
     1  // Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  .file "gcc_aix_ppc64.S"
     7  /*
     8   * void crosscall_ppc64(void (*fn)(void), void *g)
     9   *
    10   * Calling into the gc tool chain, where all registers are caller save.
    11   * Called from standard ppc64 C ABI, where r2, r14-r31, f14-f31 are
    12   * callee-save, so they must be saved explicitly.
    13   * AIX has a special assembly syntax and keywords that can be mixed with
    14   * Linux assembly.
    15   */
    16    .toc
    17    .csect .text[PR]
    18    .globl crosscall_ppc64
    19    .globl .crosscall_ppc64
    20    .csect crosscall_ppc64[DS]
    21  crosscall_ppc64:
    22    .llong .crosscall_ppc64, TOC[tc0], 0
    23    .csect .text[PR]
    24  .crosscall_ppc64:
    25  	// Start with standard C stack frame layout and linkage
    26  	mflr	0
    27  	std	0, 16(1)	// Save LR in caller's frame
    28  	std	2, 40(1)	// Save TOC in caller's frame
    29  	bl	saveregs
    30  	stdu	1, -296(1)
    32  	// Set up Go ABI constant registers
    33  	// Must match _cgo_reginit in runtime package.
    34  	xor 0, 0, 0
    36  	// Restore g pointer (r30 in Go ABI, which may have been clobbered by C)
    37  	mr	30, 4
    39  	// Call fn
    40  	mr	12, 3
    41  	mtctr	12
    42  	bctrl
    44  	addi	1, 1, 296
    45  	bl	restoreregs
    46  	ld	2, 40(1)
    47  	ld	0, 16(1)
    48  	mtlr	0
    49  	blr
    51  saveregs:
    52  	// Save callee-save registers
    53  	// O=-288; for R in {14..31}; do echo "\tstd\t$R, $O(1)"; ((O+=8)); done; for F in f{14..31}; do echo "\tstfd\t$F, $O(1)"; ((O+=8)); done
    54  	std	14, -288(1)
    55  	std	15, -280(1)
    56  	std	16, -272(1)
    57  	std	17, -264(1)
    58  	std	18, -256(1)
    59  	std	19, -248(1)
    60  	std	20, -240(1)
    61  	std	21, -232(1)
    62  	std	22, -224(1)
    63  	std	23, -216(1)
    64  	std	24, -208(1)
    65  	std	25, -200(1)
    66  	std	26, -192(1)
    67  	std	27, -184(1)
    68  	std	28, -176(1)
    69  	std	29, -168(1)
    70  	std	30, -160(1)
    71  	std	31, -152(1)
    72  	stfd	14, -144(1)
    73  	stfd	15, -136(1)
    74  	stfd	16, -128(1)
    75  	stfd	17, -120(1)
    76  	stfd	18, -112(1)
    77  	stfd	19, -104(1)
    78  	stfd	20, -96(1)
    79  	stfd	21, -88(1)
    80  	stfd	22, -80(1)
    81  	stfd	23, -72(1)
    82  	stfd	24, -64(1)
    83  	stfd	25, -56(1)
    84  	stfd	26, -48(1)
    85  	stfd	27, -40(1)
    86  	stfd	28, -32(1)
    87  	stfd	29, -24(1)
    88  	stfd	30, -16(1)
    89  	stfd	31, -8(1)
    91  	blr
    93  restoreregs:
    94  	// O=-288; for R in {14..31}; do echo "\tld\t$R, $O(1)"; ((O+=8)); done; for F in {14..31}; do echo "\tlfd\t$F, $O(1)"; ((O+=8)); done
    95  	ld	14, -288(1)
    96  	ld	15, -280(1)
    97  	ld	16, -272(1)
    98  	ld	17, -264(1)
    99  	ld	18, -256(1)
   100  	ld	19, -248(1)
   101  	ld	20, -240(1)
   102  	ld	21, -232(1)
   103  	ld	22, -224(1)
   104  	ld	23, -216(1)
   105  	ld	24, -208(1)
   106  	ld	25, -200(1)
   107  	ld	26, -192(1)
   108  	ld	27, -184(1)
   109  	ld	28, -176(1)
   110  	ld	29, -168(1)
   111  	ld	30, -160(1)
   112  	ld	31, -152(1)
   113  	lfd	14, -144(1)
   114  	lfd	15, -136(1)
   115  	lfd	16, -128(1)
   116  	lfd	17, -120(1)
   117  	lfd	18, -112(1)
   118  	lfd	19, -104(1)
   119  	lfd	20, -96(1)
   120  	lfd	21, -88(1)
   121  	lfd	22, -80(1)
   122  	lfd	23, -72(1)
   123  	lfd	24, -64(1)
   124  	lfd	25, -56(1)
   125  	lfd	26, -48(1)
   126  	lfd	27, -40(1)
   127  	lfd	28, -32(1)
   128  	lfd	29, -24(1)
   129  	lfd	30, -16(1)
   130  	lfd	31, -8(1)
   132  	blr