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    12  // Package annotator provides an interface for creating annotations with appearance
    13  // streams.  It goes beyond the models package which includes definitions of basic annotation models, in that it
    14  // can create the appearance streams which specify the exact appearance as needed by many pdf viewers for consistent
    15  // appearance of the annotations.
    16  // It also contains methods for generating appearance streams for fields via widget annotations.
    17  package annotator ;import (_c "bytes";_bd "errors";_a "";_b "";_af "";_dd "";_d "";
    18  _fa "";_e "image";_cf "math";_ge "strings";_g "unicode";);func _dace (_egd []*SignatureLine ,_bffd *SignatureFieldOpts )(*_dd .PdfObjectDictionary ,error ){if _bffd ==nil {_bffd =NewSignatureFieldOpts ();};var _bbc error ;
    19  var _cdcb *_dd .PdfObjectName ;_aegd :=_bffd .Font ;if _aegd !=nil {_cae ,_ :=_aegd .GetFontDescriptor ();if _cae !=nil {if _eba ,_dfagb :=_cae .FontName .(*_dd .PdfObjectName );_dfagb {_cdcb =_eba ;};};if _cdcb ==nil {_cdcb =_dd .MakeName ("\u0046\u006f\u006et\u0031");
    20  };}else {if _aegd ,_bbc =_fa .NewStandard14Font ("\u0048e\u006c\u0076\u0065\u0074\u0069\u0063a");_bbc !=nil {return nil ,_bbc ;};_cdcb =_dd .MakeName ("\u0048\u0065\u006c\u0076");};_bdaba :=_bffd .FontSize ;if _bdaba <=0{_bdaba =10;};if _bffd .LineHeight <=0{_bffd .LineHeight =1;
    21  };_efbb :=_bffd .LineHeight *_bdaba ;_agda ,_eebf :=_aegd .GetRuneMetrics (' ');if !_eebf {return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0074\u0068e \u0066\u006f\u006et\u0020\u0064\u006f\u0065s n\u006ft \u0068\u0061\u0076\u0065\u0020\u0061\u0020sp\u0061\u0063\u0065\u0020\u0067\u006c\u0079p\u0068");
    22  };_fedb :=_agda .Wx ;var _bbca float64 ;var _fde []string ;for _ ,_aebd :=range _egd {if _aebd .Text ==""{continue ;};_eced :=_aebd .Text ;if _aebd .Desc !=""{_eced =_aebd .Desc +"\u003a\u0020"+_eced ;};_fde =append (_fde ,_eced );var _dfab float64 ;for _ ,_ebgda :=range _eced {_aedf ,_fdf :=_aegd .GetRuneMetrics (_ebgda );
    23  if !_fdf {continue ;};_dfab +=_aedf .Wx ;};if _dfab > _bbca {_bbca =_dfab ;};};_bbca =_bbca *_bdaba /1000.0;_fgaa :=float64 (len (_fde ))*_efbb ;_ggbcf :=_bffd .Image !=nil ;_abdg :=_bffd .Rect ;if _abdg ==nil {_abdg =[]float64 {0,0,_bbca ,_fgaa };if _ggbcf {_abdg [2]=_bbca *2;
    24  _abdg [3]=_fgaa *2;};_bffd .Rect =_abdg ;};_aabf :=_abdg [2]-_abdg [0];_bagf :=_abdg [3]-_abdg [1];_bac ,_aecf :=_abdg ,_abdg ;var _dba ,_cgb float64 ;if _ggbcf &&len (_fde )> 0{if _bffd .ImagePosition <=SignatureImageRight {_dddgc :=[]float64 {_abdg [0],_abdg [1],_abdg [0]+(_aabf /2),_abdg [3]};
    25  _gbfe :=[]float64 {_abdg [0]+(_aabf /2),_abdg [1],_abdg [2],_abdg [3]};if _bffd .ImagePosition ==SignatureImageLeft {_bac ,_aecf =_dddgc ,_gbfe ;}else {_bac ,_aecf =_gbfe ,_dddgc ;};}else {_cdb :=[]float64 {_abdg [0],_abdg [1],_abdg [2],_abdg [1]+(_bagf /2)};
    26  _fabf :=[]float64 {_abdg [0],_abdg [1]+(_bagf /2),_abdg [2],_abdg [3]};if _bffd .ImagePosition ==SignatureImageTop {_bac ,_aecf =_fabf ,_cdb ;}else {_bac ,_aecf =_cdb ,_fabf ;};};};_dba =_aecf [2]-_aecf [0];_cgb =_aecf [3]-_aecf [1];var _cfdg float64 ;
    27  if _bffd .AutoSize {if _bbca > _dba ||_fgaa > _cgb {_gdg :=_cf .Min (_dba /_bbca ,_cgb /_fgaa );_bdaba *=_gdg ;};_efbb =_bffd .LineHeight *_bdaba ;_cfdg +=(_cgb -float64 (len (_fde ))*_efbb )/2;};_cfcd :=_b .NewContentCreator ();_gaf :=_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();
    28  _gaf .SetFontByName (*_cdcb ,_aegd .ToPdfObject ());if _bffd .BorderSize <=0{_bffd .BorderSize =0;_bffd .BorderColor =_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceGray (1);};_cfcd .Add_q ();if _bffd .FillColor !=nil {_cfcd .SetNonStrokingColor (_bffd .FillColor );};if _bffd .BorderColor !=nil {_cfcd .SetStrokingColor (_bffd .BorderColor );
    29  };_cfcd .Add_w (_bffd .BorderSize ).Add_re (_abdg [0],_abdg [1],_aabf ,_bagf );if _bffd .FillColor !=nil &&_bffd .BorderColor !=nil {_cfcd .Add_B ();}else if _bffd .FillColor !=nil {_cfcd .Add_f ();}else if _bffd .BorderColor !=nil {_cfcd .Add_S ();};_cfcd .Add_Q ();
    30  if _bffd .WatermarkImage !=nil {_abf :=[]float64 {_abdg [0],_abdg [1],_abdg [2],_abdg [3]};_fbcg ,_cacc ,_bcd :=_gea (_bffd .WatermarkImage ,"\u0049\u006d\u0061\u0067\u0065\u0057\u0061\u0074\u0065r\u006d\u0061\u0072\u006b",_bffd ,_abf ,_cfcd );if _bcd !=nil {return nil ,_bcd ;
    31  };_gaf .SetXObjectImageByName (*_fbcg ,_cacc );};_cfcd .Add_q ();_cfcd .Translate (_aecf [0],_aecf [3]-_efbb -_cfdg );_cfcd .Add_BT ();_ade :=_aegd .Encoder ();for _ ,_gdeg :=range _fde {var _ffge []byte ;for _ ,_aga :=range _gdeg {if _g .IsSpace (_aga ){if len (_ffge )> 0{_cfcd .SetNonStrokingColor (_bffd .TextColor ).Add_Tf (*_cdcb ,_bdaba ).Add_TL (_efbb ).Add_TJ ([]_dd .PdfObject {_dd .MakeStringFromBytes (_ffge )}...);
    32  _ffge =nil ;};_cfcd .Add_Tf (*_cdcb ,_bdaba ).Add_TL (_efbb ).Add_TJ ([]_dd .PdfObject {_dd .MakeFloat (-_fedb )}...);}else {_ffge =append (_ffge ,_ade .Encode (string (_aga ))...);};};if len (_ffge )> 0{_cfcd .SetNonStrokingColor (_bffd .TextColor ).Add_Tf (*_cdcb ,_bdaba ).Add_TL (_efbb ).Add_TJ ([]_dd .PdfObject {_dd .MakeStringFromBytes (_ffge )}...);
    33  };_cfcd .Add_Td (0,-_efbb );};_cfcd .Add_ET ();_cfcd .Add_Q ();if _ggbcf {_agdg ,_eabd ,_fdfd :=_gea (_bffd .Image ,"\u0049\u006d\u0061\u0067\u0065\u0053\u0069\u0067\u006ea\u0074\u0075\u0072\u0065",_bffd ,_bac ,_cfcd );if _fdfd !=nil {return nil ,_fdfd ;
    34  };_gaf .SetXObjectImageByName (*_agdg ,_eabd );};_ffe :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();_ffe .Resources =_gaf ;_ffe .BBox =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats (_abdg );_ffe .SetContentStream (_cfcd .Bytes (),_afge ());_dgge :=_dd .MakeDict ();_dgge .Set ("\u004e",_ffe .ToPdfObject ());
    35  return _dgge ,nil ;};
    37  // NewSignatureLine returns a new signature line displayed as a part of the
    38  // signature field appearance.
    39  func NewSignatureLine (desc ,text string )*SignatureLine {return &SignatureLine {Desc :desc ,Text :text };};func _bga (_eeg *InkAnnotationDef )(*_dd .PdfObjectDictionary ,*_fa .PdfRectangle ,error ){_gbcf :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();_bbea ,_fbed ,_ccba :=_aebe (_eeg );
    40  if _ccba !=nil {return nil ,nil ,_ccba ;};_ccba =_gbcf .SetContentStream (_bbea ,nil );if _ccba !=nil {return nil ,nil ,_ccba ;};_gbcf .BBox =_fbed .ToPdfObject ();_gbcf .Resources =_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();_gbcf .Resources .ProcSet =_dd .MakeArray (_dd .MakeName ("\u0050\u0044\u0046"));
    41  _cdf :=_dd .MakeDict ();_cdf .Set ("\u004e",_gbcf .ToPdfObject ());return _cdf ,_fbed ,nil ;};func _dgcg (_gacd RectangleAnnotationDef ,_deff string )([]byte ,*_fa .PdfRectangle ,*_fa .PdfRectangle ,error ){_bbccg :=_af .Rectangle {X :0,Y :0,Width :_gacd .Width ,Height :_gacd .Height ,FillEnabled :_gacd .FillEnabled ,FillColor :_gacd .FillColor ,BorderEnabled :_gacd .BorderEnabled ,BorderWidth :2*_gacd .BorderWidth ,BorderColor :_gacd .BorderColor ,Opacity :_gacd .Opacity };
    42  _ddfef ,_edfb ,_fbbaa :=_bbccg .Draw (_deff );if _fbbaa !=nil {return nil ,nil ,nil ,_fbbaa ;};_dbaed :=&_fa .PdfRectangle {};_dbaed .Llx =_gacd .X +_edfb .Llx ;_dbaed .Lly =_gacd .Y +_edfb .Lly ;_dbaed .Urx =_gacd .X +_edfb .Urx ;_dbaed .Ury =_gacd .Y +_edfb .Ury ;
    43  return _ddfef ,_edfb ,_dbaed ,nil ;};
    45  // InkAnnotationDef holds base information for constructing an ink annotation.
    46  type InkAnnotationDef struct{
    48  // Paths is the array of stroked paths which compose the annotation.
    49  Paths []_af .Path ;
    51  // Color is the color of the line. Default to black.
    52  Color *_fa .PdfColorDeviceRGB ;
    54  // LineWidth is the width of the line.
    55  LineWidth float64 ;};
    57  // FormResetActionOptions holds options for creating a form reset button.
    58  type FormResetActionOptions struct{
    60  // Rectangle holds the button position, size, and color.
    61  Rectangle _af .Rectangle ;
    63  // Label specifies the text that would be displayed on the button.
    64  Label string ;
    66  // LabelColor specifies the button label color.
    67  LabelColor _fa .PdfColor ;
    69  // Font specifies a font used for rendering the button label.
    70  // When omitted it will fallback to use a Helvetica font.
    71  Font *_fa .PdfFont ;
    73  // FontSize specifies the font size used in rendering the button label.
    74  // The default font size is 12pt.
    75  FontSize *float64 ;
    77  // Fields specifies list of fields that could be resetted.
    78  // This list may contain indirect object to fields or field names.
    79  Fields *_dd .PdfObjectArray ;
    81  // IsExclusionList specifies that the fields in the `Fields` array would be excluded form reset process.
    82  IsExclusionList bool ;};
    84  // FieldAppearance implements interface model.FieldAppearanceGenerator and generates appearance streams
    85  // for fields taking into account what value is in the field. A common use case is for generating the
    86  // appearance stream prior to flattening fields.
    87  //
    88  // If `OnlyIfMissing` is true, the field appearance is generated only for fields that do not have an
    89  // appearance stream specified.
    90  // If `RegenerateTextFields` is true, all text fields are regenerated (even if OnlyIfMissing is true).
    91  type FieldAppearance struct{OnlyIfMissing bool ;RegenerateTextFields bool ;_eb *AppearanceStyle ;};
    93  // AppearanceStyle defines style parameters for appearance stream generation.
    94  type AppearanceStyle struct{
    96  // How much of Rect height to fill when autosizing text.
    97  AutoFontSizeFraction float64 ;
    99  // CheckmarkRune is a rune used for check mark in checkboxes (for ZapfDingbats font).
   100  CheckmarkRune rune ;BorderSize float64 ;BorderColor _fa .PdfColor ;FillColor _fa .PdfColor ;
   102  // Multiplier for lineheight for multi line text.
   103  MultilineLineHeight float64 ;MultilineVAlignMiddle bool ;
   105  // Visual guide checking alignment of field contents (debugging).
   106  DrawAlignmentReticle bool ;
   108  // Allow field MK appearance characteristics to override style settings.
   109  AllowMK bool ;
   111  // Fonts holds appearance styles for fonts.
   112  Fonts *AppearanceFontStyle ;
   114  // MarginLeft represents the amount of space to leave on the left side of
   115  // the form field bounding box when generating appearances (default: 2.0).
   116  MarginLeft *float64 ;};
   118  // NewFormSubmitButtonField would create a submit button in specified page according to the parameter in `FormSubmitActionOptions`.
