
     1  swagger: '2.0'
     2  info:
     3    version: v1
     4    title: Instagram API
     5    description: >
     6      The first version of the Instagram API is an exciting step forward towards
     8      making it easier for users to have open access to their data. We created it
    10      so that you can surface the amazing content Instagram users share every
    12      second, in fun and innovative ways.
    16      Build something great!
    20      Once you've
    22      [registered your client]( it's easy
    24      to start requesting data from Instagram.
    28      All endpoints are only accessible via https and are located at
    30      ``. For instance: you can grab the most popular photos at
    32      the moment by accessing the following URL with your client ID
    34      (replace CLIENT-ID with your own):
    36      ```
    40      ```
    42      You're best off using an access_token for the authenticated user for each
    44      endpoint, though many endpoints don't require it.
    46      In some cases an access_token will give you more access to information, and
    48      in all cases, it means that you are operating under a per-access_token limit
    50      vs. the same limit for your single client_id.
    56      ## Limits
    58      Be nice. If you're sending too many requests too quickly, we'll send back a
    60      `503` error code (server unavailable).
    62      You are limited to 5000 requests per hour per `access_token` or `client_id`
    64      overall. Practically, this means you should (when possible) authenticate
    66      users so that limits are well outside the reach of a given user.
    70      ## Deleting Objects
    72      We do our best to have all our URLs be
    74      [RESTful](
    76      Every endpoint (URL) may support one of four different http verbs. GET
    78      requests fetch information about an object, POST requests create objects,
    80      PUT requests update objects, and finally DELETE requests will delete
    82      objects.
    86      Since many old browsers don't support PUT or DELETE, we've made it easy to
    88      fake PUTs and DELETEs. All you have to do is do a POST with _method=PUT or
    90      _method=DELETE as a parameter and we will treat it as if you used PUT or
    92      DELETE respectively.
    96      ## Structure
   100      ### The Envelope
   102      Every response is contained by an envelope. That is, each response has a
   104      predictable set of keys with which you can expect to interact:
   106      ```json
   108      {
   110          "meta": {
   112              "code": 200
   114          },
   116          "data": {
   118              ...
   120          },
   122          "pagination": {
   124              "next_url": "...",
   126              "next_max_id": "13872296"
   128          }
   130      }
   132      ```
   136      #### META
   138      The meta key is used to communicate extra information about the response to
   140      the developer. If all goes well, you'll only ever see a code key with value
   142      200. However, sometimes things go wrong, and in that case you might see a
   144      response like:
   146      ```json
   148      {
   150          "meta": {
   152              "error_type": "OAuthException",
   154              "code": 400,
   156              "error_message": "..."
   158          }
   160      }
   162      ```
   166      #### DATA
   168      The data key is the meat of the response. It may be a list or dictionary,
   170      but either way this is where you'll find the data you requested.
   172      #### PAGINATION
   174      Sometimes you just can't get enough. For this reason, we've provided a
   176      convenient way to access more data in any request for sequential data.
   178      Simply call the url in the next_url parameter and we'll respond with the
   180      next set of data.
   182      ```json
   184      {
   186          ...
   188          "pagination": {
   190              "next_url":
   191      "",
   193              "next_max_id": "13872296"
   195          }
   197      }
   199      ```
   201      On views where pagination is present, we also support the "count" parameter.
   203      Simply set this to the number of items you'd like to receive. Note that the
   205      default values should be fine for most applications - but if you decide to
   207      increase this number there is a maximum value defined on each endpoint.
   211      ### JSONP
   213      If you're writing an AJAX application, and you'd like to wrap our response
   215      with a callback, all you have to do is specify a callback parameter with
   217      any API call:
   219      ```
   223      ```
   225      Would respond with:
   227      ```js
   229      callbackFunction({
   231          ...
   233      });
   235      ```
   236    termsOfService: ''
   237  host:
   238  basePath: /v1
   239  schemes:
   240    - https
   241  produces:
   242    - application/json
   243  consumes:
   244    - application/json
   245  tags:
   246    - name: Users
   247    - name: Relationships
   248      description: |
   249        Relationships are expressed using the following terms:
   251        **outgoing_status**: Your relationship to the user. Can be "follows",
   252          "requested", "none".
   253        **incoming_status**: A user's relationship to you. Can be "followed_by",
   254          "requested_by", "blocked_by_you", "none".
