      get:
  9934        tags:
  9935          - Payments
  9936        x-api-group: pay
  9937        summary: Get Payment Tracking Information
  9938        description: Get a payment Tracking Information.
  9939        operationId: GetPaymentTrackingInfo
  9940        produces:
  9941          - application/json
  9942        parameters:
  9943          - name: X-Auth-Token
  9944            in: header
  9945            required: true
  9946            type: string
  9947            description: Authentication token.
  9948          - name: id
  9949            in: path
  9950            required: true
  9951            type: string
  9952            description: Payment UUID.
  9953        responses:
  9954          '200':
  9955            description: Success.
  9956            schema:
  9957              $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentTrackingInfo'
  9958            headers:
  9959              X-Request-Id:
  9960                type: string
  9961                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9962          '400':
  9963            description: Client error.
  9964            x-errors:
  9965              - code: payment_tracking_info_failed
  9966                category: id
  9967                message: payment_id should be in UUID format
  9968                params: ''
  9969              - code: payment_is_not_swift
  9970                category: base
  9971                message: You cannot track non-swift payments
  9972                params: ''
  9973              - code: payment_is_not_executed
  9974                category: base
  9975                message: This payment is not executed yet, please try again later
  9976                params: ''
  9977            schema:
  9978              $ref: '#/definitions/GetPaymentTrackingInfoError'
  9979            headers:
  9980              X-Request-Id:
  9981                type: string
  9982                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9983          '401':
  9984            description: Unauthorized.
  9985            x-errors:
  9986              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
  9987                category: username
  9988                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
  9989                params: ''
  9990            schema:
  9991              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
  9992            headers:
  9993              X-Request-Id:
  9994                type: string
  9995                description: A unique reference for the request.
  9996          '403':
  9997            description: Forbidden.
  9998            x-errors:
  9999              - code: permission_denied
 10000                message: You do not have permission 'payment_tracking' to perform this operation
 10001                params: ''
 10002            schema:
 10003              $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenError'
 10004            headers:
 10005              X-Request-Id:
 10006                type: string
 10007                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10008          '404':
 10009            description: Resource not found.
 10010            schema:
 10011              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
 10012            headers:
 10013              X-Request-Id:
 10014                type: string
 10015                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10016          '429':
 10017            description: Too many requests.
 10018            x-errors:
 10019              - code: too_many_requests
 10020                category: base
 10021                message: >-
 10022                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 10023                  Developer Center for more information
 10024                params: ''
 10025            schema:
 10026              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 10027            headers:
 10028              X-Request-Id:
 10029                type: string
 10030                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10031          '500':
 10032            description: Internal server error
 10033            x-errors:
 10034              - code: internal_server_error
 10035                category: base
 10036                message: Internal server error
 10037                params: ''
 10038            headers:
 10039              X-Request-Id:
 10040                type: string
 10041                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10042          '503':
 10043            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 10044            x-errors:
 10045              - code: service_unavailable
 10046                category: base
 10047                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 10048                params: ''
 10049            headers:
 10050              X-Request-Id:
 10051                type: string
 10052                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10053          default:
 10054            description: Unexpected error.
 10055            headers:
 10056              X-Request-Id:
 10057                type: string
 10058                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10059    /payments/assign_payment_fee:
 10060      post:
 10061        tags:
 10062          - Payments
 10063        x-api-group: pay
 10064        summary: Assign Payment Fee
 10065        description: 'Assign payment fee table to specific sub-account.'
 10066        operationId: PaymentsAssignPaymentFee
 10067        consumes:
 10068          - multipart/form-data
 10069        produces:
 10070          - application/json
 10071        parameters:
 10072          - name: X-Auth-Token
 10073            in: header
 10074            required: true
 10075            type: string
 10076            description: Authentication token.
 10077          - name: payment_fee_id
 10078            in: formData
 10079            required: true
 10080            type: string
 10081            format: uuid
 10082            description: Id of the payment fee entity which will be assigned to teh account.
 10083          - name: account_id
 10084            in: formData
 10085            required: true
 10086            format: uuid
 10087            type: string
 10088            description: Id of the account which the payment fee will be assigned.
 10089        responses:
 10090          '200':
 10091            description: Success.
 10092            schema:
 10093              $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentFeeAssignment'
 10094            headers:
 10095              X-Request-Id:
 10096                type: string
 10097                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10098          '400':
 10099            description: Client error.
 10100            x-errors:
 10101              - code: payment_fee_id_is_required
 10102                category: payment_fee_id
 10103                message: payment_fee_id is required
 10104                params: ''
 10105              - code: payment_fee_id_is_not_valid_uuid
 10106                category: payment_fee_id
 10107                message: payment_fee_id should be in UUID format
 10108                params: ''
 10109              - code: account_id_is_required
 10110                category: account_id
 10111                message: account_id is required
 10112                params: ''
 10113              - code: account_id_is_not_valid_uuid
 10114                category: account_id
 10115                message: account_id should be in UUID format
 10116                params: ''
 10117              - code: account_configuration_is_invalid
 10118                category: base
 10119                message: Account is not enabled for CashManager or NewPaymentRelease flow
 10120                params: ''
 10121              - code: invalid_extra_parameters
 10122                category: base
 10123                message: Invalid extra parameters extra_parameter
 10124                params: '{ "parameters" => "extra_parameter" }'
 10125            schema:
 10126              $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentFeeAssignmentError'
 10127            headers:
 10128              X-Request-Id:
 10129                type: string
 10130                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10131          '401':
 10132            description: Unauthorized.
 10133            x-errors:
 10134              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 10135                category: username
 10136                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 10137                params: ''
 10138            schema:
 10139              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 10140            headers:
 10141              X-Request-Id:
 10142                type: string
 10143                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10144          '403':
 10145            description: Forbidden.
 10146            x-errors:
 10147              - code: permission_denied
 10148                message: permission_denied
 10149                params: ''
 10150            schema:
 10151              $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenError'
 10152            headers:
 10153              X-Request-Id:
 10154                type: string
 10155                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10156          '404':
 10157            description: Resource not found.
 10158            schema:
 10159              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
 10160            headers:
 10161              X-Request-Id:
 10162                type: string
 10163                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10164          '429':
 10165            description: Too many requests.
 10166            x-errors:
 10167              - code: too_many_requests
 10168                category: base
 10169                message: >-
 10170                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 10171                  Developer Center for more information
 10172                params: ''
 10173            schema:
 10174              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 10175            headers:
 10176              X-Request-Id:
 10177                type: string
 10178                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10179          '500':
 10180            description: Internal server error
 10181            x-errors:
 10182              - code: internal_server_error
 10183                category: base
 10184                message: Internal server error
 10185                params: ''
 10186            headers:
 10187              X-Request-Id:
 10188                type: string
 10189                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10190          '503':
 10191            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 10192            x-errors:
 10193              - code: service_unavailable
 10194                category: base
 10195                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 10196                params: ''
 10197            headers:
 10198              X-Request-Id:
 10199                type: string
 10200                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10201          default:
 10202            description: Unexpected error.
 10203            headers:
 10204              X-Request-Id:
 10205                type: string
 10206                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10207    '/payments/payment_delivery_date':
 10208      get:
 10209        tags:
 10210          - Payments
 10211        x-api-group: pay
 10212        summary: Get Payment Delivery Date
 10213        description: Gets Payment Delivery Date.
 10214        operationId: GetPaymentDeliveryDate
 10215        produces:
 10216          - application/json
 10217        parameters:
 10218          - name: X-Auth-Token
 10219            in: header
 10220            required: true
 10221            type: string
 10222            description: Authentication token.
 10223          - name: payment_date
 10224            in: query
 10225            required: true
 10226            type: string
 10227            description: The date when the payment will be released. Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31".
 10228          - name: payment_type
 10229            in: query
 10230            required: true
 10231            type: string
 10232            enum:
 10233              - priority
 10234              - regular
 10235            description: >-
 10236              Currencycloud supports two types of payments: "priority", made using
 10237              the SWIFT network; and "regular", made using the local bank network.
 10238          - name: currency
 10239            in: query
 10240            required: true
 10241            type: string
 10242            description: The 3-letter ISO code of the currency of the payment
 10243          - name: bank_country
 10244            in: query
 10245            required: true
 10246            type: string
 10247            description: The 2-letter ISO code of the country where the payment is sent
 10248        responses:
 10249          '200':
 10250            description: Success.
 10251            schema:
 10252              $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentDeliveryDate'
 10253            headers:
 10254              X-Request-Id:
 10255                type: string
 10256                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10257          '400':
 10258            description: Client error.
 10259            x-errors:
 10260              - code: bank_country_is_required
 10261                category: bank_country
 10262                message: bank_country is required
 10263                params: ''
 10264              - code: bank_country_is_in_invalid_format
 10265                category: bank_country
 10266                message: bank_country is in invalid format
 10267                params: ''
 10268              - code: currency_is_required
 10269                category: currency
 10270                message: currency is required
 10271                params: ''
 10272              - code: currency_is_in_invalid_format
 10273                category: currency
 10274                message: Currency is not a valid ISO 4217 currency code
 10275                params: ''
 10276              - code: payment_type_is_required
 10277                category: payment_type
 10278                message: payment_type is required
 10279                params: ''
 10280              - code: payment_type_not_in_range
 10281                category: payment_type
 10282                message: 'payment_type should be in range: priority, regular'
 10283                params: '{ "range" => "priority, regular" }'
 10284              - code: invalid_payment
 10285                category: base
 10286                message: Payment cannot be processed
 10287                params: ''
 10288              - code: invalid_currency
 10289                category: currency
 10290                message: You cannot make payments with this currency
 10291                params: ''
 10292              - code: payment_date_is_required
 10293                category: payment_date
 10294                message: payment_date is required
 10295                params: ''
 10296              - code: invalid_payment_date
 10297                category: payment_date
 10298                message: The payment date is invalid
 10299                params: ''
 10300              - code: payment_date_is_in_invalid_format
 10301                category: payment_date
 10302                message: payment_date should be in ISO 8601 format
 10303                params: ''
 10304            schema:
 10305              $ref: '#/definitions/GetPaymentDeliveryDateError'
 10306            headers:
 10307              X-Request-Id:
 10308                type: string
 10309                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10310          '401':
 10311            description: Unauthorized.
 10312            x-errors:
 10313              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 10314                category: username
 10315                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 10316                params: ''
 10317            schema:
 10318              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 10319            headers:
 10320              X-Request-Id:
 10321                type: string
 10322                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10323          '429':
 10324            description: Too many requests.
 10325            x-errors:
 10326              - code: too_many_requests
 10327                category: base
 10328                message: >-
 10329                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 10330                  Developer Center for more information
 10331                params: ''
 10332            schema:
 10333              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 10334            headers:
 10335              X-Request-Id:
 10336                type: string
 10337                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10338          '500':
 10339            description: Internal server error
 10340            x-errors:
 10341              - code: internal_server_error
 10342                category: base
 10343                message: Internal server error
 10344                params: ''
 10345            headers:
 10346              X-Request-Id:
 10347                type: string
 10348                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10349          '503':
 10350            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 10351            x-errors:
 10352              - code: service_unavailable
 10353                category: base
 10354                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 10355                params: ''
 10356            headers:
 10357              X-Request-Id:
 10358                type: string
 10359                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10360          default:
 10361            description: Unexpected error.
 10362            headers:
 10363              X-Request-Id:
 10364                type: string
 10365                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10366    /payments/payment_fees:
 10367      get:
 10368        tags:
 10369          - Payments
 10370        x-api-group: pay
 10371        summary: Get Payment Fees
 10372        description: >-
 10373          Gets the Payment fee tables for the current authenticated account
 10374        operationId: GetPaymentPaymentFees
 10375        produces:
 10376          - application/json
 10377        parameters:
 10378          - name: X-Auth-Token
 10379            in: header
 10380            required: true
 10381            type: string
 10382            description: Authentication token.
 10383          - name: page
 10384            in: query
 10385            required: false
 10386            type: integer
 10387            description: Page number.
 10388          - name: per_page
 10389            in: query
 10390            required: false
 10391            type: integer
 10392            description: Number of results per page.
 10393          - name: order
 10394            in: query
 10395            required: false
 10396            type: string
 10397            description: Any field name to change the sort order.
 10398          - name: order_asc_desc
 10399            in: query
 10400            required: false
 10401            type: string
 10402            enum:
 10403              - asc
 10404              - desc
 10405            default: asc
 10406            description: Sort records in ascending or descending order.
 10407        responses:
 10408          '200':
 10409            description: Success.
 10410            schema:
 10411              type: object
 10412              properties:
 10413                payment_fees:
 10414                  type: array
 10415                  items:
 10416                    $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentFee'
 10417                pagination:
 10418                  $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
 10419            headers:
 10420              X-Request-Id:
 10421                type: string
 10422                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10423          '401':
 10424            description: Unauthorized.
 10425            x-errors:
 10426              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 10427                category: username
 10428                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 10429                params: ''
 10430            schema:
 10431              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 10432            headers:
 10433              X-Request-Id:
 10434                type: string
 10435                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10436          '403':
 10437            description: Forbidden.
 10438            x-errors:
 10439              - code: permission_denied
 10440                message: permission_denied
 10441                params: ''
 10442            schema:
 10443              $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenError'
 10444            headers:
 10445              X-Request-Id:
 10446                type: string
 10447                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10448          '429':
 10449            description: Too many requests.
 10450            x-errors:
 10451              - code: too_many_requests
 10452                category: base
 10453                message: >-
 10454                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 10455                  Developer Center for more information
 10456                params: ''
 10457            schema:
 10458              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 10459            headers:
 10460              X-Request-Id:
 10461                type: string
 10462                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10463          '500':
 10464            description: Internal server error
 10465            x-errors:
 10466              - code: internal_server_error
 10467                category: base
 10468                message: Internal server error
 10469                params: ''
 10470            headers:
 10471              X-Request-Id:
 10472                type: string
 10473                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10474          '503':
 10475            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 10476            x-errors:
 10477              - code: service_unavailable
 10478                category: base
 10479                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 10480                params: ''
 10481            headers:
 10482              X-Request-Id:
 10483                type: string
 10484                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10485          default:
 10486            description: Unexpected error.
 10487            headers:
 10488              X-Request-Id:
 10489                type: string
 10490                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10491    /payments/quote_payment_fee:
 10492      get:
 10493        tags:
 10494          - Payments
 10495        x-api-group: pay
 10496        summary: Get Quote Payment Fee
 10497        description: >-
 10498          Gets the calculated quote for the fee that will be applied against a payment
 10499        operationId: GetQuotePaymentFee
 10500        produces:
 10501          - application/json
 10502        parameters:
 10503          - name: X-Auth-Token
 10504            in: header
 10505            required: true
 10506            type: string
 10507            description: Authentication token.
 10508          - name: account_id
 10509            in: query
 10510            required: false
 10511            type: string
 10512            description: Account UUID. If this is left empty, the account that makes the API call is used
 10513          - name: payment_currency
 10514            in: query
 10515            required: true
 10516            type: string
 10517            description: Currency of the payment.
 10518          - name: payment_destination_country
 10519            in: query
 10520            required: true
 10521            type: string
 10522            description: Destination Country of the payment.
 10523          - name: payment_type
 10524            in: query
 10525            required: true
 10526            type: string
 10527            enum:
 10528              - priority
 10529              - regular
 10530            description: Payment Type
 10531          - name: charge_type
 10532            in: query
 10533            required: false
 10534            type: string
 10535            enum:
 10536              - ours
 10537              - shared
 10538            description: Payment Charges type. if no value is provided the accounts default value is used
 10539        responses:
 10540          '200':
 10541            description: Success.
 10542            schema:
 10543              $ref: '#/definitions/QuotePaymentFee'
 10544            headers:
 10545              X-Request-Id:
 10546                type: string
 10547                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10548          '400':
 10549            description: Client error.
 10550            x-errors:
 10551              - code: account_id_is_not_valid_uuid
 10552                category: account_id
 10553                message: account_id should be in UUID format
 10554                params: ''
 10555              - code: payment_currency_is_required
 10556                category: payment_currency
 10557                message: payment_currency is required
 10558                params: ''
 10559              - code: payment_currency_is_in_invalid_format
 10560                category: payment_currency
 10561                message: payment_currency is not a valid ISO 4217 currency code
 10562                params: '{ "type" => "currency" }'
 10563              - code: payment_destination_country_is_required
 10564                category: payment_destination_country
 10565                message: payment_destination_country is required
 10566                params: ''
 10567              - code: payment_destination_country_is_in_invalid_format
 10568                category: payment_destination_country
 10569                message: payment_destination_country is in invalid format
 10570                params: ''
 10571              - code: charge_type_is_required
 10572                category: charge_type
 10573                message: charge_type is required
 10574                params: ''
 10575              - code: charge_type_not_in_range
 10576                category: charge_type
 10577                message: 'charge_type should be in range: shared, ours'
 10578                params: '{ "charge_type" => "shared, ours" }'
 10579              - code: payment_type_not_in_range
 10580                category: payment_type
 10581                message: 'payment_type should be in range: priority, regular'
 10582                params: '{ "payment_type" => "priority, regular" }'
 10583            schema:
 10584              $ref: '#/definitions/GetQuotePaymentFeeError'
 10585            headers:
 10586              X-Request-Id:
 10587                type: string
 10588                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10589          '401':
 10590            description: Unauthorized.
 10591            x-errors:
 10592              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 10593                category: username
 10594                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 10595                params: ''
 10596            schema:
 10597              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 10598            headers:
 10599              X-Request-Id:
 10600                type: string
 10601                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10602          '404':
 10603            description: Resource not found.
 10604            headers:
 10605              X-Request-Id:
 10606                type: string
 10607                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10608          '429':
 10609            description: Too many requests.
 10610            x-errors:
 10611              - code: too_many_requests
 10612                category: base
 10613                message: >-
 10614                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 10615                  Developer Center for more information
 10616                params: ''
 10617            schema:
 10618              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 10619            headers:
 10620              X-Request-Id:
 10621                type: string
 10622                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10623          '500':
 10624            description: Internal server error
 10625            x-errors:
 10626              - code: internal_server_error
 10627                category: base
 10628                message: Internal server error
 10629                params: ''
 10630            headers:
 10631              X-Request-Id:
 10632                type: string
 10633                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10634          '503':
 10635            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 10636            x-errors:
 10637              - code: service_unavailable
 10638                category: base
 10639                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 10640                params: ''
 10641            headers:
 10642              X-Request-Id:
 10643                type: string
 10644                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10645          default:
 10646            description: Unexpected error.
 10647            headers:
 10648              X-Request-Id:
 10649                type: string
 10650                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10651    /payments/unassign_payment_fee:
 10652      post:
 10653        tags:
 10654          - Payments
 10655        x-api-group: pay
 10656        summary: Unassign Payment Fee
 10657        description: 'Unassign payment fee tables to specific sub-account.'
 10658        operationId: PaymentsUnassignPaymentFee
 10659        consumes:
 10660          - multipart/form-data
 10661        produces:
 10662          - application/json
 10663        parameters:
 10664          - name: X-Auth-Token
 10665            in: header
 10666            required: true
 10667            type: string
 10668            description: Authentication token.
 10669          - name: account_id
 10670            in: formData
 10671            required: true
 10672            format: uuid
 10673            type: string
 10674            description: Sub account UUID for which Payment Level Fee will be un-assigned.
 10675        responses:
 10676          '200':
 10677            description: Success.
 10678            schema:
 10679              $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentFeeUnassignment'
 10680            headers:
 10681              X-Request-Id:
 10682                type: string
 10683                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10684          '400':
 10685            description: Client error.
 10686            x-errors:
 10687              - code: account_id_is_required
 10688                category: account_id
 10689                message: account_id is required
 10690                params: ''
 10691              - code: account_id_is_not_valid_uuid
 10692                category: account_id
 10693                message: account_id should be in UUID format
 10694                params: ''
 10695              - code: account_configuration_is_invalid
 10696                category: base
 10697                message: Account is not enabled for CashManager or NewPaymentRelease flow
 10698                params: ''
 10699              - code: invalid_extra_parameters
 10700                category: base
 10701                message: Invalid extra parameters extra_parameter
 10702                params: '{ "parameters" => "extra_parameter" }'
 10703            schema:
 10704              $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentFeeUnassignmentError'
 10705            headers:
 10706              X-Request-Id:
 10707                type: string
 10708                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10709          '401':
 10710            description: Unauthorized.
 10711            x-errors:
 10712              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 10713                category: username
 10714                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 10715                params: ''
 10716            schema:
 10717              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 10718            headers:
 10719              X-Request-Id:
 10720                type: string
 10721                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10722          '403':
 10723            description: Forbidden.
 10724            x-errors:
 10725              - code: permission_denied
 10726                message: permission_denied
 10727                params: ''
 10728            schema:
 10729              $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenError'
 10730            headers:
 10731              X-Request-Id:
 10732                type: string
 10733                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10734          '404':
 10735            description: Resource not found.
 10736            schema:
 10737              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
 10738            headers:
 10739              X-Request-Id:
 10740                type: string
 10741                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10742          '429':
 10743            description: Too many requests.
 10744            x-errors:
 10745              - code: too_many_requests
 10746                category: base
 10747                message: >-
 10748                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 10749                  Developer Center for more information
 10750                params: ''
 10751            schema:
 10752              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 10753            headers:
 10754              X-Request-Id:
 10755                type: string
 10756                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10757          '500':
 10758            description: Internal server error
 10759            x-errors:
 10760              - code: internal_server_error
 10761                category: base
 10762                message: Internal server error
 10763                params: ''
 10764            headers:
 10765              X-Request-Id:
 10766                type: string
 10767                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10768          '503':
 10769            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 10770            x-errors:
 10771              - code: service_unavailable
 10772                category: base
 10773                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 10774                params: ''
 10775            headers:
 10776              X-Request-Id:
 10777                type: string
 10778                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10779          default:
 10780            description: Unexpected error.
 10781            headers:
 10782              X-Request-Id:
 10783                type: string
 10784                description: A unique reference for the request.
 10785    /payments/validate:
 10786      post:
 10787        tags:
 10788          - Payments
 10789        x-api-group: pay
 10790        summary: Validate Payment
 10791        description: >-
 10792          Validate a new payments's details, without actually creating a
 10793          record of the payment. On success, returns an object that represents
 10794          the payment that would be created if the payment create had been called.
 10795        operationId: ValidatePayment
 10796        consumes:
 10797          - multipart/form-data
 10798        produces:
 10799          - application/json
 10800        parameters:
 10801          - name: X-Auth-Token
 10802            in: header
 10803            required: true
 10804            type: string
 10805            description: Authentication token.
 10806          - name: x-sca-force-sms
 10807            in: header
 10808            required: false
 10809            type: boolean
 10810            description: Defines whether sms should be enforced as the SCA message mediator.
 10811          - name: id
 10812            in: formData
 10813            required: false
 10814            type: string
 10815            description: Payment UUID.
 10816          - name: currency
 10817            in: formData
 10818            required: true
 10819            type: string
 10820            description: Currency in which payment is made. Three-digit currency code.
 10821          - name: beneficiary_id
 10822            in: formData
 10823            required: true
 10824            type: string
 10825            description: Beneficiary UUID.
 10826          - name: amount
 10827            in: formData
 10828            required: true
 10829            type: string
 10830            description: Amount.
 10831          - name: reason
 10832            in: formData
 10833            required: true
 10834            type: string
 10835            description: User-generated reason for payment. Freeform text.
 10836          - name: reference
 10837            in: formData
 10838            required: true
 10839            type: string
 10840            description: User-generated reference code.
 10841          - name: payment_date
 10842            in: formData
 10843            required: false
 10844            type: string
 10845            description: >-
 10846              Instructed date of payment. Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg.
 10847              "2017-12-31".
 10848          - name: payment_type
 10849            in: formData
 10850            required: false
 10851            type: string
 10852            enum:
 10853              - priority
 10854              - regular
 10855            description: >-
 10856              Currencycloud supports two types of payments: "priority", made using
 10857              the SWIFT network; and "regular", made using the local bank network.
 10858          - name: conversion_id
 10859            in: formData
 10860            required: false
 10861            type: string
 10862            description: Conversion UUID.
 10863          - name: payer_entity_type
 10864            in: formData
 10865            required: false
 10866            type: string
 10867            enum:
 10868              - company
 10869              - individual
 10870            description: Legal entity.
 10871          - name: payer_company_name
 10872            in: formData
 10873            required: false
 10874            type: string
 10875            description: Required if "payer_entity_type" is "company".
 10876          - name: payer_first_name
 10877            in: formData
 10878            required: false
 10879            type: string
 10880            description: Required if "payer_entity_type" is "individual".
 10881          - name: payer_last_name
 10882            in: formData
 10883            required: false
 10884            type: string
 10885            description: Required if "payer_entity_type" is "individual".
 10886          - name: payer_city
 10887            in: formData
 10888            required: false
 10889            type: string
 10890            description: City.
 10891          - name: payer_address
 10892            in: formData
 10893            required: false
 10894            type: string
 10895            description: First line of address.
 10896          - name: payer_postcode
 10897            in: formData
 10898            required: false
 10899            type: string
 10900            description: Postal code.
 10901          - name: payer_state_or_province
 10902            in: formData
 10903            required: false
 10904            type: string
 10905            description: State or province.
 10906          - name: payer_country
 10907            in: formData
 10908            required: false
 10909            type: string
 10910            description: Two-letter country code.
 10911          - name: payer_date_of_birth
 10912            in: formData
 10913            required: false
 10914            type: string
 10915            description: >-
 10916              If "payer_entity_type" is "company", company registration date. If
 10917              "payer_entity_type" is "individual", date of birth. ISO 8601 format
 10918              YYYY-MM-DD.
 10919          - name: payer_identification_type
 10920            in: formData
 10921            required: false
 10922            type: string
 10923            enum:
 10924              - none
 10925              - drivers_license
 10926              - social_security_number
 10927              - green_card
 10928              - passport
 10929              - visa
 10930              - matricula_consular
 10931              - registro_federal_de_contribuyentes
 10932              - credential_de_elector
 10933              - social_insurance_number
 10934              - citizenship_papers
 10935              - drivers_license_canadian
 10936              - existing_credit_card_details
 10937              - employer_identification_number
 10938              - national_id
 10939              - others
 10940              - incorporation_number
 10941            description: >-
 10942              A legal document that verifies the identity of the payer. Required
 10943              documentation will vary depending on the nationality or registered
 10944              address of the payer.
 10945          - name: payer_identification_value
 10946            in: formData
 10947            required: false
 10948            type: string
 10949            description: >-
 10950              A unique reference code for the identification document, such as a
 10951              passport number.
 10952          - name: unique_request_id
 10953            in: formData
 10954            required: false
 10955            type: string
 10956            description: User-generated idempotency key.
 10957          - name: ultimate_beneficiary_name
 10958            in: formData
 10959            required: false
 10960            type: string
 10961            description: The name of the ultimate beneficiary if different.
 10962          - name: purpose_code
 10963            in: formData
 10964            required: false
 10965            type: string
 10966            description: Payment Purpose Code (Mandatory for all INR payments).
 10967          - name: on_behalf_of
 10968            in: formData
 10969            required: false
 10970            type: string
 10971            description: Contact UUID.
 10972          - name: charge_type
 10973            in: formData
 10974            required: false
 10975            type: string
 10976            enum:
 10977              - ours
 10978              - shared
 10979            description: >-
 10980              Payment Charges Setting value (only applicable to SWIFT payments).
 10981              If empty - then account's default value is used.
 10982              Do not specify for regular (local) payments.
 10983          - name: fee_amount
 10984            in: formData
 10985            required: false
 10986            type: string
 10987            description: Fee amount.
 10988          - name: fee_currency
 10989            in: formData
 10990            required: false
 10991            type: string
 10992            description: Currency fee is paid in.
 10993        responses:
 10994          '200':
 10995            description: Success.
 10996            schema:
 10997              type: object
 10998              properties:
 10999                validation_result:
 11000                  type: string
 11001            headers:
 11002              X-Request-Id:
 11003                type: string
 11004                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11005              x-sca-required:
 11006                type: boolean
 11007                description: true if SCA is required to create the payment.
 11008              x-sca-id:
 11009                type: string
 11010                description: UUID to correlate to the SCA request.
 11011              x-sca-type:
 11012                type: string
 11013                enum:
 11014                  - sms
 11015                  - oneTouch
 11016                  - NONE
 11017                description: Type of SCA applied to the request.
 11018          '400':
 11019            description: Client error.
 11020            x-errors:
 11021              - code: invalid_type
 11022                category: type
 11023                message: Invalid Payment type
 11024                params: ''
 11025              - code: currency_length_is_invalid
 11026                category: currency
 11027                message: currency should be 3 character(s) long
 11028                params: ''
 11029              - code: currency_is_required
 11030                category: currency
 11031                message: currency is required
 11032                params: ''
 11033              - code: invalid_currency
 11034                category: currency
 11035                message: You cannot make payments with this currency
 11036                params: ''
 11037              - code: beneficiary_id_is_not_valid_uuid
 11038                category: beneficiary_id
 11039                message: beneficiary_id should be in UUID format
 11040                params: ''
 11041              - code: beneficiary_id_is_required
 11042                category: beneficiary_id
 11043                message: beneficiary_id is required
 11044                params: ''
 11045              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_type_is_wrong
 11046                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
 11047                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be of date type
 11048                params: '{ "type" => "date" }'
 11049              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_incorrect
 11050                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
 11051                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth is incorrect
 11052                params: ''
 11053              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_earlier
 11054                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
 11055                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be later
 11056                params: ''
 11057              - code: beneficiary_date_of_birth_is_after
 11058                category: beneficiary_date_of_birth
 11059                message: beneficiary_date_of_birth should be earlier
 11060                params: ''
 11061              - code: invalid_beneficiary_id
 11062                category: beneficiary_id
 11063                message: Unknown beneficiary_id
 11064                params: ''
 11065              - code: payment_above_limit
 11066                category: amount
 11067                message: >-
 11068                  3000.00 EUR exceeds the maximum amount of 2500.00 EUR for a
 11069                  local payment.
 11070                params: ''
 11071              - code: payer_entity_type_not_in_range
 11072                category: payer_entity_type
 11073                message: 'payer_entity_type should be in range: individual, company'
 11074                params: ''
 11075              - code: payer_entity_type_is_missing
 11076                category: payer_entity_type
 11077                message: Payer entity type is missing
 11078                params: ''
 11079              - code: payer_company_name_is_missing
 11080                category: payer_company_name
 11081                message: Payer company name is missing
 11082                params: ''
 11083              - code: payer_first_name_is_missing
 11084                category: payer_first_name
 11085                message: Payer first name is missing
 11086                params: ''
 11087              - code: payer_last_name_is_missing
 11088                category: payer_last_name
 11089                message: Payer last name is missing
 11090                params: ''
 11091              - code: payer_city_is_missing
 11092                category: payer_city
 11093                message: Payer city is missing
 11094                params: ''
 11095              - code: unsupported_payer_country_code
 11096                category: payer_country_code
 11097                message: Payer country is not supported
 11098                params: ''
 11099              - code: payer_state_or_province_is_missing
 11100                category: payer_state_or_province
 11101                message: Payer state or province is missing
 11102                params: ''
 11103              - code: payer_postcode_is_missing
 11104                category: payer_postcode
 11105                message: Payer postcode is missing
 11106                params: ''
 11107              - code: payer_date_of_birth_type_is_wrong
 11108                category: payer_date_of_birth
 11109                message: payer_date_of_birth should be of date type
 11110                params: '{ "type" => "date" }'
 11111              - code: payer_date_of_birth_is_incorrect
 11112                category: payer_date_of_birth
 11113                message: payer_date_of_birth is incorrect
 11114                params: ''
 11115              - code: payer_date_of_birth_is_earlier
 11116                category: payer_date_of_birth
 11117                message: payer_date_of_birth should be later
 11118                params: ''
 11119              - code: payer_date_of_birth_is_after
 11120                category: payer_date_of_birth
 11121                message: payer_date_of_birth should be earlier
 11122                params: ''
 11123              - code: identification_type_is_missing
 11124                category: payer_identification_type
 11125                message: identification_type is missing
 11126                params: ''
 11127              - code: identification_type_is_invalid
 11128                category: payer_identification_type
 11129                message: identification_type is invalid
 11130                params: ''
 11131              - code: identification_value_is_missing
 11132                category: payer_identification_value
 11133                message: identification_value is missing
 11134                params: ''
 11135              - code: identification_value_is_invalid
 11136                category: payer_identification_value
 11137                message: identification_value is invalid
 11138                params: ''
 11139              - code: invalid_conversion_id
 11140                category: conversion_id
 11141                message: Conversion could not be found
 11142                params: ''
 11143              - code: conversion_is_already_settled
 11144                category: conversion_id
 11145                message: The conversion is already settled
 11146                params: ''
 11147              - code: invalid_payment_date
 11148                category: payment_date
 11149                message: The payment date is invalid
 11150                params: ''
 11151              - code: payment_date_is_too_early
 11152                category: payment_date
 11153                message: The payment date cannot be sooner than the conversion date
 11154                params: ''
 11155              - code: reference_is_too_long
 11156                category: reference
 11157                message: reference can not be longer than 255 character(s)
 11158                params: ''
 11159              - code: charge_type_not_available
 11160                category: charge_type
 11161                message: Not available charge_type has been provided
 11162                params: '{ "charge_type" => "shared, ours" }'
 11163              - code: invalid_charge_type
 11164                category: charge_type
 11165                message:  Invalid banking_charges supplied, must be in range [ours, shared]
 11166                params: ''
 11167              - code: on_behalf_of_self
 11168                category: on_behalf_of
 11169                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
 11170                params: ''
 11171              - code: contact_not_found
 11172                category: on_behalf_of
 11173                message: Contact was not found for this id
 11174                params: ''
 11175              - code: on_behalf_of_charge_type_not_available
 11176                category: on_behalf_of
 11177                message: Not available charge_type has been provided for on_behalf_of
 11178                params: '{ "charge_type" => "shared, ours" }'
 11179              - code: duplicate_request
 11180                category: duplicate_request
 11181                message: >-
 11182                  The unique_request_id provided for this payment has already been
 11183                  used, please provide a new unique_request_id to successfully
 11184                  submit this payment
 11185                params: ''
 11186              - code: fee_amount_type_is_wrong
 11187                category: fee_amount
 11188                message: fee_amount should be of numeric type
 11189                params: '{ "type" => "numeric" }'
 11190              - code: fee_currency_is_in_invalid_format
 11191                category: fee_currency
 11192                message: fee_currency is not a valid ISO 4217 currency code
 11193                params: '{ "type" => "currency" }'
 11194              - code: unsupported_beneficiary_country_code
 11195                category: beneficiary_country_code
 11196                message: Beneficiary country is not supported
 11197                params: ''
 11198            schema:
 11199              $ref: '#/definitions/ValidatePaymentError'
 11200            headers:
 11201              X-Request-Id:
 11202                type: string
 11203                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11204          '401':
 11205            description: Unauthorized.
