
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     3  # must be run from e2e directory
     5  set -o errexit
     6  set -o nounset
     7  set -o pipefail
     9  tfstatefile="terraform/terraform.tfstate"
    11  # Make sure we are running from the e2e/ directory
    12  [ "$(basename "$(pwd)")" == "e2e" ] || (echo "must be run from nomad/e2e directory" && exit 1)
    14  # Make sure one argument was provided (subcommand)
    15  [ ${#} -eq 1 ] || (echo "expect one argument (subcommand)" && exit 1)
    17  # Make sure terraform state file exists
    18  [ -f "${tfstatefile}" ] || (echo "file ${tfstatefile} must exist (run terraform?)" && exit 1)
    20  # Load Linux Client Node IPs from terraform state file
    21  linux_clients=$(jq -r .outputs.linux_clients.value[] <"${tfstatefile}" | xargs)
    23  # Load Windows Client Node IPs from terraform state file
    24  windows_clients=$(jq -r .outputs.windows_clients.value[] <"${tfstatefile}" | xargs)
    26  # Combine all the clients together
    27  # clients="${linux_clients} ${windows_clients}"
    29  # Load Server Node IPs from terraform/terraform.tfstate
    30  servers=$(jq -r .outputs.servers.value[] <"${tfstatefile}" | xargs)
    32  # Use the 0th server as the ACL bootstrap server
    33  server0=$(echo "${servers}" | cut -d' ' -f1)
    35  # Find the .pem file to use
    36  pemfile="terraform/$(jq -r '.resources[] | select(.name=="private_key_pem") | .instances[0].attributes.filename' <"terraform/terraform.tfstate")"
    38  # See AWS service file
    39  consul_configs="/etc/consul.d"
    40  nomad_configs="/etc/nomad.d"
    42  # Not really present in the config
    43  user=ubuntu
    45  # Create a filename based on the TF state file (.serial), where we will store and/or
    46  # lookup the consul master token. The presense of this file is what determines
    47  # whether a full ACL bootstrap must occur, or if we only need to activate ACLs
    48  # whenever the "enable" sub-command is chosen.
    49  token_file="/tmp/e2e-consul-bootstrap-$(jq .serial <${tfstatefile}).token"
    51  # One argument - the subcommand to run which may be: bootstrap, enable, or disable
    52  subcommand="${1}"
    54  echo "==== SETUP configuration ====="
    55  echo "SETUP command is: ${subcommand}"
    56  echo "SETUP token file: ${token_file}"
    57  echo "SETUP servers: ${servers}"
    58  echo "SETUP linux clients: ${linux_clients}"
    59  echo "SETUP windows clients: ${windows_clients}"
    60  echo "SETUP pem file: ${pemfile}"
    61  echo "SETUP consul configs: ${consul_configs}"
    62  echo "SETUP nomad configs: ${nomad_configs}"
    63  echo "SETUP aws user: ${user}"
    64  echo "SETUP bootstrap server: ${server0}"
    66  function doSSH() {
    67    hostname="$1"
    68    command="$2"
    69    echo "-----> will ssh command '${command}' on ${hostname}"
    70    ssh \
    71      -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
    72      -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
    73      -i "${pemfile}" \
    74      "${user}@${hostname}" "${command}"
    75  }
    77  function doSCP() {
    78    original="$1"
    79    username="$2"
    80    hostname="$3"
    81    destination="$4"
    82    echo "------> will scp ${original} to ${hostname}"
    83    scp \
    84      -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
    85      -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
    86      -i "${pemfile}" \
    87      "${original}" "${username}@${hostname}:${destination}"
    88  }
    90  function doBootstrap() {
    91    echo "=== Bootstrap: Consul Configs ==="
    93    # Stop all Nomad agents.
    94    stopNomad
    96    # Run the pre-activation step, which uploads an acl.hcl file (with default:allow)
    97    # to each Consul configuration directory, then (re)starts each
    98    # Consul agent.
    99    doPreActivateACLs
   101    echo "=== Bootstrap: Consul ACL Bootstrap ==="
   102    echo "sleeping 2 minutes to let Consul agents settle (avoid Legacy mode error)..."
