
     1  import FeaturesList from '../../components/features-list'
     2  import HomepageHero from '../../components/homepage-hero'
     3  import CaseStudyCarousel from '../../components/case-study-carousel'
     4  import UseCases from '@hashicorp/react-use-cases'
     5  import MiniCTA from '../../components/mini-cta'
     6  import NomadEnterpriseInfo from '../../components/enterprise-info/nomad'
     7  import LearnNomad from '../../components/learn-nomad'
     8  import CallToAction from '@hashicorp/react-call-to-action'
    10  export default function Homepage() {
    11    return (
    12      <div id="p-home">
    13        <HomepageHero
    14          title="Workload Orchestration Made Easy"
    15          description="A simple and flexible workload orchestrator to deploy and manage containers and non-containerized applications across on-prem and clouds at scale."
    16          links={[
    17            {
    18              text: 'Download',
    19              url: '/downloads',
    20              type: 'download'
    21            },
    22            {
    23              text: 'Get Started',
    24              url: '',
    25              type: 'outbound'
    26            }
    27          ]}
    28        />
    30        <FeaturesList
    31          title="Why Nomad?"
    32          items={[
    33            {
    34              title: 'Simple and Lightweight',
    35              content:
    36                'Single 35MB binary that integrates into existing infrastructure.  Easy to operate on-prem or in the cloud with minimal overhead.',
    37              icon: require('./img/why-nomad/simple-and-lightweight.svg')
    38            },
    39            {
    40              title: 'Flexible Workload Support',
    41              content:
    42                'Orchestrate applications of any type - not just containers. First class support for Docker, Windows, Java, VMs, and more.',
    43              icon: require('./img/why-nomad/flexible-workload-support.svg')
    44            },
    45            {
    46              title: 'Modernize Legacy Applications without Rewrite',
    47              content:
    48                'Bring orchestration benefits to existing services. Achieve zero downtime deployments, improved resilience, higher resource utilization, and more without containerization.',
    49              icon: require('./img/why-nomad/modernize-legacy-applications.svg')
    50            },
    51            {
    52              title: 'Easy Federation at Scale',
    53              content:
    54                'Single command for multi-region, multi-cloud federation. Deploy applications globally to any region using Nomad as a single unified control plane.',
    55              icon: require('./img/why-nomad/federation.svg')
    56            },
    57            {
    58              title: 'Multi-Cloud with Ease',
    59              content:
    60                'One single unified workflow for deploying to bare metal or cloud environments. Enable multi-cloud applications with ease.',
    61              icon: require('./img/why-nomad/servers.svg')
    62            },
    63            {
    64              title: 'Native Integrations with Terraform, Consul, and Vault',
    65              content:
    66                'Nomad integrates seamlessly with Terraform, Consul and Vault for provisioning, service networking, and secrets management.',
    67              icon: require('./img/why-nomad/native-integration.svg')
    68            }
    69          ]}
    70        />
    72        <CaseStudyCarousel
    73          title="Trusted by startups and the world’s largest organizations"
    74          caseStudies={[
    75            {
    76              quote:
    77                'We’ve really streamlined our data operations with Nomad and freed up our time to work on more high-impact tasks. Once we launch new microservices, they just work.',
    78              caseStudyURL:
    79                '',
    80              person: {
    81                firstName: 'Carlos',
    82                lastName: 'Domingues',
    83                photo:
    84                  '',
    85                title: 'IT Infrastructure Lead'
    86              },
    87              company: {
    88                name: 'Navi Capital',
    89                logo:
    90                  ''
    91              }
    92            },
    93            {
    94              quote:
    95                'Kubernetes is the 800-pound gorilla of container orchestration, coming with a price tag. So we looked into alternatives - and fell in love with Nomad.',
    96              caseStudyURL:
    97                '',
    98              person: {
    99                firstName: 'Matthias',
   100                lastName: 'Endler',
   101                photo:
   102                  '',
   103                title: 'Backend Engineer'
   104              },
   105              company: {
   106                name: 'Trivago',
   107                logo: ''
   108              }
   109            },
   110            {
   111              quote:
   112                'We have people who are first-time system administrators deploying applications. There is a guy on our team who worked in IT help desk for 8 years - just today he upgraded an entire cluster himself.',
   113              caseStudyURL: '',
   114              person: {
   115                firstName: 'Rob',
   116                lastName: 'Cameron',
   117                photo:
   118                  '',
   119                title: 'Technical Director of Infrastructure'
   120              },
   121              company: {
   122                name: 'Roblox',
   123                logo:
   124                  ''
   125              }
   126            },
   127            {
   128              quote:
   129                'Our customers’ jobs are changing constantly. It’s challenging to dynamically predict demand, what types of jobs, and the resource requirements. We found that Nomad excelled in this area.',
   130              caseStudyURL:
   131                '',
   132              person: {
   133                firstName: 'Rob',
   134                lastName: 'Zuber',
