
     1  package pluginmanager_service
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"log"
     7  	"os"
     8  	"os/exec"
     9  	"strconv"
    10  	"strings"
    11  	"sync"
    12  	"time"
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	sdkgrpc ""
    21  	sdkproto ""
    22  	sdkshared ""
    23  	sdkplugin ""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	pb ""
    32  	pluginshared ""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  )
    38  // PluginManager is the implementation of grpc.PluginManager
    39  type PluginManager struct {
    40  	pb.UnimplementedPluginManagerServer
    42  	// map of running plugins keyed by plugin instance
    43  	runningPluginMap map[string]*runningPlugin
    44  	// map of connection configs, keyed by plugin instance
    45  	// this is populated at startup and updated when a connection config change is detected
    46  	pluginConnectionConfigMap map[string][]*sdkproto.ConnectionConfig
    47  	// map of connection configs, keyed by connection name
    48  	// this is populated at startup and updated when a connection config change is detected
    49  	connectionConfigMap connection.ConnectionConfigMap
    50  	// map of max cache size, keyed by plugin instance
    51  	pluginCacheSizeMap map[string]int64
    53  	// map lock
    54  	mut sync.RWMutex
    56  	// shutdown syncronozation
    57  	// do not start any plugins while shutting down
    58  	shutdownMut sync.Mutex
    59  	// do not shutdown until all plugins have loaded
    60  	startPluginWg sync.WaitGroup
    62  	logger        hclog.Logger
    63  	messageServer *PluginMessageServer
    65  	// map of user configured rate limiter maps, keyed by plugin instance
    66  	// NOTE: this is populated from config
    67  	userLimiters connection.PluginLimiterMap
    68  	// map of plugin configured rate limiter maps  (keyed by plugin instance)
    69  	// NOTE: if this is nil, that means the steampipe_rate_limiter tables has not been populated yet -
    70  	// the first time we refresh connections we must load all plugins and fetch their rate limiter defs
    71  	pluginLimiters connection.PluginLimiterMap
    73  	// map of plugin configs (keyed by plugin instance)
    74  	plugins connection.PluginMap
    76  	pool *pgxpool.Pool
    77  }
    79  func NewPluginManager(ctx context.Context, connectionConfig map[string]*sdkproto.ConnectionConfig, pluginConfigs connection.PluginMap, logger hclog.Logger) (*PluginManager, error) {
    80  	log.Printf("[INFO] NewPluginManager")
    81  	pluginManager := &PluginManager{
    82  		logger:              logger,
    83  		runningPluginMap:    make(map[string]*runningPlugin),
    84  		connectionConfigMap: connectionConfig,
    85  		userLimiters:        pluginConfigs.ToPluginLimiterMap(),
    86  		plugins:             pluginConfigs,
    87  	}
    89  	pluginManager.messageServer = &PluginMessageServer{pluginManager: pluginManager}
    91  	// populate plugin connection config map
    92  	pluginManager.populatePluginConnectionConfigs()
    93  	// determine cache size for each plugin
    94  	pluginManager.setPluginCacheSizeMap()
    96  	// create a connection pool to connection refresh
    97  	// in testing, a size of 20 seemed optimal
    98  	poolsize := 20
    99  	pool, err := db_local.CreateConnectionPool(ctx, &db_local.CreateDbOptions{Username: constants.DatabaseSuperUser}, poolsize)
   100  	if err != nil {
   101  		return nil, err
   102  	}
   103  	pluginManager.pool = pool
   105  	if err := pluginManager.initialiseRateLimiterDefs(ctx); err != nil {
   106  		return nil, err
   107  	}
   109  	if err := pluginManager.initialisePluginColumns(ctx); err != nil {
   110  		return nil, err
   111  	}
   112  	return pluginManager, nil
   113  }
   115  // plugin interface functions
   117  func (m *PluginManager) Serve() {
   118  	// create a plugin map, using ourselves as the implementation
   119  	pluginMap := map[string]plugin.Plugin{
   120  		pluginshared.PluginName: &pluginshared.PluginManagerPlugin{Impl: m},
   121  	}
   122  	plugin.Serve(&plugin.ServeConfig{
   123  		HandshakeConfig: pluginshared.Handshake,
   124  		Plugins:         pluginMap,
   125  		//  enable gRPC serving for this plugin...