 11206            x-errors:
 11207              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 11208                category: username
 11209                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 11210                params: ''
 11211            schema:
 11212              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 11213            headers:
 11214              X-Request-Id:
 11215                type: string
 11216                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11217          '404':
 11218            description: Resource not found.
 11219            headers:
 11220              X-Request-Id:
 11221                type: string
 11222                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11223          '429':
 11224            description: Too many requests.
 11225            x-errors:
 11226              - code: too_many_requests
 11227                category: base
 11228                message: >-
 11229                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 11230                  Developer Center for more information
 11231                params: ''
 11232            schema:
 11233              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 11234            headers:
 11235              X-Request-Id:
 11236                type: string
 11237                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11238          '500':
 11239            description: Internal server error
 11240            x-errors:
 11241              - code: internal_server_error
 11242                category: base
 11243                message: Internal server error
 11244                params: ''
 11245            headers:
 11246              X-Request-Id:
 11247                type: string
 11248                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11249          '503':
 11250            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 11251            x-errors:
 11252              - code: service_unavailable
 11253                category: base
 11254                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 11255                params: ''
 11256            headers:
 11257              X-Request-Id:
 11258                type: string
 11259                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11260          default:
 11261            description: Unexpected error.
 11262            headers:
 11263              X-Request-Id:
 11264                type: string
 11265                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11266    '/payers/{id}':
 11267      get:
 11268        tags:
 11269          - Payers
 11270        x-api-group: pay
 11271        summary: Get Payer
 11272        description: Get a payer record.
 11273        operationId: GetPayer
 11274        produces:
 11275          - application/json
 11276        parameters:
 11277          - name: X-Auth-Token
 11278            in: header
 11279            required: true
 11280            type: string
 11281            description: Authentication token.
 11282          - name: id
 11283            in: path
 11284            required: true
 11285            type: string
 11286            description: Payer UUID.
 11287          - name: on_behalf_of
 11288            in: query
 11289            required: false
 11290            type: string
 11291            description: Contact UUID.
 11292        responses:
 11293          '200':
 11294            description: Success.
 11295            schema:
 11296              $ref: '#/definitions/Payer'
 11297            headers:
 11298              X-Request-Id:
 11299                type: string
 11300                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11301          '400':
 11302            description: Client error.
 11303            x-errors:
 11304              - code: payer_not_found
 11305                category: id
 11306                message: Payer was not found for this id
 11307                params: ''
 11308              - code: contact_not_found
 11309                category: on_behalf_of
 11310                message: Contact was not found for this id
 11311                params: ''
 11312              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
 11313                category: id
 11314                message: id should be in UUID format
 11315                params: ''
 11316              - code: on_behalf_of_self
 11317                category: on_behalf_of
 11318                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
 11319                params: ''
 11320            schema:
 11321              $ref: '#/definitions/GetPayerError'
 11322            headers:
 11323              X-Request-Id:
 11324                type: string
 11325                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11326          '401':
 11327            description: Unauthorized.
 11328            x-errors:
 11329              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 11330                category: username
 11331                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 11332                params: ''
 11333            schema:
 11334              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 11335            headers:
 11336              X-Request-Id:
 11337                type: string
 11338                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11339          '404':
 11340            description: Resource not found.
 11341            schema:
 11342              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
 11343            headers:
 11344              X-Request-Id:
 11345                type: string
 11346                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11347          '429':
 11348            description: Too many requests.
 11349            x-errors:
 11350              - code: too_many_requests
 11351                category: base
 11352                message: >-
 11353                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 11354                  Developer Center for more information
 11355                params: ''
 11356            schema:
 11357              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 11358            headers:
 11359              X-Request-Id:
 11360                type: string
 11361                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11362          '500':
 11363            description: Internal server error
 11364            x-errors:
 11365              - code: internal_server_error
 11366                category: base
 11367                message: Internal server error
 11368                params: ''
 11369            headers:
 11370              X-Request-Id:
 11371                type: string
 11372                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11373          '503':
 11374            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 11375            x-errors:
 11376              - code: service_unavailable
 11377                category: base
 11378                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 11379                params: ''
 11380            headers:
 11381              X-Request-Id:
 11382                type: string
 11383                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11384          default:
 11385            description: Unexpected error.
 11386            headers:
 11387              X-Request-Id:
 11388                type: string
 11389                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11390    /rates/detailed:
 11391      get:
 11392        tags:
 11393          - Rates
 11394        x-api-group: convert
 11395        summary: Get Detailed Rates
 11396        description: >-
 11397          Get a detailed quotation to convert money from one currency to another.
 11398          The quotation will be based on the spread table of the authenticating
 11399          user.
 11400        operationId: GetDetailedRates
 11401        produces:
 11402          - application/json
 11403        parameters:
 11404          - name: X-Auth-Token
 11405            in: header
 11406            required: true
 11407            type: string
 11408            description: Authentication token.
 11409          - name: buy_currency
 11410            in: query
 11411            required: true
 11412            type: string
 11413            description: Currency purchased. Three-digit code.
 11414          - name: sell_currency
 11415            in: query
 11416            required: true
 11417            type: string
 11418            description: Currency sold. Three-digit code.
 11419          - name: fixed_side
 11420            in: query
 11421            required: true
 11422            type: string
 11423            enum:
 11424              - buy
 11425              - sell
 11426            description: Fix the buy or sell currency.
 11427          - name: amount
 11428            in: query
 11429            required: true
 11430            type: string
 11431            description: Amount of the fixed buy or sell currency.
 11432          - name: on_behalf_of
 11433            in: query
 11434            required: false
 11435            type: string
 11436            description: Contact UUID.
 11437          - name: conversion_date
 11438            in: query
 11439            required: false
 11440            type: string
 11441            format: date
 11442            description: >-
 11443              Date of delivery of purchase currency. ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD.
 11444              If not specified, deals settle in two working days.
 11445          - name: conversion_date_preference
 11446            in: query
 11447            required: false
 11448            type: string
 11449            enum:
 11450              - earliest
 11451              - default
 11452              - optimize_liquidity
 11453            description: >-
 11454              Available only if conversion_date is not provided. Must be one of the following:<br>
 11455              'earliest' for earliest available conversion date. Make sure there is sufficient time to send funds to Currencycloud.<br>
 11456              'default' for conversion - T+1 for APAC, T+2 for everywhere else.<br>
 11457              'optimize_liquidity' for maximizing chances of getting a successful rate. Most relevant for exotic pairs.
 11458              Conversion is within 1 or 2 working days depending on currencies.
 11459        responses:
 11460          '200':
 11461            description: Success.
 11462            schema:
 11463              $ref: '#/definitions/RateDetailed'
 11464            headers:
 11465              X-Request-Id:
 11466                type: string
 11467                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11468          '400':
 11469            description: Client error.
 11470            x-errors:
 11471              - code: unique_value_parameters
 11472                category: base
 11473                message: >-
 11474                  Following parameters should not have same values: sell_currency,
 11475                  buy_currency
 11476                params: '{ "parameters" => "sell_currency, buy_currency" }'
 11477              - code: rate_could_not_be_retrieved
 11478                category: base
 11479                message: Rate could not be retrieved
 11480                params: ''
 11481              - code: ccy_pair_is_not_tradeable
 11482                category: base
 11483                message: Given currency pair is not tradeable
 11484                params: ''
 11485              - code: fixed_side_not_in_range
 11486                category: fixed_side
 11487                message: 'fixed_side should be in range: sell, buy'
 11488                params: '{ "range" => "sell, buy" }'
 11489              - code: fixed_side_is_required
 11490                category: fixed_side
 11491                message: fixed_side is required
 11492                params: ''
 11493              - code: conversion_date_type_is_wrong
 11494                category: conversion_date
 11495                message: conversion_date should be of date type
 11496                params: '{ "type" => "date" }'
 11497              - code: invalid_delivery_date
 11498                category: conversion_date
 11499                message: >-
 11500                  The delivery date you have requested cannot be met for this
 11501                  currency pair
 11502                params: ''
 11503              - code: sell_currency_is_in_invalid_format
 11504                category: sell_currency
 11505                message: sell_currency is in invalid format
 11506                params: ''
 11507              - code: sell_currency_is_required
 11508                category: sell_currency
 11509                message: sell_currency is required
 11510                params: ''
 11511              - code: amount_type_is_wrong
 11512                category: amount
 11513                message: amount should be of numeric type
 11514                params: '{ "type" => "numeric" }'
 11515              - code: amount_is_required
 11516                category: amount
 11517                message: amount is required
 11518                params: ''
 11519              - code: amount_is_too_small
 11520                category: amount
 11521                message: amount can not be smaller than 1
 11522                params: '{ "minvalue" => 1 }'
 11523              - code: buy_currency_is_in_invalid_format
 11524                category: buy_currency
 11525                message: buy_currency is in invalid format
 11526                params: ''
 11527              - code: buy_currency_is_required
 11528                category: buy_currency
 11529                message: buy_currency is required
 11530                params: ''
 11531              - code: on_behalf_of_self
 11532                category: on_behalf_of
 11533                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
 11534                params: ''
 11535              - code: contact_not_found
 11536                category: on_behalf_of
 11537                message: Contact was not found for this id
 11538                params: ''
 11539              - code: amount_is_in_invalid_format
 11540                category: amount
 11541                message: amount should be of numeric type with 2 dp
 11542                params: '{ "type" => "numeric_with_precision", "precision" => 2 }'
 11543              - code: invalid_conversion_date_combination
 11544                category: base
 11545                message: conversion_date_preference can not be specified along side a date parameter
 11546                params: ''
 11547              - code: invalid_conversion_date_preference
 11548                category: base
 11549                message: not a valid conversion date preference, possible options are earliest, optimize_liquidity, default
 11550                params: ''
 11551            schema:
 11552              $ref: '#/definitions/GetDetailedRatesError'
 11553            headers:
 11554              X-Request-Id:
 11555                type: string
 11556                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11557          '401':
 11558            description: Unauthorized.
 11559            x-errors:
 11560              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 11561                category: username
 11562                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 11563                params: ''
 11564            schema:
 11565              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 11566            headers:
 11567              X-Request-Id:
 11568                type: string
 11569                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11570          '404':
 11571            description: Resource not found.
 11572            headers:
 11573              X-Request-Id:
 11574                type: string
 11575                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11576          '429':
 11577            description: Too many requests.
 11578            x-errors:
 11579              - code: too_many_requests
 11580                category: base
 11581                message: >-
 11582                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 11583                  Developer Center for more information
 11584                params: ''
 11585            schema:
 11586              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 11587            headers:
 11588              X-Request-Id:
 11589                type: string
 11590                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11591          '500':
 11592            description: Internal server error
 11593            x-errors:
 11594              - code: internal_server_error
 11595                category: base
 11596                message: Internal server error
 11597                params: ''
 11598            headers:
 11599              X-Request-Id:
 11600                type: string
 11601                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11602          '503':
 11603            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 11604            x-errors:
 11605              - code: service_unavailable
 11606                category: base
 11607                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 11608                params: ''
 11609            headers:
 11610              X-Request-Id:
 11611                type: string
 11612                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11613          default:
 11614            description: Unexpected error.
 11615            headers:
 11616              X-Request-Id:
 11617                type: string
 11618                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11619    /rates/find:
 11620      get:
 11621        tags:
 11622          - Rates
 11623        x-api-group: convert
 11624        summary: Get Basic Rates
 11625        description: Get basic foreign exchange rate information for multiple currency pairs.
 11626        operationId: GetBasicRates
 11627        produces:
 11628          - application/json
 11629        parameters:
 11630          - name: X-Auth-Token
 11631            in: header
 11632            required: true
 11633            type: string
 11634            description: Authentication token.
 11635          - name: currency_pair
 11636            in: query
 11637            required: true
 11638            type: string
 11639            description: 'Concatenated string of the two currencies traded, eg. "USDEUR".'
 11640          - name: on_behalf_of
 11641            in: query
 11642            required: false
 11643            type: string
 11644            description: Contact UUID.
 11645          - name: ignore_invalid_pairs
 11646            in: query
 11647            required: false
 11648            type: boolean
 11649            description: Ignore the validation of currency pairs.
 11650        responses:
 11651          '200':
 11652            description: Success.
 11653            schema:
 11654              $ref: '#/definitions/RatesBasic'
 11655            headers:
 11656              X-Request-Id:
 11657                type: string
 11658                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11659          '400':
 11660            description: Client error.
 11661            x-errors:
 11662              - code: currency_pair_is_too_short
 11663                category: currency_pair
 11664                message: currency_pair can not be shorter than 6 letter(s)
 11665                params: '{ "minlength" => 6 }'
 11666              - code: currency_pair_is_required
 11667                category: currency_pair
 11668                message: currency_pair is required
 11669                params: ''
 11670              - code: invalid_currency_pair
 11671                category: currency_pair
 11672                message: Invalid currency pair
 11673                params: '{ "currency_pair" => ["AAABBB"] }'
 11674              - code: on_behalf_of_self
 11675                category: on_behalf_of
 11676                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
 11677                params: ''
 11678              - code: contact_not_found
 11679                category: on_behalf_of
 11680                message: Contact was not found for this id
 11681                params: ''
 11682            schema:
 11683              $ref: '#/definitions/GetBasicRatesError'
 11684            headers:
 11685              X-Request-Id:
 11686                type: string
 11687                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11688          '401':
 11689            description: Unauthorized.
 11690            x-errors:
 11691              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 11692                category: username
 11693                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 11694                params: ''
 11695            schema:
 11696              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 11697            headers:
 11698              X-Request-Id:
 11699                type: string
 11700                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11701          '404':
 11702            description: Resource not found.
 11703            headers:
 11704              X-Request-Id:
 11705                type: string
 11706                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11707          '429':
 11708            description: Too many requests.
 11709            x-errors:
 11710              - code: too_many_requests
 11711                category: base
 11712                message: >-
 11713                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 11714                  Developer Center for more information
 11715                params: ''
 11716            schema:
 11717              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 11718            headers:
 11719              X-Request-Id:
 11720                type: string
 11721                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11722          '500':
 11723            description: Internal server error
 11724            x-errors:
 11725              - code: internal_server_error
 11726                category: base
 11727                message: Internal server error
 11728                params: ''
 11729            headers:
 11730              X-Request-Id:
 11731                type: string
 11732                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11733          '503':
 11734            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 11735            x-errors:
 11736              - code: service_unavailable
 11737                category: base
 11738                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 11739                params: ''
 11740            headers:
 11741              X-Request-Id:
 11742                type: string
 11743                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11744          default:
 11745            description: Unexpected error.
 11746            headers:
 11747              X-Request-Id:
 11748                type: string
 11749                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11750    /reference/bank_details:
 11751      get:
 11752        tags:
 11753          - Reference
 11754        x-api-group: manage
 11755        summary: Get Bank Details
 11756        description: >-
 11757          Returns the related bank details for the given account reference.
 11758        operationId: GetBankDetails
 11759        produces:
 11760          - application/json
 11761        parameters:
 11762          - name: X-Auth-Token
 11763            in: header
 11764            required: true
 11765            type: string
 11766            description: Authentication token.
 11767          - name: identifier_type
 11768            in: query
 11769            required: true
 11770            type: string
 11771            enum:
 11772              - iban
 11773              - bic_swift
 11774              - sort_code
 11775              - aba
 11776              - bsb_code
 11777              - routing_number
 11778              - cnaps
 11779            description: The type of the idenitifier used to identify the account
 11780          - name: identifier_value
 11781            in: query
 11782            required: true
 11783            type: string
 11784            description: The value of the idenitifier of the account in the format of the identifier_type
 11785        responses:
 11786          '200':
 11787            description: Success.
 11788            schema:
 11789              $ref: '#/definitions/BankDetails'
 11790            headers:
 11791              X-Request-Id:
 11792                type: string
 11793                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11794          '400':
 11795            description: Client error.
 11796            x-errors:
 11797              - code: identifier_type_is_required
 11798                category: identifier_type
 11799                message: identifier_type is required
 11800                params: ''
 11801              - code: identifier_type_not_in_range
 11802                category: identifier_type
 11803                message: '"identifier_type should be in range: iban, bic_swift, sort_code, aba, bsb_code, routing_number, cnaps'
 11804                params: '{ "range" => "iban, bic_swift, sort_code, aba, bsb_code, routing_number, cnaps" }'
 11805              - code: identifier_value_is_required
 11806                category: identifier_value
 11807                message: identifier_value is required
 11808                params: ''
 11809              - code: identifier_value_is_empty
 11810                category: identifier_value
 11811                message: identifier_value should not be empty
 11812                params: '{ "type" => "not_empty_string" }'
 11813              - code: invalid_iban
 11814                category: base
 11815                message: IBAN is invalid
 11816                params: ''
 11817              - code: invalid_bic
 11818                category: base
 11819                message: BIC_SWIFT is invalid
 11820                params: ''
 11821              - code: invalid_aba
 11822                category: base
 11823                message: ABA is invalid
 11824                params: ''
 11825              - code: invalid_sort_code
 11826                category: base
 11827                message: SORT_CODE is invalid
 11828                params: ''
 11829              - code: invalid_bsb
 11830                category: base
 11831                message: BSB_CODE is invalid
 11832                params: ''
 11833              - code: invalid_routing_number
 11834                category: base
 11835                message: ROUTING_NUMBER is invalid
 11836                params: ''
 11837              - code: invalid_cnaps
 11838                category: base
 11839                message: CNAPS is invalid
 11840                params: ''
 11841              - code: cannot_retrieve_bank_data
 11842                category: base
 11843                message: Bank Details service is temporarily unavailable
 11844                params: ''
 11845            schema:
 11846              $ref: '#/definitions/GetBankDetailsError'
 11847            headers:
 11848              X-Request-Id:
 11849                type: string
 11850                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11851          '401':
 11852            description: Unauthorized.
 11853            x-errors:
 11854              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 11855                category: username
 11856                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 11857                params: ''
 11858            schema:
 11859              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 11860            headers:
 11861              X-Request-Id:
 11862                type: string
 11863                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11864          '429':
 11865            description: Too many requests.
 11866            x-errors:
 11867              - code: too_many_requests
 11868                category: base
 11869                message: >-
 11870                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 11871                  Developer Center for more information
 11872                params: ''
 11873            schema:
 11874              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 11875            headers:
 11876              X-Request-Id:
 11877                type: string
 11878                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11879          '500':
 11880            description: Internal server error
 11881            x-errors:
 11882              - code: internal_server_error
 11883                category: base
 11884                message: Internal server error
 11885                params: ''
 11886            headers:
 11887              X-Request-Id:
 11888                type: string
 11889                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11890          '503':
 11891            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 11892            x-errors:
 11893              - code: service_unavailable
 11894                category: base
 11895                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 11896                params: ''
 11897            headers:
 11898              X-Request-Id:
 11899                type: string
 11900                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11901          default:
 11902            description: Unexpected error.
 11903            headers:
 11904              X-Request-Id:
 11905                type: string
 11906                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11907    /reference/beneficiary_required_details:
 11908      get:
 11909        tags:
 11910          - Reference
 11911        x-api-group: manage
 11912        summary: Get Beneficiary Requirements
 11913        description: >-
 11914          Find out what information is required to make payments to beneficiaries
 11915          in specified currencies and countries.
 11916        operationId: GetBeneficiaryRequirements
 11917        produces:
 11918          - application/json
 11919        parameters:
 11920          - name: X-Auth-Token
 11921            in: header
 11922            required: true
 11923            type: string
 11924            description: Authentication token.
 11925          - name: currency
 11926            in: query
 11927            required: true
 11928            type: string
 11929            description: >-
 11930              Currency in which money is held in the beneficiary's bank account.
 11931              Three-letter currency code in uppercase.
 11932          - name: bank_account_country
 11933            in: query
 11934            required: true
 11935            type: string
 11936            description: Two-letter country code.
 11937          - name: beneficiary_country
 11938            in: query
 11939            required: true
 11940            type: string
 11941            description: >-
 11942              Two-letter country code. If the beneficiary is a company, the
 11943              country in which the company is registered. If the beneficiary is an
 11944              individual, a country in which the beneficiary holds nationality.
 11945        responses:
 11946          '200':
 11947            description: Success.
 11948            schema:
 11949              type: object
 11950              properties:
 11951                details:
 11952                  type: array
 11953                  items:
 11954                    $ref: '#/definitions/BeneficiaryRequirements'
 11955            headers:
 11956              X-Request-Id:
 11957                type: string
 11958                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11959          '400':
 11960            description: Client error.
 11961            x-errors:
 11962              - code: bank_account_country_is_in_invalid_format
 11963                category: bank_account_country
 11964                message: >-
 11965                  Bank account country is not a valid ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country
 11966                  code
 11967                params: ''
 11968              - code: currency_is_in_invalid_format
 11969                category: currency
 11970                message: Currency is not a valid ISO 4217 currency code
 11971                params: ''
 11972              - code: beneficiary_country_is_in_invalid_format
 11973                category: beneficiary_country
 11974                message: >-
 11975                  Beneficiary country is not a valid ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country
 11976                  code
 11977                params: ''
 11978            schema:
 11979              $ref: '#/definitions/GetBeneficiaryRequirementsError'
 11980            headers:
 11981              X-Request-Id:
 11982                type: string
 11983                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11984          '401':
 11985            description: Unauthorized.
 11986            x-errors:
 11987              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 11988                category: username
 11989                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 11990                params: ''
 11991            schema:
 11992              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 11993            headers:
 11994              X-Request-Id:
 11995                type: string
 11996                description: A unique reference for the request.
 11997          '404':
 11998            description: Resource not found.
 11999            headers:
 12000              X-Request-Id:
 12001                type: string
 12002                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12003          '429':
 12004            description: Too many requests.
 12005            x-errors:
 12006              - code: too_many_requests
 12007                category: base
 12008                message: >-
 12009                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 12010                  Developer Center for more information
 12011                params: ''
 12012            schema:
 12013              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 12014            headers:
 12015              X-Request-Id:
 12016                type: string
 12017                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12018          '500':
 12019            description: Internal server error
 12020            x-errors:
 12021              - code: internal_server_error
 12022                category: base
 12023                message: Internal server error
 12024                params: ''
 12025            headers:
 12026              X-Request-Id:
 12027                type: string
 12028                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12029          '503':
 12030            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 12031            x-errors:
 12032              - code: service_unavailable
 12033                category: base
 12034                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 12035                params: ''
 12036            headers:
 12037              X-Request-Id:
 12038                type: string
 12039                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12040          default:
 12041            description: Unexpected error.
 12042            headers:
 12043              X-Request-Id:
 12044                type: string
 12045                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12046    /reference/conversion_dates:
 12047      get:
 12048        tags:
 12049          - Reference
 12050        x-api-group: manage
 12051        summary: Get Conversion Dates
 12052        description: Get a list of future non-trading dates for specified currency pairs.
 12053        operationId: GetConversionDates
 12054        produces:
 12055          - application/json
 12056        parameters:
 12057          - name: X-Auth-Token
 12058            in: header
 12059            required: true
 12060            type: string
 12061            description: Authentication token.
 12062          - name: conversion_pair
 12063            in: query
 12064            required: true
 12065            type: string
 12066            description: 'Concatenated string of the two currencies converted, eg. "USDEUR".'
 12067          - name: start_date
 12068            in: query
 12069            required: false
 12070            type: string
 12071            format: date
 12072            description: Start date of conversion. ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD.
 12073        responses:
 12074          '200':
 12075            description: Success.
 12076            schema:
 12077              $ref: '#/definitions/ConversionDates'
 12078            headers:
 12079              X-Request-Id:
 12080                type: string
 12081                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12082          '400':
 12083            description: Client error.
 12084            x-errors:
 12085              - code: conversion_pair_is_required
 12086                category: conversion_pair
 12087                message: conversion_pair is required
 12088                params: ''
 12089              - code: invalid_conversion_pair
 12090                category: conversion_pair
 12091                message: The conversion pair specified was invalid
 12092                params: ''
 12093              - code: conversion_pair_is_too_short
 12094                category: conversion_pair
 12095                message: conversion_pair can not be shorter than 6 character(s)
 12096                params: '{ "minlength" => 6 }'
 12097              - code: conversion_pair_is_too_long
 12098                category: conversion_pair
 12099                message: conversion_pair can not be longer than 6 character(s)
 12100                params: '{ "maxlength" => 6 }'
 12101              - code: start_date_is_too_far_in_future
 12102                category: start_date
 12103                message: Date is too far in the future (more than 1 year)
 12104                params: '{ "maxdate" => "2015-04-04T00:00:00Z", "period" => "1 year" }'
 12105              - code: start_date_is_in_invalid_format
 12106                category: start_date
 12107                message: start_date should be in ISO 8601 format
 12108                params: '{ "type" => "date" }'
 12109            schema:
 12110              $ref: '#/definitions/GetConversionDatesError'
 12111            headers:
 12112              X-Request-Id:
 12113                type: string
 12114                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12115          '401':
 12116            description: Unauthorized.
 12117            x-errors:
 12118              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 12119                category: username
 12120                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 12121                params: ''
 12122            schema:
 12123              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 12124            headers:
 12125              X-Request-Id:
 12126                type: string
 12127                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12128          '404':
 12129            description: Resource not found.
 12130            headers:
 12131              X-Request-Id:
 12132                type: string
 12133                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12134          '429':
 12135            description: Too many requests.
 12136            x-errors:
 12137              - code: too_many_requests
 12138                category: base
 12139                message: >-
 12140                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 12141                  Developer Center for more information
 12142                params: ''
 12143            schema:
 12144              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 12145            headers:
 12146              X-Request-Id:
 12147                type: string
 12148                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12149          '500':
 12150            description: Internal server error
 12151            x-errors:
 12152              - code: internal_server_error
 12153                category: base
 12154                message: Internal server error
 12155                params: ''
 12156            headers:
 12157              X-Request-Id:
 12158                type: string
 12159                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12160          '503':
 12161            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 12162            x-errors:
 12163              - code: service_unavailable
 12164                category: base
 12165                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 12166                params: ''
 12167            headers:
 12168              X-Request-Id:
 12169                type: string
 12170                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12171          default:
 12172            description: Unexpected error.
 12173            headers:
 12174              X-Request-Id:
 12175                type: string
 12176                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12177    /reference/currencies:
 12178      get:
 12179        tags:
 12180          - Reference
 12181        x-api-group: manage
 12182        summary: Get Available Currencies
 12183        description: >-
 12184          Get a list of all currencies that can be traded on the Currencycloud
 12185          platform.
 12186        operationId: GetAvailableCurrencies
 12187        produces:
 12188          - application/json
 12189        parameters:
 12190          - name: X-Auth-Token
 12191            in: header
 12192            required: true
 12193            type: string
 12194            description: Authentication token.
 12195        responses:
 12196          '200':
 12197            description: Success.
 12198            schema:
 12199              $ref: '#/definitions/AvailableCurrencies'
 12200            headers:
 12201              X-Request-Id:
 12202                type: string
 12203                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12204          '400':
 12205            description: Client error.
 12206            schema:
 12207              $ref: '#/definitions/GetAvailableCurrenciesError'
 12208            headers:
 12209              X-Request-Id:
 12210                type: string
 12211                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12212          '401':
 12213            description: Unauthorized.
 12214            x-errors:
 12215              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 12216                category: username
 12217                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 12218                params: ''
 12219            schema:
 12220              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 12221            headers:
 12222              X-Request-Id:
 12223                type: string
 12224                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12225          '404':
 12226            description: Resource not found.
 12227            headers:
 12228              X-Request-Id:
 12229                type: string
 12230                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12231          '429':
 12232            description: Too many requests.
 12233            x-errors:
 12234              - code: too_many_requests
 12235                category: base
 12236                message: >-
 12237                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 12238                  Developer Center for more information
 12239                params: ''
 12240            schema:
 12241              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 12242            headers:
 12243              X-Request-Id:
 12244                type: string
 12245                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12246          '500':
 12247            description: Internal server error
 12248            x-errors:
 12249              - code: internal_server_error
 12250                category: base
 12251                message: Internal server error
 12252                params: ''
 12253            headers:
 12254              X-Request-Id:
 12255                type: string
 12256                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12257          '503':
 12258            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 12259            x-errors:
 12260              - code: service_unavailable
 12261                category: base
 12262                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 12263                params: ''
 12264            headers:
 12265              X-Request-Id:
 12266                type: string
 12267                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12268          default:
 12269            description: Unexpected error.
 12270            headers:
 12271              X-Request-Id:
 12272                type: string
 12273                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12274    /reference/payer_required_details:
 12275      get:
 12276        tags:
 12277          - Reference
 12278        x-api-group: manage
 12279        summary: Get Payer Requirements
 12280        description: >-
 12281          Get information on the minimum details required to create a payer.
 12282          Requirements vary depending on the location of the payer, the type of
 12283          payment to be made (priority or regular), and other factors.
 12284        operationId: GetPayerRequirements
 12285        produces:
 12286          - application/json
 12287        parameters:
 12288          - name: X-Auth-Token
 12289            in: header
 12290            required: true
 12291            type: string
 12292            description: Authentication token.
 12293          - name: payer_country
 12294            in: query
 12295            required: true
 12296            type: string
 12297            description: Two-letter country code.
 12298          - name: payer_entity_type
 12299            in: query
 12300            required: false
 12301            type: string
 12302            enum:
 12303              - company
 12304              - individual
 12305            description: Legal entity.
 12306          - name: payment_type
 12307            in: query
 12308            required: false
 12309            type: string
 12310            enum:
 12311              - priority
 12312              - regular
 12313            description: >-
 12314              Currencycloud supports two types of payments: "priority", made using
 12315              the SWIFT network; and "regular", made using the local bank network.
 12316          - name: currency
 12317            in: query
 12318            required: false
 12319            type: string
 12320            description: 3 character ISO 4217 currency code.
 12321        responses:
 12322          '200':
 12323            description: Success.
 12324            schema:
 12325              $ref: '#/definitions/PayerRequirements'
 12326            headers:
 12327              X-Request-Id:
 12328                type: string
 12329                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12330          '400':
 12331            description: Client error.
 12332            x-errors:
 12333              - code: payer_country_is_required
 12334                category: payer_country
 12335                message: payer_country is required
 12336                params: ''
 12337              - code: payer_country_is_in_invalid_format
 12338                category: payer_country
 12339                message: payer_country is not a valid ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code
 12340                params: '{ "type" => "country_code" }'
 12341              - code: payment_type_not_in_range
 12342                category: payment_type
 12343                message: 'payment_type should be in range: priority, regular'
 12344                params: '{ "range" => "priority, regular" }'
 12345              - code: payer_entity_type_not_in_range
 12346                category: payer_entity_type
 12347                message: 'payer_entity_type should be in range: company, individual'
 12348                params: '{ "range" => "company, individual" }'
 12349              - code: currency_is_too_short
 12350                category: currency
 12351                message: currency can not be shorter than 3 character(s)
 12352                params: '{ "minlength" => 3 }'
 12353              - code: currency_is_too_long
 12354                category: currency
 12355                message: currency can not be longer than 3 character(s)
 12356                params: '{ "maxlength" => 3 }'
 12357            schema:
 12358              $ref: '#/definitions/GetPayerRequirementsError'
 12359            headers:
 12360              X-Request-Id:
 12361                type: string
 12362                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12363          '401':
 12364            description: Unauthorized.
 12365            x-errors:
 12366              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 12367                category: username
 12368                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 12369                params: ''
 12370            schema:
 12371              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 12372            headers:
 12373              X-Request-Id:
 12374                type: string
 12375                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12376          '404':
 12377            description: Resource not found.
 12378            headers:
 12379              X-Request-Id:
 12380                type: string
 12381                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12382          '429':
 12383            description: Too many requests.
 12384            x-errors:
 12385              - code: too_many_requests
 12386                category: base
 12387                message: >-
 12388                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 12389                  Developer Center for more information
 12390                params: ''
 12391            schema:
 12392              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 12393            headers:
 12394              X-Request-Id:
 12395                type: string
 12396                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12397          '500':
 12398            description: Internal server error
 12399            x-errors:
 12400              - code: internal_server_error
 12401                category: base
 12402                message: Internal server error
 12403                params: ''
 12404            headers:
 12405              X-Request-Id:
 12406                type: string
 12407                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12408          '503':
 12409            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 12410            x-errors:
 12411              - code: service_unavailable
 12412                category: base
 12413                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 12414                params: ''
 12415            headers:
 12416              X-Request-Id:
 12417                type: string
 12418                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12419          default:
 12420            description: Unexpected error.
 12421            headers:
 12422              X-Request-Id:
 12423                type: string
 12424                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12425    /reference/payment_dates:
 12426      get:
 12427        tags:
 12428          - Reference
 12429        x-api-group: manage
 12430        summary: Get Payment Dates
 12431        description: >-
 12432          Get a list of invalid payment dates for a given currency. A payment date
 12433          is when a payment will be executed by Currencycloud. Payments cannot be
 12434          made on some days, for example when banks are closed.