   119  func NewFormSubmitButtonField (page *_fa .PdfPage ,opt FormSubmitActionOptions )(*_fa .PdfFieldButton ,error ){_ccad :=int64 (_gbed );if opt .IsExclusionList {_ccad |=_bfee ;};if opt .IncludeEmptyFields {_ccad |=_fgb ;};if opt .SubmitAsPDF {_ccad |=_dbe ;
   120  };_fgge :=_fa .NewPdfActionSubmitForm ();_fgge .Flags =_dd .MakeInteger (_ccad );_fgge .F =_fa .NewPdfFilespec ();if opt .Fields !=nil {_fgge .Fields =opt .Fields ;};_fgge .F .F =_dd .MakeString (opt .Url );_fgge .F .FS =_dd .MakeName ("\u0055\u0052\u004c");
   121  _dfce ,_ggcg :=_ega (page ,opt .Rectangle ,"\u0062t\u006e\u0053\u0075\u0062\u006d\u0069t",opt .Label ,opt .LabelColor ,opt .Font ,opt .FontSize ,_fgge .ToPdfObject ());if _ggcg !=nil {return nil ,_ggcg ;};return _dfce ,nil ;};func _fga (_fbf *_fa .PdfAnnotationWidget ,_bde *_fa .PdfFieldButton ,_fed *_fa .PdfPageResources ,_cccc AppearanceStyle )(*_dd .PdfObjectDictionary ,error ){_bcc ,_dabb :=_dd .GetArray (_fbf .Rect );
   122  if !_dabb {return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0069\u006e\u0076a\u006c\u0069\u0064\u0020\u0052\u0065\u0063\u0074");};_daa ,_aae :=_fa .NewPdfRectangle (*_bcc );if _aae !=nil {return nil ,_aae ;};_dea ,_fbce :=_daa .Width (),_daa .Height ();_cga ,_gff :=_dea ,_fbce ;
   123  _a .Log .Debug ("\u0043\u0068\u0065\u0063kb\u006f\u0078\u002c\u0020\u0077\u0061\u0020\u0042\u0053\u003a\u0020\u0025\u0076",_fbf .BS );_ccg ,_aae :=_fa .NewStandard14Font ("\u005a\u0061\u0070f\u0044\u0069\u006e\u0067\u0062\u0061\u0074\u0073");if _aae !=nil {return nil ,_aae ;
   124  };_dag ,_afa :=_dd .GetDict (_fbf .MK );if _afa {_cee ,_ :=_dd .GetDict (_fbf .BS );_gbf :=_cccc .applyAppearanceCharacteristics (_dag ,_cee ,_ccg );if _gbf !=nil {return nil ,_gbf ;};};_dfg :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();{_fbd :=_b .NewContentCreator ();if _cccc .BorderSize > 0{_afdc (_fbd ,_cccc ,_dea ,_fbce );
   125  };if _cccc .DrawAlignmentReticle {_ced :=_cccc ;_ced .BorderSize =0.2;_cece (_fbd ,_ced ,_dea ,_fbce );};_dea ,_fbce =_cccc .applyRotation (_dag ,_dea ,_fbce ,_fbd );_affa :=_cccc .AutoFontSizeFraction *_fbce ;_decf ,_dfc :=_ccg .GetRuneMetrics (_cccc .CheckmarkRune );
   126  if !_dfc {return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0067l\u0079p\u0068\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020\u0066\u006f\u0075\u006e\u0064");};_efa :=_ccg .Encoder ();_agdd :=_efa .Encode (string (_cccc .CheckmarkRune ));_dcga :=_decf .Wx *_affa /1000.0;_cag :=705.0;_cbd :=_cag /1000.0*_affa ;
   127  _ceg :=_aeb ;if _cccc .MarginLeft !=nil {_ceg =*_cccc .MarginLeft ;};_feca :=1.0;if _dcga < _dea {_ceg =(_dea -_dcga )/2.0;};if _cbd < _fbce {_feca =(_fbce -_cbd )/2.0;};_fbd .Add_q ().Add_g (0).Add_BT ().Add_Tf ("\u005a\u0061\u0044\u0062",_affa ).Add_Td (_ceg ,_feca ).Add_Tj (*_dd .MakeStringFromBytes (_agdd )).Add_ET ().Add_Q ();
   128  _dfg .Resources =_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();_dfg .Resources .SetFontByName ("\u005a\u0061\u0044\u0062",_ccg .ToPdfObject ());_dfg .BBox =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {0,0,_cga ,_gff });_dfg .SetContentStream (_fbd .Bytes (),_afge ());};_bgd :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();
   129  {_fdg :=_b .NewContentCreator ();if _cccc .BorderSize > 0{_afdc (_fdg ,_cccc ,_dea ,_fbce );};_bgd .BBox =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {0,0,_cga ,_gff });_bgd .SetContentStream (_fdg .Bytes (),_afge ());};_ebgd :=_dd .PdfObjectName ("\u0059\u0065\u0073");
   130  _agf ,_afa :=_dd .GetDict (_fbf .PdfAnnotation .AP );if _afa &&_agf !=nil {_def :=_dd .TraceToDirectObject (_agf .Get ("\u004e"));switch _ggd :=_def .(type ){case *_dd .PdfObjectDictionary :_fbdg :=_ggd .Keys ();for _ ,_ccd :=range _fbdg {if _ccd !="\u004f\u0066\u0066"{_ebgd =_ccd ;
   131  };};};};_deaf :=_dd .MakeDict ();_deaf .Set ("\u004f\u0066\u0066",_bgd .ToPdfObject ());_deaf .Set (_ebgd ,_dfg .ToPdfObject ());_baf :=_dd .MakeDict ();_baf .Set ("\u004e",_deaf );return _baf ,nil ;};
   133  // RectangleAnnotationDef is a rectangle defined with a specified Width and Height and a lower left corner at (X,Y).
   134  // The rectangle can optionally have a border and a filling color.
   135  // The Width/Height includes the border (if any specified).
   136  type RectangleAnnotationDef struct{X float64 ;Y float64 ;Width float64 ;Height float64 ;FillEnabled bool ;FillColor *_fa .PdfColorDeviceRGB ;BorderEnabled bool ;BorderWidth float64 ;BorderColor *_fa .PdfColorDeviceRGB ;Opacity float64 ;};
   138  // NewSignatureFieldOpts returns a new initialized instance of options
   139  // used to generate a signature appearance.
   140  func NewSignatureFieldOpts ()*SignatureFieldOpts {return &SignatureFieldOpts {Font :_fa .DefaultFont (),FontSize :10,LineHeight :1,AutoSize :true ,TextColor :_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceGray (0),BorderColor :_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceGray (0),FillColor :_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceGray (1),Encoder :_dd .NewFlateEncoder (),ImagePosition :SignatureImageLeft };
   141  };func _beed (_bdb *_fa .PdfField )string {if _bdb ==nil {return "";};_cfa ,_fac :=_bdb .GetContext ().(*_fa .PdfFieldText );if !_fac {return _beed (_bdb .Parent );};if _cfa .DA !=nil {return _cfa .DA .Str ();};return _beed (_cfa .Parent );};
   143  // AppearanceFontStyle defines font style characteristics for form fields,
   144  // used in the filling/flattening process.
   145  type AppearanceFontStyle struct{
   147  // Fallback represents a global font fallback, used for fields which do
   148  // not specify a font in their default appearance (DA). The fallback is
   149  // also used if there is a font specified in the DA, but it is not
   150  // found in the AcroForm resources (DR).
   151  Fallback *AppearanceFont ;
   153  // FallbackSize represents a global font size fallback used for fields
   154  // which do not specify a font size in their default appearance (DA).
   155  // The fallback size is applied only if its value is larger than zero.
   156  FallbackSize float64 ;
   158  // FieldFallbacks defines font fallbacks for specific fields. The map keys
   159  // represent the names of the fields (which can be specified by their
   160  // partial or full names). Specific field fallback fonts take precedence
   161  // over the global font fallback.
   162  FieldFallbacks map[string ]*AppearanceFont ;
   164  // ForceReplace forces the replacement of fonts in the filling/flattening
   165  // process, even if the default appearance (DA) specifies a valid font.
   166  // If no fallback font is provided, setting this field has no effect.
   167  ForceReplace bool ;};
   169  // NewFormResetButtonField would create a reset button in specified page according to the parameter in `FormResetActionOptions`.
   170  func NewFormResetButtonField (page *_fa .PdfPage ,opt FormResetActionOptions )(*_fa .PdfFieldButton ,error ){_egcg :=_fa .NewPdfActionResetForm ();_egcg .Fields =opt .Fields ;_egcg .Flags =_dd .MakeInteger (0);if opt .IsExclusionList {_egcg .Flags =_dd .MakeInteger (1);
   171  };_dceg ,_afbd :=_ega (page ,opt .Rectangle ,"\u0062\u0074\u006e\u0052\u0065\u0073\u0065\u0074",opt .Label ,opt .LabelColor ,opt .Font ,opt .FontSize ,_egcg .ToPdfObject ());if _afbd !=nil {return nil ,_afbd ;};return _dceg ,nil ;};func (_feeg *AppearanceStyle )applyAppearanceCharacteristics (_cef *_dd .PdfObjectDictionary ,_fbda *_dd .PdfObjectDictionary ,_ad *_fa .PdfFont )error {if !_feeg .AllowMK {return nil ;
   172  };if CA ,_geeg :=_dd .GetString (_cef .Get ("\u0043\u0041"));_geeg &&_ad !=nil {_fgcc :=CA .Bytes ();if len (_fgcc )!=0{_bfcd :=[]rune (_ad .Encoder ().Decode (_fgcc ));if len (_bfcd )==1{_feeg .CheckmarkRune =_bfcd [0];};};};if BC ,_ggg :=_dd .GetArray (_cef .Get ("\u0042\u0043"));
   173  _ggg {_eca ,_fdba :=BC .ToFloat64Array ();if _fdba !=nil {return _fdba ;};switch len (_eca ){case 1:_feeg .BorderColor =_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceGray (_eca [0]);case 3:_feeg .BorderColor =_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceRGB (_eca [0],_eca [1],_eca [2]);case 4:_feeg .BorderColor =_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceCMYK (_eca [0],_eca [1],_eca [2],_eca [3]);
   174  default:_a .Log .Debug ("\u0045\u0052\u0052\u004f\u0052:\u0020\u0042\u0043\u0020\u002d\u0020\u0049\u006e\u0076\u0061\u006c\u0069\u0064 \u006e\u0075\u006d\u0062\u0065\u0072\u0020\u006f\u0066\u0020\u0063\u006f\u006c\u006f\u0072\u0020\u0063\u006f\u006d\u0070\u006f\u006e\u0065\u006e\u0074\u0073\u0020\u0028\u0025\u0064)",len (_eca ));
   175  };if _fbda !=nil {if _agfc ,_ggbc :=_dd .GetNumberAsFloat (_fbda .Get ("\u0057"));_ggbc ==nil {_feeg .BorderSize =_agfc ;};};};if BG ,_bfbf :=_dd .GetArray (_cef .Get ("\u0042\u0047"));_bfbf {_ggge ,_dcfe :=BG .ToFloat64Array ();if _dcfe !=nil {return _dcfe ;
   176  };switch len (_ggge ){case 1:_feeg .FillColor =_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceGray (_ggge [0]);case 3:_feeg .FillColor =_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceRGB (_ggge [0],_ggge [1],_ggge [2]);case 4:_feeg .FillColor =_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceCMYK (_ggge [0],_ggge [1],_ggge [2],_ggge [3]);
   177  default:_a .Log .Debug ("\u0045\u0052\u0052\u004f\u0052:\u0020\u0042\u0047\u0020\u002d\u0020\u0049\u006e\u0076\u0061\u006c\u0069\u0064 \u006e\u0075\u006d\u0062\u0065\u0072\u0020\u006f\u0066\u0020\u0063\u006f\u006c\u006f\u0072\u0020\u0063\u006f\u006d\u0070\u006f\u006e\u0065\u006e\u0074\u0073\u0020\u0028\u0025\u0064)",len (_ggge ));
   178  };};return nil ;};func _gfbg (_gbac _dd .PdfObject ,_dcc *_fa .PdfPageResources )(*_dd .PdfObjectName ,float64 ,bool ){var (_ddfg *_dd .PdfObjectName ;_cfgf float64 ;_dfaa bool ;);if _fbec ,_feee :=_dd .GetDict (_gbac );_feee &&_fbec !=nil {_bagg :=_dd .TraceToDirectObject (_fbec .Get ("\u004e"));
   179  switch _bca :=_bagg .(type ){case *_dd .PdfObjectStream :_bbgb ,_eec :=_dd .DecodeStream (_bca );if _eec !=nil {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0045\u0052\u0052\u004f\u0052\u0020\u0075\u006e\u0061\u0062\u006c\u0065\u0020\u0064\u0065\u0063\u006f\u0064\u0065\u0020\u0063\u006f\u006e\u0074e\u006e\u0074\u0020\u0073\u0074r\u0065\u0061m\u003a\u0020\u0025\u0076",_eec .Error ());
   180  return nil ,0,false ;};_gcf ,_eec :=_b .NewContentStreamParser (string (_bbgb )).Parse ();if _eec !=nil {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0045\u0052R\u004f\u0052\u0020\u0075n\u0061\u0062l\u0065\u0020\u0070\u0061\u0072\u0073\u0065\u0020c\u006f\u006e\u0074\u0065\u006e\u0074\u0020\u0073\u0074\u0072\u0065\u0061m\u003a\u0020\u0025\u0076",_eec .Error ());
   181  return nil ,0,false ;};_cea :=_b .NewContentStreamProcessor (*_gcf );_cea .AddHandler (_b .HandlerConditionEnumOperand ,"\u0054\u0066",func (_deg *_b .ContentStreamOperation ,_cfab _b .GraphicsState ,_bcbee *_fa .PdfPageResources )error {if len (_deg .Params )==2{if _ebge ,_dfgaf :=_dd .GetName (_deg .Params [0]);
   182  _dfgaf {_ddfg =_ebge ;};if _ccdb ,_fagf :=_dd .GetNumberAsFloat (_deg .Params [1]);_fagf ==nil {_cfgf =_ccdb ;};_dfaa =true ;return _b .ErrEarlyExit ;};return nil ;});_cea .Process (_dcc );return _ddfg ,_cfgf ,_dfaa ;};};return nil ,0,false ;};
   184  // ImageFieldAppearance implements interface model.FieldAppearanceGenerator and generates appearance streams
   185  // for attaching an image to a button field.
   186  type ImageFieldAppearance struct{OnlyIfMissing bool ;_aaf *AppearanceStyle ;};
   188  // AppearanceFont represents a font used for generating the appearance of a
   189  // field in the filling/flattening process.
   190  type AppearanceFont struct{
   192  // Name represents the name of the font which will be added to the
   193  // AcroForm resources (DR).
   194  Name string ;
   196  // Font represents the actual font used for the field appearance.
   197  Font *_fa .PdfFont ;
   199  // Size represents the size of the font used for the field appearance.
   200  // If the font size is 0, the value of the FallbackSize field of the
   201  // AppearanceFontStyle is used, if set. Otherwise, the font size is
   202  // calculated based on the available annotation height and on the
   203  // AutoFontSizeFraction field of the AppearanceStyle.
   204  Size float64 ;};
   206  // SignatureFieldOpts represents a set of options used to configure
   207  // an appearance widget dictionary.
   208  type SignatureFieldOpts struct{
   210  // Rect represents the area the signature annotation is displayed on.
   211  Rect []float64 ;
   213  // AutoSize specifies if the content of the appearance should be
   214  // scaled to fit in the annotation rectangle.
   215  AutoSize bool ;
   217  // Font specifies the font of the text content.
   218  Font *_fa .PdfFont ;
   220  // FontSize specifies the size of the text content.
   221  FontSize float64 ;
   223  // LineHeight specifies the height of a line of text in the appearance annotation.
   224  LineHeight float64 ;
   226  // TextColor represents the color of the text content displayed.
   227  TextColor _fa .PdfColor ;
   229  // FillColor represents the background color of the appearance annotation area.
   230  FillColor _fa .PdfColor ;
   232  // BorderSize represents border size of the appearance annotation area.
   233  BorderSize float64 ;
   235  // BorderColor represents the border color of the appearance annotation area.
   236  BorderColor _fa .PdfColor ;
   238  // WatermarkImage specifies the image used as a watermark that will be rendered
   239  // behind the signature.