   126  		GRPCServer: plugin.DefaultGRPCServer,
   127  	})
   128  }
   130  func (m *PluginManager) Get(req *pb.GetRequest) (_ *pb.GetResponse, err error) {
   131  	defer func() {
   132  		if r := recover(); r != nil {
   133  			err = sperr.ToError(r, sperr.WithMessage("unexpected error encountered"))
   134  		}
   135  	}()
   136  	log.Printf("[TRACE] PluginManager Get %p", req)
   137  	defer log.Printf("[TRACE] PluginManager Get DONE %p", req)
   139  	resp := newGetResponse()
   141  	// build a map of plugins to connection config for requested connections, and a lookup of the requested connections
   142  	plugins, requestedConnectionsLookup, err := m.buildRequiredPluginMap(req)
   143  	if err != nil {
   144  		return resp.GetResponse, err
   145  	}
   147  	log.Printf("[TRACE] PluginManager Get, connections: '%s'\n", req.Connections)
   148  	var pluginWg sync.WaitGroup
   149  	for pluginInstance, connectionConfigs := range plugins {
   150  		m.ensurePluginAsync(req, resp, pluginInstance, connectionConfigs, requestedConnectionsLookup, &pluginWg)
   151  	}
   152  	pluginWg.Wait()
   154  	log.Printf("[TRACE] PluginManager Get DONE")
   155  	return resp.GetResponse, nil
   156  }
   158  func (m *PluginManager) ensurePluginAsync(req *pb.GetRequest, resp *getResponse, pluginInstance string, connectionConfigs []*sdkproto.ConnectionConfig, requestedConnectionsLookup map[string]struct{}, pluginWg *sync.WaitGroup) {
   159  	pluginWg.Add(1)
   160  	go func() {
   161  		defer pluginWg.Done()
   162  		// ensure plugin is running
   163  		reattach, err := m.ensurePlugin(pluginInstance, connectionConfigs, req)
   164  		if err != nil {
   165  			log.Printf("[WARN] PluginManager Get failed for %s: %s (%p)", pluginInstance, err.Error(), resp)
   166  			resp.AddFailure(pluginInstance, err.Error())
   167  		} else {
   168  			log.Printf("[TRACE] PluginManager Get succeeded for %s, pid %d (%p)", pluginInstance, reattach.Pid, resp)
   170  			// assign reattach for requested connections
   171  			// (NOTE: connectionConfigs contains ALL connections for the plugin)
   172  			for _, config := range connectionConfigs {
   173  				// if this connection was requested, copy reattach into responses
   174  				if _, connectionWasRequested := requestedConnectionsLookup[config.Connection]; connectionWasRequested {
   175  					resp.AddReattach(config.Connection, reattach)
   176  				}
   177  			}
   178  		}
   179  	}()
   180  }
   182  // build a map of plugins to connection config for requested connections, keyed by plugin instance,
   183  // and a lookup of the requested connections
   184  func (m *PluginManager) buildRequiredPluginMap(req *pb.GetRequest) (map[string][]*sdkproto.ConnectionConfig, map[string]struct{}, error) {
   185  	var plugins = make(map[string][]*sdkproto.ConnectionConfig)
   186  	// also make a map of target connections - used when assigning results to the response
   187  	var requestedConnectionsLookup = make(map[string]struct{}, len(req.Connections))
   188  	for _, connectionName := range req.Connections {
   189  		// store connection in requested connection map
   190  		requestedConnectionsLookup[connectionName] = struct{}{}
   192  		connectionConfig, err := m.getConnectionConfig(connectionName)
   193  		if err != nil {
   194  			return nil, nil, err
   195  		}
   196  		pluginInstance := connectionConfig.PluginInstance
   197  		// if we have not added this plugin instance, add it now
   198  		if _, addedPlugin := plugins[pluginInstance]; !addedPlugin {
   199  			// now get ALL connection configs for this plugin
   200  			// (not just the requested connections)
   201  			plugins[pluginInstance] = m.pluginConnectionConfigMap[pluginInstance]
   202  		}
   203  	}
   204  	return plugins, requestedConnectionsLookup, nil
   205  }
   207  func (m *PluginManager) Pool() *pgxpool.Pool {
   208  	return m.pool
   209  }
   211  func (m *PluginManager) RefreshConnections(*pb.RefreshConnectionsRequest) (*pb.RefreshConnectionsResponse, error) {
   212  	log.Printf("[INFO] PluginManager RefreshConnections")
   214  	resp := &pb.RefreshConnectionsResponse{}
   216  	log.Printf("[INFO] calling RefreshConnections asyncronously")
   218  	go m.doRefresh()
   219  	return resp, nil
   220  }
