
     1  package integration
     3  import (
     4  	"database/sql"
     5  	"fmt"
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    13  	. ""
    14  	. ""
    15  )
    17  var _ = Describe("backup integration tests", func() {
    18  	Describe("GetPartitionTableMap", func() {
    19  		It("correctly maps oids to parent or leaf table types", func() {
    20  			createStmt := `CREATE TABLE public.summer_sales (id int, year int, month int)
    21  DISTRIBUTED BY (id)
    22  PARTITION BY RANGE (year)
    23      SUBPARTITION BY RANGE (month)
    25          START (6) END (8) EVERY (1),
    26          DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_months )
    27  ( START (2015) END (2017) EVERY (1),
    28    DEFAULT PARTITION outlying_years );
    29  `
    30  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, createStmt)
    31  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.summer_sales")
    33  			parent := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "summer_sales", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
    34  			intermediate1 := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "summer_sales_1_prt_outlying_years", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
    35  			leaf11 := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "summer_sales_1_prt_outlying_years_2_prt_2", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
    36  			leaf12 := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "summer_sales_1_prt_outlying_years_2_prt_3", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
    37  			leaf13 := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "summer_sales_1_prt_outlying_years_2_prt_other_months", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
    38  			intermediate2 := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "summer_sales_1_prt_2", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
    39  			leaf21 := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "summer_sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_2", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
    40  			leaf22 := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "summer_sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_3", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
    41  			leaf23 := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "summer_sales_1_prt_2_2_prt_other_months", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
    42  			intermediate3 := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "summer_sales_1_prt_3", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
    43  			leaf31 := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "summer_sales_1_prt_3_2_prt_2", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
    44  			leaf32 := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "summer_sales_1_prt_3_2_prt_3", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
    45  			leaf33 := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "summer_sales_1_prt_3_2_prt_other_months", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
    46  			partTableMap := backup.GetPartitionTableMap(connectionPool)
    48  			Expect(partTableMap).To(HaveLen(13))
    49  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatch(partTableMap[parent], &backup.PartitionLevelInfo{Oid: parent, Level: "p", RootName: ""})
    50  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatch(partTableMap[intermediate1], &backup.PartitionLevelInfo{Oid: intermediate1, Level: "i", RootName: "summer_sales"})
    51  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatch(partTableMap[intermediate2], &backup.PartitionLevelInfo{Oid: intermediate2, Level: "i", RootName: "summer_sales"})
    52  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatch(partTableMap[intermediate3], &backup.PartitionLevelInfo{Oid: intermediate3, Level: "i", RootName: "summer_sales"})
    53  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatch(partTableMap[leaf11], &backup.PartitionLevelInfo{Oid: leaf11, Level: "l", RootName: "summer_sales"})
    54  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatch(partTableMap[leaf12], &backup.PartitionLevelInfo{Oid: leaf12, Level: "l", RootName: "summer_sales"})
    55  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatch(partTableMap[leaf13], &backup.PartitionLevelInfo{Oid: leaf13, Level: "l", RootName: "summer_sales"})
    56  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatch(partTableMap[leaf21], &backup.PartitionLevelInfo{Oid: leaf21, Level: "l", RootName: "summer_sales"})
    57  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatch(partTableMap[leaf22], &backup.PartitionLevelInfo{Oid: leaf22, Level: "l", RootName: "summer_sales"})
    58  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatch(partTableMap[leaf23], &backup.PartitionLevelInfo{Oid: leaf23, Level: "l", RootName: "summer_sales"})
    59  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatch(partTableMap[leaf31], &backup.PartitionLevelInfo{Oid: leaf31, Level: "l", RootName: "summer_sales"})
    60  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatch(partTableMap[leaf32], &backup.PartitionLevelInfo{Oid: leaf32, Level: "l", RootName: "summer_sales"})
    61  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatch(partTableMap[leaf33], &backup.PartitionLevelInfo{Oid: leaf33, Level: "l", RootName: "summer_sales"})
    62  		})
    63  	})
    64  	Describe("GetColumnDefinitions", func() {
    65  		It("returns table attribute information for a heap table", func() {
    66  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.atttable(a float, b text, c text NOT NULL, d int DEFAULT(5), e text)")
    67  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.atttable")
    68  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "COMMENT ON COLUMN public.atttable.a IS 'att comment'")
    69  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "ALTER TABLE public.atttable DROP COLUMN b")
    70  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "ALTER TABLE public.atttable ALTER COLUMN e SET STORAGE PLAIN")
    71  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "atttable", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
    72  			privileges := sql.NullString{String: "", Valid: false}
    73  			if true {
    74  				testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "GRANT SELECT (c, d) ON TABLE public.atttable TO testrole")
    75  				privileges = sql.NullString{String: "testrole=r/testrole", Valid: true}
    76  			}
    77  			tableAtts := backup.GetColumnDefinitions(connectionPool)[oid]
    79  			columnA := backup.ColumnDefinition{Oid: 0, Num: 1, Name: "a", NotNull: false, HasDefault: false, Type: "double precision", Encoding: "", StatTarget: -1, StorageType: "", DefaultVal: "", Comment: "att comment"}
