
     1  #!/bin/sh
     2  set -e
     3  #
     4  # This script is meant for quick & easy install via:
     5  #   'curl -sSL | sh'
     6  # or:
     7  #   'wget -qO- | sh'
     8  #
     9  # For test builds (ie. release candidates):
    10  #   'curl -sSL | sh'
    11  # or:
    12  #   'wget -qO- | sh'
    13  #
    14  # For experimental builds:
    15  #   'curl -sSL | sh'
    16  # or:
    17  #   'wget -qO- | sh'
    18  #
    19  # Docker Maintainers:
    20  #   To update this script on,
    21  #   use hack/ during a normal release,
    22  #   or the following one-liner for script hotfixes:
    23  #     s3cmd put --acl-public -P hack/ s3://
    24  #
    26  url=''
    28  command_exists() {
    29  	command -v "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1
    30  }
    32  echo_docker_as_nonroot() {
    33  	if command_exists docker && [ -e /var/run/docker.sock ]; then
    34  		(
    35  			set -x
    36  			$sh_c 'docker version'
    37  		) || true
    38  	fi
    39  	your_user=your-user
    40  	[ "$user" != 'root' ] && your_user="$user"
    41  	# intentionally mixed spaces and tabs here -- tabs are stripped by "<<-EOF", spaces are kept in the output
    42  	cat <<-EOF
    44  	If you would like to use Docker as a non-root user, you should now consider
    45  	adding your user to the "docker" group with something like:
    47  	  sudo usermod -aG docker $your_user
    49  	Remember that you will have to log out and back in for this to take effect!
    51  	EOF
    52  }
    54  # Check if this is a forked Linux distro
    55  check_forked() {
    56  	# Check for lsb_release command existence, it usually exists in forked distros
    57  	if command_exists lsb_release; then
    58  		# Check if the `-u` option is supported
    59  		set +e
    60  		lsb_release -a -u > /dev/null 2>&1
    61  		lsb_release_exit_code=$?
    62  		set -e
    64  		# Check if the command has exited successfully, it means we're in a forked distro
    65  		if [ "$lsb_release_exit_code" = "0" ]; then
    66  			# Print info about current distro
    67  			cat <<-EOF
    68  			You're using '$lsb_dist' version '$dist_version'.
    69  			EOF
    71  			# Get the upstream release info
    72  			lsb_dist=$(lsb_release -a -u 2>&1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | grep -E 'id' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | tr -d '[[:space:]]')
    73  			dist_version=$(lsb_release -a -u 2>&1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | grep -E 'codename' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | tr -d '[[:space:]]')
    75  			# Print info about upstream distro
    76  			cat <<-EOF
    77  			Upstream release is '$lsb_dist' version '$dist_version'.
    78  			EOF
    79  		fi
    80  	fi
    81  }
    83  rpm_import_repository_key() {
    84  	local key=$1; shift
    85  	local tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
    86  	chmod 600 "$tmpdir"
    87  	gpg --homedir "$tmpdir" --keyserver --recv-keys "$key"
    88  	gpg --homedir "$tmpdir" --export --armor "$key" > "$tmpdir"/repo.key
    89  	rpm --import "$tmpdir"/repo.key
    90  	rm -rf "$tmpdir"
    91  }
    93  do_install() {
    94  	case "$(uname -m)" in
    95  		*64)
    96  			;;
    97  		*)
    98  			cat >&2 <<-'EOF'
    99  			Error: you are not using a 64bit platform.
   100  			Docker currently only supports 64bit platforms.
   101  			EOF
   102  			exit 1
   103  			;;
   104  	esac
   106  	if command_exists docker; then
   107  		cat >&2 <<-'EOF'
   108  			Warning: the "docker" command appears to already exist on this system.
   110  			If you already have Docker installed, this script can cause trouble, which is
   111  			why we're displaying this warning and provide the opportunity to cancel the
   112  			installation.
   114  			If you installed the current Docker package using this script and are using it
   115  			again to update Docker, you can safely ignore this message.