   222  func (m *PluginManager) doRefresh() {
   223  	refreshResult := connection.RefreshConnections(context.Background(), m)
   224  	if refreshResult.Error != nil {
   225  		// NOTE: the RefreshConnectionState will already have sent a notification to the CLI
   226  		log.Printf("[WARN] RefreshConnections failed with error: %s", refreshResult.Error.Error())
   227  	}
   228  }
   230  // OnConnectionConfigChanged is the callback function invoked by the connection watcher when the config changed
   231  func (m *PluginManager) OnConnectionConfigChanged(ctx context.Context, configMap connection.ConnectionConfigMap, plugins map[string]*modconfig.Plugin) {
   232  	m.mut.Lock()
   233  	defer m.mut.Unlock()
   235  	log.Printf("[TRACE] OnConnectionConfigChanged: connections: %s plugin instances: %s", strings.Join(utils.SortedMapKeys(configMap), ","), strings.Join(utils.SortedMapKeys(plugins), ","))
   237  	if err := m.handleConnectionConfigChanges(ctx, configMap); err != nil {
   238  		log.Printf("[WARN] handleConnectionConfigChanges failed: %s", err.Error())
   239  	}
   241  	// update our plugin configs
   242  	if err := m.handlePluginInstanceChanges(ctx, plugins); err != nil {
   243  		log.Printf("[WARN] handlePluginInstanceChanges failed: %s", err.Error())
   244  	}
   246  	if err := m.handleUserLimiterChanges(ctx, plugins); err != nil {
   247  		log.Printf("[WARN] handleUserLimiterChanges failed: %s", err.Error())
   248  	}
   249  }
   251  func (m *PluginManager) GetConnectionConfig() connection.ConnectionConfigMap {
   252  	return m.connectionConfigMap
   253  }
   255  func (m *PluginManager) Shutdown(*pb.ShutdownRequest) (resp *pb.ShutdownResponse, err error) {
   256  	log.Printf("[INFO] PluginManager Shutdown")
   257  	defer log.Printf("[INFO] PluginManager Shutdown complete")
   259  	// lock shutdownMut before waiting for startPluginWg
   260  	// this enables us to exit from ensurePlugin early if needed
   261  	m.shutdownMut.Lock()
   262  	m.startPluginWg.Wait()
   264  	// close our pool
   265  	log.Printf("[INFO] PluginManager closing pool")
   266  	m.pool.Close()
   268  	m.mut.RLock()
   269  	defer func() {
   270  		m.mut.RUnlock()
   271  		if r := recover(); r != nil {
   272  			err = helpers.ToError(r)
   273  		}
   274  	}()
   276  	// kill all plugins in pluginMultiConnectionMap
   277  	for _, p := range m.runningPluginMap {
   278  		log.Printf("[INFO] Kill plugin %s (%p)", p.pluginInstance, p.client)
   279  		m.killPlugin(p)
   280  	}
   282  	return &pb.ShutdownResponse{}, nil
   283  }
   285  func (m *PluginManager) killPlugin(p *runningPlugin) {
   286  	log.Println("[DEBUG] PluginManager killPlugin start")
   287  	defer log.Println("[DEBUG] PluginManager killPlugin complete")
   289  	if p.client == nil {
   290  		log.Printf("[WARN] plugin %s has no client - cannot kill client", p.pluginInstance)
   291  		// shouldn't happen but has been observed in error situations
   292  		return
   293  	}
   294  	log.Printf("[INFO] PluginManager killing plugin %s (%v)", p.pluginInstance, p.reattach.Pid)
   295  	p.client.Kill()
   296  }
   298  func (m *PluginManager) ensurePlugin(pluginInstance string, connectionConfigs []*sdkproto.ConnectionConfig, req *pb.GetRequest) (reattach *pb.ReattachConfig, err error) {
   299  	/* call startPluginIfNeeded within a retry block
   300  	 we will retry if:
   301  	 - we enter the plugin startup flow, but discover another process has beaten us to it an is starting the plugin already
   302  	 - plugin initialization fails
   303  	- there was a runningPlugin entry in our map but the pid did not exist
   304  	  (i.e we thought the plugin was running, but it was not)
   305  	*/
   307  	backoff := retry.WithMaxRetries(5, retry.NewConstant(10*time.Millisecond))
   309  	// ensure we do not shutdown until this has finished
   310  	m.startPluginWg.Add(1)
   311  	defer func() {
   312  		m.startPluginWg.Done()
   313  		if r := recover(); r != nil {
   314  			err = helpers.ToError(r)
   315  		}
   316  	}()
   318  	// do not install a plugin while shutting down
   319  	if m.shuttingDown() {
   320  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("plugin manager is shutting down")
   321  	}