    80  			columnC := backup.ColumnDefinition{Oid: 0, Num: 3, Name: "c", NotNull: true, HasDefault: false, Type: "text", Encoding: "", StatTarget: -1, StorageType: "", DefaultVal: "", Comment: "", Privileges: privileges}
    81  			columnD := backup.ColumnDefinition{Oid: 0, Num: 4, Name: "d", NotNull: false, HasDefault: true, Type: "integer", Encoding: "", StatTarget: -1, StorageType: "", DefaultVal: "(5)", Comment: "", Privileges: privileges}
    82  			columnE := backup.ColumnDefinition{Oid: 0, Num: 5, Name: "e", NotNull: false, HasDefault: false, Type: "text", Encoding: "", StatTarget: -1, StorageType: "PLAIN", DefaultVal: "", Comment: ""}
    84  			Expect(tableAtts).To(HaveLen(4))
    86  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&columnA, &tableAtts[0], "Oid")
    87  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&columnC, &tableAtts[1], "Oid")
    88  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&columnD, &tableAtts[2], "Oid")
    89  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&columnE, &tableAtts[3], "Oid")
    90  		})
    91  		It("returns table attributes including encoding for a column oriented table", func() {
    92  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.co_atttable(a float, b text ENCODING(blocksize=65536)) WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=column)")
    93  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.co_atttable")
    94  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "co_atttable", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
    95  			tableAtts := backup.GetColumnDefinitions(connectionPool)[oid]
    97  			columnA := backup.ColumnDefinition{Oid: 0, Num: 1, Name: "a", NotNull: false, HasDefault: false, Type: "double precision", Encoding: "compresstype=none,blocksize=32768,compresslevel=0", StatTarget: -1, StorageType: "", DefaultVal: "", Comment: ""}
    98  			columnB := backup.ColumnDefinition{Oid: 0, Num: 2, Name: "b", NotNull: false, HasDefault: false, Type: "text", Encoding: "blocksize=65536,compresstype=none,compresslevel=0", StatTarget: -1, StorageType: "", DefaultVal: "", Comment: ""}
   100  			Expect(tableAtts).To(HaveLen(2))
   102  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&columnA, &tableAtts[0], "Oid")
   103  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&columnB, &tableAtts[1], "Oid")
   104  		})
   105  		It("returns an empty attribute array for a table with no columns", func() {
   106  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.nocol_atttable()")
   107  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.nocol_atttable")
   108  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "nocol_atttable", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   110  			tableAtts := backup.GetColumnDefinitions(connectionPool)[oid]
   112  			Expect(tableAtts).To(BeEmpty())
   113  		})
   114  		It("returns table attributes with options only applicable to coordinator", func() {
   115  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   116  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE COLLATION public.some_coll (lc_collate = 'POSIX', lc_ctype = 'POSIX')")
   117  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP COLLATION public.some_coll")
   118  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.atttable(i character(8) COLLATE public.some_coll)")
   119  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.atttable")
   120  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "ALTER TABLE ONLY public.atttable ALTER COLUMN i SET (n_distinct=1);")
   121  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "SECURITY LABEL FOR dummy ON COLUMN public.atttable.i IS 'unclassified';")
   122  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "atttable", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   123  			tableAtts := backup.GetColumnDefinitions(connectionPool)[oid]
   125  			columnA := backup.ColumnDefinition{Oid: 0, Num: 1, Name: "i", NotNull: false, HasDefault: false, Type: "character(8)", Encoding: "", StatTarget: -1, StorageType: "", DefaultVal: "", Comment: "", Options: "n_distinct=1", Collation: "public.some_coll", SecurityLabelProvider: "dummy", SecurityLabel: "unclassified"}
   127  			Expect(tableAtts).To(HaveLen(1))
   129  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&columnA, &tableAtts[0], "Oid")
   130  		})
   131  		It("returns table attributes with foreign data options", func() {
   132  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   133  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy;")
   134  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy")
   135  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE SERVER sc FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy;")
   136  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP SERVER sc")
   137  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE FOREIGN TABLE public.ft1 (
   138  	c1 integer OPTIONS (param1 'val1', param2 'val2') NOT NULL
   139  ) SERVER sc ;`)
   140  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP FOREIGN TABLE public.ft1")
   142  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "ft1", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   143  			tableAtts := backup.GetColumnDefinitions(connectionPool)[oid]
   145  			Expect(tableAtts).To(HaveLen(1))
   146  			column1 := backup.ColumnDefinition{Oid: 0, Num: 1, Name: "c1", NotNull: true, HasDefault: false, Type: "integer", StatTarget: -1, FdwOptions: "param1 'val1', param2 'val2'"}
   147  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(column1, &tableAtts[0], "Oid")
   148  		})
   149  		It("handles table with gin index, when index's attribute's collname and namespace are null", func() {
   150  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   152  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `
   153  CREATE TABLE public.test_tsvector (
   154      t text,
   155      a tsvector,
   156      distkey integer
   157  ) DISTRIBUTED BY (distkey)
   158  `)
   159  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE INDEX wowidx ON public.test_tsvector USING gin (a)`)
   160  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP table public.test_tsvector cascade")
   162  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "test_tsvector", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   163  			tableAtts := backup.GetColumnDefinitions(connectionPool)[oid]
   165  			Expect(tableAtts).To(HaveLen(3))
   166  		})
   167  		It("gets the correct collation schema", func() {
   168  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   170  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE SCHEMA myschema;`)
   171  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `DROP SCHEMA myschema`)
   172  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE COLLATION myschema.mycoll (lc_collate = 'C', lc_ctype = 'C')`)
