
     1  // +build integration
     3  package tests
     5  import (
     6  	"strings"
     7  	"testing"
     9  	""
    10  )
    12  var (
    13  	limitsListCmd     = "limits:list --app={{.AppName}}"
    14  	limitsSetMemCmd   = "limits:set --app={{.AppName}} web=256M"
    15  	limitsSetCPUCmd   = "limits:set --app={{.AppName}} -c web=512"
    16  	limitsUnsetMemCmd = "limits:unset --app={{.AppName}} --memory web"
    17  	limitsUnsetCPUCmd = "limits:unset --app={{.AppName}} -c web"
    18  	output1           = `(?s)"CpuShares": 512,.*"Memory": 0,`
    19  	output2           = `(?s)"CpuShares": 512,.*"Memory": 268435456,`
    20  	output3           = `(?s)"CpuShares": 0,.*"Memory": 268435456,`
    21  	output4           = `(?s)"CpuShares": 0,.*"Memory": 0,`
    22  )
    24  func limitsSetTest(t *testing.T, cfg *utils.DeisTestConfig, ver int) {
    25  	cpuCmd, memCmd := limitsSetCPUCmd, limitsSetMemCmd
    26  	// regression test for
    27  	// previously the client would throw a stack trace with empty limits
    28  	utils.Execute(t, limitsListCmd, cfg, false, "Unlimited")
    29  	if strings.Contains(cfg.ExampleApp, "dockerfile") {
    30  		cpuCmd = strings.Replace(cpuCmd, "web", "cmd", 1)
    31  		memCmd = strings.Replace(memCmd, "web", "cmd", 1)
    32  	}
    33  	utils.Execute(t, cpuCmd, cfg, false, "512")
    34  	utils.Execute(t, limitsListCmd, cfg, false, "512")
    35  	utils.Execute(t, memCmd, cfg, false, "256M")
    36  	utils.Execute(t, limitsListCmd, cfg, false, "256M")
    37  }
    39  func limitsUnsetTest(t *testing.T, cfg *utils.DeisTestConfig, ver int) {
    40  	cpuCmd, memCmd := limitsUnsetCPUCmd, limitsUnsetMemCmd
    41  	if strings.Contains(cfg.ExampleApp, "dockerfile") {
    42  		cpuCmd = strings.Replace(cpuCmd, "web", "cmd", 1)
    43  		memCmd = strings.Replace(memCmd, "web", "cmd", 1)
    44  	}
    45  	utils.Execute(t, cpuCmd, cfg, false, "Unlimited")
    46  	utils.Execute(t, limitsListCmd, cfg, false, "Unlimited")
    47  	utils.Execute(t, memCmd, cfg, false, "Unlimited")
    48  	utils.Execute(t, limitsListCmd, cfg, false, "Unlimited")
    49  }