
     1  # Gateway
     3  **Audience**: Architects, application and smart contract developers
     5  A gateway manages the network interactions on behalf of an application, allowing
     6  it to focus on business logic. Applications connect to a gateway and then all
     7  subsequent interactions are managed using that gateway's configuration.
     9  In this topic, we're going to cover:
    11  * [Why gateways are important](#scenario)
    12  * [How applications use a gateway](#connect)
    13  * [How to define a static gateway](#static)
    14  * [How to define a dynamic gateway for service discovery](#dynamic)
    15  * [Using multiple gateways](#multiple-gateways)
    17  ## Scenario
    19  A Hyperledger Fabric network channel can constantly change.  The peer, orderer
    20  and CA components, contributed by the different organizations in the network,
    21  will come and go. Reasons for this include increased or reduced business demand,
    22  and both planned and unplanned outages. A gateway relieves an application of
    23  this burden, allowing it to focus on the business problem it is trying to solve.
    25  ![gateway.scenario](./develop.diagram.25.png) *A MagnetoCorp and DigiBank
    26  applications (issue and buy) delegate their respective network interactions to
    27  their gateways. Each gateway understands the network channel topology comprising
    28  the multiple peers and orderers of two organizations MagnetoCorp and DigiBank,
    29  leaving applications to focus on business logic. Peers can talk to each other
    30  both within and across organizations using the gossip protocol.*
    32  A gateway can be used by an application in two different ways:
    34  * **Static**: The gateway configuration is *completely* defined in a [connection
    35    profile](./connectionprofile.html). All the peers, orderers and CAs
    36    available to an application are statically defined in the connection profile
    37    used to configure the gateway. For peers, this includes their role as an
    38    endorsing peer or event notification hub, for example. You can read more about
    39    these roles in the connection profile [topic](./connectionprofile.html).
    41    The SDK will use this static topology, in conjunction with gateway
    42    [connection options](./connectionoptions), to manage the transaction
    43    submission and notification processes. The connection profile must contain
    44    enough of the network topology to allow a gateway to interact with the
    45    network on behalf of the application; this includes the network channels,
    46    organizations, orderers, peers and their roles.
    49  * **Dynamic**: The gateway configuration is minimally defined in a connection
    50    profile. Typically, one or two peers from the application's organization are
    51    specified, and they use [service discovery](../discovery-overview.html) to
    52    discover the available network topology. This includes peers, orderers,
    53    channels, deployed smart contracts and their endorsement policies. (In
    54    production environments, a gateway configuration should specify at least two
    55    peers for availability.)
    57    The SDK will use all of the static and discovered topology information, in
    58    conjunction with gateway connection options, to manage the transaction
    59    submission and notification processes. As part of this, it will also
    60    intelligently use the discovered topology; for example, it will *calculate*
    61    the minimum required endorsing peers using the discovered endorsement policy
    62    for the smart contract.
    64  You might ask yourself whether a static or dynamic gateway is better? The
    65  trade-off is between predictability and responsiveness. Static networks will
    66  always behave the same way, as they perceive the network as unchanging. In this
    67  sense they are predictable -- they will always use the same peers and orderers
    68  if they are available. Dynamic networks are more responsive as they understand
    69  how the network changes -- they can use newly added peers and orderers, which
    70  brings extra resilience and scalability, at potentially some cost in
    71  predictability. In general it's fine to use dynamic networks, and indeed this
    72  the default mode for gateways.
    74  Note that the *same* connection profile can be used statically or dynamically.
    75  Clearly, if a profile is going to be used statically, it needs to be
    76  comprehensive, whereas dynamic usage requires only sparse population.
    78  Both styles of gateway are transparent to the application; the application
    79  program design does not change whether static or dynamic gateways are used. This
    80  also means that some applications may use service discovery, while others may
    81  not. In general using dynamic discovery means less definition and more
    82  intelligence by the SDK; it is the default.