   173  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `DROP COLLATION myschema.mycoll`)
   174  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE text COLLATE myschema.mycoll)`)
   175  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `DROP TABLE`)
   177  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "foo", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   178  			tableAtts := backup.GetColumnDefinitions(connectionPool)[oid]
   180  			Expect(tableAtts).To(HaveLen(1))
   181  			Expect(tableAtts[0].Collation).To(Equal("myschema.mycoll"))
   182  		})
   183  	})
   184  	Describe("GetDistributionPolicies", func() {
   185  		It("returns distribution policy info for a table DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY", func() {
   186  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.dist_random(a int, b text) DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY")
   187  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.dist_random")
   188  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "dist_random", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   190  			distPolicies := backup.GetDistributionPolicies(connectionPool)[oid]
   192  			Expect(distPolicies).To(Equal("DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY"))
   193  		})
   194  		It("returns distribution policy info for a table DISTRIBUTED BY one column", func() {
   195  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.dist_one(a int, b text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a)")
   196  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.dist_one")
   197  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "dist_one", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   199  			distPolicies := backup.GetDistributionPolicies(connectionPool)[oid]
   201  			Expect(distPolicies).To(Equal("DISTRIBUTED BY (a)"))
   202  		})
   203  		It("returns distribution policy info for a table DISTRIBUTED BY two columns", func() {
   204  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.dist_two(a int, b text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a, b)")
   205  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.dist_two")
   206  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "dist_two", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   208  			distPolicies := backup.GetDistributionPolicies(connectionPool)[oid]
   210  			Expect(distPolicies).To(Equal("DISTRIBUTED BY (a, b)"))
   211  		})
   212  		It("returns distribution policy info for a table DISTRIBUTED BY a custom operator", func() {
   213  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   214  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `
   215  				CREATE OPERATOR FAMILY public.abs_int_hash_ops USING hash;
   217  				CREATE FUNCTION public.abseq(integer, integer) RETURNS boolean
   218  				    LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT NO SQL
   219  				    AS $_$
   220  				  begin return abs($1) = abs($2); end;
   221  				$_$;
   223  				CREATE OPERATOR public.|=| (
   224  				    PROCEDURE = public.abseq,
   225  				    LEFTARG = integer,
   226  				    RIGHTARG = integer,
   227  				    COMMUTATOR = OPERATOR(public.|=|),
   228  				    MERGES,
   229  				    HASHES
   230  				);
   231  				CREATE FUNCTION public.abshashfunc(integer) RETURNS integer
   232  				    LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT NO SQL
   233  				    AS $_$
   234  				  begin return abs($1); end;
   235  				$_$;
   238  				-- operator class dec
   239  				CREATE OPERATOR CLASS public.abs_int_hash_ops
   240  				    FOR TYPE integer USING hash FAMILY public.abs_int_hash_ops AS
   241  				    OPERATOR 1 public.|=|(integer,integer) ,
   242  				    FUNCTION 1 (integer, integer) public.abshashfunc(integer);
   245  				-- table ft object
   246  				CREATE TABLE public.abs_opclass_test (
   247  				    i integer,
   248  				    t text,
   249  				    j integer
   250  				) DISTRIBUTED BY (i public.abs_int_hash_ops, t, j public.abs_int_hash_ops);
   251  			`)
   253  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `
   254  				DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.abs_opclass_test;
   255  				DROP OPERATOR CLASS IF EXISTS public.abs_int_hash_ops USING hash;
   256  				DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.abshashfunc(integer);
   257  				DROP OPERATOR IF EXISTS public.|=|(integer, integer);
   258  				DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.abseq(integer, integer);
   259  				DROP OPERATOR FAMILY IF EXISTS public.abs_int_hash_ops USING hash;
   260  			`)
   262  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "abs_opclass_test", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   264  			distPolicies := backup.GetDistributionPolicies(connectionPool)[oid]
   266  			Expect(distPolicies).To(Equal("DISTRIBUTED BY (i public.abs_int_hash_ops, t, j public.abs_int_hash_ops)"))
   267  		})
   268  		It("returns distribution policy info for a table DISTRIBUTED BY column name as keyword", func() {
   269  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE public.dist_one(a int, "group" text) DISTRIBUTED BY ("group")`)
   270  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.dist_one")
   271  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "dist_one", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   273  			distPolicies := backup.GetDistributionPolicies(connectionPool)[oid]
   275  			Expect(distPolicies).To(Equal(`DISTRIBUTED BY ("group")`))
   276  		})
   277  		It("returns distribution policy info for a table DISTRIBUTED BY multiple columns in correct order", func() {
   278  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE public.dist_one (id int, memo varchar(20), dt date, col1 varchar(20)) DISTRIBUTED BY (memo, dt, id, col1); `)
   279  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.dist_one")
   280  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "dist_one", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   282  			distPolicies := backup.GetDistributionPolicies(connectionPool)[oid]
   284  			Expect(distPolicies).To(Equal(`DISTRIBUTED BY (memo, dt, id, col1)`))
   285  		})
   286  		It("returns distribution policy info for a table DISTRIBUTED REPLICATED", func() {
   287  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   288  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE public.dist_one(a int, "group" text) DISTRIBUTED REPLICATED`)
   289  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.dist_one")
   290  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "dist_one", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   292  			distPolicies := backup.GetDistributionPolicies(connectionPool)[oid]
   294  			Expect(distPolicies).To(Equal(`DISTRIBUTED REPLICATED`))
   295  		})
   296  	})
   297  	Describe("GetPartitionDefinitions", func() {
