
     1  package integration
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  	""
     6  	""
     7  	""
     8  	""
    10  	. ""
    11  	. ""
    12  )
    14  var _ = Describe("backup integration tests", func() {
    15  	Describe("Get[type]Types functions", func() {
    16  		var (
    17  			shellType       backup.ShellType
    18  			baseTypeDefault backup.BaseType
    19  			baseTypeCustom  backup.BaseType
    20  			compositeType   backup.CompositeType
    21  			enumType        backup.EnumType
    22  			enumType2       backup.EnumType
    23  		)
    24  		BeforeEach(func() {
    25  			shellType = backup.ShellType{Schema: "public", Name: "shell_type"}
    26  			baseTypeDefault = backup.BaseType{
    27  				Oid: 1, Schema: "public", Name: "base_type", Input: "public.base_fn_in", Output: "public.base_fn_out", Receive: "",
    28  				Send: "", ModIn: "", ModOut: "", InternalLength: -1, IsPassedByValue: false, Alignment: "i", Storage: "p",
    29  				DefaultVal: "", Element: "", Delimiter: ",", Category: "U",
    30  			}
    31  			baseTypeCustom = backup.BaseType{
    32  				Oid: 1, Schema: "public", Name: "base_type", Input: "public.base_fn_in", Output: "public.base_fn_out", Receive: "",
    33  				Send: "", ModIn: "", ModOut: "", InternalLength: 8, IsPassedByValue: true, Alignment: "d", Storage: "p",
    34  				DefaultVal: "0", Element: "integer", Delimiter: ";", Category: "U", StorageOptions: "compresstype=zlib, compresslevel=1, blocksize=32768",
    35  			}
    36  			compositeType = backup.CompositeType{
    37  				Oid: 1, Schema: "public", Name: "composite_type",
    38  				Attributes: []backup.Attribute{
    39  					{Name: "name", Type: "integer"},
    40  					{Name: "name2", Type: "numeric(8,2)"},
    41  					{Name: "name1", Type: "character(8)"},
    42  				},
    43  			}
    44  			enumType = backup.EnumType{
    45  				Oid: 1, Schema: "public", Name: "enum_type", EnumLabels: "'label1',\n\t'label2',\n\t'label3'",
    46  			}
    47  			enumType2 = backup.EnumType{
    48  				Oid: 1, Schema: "public", Name: "enum_type2", EnumLabels: "'label3',\n\t'label2',\n\t'label1'",
    49  			}
    50  		})
    51  		It("returns a slice for a shell type", func() {
    52  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.shell_type")
    53  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TYPE public.shell_type")
    55  			results := backup.GetShellTypes(connectionPool)
    57  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
    58  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchIncluding(&shellType, &results[0], "Schema", "Name", "Type")
    59  		})
    60  		It("returns a slice of composite types", func() {
    61  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.composite_type AS (name int4, name2 numeric(8,2), name1 character(8));")
    62  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TYPE public.composite_type")
    64  			results := backup.GetCompositeTypes(connectionPool)
    66  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
    67  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&compositeType, &results[0], "Oid", "Attributes.CompositeTypeOid")
    68  		})
    69  		It("returns a slice of composite types with attribute comments", func() {
    70  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.composite_type AS (name int4, name2 numeric(8,2), name1 character(8));")
    71  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TYPE public.composite_type")
    72  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'name comment';")
    74  			results := backup.GetCompositeTypes(connectionPool)
    76  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
    77  			compositeType.Attributes[0].Comment = "'name comment'"
    78  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&compositeType, &results[0], "Oid", "Attributes.CompositeTypeOid")
    79  		})
    80  		It("returns a slice of composite types with collations", func() {
    81  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
    82  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE COLLATION public.some_coll (lc_collate = 'POSIX', lc_ctype = 'POSIX');`)
    83  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP COLLATION public.some_coll")
    84  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.composite_type AS (name int4, name2 numeric(8,2), name1 character(8) COLLATE public.some_coll);")
    85  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TYPE public.composite_type")
    87  			results := backup.GetCompositeTypes(connectionPool)
    89  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
    90  			compositeType.Attributes = []backup.Attribute{
    91  				{Name: "name", Type: "integer"},
    92  				{Name: "name2", Type: "numeric(8,2)"},
    93  				{Name: "name1", Type: "character(8)", Collation: "public.some_coll"},
    94  			}
    95  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&compositeType, &results[0], "Oid", "Attributes.CompositeTypeOid")
    96  		})
    97  		It("returns a slice for a base type with default values", func() {
    98  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.base_type")
    99  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TYPE public.base_type CASCADE")