   240  WatermarkImage _e .Image ;
   242  // Image represents the image used for the signature appearance.
   243  Image _e .Image ;
   245  // Encoder specifies the image encoder used for image signature. Defaults to flate encoder.
   246  Encoder _dd .StreamEncoder ;
   248  // ImagePosition specifies the image location relative to the text signature.
   249  ImagePosition SignatureImagePosition ;};
   251  // SetStyle applies appearance `style` to `fa`.
   252  func (_cefe *ImageFieldAppearance )SetStyle (style AppearanceStyle ){_cefe ._aaf =&style };
   254  // GenerateAppearanceDict generates an appearance dictionary for widget annotation `wa` for the `field` in `form`.
   255  // Implements interface model.FieldAppearanceGenerator.
   256  func (_aa FieldAppearance )GenerateAppearanceDict (form *_fa .PdfAcroForm ,field *_fa .PdfField ,wa *_fa .PdfAnnotationWidget )(*_dd .PdfObjectDictionary ,error ){_a .Log .Trace ("\u0047\u0065n\u0065\u0072\u0061\u0074e\u0041\u0070p\u0065\u0061\u0072\u0061\u006e\u0063\u0065\u0044i\u0063\u0074\u0020\u0066\u006f\u0072\u0020\u0025\u0076\u0020\u0020\u0056:\u0020\u0025\u002b\u0076",field .PartialName (),field .V );
   257  _ ,_gc :=field .GetContext ().(*_fa .PdfFieldText );_gcc ,_bcf :=_dd .GetDict (wa .AP );if _bcf &&_aa .OnlyIfMissing &&(!_gc ||!_aa .RegenerateTextFields ){_a .Log .Trace ("\u0041\u006c\u0072\u0065a\u0064\u0079\u0020\u0070\u006f\u0070\u0075\u006c\u0061\u0074e\u0064 \u002d\u0020\u0069\u0067\u006e\u006f\u0072i\u006e\u0067");
   258  return _gcc ,nil ;};if form .DR ==nil {form .DR =_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();};switch _gcg :=field .GetContext ().(type ){case *_fa .PdfFieldText :_ec :=_gcg ;if _cc :=_beed (_ec .PdfField );_cc ==""{_ec .DA =form .DA ;};switch {case _ec .Flags ().Has (_fa .FieldFlagPassword ):return nil ,nil ;
   259  case _ec .Flags ().Has (_fa .FieldFlagFileSelect ):return nil ,nil ;case _ec .Flags ().Has (_fa .FieldFlagComb ):if _ec .MaxLen !=nil {_bgf ,_ef :=_gdad (wa ,_ec ,form .DR ,_aa .Style ());if _ef !=nil {return nil ,_ef ;};return _bgf ,nil ;};};_ddg ,_bab :=_beab (wa ,_ec ,form .DR ,_aa .Style ());
   260  if _bab !=nil {return nil ,_bab ;};return _ddg ,nil ;case *_fa .PdfFieldButton :_gbee :=_gcg ;if _gbee .IsCheckbox (){_bfd ,_de :=_fga (wa ,_gbee ,form .DR ,_aa .Style ());if _de !=nil {return nil ,_de ;};return _bfd ,nil ;};_a .Log .Debug ("\u0054\u004f\u0044\u004f\u003a\u0020\u0055\u004e\u0048\u0041\u004e\u0044\u004c\u0045\u0044 \u0062u\u0074\u0074\u006f\u006e\u0020\u0074\u0079\u0070\u0065\u003a\u0020\u0025\u002b\u0076",_gbee .GetType ());
   261  case *_fa .PdfFieldChoice :_afe :=_gcg ;switch {case _afe .Flags ().Has (_fa .FieldFlagCombo ):_ea ,_fca :=_cfc (form ,wa ,_afe ,_aa .Style ());if _fca !=nil {return nil ,_fca ;};return _ea ,nil ;default:_a .Log .Debug ("\u0054\u004f\u0044\u004f\u003a\u0020\u0055N\u0048\u0041\u004eD\u004c\u0045\u0044\u0020c\u0068\u006f\u0069\u0063\u0065\u0020\u0066\u0069\u0065\u006c\u0064\u0020\u0077\u0069\u0074\u0068\u0020\u0066\u006c\u0061\u0067\u0073\u003a\u0020\u0025\u0073",_afe .Flags ().String ());
   262  };default:_a .Log .Debug ("\u0054\u004f\u0044\u004f\u003a\u0020\u0055\u004e\u0048\u0041N\u0044\u004c\u0045\u0044\u0020\u0066\u0069e\u006c\u0064\u0020\u0074\u0079\u0070\u0065\u003a\u0020\u0025\u0054",_gcg );};return nil ,nil ;};
   264  // ComboboxFieldOptions defines optional parameters for a combobox form field.
   265  type ComboboxFieldOptions struct{
   267  // Choices is the list of string values that can be selected.
   268  Choices []string ;};
   270  // NewImageField generates a new image field with partial name `name` at location `rect`
   271  // on specified `page` and with field specific options `opt`.
   272  func NewImageField (page *_fa .PdfPage ,name string ,rect []float64 ,opt ImageFieldOptions )(*_fa .PdfFieldButton ,error ){if page ==nil {return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0070a\u0067e\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020s\u0070\u0065c\u0069\u0066\u0069\u0065\u0064");
   273  };if len (name )<=0{return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0072\u0065\u0071\u0075\u0069\u0072\u0065\u0064\u0020\u0061\u0074\u0074\u0072\u0069\u0062u\u0074e\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020\u0073\u0070\u0065\u0063\u0069\u0066\u0069\u0065\u0064");};if len (rect )!=4{return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0069\u006e\u0076\u0061\u006c\u0069\u0064\u0020\u0072\u0061\u006e\u0067\u0065");
   274  };_afdg :=_fa .NewPdfField ();_bffdg :=&_fa .PdfFieldButton {};_bffdg .PdfField =_afdg ;_afdg .SetContext (_bffdg );_bffdg .SetType (_fa .ButtonTypePush );_bffdg .T =_dd .MakeString (name );_begg :=_fa .NewPdfAnnotationWidget ();_begg .Rect =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats (rect );
   275  _begg .P =page .ToPdfObject ();_begg .F =_dd .MakeInteger (4);_begg .Parent =_bffdg .ToPdfObject ();_affad :=rect [2]-rect [0];_gdfg :=rect [3]-rect [1];_eff :=opt ._ecf ;_dad :=_b .NewContentCreator ();if _eff .BorderSize > 0{_afdc (_dad ,_eff ,_affad ,_gdfg );
   276  };if _eff .DrawAlignmentReticle {_efd :=_eff ;_efd .BorderSize =0.2;_cece (_dad ,_efd ,_affad ,_gdfg );};_cbgcb ,_ceb :=_dgce (_affad ,_gdfg ,opt .Image ,_eff );if _ceb !=nil {return nil ,_ceb ;};_dbc ,_efbcb :=_dd .GetDict (_begg .MK );if _efbcb {_dbc .Set ("\u006c",_cbgcb .ToPdfObject ());
   277  };_egg :=_dd .MakeDict ();_egg .Set ("\u0046\u0052\u004d",_cbgcb .ToPdfObject ());_ccef :=_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();_ccef .ProcSet =_dd .MakeArray (_dd .MakeName ("\u0050\u0044\u0046"));_ccef .XObject =_egg ;_ebba :=_affad -2;_cca :=_gdfg -2;_dad .Add_q ();
   278  _dad .Add_re (1,1,_ebba ,_cca );_dad .Add_W ();_dad .Add_n ();_ebba -=2;_cca -=2;_dad .Add_q ();_dad .Add_re (2,2,_ebba ,_cca );_dad .Add_W ();_dad .Add_n ();_baa :=_cf .Min (_ebba /float64 (opt .Image .Width ),_cca /float64 (opt .Image .Height ));_dad .Add_cm (_baa ,0,0,_baa ,(_affad /2)-(float64 (opt .Image .Width )*_baa /2)+2,2);
   279  _dad .Add_Do ("\u0046\u0052\u004d");_dad .Add_Q ();_dad .Add_Q ();_gefb :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();_gefb .FormType =_dd .MakeInteger (1);_gefb .Resources =_ccef ;_gefb .BBox =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {0,0,_affad ,_gdfg });_gefb .Matrix =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0});
   280  _gefb .SetContentStream (_dad .Bytes (),_afge ());_dfff :=_dd .MakeDict ();_dfff .Set ("\u004e",_gefb .ToPdfObject ());_begg .AP =_dfff ;_bffdg .Annotations =append (_bffdg .Annotations ,_begg );return _bffdg ,nil ;};func _abfa (_bcbd []_af .Point )(_gffc []_af .Point ,_affae []_af .Point ,_cged error ){_abgb :=len (_bcbd )-1;
   281  if len (_bcbd )< 1{return nil ,nil ,_bd .New ("\u0041\u0074\u0020\u006c\u0065\u0061\u0073\u0074\u0020\u0074\u0077\u006f\u0020\u0070\u006f\u0069\u006e\u0074s \u0072e\u0071\u0075\u0069\u0072\u0065\u0064\u0020\u0074\u006f\u0020\u0063\u0061l\u0063\u0075\u006c\u0061\u0074\u0065\u0020\u0063\u0075\u0072\u0076\u0065\u0020\u0063\u006f\u006e\u0074r\u006f\u006c\u0020\u0070\u006f\u0069\u006e\u0074\u0073");
   282  };if _abgb ==1{_fbcgd :=_af .Point {X :(2*_bcbd [0].X +_bcbd [1].X )/3,Y :(2*_bcbd [0].Y +_bcbd [1].Y )/3};_gffc =append (_gffc ,_fbcgd );_affae =append (_affae ,_af .Point {X :2*_fbcgd .X -_bcbd [0].X ,Y :2*_fbcgd .Y -_bcbd [0].Y });return _gffc ,_affae ,nil ;
   283  };_daaf :=make ([]float64 ,_abgb );for _adba :=1;_adba < _abgb -1;_adba ++{_daaf [_adba ]=4*_bcbd [_adba ].X +2*_bcbd [_adba +1].X ;};_daaf [0]=_bcbd [0].X +2*_bcbd [1].X ;_daaf [_abgb -1]=(8*_bcbd [_abgb -1].X +_bcbd [_abgb ].X )/2.0;_dbeb :=_cdgd (_daaf );
   284  for _efdc :=1;_efdc < _abgb -1;_efdc ++{_daaf [_efdc ]=4*_bcbd [_efdc ].Y +2*_bcbd [_efdc +1].Y ;};_daaf [0]=_bcbd [0].Y +2*_bcbd [1].Y ;_daaf [_abgb -1]=(8*_bcbd [_abgb -1].Y +_bcbd [_abgb ].Y )/2.0;_dcfa :=_cdgd (_daaf );_gffc =make ([]_af .Point ,_abgb );
   285  _affae =make ([]_af .Point ,_abgb );for _dafe :=0;_dafe < _abgb ;_dafe ++{_gffc [_dafe ]=_af .Point {X :_dbeb [_dafe ],Y :_dcfa [_dafe ]};if _dafe < _abgb -1{_affae [_dafe ]=_af .Point {X :2*_bcbd [_dafe +1].X -_dbeb [_dafe +1],Y :2*_bcbd [_dafe +1].Y -_dcfa [_dafe +1]};
   286  }else {_affae [_dafe ]=_af .Point {X :(_bcbd [_abgb ].X +_dbeb [_abgb -1])/2,Y :(_bcbd [_abgb ].Y +_dcfa [_abgb -1])/2};};};return _gffc ,_affae ,nil ;};func _dbad (_cdcbb LineAnnotationDef ,_bagca string )([]byte ,*_fa .PdfRectangle ,*_fa .PdfRectangle ,error ){_fdbc :=_af .Line {X1 :0,Y1 :0,X2 :_cdcbb .X2 -_cdcbb .X1 ,Y2 :_cdcbb .Y2 -_cdcbb .Y1 ,LineColor :_cdcbb .LineColor ,Opacity :_cdcbb .Opacity ,LineWidth :_cdcbb .LineWidth ,LineEndingStyle1 :_cdcbb .LineEndingStyle1 ,LineEndingStyle2 :_cdcbb .LineEndingStyle2 };
   287  _ecab ,_febd ,_dfaf :=_fdbc .Draw (_bagca );if _dfaf !=nil {return nil ,nil ,nil ,_dfaf ;};_fcde :=&_fa .PdfRectangle {};_fcde .Llx =_cdcbb .X1 +_febd .Llx ;_fcde .Lly =_cdcbb .Y1 +_febd .Lly ;_fcde .Urx =_cdcbb .X1 +_febd .Urx ;_fcde .Ury =_cdcbb .Y1 +_febd .Ury ;
   288  return _ecab ,_febd ,_fcde ,nil ;};
   290  // CheckboxFieldOptions defines optional parameters for a checkbox field a form.