   298  		var partitionPartFalseExpectation = "false "
   299  		BeforeEach(func() {
   300  			// GPDB 7+ does not have pg_get_partition_def()
   301  			if true {
   302  				Skip("Test is not applicable to GPDB 7+")
   303  			}
   305  			if true {
   306  				partitionPartFalseExpectation = "'false'"
   307  			}
   308  		})
   309  		It("returns empty string when no partition exists", func() {
   310  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.simple_table(i int)")
   311  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.simple_table")
   312  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "simple_table", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   314  			result, _ := backup.GetPartitionDetails(connectionPool)
   316  			Expect(result[oid]).To(Equal(""))
   317  		})
   318  		It("returns a value for a partition definition", func() {
   319  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE public.part_table (id int, rank int, year int, gender
   320  char(1), count int )
   321  DISTRIBUTED BY (id)
   322  PARTITION BY LIST (gender)
   323  ( PARTITION girls VALUES ('F'),
   324    PARTITION boys VALUES ('M'),
   325    DEFAULT PARTITION other );
   326  			`)
   327  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.part_table")
   328  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "part_table", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   330  			result, _ := backup.GetPartitionDetails(connectionPool)
   332  			// The spacing is very specific here and is output from the postgres function
   333  			expectedResult := fmt.Sprintf(`PARTITION BY LIST(gender) `+`
   334            (
   335            PARTITION girls VALUES('F') WITH (tablename='part_table_1_prt_girls', appendonly=%[1]s), `+`
   336            PARTITION boys VALUES('M') WITH (tablename='part_table_1_prt_boys', appendonly=%[1]s), `+`
   337            DEFAULT PARTITION other  WITH (tablename='part_table_1_prt_other', appendonly=%[1]s)
   338            )`, partitionPartFalseExpectation)
   339  			Expect(result[oid]).To(Equal(expectedResult))
   340  		})
   341  		It("returns a value for a partition definition for a specific table", func() {
   342  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE public.part_table (id int, rank int, year int, gender
   343  char(1), count int )
   344  DISTRIBUTED BY (id)
   345  PARTITION BY LIST (gender)
   346  ( PARTITION girls VALUES ('F'),
   347    PARTITION boys VALUES ('M'),
   348    DEFAULT PARTITION other );
   349  			`)
   350  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.part_table")
   351  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE public.part_table2 (id int, rank int, year int, gender
   352  char(1), count int )
   353  DISTRIBUTED BY (id)
   354  PARTITION BY LIST (gender)
   355  ( PARTITION girls VALUES ('F'),
   356    PARTITION boys VALUES ('M'),
   357    DEFAULT PARTITION other );
   358  			`)
   359  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.part_table2")
   360  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "part_table", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   362  			_ = backupCmdFlags.Set(options.INCLUDE_RELATION, "public.part_table")
   364  			results, _ := backup.GetPartitionDetails(connectionPool)
   365  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
   366  			result := results[oid]
   368  			// The spacing is very specific here and is output from the postgres function
   369  			expectedResult := fmt.Sprintf(`PARTITION BY LIST(gender) `+`
   370            (
   371            PARTITION girls VALUES('F') WITH (tablename='part_table_1_prt_girls', appendonly=%[1]s), `+`
   372            PARTITION boys VALUES('M') WITH (tablename='part_table_1_prt_boys', appendonly=%[1]s), `+`
   373            DEFAULT PARTITION other  WITH (tablename='part_table_1_prt_other', appendonly=%[1]s)
   374            )`, partitionPartFalseExpectation)
   375  			Expect(result).To(Equal(expectedResult))
   376  		})
   377  		It("returns a value for a partition definition in a specific schema", func() {
   378  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE public.part_table (id int, rank int, year int, gender
   379  char(1), count int )
   380  DISTRIBUTED BY (id)
   381  PARTITION BY LIST (gender)
   382  ( PARTITION girls VALUES ('F'),
   383    PARTITION boys VALUES ('M'),
   384    DEFAULT PARTITION other );
   385  			`)
   386  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.part_table")
   387  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE SCHEMA testschema")
   388  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP SCHEMA testschema CASCADE")
   389  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE testschema.part_table (id int, rank int, year int, gender
   390  char(1), count int )
   391  DISTRIBUTED BY (id)
   392  PARTITION BY LIST (gender)
   393  ( PARTITION girls VALUES ('F'),
   394    PARTITION boys VALUES ('M'),
   395    DEFAULT PARTITION other );
   396  			`)
   397  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "testschema", "part_table", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   399  			_ = backupCmdFlags.Set(options.INCLUDE_SCHEMA, "testschema")
   401  			results, _ := backup.GetPartitionDetails(connectionPool)
   402  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
   403  			result := results[oid]
   405  			// The spacing is very specific here and is output from the postgres function
   406  			expectedResult := fmt.Sprintf(`PARTITION BY LIST(gender) `+`
   407            (
   408            PARTITION girls VALUES('F') WITH (tablename='part_table_1_prt_girls', appendonly=%[1]s), `+`
   409            PARTITION boys VALUES('M') WITH (tablename='part_table_1_prt_boys', appendonly=%[1]s), `+`
   410            DEFAULT PARTITION other  WITH (tablename='part_table_1_prt_other', appendonly=%[1]s)
   411            )`, partitionPartFalseExpectation)
   412  			Expect(result).To(Equal(expectedResult))
   413  		})
   414  	})
   415  	Describe("GetPartitionTemplates", func() {
   416  		BeforeEach(func() {
   417  			// GPDB 7+ does not have pg_get_partition_template_def()
   418  			if true {
   419  				Skip("Test is not applicable to GPDB 7+")
   420  			}
   421  		})
   422  		It("returns empty string when no partition definition template exists", func() {
   423  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.simple_table(i int)")
   424  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.simple_table")
   425  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "simple_table", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   427  			_, result := backup.GetPartitionDetails(connectionPool)
   429  			Expect(result[oid]).To(Equal(""))
   430  		})
   431  		It("returns a value for a subpartition template", func() {