   100  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE FUNCTION public.base_fn_in(cstring) RETURNS public.base_type AS 'boolin' LANGUAGE internal")
   101  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE FUNCTION public.base_fn_out(public.base_type) RETURNS cstring AS 'boolout' LANGUAGE internal")
   102  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.base_type(INPUT=public.base_fn_in, OUTPUT=public.base_fn_out)")
   104  			results := backup.GetBaseTypes(connectionPool)
   106  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
   107  			if false {
   108  				structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&baseTypeDefault, &results[0], "Oid", "ModIn", "ModOut")
   109  			} else {
   110  				structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&baseTypeDefault, &results[0], "Oid")
   111  			}
   112  		})
   113  		It("returns a slice for a base type with custom configuration", func() {
   114  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.base_type")
   115  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TYPE public.base_type CASCADE")
   116  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE FUNCTION public.base_fn_in(cstring) RETURNS public.base_type AS 'boolin' LANGUAGE internal")
   117  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE FUNCTION public.base_fn_out(public.base_type) RETURNS cstring AS 'boolout' LANGUAGE internal")
   118  			if false {
   119  				testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.base_type(INPUT=public.base_fn_in, OUTPUT=public.base_fn_out, INTERNALLENGTH=8, PASSEDBYVALUE, ALIGNMENT=double, STORAGE=plain, DEFAULT=0, ELEMENT=integer, DELIMITER=';')")
   120  			} else {
   121  				testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.base_type(INPUT=public.base_fn_in, OUTPUT=public.base_fn_out, INTERNALLENGTH=8, PASSEDBYVALUE, ALIGNMENT=double, STORAGE=plain, DEFAULT=0, ELEMENT=integer, DELIMITER=';', CATEGORY='N', PREFERRED=true, COLLATABLE=true)")
   122  			}
   123  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "ALTER TYPE public.base_type SET DEFAULT ENCODING (compresstype=zlib)")
   125  			results := backup.GetBaseTypes(connectionPool)
   127  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
   128  			baseTypeCustom.Category = "N"
   129  			baseTypeCustom.Preferred = true
   130  			baseTypeCustom.Collatable = true
   131  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&baseTypeCustom, &results[0], "Oid")
   132  		})
   133  		It("returns a slice for a user-created array type", func() {
   134  			arrayType := backup.BaseType{
   135  				Oid: 1, Schema: "public", Name: "base_array_type", Input: "public.base_array_fn_in", Output: "public.base_array_fn_out", Receive: "",
   136  				Send: "", ModIn: "", ModOut: "", InternalLength: -1, IsPassedByValue: false, Alignment: "i", Storage: "p",
   137  				DefaultVal: "", Element: "text", Delimiter: ",", Category: "U",
   138  			}
   140  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.base_array_type")
   141  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TYPE public.base_array_type CASCADE")
   142  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE FUNCTION public.base_array_fn_in(cstring) RETURNS public.base_array_type AS 'boolin' LANGUAGE internal")
   143  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE FUNCTION public.base_array_fn_out(public.base_array_type) RETURNS cstring AS 'boolout' LANGUAGE internal")
   144  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.base_array_type(INPUT=public.base_array_fn_in, OUTPUT=public.base_array_fn_out, ELEMENT=text)")
   146  			results := backup.GetBaseTypes(connectionPool)
   148  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
   149  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&arrayType, &results[0], "Oid")
   150  		})
   151  		It("returns a slice for an enum type", func() {
   152  			testutils.SkipIfBefore5(connectionPool)
   153  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.enum_type AS ENUM ('label1','label2','label3')")
   154  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TYPE public.enum_type")
   156  			results := backup.GetEnumTypes(connectionPool)
   158  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
   159  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&enumType, &results[0], "Oid")
   160  		})
   161  		It("returns a slice for enum types with labels in the correct order", func() {
   162  			testutils.SkipIfBefore5(connectionPool)
   164  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.enum_type AS ENUM ('label1','label2','label3')")
   165  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TYPE public.enum_type")
   166  			if false {
   167  				testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.enum_type2 AS ENUM ('label3','label2','label1')")
   168  			} else {
   169  				testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.enum_type2 AS ENUM ('label3', 'label1')")
   170  				testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "ALTER TYPE public.enum_type2 ADD VALUE 'label2' BEFORE 'label1'")
   171  			}
   172  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TYPE public.enum_type2")
   174  			results := backup.GetEnumTypes(connectionPool)
   176  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(2))
