
     1  # Design Decisions
     3  This document outlines important design decisions made for this repository and
     4  attempts to provide succinct rationales. Recording these decisions helps
     5  maintain consistency across packages, especially as an open source project where
     6  contributors can join at any point during development.
     8  A broad design goal for the Go Cloud Development Kit (Go CDK) is for the API
     9  style to be consistent. Consistency aids users in building a mental model of how
    10  to use the APIs. As such, the design of individual packages must also consider
    11  their impact on the Go CDK as a whole.
    13  This is a [Living Document]( The
    14  decisions in here are not set in stone, but simply describe our current thinking
    15  about how to guide the Go Cloud Development Kit project. While it is useful to
    16  link to this document when having discussions in an issue, it is not to be used
    17  as a means of closing issues without discussion at all. Discussion on an issue
    18  can lead to revisions of this document.
    20  ## Developers and Operators
    22  The Go CDK is designed with two different personas in mind: the developer and
    23  the operator. In the world of DevOps, these may be the same person. A developer
    24  may be directly deploying their application into production, especially on
    25  smaller teams. In a larger organization, these may be different teams entirely,
    26  but working closely together. Regardless, these two personas have two very
    27  different ways of looking at a Go program:
    29  -   The developer persona wants to write business logic that is agnostic of
    30      underlying cloud provider. Their focus is on making software correct for the
    31      requirements at hand.
    32  -   The operator persona wants to incorporate the business logic into the
    33      organization's policies and provision resources for the logic to run. Their
    34      focus is making software run predictably and reliably with the resources at
    35      hand.
    37  The Go CDK uses Go interfaces at the boundary between these two personas: a
    38  developer is meant to use an interface, and an operator is meant to provide an
    39  implementation of that interface. This distinction prevents the Go CDK going
    40  down a path of complexity that makes application portability difficult. The
    41  [`blob.Bucket`][] type is a prime example: the API does not provide a way of
    42  creating a new bucket. To properly and safely create such a bucket requires
    43  careful consideration, getting something like ACLs wrong could lead to a
    44  catastrophic data leak. To generate the ACLs correctly requires modeling of IAM
    45  users and roles for each cloud platform, and some way of mapping those users and
    46  roles across clouds. While not impossible, the level of complexity and the high
    47  likelihood of a leaky abstraction leads us to believe this is not the right
    48  direction for the Go CDK.
    50  Instead of adding large amounts of leaky complexity to the Go CDK, we expect the
    51  operator role to handle the management of non-portable platform-specific
    52  resources. An implementor of the `Bucket` interface does not need to determine
    53  the content type of incoming data, as that is a developer's concern. This
    54  separation of concerns allows these two personas to communicate using a shared
    55  language while focusing on their respective areas of expertise.
    57  [`blob.Bucket`]:
    59  ## Portable Types and Drivers
    61  The portable APIs that the Go CDK exports (like [`blob.Bucket`][] or
    62  [`runtimevar.Variable`][]) are concrete types, not interfaces. To understand
    63  why, imagine if we used a plain interface:
    65  ![Diagram showing user code depending on blob.Bucket, which is implemented by
    66  awsblob.Bucket.](img/user-facing-type-no-driver.png)
    68  Consider the [`Bucket.NewWriter` method][], which infers the content type of the
    69  blob based on the first bytes written to it. If `blob.Bucket` was an interface,
    70  each implementation of `blob.Bucket` would have to replicate this behavior
    71  precisely. This does not scale: conformance tests would be needed to ensure that
    72  each interface method actually behaves in the way that the docs describe. This
    73  makes the interfaces hard to implement, which runs counter to the goals of the
    74  project.
    76  Instead, we follow the example of [`database/sql`][] and separate out the
    77  implementation-agnostic logic from the interface. The implementation-agnostic
    78  logic-containing concrete type is the **portable type**. We call the interface
    79  the **driver**. Visually, it looks like this:
    81  ![Diagram showing user code depending on blob.Bucket, which holds a
    82  driver.Bucket implemented by awsblob.Bucket.](img/user-facing-type.png)
    84  This has a number of benefits:
    86  -   The portable type can perform higher level logic without making the
    87      interface complex to implement. In the blob example, the portable type's
    88      `NewWriter` method can do the content type detection and then pass the final
    89      result to the driver type.
    90  -   Methods can be added to the portable type without breaking compatibility.