 12435        operationId: GetPaymentDates
 12436        produces:
 12437          - application/json
 12438        parameters:
 12439          - name: X-Auth-Token
 12440            in: header
 12441            required: true
 12442            type: string
 12443            description: Authentication token.
 12444          - name: currency
 12445            in: query
 12446            required: true
 12447            type: string
 12448            description: Currency in which payment made. Three-digit currency code.
 12449          - name: start_date
 12450            in: query
 12451            required: false
 12452            type: string
 12453            format: date
 12454            description: Payment start date. ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD.
 12455        responses:
 12456          '200':
 12457            description: Success.
 12458            schema:
 12459              $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentDates'
 12460            headers:
 12461              X-Request-Id:
 12462                type: string
 12463                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12464          '400':
 12465            description: Client error.
 12466            x-errors:
 12467              - code: currency_is_required
 12468                category: currency
 12469                message: currency is required
 12470                params: ''
 12471              - code: invalid_currency
 12472                category: currency
 12473                message: The currency specified was invalid
 12474                params: ''
 12475              - code: currency_is_too_short
 12476                category: currency
 12477                message: currency can not be shorter than 3 character(s)
 12478                params: '{ "minlength" => 3 }'
 12479              - code: currency_is_too_long
 12480                category: currency
 12481                message: currency can not be longer than 3 character(s)
 12482                params: '{ "maxlength" => 3 }'
 12483              - code: start_date_is_too_far_in_future
 12484                category: start_date
 12485                message: Date is too far in the future (more than 1 year)
 12486                params: '{ "maxdate" => "2015-04-04T00:00:00Z", "period" => "1 year" }'
 12487              - code: start_date_is_in_invalid_format
 12488                category: start_date
 12489                message: Date is too far in the future (more than 1 year)
 12490                params: '{ "type" => "date" }'
 12491            schema:
 12492              $ref: '#/definitions/GetPaymentDatesError'
 12493            headers:
 12494              X-Request-Id:
 12495                type: string
 12496                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12497          '401':
 12498            description: Unauthorized.
 12499            x-errors:
 12500              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 12501                category: username
 12502                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 12503                params: ''
 12504            schema:
 12505              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 12506            headers:
 12507              X-Request-Id:
 12508                type: string
 12509                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12510          '404':
 12511            description: Resource not found.
 12512            headers:
 12513              X-Request-Id:
 12514                type: string
 12515                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12516          '429':
 12517            description: Too many requests.
 12518            x-errors:
 12519              - code: too_many_requests
 12520                category: base
 12521                message: >-
 12522                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 12523                  Developer Center for more information
 12524                params: ''
 12525            schema:
 12526              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 12527            headers:
 12528              X-Request-Id:
 12529                type: string
 12530                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12531          '500':
 12532            description: Internal server error
 12533            x-errors:
 12534              - code: internal_server_error
 12535                category: base
 12536                message: Internal server error
 12537                params: ''
 12538            headers:
 12539              X-Request-Id:
 12540                type: string
 12541                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12542          '503':
 12543            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 12544            x-errors:
 12545              - code: service_unavailable
 12546                category: base
 12547                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 12548                params: ''
 12549            headers:
 12550              X-Request-Id:
 12551                type: string
 12552                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12553          default:
 12554            description: Unexpected error.
 12555            headers:
 12556              X-Request-Id:
 12557                type: string
 12558                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12559    /reference/payment_fee_rules:
 12560      get:
 12561        tags:
 12562          - Reference
 12563        x-api-group: manage
 12564        summary: Get Payment Fee Rules
 12565        description: >-
 12566          Get the payment fee information based on the specific values provided
 12567        operationId: GetPaymentFeeRules
 12568        produces:
 12569          - application/json
 12570        parameters:
 12571          - name: X-Auth-Token
 12572            in: header
 12573            required: true
 12574            type: string
 12575            description: Authentication token.
 12576          - name: account_id
 12577            in: query
 12578            required: false
 12579            type: string
 12580            description: Account UUID.
 12581          - name: payment_type
 12582            in: query
 12583            required: false
 12584            type: string
 12585            enum:
 12586              - priority
 12587              - regular
 12588            description: >-
 12589              Payment Type value.
 12590              Limits search results scope to just payments of the specified payment type.
 12591          - name: charge_type
 12592            in: query
 12593            required: false
 12594            type: string
 12595            enum:
 12596              - ours
 12597              - shared
 12598            description: >-
 12599              Payment Charges value .
 12600              Limits search results scope to just payments of the specified charge type.
 12601        responses:
 12602          '200':
 12603            description: Success.
 12604            schema:
 12605              type: object
 12606              properties:
 12607                payment_fee_rules:
 12608                  type: array
 12609                  items:
 12610                    $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentFeeRule'
 12611            headers:
 12612              X-Request-Id:
 12613                type: string
 12614                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12615          '400':
 12616            description: Client error.
 12617            x-errors:
 12618              - code: account_id_is_not_valid_uuid
 12619                category: account_id
 12620                message: account_id should be in UUID format
 12621                params: ''
 12622              - code: charge_type_not_in_range
 12623                category: charge_type
 12624                message: 'charge_type should be in range: shared, ours'
 12625                params: '{ "charge_type" => "shared, ours" }'
 12626              - code: payment_type_not_in_range
 12627                category: payment_type
 12628                message: 'payment_type should be in range: priority, regular'
 12629                params: '{ "payment_type" => "priority, regular" }'
 12630            schema:
 12631              $ref: '#/definitions/GetPaymentFeeRulesError'
 12632            headers:
 12633              X-Request-Id:
 12634                type: string
 12635                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12636          '401':
 12637            description: Unauthorized.
 12638            x-errors:
 12639              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 12640                category: username
 12641                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 12642                params: ''
 12643            schema:
 12644              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 12645            headers:
 12646              X-Request-Id:
 12647                type: string
 12648                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12649          '404':
 12650            description: Resource not found.
 12651            headers:
 12652              X-Request-Id:
 12653                type: string
 12654                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12655          '429':
 12656            description: Too many requests.
 12657            x-errors:
 12658              - code: too_many_requests
 12659                category: base
 12660                message: >-
 12661                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 12662                  Developer Center for more information
 12663                params: ''
 12664            schema:
 12665              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 12666            headers:
 12667              X-Request-Id:
 12668                type: string
 12669                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12670          '500':
 12671            description: Internal server error
 12672            x-errors:
 12673              - code: internal_server_error
 12674                category: base
 12675                message: Internal server error
 12676                params: ''
 12677            headers:
 12678              X-Request-Id:
 12679                type: string
 12680                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12681          '503':
 12682            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 12683            x-errors:
 12684              - code: service_unavailable
 12685                category: base
 12686                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 12687                params: ''
 12688            headers:
 12689              X-Request-Id:
 12690                type: string
 12691                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12692          default:
 12693            description: Unexpected error.
 12694            headers:
 12695              X-Request-Id:
 12696                type: string
 12697                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12698    /reference/payment_purpose_codes:
 12699      get:
 12700        tags:
 12701          - Reference
 12702        x-api-group: manage
 12703        summary: Get Payment Purpose Codes
 12704        description: >-
 12705          Get a list of payment purpose codes for a given currency and entity
 12706          type. When initiating cross-border payments, the central bank of the
 12707          country may require a purpose to be included with your transaction in
 12708          order for your payment to be accepted and processed. If a payment
 12709          purpose code is required but not provided, your payment may be delayed
 12710          or rejected by the beneficiary bank.
 12711        operationId: GetPaymentPurposeCodes
 12712        produces:
 12713          - application/json
 12714        parameters:
 12715          - name: X-Auth-Token
 12716            in: header
 12717            required: true
 12718            type: string
 12719            description: Authentication token.
 12720          - name: currency
 12721            in: query
 12722            required: true
 12723            type: string
 12724            description: Currency in which payment made. Three-digit currency code.
 12725          - name: entity_type
 12726            in: query
 12727            required: false
 12728            type: string
 12729            enum:
 12730              - company
 12731              - individual
 12732            description: Legal entity type. Can be either 'company' or 'individual'.
 12733          - name: bank_account_country
 12734            in: query
 12735            required: true
 12736            type: string
 12737            description: Two-letter country code of the bank account.
 12738        responses:
 12739          '200':
 12740            description: Success.
 12741            schema:
 12742              type: object
 12743              properties:
 12744                purpose_codes:
 12745                  type: array
 12746                  items:
 12747                    $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentPurposeCodes'
 12748            headers:
 12749              X-Request-Id:
 12750                type: string
 12751                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12752          '400':
 12753            description: Client error.
 12754            x-errors:
 12755              - code: currency_is_required
 12756                category: currency
 12757                message: currency is required
 12758                params: ''
 12759              - code: invalid_currency
 12760                category: currency
 12761                message: The currency specified was invalid
 12762                params: ''
 12763              - code: currency_is_too_short
 12764                category: currency
 12765                message: currency can not be shorter than 3 character(s)
 12766                params: '{ "minlength" => 3 }'
 12767              - code: currency_is_too_long
 12768                category: currency
 12769                message: currency can not be longer than 3 character(s)
 12770                params: '{ "maxlength" => 3 }'
 12771            schema:
 12772              $ref: '#/definitions/GetPaymentPurposeCodesError'
 12773            headers:
 12774              X-Request-Id:
 12775                type: string
 12776                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12777          '401':
 12778            description: Unauthorized.
 12779            x-errors:
 12780              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 12781                category: username
 12782                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 12783                params: ''
 12784            schema:
 12785              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 12786            headers:
 12787              X-Request-Id:
 12788                type: string
 12789                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12790          '404':
 12791            description: Resource not found.
 12792            headers:
 12793              X-Request-Id:
 12794                type: string
 12795                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12796          '429':
 12797            description: Too many requests.
 12798            x-errors:
 12799              - code: too_many_requests
 12800                category: base
 12801                message: >-
 12802                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 12803                  Developer Center for more information
 12804                params: ''
 12805            schema:
 12806              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 12807            headers:
 12808              X-Request-Id:
 12809                type: string
 12810                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12811          '500':
 12812            description: Internal server error
 12813            x-errors:
 12814              - code: internal_server_error
 12815                category: base
 12816                message: Internal server error
 12817                params: ''
 12818            headers:
 12819              X-Request-Id:
 12820                type: string
 12821                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12822          '503':
 12823            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 12824            x-errors:
 12825              - code: service_unavailable
 12826                category: base
 12827                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 12828                params: ''
 12829            headers:
 12830              X-Request-Id:
 12831                type: string
 12832                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12833          default:
 12834            description: Unexpected error.
 12835            headers:
 12836              X-Request-Id:
 12837                type: string
 12838                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12839    /reference/settlement_accounts:
 12840      get:
 12841        tags:
 12842          - Reference
 12843        x-api-group: manage
 12844        summary: Get Settlement Accounts
 12845        description: >-
 12846          Get settlement account information - a list of accounts that require
 12847          funding in order to allow for outstanding transactions to be processed.
 12848        operationId: GetSettlementAccounts
 12849        produces:
 12850          - application/json
 12851        parameters:
 12852          - name: X-Auth-Token
 12853            in: header
 12854            required: true
 12855            type: string
 12856            description: Authentication token.
 12857          - name: currency
 12858            in: query
 12859            required: false
 12860            type: string
 12861            description: Three-digit currency code.
 12862          - name: account_id
 12863            in: query
 12864            required: false
 12865            type: string
 12866            description: Account UUID.
 12867        responses:
 12868          '200':
 12869            description: Success.
 12870            schema:
 12871              type: object
 12872              properties:
 12873                settlement_accounts:
 12874                  type: array
 12875                  items:
 12876                    $ref: '#/definitions/SettlementAccount'
 12877            headers:
 12878              X-Request-Id:
 12879                type: string
 12880                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12881          '400':
 12882            description: Client error.
 12883            x-errors:
 12884              - code: account_not_found
 12885                category: id
 12886                message: Account was not found for this id
 12887                params: ''
 12888            schema:
 12889              $ref: '#/definitions/GetSettlementAccountsError'
 12890            headers:
 12891              X-Request-Id:
 12892                type: string
 12893                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12894          '401':
 12895            description: Unauthorized.
 12896            x-errors:
 12897              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 12898                category: username
 12899                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 12900                params: ''
 12901            schema:
 12902              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 12903            headers:
 12904              X-Request-Id:
 12905                type: string
 12906                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12907          '404':
 12908            description: Resource not found.
 12909            headers:
 12910              X-Request-Id:
 12911                type: string
 12912                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12913          '429':
 12914            description: Too many requests.
 12915            x-errors:
 12916              - code: too_many_requests
 12917                category: base
 12918                message: >-
 12919                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 12920                  Developer Center for more information
 12921                params: ''
 12922            schema:
 12923              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 12924            headers:
 12925              X-Request-Id:
 12926                type: string
 12927                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12928          '500':
 12929            description: Internal server error
 12930            x-errors:
 12931              - code: internal_server_error
 12932                category: base
 12933                message: Internal server error
 12934                params: ''
 12935            headers:
 12936              X-Request-Id:
 12937                type: string
 12938                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12939          '503':
 12940            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 12941            x-errors:
 12942              - code: service_unavailable
 12943                category: base
 12944                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 12945                params: ''
 12946            headers:
 12947              X-Request-Id:
 12948                type: string
 12949                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12950          default:
 12951            description: Unexpected error.
 12952            headers:
 12953              X-Request-Id:
 12954                type: string
 12955                description: A unique reference for the request.
 12956    /reports/conversions/create:
 12957      post:
 12958        tags:
 12959          - Reporting
 12960        x-api-group: manage
 12961        summary: Generate Conversion Report
 12962        description: >-
 12963          Returns a JSON structure with details of the conversion report
 12964          requested.
 12965        operationId: GenerateConversionReport
 12966        consumes:
 12967          - multipart/form-data
 12968        produces:
 12969          - application/json
 12970        parameters:
 12971          - name: X-Auth-Token
 12972            in: header
 12973            required: true
 12974            type: string
 12975            description: Authentication token.
 12976          - name: on_behalf_of
 12977            in: formData
 12978            required: false
 12979            type: string
 12980            description: UUID of contact to act on behalf of.
 12981          - name: description
 12982            in: formData
 12983            required: false
 12984            type: string
 12985            description: Description that will be applied to report.
 12986          - name: buy_currency
 12987            in: formData
 12988            required: false
 12989            type: string
 12990            description: 3 character ISO 4217 currency code.
 12991          - name: sell_currency
 12992            in: formData
 12993            required: false
 12994            type: string
 12995            description: 3 character ISO 4217 currency code.
 12996          - name: client_buy_amount_from
 12997            in: formData
 12998            required: false
 12999            type: string
 13000            description: .
 13001          - name: client_buy_amount_to
 13002            in: formData
 13003            required: false
 13004            type: string
 13005            description: .
 13006          - name: client_sell_amount_from
 13007            in: formData
 13008            required: false
 13009            type: string
 13010            description: .
 13011          - name: client_sell_amount_to
 13012            in: formData
 13013            required: false
 13014            type: string
 13015            description: .
 13016          - name: partner_buy_amount_from
 13017            in: formData
 13018            required: false
 13019            type: string
 13020            description: Minimum buy amount (sub-accounts).
 13021          - name: partner_buy_amount_to
 13022            in: formData
 13023            required: false
 13024            type: string
 13025            description: Maximum buy amount (sub-accounts).
 13026          - name: partner_sell_amount_from
 13027            in: formData
 13028            required: false
 13029            type: string
 13030            description: Minimum sell amount (sub-accounts).
 13031          - name: partner_sell_amount_to
 13032            in: formData
 13033            required: false
 13034            type: string
 13035            description: Maximum sell amount (sub-accounts).
 13036          - name: client_status
 13037            in: formData
 13038            required: false
 13039            type: string
 13040            enum:
 13041              - awaiting_funds
 13042              - funds_sent
 13043              - funds_arrived
 13044              - trade_settled
 13045              - closed
 13046            description: >-
 13047              The current status of the Conversion - awaiting_funds - funds_sent -
 13048              funds_arrived - trade_settled - closed.
 13049          - name: partner_status
 13050            in: formData
 13051            required: false
 13052            type: string
 13053            enum:
 13054              - awaiting_funds
 13055              - funds_sent
 13056              - funds_arrived
 13057              - trade_settled
 13058              - closed
 13059            description: >-
 13060              DEPRECATED. The current status of the Conversion - awaiting_funds - funds_sent -
 13061              funds_arrived - trade_settled - closed.
 13062          - name: conversion_date_from
 13063            in: formData
 13064            required: false
 13065            type: string
 13066            format: date
 13067            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when buy currency was delivered.
 13068          - name: conversion_date_to
 13069            in: formData
 13070            required: false
 13071            format: date
 13072            type: string
 13073            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when buy currency was delivered.
 13074          - name: settlement_date_from
 13075            in: formData
 13076            required: false
 13077            type: string
 13078            format: date
 13079            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when the sell_currency was debited.
 13080          - name: settlement_date_to
 13081            in: formData
 13082            required: false
 13083            type: string
 13084            format: date
 13085            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when the sell_currency was debited.
 13086          - name: created_at_from
 13087            in: formData
 13088            required: false
 13089            type: string
 13090            format: date
 13091            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when the conversion was created.
 13092          - name: created_at_to
 13093            in: formData
 13094            required: false
 13095            type: string
 13096            format: date
 13097            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when the conversion was created.
 13098          - name: updated_at_from
 13099            in: formData
 13100            required: false
 13101            type: string
 13102            format: date
 13103            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when the conversion was updated.
 13104          - name: updated_at_to
 13105            in: formData
 13106            required: false
 13107            type: string
 13108            format: date
 13109            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when the conversion was updated.
 13110          - name: unique_request_id
 13111            in: formData
 13112            required: false
 13113            type: string
 13114            description: Unique request ID of conversion
 13115          - name: scope
 13116            in: formData
 13117            required: false
 13118            type: string
 13119            description: Specify which account level will be used; 'own' is a default value.
 13120        responses:
 13121          '200':
 13122            description: Success.
 13123            schema:
 13124              $ref: '#/definitions/ReportRequest'
 13125            headers:
 13126              X-Request-Id:
 13127                type: string
 13128                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13129          '400':
 13130            description: Client error.
 13131            x-errors:
 13132              - code: on_behalf_of_self
 13133                category: on_behalf_of
 13134                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
 13135                params: ''
 13136              - code: contact_not_found
 13137                category: on_behalf_of
 13138                message: Contact was not found for this id
 13139                params: ''
 13140            schema:
 13141              $ref: '#/definitions/GenerateReportError'
 13142            headers:
 13143              X-Request-Id:
 13144                type: string
 13145                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13146          '401':
 13147            description: Unauthorized.
 13148            x-errors:
 13149              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 13150                category: username
 13151                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 13152                params: ''
 13153            schema:
 13154              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 13155            headers:
 13156              X-Request-Id:
 13157                type: string
 13158                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13159          '404':
 13160            description: Resource not found.
 13161            headers:
 13162              X-Request-Id:
 13163                type: string
 13164                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13165          '429':
 13166            description: Too many requests.
 13167            x-errors:
 13168              - code: too_many_requests
 13169                category: base
 13170                message: >-
 13171                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 13172                  Developer Center for more information
 13173                params: ''
 13174            schema:
 13175              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 13176            headers:
 13177              X-Request-Id:
 13178                type: string
 13179                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13180          '500':
 13181            description: Internal server error
 13182            x-errors:
 13183              - code: internal_server_error
 13184                category: base
 13185                message: Internal server error
 13186                params: ''
 13187            headers:
 13188              X-Request-Id:
 13189                type: string
 13190                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13191          '503':
 13192            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 13193            x-errors:
 13194              - code: service_unavailable
 13195                category: base
 13196                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 13197                params: ''
 13198            headers:
 13199              X-Request-Id:
 13200                type: string
 13201                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13202          default:
 13203            description: Unexpected error.
 13204            headers:
 13205              X-Request-Id:
 13206                type: string
 13207                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13208    /reports/payments/create:
 13209      post:
 13210        tags:
 13211          - Reporting
 13212        x-api-group: manage
 13213        summary: Generate Payment Report
 13214        description: Returns a JSON structure with details of the payments report requested.
 13215        operationId: GeneratePaymentReport
 13216        consumes:
 13217          - multipart/form-data
 13218        produces:
 13219          - application/json
 13220        parameters:
 13221          - name: X-Auth-Token
 13222            in: header
 13223            required: true
 13224            type: string
 13225            description: Authentication token.
 13226          - name: on_behalf_of
 13227            in: formData
 13228            required: false
 13229            type: string
 13230            description: UUID of contact to act on behalf of.
 13231          - name: description
 13232            in: formData
 13233            required: false
 13234            type: string
 13235            description: Description that will be applied to report.
 13236          - name: currency
 13237            in: formData
 13238            required: false
 13239            type: string
 13240            description: 3 character ISO 4217 currency code.
 13241          - name: amount_from
 13242            in: formData
 13243            required: false
 13244            type: string
 13245            description: Amount of Payment to 2dp.
 13246          - name: amount_to
 13247            in: formData
 13248            required: false
 13249            type: string
 13250            description: Amount of Payment to 2dp.
 13251          - name: status
 13252            in: formData
 13253            required: false
 13254            type: string
 13255            description: Status of the payment.
 13256          - name: payment_date_from
 13257            in: formData
 13258            required: false
 13259            type: string
 13260            format: date
 13261            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when the payment should be paid.
 13262          - name: payment_date_to
 13263            in: formData
 13264            required: false
 13265            type: string
 13266            format: date
 13267            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when the payment should be paid.
 13268          - name: transferred_at_from
 13269            in: formData
 13270            required: false
 13271            type: string
 13272            format: date
 13273            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when the payment should be transfered.
 13274          - name: transferred_at_to
 13275            in: formData
 13276            required: false
 13277            type: string
 13278            format: date
 13279            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when the payment should be transfered.
 13280          - name: created_at_from
 13281            in: formData
 13282            required: false
 13283            type: string
 13284            format: date
 13285            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when the payment was created.
 13286          - name: created_at_to
 13287            in: formData
 13288            required: false
 13289            type: string
 13290            format: date
 13291            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when the payment was created.
 13292          - name: updated_at_from
 13293            in: formData
 13294            required: false
 13295            type: string
 13296            format: date
 13297            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when the payment was updated.
 13298          - name: updated_at_to
 13299            in: formData
 13300            required: false
 13301            type: string
 13302            format: date
 13303            description: ISO 8601 Datetime when the payment was updated.
 13304          - name: beneficiary_id
 13305            in: formData
 13306            required: false
 13307            type: string
 13308            description: ID of the beneficiary
 13309          - name: conversion_id
 13310            in: formData
 13311            required: false
 13312            type: string
 13313            description: Conversion unique ID
 13314          - name: with_deleted
 13315            in: formData
 13316            required: false
 13317            type: string
 13318            description: Allow to search within deleted payments too
 13319          - name: payment_group_id
 13320            in: formData
 13321            required: false
 13322            type: string
 13323            description: ID of the payment group
 13324          - name: unique_request_id
 13325            in: formData
 13326            required: false
 13327            type: string
 13328            description: Unique request ID of conversion
 13329          - name: scope
 13330            in: formData
 13331            required: false
 13332            type: string
 13333            description: Specify which account level will be used; 'own' is a default value.
 13334        responses:
 13335          '200':
 13336            description: Success.
 13337            schema:
 13338              $ref: '#/definitions/ReportRequest'
 13339            headers:
 13340              X-Request-Id:
 13341                type: string
 13342                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13343          '400':
 13344            description: Client error.
 13345            x-errors:
 13346              - code: on_behalf_of_self
 13347                category: on_behalf_of
 13348                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
 13349                params: ''
 13350              - code: contact_not_found
 13351                category: on_behalf_of
 13352                message: Contact was not found for this id
 13353                params: ''
 13354            schema:
 13355              $ref: '#/definitions/GenerateReportError'
 13356            headers:
 13357              X-Request-Id:
 13358                type: string
 13359                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13360          '401':
 13361            description: Unauthorized.
 13362            x-errors:
 13363              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 13364                category: username
 13365                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 13366                params: ''
 13367            schema:
 13368              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 13369            headers:
 13370              X-Request-Id:
 13371                type: string
 13372                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13373          '404':
 13374            description: Resource not found.
 13375            headers:
 13376              X-Request-Id:
 13377                type: string
 13378                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13379          '429':
 13380            description: Too many requests.
 13381            x-errors:
 13382              - code: too_many_requests
 13383                category: base
 13384                message: >-
 13385                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 13386                  Developer Center for more information
 13387                params: ''
 13388            schema:
 13389              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 13390            headers:
 13391              X-Request-Id:
 13392                type: string
 13393                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13394          '500':
 13395            description: Internal server error
 13396            x-errors:
 13397              - code: internal_server_error
 13398                category: base
 13399                message: Internal server error
 13400                params: ''
 13401            headers:
 13402              X-Request-Id:
 13403                type: string
 13404                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13405          '503':
 13406            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 13407            x-errors:
 13408              - code: service_unavailable
 13409                category: base
 13410                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 13411                params: ''
 13412            headers:
 13413              X-Request-Id:
 13414                type: string
 13415                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13416          default:
 13417            description: Unexpected error.
 13418            headers:
 13419              X-Request-Id:
 13420                type: string
 13421                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13422    /reports/report_requests/find:
 13423      get:
 13424        tags:
 13425          - Reporting
 13426        x-api-group: manage
 13427        summary: Find Report Requests
 13428        description: Returns a JSON structure with details of report requests.
 13429        operationId: Find Report Requests
 13430        produces:
 13431          - application/json
 13432        parameters:
 13433          - name: X-Auth-Token
 13434            in: header
 13435            required: true
 13436            type: string
 13437            description: Authentication token.
 13438          - name: short_reference
 13439            in: query
 13440            required: false
 13441            type: string
 13442            description: Your unique short reference.
 13443          - name: description
 13444            in: query
 13445            required: false
 13446            type: string
 13447            description: 'Description, which was provided during the report creation process.'
 13448          - name: created_at_from
 13449            in: query
 13450            required: false
 13451            type: string
 13452            format: date
 13453            description: Start date (for range) when the reports were created.
 13454          - name: created_at_to
 13455            in: query
 13456            required: false
 13457            type: string
 13458            format: date
 13459            description: End date (for range) when the reports were created.
 13460          - name: expiration_date_from
 13461            in: query
 13462            required: false
 13463            type: string
 13464            format: date
 13465            description: Start date (for range) when the report will be (was) expired.
 13466          - name: expiration_date_to
 13467            in: query
 13468            required: false
 13469            type: string
 13470            format: date
 13471            description: End date (for range) when the report will be (was) expired.
 13472          - name: status
 13473            in: query
 13474            required: false
 13475            type: string
 13476            description: Status of the report.
 13477          - name: report_type
 13478            in: query
 13479            required: false
 13480            type: string
 13481            description: 'Type of reports, that we expect to receive in search results.'
 13482          - name: page
 13483            in: query
 13484            required: false
 13485            type: integer
 13486            description: Page number.
 13487          - name: per_page
 13488            in: query
 13489            required: false
 13490            type: integer
 13491            description: Number of results per page.
 13492          - name: order
 13493            in: query
 13494            required: false
 13495            type: string
 13496            default: created_at
 13497            description: Any field name to change the sort order.
 13498          - name: order_asc_desc
 13499            in: query
 13500            required: false
 13501            type: string
 13502            enum:
 13503              - asc
 13504              - desc
 13505            default: asc
 13506            description: Sort records in ascending or descending order.
 13507        responses:
 13508          '200':
 13509            description: Success.
 13510            schema:
 13511              type: object
 13512              properties:
 13513                report_requests:
 13514                  type: array
 13515                  items:
 13516                    $ref: '#/definitions/ReportRequest'
 13517                pagination:
 13518                  $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
 13519            headers:
 13520              X-Request-Id:
 13521                type: string
 13522                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13523          '400':
 13524            description: Client error.
 13525            x-errors:
 13526              - code: account_not_found
 13527                category: id
 13528                message: Account was not found for this id
 13529                params: ''
 13530            schema:
 13531              $ref: '#/definitions/GetReportRequestError'
 13532            headers:
 13533              X-Request-Id:
 13534                type: string
 13535                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13536          '401':
 13537            description: Unauthorized.
 13538            x-errors:
 13539              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 13540                category: username
 13541                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 13542                params: ''
 13543            schema:
 13544              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 13545            headers:
 13546              X-Request-Id:
 13547                type: string
 13548                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13549          '404':
 13550            description: Resource not found.
 13551            headers:
 13552              X-Request-Id:
 13553                type: string
 13554                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13555          '429':
 13556            description: Too many requests.
 13557            x-errors:
 13558              - code: too_many_requests
 13559                category: base
 13560                message: >-
 13561                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 13562                  Developer Center for more information
 13563                params: ''
 13564            schema:
 13565              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 13566            headers:
 13567              X-Request-Id:
 13568                type: string
 13569                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13570          '500':
 13571            description: Internal server error
 13572            x-errors:
 13573              - code: internal_server_error
 13574                category: base
 13575                message: Internal server error
 13576                params: ''
 13577            headers:
 13578              X-Request-Id:
 13579                type: string
 13580                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13581          '503':
 13582            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 13583            x-errors:
 13584              - code: service_unavailable
 13585                category: base
 13586                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 13587                params: ''
 13588            headers:
 13589              X-Request-Id:
 13590                type: string
 13591                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13592          default:
 13593            description: Unexpected error.
 13594            headers:
 13595              X-Request-Id:
 13596                type: string
 13597                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13598    '/reports/report_requests/{id}':
 13599      get:
 13600        tags:
 13601          - Reporting
 13602        x-api-group: manage
 13603        summary: Retrieve a Report Request
 13604        description: Returns a JSON structure with details of the specified report request.
 13605        operationId: Retrieve a Report Request
 13606        produces:
 13607          - application/json
 13608        parameters:
 13609          - name: X-Auth-Token
 13610            in: header
 13611            required: true
 13612            type: string
 13613            description: Authentication token.
 13614          - name: id
 13615            in: path
 13616            required: true
 13617            type: string
 13618            description: ID of the report.
 13619          - name: on_behalf_of
 13620            in: query
 13621            required: false
 13622            type: string
 13623            description: UUID of contact to act on behalf of.
 13624        responses:
 13625          '200':
 13626            description: Success.
 13627            schema:
 13628              $ref: '#/definitions/ReportRequest'
 13629            headers:
 13630              X-Request-Id:
 13631                type: string
 13632                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13633          '400':
 13634            description: Client error.
 13635            x-errors:
 13636              - code: account_not_found
 13637                category: id
 13638                message: Account was not found for this id
 13639                params: ''
 13640            schema:
 13641              $ref: '#/definitions/GetReportRequestError'
 13642            headers:
 13643              X-Request-Id:
 13644                type: string
 13645                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13646          '401':
 13647            description: Unauthorized.
 13648            x-errors:
 13649              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 13650                category: username
 13651                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 13652                params: ''
 13653            schema:
 13654              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 13655            headers:
 13656              X-Request-Id:
 13657                type: string
 13658                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13659          '404':
 13660            description: Resource not found.
 13661            headers:
 13662              X-Request-Id:
 13663                type: string
 13664                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13665          '429':
 13666            description: Too many requests.
 13667            x-errors:
 13668              - code: too_many_requests
 13669                category: base
 13670                message: >-
 13671                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 13672                  Developer Center for more information
 13673                params: ''
 13674            schema:
 13675              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 13676            headers:
 13677              X-Request-Id:
 13678                type: string
 13679                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13680          '500':
 13681            description: Internal server error
 13682            x-errors:
 13683              - code: internal_server_error
 13684                category: base
 13685                message: Internal server error
 13686                params: ''
 13687            headers:
 13688              X-Request-Id:
 13689                type: string
 13690                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13691          '503':
 13692            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 13693            x-errors:
 13694              - code: service_unavailable
 13695                category: base
 13696                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 13697                params: ''
 13698            headers:
 13699              X-Request-Id:
 13700                type: string
 13701                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13702          default:
 13703            description: Unexpected error.
 13704            headers:
 13705              X-Request-Id:
 13706                type: string
 13707                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13708    '/transactions/sender/{id}':
 13709      get:
 13710        tags:
 13711          - Sender
 13712        x-api-group: collect
 13713        summary: Get Sender Details
 13714        description: Returns a JSON structure with details of the sender of funds. The format of the sender tag in the response is "sender":"name; address; country; account_number or iban; bic; routing_code"
 13715        operationId: GetSenderDetails
 13716        produces:
 13717          - application/json
 13718        parameters:
 13719          - name: X-Auth-Token
 13720            in: header
 13721            required: true
 13722            type: string
 13723            description: Authentication token.
 13724          - name: id
 13725            in: path
 13726            required: true
 13727            type: string
 13728            description: The Related Entity UUID (related_entity_id) of the Transaction.
 13729          - name: on_behalf_of
 13730            in: query
 13731            required: false
 13732            type: string
 13733            description: Contact UUID.
 13734        responses:
 13735          '200':
 13736            description: Success.
 13737            schema:
 13738              $ref: '#/definitions/Sender'
 13739            headers:
 13740              X-Request-Id:
 13741                type: string
 13742                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13743          '400':
 13744            description: Client error.
 13745            x-errors:
 13746              - code: sender_not_found
 13747                category: id
 13748                message: Sender was not found for this id
 13749                params: ''
 13750              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
 13751                category: id
 13752                message: id should be in UUID format
 13753                params: ''
 13754            schema:
 13755              $ref: '#/definitions/GetSenderError'
 13756            headers:
 13757              X-Request-Id:
 13758                type: string
 13759                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13760          '401':
 13761            description: Unauthorized.
 13762            x-errors:
 13763              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 13764                category: username
 13765                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 13766                params: ''
 13767            schema:
 13768              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 13769            headers:
 13770              X-Request-Id:
 13771                type: string
 13772                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13773          '404':
 13774            description: Resource not found.
 13775            schema:
 13776              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
 13777            headers:
 13778              X-Request-Id:
 13779                type: string
 13780                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13781          '429':
 13782            description: Too many requests.
