
     1  swagger: '2.0'
     2  info:
     3    title: MyAPI
     4    description: some description
     5    version: "1.0.0"
     6  schemes:
     7    - http
     8  basePath: /v1
     9  consumes:
    10    - application/json
    11  produces:
    12    - application/json
    13  paths:
    14    /models:
    15      post:
    16        operationId: postModels
    17        summary: creates a new model
    18        description: |
    19          Creates a model.....
    20        tags:
    21          - Deployment
    22        consumes:
    23          - multipart/form-data
    24        parameters:
    25          - name: slugFile
    26            in: formData
    27            description: Payload with the model configuration.
    28            required: true
    29            type: file
    30        responses:
    31          201:
    32            description: Model successfully accepted.
    33            headers:
    34              Location:
    35                description: Location header for the model
    36                type: string
    37          default:
    38            description: Unexpected error
    39            schema:
    40              $ref: '#/definitions/Error'
    42  definitions:
    43    Error:
    44      type: object
    45      properties:
    46        code:
    47          type: integer
    48          format: int32
    49        message:
    50          type: string
    51        fields:
    52          type: string