   432  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE public.part_table (trans_id int, date date, amount decimal(9,2), region text)
   433    DISTRIBUTED BY (trans_id)
   434    PARTITION BY RANGE (date)
   435    SUBPARTITION BY LIST (region)
   437      ( SUBPARTITION usa VALUES ('usa'),
   438        SUBPARTITION asia VALUES ('asia'),
   439        SUBPARTITION europe VALUES ('europe'),
   440        DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_regions )
   441    ( START (date '2014-01-01') INCLUSIVE
   442      END (date '2014-04-01') EXCLUSIVE
   443      EVERY (INTERVAL '1 month') ) `)
   444  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.part_table")
   445  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "part_table", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   447  			_, result := backup.GetPartitionDetails(connectionPool)
   449  			/*
   450  			 * The spacing is very specific here and is output from the postgres function
   451  			 * The only difference between the below statements is spacing
   452  			 */
   453  			expectedResult := ""
   454  			if false {
   455  				expectedResult = `ALTER TABLE public.part_table 
   457            (
   458            SUBPARTITION usa VALUES('usa') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   459            SUBPARTITION asia VALUES('asia') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   460            SUBPARTITION europe VALUES('europe') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   461            DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_regions  WITH (tablename='part_table')
   462            )
   463  `
   464  			} else {
   465  				expectedResult = `ALTER TABLE public.part_table 
   467            (
   468            SUBPARTITION usa VALUES('usa') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   469            SUBPARTITION asia VALUES('asia') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   470            SUBPARTITION europe VALUES('europe') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   471            DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_regions  WITH (tablename='part_table')
   472            )
   473  `
   474  			}
   476  			Expect(result[oid]).To(Equal(expectedResult))
   477  		})
   478  		It("returns a value for a subpartition template for a specific table", func() {
   479  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE public.part_table (trans_id int, date date, amount decimal(9,2), region text)
   480    DISTRIBUTED BY (trans_id)
   481    PARTITION BY RANGE (date)
   482    SUBPARTITION BY LIST (region)
   484      ( SUBPARTITION usa VALUES ('usa'),
   485        SUBPARTITION asia VALUES ('asia'),
   486        SUBPARTITION europe VALUES ('europe'),
   487        DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_regions )
   488    ( START (date '2014-01-01') INCLUSIVE
   489      END (date '2014-04-01') EXCLUSIVE
   490      EVERY (INTERVAL '1 month') ) `)
   491  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.part_table")
   492  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE public.part_table2 (trans_id int, date date, amount decimal(9,2), region text)
   493    DISTRIBUTED BY (trans_id)
   494    PARTITION BY RANGE (date)
   495    SUBPARTITION BY LIST (region)
   497      ( SUBPARTITION usa VALUES ('usa'),
   498        SUBPARTITION asia VALUES ('asia'),
   499        SUBPARTITION europe VALUES ('europe'),
   500        DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_regions )
   501    ( START (date '2014-01-01') INCLUSIVE
   502      END (date '2014-04-01') EXCLUSIVE
   503      EVERY (INTERVAL '1 month') ) `)
   504  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.part_table2")
   505  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "part_table", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   507  			_ = backupCmdFlags.Set(options.INCLUDE_RELATION, "public.part_table")
   509  			_, results := backup.GetPartitionDetails(connectionPool)
   510  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
   511  			result := results[oid]
   513  			/*
   514  			 * The spacing is very specific here and is output from the postgres function
   515  			 * The only difference between the below statements is spacing
   516  			 */
   517  			expectedResult := ""
   518  			if false {
   519  				expectedResult = `ALTER TABLE public.part_table 
   521            (
   522            SUBPARTITION usa VALUES('usa') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   523            SUBPARTITION asia VALUES('asia') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   524            SUBPARTITION europe VALUES('europe') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   525            DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_regions  WITH (tablename='part_table')
   526            )
   527  `
   528  			} else {
   529  				expectedResult = `ALTER TABLE public.part_table 
   531            (
   532            SUBPARTITION usa VALUES('usa') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   533            SUBPARTITION asia VALUES('asia') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   534            SUBPARTITION europe VALUES('europe') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   535            DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_regions  WITH (tablename='part_table')
   536            )
   537  `
   538  			}
   539  			Expect(result).To(Equal(expectedResult))
   541  		})
   542  		It("returns a value for a subpartition template in a specific schema", func() {
   543  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE public.part_table (trans_id int, date date, amount decimal(9,2), region text)
   544    DISTRIBUTED BY (trans_id)
   545    PARTITION BY RANGE (date)
   546    SUBPARTITION BY LIST (region)
   548      ( SUBPARTITION usa VALUES ('usa'),
   549        SUBPARTITION asia VALUES ('asia'),
   550        SUBPARTITION europe VALUES ('europe'),
   551        DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_regions )
   552    ( START (date '2014-01-01') INCLUSIVE
   553      END (date '2014-04-01') EXCLUSIVE
   554      EVERY (INTERVAL '1 month') ) `)
   555  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.part_table")
   556  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE SCHEMA testschema")
   557  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP SCHEMA testschema CASCADE")
   558  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE testschema.part_table (trans_id int, date date, amount decimal(9,2), region text)
   559    DISTRIBUTED BY (trans_id)
   560    PARTITION BY RANGE (date)
   561    SUBPARTITION BY LIST (region)
   563      ( SUBPARTITION usa VALUES ('usa'),
   564        SUBPARTITION asia VALUES ('asia'),
   565        SUBPARTITION europe VALUES ('europe'),
   566        DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_regions )
