
     1  import Head from 'next/head'
     2  import HashiHead from '@hashicorp/react-head'
     3  import Content from '@hashicorp/react-content'
     5  export default function ResourcesPage() {
     6    return (
     7      <>
     8        <HashiHead
     9          is={Head}
    10          title="Security | Nomad by HashiCorp"
    11          description="Nomad takes security very seriously. Please responsibly disclose any security vulnerabilities found and we'll handle it quickly."
    12        />
    13        <div id="p-security" className="g-grid-container">
    14          <Content
    15            product="nomad"
    16            content={
    17              <>
    18                <h2>Nomad Security</h2>
    20                <p>
    21                  We understand that many users place a high level of trust in
    22                  HashiCorp and the tools we build. We apply best practices and
    23                  focus on security to make sure we can maintain the trust of the
    24                  community.
    25                </p>
    27                <p>
    28                  We deeply appreciate any effort to disclose vulnerabilities
    29                  responsibly.
    30                </p>
    32                <p>
    33                  If you would like to report a vulnerability, please see the{' '}
    34                  <a href="">
    35                    HashiCorp security page
    36                  </a>
    37                  , which has the proper email to communicate with as well as our
    38                  PGP key. Please{' '}
    39                  <strong>
    40                    do not create an GitHub issue for security concerns
    41                  </strong>
    42                  .
    43                </p>
    45                <p>
    46                  If you are not reporting a security sensitive vulnerability,
    47                  please open an issue on the{' '}
    48                  <a href="">
    49                    Nomad GitHub repository
    50                  </a>
    51                  .
    52                </p>
    53              </>
    54            }
    55          />
    56        </div>
    57      </>
    58    )
    59  }