   291  type CheckboxFieldOptions struct{Checked bool ;};func _cfe (_afd *_fa .PdfField ,_bbf ,_ddda float64 ,_dddd string ,_dbg AppearanceStyle ,_gab *_b .ContentStreamOperations ,_bcg *_fa .PdfPageResources ,_edde *_dd .PdfObjectDictionary )(*_fa .XObjectForm ,error ){_cbfe :=_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();
   292  _abec ,_bcbc :=_bbf ,_ddda ;_fda :=_b .NewContentCreator ();if _dbg .BorderSize > 0{_afdc (_fda ,_dbg ,_bbf ,_ddda );};if _dbg .DrawAlignmentReticle {_fabg :=_dbg ;_fabg .BorderSize =0.2;_cece (_fda ,_fabg ,_bbf ,_ddda );};_fda .Add_BMC ("\u0054\u0078");
   293  _fda .Add_q ();_fda .Add_BT ();_bbf ,_ddda =_dbg .applyRotation (_edde ,_bbf ,_ddda ,_fda );_ebgg ,_bff ,_eaf :=_dbg .processDA (_afd ,_gab ,_bcg ,_cbfe ,_fda );if _eaf !=nil {return nil ,_eaf ;};_efe :=_ebgg .Font ;_dgbe :=_ebgg .Size ;_fad :=_dd .MakeName (_ebgg .Name );
   294  _bbb :=_dgbe ==0;if _bbb &&_bff {_dgbe =_ddda *_dbg .AutoFontSizeFraction ;};_ffad :=_efe .Encoder ();if _ffad ==nil {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0057\u0041RN\u003a\u0020\u0066\u006f\u006e\u0074\u0020\u0065\u006e\u0063\u006f\u0064\u0065\u0072\u0020\u0069\u0073\u0020\u006e\u0069l\u002e\u0020\u0041\u0073s\u0075\u006d\u0069\u006eg \u0069\u0064e\u006et\u0069\u0074\u0079\u0020\u0065\u006ec\u006f\u0064\u0065r\u002e\u0020O\u0075\u0074\u0070\u0075\u0074\u0020\u006d\u0061\u0079\u0020\u0062\u0065\u0020\u0069n\u0063\u006f\u0072\u0072\u0065\u0063\u0074\u002e");
   295  _ffad =_d .NewIdentityTextEncoder ("\u0049\u0064\u0065\u006e\u0074\u0069\u0074\u0079\u002d\u0048");};if len (_dddd )==0{return nil ,nil ;};_bbbc :=_aeb ;if _dbg .MarginLeft !=nil {_bbbc =*_dbg .MarginLeft ;};_fede :=0.0;if _ffad !=nil {for _ ,_efed :=range _dddd {_fcea ,_egc :=_efe .GetRuneMetrics (_efed );
   296  if !_egc {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0046\u006f\u006e\u0074\u0020\u0064o\u0065\u0073\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020\u0068\u0061\u0076\u0065\u0020\u0072\u0075\u006e\u0065\u0020\u006d\u0065\u0074r\u0069\u0063\u0073\u0020\u0066\u006f\u0072\u0020\u0025\u0076\u0020\u002d\u0020\u0073k\u0069p\u0070\u0069\u006e\u0067",_efed );
   297  continue ;};_fede +=_fcea .Wx ;};_dddd =string (_ffad .Encode (_dddd ));};if _dgbe ==0||_bbb &&_fede > 0&&_bbbc +_fede *_dgbe /1000.0> _bbf {_dgbe =0.95*1000.0*(_bbf -_bbbc )/_fede ;};_afg :=1.0*_dgbe ;_cedf :=2.0;{_cfb :=_afg ;if _bbb &&_cedf +_cfb > _ddda {_dgbe =0.95*(_ddda -_cedf );
   298  _afg =1.0*_dgbe ;_cfb =_afg ;};if _ddda > _cfb {_cedf =(_ddda -_cfb )/2.0;_cedf +=1.50;};};_fda .Add_Tf (*_fad ,_dgbe );_fda .Add_Td (_bbbc ,_cedf );_fda .Add_Tj (*_dd .MakeString (_dddd ));_fda .Add_ET ();_fda .Add_Q ();_fda .Add_EMC ();_gae :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();
   299  _gae .Resources =_cbfe ;_gae .BBox =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {0,0,_abec ,_bcbc });_gae .SetContentStream (_fda .Bytes (),_afge ());return _gae ,nil ;};func _cfc (_ecg *_fa .PdfAcroForm ,_cedg *_fa .PdfAnnotationWidget ,_gga *_fa .PdfFieldChoice ,_gcea AppearanceStyle )(*_dd .PdfObjectDictionary ,error ){_gca ,_gbfc :=_dd .GetArray (_cedg .Rect );
   300  if !_gbfc {return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0069\u006e\u0076a\u006c\u0069\u0064\u0020\u0052\u0065\u0063\u0074");};_dfa ,_dafa :=_fa .NewPdfRectangle (*_gca );if _dafa !=nil {return nil ,_dafa ;};_ggb ,_dffb :=_dfa .Width (),_dfa .Height ();_a .Log .Debug ("\u0043\u0068\u006f\u0069\u0063\u0065\u002c\u0020\u0077\u0061\u0020\u0042S\u003a\u0020\u0025\u0076",_cedg .BS );
   301  _ege ,_dafa :=_b .NewContentStreamParser (_beed (_gga .PdfField )).Parse ();if _dafa !=nil {return nil ,_dafa ;};_aad ,_dge :=_dd .GetDict (_cedg .MK );if _dge {_gcgb ,_ :=_dd .GetDict (_cedg .BS );_afcf :=_gcea .applyAppearanceCharacteristics (_aad ,_gcgb ,nil );
   302  if _afcf !=nil {return nil ,_afcf ;};};_fab :=_dd .MakeDict ();for _ ,_agfa :=range _gga .Opt .Elements (){if _cedga ,_dfag :=_dd .GetArray (_agfa );_dfag &&_cedga .Len ()==2{_agfa =_cedga .Get (1);};var _afb string ;if _daad ,_cgd :=_dd .GetString (_agfa );
   303  _cgd {_afb =_daad .Decoded ();}else if _ecd ,_bbe :=_dd .GetName (_agfa );_bbe {_afb =_ecd .String ();}else {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0045\u0052\u0052\u004f\u0052\u003a \u004f\u0070\u0074\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020\u0061\u0020\u006e\u0061\u006de\u002f\u0073\u0074\u0072\u0069\u006e\u0067 \u002d\u0020\u0025\u0054",_agfa );
   304  return nil ,_bd .New ("\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020\u0061\u0020\u006e\u0061\u006d\u0065\u002f\u0073t\u0072\u0069\u006e\u0067");};if len (_afb )> 0{_cbce ,_age :=_cfe (_gga .PdfField ,_ggb ,_dffb ,_afb ,_gcea ,_ege ,_ecg .DR ,_aad );if _age !=nil {return nil ,_age ;
   305  };_fab .Set (*_dd .MakeName (_afb ),_cbce .ToPdfObject ());};};_dgd :=_dd .MakeDict ();_dgd .Set ("\u004e",_fab );return _dgd ,nil ;};func _ega (_cdg *_fa .PdfPage ,_dbae _af .Rectangle ,_geefg string ,_acaf string ,_gbba _fa .PdfColor ,_ebdf *_fa .PdfFont ,_ebc *float64 ,_fdeg _dd .PdfObject )(*_fa .PdfFieldButton ,error ){_fbbe ,_adea :=_dbae .X ,_dbae .Y ;
   306  _dcd :=_dbae .Width ;_fdbbe :=_dbae .Height ;if _dbae .FillColor ==nil {_dbae .FillColor =_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceGray (0.7);};if _gbba ==nil {_gbba =_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceGray (0);};if _ebdf ==nil {_eebcf ,_ggf :=_fa .NewStandard14Font ("\u0048e\u006c\u0076\u0065\u0074\u0069\u0063a");
   307  if _ggf !=nil {return nil ,_ggf ;};_ebdf =_eebcf ;};_gabg :=_fa .NewPdfField ();_abg :=&_fa .PdfFieldButton {};_gabg .SetContext (_abg );_abg .PdfField =_gabg ;_abg .T =_dd .MakeString (_geefg );_abg .SetType (_fa .ButtonTypePush );_abg .V =_dd .MakeName ("\u004f\u0066\u0066");
   308  _abg .Ff =_dd .MakeInteger (4);_edf :=_dd .MakeDict ();_edf .Set (*_dd .MakeName ("\u0043\u0041"),_dd .MakeString (_acaf ));_cgg ,_fadd :=_ebdf .GetFontDescriptor ();if _fadd !=nil {return nil ,_fadd ;};_dcgd :=_dd .MakeName ("\u0048e\u006c\u0076\u0065\u0074\u0069\u0063a");
   309  _fdbf :=12.0;if _cgg !=nil &&_cgg .FontName !=nil {_dcgd ,_ =_dd .GetName (_cgg .FontName );};if _ebc !=nil {_fdbf =*_ebc ;};_edea :=_b .NewContentCreator ();_edea .Add_q ();_edea .SetNonStrokingColor (_dbae .FillColor );_edea .Add_re (0,0,_dcd ,_fdbbe );
   310  _edea .Add_f ();_edea .Add_Q ();_edea .Add_q ();_edea .Add_BT ();_dcdd :=0.0;for _ ,_fef :=range _acaf {_egde ,_add :=_ebdf .GetRuneMetrics (_fef );if !_add {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0046\u006f\u006e\u0074\u0020\u0064o\u0065\u0073\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020\u0068\u0061\u0076\u0065\u0020\u0072\u0075\u006e\u0065\u0020\u006d\u0065\u0074r\u0069\u0063\u0073\u0020\u0066\u006f\u0072\u0020\u0025\u0076\u0020\u002d\u0020\u0073k\u0069p\u0070\u0069\u006e\u0067",_fef );
   311  continue ;};_dcdd +=_egde .Wx ;};_dcdd =_dcdd /1000.0*_fdbf ;var _dece float64 ;if _cgg !=nil {_dece ,_fadd =_cgg .GetCapHeight ();if _fadd !=nil {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0045\u0052\u0052\u004f\u0052\u003a\u0020\u0055\u006e\u0061\u0062\u006c\u0065 \u0074\u006f\u0020\u0067\u0065\u0074 \u0066\u006f\u006e\u0074\u0020\u0043\u0061\u0070\u0048\u0065\u0069\u0067\u0068t\u003a\u0020\u0025\u0076",_fadd );
   312  };};if int (_dece )<=0{_a .Log .Debug ("W\u0041\u0052\u004e\u003a\u0020\u0043\u0061\u0070\u0048e\u0069\u0067\u0068\u0074\u0020\u006e\u006ft \u0061\u0076\u0061\u0069l\u0061\u0062\u006c\u0065\u0020\u002d\u0020\u0073\u0065tt\u0069\u006eg\u0020\u0074\u006f\u0020\u0031\u0030\u0030\u0030");
   313  _dece =1000;};_fbeb :=_dece /1000.0*_fdbf ;_bcdb :=(_fdbbe -_fbeb )/2.0;_dga :=(_dcd -_dcdd )/2.0;_edea .Add_Tf (*_dcgd ,_fdbf );_edea .SetNonStrokingColor (_gbba );_edea .Add_Td (_dga ,_bcdb );_edea .Add_Tj (*_dd .MakeString (_acaf ));_edea .Add_ET ();
   314  _edea .Add_Q ();_effc :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();_effc .SetContentStream (_edea .Bytes (),_dd .NewRawEncoder ());_effc .BBox =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {0,0,_dcd ,_fdbbe });_effc .Resources =_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();_effc .Resources .SetFontByName (*_dcgd ,_ebdf .ToPdfObject ());
   315  _fagd :=_dd .MakeDict ();_fagd .Set ("\u004e",_effc .ToPdfObject ());_egf :=_fa .NewPdfAnnotationWidget ();_egf .Rect =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {_fbbe ,_adea ,_fbbe +_dcd ,_adea +_fdbbe });_egf .P =_cdg .ToPdfObject ();_egf .F =_dd .MakeInteger (4);
   316  _egf .Parent =_abg .ToPdfObject ();_egf .A =_fdeg ;_egf .MK =_edf ;_egf .AP =_fagd ;_abg .Annotations =append (_abg .Annotations ,_egf );return _abg ,nil ;};
   318  // SignatureImagePosition specifies the image signature location relative to the text signature.
   319  // If text signature is not defined, this position will be ignored.
   320  type SignatureImagePosition int ;func _dabc (_dgdb *_fa .PdfFieldButton ,_egce *_fa .PdfAnnotationWidget ,_ceff AppearanceStyle )(*_dd .PdfObjectDictionary ,error ){_fdbbc ,_egcea :=_dd .GetArray (_egce .Rect );if !_egcea {return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0069\u006e\u0076a\u006c\u0069\u0064\u0020\u0052\u0065\u0063\u0074");
   321  };_fada ,_adeac :=_fa .NewPdfRectangle (*_fdbbc );if _adeac !=nil {return nil ,_adeac ;};_dcad ,_eef :=_fada .Width (),_fada .Height ();_fbfc :=_b .NewContentCreator ();if _ceff .BorderSize > 0{_afdc (_fbfc ,_ceff ,_dcad ,_eef );};if _ceff .DrawAlignmentReticle {_ebged :=_ceff ;
   322  _ebged .BorderSize =0.2;_cece (_fbfc ,_ebged ,_dcad ,_eef );};_deec :=_dgdb .GetFillImage ();_babbb ,_adeac :=_dgce (_dcad ,_eef ,_deec ,_ceff );if _adeac !=nil {return nil ,_adeac ;};_fdag ,_ccdc :=_dd .GetDict (_egce .MK );if _ccdc {_fdag .Set ("\u006c",_babbb .ToPdfObject ());
   323  };_gcca :=_dd .MakeDict ();_gcca .Set ("\u0046\u0052\u004d",_babbb .ToPdfObject ());_gbc :=_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();_gbc .ProcSet =_dd .MakeArray (_dd .MakeName ("\u0050\u0044\u0046"));_gbc .XObject =_gcca ;_cfdb :=_dcad -2;_ebcg :=_eef -2;_fbfc .Add_q ();
   324  _fbfc .Add_re (1,1,_cfdb ,_ebcg );_fbfc .Add_W ();_fbfc .Add_n ();_cfdb -=2;_ebcg -=2;_fbfc .Add_q ();_fbfc .Add_re (2,2,_cfdb ,_ebcg );_fbfc .Add_W ();_fbfc .Add_n ();_bdcea :=_cf .Min (_cfdb /float64 (_deec .Width ),_ebcg /float64 (_deec .Height ));_fbfc .Add_cm (_bdcea ,0,0,_bdcea ,(_dcad /2)-(float64 (_deec .Width )*_bdcea /2)+2,2);
   325  _fbfc .Add_Do ("\u0046\u0052\u004d");_fbfc .Add_Q ();_fbfc .Add_Q ();_befa :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();_befa .FormType =_dd .MakeInteger (1);_befa .Resources =_gbc ;_befa .BBox =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {0,0,_dcad ,_eef });_befa .Matrix =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0});
   326  _befa .SetContentStream (_fbfc .Bytes (),_afge ());_aabff :=_dd .MakeDict ();_aabff .Set ("\u004e",_befa .ToPdfObject ());return _aabff ,nil ;};func (_gcgc *AppearanceStyle )processDA (_bcfg *_fa .PdfField ,_faea *_b .ContentStreamOperations ,_afcg ,_gdab *_fa .PdfPageResources ,_eceg *_b .ContentCreator )(*AppearanceFont ,bool ,error ){var _ecb *AppearanceFont ;
   327  var _efcd bool ;if _gcgc .Fonts !=nil {if _gcgc .Fonts .Fallback !=nil {_ecb =_gcgc .Fonts .Fallback ;};if _ged :=_gcgc .Fonts .FieldFallbacks ;_ged !=nil {if _cefc ,_afde :=_ged [_bcfg .PartialName ()];_afde {_ecb =_cefc ;}else if _abc ,_cce :=_bcfg .FullName ();
   328  _cce ==nil {if _ecbb ,_aag :=_ged [_abc ];_aag {_ecb =_ecbb ;};};};if _ecb !=nil {_ecb .fillName ();};_efcd =_gcgc .Fonts .ForceReplace ;};var _dfe string ;var _aeg float64 ;var _ace bool ;if _faea !=nil {for _ ,_dcgae :=range *_faea {if _dcgae .Operand =="\u0054\u0066"&&len (_dcgae .Params )==2{if _dcgb ,_dagd :=_dd .GetNameVal (_dcgae .Params [0]);
   329  _dagd {_dfe =_dcgb ;};if _cefb ,_ddaf :=_dd .GetNumberAsFloat (_dcgae .Params [1]);_ddaf ==nil {_aeg =_cefb ;};_ace =true ;continue ;};_eceg .AddOperand (*_dcgae );};};var _bed *AppearanceFont ;var _geb _dd .PdfObject ;if _efcd &&_ecb !=nil {_bed =_ecb ;
   330  }else {if _afcg !=nil &&_dfe !=""{if _aec ,_dgc :=_afcg .GetFontByName (*_dd .MakeName (_dfe ));_dgc {if _ceef ,_caf :=_fa .NewPdfFontFromPdfObject (_aec );_caf ==nil {_geb =_aec ;_bed =&AppearanceFont {Name :_dfe ,Font :_ceef ,Size :_aeg };}else {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0045\u0052\u0052\u004f\u0052:\u0020\u0063\u006f\u0075\u006c\u0064\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020\u006c\u006fa\u0064\u0020\u0061\u0070\u0070\u0065\u0061\u0072\u0061\u006e\u0063\u0065\u0020\u0066\u006f\u006e\u0074\u003a\u0020\u0025\u0076",_caf );
   331  };};};if _bed ==nil &&_ecb !=nil {_bed =_ecb ;};if _bed ==nil {_ffg ,_eede :=_fa .NewStandard14Font ("\u0048e\u006c\u0076\u0065\u0074\u0069\u0063a");if _eede !=nil {return nil ,false ,_eede ;};_bed =&AppearanceFont {Name :"\u0048\u0065\u006c\u0076",Font :_ffg ,Size :_aeg };
   332  };};if _bed .Size <=0&&_gcgc .Fonts !=nil &&_gcgc .Fonts .FallbackSize > 0{_bed .Size =_gcgc .Fonts .FallbackSize ;};_eceba :=*_dd .MakeName (_bed .Name );if _geb ==nil {_geb =_bed .Font .ToPdfObject ();};if _afcg !=nil &&!_afcg .HasFontByName (_eceba ){_afcg .SetFontByName (_eceba ,_geb );
   333  };if _gdab !=nil &&!_gdab .HasFontByName (_eceba ){_gdab .SetFontByName (_eceba ,_geb );};return _bed ,_ace ,nil ;};
   335  // FormSubmitActionOptions holds options for creating a form submit button.