   567    ( START (date '2014-01-01') INCLUSIVE
   568      END (date '2014-04-01') EXCLUSIVE
   569      EVERY (INTERVAL '1 month') ) `)
   570  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "testschema", "part_table", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   572  			_ = backupCmdFlags.Set(options.INCLUDE_SCHEMA, "testschema")
   574  			_, results := backup.GetPartitionDetails(connectionPool)
   575  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
   576  			result := results[oid]
   578  			/*
   579  			 * The spacing is very specific here and is output from the postgres function
   580  			 * The only difference between the below statements is spacing
   581  			 */
   582  			expectedResult := ""
   583  			if false {
   584  				expectedResult = `ALTER TABLE testschema.part_table 
   586            (
   587            SUBPARTITION usa VALUES('usa') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   588            SUBPARTITION asia VALUES('asia') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   589            SUBPARTITION europe VALUES('europe') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   590            DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_regions  WITH (tablename='part_table')
   591            )
   592  `
   593  			} else {
   594  				expectedResult = `ALTER TABLE testschema.part_table 
   596            (
   597            SUBPARTITION usa VALUES('usa') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   598            SUBPARTITION asia VALUES('asia') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   599            SUBPARTITION europe VALUES('europe') WITH (tablename='part_table'), 
   600            DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_regions  WITH (tablename='part_table')
   601            )
   602  `
   603  			}
   605  			Expect(result).To(Equal(expectedResult))
   606  		})
   607  	})
   608  	Describe("GetTableType", func() {
   609  		It("Returns a map when a table OF type exists", func() {
   610  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   611  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.some_type AS (a text, b numeric)")
   612  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TYPE public.some_type")
   613  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.some_table OF public.some_type (PRIMARY KEY (a), b WITH OPTIONS DEFAULT 1000)")
   614  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.some_table")
   615  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "some_table", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   617  			result := backup.GetTableType(connectionPool)
   618  			Expect(result).To(HaveLen(1))
   620  			Expect(result[oid]).To(Equal("public.some_type"))
   621  		})
   622  		It("Returns empty map when no tables OF type exist", func() {
   623  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.some_table (i int, j int)")
   624  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.some_table")
   626  			result := backup.GetTableType(connectionPool)
   627  			Expect(result).To(BeEmpty())
   628  		})
   629  	})
   631  	Describe("GetUnloggedTables", func() {
   632  		It("Returns a map when an UNLOGGED table exists", func() {
   633  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   634  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE public.some_table(i int)")
   635  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.some_table")
   636  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "some_table", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   638  			result := backup.GetUnloggedTables(connectionPool)
   639  			Expect(result).To(HaveLen(1))
   641  			Expect(result[oid]).To(BeTrue())
   642  		})
   643  		It("Returns empty map when no UNLOGGED tables exist", func() {
   644  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.some_table (i int, j int)")
   645  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.some_table")
   647  			result := backup.GetUnloggedTables(connectionPool)
   648  			Expect(result).To(BeEmpty())
   649  		})
   650  	})
   652  	Describe("GetForeignTableDefinitions", func() {
   653  		It("Returns a map when a FOREIGN table exists", func() {
   654  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   655  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy;")
   656  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy")
   657  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE SERVER sc FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy;")
   658  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP SERVER sc")
   659  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE FOREIGN TABLE public.ft1 (
   660  	c1 integer OPTIONS (param1 'val1') NOT NULL,
   661  	c3 date
   662  ) SERVER sc OPTIONS (delimiter ',', quote '"');`)
   663  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP FOREIGN TABLE public.ft1")
   664  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "ft1", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   665  			result := backup.GetForeignTableDefinitions(connectionPool)
   666  			expectedResult := backup.ForeignTableDefinition{Oid: oid, Options: "delimiter ',',    quote '\"'", Server: "sc"}
   667  			Expect(result).To(HaveLen(1))
   668  			Expect(result[oid]).To(Equal(expectedResult))
   669  		})
   670  		It("Returns an empty map when no FOREIGN table exists", func() {
   671  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   672  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.some_table (i int, j int)")
   673  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.some_table")
   675  			result := backup.GetForeignTableDefinitions(connectionPool)
   676  			Expect(result).To(BeEmpty())
   677  		})
   678  	})
   679  	Describe("GetForeignTableRelations", func() {
   680  		It("Returns a list with FOREIGN table", func() {
   681  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   682  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy;")
   683  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy")
   684  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE SERVER sc FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy;")
   685  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP SERVER sc")
   686  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE FOREIGN TABLE public.ft1 (
   687  	c1 integer OPTIONS (param1 'val1') NOT NULL,
   688  	c3 date
   689  ) SERVER sc OPTIONS (delimiter ',', quote '"');`)
   690  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP FOREIGN TABLE public.ft1")
   691  			result := backup.GetForeignTableRelations(connectionPool)
   692  			Expect(result).To(HaveLen(1))
   693  			Expect(result[0].Schema).To(Equal("public"))
   694  			Expect(result[0].Name).To(Equal("ft1"))
   695  		})
