
     1  doc_meta: |
     2    folder: design-patterns
     3    title: data structure
     4    head: |
     5      show how to use the design pattern of composibility to form a data structure
     7      Firstly, the proper way using UP cmd is to use defined template to gradually stubstitue all the required variables, then register it with a formal name, remember the yaml doc is a text, also it's convertable to become a object, so that you can use it in your template
     9      The reason why the school_* vars are defined in local func scope is to show that this var could be obtained in runtime in complex scenarios
    11      Please note the expand level does make it more dynamic and you should make wise use of this feature
    13    sections:
    14      - title: Demo
    15        log: yes
    17  vars:
    18    complex_data_structure_template: |
    19      school:
    20        name: '{{.school_name}}'
    21        address: '{{.school_address}}'
    22      principals:
    23      {{- range $_, $p :=.schoo_principals }}
    24        - {{$p}}
    25      {{- end}}
    26      ranking: '{{.schoo_ranking}}'
    28  dvars:
    29    - name: intest
    30      value: '{{ env "GOTEST" |default "false" }}'
    32  tasks:
    33    -
    34      name: task
    35      task:
    36        -
    37          func: cmd
    38          vars:
    39            school_name: sydney grammar
    40            school_address: 1 fox road, sydney, nsw 2000
    41            schoo_principals:
    42              - peter
    43              - tom
    44              - jane
    45            schoo_ranking: No 5
    46          dvars:
    47            - name: school_string
    48              desc: use default expand == 1
    49              value: '{{.complex_data_structure_template}}'
    50          do:
    51            - name: print
    52              cmd: '{{.school_string}}'
    54        -
    55          func: cmd
    56          vars:
    57            school_name: sydney grammar
    58            school_address: 1 fox road, sydney, nsw 2000
    59            schoo_principals:
    60              - peter
    61              - tom
    62              - jane
    63            schoo_ranking: No 5
    64          dvars:
    65            - name: school_yml
    66              desc: use dynamic expand == 2, so that the template will be rendered
    67              value: '{{.complex_data_structure_template}}'
    68              expand: 2
    69              flags: [reg]
    70          do:
    71            - name: print
    72              cmd: '{{.school_yml}}'
    74        -
    75          func: cmd
    76          desc: |
    77            show global school_yml var
    78            convert the yml to object so that it could be used in template later
    79          dvars:
    80            - name: school_details
    81              desc: use dynamic expand == 2, so that the template will be rendered
    82              value: '{{.school_yml}}'
    83              flags: [vvv, toObj, reg]
    84          do:
    85            - name: print
    86              cmd: '{{.school_yml}}'
    87            - name: printObj
    88              cmd: 'school_details'
    89            - name: print
    90              cmd: '{{.school_details}}'
    91            - name: printObj
    92              cmd: 'school_details_object'
    94        - func: shell
    95          do:
    96            - echo "?intest ->  {{.intest}}"
    97            - pwd
    98          reg: register_task_root
   100        - func: cmd
   101          do:
   102            - name: print
   103              cmd: 'intest is: [{{.intest}}]'
   105            - name: reg
   106              cmd:
   107                name: correct_working_dir
   108                desc: the value of .intest is string but not bool so you can not simple use if .intest for condition
   109                value: >-
   110                  {{if eq .intest "true" }}{{.register_task_root.Output}}{{else}}{{.register_task_root.Output}}{{end}}
   112        - func: cmd
   113          do:
   114            - name: print
   115              cmd: 'root dir is: [{{.register_task_root.Output}}]'
   117            - name: print
   118              cmd: 'correct working dir is: [{{.correct_working_dir}}]'
   120        -
   121          func: cmd
   122          desc: render final result using template
   123          do:
   124            - name: template
   125              desc: render the template file using above dynamic variable from defined var
   126              cmd:
   127                src: '{{.correct_working_dir}}/tests/functests/d0079.template'
   128                dest: /tmp/myschool.txt
   129                datakey: "school_details_object"
   131        - func: cmd
   132          do:
   133            - name: readFile
   134              desc: read content of a file and register it to a var
   135              cmd:
   136                filename: myschool.txt
   137                dir: /tmp
   138                reg: my_school
   140            - 
   141              name: print
   142              cmd: "{{.my_school}}"