
     1  len, cap of channel: 1 2 false
     2  len, cap of channel: 0 0 false
     3  recv from open channel: 1 true
     4  received num: 2
     5  received num: 3
     6  slept
     7  received num: 4
     8  received num: 5
     9  received num: 6
    10  received num: 7
    11  received num: 8
    12  recv from closed channel: 0 false
    13  complex128: (+7.000000e+000+1.050000e+001i)
    14  sum of n: 149
    15  sum: 25
    16  sum: 29
    17  sum: 33
    18  sum(100): 4950
    19  deadlocking
    20  select no-op
    21  after no-op
    22  sum: 5
    23  did send one
    24  select one n: 0
    25  select n from chan: 55
    26  select n from closed chan: 0
    27  select send
    28  sum: 235
    29  non-concurrent channel receive: 1
    30  non-concurrent channel receive: 2
    31  closed buffered channel receive: 3
    32  closed buffered channel receive: 4
    33  closed buffered channel receive: 0
    34  hybrid buffered channel receive: 2
    35  blocking select sum: 3