
     1  doc_meta: |
     2    folder: vars
     3    title: use golang template
     4    head: |
     5      Demo to show using template
     7      Please note that you can not reference to a sub element if it is in string literal, such as example of
     9    sections:
    10      - title: Demo
    11        log: yes
    13  notes:
    14    goal:
    15      - to show using template
    17  tasks:
    19    - name: task
    20      task:
    21        -
    22          func: shell
    23          vars:
    24            student: Tom
    25            gender: Male
    26            school: Sydney Grammar
    27            info: |
    28              student: Tom
    29               gender: Male
    30               school: Sydney Grammar
    31          do:
    32            - |
    33              echo """my student: {{.student}}
    34              student's gender: {{.gender}}
    35               school's name: {{.school}}"""
    36            - |
    37              {{$details := .}}
    38              echo """my student: {{$details.student}}
    39              student's gender: {{$details.gender}}
    40               school's name: {{$}}"""
    41            - |
    42              {{$a := .student}}
    43              {{$b := .gender}}
    44              {{$c := .school}}
    45              echo """my student: {{$a}}
    46              student's gender: {{$b}}
    47               school's name: {{$c}}"""
    48            - |
    49              echo """my school: {{}}"""
    50            - |
    51              echo """my student: {{.info}}"""
    52          flags:
    53            - ignoreError