    91      Contrast with adding methods to an interface, which is a breaking change.
    92  -   When new operations on the driver are added as new optional interfaces, the
    93      portable type can hide the need for type-assertions from the user.
    95  As a rule, if a method `Foo` has the same inputs and semantics in the portable
    96  type and the driver type, then the driver method may be called `Foo`, even
    97  though the return signatures may differ. Otherwise, the driver method name
    98  should be different to reduce confusion.
   100  New Go CDK APIs should always follow this portable type and driver pattern.
   102  [`runtimevar.Variable`]:
   104  [`Bucket.NewWriter` method]:
   106  [`database/sql`]:
   108  ## Minimize Global State
   110  As a library, the Go CDK should not introduce global state. Global state is
   111  difficult to reason about in large codebases, where it can be necessary for
   112  different parts of the application to use different states. Instead of adding
   113  global state, push responsibility to the application to inject the state where
   114  it is needed.
   116  The exception we permit is URL scheme registration as documented under
   117  [URLs](#urls). The amount of boilerplate setup code required for URL muxes for
   118  multiple drivers without use of a tool like Wire is an unreasonable burden for
   119  users of Go CDK. We want the Go CDK to be usable both with and without Wire. A
   120  global registry is acceptable as long as its use is not mandatory, but the
   121  burden is to prove the benefit over the cost.
   123  ## Driver Package Naming Conventions
   125  Inside this repository, we name packages that handle cloud services after the
   126  service name, not the providing cloud (`s3blob` instead of `awsblob`). While a
   127  cloud provider may provide a unique offering for a particular API, they may not
   128  always provide only one, so distinguishing them in this way keeps the API
   129  symbols stable over time.
   131  The naming convention is `<provider><product><api>`, where:
   133  *   `<provider>` is the provider name, like `aws` or `gcp` or `azure`.
   134      *   Omit for 3rd party/open source/local packages.
   135      *   May also be omitted in cases where the product name is sufficient (e.g.,
   136          `s3blob` not `awss3blob` since S3 is well-known, `gcsblob` not
   137          `gcpgcsblob` since GCS already references Google).
   138      *   Required if the product name is not unique across providers (e.g.,
   139          `gcpkms` and `awskms`).
   140  *   `<product>`is the product/service name.
   141  *   `<api>` is the portable API name.
   142      *   Include for local/test packages like (e.g., `fileblob`, `mempubsub`).
   143      *   May be omitted when it makes the package name too long (e.g. `awssnssqs`
   144          is long enough, don't add `pubsub`).
   145      *   Encouraged when it helps distinguish the package from the service's own
   146          package name (e.g., `s3blob` not `s3`).
   148  ## Portable Type Constructors
   150  Portable type constructors are the functions defined in driver packages that end
   151  users call to get an instance of the portable type. For example,
   152  `gcsblob.OpenBucket`, which returns an instance of the `*blob.Bucket` portable
   153  type backed by GCS.
   155  -   Portable type constructors should be top-level functions that return the
   156      portable type directly. Avoid helpers (e.g., a `Client` struct with a
   157      function that returns the portable type instead of it being top-level) and
   158      wrappers (e.g., a `fooblob.Bucket` type returned from `fooblob.OpenBucket`
   159      that wraps the portable type). Top level functions without wrappers are
   160      easier to use, especially when we're consistent about it.
   161  -   Order arguments that are less likely to change across multiple calls to the
   162      constructor before ones that are likely to change. For example, connection
   163      and authorization related arguments should go before names, so
   164      `OpenBucket(ctx, client, "mybucket")` instead of `OpenBucket(ctx,
   165      "mybucket", client)`.
   166  -   All public constructors should take an `Options` struct (see next section).
   168  ### Option Structs
   170  All public constructors should take an `Options` struct, even if it is currently
   171  empty, to ensure that we can add arguments to the APIs in the future without
   172  breaking backward compatibility.
   174  -   This includes driver constructors (e.g., `gcsblob.OpenBucket`) as well as
   175      API functions (e.g., `blob.NewReader`). When in doubt, if you think it's
   176      possible that we'll add arguments, add `Options`.
   177  -   The argument should be of type `*Options`, so that `nil` can be passed in
   178      the default case.
   179  -   Name the `Options` struct appropriately. `Options` is usually fine for
   180      portable type constructors since the package generally only exposes a
   181      constructor. Inside a driver interface or in a portable type like `blob`,
   182      use more descriptive names like `ReaderOptions` or `WriterOptions`.