   255    - name: Media
   256      description: >
   257        At this time, uploading via the API is not possible. We made a conscious
   259        choice not to add this for the following reasons:
   263        * Instagram is about your life on the go – we hope to encourage photos
   265          from within the app.
   267        * We want to fight spam & low quality photos. Once we allow uploading
   269          from other sources, it's harder to control what comes into the Instagram
   271          ecosystem. All this being said, we're working on ways to ensure users
   273          have a consistent and high-quality experience on our platform.
   274    - name: Commnts
   275    - name: Likes
   276    - name: Tags
   277    - name: Location
   278    - name: Subscribtions
   279  securityDefinitions:
   280    oauth:
   281      type: oauth2
   282      flow: implicit
   283      authorizationUrl: ''
   284      scopes:
   285        basic: |
   286          to read any and all data related to a user (e.g. following/followed-by
   287           lists, photos, etc.) (granted by default)
   288        comments: to create or delete comments on a user’s behalf
   289        relationships: to follow and unfollow users on a user’s behalf
   290        likes: to like and unlike items on a user’s behalf
   291    key:
   292      type: apiKey
   293      in: query
   294      name: access_token
   295  security:
   296    - oauth:
   297        - basic
   298        - comments
   299        - relationships
   300        - likes
   301    - key: []
   302  parameters:
   303    user-id:
   304      name: user-id
   305      in: path
   306      description: The user identifier number
   307      type: number
   308      required: true
   309    tag-name:
   310      name: tag-name
   311      in: path
   312      description: Tag name
   313      type: string
   314      required: true
   315  paths:
   316    '/users/{user-id}':
   317      parameters:
   318        - $ref: '#/parameters/user-id'
   319      get:
   320        security:
   321          - key: []
   322          - oauth:
   323              - basic
   324        tags:
   325          - Users
   326        description: Get basic information about a user.
   327        responses:
   328          '200':
   329            description: The user object
   330            schema:
   331              type: object
   332              properties:
   333                data:
   334                  $ref: '#/definitions/User'
   335    /users/self/feed:
   336      get:
   337        tags:
   338          - Users
   339        description: "See the authenticated user's feed."
   340        parameters:
   341          - name: count
   342            in: query
   343            description: Count of media to return.
   344            type: integer
   345          - name: max_id
   346            in: query
   347            description: Return media earlier than this max_id.s
   348            type: integer
   349          - name: min_id
   350            in: query
   351            description: Return media later than this min_id.
   352            type: integer
   353        responses:
   354          '200':
   355            description: OK
   356            schema:
   357              type: object
   358              properties:
   359                data:
   360                  type: array
   361                  items:
   362                    $ref: '#/definitions/Media'
   363    '/users/{user-id}/media/recent':
   364      parameters:
   365        - $ref: '#/parameters/user-id'
   366      get:
   367        tags:
   368          - Users
   369        responses:
   370          '200':
   371            description: >
   372              Get the most recent media published by a user. To get the most
   373              recent
   375              media published by the owner of the access token, you can use `self`
   377              instead of the `user-id`.
   378            schema:
   379              type: object
   380              properties:
   381                data:
   382                  type: array
   383                  items:
   384                    $ref: '#/definitions/Media'
   385        parameters:
   386          - name: count
   387            in: query
   388            description: Count of media to return.
   389            type: integer
   390          - name: max_timestamp
   391            in: query
   392            description: Return media before this UNIX timestamp.
   393            type: integer
   394          - name: min_timestamp
   395            in: query
   396            description: Return media after this UNIX timestamp.
   397            type: integer
   398          - name: min_id
   399            in: query
   400            description: Return media later than this min_id.
   401            type: string
   402          - name: max_id
   403            in: query
   404            description: Return media earlier than this max_id.
   405            type: string
   406    /users/self/media/liked:
   407      get:
   408        tags:
   409          - Users
   410        description: |
   411          See the list of media liked by the authenticated user.
   412          Private media is returned as long as the authenticated user
   413          has permissionto view that media. Liked media lists are only
   414          available for the currently authenticated user.
   415        responses:
   416          '200':
   417            description: OK
   418            schema:
   419              type: object
   420              properties:
   421                data:
   422                  type: array
   423                  items:
   424                    $ref: '#/definitions/Media'
   425        parameters:
   426          - name: count
   427            in: query
   428            description: Count of media to return.