   117  			You may press Ctrl+C now to abort this script.
   118  		EOF
   119  		( set -x; sleep 20 )
   120  	fi
   122  	user="$(id -un 2>/dev/null || true)"
   124  	sh_c='sh -c'
   125  	if [ "$user" != 'root' ]; then
   126  		if command_exists sudo; then
   127  			sh_c='sudo -E sh -c'
   128  		elif command_exists su; then
   129  			sh_c='su -c'
   130  		else
   131  			cat >&2 <<-'EOF'
   132  			Error: this installer needs the ability to run commands as root.
   133  			We are unable to find either "sudo" or "su" available to make this happen.
   134  			EOF
   135  			exit 1
   136  		fi
   137  	fi
   139  	curl=''
   140  	if command_exists curl; then
   141  		curl='curl -sSL'
   142  	elif command_exists wget; then
   143  		curl='wget -qO-'
   144  	elif command_exists busybox && busybox --list-modules | grep -q wget; then
   145  		curl='busybox wget -qO-'
   146  	fi
   148  	# check to see which repo they are trying to install from
   149  	repo='main'
   150  	if [ "" = "$url" ]; then
   151  		repo='testing'
   152  	elif [ "" = "$url" ]; then
   153  		repo='experimental'
   154  	fi
   156  	# perform some very rudimentary platform detection
   157  	lsb_dist=''
   158  	dist_version=''
   159  	if command_exists lsb_release; then
   160  		lsb_dist="$(lsb_release -si)"
   161  	fi
   162  	if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/lsb-release ]; then
   163  		lsb_dist="$(. /etc/lsb-release && echo "$DISTRIB_ID")"
   164  	fi
   165  	if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_version ]; then
   166  		lsb_dist='debian'
   167  	fi
   168  	if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/fedora-release ]; then
   169  		lsb_dist='fedora'
   170  	fi
   171  	if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/oracle-release ]; then
   172  		lsb_dist='oracleserver'
   173  	fi
   174  	if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ]; then
   175  		if [ -r /etc/centos-release ] || [ -r /etc/redhat-release ]; then
   176  			lsb_dist='centos'
   177  		fi
   178  	fi
   179  	if [ -z "$lsb_dist" ] && [ -r /etc/os-release ]; then
   180  		lsb_dist="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$ID")"
   181  	fi
   183  	lsb_dist="$(echo "$lsb_dist" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
   185  	case "$lsb_dist" in
   187  		ubuntu)
   188  			if command_exists lsb_release; then
   189  				dist_version="$(lsb_release --codename | cut -f2)"
   190  			fi
   191  			if [ -z "$dist_version" ] && [ -r /etc/lsb-release ]; then
   192  				dist_version="$(. /etc/lsb-release && echo "$DISTRIB_CODENAME")"
   193  			fi
   194  		;;
   196  		debian)
   197  			dist_version="$(cat /etc/debian_version | sed 's/\/.*//' | sed 's/\..*//')"
   198  			case "$dist_version" in
   199  				8)
   200  					dist_version="jessie"
   201  				;;
   202  				7)
   203  					dist_version="wheezy"
   204  				;;
   205  			esac
   206  		;;
   208  		oracleserver)
   209  			# need to switch lsb_dist to match yum repo URL
   210  			lsb_dist="oraclelinux"
   211  			dist_version="$(rpm -q --whatprovides redhat-release --queryformat "%{VERSION}\n" | sed 's/\/.*//' | sed 's/\..*//' | sed 's/Server*//')"
   212  		;;
   214  		fedora|centos)
   215  			dist_version="$(rpm -q --whatprovides redhat-release --queryformat "%{VERSION}\n" | sed 's/\/.*//' | sed 's/\..*//' | sed 's/Server*//')"
   216  		;;
   218  		*)
   219  			if command_exists lsb_release; then
   220  				dist_version="$(lsb_release --codename | cut -f2)"
   221  			fi
   222  			if [ -z "$dist_version" ] && [ -r /etc/os-release ]; then
   223  				dist_version="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_ID")"
   224  			fi
   225  		;;
   228  	esac
   230  	# Check if this is a forked Linux distro
   231  	check_forked
   233  	# Run setup for each distro accordingly
   234  	case "$lsb_dist" in
   235  		amzn)
   236  			(
   237  			set -x