   103    sleep 120
   105    # Bootstrap Consul ACLs on server[0]
   106    echo "-> bootstrap ACL using ${server0}"
   107    consul_http_token=$(doSSH "${server0}" "/usr/local/bin/consul acl bootstrap" | grep SecretID | awk '{print $2}')
   108    consul_http_addr="http://${server0}:8500"
   109    export CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN=${consul_http_token}
   110    export CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR=${consul_http_addr}
   111    echo "  consul http: ${CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR}"
   112    echo "  consul root: ${CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN}"
   113    echo "${CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN}" > "${token_file}"
   115    # Create Consul Server Policy & Consul Server agent tokens
   116    echo "-> configure consul server policy"
   117    consul acl policy create -name server-policy -rules @consulacls/consul-server-policy.hcl
   119    # Create & Set agent token for each Consul Server
   120    for server in ${servers}; do
   121      echo "---> will create agent token for server ${server}"
   122      server_agent_token=$(consul acl token create -description "consul server agent token" -policy-name server-policy | grep SecretID | awk '{print $2}')
   123      echo "---> setting token for server agent: ${server} -> ${server_agent_token}"
   124      (export CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR="${server}:8500";  consul acl set-agent-token agent "${server_agent_token}")
   125      echo "---> done setting agent token for server ${server}"
   126    done
   128    # Wait 30s before continuing with configuring consul clients.
   129    echo "-> sleep 3s before continuing with clients"
   130    sleep 3
   132    # Create Consul Client Policy & Client agent tokens
   133    echo "-> configure consul client policy"
   134    consul acl policy create -name client-policy -rules @consulacls/consul-client-policy.hcl
   136    # Create & Set agent token for each Consul Client (excluding Windows)
   137    for linux_client in ${linux_clients}; do
   138      echo "---> will create consul agent token for client ${linux_client}"
   139      client_agent_token=$(consul acl token create -description "consul client agent token" -policy-name client-policy | grep SecretID | awk '{print $2}')
   140      echo "---> setting consul token for consul client ${linux_client} -> ${client_agent_token}"
   141      (export CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR="${linux_client}:8500"; consul acl set-agent-token agent "${client_agent_token}")
   142      echo "---> done setting agent token for client ${linux_client}"
   143    done
   145    # Now, upload the ACL policy file with default:deny so that ACL are actually
   146    # enforced.
   147    doActivateACLs
   149    echo "=== Bootstrap: Nomad Configs ==="
   151    # Create Nomad Server consul Policy and Nomad Server consul tokens
   152    echo "-> configure nomad server policy & consul token"
   153    consul acl policy create -name nomad-server-policy -rules @consulacls/nomad-server-policy.hcl
   154    nomad_server_consul_token=$(consul acl token create -description "nomad server consul token" -policy-name nomad-server-policy | grep SecretID | awk '{print $2}')
   155    nomad_server_consul_token_tmp=$(mktemp)
   156    cp consulacls/nomad-server-consul.hcl "${nomad_server_consul_token_tmp}"
   157    sed -i "s/CONSUL_TOKEN/${nomad_server_consul_token}/g" "${nomad_server_consul_token_tmp}"
   158    for server in ${servers}; do
   159      echo "---> upload nomad-server-consul.hcl to ${server}"
   160      doSCP "${nomad_server_consul_token_tmp}" "${user}" "${server}" "/tmp/nomad-server-consul.hcl"
   161      doSSH "${server}" "sudo mv /tmp/nomad-server-consul.hcl ${nomad_configs}/nomad-server-consul.hcl"
   162    done
   164    # Create Nomad Client consul Policy and Nomad Client consul token
   165    echo "-> configure nomad client policy & consul token"
   166    consul acl policy create -name nomad-client-policy -rules @consulacls/nomad-client-policy.hcl
   167    nomad_client_consul_token=$(consul acl token create -description "nomad client consul token" -policy-name nomad-client-policy | grep SecretID | awk '{print $2}')
   168    nomad_client_consul_token_tmp=$(mktemp)
   169    cp consulacls/nomad-client-consul.hcl "${nomad_client_consul_token_tmp}"
   170    sed -i "s/CONSUL_TOKEN/${nomad_client_consul_token}/g" "${nomad_client_consul_token_tmp}"
   171    for linux_client in ${linux_clients}; do
   172      echo "---> upload nomad-client-token.hcl to ${linux_client}"