   429            type: integer
   430          - name: max_like_id
   431            in: query
   432            description: Return media liked before this id.
   433            type: integer
   434    /users/search:
   435      get:
   436        tags:
   437          - Users
   438        description: Search for a user by name.
   439        parameters:
   440          - name: q
   441            in: query
   442            description: A query string
   443            type: string
   444            required: true
   445          - name: count
   446            in: query
   447            description: Number of users to return.
   448            type: string
   449        responses:
   450          '200':
   451            description: OK
   452            schema:
   453              type: object
   454              properties:
   455                data:
   456                  type: array
   457                  items:
   458                    $ref: '#/definitions/MiniProfile'
   459    '/users/{user-id}/follows':
   460      parameters:
   461        - $ref: '#/parameters/user-id'
   462      get:
   463        tags:
   464          - Relationships
   465        description: Get the list of users this user follows.
   466        responses:
   467          '200':
   468            description: OK
   469            schema:
   470              properties:
   471                data:
   472                  type: array
   473                  items:
   474                    $ref: '#/definitions/MiniProfile'
   475    '/users/{user-id}/followed-by':
   476      parameters:
   477        - $ref: '#/parameters/user-id'
   478      get:
   479        tags:
   480          - Relationships
   481        description: Get the list of users this user is followed by.
   482        responses:
   483          '200':
   484            description: OK
   485            schema:
   486              properties:
   487                data:
   488                  type: array
   489                  items:
   490                    $ref: '#/definitions/MiniProfile'
   491    /users/self/requested-by:
   492      get:
   493        tags:
   494          - Relationships
   495        description: |
   496          List the users who have requested this user's permission to follow.
   497        responses:
   498          '200':
   499            description: OK
   500            schema:
   501              properties:
   502                meta:
   503                  properties:
   504                    code:
   505                      type: integer
   506                data:
   507                  type: array
   508                  items:
   509                    $ref: '#/definitions/MiniProfile'
   510    '/users/{user-id}/relationship':
   511      parameters:
   512        - $ref: '#/parameters/user-id'
   513      post:
   514        tags:
   515          - Relationships
   516        description: |
   517          Modify the relationship between the current user and thetarget user.
   518        security:
   519          - oauth:
   520              - relationships
   521        parameters:
   522          - name: action
   523            in: body
   524            description: One of follow/unfollow/block/unblock/approve/ignore.
   525            schema:
   526              type: string
   527              enum:
   528                - follow
   529                - unfollow
   530                - block
   531                - unblock
   532                - approve
   533        responses:
   534          '200':
   535            description: OK
   536            schema:
   537              properties:
   538                data:
   539                  type: array
   540                  items:
   541                    $ref: '#/definitions/MiniProfile'
   542    '/media/{media-id}':
   543      parameters:
   544        - name: media-id
   545          in: path
   546          description: The media ID
   547          type: integer
   548          required: true
   549      get:
   550        tags:
   551          - Media
   552        description: |
   553          Get information about a media object.
   554          The returned type key will allow you to differentiate between `image`
   555          and `video` media.
   557          Note: if you authenticate with an OAuth Token, you will receive the
   558          `user_has_liked` key which quickly tells you whether the current user
   559          has liked this media item.
   560        responses:
   561          '200':
   562            description: OK
   563            schema:
   564              $ref: '#/definitions/Media'
   565    '/media1/{shortcode}':
   566      parameters:
   567        - name: shortcode
   568          in: path
   569          description: The media shortcode
   570          type: string
   571          required: true
   572      get:
   573        tags:
   574          - Media
   575        description: |
   576          This endpoint returns the same response as **GET** `/media/media-id`.
   578          A media object's shortcode can be found in its shortlink URL.
   579          An example shortlink is ``
   580          Its corresponding shortcode is D.
   581        responses:
   582          '200':
   583            description: OK
   584            schema:
   585              $ref: '#/definitions/Media'
   586    /media/search:
   587      get:
   588        tags:
   589          - Media
   590        description: |
   591          Search for media in a given area. The default time span is set to 5
   592          days. The time span must not exceed 7 days. Defaults time stamps cover
   593          the last 5 days. Can return mix of image and video types.
   594        parameters:
   595          - name: LAT
   596            description: |
   597              Latitude of the center search coordinate. If used, lng is required.
   598            type: number
   599            in: query
   600          - name: MIN_TIMESTAMP
   601            description: |
   602              A unix timestamp. All media returned will be taken later than
   603              this timestamp.
