
     1  # Heapster Metric Model
     3  The Heapster Model is a structured representation of metrics for Kubernetes clusters, which is exposed through a set of REST API endpoints.
     4  It allows the extraction of up to 1 hour of historical data for any Container, Pod, Node or Namespace in the cluster, as well as the cluster itself.
     5  The model can also export the Average, Max and 95th Percentile for each one of these entities, over a duration of 1 minute, 1 hour or 24 hours.
     9  ## Usage
    11  The Heapster Model can be enabled by initializing Heapster with the `-use_model=true` flag. The resolution of the model can be configured through
    12  the `-model_resolution` flag, which will cause the model to store historical data at the specified resolution. If the `-model_resolution` flag is not specified, the default
    13  resolution of 1 minute will be used.
    15  ## API documentation
    17  A detailed documentation of each API endpoint is listed below. 
    19  All endpoints ending in `/metrics/{metric-name}/` can accept the optional `start` and `end` query parameters 
    20  that represent the start and end time of the requested timeseries. The result
    21  will be a list of (Timestamp, Value) pairs in the time range [start, end].
    22  `start` and `end` are strings formatted according to RFC3339. If `start` is not
    23  defined, it is assumed as the zero Unix epoch time. If `end` is not defined,
    24  then all data later than `start` will be returned.
    26  ### Cluster-level Metrics and Stats
    27  `/api/v1/model/`: The root path of the model API, displays all browsable subpaths.
    29  `/api/v1/model/metrics/`: Returns a list of available cluster-level metrics.
    31  `/api/v1/model/metrics/{metric-name}?start=X&end=Y`: Returns a set of (Timestamp, Value) 
    32  pairs for the requested cluster-level metric, between the time range specified by `start` and `end`. 
    34  `/api/v1/model/stats/`: Exposes the average, max and 95th percentile over the
    35  past minute, hour and day for each cluster metric.
    37  ### Node-level Metrics and Stats
    38  `/api/v1/model/nodes/`: Returns a list of all available nodes, along
    39  with their latest CPU and Memory Usage values.
    41  `/api/v1/model/nodes/{node-name}/`: Returns all browsable subpaths for a
    42  specific node.
    44  `/api/v1/model/nodes/{node-name}/pods/`: Returns a list of all available pods
    45  under a given node, along with their latest CPU and Memory Usage values.
    47  `/api/v1/model/nodes/{node-name}/metrics/`: Returns a list of available
    48  node-level metrics.
    50  `/api/v1/model/nodes/{node-name}/metrics/{metric-name}?start=X&end=Y`: Returns a set of (Timestamp, Value) 
    51  pairs for the requested node-level metric, within the time range specified by `start` and `end`. 
    53  `/api/v1/model/nodes/{node-name}/stats/`: Exposes the average, max and 95th
    54  percentile over the past minute, hour and day for each node metric.
    57  ### Namespace-level Metrics and Stats
    58  `/api/v1/model/namespaces/`: Returns a list of all available namespaces, along
    59  with their latest CPU and Memory Usage values.
    61  `/api/v1/model/namespaces/{namespace-name}/`: Returns all browsable subpaths for
    62  a specific namespace.
    64  `/api/v1/model/namespaces/{namespace-name}/metrics/`: Returns a list of available namespace-level metrics.
    66  `/api/v1/model/namespaces/{namespace-name}/metrics/{metric-name}?start=X&end=Y`: Returns a set of (Timestamp, Value) 
    67  pairs for the requested namespace-level metric, within the time range specified by `start` and `end`. 
    69  `/api/v1/model/namespaces/{namespace-name}/stats/`: Exposes the average, max and 95th percentile over the
    70  past minute, hour and day for each namespace metric.
    73  ### Pod-level Metrics and Stats
    74  `/api/v1/model/namespaces/{namespace-name}/pods/`: Returns a list of all available pods under a given namespace, along
    75  with their latest CPU and Memory Usage values.
    77  `/api/v1/model/namespaces/{namespace-name}/pods/{pod-name}/`: Returns all browsable subpaths for
    78  a specific Pod.
    80  `/api/v1/model/namespaces/{namespace-name}/pods/{pod-name}/metrics/`: Returns a list of available pod-level metrics
    82  `/api/v1/model/namespaces/{namespace-name}/pods/{pod-name}/metrics/{metric-name}?start=X&end=Y`: Returns a set of (Timestamp, Value) 
    83  pairs for the requested pod-level metric, within the time range specified by `start` and `end`. 
    85  `/api/v1/model/namespaces/{namespace-name}/pods/{pod-name}/stats/`: Exposes the average, max and 95th percentile over the
    86  past minute, hour and day for each pod-level metric.
    89  ### Container-level Metrics and Stats
    90  Container metrics and stats are accessible for both containers that belong to
    91  pods, as well as for free containers running in each node.
    93  `/api/v1/model/namespaces/{namespace-name}/pods/{pod-name}/containers/`: Returns a list of all available containers under a given pod, along
    94  with their latest CPU and Memory Usage values.
    96  `/api/v1/model/namespaces/{namespace-name}/pods/{pod-name}/containers/{container-name}/`: Returns all browsable subpaths for
    97  a specific container.
