
     1  doc_meta: |
     2    folder: design-patterns
     3    title: basic cli skeleton
     4    head: |
     5      This showcases:
     6        * A typical cli application with user input
     7        * It taskes 2 envionrment vars and use default value if they are empty
     8        * Prepare the dynamic script(data) to be executed
     9        * Use a shell func to execute the final prepared script
    11    sections:
    12      - title: Demo
    13        log: yes
    15  notes:
    16    goal:
    17      - showcase the bare minimal entry point is just a named task only
    18      - showcase how to gracefully manage the env vars
    19      - continue of c0046
    21    storys:
    22      - a cli script requires 2 input from env vars
    23      - it should take the env var from current bash/shell environment
    24      - the env vars:
    25          student_name: |
    26            if it can not find it, it fails fast and execution stops
    27            ref to f0045 for the failed case
    28          student_age: if it can not find it, defaul it to 18
    30  scopes:
    32    - name: global
    33      dvars:
    34        - name: student_name
    35          value: '{{ env "STUDENT_NAME" |default "Tom Hanks" }}'
    36        - name: student_age
    37          value: '{{ env "STUDENT_AGE" |default 28 }}'
    39  dvars:
    40    - name: cli
    41      desc: |
    42        you can offload this lengthy value to a ref file instead
    43        eventually the file will become a template file
    44      value: |
    45        echo """
    46        student details:
    47        name: {{.student_name}}
    48        age: {{.student_age}}
    49        """
    51  tasks:
    53    -
    54      name: task
    55      task:
    56        - func: shell
    57          do:
    58            - '{{.cli}}'