
     1  doc_meta: |
     2    folder: loop
     3    title: loop and retry example
     4    head: |
     5      This showcases a working example how to use combination of: ignoreError, timeout, loopRange, block, sleep to make a retry solution
     7    sections:
     8      - title: Demo
     9        log: yes
    11  tasks:
    12    -
    13      name: task
    14      task:
    15        -
    16          func: shell
    17          do:
    18            - ping
    19          timeout: 500
    20          flags:
    21            - ignoreError
    23        -
    24          func: shell
    25          do:
    26            - echo "hello, world"
    27            - ping
    28            - echo "hello, world"
    29          timeout: 500
    30          flags:
    31            - ignoreError
    33        -
    34          func: shell
    35          desc: |
    36            an example of retry
    37            it tries to ping 4 times with a timeout of 2 seconds every time
    38          loop:
    39            - retry1
    40            - retry2
    41            - retry3
    42            - retry4
    43          do:
    44            - ping
    45          timeout: 500
    46          flags:
    47            - ignoreError
    49        -
    50          func: block
    51          desc: |
    52            an example of retry
    53            it tries to ping 4 times with a timeout of 2 seconds every time
    54            with every attemp it puts a delay of 2 seconds
    55          loop:
    56            - retry1
    57            - retry2
    58            - retry3
    59            - retry4
    60          do:
    61            -
    62              func: shell
    63              do:
    64                - ping
    65              timeout: 500
    66              flags:
    67                - ignoreError
    69            -
    70              func: cmd
    71              do:
    72                - name: sleep
    73                  desc: delay 2 seconds in each attemp
    74                  cmd: 200
    76        -
    77          func: shell
    78          desc: |
    79            loop with customised range
    80          loop: '{{loopRange 100 105 "myretry"}}'
    81          do:
    82            - ping
    83          timeout: 500
    84          flags:
    85            - ignoreError
    87        -
    88          func: block
    89          desc: |
    90            an example of retry
    91            it tries to ping 4 times with a timeout of 2 seconds every time
    92            with every attemp it puts a delay of 2 seconds
    93            it also uses dynamic loopRange instead of prepared list of value
    94          loop: '{{loopRange 100 103 "myretry"}}'
    95          do:
    96            -
    97              func: shell
    98              do:
    99                - ping
   100              timeout: 500
   101              flags:
   102                - ignoreError
   103            -
   104              func: cmd
   105              do:
   106                - name: sleep
   107                  desc: delay 2 seconds in each attemp
   108                  cmd: 200