
     1  ---
     2  definitions:
     3    baseEntity:
     4      description: Fields shared by all Edge API entities
     5      type: object
     6      required:
     7        - id
     8        - createdAt
     9        - updatedAt
    10        - _links
    11      properties:
    12        id:
    13          type: string
    14        createdAt:
    15          type: string
    16          format: date-time
    17        updatedAt:
    18          type: string
    19          format: date-time
    20        _links:
    21          $ref: '#/definitions/links'
    22        tags:
    23          $ref: '#/definitions/tags'
    24    link:
    25      description: A link to another resource
    26      type: object
    27      required:
    28        - href
    29      properties:
    30        href:
    31          type: string
    32          format: uri
    33        method:
    34          type: string
    35        comment:
    36          type: string
    37    links:
    38      description: A map of named links
    39      type: object
    40      x-omitempty: false
    41      additionalProperties:
    42        $ref: '#/definitions/link'
    43    entityRef:
    44      description: A reference to another resource and links to interact with it
    45      type: object
    46      properties:
    47        entity:
    48          type: string
    49        id:
    50          type: string
    51        name:
    52          type: string
    53        _links:
    54          $ref: '#/definitions/links'
    55    tags:
    56      description: 'A map of user defined fields and values. The values are limited to the following types/values: null, string, boolean'
    57      allOf:
    58        - $ref: '#/definitions/subTags'
    59      x-nullable: true
    60    subTags:
    61      type: object
    62      additionalProperties: {
    63        type: object
    64      }
    65    attributes:
    66      description: A set of strings used to loosly couple this resource to policies
    67      type: array
    68      x-omitempty: true
    69      x-nullable: true
    70      items:
    71        type: string
    72    roles:
    73      type: array
    74      x-omitempty: false
    75      items:
    76        type: string
    77    namedRole:
    78      type: object
    79      properties:
    80        role:
    81          type: string
    82        name:
    83          type: string
    84    namedRoles:
    85      type: array
    86      x-omitempty: false
    87      items:
    88        $ref: '#/definitions/namedRole'
    89    semantic:
    90      type: string
    91      enum:
    92        - AllOf
    93        - AnyOf
    94    dialBind:
    95      type: string
    96      enum:
    97        - Dial
    98        - Bind
    99    dialBindArray:
   100      type: array
   101      items:
   102        $ref: '#/definitions/dialBind'