   238  			$sh_c 'sleep 3; yum -y -q install docker'
   239  			)
   240  			echo_docker_as_nonroot
   241  			exit 0
   242  			;;
   244  		'opensuse project'|opensuse)
   245  			echo 'Going to perform the following operations:'
   246  			if [ "$repo" != 'main' ]; then
   247  				echo '  * add repository obs://Virtualization:containers'
   248  			fi
   249  			echo '  * install Docker'
   250  			$sh_c 'echo "Press CTRL-C to abort"; sleep 3'
   252  			if [ "$repo" != 'main' ]; then
   253  				# install experimental packages from OBS://Virtualization:containers
   254  				(
   255  					set -x
   256  					zypper -n ar -f obs://Virtualization:containers Virtualization:containers
   257  					rpm_import_repository_key 55A0B34D49501BB7CA474F5AA193FBB572174FC2
   258  				)
   259  			fi
   260  			(
   261  				set -x
   262  				zypper -n install docker
   263  			)
   264  			echo_docker_as_nonroot
   265  			exit 0
   266  			;;
   267  		'suse linux'|sle[sd])
   268  			echo 'Going to perform the following operations:'
   269  			if [ "$repo" != 'main' ]; then
   270  				echo '  * add repository obs://Virtualization:containers'
   271  				echo '  * install experimental Docker using packages NOT supported by SUSE'
   272  			else
   273  				echo '  * add the "Containers" module'
   274  				echo '  * install Docker using packages supported by SUSE'
   275  			fi
   276  			$sh_c 'echo "Press CTRL-C to abort"; sleep 3'
   278  			if [ "$repo" != 'main' ]; then
   279  				# install experimental packages from OBS://Virtualization:containers
   280  				echo >&2 'Warning: installing experimental packages from OBS, these packages are NOT supported by SUSE'
   281  				(
   282  					set -x
   283  					zypper -n ar -f obs://Virtualization:containers/SLE_12 Virtualization:containers
   284  					rpm_import_repository_key 55A0B34D49501BB7CA474F5AA193FBB572174FC2
   285  				)
   286  			else
   287  				# Add the containers module
   288  				# Note well-1: the SLE machine must already be registered against SUSE Customer Center
   289  				# Note well-2: the `-r ""` is required to workaround a known issue of SUSEConnect
   290  				(
   291  					set -x
   292  					SUSEConnect -p sle-module-containers/12/x86_64 -r ""
   293  				)
   294  			fi
   295  			(
   296  				set -x
   297  				zypper -n install docker
   298  			)
   299  			echo_docker_as_nonroot
   300  			exit 0
   301  			;;
   303  		ubuntu|debian)
   304  			export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
   306  			did_apt_get_update=
   307  			apt_get_update() {
   308  				if [ -z "$did_apt_get_update" ]; then
   309  					( set -x; $sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get update' )
   310  					did_apt_get_update=1
   311  				fi
   312  			}
   314  			# aufs is preferred over devicemapper; try to ensure the driver is available.
   315  			if ! grep -q aufs /proc/filesystems && ! $sh_c 'modprobe aufs'; then
   316  				if uname -r | grep -q -- '-generic' && dpkg -l 'linux-image-*-generic' | grep -q '^ii' 2>/dev/null; then
   317  					kern_extras="linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) linux-image-extra-virtual"
   319  					apt_get_update
   320  					( set -x; $sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q '"$kern_extras" ) || true
   322  					if ! grep -q aufs /proc/filesystems && ! $sh_c 'modprobe aufs'; then
   323  						echo >&2 'Warning: tried to install '"$kern_extras"' (for AUFS)'
   324  						echo >&2 ' but we still have no AUFS.  Docker may not work. Proceeding anyways!'
   325  						( set -x; sleep 10 )
   326  					fi
   327  				else
   328  					echo >&2 'Warning: current kernel is not supported by the linux-image-extra-virtual'
   329  					echo >&2 ' package.  We have no AUFS support.  Consider installing the packages'
   330  					echo >&2 ' linux-image-virtual kernel and linux-image-extra-virtual for AUFS support.'
