
     1  package ui
     3  import (
     4  	"reflect"
     5  	"testing"
     6  )
     8  var cellsWidthTests = []struct {
     9  	cells     []Cell
    10  	wantWidth int
    11  }{
    12  	{[]Cell{}, 0},
    13  	{[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}, {"好", 2, ""}}, 3},
    14  }
    16  func TestCellsWidth(t *testing.T) {
    17  	for _, test := range cellsWidthTests {
    18  		if width := CellsWidth(test.cells); width != test.wantWidth {
    19  			t.Errorf("cellsWidth(%v) = %v, want %v",
    20  				test.cells, width, test.wantWidth)
    21  		}
    22  	}
    23  }
    25  var makeSpacingTests = []struct {
    26  	n    int
    27  	want []Cell
    28  }{
    29  	{0, []Cell{}},
    30  	{1, []Cell{{" ", 1, ""}}},
    31  	{4, []Cell{{" ", 1, ""}, {" ", 1, ""}, {" ", 1, ""}, {" ", 1, ""}}},
    32  }
    34  func TestMakeSpacing(t *testing.T) {
    35  	for _, test := range makeSpacingTests {
    36  		if got := makeSpacing(test.n); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.want) {
    37  			t.Errorf("makeSpacing(%v) = %v, want %v", test.n, got, test.want)
    38  		}
    39  	}
    40  }
    42  var compareCellsTests = []struct {
    43  	cells1    []Cell
    44  	cells2    []Cell
    45  	wantEqual bool
    46  	wantIndex int
    47  }{
    48  	{[]Cell{}, []Cell{}, true, 0},
    49  	{[]Cell{}, []Cell{{"a", 1, ""}}, false, 0},
    50  	{
    51  		[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}, {"好", 2, ""}, {"b", 1, ""}},
    52  		[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}, {"好", 2, ""}, {"c", 1, ""}},
    53  		false, 2,
    54  	},
    55  	{
    56  		[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}, {"好", 2, ""}, {"b", 1, ""}},
    57  		[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}, {"好", 2, "1"}, {"c", 1, ""}},
    58  		false, 1,
    59  	},
    60  }
    62  func TestCompareCells(t *testing.T) {
    63  	for _, test := range compareCellsTests {
    64  		equal, index := CompareCells(test.cells1, test.cells2)
    65  		if equal != test.wantEqual || index != test.wantIndex {
    66  			t.Errorf("compareCells(%v, %v) = (%v, %v), want (%v, %v)",
    67  				test.cells1, test.cells2,
    68  				equal, index, test.wantEqual, test.wantIndex)
    69  		}
    70  	}
    71  }
    73  var bufferCursorTests = []struct {
    74  	buf  *Buffer
    75  	want Pos
    76  }{
    77  	{NewBuffer(10), Pos{0, 0}},
    78  	{NewBuffer(10).SetLines([]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"好", 2, ""}}),
    79  		Pos{1, 2}},
    80  }
    82  func TestBufferCursor(t *testing.T) {
    83  	for _, test := range bufferCursorTests {
    84  		if p := test.buf.Cursor(); p != test.want {
    85  			t.Errorf("(%v).cursor() = %v, want %v", test.buf, p, test.want)
    86  		}
    87  	}
    88  }
    90  var buffersHeighTests = []struct {
    91  	buffers []*Buffer
    92  	want    int
    93  }{
    94  	{nil, 0},
    95  	{[]*Buffer{NewBuffer(10)}, 1},
    96  	{[]*Buffer{
    97  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines([]Cell{}, []Cell{}),
    98  		NewBuffer(10),
    99  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines([]Cell{}, []Cell{})},
   100  		5},
   101  }
   103  func TestBuffersHeight(t *testing.T) {
   104  	for _, test := range buffersHeighTests {
   105  		if h := BuffersHeight(test.buffers...); h != test.want {
   106  			t.Errorf("buffersHeight(%v...) = %v, want %v",
   107  				test.buffers, h, test.want)
   108  		}
   109  	}
   110  }
   112  var bufferWritesTests = []struct {
   113  	buf   *Buffer
   114  	text  string
   115  	style string
   116  	want  *Buffer
   117  }{
   118  	// Writing nothing.
   119  	{NewBuffer(10), "", "", NewBuffer(10)},
   120  	// Writing a single rune.
