
     1  doc_meta: |
     2    folder: vars
     3    title: local vs reg global
     4    head: |
     5      Showcase that local var is only available in local runtime for that func, if you need to use it global runtime, you will need to use template func reg or reg cmd to set it in global runtime
     7    sections:
     8      - title: Prerequisites
     9        content: |
    10          * template reg action
    11          * reg cmd
    12        refs:
    13          - title: template reg action
    14            link: ../../template/c0042/
    15          - title: reg cmd
    16            link: ../../cmd-func/c0066/
    18      - title: Demo
    19        log: yes
    21    related:
    22      refs:
    23        - title: default golang template reference
    24          link:
    26  tasks:
    28    -
    29      name: task
    30      desc: test the exit scenarios due to different types of validation
    31      task:
    32        -
    33          func: shell
    34          desc: step1
    35          do:
    36            - echo hanks
    38        -
    39          func: cmd
    40          desc: |
    41            test register a variable to global vars
    42            the reg_hello should be <no value> since this is a template action
    43            you should really use dvar name void instead
    44          dvars:
    45            - name: reg_hello
    46              value: |
    47                {{.last_result.Output |reg "hellomsg" }}
    49        -
    50          func: shell
    51          do:
    52            - echo "{{.reg_hello}}"
    53            - echo "{{.hellomsg}}"
    55        -
    56          func: cmd
    57          desc: |
    58            the reg_tom's value is a object, but since reg_tom is only a local, it
    59            will probably not very useful
    60          vars:
    61            person:
    62              name: tom
    63              age: 18
    64          dvars:
    65            - name: local_tom
    66              value: |-
    67                my name is tom
    68                {{.person |reg "tom" }}
    69              flags: [vvv]
    70          do:
    71            - name: reg
    72              cmd:
    73                name: global_tom
    74                value: '{{.local_tom}}'
    76        -
    77          func: cmd
    78          desc: debug the results
    79          vars:
    80            objname: global_tom
    81          do:
    82            - name: print
    83              desc: this local_tom should be <no value> as it is in scope of last step
    84              cmd: "{{.local_tom}}"
    86            - name: print
    87              desc: get the object from register global space
    88              cmd: "{{.tom}}"
    90            - name: printObj
    91              desc: "dynamically reference to global_tom object registered"
    92              cmd: "{{.objname}}"