    84  ## Connect
    86  When an application connects to a gateway, two options are provided. These are
    87  used in subsequent SDK processing:
    89  ```javascript
    90    await gateway.connect(connectionProfile, connectionOptions);
    91  ```
    93  * **Connection profile**: `connectionProfile` is the gateway configuration that
    94    will be used for transaction processing by the SDK, whether statically or
    95    dynamically. It can be specified in YAML or JSON, though it must be converted
    96    to a JSON object when passed to the gateway:
    98    ```javascript
    99    let connectionProfile = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync('../gateway/paperNet.yaml', 'utf8'));
   100    ```
   102    Read more about [connection profiles](./connectionprofile.html) and how
   103    to configure them.
   106  * **Connection options**: `connectionOptions` allow an application to declare
   107    rather than implement desired transaction processing behaviour. Connection
   108    options are interpreted by the SDK to control interaction patterns with
   109    network components, for example to select which identity to connect with, or
   110    which peers to use for event notifications. These options significantly reduce
   111    application complexity without compromising functionality. This is possible
   112    because the SDK has implemented much of the low level logic that would
   113    otherwise be required by applications; connection options control this logic
   114    flow.
   116    Read about the list of available [connection options](./connectionoptions.html)
   117    and when to use them.
   119  ## Static
   121  Static gateways define a fixed view of a network. In the MagnetoCorp
   122  [scenario](#scenario), a gateway might identify a single peer from MagnetoCorp,
   123  a single peer from DigiBank, and a MagentoCorp orderer. Alternatively, a gateway
   124  might define *all* peers and orderers from MagnetCorp and DigiBank. In both
   125  cases, a gateway must define a view of the network sufficient to get commercial
   126  paper transactions endorsed and distributed.
   128  Applications can use a gateway statically by explicitly specifying the connect
   129  option `discovery: { enabled:false }` on the `gateway.connect()` API.
   130  Alternatively, the environment variable setting `FABRIC_SDK_DISCOVERY=false`
   131  will always override the application choice.
   133  Examine the [connection
   134  profile]({BRANCH}/commercial-paper/organization/magnetocorp/gateway/networkConnection.yaml)
   135  used by the MagnetoCorp issue application. See how all the peers, orderers and
   136  even CAs are specified in this file, including their roles.
   138  It's worth bearing in mind that a static gateway represents a view of a network
   139  at a *moment in time*.  As networks change, it may be important to reflect this
   140  in a change to the gateway file. Applications will automatically pick up these
   141  changes when they re-load the gateway file.
   143  ## Dynamic
   145  Dynamic gateways define a small, fixed *starting point* for a network. In the
   146  MagnetoCorp [scenario](#scenario), a dynamic gateway might identify just a
   147  single peer from MagnetoCorp; everything else will be discovered! (To provide
   148  resiliency, it might be better to define two such bootstrap peers.)
   150  If [service discovery](../discovery-overview.html) is selected by an
   151  application, the topology defined in the gateway file is augmented with that
   152  produced by this process. Service discovery starts with the gateway definition,
   153  and finds all the connected peers and orderers within the MagnetoCorp
   154  organization using the [gossip protocol](../gossip.html). If [anchor
   155  peers](../glossary.html#anchor-peer) have been defined for a channel, then
   156  service discovery will use the gossip protocol across organizations to discover
   157  components within the connected organization. This process will also discover
   158  smart contracts installed on peers and their endorsement policies defined at a
   159  channel level. As with static gateways, the discovered network must be
   160  sufficient to get commercial paper transactions endorsed and distributed.
   162  Dynamic gateways are the default setting for Fabric applications. They can be
   163  explicitly specified using the connect option `discovery: { enabled:true }` on
   164  the `gateway.connect()` API. Alternatively, the environment variable setting
   165  `FABRIC_SDK_DISCOVERY=true` will always override the application choice.
   167  A dynamic gateway represents an up-to-date view of a network. As networks
   168  change, service discovery will ensure that the network view is an accurate
   169  reflection of the topology visible to the application. Applications will
   170  automatically pick up these changes; they do not even need to re-load the
   171  gateway file.
   173  ## Multiple gateways
   175  Finally, it is straightforward for an application to define multiple gateways,
   176  both for the same or different networks. Moreover, applications can use the name
   177  gateway both statically and dynamically.
   179  It can be helpful to have multiple gateways. Here are a few reasons:
   181  * Handling requests on behalf of different users.
   183  * Connecting to different networks simultaneously.
   185  * Testing a network configuration, by simultaneously comparing its behaviour
   186    with an existing configuration.
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