   336  type FormSubmitActionOptions struct{
   338  // Rectangle holds the button position, size, and color.
   339  Rectangle _af .Rectangle ;
   341  // Url specifies the URL where the fieds will be submitted.
   342  Url string ;
   344  // Label specifies the text that would be displayed on the button.
   345  Label string ;
   347  // LabelColor specifies the button label color.
   348  LabelColor _fa .PdfColor ;
   350  // Font specifies a font used for rendering the button label.
   351  // When omitted it will fallback to use a Helvetica font.
   352  Font *_fa .PdfFont ;
   354  // FontSize specifies the font size used in rendering the button label.
   355  // The default font size is 12pt.
   356  FontSize *float64 ;
   358  // Fields specifies list of fields that could be submitted.
   359  // This list may contain indirect object to fields or field names.
   360  Fields *_dd .PdfObjectArray ;
   362  // IsExclusionList specifies that the fields contain in `Fields` array would not be submitted.
   363  IsExclusionList bool ;
   365  // IncludeEmptyFields specifies if all fields would be submitted even though it's value is empty.
   366  IncludeEmptyFields bool ;
   368  // SubmitAsPDF specifies that the document shall be submitted as PDF.
   369  // If set then all the other flags shall be ignored.
   370  SubmitAsPDF bool ;};func _afdc (_ecdc *_b .ContentCreator ,_faa AppearanceStyle ,_eceb ,_fdgf float64 ){_ecdc .Add_q ().Add_re (0,0,_eceb ,_fdgf ).Add_w (_faa .BorderSize ).SetStrokingColor (_faa .BorderColor ).SetNonStrokingColor (_faa .FillColor ).Add_B ().Add_Q ();
   371  };
   373  // WrapContentStream ensures that the entire content stream for a `page` is wrapped within q ... Q operands.
   374  // Ensures that following operands that are added are not affected by additional operands that are added.
   375  // Implements interface model.ContentStreamWrapper.
   376  func (_bbad FieldAppearance )WrapContentStream (page *_fa .PdfPage )error {_gacf ,_fecg :=page .GetAllContentStreams ();if _fecg !=nil {return _fecg ;};_eac :=_b .NewContentStreamParser (_gacf );_ddde ,_fecg :=_eac .Parse ();if _fecg !=nil {return _fecg ;
   377  };_ddde .WrapIfNeeded ();_cgaf :=[]string {_ddde .String ()};return page .SetContentStreams (_cgaf ,_afge ());};func _dgec (_cbcdc [][]_af .CubicBezierCurve ,_ggcf *_fa .PdfColorDeviceRGB ,_fbfce float64 )([]byte ,*_fa .PdfRectangle ,error ){_daef :=_b .NewContentCreator ();
   378  _daef .Add_q ().SetStrokingColor (_ggcf ).Add_w (_fbfce );_bcec :=_af .NewCubicBezierPath ();for _ ,_gdfc :=range _cbcdc {_bcec .Curves =append (_bcec .Curves ,_gdfc ...);for _bgef ,_bagce :=range _gdfc {if _bgef ==0{_daef .Add_m (_bagce .P0 .X ,_bagce .P0 .Y );
   379  }else {_daef .Add_l (_bagce .P0 .X ,_bagce .P0 .Y );};_daef .Add_c (_bagce .P1 .X ,_bagce .P1 .Y ,_bagce .P2 .X ,_bagce .P2 .Y ,_bagce .P3 .X ,_bagce .P3 .Y );};};_daef .Add_S ().Add_Q ();return _daef .Bytes (),_bcec .GetBoundingBox ().ToPdfRectangle (),nil ;
   380  };
   382  // CreateInkAnnotation creates an ink annotation object that can be added to the annotation list of a PDF page.
   383  func CreateInkAnnotation (inkDef InkAnnotationDef )(*_fa .PdfAnnotation ,error ){_effb :=_fa .NewPdfAnnotationInk ();_efda :=_dd .MakeArray ();for _ ,_ffbe :=range inkDef .Paths {if _ffbe .Length ()==0{continue ;};_ebgc :=[]float64 {};for _ ,_fdeb :=range _ffbe .Points {_ebgc =append (_ebgc ,_fdeb .X ,_fdeb .Y );
   384  };_efda .Append (_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats (_ebgc ));};_effb .InkList =_efda ;if inkDef .Color ==nil {inkDef .Color =_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceRGB (0.0,0.0,0.0);};_effb .C =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {inkDef .Color .R (),inkDef .Color .G (),inkDef .Color .B ()});
   385  _efbgc ,_fbde ,_gefc :=_bga (&inkDef );if _gefc !=nil {return nil ,_gefc ;};_effb .AP =_efbgc ;_effb .Rect =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {_fbde .Llx ,_fbde .Lly ,_fbde .Urx ,_fbde .Ury });return _effb .PdfAnnotation ,nil ;};const (_bag quadding =0;
   386  _bb quadding =1;_ebg quadding =2;_aeb float64 =2.0;);
   388  // TextFieldOptions defines optional parameter for a text field in a form.
   389  type TextFieldOptions struct{MaxLen int ;Value string ;};func _cece (_cac *_b .ContentCreator ,_bbbd AppearanceStyle ,_dddg ,_ddc float64 ){_cac .Add_q ().Add_re (0,0,_dddg ,_ddc ).Add_re (0,_ddc /2,_dddg ,_ddc /2).Add_re (0,0,_dddg ,_ddc ).Add_re (_dddg /2,0,_dddg /2,_ddc ).Add_w (_bbbd .BorderSize ).SetStrokingColor (_bbbd .BorderColor ).SetNonStrokingColor (_bbbd .FillColor ).Add_B ().Add_Q ();
   390  };func _aebe (_abb *InkAnnotationDef )([]byte ,*_fa .PdfRectangle ,error ){_gdgg :=[][]_af .CubicBezierCurve {};for _ ,_bbcc :=range _abb .Paths {if _bbcc .Length ()==0{continue ;};_gec :=_bbcc .Points ;_edeac ,_cbdb ,_cgbb :=_abfa (_gec );if _cgbb !=nil {return nil ,nil ,_cgbb ;
   391  };if len (_edeac )!=len (_cbdb ){return nil ,nil ,_bd .New ("\u0049\u006e\u0065\u0071\u0075\u0061\u006c\u0020\u006e\u0075\u006d\u0062\u0065\u0072\u0020\u006f\u0066\u0020\u0063\u0061l\u0063\u0075\u006c\u0061\u0074\u0065\u0064\u0020\u0066\u0069\u0072\u0073\u0074\u0020\u0061\u006e\u0064\u0020\u0073\u0065\u0063\u006f\u006e\u0064\u0020\u0063\u006f\u006e\u0074\u0072o\u006c\u0020\u0070\u006f\u0069n\u0074");
   392  };_eead :=[]_af .CubicBezierCurve {};for _feea :=0;_feea < len (_edeac );_feea ++{_eead =append (_eead ,_af .CubicBezierCurve {P0 :_gec [_feea ],P1 :_edeac [_feea ],P2 :_cbdb [_feea ],P3 :_gec [_feea +1]});};if len (_eead )> 0{_gdgg =append (_gdgg ,_eead );
   393  };};_dgea ,_gebbe ,_fcdaf :=_dgec (_gdgg ,_abb .Color ,_abb .LineWidth );if _fcdaf !=nil {return nil ,nil ,_fcdaf ;};return _dgea ,_gebbe ,nil ;};func _adag (_gbcfa LineAnnotationDef )(*_dd .PdfObjectDictionary ,*_fa .PdfRectangle ,error ){_ceeg :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();
   394  _ceeg .Resources =_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();_fbge :="";if _gbcfa .Opacity < 1.0{_fefd :=_dd .MakeDict ();_fefd .Set ("\u0063\u0061",_dd .MakeFloat (_gbcfa .Opacity ));_eafb :=_ceeg .Resources .AddExtGState ("\u0067\u0073\u0031",_fefd );if _eafb !=nil {_a .Log .Debug ("U\u006e\u0061\u0062\u006c\u0065\u0020t\u006f\u0020\u0061\u0064\u0064\u0020\u0065\u0078\u0074g\u0073\u0074\u0061t\u0065 \u0067\u0073\u0031");
   395  return nil ,nil ,_eafb ;};_fbge ="\u0067\u0073\u0031";};_cba ,_bcgb ,_acd ,_bfdc :=_dbad (_gbcfa ,_fbge );if _bfdc !=nil {return nil ,nil ,_bfdc ;};_bfdc =_ceeg .SetContentStream (_cba ,nil );if _bfdc !=nil {return nil ,nil ,_bfdc ;};_ceeg .BBox =_bcgb .ToPdfObject ();
   396  _baaa :=_dd .MakeDict ();_baaa .Set ("\u004e",_ceeg .ToPdfObject ());return _baaa ,_acd ,nil ;};
   398  // NewComboboxField generates a new combobox form field with partial name `name` at location `rect`
   399  // on specified `page` and with field specific options `opt`.
   400  func NewComboboxField (page *_fa .PdfPage ,name string ,rect []float64 ,opt ComboboxFieldOptions )(*_fa .PdfFieldChoice ,error ){if page ==nil {return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0070a\u0067e\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020s\u0070\u0065c\u0069\u0066\u0069\u0065\u0064");
   401  };if len (name )<=0{return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0072\u0065\u0071\u0075\u0069\u0072\u0065\u0064\u0020\u0061\u0074\u0074\u0072\u0069\u0062u\u0074e\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020\u0073\u0070\u0065\u0063\u0069\u0066\u0069\u0065\u0064");};if len (rect )!=4{return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0069\u006e\u0076\u0061\u006c\u0069\u0064\u0020\u0072\u0061\u006e\u0067\u0065");
   402  };_gbfcc :=_fa .NewPdfField ();_cfgc :=&_fa .PdfFieldChoice {};_gbfcc .SetContext (_cfgc );_cfgc .PdfField =_gbfcc ;_cfgc .T =_dd .MakeString (name );_cfgc .Opt =_dd .MakeArray ();for _ ,_babb :=range opt .Choices {_cfgc .Opt .Append (_dd .MakeString (_babb ));
   403  };_cfgc .SetFlag (_fa .FieldFlagCombo );_daec :=_fa .NewPdfAnnotationWidget ();_daec .Rect =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats (rect );_daec .P =page .ToPdfObject ();_daec .F =_dd .MakeInteger (4);_daec .Parent =_cfgc .ToPdfObject ();_cfgc .Annotations =append (_cfgc .Annotations ,_daec );
   404  return _cfgc ,nil ;};func (_bg *AppearanceFont )fillName (){if _bg .Font ==nil ||_bg .Name !=""{return ;};_bdg :=_bg .Font .FontDescriptor ();if _bdg ==nil ||_bdg .FontName ==nil {return ;};_bg .Name =_bdg .FontName .String ();};
   406  // GenerateAppearanceDict generates an appearance dictionary for widget annotation `wa` for the `field` in `form`.
   407  // Implements interface model.FieldAppearanceGenerator.
   408  func (_cgf ImageFieldAppearance )GenerateAppearanceDict (form *_fa .PdfAcroForm ,field *_fa .PdfField ,wa *_fa .PdfAnnotationWidget )(*_dd .PdfObjectDictionary ,error ){_ ,_ccgb :=field .GetContext ().(*_fa .PdfFieldButton );if !_ccgb {_a .Log .Trace ("C\u006f\u0075\u006c\u0064\u0020\u006fn\u006c\u0079\u0020\u0068\u0061\u006ed\u006c\u0065\u0020\u0062\u0075\u0074\u0074o\u006e\u0020\u002d\u0020\u0069\u0067\u006e\u006f\u0072\u0069n\u0067");
   409  return nil ,nil ;};_gaee ,_cge :=_dd .GetDict (wa .AP );if _cge &&_cgf .OnlyIfMissing {_a .Log .Trace ("\u0041\u006c\u0072\u0065a\u0064\u0079\u0020\u0070\u006f\u0070\u0075\u006c\u0061\u0074e\u0064 \u002d\u0020\u0069\u0067\u006e\u006f\u0072i\u006e\u0067");
   410  return _gaee ,nil ;};if form .DR ==nil {form .DR =_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();};switch _ddfe :=field .GetContext ().(type ){case *_fa .PdfFieldButton :if _ddfe .IsPush (){_badf ,_aeca :=_dabc (_ddfe ,wa ,_cgf .Style ());if _aeca !=nil {return nil ,_aeca ;
   411  };return _badf ,nil ;};};return nil ,nil ;};
   413  // CreateLineAnnotation creates a line annotation object that can be added to page PDF annotations.