   696  		It("Returns an empty list when no FOREIGN table exits", func() {
   697  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   698  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.some_table (i int, j int)")
   699  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.some_table")
   700  			result := backup.GetForeignTableRelations(connectionPool)
   701  			Expect(result).To(HaveLen(0))
   702  		})
   703  	})
   704  	Describe("GetTableStorageOptions", func() {
   705  		It("returns an empty string when no table storage options exist ", func() {
   706  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.simple_table(i int)")
   707  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.simple_table")
   708  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "simple_table", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   710  			_, result := backup.GetTableStorage(connectionPool)
   712  			Expect(result[oid]).To(Equal(""))
   713  		})
   714  		It("returns a value for storage options of a table ", func() {
   715  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.ao_table(i int) with (appendonly=true)")
   716  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.ao_table")
   717  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "ao_table", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   719  			_, result := backup.GetTableStorage(connectionPool)
   721  			if false  {
   722  				Expect(result[oid]).To(Equal("appendonly=true"))
   723  			} else {
   724  				// For GPDB 7+, storage options no longer contain appendonly and orientation
   725  				Expect(result[oid]).To(Equal(""))
   726  			}
   727  		})
   728  	})
   729  	Describe("GetTableInheritance", func() {
   730  		child := backup.Relation{Schema: "public", Name: "child"}
   731  		childOne := backup.Relation{Schema: "public", Name: "child_one"}
   732  		childTwo := backup.Relation{Schema: "public", Name: "child_two"}
   733  		parent := backup.Relation{Schema: "public", Name: "parent"}
   734  		parentOne := backup.Relation{Schema: "public", Name: "parent_one"}
   735  		parentTwo := backup.Relation{Schema: "public", Name: "parent_two"}
   737  		It("constructs dependencies correctly if there is one table dependent on one table", func() {
   738  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.parent(i int)")
   739  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.parent")
   740  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.child() INHERITS (public.parent)")
   741  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.child")
   743  			child.Oid = testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "child", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   744  			tables := []backup.Relation{child, parent}
   746  			inheritanceMap := backup.GetTableInheritance(connectionPool, tables)
   748  			Expect(inheritanceMap).To(HaveLen(1))
   749  			Expect(inheritanceMap[child.Oid]).To(ConsistOf("public.parent"))
   750  		})
   751  		It("constructs dependencies correctly if there are two tables dependent on one table", func() {
   752  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.parent(i int)")
   753  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.parent")
   754  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.child_one() INHERITS (public.parent)")
   755  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.child_one")
   756  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.child_two() INHERITS (public.parent)")
   757  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.child_two")
   759  			childOne.Oid = testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "child_one", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   760  			childTwo.Oid = testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "child_two", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   761  			tables := []backup.Relation{parent, childOne, childTwo}
   763  			inheritanceMap := backup.GetTableInheritance(connectionPool, tables)
   765  			Expect(inheritanceMap).To(HaveLen(2))
   766  			Expect(inheritanceMap[childOne.Oid]).To(ConsistOf("public.parent"))
   767  			Expect(inheritanceMap[childTwo.Oid]).To(ConsistOf("public.parent"))
   768  		})
   769  		It("constructs dependencies correctly if there is one table dependent on two tables", func() {
   770  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.parent_one(i int)")
   771  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.parent_one")
   772  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.parent_two(j int)")
   773  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.parent_two")
   774  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.child() INHERITS (public.parent_one, public.parent_two)")
   775  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.child")
   777  			child.Oid = testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "child", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   778  			tables := []backup.Relation{parentOne, parentTwo, child}
   780  			inheritanceMap := backup.GetTableInheritance(connectionPool, tables)
   782  			Expect(inheritanceMap).To(HaveLen(1))
   783  			Expect(inheritanceMap[child.Oid]).To(Equal([]string{"public.parent_one", "public.parent_two"}))
   784  		})
   785  		It("constructs dependencies correctly if there are no table dependencies", func() {
   786  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.parent(i int)")
   787  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.parent")
   788  			tables := make([]backup.Relation, 0)
   790  			inheritanceMap := backup.GetTableInheritance(connectionPool, tables)
   792  			Expect(inheritanceMap).To(BeEmpty())
   793  		})
   794  		It("constructs dependencies correctly if there are no table dependencies while filtering", func() {
   795  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.parent(i int)")
   796  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.parent")
   798  			_ = backupCmdFlags.Set(options.INCLUDE_RELATION, "public.parent")
   799  			tables := make([]backup.Relation, 0)
   801  			inheritanceMap := backup.GetTableInheritance(connectionPool, tables)
   803  			Expect(inheritanceMap).To(BeEmpty())
   804  		})
   805  		It("constructs dependencies correctly if there are two dependent tables but one is not in the backup set", func() {
   806  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.parent(i int)")
   807  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.parent")
   808  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.child_one() INHERITS (public.parent)")
   809  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.child_one")
   810  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.child_two() INHERITS (public.parent)")
   811  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.child_two")
