
     1  pragma solidity >=0.0.0;
     2  /**
     3   * @title DefaultUserAccount
     4   * @dev The default implementation of a UserAccount
     5   */
     6  contract DefaultUserAccount {
     8      /**
     9       * @dev Forwards a call to the specified target using the given bytes message.
    10       * @param _target the address to call
    11       * @param _payload the function payload consisting of the 4-bytes function hash and the abi-encoded function parameters which is typically created by
    12       * calling abi.encodeWithSelector(bytes4, args...) or abi.encodeWithSignature(signatureString, args...) 
    13       * @return success - whether the forwarding call returned normally
    14       * @return returnData - the bytes returned from calling the target function, if successful (NOTE: this is currently not supported, yet, and the returnData will always be empty)
    15       * REVERTS if:
    16       * - the target address is empty (0x0)
    17       */
    18      function forwardCall(address _target, bytes calldata _payload)
    19          external
    20          returns (bool success, bytes memory returnData)
    21      {
    22          require(_target != address(0), "Empty target not allowed");
    23          bytes memory data = _payload;
    24          assembly {
    25  	    // Note that the return value from a method is returned via the
    26  	    // returndata buffer, so the output argument (2nd from last)
    27  	    // should not be used, however solidity seems to output code which 
    28  	    // does use it. Simply pass the input data as this can be read safely.
    29              success := call(gas, _target, 0, add(data, 0x20), mload(data), data, 0)
    30          }
    31          if (success) {
    32              uint returnSize;
    33              assembly {
    34                  returnSize := returndatasize
    35              }
    36              returnData = new bytes(returnSize); // allocates a new byte array with the right size
    37              assembly {
    38                  returndatacopy(add(returnData, 0x20), 0, returnSize) // copies the returned bytes from the function call into the return variable
    39              }
    40          }
    41      }
    43  }