 13783            x-errors:
 13784              - code: too_many_requests
 13785                category: base
 13786                message: >-
 13787                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 13788                  Developer Center for more information
 13789                params: ''
 13790            schema:
 13791              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 13792            headers:
 13793              X-Request-Id:
 13794                type: string
 13795                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13796          '500':
 13797            description: Internal server error
 13798            x-errors:
 13799              - code: internal_server_error
 13800                category: base
 13801                message: Internal server error
 13802                params: ''
 13803            headers:
 13804              X-Request-Id:
 13805                type: string
 13806                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13807          '503':
 13808            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 13809            x-errors:
 13810              - code: service_unavailable
 13811                category: base
 13812                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 13813                params: ''
 13814            headers:
 13815              X-Request-Id:
 13816                type: string
 13817                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13818          default:
 13819            description: Unexpected error.
 13820            headers:
 13821              X-Request-Id:
 13822                type: string
 13823                description: A unique reference for the request.
 13824    /transactions/find:
 13825      get:
 13826        tags:
 13827          - Transactions
 13828        x-api-group: manage
 13829        summary: Find Transactions
 13830        description: Search for transactions.
 13831        operationId: FindTransactions
 13832        produces:
 13833          - application/json
 13834        parameters:
 13835          - name: X-Auth-Token
 13836            in: header
 13837            required: true
 13838            type: string
 13839            description: Authentication token.
 13840          - name: on_behalf_of
 13841            in: query
 13842            required: false
 13843            type: string
 13844            description: Contact UUID.
 13845          - name: currency
 13846            in: query
 13847            required: false
 13848            type: string
 13849            description: Three-digit currency code.
 13850          - name: amount
 13851            in: query
 13852            required: false
 13853            type: integer
 13854            description: Amount.
 13855          - name: amount_from
 13856            in: query
 13857            required: false
 13858            type: integer
 13859            description: Minimum amount.
 13860          - name: amount_to
 13861            in: query
 13862            required: false
 13863            type: integer
 13864            description: Maximum amount.
 13865          - name: action
 13866            in: query
 13867            required: false
 13868            type: string
 13869            enum:
 13870              - funding
 13871              - conversion
 13872              - payment
 13873              - payment_failure
 13874              - manual_intervention
 13875              - manual_transaction
 13876              - top_up_fee
 13877              - transfer
 13878              - conversion_deposit
 13879              - deposit_refund
 13880              - payment_fee
 13881              - payment_unrelease
 13882              - margin
 13883            description: The action that triggered the transaction.
 13884          - name: related_entity_type
 13885            in: query
 13886            required: false
 13887            type: string
 13888            enum:
 13889              - conversion
 13890              - payment
 13891              - inbound_funds
 13892              - deposit
 13893              - transfer
 13894            description: The related entity that created the transaction.
 13895          - name: related_entity_id
 13896            in: query
 13897            required: false
 13898            type: string
 13899            description: UUID of the related entity.
 13900          - name: related_entity_short_reference
 13901            in: query
 13902            required: false
 13903            type: string
 13904            description: Short reference code.
 13905          - name: status
 13906            in: query
 13907            required: false
 13908            type: string
 13909            enum:
 13910              - completed
 13911              - pending
 13912              - deleted
 13913            description: Transaction status.
 13914          - name: type
 13915            in: query
 13916            required: false
 13917            type: string
 13918            enum:
 13919              - debit
 13920              - credit
 13921            description: Whether the transaction debits or credits the account balance.
 13922          - name: reason
 13923            in: query
 13924            required: false
 13925            type: string
 13926            description: User-generated reason for payment. Freeform text.
 13927          - name: settles_at_from
 13928            in: query
 13929            required: false
 13930            type: string
 13931            format: date
 13932            description: >-
 13933              Earliest processing date. Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg.
 13934              "2017-12-31".
 13935          - name: settles_at_to
 13936            in: query
 13937            required: false
 13938            type: string
 13939            format: date
 13940            description: 'Latest processing date. Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31".'
 13941          - name: created_at_from
 13942            in: query
 13943            required: false
 13944            type: string
 13945            format: date
 13946            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31".'
 13947          - name: created_at_to
 13948            in: query
 13949            required: false
 13950            type: string
 13951            format: date
 13952            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31".'
 13953          - name: updated_at_from
 13954            in: query
 13955            required: false
 13956            type: string
 13957            format: date
 13958            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31".'
 13959          - name: updated_at_to
 13960            in: query
 13961            required: false
 13962            type: string
 13963            format: date
 13964            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31".'
 13965          - name: completed_at_from
 13966            in: query
 13967            required: false
 13968            type: string
 13969            format: date
 13970            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31".'
 13971          - name: completed_at_to
 13972            in: query
 13973            required: false
 13974            type: string
 13975            format: date
 13976            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31".'
 13977          - name: beneficiary_id
 13978            in: query
 13979            required: false
 13980            type: string
 13981            description: Beneficiary UUID. Required if "related_entity_type" is "payment".
 13982          - name: currency_pair
 13983            in: query
 13984            required: false
 13985            type: string
 13986            description: >-
 13987              Concatenated string of the two currencies traded, eg. "USDEUR".
 13988              Required if "related_entity_type" is "conversion".
 13989          - name: scope
 13990            in: query
 13991            required: false
 13992            type: string
 13993            enum:
 13994              - all
 13995              - own
 13996              - clients
 13997            default: own
 13998            description: '"Own" account, "clients" sub-accounts, or "all" accounts.'
 13999          - name: page
 14000            in: query
 14001            required: false
 14002            type: integer
 14003            description: Page number.
 14004          - name: per_page
 14005            in: query
 14006            required: false
 14007            type: integer
 14008            description: Number of results per page.
 14009          - name: order
 14010            in: query
 14011            required: false
 14012            type: string
 14013            default: created_at
 14014            description: Any field name to change the sort order.
 14015          - name: order_asc_desc
 14016            in: query
 14017            required: false
 14018            type: string
 14019            enum:
 14020              - asc
 14021              - desc
 14022            default: asc
 14023            description: Sort records in ascending or descending order.
 14024        responses:
 14025          '200':
 14026            description: Success.
 14027            schema:
 14028              type: object
 14029              properties:
 14030                transactions:
 14031                  type: array
 14032                  items:
 14033                    $ref: '#/definitions/Transaction'
 14034                pagination:
 14035                  $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
 14036            headers:
 14037              X-Request-Id:
 14038                type: string
 14039                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14040          '400':
 14041            description: Client error.
 14042            x-errors:
 14043              - code: transaction_not_found
 14044                category: id
 14045                message: No Transaction found for 21b552e0-d97c-612d-2335-34203ab3f267
 14046                params: ''
 14047              - code: contact_not_found
 14048                category: on_behalf_of
 14049                message: Contact was not found for this id
 14050                params: ''
 14051              - code: on_behalf_of_self
 14052                category: on_behalf_of
 14053                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
 14054                params: ''
 14055              - code: related_entity_type_not_in_range
 14056                category: related_entity_type
 14057                message: "related_entity_type should be in range: conversion, payment, inbound_funds, deposit, transfer"
 14058                params: '{ "range" => "conversion, payment, inbound_funds, deposit, transfer" }'
 14059              - code: action_not_in_range
 14060                category: action
 14061                message: >-
 14062                  action should be in range: funding, conversion, payment, payment_failure, manual_intervention,
 14063                  manual_transaction, top_up_fee, transfer, conversion_deposit, deposit_refund, payment_unrelease,
 14064                  payment_fee, margin
 14065                params: >-
 14066                  { "range" => "funding, conversion, payment, payment_failure, manual_intervention,
 14067                  manual_transaction, top_up_fee, transfer, conversion_deposit, deposit_refund, payment_unrelease,
 14068                  payment_fee, margin" }
 14069              - code: scope_not_in_range
 14070                category: scope
 14071                message: "scope should be in range: own, all, clients"
 14072                params: '{ "range" => "own, all, clients" }'
 14073            schema:
 14074              $ref: '#/definitions/FindTransactionsError'
 14075            headers:
 14076              X-Request-Id:
 14077                type: string
 14078                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14079          '401':
 14080            description: Unauthorized.
 14081            x-errors:
 14082              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 14083                category: username
 14084                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 14085                params: ''
 14086            schema:
 14087              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 14088            headers:
 14089              X-Request-Id:
 14090                type: string
 14091                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14092          '404':
 14093            description: Resource not found.
 14094            headers:
 14095              X-Request-Id:
 14096                type: string
 14097                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14098          '429':
 14099            description: Too many requests.
 14100            x-errors:
 14101              - code: too_many_requests
 14102                category: base
 14103                message: >-
 14104                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 14105                  Developer Center for more information
 14106                params: ''
 14107            schema:
 14108              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 14109            headers:
 14110              X-Request-Id:
 14111                type: string
 14112                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14113          '500':
 14114            description: Internal server error
 14115            x-errors:
 14116              - code: internal_server_error
 14117                category: base
 14118                message: Internal server error
 14119                params: ''
 14120            headers:
 14121              X-Request-Id:
 14122                type: string
 14123                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14124          '503':
 14125            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 14126            x-errors:
 14127              - code: service_unavailable
 14128                category: base
 14129                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 14130                params: ''
 14131            headers:
 14132              X-Request-Id:
 14133                type: string
 14134                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14135          default:
 14136            description: Unexpected error.
 14137            headers:
 14138              X-Request-Id:
 14139                type: string
 14140                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14141    '/transactions/{id}':
 14142      get:
 14143        tags:
 14144          - Transactions
 14145        x-api-group: manage
 14146        summary: Get Transaction
 14147        description: Get a transaction record.
 14148        operationId: GetTransaction
 14149        produces:
 14150          - application/json
 14151        parameters:
 14152          - name: X-Auth-Token
 14153            in: header
 14154            required: true
 14155            type: string
 14156            description: Authentication token.
 14157          - name: id
 14158            in: path
 14159            required: true
 14160            type: string
 14161            description: Transaction UUID.
 14162          - name: on_behalf_of
 14163            in: query
 14164            required: false
 14165            type: string
 14166            description: Contact UUID.
 14167        responses:
 14168          '200':
 14169            description: Success.
 14170            schema:
 14171              $ref: '#/definitions/Transaction'
 14172            headers:
 14173              X-Request-Id:
 14174                type: string
 14175                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14176          '400':
 14177            description: Client error.
 14178            schema:
 14179              $ref: '#/definitions/GetTransactionError'
 14180            headers:
 14181              X-Request-Id:
 14182                type: string
 14183                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14184          '401':
 14185            description: Unauthorized.
 14186            x-errors:
 14187              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 14188                category: username
 14189                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 14190                params: ''
 14191            schema:
 14192              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 14193            headers:
 14194              X-Request-Id:
 14195                type: string
 14196                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14197          '404':
 14198            description: Resource not found.
 14199            schema:
 14200              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
 14201            headers:
 14202              X-Request-Id:
 14203                type: string
 14204                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14205          '429':
 14206            description: Too many requests.
 14207            x-errors:
 14208              - code: too_many_requests
 14209                category: base
 14210                message: >-
 14211                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 14212                  Developer Center for more information
 14213                params: ''
 14214            schema:
 14215              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 14216            headers:
 14217              X-Request-Id:
 14218                type: string
 14219                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14220          '500':
 14221            description: Internal server error
 14222            x-errors:
 14223              - code: internal_server_error
 14224                category: base
 14225                message: Internal server error
 14226                params: ''
 14227            headers:
 14228              X-Request-Id:
 14229                type: string
 14230                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14231          '503':
 14232            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 14233            x-errors:
 14234              - code: service_unavailable
 14235                category: base
 14236                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 14237                params: ''
 14238            headers:
 14239              X-Request-Id:
 14240                type: string
 14241                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14242          default:
 14243            description: Unexpected error.
 14244            headers:
 14245              X-Request-Id:
 14246                type: string
 14247                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14248    /transfers/find:
 14249      get:
 14250        tags:
 14251          - Transfers
 14252        x-api-group: pay
 14253        summary: Find Transfers
 14254        description: Get transfer records based on search criteria.
 14255        operationId: FindTransfers
 14256        produces:
 14257          - application/json
 14258        parameters:
 14259          - name: X-Auth-Token
 14260            in: header
 14261            required: true
 14262            type: string
 14263            description: Authentication token.
 14264          - name: on_behalf_of
 14265            in: query
 14266            required: false
 14267            type: string
 14268            description: Contact UUID.
 14269          - name: short_reference
 14270            in: query
 14271            required: false
 14272            type: string
 14273            description: Short reference code.
 14274          - name: source_account_id
 14275            in: query
 14276            required: false
 14277            type: string
 14278            description: Account UUID of the paying account.
 14279          - name: destination_account_id
 14280            in: query
 14281            required: false
 14282            type: string
 14283            description: Account UUID of the receiving account.
 14284          - name: status
 14285            in: query
 14286            required: false
 14287            type: string
 14288            enum:
 14289              - completed
 14290              - pending
 14291              - cancelled
 14292            description: Transfer status.
 14293          - name: currency
 14294            in: query
 14295            required: false
 14296            type: string
 14297            description: Three-digit currency code.
 14298          - name: amount_from
 14299            in: query
 14300            required: false
 14301            type: string
 14302            description: Minimum amount.
 14303          - name: amount_to
 14304            in: query
 14305            required: false
 14306            type: string
 14307            description: Maximum amount.
 14308          - name: created_at_from
 14309            in: query
 14310            required: false
 14311            type: string
 14312            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59Z".'
 14313          - name: created_at_to
 14314            in: query
 14315            required: false
 14316            type: string
 14317            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59Z".'
 14318          - name: updated_at_from
 14319            in: query
 14320            required: false
 14321            type: string
 14322            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59Z".'
 14323          - name: updated_at_to
 14324            in: query
 14325            required: false
 14326            type: string
 14327            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59Z".'
 14328          - name: completed_at_from
 14329            in: query
 14330            required: false
 14331            type: string
 14332            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59Z".'
 14333          - name: completed_at_to
 14334            in: query
 14335            required: false
 14336            type: string
 14337            description: 'Any valid ISO 8601 format, eg. "2017-12-31T23:59:59Z".'
 14338          - name: creator_contact_id
 14339            in: query
 14340            required: false
 14341            type: string
 14342            description: Contact UUID of transfer instructor.
 14343          - name: creator_account_id
 14344            in: query
 14345            required: false
 14346            type: string
 14347            description: Account UUID of transfer instructor.
 14348          - name: page
 14349            in: query
 14350            required: false
 14351            type: integer
 14352            description: Page number.
 14353          - name: per_page
 14354            in: query
 14355            required: false
 14356            type: integer
 14357            description: Number of results per page.
 14358          - name: order
 14359            in: query
 14360            required: false
 14361            type: string
 14362            default: created_at
 14363            description: Any field name to change the sort order.
 14364          - name: order_asc_desc
 14365            in: query
 14366            required: false
 14367            type: string
 14368            enum:
 14369              - asc
 14370              - desc
 14371            default: asc
 14372            description: Sort records in ascending or descending order.
 14373        responses:
 14374          '200':
 14375            description: Success.
 14376            schema:
 14377              type: object
 14378              properties:
 14379                transfers:
 14380                  type: array
 14381                  items:
 14382                    $ref: '#/definitions/Transfer'
 14383                pagination:
 14384                  $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
 14385            headers:
 14386              X-Request-Id:
 14387                type: string
 14388                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14389          '400':
 14390            description: Client error.
 14391            x-errors:
 14392              - code: source_account_id_is_not_valid_uuid
 14393                category: source_account_id
 14394                message: source_account_id should be in UUID format
 14395                params: ''
 14396              - code: destination_account_id_is_not_valid_uuid
 14397                category: destination_account_id
 14398                message: destination_account_id should be in UUID format
 14399                params: ''
 14400              - code: amount_from_type_is_wrong
 14401                category: amount_from
 14402                message: amount_from should be of numeric type
 14403                params: '{ "type" => "numeric" }'
 14404              - code: amount_to_type_is_wrong
 14405                category: amount_to
 14406                message: amount_to should be of numeric type
 14407                params: '{ "type" => "numeric" }'
 14408              - code: status_not_in_range
 14409                category: status
 14410                message: 'status should be in range: pending, completed, cancelled'
 14411                params: '{ "range" => "pending, completed, cancelled" }'
 14412              - code: created_at_from_is_in_invalid_format
 14413                category: created_at_from
 14414                message: created_at_from should be in ISO 8601 format
 14415                params: '{ "type" => "datetime" }'
 14416              - code: created_at_to_is_in_invalid_format
 14417                category: created_at_to
 14418                message: created_at_to should be in ISO 8601 format
 14419                params: '{ "type" => "datetime" }'
 14420              - code: updated_at_from_is_in_invalid_format
 14421                category: updated_at_from
 14422                message: updated_at_from should be in ISO 8601 format
 14423                params: '{ "type" => "datetime" }'
 14424              - code: updated_at_to_is_in_invalid_format
 14425                category: updated_at_to
 14426                message: updated_at_to should be in ISO 8601 format
 14427                params: '{ "type" => "datetime" }'
 14428              - code: completed_at_from_is_in_invalid_format
 14429                category: completed_at_from
 14430                message: completed_at_from should be in ISO 8601 format
 14431                params: '{ "type" => "datetime" }'
 14432              - code: completed_at_to_is_in_invalid_format
 14433                category: completed_at_to
 14434                message: completed_at_to should be in ISO 8601 format
 14435                params: '{ "type" => "datetime" }'
 14436              - code: creator_contact_id_is_not_valid_uuid
 14437                category: creator_contact_id
 14438                message: creator_contact_id should be in UUID format
 14439                params: ''
 14440              - code: creator_account_id_is_not_valid_uuid
 14441                category: creator_account_id
 14442                message: creator_account_id should be in UUID format
 14443                params: ''
 14444              - code: on_behalf_of_self
 14445                category: on_behalf_of
 14446                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
 14447                params: ''
 14448              - code: contact_not_found
 14449                category: on_behalf_of
 14450                message: Contact was not found for this id
 14451                params: ''
 14452            schema:
 14453              $ref: '#/definitions/FindTransfersError'
 14454            headers:
 14455              X-Request-Id:
 14456                type: string
 14457                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14458          '401':
 14459            description: Unauthorized.
 14460            x-errors:
 14461              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 14462                category: username
 14463                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 14464                params: ''
 14465            schema:
 14466              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 14467            headers:
 14468              X-Request-Id:
 14469                type: string
 14470                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14471          '404':
 14472            description: Resource not found.
 14473            headers:
 14474              X-Request-Id:
 14475                type: string
 14476                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14477          '429':
 14478            description: Too many requests.
 14479            x-errors:
 14480              - code: too_many_requests
 14481                category: base
 14482                message: >-
 14483                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 14484                  Developer Center for more information
 14485                params: ''
 14486            schema:
 14487              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 14488            headers:
 14489              X-Request-Id:
 14490                type: string
 14491                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14492          '500':
 14493            description: Internal server error
 14494            x-errors:
 14495              - code: internal_server_error
 14496                category: base
 14497                message: Internal server error
 14498                params: ''
 14499            headers:
 14500              X-Request-Id:
 14501                type: string
 14502                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14503          '503':
 14504            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 14505            x-errors:
 14506              - code: service_unavailable
 14507                category: base
 14508                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 14509                params: ''
 14510            headers:
 14511              X-Request-Id:
 14512                type: string
 14513                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14514          default:
 14515            description: Unexpected error.
 14516            headers:
 14517              X-Request-Id:
 14518                type: string
 14519                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14520    '/transfers/{id}':
 14521      get:
 14522        tags:
 14523          - Transfers
 14524        x-api-group: pay
 14525        summary: Get Transfer
 14526        description: Get a money transfer record.
 14527        operationId: GetTransfer
 14528        produces:
 14529          - application/json
 14530        parameters:
 14531          - name: X-Auth-Token
 14532            in: header
 14533            required: true
 14534            type: string
 14535            description: Authentication token.
 14536          - name: id
 14537            in: path
 14538            required: true
 14539            type: string
 14540            description: Transfer UUID.
 14541          - name: on_behalf_of
 14542            in: query
 14543            required: false
 14544            type: string
 14545            description: Contact UUID.
 14546        responses:
 14547          '200':
 14548            description: Success.
 14549            schema:
 14550              $ref: '#/definitions/Transfer'
 14551            headers:
 14552              X-Request-Id:
 14553                type: string
 14554                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14555          '400':
 14556            description: Client error.
 14557            x-errors:
 14558              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
 14559                category: id
 14560                message: id should be in UUID format
 14561                params: ''
 14562              - code: on_behalf_of_self
 14563                category: on_behalf_of
 14564                message: You cannot act on behalf of your own Contact
 14565                params: ''
 14566              - code: transfer_not_found
 14567                category: id
 14568                message: Transfer was not found for this ID
 14569                params: ''
 14570              - code: contact_not_found
 14571                category: on_behalf_of
 14572                message: Contact was not found for this id
 14573                params: ''
 14574            schema:
 14575              $ref: '#/definitions/GetTransferError'
 14576            headers:
 14577              X-Request-Id:
 14578                type: string
 14579                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14580          '401':
 14581            description: Unauthorized.
 14582            x-errors:
 14583              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 14584                category: username
 14585                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 14586                params: ''
 14587            schema:
 14588              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 14589            headers:
 14590              X-Request-Id:
 14591                type: string
 14592                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14593          '404':
 14594            description: Resource not found.
 14595            schema:
 14596              $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundError'
 14597            headers:
 14598              X-Request-Id:
 14599                type: string
 14600                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14601          '429':
 14602            description: Too many requests.
 14603            x-errors:
 14604              - code: too_many_requests
 14605                category: base
 14606                message: >-
 14607                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 14608                  Developer Center for more information
 14609                params: ''
 14610            schema:
 14611              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 14612            headers:
 14613              X-Request-Id:
 14614                type: string
 14615                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14616          '500':
 14617            description: Internal server error
 14618            x-errors:
 14619              - code: internal_server_error
 14620                category: base
 14621                message: Internal server error
 14622                params: ''
 14623            headers:
 14624              X-Request-Id:
 14625                type: string
 14626                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14627          '503':
 14628            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 14629            x-errors:
 14630              - code: service_unavailable
 14631                category: base
 14632                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 14633                params: ''
 14634            headers:
 14635              X-Request-Id:
 14636                type: string
 14637                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14638          default:
 14639            description: Unexpected error.
 14640            headers:
 14641              X-Request-Id:
 14642                type: string
 14643                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14644    /transfers/{id}/cancel:
 14645      post:
 14646        tags:
 14647          - Transfers
 14648        x-api-group: pay
 14649        summary: Cancel Transfer
 14650        description: Request a transfer to be cancelled.
 14651        operationId: CancelTransfer
 14652        consumes:
 14653          - multipart/form-data
 14654        produces:
 14655          - application/json
 14656        parameters:
 14657          - name: X-Auth-Token
 14658            in: header
 14659            required: true
 14660            type: string
 14661            description: Authentication token.
 14662          - name: id
 14663            in: path
 14664            required: true
 14665            type: string
 14666            description: ID of the transfer that is to be cancelled
 14667        responses:
 14668          '200':
 14669            description: Success.
 14670            schema:
 14671              $ref: '#/definitions/Transfer'
 14672            headers:
 14673              X-Request-Id:
 14674                type: string
 14675                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14676          '400':
 14677            description: Client error.
 14678            x-errors:
 14679              - code: id_is_not_valid_uuid
 14680                category: id
 14681                message: id should be in UUID format
 14682                params: ''
 14683              - code: transfer_not_found
 14684                category: id
 14685                message: Transfer was not found for this ID
 14686                params: ''
 14687              - code: transfer_is_already_cancelled
 14688                category: status
 14689                message: Transfer is already cancelled
 14690                params: ''
 14691              - code: transfer_is_already_completed
 14692                category: status
 14693                message: Transfer has already completed (settled)
 14694                params: ''
 14695              - code: invalid_status
 14696                category: status
 14697                message: Transfer is already cancelled
 14698                params: ''
 14699              - code: invalid_status
 14700                category: status
 14701                message: Transfer cannot be cancelled since it is already completed
 14702                params: ''
 14703              - code: invalid_extra_parameters
 14704                category: base
 14705                message: Invalid extra parameters extra_parameter
 14706                params: '{ "parameters" => "extra_parameter" }'
 14707            schema:
 14708              $ref: '#/definitions/CancelTransferError'
 14709            headers:
 14710              X-Request-Id:
 14711                type: string
 14712                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14713          '401':
 14714            description: Unauthorized.
 14715            x-errors:
 14716              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 14717                category: username
 14718                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 14719                params: ''
 14720            schema:
 14721              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 14722            headers:
 14723              X-Request-Id:
 14724                type: string
 14725                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14726          '403':
 14727            description: Forbidden.
 14728            x-errors:
 14729              - code: permission_denied
 14730                message: You do not have permission 'transfer_write' to perform this operation
 14731                params: ''
 14732            schema:
 14733              $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenError'
 14734            headers:
 14735              X-Request-Id:
 14736                type: string
 14737                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14738          '404':
 14739            description: Resource not found.
 14740            headers:
 14741              X-Request-Id:
 14742                type: string
 14743                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14744          '429':
 14745            description: Too many requests.
 14746            x-errors:
 14747              - code: too_many_requests
 14748                category: base
 14749                message: >-
 14750                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 14751                  Developer Center for more information
 14752                params: ''
 14753            schema:
 14754              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 14755            headers:
 14756              X-Request-Id:
 14757                type: string
 14758                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14759          '500':
 14760            description: Internal server error
 14761            x-errors:
 14762              - code: internal_server_error
 14763                category: base
 14764                message: Internal server error
 14765                params: ''
 14766            headers:
 14767              X-Request-Id:
 14768                type: string
 14769                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14770          '503':
 14771            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 14772            x-errors:
 14773              - code: service_unavailable
 14774                category: base
 14775                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 14776                params: ''
 14777            headers:
 14778              X-Request-Id:
 14779                type: string
 14780                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14781          default:
 14782            description: Unexpected error.
 14783            headers:
 14784              X-Request-Id:
 14785                type: string
 14786                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14787    /transfers/create:
 14788      post:
 14789        tags:
 14790          - Transfers
 14791        x-api-group: pay
 14792        summary: Create Transfer
 14793        description: >-
 14794          Transfer funds from one account to another account. No currency
 14795          conversion is performed, so the sending and receiving accounts must hold
 14796          money in the same currency.
 14797        operationId: CreateTransfer
 14798        consumes:
 14799          - multipart/form-data
 14800        produces:
 14801          - application/json
 14802        parameters:
 14803          - name: X-Auth-Token
 14804            in: header
 14805            required: true
 14806            type: string
 14807            description: Authentication token.
 14808          - name: source_account_id
 14809            in: formData
 14810            required: true
 14811            type: string
 14812            description: Account UUID of the paying account.
 14813          - name: destination_account_id
 14814            in: formData
 14815            required: true
 14816            type: string
 14817            description: Account UUID of the receiving account.
 14818          - name: currency
 14819            in: formData
 14820            required: true
 14821            type: string
 14822            description: Three-digit currency code.
 14823          - name: amount
 14824            in: formData
 14825            required: true
 14826            type: string
 14827            description: Amount.
 14828          - name: reason
 14829            in: formData
 14830            required: false
 14831            type: string
 14832            description: User-generated reason for transfer. Freeform text.
 14833        responses:
 14834          '200':
 14835            description: Success.
 14836            schema:
 14837              $ref: '#/definitions/Transfer'
 14838            headers:
 14839              X-Request-Id:
 14840                type: string
 14841                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14842          '400':
 14843            description: Client error.
 14844            schema:
 14845              $ref: '#/definitions/CreateTransferError'
 14846            headers:
 14847              X-Request-Id:
 14848                type: string
 14849                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14850          '401':
 14851            description: Unauthorized.
 14852            x-errors:
 14853              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 14854                category: username
 14855                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 14856                params: ''
 14857            schema:
 14858              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 14859            headers:
 14860              X-Request-Id:
 14861                type: string
 14862                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14863          '404':
 14864            description: Resource not found.
 14865            headers:
 14866              X-Request-Id:
 14867                type: string
 14868                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14869          '429':
 14870            description: Too many requests.
 14871            x-errors:
 14872              - code: too_many_requests
 14873                category: base
 14874                message: >-
 14875                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 14876                  Developer Center for more information
 14877                params: ''
 14878            schema:
 14879              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 14880            headers:
 14881              X-Request-Id:
 14882                type: string
 14883                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14884          '500':
 14885            description: Internal server error
 14886            x-errors:
 14887              - code: internal_server_error
 14888                category: base
 14889                message: Internal server error
 14890                params: ''
 14891            headers:
 14892              X-Request-Id:
 14893                type: string
 14894                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14895          '503':
 14896            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 14897            x-errors:
 14898              - code: service_unavailable
 14899                category: base
 14900                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 14901                params: ''
 14902            headers:
 14903              X-Request-Id:
 14904                type: string
 14905                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14906          default:
 14907            description: Unexpected error.
 14908            headers:
 14909              X-Request-Id:
 14910                type: string
 14911                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14912    /virtual_accounts/find:
 14913      get:
 14914        deprecated: true
 14915        tags:
 14916          - VANs
 14917        x-api-group: collect
 14918        summary: Find VANs
 14919        description: >-
 14920          Returns a JSON structure with details of the VANs for the specified
 14921          accounts.
 14922        operationId: FindVANs
 14923        produces:
 14924          - application/json
 14925        parameters:
 14926          - name: scope
 14927            in: query
 14928            required: false
 14929            type: string
 14930            description: >-
 14931              Scope allows the logged in account to search all VANs at all account
 14932              levels.  Defaults to all.  Own - search for VANs on the main
 14933              account  Clients - search for VANs of account sub accounts <br> all
 14934              - search for VANs of account and sub-accounts
 14935            enum:
 14936              - own
 14937              - all
 14938              - clients
 14939            default: all
 14940          - name: account_id
 14941            in: query
 14942            required: false
 14943            type: string
 14944            description: UUID of a specific account you want to see the IBAN for
 14945          - name: X-Auth-Token
 14946            in: header
 14947            required: true
 14948            type: string
 14949            description: Authentication token.
 14950          - name: page
 14951            in: query
 14952            required: false
 14953            type: integer
 14954            description: Page number.
 14955          - name: per_page
 14956            in: query
 14957            required: false
 14958            type: integer
 14959            description: Number of results per page.
 14960          - name: order
 14961            in: query
 14962            required: false
 14963            type: string
 14964            description: Any field name to change the sort order.
 14965          - name: order_asc_desc
 14966            in: query
 14967            required: false
 14968            type: string
 14969            enum:
 14970              - asc
 14971              - desc
 14972            default: asc
 14973            description: Sort records in ascending or descending order.
 14974        responses:
 14975          '200':
 14976            description: Success.
 14977            schema:
 14978              type: object
 14979              properties:
 14980                vans:
 14981                  type: array
 14982                  items:
 14983                    $ref: '#/definitions/VAN'
 14984                pagination:
 14985                  $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
 14986            headers:
 14987              X-Request-Id:
 14988                type: string
 14989                description: A unique reference for the request.
 14990          '400':
 14991            description: Client error.
 14992            x-errors:
 14993              - code: vans_not_found
 14994                category: base
 14995                message: VANs were not found
 14996                params: ''
 14997              - code: scope_not_in_range
 14998                category: scope
 14999                message: "scope should be in range: own, all, clients"
 15000                params: '{ "range" => "own, all, clients" }'
 15001            schema:
 15002              $ref: '#/definitions/GetVANsError'
 15003            headers:
 15004              X-Request-Id:
 15005                type: string
 15006                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15007          '401':
 15008            description: Unauthorized.
 15009            x-errors:
 15010              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 15011                category: username
 15012                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 15013                params: ''
 15014            schema:
 15015              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 15016            headers:
 15017              X-Request-Id:
 15018                type: string
 15019                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15020          '404':
 15021            description: Resource not found.
 15022            headers:
 15023              X-Request-Id:
 15024                type: string
 15025                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15026          '429':
 15027            description: Too many requests.
 15028            x-errors:
 15029              - code: too_many_requests
 15030                category: base
 15031                message: >-
 15032                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 15033                  Developer Center for more information
 15034                params: ''
 15035            schema:
 15036              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 15037            headers:
 15038              X-Request-Id:
 15039                type: string
 15040                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15041          '500':
 15042            description: Internal server error
 15043            x-errors:
 15044              - code: internal_server_error
 15045                category: base
 15046                message: Internal server error
 15047                params: ''
 15048            headers:
 15049              X-Request-Id:
 15050                type: string
 15051                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15052          '503':
 15053            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 15054            x-errors:
 15055              - code: service_unavailable
 15056                category: base
 15057                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 15058                params: ''
 15059            headers:
 15060              X-Request-Id:
 15061                type: string
 15062                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15063          default:
 15064            description: Unexpected error.
 15065            headers:
 15066              X-Request-Id:
 15067                type: string
 15068                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15069    /withdrawal_accounts/find:
 15070      get:
 15071        tags:
 15072          - Withdrawal Accounts
 15073        x-api-group: manage
 15074        summary: Find Withdrawal Account
 15075        description: >-
 15076          Lists all withdrawal accounts assigned to an account
 15077        operationId: FindWithdrawlAccount
 15078        produces:
 15079          - application/json
 15080        parameters:
 15081          - name: X-Auth-Token
 15082            in: header
 15083            required: true
 15084            type: string
 15085            description: Authentication token.
 15086          - name: account_id
 15087            in: query
 15088            required: false
 15089            type: string
 15090            description: >-
 15091              The UUID of a sub-account you want to see the withdrawal accounts for. If omitted the withdrawal accounts
 15092              for the house account and all sub-accounts are returned
 15093        responses:
 15094          '200':
 15095            description: Success.
 15096            schema:
 15097              type: object
 15098              properties:
 15099                withdrawal_accounts:
 15100                  type: array
 15101                  items:
 15102                    $ref: '#/definitions/WithdrawalAccount'
 15103                pagination:
 15104                  $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
 15105            headers:
 15106              X-Request-Id:
 15107                type: string
 15108                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15109          '400':
 15110            description: Client error.
