
     1  ---
     2  paths:
     3    database-snapshot:
     4      post:
     5        summary: Create a new database snapshot
     6        description: Create a new database snapshot. Requires admin access.
     7        security:
     8          - ztSession: [ ]
     9        tags:
    10          - Database
    11        operationId: createDatabaseSnapshot
    12        responses:
    13          '200':
    14            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/emptyResponse'
    15          '401':
    16            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
    17          '429':
    18            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/rateLimitedResponse'
    19    database-check-data-integrity:
    20      post:
    21        summary: Starts a data integrity scan on the datastore
    22        description: Starts a data integrity scan on the datastore. Requires admin access. Only once instance may run at a time, including runs of fixDataIntegrity.
    23        security:
    24          - ztSession: [ ]
    25        tags:
    26          - Database
    27        operationId: checkDataIntegrity
    28        responses:
    29          '202':
    30            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/emptyResponse'
    31          '401':
    32            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
    33          '429':
    34            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/rateLimitedResponse'
    35    database-fix-data-integrity:
    36      post:
    37        summary: Runs a data integrity scan on the datastore, attempts to fix any issues it can and returns any found issues
    38        description: Runs a data integrity scan on the datastore, attempts to fix any issues it can, and returns any found issues. Requires admin access. Only once instance may run at a time, including runs of checkDataIntegrity.
    39        security:
    40          - ztSession: [ ]
    41        tags:
    42          - Database
    43        operationId: fixDataIntegrity
    44        responses:
    45          '202':
    46            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/emptyResponse'
    47          '429':
    48            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/rateLimitedResponse'
    49          '401':
    50            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
    51    database-data-integrity-results:
    52      get:
    53        summary: Returns any results found from in-progress integrity checks
    54        description: Returns any results found from in-progress integrity checks. Requires admin access.
    55        security:
    56          - ztSession: [ ]
    57        tags:
    58          - Database
    59        operationId: dataIntegrityResults
    60        responses:
    61          '200':
    62            $ref: '#/responses/dataIntegrityCheckResult'
    63          '401':
    64            $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
    66  responses:
    67    dataIntegrityCheckResult:
    68      description: A list of data integrity issues found
    69      schema:
    70        $ref: '#/definitions/dataIntegrityCheckResultEnvelope'
    72  definitions:
    73    dataIntegrityCheckResultEnvelope:
    74      type: object
    75      required:
    76        - meta
    77        - data
    78      properties:
    79        meta:
    80          $ref: '../shared/standard-responses.yml#/definitions/meta'
    81        data:
    82          $ref: '#/definitions/dataIntegrityCheckDetails'
    83    dataIntegrityCheckDetails:
    84      type: object
    85      required:
    86        - inProgress
    87        - fixingErrors
    88        - tooManyErrors
    89        - startTime
    90        - endTime
    91        - error
    92        - results
    93      properties:
    94        inProgress:
    95          type: boolean
    96        startTime:
    97          type: string
    98          format: date-time
    99        endTime:
   100          type: string
   101          format: date-time
   102        fixingErrors:
   103          type: boolean
   104        error:
   105          type: string
   106        tooManyErrors:
   107          type: boolean
   108        results:
   109          $ref: '#/definitions/dataIntegrityCheckDetailList'
   110    dataIntegrityCheckDetailList:
   111      type: array
   112      items:
   113        $ref: '#/definitions/dataIntegrityCheckDetail'
   114    dataIntegrityCheckDetail:
   115      type: object
   116      required:
   117        - description
   118        - fixed
   119      properties:
   120        description:
   121          type: string
   122        fixed:
   123          type: boolean