   183  -   If a function already has a struct argument, don't add a separate `Options`
   184      struct. Example: the various `sql.Open` functions take a `Params` struct
   185      with connection parameters; we chose to add new options to `Params` instead
   186      of introducing a separate `Options` struct. This keeps the function
   187      signature simpler and avoid confusion about which struct new parameters
   188      should be added to.
   189  -   When similar `Options` are part of a driver interface and also part of the
   190      portable type (e.g., `blob.WriterOptions`), duplicate the struct instead of
   191      aliasing or embedding it, and copy the struct fields explicitly where
   192      needed. This allows the godoc for each type to be tailored to the
   193      appropriate audience (e.g. end-users for the portable type, driver
   194      implementors for the driver interface), and also allows the structs to
   195      diverge over time if appropriate.
   196  -   Required arguments must not be in an `Options` struct, and all fields of the
   197      `Options` struct must have reasonable defaults. Exception: struct arguments
   198      that don't have `Options` in the name can contain required arguments (e.g.,
   199      see the `Params` example for `sql.Open` above).
   201  Regarding empty `Options` structs: we considered only adding them when the first
   202  option is added, and using a separate constructor for compatibility (e.g., start
   203  with `foo.New(...)` and later add `foo.NewWithOptions(..., opts *Options)` if
   204  needed). However, this would result in inconsistent names over time (e.g., some
   205  packages would expose `New` with an `Options`, while others would expose
   206  `NewWithOptions`).
   208  ### Compound IDs
   210  Many cloud providers have resource IDs that are made up of subcomponents in
   211  some well-defined syntax. For example, [GCP KMS key IDs][] take the form
   212  `projects/[PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION]/keyRings/[KEY_RING]/cryptoKeys/[KEY]`.
   213  We call these _compound IDs_.
   215  There are two broad compound ID usage patterns we have observed:
   217  1. Applications will keep resources in the same location, so the application
   218     will build the ID from the subcomponents rather than passing the entire
   219     resource ID around.
   220  2. Applications will pass a verbatim string from configuration down to the
   221     API, since this is what was easily copy-pasteable from the cloud console UI.
   223  Go CDK constructors that take in compound IDs should take in a `string` with the
   224  full compound ID. Helper functions to build these compound IDs from
   225  subcomponents may be provided as needed. URL openers (described below) should
   226  prefer to use the full compound ID in their URL format.
   228  [GCP KMS key IDs]:
   230  ### URLs
   232  To enable the [Backing services factor][] of a Twelve-Factor Application, Go
   233  Cloud includes the ability to construct each of its API objects using
   234  identifying URLs. The portable type's package should include APIs like the
   235  following:
   237  ```go
   238  // Package foo is a portable API. foo could be something like blob or pubsub.
   239  //
   240  // Throughout this example, Widget is used as a stand-in for a portable type
   241  // inside foo, like Bucket or Subscription.
   242  package foo
   244  // A type that implements WidgetURLOpener can open widgets based on a URL.
   245  // The opener must not modify the URL argument. OpenWidgetURL must be safe to
   246  // call from multiple goroutines.
   247  //
   248  // WidgetURLOpeners should not assume that the URL has a particular scheme.
   249  type WidgetURLOpener interface {
   250    OpenWidgetURL(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL) (*Widget, error)
   251  }
   253  // URLMux is a URL opener multiplexer. It matches the scheme of the URLs
   254  // against a set of registered schemes and calls the opener that matches the
   255  // URL's scheme.
   256  //
   257  // The zero value is a multiplexer with no registered schemes.
   258  type URLMux struct {
   259    // ...
   260  }
   262  // RegisterWidget registers the opener with the given scheme. If an opener
   263  // already exists for the scheme, RegisterWidget panics.
   264  func (mux *URLMux) RegisterWidget(scheme string, opener WidgetURLOpener) {
   265    // ...
   266  }
   268  // OpenWidget calls OpenWidgetURL with the URL parsed from urlstr.
   269  // OpenWidget is safe to call from multiple goroutines.
   270  func (mux *URLMux) OpenWidget(ctx context.Context, urlstr string) (*Widget, error) {
   271    u, err := url.Parse(urlstr)
   272    if err != nil {
   273      return nil, fmt.Errorf("open widget: %v", err)
   274    }
   275    return mux.OpenWidgetURL(ctx, u)
   276  }
   278  // OpenWidgetURL dispatches the URL to the opener that is registered with the
   279  // URL's scheme. OpenWidgetURL is safe to call from multiple goroutines.