   323  	log.Printf("[TRACE] PluginManager ensurePlugin %s (%p)", pluginInstance, req)
   325  	err = retry.Do(context.Background(), backoff, func(ctx context.Context) error {
   326  		reattach, err = m.startPluginIfNeeded(pluginInstance, connectionConfigs, req)
   327  		return err
   328  	})
   330  	return
   331  }
   333  func (m *PluginManager) startPluginIfNeeded(pluginInstance string, connectionConfigs []*sdkproto.ConnectionConfig, req *pb.GetRequest) (*pb.ReattachConfig, error) {
   334  	// is this plugin already running
   335  	// lock access to plugin map
   336  	m.mut.RLock()
   337  	startingPlugin, ok := m.runningPluginMap[pluginInstance]
   338  	m.mut.RUnlock()
   340  	if ok {
   341  		log.Printf("[TRACE] startPluginIfNeeded got running plugin (%p)", req)
   343  		// wait for plugin to process connection config, and verify it is running
   344  		err := m.waitForPluginLoad(startingPlugin, req)
   345  		if err == nil {
   346  			// so plugin has loaded - we are done
   348  			// NOTE: ensure the connections assigned to this plugin are correct
   349  			// (may be out of sync if a connection is being added)
   350  			m.mut.Lock()
   351  			startingPlugin.reattach.UpdateConnections(connectionConfigs)
   352  			m.mut.Unlock()
   354  			log.Printf("[TRACE] waitForPluginLoad succeeded %s (%p)", pluginInstance, req)
   355  			return startingPlugin.reattach, nil
   356  		}
   357  		log.Printf("[TRACE] waitForPluginLoad failed %s (%p)", err.Error(), req)
   359  		// just return the error
   360  		return nil, err
   361  	}
   363  	// so the plugin is NOT loaded or loading
   364  	// fall through to plugin startup
   365  	log.Printf("[INFO] plugin %s NOT started or starting - start now (%p)", pluginInstance, req)
   367  	return m.startPlugin(pluginInstance, connectionConfigs, req)
   368  }
   370  func (m *PluginManager) startPlugin(pluginInstance string, connectionConfigs []*sdkproto.ConnectionConfig, req *pb.GetRequest) (_ *pb.ReattachConfig, err error) {
   371  	log.Printf("[DEBUG] startPlugin %s (%p) start", pluginInstance, req)
   372  	defer log.Printf("[DEBUG] startPlugin %s (%p) end", pluginInstance, req)
   374  	// add a new running plugin to pluginMultiConnectionMap
   375  	// (if someone beat us to it and added a starting plugin before we get the write lock,
   376  	// this will return a retryable error)
   377  	startingPlugin, err := m.addRunningPlugin(pluginInstance)
   378  	if err != nil {
   379  		log.Printf("[INFO] addRunningPlugin returned error %s (%p)", err.Error(), req)
   380  		return nil, err
   381  	}
   383  	log.Printf("[INFO] added running plugin (%p)", req)
   385  	// ensure we clean up the starting plugin in case of error
   386  	defer func() {
   387  		if err != nil {
   388  			m.mut.Lock()
   389  			// delete from map
   390  			delete(m.runningPluginMap, pluginInstance)
   391  			// set error on running plugin
   392  			startingPlugin.error = err
   394  			// close failed chan to signal to anyone waiting for the plugin to startup that it failed
   395  			close(startingPlugin.failed)
   397  			log.Printf("[INFO] startPluginProcess failed: %s (%p)", err.Error(), req)
   398  			// kill the client
   399  			if startingPlugin.client != nil {
   400  				log.Printf("[INFO] failed pid: %d (%p)", startingPlugin.client.ReattachConfig().Pid, req)
   401  				startingPlugin.client.Kill()
   402  			}
   404  			m.mut.Unlock()
   405  		}
   406  	}()
   408  	// OK so now proceed with plugin startup
   410  	log.Printf("[INFO] start plugin (%p)", req)
   411  	// now start the process
   412  	client, err := m.startPluginProcess(pluginInstance, connectionConfigs)
   413  	if err != nil {
   414  		// do not retry - no reason to think this will fix itself
   415  		return nil, err
   416  	}
   418  	startingPlugin.client = client
   420  	// set the connection configs and build a ReattachConfig
   421  	reattach, err := m.initializePlugin(connectionConfigs, client, req)
   422  	if err != nil {
   423  		log.Printf("[WARN] initializePlugin failed: %s (%p)", err.Error(), req)
   424  		return nil, err
   425  	}
   426  	startingPlugin.reattach = reattach
   428  	// close initialized chan to advertise that this plugin is ready
   429  	close(startingPlugin.initialized)
