
     1  // Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // Package godebug makes the settings in the $GODEBUG environment variable
     6  // available to other packages. These settings are often used for compatibility
     7  // tweaks, when we need to change a default behavior but want to let users
     8  // opt back in to the original. For example GODEBUG=http2server=0 disables
     9  // HTTP/2 support in the net/http server.
    10  //
    11  // In typical usage, code should declare a Setting as a global
    12  // and then call Value each time the current setting value is needed:
    13  //
    14  //	var http2server = godebug.New("http2server")
    15  //
    16  //	func ServeConn(c net.Conn) {
    17  //		if http2server.Value() == "0" {
    18  //			disallow HTTP/2
    19  //			...
    20  //		}
    21  //		...
    22  //	}
    23  //
    24  // Each time a non-default setting causes a change in program behavior,
    25  // code should call [Setting.IncNonDefault] to increment a counter that can
    26  // be reported by [runtime/metrics.Read].
    27  // Note that counters used with IncNonDefault must be added to
    28  // various tables in other packages. See the [Setting.IncNonDefault]
    29  // documentation for details.
    30  package godebug
    32  // Note: Be careful about new imports here. Any package
    33  // that internal/godebug imports cannot itself import internal/godebug,
    34  // meaning it cannot introduce a GODEBUG setting of its own.
    35  // We keep imports to the absolute bare minimum.
    36  import (
    37  	"internal/bisect"
    38  	"internal/godebugs"
    39  	"sync"
    40  	"sync/atomic"
    41  	"unsafe"
    42  	_ "unsafe" // go:linkname
    43  )
    45  // A Setting is a single setting in the $GODEBUG environment variable.
    46  type Setting struct {
    47  	name string
    48  	once sync.Once
    49  	*setting
    50  }
    52  type setting struct {
    53  	value          atomic.Pointer[value]
    54  	nonDefaultOnce sync.Once
    55  	nonDefault     atomic.Uint64
    56  	info           *godebugs.Info
    57  }
    59  type value struct {
    60  	text   string
    61  	bisect *bisect.Matcher
    62  }
    64  // New returns a new Setting for the $GODEBUG setting with the given name.
    65  //
    66  // GODEBUGs meant for use by end users must be listed in ../godebugs/table.go,
    67  // which is used for generating and checking various documentation.
    68  // If the name is not listed in that table, New will succeed but calling Value
    69  // on the returned Setting will panic.
    70  // To disable that panic for access to an undocumented setting,
    71  // prefix the name with a #, as in godebug.New("#gofsystrace").
    72  // The # is a signal to New but not part of the key used in $GODEBUG.
    73  func New(name string) *Setting {
    74  	return &Setting{name: name}
    75  }
    77  // Name returns the name of the setting.
    78  func (s *Setting) Name() string {
    79  	if != "" &&[0] == '#' {
    80  		return[1:]
    81  	}
    82  	return
    83  }
    85  // Undocumented reports whether this is an undocumented setting.
    86  func (s *Setting) Undocumented() bool {
    87  	return != "" &&[0] == '#'
    88  }
    90  // String returns a printable form for the setting: name=value.
    91  func (s *Setting) String() string {
    92  	return s.Name() + "=" + s.Value()
    93  }
    95  // IncNonDefault increments the non-default behavior counter
    96  // associated with the given setting.
    97  // This counter is exposed in the runtime/metrics value
    98  // /godebug/non-default-behavior/<name>:events.
    99  //
   100  // Note that Value must be called at least once before IncNonDefault.
   101  func (s *Setting) IncNonDefault() {
   102  	s.nonDefaultOnce.Do(s.register)
   103  	s.nonDefault.Add(1)
   104  }
   106  func (s *Setting) register() {
   107  	if == nil || {
   108  		panic("godebug: unexpected IncNonDefault of " +
   109  	}
   110  	registerMetric("/godebug/non-default-behavior/"+s.Name()+":events", s.nonDefault.Load)
   111  }
   113  // cache is a cache of all the GODEBUG settings,
   114  // a locked map[string]*atomic.Pointer[string].
   115  //
   116  // All Settings with the same name share a single
   117  // *atomic.Pointer[string], so that when GODEBUG
   118  // changes only that single atomic string pointer
   119  // needs to be updated.
   120  //
   121  // A name appears in the values map either if it is the
   122  // name of a Setting for which Value has been called
   123  // at least once, or if the name has ever appeared in
   124  // a name=value pair in the $GODEBUG environment variable.
   125  // Once entered into the map, the name is never removed.
   126  var cache sync.Map // name string -> value *atomic.Pointer[string]
   128  var empty value
   130  // Value returns the current value for the GODEBUG setting s.
   131  //
   132  // Value maintains an internal cache that is synchronized
   133  // with changes to the $GODEBUG environment variable,
   134  // making Value efficient to call as frequently as needed.
   135  // Clients should therefore typically not attempt their own
   136  // caching of Value's result.