   280  func (mux *URLMux) OpenWidgetURL(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL) (*Widget, error) {
   281    // ...
   282  }
   284  // DefaultURLMux returns the URLMux used by OpenWidget.
   285  func DefaultURLMux() *URLMux {
   286    return defaultURLMux
   287  }
   289  var defaultURLMux = new(URLMux)
   291  // OpenWidget opens the Widget identified by the URL given. URL openers must be
   292  // registered in the DefaultURLMux, which is typically done in driver
   293  // packages' initialization.
   294  func OpenWidget(ctx context.Context, urlstr string) (*Widget, error) {
   295    return DefaultURLMux().OpenWidget(urlstr)
   296  }
   297  ```
   299  The repetition of `Widget` in the method names permits a type to handle multiple
   300  resources within the API. Exporting the `URLMux` allows applications to build
   301  their own muxes, potentially wrapping existing ones.
   303  Driver packages should include their own `URLOpener` struct type which
   304  implements all the relevant `WidgetURLOpener` methods. The URL should only serve
   305  to identify which resource to open. Any credentials or other complex values
   306  should be taken in as struct fields, not as input from URL. If the driver
   307  package registers its `URLOpener` with the `DefaultURLMux`, then it should
   308  populate these complex fields from environment variables. If doing so is
   309  undesirable or expensive, then it should not register with the `DefaultURLMux`
   310  and instead rely on users to create their own mux. If there already exists a
   311  well-established URI format for the backend (like S3 URLs or database connection
   312  URIs), then drivers should honor them where possible.
   314  [Backing services factor]:
   316  #### URL Examples
   318  A `WidgetURLOpener` implementation for a hypothetical GCP service:
   320  ```go
   321  package gcpfoo
   323  // ...
   325  const Scheme = "gcpwidget"
   327  type URLOpener struct {
   328    Client  *gcp.HTTPClient
   329    Options Options
   330  }
   332  func (o *URLOpener) OpenWidgetURL(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL) (*foo.Widget, error) {
   333    // ...
   334    return OpenWidget(ctx, o.Client, u.Host, &o.Options)
   335  }
   337  type lazyURLOpener struct {
   338    init   sync.Once
   339    opener *URLOpener
   340    err    error
   341  }
   343  func (o *lazyURLOpener) OpenWidgetURL(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL) (*foo.Widget, error) {
   344    o.init.Once(func() {
   345      creds, err := gcp.DefaultCredentials(ctx)
   346      if err != nil {
   347        o.err = err
   348        return
   349      }
   350      o.opener = new(URLOpener)
   351      o.opener.Client, _ = gcp.NewHTTPClient(http.DefaultTransport, creds.TokenSource)
   352    })
   353    if o.err != nil {
   354      return nil, o.err
   355    }
   356    return o.opener.OpenWidgetURL(ctx, u)
   357  }
   359  func init() {
   360    foo.DefaultURLMux().Register(Scheme, new(lazyURLOpener))
   361  }
   363  // OpenWidget is the exported non-URL constructor.
   364  func OpenWidget(ctx context.Context, c *gcp.HTTPClient, name string, opts *Options) (*foo.Widget, error) {
   365    // ...
   366  }
   367  ```
   369  Using the global default mux:
   371  ```go
   372  import _ ""
   374  // ...
   376  widget, err := foo.OpenWidget(context.Background(), "gcpwidget://xyzzy")
   377  ```
   379  Using a custom mux created during server initialization:
   381  ```go
   382  myMux := new(foo.URLMux)
   383  myMux.Register(gcpfoo.Scheme, &gcpfoo.URLOpener{
   384    Client: client,
   385  })
   386  widget, err := myMux.OpenWidget(context.Background(), "gcpwidget://xyzzy")
   387  ```
   389  ## Errors
   391  ### General
   393  -   The callee is expected to return `error`s with messages that include
   394      information about the particular call, as opposed to the caller adding this
   395      information. This aligns with common Go practice.
   397  ### Drivers
   399  Driver implementations should:
   401  -   Return the raw errors from the underlying service, and not wrap them in
   402      `fmt.Errorf` calls, so that they can be exposed to end users via `ErrorAs`.