   414  func CreateLineAnnotation (lineDef LineAnnotationDef )(*_fa .PdfAnnotation ,error ){_egdf :=_fa .NewPdfAnnotationLine ();_egdf .L =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {lineDef .X1 ,lineDef .Y1 ,lineDef .X2 ,lineDef .Y2 });_bcae :=_dd .MakeName ("\u004e\u006f\u006e\u0065");
   415  if lineDef .LineEndingStyle1 ==_af .LineEndingStyleArrow {_bcae =_dd .MakeName ("C\u006c\u006f\u0073\u0065\u0064\u0041\u0072\u0072\u006f\u0077");};_badg :=_dd .MakeName ("\u004e\u006f\u006e\u0065");if lineDef .LineEndingStyle2 ==_af .LineEndingStyleArrow {_badg =_dd .MakeName ("C\u006c\u006f\u0073\u0065\u0064\u0041\u0072\u0072\u006f\u0077");
   416  };_egdf .LE =_dd .MakeArray (_bcae ,_badg );if lineDef .Opacity < 1.0{_egdf .CA =_dd .MakeFloat (lineDef .Opacity );};_ddcg ,_addf ,_fge :=lineDef .LineColor .R (),lineDef .LineColor .G (),lineDef .LineColor .B ();_egdf .IC =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {_ddcg ,_addf ,_fge });
   417  _egdf .C =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {_ddcg ,_addf ,_fge });_fea :=_fa .NewBorderStyle ();_fea .SetBorderWidth (lineDef .LineWidth );_egdf .BS =_fea .ToPdfObject ();_febf ,_efede ,_aea :=_adag (lineDef );if _aea !=nil {return nil ,_aea ;};_egdf .AP =_febf ;
   418  _egdf .Rect =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {_efede .Llx ,_efede .Lly ,_efede .Urx ,_efede .Ury });return _egdf .PdfAnnotation ,nil ;};
   420  // SignatureLine represents a line of information in the signature field appearance.
   421  type SignatureLine struct{Desc string ;Text string ;};
   423  // LineAnnotationDef defines a line between point 1 (X1,Y1) and point 2 (X2,Y2).  The line ending styles can be none
   424  // (regular line), or arrows at either end.  The line also has a specified width, color and opacity.
   425  type LineAnnotationDef struct{X1 float64 ;Y1 float64 ;X2 float64 ;Y2 float64 ;LineColor *_fa .PdfColorDeviceRGB ;Opacity float64 ;LineWidth float64 ;LineEndingStyle1 _af .LineEndingStyle ;LineEndingStyle2 _af .LineEndingStyle ;};func _ab (_bce CircleAnnotationDef )(*_dd .PdfObjectDictionary ,*_fa .PdfRectangle ,error ){_cb :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();
   426  _cb .Resources =_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();_gd :="";if _bce .Opacity < 1.0{_gef :=_dd .MakeDict ();_gef .Set ("\u0063\u0061",_dd .MakeFloat (_bce .Opacity ));_gef .Set ("\u0043\u0041",_dd .MakeFloat (_bce .Opacity ));_dc :=_cb .Resources .AddExtGState ("\u0067\u0073\u0031",_gef );
   427  if _dc !=nil {_a .Log .Debug ("U\u006e\u0061\u0062\u006c\u0065\u0020t\u006f\u0020\u0061\u0064\u0064\u0020\u0065\u0078\u0074g\u0073\u0074\u0061t\u0065 \u0067\u0073\u0031");return nil ,nil ,_dc ;};_gd ="\u0067\u0073\u0031";};_ff ,_ag ,_bf ,_fd :=_fe (_bce ,_gd );
   428  if _fd !=nil {return nil ,nil ,_fd ;};_fd =_cb .SetContentStream (_ff ,nil );if _fd !=nil {return nil ,nil ,_fd ;};_cb .BBox =_ag .ToPdfObject ();_cfg :=_dd .MakeDict ();_cfg .Set ("\u004e",_cb .ToPdfObject ());return _cfg ,_bf ,nil ;};func (_gfg *AppearanceStyle )applyRotation (_geef *_dd .PdfObjectDictionary ,_cbgg ,_afcd float64 ,_acb *_b .ContentCreator )(float64 ,float64 ){if !_gfg .AllowMK {return _cbgg ,_afcd ;
   429  };if _geef ==nil {return _cbgg ,_afcd ;};_bbef ,_ :=_dd .GetNumberAsFloat (_geef .Get ("\u0052"));if _bbef ==0{return _cbgg ,_afcd ;};_ada :=-_bbef ;_adb :=_af .Path {Points :[]_af .Point {_af .NewPoint (0,0).Rotate (_ada ),_af .NewPoint (_cbgg ,0).Rotate (_ada ),_af .NewPoint (0,_afcd ).Rotate (_ada ),_af .NewPoint (_cbgg ,_afcd ).Rotate (_ada )}}.GetBoundingBox ();
   430  _acb .RotateDeg (_bbef );_acb .Translate (_adb .X ,_adb .Y );return _adb .Width ,_adb .Height ;};type quadding int ;func _cbac (_beee RectangleAnnotationDef )(*_dd .PdfObjectDictionary ,*_fa .PdfRectangle ,error ){_ccaa :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();_ccaa .Resources =_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();
   431  _gddg :="";if _beee .Opacity < 1.0{_adef :=_dd .MakeDict ();_adef .Set ("\u0063\u0061",_dd .MakeFloat (_beee .Opacity ));_adef .Set ("\u0043\u0041",_dd .MakeFloat (_beee .Opacity ));_bdcg :=_ccaa .Resources .AddExtGState ("\u0067\u0073\u0031",_adef );if _bdcg !=nil {_a .Log .Debug ("U\u006e\u0061\u0062\u006c\u0065\u0020t\u006f\u0020\u0061\u0064\u0064\u0020\u0065\u0078\u0074g\u0073\u0074\u0061t\u0065 \u0067\u0073\u0031");
   432  return nil ,nil ,_bdcg ;};_gddg ="\u0067\u0073\u0031";};_fdcd ,_fggc ,_agaa ,_bbd :=_dgcg (_beee ,_gddg );if _bbd !=nil {return nil ,nil ,_bbd ;};_bbd =_ccaa .SetContentStream (_fdcd ,nil );if _bbd !=nil {return nil ,nil ,_bbd ;};_ccaa .BBox =_fggc .ToPdfObject ();
   433  _dged :=_dd .MakeDict ();_dged .Set ("\u004e",_ccaa .ToPdfObject ());return _dged ,_agaa ,nil ;};
   435  // WrapContentStream ensures that the entire content stream for a `page` is wrapped within q ... Q operands.
   436  // Ensures that following operands that are added are not affected by additional operands that are added.
   437  // Implements interface model.ContentStreamWrapper.
   438  func (_ccb ImageFieldAppearance )WrapContentStream (page *_fa .PdfPage )error {_efedd ,_cbcd :=page .GetAllContentStreams ();if _cbcd !=nil {return _cbcd ;};_feg :=_b .NewContentStreamParser (_efedd );_babc ,_cbcd :=_feg .Parse ();if _cbcd !=nil {return _cbcd ;
   439  };_babc .WrapIfNeeded ();_dafc :=[]string {_babc .String ()};return page .SetContentStreams (_dafc ,_afge ());};
   441  // CreateRectangleAnnotation creates a rectangle annotation object that can be added to page PDF annotations.
   442  func CreateRectangleAnnotation (rectDef RectangleAnnotationDef )(*_fa .PdfAnnotation ,error ){_ccde :=_fa .NewPdfAnnotationSquare ();if rectDef .BorderEnabled {_cdaa ,_dbag ,_aaeb :=rectDef .BorderColor .R (),rectDef .BorderColor .G (),rectDef .BorderColor .B ();
   443  _ccde .C =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {_cdaa ,_dbag ,_aaeb });_acfb :=_fa .NewBorderStyle ();_acfb .SetBorderWidth (rectDef .BorderWidth );_ccde .BS =_acfb .ToPdfObject ();};if rectDef .FillEnabled {_adc ,_agdf ,_edfd :=rectDef .FillColor .R (),rectDef .FillColor .G (),rectDef .FillColor .B ();
   444  _ccde .IC =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {_adc ,_agdf ,_edfd });}else {_ccde .IC =_dd .MakeArrayFromIntegers ([]int {});};if rectDef .Opacity < 1.0{_ccde .CA =_dd .MakeFloat (rectDef .Opacity );};_acgc ,_agfg ,_eadd :=_cbac (rectDef );if _eadd !=nil {return nil ,_eadd ;
   445  };_ccde .AP =_acgc ;_ccde .Rect =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {_agfg .Llx ,_agfg .Lly ,_agfg .Urx ,_agfg .Ury });return _ccde .PdfAnnotation ,nil ;};func _gdad (_bgca *_fa .PdfAnnotationWidget ,_ddd *_fa .PdfFieldText ,_ecee *_fa .PdfPageResources ,_aef AppearanceStyle )(*_dd .PdfObjectDictionary ,error ){_fdbb :=_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();
   446  _gfc ,_eea :=_dd .GetArray (_bgca .Rect );if !_eea {return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0069\u006e\u0076a\u006c\u0069\u0064\u0020\u0052\u0065\u0063\u0074");};_ddeg ,_gbefe :=_fa .NewPdfRectangle (*_gfc );if _gbefe !=nil {return nil ,_gbefe ;};_bead ,_bbaf :=_ddeg .Width (),_ddeg .Height ();
   447  _bfg ,_dee :=_bead ,_bbaf ;_eaea ,_bcbe :=_dd .GetDict (_bgca .MK );if _bcbe {_bgga ,_ :=_dd .GetDict (_bgca .BS );_gbbc :=_aef .applyAppearanceCharacteristics (_eaea ,_bgga ,nil );if _gbbc !=nil {return nil ,_gbbc ;};};_fce ,_bcbe :=_dd .GetIntVal (_ddd .MaxLen );
   448  if !_bcbe {return nil ,_bd .New ("\u006d\u0061\u0078\u006c\u0065\u006e\u0020\u006e\u006ft\u0020\u0073\u0065\u0074");};if _fce <=0{return nil ,_bd .New ("\u006d\u0061\u0078\u004c\u0065\u006e\u0020\u0069\u006ev\u0061\u006c\u0069\u0064");};_abaa :=_bead /float64 (_fce );
   449  _dabe ,_gbefe :=_b .NewContentStreamParser (_beed (_ddd .PdfField )).Parse ();if _gbefe !=nil {return nil ,_gbefe ;};_fcda :=_b .NewContentCreator ();if _aef .BorderSize > 0{_afdc (_fcda ,_aef ,_bead ,_bbaf );};if _aef .DrawAlignmentReticle {_dcg :=_aef ;
   450  _dcg .BorderSize =0.2;_cece (_fcda ,_dcg ,_bead ,_bbaf );};_fcda .Add_BMC ("\u0054\u0078");_fcda .Add_q ();_ ,_bbaf =_aef .applyRotation (_eaea ,_bead ,_bbaf ,_fcda );_fcda .Add_BT ();_eaa ,_bbg ,_gbefe :=_aef .processDA (_ddd .PdfField ,_dabe ,_ecee ,_fdbb ,_fcda );
   451  if _gbefe !=nil {return nil ,_gbefe ;};_gg :=_eaa .Font ;_ebf :=_dd .MakeName (_eaa .Name );_bfbb :=_eaa .Size ;_beg :=_bfbb ==0;if _beg &&_bbg {_bfbb =_bbaf *_aef .AutoFontSizeFraction ;};_fbc :=_gg .Encoder ();if _fbc ==nil {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0057\u0041RN\u003a\u0020\u0066\u006f\u006e\u0074\u0020\u0065\u006e\u0063\u006f\u0064\u0065\u0072\u0020\u0069\u0073\u0020\u006e\u0069l\u002e\u0020\u0041\u0073s\u0075\u006d\u0069\u006eg \u0069\u0064e\u006et\u0069\u0074\u0079\u0020\u0065\u006ec\u006f\u0064\u0065r\u002e\u0020O\u0075\u0074\u0070\u0075\u0074\u0020\u006d\u0061\u0079\u0020\u0062\u0065\u0020\u0069n\u0063\u006f\u0072\u0072\u0065\u0063\u0074\u002e");
   452  _fbc =_d .NewIdentityTextEncoder ("\u0049\u0064\u0065\u006e\u0074\u0069\u0074\u0079\u002d\u0048");};var _bgff string ;if _bge ,_dcf :=_dd .GetString (_ddd .V );_dcf {_bgff =_bge .Decoded ();};_fcda .Add_Tf (*_ebf ,_bfbb );var _efbg float64 ;for _ ,_feb :=range _bgff {_cbgc ,_cec :=_gg .GetRuneMetrics (_feb );
   453  if !_cec {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0045\u0052\u0052\u004f\u0052\u003a \u0052\u0075\u006e\u0065\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020\u0066\u006f\u0075\u006e\u0064\u0020\u0069\u006e\u0020\u0066\u006fn\u0074\u003a\u0020\u0025\u0076\u0020\u002d\u0020\u0073\u006b\u0069\u0070\u0070\u0069n\u0067 \u006f\u0076\u0065\u0072",_feb );
   454  continue ;};_fbe :=_cbgc .Wy ;if int (_fbe )<=0{_fbe =_cbgc .Wx ;};if _fbe > _efbg {_efbg =_fbe ;};};if int (_efbg )==0{_a .Log .Debug ("\u0045\u0052\u0052\u004f\u0052\u003a\u0020\u0055\u006e\u0061\u0062\u006c\u0065\u0020\u0074o\u0020\u0064\u0065\u0074\u0065\u0072\u006d\u0069\u006e\u0065\u0020\u006d\u0061x\u0020\u0067\u006c\u0079\u0070\u0068\u0020\u0073\u0069\u007a\u0065\u0020- \u0075\u0073\u0069\u006e\u0067\u0020\u0031\u0030\u0030\u0030");
   455  _efbg =1000;};_fgg ,_gbefe :=_gg .GetFontDescriptor ();if _gbefe !=nil {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0045\u0072ro\u0072\u003a\u0020U\u006e\u0061\u0062\u006ce t\u006f g\u0065\u0074\u0020\u0066\u006f\u006e\u0074 d\u0065\u0073\u0063\u0072\u0069\u0070\u0074o\u0072");
   456  };var _fgc float64 ;if _fgg !=nil {_fgc ,_gbefe =_fgg .GetCapHeight ();if _gbefe !=nil {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0045\u0052\u0052\u004f\u0052\u003a\u0020\u0055\u006e\u0061\u0062\u006c\u0065 \u0074\u006f\u0020\u0067\u0065\u0074 \u0066\u006f\u006e\u0074\u0020\u0043\u0061\u0070\u0048\u0065\u0069\u0067\u0068t\u003a\u0020\u0025\u0076",_gbefe );
   457  };};if int (_fgc )<=0{_a .Log .Debug ("W\u0041\u0052\u004e\u003a\u0020\u0043\u0061\u0070\u0048e\u0069\u0067\u0068\u0074\u0020\u006e\u006ft \u0061\u0076\u0061\u0069l\u0061\u0062\u006c\u0065\u0020\u002d\u0020\u0073\u0065tt\u0069\u006eg\u0020\u0074\u006f\u0020\u0031\u0030\u0030\u0030");
   458  _fgc =1000.0;};_cgc :=_fgc /1000.0*_bfbb ;_fbg :=0.0;_abd :=1.0*_bfbb *(_efbg /1000.0);{_bggf :=_abd ;if _beg &&_fbg +_bggf > _bbaf {_bfbb =0.95*(_bbaf -_fbg );_cgc =_fgc /1000.0*_bfbb ;};if _bbaf > _cgc {_fbg =(_bbaf -_cgc )/2.0;};};_fcda .Add_Td (0,_fbg );
   459  if _gfa ,_aac :=_dd .GetIntVal (_ddd .Q );_aac {switch _gfa {case 2:if len (_bgff )< _fce {_cbc :=float64 (_fce -len (_bgff ))*_abaa ;_fcda .Add_Td (_cbc ,0);};};};for _cbf ,_dac :=range _bgff {_dgb :=_aeb ;if _aef .MarginLeft !=nil {_dgb =*_aef .MarginLeft ;
   460  };_bgfa :=string (_dac );if _fbc !=nil {_dec ,_affe :=_gg .GetRuneMetrics (_dac );if !_affe {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0045\u0052\u0052\u004f\u0052\u003a \u0052\u0075\u006e\u0065\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020\u0066\u006f\u0075\u006e\u0064\u0020\u0069\u006e\u0020\u0066\u006fn\u0074\u003a\u0020\u0025\u0076\u0020\u002d\u0020\u0073\u006b\u0069\u0070\u0070\u0069n\u0067 \u006f\u0076\u0065\u0072",_dac );
   461  continue ;};_bgfa =string (_fbc .Encode (_bgfa ));_efbc :=_bfbb *_dec .Wx /1000.0;_dcge :=(_abaa -_efbc )/2;_dgb =_dcge ;};_fcda .Add_Td (_dgb ,0);_fcda .Add_Tj (*_dd .MakeString (_bgfa ));if _cbf !=len (_bgff )-1{_fcda .Add_Td (_abaa -_dgb ,0);};};_fcda .Add_ET ();
   462  _fcda .Add_Q ();_fcda .Add_EMC ();_ead :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();_ead .Resources =_fdbb ;_ead .BBox =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {0,0,_bfg ,_dee });_ead .SetContentStream (_fcda .Bytes (),_afge ());_bcfb :=_dd .MakeDict ();_bcfb .Set ("\u004e",_ead .ToPdfObject ());
   463  return _bcfb ,nil ;};
   465  // ImageFieldOptions defines optional parameters for a push button with image attach capability form field.
