
     1  name: macOS
     3  on:
     4    pull_request:
     5    push:
     6      branches:
     7        - dev
     8        - release
    10  concurrency:
    11    group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
    12    cancel-in-progress: true
    14  jobs:
    15    build-macos:
    16      name: build-macos
    17      strategy:
    18        matrix:
    19          # macos-12: amd64 (oldest supported version as of 05-02-2024)
    20          # macos-14: arm64 (oldest arm64 version)
    21          os: [macos-12, macos-14]
    22          include:
    23            - os: macos-12
    24              goarch: amd64
    25            - os: macos-14
    26              goarch: arm64
    27      runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
    28      steps:
    29        - name: Install Dependencies
    30          shell: bash
    31          run: |
    32            HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install qemu binaryen
    33        - name: Checkout
    34          uses: actions/checkout@v4
    35          with:
    36            submodules: true
    37        - name: Install Go
    38          uses: actions/setup-go@v5
    39          with:
    40            go-version: '1.22'
    41            cache: true
    42        - name: Restore LLVM source cache
    43          uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
    44          id: cache-llvm-source
    45          with:
    46            key: llvm-source-17-${{ matrix.os }}-v1
    47            path: |
    48              llvm-project/clang/lib/Headers
    49              llvm-project/clang/include
    50              llvm-project/compiler-rt
    51              llvm-project/lld/include
    52              llvm-project/llvm/include
    53        - name: Download LLVM source
    54          if: steps.cache-llvm-source.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
    55          run: make llvm-source
    56        - name: Save LLVM source cache
    57          uses: actions/cache/save@v4
    58          if: steps.cache-llvm-source.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
    59          with:
    60            key: ${{ steps.cache-llvm-source.outputs.cache-primary-key }}
    61            path: |
    62              llvm-project/clang/lib/Headers
    63              llvm-project/clang/include
    64              llvm-project/compiler-rt
    65              llvm-project/lld/include
    66              llvm-project/llvm/include
    67        - name: Restore LLVM build cache
    68          uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
    69          id: cache-llvm-build
    70          with:
    71            key: llvm-build-17-${{ matrix.os }}-v1
    72            path: llvm-build
    73        - name: Build LLVM
    74          if: steps.cache-llvm-build.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
    75          shell: bash
    76          run: |
    77            # fetch LLVM source
    78            rm -rf llvm-project
    79            make llvm-source
    80            # install dependencies
    81            HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install cmake ninja
    82            # build!
    83            make llvm-build
    84            find llvm-build -name CMakeFiles -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \;
    85        - name: Save LLVM build cache
    86          uses: actions/cache/save@v4
    87          if: steps.cache-llvm-build.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
    88          with:
    89            key: ${{ steps.cache-llvm-build.outputs.cache-primary-key }}
    90            path: llvm-build
    91        - name: Cache wasi-libc sysroot
    92          uses: actions/cache@v4
    93          id: cache-wasi-libc
    94          with:
    95            key: wasi-libc-sysroot-${{ matrix.os }}-v1
    96            path: lib/wasi-libc/sysroot
    97        - name: Build wasi-libc
    98          if: steps.cache-wasi-libc.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
    99          run: make wasi-libc
   100        - name: make gen-device
   101          run: make -j3 gen-device
   102        - name: Test TinyGo
   103          shell: bash
   104          run: make test GOTESTFLAGS="-short"
   105        - name: Build TinyGo release tarball
   106          run: make release -j3
   107        - name: Test stdlib packages
   108          run: make tinygo-test
   109        - name: Make release artifact
   110          shell: bash
   111          run: cp -p build/release.tar.gz build/tinygo.darwin-${{ matrix.goarch }}.tar.gz
   112        - name: Publish release artifact
   113          # Note: this release artifact is double-zipped, see:
   114          #
   115          # We can essentially pick one of these:
   116          # - have a double-zipped artifact when downloaded from the UI
   117          # - have a very slow artifact upload
   118          # We're doing the former here, to keep artifact uploads fast.
   119          uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
   120          with:
   121            name: darwin-${{ matrix.goarch }}-double-zipped
   122            path: build/tinygo.darwin-${{ matrix.goarch }}.tar.gz
   123        - name: Smoke tests
   124          shell: bash
   125          run: make smoketest TINYGO=$(PWD)/build/tinygo
   126    test-macos-homebrew:
   127      name: homebrew-install
   128      runs-on: macos-latest
   129      strategy:
   130        matrix:
   131          version: [16, 17]
   132      steps:
   133        - name: Set up Homebrew
   134          uses: Homebrew/actions/setup-homebrew@master
   135        - name: Fix Python symlinks
   136          run: |
   137            # Github runners have broken symlinks, so relink
   138            # see:
   139            brew list -1 | grep python | while read formula; do brew unlink $formula; brew link --overwrite $formula; done
   140        - name: Install LLVM
   141          run: |
   142            brew install llvm@${{ matrix.version }}
   143        - name: Checkout
   144          uses: actions/checkout@v4
   145        - name: Install Go
   146          uses: actions/setup-go@v5
   147          with:
   148            go-version: '1.22'
   149            cache: true
   150        - name: Build TinyGo (LLVM ${{ matrix.version }})
   151          run: go install -tags=llvm${{ matrix.version }}
   152        - name: Check binary
   153          run: tinygo version
   154        - name: Build TinyGo (default LLVM)
   155          if: matrix.version == 17
   156          run: go install
   157        - name: Check binary
   158          if: matrix.version == 17
   159          run: tinygo version