
     1  FROM golang:1.12.1-alpine3.9
     2  MAINTAINER Monax <>
     4  ENV DOCKER_VERSION "17.12.1-ce"
     5  ENV GORELEASER_VERSION "v0.104.1"
     6  # This is the image used by the Circle CI config
     7  # Update remote with 'make push_ci_image'
     8  RUN apk add --update --no-cache \
     9   nodejs \
    10   npm \
    11   netcat-openbsd \
    12   git \
    13   openssh-client \
    14   openssl \
    15   make \
    16   bash \
    17   gcc \
    18   g++ \
    19   jq \
    20   curl \
    21   docker \
    22   libffi-dev \
    23   openssl-dev \
    24   python-dev \
    25   py-pip
    26  RUN pip install docker-compose
    27  # get docker client
    28  WORKDIR /usr/bin
    29  RUN curl -L$DOCKER_VERSION.tgz | tar xz --strip-components 1 docker/docker
    30  RUN curl -L$GORELEASER_VERSION/goreleaser_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz | tar xz goreleaser
    31  RUN npm install -g mocha
    32  RUN npm install -g mocha-circleci-reporter
    33  ENV CI=true
    34  WORKDIR /go/src/