 15111            x-errors:
 15112              - code: account_id_is_not_valid_uuid
 15113                category: account_id
 15114                message: account_id should be in UUID format
 15115                params: ''
 15116            schema:
 15117              $ref: '#/definitions/GetWithdrawalAccountError'
 15118            headers:
 15119              X-Request-Id:
 15120                type: string
 15121                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15122          '401':
 15123            description: Unauthorized.
 15124            x-errors:
 15125              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 15126                category: username
 15127                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 15128                params: ''
 15129            schema:
 15130              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 15131            headers:
 15132              X-Request-Id:
 15133                type: string
 15134                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15135          '403':
 15136            description: Forbidden.
 15137            x-errors:
 15138              - code: permission_denied
 15139                message: permission_denied
 15140                params: ''
 15141            schema:
 15142              $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenError'
 15143            headers:
 15144              X-Request-Id:
 15145                type: string
 15146                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15147          '404':
 15148            description: Resource not found.
 15149            headers:
 15150              X-Request-Id:
 15151                type: string
 15152                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15153          '429':
 15154            description: Too many requests.
 15155            x-errors:
 15156              - code: too_many_requests
 15157                category: base
 15158                message: >-
 15159                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 15160                  Developer Center for more information
 15161                params: ''
 15162            schema:
 15163              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 15164            headers:
 15165              X-Request-Id:
 15166                type: string
 15167                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15168          '500':
 15169            description: Internal server error
 15170            x-errors:
 15171              - code: internal_server_error
 15172                category: base
 15173                message: Internal server error
 15174                params: ''
 15175            headers:
 15176              X-Request-Id:
 15177                type: string
 15178                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15179          '503':
 15180            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 15181            x-errors:
 15182              - code: service_unavailable
 15183                category: base
 15184                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 15185                params: ''
 15186            headers:
 15187              X-Request-Id:
 15188                type: string
 15189                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15190          default:
 15191            description: Unexpected error.
 15192            headers:
 15193              X-Request-Id:
 15194                type: string
 15195                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15196    /withdrawal_accounts/{withdrawal_account_id}/pull_funds:
 15197      post:
 15198        tags:
 15199          - Withdrawal Accounts
 15200        x-api-group: manage
 15201        summary: Pull Funds From Withdrawal Account
 15202        description: >-
 15203          Submits an ACH pull request from a specific withdrawal account.
 15204          The funds will be pulled into the account the specified withdrawal account is related to
 15205        operationId: PullFundsFromWithdrawalAccount
 15206        produces:
 15207          - application/json
 15208        parameters:
 15209          - name: X-Auth-Token
 15210            in: header
 15211            required: true
 15212            type: string
 15213            description: Authentication token.
 15214          - name: withdrawal_account_id
 15215            in: path
 15216            required: true
 15217            type: string
 15218            description: >-
 15219              The withdrawal account ID you want to pull the funds from.
 15220              The funds will be pulled into the account id related to this withdrawal account
 15221          - name: reference
 15222            in: formData
 15223            required: true
 15224            type: string
 15225            description: The reference you want on the statement
 15226          - name: amount
 15227            in: formData
 15228            required: true
 15229            type: string
 15230            description: The amount of funds to pull in USD
 15231        responses:
 15232          '200':
 15233            description: Success.
 15234            schema:
 15235              $ref: '#/definitions/WithdrawalPullFundsRequestDetails'
 15236            headers:
 15237              X-Request-Id:
 15238                type: string
 15239                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15240          '400':
 15241            description: Client error.
 15242            x-errors:
 15243              - code: reference_is_required
 15244                category: reference
 15245                message: reference is required
 15246                params: ''
 15247              - code: reference_invalid
 15248                category: reference
 15249                message: >-
 15250                  Only characters, digits, spaces, '_' and '-' allowed
 15251                params: ''
 15252              - code: reference_too_long
 15253                category: reference
 15254                message: Reference cannot be longer than 10 characters
 15255                params: ''
 15256              - code: amount_is_required
 15257                category: amount
 15258                message: amount is required
 15259                params: ''
 15260              - code: amount_is_in_invalid_format
 15261                category: amount
 15262                message: amount should be of numeric type with 2 dp
 15263                params: '{ "type" => "numeric_with_precision", "precision" => 2 }'
 15264              - code: amount_not_positive
 15265                category: amount
 15266                message: Amount should be positive
 15267                params: ''
 15268              - code: amount_not_allowed
 15269                category: amount
 15270                message: Amount should be up to 100000 limit
 15271                params: ''
 15272            schema:
 15273              $ref: '#/definitions/WithdrawalPullFundsRequestError'
 15274            headers:
 15275              X-Request-Id:
 15276                type: string
 15277                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15278          '401':
 15279            description: Unauthorized.
 15280            x-errors:
 15281              - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 15282                category: username
 15283                message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 15284                params: ''
 15285            schema:
 15286              $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedError'
 15287            headers:
 15288              X-Request-Id:
 15289                type: string
 15290                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15291          '403':
 15292            description: Forbidden.
 15293            x-errors:
 15294              - code: permission_denied
 15295                message: permission_denied
 15296                params: ''
 15297            schema:
 15298              $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenError'
 15299            headers:
 15300              X-Request-Id:
 15301                type: string
 15302                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15303          '404':
 15304            description: Resource not found.
 15305            headers:
 15306              X-Request-Id:
 15307                type: string
 15308                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15309          '429':
 15310            description: Too many requests.
 15311            x-errors:
 15312              - code: too_many_requests
 15313                category: base
 15314                message: >-
 15315                  Too many requests have been made to the api. Please refer to the
 15316                  Developer Center for more information
 15317                params: ''
 15318            schema:
 15319              $ref: '#/definitions/RateLimitError'
 15320            headers:
 15321              X-Request-Id:
 15322                type: string
 15323                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15324          '500':
 15325            description: Internal server error
 15326            x-errors:
 15327              - code: internal_server_error
 15328                category: base
 15329                message: Internal server error
 15330                params: ''
 15331            headers:
 15332              X-Request-Id:
 15333                type: string
 15334                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15335          '503':
 15336            description: Service is temporary unavailable
 15337            x-errors:
 15338              - code: service_unavailable
 15339                category: base
 15340                message: Service is temporary unavailable
 15341                params: ''
 15342            headers:
 15343              X-Request-Id:
 15344                type: string
 15345                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15346          default:
 15347            description: Unexpected error.
 15348            headers:
 15349              X-Request-Id:
 15350                type: string
 15351                description: A unique reference for the request.
 15352  definitions:
 15353    Account:
 15354      type: object
 15355      description: Account.
 15356      properties:
 15357        id:
 15358          type: string
 15359          description: Account ID.
 15360        account_name:
 15361          type: string
 15362        brand:
 15363          type: string
 15364          description: >-
 15365            The value of this field is used for white labeling the Currencycloud
 15366            user interface.
 15367        your_reference:
 15368          type: string
 15369          description: User-generated reference code.
 15370        status:
 15371          type: string
 15372          enum:
 15373            - enabled
 15374            - enabled_no_trading
 15375            - disabled
 15376          description: Account status.
 15377        street:
 15378          type: string
 15379          description: First line of address.
 15380        city:
 15381          type: string
 15382          description: City.
 15383        state_or_province:
 15384          type: string
 15385          description: State or province two-letter ISO 3166 code. Only applicable to some countries.
 15386        country:
 15387          type: string
 15388          description: Two-letter country code.
 15389        postal_code:
 15390          type: string
 15391          description: Postal code.
 15392        spread_table:
 15393          type: string
 15394          description: The name of the spread table assigned to the account.
 15395        legal_entity_type:
 15396          type: string
 15397        created_at:
 15398          type: string
 15399          format: date-time
 15400        updated_at:
 15401          type: string
 15402          format: date-time
 15403        identification_type:
 15404          type: string
 15405          description: A legal document that verifies the identity of the account owner.
 15406        identification_value:
 15407          type: string
 15408          description: >-
 15409            A unique reference code for the identification document, such as a
 15410            passport number.
 15411        short_reference:
 15412          type: string
 15413        api_trading:
 15414          type: boolean
 15415        online_trading:
 15416          type: boolean
 15417        phone_trading:
 15418          type: boolean
 15419        process_third_party_funds:
 15420          type: boolean
 15421        settlement_type:
 15422          type: string
 15423        terms_and_conditions:
 15424          type: boolean
 15425        agent_or_reliance:
 15426          type: boolean
 15427      example:
 15428        id: B7DE235A-FF5D-4252-83C2-06A605267FEA
 15429        account_name: Company PLC
 15430        brand: currencycloud
 15431        your_reference: 0012345564ABC
 15432        status: enabled
 15433        street: 1 London Road
 15434        city: London
 15435        state_or_province: ''
 15436        country: GB
 15437        postal_code: AB12 CD1
 15438        spread_table: flat_0.5_percent
 15439        legal_entity_type: company
 15440        created_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 15441        updated_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 15442        identification_type: green_card
 15443        identification_value: 123456789
 15444        short_reference: 110104-00004
 15445        api_trading: true
 15446        online_trading: true
 15447        phone_trading: true
 15448        process_third_party_funds: false
 15449        settlement_type: bulk
 15450        terms_and_conditions_accepted: true
 15451        agent_or_reliance: true
 15452    AccountPaymentChargesSetting:
 15453      type: object
 15454      description: Account Payment Charges Setting.
 15455      properties:
 15456        charge_settings_id:
 15457          type: string
 15458        account_id:
 15459          type: string
 15460        charge_type:
 15461          type: string
 15462        enabled:
 15463          type: boolean
 15464        default:
 15465          type: boolean
 15466      example:
 15467        charge_settings_id: 2b7db581-a810-0132-a8c2-10b11cb33cfc
 15468        account_id: 2b6db571-a810-0144-a9b2-10a22cb33cf9
 15469        charge_type: shared
 15470        enabled: true
 15471        default: true
 15472    AuthenticationToken:
 15473      type: object
 15474      description: Authentication token.
 15475      properties:
 15476        auth_token:
 15477          type: string
 15478          description: >-
 15479            A randomly-generated 64-digit authentication token. Clients must store
 15480            this securely and destroy it when it is no longer needed.
 15481      example:
 15482        auth_token: 043cc6069f5e32757647641460d1d5ed
 15483    AvailableCurrencies:
 15484      type: object
 15485      description: Available currencies.
 15486      properties:
 15487        code:
 15488          type: string
 15489        decimal_places:
 15490          type: integer
 15491        name:
 15492          type: string
 15493        online_trading:
 15494          type: boolean
 15495        can_buy:
 15496          type: boolean
 15497        can_sell:
 15498          type: boolean
 15499      example:
 15500        code: AED
 15501        decimal_places: 2
 15502        name: United Arab Emirates Dirham
 15503        online_trading: true
 15504        can_buy: true
 15505        can_sell: true
 15506    Balance:
 15507      type: object
 15508      description: Balance.
 15509      properties:
 15510        id:
 15511          type: string
 15512          description: Balance UUID.
 15513        account_id:
 15514          type: string
 15515          description: Account UUID.
 15516        currency:
 15517          type: string
 15518          description: Currency code.
 15519        amount:
 15520          type: string
 15521          description: Amount.
 15522        created_at:
 15523          type: string
 15524          format: date-time
 15525        updated_at:
 15526          type: string
 15527          format: date-time
 15528      example:
 15529        id: 18230F1D-648A-406A-AD1F-A09CBC02E9E9
 15530        account_id: TcC
 15531        currency: USD
 15532        amount: '1000.00'
 15533        created_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 15534        updated_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 15535    BankDetails:
 15536      type: object
 15537      description: Bank Details.
 15538      required:
 15539        - identifier_type
 15540        - identifier_value
 15541      additionalProperties: false
 15542      properties:
 15543        identifier_type:
 15544          type: string
 15545          description: account identifier type.
 15546        identifier_value:
 15547          type: string
 15548          description: account identifier value.
 15549        account_number:
 15550          type: string
 15551          description: account number.
 15552        bic_swift:
 15553          type: string
 15554          description: BIC/SWIFT code.
 15555        bank_name:
 15556          type: string
 15557          description: Name of the bank.
 15558        bank_branch:
 15559          type: string
 15560          description: Branch of the bank.
 15561        bank_address:
 15562          type: string
 15563          description: Address of the bank.
 15564        bank_city:
 15565          type: string
 15566          description: City of the bank.
 15567        bank_state:
 15568          type: string
 15569          description: State the bank is situated in. Available in all countries using states.
 15570        bank_post_code:
 15571          type: string
 15572          description: The post code of the bank or the zip code for USA banks.
 15573        bank_country:
 15574          type: string
 15575          description: Full country name.
 15576        bank_country_ISO:
 15577          type: string
 15578          description: 2 letter ISO country code.
 15579        currency:
 15580          type: string
 15581          description: 3 letter ISO currency code.
 15582      example:
 15583        identifier_type: iban
 15584        identifier_value: FR7530002002460000012345X12
 15585        account_number: FR7530002002460000012345X12
 15586        bic_swift: CRLYFRPPXXX
 15587        bank_name: CREDIT LYONNAIS
 15588        bank_branch: AG STALINGRAD
 15589        bank_address: 212 BOULEVARD DE LA VILLETTE
 15590        bank_city: PARIS
 15591        bank_state: PARIS
 15592        bank_post_code: 75019
 15593        bank_country: FRANCE
 15594        bank_country_ISO: FR
 15595        currency: null
 15596    Beneficiary:
 15597      type: object
 15598      description: Beneficiary.
 15599      properties:
 15600        id:
 15601          type: string
 15602          description: Beneficiary UUID.
 15603        bank_account_holder_name:
 15604          type: string
 15605        name:
 15606          type: string
 15607        email:
 15608          type: string
 15609        payment_types:
 15610          type: array
 15611          items:
 15612            type: string
 15613            description: Example - "regular".
 15614        beneficiary_address:
 15615          type: array
 15616          items:
 15617            type: string
 15618            description: Line of address.
 15619        beneficiary_country:
 15620          type: string
 15621          description: Two-letter country code.
 15622        beneficiary_entity_type:
 15623          type: string
 15624          enum:
 15625            - company
 15626            - individual
 15627        beneficiary_company_name:
 15628          type: string
 15629          description: For companies.
 15630        beneficiary_first_name:
 15631          type: string
 15632          description: For individuals.
 15633        beneficiary_last_name:
 15634          type: string
 15635          description: For individuals.
 15636        beneficiary_city:
 15637          type: string
 15638          description: City.
 15639        beneficiary_postcode:
 15640          type: string
 15641          description: Postal code.
 15642        beneficiary_state_or_province:
 15643          type: string
 15644          description: State or province.
 15645        beneficiary_date_of_birth:
 15646          type: string
 15647          description: 'For companies, this is the foundation date of the company.'
 15648        beneficiary_identification_type:
 15649          type: string
 15650          description: A legal document that verifies the identity of the beneficiary.
 15651        beneficiary_identification_value:
 15652          type: string
 15653          description: >-
 15654            A unique reference code for the identification document, such as a
 15655            passport number.
 15656        bank_country:
 15657          type: string
 15658          description: >-
 15659            Two-letter code for the country in which the beneficiary's bank
 15660            account is held.
 15661        bank_name:
 15662          type: string
 15663        bank_account_type:
 15664          type: string
 15665        currency:
 15666          type: string
 15667        account_number:
 15668          type: string
 15669        routing_code_type_1:
 15670          type: string
 15671        routing_code_value_1:
 15672          type: string
 15673        routing_code_type_2:
 15674          type: string
 15675        routing_code_value_2:
 15676          type: string
 15677        bic_swift:
 15678          type: string
 15679        iban:
 15680          type: string
 15681        default_beneficiary:
 15682          type: string
 15683        creator_contact_id:
 15684          type: string
 15685        bank_address:
 15686          type: array
 15687          items:
 15688            type: string
 15689            description: Line of address.
 15690        created_at:
 15691          type: string
 15692          format: date-time
 15693        updated_at:
 15694          type: string
 15695          format: date-time
 15696        beneficiary_external_reference:
 15697          type: string
 15698      example:
 15699        id: a6000ce9-46b8-49a7-9f5b-325ed3f047c2
 15700        bank_account_holder_name: Company PLC
 15701        name: Sample name
 15702        email: ''
 15703        payment_types:
 15704          - regular
 15705        beneficiary_address:
 15706          - 1 My Road
 15707          - London
 15708        beneficiary_country: AU
 15709        beneficiary_entity_type: company
 15710        beneficiary_company_name: Sample Company Name
 15711        beneficiary_first_name: ''
 15712        beneficiary_last_name: ''
 15713        beneficiary_city: ''
 15714        beneficiary_postcode: ''
 15715        beneficiary_state_or_province: ''
 15716        beneficiary_date_of_birth: ''
 15717        beneficiary_identification_type: none
 15718        beneficiary_identification_value: ''
 15719        bank_country: AU
 15720        bank_name: Sample Bank Name
 15721        bank_account_type: checking
 15722        currency: AUD
 15723        account_number: '123456783'
 15724        routing_code_type_1: bsb_code
 15725        routing_code_value_1: '123456'
 15726        routing_code_type_2: ''
 15727        routing_code_value_2: ''
 15728        bic_swift: ''
 15729        iban: ''
 15730        default_beneficiary: 'false'
 15731        creator_contact_id: 58e78791-e0e5-012c-2dee-001e52f3c730
 15732        bank_address:
 15733          - Line 1
 15734          - Line 2
 15735        created_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 15736        updated_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 15737        beneficiary_external_reference: B-5847789
 15738    BeneficiaryRequirements:
 15739      type: object
 15740      description: Beneficiary requirements.
 15741      properties:
 15742        payment_type:
 15743          type: string
 15744        acct_number:
 15745          type: string
 15746        bic_swift:
 15747          type: string
 15748        beneficiary_address:
 15749          type: string
 15750        beneficiary_city:
 15751          type: string
 15752        beneficiary_country:
 15753          type: string
 15754        beneficiary_postcode:
 15755          type: string
 15756        beneficiary_state_or_province:
 15757          type: string
 15758        beneficiary_first_name:
 15759          type: string
 15760        beneficiary_last_name:
 15761          type: string
 15762        beneficiary_entity_type:
 15763          type: string
 15764          enum:
 15765            - company
 15766            - individual
 15767        sort_code:
 15768          type: string
 15769        aba:
 15770          type: string
 15771        bsb_code:
 15772          type: string
 15773        institution_no:
 15774          type: string
 15775        bank_code:
 15776          type: string
 15777        branch_code:
 15778          type: string
 15779        clabe:
 15780          type: string
 15781        cnaps:
 15782          type: string
 15783      example:
 15784        payment_type: regular
 15785        acct_number: '^\\d{1,17}$'
 15786        aba: '^[0-9A-Z]{9}$'
 15787        beneficiary_address: '^.{1,255}'
 15788        beneficiary_city: '^.{1,255}'
 15789        beneficiary_country: '^[A-z]{2}$'
 15790        beneficiary_postcode: '^.{1,255}'
 15791        beneficiary_state_or_province: '^.{1,255}'
 15792        beneficiary_first_name: '^.{1,255}'
 15793        beneficiary_last_name: '^.{1,255}'
 15794        beneficiary_entity_type: individual
 15795    CancelTransferError:
 15796      type: object
 15797      description: |
 15798        Client error information for the Cancel Transfer endpoint.
 15799      required:
 15800        - error_code
 15801        - error_messages
 15802      properties:
 15803        error_code:
 15804          type: string
 15805          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 15806        error_messages:
 15807          type: object
 15808          description: >-
 15809            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 15810            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 15811            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 15812          additionalProperties:
 15813            type: array
 15814            items:
 15815              type: object
 15816              description: >-
 15817                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 15818                parameter failed.
 15819              required:
 15820                - code
 15821                - message
 15822              properties:
 15823                code:
 15824                  type: string
 15825                  description: >-
 15826                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 15827                    translations.
 15828                message:
 15829                  type: string
 15830                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 15831                params:
 15832                  type: object
 15833                  default: {}
 15834                  description: >-
 15835                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 15836                    translations.
 15837                  example:
 15838                    minlength: 1
 15839                    maxlength: 255
 15840    Contact:
 15841      type: object
 15842      description: Contact.
 15843      properties:
 15844        login_id:
 15845          type: string
 15846        id:
 15847          type: string
 15848        your_reference:
 15849          type: string
 15850        first_name:
 15851          type: string
 15852        last_name:
 15853          type: string
 15854        account_id:
 15855          type: string
 15856        account_name:
 15857          type: string
 15858        status:
 15859          type: string
 15860        phone_number:
 15861          type: string
 15862        mobile_phone_number:
 15863          type: string
 15864        locale:
 15865          type: string
 15866        timezone:
 15867          type: string
 15868        email_address:
 15869          type: string
 15870        date_of_birth:
 15871          type: string
 15872        created_at:
 15873          type: string
 15874        updated_at:
 15875          type: string
 15876      example:
 15877        login_id: john.smith
 15878        id: 543477161-91de-012f-e284-1e0030c7f352
 15879        your_reference: ACME12345
 15880        first_name: John
 15881        last_name: Smith
 15882        account_id: 87077161-91de-012f-e284-1e0030c7f352
 15883        account_name: Company PLC
 15884        status: enabled
 15885        phone_number: 06554 87845
 15886        mobile_phone_number: 07564 534 54
 15887        locale: en-US
 15888        timezone: Europe/London
 15889        email_address:
 15890        date_of_birth: '1980-01-22T00:00:00.000Z'
 15891        created_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 15892        updated_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 15893    Conversion:
 15894      type: object
 15895      description: Conversion.
 15896      properties:
 15897        id:
 15898          type: string
 15899        account_id:
 15900          type: string
 15901        creator_contact_id:
 15902          type: string
 15903        short_reference:
 15904          type: string
 15905        settlement_date:
 15906          type: string
 15907        conversion_date:
 15908          type: string
 15909        status:
 15910          type: string
 15911        partner_status:
 15912          type: string
 15913        currency_pair:
 15914          type: string
 15915        buy_currency:
 15916          type: string
 15917        sell_currency:
 15918          type: string
 15919        fixed_side:
 15920          type: string
 15921        partner_buy_amount:
 15922          type: string
 15923        partner_sell_amount:
 15924          type: string
 15925        client_buy_amount:
 15926          type: string
 15927        client_sell_amount:
 15928          type: string
 15929        mid_market_rate:
 15930          type: string
 15931        core_rate:
 15932          type: string
 15933        partner_rate:
 15934          type: string
 15935        client_rate:
 15936          type: string
 15937        deposit_required:
 15938          type: boolean
 15939        deposit_amount:
 15940          type: string
 15941        deposit_currency:
 15942          type: string
 15943        deposit_status:
 15944          type: string
 15945        deposit_required_at:
 15946          type: string
 15947        unallocated_funds:
 15948          type: string
 15949        payment_ids:
 15950          type: array
 15951          items:
 15952            type: string
 15953        unique_request_id:
 15954          type: string
 15955        created_at:
 15956          type: string
 15957        updated_at:
 15958          type: string
 15959      example:
 15960        id: c9b6b851-10f9-4bbf-881e-1d8a49adf7d8
 15961        account_id: 0386e472-8d2b-45a8-9c14-a393dce5bf3a
 15962        creator_contact_id: ac743762-5860-4b78-9c6a-82c5bca68867
 15963        short_reference: 20140507-VRTNFC
 15964        settlement_date: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 15965        conversion_date: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 15966        status: awaiting_funds
 15967        partner_status: awaiting_funds
 15968        currency_pair: GBPUSD
 15969        buy_currency: GBP
 15970        sell_currency: USD
 15971        fixed_side: buy
 15972        partner_buy_amount: '1000.00'
 15973        partner_sell_amount: '1587.80'
 15974        client_buy_amount: '1000.00'
 15975        client_sell_amount: '1594.90'
 15976        mid_market_rate: '1.5868'
 15977        core_rate: '1.5871'
 15978        partner_rate: '1.5878'
 15979        client_rate: '1.5949'
 15980        deposit_required: true
 15981        deposit_amount: '47.85'
 15982        deposit_currency: GBP
 15983        deposit_status: awaiting_deposit
 15984        deposit_required_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 15985        unallocated_funds: '1000.00'
 15986        payment_ids:
 15987          - b934794f-d810-4b4a-b360-5a0f47b7126e
 15988        unique_request_id: 1234567890abc
 15989        created_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 15990        updated_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 15991    ConversionCancellationQuote:
 15992      type: object
 15993      description: Projected cost to cancel a conversion.
 15994      properties:
 15995        amount:
 15996          type: string
 15997        currency:
 15998          type: string
 15999        event_date_time:
 16000          type: string
 16001          format: date-time
 16002      example:
 16003        amount: 100
 16004        currency: GBP
 16005        event_date_time: '2018-07-14T17:03:11.000Z'
 16006    ConversionProfitAndLoss:
 16007      type: object
 16008      description: Recognised profit / loss on a conversion
 16009      properties:
 16010        conversion_profit_and_losses:
 16011          type: array
 16012          items:
 16013            $ref: '#/definitions/ConversionCancellation'
 16014        pagination:
 16015          $ref: '#/definitions/Pagination'
 16016      example:
 16017        conversion_profit_and_losses:
 16018          - account_id: 2090939e-b2f7-3f2b-1363-4d235b3f58af
 16019            contact_id: 8a98ebac-6f88-e205-a685-4d235b1b088b
 16020            event_account_id: 2090939e-b2f7-3f2b-1363-4d235b3f58af
 16021            event_contact_id: 8a98ebac-6f88-e205-a685-4d235b1b088b
 16022            conversion_id: 648945d7-1cff-4dae-a432-7d5501c77a8a
 16023            amount: '-0.28'
 16024            currency: GBP
 16025            notes: Cancel the conversion due to personal issues
 16026            event_type: self_service_cancellation
 16027            event_date_time: '2017-11-10T12:18:56.000Z'
 16028          - account_id: 67e1b252-40a7-454d-a097-8f77d385889d
 16029            contact_id: 04d0c252-7b78-4d72-b408-df78841e3ddc
 16030            event_account_id: 67e1b252-40a7-454d-a097-8f77d385889d
 16031            event_contact_id: 04d0c252-7b78-4d72-b408-df78841e3ddc
 16032            conversion_id: 540c2ea3-9916-4efb-9cd9-0f8ce63a5c04
 16033            amount: '-0.83'
 16034            currency: USD
 16035            notes: Cancel due to very important reason
 16036            event_type: self_service_cancellation
 16037            event_date_time: '2017-11-10T12:18:56.000Z'
 16038        pagination:
 16039          total_entries: 2
 16040          total_pages: 1
 16041          current_page: 1
 16042          per_page: 25
 16043          previous_page: -1
 16044          next_page: 2
 16045          order: created_at
 16046          order_asc_desc: asc
 16047    ConversionCancellation:
 16048      type: object
 16049      description: Cancelled Conversion
 16050      properties:
 16051        account_id:
 16052          type: string
 16053        contact_id:
 16054          type: string
 16055        event_account_id:
 16056          type: string
 16057        event_contact_id:
 16058          type: string
 16059        conversion_id:
 16060          type: string
 16061        amount:
 16062          type: string
 16063        currency:
 16064          type: string
 16065        notes:
 16066          type: string
 16067        event_type:
 16068          type: string
 16069        event_date_time:
 16070          type: string
 16071          format: date-time
 16072      example:
 16073        account_id: 2090939e-b2f7-3f2b-1363-4d235b3f58af
 16074        contact_id: 8a98ebac-6f88-e205-a685-4d235b1b088b
 16075        event_account_id: 2090939e-b2f7-3f2b-1363-4d235b3f58af
 16076        event_contact_id: 8a98ebac-6f88-e205-a685-4d235b1b088b
 16077        conversion_id: 648945d7-1cff-4dae-a432-7d5501c77a8a
 16078        amount: '-0.28'
 16079        currency: GBP
 16080        notes: Cancel the conversion due to personal issues
 16081        event_type: self_service_cancellation
 16082        event_date_time: '2017-11-10T12:18:56.000Z'
 16083    ConversionDateChange:
 16084      type: object
 16085      description: Conversion Date change record
 16086      properties:
 16087        profit_loss:
 16088          type: string
 16089        profit_loss_currency:
 16090          type: string
 16091        new_delivery_date:
 16092          type: string
 16093          format: date-time
 16094        new_settlement_date:
 16095          type: string
 16096          format: date-time
 16097        old_delivery_date:
 16098          type: string
 16099          format: date-time
 16100        old_settlement_date:
 16101          type: string
 16102          format: date-time
 16103        event_date_time:
 16104          type: string
 16105          format: date-time
 16106    ConversionDates:
 16107      type: object
 16108      description: Conversion dates.
 16109      properties:
 16110        first_conversion_cutoff_datetime:
 16111          type: string
 16112          format: date-time
 16113          description: The first conversion date and cutoff time by when conversions can be created.
 16114        first_conversion_date:
 16115          type: string
 16116          format: date
 16117          description: The first conversion date.
 16118        default_conversion_date:
 16119          type: string
 16120          format: date
 16121          description: The default conversion date.
 16122        optimize_liquidity_conversion_date:
 16123          type: string
 16124          format: date
 16125          description: Optimal conversion date for maximizing chances of getting a successful rate.
 16126        invalid_conversion_dates:
 16127          type: object
 16128          additionalProperties:
 16129            type: string
 16130            description: >-
 16131              Maps dates (eg. "2020-12-27") to string values that explain why
 16132              trading is not available on the date (eg. "No trading on Sunday").
 16133        offline_conversion_dates:
 16134          type: array
 16135          items:
 16136            type: string
 16137            description: The list of available offline conversion dates.
 16138      example:
 16139        first_conversion_cutoff_datetime: '2020-11-18T15:50:00+00:00'
 16140        first_conversion_date: '2020-11-18'
 16141        default_conversion_date: '2020-11-20'
 16142        optimize_liquidity_conversion_date: '2020-11-23'
 16143        invalid_conversion_dates:
 16144          '2020-11-21': No trading on Saturday
 16145          '2020-11-22': No trading on Sunday
 16146          '2020-11-28': No trading on Saturday
 16147          '2020-11-29': No trading on Sunday
 16148          '2020-12-05': No trading on Saturday
 16149          '2020-12-06': No trading on Sunday
 16150          '2020-12-12': No trading on Saturday
 16151          '2020-12-13': No trading on Sunday
 16152          '2020-12-19': No trading on Saturday
 16153          '2020-12-20': No trading on Sunday
 16154          '2020-12-25': Christmas Day
 16155          '2020-12-26': No trading on Saturday
 16156          '2020-12-27': No trading on Sunday
 16157          '2020-12-28': Boxing Day OBS
 16158          '2021-01-01': New Year's Day
 16159          '2021-01-02': No trading on Saturday
 16160          '2021-01-03': No trading on Sunday
 16161        offline_conversion_dates:
 16162          - '2020-11-23'
 16163    ConversionSplitDetails:
 16164      properties:
 16165        id:
 16166          type: string
 16167        short_reference:
 16168          type: string
 16169        sell_currency:
 16170          type: string
 16171        buy_currency:
 16172          type: string
 16173        buy_amount:
 16174          type: string
 16175        sell_amount:
 16176          type: string
 16177        settles_at:
 16178          type: string
 16179          format: date-time
 16180        delivery_at:
 16181          type: string
 16182          format: date-time
 16183        status:
 16184          type: string
 16185    ConversionSplit:
 16186      type: object
 16187      properties:
 16188        parent_conversion:
 16189          $ref: '#/definitions/ConversionSplitDetails'
 16190        child_conversion:
 16191          $ref: '#/definitions/ConversionSplitDetails'
 16192    ConversionSplitHistory:
 16193      type: object
 16194      properties:
 16195        origin_conversion:
 16196          $ref: '#/definitions/ConversionSplitDetails'
 16197        parent_conversion:
 16198          $ref: '#/definitions/ConversionSplitDetails'
 16199        child_conversions:
 16200          type: array
 16201          items:
 16202            $ref: '#/definitions/ConversionSplitDetails'
 16203    ReportRequest:
 16204      type: object
 16205      description: Report record
 16206      properties:
 16207        id:
 16208          type: string
 16209          description: Report unique ID
 16210        short_reference:
 16211          type: string
 16212          description: Human readable unique ID
 16213        search_params:
 16214          type: object
 16215          default: {}
 16216          description: >-
 16217            Parameters to select specific range of items, that we want to see in
 16218            report
 16219        report_type:
 16220          type: string
 16221        status:
 16222          type: string
 16223        expiration_date:
 16224          type: string
 16225          format: date
 16226          description: ISO 8601 Date of report expiration
 16227        report_url:
 16228          type: string
 16229          description: URL to download CSV report
 16230        account_id:
 16231          type: string
 16232          description: ID of the account
 16233        contact_id:
 16234          type: string
 16235          description: ID of the contact
 16236        created_at:
 16237          type: string
 16238          format: date
 16239          description: ISO 8601 Date when the Report was created
 16240        updated_at:
 16241          type: string
 16242          format: date
 16243          description: ISO 8601 Date when the Report was last updated
 16244      example:
 16245        id: 950dac23-c4af-4a6a-ba19-344560abe2a9
 16246        short_reference: RP-30250607-VDTMFA
 16247        description: 'Description, which was provided during the report creation process'
 16248        search_params:
 16249          short_reference: RP-30250607-VDTMFA
 16250          description: 'Description, which was provided during the report creation process'
 16251          account_id: 9a7ba866-56d1-39c6-8ca2-12cb4141213a
 16252          contact_id: 543a7716c-816e-01af-3214-2e0030f6f25a
 16253          created_at_from: '2014-01-12'
 16254          created_at_to: '2014-01-17'
 16255          expiration_date_from: '2014-01-12'
 16256          expiration_date_to: '2014-01-17'
 16257          status: completed
 16258          report_type: Payment
 16259        report_type: payment
 16260        status: completed
 16261        expiration_date: '2017-03-23T00:00:00.000Z'
 16262        report_url: >-
 16264        account_id: B7DE235A-FF5D-4252-83C2-06A605267FEA
 16265        contact_id: 543477161-91de-012f-e284-1e0030c7f352
 16266        created_at: '2017-03-16T23:59:59.000Z'
 16267        updated_at: '2017-03-16T23:59:59.000Z'
 16268    CreateAccountError:
 16269      type: object
 16270      description: |
 16271        Client error information for the Create Account endpoint.
 16272      required:
 16273        - error_code
 16274        - error_messages
 16275      properties:
 16276        error_code:
 16277          type: string
 16278          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16279        error_messages:
 16280          type: object
 16281          description: >-
 16282            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16283            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16284            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16285          additionalProperties:
 16286            type: array
 16287            items:
 16288              type: object
 16289              description: >-
 16290                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16291                parameter failed.
