
     1  ---
     3  paths:
     4    authenticators:
     5      get:
     6        summary: List authenticators
     7        description: |
     8          Returns a list of authenticators associated to identities. The resources can be sorted, filtered, and paginated.
     9          This endpoint requires admin access.
    10        security:
    11          - ztSession: [ ]
    12        tags:
    13          - Authenticator
    14        operationId: listAuthenticators
    15        parameters:
    16          - $ref: '../shared/parameters.yml#/limit'
    17          - $ref: '../shared/parameters.yml#/offset'
    18          - $ref: '../shared/parameters.yml#/filter'
    19        responses:
    20          '200':
    21            $ref: '../shared/authenticators.yml#/responses/listAuthenticators'
    22          '401':
    23            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
    24          '400':
    25            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/badRequestResponse'
    26      post:
    27        summary: Creates an authenticator
    28        description: |
    29          Creates an authenticator for a specific identity. Requires admin access.
    30        security:
    31          - ztSession: [ ]
    32        tags:
    33          - Authenticator
    34        operationId: createAuthenticator
    35        parameters:
    36          - name: authenticator
    37            in: body
    38            required: true
    39            description: A Authenticator create object
    40            schema:
    41              $ref: '../shared/authenticators.yml#/definitions/authenticatorCreate'
    42        responses:
    43          '201':
    44            description: The create was successful
    45            schema:
    46              $ref: '../shared/authenticators.yml#/definitions/authenticatorCreate'
    47          '400':
    48            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/badRequestResponse'
    49          '401':
    50            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
    51    authenticators-id:
    52      parameters:
    53        - $ref: '../shared/parameters.yml#/id'
    54      get:
    55        summary: Retrieves a single authenticator
    56        description: Retrieves a single authenticator by id. Requires admin access.
    57        security:
    58          - ztSession: [ ]
    59        tags:
    60          - Authenticator
    61        operationId: detailAuthenticator
    62        responses:
    63          '200':
    64            $ref: '../shared/authenticators.yml#/responses/detailAuthenticator'
    65          '404':
    66            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/notFoundResponse'
    67          '401':
    68            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
    69      put:
    70        summary: Update all fields on an authenticator
    71        description: Update all fields on an authenticator by id. Requires admin access.
    72        security:
    73          - ztSession: [ ]
    74        tags:
    75          - Authenticator
    76        operationId: updateAuthenticator
    77        parameters:
    78          - name: authenticator
    79            in: body
    80            required: true
    81            description: 'An authenticator put object'
    82            schema:
    83              $ref: '../shared/authenticators.yml#/definitions/authenticatorUpdate'
    84        responses:
    85          '200':
    86            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/updateResponse'
    87          '400':
    88            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/badRequestResponse'
    89          '404':
    90            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/notFoundResponse'
    91          '401':
    92            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
    93      patch:
    94        summary: Update the supplied fields on an authenticator
    95        description: Update the supplied fields on an authenticator by id. Requires admin access.
    96        security:
    97          - ztSession: [ ]
    98        tags:
    99          - Authenticator
   100        operationId: patchAuthenticator
   101        parameters:
   102          - name: authenticator
   103            in: body
   104            required: true
   105            description: An authenticator patch object
   106            schema:
   107              $ref: '../shared/authenticators.yml#/definitions/authenticatorPatch'
   108        responses:
   109          '200':
   110            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/patchResponse'
   111          '400':
   112            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/badRequestResponse'
   113          '404':
   114            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/notFoundResponse'
   115          '401':
   116            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
   117      delete:
   118        summary: Delete an Authenticator
   119        description: |
   120          Delete an authenticator by id. Deleting all authenticators for an identity will make it impossible to log in.
   121          Requires admin access.
   122        security:
   123          - ztSession: [ ]
   124        tags:
   125          - Authenticator
   126        operationId: deleteAuthenticator
   127        responses:
   128          '200':
   129            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/deleteResponse'
   130          '400':
   131            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/badRequestResponse'
   132          '401':
   133            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
   134    authenticators-id-re-enroll:
   135      parameters:
   136        - $ref: '../shared/parameters.yml#/id'
   137      post:
   138        summary: Reverts an authenticator to an enrollment
   139        description: |
   140          Allows an authenticator to be reverted to an enrollment and allows re-enrollment to occur. On success the 
   141          created enrollment record response is provided and the source authenticator record will be deleted. The 
   142          enrollment created depends on the authenticator. UPDB authenticators result in UPDB enrollments, CERT
   143          authenticators result in OTT enrollments, CERT + CA authenticators result in OTTCA enrollments.
   144        security:
   145          - ztSession: [ ]
   146        tags:
   147          - Authenticator
   148        operationId: reEnrollAuthenticator
   149        parameters:
   150          - name: reEnroll
   151            in: body
   152            required: true
   153            description: A reEnrollment request
   154            schema:
   155              $ref: '#/definitions/reEnroll'
   156        responses:
   157          '201':
   158            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/createResponse'
   159          '404':
   160            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/notFoundResponse'
   161          '401':
   162            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
   163  definitions:
   164    reEnroll:
   165      type: object
   166      required:
   167        - expiresAt
   168      properties:
   169        expiresAt:
   170          type: string
   171          format: date-time