
     1  ---
     2  paths:
     3    cas:
     4      get:
     5        summary: List CAs
     6        description: Retrieves a list of CA resources; supports filtering, sorting, and pagination. Requires admin access.
     7        security:
     8          - ztSession: [ ]
     9        tags:
    10          - Certificate Authority
    11        operationId: listCas
    12        parameters:
    13          - $ref: '../shared/parameters.yml#/limit'
    14          - $ref: '../shared/parameters.yml#/offset'
    15          - $ref: '../shared/parameters.yml#/filter'
    16        responses:
    17          '200':
    18            $ref: '#/responses/listCas'
    19          '401':
    20            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
    21          '400':
    22            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/badRequestResponse'
    23      post:
    24        summary: Creates a CA
    25        description: Creates a CA in an unverified state. Requires admin access.
    26        security:
    27          - ztSession: [ ]
    28        tags:
    29          - Certificate Authority
    30        operationId: createCa
    32        parameters:
    33          - name: ca
    34            in: body
    35            required: true
    36            description: A CA to create
    37            schema:
    38              $ref: '#/definitions/caCreate'
    39        responses:
    40          '201':
    41            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/createResponse'
    42          '400':
    43            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/badRequestResponse'
    44          '401':
    45            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
    46    cas-id:
    47      parameters:
    48        - $ref: '../shared/parameters.yml#/id'
    49      get:
    50        summary: Retrieves a single CA
    51        description: Retrieves a single CA by id. Requires admin access.
    52        security:
    53          - ztSession: [ ]
    54        tags:
    55          - Certificate Authority
    56        operationId: detailCa
    57        responses:
    58          '200':
    59            $ref: '#/responses/detailCa'
    60          '404':
    61            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/notFoundResponse'
    62          '401':
    63            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
    64      put:
    65        summary: Update all fields on a CA
    66        description: Update all fields on a CA by id. Requires admin access.
    67        security:
    68          - ztSession: [ ]
    69        tags:
    70          - Certificate Authority
    71        operationId: updateCa
    72        parameters:
    73          - name: ca
    74            in: body
    75            required: true
    76            description: A CA update object
    77            schema:
    78              $ref: '#/definitions/caUpdate'
    79        responses:
    80          '200':
    81            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/updateResponse'
    82          '400':
    83            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/badRequestResponse'
    84          '404':
    85            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/notFoundResponse'
    86          '401':
    87            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
    88      patch:
    89        summary: Update the supplied fields on a CA
    90        description: Update only the supplied fields on a CA by id. Requires admin access.
    91        security:
    92          - ztSession: [ ]
    93        tags:
    94          - Certificate Authority
    95        operationId: patchCa
    96        parameters:
    97          - name: ca
    98            in: body
    99            required: true
   100            description: A CA patch object
   101            schema:
   102              $ref: '#/definitions/caPatch'
   103        responses:
   104          '200':
   105            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/patchResponse'
   106          '400':
   107            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/badRequestResponse'
   108          '404':
   109            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/notFoundResponse'
   110          '401':
   111            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
   112      delete:
   113        summary: Delete a CA
   114        description: |
   115          Delete a CA by id. Deleting a CA will delete its associated certificate authenticators. This can make it
   116          impossible for identities to authenticate if they no longer have any valid authenticators. Requires admin access.
   117        security:
   118          - ztSession: [ ]
   119        tags:
   120          - Certificate Authority
   121        operationId: deleteCa
   122        responses:
   123          '200':
   124            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/deleteResponse'
   125          '400':
   126            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/badRequestResponse'
   127          '401':
   128            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
   129    cas-id-jwt:
   130      parameters:
   131        - $ref: '../shared/parameters.yml#/id'
   132      get:
   133        summary: Retrieve the enrollment JWT for a CA
   134        description: |
   135          For CA auto enrollment, the enrollment JWT is static and provided on each CA resource. This endpoint provides
   136          the jwt as a text response.
