
     1  package location
     3  import (
     4  	"strings"
     5  	"testing"
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  )
    14  var (
    15  	theLocation = newProvider([]storedefs.Dir{
    16  		{"/pinned", pinnedScore},
    17  		{"/src/", 300},
    18  		{"/src/home/xyz", 233},
    19  		{"/home/dir", 100},
    20  		{"/foo/\nbar", 77},
    21  		{"/usr/elves/elvish", 6},
    22  	}, "/home", nil, eval.NewEvaler(), matchDirPatternBuiltin)
    24  	locationFilterTests = []eddefs.ListingProviderFilterTest{
    25  		{"", []eddefs.ListingShown{
    26  			{"*", ui.Unstyled("/pinned")},
    27  			{"300", ui.Unstyled("/src/")},
    28  			{"233", ui.Unstyled("/src/home/xyz")},
    29  			{"100", ui.Unstyled("~/dir")},       // home is abbreviated
    30  			{"77", ui.Unstyled(`"/foo/\nbar"`)}, // special char is quoted
    31  			{"6", ui.Unstyled("/usr/elves/elvish")}}},
    32  		{"/s", []eddefs.ListingShown{
    33  			{"300", ui.Unstyled("/src/")},
    34  			{"233", ui.Unstyled("/src/home/xyz")},
    35  			{"6", ui.Unstyled("/usr/elves/elvish")}}},
    36  		{"/e/e", []eddefs.ListingShown{
    37  			{"300", ui.Unstyled("/src/")},
    38  			{"6", ui.Unstyled("/usr/elves/elvish")}}},
    39  		{"x", []eddefs.ListingShown{{"233", ui.Unstyled("/src/home/xyz")}}},
    40  		// Matchers operate on the displayed text, not the actual path.
    41  		// 1. Home directory is abbreviated to ~, and is matched by ~, but not by
    42  		//    the actual path.
    43  		{"~", []eddefs.ListingShown{{"100", ui.Unstyled("~/dir")}}},
    44  		{"home", []eddefs.ListingShown{{"233", ui.Unstyled("/src/home/xyz")}}},
    45  		// 2. Special characters are quoted, and are matched by the quoted form,
    46  		//    not by the actual form.
    47  		{"\n", []eddefs.ListingShown{}},
    48  		{"\\n", []eddefs.ListingShown{{"77", ui.Unstyled(`"/foo/\nbar"`)}}},
    49  	}
    51  	locationWithPrefixMatcher = newProvider([]storedefs.Dir{
    52  		{"/pinned", pinnedScore},
    53  		{"/src/", 300},
    54  		{"/src/home/xyz", 233},
    55  		{"/home/dir", 100},
    56  		{"/foo/\nbar", 77},
    57  		{"/usr/elves/elvish", 6},
    58  	},
    59  		"/home",
    60  		nil,
    61  		eval.NewEvaler(),
    62  		eval.NewBuiltinFn("edit:location:test:match-prefix", matchPrefix))
    64  	locationWithPrefixMatcherTests = []eddefs.ListingProviderFilterTest{
    65  		{"", []eddefs.ListingShown{
    66  			{"*", ui.Unstyled("/pinned")},
    67  			{"300", ui.Unstyled("/src/")},
    68  			{"233", ui.Unstyled("/src/home/xyz")},
    69  			{"100", ui.Unstyled("~/dir")},       // home is abbreviated
    70  			{"77", ui.Unstyled(`"/foo/\nbar"`)}, // special char is quoted
    71  			{"6", ui.Unstyled("/usr/elves/elvish")}}},
    72  		{"/src", []eddefs.ListingShown{
    73  			{"300", ui.Unstyled("/src/")},
    74  			{"233", ui.Unstyled("/src/home/xyz")}}},
    75  		{"home", []eddefs.ListingShown{}},
    76  	}
    77  )
    79  func matchPrefix(fm *eval.Frame, opts eval.RawOptions, pattern string, inputs eval.Inputs) {
    80  	out := fm.OutputChan()
    81  	inputs(func(v interface{}) {
    82  		out <- vals.Bool(strings.HasPrefix(v.(string), pattern))
    83  	})
    84  }
    86  func TestProvider(t *testing.T) {
    87  	if err := eddefs.TestListingProviderFilter(
    88  		"theLocation", theLocation, locationFilterTests); err != nil {
    89  		t.Error(err)
    90  	}
    91  	if err := eddefs.TestListingProviderFilter(
    92  		"locationWithPrefixMatcher", locationWithPrefixMatcher, locationWithPrefixMatcherTests); err != nil {
    93  		t.Error(err)
    94  	}
    95  }