    99  `/api/v1/model/namespaces/{namespace-name}/pods/{pod-name}/containers/{container-name}/metrics/`: Returns a list of available container-level metrics
   101  `/api/v1/model/namespaces/{namespace-name}/pods/{pod-name}/containers/{container-name}/metrics/{metric-name}?start=X&end=Y`: Returns a set of (Timestamp, Value) 
   102  pairs for the requested container-level metric, within the time range specified by `start` and `end`. 
   104  `/api/v1/model/namespaces/{namespace-name}/pods/{pod-name}/containers/{container-name}/stats/`: Exposes the average, max and 95th percentile over the
   105  past minute, hour and day for each container metric.
   107  `/api/v1/model/nodes/{node-name}/freecontainers/`: Returns a list of all available free containers under a given node, along
   108  with their latest CPU and Memory Usage values.
   110  `/api/v1/model/nodes/{node-name}/freecontainers/{container-name}/`: Returns all browsable subpaths for
   111  a specific free container.
   113  `/api/v1/model/nodes/{node-name}/freecontainers/{container-name}/metrics/`: Returns a list of available container-level metrics
   115  `/api/v1/model/nodes/{node-name}/freecontainers/{container-name}/metrics/{metric-name}?start=X&end=Y`: Returns a set of (Timestamp, Value) 
   116  pairs for the requested container-level metric, within the time range specified by `start` and `end`. 
   118  `/api/v1/model/nodes/{node-name}/freecontainers/{container-name}/stats/`: Exposes the average, max and 95th percentile over the
   119  past minute, hour and day for each container metric.
   121  ### Metric Types
   123  * cpu-limit
   124  * cpu-usage
   125  * memory-limit
   126  * memory-usage
   127  * memory-working
   128  * fs-limit-<fs_name>
   129  * fs-usage-<fs_name>
   131  ### Sample API response
   133  	curl http://heapster:8082/api/v1/model/stats/
   135  ```json
   136  {
   137    "uptime": 2543160,
   138    "stats": {
   139     "cpu-limit": {
   140      "minute": {
   141       "average": 1000,
   142       "percentile": 1000,
   143       "max": 1000
   144      },
   145      "hour": {
   146       "average": 1000,
   147       "percentile": 1000,
   148       "max": 1000
   149      },
   150      "day": {
   151       "average": 1000,
   152       "percentile": 1000,
   153       "max": 1000
   154      }
   155     },
   156     "cpu-usage": {
   157      "minute": {
   158       "average": 10,
   159       "percentile": 10,
   160       "max": 10
   161      },
   162      "hour": {
   163       "average": 10,
   164       "percentile": 10,
   165       "max": 10
   166      },
   167      "day": {
   168       "average": 10,
   169       "percentile": 10,
   170       "max": 10
   171      }
   172     },
   173     "fs-limit-dev-disk-by-uuid-dcaa07b0-d2ad-4a32-bd61-6584d0da68c0": {
   174      "minute": {
   175       "average": 21103243264,
   176       "percentile": 21103243264,
   177       "max": 21103243264
   178      },
   179      "hour": {
   180       "average": 21103243300,
   181       "percentile": 21103243300,
   182       "max": 21103243300
   183      },
   184      "day": {
   185       "average": 21103243300,
   186       "percentile": 21103243300,
   187       "max": 21103243300
   188      }
   189     },
   190     "fs-usage-dev-disk-by-uuid-dcaa07b0-d2ad-4a32-bd61-6584d0da68c0": {
   191      "minute": {
   192       "average": 12974346240,
   193       "percentile": 12974346240,
   194       "max": 12974346240
   195      },
   196      "hour": {
   197       "average": 12974346300,
   198       "percentile": 12974346300,
   199       "max": 12974346300
   200      },
   201      "day": {
   202       "average": 12974346300,
   203       "percentile": 12974346300,
   204       "max": 12974346300
   205      }
   206     },
   207     "memory-limit": {
   208      "minute": {
   209       "average": 0,
   210       "percentile": 18446744073709551615,
   211       "max": 18446744073709551615
   212      },
   213      "hour": {
   214       "average": 1366425486941603612,
   215       "percentile": 12297829382474432512,
   216       "max": 18446744073709551615
   217      },
   218      "day": {
   219       "average": 1366425486941603612,
   220       "percentile": 12297829382474432512,
   221       "max": 18446744073709551615
   222      }
   223     },
   224     "memory-usage": {
   225      "minute": {
   226       "average": 1824296960,
   227       "percentile": 1824296960,
   228       "max": 1824296960
   229      },
   230      "hour": {
   231       "average": 1820327936,
   232       "percentile": 1820327936,
   233       "max": 1824296960
   234      },
   235      "day": {
   236       "average": 1820327936,
   237       "percentile": 1820327936,
   238       "max": 1824296960
   239      }
   240     },
   241     "memory-working": {
   242      "minute": {
   243       "average": 447021056,
   244       "percentile": 447021056,
   245       "max": 447021056
   246      },
   247      "hour": {
   248       "average": 444596224,
   249       "percentile": 444596224,
   250       "max": 447021056
   251      },
   252      "day": {
   253       "average": 444596224,
   254       "percentile": 444596224,
   255       "max": 447021056
   256      }
   257     }
   258    }
   259   }
   261  ```