
     1  import CallToAction from '@hashicorp/react-call-to-action'
     2  import NomadEnterpriseInfo from '../../components/enterprise-info/nomad'
     3  import BasicHero from '../../components/basic-hero'
     5  export default function UseCaseLayout({ title, description, children }) {
     6    return (
     7      <div id="p-use-case">
     8        <BasicHero
     9          heading={title}
    10          content={description}
    11          links={[
    12            {
    13              text: 'Explore HashiCorp Learn',
    14              url: '',
    15              type: 'outbound'
    16            },
    17            {
    18              text: 'Explore Documentation',
    19              url: '/docs',
    20              type: 'inbound'
    21            }
    22          ]}
    23        />
    24        <div className="g-grid-container">
    25          <h2 className="g-type-display-2 features-header">Features</h2>
    26        </div>
    27        {children}
    28        <NomadEnterpriseInfo />
    29        <CallToAction
    30          variant="compact"
    31          heading="Ready to get started?"
    32          content="Nomad Open Source addresses the technical complexity of managing a mixed type of workloads in production at scale by providing a simple and flexible workload orchestrator across distributed infrastructure and clouds."
    33          brand="nomad"
    34          links={[
    35            {
    36              text: 'Explore HashiCorp Learn',
    37              type: 'outbound',
    38              url: ''
    39            },
    40            {
    41              text: 'Explore Documentation',
    42              type: 'inbound',
    43              url: '/docs'
    44            }
    45          ]}
    46        />
    47      </div>
    48    )
    49  }