(about) 1 syntax = "proto3"; 2 3 import "common.proto"; 4 5 package types; 6 option go_package = ""; 7 8 // assert transfer struct 9 message AssetsGenesis { 10 int64 amount = 2; 11 string returnAddress = 3; 12 } 13 14 message AssetsTransferToExec { 15 string cointoken = 1; 16 int64 amount = 2; 17 bytes note = 3; 18 string execName = 4; 19 string to = 5; 20 } 21 22 message AssetsWithdraw { 23 string cointoken = 1; 24 int64 amount = 2; 25 bytes note = 3; 26 string execName = 4; 27 string to = 5; 28 } 29 30 message AssetsTransfer { 31 string cointoken = 1; 32 int64 amount = 2; 33 bytes note = 3; 34 string to = 4; 35 } 36 37 message Asset { 38 string exec = 1; 39 string symbol = 2; 40 int64 amount = 3; 41 } 42 43 message CreateTx { 44 string to = 1; 45 int64 amount = 2; 46 int64 fee = 3; 47 bytes note = 4; 48 bool isWithdraw = 5; 49 bool isToken = 6; 50 string tokenSymbol = 7; 51 string execName = 8; 52 string execer = 9; 53 } 54 55 message ReWriteRawTx { 56 string tx = 1; 57 // bytes execer = 2; 58 string to = 3; 59 string expire = 4; 60 int64 fee = 5; 61 int32 index = 6; 62 } 63 64 message CreateTransactionGroup { 65 repeated string txs = 1; 66 } 67 68 message UnsignTx { 69 bytes data = 1; 70 } 71 72 // 支持构造多笔nobalance的交易 payAddr 可以支持 1. 地址 2. 私钥 73 message NoBalanceTxs { 74 repeated string txHexs = 1; 75 string payAddr = 2; 76 string privkey = 3; 77 string expire = 4; 78 } 79 80 // payAddr 可以支持 1. 地址 2. 私钥 81 message NoBalanceTx { 82 string txHex = 1; 83 string payAddr = 2; 84 string privkey = 3; 85 string expire = 4; 86 } 87 88 message Transaction { 89 bytes execer = 1; 90 bytes payload = 2; 91 Signature signature = 3; 92 int64 fee = 4; 93 int64 expire = 5; 94 //随机ID,可以防止payload 相同的时候,交易重复 95 int64 nonce = 6; 96 //对方地址,如果没有对方地址,可以为空 97 string to = 7; 98 int32 groupCount = 8; 99 bytes header = 9; 100 bytes next = 10; 101 int32 chainID = 11; 102 } 103 104 message Transactions { 105 repeated Transaction txs = 1; 106 } 107 108 // 环签名类型时,签名字段存储的环签名信息 109 message RingSignature { 110 repeated RingSignatureItem items = 1; 111 } 112 113 // 环签名中的一组签名数据 114 message RingSignatureItem { 115 repeated bytes pubkey = 1; 116 repeated bytes signature = 2; 117 } 118 119 //对于一个交易组中的交易,要么全部成功,要么全部失败 120 //这个要好好设计一下 121 //最好交易构成一个链条[prevhash].独立的交易构成链条 122 //只要这个组中有一个执行是出错的,那么就执行不成功 123 //三种签名支持 124 // ty = 1 -> secp256k1 125 // ty = 2 -> ed25519 126 // ty = 3 -> sm2 127 // ty = 4 -> OnetimeED25519 128 // ty = 5 -> RingBaseonED25519 129 message Signature { 130 int32 ty = 1; 131 bytes pubkey = 2; 132 //当ty为5时,格式应该用RingSignature去解析 133 bytes signature = 3; 134 } 135 136 message AddrOverview { 137 int64 reciver = 1; 138 int64 balance = 2; 139 int64 txCount = 3; 140 } 141 142 message ReqAddr { 143 string addr = 1; 144 //表示取所有/from/to/其他的hash列表 145 int32 flag = 2; 146 int32 count = 3; 147 int32 direction = 4; 148 int64 height = 5; 149 int64 index = 6; 150 } 151 152 message HexTx { 153 string tx = 1; 154 } 155 156 message ReplyTxInfo { 157 bytes hash = 1; 158 int64 height = 2; 159 int64 index = 3; 160 repeated Asset assets = 4; 161 } 162 163 message ReqTxList { 164 int64 count = 1; 165 } 166 167 message ReplyTxList { 168 repeated Transaction txs = 1; 169 } 170 171 message ReqGetMempool { 172 bool isAll = 1; 173 } 174 175 message ReqProperFee { 176 int32 txCount = 1; 177 int32 txSize = 2; 178 } 179 180 message ReplyProperFee { 181 int64 properFee = 1; 182 } 183 184 message TxHashList { 185 repeated bytes hashes = 1; 186 int64 count = 2; 187 repeated int64 expire = 3; 188 } 189 190 message ReplyTxInfos { 191 repeated ReplyTxInfo txInfos = 1; 192 } 193 194 message ReceiptLog { 195 int32 ty = 1; 196 bytes log = 2; 197 } 198 199 // ty = 0 -> error Receipt 200 // ty = 1 -> CutFee //cut fee ,bug exec not ok 201 // ty = 2 -> exec ok 202 message Receipt { 203 int32 ty = 1; 204 repeated KeyValue KV = 2; 205 repeated ReceiptLog logs = 3; 206 } 207 208 message ReceiptData { 209 int32 ty = 1; 210 repeated ReceiptLog logs = 3; 211 } 212 213 message TxResult { 214 int64 height = 1; 215 int32 index = 2; 216 Transaction tx = 3; 217 ReceiptData receiptdate = 4; 218 int64 blocktime = 5; 219 string actionName = 6; 220 } 221 222 message TransactionDetail { 223 Transaction tx = 1; 224 ReceiptData receipt = 2; 225 repeated bytes proofs = 3; 226 int64 height = 4; 227 int64 index = 5; 228 int64 blocktime = 6; 229 int64 amount = 7; 230 string fromaddr = 8; 231 string actionName = 9; 232 repeated Asset assets = 10; 233 repeated TxProof txProofs = 11; 234 bytes fullHash = 12; 235 } 236 237 message TransactionDetails { 238 repeated TransactionDetail txs = 1; 239 } 240 241 message ReqAddrs { 242 repeated string addrs = 1; 243 } 244 245 message ReqDecodeRawTransaction { 246 string txHex = 1; 247 } 248 249 message UserWrite { 250 string topic = 1; 251 string content = 2; 252 } 253 254 message UpgradeMeta { 255 bool starting = 1; 256 string version = 2; 257 int64 height = 3; 258 } 259 260 //通过交易hash获取交易列表,需要区分是短hash还是全hash值 261 message ReqTxHashList { 262 repeated string hashes = 1; 263 bool isShortHash = 2; 264 } 265 266 //使用多层merkle树之后的proof证明结构体 267 message TxProof { 268 repeated bytes proofs = 1; 269 uint32 index = 2; 270 bytes rootHash = 3; 271 } 272 273 // 指定交易哈希,查找是否存在 274 message ReqCheckTxsExist { 275 repeated bytes txHashes = 1; 276 } 277 278 message ReplyCheckTxsExist { 279 //对应请求序列存在标识数组,存在则true,否则false 280 repeated bool existFlags = 1; 281 //存在情况的总个数 282 uint32 existCount = 2; 283 }