   404  ### Portable Types
   406  Portable types should:
   408  -   Wrap errors returned from driver implementations before returning them to
   409      end users, so that users can't peek into driver-specific error details
   410      without using `As`. Make sure not to double-wrap.
   412  -   Use `internal/gcerr.New` when wrapping driver errors, like so: `if err :=
   413      driver.Call(xyz); err != nil { return gcerr.New(code, err, 1, "blob") }` The
   414      first argument is an error code. See below for advice on choosing the
   415      appropriate code.
   417      The third argument is the distance in stack frames from the function whose
   418      location should be associated with the error. It should be `1` if you are
   419      calling `New` from the same function that made the driver call, `2` if you
   420      are calling new from a helper function, and so on. The fourth argument is an
   421      additional string that will display with the error. You should pass the API
   422      name.
   424  -   By default, choose the code `Unknown`, keeping details of returned `error`s
   425      unspecified. The most common case is that the caller will only care whether
   426      an operation succeeds or not.
   428  -   If certain `error`s are interesting for callers to distinguish, choose one
   429      of the other codes from the `gcerrors.ErrorCode` enum, so user programs can
   430      act on the kind of error without having to look at driver-specific errors.
   432      -   If more than one error code makes sense, choose the most specific one.
   433      -   If none make sense, choose `Unknown`.
   434      -   If none make sense but you want something more specific than `Unknown`:
   435          -   If you can generalize your code to make it applicable to more than
   436              just your API, add it to `gcerrors.ErrorCode`. Look at the
   437              [gRPC error codes](
   438              for inspiration.
   439          -   Otherwise, you can define a custom code in your portable API
   440              package. Your code should use a negative integer.
   442  -   For now, your package should expose an `ErrorAs` function to allow users to
   443      access driver-specific error types. We may review this choice if
   444      `` becomes part of the standard library.
   446  -   Handle transient network errors. Retry logic is best handled as low in the
   447      stack as possible to avoid [cascading failure][]. APIs should try to surface
   448      "permanent" errors (e.g. malformed request, bad permissions) where
   449      appropriate so that application logic does not attempt to retry
   450      non-idempotent operations, but the responsibility is largely on the library,
   451      not on the application.
   453  [cascading failure]:
   456  ## Escape Hatches using As
   458  The Go CDK allows users to escape the abstraction as needed using `As`
   459  functions, described in more detail in the
   460  [concept guide]( `As` functions take an
   461  `interface{}` and return a `bool`; they return `true` if the underlying concrete
   462  type could be converted into the type provided as the `interface{}`.
   464  An alternative approach would have been something like
   465  [`os.ProcessState.Sys`](, which
   466  returns an `interface{}` that the user can then type cast/assert to
   467  service-specific types.
   469  We ended up going with `As` because:
   471  1.  Most portable types have an `As` function for errors; choosing `As` results
   472      in an easy and natural implementation for chained errors once the
   473      [Go 2 proposal for errors](
   474      arrives. It is currently implemented in
   475      [xerrors](, and we're already
   476      using that in some drivers.
   477  2.  `As` adds more flexibility for drivers to support conversions to multiple
   478      types. Specifically, not the case where there are multiple possible
   479      underlying types, but rather that a single underlying type can be converted
   480      to multiple types.
   481      *   Chained errors is one example of this, where the top-level error may
   482          always be the same type, but may also represent a chain of other errors
   483          with different types.
   484      *   Another example is that a driver might choose to support `As`-level
   485          compatibility with another driver; e.g., driver `foo` could support all
   486          of the `As` types defined by `s3blob`, converting them internally, and
   487          then any code that runs with driver `s3blob` would also work with driver
   488          `foo` (even if it uses the `As` escape hatches).
   490  ## Enforcing Portability
   492  The Go CDK APIs will end up exposing functionality that is not supported by all
   493  services. In addition, some functionality details will differ across services.
   494  Some theoretical examples using [`blob.Bucket`][]:
   496  1.  **Top-level APIs**: There might be a service that supports reads, but not
   497      writes or deletes.
   498  1.  **Data fields**. Some services may support key/value metadata associated
   499      with a blob, others may not.
   500  1.  **Naming rules**. Different services may allow different name lengths, or
   501      allow/disallow non-ASCII unicode characters. See [Strings](#strings) below
   502      for more on handling string differences.
