
     1  ---
     2  paths:
     3    current-identity:
     4      get:
     5        summary: Return the current identity
     6        description: Returns the identity associated with the API sessions used to issue the current request
     7        security:
     8          - ztSession: [ ]
     9        tags:
    10          - Current Identity
    11        operationId: getCurrentIdentity
    12        responses:
    13          '200':
    14            $ref: '#/responses/detailCurrentIdentity'
    15          '401':
    16            $ref: 'standard-responses.yml#/responses/unauthorizedResponse'
    17  responses:
    18    detailCurrentIdentity:
    19      description: The identity associated with the API Session used to issue the request
    20      schema:
    21        $ref: '#/definitions/currentIdentityDetailEnvelope'
    22      examples:
    23        default:
    24          meta: { }
    25          data:
    26            id: 66352d7b-a6b2-4ce9-85bb-9f18e318704d
    27            createdAt: '2020-01-13T16:38:13.6854788Z'
    28            updatedAt: '2020-01-13T16:38:13.6854788Z'
    29            _links:
    30              edge-router-policies:
    31                href: './identities/66352d7b-a6b2-4ce9-85bb-9f18e318704d/edge-routers'
    32              self:
    33                href: './identities/66352d7b-a6b2-4ce9-85bb-9f18e318704d'
    34              service-policies:
    35                href: './identities/66352d7b-a6b2-4ce9-85bb-9f18e318704d/identities'
    36            tags: { }
    37            name: Default Admin
    38            type:
    39              urlName: identity-types
    40              id: User
    41              name: User
    42              _links:
    43                self:
    44                  href: './identity-types/User'
    45            isDefaultAdmin: true
    46            isAdmin: true
    47            authenticators:
    48              updb:
    49                username: admin
    50            enrollment: { }
    51            roleAttributes: []
    53  definitions:
    54    currentIdentityDetailEnvelope:
    55      type: object
    56      required:
    57        - meta
    58        - data
    59      properties:
    60        meta:
    61          $ref: 'standard-responses.yml#/definitions/meta'
    62        data:
    63          $ref: 'identities.yml#/definitions/identityDetail'