   604            type: integer
   605            in: query
   606          - name: LNG
   607            description: >
   608              Longitude of the center search coordinate. If used, lat is required.
   609            type: number
   610            in: query
   611          - name: MAX_TIMESTAMP
   612            description: >
   613              A unix timestamp. All media returned will be taken earlier than this
   615              timestamp.
   616            type: integer
   617            in: query
   618          - name: DISTANCE
   619            description: 'Default is 1km (distance=1000), max distance is 5km.'
   620            type: integer
   621            maximum: 5000
   622            default: 1000
   623            in: query
   624        responses:
   625          '200':
   626            description: OK
   627            schema:
   628              type: object
   629              description: List of all media with added `distance` property
   630              properties:
   631                data:
   632                  type: array
   633                  items:
   634                    allOf:
   635                      - $ref: '#/definitions/Media'
   636                      - properties:
   637                          distance:
   638                            type: number
   639    /media/popular:
   640      get:
   641        tags:
   642          - Media
   643        description: |
   644          Get a list of what media is most popular at the moment.
   645          Can return mix of image and video types.
   646        responses:
   647          '200':
   648            description: OK
   649            schema:
   650              type: object
   651              properties:
   652                data:
   653                  type: array
   654                  items:
   655                    $ref: '#/definitions/Media'
   656    '/media/{media-id}/comments':
   657      parameters:
   658        - name: media-id
   659          in: path
   660          description: Media ID
   661          type: integer
   662          required: true
   663      get:
   664        tags:
   665          - Comments
   666        description: |
   667          Get a list of recent comments on a media object.
   668        responses:
   669          '200':
   670            description: OK
   671            schema:
   672              properties:
   673                meta:
   674                  properties:
   675                    code:
   676                      type: number
   677                data:
   678                  type: array
   679                  items:
   680                    $ref: '#/definitions/Comment'
   681      post:
   682        tags:
   683          - Comments
   684          - Media
   685        description: |
   686          Create a comment on a media object with the following rules:
   688          * The total length of the comment cannot exceed 300 characters.
   689          * The comment cannot contain more than 4 hashtags.
   690          * The comment cannot contain more than 1 URL.
   691          * The comment cannot consist of all capital letters.
   692        security:
   693          - oauth:
   694              - comments
   695        parameters:
   696          - name: TEXT
   697            description: |
   698              Text to post as a comment on the media object as specified in
   699              media-id.
   700            in: body
   701            schema:
   702              type: number
   703        responses:
   704          '200':
   705            description: OK
   706            schema:
   707              type: object
   708              properties:
   709                meta:
   710                  properties:
   711                    code:
   712                      type: number
   713                data:
   714                  type: object
   715      delete:
   716        tags:
   717          - Comments
   718        description: |
   719          Remove a comment either on the authenticated user's media object or
   720          authored by the authenticated user.
   721        responses:
   722          '200':
   723            description: OK
   724            schema:
   725              type: object
   726              properties:
   727                meta:
   728                  properties:
   729                    code:
   730                      type: number
   731                data:
   732                  type: object
   733    '/media/{media-id}/likes':
   734      parameters:
   735        - name: media-id
   736          in: path
   737          description: Media ID
   738          type: integer
   739          required: true
   740      get:
   741        tags:
   742          - Likes
   743          - Media
   744        description: |
   745          Get a list of users who have liked this media.
   746        responses:
   747          '200':
   748            description: OK
   749            schema:
   750              properties:
   751                meta:
   752                  properties:
   753                    code:
   754                      type: number
   755                data:
   756                  type: array
   757                  items:
   758                    $ref: '#/definitions/Like'
   759      post:
   760        tags:
   761          - Likes
   762        description: Set a like on this media by the currently authenticated user.
   763        security:
   764          - oauth:
   765              - comments
   766        responses:
   767          '200':
   768            description: OK
   769            schema:
   770              type: object
   771              properties:
   772                meta:
   773                  properties:
   774                    code:
   775                      type: number
   776                data:
   777                  type: object
   778      delete:
   779        tags:
   780          - Likes
   781        description: |
   782          Remove a like on this media by the currently authenticated user.
   783        responses:
   784          '200':
   785            description: OK
   786            schema:
   787              type: object
   788              properties:
   789                meta:
   790                  properties:
   791                    code:
   792                      type: number
   793                data:
   794                  type: object
   795    '/tags/{tag-name}':
   796      parameters:
   797        - $ref: '#/parameters/tag-name'
   798      get:
   799        tags:
   800          - Tags
   801        description: Get information about a tag object.