   466  type ImageFieldOptions struct{Image *_fa .Image ;_ecf AppearanceStyle ;};
   468  // NewCheckboxField generates a new checkbox field with partial name `name` at location `rect`
   469  // on specified `page` and with field specific options `opt`.
   470  func NewCheckboxField (page *_fa .PdfPage ,name string ,rect []float64 ,opt CheckboxFieldOptions )(*_fa .PdfFieldButton ,error ){if page ==nil {return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0070a\u0067e\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020s\u0070\u0065c\u0069\u0066\u0069\u0065\u0064");
   471  };if len (name )<=0{return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0072\u0065\u0071\u0075\u0069\u0072\u0065\u0064\u0020\u0061\u0074\u0074\u0072\u0069\u0062u\u0074e\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020\u0073\u0070\u0065\u0063\u0069\u0066\u0069\u0065\u0064");};if len (rect )!=4{return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0069\u006e\u0076\u0061\u006c\u0069\u0064\u0020\u0072\u0061\u006e\u0067\u0065");
   472  };_cfdd ,_bfcdb :=_fa .NewStandard14Font (_fa .ZapfDingbatsName );if _bfcdb !=nil {return nil ,_bfcdb ;};_aca :=_fa .NewPdfField ();_bfe :=&_fa .PdfFieldButton {};_aca .SetContext (_bfe );_bfe .PdfField =_aca ;_bfe .T =_dd .MakeString (name );_bfe .SetType (_fa .ButtonTypeCheckbox );
   473  _fbbf :="\u004f\u0066\u0066";if opt .Checked {_fbbf ="\u0059\u0065\u0073";};_bfe .V =_dd .MakeName (_fbbf );_ede :=_fa .NewPdfAnnotationWidget ();_ede .Rect =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats (rect );_ede .P =page .ToPdfObject ();_ede .F =_dd .MakeInteger (4);_ede .Parent =_bfe .ToPdfObject ();
   474  _fadc :=rect [2]-rect [0];_dbaf :=rect [3]-rect [1];var _bfgd _c .Buffer ;_bfgd .WriteString ("\u0071\u000a");_bfgd .WriteString ("\u0030 \u0030\u0020\u0031\u0020\u0072\u0067\n");_bfgd .WriteString ("\u0042\u0054\u000a");_bfgd .WriteString ("\u002f\u005a\u0061D\u0062\u0020\u0031\u0032\u0020\u0054\u0066\u000a");
   475  _bfgd .WriteString ("\u0045\u0054\u000a");_bfgd .WriteString ("\u0051\u000a");_bdce :=_b .NewContentCreator ();_bdce .Add_q ();_bdce .Add_rg (0,0,1);_bdce .Add_BT ();_bdce .Add_Tf (*_dd .MakeName ("\u005a\u0061\u0044\u0062"),12);_bdce .Add_Td (0,0);_bdce .Add_ET ();
   476  _bdce .Add_Q ();_bbgbb :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();_bbgbb .SetContentStream (_bdce .Bytes (),_dd .NewRawEncoder ());_bbgbb .BBox =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {0,0,_fadc ,_dbaf });_bbgbb .Resources =_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();_bbgbb .Resources .SetFontByName ("\u005a\u0061\u0044\u0062",_cfdd .ToPdfObject ());
   477  _bdce =_b .NewContentCreator ();_bdce .Add_q ();_bdce .Add_re (0,0,_fadc ,_dbaf );_bdce .Add_W ().Add_n ();_bdce .Add_rg (0,0,1);_bdce .Translate (0,3.0);_bdce .Add_BT ();_bdce .Add_Tf (*_dd .MakeName ("\u005a\u0061\u0044\u0062"),12);_bdce .Add_Td (0,0);
   478  _bdce .Add_Tj (*_dd .MakeString ("\u0034"));_bdce .Add_ET ();_bdce .Add_Q ();_ggac :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();_ggac .SetContentStream (_bdce .Bytes (),_dd .NewRawEncoder ());_ggac .BBox =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {0,0,_fadc ,_dbaf });_ggac .Resources =_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();
   479  _ggac .Resources .SetFontByName ("\u005a\u0061\u0044\u0062",_cfdd .ToPdfObject ());_faafa :=_dd .MakeDict ();_faafa .Set ("\u004f\u0066\u0066",_bbgbb .ToPdfObject ());_faafa .Set ("\u0059\u0065\u0073",_ggac .ToPdfObject ());_eaed :=_dd .MakeDict ();_eaed .Set ("\u004e",_faafa );
   480  _ede .AP =_eaed ;_ede .AS =_dd .MakeName (_fbbf );_bfe .Annotations =append (_bfe .Annotations ,_ede );return _bfe ,nil ;};func _afge ()_dd .StreamEncoder {return _dd .NewFlateEncoder ()};func _fe (_fb CircleAnnotationDef ,_dab string )([]byte ,*_fa .PdfRectangle ,*_fa .PdfRectangle ,error ){_bcb :=_af .Circle {X :_fb .X ,Y :_fb .Y ,Width :_fb .Width ,Height :_fb .Height ,FillEnabled :_fb .FillEnabled ,FillColor :_fb .FillColor ,BorderEnabled :_fb .BorderEnabled ,BorderWidth :_fb .BorderWidth ,BorderColor :_fb .BorderColor ,Opacity :_fb .Opacity };
   481  _ed ,_gda ,_bea :=_bcb .Draw (_dab );if _bea !=nil {return nil ,nil ,nil ,_bea ;};_cd :=&_fa .PdfRectangle {};_cd .Llx =_fb .X +_gda .Llx ;_cd .Lly =_fb .Y +_gda .Lly ;_cd .Urx =_fb .X +_gda .Urx ;_cd .Ury =_fb .Y +_gda .Ury ;return _ed ,_gda ,_cd ,nil ;
   482  };
   484  // Style returns the appearance style of `fa`. If not specified, returns default style.
   485  func (_eeaa ImageFieldAppearance )Style ()AppearanceStyle {if _eeaa ._aaf !=nil {return *_eeaa ._aaf ;};return AppearanceStyle {BorderSize :0.0,BorderColor :_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceGray (0),FillColor :_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceGray (1),DrawAlignmentReticle :false };
   486  };func _beab (_cda *_fa .PdfAnnotationWidget ,_df *_fa .PdfFieldText ,_bee *_fa .PdfPageResources ,_gce AppearanceStyle )(*_dd .PdfObjectDictionary ,error ){_bfc :=_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();_ee ,_eg :=_dd .GetArray (_cda .Rect );if !_eg {return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0069\u006e\u0076a\u006c\u0069\u0064\u0020\u0052\u0065\u0063\u0074");
   487  };_fec ,_gba :=_fa .NewPdfRectangle (*_ee );if _gba !=nil {return nil ,_gba ;};_ebb ,_aab :=_fec .Width (),_fec .Height ();_daf ,_cdc :=_ebb ,_aab ;_fcc ,_ddef :=_dd .GetDict (_cda .MK );if _ddef {_ce ,_ :=_dd .GetDict (_cda .BS );_afee :=_gce .applyAppearanceCharacteristics (_fcc ,_ce ,nil );
   488  if _afee !=nil {return nil ,_afee ;};};_fbb ,_gba :=_b .NewContentStreamParser (_beed (_df .PdfField )).Parse ();if _gba !=nil {return nil ,_gba ;};_gdac :=_b .NewContentCreator ();if _gce .BorderSize > 0{_afdc (_gdac ,_gce ,_ebb ,_aab );};if _gce .DrawAlignmentReticle {_ddf :=_gce ;
   489  _ddf .BorderSize =0.2;_cece (_gdac ,_ddf ,_ebb ,_aab );};_gdac .Add_BMC ("\u0054\u0078");_gdac .Add_q ();_ebb ,_aab =_gce .applyRotation (_fcc ,_ebb ,_aab ,_gdac );_gdac .Add_BT ();_gfd ,_bae ,_gba :=_gce .processDA (_df .PdfField ,_fbb ,_bee ,_bfc ,_gdac );
   490  if _gba !=nil {return nil ,_gba ;};_agd :=_gfd .Font ;_gdf :=_gfd .Size ;_fg :=_dd .MakeName (_gfd .Name );if _df .Flags ().Has (_fa .FieldFlagMultiline )&&_df .MaxLen !=nil {_a .Log .Debug ("\u004c\u006f\u006f\u006b\u0020\u0066\u006f\u0072\u0020\u0041\u0050\u0020\u0064\u0069\u0063\u0074\u0069\u006fn\u0061\u0072\u0079\u0020\u0066\u006f\u0072 \u004e\u0020\u006f\u0062\u006a\u0065\u0063\u0074\u0020\u0063\u006fn\u0074\u0065\u006e\u0074\u0020\u0073\u0074\u0072\u0065\u0061\u006d");
   491  if _bdc ,_fag ,_edc :=_gfbg (_cda .PdfAnnotation .AP ,_bee );_edc {_fg =_bdc ;_gdf =_fag ;_bae =true ;};};_db :=_gdf ==0;if _db &&_bae {_gdf =_aab *_gce .AutoFontSizeFraction ;};_ca :=_agd .Encoder ();if _ca ==nil {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0057\u0041RN\u003a\u0020\u0066\u006f\u006e\u0074\u0020\u0065\u006e\u0063\u006f\u0064\u0065\u0072\u0020\u0069\u0073\u0020\u006e\u0069l\u002e\u0020\u0041\u0073s\u0075\u006d\u0069\u006eg \u0069\u0064e\u006et\u0069\u0074\u0079\u0020\u0065\u006ec\u006f\u0064\u0065r\u002e\u0020O\u0075\u0074\u0070\u0075\u0074\u0020\u006d\u0061\u0079\u0020\u0062\u0065\u0020\u0069n\u0063\u006f\u0072\u0072\u0065\u0063\u0074\u002e");
   492  _ca =_d .NewIdentityTextEncoder ("\u0049\u0064\u0065\u006e\u0074\u0069\u0074\u0079\u002d\u0048");};_efc ,_gba :=_agd .GetFontDescriptor ();if _gba !=nil {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0045\u0072ro\u0072\u003a\u0020U\u006e\u0061\u0062\u006ce t\u006f g\u0065\u0074\u0020\u0066\u006f\u006e\u0074 d\u0065\u0073\u0063\u0072\u0069\u0070\u0074o\u0072");
   493  };var _bef string ;if _gde ,_ebbf :=_dd .GetString (_df .V );_ebbf {_bef =_gde .Decoded ();};if len (_bef )==0{return nil ,nil ;};_afc :=[]string {_bef };_fae :=false ;if _df .Flags ().Has (_fa .FieldFlagMultiline ){_fae =true ;_bef =_ge .Replace (_bef ,"\u000d\u000a","\u000a",-1);
   494  _bef =_ge .Replace (_bef ,"\u000d","\u000a",-1);_afc =_ge .Split (_bef ,"\u000a");};_dae :=make ([]string ,len (_afc ));copy (_dae ,_afc );_ccc :=_gce .MultilineLineHeight ;_gbb :=0.0;_cbg :=0;if _ca !=nil {for _gdf >=0{_dg :=make ([]string ,len (_afc ));
   495  copy (_dg ,_afc );_bda :=make ([]string ,len (_dae ));copy (_bda ,_dae );_gbb =0.0;_cbg =0;_gbef :=len (_dg );_afec :=0;for _afec < _gbef {var _efb float64 ;_abe :=-1;_dgf :=_aeb ;if _gce .MarginLeft !=nil {_dgf =*_gce .MarginLeft ;};for _aff ,_eae :=range _dg [_afec ]{if _eae ==' '{_abe =_aff ;
   496  };_acg ,_fcd :=_agd .GetRuneMetrics (_eae );if !_fcd {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0046\u006f\u006e\u0074\u0020\u0064o\u0065\u0073\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020\u0068\u0061\u0076\u0065\u0020\u0072\u0075\u006e\u0065\u0020\u006d\u0065\u0074r\u0069\u0063\u0073\u0020\u0066\u006f\u0072\u0020\u0025\u0076\u0020\u002d\u0020\u0073k\u0069p\u0070\u0069\u006e\u0067",_eae );
   497  continue ;};_efb =_dgf ;_dgf +=_acg .Wx ;if _fae &&!_db &&_gdf *_dgf /1000.0> _ebb {_agb :=_aff ;_ebd :=_aff ;if _abe > 0{_agb =_abe +1;_ebd =_abe ;};_ffa :=_dg [_afec ][_agb :];_cfd :=_bda [_afec ][_agb :];if _afec < len (_dg )-1{_dg =append (_dg [:_afec +1],_dg [_afec :]...);
   498  _dg [_afec +1]=_ffa ;_bda =append (_bda [:_afec +1],_bda [_afec :]...);_bda [_afec +1]=_cfd ;}else {_dg =append (_dg ,_ffa );_bda =append (_bda ,_cfd );};_dg [_afec ]=_dg [_afec ][0:_ebd ];_bda [_afec ]=_bda [_afec ][0:_ebd ];_gbef ++;_dgf =_efb ;break ;
   499  };};if _dgf > _gbb {_gbb =_dgf ;};_dg [_afec ]=string (_ca .Encode (_dg [_afec ]));if len (_dg [_afec ])> 0{_cbg ++;};_afec ++;};_aaa :=_gdf ;if _cbg > 1{_aaa *=_ccc ;};_bad :=float64 (_cbg )*_aaa ;if _db ||_bad <=_aab {_afc =_dg ;_dae =_bda ;break ;};
   500  _gdf --;};};_ddab :=_aeb ;if _gce .MarginLeft !=nil {_ddab =*_gce .MarginLeft ;};if _gdf ==0||_db &&_gbb > 0&&_ddab +_gbb *_gdf /1000.0> _ebb {_gdf =0.95*1000.0*(_ebb -_ddab )/_gbb ;};_bgc :=_bag ;{if _gfb ,_fdb :=_dd .GetIntVal (_df .Q );_fdb {switch _gfb {case 0:_bgc =_bag ;