   813  			_ = backupCmdFlags.Set(options.INCLUDE_RELATION, "public.child_one")
   814  			childOne.Oid = testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "child_one", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   815  			tables := []backup.Relation{childOne}
   817  			inheritanceMap := backup.GetTableInheritance(connectionPool, tables)
   819  			Expect(inheritanceMap).To(HaveLen(1))
   820  			Expect(inheritanceMap[childOne.Oid]).To(ConsistOf("public.parent"))
   821  		})
   822  		It("does not record a dependency of an external leaf partition on a parent table", func() {
   823  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE public.partition_table (id int, gender char(1))
   824  		DISTRIBUTED BY (id)
   825  		PARTITION BY LIST (gender)
   826  		( PARTITION girls VALUES ('F'),
   827  		  PARTITION boys VALUES ('M'),
   828  		  DEFAULT PARTITION other );`)
   829  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.partition_table")
   830  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE EXTERNAL WEB TABLE public.partition_table_ext_part_ (like public.partition_table_1_prt_girls)
   831  		EXECUTE 'echo -e "2\n1"' on host
   832  		FORMAT 'csv';`)
   833  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.partition_table_ext_part_")
   834  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `ALTER TABLE public.partition_table EXCHANGE PARTITION girls WITH TABLE public.partition_table_ext_part_ WITHOUT VALIDATION;`)
   836  			partition := backup.Relation{Schema: "public", Name: "partition_table_ext_part_"}
   838  			partition.Oid = testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "partition_table_ext_part_", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   839  			tables := []backup.Relation{partition}
   841  			inheritanceMap := backup.GetTableInheritance(connectionPool, tables)
   843  			Expect(inheritanceMap).To(Not(HaveKey(partition.Oid)))
   844  		})
   845  	})
   846  	Describe("GetTableReplicaIdentity", func() {
   847  		It("Returns a map of oid to replica identity with default", func() {
   848  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   849  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE public.test_table()`)
   850  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.test_table")
   852  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "test_table", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   853  			result := backup.GetTableReplicaIdentity(connectionPool)
   854  			Expect(result[oid]).To(Equal("d"))
   855  		})
   856  		It("Returns a map of oid to replica identity with full", func() {
   857  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   858  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE public.test_table()`)
   859  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.test_table")
   861  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `ALTER TABLE public.test_table REPLICA IDENTITY FULL;`)
   862  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "test_table", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   863  			result := backup.GetTableReplicaIdentity(connectionPool)
   864  			Expect(result[oid]).To(Equal("f"))
   865  		})
   866  		It("Returns a map of oid to replica identity with nothing", func() {
   867  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   868  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TABLE public.test_table()`)
   869  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.test_table")
   871  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `ALTER TABLE public.test_table REPLICA IDENTITY NOTHING;`)
   872  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "test_table", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   873  			result := backup.GetTableReplicaIdentity(connectionPool)
   874  			Expect(result[oid]).To(Equal("n"))
   875  		})
   876  	})
   877  	Describe("GetPartitionAlteredSchema", func() {
   878  		BeforeEach(func() {
   879  			// For GPDB 7+, leaf partitions have their own DDL which will have the correct namespace
   880  			if true {
   881  				Skip("Test is not applicable to GPDB 7+")
   882  			}
   883  		})
   884  		It("Returns a map of table oid to array of child partitions with different schemas", func() {
   885  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE SCHEMA testschema")
   886  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP SCHEMA testschema")
   887  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.foopart(a int, b int) PARTITION BY RANGE(a) (START(1) END (4) EVERY(1))")
   888  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "ALTER TABLE public.foopart_1_prt_1 SET SCHEMA testschema")
   889  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "ALTER TABLE public.foopart_1_prt_2 SET SCHEMA testschema")
   890  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.foopart")
   892  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "public", "foopart", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   893  			result := backup.GetPartitionAlteredSchema(connectionPool)
   895  			expectedAlteredPartitions := []backup.AlteredPartitionRelation{
   896  				{OldSchema: "public", NewSchema: "testschema", Name: "foopart_1_prt_1"},
   897  				{OldSchema: "public", NewSchema: "testschema", Name: "foopart_1_prt_2"},
   898  			}
   900  			Expect(result[oid]).To(ConsistOf(expectedAlteredPartitions))
   901  		})
   902  	})
   903  	Describe("GetAttachedPartitionInfo", func() {
   904  		It("Returns a map of table oid to attach partition info", func() {
   905  			testutils.SkipIfBefore7(connectionPool)
   906  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE SCHEMA testschema")
   907  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP SCHEMA testschema")
   908  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE testschema.foopart(a integer, b integer) PARTITION BY RANGE (b) DISTRIBUTED BY (a)")
   909  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE testschema.foopart_1_prt_1 (a integer, b integer) DISTRIBUTED BY (a)")
   910  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "ALTER TABLE ONLY testschema.foopart ATTACH PARTITION testschema.foopart_1_prt_1 FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (2)")
   911  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE testschema.foopart")
   913  			oid := testutils.OidFromObjectName(connectionPool, "testschema", "foopart_1_prt_1", backup.TYPE_RELATION)
   914  			result := backup.GetAttachPartitionInfo(connectionPool)
   916  			expectedAttachPartitionInfo := backup.AttachPartitionInfo{Oid: oid, Relname: "testschema.foopart_1_prt_1", Parent: "testschema.foopart", Expr: "FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (2)"}
   918  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatch(result[oid], &expectedAttachPartitionInfo)
   919  		})
   920  	})
   921  })