   503  1.  **Semantic guarantees**. Different services may have different consistency
   504      guarantees; for example, S3 only provides eventually consistency while GCS
   505      provides strong consistency.
   507  How can we maintain portability while these differences exist?
   509  ### Guiding Principle
   511  Any incompatibilities between drivers should be visible to the user as soon as
   512  possible. From best to worst:
   514  1.  At compile time
   515  1.  At configuration/app startup time (e.g., when the portable type is created)
   516  1.  At runtime (e.g., when the incompatible behavior is accessed), via a non-nil
   517      error
   518  1.  At runtime, via panic
   520  ### Approaches Considered
   522  1.  **Documentation**. We could try to document non-uniform or optional
   523      functionality across drivers. Optional fields or functionality would
   524      return "not implemented" errors or zero values.
   525  1.  **Restrict functionality to the intersection**. We could explicitly only
   526      support the intersection of all services. For example, if not all services
   527      allow unicode characters in names, then **blob** would not allow it either.
   528  1.  **Enforced feature codes**: Go CDK APIs could enumerate the ways in which
   529      drivers differ as a `FeatureCode` enum.
   530      *   Drivers would declare which feature codes they support, enforced by
   531          extensions to the existing conformance tests.
   532      *   API users would declare which feature codes they need.
   533      *   Mismatches between what a user requests and what the driver supports
   534          would be enforced at initialization time.
   535      *   As much as possible, the API (via the portable type) would enforce that
   536          the user is only exposed to optional functionality that they asked for.
   537      *   For example, the default legal name for a blob might be ASCII only, with
   538          a `FeatureUnicodeNames` feature code. Users that don't request this
   539          feature code would only be able to use blobs with ASCII names, even if
   540          the underlying service supports unicode. If the user requested
   541          `FeatureUnicodeNames`, and their driver supports it, they could then
   542          use blobs with unicode; if their driver doesn't support it, they would
   543          get an initialization-time error.
   545  ```
   546  b, err := blob.NewBucket(d, blob.FeatureUnicodeNames)
   547  ...
   548  ```
   550  Design discussions regarding enforcing portability are ongoing; we welcome input
   551  on the [mailing list](!forum/go-cloud).
   553  ### Strings
   555  Services often differ on what they accept in particular strings (e.g., blob
   556  names, metadata keys, etc.). A couple of specific examples:
   558  *   Azure Blob only
   559      [accepts C# identifiers](
   560      as metadata keys.
   561  *   S3 drops double slashes in blob names (e.g., `foo//bar` will end up being
   562      saved as `foo/bar`).
   564  These differences lead to a loss of portability and predictability for users.
   566  To resolve this issue, we insist that Go CDK can handle any UTF-8 string, and
   567  force drivers to use escaping mechanisms to handle strings that the underlying
   568  service can't handle. We enforce driver compliance with conformance tests.
   569  Behavior for non-UTF-8 strings is undefined (but see
   570 and
   573  We try to use URL encoding as the escaping mechanism where possible; however,
   574  sometimes it is not and we'll use custom escaping. As an example, a driver for a
   575  service that only allows underscores and ASCII alphanumeric characters might
   576  escape the string `` to `foo__0x2e__bar` (URL escaping won't work because
   577  `%` isn't allowed).
   579  Pros of this approach:
   581  *   Go CDK APIs are internally consistent in that a user can write any string to
   582      any service and get the original string back when they read it back.
   583  *   Go CDK APIs have visibility into all existing strings for all services.
   585  Cons:
   587  *   Go CDK could overwrite existing data if a Go CDK-written key escapes to an
   588      already-existing value (e.g., if the `foo__0x2e__bar` string already
   589      existed, it would be overwritten by a Go CDK write to ``).
   590  *   Escaping may push a string over the maximum allowed string length for a
   591      service. Escaping does not solve (and in fact may exacerbate) problems with
   592      different maximum string lengths across services.
   593  *   Existing strings that happen to look like Go CDK-escaped strings will be
   594      unescaped by Go CDK (e.g., an existing string `foo__0x2e__bar` would appear
   595      as `` when read through the Go CDK).
   596  *   Strings that were written through the Go CDK and needed escaping will appear
   597      in their escaped form when viewed outside of Go CDK (e.g., `foo__0x2e__bar`
   598      would appear on the service's UI).
   600  Most of these cons are mitigated by choosing unusual-looking escape mechanisms
   601  that are unlikely to appear in existing data.