   173      doSCP "${nomad_client_consul_token_tmp}" "${user}" "${linux_client}" "/tmp/nomad-client-consul.hcl"
   174      doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo mv /tmp/nomad-client-consul.hcl ${nomad_configs}/nomad-client-consul.hcl"
   175    done
   177    startNomad
   179    export NOMAD_ADDR="http://${server0}:4646"
   181    echo "=== Activate: DONE ==="
   182  }
   184  function doSetAllowUnauthenticated {
   185    value="${1}"
   186    [ "${value}" == "true" ] || [ "${value}" == "false" ] || ( echo "allow_unauthenticated must be 'true' or 'false'" && exit 1)
   187    for server in ${servers}; do
   188      if [ "${value}" == "true" ]; then
   189        echo "---> setting consul.allow_unauthenticated=true on ${server}"
   190        doSSH "${server}" "sudo sed -i 's/allow_unauthenticated = false/allow_unauthenticated = true/g' ${nomad_configs}/nomad-server-consul.hcl"
   191      else
   192        echo "---> setting consul.allow_unauthenticated=false on ${server}"
   193        doSSH "${server}" "sudo sed -i 's/allow_unauthenticated = true/allow_unauthenticated = false/g' ${nomad_configs}/nomad-server-consul.hcl"
   194      fi
   195      doSSH "${server}" "sudo systemctl restart nomad"
   196    done
   198    for linux_client in ${linux_clients}; do
   199      if [ "${value}" == "true" ]; then
   200        echo "---> comment out consul token for Nomad client ${linux_client}"
   201        doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo sed -i 's!token =!// token =!g' ${nomad_configs}/nomad-client-consul.hcl"
   202      else
   203        echo "---> un-comment consul token for Nomad client ${linux_client}"
   204        doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo sed -i 's!// token =!token =!g' ${nomad_configs}/nomad-client-consul.hcl"
   205      fi
   206      doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo systemctl restart nomad"
   207    done
   208  }
   210  function doEnable {
   211    if [ ! -f "${token_file}" ]; then
   212      echo "ENABLE: token file does not exist, doing a full ACL bootstrap"
   213      doBootstrap
   214    else
   215      echo "ENABLE: token file already exists, will activate ACLs"
   216      doSetAllowUnauthenticated "false"
   217      doActivateACLs
   218    fi
   220    echo "=== Enable: DONE ==="
   222    # show the status of all the agents
   223    echo "---> token file is ${token_file}"
   224    consul_http_token=$(cat "${token_file}")
   225    export CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN="${consul_http_token}"
   226    echo "export CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN=${CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN}"
   227    doStatus
   228  }
   230  function doDisable {
   231    if [ ! -f "${token_file}" ]; then
   232      echo "DISABLE: token file does not exist, did bootstrap ever happen?"
   233      exit 1
   234    else
   235      echo "DISABLE: token file exists, will deactivate ACLs"
   236      doSetAllowUnauthenticated "true"
   237      doDeactivateACLs
   238    fi
   240    echo "=== Disable: DONE ==="
   242    # show the status of all the agents
   243    unset CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN
   244    doStatus
   245  }
   247  function doPreActivateACLs {
   248    echo "=== PreActivate (set default:allow) ==="
   250    stopConsul
   252    # Upload acl-pre-enable.hcl to each Consul agent's configuration directory.
   253    for agent in ${servers} ${linux_clients}; do
   254      echo " pre-activate: upload acl-pre-enable.hcl to ${agent}::acl.hcl"
   255      doSCP "consulacls/acl-pre-enable.hcl" "${user}" "${agent}" "/tmp/acl.hcl"
   256      doSSH "${agent}" "sudo mv /tmp/acl.hcl ${consul_configs}/acl.hcl"
   257    done
   259    # Start each Consul agent to pickup the new config.
   260    for agent in ${servers} ${linux_clients}; do
   261      echo " pre-activate: start Consul agent on ${agent}"
   262      doSSH "${agent}" "sudo systemctl start consul"
   263    done
   265    echo "=== PreActivate: DONE ==="
   266  }
   268  function doActivateACLs {
   269    echo "=== Activate (set default:deny) ==="
   271    stopConsul
   273    # Upload acl-enable.hcl to each Consul agent's configuration directory.
   274    for agent in ${servers} ${linux_clients}; do
   275      echo " activate: upload acl-enable.hcl to ${agent}::acl.hcl"
   276      doSCP "consulacls/acl-enable.hcl" "${user}" "${agent}" "/tmp/acl.hcl"
   277      doSSH "${agent}" "sudo mv /tmp/acl.hcl ${consul_configs}/acl.hcl"
   278    done
   280    # Start each Consul agent to pickup the new config.
