
     1  doc_meta: |
     2    folder: flow-controll
     3    title: if condition
     4    head: |
     5      Showcase using if condition
     7    sections:
     8      - title: Supported true/false values
     9        content: |
    10          * true: ["1", "t", "T", "TRUE", "true", "True"]
    11          * false: ["0", "f", "F", "FALSE", "false", "False"]
    13      - title: Demo
    14        log: yes
    16  goal:
    17    - add condition support
    19  supported:
    20    true: ["1", "t", "T", "TRUE", "true", "True"]
    21    false: ["0", "f", "F", "FALSE", "false", "False"]
    23  tasks:
    24    -
    25      name: task
    26      task:
    28        - func: shell
    29          do:
    30            - echo "hello, world"
    31          if: "true"
    33        - func: shell
    34          do:
    35            - echo "hello, world"
    36          if: "false"
    38        - func: shell
    39          do:
    40            - echo "hello, world"
    41          if: "FALSE"
    43        - func: shell
    44          desc: |
    45            note that for one step, there will be only one
    46            return, which will be the last do cmd
    47            in this case, since the step3 exit code is 0
    48            the whole step will have the return code of 0
    49            if you need to use the exit code of the step
    50            you need to consider to reduce the number of do cmds
    51            or put it to last step, this is not a bug
    52            this is a feature
    53          flags:
    54            - ignoreError
    55          do:
    56            - echo "step1"
    57            - echo "step2" |grep notexist
    58            - echo "step3"
    60        - func: shell
    61          do:
    62            - echo "hello, world"
    64        - func: shell
    65          dvars:
    66            - name: last_task_succeeded
    67              value: "{{eq .last_result.Code 0}}"
    68              flags: [vvvv]
    69          do:
    70            - echo "check last step"
    71            - echo "{{.last_result|toJson}}"
    72            - echo "{{.last_result|toPrettyJson}}"
    73            - echo "{{eq .last_result.Code 0}}"
    74          if: "{{eq .last_result.Code 0}}"
    76        - func: shell
    77          flags:
    78            - ignoreError
    79          do:
    80            - echo "step1"
    81            - echo "step2" |grep notexist
    83        - func: shell
    84          do:
    85            - echo "check last step"
    86            - echo "{{.last_result|toJson}}"
    87            - echo "{{.last_result|toPrettyJson}}"
    88          if: "{{eq .last_result.Code 0}}"
    90        - func: shell
    91          vars:
    92            student:
    93              name: peter
    94              sex: male
    95              age: 23
    96          dvars:
    97            - name: condition
    98              value: '{{eq "male"}}'
    99              flags: [vvvv]
   100          do:
   101            - echo "simple dvar as condition"
   102          if: "{{.condition}}"
   104        - func: shell
   105          vars:
   106            student:
   107              name: peter
   108              sex: male
   109              age: 23
   110          dvars:
   111            - name: condition
   112              value: '{{and (ge .student.age 18) (eq "male") }}'
   113              flags: [vvvv]
   114          do:
   115            - echo "complicated dvar evaluation as condition"
   116          if: "{{.condition}}"
   118        - func: shell
   119          vars:
   120            student:
   121              name: peter
   122              sex: male
   123              age: 23
   124          dvars:
   125            - name: condition
   126              value: |
   127                {{- with .student -}}
   128                {{and (ge .age 18) (eq .sex "male") }}
   129                {{- end -}}
   130              flags: [vvvv]
   131          do:
   132            - echo "a even more complicated condition but more readable"
   133          if: "{{.condition}}"
   135        - func: shell
   136          vars:
   137            student:
   138              name: peter
   139              sex: male
   140              age: 23
   141          do:
   142            - echo "a complicated condition without dvar"
   143          if: |
   144            {{- with .student -}}
   145            {{and (ge .age 18) (eq .sex "male") }}
   146            {{- end -}}
   148        -
   149          func: cmd
   150          desc: |
   151            show that complicated arg needs to be quoted using ()
   152            otherwise it will cause gt to be confused
   153          vars:
   154            doc: hello
   155          do:
   156            - name: print
   157              cmd: '{{ gt (.doc|len) 1 }}'
   158        -
   159          func: cmd
   160          vars:
   161            doc: hello
   162          do:
   163            - name: print
   164              cmd: '{{ gt (.doc|len) 1 }}'
   165          if: '{{gt (.doc|len) 0}}'