
     1  # Contract names
     3  **Audience**: Architects, application and smart contract developers,
     4  administrators
     6  A chaincode is a generic container for deploying code to a Hyperledger Fabric
     7  blockchain network. One or more related smart contracts are defined within a
     8  chaincode. Every smart contract has a name that uniquely identifies it within a
     9  chaincode. Applications access a particular smart contract within a chaincode
    10  using its contract name.
    12  In this topic, we're going to cover:
    13  * [How a chaincode contains multiple smart contracts](#chaincode)
    14  * [How to assign a smart contract name](#name)
    15  * [How to use a smart contract from an application](#application)
    16  * [The default smart contract](#default-contract)
    18  ## Chaincode
    20  In the [Developing Applications](./developing_applications.html) topic, we can
    21  see how the Fabric SDKs provide high level programming abstractions which help
    22  application and smart contract developers to focus on their business problem,
    23  rather than the low level details of how to interact with a Fabric network.
    25  Smart contracts are one example of a high level programming abstraction, and it
    26  is possible to define smart contracts within in a chaincode container. When a
    27  chaincode is installed on your peer and deployed to a channel, all the smart
    28  contracts within it are made available to your applications.
    30  ![contract.chaincode](./develop.diagram.20.png) *Multiple smart contracts can be
    31  defined within a chaincode. Each is uniquely identified by their name within a
    32  chaincode.*
    34  In the diagram [above](#chaincode), chaincode A has three smart contracts
    35  defined within it, whereas chaincode B has four smart contracts. See how the
    36  chaincode name is used to fully qualify a particular smart contract.
    38  The ledger structure is defined by a set of deployed smart contracts. That's
    39  because the ledger contains facts about the business objects of interest to the
    40  network (such as commercial paper within PaperNet), and these business objects
    41  are moved through their lifecycle (e.g. issue, buy, redeem) by the transaction
    42  functions defined within a smart contract.
    44  In most cases, a chaincode will only have one smart contract defined within it.
    45  However, it can make sense to keep related smart contracts together in a single
    46  chaincode. For example, commercial papers denominated in different currencies
    47  might have contracts `EuroPaperContract`, `DollarPaperContract`,
    48  `YenPaperContract` which might need to be kept synchronized with each other in
    49  the channel to which they are deployed.
    51  ## Name
    53  Each smart contract within a chaincode is uniquely identified by its contract
    54  name. A smart contract can explicitly assign this name when the class is
    55  constructed, or let the `Contract` class implicitly assign a default name.
    57  Examine the `papercontract.js` chaincode
    58  [file]({BRANCH}/commercial-paper/organization/magnetocorp/contract/lib/papercontract.js#L31):
    60  ```javascript
    61  class CommercialPaperContract extends Contract {
    63      constructor() {
    64          // Unique name when multiple contracts per chaincode file
    65          super('org.papernet.commercialpaper');
    66      }
    67  ```
    69  See how the `CommercialPaperContract` constructor specifies the contract name as
    70  `org.papernet.commercialpaper`. The result is that within the `papercontract`
    71  chaincode, this smart contract is now associated with the contract name
    72  `org.papernet.commercialpaper`.
    74  If an explicit contract name is not specified, then a default name is assigned
    75  -- the name of the class.  In our example, the default contract name would be
    76  `CommercialPaperContract`.
    78  Choose your names carefully. It's not just that each smart contract must have a
    79  unique name; a well-chosen name is illuminating. Specifically, using an explicit
    80  DNS-style naming convention is recommended to help organize clear and meaningful
    81  names; `org.papernet.commercialpaper` conveys that the PaperNet network has
    82  defined a standard commercial paper smart contract.
    84  Contract names are also helpful to disambiguate different smart contract
    85  transaction functions with the same name in a given chaincode. This happens when
    86  smart contracts are closely related; their transaction names will tend to be the
    87  same. We can see that a transaction is uniquely defined within a channel by the
    88  combination of its chaincode and smart contract name.
    90  Contract names must be unique within a chaincode file. Some code editors will
    91  detect multiple definitions of the same class name before deployment. Regardless
    92  the chaincode will return an error if multiple classes with the same contract
    93  name are explicitly or implicitly specified.
    95  ## Application
    97  Once a chaincode has been installed on a peer and deployed to a channel, the
    98  smart contracts in it are accessible to an application:
   100  ```javascript
   101  const network = await gateway.getNetwork(`papernet`);
   103  const contract = await network.getContract('papercontract', 'org.papernet.commercialpaper');
   105  const issueResponse = await contract.submitTransaction('issue', 'MagnetoCorp', '00001', '2020-05-31', '2020-11-30', '5000000');
   106  ```
   108  See how the application accesses the smart contract with the
   109  `network.getContract()` method. The `papercontract` chaincode name
   110  `org.papernet.commercialpaper` returns a `contract` reference which can be
   111  used to submit transactions to issue commercial paper with the
   112  `contract.submitTransaction()` API.
   114  ## Default contract
   116  The first smart contract defined in a chaincode is called the *default*
   117  smart contract. A default is helpful because a chaincode will usually have one
   118  smart contract defined within it; a default allows the application to access
   119  those transactions directly -- without specifying a contract name.
   121  ![default.contract](./develop.diagram.21.png) *A default smart contract is the
   122  first contract defined in a chaincode.*
   124  In this diagram, `CommercialPaperContract` is the default smart contract. Even
   125  though we have two smart contracts, the default smart contract makes our
   126  [previous](#application) example easier to write:
   128  ```javascript
   129  const network = await gateway.getNetwork(`papernet`);
   131  const contract = await network.getContract('papercontract');
   133  const issueResponse = await contract.submitTransaction('issue', 'MagnetoCorp', '00001', '2020-05-31', '2020-11-30', '5000000');
   134  ```
   136  This works because the default smart contract in `papercontract` is
   137  `CommercialPaperContract` and it has an `issue` transaction. Note that the
   138  `issue` transaction in `BondContract` can only be invoked by explicitly
   139  addressing it. Likewise, even though the `cancel` transaction is unique, because
   140  `BondContract` is *not* the default smart contract, it must also be explicitly
   141  addressed.
   143  In most cases, a chaincode will only contain a single smart contract, so careful
   144  naming of the chaincode can reduce the need for developers to care about
   145  chaincode as a concept. In the example code [above](#default-contract) it feels
   146  like `papercontract` is a smart contract.
   148  In summary, contract names are a straightforward mechanism to identify
   149  individual smart contracts within a given chaincode. Contract names make it easy
   150  for applications to find a particular smart contract and use it to access the
   151  ledger.
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