   137        security:
   138          - ztSession: [ ]
   139        tags:
   140          - Certificate Authority
   141        operationId: getCaJwt
   142        produces:
   143          - 'application/jwt'
   144        responses:
   145          '200':
   146            description: The result is the JWT text to validate the CA
   147            schema:
   148              type: string
   149            examples:
   150              'application/jwt': 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbSI6ImNhIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6MTI
   151                4MC8ifQ.Ot6lhNBSOw8ygHytdI5l7WDf9EWadOj44UPvJ0c-8mJ54fClWM3uMZrAHSSfV6KmOSZOeBBJe4VlNyoD-_MOECP0BzYSnSQP3E
   152                zJb0VlM-fFmGcKNGW157icyZNISfO43JL_Lw2QPBzTgikqSIj9eZnocC3BeAmZCHsVznnLfHWqDldcmuxnu-5MNOSrWV1x9iVcgLFlLHXK
   153                2PLA4qIiZmlQTrQjpHJmUaoJ07mnj8hMKzxB3wBG8kpazjEo7HDRCO06aBH4eqFgf_l0iT8Dzcb31jquWMGUoSXPhf4lVJh_FiNcR1wVx-
   154                UiHLbG5h23Aqf1UJF-F38rc1FElKz0Zg'
   155          '404':
   156            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/notFoundResponse'
   157          '401':
   158            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
   159    cas-id-verify:
   160      parameters:
   161        - $ref: '../shared/parameters.yml#/id'
   162      post:
   163        summary: Verify a CA
   164        description: |
   165          Allows a CA to become verified by submitting a certificate in PEM format that has been signed by the target CA.
   166          The common name on the certificate must match the verificationToken property of the CA. Unverfieid CAs can not
   167          be used for enrollment/authentication. Requires admin access.
   168        security:
   169          - ztSession: [ ]
   170        tags:
   171          - Certificate Authority
   172        operationId: verifyCa
   173        consumes:
   174          - 'text/plain'
   175        parameters:
   176          - name: certificate
   177            required: true
   178            in: body
   179            description: A PEM formatted certificate signed by the target CA with the common name matching the CA's validationToken
   180            schema:
   181              type: string
   182        responses:
   183          200:
   184            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/emptyResponse'
   185          '400':
   186            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/badRequestResponse'
   187          '404':
   188            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/notFoundResponse'
   189          '401':
   190            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
   191  responses:
   192    listCas:
   193      description: A list of Certificate Authorities (CAs)
   194      schema:
   195        $ref: '#/definitions/listCasEnvelope'
   196    detailCa:
   197      description: A singular Certificate Authority (CA) resource
   198      schema:
   199        $ref: '#/definitions/detailCaEnvelope'
   201  definitions:
   202    externalIdClaim:
   203      type: object
   204      required:
   205        - location
   206        - matcher
   207        - matcherCriteria
   208        - parser
   209        - parserCriteria
   210        - index
   211      properties:
   212          location:
   213            type: string
   214            x-nullable: true
   215            enum:
   216              - COMMON_NAME
   217              - SAN_URI
   218              - SAN_EMAIL
   219          matcher:
   220            type: string
   221            x-nullable: true
   222            enum:
   223              - ALL
   224              - PREFIX
   225              - SUFFIX
   226              - SCHEME
   227          matcherCriteria:
   228            type: string
   229            x-nullable: true
   230          parser:
   231            type: string
   232            x-nullable: true
   233            enum:
   234              - NONE
   235              - SPLIT
   236          parserCriteria:
   237            type: string
   238            x-nullable: true
   239          index:
   240            type: integer
   241            x-nullable: true
   242    externalIdClaimPatch:
   243      type: object
   244      properties:
   245        location:
   246          type: string
   247          x-nullable: true
   248          enum:
   249            - COMMON_NAME
   250            - SAN_URI
   251            - SAN_EMAIL
   252        matcher:
   253          type: string
   254          x-nullable: true
   255          enum:
   256            - ALL
   257            - PREFIX
   258            - SUFFIX
   259            - SCHEME
   260        matcherCriteria:
   261          type: string
   262          x-nullable: true
   263        parser:
   264          type: string
   265          x-nullable: true
   266          enum:
   267            - NONE
   268            - SPLIT
   269        parserCriteria:
   270          type: string
   271          x-nullable: true
   272        index:
   273          type: integer
   274          x-nullable: true
   275    listCasEnvelope:
   276      type: object
   277      required:
   278        - meta
   279        - data
   280      properties:
   281        meta:
   282          $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/definitions/meta'
   283        data:
   284          $ref: '#/definitions/caList'
   285    detailCaEnvelope:
   286      type: object
   287      required:
   288        - meta
   289        - data
   290      properties:
   291        meta:
   292          $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/definitions/meta'
   293        data:
   294          $ref: '#/definitions/caDetail'
   295    caList:
   296      description: An array of Certificate Authority (CA) resources
   297      type: array
