
     1  <!--[metadata]>
     2  +++
     3  draft=true
     4  title = "Docker Engine"
     5  description = "Release notes for Docker 1.x."
     6  keywords = ["docker, documentation, about, technology, understanding,  release"]
     7  [menu.main]
     8  parent = "smn_release_notes"
     9  +++
    10  <![end-metadata]-->
    12  # Deprecated Features
    14  To see the complete list of deprecated features please see the
    15  [Deprecated Features](deprecated) page.
    17  # Removed Features
    19  The following features have been removed in this release:
    21  * None!
    23  # Release notes version 1.6.0
    24  (2015-04-16)
    26  You can view release notes for earlier version of Docker by selecting the
    27  desired version from the drop-down list at the top right of this page. For the
    28  formal release announcement, see [the Docker
    29  blog](
    33  ## Docker Engine 1.6.0 features
    35  For a complete list of engine patches, fixes, and other improvements, see the
    36  [merge PR on GitHub]( You'll also
    37  find [a changelog in the project
    38  repository](
    40  ## Docker Engine 1.6.0 features
    42  For a complete list of engine patches, fixes, and other improvements, see the
    43  [merge PR on GitHub]( You'll also
    44  find [a changelog in the project
    45  repository](
    48  | Feature                      | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |
    49  |------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
    50  | Container and Image Labels   | Labels allow you to attach user-defined metadata to containers and images that can be used by your tools. For additional information on using labels, see [Apply custom metadata]( in the documentation.                                                                                                                                                    |
    51  | Windows Client preview       | The Windows Client can be used just like the Mac OS X client is today with a remote host. Our testing infrastructure was scaled out to accommodate Windows Client testing on every PR to the Engine. See the Azure blog for [details on using this new client](                                                                                                           |
    52  | Logging drivers              | The new logging driver follows the exec driver and storage driver concepts already available in Engine today. There is a new option `--log-driver` to `docker run` command. See the `run` reference for a [description on how to use this option](                                                                                                                                            |
    53  | Image digests                | When you pull, build, or run images, you specify them in the form `namespace/repository:tag`, or even just `repository`. In this release, you are now able to pull, run, build and refer to images by a new content addressable identifier called a “digest” with the syntax `namespace/repo@digest`. See the the command line reference for [examples of using the digest](           |
    54  | Custom cgroups               | Containers are made from a combination of namespaces, capabilities, and cgroups. Docker already supports custom namespaces and capabilities. Additionally, in this release we’ve added support for custom cgroups. Using the `--cgroup-parent` flag, you can pass a specific `cgroup` to run a container in. See [the command line reference for more information](                                   |
    55  | Ulimits                      | You can now specify the default `ulimit` settings for all containers when configuring the daemon. For example:`docker -d --default-ulimit nproc=1024:2048` See [Default Ulimits]( in this documentation.                                                                                                                                                                                   |
    56  | Commit and import Dockerfile | You can now make changes to images on the fly without having to re-build the entire image. The feature `commit --change` and `import --change` allows you to apply standard changes to a new image. These are expressed in the Dockerfile syntax and used to modify the image. For details on how to use these, see the [commit]( and [import]( |
    58  ### Known issues in Engine
    60  This section lists significant known issues present in Docker as of release date.
    61  For an exhaustive list of issues, see [the issues list on the project
    62  repository](
    64  * *Unexpected File Permissions in Containers*
    65  An idiosyncrasy in AUFS prevented permissions from propagating predictably
    66  between upper and lower layers. This caused issues with accessing private
    67  keys, database instances, etc.  This issue was closed in this release:
    68  [GitHub Issue 783](
    71  * *Docker Hub incompatible with Safari 8*
    72  Docker Hub had multiple issues displaying on Safari 8, the default browser for
    73  OS X 10.10 (Yosemite).  Most notably, changes in the way Safari handled cookies
    74  means that the user was repeatedly logged out.
    75  Recently, Safari fixed the bug that was causing all the issues. If you upgrade
    76  to Safari 8.0.5 which was just released last week and see if that fixes your
    77  issues. You might have to flush your cookies if it doesn't work right away.
    78  For more information, see the [Docker forum
    79  post](
    81  ## Docker Registry 2.0 features
    83  This release includes Registry 2.0. The Docker Registry is a central server for
    84  pushing and pulling images. In this release, it was completely rewritten in Go
    85  around a new set of distribution APIs
    87  - **Webhook notifications**: You can now configure the Registry to send Webhooks
    88  when images are pushed. Spin off a CI build, send a notification to IRC –
    89  whatever you want! Included in the documentation is a detailed [notification
    90  specification](
    92  - **Native TLS support**: This release makes it easier to secure a registry with
    93  TLS.  This documentation includes [expanded examples of secure
    94  deployments](
    96  - **New Distribution APIs**: This release includes an expanded set of new
    97  distribution APIs. You can read the [detailed specification
    98  here](
   101  ## Docker Compose 1.2
   103  For a complete list of compose patches, fixes, and other improvements, see the
   104  [changelog in the project
   105  repository]( The
   106  project also makes a [set of release
   107  notes]( on the project.
   109  - **extends**:  You can use `extends` to share configuration between services
   110  with the keyword “extends”. With extends, you can refer to a service defined
   111  elsewhere and include its configuration in a locally-defined service, while also
   112  adding or overriding configuration as necessary. The documentation describes
   113  [how to use extends in your
   114  configuration](
   115  compose).
   117  - **Relative directory handling may cause breaking change**: Compose now treats
   118  directories passed to build, filenames passed to `env_file` and volume host
   119  paths passed to volumes as relative to the configuration file's directory.
   120  Previously, they were treated as relative to the directory where you were
   121  running `docker-compose`. In the majority of cases, the location of the
   122  configuration file and where you ran `docker-compose` were the same directory.
   123  Now, you can use the `-f|--file` argument to specify a configuration file in
   124  another directory. 
   127  ## Docker Swarm 0.2
   129  You'll find the [release for download on
   130  GitHub]( and [the
   131  documentation here](  This release includes the
   132  following features:
   134  - **Spread strategy**: A new strategy for scheduling containers on your cluster
   135  which evenly spreads them over available nodes.
   136  - **More Docker commands supported**: More progress has been made towards
   137  supporting the complete Docker API, such as pulling and inspecting images.
   138  - **Clustering drivers**: There are not any third-party drivers yet, but the
   139  first steps have been made towards making a pluggable driver interface that will
   140  make it possible to use Swarm with clustering systems such as Mesos.
   143  ## Docker Machine 0.2 Pre-release
   145  You'll find the [release for download on
   146  GitHub]( and [the documentation
   147  here](  For a complete list of machine changes
   148  see [the changelog in the project
   149  repository](
   150  -22).
   152  - **Cleaner driver interface**: It is now much easier to write drivers for providers.
   153  - **More reliable and consistent provisioning**: Provisioning servers is now
   154  handled centrally by Machine instead of letting each driver individually do it.
   155  - **Regenerate TLS certificates**: A new command has been added to regenerate a
   156  host’s TLS certificates for good security practice and for if a host’s IP
   157  address changes. 
   159  ## Docker Hub Enterprise & Commercially Supported Docker Engine
   161  See the [DHE and CS Docker Engine release notes](docker-hub-enterprise/