   121  	{NewBuffer(10), "a", "1", NewBuffer(10).SetLines([]Cell{{"a", 1, "1"}})},
   122  	// Writing control character.
   123  	{NewBuffer(10), "\033", "",
   124  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   125  			[]Cell{{"^[", 2, styleForControlChar.String()}},
   126  		)},
   127  	// Writing styled control character.
   128  	{NewBuffer(10), "a\033b", "1",
   129  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   130  			[]Cell{
   131  				{"a", 1, "1"},
   132  				{"^[", 2, "1;" + styleForControlChar.String()},
   133  				{"b", 1, "1"},
   134  			},
   135  		)},
   136  	// Writing text containing a newline.
   137  	{NewBuffer(10), "a\nb", "1",
   138  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   139  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, "1"}}, []Cell{{"b", 1, "1"}},
   140  		)},
   141  	// Writing text containing a newline when there is indent.
   142  	{NewBuffer(10).SetIndent(2), "a\nb", "1",
   143  		NewBuffer(10).SetIndent(2).SetLines(
   144  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, "1"}},
   145  			[]Cell{{" ", 1, ""}, {" ", 1, ""}, {"b", 1, "1"}},
   146  		)},
   147  	// Writing long text that triggers wrapping.
   148  	{NewBuffer(4), "aaaab", "1",
   149  		NewBuffer(4).SetLines(
   150  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, "1"}, {"a", 1, "1"}, {"a", 1, "1"}, {"a", 1, "1"}},
   151  			[]Cell{{"b", 1, "1"}},
   152  		)},
   153  	// Writing long text that triggers wrapping when there is indent.
   154  	{NewBuffer(4).SetIndent(2), "aaaab", "1",
   155  		NewBuffer(4).SetIndent(2).SetLines(
   156  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, "1"}, {"a", 1, "1"}, {"a", 1, "1"}, {"a", 1, "1"}},
   157  			[]Cell{{" ", 1, ""}, {" ", 1, ""}, {"b", 1, "1"}},
   158  		)},
   159  	// Writing long text that triggers eager wrapping.
   160  	{NewBuffer(4).SetIndent(2).SetEagerWrap(true), "aaaa", "1",
   161  		NewBuffer(4).SetIndent(2).SetEagerWrap(true).SetLines(
   162  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, "1"}, {"a", 1, "1"}, {"a", 1, "1"}, {"a", 1, "1"}},
   163  			[]Cell{{" ", 1, ""}, {" ", 1, ""}},
   164  		)},
   165  }
   167  // TestBufferWrites tests buffer.writes by calling writes on a buffer and see if
   168  // the buffer matches what is expected.
   169  func TestBufferWrites(t *testing.T) {
   170  	for _, test := range bufferWritesTests {
   171  		b := test.buf
   172  		b.WriteString(test.text,
   173  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(b, test.want) {
   174  			t.Errorf("buf.writes(%q, %q) makes it %v, want %v",
   175  				test.text,, b, test.want)
   176  		}
   177  	}
   178  }
   180  var bufferTrimToLinesTests = []struct {
   181  	buf  *Buffer
   182  	low  int
   183  	high int
   184  	want *Buffer
   185  }{
   186  	{
   187  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   188  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"b", 1, ""}},
   189  			[]Cell{{"c", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"d", 1, ""}},
   190  		), 0, 2,
   191  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   192  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"b", 1, ""}},
   193  		),
   194  	},
   195  	// With dot.
   196  	{
   197  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   198  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"b", 1, ""}},
   199  			[]Cell{{"c", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"d", 1, ""}},
   200  		).SetDot(Pos{1, 1}), 1, 3,
   201  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   202  			[]Cell{{"b", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"c", 1, ""}},
   203  		).SetDot(Pos{0, 1}),
   204  	},
   205  	// With dot that is going to be trimmed away.