   177  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&enumType, &results[0], "Oid")
   178  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&enumType2, &results[1], "Oid")
   179  		})
   180  		It("does not return types for sequences or views", func() {
   181  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE SEQUENCE public.my_sequence START 10")
   182  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP SEQUENCE public.my_sequence")
   183  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE VIEW public.simpleview AS SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles")
   184  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP VIEW public.simpleview")
   186  			bases := backup.GetBaseTypes(connectionPool)
   187  			composites := backup.GetCompositeTypes(connectionPool)
   189  			Expect(bases).To(BeEmpty())
   190  			Expect(composites).To(BeEmpty())
   191  		})
   192  		It("does not return types for foreign tables", func() {
   193  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   194  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foreignwrapper")
   195  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foreignwrapper")
   196  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE SERVER foreignserver FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER foreignwrapper")
   197  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP SERVER foreignserver")
   198  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE FOREIGN TABLE public.ft1 (c1 integer) SERVER foreignserver;")
   199  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP FOREIGN TABLE public.ft1")
   201  			results := backup.GetCompositeTypes(connectionPool)
   203  			Expect(results).To(BeEmpty())
   204  		})
   205  		It("does not return implicit base or composite types for tables with length > NAMEDATALEN", func() {
   206  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TABLE public.looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong(i int)")
   207  			// The table's name will be truncated to 63 characters upon creation, as will the names of its implicit types
   208  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TABLE public.loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo;")
   210  			bases := backup.GetBaseTypes(connectionPool)
   211  			composites := backup.GetCompositeTypes(connectionPool)
   213  			Expect(bases).To(BeEmpty())
   214  			Expect(composites).To(BeEmpty())
   215  		})
   216  		It("returns a slice for a domain type", func() {
   217  			domainType := backup.Domain{
   218  				Oid: 1, Schema: "public", Name: "domain1", DefaultVal: "'abc'::bpchar", BaseType: "character(8)", NotNull: false, Collation: "",
   219  			}
   220  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE DOMAIN public.domain1 AS character(8) DEFAULT 'abc'")
   221  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP DOMAIN public.domain1")
   223  			results := backup.GetDomainTypes(connectionPool)
   225  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
   226  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&domainType, &results[0], "Oid")
   227  		})
   228  		It("returns a slice for a domain type with a collation", func() {
   229  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   230  			domainType := backup.Domain{
   231  				Oid: 1, Schema: "public", Name: "domain1", DefaultVal: "'abc'::bpchar", BaseType: "character(8)", NotNull: false, Collation: "public.some_coll",
   232  			}
   233  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE COLLATION public.some_coll (lc_collate = 'POSIX', lc_ctype = 'POSIX')")
   234  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP COLLATION public.some_coll")
   235  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE DOMAIN public.domain1 AS character(8) DEFAULT 'abc' COLLATE public.some_coll")
   236  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP DOMAIN public.domain1")
   238  			results := backup.GetDomainTypes(connectionPool)
   240  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
   241  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&domainType, &results[0], "Oid")
   242  		})
   243  		It("returns a slice for a type in a specific schema", func() {
   244  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE public.shell_type")
   245  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TYPE public.shell_type")
   246  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE SCHEMA testschema")
   247  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP SCHEMA testschema")
   248  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE TYPE testschema.shell_type")
   249  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TYPE testschema.shell_type")
   250  			_ = backupCmdFlags.Set(options.INCLUDE_SCHEMA, "testschema")
   252  			results := backup.GetShellTypes(connectionPool)
   253  			shellTypeOtherSchema := backup.ShellType{Schema: "testschema", Name: "shell_type"}
   255  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
   256  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&shellTypeOtherSchema, &results[0], "Oid")
   257  		})
   258  	})
   259  	Describe("GetRangeTypes", func() {
   260  		It("returns a slice of a range type with a collation", func() {