   431  	log.Printf("[INFO] PluginManager ensurePlugin complete, returning reattach config with PID: %d (%p)", reattach.Pid, req)
   433  	// and return
   434  	return reattach, nil
   435  }
   437  func (m *PluginManager) addRunningPlugin(pluginInstance string) (*runningPlugin, error) {
   438  	// add a new running plugin to pluginMultiConnectionMap
   439  	// this is a placeholder so no other thread tries to create start this plugin
   441  	// acquire write lock
   442  	m.mut.Lock()
   443  	defer m.mut.Unlock()
   444  	log.Printf("[TRACE] add running plugin for %s (if someone didn't beat us to it)", pluginInstance)
   446  	// check someone else has beaten us to it (there is a race condition to starting a plugin)
   447  	if _, ok := m.runningPluginMap[pluginInstance]; ok {
   448  		log.Printf("[TRACE] re checked map and found a starting plugin - return retryable error so we wait for this plugin")
   449  		// if so, just retry, which will wait for the loading plugin
   450  		return nil, retry.RetryableError(fmt.Errorf("another client has already started the plugin"))
   451  	}
   453  	// get the config for this instance
   454  	pluginConfig := m.plugins[pluginInstance]
   455  	if pluginConfig == nil {
   456  		// not expected
   457  		return nil, sperr.New("plugin manager has no config for plugin instance %s", pluginInstance)
   458  	}
   459  	// create the running plugin
   460  	startingPlugin := &runningPlugin{
   461  		pluginInstance: pluginInstance,
   462  		imageRef:       pluginConfig.Plugin,
   463  		initialized:    make(chan struct{}),
   464  		failed:         make(chan struct{}),
   465  	}
   466  	// write back
   467  	m.runningPluginMap[pluginInstance] = startingPlugin
   469  	log.Printf("[INFO] written running plugin to map")
   471  	return startingPlugin, nil
   472  }
   474  func (m *PluginManager) startPluginProcess(pluginInstance string, connectionConfigs []*sdkproto.ConnectionConfig) (*plugin.Client, error) {
   475  	// retrieve the plugin config
   476  	pluginConfig := m.plugins[pluginInstance]
   477  	// must be there (if no explicit config was specified, we create a default)
   478  	if pluginConfig == nil {
   479  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no plugin config is stored for plugin instance %s", pluginInstance))
   480  	}
   482  	imageRef := pluginConfig.Plugin
   483  	log.Printf("[INFO] ************ start plugin: %s, label: %s ********************\n", imageRef, pluginConfig.Instance)
   485  	// NOTE: pass pluginConfig.Alias as the pluginAlias
   486  	// - this is just used for the error message if we fail to load
   487  	pluginPath, err := filepaths.GetPluginPath(imageRef, pluginConfig.Alias)
   488  	if err != nil {
   489  		return nil, err
   490  	}
   491  	log.Printf("[INFO] ************ plugin path %s ********************\n", pluginPath)
   493  	// create the plugin map
   494  	pluginMap := map[string]plugin.Plugin{
   495  		imageRef: &sdkshared.WrapperPlugin{},
   496  	}
   498  	cmd := exec.Command(pluginPath)
   499  	m.setPluginMaxMemory(pluginConfig, cmd)
   500  	client := plugin.NewClient(&plugin.ClientConfig{
   501  		HandshakeConfig:  sdkshared.Handshake,
   502  		Plugins:          pluginMap,
   503  		Cmd:              cmd,
   504  		AllowedProtocols: []plugin.Protocol{plugin.ProtocolGRPC},
   506  		// pass our logger to the plugin client to ensure plugin logs end up in logfile
   507  		Logger: m.logger,
   508  	})
   510  	if _, err := client.Start(); err != nil {
   511  		// attempt to retrieve error message encoded in the plugin stdout
   512  		err := grpc.HandleStartFailure(err)
   513  		return nil, err
   514  	}
   516  	return client, nil
   518  }
   520  func (m *PluginManager) setPluginMaxMemory(pluginConfig *modconfig.Plugin, cmd *exec.Cmd) {
   521  	maxMemoryBytes := pluginConfig.GetMaxMemoryBytes()
   522  	if maxMemoryBytes == 0 {
   523  		if viper.IsSet(constants.ArgMemoryMaxMbPlugin) {
   524  			maxMemoryBytes = viper.GetInt64(constants.ArgMemoryMaxMbPlugin) * 1024 * 1024
   525  		}
   526  	}
   527  	if maxMemoryBytes != 0 {
   528  		log.Printf("[INFO] Setting max memory for plugin '%s' to %d Mb", pluginConfig.Instance, maxMemoryBytes/(1024*1024))
   529  		// set GOMEMLIMIT for the plugin command env