   206  	{
   207  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   208  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"b", 1, ""}},
   209  			[]Cell{{"c", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"d", 1, ""}},
   210  		).SetDot(Pos{0, 1}), 1, 3,
   211  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   212  			[]Cell{{"b", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"c", 1, ""}},
   213  		).SetDot(Pos{0, 1}),
   214  	},
   215  }
   217  func TestBufferTrimToLines(t *testing.T) {
   218  	for _, test := range bufferTrimToLinesTests {
   219  		b := test.buf
   220  		b.TrimToLines(test.low, test.high)
   221  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(b, test.want) {
   222  			t.Errorf("buf.trimToLines(%v, %v) makes it %v, want %v",
   223  				test.low, test.high, b, test.want)
   224  		}
   225  	}
   226  }
   228  var bufferExtendTests = []struct {
   229  	buf     *Buffer
   230  	buf2    *Buffer
   231  	moveDot bool
   232  	want    *Buffer
   233  }{
   234  	{
   235  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines([]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"b", 1, ""}}),
   236  		NewBuffer(11).SetLines([]Cell{{"c", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"d", 1, ""}}),
   237  		false,
   238  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   239  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"b", 1, ""}},
   240  			[]Cell{{"c", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"d", 1, ""}},
   241  		),
   242  	},
   243  	// Moving dot.
   244  	{
   245  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines([]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"b", 1, ""}}),
   246  		NewBuffer(11).SetLines(
   247  			[]Cell{{"c", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"d", 1, ""}},
   248  		).SetDot(Pos{1, 1}),
   249  		true,
   250  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   251  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"b", 1, ""}},
   252  			[]Cell{{"c", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"d", 1, ""}},
   253  		).SetDot(Pos{3, 1}),
   254  	},
   255  }
   257  func TestExtend(t *testing.T) {
   258  	for _, test := range bufferExtendTests {
   259  		b := test.buf
   260  		b.Extend(test.buf2, test.moveDot)
   261  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(b, test.want) {
   262  			t.Errorf("buf.extend(%v, %v) makes it %v, want %v",
   263  				test.buf2, test.moveDot, b, test.want)
   264  		}
   265  	}
   266  }
   268  var bufferExtendRightTests = []struct {
   269  	buf  *Buffer
   270  	buf2 *Buffer
   271  	w    int
   272  	want *Buffer
   273  }{
   274  	// No padding, equal height.
   275  	{
   276  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines([]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}}, []Cell{}),
   277  		NewBuffer(11).SetLines([]Cell{{"c", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"d", 1, ""}}),
   278  		0,
   279  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   280  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}, {"c", 1, ""}},
   281  			[]Cell{{"d", 1, ""}},
   282  		),
   283  	},
   284  	// With padding.
   285  	{
   286  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines([]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"b", 1, ""}}),
   287  		NewBuffer(11).SetLines([]Cell{{"c", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"d", 1, ""}}),
   288  		2,
   289  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   290  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}, {" ", 1, ""}, {"c", 1, ""}},
   291  			[]Cell{{"b", 1, ""}, {" ", 1, ""}, {"d", 1, ""}},
   292  		),
   293  	},
   294  	// buf is higher.
   295  	{
   296  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   297  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}},
   298  			[]Cell{{"b", 1, ""}},
   299  			[]Cell{{"x", 1, ""}},
   300  		),
   301  		NewBuffer(11).SetLines([]Cell{{"c", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"d", 1, ""}}),
   302  		1,
   303  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   304  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}, {"c", 1, ""}},
   305  			[]Cell{{"b", 1, ""}, {"d", 1, ""}},
   306  			[]Cell{{"x", 1, ""}},
   307  		),
   308  	},
   309  	// buf2 is higher.
   310  	{
   311  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines([]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"b", 1, ""}}),
   312  		NewBuffer(11).SetLines(
   313  			[]Cell{{"c", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"d", 1, ""}}, []Cell{{"e", 1, ""}},
   314  		),
   315  		1,
   316  		NewBuffer(10).SetLines(
   317  			[]Cell{{"a", 1, ""}, {"c", 1, ""}},
   318  			[]Cell{{"b", 1, ""}, {"d", 1, ""}},
   319  			[]Cell{{" ", 1, ""}, {"e", 1, ""}},
   320  		),
   321  	},
   322  }
   324  func TestExtendRight(t *testing.T) {
   325  	for _, test := range bufferExtendRightTests {
   326  		b := test.buf
   327  		b.ExtendRight(test.buf2, test.w)
   328  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(b, test.want) {
   329  			t.Errorf("buf.extendRight(%v, %v) makes it %v, want %v",
   330  				test.buf2, test.w, b, test.want)
   331  		}
   332  	}
   333  }