   261  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   262  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE COLLATION public.some_coll (lc_collate = 'POSIX', lc_ctype = 'POSIX');")
   263  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP COLLATION public.some_coll")
   264  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TYPE public.textrange AS RANGE (
   265  	SUBTYPE = pg_catalog.text,
   266  	COLLATION = public.some_coll
   267  );`)
   268  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP TYPE public.textrange")
   269  			results := backup.GetRangeTypes(connectionPool)
   271  			Expect(len(results)).To(Equal(1))
   273  			expectedRangeType := backup.RangeType{
   274  				Oid:            0,
   275  				Schema:         "public",
   276  				Name:           "textrange",
   277  				SubType:        "text",
   278  				Collation:      "public.some_coll",
   279  				SubTypeOpClass: "pg_catalog.text_ops",
   280  			}
   281  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&expectedRangeType, &results[0], "Oid")
   282  		})
   283  		It("returns a slice of a range type in a specific schema with a subtype diff function", func() {
   284  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   285  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE SCHEMA testschema;")
   286  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP SCHEMA testschema CASCADE;")
   287  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE FUNCTION testschema.time_subtype_diff(x time, y time) RETURNS float8 AS 'SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (x - y))' LANGUAGE sql STRICT IMMUTABLE;")
   288  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE TYPE testschema.timerange AS RANGE (
   289  	SUBTYPE = pg_catalog.time,
   290  	SUBTYPE_DIFF = testschema.time_subtype_diff
   291  );`)
   293  			results := backup.GetRangeTypes(connectionPool)
   295  			Expect(len(results)).To(Equal(1))
   297  			expectedRangeType := backup.RangeType{
   298  				Oid:            0,
   299  				Schema:         "testschema",
   300  				Name:           "timerange",
   301  				SubType:        "time without time zone",
   302  				SubTypeOpClass: "pg_catalog.time_ops",
   303  				SubTypeDiff:    "testschema.time_subtype_diff",
   304  			}
   305  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&expectedRangeType, &results[0], "Oid")
   306  		})
   307  	})
   308  	Describe("GetCollations", func() {
   309  		It("returns a slice of collations", func() {
   310  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   311  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE COLLATION public.some_coll (lc_collate = 'POSIX', lc_ctype = 'POSIX');`)
   312  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP COLLATION public.some_coll")
   314  			results := backup.GetCollations(connectionPool)
   316  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
   318  			collationDef := backup.Collation{Oid: 0, Schema: "public", Name: "some_coll", Collate: "POSIX", Ctype: "POSIX"}
   319  			if true {
   320  				collationDef.IsDeterministic = "true"
   321  				collationDef.Provider = "c"
   322  			}
   323  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&collationDef, &results[0], "Oid")
   325  		})
   326  		It("returns a slice of collations in a specific schema", func() {
   327  			testutils.SkipIfBefore6(connectionPool)
   328  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE COLLATION public.some_coll (lc_collate = 'POSIX', lc_ctype = 'POSIX');`)
   329  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP COLLATION public.some_coll")
   330  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "CREATE SCHEMA testschema")
   331  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP SCHEMA testschema")
   332  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE COLLATION testschema.some_coll (lc_collate = 'POSIX', lc_ctype = 'POSIX');`)
   333  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP COLLATION testschema.some_coll")
   334  			_ = backupCmdFlags.Set(options.INCLUDE_SCHEMA, "testschema")
   336  			results := backup.GetCollations(connectionPool)
   338  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
   340  			collationDef := backup.Collation{Oid: 0, Schema: "testschema", Name: "some_coll", Collate: "POSIX", Ctype: "POSIX"}
   341  			if true {
   342  				collationDef.IsDeterministic = "true"
   343  				collationDef.Provider = "c"
   344  			}
   345  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&collationDef, &results[0], "Oid")
   347  		})
   348  		It("returns a slice of with specific collation", func() {
   349  			testutils.SkipIfBefore7(connectionPool)
   350  			testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, `CREATE COLLATION public.some_coll (provider = 'libc', locale = 'de_DE');`)
   351  			defer testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(connectionPool, "DROP COLLATION public.some_coll")
   353  			results := backup.GetCollations(connectionPool)
   355  			Expect(results).To(HaveLen(1))
   357  			collationDef := backup.Collation{Oid: 0, Schema: "public", Name: "some_coll", Collate: "de_DE", Ctype: "de_DE", Provider: "c", IsDeterministic: "true"}
   358  			structmatcher.ExpectStructsToMatchExcluding(&collationDef, &results[0], "Oid")
   360  		})
   361  	})
   362  })