   802        responses:
   803          '200':
   804            description: OK
   805            schema:
   806              $ref: '#/definitions/Tag'
   807    '/tags/{tag-name}/media/recent':
   808      parameters:
   809        - $ref: '#/parameters/tag-name'
   810      get:
   811        tags:
   812          - Tags
   813        description: |
   814          Get a list of recently tagged media. Use the `max_tag_id` and
   815          `min_tag_id` parameters in the pagination response to paginate through
   816          these objects.
   817        responses:
   818          '200':
   819            description: OK
   820            schema:
   821              properties:
   822                data:
   823                  type: array
   824                  items:
   825                    $ref: '#/definitions/Tag'
   826    /tags/search:
   827      get:
   828        tags:
   829          - Tags
   830        parameters:
   831          - name: q
   832            description: |
   833              A valid tag name without a leading #. (eg. snowy, nofilter)
   834            in: query
   835            type: string
   836        responses:
   837          '200':
   838            description: OK
   839            schema:
   840              type: object
   841              properties:
   842                meta:
   843                  properties:
   844                    code:
   845                      type: integer
   846                data:
   847                  type: array
   848                  items:
   849                    $ref: '#/definitions/Tag'
   850    '/locations/{location-id}':
   851      parameters:
   852        - name: location-id
   853          description: Location ID
   854          in: path
   855          type: integer
   856          required: true
   857      get:
   858        tags:
   859          - Location
   860        description: Get information about a location.
   861        responses:
   862          '200':
   863            description: OK
   864            schema:
   865              type: object
   866              properties:
   867                data:
   868                  $ref: '#/definitions/Location'
   869    '/locations/{location-id}/media/recent':
   870      parameters:
   871        - name: location-id
   872          description: Location ID
   873          in: path
   874          type: integer
   875          required: true
   876      get:
   877        tags:
   878          - Location
   879          - Media
   880        description: Get a list of recent media objects from a given location.
   881        parameters:
   882          - name: max_timestamp
   883            in: query
   884            description: Return media before this UNIX timestamp.
   885            type: integer
   886          - name: min_timestamp
   887            in: query
   888            description: Return media after this UNIX timestamp.
   889            type: integer
   890          - name: min_id
   891            in: query
   892            description: Return media later than this min_id.
   893            type: string
   894          - name: max_id
   895            in: query
   896            description: Return media earlier than this max_id.
   897            type: string
   898        responses:
   899          '200':
   900            description: OK
   901            schema:
   902              type: object
   903              properties:
   904                data:
   905                  type: array
   906                  items:
   907                    $ref: '#/definitions/Media'
   908    /locations/search:
   909      get:
   910        tags:
   911          - Location
   912        description: Search for a location by geographic coordinate.
   913        parameters:
   914          - name: distance
   915            in: query
   916            description: 'Default is 1000m (distance=1000), max distance is 5000.'
   917            type: integer
   918          - name: facebook_places_id
   919            in: query
   920            description: |
   921              Returns a location mapped off of a Facebook places id. If used, a
   922              Foursquare id and lat, lng are not required.
   923            type: integer
   924          - name: foursquare_id
   925            in: query
   926            description: >
   927              returns a location mapped off of a foursquare v1 api location id.
   929              If used, you are not required to use lat and lng. Note that this
   931              method is deprecated; you should use the new foursquare IDs with V2
   933              of their API.
   934            type: integer
   935          - name: lat
   936            in: query
   937            description: |
   938              atitude of the center search coordinate. If used, lng is required.
   939            type: number
   940          - name: lng
   941            in: query
   942            description: |
   943              ongitude of the center search coordinate. If used, lat is required.
   944            type: number
   945          - name: foursquare_v2_id
   946            in: query
   947            description: >
   948              Returns a location mapped off of a foursquare v2 api location id. If
   950              used, you are not required to use lat and lng.