   530  		// TODO should I check for GOMEMLIMIT or does this just override
   531  		cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), fmt.Sprintf("GOMEMLIMIT=%d", maxMemoryBytes))
   532  	}
   533  }
   535  // set the connection configs and build a ReattachConfig
   536  func (m *PluginManager) initializePlugin(connectionConfigs []*sdkproto.ConnectionConfig, client *plugin.Client, req *pb.GetRequest) (_ *pb.ReattachConfig, err error) {
   537  	// extract connection names
   538  	connectionNames := make([]string, len(connectionConfigs))
   539  	for i, c := range connectionConfigs {
   540  		connectionNames[i] = c.Connection
   541  	}
   542  	exemplarConnectionConfig := connectionConfigs[0]
   543  	pluginName := exemplarConnectionConfig.Plugin
   544  	pluginInstance := exemplarConnectionConfig.PluginInstance
   546  	log.Printf("[INFO] initializePlugin %s pid %d (%p)", pluginName, client.ReattachConfig().Pid, req)
   548  	// build a client
   549  	pluginClient, err := sdkgrpc.NewPluginClient(client, pluginName)
   550  	if err != nil {
   551  		return nil, err
   552  	}
   554  	// fetch the supported operations
   555  	supportedOperations, _ := pluginClient.GetSupportedOperations()
   556  	// ignore errors  - just create an empty support structure if needed
   557  	if supportedOperations == nil {
   558  		supportedOperations = &sdkproto.GetSupportedOperationsResponse{}
   559  	}
   560  	// if this plugin does not support multiple connections, we no longer support it
   561  	if !supportedOperations.MultipleConnections {
   562  		return nil, fmt.Errorf(error_helpers.PluginSdkCompatibilityError)
   563  	}
   565  	// provide opportunity to avoid setting connection configs if we are shutting down
   566  	if m.shuttingDown() {
   567  		log.Printf("[INFO] aborting plugin %s initialization - plugin manager is shutting down", pluginName)
   568  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("plugin manager is shutting down")
   569  	}
   571  	// send the connection config for all connections for this plugin
   572  	// this returns a list of all connections provided by this plugin
   573  	err = m.setAllConnectionConfigs(connectionConfigs, pluginClient, supportedOperations)
   574  	if err != nil {
   575  		log.Printf("[WARN] failed to set connection config for %s: %s", pluginName, err.Error())
   576  		return nil, err
   577  	}
   579  	// if this plugin supports setting cache options, do so
   580  	if supportedOperations.SetCacheOptions {
   581  		err = m.setCacheOptions(pluginClient)
   582  		if err != nil {
   583  			log.Printf("[WARN] failed to set cache options for %s: %s", pluginName, err.Error())
   584  			return nil, err
   585  		}
   586  	}
   588  	// if this plugin supports setting cache options, do so
   589  	if supportedOperations.RateLimiters {
   590  		err = m.setRateLimiters(pluginInstance, pluginClient)
   591  		if err != nil {
   592  			log.Printf("[WARN] failed to set rate limiters for %s: %s", pluginName, err.Error())
   593  			return nil, err
   594  		}
   595  	}
   597  	reattach := pb.NewReattachConfig(pluginName, client.ReattachConfig(), pb.SupportedOperationsFromSdk(supportedOperations), connectionNames)
   599  	// if this plugin has a dynamic schema, add connections to message server
   600  	err = m.notifyNewDynamicSchemas(pluginClient, exemplarConnectionConfig, connectionNames)
   601  	if err != nil {
   602  		return nil, err
   603  	}
   605  	log.Printf("[INFO] initializePlugin complete pid %d", client.ReattachConfig().Pid)
   606  	return reattach, nil
   607  }
   609  // return whether the plugin manager is shutting down
   610  func (m *PluginManager) shuttingDown() bool {
   611  	if !m.shutdownMut.TryLock() {
   612  		return true
   613  	}
   614  	m.shutdownMut.Unlock()
   615  	return false
   616  }
   618  // populate map of connection configs for each plugin instance
   619  func (m *PluginManager) populatePluginConnectionConfigs() {
   620  	m.pluginConnectionConfigMap = make(map[string][]*sdkproto.ConnectionConfig)
   621  	for _, config := range m.connectionConfigMap {
   622  		m.pluginConnectionConfigMap[config.PluginInstance] = append(m.pluginConnectionConfigMap[config.PluginInstance], config)
   623  	}
   624  }