   331  					( set -x; sleep 10 )
   332  				fi
   333  			fi
   335  			# install apparmor utils if they're missing and apparmor is enabled in the kernel
   336  			# otherwise Docker will fail to start
   337  			if [ "$(cat /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled 2>/dev/null)" = 'Y' ]; then
   338  				if command -v apparmor_parser >/dev/null 2>&1; then
   339  					echo 'apparmor is enabled in the kernel and apparmor utils were already installed'
   340  				else
   341  					echo 'apparmor is enabled in the kernel, but apparmor_parser missing'
   342  					apt_get_update
   343  					( set -x; $sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q apparmor' )
   344  				fi
   345  			fi
   347  			if [ ! -e /usr/lib/apt/methods/https ]; then
   348  				apt_get_update
   349  				( set -x; $sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q apt-transport-https ca-certificates' )
   350  			fi
   351  			if [ -z "$curl" ]; then
   352  				apt_get_update
   353  				( set -x; $sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get install -y -q curl ca-certificates' )
   354  				curl='curl -sSL'
   355  			fi
   356  			(
   357  			set -x
   358  			$sh_c "apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D"
   359  			$sh_c "mkdir -p /etc/apt/sources.list.d"
   360  			$sh_c "echo deb ${lsb_dist}-${dist_version} ${repo} > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list"
   361  			$sh_c 'sleep 3; apt-get update; apt-get install -y -q docker-engine'
   362  			)
   363  			echo_docker_as_nonroot
   364  			exit 0
   365  			;;
   367  		fedora|centos|oraclelinux)
   368  			$sh_c "cat >/etc/yum.repos.d/docker-${repo}.repo" <<-EOF
   369  			[docker-${repo}-repo]
   370  			name=Docker ${repo} Repository
   371  			baseurl=${repo}/${lsb_dist}/${dist_version}
   372  			enabled=1
   373  			gpgcheck=1
   374  			gpgkey=
   375  			EOF
   376  			if [ "$lsb_dist" = "fedora" ] && [ "$dist_version" -ge "22" ]; then
   377  				(
   378  					set -x
   379  					$sh_c 'sleep 3; dnf -y -q install docker-engine'
   380  				)
   381  			else
   382  				(
   383  					set -x
   384  					$sh_c 'sleep 3; yum -y -q install docker-engine'
   385  				)
   386  			fi
   387  			echo_docker_as_nonroot
   388  			exit 0
   389  			;;
   390  		gentoo)
   391  			if [ "$url" = "" ]; then
   392  				# intentionally mixed spaces and tabs here -- tabs are stripped by "<<-'EOF'", spaces are kept in the output
   393  				cat >&2 <<-'EOF'
   395  				  You appear to be trying to install the latest nightly build in Gentoo.'
   396  				  The portage tree should contain the latest stable release of Docker, but'
   397  				  if you want something more recent, you can always use the live ebuild'
   398  				  provided in the "docker" overlay available via layman.  For more'
   399  				  instructions, please see the following URL:'
   403  				  After adding the "docker" overlay, you should be able to:'
   405  				    emerge -av =app-emulation/docker-9999'
   407  				EOF
   408  				exit 1
   409  			fi
   411  			(
   412  				set -x
   413  				$sh_c 'sleep 3; emerge app-emulation/docker'
   414  			)
   415  			exit 0
   416  			;;
   417  	esac
   419  	# intentionally mixed spaces and tabs here -- tabs are stripped by "<<-'EOF'", spaces are kept in the output
   420  	cat >&2 <<-'EOF'
   422  	  Either your platform is not easily detectable, is not supported by this
   423  	  installer script (yet - PRs welcome! [hack/]), or does not yet have
   424  	  a package for Docker.  Please visit the following URL for more detailed
   425  	  installation instructions:
   429  	EOF
   430  	exit 1
   431  }
   433  # wrapped up in a function so that we have some protection against only getting
   434  # half the file during "curl | sh"
   435  do_install