
     1  ---
     3  paths:
     5  responses:
     6    listAuthenticators:
     7      description: A list of authenticators
     8      schema:
     9        $ref: '#/definitions/listAuthenticatorsEnvelope'
    10    detailAuthenticator:
    11      description: A singular authenticator resource
    12      schema:
    13        $ref: '#/definitions/detailAuthenticatorEnvelope'
    15  definitions:
    16    listAuthenticatorsEnvelope:
    17      type: object
    18      properties:
    19        meta:
    20          $ref: 'standard-responses.yml#/definitions/meta'
    21        data:
    22          $ref: '#/definitions/authenticatorList'
    23    detailAuthenticatorEnvelope:
    24      type: object
    25      required:
    26        - meta
    27        - data
    28      properties:
    29        meta:
    30          $ref: 'standard-responses.yml#/definitions/meta'
    31        data:
    32          $ref: '#/definitions/authenticatorDetail'
    33    authenticatorCreate:
    34      description: Creates an authenticator for a specific identity which can be used for API authentication
    35      type: object
    36      required:
    37        - method
    38        - identityId
    39      properties:
    40        method:
    41          type: string
    42          description: The type of authenticator to create; which will dictate which properties on this object are required.
    43        identityId:
    44          type: string
    45          description: The id of an existing identity that will be assigned this authenticator
    46        tags:
    47          $ref: 'base-entity.yml#/definitions/tags'
    48        username:
    49          type: string
    50          description: The username that the identity will login with. Used only for method='updb'
    51        password:
    52          type: string
    53          description: The password the identity will login with. Used only for method='updb'
    54        certPem:
    55          description: The client certificate the identity will login with. Used only for method='cert'
    56          type: string
    57    authenticatorList:
    58      description: An array of authenticator resources
    59      type: array
    60      items:
    61        $ref: '#/definitions/authenticatorDetail'
    62    authenticatorDetail:
    63      description: A singular authenticator resource
    64      type: object
    65      allOf:
    66        - $ref: 'base-entity.yml#/definitions/baseEntity'
    67        - type: object
    68          required:
    69            - method
    70            - identityId
    71            - identity
    72          properties:
    73            method:
    74              type: string
    75            identityId:
    76              type: string
    77            identity:
    78              $ref: 'base-entity.yml#/definitions/entityRef'
    79            certPem:
    80              type: string
    81            fingerprint:
    82              type: string
    83            username:
    84              type: string
    85    authenticatorUpdate:
    86      description: All of the fields on an authenticator that will be updated
    87      type: object
    88      required:
    89        - username
    90        - password
    91      properties:
    92        username:
    93          $ref: 'authenticate.yml#/definitions/username'
    94        password:
    95          $ref: 'authenticate.yml#/definitions/password'
    96        tags:
    97          $ref: 'base-entity.yml#/definitions/tags'
    98    authenticatorPatch:
    99      description: All of the fields on an authenticator that may be updated
   100      type: object
   101      properties:
   102        username:
   103          $ref: 'authenticate.yml#/definitions/username-nullable'
   104        password:
   105          $ref: 'authenticate.yml#/definitions/password-nullable'
   106        tags:
   107          $ref: 'base-entity.yml#/definitions/tags'
   108    authenticatorUpdateWithCurrent:
   109      description: All of the fields on an authenticator that will be updated
   110      type: object
   111      allOf:
   112        - $ref: '#/definitions/authenticatorUpdate'
   113        - type: object
   114          required:
   115            - currentPassword
   116          properties:
   117            currentPassword:
   118              $ref: 'authenticate.yml#/definitions/password'
   119    authenticatorPatchWithCurrent:
   120      description: All of the fields on an authenticator that may be updated
   121      type: object
   122      allOf:
   123        - $ref: '#/definitions/authenticatorPatch'
   124        - type: object
   125          required:
   126            - currentPassword
   127          properties:
   128            currentPassword:
   129              $ref: 'authenticate.yml#/definitions/password'