   298      items:
   299        $ref: '#/definitions/caDetail'
   300    caDetail:
   301      description: A Certificate Authority (CA) resource
   302      type: object
   303      allOf:
   304        - $ref: '../shared/base-entity.yml#/definitions/baseEntity'
   305        - type: object
   306          required:
   307            - name
   308            - fingerprint
   309            - certPem
   310            - isVerified
   311            - isAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled
   312            - isOttCaEnrollmentEnabled
   313            - isAuthEnabled
   314            - identityRoles
   315            - identityNameFormat
   316          properties:
   317            name:
   318              type: string
   319            fingerprint:
   320              type: string
   321            certPem:
   322              type: string
   323            isVerified:
   324              type: boolean
   325              example: false
   326            verificationToken:
   327              type: string
   328              format: uuid
   329            isAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled:
   330              type: boolean
   331              example: true
   332            isOttCaEnrollmentEnabled:
   333              type: boolean
   334              example: true
   335            isAuthEnabled:
   336              type: boolean
   337              example: true
   338            identityRoles:
   339              $ref: '../shared/base-entity.yml#/definitions/roles'
   340            identityNameFormat:
   341              type: string
   342            externalIdClaim:
   343              $ref: '#/definitions/externalIdClaim'
   344    caCreate:
   345      description: A create Certificate Authority (CA) object
   346      type: object
   347      required:
   348        - name
   349        - certPem
   350        - isAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled
   351        - isOttCaEnrollmentEnabled
   352        - isAuthEnabled
   353        - identityRoles
   354      properties:
   355        name:
   356          type: string
   357          example: 'Test 3rd Party External CA'
   358        isAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled:
   359          type: boolean
   360          example: true
   361        isAuthEnabled:
   362          type: boolean
   363          example: true
   364        isOttCaEnrollmentEnabled:
   365          type: boolean
   366          example: true
   367        certPem:
   368          type: string
   369          example: |
   370            -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
   373            TmV0Rm91bmRyeSBaaXRpIEV4dGVybmFsIEFQSSBSb290IENBMB4XDTE4MTExNTEy
   376            RXh0ZXJuYWwgQVBJIFJvb3QgQ0EwdjAQBgcqhkjOPQIBBgUrgQQAIgNiAARwq61Z
   377            Iaqbaw0PDt3frJZaHjkxfZhwYrykI1GlbRNd/jix03lVG9qvpN5Og9fQfFFcFmD/
   378            3vCE9S6O0npm0mADQxcBcxbMRAH5dtBuCuiJW6qAAbPgiM32vqSxBiFt0KejYzBh
   379            MB0GA1UdDgQWBBRx1OVGuc/jdltDc8YBtkw8Tbr4fjAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBRx1OVG
   380            uc/jdltDc8YBtkw8Tbr4fjAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIB
   381            hjAKBggqhkjOPQQDAgNnADBkAjBDRxNZUaIVpkQKnAgJukl3ysd3/i7Z6hDyIEms
   382            kllz/+ZvmdBp9iedV5o5BvJUggACMCv+UBFlJH7pmsOCo/F45Kk178YsCC7gaMxE
   383            1ZG1zveyMvsYsH04C9FndE6w2MLvlA==
   384            -----END CERTIFICATE-----
   385        identityRoles:
   386          $ref: '../shared/base-entity.yml#/definitions/roles'
   387        identityNameFormat:
   388          type: string
   389        tags:
   390          $ref: '../shared/base-entity.yml#/definitions/tags'
   391        externalIdClaim:
   392          $ref: '#/definitions/externalIdClaim'
   393          x-nullable: true
   394    caUpdate:
   395      type: object
   396      required:
   397        - name
   398        - isAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled
   399        - isOttCaEnrollmentEnabled
   400        - isAuthEnabled
   401        - identityRoles
   402        - identityNameFormat
   403      properties:
   404        name:
   405          type: string
   406          example: My CA
   407        isAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled:
   408          type: boolean
   409          example: true
   410        isOttCaEnrollmentEnabled:
   411          type: boolean
   412          example: true
   413        isAuthEnabled:
   414          type: boolean
   415          example: true
   416        identityRoles:
   417          $ref: '../shared/base-entity.yml#/definitions/roles'
   418        identityNameFormat:
   419          type: string
   420        tags:
   421          $ref: '../shared/base-entity.yml#/definitions/tags'
   422        externalIdClaim:
   423          $ref: '#/definitions/externalIdClaim'
   424          x-nullable: true
   425    caPatch:
   426      type: object
   427      properties:
   428        name:
   429          type: string
   430          example: My CA
   431          x-nullable: true
   432        isAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled:
   433          type: boolean
   434          example: true
   435          x-nullable: true
   436        isOttCaEnrollmentEnabled:
   437          type: boolean
   438          example: true
   439          x-nullable: true
   440        isAuthEnabled:
   441          type: boolean
   442          example: true
   443          x-nullable: true
   444        identityRoles:
   445          $ref: '../shared/base-entity.yml#/definitions/roles'
   446        identityNameFormat:
   447          type: string
   448          x-nullable: true
   449        tags:
   450          $ref: '../shared/base-entity.yml#/definitions/tags'
   451        externalIdClaim:
   452          $ref: '#/definitions/externalIdClaimPatch'