 16292              required:
 16293                - code
 16294                - message
 16295              properties:
 16296                code:
 16297                  type: string
 16298                  description: >-
 16299                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16300                    translations.
 16301                message:
 16302                  type: string
 16303                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16304                params:
 16305                  type: object
 16306                  default: {}
 16307                  description: >-
 16308                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16309                    translations.
 16310                  example:
 16311                    minlength: 1
 16312                    maxlength: 255
 16313    CreateBeneficiaryError:
 16314      type: object
 16315      description: |
 16316        Client error information for the Create Beneficiary endpoint.
 16317      required:
 16318        - error_code
 16319        - error_messages
 16320      properties:
 16321        error_code:
 16322          type: string
 16323          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16324        error_messages:
 16325          type: object
 16326          description: >-
 16327            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16328            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16329            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16330          additionalProperties:
 16331            type: array
 16332            items:
 16333              type: object
 16334              description: >-
 16335                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16336                parameter failed.
 16337              required:
 16338                - code
 16339                - message
 16340              properties:
 16341                code:
 16342                  type: string
 16343                  description: >-
 16344                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16345                    translations.
 16346                message:
 16347                  type: string
 16348                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16349                params:
 16350                  type: object
 16351                  default: {}
 16352                  description: >-
 16353                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16354                    translations.
 16355                  example:
 16356                    minlength: 1
 16357                    maxlength: 255
 16358    CreateContactError:
 16359      type: object
 16360      description: |
 16361        Client error information for the Create Contact endpoint.
 16362      required:
 16363        - error_code
 16364        - error_messages
 16365      properties:
 16366        error_code:
 16367          type: string
 16368          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16369        error_messages:
 16370          type: object
 16371          description: >-
 16372            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16373            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16374            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16375          additionalProperties:
 16376            type: array
 16377            items:
 16378              type: object
 16379              description: >-
 16380                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16381                parameter failed.
 16382              required:
 16383                - code
 16384                - message
 16385              properties:
 16386                code:
 16387                  type: string
 16388                  description: >-
 16389                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16390                    translations.
 16391                message:
 16392                  type: string
 16393                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16394                params:
 16395                  type: object
 16396                  default: {}
 16397                  description: >-
 16398                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16399                    translations.
 16400                  example:
 16401                    minlength: 1
 16402                    maxlength: 255
 16403    CreateConversionError:
 16404      type: object
 16405      description: |
 16406        Client error information for the Create Conversion endpoint.
 16407      required:
 16408        - error_code
 16409        - error_messages
 16410      properties:
 16411        error_code:
 16412          type: string
 16413          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16414        error_messages:
 16415          type: object
 16416          description: >-
 16417            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16418            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16419            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16420          additionalProperties:
 16421            type: array
 16422            items:
 16423              type: object
 16424              description: >-
 16425                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16426                parameter failed.
 16427              required:
 16428                - code
 16429                - message
 16430              properties:
 16431                code:
 16432                  type: string
 16433                  description: >-
 16434                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16435                    translations.
 16436                message:
 16437                  type: string
 16438                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16439                params:
 16440                  type: object
 16441                  default: {}
 16442                  description: >-
 16443                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16444                    translations.
 16445                  example:
 16446                    minlength: 1
 16447                    maxlength: 255
 16448    CreatePaymentAuthorisationError:
 16449      type: object
 16450      description: |
 16451        Client error information for the Create Payment Authorise endpoint.
 16452      required:
 16453        - error_code
 16454        - error_messages
 16455      properties:
 16456        error_code:
 16457          type: string
 16458          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16459        error_messages:
 16460          type: object
 16461          description: >-
 16462            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16463            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16464            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16465          additionalProperties:
 16466            type: array
 16467            items:
 16468              type: object
 16469              description: >-
 16470                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16471                parameter failed.
 16472              required:
 16473                - code
 16474                - message
 16475              properties:
 16476                code:
 16477                  type: string
 16478                  description: >-
 16479                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16480                    translations.
 16481                message:
 16482                  type: string
 16483                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16484                params:
 16485                  type: object
 16486                  default: {}
 16487                  description: >-
 16488                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16489                    translations.
 16490                  example:
 16491                    minlength: 1
 16492                    maxlength: 255
 16493    CreatePaymentError:
 16494      type: object
 16495      description: |
 16496        Client error information for the Create Payment endpoint.
 16497      required:
 16498        - error_code
 16499        - error_messages
 16500      properties:
 16501        error_code:
 16502          type: string
 16503          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16504        error_messages:
 16505          type: object
 16506          description: >-
 16507            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16508            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16509            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16510          additionalProperties:
 16511            type: array
 16512            items:
 16513              type: object
 16514              description: >-
 16515                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16516                parameter failed.
 16517              required:
 16518                - code
 16519                - message
 16520              properties:
 16521                code:
 16522                  type: string
 16523                  description: >-
 16524                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16525                    translations.
 16526                message:
 16527                  type: string
 16528                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16529                params:
 16530                  type: object
 16531                  default: {}
 16532                  description: >-
 16533                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16534                    translations.
 16535                  example:
 16536                    minlength: 1
 16537                    maxlength: 255
 16538    CreateTransferError:
 16539      type: object
 16540      description: Client error information for the Create Transfer endpoint.
 16541      required:
 16542        - error_code
 16543        - error_messages
 16544      properties:
 16545        error_code:
 16546          type: string
 16547          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16548        error_messages:
 16549          type: object
 16550          description: >-
 16551            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16552            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16553            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16554          additionalProperties:
 16555            type: array
 16556            items:
 16557              type: object
 16558              description: >-
 16559                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16560                parameter failed.
 16561              required:
 16562                - code
 16563                - message
 16564              properties:
 16565                code:
 16566                  type: string
 16567                  description: >-
 16568                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16569                    translations.
 16570                message:
 16571                  type: string
 16572                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16573                params:
 16574                  type: object
 16575                  default: {}
 16576                  description: >-
 16577                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16578                    translations.
 16579                  example:
 16580                    minlength: 1
 16581                    maxlength: 255
 16582    DeleteBeneficiaryError:
 16583      type: object
 16584      description: |
 16585        Client error information for the Delete Beneficiary endpoint.
 16586      required:
 16587        - error_code
 16588        - error_messages
 16589      properties:
 16590        error_code:
 16591          type: string
 16592          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16593        error_messages:
 16594          type: object
 16595          description: >-
 16596            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16597            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16598            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16599          additionalProperties:
 16600            type: array
 16601            items:
 16602              type: object
 16603              description: >-
 16604                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16605                parameter failed.
 16606              required:
 16607                - code
 16608                - message
 16609              properties:
 16610                code:
 16611                  type: string
 16612                  description: >-
 16613                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16614                    translations.
 16615                message:
 16616                  type: string
 16617                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16618                params:
 16619                  type: object
 16620                  default: {}
 16621                  description: >-
 16622                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16623                    translations.
 16624                  example:
 16625                    minlength: 1
 16626                    maxlength: 255
 16627    DeletePaymentError:
 16628      type: object
 16629      description: |
 16630        Client error information for the Delete Payment endpoint.
 16631      required:
 16632        - error_code
 16633        - error_messages
 16634      properties:
 16635        error_code:
 16636          type: string
 16637          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16638        error_messages:
 16639          type: object
 16640          description: >-
 16641            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16642            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16643            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16644          additionalProperties:
 16645            type: array
 16646            items:
 16647              type: object
 16648              description: >-
 16649                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16650                parameter failed.
 16651              required:
 16652                - code
 16653                - message
 16654              properties:
 16655                code:
 16656                  type: string
 16657                  description: >-
 16658                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16659                    translations.
 16660                message:
 16661                  type: string
 16662                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16663                params:
 16664                  type: object
 16665                  default: {}
 16666                  description: >-
 16667                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16668                    translations.
 16669                  example:
 16670                    minlength: 1
 16671                    maxlength: 255
 16672    FindAccountsError:
 16673      type: object
 16674      description: |
 16675        Client error information for the Find Accounts endpoint.
 16676      required:
 16677        - error_code
 16678        - error_messages
 16679      properties:
 16680        error_code:
 16681          type: string
 16682          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16683        error_messages:
 16684          type: object
 16685          description: >-
 16686            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16687            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16688            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16689          additionalProperties:
 16690            type: array
 16691            items:
 16692              type: object
 16693              description: >-
 16694                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16695                parameter failed.
 16696              required:
 16697                - code
 16698                - message
 16699              properties:
 16700                code:
 16701                  type: string
 16702                  description: >-
 16703                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16704                    translations.
 16705                message:
 16706                  type: string
 16707                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16708                params:
 16709                  type: object
 16710                  default: {}
 16711                  description: >-
 16712                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16713                    translations.
 16714                  example:
 16715                    minlength: 1
 16716                    maxlength: 255
 16717    FindBalancesError:
 16718      type: object
 16719      description: |
 16720        Client error information for the Find Balances endpoint.
 16721      required:
 16722        - error_code
 16723        - error_messages
 16724      properties:
 16725        error_code:
 16726          type: string
 16727          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16728        error_messages:
 16729          type: object
 16730          description: >-
 16731            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16732            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16733            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16734          additionalProperties:
 16735            type: array
 16736            items:
 16737              type: object
 16738              description: >-
 16739                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16740                parameter failed.
 16741              required:
 16742                - code
 16743                - message
 16744              properties:
 16745                code:
 16746                  type: string
 16747                  description: >-
 16748                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16749                    translations.
 16750                message:
 16751                  type: string
 16752                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16753                params:
 16754                  type: object
 16755                  default: {}
 16756                  description: >-
 16757                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16758                    translations.
 16759                  example:
 16760                    minlength: 1
 16761                    maxlength: 255
 16762    FindBeneficiariesError:
 16763      type: object
 16764      description: |
 16765        Client error information for the Find Beneficiaries endpoint.
 16766      required:
 16767        - error_code
 16768        - error_messages
 16769      properties:
 16770        error_code:
 16771          type: string
 16772          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16773        error_messages:
 16774          type: object
 16775          description: >-
 16776            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16777            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16778            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16779          additionalProperties:
 16780            type: array
 16781            items:
 16782              type: object
 16783              description: >-
 16784                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16785                parameter failed.
 16786              required:
 16787                - code
 16788                - message
 16789              properties:
 16790                code:
 16791                  type: string
 16792                  description: >-
 16793                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16794                    translations.
 16795                message:
 16796                  type: string
 16797                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16798                params:
 16799                  type: object
 16800                  default: {}
 16801                  description: >-
 16802                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16803                    translations.
 16804                  example:
 16805                    minlength: 1
 16806                    maxlength: 255
 16807    FindContactsError:
 16808      type: object
 16809      description: |
 16810        Client error information for the Find Contacts endpoint.
 16811      required:
 16812        - error_code
 16813        - error_messages
 16814      properties:
 16815        error_code:
 16816          type: string
 16817          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16818        error_messages:
 16819          type: object
 16820          description: >-
 16821            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16822            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16823            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16824          additionalProperties:
 16825            type: array
 16826            items:
 16827              type: object
 16828              description: >-
 16829                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16830                parameter failed.
 16831              required:
 16832                - code
 16833                - message
 16834              properties:
 16835                code:
 16836                  type: string
 16837                  description: >-
 16838                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16839                    translations.
 16840                message:
 16841                  type: string
 16842                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16843                params:
 16844                  type: object
 16845                  default: {}
 16846                  description: >-
 16847                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16848                    translations.
 16849                  example:
 16850                    minlength: 1
 16851                    maxlength: 255
 16852    FindConversionsError:
 16853      type: object
 16854      description: |
 16855        Client error information for the Find Conversions endpoint.
 16856      required:
 16857        - error_code
 16858        - error_messages
 16859      properties:
 16860        error_code:
 16861          type: string
 16862          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16863        error_messages:
 16864          type: object
 16865          description: >-
 16866            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16867            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16868            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16869          additionalProperties:
 16870            type: array
 16871            items:
 16872              type: object
 16873              description: >-
 16874                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16875                parameter failed.
 16876              required:
 16877                - code
 16878                - message
 16879              properties:
 16880                code:
 16881                  type: string
 16882                  description: >-
 16883                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16884                    translations.
 16885                message:
 16886                  type: string
 16887                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16888                params:
 16889                  type: object
 16890                  default: {}
 16891                  description: >-
 16892                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16893                    translations.
 16894                  example:
 16895                    minlength: 1
 16896                    maxlength: 255
 16897    FindFundingAccountsError:
 16898      type: object
 16899      description: |
 16900        Client error information for the Find Funding Accounts endpoint.
 16901      required:
 16902        - error_code
 16903        - error_messages
 16904      properties:
 16905        error_code:
 16906          type: string
 16907          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16908        error_messages:
 16909          type: object
 16910          description: >-
 16911            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16912            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16913            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16914          additionalProperties:
 16915            type: array
 16916            items:
 16917              type: object
 16918              description: >-
 16919                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16920                parameter failed.
 16921              required:
 16922                - code
 16923                - message
 16924              properties:
 16925                code:
 16926                  type: string
 16927                  description: >-
 16928                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16929                    translations.
 16930                message:
 16931                  type: string
 16932                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16933                params:
 16934                  type: object
 16935                  default: {}
 16936                  description: >-
 16937                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16938                    translations.
 16939                  example:
 16940                    minlength: 1
 16941                    maxlength: 255
 16942    FindPaymentsError:
 16943      type: object
 16944      description: |
 16945        Client error information for the Get Payments endpoint.
 16946      required:
 16947        - error_code
 16948        - error_messages
 16949      properties:
 16950        error_code:
 16951          type: string
 16952          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16953        error_messages:
 16954          type: object
 16955          description: >-
 16956            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 16957            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 16958            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 16959          additionalProperties:
 16960            type: array
 16961            items:
 16962              type: object
 16963              description: >-
 16964                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 16965                parameter failed.
 16966              required:
 16967                - code
 16968                - message
 16969              properties:
 16970                code:
 16971                  type: string
 16972                  description: >-
 16973                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 16974                    translations.
 16975                message:
 16976                  type: string
 16977                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 16978                params:
 16979                  type: object
 16980                  default: {}
 16981                  description: >-
 16982                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 16983                    translations.
 16984                  example:
 16985                    minlength: 1
 16986                    maxlength: 255
 16987    FindTransactionsError:
 16988      type: object
 16989      description: |
 16990        Client error information for the Find Transactions endpoint.
 16991      required:
 16992        - error_code
 16993        - error_messages
 16994      properties:
 16995        error_code:
 16996          type: string
 16997          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 16998        error_messages:
 16999          type: object
 17000          description: >-
 17001            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17002            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17003            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17004          additionalProperties:
 17005            type: array
 17006            items:
 17007              type: object
 17008              description: >-
 17009                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17010                parameter failed.
 17011              required:
 17012                - code
 17013                - message
 17014              properties:
 17015                code:
 17016                  type: string
 17017                  description: >-
 17018                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17019                    translations.
 17020                message:
 17021                  type: string
 17022                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17023                params:
 17024                  type: object
 17025                  default: {}
 17026                  description: >-
 17027                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17028                    translations.
 17029                  example:
 17030                    minlength: 1
 17031                    maxlength: 255
 17032    FindTransfersError:
 17033      type: object
 17034      description: |
 17035        Client error information for the Find Transfers endpoint.
 17036      required:
 17037        - error_code
 17038        - error_messages
 17039      properties:
 17040        error_code:
 17041          type: string
 17042          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17043        error_messages:
 17044          type: object
 17045          description: >-
 17046            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17047            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17048            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17049          additionalProperties:
 17050            type: array
 17051            items:
 17052              type: object
 17053              description: >-
 17054                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17055                parameter failed.
 17056              required:
 17057                - code
 17058                - message
 17059              properties:
 17060                code:
 17061                  type: string
 17062                  description: >-
 17063                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17064                    translations.
 17065                message:
 17066                  type: string
 17067                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17068                params:
 17069                  type: object
 17070                  default: {}
 17071                  description: >-
 17072                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17073                    translations.
 17074                  example:
 17075                    minlength: 1
 17076                    maxlength: 255
 17077    FundingAccount:
 17078      type: object
 17079      description: FundingAccount.
 17080      required:
 17081        - id
 17082        - account_id
 17083        - account_number
 17084        - account_number_type
 17085        - account_holder_name
 17086        - bank_name
 17087        - bank_address
 17088        - bank_country
 17089        - currency
 17090        - payment_type
 17091        - routing_code
 17092        - routing_code_type
 17093        - created_at
 17094        - updated_at
 17095      additionalProperties: false
 17096      properties:
 17097        id:
 17098          type: string
 17099          description: The unique UUID of the SSI
 17100        account_id:
 17101          type: string
 17102          description: The account ID the SSI is attached to. If money is paid to the account details, this account will be credited.
 17103        account_number:
 17104          type: string
 17105          description: The account number to use when adding funds to the account.
 17106        account_number_type:
 17107          type: string
 17108          description: The type of account number provided (e.g. account number of IBAN).
 17109          enum:
 17110            - account_number
 17111            - iban
 17112        account_holder_name:
 17113          type: string
 17114          description: The name of the account used to make a payment.
 17115        bank_name:
 17116          type: string
 17117          description: The name of the bank the account is held with.
 17118        bank_address:
 17119          type: string
 17120          description: The address of the bank the account is held with.
 17121        bank_country:
 17122          type: string
 17123          description: The 2 digit ISO country code where the bank is based.
 17124        currency:
 17125          type: string
 17126          description: The currency that should be sent to these account details.
 17127        payment_type:
 17128          type: string
 17129          description: >-
 17130            The type of payment that can be made into the account details provided.
 17131            Regular - an in country scheme such as faster payments in the UK
 17132            Priority - a priority payment eg FEDwire or using SWIFT
 17133          enum:
 17134            - regular
 17135            - priority
 17136            - any
 17137        routing_code:
 17138          type: string
 17139          description: The particular routing card for this account number.
 17140        routing_code_type:
 17141          type: string
 17142          description: The type of routing number
 17143          enum:
 17144            - bic_swift
 17145            - sort_code
 17146            - ach_routing_code
 17147        created_at:
 17148          type: string
 17149          description: The date-time the SSI was added to the account.
 17150          format: date-time
 17151        updated_at:
 17152          type: string
 17153          description: The date-time the SSI was last updated on the account.
 17154          format: date-time
 17155      example:
 17156        id: b7981972-8e29-485b-8a4a-9643fc9ae4ea
 17157        account_id: 8d98bdc8-e8e3-47dc-bd08-3dd0f4f7ea7b
 17158        account_number: GB61TCCL00997950423807
 17159        account_number_type: IBAN
 17160        account_holder_name: Jon Doe
 17161        bank_name: The Currency Cloud
 17162        bank_address: '12 Steward Street, The Steward Building, London, E1 6FQ, GB'
 17163        bank_country: UK
 17164        currency: EUR
 17165        payment_type: regular
 17166        routing_code: TCCLGB31
 17167        routing_code_type: bic_swift
 17168        created_at: '2018-05-14T14:18:30+00:00'
 17169        updated_at: '2018-05-14T14:18:30+00:00'
 17170    GenrateHMACKeyError:
 17171      type: object
 17172      description: |
 17173        Client error information for the Contacts Generate HMAC Key endpoint.
 17174      required:
 17175        - error_code
 17176        - error_messages
 17177      properties:
 17178        error_code:
 17179          type: string
 17180          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17181        error_messages:
 17182          type: object
 17183          description: >-
 17184            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17185            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17186            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17187          additionalProperties:
 17188            type: array
 17189            items:
 17190              type: object
 17191              description: >-
 17192                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17193                parameter failed.
 17194              required:
 17195                - code
 17196                - message
 17197              properties:
 17198                code:
 17199                  type: string
 17200                  description: >-
 17201                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17202                    translations.
 17203                message:
 17204                  type: string
 17205                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17206                params:
 17207                  type: object
 17208                  default: {}
 17209                  description: >-
 17210                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17211                    translations.
 17212                  example:
 17213                    minlength: 1
 17214                    maxlength: 255
 17215    GenerateReportError:
 17216      type: object
 17217      description: |
 17218        Client error information for the Generate Report endpoint.
 17219      required:
 17220        - error_code
 17221        - error_messages
 17222      properties:
 17223        error_code:
 17224          type: string
 17225          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17226        error_messages:
 17227          type: object
 17228          description: >-
 17229            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17230            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17231            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17232          additionalProperties:
 17233            type: array
 17234            items:
 17235              type: object
 17236              description: >-
 17237                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17238                parameter failed.
 17239              required:
 17240                - code
 17241                - message
 17242              properties:
 17243                code:
 17244                  type: string
 17245                  description: >-
 17246                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17247                    translations.
 17248                message:
 17249                  type: string
 17250                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17251                params:
 17252                  type: object
 17253                  default: {}
 17254                  description: >-
 17255                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17256                    translations.
 17257                  example:
 17258                    minlength: 1
 17259                    maxlength: 255
 17260    GetAccountError:
 17261      type: object
 17262      description: |
 17263        Client error information for the Get Account endpoint.
 17264      required:
 17265        - error_code
 17266        - error_messages
 17267      properties:
 17268        error_code:
 17269          type: string
 17270          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17271        error_messages:
 17272          type: object
 17273          description: >-
 17274            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17275            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17276            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17277          additionalProperties:
 17278            type: array
 17279            items:
 17280              type: object
 17281              description: >-
 17282                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17283                parameter failed.
 17284              required:
 17285                - code
 17286                - message
 17287              properties:
 17288                code:
 17289                  type: string
 17290                  description: >-
 17291                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17292                    translations.
 17293                message:
 17294                  type: string
 17295                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17296                params:
 17297                  type: object
 17298                  default: {}
 17299                  description: >-
 17300                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17301                    translations.
 17302                  example:
 17303                    minlength: 1
 17304                    maxlength: 255
 17305    GetAuthenticatingAccountError:
 17306      type: object
 17307      description: |
 17308        Client error information for the Get Authenticating Account endpoint.
 17309      required:
 17310        - error_code
 17311        - error_messages
 17312      properties:
 17313        error_code:
 17314          type: string
 17315          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17316        error_messages:
 17317          type: object
 17318          description: >-
 17319            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17320            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17321            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17322          additionalProperties:
 17323            type: array
 17324            items:
 17325              type: object
 17326              description: >-
 17327                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17328                parameter failed.
 17329              required:
 17330                - code
 17331                - message
 17332              properties:
 17333                code:
 17334                  type: string
 17335                  description: >-
 17336                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17337                    translations.
 17338                message:
 17339                  type: string
 17340                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17341                params:
 17342                  type: object
 17343                  default: {}
 17344                  description: >-
 17345                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17346                    translations.
 17347                  example:
 17348                    minlength: 1
 17349                    maxlength: 255
 17350    GetAccountPaymentChargesSettingsError:
 17351      type: object
 17352      description: >
 17353        Client error information for the Get Account Payment Charges Settings endpoint.
 17354      required:
 17355      - error_code
 17356      - error_messages
 17357      properties:
 17358        error_code:
 17359          type: string
 17360          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17361        error_messages:
 17362          type: object
 17363          description: >-
 17364            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17365            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17366            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17367          additionalProperties:
 17368            type: array
 17369            items:
 17370              type: object
 17371              description: >-
 17372                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17373                parameter failed.
 17374              required:
 17375              - code
 17376              - message
 17377              properties:
 17378                code:
 17379                  type: string
 17380                  description: >-
 17381                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17382                    translations.
 17383                message:
 17384                  type: string
 17385                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17386                params:
 17387                  type: object
 17388                  default: {}
 17389                  description: >-
 17390                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17391                    translations.
 17392                  example:
 17393                    minlength: 1
 17394                    maxlength: 255
 17395    ManageAccountPaymentChargesSettingsError:
 17396      type: object
 17397      description: >
 17398        Client error information for the Manage Account Payment Charges Settings endpoint.
 17399      required:
 17400      - error_code
 17401      - error_messages
 17402      properties:
 17403        error_code:
 17404          type: string
 17405          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17406        error_messages:
 17407          type: object
 17408          description: >-
 17409            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17410            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17411            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17412          additionalProperties:
 17413            type: array
 17414            items:
 17415              type: object
 17416              description: >-
 17417                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17418                parameter failed.
 17419              required:
 17420              - code
 17421              - message
 17422              properties:
 17423                code:
 17424                  type: string
 17425                  description: >-
 17426                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17427                    translations.
 17428                message:
 17429                  type: string
 17430                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17431                params:
 17432                  type: object
 17433                  default: {}
 17434                  description: >-
 17435                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17436                    translations.
 17437                  example:
 17438                    minlength: 1
 17439                    maxlength: 255
 17440    GetAvailableCurrenciesError:
 17441      type: object
 17442      description: |
 17443        Client error information for the Get Available Currencies endpoint.
 17444      required:
 17445        - error_code
 17446        - error_messages
 17447      properties:
 17448        error_code:
 17449          type: string
 17450          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17451        error_messages:
 17452          type: object
 17453          description: >-
 17454            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17455            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17456            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17457          additionalProperties:
 17458            type: array
 17459            items:
 17460              type: object
 17461              description: >-
 17462                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17463                parameter failed.
 17464              required:
 17465                - code
 17466                - message
 17467              properties:
 17468                code:
 17469                  type: string
 17470                  description: >-
 17471                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17472                    translations.
 17473                message:
 17474                  type: string
 17475                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17476                params:
 17477                  type: object
 17478                  default: {}
 17479                  description: >-
 17480                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17481                    translations.
 17482                  example:
 17483                    minlength: 1
 17484                    maxlength: 255
 17485    GetBalanceError:
 17486      type: object
 17487      description: |
 17488        Client error information for the Get Balance endpoint.
 17489      required:
 17490        - error_code
 17491        - error_messages
 17492      properties:
 17493        error_code:
 17494          type: string
 17495          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17496        error_messages:
 17497          type: object
 17498          description: >-
 17499            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17500            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17501            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17502          additionalProperties:
 17503            type: array
 17504            items:
 17505              type: object
 17506              description: >-
 17507                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17508                parameter failed.
 17509              required:
 17510                - code
 17511                - message
 17512              properties:
 17513                code:
 17514                  type: string
 17515                  description: >-
 17516                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17517                    translations.
 17518                message:
 17519                  type: string
 17520                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17521                params:
 17522                  type: object
 17523                  default: {}
 17524                  description: >-
 17525                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17526                    translations.
 17527                  example:
 17528                    minlength: 1
 17529                    maxlength: 255
 17530    GetBankDetailsError:
 17531      type: object
 17532      description: |
 17533        Client error information for the Get Bank Details endpoint.
 17534      required:
 17535        - error_code
 17536        - error_messages
 17537      properties:
 17538        error_code:
 17539          type: string
 17540          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17541        error_messages:
 17542          type: object
 17543          description: >-
 17544            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17545            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17546            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17547          additionalProperties:
 17548            type: array
 17549            items:
 17550              type: object
 17551              description: >-
 17552                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17553                parameter failed.
 17554              required:
 17555                - code
 17556                - message
 17557              properties:
 17558                code:
 17559                  type: string
 17560                  description: >-
 17561                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17562                    translations.
 17563                message:
 17564                  type: string
 17565                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17566                params:
 17567                  type: object
 17568                  default: {}
 17569                  description: >-
 17570                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17571                    translations.
 17572                  example:
 17573                    minlength: 1
 17574                    maxlength: 255
 17575    GetBasicRatesError:
 17576      type: object
 17577      description: |
 17578        Client error information for the Get Basic Rates endpoint.
 17579      required:
 17580        - error_code
 17581        - error_messages
 17582      properties:
 17583        error_code:
 17584          type: string
 17585          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17586        error_messages:
 17587          type: object
 17588          description: >-
 17589            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17590            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17591            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17592          additionalProperties:
 17593            type: array
 17594            items:
 17595              type: object
 17596              description: >-
 17597                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17598                parameter failed.
 17599              required:
 17600                - code
 17601                - message
 17602              properties:
 17603                code:
 17604                  type: string
 17605                  description: >-
 17606                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17607                    translations.
 17608                message:
 17609                  type: string
 17610                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17611                params:
 17612                  type: object
 17613                  default: {}
 17614                  description: >-
 17615                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17616                    translations.
 17617                  example:
 17618                    minlength: 1
 17619                    maxlength: 255
 17620    GetBeneficiaryError:
 17621      type: object
 17622      description: |
 17623        Client error information for the Get Beneficiary endpoint.
 17624      required:
 17625        - error_code
 17626        - error_messages
 17627      properties:
 17628        error_code:
 17629          type: string
 17630          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17631        error_messages:
 17632          type: object
 17633          description: >-
 17634            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17635            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17636            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17637          additionalProperties:
 17638            type: array
 17639            items:
 17640              type: object
 17641              description: >-
 17642                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17643                parameter failed.
 17644              required:
 17645                - code
 17646                - message
 17647              properties:
 17648                code:
 17649                  type: string
 17650                  description: >-
 17651                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17652                    translations.
 17653                message:
 17654                  type: string
 17655                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17656                params:
 17657                  type: object
 17658                  default: {}
 17659                  description: >-
 17660                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17661                    translations.
 17662                  example:
 17663                    minlength: 1
 17664                    maxlength: 255
 17665    GetBeneficiaryRequirementsError:
 17666      type: object
 17667      description: |
 17668        Client error information for the Get Beneficiary Requirements endpoint.
 17669      required:
 17670        - error_code
 17671        - error_messages
 17672      properties:
 17673        error_code:
 17674          type: string
 17675          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17676        error_messages:
 17677          type: object
 17678          description: >-
 17679            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17680            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17681            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17682          additionalProperties:
 17683            type: array
 17684            items:
 17685              type: object
 17686              description: >-
 17687                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17688                parameter failed.
 17689              required:
 17690                - code
 17691                - message
 17692              properties:
 17693                code:
 17694                  type: string
 17695                  description: >-
 17696                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17697                    translations.
 17698                message:
 17699                  type: string
 17700                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17701                params:
 17702                  type: object
 17703                  default: {}
 17704                  description: >-
 17705                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17706                    translations.
 17707                  example:
 17708                    minlength: 1
 17709                    maxlength: 255
 17710    GetContactError:
 17711      type: object
 17712      description: |
 17713        Client error information for the Get Contact endpoint.
 17714      required:
 17715        - error_code
 17716        - error_messages
 17717      properties:
 17718        error_code:
 17719          type: string
 17720          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17721        error_messages:
 17722          type: object
 17723          description: >-
 17724            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17725            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17726            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17727          additionalProperties:
 17728            type: array
 17729            items:
 17730              type: object
 17731              description: >-
 17732                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17733                parameter failed.
 17734              required:
 17735                - code
 17736                - message
 17737              properties:
 17738                code:
 17739                  type: string
 17740                  description: >-
 17741                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17742                    translations.
 17743                message:
 17744                  type: string
 17745                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17746                params:
 17747                  type: object
 17748                  default: {}
 17749                  description: >-
 17750                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17751                    translations.
 17752                  example:
 17753                    minlength: 1
 17754                    maxlength: 255
 17755    GetConversionDatesError:
 17756      type: object
 17757      description: |
 17758        Client error information for the Get Conversion Dates endpoint.
 17759      required:
 17760        - error_code
 17761        - error_messages
 17762      properties:
 17763        error_code:
 17764          type: string
 17765          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17766        error_messages:
 17767          type: object
 17768          description: >-
 17769            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17770            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17771            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17772          additionalProperties:
 17773            type: array
 17774            items:
 17775              type: object
 17776              description: >-
 17777                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17778                parameter failed.
 17779              required:
 17780                - code
 17781                - message
 17782              properties:
 17783                code:
 17784                  type: string
 17785                  description: >-
 17786                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17787                    translations.
 17788                message:
 17789                  type: string
 17790                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17791                params:
 17792                  type: object
 17793                  default: {}
 17794                  description: >-
 17795                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17796                    translations.
 17797                  example:
 17798                    minlength: 1
 17799                    maxlength: 255
 17800    GetConversionError:
 17801      type: object
 17802      description: |
 17803        Client error information for the Get Conversion endpoint.
 17804      required:
 17805        - error_code
 17806        - error_messages
 17807      properties:
 17808        error_code:
 17809          type: string
 17810          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17811        error_messages:
 17812          type: object
 17813          description: >-
 17814            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17815            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17816            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17817          additionalProperties:
 17818            type: array
 17819            items:
 17820              type: object
 17821              description: >-
 17822                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17823                parameter failed.
 17824              required:
 17825                - code
 17826                - message
 17827              properties:
 17828                code:
 17829                  type: string
 17830                  description: >-
 17831                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17832                    translations.
 17833                message:
 17834                  type: string
 17835                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17836                params:
 17837                  type: object
 17838                  default: {}
 17839                  description: >-
 17840                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17841                    translations.
 17842                  example:
 17843                    minlength: 1
 17844                    maxlength: 255
 17845    GetDetailedRatesError:
 17846      type: object
 17847      description: |
 17848        Client error information for the Get Detailed Rates endpoint.
 17849      required:
 17850        - error_code
 17851        - error_messages
 17852      properties:
 17853        error_code:
 17854          type: string
 17855          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17856        error_messages:
 17857          type: object
 17858          description: >-
 17859            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17860            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17861            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17862          additionalProperties:
 17863            type: array
 17864            items:
 17865              type: object
 17866              description: >-
 17867                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17868                parameter failed.