   135                photo:
   136                  '',
   137                title: 'CTO'
   138              },
   139              company: {
   140                name: 'CircleCI',
   141                logo:
   142                  ''
   143              }
   144            },
   145            {
   146              quote:
   147                'Adopting Nomad did not require us to change our packaging format — we could continue to package Python in Docker and build binaries for the rest of our applications.',
   148              caseStudyURL:
   149                '',
   150              person: {
   151                firstName: 'Cindy',
   152                lastName: 'Sridharan',
   153                photo:
   154                  '',
   155                title: 'Engineer'
   156              },
   157              company: {
   158                name: 'imgix',
   159                logo: ''
   160              }
   161            }
   162          ]}
   163          featuredLogos={[
   164            {
   165              companyName: 'Trivago',
   166              url:
   167                ''
   168            },
   169            {
   170              companyName: 'Roblox',
   171              url:
   172                ''
   173            },
   174            {
   175              companyName: 'CircleCI',
   176              url:
   177                ''
   178            },
   179            {
   180              companyName: 'SAP Ariba',
   181              url:
   182                ''
   183            },
   184            {
   185              companyName: 'Pandora',
   186              url:
   187                ''
   188            },
   189            {
   190              companyName: 'Citadel',
   191              url:
   192                ''
   193            },
   194            {
   195              companyName: 'Jet',
   196              url: ''
   197            },
   198            {
   199              companyName: 'Deluxe',
   200              url:
   201                ''
   202            }
   203          ]}
   204        />
   206        <MiniCTA
   207          title="Are you using Nomad in production?"
   208          link={{
   209            text: 'Share your success story and receive special Nomad swag.',
   210            url: '',
   211            type: 'outbound'
   212          }}
   213        />
   215        <div className="use-cases g-grid-container">
   216          <h2 className="g-type-display-2">Use Cases</h2>
   217          <UseCases
   218            theme="nomad"
   219            items={[
   220              {
   221                title: 'Simple Container Orchestration',
   222                description:
   223                  'Deploy, manage, and scale enterprise containers in production with ease.',
   224                image: {
   225                  alt: null,
   226                  format: 'png',
   227                  url: require('./img/use-cases/simple-container-orchestration.svg')
   228                },
   229                link: {
   230                  external: false,
   231                  title: 'Learn more',
   232                  url: '/use-cases/simple-container-orchestration'
   233                }
   234              },
   235              {
   236                title: 'Non Containerized Application Orchestration',
   237                description:
   238                  'Modernize non-containerized applications without rewrite.',
   239                image: {
   240                  alt: null,
   241                  format: 'png',
   242                  url: require('./img/use-cases/non-containerized-application-orchestration.svg')
   243                },
   244                link: {
   245                  external: false,
   246                  title: 'Learn more',
   247                  url: '/use-cases/non-containerized-application-orchestration'
   248                }
   249              },
   250              {
   251                title: 'Automated Service Networking with Consul',
   252                description:
   253                  'Service discovery and service mesh with HashiCorp Consul to ensure secure service-to-service communication.',
   254                image: {
   255                  alt: null,
   256                  format: 'png',
   257                  url: require('./img/use-cases/automated-service-networking-with-consul.svg')
   258                },
   259                link: {
   260                  external: false,
   261                  title: 'Learn more',
   262                  url: '/use-cases/automated-service-networking-with-consul'
   263                }
   264              }
   265            ]}
   266          />
   267        </div>
   269        <LearnNomad
   270          items={[
   271            {
   272              title: 'Getting Started',
   273              category: 'Step-by-Step Guides',
   274              time: '24 mins',
   275              link:
   276                '',
   277              image: require('./img/learn-nomad/cap.svg')
   278            },
   279            {
   280              title: 'Deploy and Manage Nomad Jobs',
   281              category: 'Step-by-Step Guides',
   282              time: '36 mins',
   283              link:
   284                '',
   285              image: require('./img/learn-nomad/cubes.svg')
   286            }
   287          ]}
   288        />
   290        <NomadEnterpriseInfo />
   292        <CallToAction
   293          variant="compact"
   294          heading="Ready to get started?"
   295          content="Nomad Open Source addresses the technical complexity of managing a mixed type of workloads in production at scale by providing a simple and flexible workload orchestrator across distributed infrastructure and clouds."
   296          brand="nomad"
   297          links={[
   298            {
   299              text: 'Explore HashiCorp Learn',
   300              type: 'outbound',
   301              url: ''
   302            },
   303            {
   304              text: 'Explore Documentation',
   305              type: 'inbound',
   306              url: '/docs'
   307            }
   308          ]}
   309        />
   310      </div>
   311    )
   312  }