
     1  consumes:
     2  - application/json
     3  produces:
     4  - application/json
     5  schemes:
     6  - http
     7  - https
     8  swagger: "2.0"
     9  info:
    10    description: Descr
    11    title: Titl
    12    version: 2.0.0
    13  paths:
    14    /users:
    15      get:
    16        summary: dummy path, in order to have a path.
    17        responses:
    18          "200":
    19            description: (empty)
    20            schema:
    21              $ref: '#/definitions/user'
    22  definitions:
    23    ok:
    24      $ref: ./definitions/response.yaml#/ok
    25    teamupdate:
    26      $ref: ./definitions/teams.yaml#/teamupdate
    27    user:
    28      $ref: ./definitions/user.yaml#/user