   951            type: integer
   952        responses:
   953          '200':
   954            description: OK
   955            schema:
   956              type: object
   957              properties:
   958                data:
   959                  type: array
   960                  items:
   961                    $ref: '#/definitions/Location'
   962    '/geographies/{geo-id}/media/recent':
   963      parameters:
   964        - name: geo-id
   965          in: path
   966          description: Geolocation ID
   967          type: integer
   968          required: true
   969      get:
   970        description: |
   971          Get recent media from a geography subscription that you created.
   972          **Note**: You can only access Geographies that were explicitly created
   973          by your OAuth client. Check the Geography Subscriptions section of the
   974          [real-time updates page](
   975          When you create a subscription to some geography
   976          that you define, you will be returned a unique geo-id that can be used
   977          in this query. To backfill photos from the location covered by this
   978          geography, use the [media search endpoint
   979          ](
   980        parameters:
   981          - name: count
   982            in: query
   983            description: Max number of media to return.
   984            type: integer
   985          - name: min_id
   986            in: query
   987            description: Return media before this `min_id`.
   988            type: integer
   989        responses:
   990          '200':
   991            description: OK
   992  definitions:
   993    User:
   994      type: object
   995      properties:
   996        id:
   997          type: integer
   998        username:
   999          type: string
  1000        full_name:
  1001          type: string
  1002        profile_picture:
  1003          type: string
  1004        bio:
  1005          type: string
  1006        website:
  1007          type: string
  1008        counts:
  1009          type: object
  1010          properties:
  1011            media:
  1012              type: integer
  1013            follows:
  1014              type: integer
  1015            follwed_by:
  1016              type: integer
  1017    Media:
  1018      type: object
  1019      properties:
  1020        created_time:
  1021          description: Epoc time (ms)
  1022          type: integer
  1023        type:
  1024          type: string
  1025        filter:
  1026          type: string
  1027        tags:
  1028          type: array
  1029          items:
  1030            $ref: '#/definitions/Tag'
  1031        id:
  1032          type: integer
  1033        user:
  1034          $ref: '#/definitions/MiniProfile'
  1035        users_in_photo:
  1036          type: array
  1037          items:
  1038            $ref: '#/definitions/MiniProfile'
  1039        location:
  1040          $ref: '#/definitions/Location'
  1041        'comments:':
  1042          type: object
  1043          properties:
  1044            count:
  1045              type: integer
  1046            data:
  1047              type: array
  1048              items:
  1049                $ref: '#/definitions/Comment'
  1051          type: object
  1052          properties:
  1053            count:
  1054              type: integer
  1055            data:
  1056              type: array
  1057              items:
  1058                $ref: '#/definitions/MiniProfile'
  1059        images:
  1060          properties:
  1061            low_resolution:
  1062              $ref: '#/definitions/Image'
  1063            thumbnail:
  1064              $ref: '#/definitions/Image'
  1065            standard_resolution:
  1066              $ref: '#/definitions/Image'
  1067        videos:
  1068          properties:
  1069            low_resolution:
  1070              $ref: '#/definitions/Image'
  1071            standard_resolution:
  1072              $ref: '#/definitions/Image'
  1073    Location:
  1074      type: object
  1075      properties:
  1076        id:
  1077          type: string
  1078        name:
  1079          type: string
  1080        latitude:
  1081          type: number
  1082        longitude:
  1083          type: number
  1084    Comment:
  1085      type: object
  1086      properties:
  1087        id:
  1088          type: string
  1089        created_time:
  1090          type: string
  1091        text:
  1092          type: string
  1093        from:
  1094          $ref: '#/definitions/MiniProfile'
  1095    Like:
  1096      type: object
  1097      properties:
  1098        user_name:
  1099          type: string
  1100        first_name:
  1101          type: string
  1102        last_name:
  1103          type: string
  1104        type:
  1105          type: string
  1106        id:
  1107          type: string
  1108    Tag:
  1109      type: object
  1110      properties:
  1111        media_count:
  1112          type: integer
  1113        name:
  1114          type: string
  1115    Image:
  1116      type: object
  1117      properties:
  1118        width:
  1119          type: integer
  1120        height:
  1121          type: integer
  1122        url:
  1123          type: string
  1124    MiniProfile:
  1125      type: object
  1126      description: A shorter version of User for likes array
  1127      properties:
  1128        user_name:
  1129          type: string
  1130        full_name:
  1131          type: string
  1132        id:
  1133          type: integer
  1134        profile_picture:
  1135          type: string