   501  case 1:_bgc =_bb ;case 2:_bgc =_ebg ;default:_a .Log .Debug ("\u0045\u0052\u0052\u004f\u0052\u003a\u0020\u0055\u006e\u0073\u0075\u0070\u0070\u006f\u0072t\u0065\u0064\u0020\u0071\u0075\u0061\u0064\u0064\u0069\u006e\u0067\u003a\u0020%\u0064\u0020\u002d\u0020\u0075\u0073\u0069\u006e\u0067\u0020\u006c\u0065ft\u0020\u0061\u006c\u0069\u0067\u006e\u006d\u0065\u006e\u0074",_gfb );
   502  };};};_bgg :=_gdf ;if _fae &&_cbg > 1{_bgg =_ccc *_gdf ;};var _eab float64 ;if _efc !=nil {_eab ,_gba =_efc .GetCapHeight ();if _gba !=nil {_a .Log .Debug ("\u0045\u0052\u0052\u004f\u0052\u003a\u0020\u0055\u006e\u0061\u0062\u006c\u0065 \u0074\u006f\u0020\u0067\u0065\u0074 \u0066\u006f\u006e\u0074\u0020\u0043\u0061\u0070\u0048\u0065\u0069\u0067\u0068t\u003a\u0020\u0025\u0076",_gba );
   503  };};if int (_eab )<=0{_a .Log .Debug ("W\u0041\u0052\u004e\u003a\u0020\u0043\u0061\u0070\u0048e\u0069\u0067\u0068\u0074\u0020\u006e\u006ft \u0061\u0076\u0061\u0069l\u0061\u0062\u006c\u0065\u0020\u002d\u0020\u0073\u0065tt\u0069\u006eg\u0020\u0074\u006f\u0020\u0031\u0030\u0030\u0030");
   504  _eab =1000;};_fcf :=_eab /1000.0*_gdf ;_fee :=0.0;{_eeb :=float64 (_cbg )*_bgg ;if _db &&_fee +_eeb > _aab {_gdf =0.95*(_aab -_fee )/float64 (_cbg );_bgg =_gdf ;if _fae &&_cbg > 1{_bgg =_ccc *_gdf ;};_fcf =_eab /1000.0*_gdf ;_eeb =float64 (_cbg )*_bgg ;
   505  };if _aab > _eeb {if _fae {if _gce .MultilineVAlignMiddle {_gefe :=(_aab -(_eeb +_fcf ))/2.0;_ga :=_gefe +_eeb +_fcf -_bgg ;_fee =_ga ;if _cbg > 1{_fee =_fee +(_eeb /_gdf *float64 (_cbg ))-_bgg -_fcf ;};if _fee < _eeb {_fee =(_aab -_fcf )/2.0;};}else {_fee =_aab -_bgg ;
   506  if _fee > _gdf {_cdd :=0.0;if _fae &&_gce .MultilineLineHeight > 1&&_cbg > 1{_cdd =_gce .MultilineLineHeight -1;};_fee -=_gdf *(0.5-_cdd );};};}else {_fee =(_aab -_fcf )/2.0;};};};_gdac .Add_Tf (*_fg ,_gdf );_gdac .Add_Td (_ddab ,_fee );_dca :=_ddab ;_ffb :=_ddab ;
   507  for _cg ,_dcb :=range _afc {_gac :=0.0;for _ ,_dff :=range _dae [_cg ]{_dce ,_acf :=_agd .GetRuneMetrics (_dff );if !_acf {continue ;};_gac +=_dce .Wx ;};_bba :=_gac /1000.0*_gdf ;_ece :=_ebb -_bba ;var _gdb float64 ;switch _bgc {case _bag :_gdb =_dca ;
   508  case _bb :_gdb =_ece /2;case _ebg :_gdb =_ece ;};_ddab =_gdb -_ffb ;if _ddab > 0.0{_gdac .Add_Td (_ddab ,0);};_ffb =_gdb ;_gdac .Add_Tj (*_dd .MakeString (_dcb ));if _cg < len (_afc )-1{_gdac .Add_Td (0,-_gdf *_ccc );};};_gdac .Add_ET ();_gdac .Add_Q ();
   509  _gdac .Add_EMC ();_bfb :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();_bfb .Resources =_bfc ;_bfb .BBox =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {0,0,_daf ,_cdc });_bfb .SetContentStream (_gdac .Bytes (),_afge ());_edd :=_dd .MakeDict ();_edd .Set ("\u004e",_bfb .ToPdfObject ());
   510  return _edd ,nil ;};func _cdgd (_adgc []float64 )[]float64 {var (_gdd =len (_adgc );_eggd =make ([]float64 ,_gdd );_cffc =make ([]float64 ,_gdd ););_cgea :=2.0;_eggd [0]=_adgc [0]/_cgea ;for _fade :=1;_fade < _gdd ;_fade ++{_cffc [_fade ]=1/_cgea ;if _fade < _gdd -1{_cgea =4.0;
   511  }else {_cgea =3.5;};_cgea -=_cffc [_fade ];_eggd [_fade ]=(_adgc [_fade ]-_eggd [_fade -1])/_cgea ;};for _caac :=1;_caac < _gdd ;_caac ++{_eggd [_gdd -_caac -1]-=_cffc [_gdd -_caac ]*_eggd [_gdd -_caac ];};return _eggd ;};
   513  // NewTextField generates a new text field with partial name `name` at location
   514  // specified by `rect` on given `page` and with field specific options `opt`.
   515  func NewTextField (page *_fa .PdfPage ,name string ,rect []float64 ,opt TextFieldOptions )(*_fa .PdfFieldText ,error ){if page ==nil {return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0070a\u0067e\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020s\u0070\u0065c\u0069\u0066\u0069\u0065\u0064");};if len (name )<=0{return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0072\u0065\u0071\u0075\u0069\u0072\u0065\u0064\u0020\u0061\u0074\u0074\u0072\u0069\u0062u\u0074e\u0020\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020\u0073\u0070\u0065\u0063\u0069\u0066\u0069\u0065\u0064");
   516  };if len (rect )!=4{return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0069\u006e\u0076\u0061\u006c\u0069\u0064\u0020\u0072\u0061\u006e\u0067\u0065");};_gad :=_fa .NewPdfField ();_dbd :=&_fa .PdfFieldText {};_gad .SetContext (_dbd );_dbd .PdfField =_gad ;_dbd .T =_dd .MakeString (name );
   517  if opt .MaxLen > 0{_dbd .MaxLen =_dd .MakeInteger (int64 (opt .MaxLen ));};if len (opt .Value )> 0{_dbd .V =_dd .MakeString (opt .Value );};_ccgf :=_fa .NewPdfAnnotationWidget ();_ccgf .Rect =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats (rect );_ccgf .P =page .ToPdfObject ();
   518  _ccgf .F =_dd .MakeInteger (4);_ccgf .Parent =_dbd .ToPdfObject ();_dbd .Annotations =append (_dbd .Annotations ,_ccgf );return _dbd ,nil ;};
   520  // Style returns the appearance style of `fa`. If not specified, returns default style.
   521  func (_dde FieldAppearance )Style ()AppearanceStyle {if _dde ._eb !=nil {return *_dde ._eb ;};_gbe :=_aeb ;return AppearanceStyle {AutoFontSizeFraction :0.65,CheckmarkRune :'✔',BorderSize :0.0,BorderColor :_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceGray (0),FillColor :_fa .NewPdfColorDeviceGray (1),MultilineLineHeight :1.2,MultilineVAlignMiddle :false ,DrawAlignmentReticle :false ,AllowMK :true ,MarginLeft :&_gbe };
   522  };
   524  // NewSignatureField returns a new signature field with a visible appearance
   525  // containing the specified signature lines and styled according to the
   526  // specified options.
   527  func NewSignatureField (signature *_fa .PdfSignature ,lines []*SignatureLine ,opts *SignatureFieldOpts )(*_fa .PdfFieldSignature ,error ){if signature ==nil {return nil ,_bd .New ("\u0073\u0069\u0067na\u0074\u0075\u0072\u0065\u0020\u0063\u0061\u006e\u006e\u006f\u0074\u0020\u0062\u0065\u0020\u006e\u0069\u006c");
   528  };_egge ,_egfe :=_dace (lines ,opts );if _egfe !=nil {return nil ,_egfe ;};_bcfbg :=_fa .NewPdfFieldSignature (signature );_bcfbg .Rect =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats (opts .Rect );_bcfbg .AP =_egge ;return _bcfbg ,nil ;};
   530  // CircleAnnotationDef defines a circle annotation or ellipse at position (X, Y) and Width and Height.
   531  // The annotation has various style parameters including Fill and Border options and Opacity.
   532  type CircleAnnotationDef struct{X float64 ;Y float64 ;Width float64 ;Height float64 ;FillEnabled bool ;FillColor *_fa .PdfColorDeviceRGB ;BorderEnabled bool ;BorderWidth float64 ;BorderColor *_fa .PdfColorDeviceRGB ;Opacity float64 ;};const (SignatureImageLeft SignatureImagePosition =iota ;
   533  SignatureImageRight ;SignatureImageTop ;SignatureImageBottom ;);const (_bfee =1;_fgb =2;_gbed =4;_cbga =8;_bagc =16;_agfcc =32;_dbga =64;_gabe =128;_dbe =256;_ebdc =512;_efgg =1024;_ecde =2048;_febc =4096;);func _dgce (_gabd ,_gfe float64 ,_efbe *_fa .Image ,_aaac AppearanceStyle )(*_fa .XObjectForm ,error ){_dgdd ,_dgcc :=_fa .NewXObjectImageFromImage (_efbe ,nil ,_dd .NewFlateEncoder ());
   534  if _dgcc !=nil {return nil ,_dgcc ;};_dgdd .Decode =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0});_ffaa :=_fa .NewPdfPageResources ();_ffaa .ProcSet =_dd .MakeArray (_dd .MakeName ("\u0050\u0044\u0046"),_dd .MakeName ("\u0049\u006d\u0061\u0067\u0065\u0043"));
   535  _ffaa .SetXObjectImageByName (_dd .PdfObjectName ("\u0049\u006d\u0030"),_dgdd );_cfce :=_b .NewContentCreator ();_cfce .Add_q ();_cfce .Add_cm (float64 (_efbe .Width ),0,0,float64 (_efbe .Height ),0,0);_cfce .Add_Do ("\u0049\u006d\u0030");_cfce .Add_Q ();
   536  _dgab :=_fa .NewXObjectForm ();_dgab .FormType =_dd .MakeInteger (1);_dgab .BBox =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {0,0,float64 (_efbe .Width ),float64 (_efbe .Height )});_dgab .Resources =_ffaa ;_dgab .SetContentStream (_cfce .Bytes (),_afge ());return _dgab ,nil ;
   537  };func _gea (_faaf _e .Image ,_bfbg string ,_agfb *SignatureFieldOpts ,_efg []float64 ,_gfga *_b .ContentCreator )(*_dd .PdfObjectName ,*_fa .XObjectImage ,error ){_eag ,_aged :=_fa .DefaultImageHandler {}.NewImageFromGoImage (_faaf );if _aged !=nil {return nil ,nil ,_aged ;
   538  };_cff ,_aged :=_fa .NewXObjectImageFromImage (_eag ,nil ,_agfb .Encoder );if _aged !=nil {return nil ,nil ,_aged ;};_agbf ,_cbdd :=float64 (*_cff .Width ),float64 (*_cff .Height );_adg :=_efg [2]-_efg [0];_adee :=_efg [3]-_efg [1];if _agfb .AutoSize {_dacd :=_cf .Min (_adg /_agbf ,_adee /_cbdd );
   539  _agbf *=_dacd ;_cbdd *=_dacd ;_efg [0]=_efg [0]+(_adg /2)-(_agbf /2);_efg [1]=_efg [1]+(_adee /2)-(_cbdd /2);};var _aefe *_dd .PdfObjectName ;if _ddcc ,_fabgd :=_dd .GetName (_cff .Name );_fabgd {_aefe =_ddcc ;}else {_aefe =_dd .MakeName (_bfbg );};if _gfga !=nil {_gfga .Add_q ().Translate (_efg [0],_efg [1]).Scale (_agbf ,_cbdd ).Add_Do (*_aefe ).Add_Q ();
   540  }else {return nil ,nil ,_bd .New ("\u0043\u006f\u006e\u0074en\u0074\u0043\u0072\u0065\u0061\u0074\u006f\u0072\u0020\u0069\u0073\u0020\u006e\u0075l\u006c");};return _aefe ,_cff ,nil ;};
   542  // CreateCircleAnnotation creates a circle/ellipse annotation object with appearance stream that can be added to
   543  // page PDF annotations.
   544  func CreateCircleAnnotation (circDef CircleAnnotationDef )(*_fa .PdfAnnotation ,error ){_ac :=_fa .NewPdfAnnotationCircle ();if circDef .BorderEnabled {_bc ,_gf ,_da :=circDef .BorderColor .R (),circDef .BorderColor .G (),circDef .BorderColor .B ();_ac .C =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {_bc ,_gf ,_da });
   545  _ba :=_fa .NewBorderStyle ();_ba .SetBorderWidth (circDef .BorderWidth );_ac .BS =_ba .ToPdfObject ();};if circDef .FillEnabled {_geg ,_ae ,_dda :=circDef .FillColor .R (),circDef .FillColor .G (),circDef .FillColor .B ();_ac .IC =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {_geg ,_ae ,_dda });
   546  }else {_ac .IC =_dd .MakeArrayFromIntegers ([]int {});};if circDef .Opacity < 1.0{_ac .CA =_dd .MakeFloat (circDef .Opacity );};_gb ,_be ,_gee :=_ab (circDef );if _gee !=nil {return nil ,_gee ;};_ac .AP =_gb ;_ac .Rect =_dd .MakeArrayFromFloats ([]float64 {_be .Llx ,_be .Lly ,_be .Urx ,_be .Ury });
   547  return _ac .PdfAnnotation ,nil ;};
   549  // SetStyle applies appearance `style` to `fa`.
   550  func (_aba *FieldAppearance )SetStyle (style AppearanceStyle ){_aba ._eb =&style };