   281    for agent in ${servers} ${linux_clients}; do
   282      echo " activate: restart Consul agent on ${agent} ..."
   283      doSSH "${agent}" "sudo systemctl start consul"
   284    done
   286    echo "--> activate ACLs sleep for 2 minutes to let Consul figure things out"
   287    sleep 120
   288    echo "=== Activate: DONE ==="
   289  }
   291  function stopNomad {
   292    echo "=== Stop Nomad agents ==="
   293    # Stop every Nomad agent (clients and servers) in preperation for Consul ACL
   294    # bootstrapping.
   295    for server in ${servers}; do
   296      echo " stop Nomad Server on ${server}"
   297      doSSH "${server}" "sudo systemctl stop nomad"
   298      sleep 1
   299    done
   301    for linux_client in ${linux_clients}; do
   302      echo " stop Nomad Client on ${linux_client}"
   303      doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo systemctl stop nomad"
   304      sleep 1
   305    done
   307    echo "... all nomad agents stopped"
   308  }
   310  function startNomad {
   311    echo "=== Start Nomad agents ==="
   312    # Start every Nomad agent (clients and servers) after having Consul ACL
   313    # bootstrapped and configurations set for Nomad.
   314    for server in ${servers}; do
   315      echo " start Nomad Server on ${server}"
   316      doSSH "${server}" "sudo systemctl start nomad"
   317      sleep 1
   318    done
   320    # give the servers a chance to settle
   321    sleep 10
   323    for linux_client in ${linux_clients}; do
   324      echo " start Nomad Client on ${linux_client}"
   325      doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo systemctl start nomad"
   326      sleep 3
   327    done
   329    # give the clients a long time to settle
   330    sleep 30
   332    echo "... all nomad agents started"
   333  }
   335  function stopConsul {
   336    echo "=== Stop Consul agents ==="
   337    # Stop every Nonsul agent (clients and servers) in preperation for Consul ACL
   338    # bootstrapping.
   339    for server in ${servers}; do
   340      echo " stop Consul Server on ${server}"
   341      doSSH "${server}" "sudo systemctl stop consul"
   342      sleep 1
   343    done
   345    for linux_client in ${linux_clients}; do
   346      echo " stop Consul Client on ${linux_client}"
   347      doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo systemctl stop consul"
   348      sleep 1
   349    done
   351    echo "... all consul agents stopped"
   352  }
   354  function startConsulClients {
   355      echo "=== Start Consul Clients ==="
   356      # Start Consul Clients
   357      for linux_client in ${linux_clients}; do
   358        echo " start Consul Client on ${linux_client}"
   359        doSSH "${linux_client}" "sudo systemctl start consul"
   360        sleep 2
   361      done
   363      sleep 5 # let them settle
   364      echo "... all consul clients started"
   365  }
   367  function doDeactivateACLs {
   368    echo "=== Deactivate ==="
   369    # Upload acl-disable.hcl to each Consul agent's configuration directory.
   370    for agent in ${servers} ${linux_clients}; do
   371      echo " deactivate: upload acl-disable.hcl to ${agent}::acl.hcl"
   372      doSCP "consulacls/acl-disable.hcl" "${user}" "${agent}" "/tmp/acl.hcl"
   373      doSSH "${agent}" "sudo mv /tmp/acl.hcl ${consul_configs}/acl.hcl"
   374    done
   376    # Restart each Consul agent to pickup the new config.
   377    for agent in ${servers} ${linux_clients}; do
   378      echo " deactivate: restart Consul on ${agent} ..."
   379      doSSH "${agent}" "sudo systemctl restart consul"
   380    done
   382    # Wait 120s before moving on, Consul / Nomad need time to settle down.
   383    echo " deactivate: sleep 2m ..."
   384    sleep 120
   385  }
   387  function doStatus {
   388    # assumes CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN is set (or not)
   389    echo "consul members"
   390    consul members
   391    echo ""
   392    echo "nomad server members"
   393    nomad server members
   394    echo ""
   395    echo "nomad node status"
   396    nomad node status
   397    echo ""
   398  }
   400  # It's the entrypoint to our script!
   401  case "${subcommand}" in
   402    enable)
   403      doEnable
   404      ;;
   405    disable)
   406      doDisable
   407      ;;
   408    *)
   409      echo "incorrect subcommand ${subcommand}"
   410      exit 1
   411      ;;
   412  esac