   137  func (s *Setting) Value() string {
   138  	s.once.Do(func() {
   139  		s.setting = lookup(s.Name())
   140  		if == nil && !s.Undocumented() {
   141  			panic("godebug: Value of name not listed in godebugs.All: " +
   142  		}
   143  	})
   144  	v := *s.value.Load()
   145  	if v.bisect != nil && !v.bisect.Stack(&stderr) {
   146  		return ""
   147  	}
   148  	return v.text
   149  }
   151  // lookup returns the unique *setting value for the given name.
   152  func lookup(name string) *setting {
   153  	if v, ok := cache.Load(name); ok {
   154  		return v.(*setting)
   155  	}
   156  	s := new(setting)
   157 = godebugs.Lookup(name)
   158  	s.value.Store(&empty)
   159  	if v, loaded := cache.LoadOrStore(name, s); loaded {
   160  		// Lost race: someone else created it. Use theirs.
   161  		return v.(*setting)
   162  	}
   164  	return s
   165  }
   167  // setUpdate is provided by package runtime.
   168  // It calls update(def, env), where def is the default GODEBUG setting
   169  // and env is the current value of the $GODEBUG environment variable.
   170  // After that first call, the runtime calls update(def, env)
   171  // again each time the environment variable changes
   172  // (due to use of os.Setenv, for example).
   173  //
   174  //go:linkname setUpdate
   175  func setUpdate(update func(string, string))
   177  // registerMetric is provided by package runtime.
   178  // It forwards registrations to runtime/metrics.
   179  //
   180  //go:linkname registerMetric
   181  func registerMetric(name string, read func() uint64)
   183  // setNewNonDefaultInc is provided by package runtime.
   184  // The runtime can do
   185  //
   186  //	inc := newNonDefaultInc(name)
   187  //
   188  // instead of
   189  //
   190  //	inc := godebug.New(name).IncNonDefault
   191  //
   192  // since it cannot import godebug.
   193  //
   194  //go:linkname setNewIncNonDefault
   195  func setNewIncNonDefault(newIncNonDefault func(string) func())
   197  func init() {
   198  	setUpdate(update)
   199  	setNewIncNonDefault(newIncNonDefault)
   200  }
   202  func newIncNonDefault(name string) func() {
   203  	s := New(name)
   204  	s.Value()
   205  	return s.IncNonDefault
   206  }
   208  var updateMu sync.Mutex
   210  // update records an updated GODEBUG setting.
   211  // def is the default GODEBUG setting for the running binary,
   212  // and env is the current value of the $GODEBUG environment variable.
   213  func update(def, env string) {
   214  	updateMu.Lock()
   215  	defer updateMu.Unlock()
   217  	// Update all the cached values, creating new ones as needed.
   218  	// We parse the environment variable first, so that any settings it has
   219  	// are already locked in place (did[name] = true) before we consider
   220  	// the defaults.
   221  	did := make(map[string]bool)
   222  	parse(did, env)
   223  	parse(did, def)
   225  	// Clear any cached values that are no longer present.
   226  	cache.Range(func(name, s any) bool {
   227  		if !did[name.(string)] {
   228  			s.(*setting).value.Store(&empty)
   229  		}
   230  		return true
   231  	})
   232  }
   234  // parse parses the GODEBUG setting string s,
   235  // which has the form k=v,k2=v2,k3=v3.
   236  // Later settings override earlier ones.
   237  // Parse only updates settings k=v for which did[k] = false.
   238  // It also sets did[k] = true for settings that it updates.
   239  // Each value v can also have the form v#pattern,
   240  // in which case the GODEBUG is only enabled for call stacks
   241  // matching pattern, for use with
   242  func parse(did map[string]bool, s string) {
   243  	// Scan the string backward so that later settings are used
   244  	// and earlier settings are ignored.
   245  	// Note that a forward scan would cause cached values
   246  	// to temporarily use the ignored value before being
   247  	// updated to the "correct" one.
   248  	end := len(s)
   249  	eq := -1
   250  	for i := end - 1; i >= -1; i-- {
   251  		if i == -1 || s[i] == ',' {
   252  			if eq >= 0 {
   253  				name, arg := s[i+1:eq], s[eq+1:end]
   254  				if !did[name] {
   255  					did[name] = true
   256  					v := &value{text: arg}
   257  					for j := 0; j < len(arg); j++ {
   258  						if arg[j] == '#' {
   259  							v.text = arg[:j]
   260  							v.bisect, _ = bisect.New(arg[j+1:])
   261  							break
   262  						}
   263  					}
   264  					lookup(name).value.Store(v)
   265  				}
   266  			}
   267  			eq = -1
   268  			end = i
   269  		} else if s[i] == '=' {
   270  			eq = i
   271  		}
   272  	}
   273  }
   275  type runtimeStderr struct{}
   277  var stderr runtimeStderr
   279  func (*runtimeStderr) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
   280  	if len(b) > 0 {
   281  		write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]), int32(len(b)))
   282  	}
   283  	return len(b), nil
   284  }
   286  // Since we cannot import os or syscall, use the runtime's write function
   287  // to print to standard error.
   288  //go:linkname write runtime.write
   289  func write(fd uintptr, p unsafe.Pointer, n int32) int32