
     1  name: Binary size difference
     3  on:
     4    pull_request:
     6  concurrency:
     7    group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
     8    cancel-in-progress: true
    10  jobs:
    11    sizediff:
    12      runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
    13      permissions:
    14        pull-requests: write
    15      steps:
    16        # Prepare, install tools
    17        - name: Add GOBIN to $PATH
    18          run: |
    19            echo "$HOME/go/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
    20        - name: Checkout
    21          uses: actions/checkout@v4
    22          with:
    23            fetch-depth: 0 # fetch all history (no sparse checkout)
    24            submodules: true
    25        - name: Install apt dependencies
    26          run: ./.github/workflows/
    27        - name: Restore LLVM source cache
    28          uses: actions/cache@v4
    29          id: cache-llvm-source
    30          with:
    31            key: llvm-source-17-sizediff-v1
    32            path: |
    33              llvm-project/compiler-rt
    34        - name: Download LLVM source
    35          if: steps.cache-llvm-source.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
    36          run: make llvm-source
    37        - name: Cache Go
    38          uses: actions/cache@v4
    39          with:
    40            key: go-cache-linux-sizediff-v1-${{ hashFiles('go.mod') }}
    41            path: |
    42              ~/.cache/go-build
    43              ~/go/pkg/mod
    44        - run: make gen-device -j4
    45        - name: Download drivers repo
    46          run: git clone
    47        - name: Save HEAD
    48          run: git branch github-actions-saved-HEAD HEAD
    50        # Compute sizes for the PR branch
    51        - name: Build tinygo binary for the PR branch
    52          run: go install
    53        - name: Determine binary sizes on the PR branch
    54          run: (cd drivers; make smoke-test XTENSA=0 | tee sizes-pr.txt)
    56        # Compute sizes for the dev branch
    57        - name: Checkout dev branch
    58          run: |
    59            git reset --hard origin/dev
    60            git checkout --no-recurse-submodules `git merge-base HEAD origin/dev`
    61        - name: Install apt dependencies on the dev branch
    62          # this is only needed on a PR that changes the LLVM version
    63          run: ./.github/workflows/
    64        - name: Build tinygo binary for the dev branch
    65          run: go install
    66        - name: Determine binary sizes on the dev branch
    67          run: (cd drivers; make smoke-test XTENSA=0 | tee sizes-dev.txt)
    69        # Create comment
    70        # TODO: add a summary, something like:
    71        #  - overall size difference (percent)
    72        #  - number of binaries that grew / shrank / remained the same
    73        #  - don't show the full diff when no binaries changed
    74        - name: Calculate size diff
    75          run: ./tools/sizediff drivers/sizes-dev.txt drivers/sizes-pr.txt | tee sizediff.txt
    76        - name: Create comment
    77          run: |
    78            echo "Size difference with the dev branch:" > comment.txt
    79            echo "<details><summary>Binary size difference</summary>" >> comment.txt
    80            echo "<pre>" >> comment.txt
    81            cat sizediff.txt >> comment.txt
    82            echo "</pre></details>" >> comment.txt
    83        - name: Comment contents
    84          run: cat comment.txt
    85        - name: Add comment
    86          if: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.event.pull_request.base.repo.full_name }}
    87          uses: thollander/actions-comment-pull-request@v2.3.1
    88          with:
    89            GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    90            filePath: comment.txt
    91            comment_tag: sizediff