
     1  // Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // Package godebugs provides a table of known GODEBUG settings,
     6  // for use by a variety of other packages, including internal/godebug,
     7  // runtime, runtime/metrics, and cmd/go/internal/load.
     8  package godebugs
    10  // An Info describes a single known GODEBUG setting.
    11  type Info struct {
    12  	Name    string // name of the setting ("panicnil")
    13  	Package string // package that uses the setting ("runtime")
    14  	Changed int    // minor version when default changed, if any; 21 means Go 1.21
    15  	Old     string // value that restores behavior prior to Changed
    16  	Opaque  bool   // setting does not export information to runtime/metrics using [internal/godebug.Setting.IncNonDefault]
    17  }
    19  // All is the table of known settings, sorted by Name.
    20  //
    21  // Note: After adding entries to this table, run 'go generate runtime/metrics'
    22  // to update the runtime/metrics doc comment.
    23  // (Otherwise the runtime/metrics test will fail.)
    24  //
    25  // Note: After adding entries to this table, update the list in doc/ as well.
    26  // (Otherwise the test in this package will fail.)
    27  var All = []Info{
    28  	{Name: "execerrdot", Package: "os/exec"},
    29  	{Name: "http2client", Package: "net/http"},
    30  	{Name: "http2debug", Package: "net/http", Opaque: true},
    31  	{Name: "http2server", Package: "net/http"},
    32  	{Name: "installgoroot", Package: "go/build"},
    33  	{Name: "jstmpllitinterp", Package: "html/template"},
    34  	//{Name: "multipartfiles", Package: "mime/multipart"},
    35  	{Name: "multipartmaxheaders", Package: "mime/multipart"},
    36  	{Name: "multipartmaxparts", Package: "mime/multipart"},
    37  	{Name: "netdns", Package: "net", Opaque: true},
    38  	{Name: "panicnil", Package: "runtime", Changed: 21, Old: "1"},
    39  	{Name: "randautoseed", Package: "math/rand"},
    40  	{Name: "tarinsecurepath", Package: "archive/tar"},
    41  	{Name: "x509sha1", Package: "crypto/x509"},
    42  	{Name: "x509usefallbackroots", Package: "crypto/x509"},
    43  	{Name: "zipinsecurepath", Package: "archive/zip"},
    44  }
    46  // Lookup returns the Info with the given name.
    47  func Lookup(name string) *Info {
    48  	// binary search, avoiding import of sort.
    49  	lo := 0
    50  	hi := len(All)
    51  	for lo < hi {
    52  		m := lo + (hi-lo)>>1
    53  		mid := All[m].Name
    54  		if name == mid {
    55  			return &All[m]
    56  		}
    57  		if name < mid {
    58  			hi = m
    59  		} else {
    60  			lo = m + 1
    61  		}
    62  	}
    63  	return nil
    64  }