
     1  doc_meta: |
     2    folder: object-oriented
     3    title: access and register sub object 2
     4    head: |
     5      * Access sub element and register the object
     6      * Adapt the object for loop
     8    sections:
     9      - title: Demo
    10        log: yes
    12  tasks:
    13    -
    14      name: task
    15      task:
    16        -
    17          func: cmd
    18          desc: |
    19            this will get a response of:
    20            Output: {
    21              "LoadBalancerDescriptions": [
    22                {
    23                  "LoadBalancerName": "xx-elb",
    24                  "DNSName": "",
    25                  ...........
    26                  "Instances": [
    27                    {
    28                      "InstanceId": "i-1234567890"
    29                    },
    30                    {
    31                      "InstanceId": "i-9876543210"
    32                    }
    33                  ],
    34                  ...........
    35                }
    36              ]
    37            }
    38          do:
    39            - name: print
    40              desc: mock only - pretent to call it
    41              cmd: 'aws elb describe-load-balancers --load-balancer-names my-web-app-elb'
    43        -
    44          func: cmd
    45          vars:
    46            last_result:
    47              Output: |
    48                 {
    49                  "LoadBalancerDescriptions": [
    50                    {
    51                      "LoadBalancerName": "xx-elb",
    52                      "DNSName": "",
    53                      "Instances": [
    54                        {
    55                          "InstanceId": "i-1234567890"
    56                        },
    57                        {
    58                          "InstanceId": "i-9876543210"
    59                        }
    60                      ],
    61                    }
    62                  ]
    63                  }
    64          dvars:
    65            - name: elb
    66              value: '{{.last_result.Output}}'
    67              desc: |
    68                this will map the reponse to name of elb
    69                then convert it to an object and register to cache
    70                the object name would be kept the same called elb, so now elb is a object instead of string content
    71                it is marked as in taskScope, means that it will be available to be acessible in the next func call in Main task
    72              flags:
    73                - keepName
    74                - toObj
    75                - reg
    76                - taskScope
    77                - v
    79            - name: void
    80              desc: |
    81                index .elb.LoadBalancerDescriptions 0 will locate the sub object of Instances
    82                objToYml template func is chained and called to to convert the objToYml
    83                then the yml is again converted to an object
    84                then registered as name of instances_1 which is a object
    85                the dvar name "void" means it does not register the string value to cached
    87                * note: instances_1 is a object of type of *interface{}
    89                "instances_1": (*[]interface {})({
    90                  {
    91                    "InstanceId": "i-02f5cf3cdb572d627"
    92                  },
    93                  {
    94                    "InstanceId": "i-00e53fd8688e9193a"
    95                  }
    96                })
    98                So you can use access and reference instances_1 in template value, however this internal type will not match what is required for loop tag, even though it looks like it is iteratable
   100                You can access, reference to sub element and iterate it using the go template though, for example:
   101                '{{(index .instances_1. 0).Instances}}' => "i-02f5cf3cdb572d627"
   102              value: '{{(index .elb.LoadBalancerDescriptions 0).Instances |objToYml|ymlToObj|reg "instances_1"}}'
   104            - name: void
   105              desc: |
   106                regObj is a template func as short hand to register the chain through object into the cache
   107                the name of the object is instances_2
   108              value: '{{(index .elb.LoadBalancerDescriptions 0).Instances |regObj "instances_2"}}'
   109          do:
   110            - name: printObj
   111              cmd: instances_1
   113            - name: printObj
   114              cmd: instances_2
   116        -
   117          func: cmd
   118          do:
   120            - name: inspect
   121              cmd:
   122                - debug_vars
   124        -
   125          func: cmd
   126          dvars:
   127            - name: instances_3
   128              desc: |
   129                index .elb.LoadBalancerDescriptions 0 will locate the sub object of Instances
   130                objToYml template func is chained and called to to convert the objToYml, now the result is yml string
   131                toObj flag decorate the behavior to convert the yml string to an object and the object name is kept the same as instances_3
   133                * note the different of instances_3 and ( instances_1 or instances_2) is the internal data type
   135                instances_3 data type is a plain slice/array and we can use this for the loop tag
   136                {
   137                  {
   138                    "InstanceId": "i-02f5cf3cdb572d627"
   139                  },
   140                  {
   141                    "InstanceId": "i-00e53fd8688e9193a"
   142                  }
   143                }
   145              value: '{{(index .elb.LoadBalancerDescriptions 0).Instances | objToYml}}'
   146              flags:
   147                - v
   148                - keepName
   149                - toObj
   150          loop: 'instances_3'
   151          do:
   152            - name: print
   153              cmd: '{{.loopitem.InstanceId}}'