 17869              required:
 17870                - code
 17871                - message
 17872              properties:
 17873                code:
 17874                  type: string
 17875                  description: >-
 17876                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17877                    translations.
 17878                message:
 17879                  type: string
 17880                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17881                params:
 17882                  type: object
 17883                  default: {}
 17884                  description: >-
 17885                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17886                    translations.
 17887                  example:
 17888                    minlength: 1
 17889                    maxlength: 255
 17890    GetIBANsError:
 17891      type: object
 17892      description: |
 17893        Client error information for the Get IBANs endpoint.
 17894      required:
 17895        - error_code
 17896        - error_messages
 17897      properties:
 17898        error_code:
 17899          type: string
 17900          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17901        error_messages:
 17902          type: object
 17903          description: >-
 17904            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17905            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17906            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17907          additionalProperties:
 17908            type: array
 17909            items:
 17910              type: object
 17911              description: >-
 17912                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17913                parameter failed.
 17914              required:
 17915                - code
 17916                - message
 17917              properties:
 17918                code:
 17919                  type: string
 17920                  description: >-
 17921                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17922                    translations.
 17923                message:
 17924                  type: string
 17925                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17926                params:
 17927                  type: object
 17928                  default: {}
 17929                  description: >-
 17930                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17931                    translations.
 17932                  example:
 17933                    minlength: 1
 17934                    maxlength: 255
 17935    GetPayerError:
 17936      type: object
 17937      description: |
 17938        Client error information for the Get Payer endpoint.
 17939      required:
 17940        - error_code
 17941        - error_messages
 17942      properties:
 17943        error_code:
 17944          type: string
 17945          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17946        error_messages:
 17947          type: object
 17948          description: >-
 17949            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17950            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17951            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17952          additionalProperties:
 17953            type: array
 17954            items:
 17955              type: object
 17956              description: >-
 17957                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 17958                parameter failed.
 17959              required:
 17960                - code
 17961                - message
 17962              properties:
 17963                code:
 17964                  type: string
 17965                  description: >-
 17966                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 17967                    translations.
 17968                message:
 17969                  type: string
 17970                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 17971                params:
 17972                  type: object
 17973                  default: {}
 17974                  description: >-
 17975                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 17976                    translations.
 17977                  example:
 17978                    minlength: 1
 17979                    maxlength: 255
 17980    GetPayerRequirementsError:
 17981      type: object
 17982      description: |
 17983        Client error information for the Get Payer Requirements endpoint.
 17984      required:
 17985        - error_code
 17986        - error_messages
 17987      properties:
 17988        error_code:
 17989          type: string
 17990          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 17991        error_messages:
 17992          type: object
 17993          description: >-
 17994            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 17995            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 17996            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 17997          additionalProperties:
 17998            type: array
 17999            items:
 18000              type: object
 18001              description: >-
 18002                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18003                parameter failed.
 18004              required:
 18005                - code
 18006                - message
 18007              properties:
 18008                code:
 18009                  type: string
 18010                  description: >-
 18011                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18012                    translations.
 18013                message:
 18014                  type: string
 18015                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18016                params:
 18017                  type: object
 18018                  default: {}
 18019                  description: >-
 18020                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18021                    translations.
 18022                  example:
 18023                    minlength: 1
 18024                    maxlength: 255
 18025    GetPaymentDatesError:
 18026      type: object
 18027      description: |
 18028        Client error information for the Get Payment Dates endpoint.
 18029      required:
 18030        - error_code
 18031        - error_messages
 18032      properties:
 18033        error_code:
 18034          type: string
 18035          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18036        error_messages:
 18037          type: object
 18038          description: >-
 18039            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18040            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18041            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18042          additionalProperties:
 18043            type: array
 18044            items:
 18045              type: object
 18046              description: >-
 18047                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18048                parameter failed.
 18049              required:
 18050                - code
 18051                - message
 18052              properties:
 18053                code:
 18054                  type: string
 18055                  description: >-
 18056                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18057                    translations.
 18058                message:
 18059                  type: string
 18060                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18061                params:
 18062                  type: object
 18063                  default: {}
 18064                  description: >-
 18065                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18066                    translations.
 18067                  example:
 18068                    minlength: 1
 18069                    maxlength: 255
 18070    GetPaymentPurposeCodesError:
 18071      type: object
 18072      description: |
 18073        Client error information for the Get Payment Purpose Codes endpoint.
 18074      required:
 18075        - error_code
 18076        - error_messages
 18077      properties:
 18078        error_code:
 18079          type: string
 18080          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18081        error_messages:
 18082          type: object
 18083          description: >-
 18084            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18085            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18086            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18087          additionalProperties:
 18088            type: array
 18089            items:
 18090              type: object
 18091              description: >-
 18092                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18093                parameter failed.
 18094              required:
 18095                - code
 18096                - message
 18097              properties:
 18098                code:
 18099                  type: string
 18100                  description: >-
 18101                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18102                    translations.
 18103                message:
 18104                  type: string
 18105                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18106                params:
 18107                  type: object
 18108                  default: {}
 18109                  description: >-
 18110                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18111                    translations.
 18112                  example:
 18113                    minlength: 1
 18114                    maxlength: 255
 18115    GetPaymentError:
 18116      type: object
 18117      description: |
 18118        Client error information for the Get Payment endpoint.
 18119      required:
 18120        - error_code
 18121        - error_messages
 18122      properties:
 18123        error_code:
 18124          type: string
 18125          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18126        error_messages:
 18127          type: object
 18128          description: >-
 18129            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18130            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18131            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18132          additionalProperties:
 18133            type: array
 18134            items:
 18135              type: object
 18136              description: >-
 18137                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18138                parameter failed.
 18139              required:
 18140                - code
 18141                - message
 18142              properties:
 18143                code:
 18144                  type: string
 18145                  description: >-
 18146                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18147                    translations.
 18148                message:
 18149                  type: string
 18150                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18151                params:
 18152                  type: object
 18153                  default: {}
 18154                  description: >-
 18155                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18156                    translations.
 18157                  example:
 18158                    minlength: 1
 18159                    maxlength: 255
 18160    GetPaymentDeliveryDateError:
 18161      type: object
 18162      description: |
 18163        Client error information for the Get Payment Delivery Date endpoint.
 18164      required:
 18165        - error_code
 18166        - error_messages
 18167      properties:
 18168        error_code:
 18169          type: string
 18170          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18171        error_messages:
 18172          type: object
 18173          description: >-
 18174            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18175            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18176            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18177          additionalProperties:
 18178            type: array
 18179            items:
 18180              type: object
 18181              description: >-
 18182                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18183                parameter failed.
 18184              required:
 18185                - code
 18186                - message
 18187              properties:
 18188                code:
 18189                  type: string
 18190                  description: >-
 18191                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18192                    translations.
 18193                message:
 18194                  type: string
 18195                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18196                params:
 18197                  type: object
 18198                  default: {}
 18199                  description: >-
 18200                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18201                    translations.
 18202                  example:
 18203                    minlength: 1
 18204                    maxlength: 255
 18205    GetPaymentFeeRulesError:
 18206      type: object
 18207      description: |
 18208        Client error information for the Get Payment Fee Rules endpoint.
 18209      required:
 18210        - error_code
 18211        - error_messages
 18212      properties:
 18213        error_code:
 18214          type: string
 18215          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18216        error_messages:
 18217          type: object
 18218          description: >-
 18219            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18220            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18221            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18222          additionalProperties:
 18223            type: array
 18224            items:
 18225              type: object
 18226              description: >-
 18227                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18228                parameter failed.
 18229              required:
 18230                - code
 18231                - message
 18232              properties:
 18233                code:
 18234                  type: string
 18235                  description: >-
 18236                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18237                    translations.
 18238                message:
 18239                  type: string
 18240                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18241                params:
 18242                  type: object
 18243                  default: {}
 18244                  description: >-
 18245                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18246                    translations.
 18247                  example:
 18248                    minlength: 1
 18249                    maxlength: 255
 18250    GetPaymentSubmissionError:
 18251      type: object
 18252      description: |
 18253        Client error information for the Get Payment Submission endpoint.
 18254      required:
 18255        - error_code
 18256        - error_messages
 18257      properties:
 18258        error_code:
 18259          type: string
 18260          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18261        error_messages:
 18262          type: object
 18263          description: >-
 18264            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18265            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18266            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18267          additionalProperties:
 18268            type: array
 18269            items:
 18270              type: object
 18271              description: >-
 18272                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18273                parameter failed.
 18274              required:
 18275                - code
 18276                - message
 18277              properties:
 18278                code:
 18279                  type: string
 18280                  description: >-
 18281                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18282                    translations.
 18283                message:
 18284                  type: string
 18285                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18286                params:
 18287                  type: object
 18288                  default: {}
 18289                  description: >-
 18290                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18291                    translations.
 18292                  example:
 18293                    minlength: 1
 18294                    maxlength: 255
 18295    GetPaymentTrackingInfoError:
 18296      type: object
 18297      description: |
 18298        Client error information for the Get Payment Tracking Info endpoint.
 18299      required:
 18300        - error_code
 18301        - error_messages
 18302      properties:
 18303        error_code:
 18304          type: string
 18305          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18306        error_messages:
 18307          type: object
 18308          description: >-
 18309            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18310            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18311            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18312          additionalProperties:
 18313            type: array
 18314            items:
 18315              type: object
 18316              description: >-
 18317                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18318                parameter failed.
 18319              required:
 18320                - code
 18321                - message
 18322              properties:
 18323                code:
 18324                  type: string
 18325                  description: >-
 18326                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18327                    translations.
 18328                message:
 18329                  type: string
 18330                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18331                params:
 18332                  type: object
 18333                  default: {}
 18334                  description: >-
 18335                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18336                    translations.
 18337                  example:
 18338                    minlength: 1
 18339                    maxlength: 255
 18340    GetQuotePaymentFeeError:
 18341      type: object
 18342      description: |
 18343        Client error information for the Get Quote Payment Fee endpoint.
 18344      required:
 18345        - error_code
 18346        - error_messages
 18347      properties:
 18348        error_code:
 18349          type: string
 18350          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18351        error_messages:
 18352          type: object
 18353          description: >-
 18354            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18355            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18356            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18357          additionalProperties:
 18358            type: array
 18359            items:
 18360              type: object
 18361              description: >-
 18362                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18363                parameter failed.
 18364              required:
 18365                - code
 18366                - message
 18367              properties:
 18368                code:
 18369                  type: string
 18370                  description: >-
 18371                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18372                    translations.
 18373                message:
 18374                  type: string
 18375                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18376                params:
 18377                  type: object
 18378                  default: {}
 18379                  description: >-
 18380                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18381                    translations.
 18382                  example:
 18383                    minlength: 1
 18384                    maxlength: 255
 18385    GetReportRequestError:
 18386      type: object
 18387      description: |
 18388        Client error information for the Get Report Request endpoint.
 18389      required:
 18390        - error_code
 18391        - error_messages
 18392      properties:
 18393        error_code:
 18394          type: string
 18395          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18396        error_messages:
 18397          type: object
 18398          description: >-
 18399            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18400            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18401            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18402          additionalProperties:
 18403            type: array
 18404            items:
 18405              type: object
 18406              description: >-
 18407                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18408                parameter failed.
 18409              required:
 18410                - code
 18411                - message
 18412              properties:
 18413                code:
 18414                  type: string
 18415                  description: >-
 18416                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18417                    translations.
 18418                message:
 18419                  type: string
 18420                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18421                params:
 18422                  type: object
 18423                  default: {}
 18424                  description: >-
 18425                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18426                    translations.
 18427                  example:
 18428                    minlength: 1
 18429                    maxlength: 255
 18430    GetSenderError:
 18431      type: object
 18432      description: |
 18433        Client error information for the Get Sender endpoint.
 18434      required:
 18435        - error_code
 18436        - error_messages
 18437      properties:
 18438        error_code:
 18439          type: string
 18440          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18441        error_messages:
 18442          type: object
 18443          description: >-
 18444            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18445            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18446            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18447          additionalProperties:
 18448            type: array
 18449            items:
 18450              type: object
 18451              description: >-
 18452                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18453                parameter failed.
 18454              required:
 18455                - code
 18456                - message
 18457              properties:
 18458                code:
 18459                  type: string
 18460                  description: >-
 18461                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18462                    translations.
 18463                message:
 18464                  type: string
 18465                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18466                params:
 18467                  type: object
 18468                  default: {}
 18469                  description: >-
 18470                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18471                    translations.
 18472                  example:
 18473                    minlength: 1
 18474                    maxlength: 255
 18475    GetSettlementAccountsError:
 18476      type: object
 18477      description: |
 18478        Client error information for the Get Settlement Accounts endpoint.
 18479      required:
 18480        - error_code
 18481        - error_messages
 18482      properties:
 18483        error_code:
 18484          type: string
 18485          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18486        error_messages:
 18487          type: object
 18488          description: >-
 18489            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18490            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18491            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18492          additionalProperties:
 18493            type: array
 18494            items:
 18495              type: object
 18496              description: >-
 18497                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18498                parameter failed.
 18499              required:
 18500                - code
 18501                - message
 18502              properties:
 18503                code:
 18504                  type: string
 18505                  description: >-
 18506                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18507                    translations.
 18508                message:
 18509                  type: string
 18510                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18511                params:
 18512                  type: object
 18513                  default: {}
 18514                  description: >-
 18515                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18516                    translations.
 18517                  example:
 18518                    minlength: 1
 18519                    maxlength: 255
 18520    GetTransactionError:
 18521      type: object
 18522      description: |
 18523        Client error information for the Get Transaction endpoint.
 18524      required:
 18525        - error_code
 18526        - error_messages
 18527      properties:
 18528        error_code:
 18529          type: string
 18530          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18531        error_messages:
 18532          type: object
 18533          description: >-
 18534            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18535            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18536            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18537          additionalProperties:
 18538            type: array
 18539            items:
 18540              type: object
 18541              description: >-
 18542                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18543                parameter failed.
 18544              required:
 18545                - code
 18546                - message
 18547              properties:
 18548                code:
 18549                  type: string
 18550                  description: >-
 18551                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18552                    translations.
 18553                message:
 18554                  type: string
 18555                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18556                params:
 18557                  type: object
 18558                  default: {}
 18559                  description: >-
 18560                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18561                    translations.
 18562                  example:
 18563                    minlength: 1
 18564                    maxlength: 255
 18565    GetTransferError:
 18566      type: object
 18567      description: |
 18568        Client error information for the Get Transfer endpoint.
 18569      required:
 18570        - error_code
 18571        - error_messages
 18572      properties:
 18573        error_code:
 18574          type: string
 18575          description: A high-level error code for the whole request
 18576        error_messages:
 18577          type: object
 18578          description: >-
 18579            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18580            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18581            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18582          additionalProperties:
 18583            type: array
 18584            items:
 18585              type: object
 18586              description: >-
 18587                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18588                parameter failed.
 18589              required:
 18590                - code
 18591                - message
 18592              properties:
 18593                code:
 18594                  type: string
 18595                  description: >-
 18596                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18597                    translations.
 18598                message:
 18599                  type: string
 18600                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18601                params:
 18602                  type: object
 18603                  default: {}
 18604                  description: >-
 18605                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18606                    translations.
 18607                  example:
 18608                    minlength: 1
 18609                    maxlength: 255
 18610    GetVANsError:
 18611      type: object
 18612      description: |
 18613        Client error information for the Get VANs endpoint.
 18614      required:
 18615        - error_code
 18616        - error_messages
 18617      properties:
 18618        error_code:
 18619          type: string
 18620          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18621        error_messages:
 18622          type: object
 18623          description: >-
 18624            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18625            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18626            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18627          additionalProperties:
 18628            type: array
 18629            items:
 18630              type: object
 18631              description: >-
 18632                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18633                parameter failed.
 18634              required:
 18635                - code
 18636                - message
 18637              properties:
 18638                code:
 18639                  type: string
 18640                  description: >-
 18641                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18642                    translations.
 18643                message:
 18644                  type: string
 18645                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18646                params:
 18647                  type: object
 18648                  default: {}
 18649                  description: >-
 18650                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18651                    translations.
 18652                  example:
 18653                    minlength: 1
 18654                    maxlength: 255
 18655    GetWithdrawalAccountError:
 18656      type: object
 18657      description: |
 18658        Client error information for the Get WithdrawalAccount endpoint.
 18659      required:
 18660        - error_code
 18661        - error_messages
 18662      properties:
 18663        error_code:
 18664          type: string
 18665          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18666        error_messages:
 18667          type: object
 18668          description: >-
 18669            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18670            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18671            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18672          additionalProperties:
 18673            type: array
 18674            items:
 18675              type: object
 18676              description: >-
 18677                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18678                parameter failed.
 18679              required:
 18680                - code
 18681                - message
 18682              properties:
 18683                code:
 18684                  type: string
 18685                  description: >-
 18686                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18687                    translations.
 18688                message:
 18689                  type: string
 18690                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18691                params:
 18692                  type: object
 18693                  default: {}
 18694                  description: >-
 18695                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18696                    translations.
 18697                  example:
 18698                    minlength: 1
 18699                    maxlength: 255
 18700    HMACKey:
 18701      type: object
 18702      description: HMAC Key.
 18703      required:
 18704        - hmac_key
 18705      additionalProperties: false
 18706      properties:
 18707        hmac_key:
 18708          type: string
 18709          description: The generated HMAC Key
 18710      example:
 18711        hmac_key: 9562c7c1094dfe8f46125aa3f3c0d141471fadd443828bb0
 18712    IBAN:
 18713      type: object
 18714      description: IBAN.
 18715      properties:
 18716        uuid:
 18717          type: string
 18718        iban_code:
 18719          type: string
 18720        account_id:
 18721          type: string
 18722        currency:
 18723          type: string
 18724        account_holder_name:
 18725          type: string
 18726        bank_institution_name:
 18727          type: string
 18728        bank_institution_address:
 18729          type: string
 18730        bank_institution_country:
 18731          type: string
 18732        bic_swift:
 18733          type: string
 18734        created_at:
 18735          type: string
 18736          format: date-time
 18737        updated_at:
 18738          type: string
 18739          format: date-time
 18740      example:
 18741        uuid: 01d8c0bc-7f0c-4cdd-bc7e-ef81f68500fe
 18742        iban_code: GB51TCCL00997997989489
 18743        account_id: 87077161-91de-012f-e284-1e0030c7f352
 18744        currency: EUR
 18745        account_holder_name: Account-IGGLNHYTWFKI
 18746        bank_institution_name: The Currency Cloud
 18747        bank_institution_address: '12 Steward Street, The Steward Building, London, E1 6FQ, GB'
 18748        bank_institution_country: United Kingdom
 18749        bic_swift: TCCLGB31
 18750        created_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 18751        updated_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 18752    LoginError:
 18753      type: object
 18754      description: |
 18755        Login error.
 18756      required:
 18757        - error_code
 18758        - error_messages
 18759      properties:
 18760        error_code:
 18761          type: string
 18762          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18763        error_messages:
 18764          type: object
 18765          description: >-
 18766            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 18767            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 18768            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 18769          additionalProperties:
 18770            type: array
 18771            items:
 18772              type: object
 18773              description: >-
 18774                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18775                parameter failed.
 18776              required:
 18777                - code
 18778                - message
 18779              properties:
 18780                code:
 18781                  type: string
 18782                  description: >-
 18783                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18784                    translations.
 18785                message:
 18786                  type: string
 18787                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18788                params:
 18789                  type: object
 18790                  default: {}
 18791                  description: >-
 18792                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18793                    translations.
 18794                  example:
 18795                    minlength: 1
 18796                    maxlength: 255
 18797      example:
 18798        error_code: auth_invalid_user_login_details
 18799        error_messages:
 18800          api_key:
 18801            - code: api_key_length_is_invalid
 18802              message: api_key should be 64 character(s) long
 18803              params:
 18804                length: 64
 18805    NotFoundError:
 18806      type: object
 18807      description: Resource not found.
 18808      required:
 18809        - error_code
 18810        - error_messages
 18811      properties:
 18812        error_code:
 18813          type: string
 18814          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 18815        error_messages:
 18816          type: object
 18817          additionalProperties:
 18818            type: array
 18819            items:
 18820              type: object
 18821              description: >-
 18822                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 18823                parameter failed.
 18824              required:
 18825                - code
 18826                - message
 18827              properties:
 18828                code:
 18829                  type: string
 18830                  description: >-
 18831                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 18832                    translations.
 18833                message:
 18834                  type: string
 18835                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 18836                params:
 18837                  type: object
 18838                  default: {}
 18839                  description: >-
 18840                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 18841                    translations.
 18842                  example:
 18843                    minlength: 1
 18844                    maxlength: 255
 18845    Pagination:
 18846      type: object
 18847      description: Pagination.
 18848      properties:
 18849        total_entries:
 18850          type: integer
 18851        total_pages:
 18852          type: integer
 18853        current_page:
 18854          type: integer
 18855        per_page:
 18856          type: integer
 18857          description: Number of results per page.
 18858        previous_page:
 18859          type: integer
 18860        next_page:
 18861          type: integer
 18862        order:
 18863          type: string
 18864          description: The field name by which the results are sorted.
 18865        order_asc_desc:
 18866          type: string
 18867          enum:
 18868            - asc
 18869            - desc
 18870          default: asc
 18871          description: Whether results are sorted in ascending or descending order.
 18872      example:
 18873        total_entries: 1
 18874        total_pages: 1
 18875        current_page: 1
 18876        per_page: 25
 18877        previous_page: -1
 18878        next_page: 2
 18879        order: created_at
 18880        order_asc_desc: asc
 18881    Payer:
 18882      type: object
 18883      description: Payer.
 18884      properties:
 18885        id:
 18886          type: string
 18887        legal_entity_type:
 18888          type: string
 18889        company_name:
 18890          type: string
 18891        first_name:
 18892          type: string
 18893        last_name:
 18894          type: string
 18895        address:
 18896          type: array
 18897          items:
 18898            type: string
 18899            description: Line of address.
 18900        city:
 18901          type: string
 18902        state_or_province:
 18903          type: string
 18904        country:
 18905          type: string
 18906        identification_type:
 18907          type: string
 18908          description: A legal document that verifies the identity of the payer.
 18909        identification_value:
 18910          type: string
 18911          description: >-
 18912            A unique reference code for the identification document, such as a
 18913            passport number.
 18914        postcode:
 18915          type: string
 18916        date_of_birth:
 18917          type: string
 18918        created_at:
 18919          type: string
 18920        updated_at:
 18921          type: string
 18922      example:
 18923        id: 543477161-91de-012f-e284-1e0030c7f3123
 18924        legal_entity_type: company
 18925        company_name: Acme Corporation
 18926        first_name: ''
 18927        last_name: ''
 18928        address:
 18929          - 164 Bishopsgate
 18930          - London
 18931        city: London
 18932        state_or_province: ''
 18933        country: GB
 18934        identification_type: incorporation_number
 18935        identification_value: 123123
 18936        postcode: EC2M 4LX
 18937        date_of_birth: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 18938        created_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 18939        updated_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 18940    PayerRequirements:
 18941      type: object
 18942      description: Payer requirements.
 18943      properties:
 18944        payer_entity_type:
 18945          type: string
 18946        payment_type:
 18947          type: string
 18948        required_fields:
 18949          type: array
 18950          items:
 18951            type: object
 18952            properties:
 18953              name:
 18954                type: string
 18955              validation_rule:
 18956                type: string
 18957      example:
 18958        payer_entity_type: company
 18959        payment_type: priority
 18960        required_fields:
 18961          - name: payer_country
 18962            validation_rule: '^[A-z]{2}$'
 18963          - name: payer_city
 18964            validation_rule: '^.{1,255}'
 18965          - name: payer_address
 18966            validation_rule: '^.{1,255}'
 18967          - name: payer_postcode
 18968            validation_rule: '^.{1,255}'
 18969          - name: payer_company_name
 18970            validation_rule: '^.{1,255}'
 18971    Payment:
 18972      type: object
 18973      description: Payment.
 18974      properties:
 18975        id:
 18976          type: string
 18977        short_reference:
 18978          type: string
 18979        beneficiary_id:
 18980          type: string
 18981        conversion_id:
 18982          type: string
 18983        amount:
 18984          type: string
 18985        currency:
 18986          type: string
 18987        status:
 18988          type: string
 18989        payment_type:
 18990          type: string
 18991        reference:
 18992          type: string
 18993        reason:
 18994          type: string
 18995        payment_date:
 18996          type: string
 18997        transferred_at:
 18998          type: string
 18999        authorisation_steps_required:
 19000          type: string
 19001        creator_contact_id:
 19002          type: string
 19003        last_updater_contact_id:
 19004          type: string
 19005        failure_reason:
 19006          type: string
 19007        payer_id:
 19008          type: string
 19009        created_at:
 19010          type: string
 19011        updated_at:
 19012          type: string
 19013        payment_group_id:
 19014          type: string
 19015        unique_request_id:
 19016          type: string
 19017        failure_returned_amount:
 19018          type: string
 19019        ultimate_beneficiary_name:
 19020          type: string
 19021        purpose_code:
 19022          type: string
 19023        fee_amount:
 19024          type: string
 19025        fee_currency:
 19026          type: string
 19027      example:
 19028        id: 543477161-91de-012f-e284-1e0030c7f3123
 19029        short_reference: 140416-GGJBNQ001
 19030        beneficiary_id: 543477161-91de-012f-e284-1e0030c7f352
 19031        conversion_id: 049bab6d-fe2a-42e1-be0f-531c59f838ea
 19032        amount: '1250000.00'
 19033        currency: GBP
 19034        status: ready_to_send
 19035        payment_type: regular
 19036        reference: INVOICE 9876
 19037        reason: Salary for March
 19038        payment_date: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 19039        transferred_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 19040        authorisation_steps_required: '0'
 19041        creator_contact_id: ab3477161-91de-012f-e284-1e0030c7f35c
 19042        last_updater_contact_id: ab3477161-91de-012f-e284-1e0030c7f35c
 19043        failure_reason: ''
 19044        payer_id: ''
 19045        created_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 19046        updated_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 19047        payment_group_id: 20140428-CJRRJM
 19048        unique_request_id: 1234567890abc
 19049        failure_returned_amount: ''
 19050        ultimate_beneficiary_name: Some beneficiary name
 19051        purpose_code: ''
 19052        fee_amount: '10.00'
 19053        fee_currency: EUR
 19054    PaymentAuthorisations:
 19055      type: object
 19056      description: Payment Authorisations.
 19057      properties:
 19058        authorisations:
 19059          type: array
 19060          items:
 19061            $ref: '#/definitions/PaymentAuthorisation'
 19062    PaymentAuthorisation:
 19063      type: object
 19064      description: Payment Authorisation.
 19065      properties:
 19066        payment_id:
 19067          type: string
 19068        payment_status:
 19069          type: string
 19070        updated:
 19071          type: string
 19072        error:
 19073          type: string
 19074        auth_steps_taken:
 19075          type: string
 19076        auth_steps_required:
 19077          type: string
 19078        short_reference:
 19079          type: string
 19080      example:
 19081        payment_id: 27966e22-5bdc-4675-923d-041c6be5b239
 19082        payment_status: ready_to_send
 19083        updated: true
 19084        error: null
 19085        auth_steps_taken: 3
 19086        auth_steps_required: 0
 19087        short_reference: 180628-FGVXPX001
 19088    PaymentDates:
 19089      type: object
 19090      description: Payment dates.
 19091      properties:
 19092        invalid_payment_dates:
 19093          type: object
 19094          additionalProperties:
 19095            type: string
 19096            description: >-
 19097              Maps dates (eg. "2017-12-31") to string values that explains why
 19098              payments cannot be made on this date (eg. "No trading on Sunday").
 19099        first_payment_date:
 19100          type: string
 19101      example:
 19102        invalid_payment_dates:
 19103          '2013-04-18': Good Friday
 19104          '2013-04-19': No trading on Saturday
 19105          '2013-04-20': No trading on Sunday
 19106          '2013-04-21': Easter Monday
 19107          '2013-04-26': No trading on Saturday
 19108          '2013-04-27': No trading on Sunday
 19109          '2013-05-03': No trading on Saturday
 19110          '2013-05-04': No trading on Sunday
 19111          '2013-05-05': Early May Bank Holiday
 19112          '2013-05-10': No trading on Saturday
 19113          '2013-05-11': No trading on Sunday
 19114          '2013-05-17': No trading on Saturday
 19115          '2013-05-18': No trading on Sunday
 19116          '2013-05-24': No trading on Saturday
 19117          '2013-05-25': No trading on Sunday
 19118          '2013-05-26': Spring Bank Holiday
 19119          '2013-05-31': No trading on Saturday
 19120          '2013-06-01': No trading on Sunday
 19121          '2013-06-07': No trading on Saturday
 19122          '2013-06-08': No trading on Sunday
 19123          '2013-06-14': No trading on Saturday
 19124        first_payment_date: '2013-04-15T00:00:00.000Z'
 19125    PaymentDeliveryDate:
 19126      type: object
 19127      description: Payment Delivery Date
 19128      required:
 19129        - payment_date
 19130        - payment_delivery_date
 19131        - payment_cutoff_time
 19132        - payment_type
 19133        - currency
 19134        - bank_country
 19135      additionalProperties: false
 19136      properties:
 19137        payment_date:
 19138          type: string
 19139        payment_delivery_date:
 19140          type: string
 19141        payment_cutoff_time:
 19142          type: string
 19143        payment_type:
 19144          type: string
 19145        currency:
 19146          type: string
 19147        bank_country:
 19148          type: string
 19149      example:
 19150        payment_date: "2019-02-11"
 19151        payment_delivery_date: "2019-02-11T00:00:00+00:00"
 19152        payment_cutoff_time: "2019-02-11T19:00:00+00:00"
 19153        payment_type: "priority"
 19154        currency: "MXN"
 19155        bank_country: "MX"
 19156    PaymentFee:
 19157      type: object
 19158      description: Payment Fee.
 19159      required:
 19160        - id
 19161        - name
 19162        - currency
 19163        - regular_amount
 19164        - priority_shared_amount
 19165        - priority_ours_amount
 19166        - owner_account_id
 19167      additionalProperties: false
 19168      properties:
 19169        id:
 19170          type: string
 19171          format: uuid
 19172          description: id of the payment fee
 19173        name:
 19174          type: string
 19175          description: name of the payment fee
 19176        currency:
 19177          type: string
 19178          description: The fee currency
 19179        regular_amount:
 19180          type: string
 19181          description: The fee regular amount
 19182        priority_shared_amount:
 19183          type: string
 19184          description: The fee priority shared amount
 19185        priority_ours_amount:
 19186          type: string
 19187          description: The fee priority our amount
 19188        owner_account_id:
 19189          type: string
 19190          format: uuid
 19191          description: The Id of the owner account
 19192      example:
 19193        id: 49521d55-5dd8-4362-8c2d-03b02b1a714b
 19194        name: 1updfee_table_AUD4
 19195        currency: DKK
 19196        regular_amount: '50.00'
 19197        priority_shared_amount: '40.00'
 19198        priority_ours_amount: '30.00'
 19199        owner_account_id: null
 19200    PaymentFeeAssignment:
 19201      type: object
 19202      description: Payment Fee Assignment.
 19203      required:
 19204        - id
 19205        - account_id
 19206      additionalProperties: false
 19207      properties:
 19208        id:
 19209          type: string
 19210          format: uuid
 19211          description: Id of the payment fee
 19212        account_id:
 19213          type: string
 19214          format: uuid
 19215          description: Id of the sub-account the rule is assigned to
 19216      example:
 19217        id: a6c4a482-1a56-49ea-be55-b9b0bb92a9b2
 19218        account_id: 0178a7ba-9a77-4c74-af71-a5f650f00e09
 19219    PaymentFeeAssignmentError:
 19220      type: object
 19221      description: |
 19222        Client error information for the Payment Fee Assignment endpoint.
 19223      required:
 19224        - error_code
 19225        - error_messages
 19226      properties:
 19227        error_code:
 19228          type: string
 19229          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 19230        error_messages:
 19231          type: object
 19232          additionalProperties:
 19233            type: array
 19234            items:
 19235              type: object
 19236              description: >-
 19237                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 19238                parameter failed.
 19239              required:
 19240                - code
 19241                - message
 19242              properties:
 19243                code:
 19244                  type: string
 19245                  description: >-
 19246                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 19247                    translations.
 19248                message:
 19249                  type: string
 19250                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 19251                params:
 19252                  type: object
 19253                  default: {}
 19254                  description: >-
 19255                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 19256                    translations.
 19257                  example:
 19258                    minlength: 1
 19259                    maxlength: 255
 19260    PaymentFeeRule:
 19261      type: object
 19262      description: PaymentFeeRule.
 19263      required:
 19264        - payment_type
 19265        - charge_type
 19266        - fee_amount
 19267        - fee_currency
 19268        - payment_fee_id
 19269        - payment_fee_name
 19270      additionalProperties: false
 19271      properties:
 19272        payment_type:
 19273          type: string
 19274          description: The payment type the fee is applicable to
 19275        charge_type:
 19276          type: string
 19277          description: The charge type the fee is applicable to
 19278        fee_amount:
 19279          type: string
 19280          description: The fee amount
 19281        fee_currency:
 19282          type: string
 19283          description: The fee currency
 19284        payment_fee_id:
 19285          type: string
 19286          format: uuid
 19287          description: The id of payment level rule Id
 19288        payment_fee_name:
 19289          type: string
 19290          description: The name of payment level fee table
 19291      example:
 19292        payment_type: priority
 19293        charge_type: shared
 19294        fee_amount: '2.00'
 19295        fee_currency: AED
 19296        payment_fee_id: 5c3b8754-406d-4e7e-a80e-606fa273ab80
 19297        payment_fee_name: fee_table_AED
 19298    PaymentPurposeCodes:
 19299      type: object
 19300      description: Payment purpose codes.