   626  // populate map of connection configs for each plugin
   627  func (m *PluginManager) setPluginCacheSizeMap() {
   628  	m.pluginCacheSizeMap = make(map[string]int64, len(m.pluginConnectionConfigMap))
   630  	// read the env var setting cache size
   631  	maxCacheSizeMb, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv(constants.EnvCacheMaxSize))
   633  	// get total connection count for this pluginInstance (excluding aggregators)
   634  	numConnections := m.nonAggregatorConnectionCount()
   636  	log.Printf("[TRACE] PluginManager setPluginCacheSizeMap: %d %s.", numConnections, utils.Pluralize("connection", numConnections))
   637  	log.Printf("[TRACE] Total cache size %dMb", maxCacheSizeMb)
   639  	for pluginInstance, connections := range m.pluginConnectionConfigMap {
   640  		var size int64 = 0
   641  		// if no max size is set, just set all plugins to zero (unlimited)
   642  		if maxCacheSizeMb > 0 {
   643  			// get connection count for this pluginInstance (excluding aggregators)
   644  			numPluginConnections := nonAggregatorConnectionCount(connections)
   645  			size = int64(float64(numPluginConnections) / float64(numConnections) * float64(maxCacheSizeMb))
   646  			// make this at least 1 Mb (as zero means unlimited)
   647  			if size == 0 {
   648  				size = 1
   649  			}
   650  			log.Printf("[INFO] Plugin '%s', %d %s, max cache size %dMb", pluginInstance, numPluginConnections, utils.Pluralize("connection", numPluginConnections), size)
   651  		}
   653  		m.pluginCacheSizeMap[pluginInstance] = size
   654  	}
   655  }
   657  func (m *PluginManager) notifyNewDynamicSchemas(pluginClient *sdkgrpc.PluginClient, exemplarConnectionConfig *sdkproto.ConnectionConfig, connectionNames []string) error {
   658  	// fetch the schema for the first connection so we know if it is dynamic
   659  	schema, err := pluginClient.GetSchema(exemplarConnectionConfig.Connection)
   660  	if err != nil {
   661  		log.Printf("[WARN] failed to set fetch schema for %s: %s", exemplarConnectionConfig, err.Error())
   662  		return err
   663  	}
   664  	if schema.Mode == sdkplugin.SchemaModeDynamic {
   665  		_ = m.messageServer.AddConnection(pluginClient, exemplarConnectionConfig.Plugin, connectionNames...)
   666  	}
   667  	return nil
   668  }
   670  func (m *PluginManager) waitForPluginLoad(p *runningPlugin, req *pb.GetRequest) error {
   671  	log.Printf("[TRACE] waitForPluginLoad (%p)", req)
   672  	// TODO make this configurable
   673  	pluginStartTimeoutSecs := 30
   675  	// wait for the plugin to be initialized
   676  	select {
   677  	case <-time.After(time.Duration(pluginStartTimeoutSecs) * time.Second):
   678  		log.Printf("[WARN] timed out waiting for %s to startup after %d seconds (%p)", p.pluginInstance, pluginStartTimeoutSecs, req)
   679  		// do not retry
   680  		return fmt.Errorf("timed out waiting for %s to startup after %d seconds (%p)", p.pluginInstance, pluginStartTimeoutSecs, req)
   681  	case <-p.initialized:
   682  		log.Printf("[TRACE] plugin initialized: pid %d (%p)", p.reattach.Pid, req)
   683  	case <-p.failed:
   684  		log.Printf("[TRACE] plugin pid %d failed %s (%p)", p.reattach.Pid, p.error.Error(), req)
   685  		// get error from running plugin
   686  		return p.error
   687  	}
   689  	// now double-check the plugins process IS running
   690  	if !p.client.Exited() {
   691  		// so the plugin is good
   692  		log.Printf("[INFO] waitForPluginLoad: %s is now loaded and ready (%p)", p.pluginInstance, req)
   693  		return nil
   694  	}
   696  	// so even though our data structure indicates the plugin is running, the client says the underlying pid has exited
   697  	// - it must have terminated for some reason
   698  	log.Printf("[INFO] waitForPluginLoad: pid %d exists in runningPluginMap but pid has exited (%p)", p.reattach.Pid, req)
   700  	// remove this plugin from the map
   701  	// NOTE: multiple thread may be trying to remove the failed plugin from the map
   702  	// - and then someone will add a new running plugin when the startup is retried
   703  	// So we must check the pid before deleting
   704  	m.mut.Lock()
   705  	if r, ok := m.runningPluginMap[p.pluginInstance]; ok {
   706  		// is the running plugin we read from the map the same as our running plugin?
