
     1  on: [push, pull_request]
     3  jobs:
     4    check:
     5      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
     6      steps:
     7        - uses: actions/checkout@v3
     8        - uses: actions/setup-go@v3
     9          with:
    10            skip-pkg-cache: true
    11            go-version: "1.20.x"
    12        - name: Check that no non-test files import Ginkgo or Gomega
    13          run: .github/workflows/
    14        - name: Check that go.mod is tidied
    15          run: |
    16            cp go.mod go.mod.orig
    17            cp go.sum go.sum.orig
    18            go mod tidy
    19            diff go.mod go.mod.orig
    20            diff go.sum go.sum.orig
    21        - name: Check that go mod vendor works
    22          run: |
    23            cd integrationtests/gomodvendor
    24            go mod vendor
    25    golangci-lint:
    26      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    27      steps:
    28        - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    29        - uses: actions/setup-go@v3
    30          with:
    31            go-version: "1.20.x"
    32        - name: golangci-lint (Linux)
    33          uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@v3
    34          with:
    35            skip-pkg-cache: true
    36            args: --timeout=3m
    37            version: v1.52.2
    38        - name: golangci-lint (Windows)
    39          if: success() || failure() # run this step even if the previous one failed
    40          uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@v3
    41          env:
    42            GOOS: "windows"
    43          with:
    44            skip-pkg-cache: true
    45            args: --timeout=3m
    46            version: v1.52.2
    47        - name: golangci-lint (OSX)
    48          if: success() || failure() # run this step even if the previous one failed
    49          uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@v3
    50          env:
    51            GOOS: "darwin"
    52          with:
    53            skip-pkg-cache: true
    54            args: --timeout=3m
    55            version: v1.52.2
    56        - name: golangci-lint (FreeBSD)
    57          if: success() || failure() # run this step even if the previous one failed
    58          uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@v3
    59          env:
    60            GOOS: "freebsd"
    61          with:
    62            skip-pkg-cache: true
    63            args: --timeout=3m
    64            version: v1.52.2
    65        - name: golangci-lint (others)
    66          if: success() || failure() # run this step even if the previous one failed
    67          uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@v3
    68          env:
    69            GOOS: "solaris" # some OS that we don't have any build tags for
    70          with:
    71            skip-pkg-cache: true
    72            args: --timeout=3m
    73            version: v1.52.2