 19301      properties:
 19302        currency:
 19303          type: string
 19304        entity_type:
 19305          type: string
 19306        purpose_code:
 19307          type: string
 19308        purpose_description:
 19309          type: string
 19310        bank_account_country:
 19311          type: string
 19312      example:
 19313        currency: INR
 19314        entity_type: Company
 19315        purpose_code: delivery
 19316        purpose_description: Delivery fees for goods
 19317        bank_account_country: India
 19318    PaymentFeeUnassignment:
 19319      type: object
 19320      description: Payment Fee Unassignment.
 19321      required:
 19322        - account_id
 19323      additionalProperties: false
 19324      properties:
 19325        account_id:
 19326          type: string
 19327          format: uuid
 19328          description: Id of the sub-account the rule is assigned to
 19329      example:
 19330        account_id: 0178a7ba-9a77-4c74-af71-a5f650f00e09
 19331    PaymentFeeUnassignmentError:
 19332      type: object
 19333      description: |
 19334        Client error information for the Payment Fee Unassignment endpoint.
 19335      required:
 19336        - error_code
 19337        - error_messages
 19338      properties:
 19339        error_code:
 19340          type: string
 19341          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 19342        error_messages:
 19343          type: object
 19344          additionalProperties:
 19345            type: array
 19346            items:
 19347              type: object
 19348              description: >-
 19349                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 19350                parameter failed.
 19351              required:
 19352                - code
 19353                - message
 19354              properties:
 19355                code:
 19356                  type: string
 19357                  description: >-
 19358                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 19359                    translations.
 19360                message:
 19361                  type: string
 19362                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 19363                params:
 19364                  type: object
 19365                  default: {}
 19366                  description: >-
 19367                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 19368                    translations.
 19369                  example:
 19370                    minlength: 1
 19371                    maxlength: 255
 19372    PaymentConfirmation:
 19373      type: object
 19374      description: Payment confirmation.
 19375      properties:
 19376        id:
 19377          type: string
 19378          description: Unique ID of the Payment Confirmation
 19379        payment_id:
 19380          type: string
 19381        account_id:
 19382          type: string
 19383        short_reference:
 19384          type: string
 19385          description: Short reference of the Payment Confirmation
 19386        status:
 19387          type: string
 19388          description: Status of the Payment Confirmation processing
 19389        confirmation_url:
 19390          type: string
 19391          description: URL to download Payment Confirmation file
 19392        created_at:
 19393          type: string
 19394          format: date-time
 19395          description: Datetime of when the Payment Confirmation was created
 19396        updated_at:
 19397          type: string
 19398          format: date-time
 19399          description: Datetime of when the Payment Confirmation was last updated
 19400        expires_at:
 19401          type: string
 19402          format: date-time
 19403          description: Datetime of when the Payment Confirmation will expire
 19404      example:
 19405        id: 123123121-91de-012f-e284-1e0030c7f3111
 19406        payment_id: 543477161-91de-012f-e284-1e0030c7f3123
 19407        account_id: 543477161-91de-012f-e284-1e0030c7f352
 19408        short_reference: 140416-GGJBNQ001
 19409        status: completed
 19410        confirmation_url: ''
 19411        created_at: '2014-01-12T00:00:00+00:00'
 19412        updated_at: '2014-01-12T00:00:00+00:00'
 19413        expires_at: '2014-02-12T00:00:00+00:00'
 19414    PaymentSubmission:
 19415      type: object
 19416      description: Payment submission.
 19417      properties:
 19418        mt103:
 19419          type: string
 19420        status:
 19421          type: string
 19422        submission_ref:
 19423          type: string
 19424      example:
 19425        mt103: >-
 19426          {1:F01TCCLGB20AXXX0090000004}{2:I103BARCGB22XXXXN}{4:
 19427          :20:20160617-ZSYWVY :23B:CRED :32A:160617GBP3000,0 :33B:GBP3000,0
 19428          :50K:/150618-00026 PCOMAPNY address New-York Province 555222 GB
 19429          :53B:/20060513071472 :57C://SC200605 :59:/200605000 First Name Last Name
 19430          e03036bf6c325dd12c58 London GB :70:test reference Test reason Payment
 19431          group: 0160617-ZSYWVY :71A:SHA -}
 19432        status: pending
 19433        submission_ref: MXGGYAGJULIIQKDV
 19434    PaymentTrackingInfo:
 19435      type: object
 19436      description: PaymentTrackingInfo
 19437      required:
 19438        - uetr
 19439        - transaction_status
 19440        - initiation_time
 19441        - completion_time
 19442        - last_update_time
 19443        - payment_events
 19444      additionalProperties: false
 19445      properties:
 19446        uetr:
 19447          type: string
 19448          description: Unique End-to-end Transaction Reference
 19449        transaction_status:
 19450          type: object
 19451          description: Status of the transaction
 19452          required:
 19453            - status
 19454            - reason
 19455          properties:
 19456            status:
 19457              type: string
 19458              description: Current status
 19459            reason:
 19460              type: string
 19461              description: reason for current status
 19462        initiation_time:
 19463          type: string
 19464          format: date-time
 19465          description: Time of Initiation
 19466        completion_time:
 19467          type: string
 19468          format: date-time
 19469          description: Time of completeion
 19470        last_update_time:
 19471          type: string
 19472          format: date-time
 19473          description: Time of last update
 19474        payment_events:
 19475          type: array
 19476          description: List of events that have been applied to the payment
 19477          items:
 19478            type: object
 19479            description: An object describing an event that has been applied to the payment.
 19480      example:
 19481        uetr: 46ed4827-7b6f-4491-a06f-b548d5a7512d
 19482        transaction_status:
 19483          status: processing
 19484          reason: transferred_and_tracked
 19485        initiation_time: "2019-07-09T13:20:30.000Z"
 19486        completion_time: null
 19487        last_update_time: "2019-07-10T15:39:08.690Z"
 19488        payment_events:
 19489          - tracker_event_type: credit_transfer_payment_cancellation_request
 19490            valid: true
 19491            transaction_status: null
 19492            funds_available: null
 19493            forwarded_to_agent: null
 19494            from: BANABEBBXXX
 19495            to: BANAUS33XXX
 19496            originator: BANABEBBXXX
 19497            serial_parties: null
 19498            sender_acknowledgement_receipt: "2019-07-10T14:22:41.273Z"
 19499            instructed_amount: null
 19500            confirmed_amount: null
 19501            interbank_settlement_amount:
 19502              currency: USD
 19503              amount: 745437.57
 19504            interbank_settlement_date: "2019-07-09"
 19505            charge_type: null
 19506            charge_amount: null
 19507            foreign_exchange_details: null
 19508            last_update_time: "2019-07-10T14:22:41.273Z"
 19509          - tracker_event_type: customer_credit_transfer_payment
 19510            valid: true
 19511            transaction_status:
 19512              status: processing
 19513              reason: transferred_and_tracked
 19514            funds_available: null
 19515            forwarded_to_agent: null
 19516            from: BANABEBBXXX
 19517            to: BANAUS33XXX
 19518            originator: BANABEBBXXX
 19519            serial_parties:
 19520              debtor_agent: GPMRCH30
 19521              creditor_agent: GPMRQAJ0
 19522            sender_acknowledgement_receipt: "2019-07-09T13:20:30.000Z"
 19523            instructed_amount:
 19524              currency: USD
 19525              amount: 745437.57
 19526            confirmed_amount: null
 19527            interbank_settlement_amount:
 19528              currency: USD
 19529              amount: 745437.57
 19530            interbank_settlement_date: "2019-07-09"
 19531            charge_type: shared
 19532            charge_amount: null
 19533            foreign_exchange_details: null
 19534            last_update_time: "2019-07-09T13:20:50.633Z"
 19535    QuotePaymentFee:
 19536      type: object
 19537      description: QuotePaymentFee.
 19538      required:
 19539        - account_id
 19540        - payment_currency
 19541        - payment_destination_country
 19542        - payment_type
 19543        - charge_type
 19544        - fee_amount
 19545        - fee_currency
 19546      additionalProperties: false
 19547      properties:
 19548        account_id:
 19549          type: string
 19550          description: Tha account Id
 19551        payment_currency:
 19552          type: string
 19553          description: The currency of the payment
 19554        payment_destination_country:
 19555          type: string
 19556          description: The destination country for the payment
 19557        payment_type:
 19558          type: string
 19559          description: The payment type the fee is applicable to
 19560        charge_type:
 19561          type: string
 19562          description: The charge type the fee is applicable to
 19563        fee_amount:
 19564          type: string
 19565          description: The fee amount
 19566        fee_currency:
 19567          type: string
 19568          description: The fee currency
 19569      example:
 19570         account_id: 0534aaf2-2egg-0134-2f36-10b11cd33cfb
 19571         payment_currency: USD
 19572         payment_destination_country: US
 19573         payment_type: regular
 19574         charge_type: null
 19575         fee_amount: '10.00'
 19576         fee_currency: EUR
 19577    RatesBasic:
 19578      properties:
 19579        rates:
 19580          type: object
 19581          description: >-
 19582            Maps currency pairs (eg. "EURUSD", "GBPZAR") to rates. The first
 19583            number is the bid amount, and the second is the rate currently offered
 19584            by Currencycloud.
 19585          additionalProperties:
 19586            type: array
 19587            items:
 19588              type: string
 19589              description: >-
 19590                A list of currency pairs that are not currently available for
 19591                exchange via the Currencycloud platform.
 19592          example:
 19593            EURUSD:
 19594              - '1.3803'
 19595              - '1.3809'
 19596            GBPZAR:
 19597              - '17.5271'
 19598              - '17.5279'
 19599    RateDetailed:
 19600      type: object
 19601      description: Detailed rate information.
 19602      properties:
 19603        settlement_cut_off_time:
 19604          type: string
 19605        currency_pair:
 19606          type: string
 19607        client_buy_currency:
 19608          type: string
 19609        client_sell_currency:
 19610          type: string
 19611        client_buy_amount:
 19612          type: string
 19613        client_sell_amount:
 19614          type: string
 19615        fixed_side:
 19616          type: string
 19617        mid_market_rate:
 19618          type: string
 19619        core_rate:
 19620          type: string
 19621        partner_rate:
 19622          type: string
 19623        client_rate:
 19624          type: string
 19625        deposit_required:
 19626          type: string
 19627        deposit_amount:
 19628          type: string
 19629        deposit_currency:
 19630          type: string
 19631      example:
 19632        settlement_cut_off_time: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 19633        currency_pair: GBPUSD
 19634        client_buy_currency: GBP
 19635        client_sell_currency: USD
 19636        client_buy_amount: '1000.00'
 19637        client_sell_amount: '1594.90'
 19638        fixed_side: buy
 19639        mid_market_rate: '1.5868'
 19640        core_rate: '1.587'
 19641        partner_rate: '1.5878'
 19642        client_rate: '1.5949'
 19643        deposit_required: 'true'
 19644        deposit_amount: '316.96'
 19645        deposit_currency: USD
 19646    RateLimitError:
 19647      type: object
 19648      description: Too many requests.
 19649      required:
 19650        - error_code
 19651        - error_messages
 19652      properties:
 19653        error_code:
 19654          type: string
 19655          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 19656        error_messages:
 19657          type: object
 19658          description: >-
 19659            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 19660            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 19661            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 19662          additionalProperties:
 19663            type: array
 19664            items:
 19665              type: object
 19666              description: >-
 19667                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 19668                parameter failed.
 19669              required:
 19670                - code
 19671                - message
 19672              properties:
 19673                code:
 19674                  type: string
 19675                  description: A unique code that identifies this validation/error.
 19676                message:
 19677                  type: string
 19678                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 19679                params:
 19680                  type: object
 19681                  default: {}
 19682                  description: >-
 19683                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 19684                    translations.
 19685                  example:
 19686                    minlength: 1
 19687                    maxlength: 255
 19688    Sender:
 19689      type: object
 19690      description: Sender
 19691      properties:
 19692        id:
 19693          type: string
 19694        amount:
 19695          type: string
 19696        currency:
 19697          type: string
 19698        additional_information:
 19699          type: string
 19700        value_date:
 19701          type: string
 19702          format: date-time
 19703        sender:
 19704          type: string
 19705        receiving_account_number:
 19706          type: string
 19707          description: this is the receiving VAN
 19708        receiving_account_iban:
 19709          type: string
 19710          description: this is the receiving IBAN
 19711        created_at:
 19712          type: string
 19713          format: date-time
 19714        updated_at:
 19715          type: string
 19716          format: date-time
 19717      example:
 19718        id: 21a7edce-fff8-486a-ac28-0dd143375081
 19719        amount: '450.00'
 19720        currency_code: GBP
 19721        free_text: >-
 19722          6320260731508339645906       0000045000TEST NAME      THE CURRENCY
 19723          CLOUD    S 0063106146268242
 19724        value_date: '2018-03-27T00:00:00.000Z'
 19725        sender: 'CITIBANK XFER, POPMONEY'
 19726        source_account_number: 8119645406
 19727        source_account_iban: null
 19728        credit_debit: debit
 19729        created_at: '2018-03-27T10:51:32.000Z'
 19730        updated_at: '2018-03-27T10:51:34.000Z'
 19731    Settlement:
 19732      type: object
 19733      description: Settlement.
 19734      properties:
 19735        id:
 19736          type: string
 19737        short_reference:
 19738          type: string
 19739        status:
 19740          type: string
 19741        conversion_ids:
 19742          type: array
 19743          items:
 19744            type: string
 19745        entries:
 19746          type: object
 19747          additionalProperties:
 19748            type: object
 19749            description: >-
 19750              Maps currency codes (eg. "GBP", "USD") to an object containing send
 19751              and receive amounts.
 19752            properties:
 19753              send_amount:
 19754                type: string
 19755              receive_amount:
 19756                type: string
 19757        created_at:
 19758          type: string
 19759          format: date-time
 19760        updated_at:
 19761          type: string
 19762          format: date-time
 19763        released_at:
 19764          type: string
 19765          format: date-time
 19766      example:
 19767        id: a937f05e-e9fd-442e-a46f-11e84ba37806
 19768        short_reference: 20140101-BCDFGH
 19769        status: open
 19770        conversion_ids:
 19771          - c9b6b851-10f9-4bbf-881e-1d8a49adf7d8
 19772        entries:
 19773          GBP:
 19774            send_amount: '0.00'
 19775            receive_amount: '1000.00'
 19776          USD:
 19777            send_amount: '1587.80'
 19778            receive_amount: '0.00'
 19779        created_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 19780        updated_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 19781        released_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 19782    SettlementAccount:
 19783      type: object
 19784      description: Settlement accounts.
 19785      properties:
 19786        bank_account_holder_name:
 19787          type: string
 19788        beneficiary_address:
 19789          type: array
 19790          items:
 19791            type: string
 19792            description: Line of address.
 19793        beneficiary_country:
 19794          type: string
 19795        bank_name:
 19796          type: string
 19797        bank_address:
 19798          type: array
 19799          items:
 19800            type: string
 19801            description: Line of address.
 19802        bank_country:
 19803          type: string
 19804          description: Two-letter country code.
 19805        currency:
 19806          type: string
 19807        bic_swift:
 19808          type: string
 19809        iban:
 19810          type: string
 19811        account_number:
 19812          type: string
 19813        routing_code_type_1:
 19814          type: string
 19815        routing_code_value_1:
 19816          type: string
 19817        routing_code_type_2:
 19818          type: string
 19819        routing_code_value_2:
 19820          type: string
 19821      example:
 19822        bank_account_holder_name: The Currency Cloud GBP - Client Seg A/C
 19823        beneficiary_address:
 19824          - 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP
 19825        beneficiary_country: GB
 19826        bank_name: Barclays Bank Plc.
 19827        bank_address:
 19828          - 164 Bishopsgate London EC2M 4LX
 19829        bank_country: GB
 19830        currency: GBP
 19831        bic_swift: BARCGB22
 19832        iban: GB06 BARC 2006 0513 0714 72
 19833        account_number: '13071472'
 19834        routing_code_type_1: sort_code
 19835        routing_code_value_1: '200605'
 19836        routing_code_type_2: ''
 19837        routing_code_value_2: ''
 19838    TopUpMarginBalance:
 19839      type: object
 19840      description: Bank Details.
 19841      required:
 19842        - account_id
 19843        - currency
 19844        - transferred_amount
 19845        - transfer_completed_at
 19846      additionalProperties: false
 19847      properties:
 19848        account_id:
 19849          type: string
 19850          description: account identifier.
 19851        currency:
 19852          type: string
 19853          description: Currency of transfer.
 19854        transferred_amount:
 19855          type: string
 19856          description: amount of transfer.
 19857        transfer_completed_at:
 19858          type: string
 19859          format: date-time
 19860          description: Transfer completion datetime
 19861      example:
 19862        account_id: 6c046c51-2387-4004-8e87-4bf97102e36d
 19863        currency: EUR
 19864        transferred_amount: 100.0
 19865        transfer_completed_at: '2007-11-19T08:37:48-06:00'
 19866    TopUpMarginBalanceError:
 19867      type: object
 19868      description: >
 19869        Client error information for the Top Up Margin Balance
 19870        endpoint.
 19871      required:
 19872        - error_code
 19873        - error_messages
 19874      properties:
 19875        error_code:
 19876          type: string
 19877          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 19878        error_messages:
 19879          type: object
 19880          description: >-
 19881            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 19882            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 19883            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 19884          additionalProperties:
 19885            type: array
 19886            items:
 19887              type: object
 19888              description: >-
 19889                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 19890                parameter failed.
 19891              required:
 19892                - code
 19893                - message
 19894              properties:
 19895                code:
 19896                  type: string
 19897                  description: >-
 19898                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 19899                    translations.
 19900                message:
 19901                  type: string
 19902                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 19903                params:
 19904                  type: object
 19905                  default: {}
 19906                  description: >-
 19907                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 19908                    translations.
 19909                  example:
 19910                    minlength: 1
 19911                    maxlength: 255
 19912    Transaction:
 19913      type: object
 19914      description: Transaction.
 19915      properties:
 19916        id:
 19917          type: string
 19918        balance_id:
 19919          type: string
 19920        account_id:
 19921          type: string
 19922        currency:
 19923          type: string
 19924        amount:
 19925          type: string
 19926        balance_amount:
 19927          type: string
 19928        type:
 19929          type: string
 19930        action:
 19931          type: string
 19932        related_entity_type:
 19933          type: string
 19934        related_entity_id:
 19935          type: string
 19936        related_entity_short_reference:
 19937          type: string
 19938        status:
 19939          type: string
 19940        reason:
 19941          type: string
 19942        settles_at:
 19943          type: string
 19944          format: date-time
 19945        created_at:
 19946          type: string
 19947          format: date-time
 19948        updated_at:
 19949          type: string
 19950          format: date-time
 19951        completed_at:
 19952          type: string
 19953          format: date-time
 19954      example:
 19955        id: c5a990eb-d4d7-482f-bfb1-695261fb1e4d
 19956        balance_id: c5f1f54e-d6d8-4140-8110-f5b99bbc80c3
 19957        account_id: 7b9757a8-eee9-4572-86e6-77f4d711eaa6
 19958        currency: USD
 19959        amount: '1000.00'
 19960        balance_amount: '2000.00'
 19961        type: credit
 19962        action: conversion
 19963        related_entity_type: conversion
 19964        related_entity_id: e93e322f-93aa-4d31-b050-449da723db0b
 19965        related_entity_short_reference: 140416-GGJBNQ001
 19966        status: completed
 19967        reason: Reason for Transaction
 19968        settles_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 19969        created_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 19970        updated_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 19971        completed_at: '2017-12-31T23:59:59.000Z'
 19972    Transfer:
 19973      type: object
 19974      description: Transfer.
 19975      properties:
 19976        id:
 19977          type: string
 19978        short_reference:
 19979          type: string
 19980        source_account_id:
 19981          type: string
 19982        destination_account_id:
 19983          type: string
 19984        currency:
 19985          type: string
 19986        amount:
 19987          type: string
 19988        status:
 19989          type: string
 19990        created_at:
 19991          type: string
 19992        updated_at:
 19993          type: string
 19994        completed_at:
 19995          type: string
 19996        creator_account_id:
 19997          type: string
 19998        creator_contact_id:
 19999          type: string
 20000        reason:
 20001          type: string
 20002      example:
 20003        id: 993d63bd-e151-11e6-a5af-080027a79e8f
 20004        short_reference: BT-20170118-VMSCBS
 20005        source_account_id: a7117404-e150-11e6-a5af-080027a79e8f
 20006        destination_account_id: 946f2d58-e150-11e6-a5af-080027a79e8f
 20007        currency: GBP
 20008        amount: '1250.00'
 20009        status: completed
 20010        created_at: '2017-01-18T14:08:34.000Z'
 20011        updated_at: '2017-01-18T14:08:34.000Z'
 20012        completed_at: '2017-01-18T14:08:34.000Z'
 20013        creator_account_id: 30cb8632-e152-11e6-a5af-080027a79e8f
 20014        creator_contact_id: 262e3d2a-e152-11e6-a5af-080027a79e8f
 20015        reason: Director's fees for March
 20016    UnauthorizedError:
 20017      type: object
 20018      description: Authorization error.
 20019      required:
 20020        - error_code
 20021        - error_messages
 20022      properties:
 20023        error_code:
 20024          type: string
 20025          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 20026          enum:
 20027            - auth_failed
 20028        error_messages:
 20029          type: object
 20030          description: >-
 20031            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 20032            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 20033            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 20034          additionalProperties:
 20035            type: array
 20036            items:
 20037              type: object
 20038              description: >-
 20039                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 20040                parameter failed.
 20041              required:
 20042                - code
 20043                - message
 20044              properties:
 20045                code:
 20046                  type: string
 20047                  description: >-
 20048                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 20049                    translations.
 20050                message:
 20051                  type: string
 20052                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 20053                params:
 20054                  type: object
 20055                  default: {}
 20056                  description: >-
 20057                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 20058                    translations.
 20059                  example:
 20060                    minlength: 1
 20061                    maxlength: 255
 20062      example:
 20063        error_code: auth_failed
 20064        error_messages:
 20065          api_key:
 20066            - code: invalid_supplied_credentials
 20067              message: Authentication failed with the supplied credentials
 20068              params: {}
 20069    UpdateAccountError:
 20070      type: object
 20071      description: |
 20072        Client error information for the Update Account endpoint.
 20073      required:
 20074        - error_code
 20075        - error_messages
 20076      properties:
 20077        error_code:
 20078          type: string
 20079          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 20080        error_messages:
 20081          type: object
 20082          description: >-
 20083            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 20084            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 20085            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 20086          additionalProperties:
 20087            type: array
 20088            items:
 20089              type: object
 20090              description: >-
 20091                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 20092                parameter failed.
 20093              required:
 20094                - code
 20095                - message
 20096              properties:
 20097                code:
 20098                  type: string
 20099                  description: >-
 20100                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 20101                    translations.
 20102                message:
 20103                  type: string
 20104                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 20105                params:
 20106                  type: object
 20107                  default: {}
 20108                  description: >-
 20109                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 20110                    translations.
 20111                  example:
 20112                    minlength: 1
 20113                    maxlength: 255
 20114    UpdateBeneficiaryError:
 20115      type: object
 20116      description: |
 20117        Client error information for the Update Beneficiary endpoint.
 20118      required:
 20119        - error_code
 20120        - error_messages
 20121      properties:
 20122        error_code:
 20123          type: string
 20124          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 20125        error_messages:
 20126          type: object
 20127          description: >-
 20128            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 20129            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 20130            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 20131          additionalProperties:
 20132            type: array
 20133            items:
 20134              type: object
 20135              description: >-
 20136                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 20137                parameter failed.
 20138              required:
 20139                - code
 20140                - message
 20141              properties:
 20142                code:
 20143                  type: string
 20144                  description: >-
 20145                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 20146                    translations.
 20147                message:
 20148                  type: string
 20149                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 20150                params:
 20151                  type: object
 20152                  default: {}
 20153                  description: >-
 20154                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 20155                    translations.
 20156                  example:
 20157                    minlength: 1
 20158                    maxlength: 255
 20159    UpdateContactError:
 20160      type: object
 20161      description: |
 20162        Client error information for the Update Contact endpoint.
 20163      required:
 20164        - error_code
 20165        - error_messages
 20166      properties:
 20167        error_code:
 20168          type: string
 20169          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 20170        error_messages:
 20171          type: object
 20172          description: >-
 20173            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 20174            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 20175            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 20176          additionalProperties:
 20177            type: array
 20178            items:
 20179              type: object
 20180              description: >-
 20181                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 20182                parameter failed.
 20183              required:
 20184                - code
 20185                - message
 20186              properties:
 20187                code:
 20188                  type: string
 20189                  description: >-
 20190                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 20191                    translations.
 20192                message:
 20193                  type: string
 20194                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 20195                params:
 20196                  type: object
 20197                  default: {}
 20198                  description: >-
 20199                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 20200                    translations.
 20201                  example:
 20202                    minlength: 1
 20203                    maxlength: 255
 20204    UpdatePaymentError:
 20205      type: object
 20206      description: |
 20207        Client error information for the Update Payment endpoint.
 20208      required:
 20209        - error_code
 20210        - error_messages
 20211      properties:
 20212        error_code:
 20213          type: string
 20214          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 20215        error_messages:
 20216          type: object
 20217          description: >-
 20218            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 20219            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 20220            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 20221          additionalProperties:
 20222            type: array
 20223            items:
 20224              type: object
 20225              description: >-
 20226                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 20227                parameter failed.
 20228              required:
 20229                - code
 20230                - message
 20231              properties:
 20232                code:
 20233                  type: string
 20234                  description: >-
 20235                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 20236                    translations.
 20237                message:
 20238                  type: string
 20239                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 20240                params:
 20241                  type: object
 20242                  default: {}
 20243                  description: >-
 20244                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 20245                    translations.
 20246                  example:
 20247                    minlength: 1
 20248                    maxlength: 255
 20249    ValidateBeneficiaryError:
 20250      type: object
 20251      description: |
 20252        Client error information for the Validate Beneficiary endpoint.
 20253      required:
 20254        - error_code
 20255        - error_messages
 20256      properties:
 20257        error_code:
 20258          type: string
 20259          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 20260        error_messages:
 20261          type: object
 20262          description: >-
 20263            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 20264            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 20265            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 20266          additionalProperties:
 20267            type: array
 20268            items:
 20269              type: object
 20270              description: >-
 20271                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 20272                parameter failed.
 20273              required:
 20274                - code
 20275                - message
 20276              properties:
 20277                code:
 20278                  type: string
 20279                  description: >-
 20280                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 20281                    translations.
 20282                message:
 20283                  type: string
 20284                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 20285                params:
 20286                  type: object
 20287                  default: {}
 20288                  description: >-
 20289                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 20290                    translations.
 20291                  example:
 20292                    minlength: 1
 20293                    maxlength: 255
 20294    ValidatePaymentError:
 20295      type: object
 20296      description: |
 20297        Client error information for the Validate Payment endpoint.
 20298      required:
 20299        - error_code
 20300        - error_messages
 20301      properties:
 20302        error_code:
 20303          type: string
 20304          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 20305        error_messages:
 20306          type: object
 20307          description: >-
 20308            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 20309            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 20310            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 20311          additionalProperties:
 20312            type: array
 20313            items:
 20314              type: object
 20315              description: >-
 20316                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 20317                parameter failed.
 20318              required:
 20319                - code
 20320                - message
 20321              properties:
 20322                code:
 20323                  type: string
 20324                  description: >-
 20325                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 20326                    translations.
 20327                message:
 20328                  type: string
 20329                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 20330                params:
 20331                  type: object
 20332                  default: {}
 20333                  description: >-
 20334                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 20335                    translations.
 20336                  example:
 20337                    minlength: 1
 20338                    maxlength: 255
 20339    ForbiddenError:
 20340      type: object
 20341      description: Permission error.
 20342      required:
 20343        - error_code
 20344        - error_messages
 20345      properties:
 20346        error_code:
 20347          type: string
 20348          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 20349          enum:
 20350            - auth_failed
 20351        error_messages:
 20352          type: object
 20353          description: >-
 20354            Detailed error information on what permissions are missing
 20355            so that the request could not be fulfilled
 20356          additionalProperties:
 20357            type: array
 20358            items:
 20359              type: object
 20360              description: >-
 20361                An object that represents the reasons why the request
 20362                was not permitted.
 20363              required:
 20364                - code
 20365                - message
 20366              properties:
 20367                code:
 20368                  type: string
 20369                  description: >-
 20370                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 20371                    translations.
 20372                message:
 20373                  type: string
 20374                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 20375                params:
 20376                  type: object
 20377                  default: {}
 20378                  description: >-
 20379                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 20380                    translations.
 20381                  example:
 20382                    minlength: 1
 20383                    maxlength: 255
 20385    VAN:
 20386      type: object
 20387      description: VAN.
 20388      properties:
 20389        id:
 20390          type: string
 20391        account_id:
 20392          type: string
 20393        virtual_account_number:
 20394          type: string
 20395        account_holder_name:
 20396          type: string
 20397        bank_institution_name:
 20398          type: string
 20399        bank_institution_address:
 20400          type: string
 20401        bank_institution_country:
 20402          type: string
 20403        routing_code:
 20404          type: string
 20405        wire_routing_code:
 20406          type: string
 20407        created_at:
 20408          type: string
 20409          format: date-time
 20410        updated_at:
 20411          type: string
 20412          format: date-time
 20413      example:
 20414        id: 00d272ee-fae5-4f97-b425-993a2d6e3a46
 20415        account_id: 2090939e-b2f7-3f2b-1363-4d235b3f58af
 20416        virtual_account_number: 8303723297
 20417        account_holder_name: Account-ZXOANNAMKPRQ
 20418        bank_institution_name: Community Federal Savings Bank
 20419        bank_institution_address: 'Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10019, US'
 20420        bank_institution_country: United States
 20421        routing_code: 026073150
 20422        wire_routing_code: 026073008
 20423        created_at: '2014-01-12T00:00:00.000Z'
 20424        updated_at: '2014-01-12T00:00:00.000Z'
 20425    WithdrawalAccount:
 20426      type: object
 20427      description: WithdrawalAccount.
 20428      required:
 20429        - id
 20430        - account_name
 20431        - account_holder_name
 20432        - account_holder_dob
 20433        - routing_code
 20434        - account_number
 20435        - currency
 20436        - account_id
 20437      additionalProperties: false
 20438      properties:
 20439        id:
 20440          type: string
 20441          description: The UUID of the withdrawal account
 20442        account_name:
 20443          type: string
 20444          description: The name of the withdrawal account
 20445        account_holder_name:
 20446          type: string
 20447          description: The name of the withdrawal account holder
 20448        account_holder_dob:
 20449          type: string
 20450          format: date
 20451          description: The DOB of the withdrawal account holder
 20452        routing_code:
 20453          type: string
 20454          description: The routing code of the withdrawal account
 20455        account_number:
 20456          type: string
 20457          description: The account number of the withdrawal account
 20458        currency:
 20459          type: string
 20460          description: The currency of the withdrawal account
 20461        account_id:
 20462          type: string
 20463          description: The UUID of the CurrencyCloud account the withdrawal account is linked to
 20464      example:
 20465        id: ffb9fdea-312b-4bc8-beb9-5e44ee2d2a8c
 20466        account_name: TestAccount
 20467        account_holder_name: John Smith
 20468        account_holder_dob: '1987-05-12'
 20469        routing_code: 987654321
 20470        account_number: 0123456789
 20471        currency: USD
 20472        account_id: 82214b7e-9192-4d9e-82cf-e2c4b1670f23
 20473    WithdrawalPullFundsRequestDetails:
 20474      type: object
 20475      description: Details of a Withdrawal Pull Request.
 20476      required:
 20477        - id
 20478        - withdrawal_account_id
 20479        - reference
 20480        - amount
 20481        - created_at
 20482      additionalProperties: false
 20483      properties:
 20484        id:
 20485          type: string
 20486          description: The UUID of the withdrawal account
 20487        withdrawal_account_id:
 20488          type: string
 20489          description: The name of the withdrawal account
 20490        reference:
 20491          type: string
 20492          description: The name of the withdrawal account holder
 20493        amount:
 20494          type: string
 20495          description: The dob of the withdrawal account holder
 20496        created_at:
 20497          type: string
 20498          format: date-time
 20499          description: The routing code of the withdrawal account
 20500      example:
 20501        id: 82214b7e-9192-4d9e-82cf-e2c4b1670f23
 20502        withdrawal_account_id: ffb9fdea-312b-4bc8-beb9-5e44ee2d2a8c
 20503        reference: Reference
 20504        amount: 1000.00
 20505        created_at: '2019-04-18T08:17:22+00:00'
 20506    WithdrawalPullFundsRequestError:
 20507      type: object
 20508      description: |
 20509        Client error information for the Post WithdrawalAccount PullFunds endpoint.
 20510      required:
 20511        - error_code
 20512        - error_messages
 20513      properties:
 20514        error_code:
 20515          type: string
 20516          description: A high-level error code for the whole request.
 20517        error_messages:
 20518          type: object
 20519          description: >-
 20520            Detailed error information for individual input parameters that failed
 20521            validation. Object keys are the names of the invalid input parameters.
 20522            Each parameter may have one or more reasons why it failed.
 20523          additionalProperties:
 20524            type: array
 20525            items:
 20526              type: object
 20527              description: >-
 20528                An object that represents one of the reasons why the input
 20529                parameter failed.
 20530              required:
 20531                - code
 20532                - message
 20533              properties:
 20534                code:
 20535                  type: string
 20536                  description: >-
 20537                    A unique code that identifies this error. It can be used for
 20538                    translations.
 20539                message:
 20540                  type: string
 20541                  description: An explanation of the error in English.
 20542                params:
 20543                  type: object
 20544                  default: {}
 20545                  description: >-
 20546                    Relevant validation rules that failed. This can be used for
 20547                    translations.
 20548                  example:
 20549                    minlength: 1
 20550                    maxlength: 255