   707  		// if not, it must already have been removed by another thread - do nothing
   708  		if r == p {
   709  			log.Printf("[INFO] delete plugin %s from runningPluginMap (%p)", p.pluginInstance, req)
   710  			delete(m.runningPluginMap, p.pluginInstance)
   711  		}
   712  	}
   713  	m.mut.Unlock()
   715  	// so the pid does not exist
   716  	err := fmt.Errorf("PluginManager found pid %d for plugin '%s' in plugin map but plugin process does not exist (%p)", p.reattach.Pid, p.pluginInstance, req)
   717  	// we need to start the plugin again - make the error retryable
   718  	return retry.RetryableError(err)
   719  }
   721  // set connection config for multiple connection
   722  // NOTE: we DO NOT set connection config for aggregator connections
   723  func (m *PluginManager) setAllConnectionConfigs(connectionConfigs []*sdkproto.ConnectionConfig, pluginClient *sdkgrpc.PluginClient, supportedOperations *sdkproto.GetSupportedOperationsResponse) error {
   724  	// TODO does this fail all connections if one fails
   725  	exemplarConnectionConfig := connectionConfigs[0]
   726  	pluginInstance := exemplarConnectionConfig.PluginInstance
   728  	req := &sdkproto.SetAllConnectionConfigsRequest{
   729  		Configs: connectionConfigs,
   730  		// NOTE: set MaxCacheSizeMb to -1so that query cache is not created until we call SetCacheOptions (if supported)
   731  		MaxCacheSizeMb: -1,
   732  	}
   733  	// if plugin _does not_ support setting the cache options separately, pass the max size now
   734  	// (if it does support SetCacheOptions, it will be called after we return)
   735  	if !supportedOperations.SetCacheOptions {
   736  		req.MaxCacheSizeMb = m.pluginCacheSizeMap[pluginInstance]
   737  	}
   739  	_, err := pluginClient.SetAllConnectionConfigs(req)
   740  	return err
   741  }
   743  func (m *PluginManager) setCacheOptions(pluginClient *sdkgrpc.PluginClient) error {
   744  	req := &sdkproto.SetCacheOptionsRequest{
   745  		Enabled:   viper.GetBool(constants.ArgServiceCacheEnabled),
   746  		Ttl:       viper.GetInt64(constants.ArgCacheMaxTtl),
   747  		MaxSizeMb: viper.GetInt64(constants.ArgMaxCacheSizeMb),
   748  	}
   749  	_, err := pluginClient.SetCacheOptions(req)
   750  	return err
   751  }
   753  func (m *PluginManager) setRateLimiters(pluginInstance string, pluginClient *sdkgrpc.PluginClient) error {
   754  	log.Printf("[INFO] setRateLimiters for plugin '%s'", pluginInstance)
   755  	var defs []*sdkproto.RateLimiterDefinition
   757  	for _, l := range m.userLimiters[pluginInstance] {
   758  		defs = append(defs, l.AsProto())
   759  	}
   761  	req := &sdkproto.SetRateLimitersRequest{Definitions: defs}
   763  	_, err := pluginClient.SetRateLimiters(req)
   764  	return err
   765  }
   767  // update the schema for the specified connection
   768  // called from the message server after receiving a PluginMessageType_SCHEMA_UPDATED message from plugin
   769  func (m *PluginManager) updateConnectionSchema(ctx context.Context, connectionName string) {
   770  	log.Printf("[INFO] updateConnectionSchema connection %s", connectionName)
   772  	refreshResult := connection.RefreshConnections(ctx, m, connectionName)
   773  	if refreshResult.Error != nil {
   774  		log.Printf("[TRACE] error refreshing connections: %s", refreshResult.Error)
   775  		return
   776  	}
   778  	// also send a postgres notification
   779  	notification := steampipeconfig.NewSchemaUpdateNotification()
   781  	conn, err := m.pool.Acquire(ctx)
   782  	if err != nil {
   783  		log.Printf("[WARN] failed to send schema update notification: %s", err)
   784  	}
   785  	defer conn.Release()
   787  	err = db_local.SendPostgresNotification(ctx, conn.Conn(), notification)
   788  	if err != nil {
   789  		log.Printf("[WARN] failed to send schema update notification: %s", err)
   790  	}
   791  }
   793  func (m *PluginManager) nonAggregatorConnectionCount() int {
   794  	res := 0
   795  	for _, connections := range m.pluginConnectionConfigMap {
   796  		res += nonAggregatorConnectionCount(connections)
   797  	}
   798  	return res
   799  }
   801  // getPluginExemplarConnections returns a map of keyed by plugin full name with the value an exemplar connection
   802  func (m *PluginManager) getPluginExemplarConnections() map[string]string {
   803  	res := make(map[string]string)
   804  	for _, c := range m.connectionConfigMap {
   805  		res[c.Plugin] = c.Connection
   806  	}
   807  	return res
   808  }
   810  func (m *PluginManager) tableExists(ctx context.Context, schema, table string) (bool, error) {
   811  	query := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT EXISTS (
   812      SELECT FROM 
   813          pg_tables
   814      WHERE 
   815          schemaname = '%s' AND 
   816          tablename  = '%s'
   817      );`, schema, table)
   819  	row := m.pool.QueryRow(ctx, query)
   820  	var exists bool
   821  	err := row.Scan(&exists)
   823  	if err != nil {
   824  		return false, err
   825  	}
   826  	return exists, nil
   827  }
   829  func nonAggregatorConnectionCount(connections []*sdkproto.ConnectionConfig) int {
   830  	res := 0
   831  	for _, c := range connections {
   832  		if len(c.ChildConnections) == 0 {
   833  			res++
   834  		}
   835  	}
   836  	return res
   838  }