   603  Drivers should escape strings when writing to the underlying service, and
   604  unescape them when reading them back. The Go CDK will provide helpers for these
   605  operations, as well as a test suite of strings for conformance tests.
   607  Sample code for the helper for escaping strings:
   609  ```
   610  // package escape provides helpers for escaping and unescaping strings.
   611  package escape
   613  // Escape returns s, with all runes for which shouldEscape returns true
   614  // escaped to "__0xXXXX__", where XXXX is the hex representation of the rune
   615  // value. For example, " " would escape to "__0x20__".
   616  //
   617  // Non-UTF-8 strings will have their non-UTF-8 characters escaped to
   618  // unicode.ReplacementChar; the original value is lost. Please file an
   619  // issue if you need non-UTF8 support.
   620  //
   621  // Note: shouldEscape takes the whole string as a slice of runes and an
   622  // index. Passing it a single byte or a single rune doesn't provide
   623  // enough context for some escape decisions; for example, the caller might
   624  // want to escape the second "/" in "//" but not the first one.
   625  // We pass a slice of runes instead of the string or a slice of bytes
   626  // because some decisions will be made on a rune basis (e.g., encode
   627  // all non-ASCII runes).
   628  func Escape(s string, shouldEscape func(s []rune, i int) bool) string { ... }
   630  // Unescape reverses Escape.
   631  func Unescape(s string) string {...}
   632  ```
   634  Sample code for how a driver might use it, using metadata keys for a `blob` as
   635  the example string:
   637  ```
   638  // When writing metadata keys, escape the keys:
   639  // ... gcdkMetadata is the metadata passed to the GCDK API.
   640  for k, v := range gcdkMetadata {
   641      e := escape.Escape(k, func (r []rune, i int) bool {...})
   642      if _, ok := serviceMetadata[e]; ok {
   643        return fmt.Errorf("duplicate keys after escaping: %q => %q", k, e)
   644      }
   645      serviceMetadata[e] = v
   646  }
   647  // ... write serviceMetadata to the service.
   649  // When reading metadata keys, unescape them:
   650  // ... serviceMetadata is the metadata read from the service.
   651  for k, v := range serviceMetadata {
   652      gcdkMetadata[escape.Unescape(k)] = v
   653  }
   654  // ... return gcdkMetadata.
   655  ```
   657  The details of what runes need to be escaped will vary from service to
   658  service. The details of how to escape may also vary, although we expect to use
   659  URL encoding where possible, and a common custom escaping where not. For the
   660  custom escaping, we plan to escape each rune for which `shouldEscape` returns
   661  true with `__0xXXX__`, where `XCX` is the hex representation of the rune value.
   663  ### Alternatives Considered
   665  *   We considered restricting Go CDK's APIs to strings that all services
   666      support. For example, we could have asserted that Go CDK's `blob` only
   667      supports ASCII plus `/` for blob names (and no `//`!). However, such a rule
   668      would mean that we couldn't cleanly handle existing strings created through
   669      some mechanism other than through Go CDK APIs that violate the rule. For
   670      example, an existing blob in S3 with a unicode name. Filtering out such
   671      strings so that they aren't visible at all through the Go CDK would be both
   672      surprising and limiting, and could easily result in data loss (e.g., if a
   673      user read a set of metadata for a blob via the Go CDK, and some keys were
   674      filtered out, and then wrote the metadata back, the filtered keys would be
   675      lost). Not filtering such strings would mean that the Go CDK isn't
   676      internally consistent (i.e., you can read some strings but not write them).
   677      Overall, we decided that this approach is unacceptable.
   679  *   We could expose the escaper used by drivers in their `Options` structs
   680      (including options like disabling it, overriding the set of bytes to be
   681      escaped, or overriding the escaping mechanism), but we'll wait to see if
   682      there's demand for that.
   684  ## Coding Conventions
   686  We try to adhere to commonly accepted Go coding conventions, some of which are
   687  described on the
   688  [Code Review Comments](
   689  wiki page. We also adopt the following guidelines:
   691  -   Prefer `map[K]V{}` to `make(map[K]V)`. It's more concise.
   692  -   When writing a loop appending to a slice `s`, prefer
   694      ```
   695        var s []T
   696        for ... {
   697          ...
   698          s = append(s, ...)
   699          ...
   700        }
   701      ```
   703      to
   705      ```
   706        s := make([]T, 0, N)
   707        for ... {
   708          ...
