
     1  package issue
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  	cmdClose ""
     6  	cmdComment ""
     7  	cmdCreate ""
     8  	cmdDelete ""
     9  	cmdDevelop ""
    10  	cmdEdit ""
    11  	cmdList ""
    12  	cmdPin ""
    13  	cmdReopen ""
    14  	cmdStatus ""
    15  	cmdTransfer ""
    16  	cmdUnpin ""
    17  	cmdView ""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  )
    22  func NewCmdIssue(f *cmdutil.Factory) *cobra.Command {
    23  	cmd := &cobra.Command{
    24  		Use:   "issue <command>",
    25  		Short: "Manage issues",
    26  		Long:  `Work with GitHub issues.`,
    27  		Example: heredoc.Doc(`
    28  			$ gh issue list
    29  			$ gh issue create --label bug
    30  			$ gh issue view 123 --web
    31  		`),
    32  		Annotations: map[string]string{
    33  			"IsCore": "true",
    34  			"help:arguments": heredoc.Doc(`
    35  				An issue can be supplied as argument in any of the following formats:
    36  				- by number, e.g. "123"; or
    37  				- by URL, e.g. "".
    38  			`),
    39  		},
    40  	}
    42  	cmdutil.EnableRepoOverride(cmd, f)
    44  	cmd.AddCommand(cmdClose.NewCmdClose(f, nil))
    45  	cmd.AddCommand(cmdCreate.NewCmdCreate(f, nil))
    46  	cmd.AddCommand(cmdList.NewCmdList(f, nil))
    47  	cmd.AddCommand(cmdReopen.NewCmdReopen(f, nil))
    48  	cmd.AddCommand(cmdStatus.NewCmdStatus(f, nil))
    49  	cmd.AddCommand(cmdView.NewCmdView(f, nil))
    50  	cmd.AddCommand(cmdComment.NewCmdComment(f, nil))
    51  	cmd.AddCommand(cmdDelete.NewCmdDelete(f, nil))
    52  	cmd.AddCommand(cmdEdit.NewCmdEdit(f, nil))
    53  	cmd.AddCommand(cmdTransfer.NewCmdTransfer(f, nil))
    54  	cmd.AddCommand(cmdDevelop.NewCmdDevelop(f, nil))
    55  	cmd.AddCommand(cmdPin.NewCmdPin(f, nil))
    56  	cmd.AddCommand(cmdUnpin.NewCmdUnpin(f, nil))
    58  	return cmd
    59  }