
     1  package hashmap
     3  // Map is a persistent associative data structure mapping keys to values. It
     4  // is immutable, and supports near-O(1) operations to create modified version of
     5  // the map that shares the underlying data structure. Because it is immutable,
     6  // all of its methods are safe for concurrent use.
     7  type Map interface {
     8  	Len() int
     9  	// Index returns whether there is a value associated with the given key, and
    10  	// that value or nil.
    11  	Index(k interface{}) (interface{}, bool)
    12  	// Assoc returns an almost identical map, with the given key associated with
    13  	// the given value.
    14  	Assoc(k, v interface{}) Map
    15  	// Dissoc returns an almost identical map, with the given key associated
    16  	// with no value.
    17  	Dissoc(k interface{}) Map
    18  	// Iterator returns an iterator over the map.
    19  	Iterator() Iterator
    20  }
    22  // Iterator is an iterator over map elements. It can be used like this:
    23  //
    24  //     for it := m.Iterator(); it.HasElem(); it.Next() {
    25  //         key, value := it.Elem()
    26  //         // do something with elem...
    27  //     }
    28  type Iterator interface {
    29  	// Elem returns the current key-value pair.
    30  	Elem() (interface{}, interface{})
    31  	// HasElem returns whether the iterator is pointing to an element.
    32  	HasElem() bool
    33  	// Next moves the iterator to the next position.
    34  	Next()
    35  }
    37  // HasKey reports whether a Map has the given key.
    38  func HasKey(m Map, k interface{}) bool {
    39  	_, ok := m.Index(k)
    40  	return ok
    41  }