   709          s = append(s, ...)
   710          ...
   711        }
   712      ```
   714      or
   716      ```
   717        s := make([]T, N)
   718        for ... {
   719          ...
   720          s[i] = ...
   721          ...
   722        }
   723      ```
   725      (Exception: the loop body is trivial and the loop is performance-sensitive.)
   726      The first version is shorter and easier to read, and it is impossible to get
   727      the length wrong.
   729  -   Prefer `log.Fatal` to `panic` in example tests.
   731  -   Ensure you've run `goimports` on your code to properly group import
   732      statements.
   734  -   Order arguments that are less likely to change across multiple calls to the
   735      constructor before ones that are likely to change. For example, connection
   736      and authorization related arguments should go before names, so
   737      `OpenBucket(ctx, client, "mybucket")` instead of `OpenBucket(ctx,
   738      "mybucket", client)`.
   740  ## Tests
   742  ### Conformance Tests
   744  Since our goal is for users to be able to use drivers interchangeably, it is
   745  critical that they behave similarly. To this end, each portable API (e.g.,
   746  `blob`) must provide a suite of conformance tests that driver implementations
   747  should run. The conformance tests should be comprehensive; drivers should not
   748  need additional unit tests for the core driver semantics.
   750  ### Provisioning For Tests
   752  Portable API integration tests require developer-specific resources to be
   753  created and destroyed. We use [Terraform]( to do so, and
   754  record the resource info and network interactions so that they can be replayed
   755  as fast and repeatable unit tests.
   757  ### Replay Mode
   759  Tests normally run in replay mode. In this mode, they don't require any
   760  provisioned resources or network interactions. Replay tests verify that:
   762  -   The same test inputs produce the same requests (e.g., HTTP requests) to the
   763      cloud service. Some parts of the request may be dynamic (e.g., dates in the
   764      HTTP request headers), so the replay tests do some scrubbing when verifying
   765      that requests match. Some parts of this scrubbing are service-specific.
   767  -   The replayed service responses produce the expected results from the
   768      portable API library.
   770  ### Record Mode
   772  In `-record` mode, tests run as integration tests, making live requests to
   773  backend servers and recording the requests/responses for later use in replay
   774  mode.
   776  To use `-record`:
   778  1.  Provision resources.
   780      -   For example, the tests for the AWS implementation of Blob requires a
   781          bucket to be provisioned.
   782      -   TODO(issue #300): Use Terraform scripts to provision the resources
   783          needed for a given test.
   784      -   For now, do this manually.
   786  2.  Run the test with `-record`.
   788      -   TODO(issue #300): The test will read the Terraform output to find its
   789          inputs.
   790      -   For now, pass the required resources via test-specific flags.
   791      -   When changing or adding tests, please only record the tests that are
   792          changed/affected by passing the `-run` flag to `go test` with the
   793          name of the test(s). Re-recording all tests of a driver creates a lot
   794          of noise and a large diff that's difficult to review.
   796  3.  The test will save the network interactions for subsequent replays.
   798      -   TODO(issue #300): The test will save the Terraform output to a file in
   799          order to replay using the same inputs.
   800      -   Commit the new replay files along with your code change. Expect to see
   801          lots of diffs; see below for more discussion.
   803  ### Diffs in replay files
   805  Each time portable API tests are run in `-record` mode, the resulting replay
   806  files are different. Looking at diffs of these files isn't particularly useful.
   808  We [considered]( trying to scrub
   809  the files of dynamic data so that diffs would be useful. We ended up deciding
   810  not to do this, for several reasons:
   812  -   There's a lot of dynamic data, in structured data of various forms (e.g.,
   813      HTTP headers, XML/JSON body, etc.). It would be difficult and fragile to
   814      scrub it all.
   816  -   The scrub process would also be fragile relative to changes in services
   817      (e.g., adding a new dynamic HTTP response header).
   819  -   The scrub process would need to be implemented for every new service,
   820      increasing the barrier to entry for new implementations.
   822  -   Scrubbing would likely be even more difficult for services using a
   823      non-HTTP-based protocol (e.g., gRPC).
   825  -   Scrubbing the data decreases the fidelity of the replay test, since it
   826      wouldn't be operating on the original data.
   828  Overall, massive diffs in the replay files are expected and fine. As part of a
   829  code change, you may want to check for things like the number of RPCs made to
   830  identify performance regressions.